Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 24, 1922, Night Extra, Image 3

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    mmV &IHmLiHe.sMPyLlilHB
Ef 5,'''''l'('
lvnMi1lbnill IhI $!&J&J&XX!&i&LB I -T" I; ' Villi: DflU: m I IV. IES&m
tBmaltmSNlli Pa Ibi J'2 ?
r f,n7 : . t.i.i.b i 14.1
I-, V.V
"""i.. -K
tJL'j I 4
id MeunttlriMr. Outlaw
Itfftttnr.te t.CfeyVner tt
TtttJJ, M.J I- AlUatal
0 , . .
fA-. fit fc- , ""
?FurwATCHiN.Q prewd;
S K i.ii- " '
l'Wita man'tnpHirtd' jesterdsjr
Mffsrry nhedcs, chief, of wllca ;of
ftertdwn. ttes jniten. te iwyusrewn
k'.awrnlnr and 'placed In Jail thcre
E chares' of vagrancy, and, new the
Mdhty. tadc of .determining .-"bather , ha
IV'ulne('iid man," or just an,,or-,
jiufj wanderer rests upon the. ttueuK
Sef 'the lesal authorities of Bucks.
RS attempt will.be. made te 'Identify
ln Hajceck Mountain, six miles
tfQuAkerlewn, killed a consume ana
red another man in driving off a
Rka'fint action that the District At
S"" M ..I "ii a. Ill W. t. .k... klu
y. 'j s,?i-.i!!2"r "i.rs a:
sfef stay hair se, that hw features
Sk.'munnSFMlwltll.a.bhOtOaTtfDb Of
murderer taken twenty-four year
A Wa Hard ftlaata Share" -
jftft.'sucb action the "wltd.man' who
M UIS .name am euj utei cpaaca
kminiiii nblectlen. " .,
E7tt've been crewing this beard for
fa& yeai" tbeT'Svild man!' said
r when turned ever te, enenn war
trinhrF nt'Dovlestewn. MI am
jafflber of a church which Is apposed
;Ha denies , vigorously that he Is
fewer, tne outlaw mountaineer, ana
ne IS se tame inni no weum nut
. child, lie teiu an ezceeainciy
iterr of hts nast life when ad-
Ittid te the al at Doylcstewn. this
L'!. was born In Hemer. Illw". he said.
j'-T " . . .m . .' A
id, was never in tne cast unui luiu.i
father was Isaac. NowtentHecot
toy rranaiatner was a minister in
IsieTs. for forty years. I attended a
pratery scnoei. ter a year and tlicn
t in rflmaHlnr.
"In 1002 I had an arm cut off when
ling as. a eniKcmun ana men
ad te ream around en.frcurht cars.
it te New Orleans la 1004 for. the
li Gras, and men went- through
Southern Stated te the coast; I
4Esst for tne first time in 1B12
arrived, In Philadelphia. I left
telphla In 1016 and went te Bab-
i.enly a few dajB age."
its his story there are many who
the jail at Quakertown last
t who say tnfty fce a . strong re-
Hance between tne "wild man"
Weaver, the outlaw. These old
dents of the vicinity of Haycock
intain were ushered into the jail
sn'.flta tlme.last'ttigbt. The "wild
V watched, the curious crowds and
asked Chief Rhodes If the towns tewns
ile had been Invited te the jail te
rtl at his stranircncsfi or te clvc him
ekihee'te marvel nt theirs. .
"Everywhere I. step they pinch me,"
;we important prisoner, "inia, is
g new ie in,c. im used te it.
Nr-they' fry te cut' elf'mr beard
send a telegram te Governer Sprout,
rt-sir takf ft-Iet ef-thinsR awav from
;mn nowadays', but he still has the
irtt'le wear bin hair and beard the
5he waiits te"."' '' . :
w: : -r
1 1 wSR
PWItdMrhJ WttMri Rfu te
U Exertttl by 'Altrm" of Nt
Yorkert ,0vr Stertt Ordtr
r , '
, . .1..'
