js ft EtXA l,-riJtr AJRplI' , if ? i i ' ' jir ti r 'EltaJk- 'V f a-BZBcSB. re wn lptJIUyiHWIlt:. )TTOHNSON 2fiiUW HEW AN 's5 ' 3 if. S.AKMTWUKR, iaSHOES mm Vaha 94.00 j a 13; 'Farad Feil. 10e Kstr , hen shoe h.r '"j W,' "v" if SOie inn nwi. ,w mw7 -- ; te liana u wnai vi rew wi 'i jTtranaea ir net siisimjrr SPECIAL ir Larva Suaaly Rttalvaal freai & Gerammnnt Stock V U. S. ARMY HIP BOOTS $2.35 PARCEL POST. lie EXTRA These biota ar absolutely brand new and every' . a I r guaranteed. Hooey back It net satisfactory. Try a Mir. $m :-vm. Htn Sh1 Si "J 7, $115 BBmJBBBBiSsTBBBBjaBBBBBBBBBBBI fx.UMiTT Army ax navy erera '304 Markat St., Phila., Pa. .OPEN EVBNINOSk Brand-New U. S. Amy Light Tan Drew Shoes ' nrfttncAfi .Last S I.9S aa.O0. P.'P. ISe. FUrM0 ahmmm mrm Af Mnnlna atf SMiJaatbar eaUk and htcla. Wtr faM.eeitpreef. Ooed for drtaa ar m a pair wbup ttur last. 4700 Pn. of Government Khald Werk Pants TO BB SACRIFICED AT $.is Vain J.HD ' 2 Pr. for (2.00 Farrel Pout. lOe Extra These pnnta are made. of beary Oerernmnt (lethr peckrta, cuff bet toms and cuarantred net I te rip'' In the acama or I rle. Hlie 80-te. . IftJUST RECEIVED FROM The U. S. Government C000 fialr of genuine officers' all rather brand-new puttees. These puttees ara made et genuine cordovan calf. 2.40 1 J fa . net te crack or Deal. These puttee Parcel rE r b-WL e h a ufTeurs, Test, 10O farmer. hunting, driver, etc. Meney refunded' If met satisfied. w i have them without straps. own Army and M ! m. " navy oiere . 1 Market St, Philadelphia Sura You're in tke Right Stera Vi( THE EASIWAY Scrubber Mop " f Ij.v I1;! W K i Cleaner & Polisher The best and most useful article et it kind en the market. Sat- isractien absolutely guaranteed or money reiunaea i.ln.l 4 (IK nvM Sfe WJtle Brnsh with Mepj complete "e nrnah llh Itlnn, rnnnhl! -H- HENRY, Distributor -W 8. THIBU ST., Pnrr.A. N 10,000 Amy Jean Drawers , S for tl.00 Parcel Pest. 10e Extra f,!f1.S Or' MO' . ". we expert these te be sold out seen. W Khaki Pants i- -- 7 It-lie JO e m m mm ltd 42 -A1.IM. . d.Ar7!!Andha. mm.mm"m 'W-g7 1 , Amy Scout Sheti, tiiei ie iz, au Uttaar ... ? te 12, aU 01 Af- V4ivll All Mall Orders Filled Sam Day Received. (131MAKKBT 8T MIUae' VJrVe NACWMU a- uneBiiaaa vamatmwmm :Yk-Mihjm PS m .i.'n.mivr aWr if. - iTiiMvwnBTT.ve s el from Kusl- S1.2K her, Nelf-Wrlng.0"0 VP poBiblnatlen Mepj Scrubber "PJOKe. ralmelte or llrlstl Ilresh. J"?'.' ".'usli with Mepi complete mm H W :tcn jvl&z&li.x. .1.,. '"T7:. - msww:AiKYWfKWM ,,.. BaVtfnuam., jmO.l ,....t.t-M-jn.:..'.. sir, --. ,',' 'f-r.'.. IV ..'" ,i' ,:v . I' rilORS. vv- H CHMllfAHIAI jbb-bb-bbbbBbsbb " .. . i -aaaam'ir .u t. am bw t. jv.h vr 'i i bbi i. -r:rretfw i ' r . 'K3UUU WALUV . .. I aB "Jb 'aaW'aMB-BW W WWHV M " m l 1 . "' V 'ii'l gai bbbbbbi sr -bbbbbbbt aBBaa kibbbvbtbi At i gt Tht tremendous Spring demand fdr new Dedge' Brethers cars fore ing. us te move 'our, Used Caw qiiickly ' te avoid an accumulation of stock. Here are sev eral opportunities that,, will net last: Dedge Brethers Sedans $825 te ; $1000 Dbdire Brethers Limousines 50 te $850 ' ' -' , ,' The appearance and mechanical condition .i et these cars are excellent. Act promptly.. , THOON-lLLER AUTOMOBILE CO USED CAR DEPARTMENT a. OPEN SUNDAYS 24th & Seuth Sts. STORAOB AND MOVJCNQ A Reminder I f DEPENDABLE COURTEOUS ' , DEVOTED TO PATRONS' INTERESTS FIDELITY STORAGE Fireproof Warehouses NOS. 1809-11-13-15-17-19 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA Packing, by most skilful and expert packers. ' Moving by vanmen, efficient, cour teous, careful. Carpets cleaned and moth-proofed. A Larse Fleet of Aute Vana Lene Dlatanee Haullm , PABGEiL POST Bw Year Dresa Goods and Baltlasa Cheap MILL BARGAINS Tat.lt stylsa fslt and wlntar aneda. wmvi ciuuii uiiAium ni. rweea. werstea. xncetin.. teetlne. ultlrim. i.adies ana uen-a euiiinaa, Allka andlflatlna. Llnlnis, IWIDnMIW III P1W, ., suit and skirt Isrurttis. npert ceaia CONNOLLY'S rwesReede MUlRadRi VU E..Iltn AT. vur. fiaawai M). KaBalaarten. PBiia. watn i Fhsa S' . " "Help Wanted Situation Wanted Employment Agencies and Lxst and Found Advertising will be found en Page 30 BARON'S AUTO EXCHANGE Bread and Wallace Sts. 1921 McFarland,4 pass. Deliv. new Oct., 1921. 