! ,1 (3 a 'J-, ?' (' k : i I wi ; j w" rr .rfi7' ... il J WiA - - - -- .. NfcM5tpi$22 50 i 1VJ ''- J I W Silk Sdei IV. eyFerprtiahduhmurWear , IV Unparalleled Values y at $7.95 a. 'r Jf' H asl fllll LJ J 1 lit ' Beautifully mada, akirta of; finest quality Canten crepe, Beehanara crepe, Fantasi and Kumsi-Kumaa. " Plain SMrrid,'PUdted'md Bex-Pleated Medeh. AH frwfl ana many rrun f-ucircie and Butten Trimmings In contriatine-celor Btripe. and self stripes; dksand .plaids' and -c6lfa, and vin all plain c blocks well as white. "High" shades, black-and-white and T -A LU lfiwr .V.hri.irtHa Vlw MAVTAI. IW extraordinary Lft 'this' stage 'of the season at nuch a marvelettslv low. .pricai- - i)NEtLENBUR5S.J3cerfd Fleer . ' ' .' -TT Saturday i '. i',' Silk Specials Japanese Peniee KU S3 Inchea Wlrfa Warrantjkl te b flnt quautr tuyw; Cdrees in-a feed ahaae et or ntuwU colors'' Ilk. ecru $1.50 Black QQa Me8aaline."Yard; ts Indus wld .AU-sera Ilk, of oed weltnz. U an x. eellwit bUclc. $5.00 Crew $2.98 xnoreccttii, 37 40 Inehea wide. Silk' and-wool dress fabric, with crinkled or orepe wv. Very durable and faanlenable for Ui0 cemtna spring staaen.' A geed awertment of tha Twit pring colere ana disc. $3.00 Satin C1 QQ CharmeuseYdyf-057 40 Inchea wlda. All-elUc; vtrv flnelr weTen. with bead- tlfal Iueter. Cernea In black and a very large aeeertment of betn unt ana aarx eoiersv $3.00 Silk' B1 7Q Shiran, Yd .? u , 31 Inehea wide, - All-ellk . broadcloth, with handaeme satin atrlpea of oentraatlna colors. Ooed-looklns patterns rer men's anins. ' $1.85 Printed Foulard Silk, gl AQ x AIT1 t A very beautiful quality. e( thli much-wanted dress silk. In very effective new deelfna, ' Plenty of tha popular navy Diua. greunaa Sports Satin, SeeciaL Yard $2.39 40 Inches wlde.t' One of tha very beat Qualities ' of thla much-wanted satin ' for the making of modish sports clothe. In a large assortment of jperts colors and white. bNELLENBURtiS First Fleer Men! Biiy Underwear New at Half Price String ana Summtr WtkhtB-Wunbd Stylet $1.00BaIbriggan AQn Shirts & Drawers01' $1.50 White Gauze Cotten Union rjtn Suits 'C We purchased the entire Meck of Rexferd underwear irem ine nulla' reeeivers, at Prices way below the cost of manufacture. ford underwear will welcome this opportunity te buv lt'at JMf price. SnEunbDrSS Firt Fleer 'ly Tomorrow The Last Day of Our Sale of Deltah Rearl Necklaces At Just Half Reaular Prices Exact Reproductions Jfety clasps plainly IWIti Necklace UEBaaKfGtt&9fIam jTf--- - 1JT WiBaEk9lM&a 3?xMffi&ify&te&EPWaamw9am SmSmXWlStSiSf 1 s2fe??4sXjLJLjaJBaawllaSB and $9.00 18-Inch Strands at $4.50 $10.50 24-Inch Strands at $5.25 .$11.25 27-Inch Strands at $5.63 $12:00 30-Inch. Strands at $6.00 Necklace Diamond Symphony With Diamond emd White Geld SaSety Cla$p " ' $14.00 18-Inch .Strands at $7.00 Slrt.OO 24-Inch Strands at $8.00 $17.00 27-Inch Strands at $8.50 , $18.00 30-Irich Strands at $9.00 - SNEUENBURflb 'Fifs't Fleer aVBaCa&k-atLta.'l .ti.'t ATJjf 'bfttamt, . .7. .. fcf,a Jtfl C,.M L. !-. . . 