MbMM- a rmtattM. sairs4e(rf W
cetmeOwaa KaO; b BMMd, the
'.sjMhi i f the laMjIeta.elMJM
wnw. ra 'twmMr. .it u
!, thw arlkg aJm -whi,',!
2-J? "S?. Swith BreaJ
jjmt. TharfMrU have aeciel
that th faeMH art celleetleii oust
m ptaeea m tau nease
Eminent Attorney Say Or
phan' Court Can't Bar Con Cen Con
vdemnatieh of Mansion
"" "
sit Cambria 8treet .Tailor and
if, Family Routed Frem Beds
fcfirc discovered at 1 o'clock this morn
i in me taner Htiep pi Hamuci LCvln,
01 East Cambria street, caused the
wripltate flight of Levin, his wife,
0M: and their tun children. Rnmnnl.
Ir '''Imii tMri nM an A Ttnrtlia tirhf
iKTbe' family was asleep en the third
llser when aroused, nnrl escaped te the
wing dj tne Dncic stairs, clad only in
tat curments. The firemen nucceeded
Btiflnlng the flnmes te a closet en
H recend fleer. Dnmiiiw l rtlmtprl
ilia, unune nD tvnci niTc
r? iiwiiun un. niubuui ic
jjv? "' owarinmere is uuest at
Luncheon at Bellevue-Stratford
M A luncheon te Dr. Frank Aydeletle,
B.wiutiit ei nwnrniuiore ueucge: nirs.
i-rArariAtt en-i in t n v...i..,.i
4'rt 5r..nt Cambridge,' was given n't
;m"i Deiievun-Hiratteni today by the
gtTrsni.AUnntlc Society.
?V lV '? lDe "1'8t el a '1s l 8,,h
JWncneenti. In the cemlnir months the
Vtecwy hopes te bring te Philadelphia
tewcn notables as Ambassador decides.
kW.f. "jng. .Telm Lyen SlcKenzie King
g'.Miua Lnnr ttittt
If Council shenld pas the ordinance
prevldlnf for the apenlng of Naudaln
street through, tha Jehn G. Jehnsen
mansion, making that place useless as an
exhibition place for the famous art cel
lectien, there would ba no biimHah -nt
contempt of court involved, according
i u eraineni lawyer, wne was one or
these renreaeatlnc tM Mtr in h !
proceedings before the Orphans' Court.
In this case-the elty'a right te open
the street would be minrem l h nM.
ever the mandates and the power of the
Orphans' Court te enforce previsions
of the 'Jehnsen will.
"This, ordinance" is a complete sur
prise te me," said M. HamptonTedd,"
who sat as master in the proceedings
before the Orphans' Court by which
it.Jv."".,.euht te hllTe the paintings ex
hibited in a building en the Parkway.
i no net mem new tn niiiinmniH r.
feet the status of the bequest. Ne
property privately owned is exempt
irem condemnation ey tne city ler pub
lic improvements."
Mr. Tedd then said he did pet care te
discuss the case or the procedure in
case the city ,gees through with Its
plan and bring the' question of exhibit
ing the paintings elsewhere te the Or
phans! Court.
Maurice B. Saul, one of the execu execu
eors or the Jehnsen estate, said be
would uet comment upon the Hall or
dinance' until he had examined It care
fully and consulted with officers of the
Pennsylvania Company, trustee uiider
the Jehnsen will.
If-Naudain street Is opened as pre
just geed fun; they say
The "Shifter": Order present 8 no
amastng peril 'fethe welfare of Phila
delphia's yoangweiaen, is the assur
aace of two women, who hare seen the
workings of tha order' among girls of
the, flapper age. ' v ,
la New Tork, however, the order la
looked upon as a "fllrt'atien peril."
"There Is no need for alarm," says
Miss Mary Tyler, girls' work, secre
tary of the Y. W; C A, Miss" Tyler
comes' In contact with, all girls in the
Philadelphia, Y. ,W. C, A. between the
ages, of twelve and eighteen In the
high schools and the 'shops.
