PUSVeVS &Wii:.WnCWiMrsmm. tgMFtKYWiKWlTlT 1 T. J .lltViTl j'Sat . . m&Ck i:2Xvc,rr&M! ii7jp.iiv A.i'Hu,t'.jjiK'.:i .. v.;ivw wsr v ii-mtm.!!- ..,J..; c snrjwnrf ' ,t '.-IT-V i WVdhVHAiU'AirlMf FV ": "." U Wf 5 WVPl'iV'. .Tr-'T." . '-A,MiJ.. i ; ,i . ,-wr:uv'iW T t l tk' .'iKWIMWiU'm in nil AjI wVr. ;.V(f", bbs m, ssa smi ikii.ivt'A l.sas j -shiu mar.-. UTiaulW V .X?lJiaA- 'rAuwtnx Km yn.kvf'i , ?x;'K Wmm. : 'imm PMO.'. 7Jvr&.W7r m -! . ,, " e It v Trr IP l. . ....... f ' "V.1S1 vetSSSS ant. . r.'. -.'. -.:'. .. , . j, . 111, J- ..vW,W- Stera'HtfB,A.l&tlt30P.M. -jr ntrBBffilS " ."- & fjttf' u WEI Jfr ".. 1 Radie; Headquarters Gimbels. Government, permit, for broadcasting, was Issued simultaneously te' two store, but in supplying sets and parts for home .equipment, Gimbels lead. MARKCTCHESTNaT: C1GHTH $INW 4' mmW B 'riw aiMtl liW.V,' ' Ht , .,v. ' i'm i r dt "'"-v. orrew Tomorrow. Fer Tamvrrpw " Twi HunirtdtMere j , '.. e AjT-,' JS. -"j'tj .V A. v. ' Ww y lu sMz&imimysBW fta&a? J vtttScKsw'tfjn wttMjMmtM im I w I IV 4 D IT I HUfWUWMW'rv:: m. Ivfl Fa B7'' I DMHOMtritlen amy day J . He, J&tfTO1 W "Wi?W.j5 " .ss" si a avshefr' SfcM.ss i m i .f i i ." HI V! V , - ' jv r 'y. Men's Ku diid AtGitaibels $60 Electric Portable Sewing Machines , $12 Ope(pium Fur Chekers'9 4V . v i.ail' tJ,v J ..in ft". r . VRl u t.'W,t: " " , ' a. c irtm.t ' i. ,. euits for Spring mMBw : . 1 .. flSJsrm sjsai ,rj, :, gim Mm mm 1 5k I T KLTf 1 -Ifa w ?rruii f I I Mah $39 Less Than Original Wholesale Cost 2-4 3SBBaBs?i Se great has tlie demand been for these electrics that we've been unable te secure as many as we would like. But we have enough for a day's selling. At $39. Weekly Terms $ Ne Interest 1 Five Famous Demestic Make Sewing Machines at Lewest Prices in Town! HaLaW. gBMEaaaaaaBwliyw HjHkMSMMBjUS $60 Singer : $39 Slightly Used $59 New Willard Cabinet : $47 7j, ?':' '. ''.' Mil f"' x V""' '." '' ', SaiMatsr'J- $49 New Heme : $31 Fleer Samples '. '"" " ' - ' ill" PUMiiyii ' r i .!. 'ft', .,..... - ... .'.'' V -V... ft.'!lWKl vaP 'Wf','f:9Q3Lx ' v ' v,.V. nP fi MaatiiaiTaTrT " ' $65 Demestic : $55 BPTC!MM7,ll"Tvv"'!val1"1"1"1"laTiv7"1l1,M,HP,PT1 ;iji :H:s-w:ii4'!,!i'!::-HaMHlH':!':'!:!-' 'J' "tilri'!r:,.'!.i.:;::!:-y':ig,(1w,:jK.1:'!,i'i:!ii,;;l!:. i -i H eMsejMl""ifcr ' ' ;J! !j: jWi&-" : IH.'!:!.'!: ineaflHaVHaVaHHaMavHal0li9a9KS $39 Demestic : $19 Slif htly Used aa aeawsr . ",iT 'ri5MsCtu i-Wv. . , fiiiife tiwftmmr- IhUm -1 w-AeTW Sale of Women's Coats, Capes, Wraps and Sports. Coats ; Fine thawtheen belivia makes 'most of the capes and . dreaay wraps. ',.'' Trieetia makes a beautiful .cape model ( ChiacMUa makes a perfectly stunning sports model. ( Taa rfttMng cloth makes a typical English sports coat. " The Caps and Wraps are te be had in black, navy, deer, henna,' ladybird and beige. ' The Spert Coats in tan or rose. ' ' GlmbtU, Salens f Draat, XMrS Ami-. at $7 ''.And hew the first let were snap pad up Isst Saturday 1 Made in the fashionable double fur, ene-ikin' animal style. Mounted head. Brush tail. Baurt-marten and stone marten colorings. ' GlaMt, mm eer. BfBWwak. jrraj. 