1921 'Cadillac 59, 4 pass. and 7 pass. 1919 Cadillac, 7 pass. 1920" Marmen Tour.; disc wheels. 1921 Templar 4 pass. ; fine condition ; ?300 down. AlsfFerd Coupe; Ferd Sedan; Essex Lim.; Grant Roadster; Buick Roadster, etc. sDaily KOYAL Specials Chandler dispatch, run vjar llttlei must be seen te be appreciated: new tires: 1200 take lit balance In ena vaar. Royal Mbtercar Ce., 620 N. Bread et. Poplar e0!8. Open Bundaya and evs. MACK TRUCKS 8U. also 8H una. practically new: fully guaranteed, with dump 'bodies i. iaa.lnerj.-W. D. chassis. General Moter Trucl; Cerp. 28th and Merrl u. CYLINDER CRANK SHAFTS ....innirD V,..t.lK XtARKKT " '""'"" HTJBINESa OPPORTUNITlEa WILL SEa QUICKLY Tour bulnk. no putl no chgs. untl . nrbUAM '228 drexbl hi, H, BERMAIN BKCONp FLOOR ' m i uarii auAwaM""" FOtlAdvrt rf , , ' iT-f' im.-..-'i w!,.JKj&,V rl V- J am - w am bbbbbbi bbbbbbi . n. v tt t "L, ' 1 , W f . Spruce 6785 stobaex And xovine M a Safe Deposit Vaults Fer Valuable. Silver, Etar bave net euperler Telephone, Loeuit 1470 MOTOR' VN SERVICE TO ANY DIWANT POINT Weekly jaeniee for rnllvhlprnnt between Philadelphia and Washington The Big 4 Transfer Ce., Inc. STth and lUrkeC! Baring 1J01 WANT A TEAM TO MOVE Yeu? Call Walnut 4281 - "TERMINI CO. , TftinstAi v 142 Se. 11th' St, Phila., Pa. APARTMENTS ONE AND TWO, ROOM APTS. STRICTLY MODERN P. "J. LAWLER 60TH UAND MARkBT STS. Phene Landowne 180 HEAL -ESTATE FOB, BALE CITY mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmfmmWm nn Chestnut St. 2000 Bleck Let 40x120 FEET Valuable, Increasing neighborhood; possession October 1. 1922, J. CUTLER FULLER 10 S. ISth at. Spruce 89B4. HS 1820 GREEN STREET 18x185 te Brandywlne at. Irae Rooming Heuse Will Hell at Lew.Prica M. S. CUMMISKEY & CO. 247 B. 18th St. CENTRAL BARGAINS FRED T. LEWIS 611 MORRIS 0LDO. Factories, Warehouse. Manufacturing Fleer IB Kia Washington Ave. Factory Property Fer .Sale On Account of Removal Property comprise nearly the en tire block between 23d and 24th at, and Washington av. and Carpenter it.. Philadelphia. Buildings suitable for machine shop, foundry or general manufac turing. Pennsylvania Railroad aiding. Open Mirth steel . melting furnace Full description and particular will be furnished en application te JOHN S. WURTS Atlerne'y-at-Law 1229 LAND T1TLB BLDO. PHILADELPHIA. PA. 4945 WAKERELD STREET Threo-steryand-bnsemnt mill and office blda: light en 4 aid: medern: 10.000 q. ft.: well adapted for, hosiery or textile business; let 112x200. fUr FERDINAND D. FLEMING 1834 Walnut st Factories, Sites & Fleer Space AT WAYNE JUNCTION Space for sale or rent, Address Mr. Darling. J. LEE PATTON, Lin coln Bldg. FACTORIES & FLOOR SPACE J. LEE PATTOl 404 LINCOLN UUILDINQ Building let. Factory Biles. Ete. GROUND AT 60TH ST. & ELMWOOD AVE.. ' 244 ft. en Mlmwoed' ave. , ' 540 ft. In depth SUITABLE FOR OPbTrATION Of vVDAUAVaOTek?ff8 OB 1nui- EDGAR G. CROSS 1411 WALNUT ST. TT I S ,: .s v.e siK,A. . AJmM &Wti&. -r - .i , -' -..v..i.i.Ai.t.i. .i .:: . jm A - ' y , H '"V ' IsIEtelviES 1?i i. v. u .1 c ' , '.'.' A. tii-tiU. rut TtnlL ,0 CHANGE OF CARSt i " ps , Otir H6um r en CQPlilBY ROAD. 8 minutes' wMk irem lth StMat tfawflhal ef'tha Market Bireet "U-J A!i4teni cBMUiicUbaj aad excapUenally well built Springfield' W$trLote rat-. Location unaauiladl''plan proved and praellcaL At, thtrrfwl prtC9 thejr are . tha-Qreateet Value, Today. Sample houee.epen dally and Sunday. LOWER MERI0N REALTY CO. KU1LDER8 A OWNBRS. LAND TITIK BLDp., ' PllONK. 