' "I haven't seen a thing serious about
it,", she continued, "but hare seen a
let of fun had out of It." '
Have Let of
When asked Jf aha theaght that girls
were spending their; money foolishly
en initiation fees in the order Instead
of saving it, for serious thing, she re
plied, smilingly. "They don't save
their money anyway."
'Dr. Laura If. Cernell, dean of the
Temple.Universlty. says that the order
meant "a let of fun" at the Ui
Sesed, would it be possible te attempt
retain the Jehnsen ,nrt collection in
the remainine property?" Mr.
was asked
Mr. Saul
V It wquld net seem he, but I de net
wish te mske any statement until I
knew mere or the matter. As I under
stand it; the proposal is a direct move
re make the old Jehnsen mansion use
less." Mask and Wig Shew for New Yerk
The annual New Yerk performance of
the Mask and Wig Club show will be
given thin year, it was announced to
day, iif the Metropolitan Opera Heuse
My 3.
$?. Etchings-Prints
Wafer Celers-Paintings
i yi course, our new quar
Mp arc mere sumptuous,
.i"ie extensive than these we
teMt; Here is trn t!m.c h.
w)arc footage wc had when
first came te this cUv.
;' Come, take a trial' demon
stration free.
4& "CnT.I.TMO TMcm,..
.. s
if! mmmw.
W lftV
a ' a
rhn itienni
Thrr Sex
"My Watb I.
Alwsyi Whlt.it"
VIITT neetiiN
my '1000, Cats.
ract U the only
wnhr with a
''ATION. All th
JiVf T: 'von.
int motion.'
Ji.veuld net t
fl te xpet
thr mfhln.ii te
an the iim work
thoreuhy or
quickly, b..
..ffcen. m. .,"&. I..
Cfcs. W. Eaery
am .-aaaarar
The Philadelphia
Art Galleries'
S. E. Cor. 15trf & Chestnut Sta.
REED H. WALMER, Auctioneer
Expert General Appraiser!
Today & Tomorrow Afternoon
Furs & Fur Garments
of the Highest Grade
Netct .Every fsellltr Sinn te bnrri te
ttlcct and tt any ssnuent dariac exhibi
tion and Ml and wuhi pit tuartslMd.
New en Exhibition
lr . -j .. ui.. . .ii.i. -
measles." she said. "It is se silly,. I
never theuiht of Uklnt it seriously., As
many boys joined here as girls. I did
net Jein, but I knew all about it.
"I saw no reason te try. .te suppress
it. The initiation exhortations here
were chiefly candy."
Gertrude Robinson -Smith, acting for
the Vacation Association, of which she
Is president, said In New Yerk that
her investigations of what she called
" ways and wilea of the Society of
Shifters,1' had shown the 'organisatien
tO DO even, mere rnrh-nIMa than ViaH
been at first supposed.
New Yerker "Alarmed"
"The prospective member of the
Shlftera is made te believe that she Is
asxed te, 'Jein n nnirfrni prt 'en.
clety te promote cordiality, particularly
between the sexes," said Miss Rebin -son-Smith.-
'The society badge serves
as an invitation te flirtation and te in
timacies that nelNrcinsirHnr rlrlnnniiin
eruinamy resent.
"We have 1nrnrl hf amnnv hi.h
school students' 'pelting parties' have
been the general result of Shifter ini
tiations. There is a Shifter dress, wc
have learned, n black and whlte ere ere
auen: a. Shifter lnalgnle, which is a
turned-back ceatlapel, and a peculiar
shuffling gait, which, calls itself the
Shifter Walk. Te wear a 8hlfter dress
l , te Invite the attentions of male
Here Are "Excerpts" '
' Shifter' headquarters is at 303 Fifth
avenue, where also is located the Offi
cial Shlftera' Emblem Company, ine
emblem company publishes the. by-laws
of the organization in the following
form :
CbntlKut.jn and By-Law Te Becom a
1 ..-.'. .Mmhr"
1. Makj'hlm (or her) put til rlsht hand evr
Ma had and left hund ever hi heart.