4 Girls9 Capes With the New Fringed, Throw Threw Tie Cellars Special at" $6.95 - Se Special" That They Exactly Reproduce a $13.75 Original! Sleeve-slits for her arms te wriggle through. Deuble-breasted with a double row of buttons. Rese, tan, and blue. And the perfectly, grown-up way Miss Six- te-Fourteen throws one end of her scarf-cellar ever her shoulder, tells hew much she likes it! Glateb. Ssltnt f DrtM. Tklri fleer. Sk $6.95 The Smartest, Smartest Misses' SUITS Sale-Specialed at $19.75 at $25 and at $29.75 Twenty-five styles distributed among the price-groups. All tweeds in each. All the fajhienable shades of all the fashionable colors in each price-group all the tans, the sitids, the cafe au lalts, the browns, the grays, the roses, the corals, the helies. the orchids. , Capes with skirts. Capes with dresses that have kilted skirts. Coats with skirts. Sleeveless coats with dresses. Man-cut. Man-tailored. Man-finished. Man-press(j. 14-, te 20-year sizes in each style. Otabeli. Salam of Dru. Third fleer. 9 iumSSS ft ! gSJ"" ST n QSvvSjv i . $25 The Fact That There Are Thirty Styles in Women's Suits at $25 Is Just One Reason of Many Why Gimbel $25 Suits Are Famous These are some mere reasens: Gimbels are first with' newest suit fashions; Gimbels have mere color-variety in this color season than anywhere clse in Philadelphia or 'New Yerk; All Gimbel Suits are man-tailored and expert man-tailerfng. All sizes 34 te 48 are adequately provided for with the right lines. Twe- and three-piece styles. Com plete dress with cape or sleeveless dress with cape. Caps or Ceat with Skirt. $23. ' N Glmbeli. Salen of SStei, Third fleer. MS jrV jits. !,M :' i' ;!.:;': iB :!iH.'!V.i-BxitV::sVt::!-.tli.-i:.::'-!:: I'::!' pmm rpSJ At V Ml s $25 f, ' Gimbels, Are Philadelphia Agents Clethes of high standard consistently main tained, as te all-wool materials, fineness of fabric, ,' Quality of making and. accuracy or fit. Clethes that mark the well-dressed man dignified styles for conservative tastes and snappy models for young men. t " ' r 7 Kuppenheimer and etitg iBranb Men't and Yeung Men's ) $OC Quit Qrter-Unc4 ( tjtj euict: silk-piped ) " Twe-, three- and four-butteh' models; single- and double breasted; also sports models, fewest worsteds, veleurs, tweeds,, cheviets, serges and flannels. Other Suits up te $60 Men's nrt0ty 3ranii Suits SsHIIHasI"' ' li .BssssssssssssW. LsbbbbbbbbbbbV BBBBBBBBSn ''BsssK jV ' LessflsW' ' ssHIHbV 1 ssssssVIBssm v . SaHSSSlrfl ( 'Lbbbbbbbbbbbb!bbbbV J iBaBBBBBBBBBVBBBl' ' 4BBBBBBBBBBBff H isbbbHbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV BbbbI:.' OTfaBssssssssBssHsseBsssr m. sXaaBBBQsBBBBBBBBBBSslaBBBBaBBBBBBV Ssp sVssj rUisaBBBM - Hi 'i aBsssssssSsBBsBssssal f isbbbbbbbIibbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI VSBBSSBW'aBSBKH ' ll-aBVBB' sIBBSmMsec'') SSBBsW aSBSSsV Brand SSSSSSW BBBaBBBBA sW- ln iIsvbbbT W'H 'sbW ; y P" v In a Clearance of All 'Medium Weights Mostly Quarter-Lined and Silk-Piped New 9C fTre 0, $f , Frem Other Sources of Supply pS" mm; eiffi Here Are $6 and $7 Ready-te- Wear Hats at $3.95 Jf(W The favorite Milan-heme shanes: in roll-up brim, drop-brim and poke-shapes, with the .new dented crowns. ' .. Trimmed with the 'fascinating "padded fruits" apples or grapes or cherries (or any thing!) made of silk and stuffed jte shape. Glmbeli, Flrit aal Third floen. Uf( tpvv ' The clearance also includes ether Gimbel medium and balance of our regular winter weights. Deuble-breasted and single-breacted and sports models. All at 125. ' Spring Tep Coats, $25 And Lehdon-Made Gabardines Snappy new tweeds and cheviets; iridescent! worsteds. Special, at $23. "; Londen-Made Overcoats ) $ And Gabardines at Fews of a KindAnd Just Off the Beat '$35 n U.!i) Cheviots and tweeds; West-of-England coverts and gabardine's. Set-in and raarlan sleeve's. Deuble-breasted, belted. A irreat assert- , ment! ,$35. s '" -OlBi'bli,v8cond'flenr,"Miitli fclrttl! Peel Tables Half Price Clean-up Fer cottages, bungalows and summer houses Speelal BegnUr 3x6, $31J5 $635 3x6, with rack, S37J5 $74.75 3x6, best, $43.75 $101.00 3x6&, best, $495 $106.75 4V4x9, $100.00 $200.00 34x7, best, $52JS $117.50 Glmbetf, Fearth fleer. t 1 ! 1 BBBBBBBBB SKS9PV v J Ml ""V 'v unL. Famous Waltham Wrist Watches $19.75 $35 Value A fine 15-jeweled movement, cased in a 20-year guaranteed geld- filled case. An excellent timepiece and fully guaranieea. Glmbeli, Geld Jcwelrr Shep, Hrirf fleer, 18,000 Pairs of Women's Lew Shoes At $4.10 a Pair Makers Meant Them te Bring $11 Spring's smart 6perts oxfords, walking oxfords and brogues. Alse strap and dress enects. M VflBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBkoeStC ?4bbsbbU Alse Women's Lew Shoes, gO OA ) IjllllUV short lines and broken sizes, at GUnbete. Shoe Stert. Second fleer. M 1000 5-lb. Bexes Asserted Chocolates at $1 a Bex Comprising nougats, caramels, marshmallows, pecan tops, maple, walnuts and ethers centers, at Jess than half price $1 for the 5 lbs. Highest-grade Crystallized Canten Ginger, value $1.26, E0. Mb. boxes at J OOC 50c Cream Almonds, 1-lb. boxes at 28c. Glmbeli, Chestnut Btreet Annex and Bebwajr Stere. Full Over-Size Columbus Cord Tires 8000-Mile Guarantee Adjusted en Selling Prices These tires are built for service and they give it! , Men's Ties- Four-in-Hands at 75c Bew Ties at 65c Made of Italian Twill This is a serviceable silk with a geed body, and makes a correct knot. Figures and color:dots en contrasting grounds varied cheesing in geed patterns. 