3UOCU8T 2C80 , Hemes Fer All Sizes, Prices and Types Let us send you a selected list of Hemes and 'Heme Sites In any ' ae'ctlbn ' you prefer. -AT YOUR PRICE ' ""' FOB RESIDENCE PHOPEttTY CONBULT SmttHett . ina-ii LieiERTY BuibDinv. tRVATK aINANCH KXCHAN9K, LOCUST 7IOO i . tiliiillllllllllllllllllllllillllllliiHIililllilllllliililiiliiiiiilitfim CITY Baelneea Prepertlea and Hterea 1 F1VE-STORT and baement brick tore and warehouse. 311-815 K. 84 at.; SCxOO. Inquire, Ct owner,, Continental' Leather Ce. 311 N. 8d St. , mmmmmmmmmmsmmmmm I WEST rnifaDET,PHlA A 691 Street Section 17 Minutes te City Hall -One Fare Has in its midst the largest and most beautiful theatre in Penna., with a $60,000 Kimball organ and the latest pictures procurable. 306 N.35TH STREET (Cerner Pearl at.),'' FOR SALE 16-ROOM MANSION AND PRIVATE GARAGE COST .'. $45,000 PIvICd IMIMtMMIHII 22eUU IN YOUR FAVOR 822,600 Inspection Will Convince BARBER, HARTMAN & CO. . 1201 CHESTNUT ST. 471.8 SPRINGFIELD AVE. Ten rooms and 2 baths,". electrle lights, aper beat: let 30x118 914 S. 47TH ST. Stands 'alone! electric llchts. 3 baths lnt 07 ft. wide: St. Francis Parish. 1 Mb J 4B1H ST. euuiiwd at mvwuii ivt). A uniiii, eiunriu ltgbU het-water heat; iroea locution, Wii USAlifc AVE. Nine rooms, side yard. Colonial hall In white, electric lights, het-wster heat, JOS. ALLEN POnS BaUreav.. 5329 HADHELD ST. $5000 Real value- Dutch hall, alrllte plan, 3 bed room In mahogany and white, modern bath room. h.-w. heat, electric; In perfect reDalr C.W.GABELL.JR., 133 S. J2TH 1450 CASH 1282 8. St Bernard at : price I38SO; electrle light, mahogany ny ie and wmte inttrler; newly papered i linn- isum gn kiici n. Agent en 1 te 5 P, M., or premises "WKll.l,, OT27 Chester ave. OFJtMANTOWN REDUCED $1000 tignt-roem cerntr uweiiing. garage, separate .hbullder1:0efflc.fl.'0r'n Tw.tar heat; tell N. Woodstock Street Eaat from 21st and Chelten ave. LOGAN "oe-oooo blk. 12th 8 ty,: med. beuses iail m ik VT" ..' " oenveniencee. 4914 N.12th t. 8 ty.; real bargain. W.'U. CHAMBERS 403.1 M. BROAD ST. PENNSYLVANIA SUBURB ILK . NARBERTH Beautiful Hemes lUniriRc in Prlcr. Prem 14500, $5000, $6000, $6500, ewu, fweuu, $10,590 Up JOHN A. CALPVELL OPPOSITE STATION Narberth, P. , Narberth 111 ii i r i r in i t MiiMiHs- ri r i..... L-J I - iW m r 1 !.' '--aaHtv.,rf,fl. . j- . I. ,i OTtii Pare. and. Everyone ,B&mt anuw se chestnut . 330 ACRES NOT FAR FROM CITY LINE UNSURPASSED SITE FOR INSTITUTION OR CLUB ADJOININO HTA.! ON LARGE STREAM: S dwellings: frm buildings; e-rhard C. P. PETERS & SON 008 CHESTNUT ST.. PHILA. Attractive Country Estate '-tO .mile Chestnut Hill, electric trains, r-ement read, choice district: 0-room real 'denre, electric, phone, heat, garage, stables, chicken heuse: larire Inwns. Shade, scenery, extensive grounds. Rare bargain at $10,300.00. well financed. C 231. l.EDOKR OFFICE. MERI0N TITLE AND TRUST CO. BARBER shop; excel, business A dwelling; prmieze te z weeKj- trial; price sin.uuu Ardmore. Pa. ArdmorelSSO DARBY $6500 Semi-detached brick dwelling; hot het WHter heat: 0 rooms and bath: garage; let 25x140 ft. te rear street. LOFLAND. 7121 Woodland Ave. CAMP HILL EXTRAORDINARY RESIDENCE SITE 't, . r OVERLOOKINO " ':WHITEMARSH VALLEY 80 ACRES ON VALT.EY GRriEN'ROAD AD JOININO LANDS OK A. D. PARDEE AND A. VAN RENHSCLAEIl. - - C.W.QABELL,Jr.,.133S..12TH REAL ESTATE FOR RENT CITY irii!iiii7ira:!iiiiiiimriiiiiiffia'iii!BiiiiiiraiiiTiii;eai! RENT Ground Fleer Office S. W. Cor. 12th & Locust 450 SQUARE FEET Heat, light and janitor service. WILLIAM L MIRKIL WIDENER BLDO. 69TH STREET CENTER OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT Apply P. J. LAWLER 09TH AND MARKET 11,000 SQ.FT. RAILROAD SIDINO 708 Callewhlll st.; 3-story building. Mastbaum Bres. & Fleisher 14J4 SOUTH TENN SQUARE