'W'C, ivlV 7 in self colors as Bi Special Sale .Tomorrow of 'Women's ' Slipover Sweater Blouses Jumper1 slipover blouses in plain and novelty weaves and the newest striped ef fects. .All up-te-the-minute coloring! and color combi nations. Alse tha aniaifr. hew Navaje1 slipovers' in; a splendid assortment of pat-, terns. One shown.. ,. , , Splendid Attertmmt et Fiber Silk Scarfs, $2.95, $3.95, $4.50,- $6.95 and $6:50 In Ileman atrlpe, cross bar stripe, plain nnd nov elty cheeked effect. All colors. - SNELLENBURflS ., , .. Second Fleer New Girdles Te Wear With Sports Costume Special 95C Attractive girdles which give just the smart finishing touch te the new sports sweater, the new street dresses and suits. Combinations of metal and pearl, and In striking colors rea, green, ngni orewn una tangerine. SNELLENBURfiS, Dress'Trimmings Dept., First Fleer of Nature's Own Most Beautiful Gems, Guar anteed te Wear and Retain 'Their Luster; Will Net.Peel or Discolor Exquisite strands of lovely, indestructible pearls in glowing rose tints each strand in its own box, all equipped with marked with tne name Symphony r Daw9LssssV IHK vlaxar saaj 11 " II sun ml sfllaK 1 BOeWaVBanaajjjBjBnBN, 8NELLENBURG & GO. "'vXtyiM j ?1 tl Jfc t....,.. f?jLi, t- '3 Millinery Trimminff InijrHfleaeVuieiyef Style anijCelerHiff j4 Exttperdiitary Prke Reductions '. Fruit tad Flew Wreaths in a snlendld amy ff the newest colon and, color, comDtnanens. iiena; aam short spray wonderfully effective in "making1' th new hat. 85c te $1.00 EA Wreaths, Each. . OVi $1.50 and $1.75 QQ Wreaths, Each..01' $2 Wreatha, Each $1.49 All Kinds of Hat Sheetings . $1.50 t0 $4.98 yd Vlses, Kandee Clelh and Bugle Cleth la all colors. , Second Fleer Our Famous Nel05 ASBESI Silk Stockings Fer Women ; $2.00 Pair. Unequaled for Quality and Durability The.allk used, In tha making Is 100 pure. In addition te the double, welt, these stock ings have re-enforced blocks of garter attachments. Fasten the hose supporters In thai blecka aa shown In tha Illus tration, and you'll be rewarded with 100 service. In Blmck, White mtid Colen SNElLENBURflS "First Fleer ' Extraordinary r "lr,:Oeefr: Drapery Veils of All Kinds -Offering Splendid Anaertments of Styles and Celers at $1, $1.50, $2.00 $2.25 U $5 EMh In beautiful embroidered patterns some in combina tions of colors ethers plain color. Styles for large and small hats at practically every popular price. Special Let of 75c, te $1.50 Lace and Shetland Veils, RQn Each auc With wide borders. Black and colors. Maline,' Yard Kp Black aid all new "wl color. 1 Fleck-Dotted Veil OK,, Lengths, Each... tM In black and all color combinations. SneIUenburqS First Fleer, Prices Cut en Violin Outfits Fine Opportunities for Beginners: $12.00 Outfits, 6Q OR uuwviiu e e e $16.50 Out- 1 0 QK fitSpecial A.0 Wonderful Saturday val ues in these splendid Violin Outfits right in tha begin- ning of spring, when every 'one wants te "start some thing new." ' The ptycholeglcel time for parents te ttart their geunffstert "taking lettent" and eave enough en the inttrument te pay ter ttvr era! periods of inttruttjmt , SUde Whistles, , 25c te $L50 Ukuleles, $1.75 te $22.50 Banjo Ukuleles, $7.75 te $12.00 Mandolins, $24.50' te $32.50 Flat-Back 'Mandolins, $7.25 te $35.00 Guitars, $7.75te $14.50 Tener Banjos, $14.50 te $40.00 Music Stands, $1.15 te $2.75 Sheet Music Rolls, $1.25 te $3.25 .4fse a full line et cases for dl tntirumentt. SNELLENBUROS Fifth Fleer ' .1, aBaaiaV aBSBBBaaSXnPK ' SSBSBSBSBSBSSr ". aaar aaafll VAi'i- .tft, " , mf.i vi .r.ninii Rii.x . v ' mLJLSBS.XTZrmTJSSfrT iiw t9r ttTA9mTMr aV', - .a? i j t ft MaaaMjaMaaMaHiPiW -A ?, V aTsayaaasawssssBsBssBaaBaaBssaMii ' ' S. i . . , JlH'ftiJ n EtarivtSprin i Women's Beautiful Imported ; Japanese , . Kimends . Ready Tomorrow at $2.95 $550 ' Beautifully embreiderad in floral, and bird dealfae. Chaieaef all the wasted Cepanbaiien, light blue aid I plnkv Women's Silk Breakfast Coats ' In Lwetg Tue-Tene Meet '7:9519.75 Satin ahdNtalleta coats In many attractive