65c for Bew Ties. 73c for Four-in-Hands. Glmbelf, Flret fleer. Ninth Street. Specials PF" 34x4 $27.40 32x4 33.50 88x4 34.28 34x4 35.12 30x3 $14.40 32x3 20.40 32x4 25.95 33x4 26.72 37x5 . STOP SIGNAL Regular $5 Step Light, complete Wire,, Switch and all tfi or? Fittings. Special at J I (4D -0 Glmbeli. Fourth fleer. 35x4 $36.16 36x4 36.92 33xG 41.72 3ex5 43.80' ... $40.08 Norfolk Suits With Extra Pair of Knickers for Beys Frem 8 te 18 Years $12.50 Many models, carefully tailored from fine quality all-wool cassimcrcs 'in neat gray or brown mixtures, or stripes. Coats are mohair lined, most of the knickers have belt and buckle. Junier Suits Frem $5 te $10 Fer boys from 3 te 10 years old. Oliver Twist models with bread-fall trousers, Middy styles and Junier Norfelks in blue serge, tweeds or cassimeres. Beys' Overcoats, $10, $12.50, $15 Sizes 3 te 12 years. In tweeds, pole cloths or blue serge. Glmbeli, Third fleer. ml )&&iVU fit i.' Mm ami' Jill MB1 VMS' t M : In the Subway Stere Girls' Spring Coats With Tarn te Match Special at $13.75 The new "rough stuff" coatings. Favorite sports model, with four big patch pockets, and the all-popular belt. And the tarn is the cutest thing imaginable! Other materials ether styles included in the let. Girls' $10 te $12.50 Tweed Coats and Capes at $7.50 ssV!w sra T. it- The new spring colors. All sizes 0 te 14. Olaihelf, tiubVr Stere Tomorrow In the Subway Stere 2700 Pairs of O U f sC1 0 Sale- jnvLJ Beys' Girls' Children's Priced at $1.95 The sturdy type of shoe that takes the knocks and "comes back" for mere. The uppers are of soft pliable leatheryet "tough." Perfect-fitting lasts. Remarkably strong soles. N Any size at $1.95. 2000 Pairs of Women's Lew Shoes $1 and 96 Values Patent leather and kidskin. $1 Subway Sf ere-New Spring Styles are Here! ivIm' .Vm.m r!IV'e L1". vavaa e suiu a vuaijj ivacia e sSZ Tep Coats and Suit $15 : $20 : $25 The Suits' Have Extra Trousers All the new features will be found in these stylish suits two- and three-button sack models with soft roll lapel. Ctnll. .! J t-l I. A-J Blues, browns, different tones of gray. mWM And herringbones, and mixtures. &WA .,p0-r-siea,,-Berge' cassimeres, cheviets and tweeds, $15. $20 and $25. i i! "5he At! Bre medfum weights; quarter silk lined. About half are conservatives. $15, $20 and $25. Beys' All-Weel aqcA Norfolk Suite ii7.O0 With Extrm Pair of Knlcken' Mehair-llned. Spring styles. Fer boys of 7 te 17 years. OUbi, Subwif Stere. s - V, . nJBSBsBBBBBBV . t. tV 1 i JiflBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV'Tt. ,' ... , . , Hk" v fissssissssssssiialiaM ' I " i lii i 'tfM, ...,, tMJi SfeAi , ,J Hi ion. .-..:. ii-.v WrtLAOSffii.4.'M m mJ' . r Jcv' m 'sWBPflr Ji riff ml Ml MmnrM m 'm ' lli V " ,' ' " i&&M&&k&m&&t&Mte i KUAdaiflaieSBBBBSUUiU'-UaBaUail