Central Offices and Floers JOHN G. WILLIAMS , 812 LAND TITLE BLDO. Farterlee. Warehouse. Mnmifictnrlng Floers :mmB!!iiini:i!iii.,i!:ii1ii!ffliix:iii;'jirjiiiriiiil"ii!iiiliiiiii!i!iDi:iB5 -FLOORS- IhT THE 10-STORY BUILD ING AT THE N. E. COR. OP 12th & Arch Sts. This space will be ready by June 1st or earlier. Admirably adapted for pen eral offices or light tnanufac taring. Ceilings are high, Abundance of natural light. Fireproof construction. .Lew insurance. Reasonable rent. PEOPLE'S TRUST CO. 12TH & ARCH STS. ILWitmWMfflElilM 612-14 Chestnut St. ' " Times Bdrf. 4000 Square Feet especially suitable for printing trades Fre'ght and tiassenrer elevator Immediate Possession Apply Publla Ledger Company 0th and Chestnut sts, 'MR. DALLAS RENT I'LOdll, : ,1?14 ARCH STREET 6000 BQVAIAKseS,igIiw,thisTmv,D?:, Albert M. Greenfield & Ce. 13TH AND CHESTNUT STS iii..,.v.' at in Small Tvn i. w ar. M:mhaJ ,-, cgESJ V". 1336 WALNUT STREET 25'xldO' ' Streetv fleer, portion of basement and extra room ob' side, containing, about. 400 feet of additional space. ' Adjoins Bitx-Carlten; in the heart of hotel, theatre, club and shopping district. Excellent location for any retail business or banker. JOHN H. SINBERG 1218 CHESTNUT raeterla. Warfbegaw. MawafawiirliiK neM FOR RENT SIXT1I FI)On LINKER BLDO.. 881-S-B CUKRRr ST.. kkv- - itl Illarti cetllnc; dayllaht bulMlne; irreaii area of r,82R q. ft. The only building of Itn kind In Philadelphia where there la no much avnll nlile and unable apace for the tires area. Ne. column. Bprlnklered. PafsenBar and ffTlaht elevator aervlce. RulUiWe for any claM of mnufecture, or for itUplny rur rur peeee. RENT MflOO. Apply WM. LINKER. 783 Cherry t. Phlle. 266-70 S: AMERICAN ST. First an 6th fleer and bnsement, about 4000 sa. ft. each; excellent daylight: large electrle elevator In modern Dro tower; Immediate possession; reasonable. Annly te BTLVESTER S. aARRKTT Beth phone. 250 B. .Id t. Deslnes Properties and Stores ' 834 NO. BROAD 20x75: 'snl table for auto salesroom, tlrea or accessories. Mastbaum Bres. & Fleisher 1424 SOUTH PENN SQUATIB CORNER STORE 11TH NEAR CHESTNUT LIvOYD.MS WALNUT ST. OFFICES. nireiNEHg BOOMS. ETC. Bread & Chestnut Sts. - Very Desirable OFFICE In the Real Estate Trust i Company Building Fronting eh Bread Street Containing 3200 sq. ft. en x Second Fleer. East and West Exposure. Well lighted and "" Ventilated. Suitable for Banking, Professional or Real Estate Business. 10 Direct Elevators. Private Lavatory. INQUIRE ROOM 204 Real Estate Trust Bldg. 608-10 Chestnut St. Washington Bldg. Fourth fleer 2 offices 1000 sq. ft. will divide. Fifth fleer 2 offices one 73 eq. ft, one G71 eq. ft. Reasonable Rentals Immediate Possession APPLY PUBLIC LEDOER CO. 0TH AND CHESTNUT STS. MR. DALLAS -FLOORS- TO PUIT ALL LINES: LOCATIONS IN ALL SECTIONS or THE CITY: RENTALS FROM Sic TO 00c PER SQUAKU FOOT. LKT US HELP YOU. 4 BARBER. HARTMAN & CO. 1201 CHESTNUT ST. VICTORY BUILDING 1001-13 Chestnut Street Made New Prem Cellar te Reef Several desirable offices for rent Albert M. Greenfield & Ce. 15TH AND CHENI'T STS. SHUBERT BUILDING 250 S. Bread Street JUST A REAL OOOD OFriCH BUILDIN3 BERNHEIMER & SUNDHEIM 280 B. BROAD HEED BUILDING 1211-1213.1215 FILBERT ST. OUTSIDE OFFICES AVAII.AULM AT ONCE WEST PlllLMlEI.rill CORNER WITH GARAGE BTRICTLY MODERN. ON S0TH ST. Sale $7300, Inquire S 11 U L L M A N Bell phone Woedlund 0023 PEMBERTON REALTY CO. 012 S. 60TH ST, PENNSYLVANIA SUIH'ltltAX PI.I.UAn fcliallUlulUlah;t:la:lUiUUinmJuMitlUi!all!Uitualull:lu1lINiJUi!!!lu:l:iL,I PELHAM Twe desirable apartments with central-plant heat: best location; cerwcnltfnt te Carrenter 3lntti,n B nnd Oermantewn avenue trolley. mas I .. luaaunnuin a VIltMti IIUUat'1 In Pcltyim for nale, VmH.WlLS0N&Cb. 1617 WALNUT ST. , IWWHIiW Safe m ..lalslHSSH' ENbbbbhhS kFoUewinf fnhpm H-. ', ,isH MORTGAGES We Help Yeu Get a Heme UANYWHEREJ WITH 4 MORTGAGE MONEY REPAYABLE LIKE nENT FULL PAKTIUUbAIIfl FURNIrlllBD PRUDENTIAI. HOMES CO., INC., 1414 S. PENN SQUARE JII.DO. LOCUST 8862. PHItADELPHIA. PA. THIRD MORTGAGES Substantial Funds en Hand Phila. County enly: 24-hour service; no charge for Investigation; bring your deed, H NANCE REALTY CORRnNae. qCf Real estate security, Immediate Real settle TO bought. Cesh at once. $2000 EDW.M.M0LL K. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITY 1712 JEFFURSON 3 story. 12 rooms. 2 b. 1721 Jeffersen 3 story. 11 rooms, 2 baths. Iniie .Teff-rsnn 3 sterv, u rooms, 2 baths. 1500 block N. Orntz 3 sty.. 11 mis.. 2 baths, III27 N. Oratx 2 story, a reums, bath. H00 block N. 17th S story. 12 room, batli. 3300 block N. 17th 3 story. 0 rms.. 3 baths. 1S0O block N. lSlh 3 story. 11 ran., 3 baths iw.. tiarian . story, rooms, tmn. tHOO N. Beuvler 3 story. 0 rooms, bath. 2(125 N. 24th 2 story, perch, 7 rooms, hath. 1040 Hharswoed 3 story. 0 rooms, bath. ieii insrrseu .1 story, a rooms. -.Dam. 3227 N. Newklrk 2 story, perch. 7 r.. bath. eiu jm. svui a story, li room), Datn, H. J. FASY, 18th & Thompson 2318 OREEN. 18 rooms. 2 baths, 25x250. Cerner BSth i. Washington ave.. 2 stories. 1SIO wallare. 15 room,, tl baths, modern, .!!.!?"' 17,r. ter. apartments. i..'.. 5!1- Aernen' double front, modern heat. .IMIS- 22d- ownstene. 12 rooms. 1521 Green. 17 rooms, 2 baths, reduced. Cor. 20th tc Hp. Garden. 0 modern apt. IS!! t1'1" ae.. store and dHOlllng. cheap. 722:'. r?1V.mtla ave" iere nnd dwelling, vac. J52S Ja"J?c,, 1 rooms. 2 biths and perch. Ji2S hi ?.eth' baths, elec. IlKhts. side yard. ?.?2 W.a,lncc; cer., stereg and apartments. "Si? P.lan,..nA?t"3 modern flats. ..Wi'l!" as N- 1Sth "t.. comers. HIBBERD U. WORRELL A CO.. 555 N. 17th INVESTORS 33 A ery desirable row of 2-famlly nrpartment h,9u".ei,v? rect trem owner; best section of West Phila.; present rents reasenable: geed rnaeeni for selling, p 732. Ledger Office FACTORY SITE 13 acres northern part of city: splendid lo cation for manufacturing pant; railroad aiding; will snrrlflce. P QUI. Ledgfr Office. PARKWAY PKOPniiTtPa 528 North Twenty-first st. 10 Reems and Bath: I7B0O 20th st. near Parkway: B500 OTHER CHOICE LOCATIONS? 3AM!L COLDER Finance Bid, licii.t iM WAREHOUSE FOR' SALE O.OOO square feet: pewerful'1 construction; ,., iuui niuuiK inie uunaing; rivenrent sec sec tlen: central location. P 007. Ledger Office. "KnTVtH1 ST" " T00mn ""d bath... $3,100 ?ii He,en "l".0 rooms and bath.... 3000 8117 Custer st., 0 rooms and bath anne WEBCL. 3232 Trankferl axe. CarflVld eSSt FRONT AND FEDERAL STS (HID Menter! st ) Small brick heuse: $1000: clear of ercumbrance. Arthur Bosnell. 233 North 13th st. CLNTRAL property (3 houses) halnc frerrts en 3 streets: suitable for alteration Inte office and shop or rarage; price SID.OOO: rlanr. Arthur Resell. 233 North 'Jih " ,02ST,M2DE?N h"ue. wltj let SOxTebT 405 Heftnaale st.. 0 rooms, hath, laundry. near St. X'ecllla'n Church: c'oe te train; open Sunday; will finance. Ulddle. 4031 N. .1th ana n. iith ST. Six rooms tu h.S perch? electric, het-water h)at. !h elenfrfe. hiif.nra.-v hna. i.... 1 S.0?.rl,t0'e.n "replace: lmtp.dlat Call Weed I end 4014 J. iintuvviKJa 2800 acricIxJricke11 nTLOW&CO.. 1513 ARCH 2110 N. 8TH ST. Ten rms. and 2 baths: electric: Ore-escape In rear; suitable for apt.: barsr.t no cenveyancing charges. Mai- Ien. Oraham A Ce., 1000 Qtn.av. Cel. 4S70 10TH BELOW YORK Tno-Etery, 7 rooms and hath electric: possession. """ WESTyBY. 203 Liberty Tlldg. 2129 SPRING STREET SAMUEL POLDER. 007 r.nanee Hldg. N. CLEVELAND AVE. Ten duellings' financed: $2300: price $2700. UHe,"n- WESTyKY. 