2. H or inemuat rremlae te be a m-m.
fellow or. ilster and te, help ether Shift
n at al time.
S. He or ah mut rrerr! te pay what-.
.kVrkaa ytm'fra rtln ;
what te plaat, anal hewte, plaat H, ,
Tinarrew, In the tvmmmjpm
ue Jjiteaw, wlll'appear. tlja'Jfah M,
k sariaa of sher'artldea glrlng1 the
phutls time of garrfea tii?
mad fBatructiens at te tialr,,hilU',
vtlev ".? ' '
'- , n . .
v eyaf aateunt rwt think h'i aMe tA par
' iuWTIti meny, mtreaadlM . tebaeee
. ferfesd.
. Anr, filllns
' PMiwtedv handil
the reflulretnent . tH
ihakt.anA.MlMr ftM'are
it wliieKarc-pa folleWal
jheriilven . them wh!chjire; pa follejri
..enfcdb.v , .-
. HANDBltAKB Pata th palm of.
handa tnaather. hat nnt Atnlna-i tha h
then put hand, nt the cot and tar. VB
aoed fallow, cot iemethlna for nethlnt. '
6. As .this la a tcrt erdtr.' allprena
leinins mut premita nei te aiTaiajtin
Jorajteinr im..te.. of tha ShifterT 'Y-.
P. ST. uet wheleaali price en emblemt
Id bjr-lawa at rne. . i
am -fett a Hutment tv het.'WHY
K6iri WI8BT DO NOT flllOW .'-ANt-
A Baser clin 'has been the ihslgnle
of the Shifters, but this 'has been
changed new te a small cquare! eaam-
eiea pin, witn a nana, tne paim out,
upon it. A pretty girl who was out
en th street wearlns a Shifter eln
yesterday said aha waa net a .Shifter,
but the waa anxlena te see what would
happen te her If aha' Were the' pin.
Nothing had happened at last' accounts.
Dr. althaaer Truaaaa1 Up Injursd
Alrtdla Which Waa Paralyxad
A remarkable cue of animal, surgery
has effected i a cure' In the Veterinary
Hospital, '4007 Market street., Sandy,
a pure-bred, ixmonths-eld Airedale,
hag been saved' by the 'expert treat
ment. Several daya age Sandy ran away
from his master, Jehn W.fScett, 3d,
2788 Belmont avenue, and l romped
across the sidewalk, into the roadway,,
heedless of danger. A car, struck the'
puppy arid broke his back, paralyting
his hind legs. ,
Dr.. Herry B. Balthaser waa called.
Fer three weeks the puppy was trussed
un In a' kpnnpl. Attitr ha tlnA in mat'
-An tlld lAja tiA tnn.l. .Iah Vm TJl.La.
u.e i-n luu tvillll uujr MJl jjeilUKer
improvised a "walker," sucn as Is used
te teach Infants te walk. Sandy new
plays with the wooden frame en wheel
as If 'it were another, puppy, and Dr.
Dalthaser believes that bis injury 'seen
will be healed. '
Diiur iiAtt uk ?-?z::-"JE wmmmmum
aav. aw sw w s raw m . - BaTsaiasBifi wtwwa auanw hitd Krafvaana .- msfmwnrmw ,ir rijf. t . ,'. i.'.i- c.i - f. i - k 4 ' '
-. iw . stii r a fiM,J'',Ti , "" va ! .. :,
'trfC -l
.' t
'rtiV. Mr. Emprinfham, Yonkert.
JkA Lerrten Auditnc Pro Pre
, late It Mitguididt
v ' '
Th views of Bishop Themas Gat ler.
presiding Bishop of the Episcopal
Chorea, were assailed at neon 'today
bri.the Rev. James Erepringham, of
Yonkers. N. Y.. sneakinc at the'da ly
Leatea services in HU Stephen's Church,
Tentn street above Chestnut, en "is
Bishop Galler a Bad Man?".
. J',rBy1 favoring' modification of the
Eighteenth Amendment .se as te per
mltHhe use of light wines and .beer in
the fleme.", said Mr. Kmpnngnani,
BUbep Oaller rays he Is following the
example set by Chrltt and the apostles.