styles, ruffled or pleated, and finished with rosebud trimming. Weman's Silk Negligees In Jtatsfar and Extra Slxen 9.95 22i5Q CreD. d. Chine. Satin and Crepe Meteer models, In slip over or open style, mostly In straight-line effects, finished with pleated girdles. Others ruffled and pleated some rib bon trimmed. In all the dainty boudoir Shanes. Women's-Negligees of Silk-and-Cotten Crepe At. Pictured $2.95 ea. 1lftAVf mnAta In all 4ha wanted shades, Including navy, black, Copenhagen, rose, light blue ana. pink. - Prettily fln lihed with ribbons. SneIlenburcS Second Fleer Wonderful Sale of Earrings Charming New Styles All 'Celers And RAP a Pendant, hoop and ball ef fects. In colors and color com bined with pearl or crystal Clear and opaque atones In avarv afiaAjhnnnhai. lnnla. t jade, Jet, pearl, the new lip stick red. and pearls -in every .variation of drop and cluster drop effect. A wonderful assortment the most varied ever shown at this popular price. Several 'Pictured Flexible Rhinestone-Set Bracelets, Special KQp r; ,. j Attrac , ejv tlva new jBt--""" novelty "Mfi mount meunt vT ,f7Tc Ings Jfe ' ' "'' stones ! of excep- nil if t tonal rljf V brilliancy, bNELLENBUROS First Fleer On 'Sale Tomorrow in Our Sporting Goods Stere Brand-New McClellan Saddles ' Which Actually Cost the Government $4730 At $15.00 Ea These splendid regulation russet saddles complete with hair girth, leather - faced stirrups, saddle .tree lined with sheepskin and a com plete -set of roll straps. They require no saddle blankets. y ' Pair of melal etirrupe with each eaddle. Especially Desirable for Use by U. av Reaerre Officers itctt eM Phene Order Filled SN&lifpURaSThird Fleer A, f (THiH ',!: -ii .. ..... . . 1 "s" " l r ""iPl-TBaBaBSBsBBJBJBBJJJ 14 i. M. .. . u . J r limMmtMAh, , u.i mtm Hoaseheld t&Yv ift:ei-i PurtkeM Prim tm V 8. Jt.rf-s 1A- h -H -TF1 f h " .'. - rmMrw at Bxtrmerdirmry Savings U.S:0-T?4TrtfliiKhaki Utility Bags A Pick Wirtfam MHek JS i 'flfceae,. Irench picks were i rf4. .. .w IT d rtnvarnment by the will-known Plumb h Ce., of Phiiaaeipnia. v"; anced,-cemparatively llsht for thWr driving power, and prac tically indestructible. ' fer ' ' Campers',, uOaHea.r, Varmers, alerts. 'far aU rina t CasuVatlaK and JCxeavatlag-fef Beating' Vp Waeaa aaA iDliUdstag Bteaee. Vail ' sPhent Orders FiAeit W They jfMtt. U. .8. --Government Weed' Utility Bexesx ' At'lUuMtrtted I Complete Separata Inaide Metal Case anU Cever Can Be Used .for Dozens -, of Purposes, , Which Could Net Be DuplkaUdferfZSS, f at 29c U. S. Gev't Aluminum Cooking or Utility 'Pans, WerM ?Se Each at 10c Ea. 1, .IV. These -pans were mad. In one of America's leading alum inum factories, and ax. excel lent for cooking meat or vegetables, heating liquids and canned goods : Urge enough te held two babies', bottles. -VCemplete with Extra Streng Riveted Suppert. Whleh Cam Be relded Vp When Net In Hill ant rhant Order Filled WMle The) Last. U.S. Gev't, High:Grade American Weed or "" Fire Axes Made of Drep-Forged Steel with 24-fn. Hlckery tiandle ." , Werth $35 Bach Splendid for chopping weed, for use by. firemen, house - wrecking squads, farmers an A, in .factories. U. S. GevH Utility Bexes, Werth $2.25 ft r in n at 50c Ea. And we include one pair of extra heavy steel Hinges that alone are uerth S5c. splendidly built boxes, slse jSttxliyftxllK Inches.. With three re-enforelng metal strap uunuB nu extra strong rope handles and coyer. Mall and phene: orders filled while quan tity lasts. Men! Fer Correct Posture and Resultant ' Health