203 Liberty Dldg. 1000 BLOCK, N. Van Pelt: H rooms- ren,i cend.; price 1fi0O. GOTWAL8 ROM 2337 N. ICth. Cel 4031. BON- S,J?. r!!l'. bath, perch, shed. nr. this office ei3000. Jehn II. Kane. 3.'37 N. 20th? ite. K:i SE.C'TN'S norchfrent: 8 rms. ft bath: 100 ft. let main st.: , sq. fremnewt: geed cend'n: price $5000 P 834. LeS. ne?' 1330 W. SILVKR ST. 0 rooms, bath, med! rtn cSmn!?ncV ."".! .reasonable. ..r. . , .,..!-. ,. .,, -,L. iiura a. at. lOliI E. TIOOA Six rooms, bath and perch. -.".'.L.SPIKP'.SP':!! Immediate possession. aiiuni.MUjjiTii, .i3t Kenslnateh ave 2H!i .N. JUOHON rr. Six room. I.-,,, Dutch hall; Umt lVItWp,I0a,V'i r,awnn Price; HUT2F.L 23th and Semerset. will tlnance H pay rent when a small amount of cash will buy ieu a Northwest section home nt a bartfJln prlw? W. Hutzel. 25th fc Somerset 16S0O 21118 N.24TH: 7 rmn., FchTe"lecT: ..hi-fi.."V "Si t-""!-J .-.uMuJ home ..'" ' "-" nuiw aria, ..,ui, y , jj( h cl iiinn Aiv "ci '..,.. .'.bT' '.. -K : UAROAIN Six rms.. bath, perch, basement laundry, electric: heus 4 jears old. $4000. ApP!yJaRqfTerly. g81 Kenslnglnn afe THREE-STORY drg.. strlctrriSolieTrrrA'."! cend.; elec: newly papered and painted througheut: main st. lledclier. 2013 Cnlumhla 2804-0(1 MEMPHIS (I rooms. Lath. bmum. steni, whlte plumhlnu; $3(10 jen ., J2500. Ran u llrunner, 32JH N. Frent. Kens. 24C 1400 BLOCK'S 5th st 1(1 rms and 2 baths'. I $0000. C. H1IAFER. 1118 Cheslnn, .'" ' 1320 V. ALLIiqilENY Choice dwelling and 2.1IKI BLOC1C W .Oxford t. 0r7 A haih 1-.IIO C. HIIAKKR. 1118 Chestnut at 1UU0 BLOCK V SK wV,Il,er,k"!a:einer stere: 13SO0. Ml Arl.R, 1118 Chestnut st. C 2113. H. IHTII Four bedrms.: geed cend price risnt. Jehn uiher. 22d and Tasker CORNER NER. 148 N. 21 Bt. and 203 Quarry 2x 0 Relnhirt, 1624 Chestnut. Spruce 1B22 11 DU LOMBARD LOMBARD ST. Te ett!e imesTatu ..C. ADAMft 141B Wqlnu" st" ' BUY JX A home finished te ieur tasta with 140O i:.lw. M. llrnhnm, 3jVXn.W,lth 142-14-40 RACF: Assd. J7500j can flnann,' Itelnliart. 1524CheHtnut Si'ru"" l""" Ce' 50J K. ALLEUIIKNY Perch. 4 bedrras.TTT - - " ""'it '' i" c Aiieirnetiv ;i"i uaii 254-, mi Cieve aiul: 7 rirnT 2R0(I i:i)V. M URAIIAM. Surur. ThiS' nu.-s rj.-yi j-ahis. see. ai'4.1 N. Delhi st . 0 r.. b . elec. pch.: barg. Kerni. 401B N.7th lliilhlliig I.eU. I'uelery Sites, Kte CA y BE REMODELED INTO FACTORIES OR GAR All US AT LITTLE EXPBNbIS 33:1 Yerk read. 14x170 .-.iiiu-u. ., i.awrence, ONxlOO 2147 te 2151 N. 7th. P.7M00 3303 Yerk read, 44xl?.l Tiega 5122. Henry Berk. 1022 W, Camhrln RIPE FOR Improvement Doslrablegreund en east anl west sides of Turk ave, north J. LEE PATTON, Lincoln Bids hfH AND ONTARIO IO: about 40.000 sq. ft7t ??,r "Idlnij fall street Inil .1 irunia. tram, inr na in a street Im. ","- .....---"T . -- .itiiyn ftyA n. we.- v. I.ehlirh ai GROUND JND FOR SMALL FACTORIES" B1DDLE. 40,11 N. BTH HT. ' ltiifclnrSH Preperllea nnd Hlnr WAIT ANI) NOTHINO ARE EOUAL Store nnd dstelllng; vosseaslen June 1- inn. chsIi. MK1XNKR. 22d nnd Clearflel'l IUI" SEVERAL Market. Arch and ChTsTnut it properties efferetl rlsht; principals m'. ' V WEHTNEY. 203 Liberty lg.Q1 ' IJTN. AVE.. 3000 blnekHinrn- ..... V ltlgberg. 3IH11 flermanfn av. Tin,. ,?" 120 Nv 3D ST. I'lvo-slery lirekiterT, wareruiiBev Penna. Ce.. 317 tlhesir," J,nd ImUWmMfmmX I -"iT7-. T ....- ,. . ' '. . -.. .ww qilu IIWb. " trm; mku.II. t.HrlM, Wafaaaa, STRONG BUHDffW in Vnnt t..'v'al H.w1!' ifiwi noeia leeatien) t tOtr iniuvi HOIlAftft' fHKi aavn irlc W'lev.8ri tewef.WMl'ijn nBKT HAL.Ii.B18 UW.TM heuakS! .fKM. Aeutev DO 000 tni.nl mentt lleUt en Jelaaiflrer lien. O'tliinlin KAcrreBircB. warchewMe,-n sfl Almrt iiaiif wm tiih bw KACTOKtEB, wafcbanM. floerey. U BTKVBHyew exrr. i,a M wiwt raiLApitewm ' MlnwigUtMnTYlM 1V1. i'i,' wv.r "':"v:"r"': a . :' i:n nSll Monireae ai. T nwnni imm. JitiHi Laniraamr nv. fleven room. . .i , ,., - ...", ipsi" tm" ' "imM JUL:, .'' Hestenville Keal Latate 7m ABERDEEN ST., 1718. near 82d.at..iMfj rfa entrance, or., eaen, peren. lannary.