'A a rcrnilt of thnaa, vlffa-a lie la helner
censtilntly attacked by prohibitionists.
" 1'In my opinion,'' continued Mr.
Empringham, "the Bishop is a mis
taken 'man. He has devoted se much
tme te the study of theology he has
net kept pace with modern times."
Mr. Empringham differs widely from
Bishop Gailer regarding the proposed
return of the saloon. lie said :
"Ninety-two per cent of alcohol waa
Xe t down
S. E. Ce r.
i ith& Chest
nut Sts." It's our new
address and you'll
want it some day seen!
S: E. Cor. 11th ft Chtstnift Sis
v f .
Why blame the weather!
All you need is a Rogers
Feet ""Scotch Mist"
Handsome fair - weather
overcoats of rich Scottish
mixtures rainproefed.
Fine, rain or shine.
'R$ptettr& trademark.
,Regtr Ptet Cleth
Chestnut St. at Juniper
Portable ,
Hurdle Fence
made of split chestnut timber
Efficiently answers every purpose
en Farms, Country Places and
Livestock Breeding Establish
ments. Its rugaed, rustle appear
ance gives the effect of an English
Country Estate,
nd for tfecrtalle oefcr.
164 Land Title Bid., pnlla.
HAVE you ever thought
of sending out a .'blotter
each month? We de.
Ask us about it.
Jw v -wens
Accuracy in Cutting
Preducea the Greatest JBriliangr
Polished Girdle Diamonds
Supreme for Brilliazier, Celer and Perfection
are available only Irem this Heuse
WBwQmfmW. sMsH n
sfWni IsNaaVaUBlDB'MVri
- j . a . . . -i - u 7 -r i - j.
aaata von na 'alta 'tliaai.r
flaltm en ha a liatt-ttaVabHwhat'
Christ aad the peatle a;jJt;Cariit
ana the apostle) -dra aet-asa nireaar
common dish. , If rilsliaJter wants
te de what Christ H4, whydkesn't he
de without the km of kalm, farha and
spoons? ' e.f ,
Bishop oailer says he faeaea te
sumptuary, laws. All aa-jetale people
are opposed te nataarr laws that
dlcUte what am shall 'eatad drlak.
The Elghtaaath AaMsdaaeat la aet a
sumptuary iaw aewerer, aeeauss al
cohol la a narcotic drrw and set a
"Pcrsehst Salvatlan" was the sub
ject of the Rev. Dr.- Floyd' W. Temklns.
rector or Hely Trtnity, unurcn, wne
preached at Keith's Theatre.
"After all. this life la hut ,a batUe
of right versus wrong," said Dr. Tom Tem
kins, ad the great saeral problem of
man teaay is te snow jwc weat is ngnt
and what la wrong".
"Man must realise his relation te
Ced, and after tbst bis neat step is
te realise Just what- Is the proper re
lation with his everyday associates.
Men's relationship te Ged is only sat
isfied after his sins have been washed
away." '
Advantaft ,of Werk DiKuaetd
1 by Mypr Kloef and DU '
rector Warburton
, With delegates from all parts of the
cbuntry, the National Conference of
Legal Aid bureaus and Societies opened
a' two-day session ibis m'erriing in
OriBth Hall, 1420 Chestnut street., It
is the first conference of its kind ever
held in Philadelphia and the first na
tional assemblage Of these societies since
The' advantages of legal aid and the
scope and importance of the work te
citizens of Philadelphia were discussed
by Mayer Moere and Director of Public
fa the DataartaMfet ,
diarnihaiaia wta ;is tea pa
of legal aMwerk sAsai
of ca-aparattaa; hetwisuii
tha Unltei! State),, tha rati
National Alliance of Leaal i
etiea and ether raaatters, '-; t,:''i.r,-
xae wsaieas win ctmnmmmi
tomorrow, calmlaatlng'witht
asmual baaauet af the Ph
Legal Aid Bureau , tomorrow
local Legal Aid Bureau, ' j
Addresses will be made by
Fepper, Dr. William Draper
&t , ....... i.--
oienr lawicra hihi reprcsentauvtavt1
social service organisatien.