Belts & Braces The Secret et if any a Han't Fine Appearance The Belts, $5v and $7 The Braces. $2.00 - Professer Munter'a 'famous health, nduclng aprdtaneea will straighten you up In no time threw your shoulders out, your abdomen ' In, cause you te reain? dPly and aet your bleed te Olrculattnar fn.lv Try One Be fere Oettlng That " t, .N?.w "Prtag Bait BpeeUfT Fitting Roem ter Men, ONEU.ENBUW3P "woeBa trioet 1 ' i. --r 'JaU L it1, fiwvr r Jt Ill i - - ' Affc fsPiriii Lsf aB 'UassL La vJ tWemJfmmMa7 sbbb Saaaaaaaawamaaaaf N. SNSLLENBURG ft . . i . .,Jw...vf..J,ffi, WAStea .tSftK T I sWrf i &d fc-Sii. WWStaitMS. MgjjMassaeBBBaaaassssssssssss Utilities .i . . - Government eh Sale OrljinmUt Ceei the V. 8. uevernment ever lf ierR Heavy, well reinforced bags, slse 10xllx3V4 Inches. Made of- durable waterproofed canvas with extra heavy ad justable straps, brass clasps and buckles. Mall and phone orders filled. $2.00 Steel Garden , Spades, a75cEa. Made In one piece of eelld matt of Crener Steel without rlvett. U. S. Army Quart-Size Heavy Aluminum Canteens or Flasks Complete With Cever Nen-Lcakable 34c Werth Several Timet the Price Fitted with heavy cap and nen-Ieakable-. cover of heavy canvas nnd felt that will keep liquids het or cold for hours.. U. S. Gev't Barracks Tjtnnilrv KnffR v Werth S1JS Each at; 35c Ea- Streng, well-made bags excellent for sending clothes te the laundry, for Bey Scouts, campers, tourists, traveling men, laundries and hospitals. Sis. 11x18 Inchea As shown. Utility Bexes Werfft l!35 at 59c These Utility Bexes are ex ceptionally well made and have heavy metal corners, braces, two 1H-Inch hinges, H-lnch hasps anil Ueepars, and 2 steel bands around the body. Streng rope handles at each end. K-ln.-lane, 19V& in. wide, 10 Vi In. hlcli. U( or PApne Ordere Filled U. S. Government Cooking Sets. Heavy retinncd pets, with nen-rustabl covers. Marked at less than wholesale cost will last a lifetime. 2-qt. Size Pets, 79c 4-qt. Size Pets, $1.50 6-qt. Size Pets, $1.75 8-qt. Size Pets, $2.00 bNELLENBURGS Third Fleer On Sale Tomorrow in Our Sporting Goods Stere $22.50 25-Calibre Vest Pocket Automatic , Revolver $9.75 - Highest grade imported revolver with double safety attachments. Shown. bNELLENBURqS Third Fleer .- - , W Hsir Goods SpttUlU in Our Notion Department , , The Rese Real Hair Nets, 10c' Each, 3 for 25c This is, one of the most popular nets sold in our Notion Department and far superior te any selling else where at this low price. Single Meth Deuble1 Menh Cap Shape Fringe Shape All Wanted Shades of Light, Medium and Dark Brown, Blende, .Black Auburn, Gray and White. 5000 Pieces of OKp Shell Goods, EaTuV Including plain and fancy i hitrattaa. aid cemba. back combs, forward cemba, bepa' hairpins in sneu, ameer and gray. The Fashionable Psyche Puffs, 25C varu ......... In all wanted shades the larger puffs, en. en a card, the smaller puffs, two en a card. bNELLENBUROS Notion Dept., First Fleer Beys Here's the Famous Rensen Repeater The Absolutely, Harmless New Tey Gun That Flashes Fire Special at 2p23cc Fine for "Injun" and cowboy fights for Wild West Shows and movie thrillers. Just pull the trigger and the flame leaps out and each gun comes leaded for 5000 shots. Made of Nickel 50c Reloads of 5000 Shots 5c Each Guaranteed Harmless and "within the law" of every state. SNELLENBURCS Toytewn, Fourth Fleer Special Sale of Duet Piane Benches Ai $9.95 Ea- Geed-looking well-constructed benches finished in mahogany, oak, early Kngllah and light walnut. bNELLENBURGS