-1 Dutch hall with mahogany finish; llst finances' onen-. for Inspeotlen. ...JJH KANE aza7 w. ytn. -riega w) in. isk'j n. nan ht. Tsd story, eer.i i Tight: splendid condition; Inclesed 18230. Donald V, Redding, B2J and axe I SKVEN-ROOM house near 55th and mem! Aleetrtct 14500! nulclt tieeat convenient terms. W. Earl Yonker, nl'eve Hsitimere nve C001 SPRINOFIELD 1 square te 2 ear llBOsi,, , medern: tlie eatn witn snewer: mcioaee tfi200. Jehn M, Enbnrg, B207 Baltimore av. 4818 CHESTER AVENUE ARTHUR BOSWBLL. 233 N. 18th L 5702 KINOSEHSINO 1 square te. 5 cars: het-water heat: hardwood floors, elee: prlea 15100 Jehn M, Enhurg. 5207 Baltimore avO. 5740 tE I.ANCKY 5 rooms, bath: reed con cen con diteon: Immediate pessesstnA; 13301. Jeha) M. Enburg. 5207 Baltimore ave. Phene. $500 CASH, 8748 Locust, near IJ. of P ii rerms, percn, 'ixuv it., oueuv. a, X. Oraham. Spruce B742. 0020 HUMMER Cerner: 2 stories, 8 roemai steam nt. eiec. erreu. oae n. mn . 3-STY., 10-rm.. elec. near elevsTted: 858t, Kershaxv ft crewi. n2in cnestnut st. 1037 S. S4TH ST., 7 rms.. elec,. h.-w. het tnsoe. Kershaw ft Crewl. 5215 Chestnut, 400 Bl.k1, N. (WTH ST. Huslne property. 37800. C. BHAFER. 1118 Chestnut St. . 0JO0 HI.K. MARKET ST. Val. bus. orea. arty, 123,000. C. BHAFER, 1119 Chestnut. 112,000 LAROE semi-detached house, with let 30x135; Immediate possession. r.KBftANTOWX L- HALF SQUARE Allen Lane station Stena house, large Hvlne room, open fireplace, mahogany and Ivery finish throughout; second fleer. 4 bedroom and bath: third fleer, maid's room and storereom: het-water heat. electricity and aas; perfect condition. Pheno Chestnut Hill 2818 for appointment. 200 BLK. MONTANA ST. Six r b.. perch: terrnrv: Int 15x100; S250O: will finance with 1300. Rynn A Mrunner, 3238 N. Frent st. Kens naten 240. 1U07 MKDARY AVE. Ooed location for de! ter: fltmnced: charges 140 me. plus 118.78 1!. and I. mertaaRe; possession; no cash. LANNON A REILLY. 0010 Yerk f-sd . UTN. Oreene and Tulpehecken at.: beat location In Otn.' attractive henva. with, gnrwges. Dreby it Evans. 1007 Lincoln Bldg. LOOAN n HAVE a iurse list of modern hemee that we can finance for you en very at tractle terms at prices that range fraea h?420) u; te 1 1 oeo: our machine ara always nt veur nisi"Hi UAbLAa SB IlAniUI'.li 1,1. tt'xnmint; W71-S72 4700 N. Bresd st. HOMES, large and select list, this finest residential sectien: 15300 up: aeveral bar- aalns: finance arranged. Lucey A Dalslmer, 8740 Oermantewn ave. heate-l perrh: Interchamrealile sash: prlee "Sw f, tl.HOO. Jehn M. Enburg, 6207 Haltlmura are, ,- 012 fl, r AX HON 0 rooms, bath: elec. hard- k'p? miiHi u Nir.: nuui,.c-H n.n.T .i.rHL., w.i W1HDNER I'LACE-s-Nlne rooms, perch, het-V, water heat, electricity, billiard roem: game- In yard: let 25x137. E. A. Hobsen. r028 N. Breal st. , 4075 N. 16TH Opp. park: perch. 7 room. het-water heat, elec, hardwood floers: near train, trelley: easy terms. Call Otn 2022 J. $6850 PORCH, 0 rooms tiled bath wltfc shower, narauetry fleer threugn- out; f500 cash: open Fun. Ulddle. 4051 N. 3th OLNEY MODERN BRICK PORCH-FRONT HOMES ALL CU.NV.. ULtU., HUT-WATt.H HEAT NAI $S50Q OOOf 880 320.1 N. 2d st ,......$550 r.r.iN ;. Tin at .17.12 N. nth st 3512 N. American st 0809 TOH DETAILS 8KB OLNEY REALTY COMPANY 5319 N. 3TH ST. WYOMING 6230 TWO-STORY BRICK TWIN PORCH-FRONT HOUSES: ALL CONVENIENCES 213 E. Wellens ave $B80f 310 Grange ave ; 680t OLNEY REALTY CO. 3511) N 5th st. Wemlng B8SQ .1752 N. 3T1I HT. Seven rooms and bath, str.im heat. ?ts and elec. garnve privilege. App'v Arrew Realty Ce Inc.. .123 W. Olney, 5C27 N. 2D ST. Five rooms and bath: modern conveniences; perch front. Apply Arrew Realty Ce . Inc.. 523 W. Olney ave. 420 WELLENS AVE. Six rooms and bath; modern cenveniences: laundry. Apply Arrew Realty Ce . Inc.. K21 W. Olney aye. Boulevard Seetlea ISO n. ROOSEVELT BOULEVARD semi-detached house, with 2-car garaga, 9 chambers. 