, unci ycsinniuy iwrcra, K uear Ijyi-.j j
me nrra iier uiiariuiriii vi mm. waf,';4'4l
Leliman, 1408 Wcwt Krle avenue, a4 M&iH
stele Jawelrr valued at H1000. IfTii-. V:i
eluded a platinum and diamond' laval-'y-
-r .' i
Here a geld lavalliere with several ettaW'Wn
mends, ' diamond rings and' sataralVi
bracelets. Mrs. Lebmeu was away iat '?v"-.,
the time.
intanat'crtpplna' short surnaj . - '
nt,7 br Iulai WIUnicam, ae ""ijaaj
' LOQl W
in Hill wl
hv Harlan Hill will anaaair- In tha
Section of nst Sunday's Poaue
"atak u a iiaeii." .
b "ia
Perry's Super-Value Prices
for Spring 1922 Establish New
Records for Fine Quality
$28 $33 $38
& H3
Spring: Suits
Spring Overcoats r:
Spert Suits Junier Suits
I '"""-ssaaTaTassBaaaaaaaTaTaTaTsalllllaW
The Helmes Press. 9Vrw
iv a
lli . nl
The Philadelphia Entrance te Purl
EttCatlten. Hetel
Are HeldSinig:-
Uiniiuispafl DSsplIays of
Wraps A Ittmb and Evening Wear
Street Fireces
Suits aHTs
Sports AppaireI
Approaching the
"And when you get
your Moen, you'll
almost forget about
taking the heavy car
out. I knew I've had
my Moen a year."
Open Cars $1785
Closed Cars.... $278 S
The Moen display
rooms and demon
strators welcome you
day time or evening.
855 N. Bread St.
Moter Cars
The ear of the ten proven units
J. Jay Vandcrgrift, Pres.
Phene, Poplar 7536
Whatever your idea of a Spring Suit and
Overcoat is it's here. All; you have te
de is te come and cheese. There's such
a bountiful variety of fabrics, coloring
and designs it's simply out of the ques
tion for you net te be. suited. Even up
te 52-inch chest measure.
And Super - Values every last one of
them. That means mere for your money
than you can get anywhere else. Ask
yourself "Can I afford te buy my
Spring outfit without, seeing Perrv's
Perry & Ce.
16th and Chestnut
in Clethes for Men
t- l
i .'
' ' ' l
- I
' I
; ' $
and our best wishes for SUCCESS
The Wilkinson Drug Shep opens
today in the Ferrest Theatre Bleck
-en Bread near Walnut St. Wc be
lieve they have chosen an excellent
location. We net only congratu
late them en their geed judgment
but also wish them fullest SUC
CESS! We have in mind several ether types
of businesses for which wc believe
this te be an ideal location and we
have a few street and second-fleer
locations still nvnlbM. iur:n:
office supplies and furniture, sport
ing goods, toys,(gewn8, men's hats
just as examples.
DetaiU eupplied en request.
Phene Locust 71S1.
Mastbaum Bres.. A Fleishtr
1.42 Se, Penn Square
fJHOOSE Your Clethes Frem a
Choice Assortment
Q These who deal with us have the opportu
nity of selection from a clothing stock
which is brimful of really worth-while
styles and qualities a real been te the busy
fl Wc arc exceedingly particular concerning
the quality of the fabrics employed in
making our clothing, and are most exact
ing as te the tailoring. Add te this our
experience and knowledge of correct style
and fashion, and you have an ideal combi
nation in clothes production.
1$ Wc invite your inspection and comparison, and espe
cially comparison en the price feature - wc knew
that clothing of the type and character that wc offer
will give splendid and really economical wear, and is
a fine investment for men who arc trying te save
J Spring Suits and Topcoats are priced $30 and up
ward, with remarkable values at $40, $45 and $50.
14241426 OiestimlSfareei
. 'iOSi
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