Fifth Fleer We Are Exclusive Depart' ment Stere Distributors of Supreme" Werd Music Rolls, 49c Advance Sale of April Numbers Geed-by Shanghai. . Jutt a Little Lave Beng, tittle Gray Sweetheart of Mine. Old-Fashler.ed Girl la a, Glng- lieai Qewn. Flek Me Vp anl Lay Me Down In Dear Old Dixieland. Bie Nights. Smllln'. Who, Dellercd In Yen. Yen've Had Your Dny, I Get U, You'll Get It. AU That I Need I Yeu. Carolina Beiling Stene. My Mammy Knows. Advance April Numbers in Ideal Rolls, 35c ea. Boe-noo'Hoo. By the Old Ohie Rlmre. Carolina Beiling Stene, Dear Old Southland. Georgia Bess. Ooed-by Shanghai Jest m X.IUU Leve Seng, Kitten en the Keys. love's Ship. Marie. 'l'i My Mammy Knows, On the Gin' Gin' Olnny Shere. Flek Me Vp and Lay Me Down In Dear Old Dixieland. Tell Her at Twilight Virginia Bines. ' Waaa (When I Wanna Yen N. Waaaa). , bNELLENBURGb Fifth Fleer X BS fcj. . IHiflil. , i fi tl) 7 r-'I 111! BU Vel This M ail L J. a- MpiendU Prt-Mer Sate of , Revb! Furnisiiings Bk)uef,Ea. Of goedrgrade white 'madras, made with: cel lars attached and in ,neckband style, with soft .cuffs. Sizea 6 te 16 yeara. Other White Blouse at 84c, $1.47 and $1.7 Pretty New-Striped Blouses at 64c, 94c. $1.05 and $1.59 ' Beys' Brand New -SL24 1200 of them Jusi In. The newest spring patterns. Of Harmony Percale and finer-printed madras, made with cellars attached and In neckband style, with soft turn-back cuffs. Sites 12 te 14. Other Splendid Shirt Values at. 85c and $1.79 Beys' White Silk Four- irf-Hands, 48c Each Beys' White Windser' Ties, 40c, 48c & 74c Ea. Special Sale of Beys' Silk and Knitted Four- An in-Hands,Ea. In all the newest color combinations Including the popular College and Reg imental Stripes. SneeenbDrgS First' Fleer ' i 6000 Pairs of Men's Mercerized and Pure . Silk Socks At Very Special Prices 50c Mercerized Socks, , 29c $1-50 Finest grade mercerised lisle socks- with double soles and extra-spliced heels and tees. Spring weight Celers Include black, cordovan, navy, white and gray.; 75cOnyx Silk Socks,' Pair 59c Heavy quality pure-thread silk socks with double sole, and extra-spliced heels and tees. All new spring colors and black. bNELLENBURflS First Fleer These Beautiful Big Blooming Pansv Plants Grewn Especially ter Snellenburg's 12 Plants in a Bex for 79c mvrim Full Line of Garden Seeds bNELLENBURGS Flower Shep, First Fleer Sale of Women's Solid Geld Rings Very Stunning' Styles Newest Lace-Effect Mountings Imitation Pink Sapphire, Ruby, Tepax, Emerald, Am ethyst, Sapphire, Aqua marine bNELLENBURGS First Fleer Special for Saturday Silver-Plated Fruit Bowls Special $4J5 Beautiful geldMlned bowls. with pierced border. Bright IIIIIBII. OIIU1.H, . bNELLENBURGS First Fleer 5 t Lf aW :N. SNfeLLlrfBURG ft COj 'jililjf' " TJf" .'" 'll"f.rii'l Splendid N r 'rt dtl Coats for Of Fnratmann )''j!ti.y, Guaranteed iUinpMef tSbWttw In Specialty Designed, Plain- ' Tailored Styles Most Becoming te Larger Women at $42.50 ea. Splendid coats which have all the ajlvanaaaa t4 si raincoat without any of. the diaadvantagea. Fer lOOK ane xeei aquauy wen in rainy or sunshiny weather and are par ticularly smart and practical for traveling, metering, waex-enaragi and general knockabout wear. In several geed shades. Sices 42tt te 56 Vs. Shown. Full Line of- New Spring Coats, Capes and Wraps for Larger Women $19.50 te $145 All the newest and best Spring colorings, styles and fabrics. Sports, regulation and Mt.uf.k1., m AIaH.. n.lWMa velaine. marvelle. Pelret twill, Include black, navy, cinnamon, Sorrento, brown, beavar