2 baths, 2 Inclesed perches: larga lawn and shrubbery: open dally. ROBERT D HAMILTON. Wyoming 3338 CITE8TNPT niLL COR. Ucrmantenn and Rexiavrs.: large eld manilen and grounds; Iet07.l,xl43 ft.:-np-porlte loop of P. R: T. and adjacent te Ch-st-nut Hill Sratlen, Penna. R. It.: suitable for opt. hoiine or business purposes; no restrlo restrle tlnn If C tRviN. T21 Walnut st. OAK LAST. OAK LANE Best location, 10 rms., bath, garage, large lawn; only $10,000 cash req. te buy 136. 000 home and gives buyer 82784 i ash Inct me In addition te above home; of, fered bv ewner: no agent. P 828. Ledger Off. G700 BLOCK. N. Sydenham at.; 7 rms.; medern: financed. OOTWALS & SON. 2337 N. 10th St. Cel. 4021. TIOOA 333C N. PARK AVE Three-story 11-room perch-front dwelling; all cenveniences: bar raln. Frank W. Miller. 183 S. 12th st. MAIN ST, home. U modern 2-story perch beautiful? home, large let. possession 10500: nthera. KOHLER A SHIFLER 1032 Vceiange st. rBANKFOBD DETACHED. 2 ety.. with garage: very latoet' Improvements. DUFF. Frankford 0522. TORRKSDU.K ONE and five acrn tracts. $730 per aarei main reads. C. T. Beechwood. 1511 Area. PENNSYLVANIA SUnUBBAW blX-ACRE ESTATE White plaster Co lonial dwelling, 12 rooms, 2 baths, Spencer boiler, het-water heat, electric: atone table;' garage; spring streum through meadew: beautiful shaded lawn; real open country, yet only 0 miles. City Hall; near P. R. R., stu. Cbe'er Osberne. 1524 Chestnut. Lec.BOIT NARBERTH Stene-and-framo dwelling, 8' roenv. detached: hlch greund: let 40x100; hefwater heat, electric, gas: 3 square from station; asparagus bed at rear; bargain at $75(10. H. C. FRIT8CIL Real Estate. Narberth. PaT MILLBOURNE Semi-detached 2H -story D room dwelling: het-water heat, electric: room for garage; 2 minutes' walk te Market st. leated: must sell, owner leaving city. FRANK W. MILLER. 133 8. 12th St. WILL BUILD houses te suit: plan new' rnady: will finance: choice, lets for anr style heuse: act promptly If you desire te lake ndantage of this offer. ORIFFITH. Pheno Lansdnwnn 1001. NAHHERTrT 18,100; detached 2M -story V-' room dwelling; h.-w, heat, elec , modern bath: lane let: near station; nice home.' FRANK WV MILLER. 133 S. 12th at. AKDMOKK ATTRACTIVE new stone home.; ery mod med ern: large lets and desirable locatiens: some with mortgages placed. Te Inspect thorn. Ren WM. H. DAVIS, office at station. Sen for rent. Llanerch 2J3. HI,A NEW HOUSES All stone, slata reef; larae let: geed loc; near train, trel., schools. ete, W. H. Sutherland. Bala-Cynwyd. Cyn. 242. rOLWN $4200 323 H. 4th st.; vacant soen: recently Impreved: 8-room brick home, electric; 23x100 te drive: nlcs location. BWOPB ft SON, 318 Main st.. Darby CBKHCKNTVILLK 713-I5-17-10 tlODFRKY AVE; 722-24-20 8ENTNER HT. Stene residences, 8 rms., bath, perch, all med, cenvn.i recently built. MALLON, OflA. HaAi CO.. 1008 Otn. ae. Cel 4370. OYNVYYI1 NEAUtINO completien: med. design; u bed- looms. 3 baths; hlirh ground; will bid, gar. W S Hutherlnnd. Ilala-Cynwtd. Cyn. 242. DKVON l'OUR attractive heu.es of distinction, cou ceu sult us. Treat A Treat. Wane, !. UKF.XF.L HILL WT: HAVIl several very attracllve home In Drexel Hill, priced at 813.300 te 122,0001 can be seen only by appointment with WALTER C. HHDlllNrr 30 S. 17th st Philadelphia. Founded 1882. l, ..... ,l, till 1 U.l I ... ' -it T .W,"J, r.ir. IHftOO ue. II hlrnaler QUI I ll....lg 'V f-'lV FOX CHASE Beautiful dot. eer. home ' A XYSWfSm rms.. brlch, h.-w. heat and all med. oeM,n;;', "VBJ .1 inln, te tre.ley or train! ll-car rjtJ3mM if;V." owner or, premises. Jehn JtfrsMaaW'.nRE'r ', 3a bins m WmWr T-ffl All lllaM tlliTholieT U' tM v fTJi BjaB, U HsTKaTT-a-a ."e m leBsffPWMHaWaCD .-".i,ff. T,Ahi .-& Wi w. ri? W- !, CK a. .m m $',. v' i 3 VJ 4 i 1 Hi Til v"! .1 4 Si kVTf3 "J "