and Cepe. Sizes 42 te 66 V4. Skirts in Extra Waistband Sizes $5.75 t0 $12.50 Skirts cut net only with, wide waistbands, but with additional fullness through the hips. Pleated models of prunella cloth, tweed and pineapple cloth i:laln tailored styles in serge and tricetine. V Time for Men and Yeung Men te Order Their New Custom Tailored Suits for. Easter Here Is Philadelphia's Finest Value at $37.50 Suits That Other Philadelphia Tailors Are Pricing at $65, $70 and $751 , Brand-new styles for spring, 1922 expertly tail ored and carefully finished throughout, te the last de tail of the making. Choiee of a complete line of the new spring woolens, including, serges, tweeds, hemespuns, plain and unfin ished worsteds in stripes, checks and mixtures. New est and best patterns and colors. Suits ordered new will be made up and held until desired. bNELLENBURGS Third Fleer New for the New and Increasingly Popular Nat fenaf Spert Pege! Strongly Built Pege Sticks in Sizes for Everybody Beady In the Sporting Goods Stere At the Following Popular Prices Pege Sticks, flQ AA Childrpn'e Sl &OeVJ Pore Sticks, Yeung Felks' (JQ Kft Size DOeDJ Pege Sticks, Adult Size. . . Pege Sticks, Extra Heavy. 84.00 S4.50 Come in and see the Jem-ena'rmn-then (rw your skill there's nethinn Jim. cult about Pege every one c. learn and every one will benefit by the splendid, invigorating exercise! bNELLENBURGS Third Fleer . A Greup of Delightful Softly Becoming Brightly Colorful And Only $5 and $6 Such -charm'ing little hats at these prices and the variety offered allows you te cheese practically any type, Bhapc and color you prefer. There are big soft straw hats, flower and ribbon trimmed. And smaller styles combining 'Canten crepe and novelty braid. Then for dressier wear, Georgette models with straw facings, trimmed with ribbon loops and spring's gayest flowers. We Picture One Medel We Have a Splendid Line of Children $250 te $5.00 Cunning little novelty ings and shapes which iiuwer trimmings. Ana ther charmttuf :n cometne styles, tee jn assortment ven'ii want. n .u kw. buying your little girl her bNElLENBUfccS i .,... 150 mmm JV 'rT .V-WT they dressy MM.. tricetine and jcrsre. Colera bNELLENBURG Second FteOr Oj h Our Snellenburg Special Seft Hats for Men In AU the Best . Spring Styles At$2.65 Our own exclusive origina tions cannot . be duplicated elsewhere. In excellence of quality or smartness Of atyl. Under 13.60. In' all shades Including the, new beach, tan. Other Fine Sftring Derbies and 'Seft Hats, $3.65 te $5.00 Jehn B. Stetson's Derbies and Seft Hats, $7.00 and $10.06 Men's New, Spring. CIeth Hats, $1.85 Men's and Beys' Spring Caps, 95c te $2.50 Splendid Line of Spring Hats and Tarns for Beys and Children, $1.50 te $3.00 bNELLENBURGS First "Fleer These Tep Surface Cowhide Suit Cases $5.95 Cannet Re Duplicated Anywhere Near This Price 74 and SS Inch Rites In Black, Brawn. Tan and Cordovan. Thene suit cases were built for service equlpatd with In side shlrtfeld, inside cowhide straps and compactness. bNELLENBURGS First Fleer Unusually New Hats braid models with lUklaty?1 straw and fabric. Tailored) "Easter bonnet" T ' i i 8.4 Fleer, MUUaery -. . . r , V . S .' l 11H . y Ki . K.SV j . jmmxm fir am j9 j J 7 W kfw lsk asLsT n-lfl ' 'M MS JlaAftVCV r 1 '" JaBSSSBSSSSSL SSmmmmmmmmmmmmmW n jt J '-1 W 4:.' w, I fV i n . r .j m- -. tv-MJ ..AkAt' ji V1 ' !i m . 5&1 ivVf'J 1 'Si . 7W. m .Hi T JUi A V.4 -v- ii n M '. m S3 i- jTfJ ?& t3 , 'fl TJ1 'I M iM m M rV4 I'ti w TP h K'&ey'k ' v .ij