r(7ffw IIIPKilfliaHnliualRBLiHD e MfiV (',..' 'l... .... v .,.-' . ' ., '.T'n'TT'.r' ,,,rw..,"T.-??TPg.m'rn;,irrflvl--r dinner. .. . .,.. ., ..'. IS wn?n it w'-rTO.KaH Cr mv Mind net te .wamterlnc. 'it occurred, te me til of Kddftt t tha whole world naa eeta ea ta .. AL& all...-. fMMUMtt ... te n.ae "" i :Vi y i ' " f, tfiOrOUIUlf KUtvfum uui miy- .. i VI.U . alM.1.ul UkM 'tThe OHVea as 7 "'"JEi l a faraway iw nj,w. j.b r Thti for entire Was. packed In. the rf of Jujutni. me.Wce in the Map j, travel four thtmnd mllea from New Mexico. Oklahoma and ether ite bad contributed our farerite Vl . ... J -t-NTtt..... 1J u.j !.. he great mweib w h w, uu uwh ww.ruS""Lrr..w .' a itnzen different kinds of bread. rUraxil agriculturlata day in and day it bad carefully Inspected and tended ilrconee an cucuji"i..i. t niu " . 1 - LI .11mI H.UL aaalaliala Aav are a aeiciaoie umu wu. uu w Finish ui." The sugar win wmcn we inrteteaeu It rnine from Cuba. And the r.i. ...i fruit WHIMi ftnmn at in Sunched and tlie "cigars which ethers ilm ithr frete across our continent Eh across the ocean from tome distant Hd.. A. ., ... . twAnd vet. 1 ueugni, au w s merely StI smallest part of what the whole EWerld IS censiRuiaj uuiui wt u. fl .Millions of men are working all the Mte mane ub gvuwuicu mm ww a. .. !.. ...Ba I. .laa. haIhh taeie. ira u" " " -"" """i " in tne mountains, in On the farm, in the mine, In -tnrUn tilth UD vv"",t -r . . Wices and yorksheps, in erery neon and Mniir of our glebe, everywhere people -.1 ..J- a ft- tfint it n tnflw ha nhlA .'Tar pcriiui ii ,t - - VH MVBw (Ktt 1IT6 saieiy, Beuiiu.y uhu uupiiiij, ii. rf.nfl(. nreserved dish and ecrhapH the 'undertaker would overtake you. A bit' lie car that takes you 'rUe work or of the man who, runs It V..t -m -vmilil never nsnln artnie about "tht League of Nations. , i4 .mil. iH Attn ilila DAff A fliln atA :X'1BB - IUUV WHO DVl K V .H WV trlty of the people who rUMem hhDDenn is .fairly geed .evidence fihit the vast minority or tne people wbe Wnlater te out Vell-bclng de their job BBJawJI iwi? , .:. , 'JBvAL' awaIjMlLMaaaB(ia(UaaBljMaBaBaBasBVM 'VaM'AfJjBBlBjiBjBBjBl ' 'Vital fBjIBBJI t--SJSSBaBlJBSBBBBBBSBBSBBBaBHeilM - , ''..nBaWiitJMW BSjaVjl . 'BjbwjbVJ . 'vral.H VVj' Ia r.ggjafiVgWIY aViVM ( V.VJBVJ ..tf IM 7, . ' AV I Jt ijgH" gagagaHJgBrgH.Kc'; B vlrt ill 1 1 Man-Ne w BBBBBBBBBBBBBH e BgaH BBBgaH BBBBgBgBgfl I RilP - ReaJe With BV.BJBVJ.' SjBVagBV.gBV.BjBW" ' .,.. ,4- BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBM I SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBP . ( .iffgTgTgMiTgTgTgT L BBBB itfK.''iiri '.a a;' t ...' Wi'tr. .,'. . V- i' utirttii - ----- - r J1, J"trTlllfflflTiBnigBlgfflBI H 1019-1021 Majffeet St :.' . --U f ' i.i ,i fj fLii-M lit, " . - .,-- n&Vj r.f t'j ii ft , ' , , , 9 ', - v ' -- - - - .. . , ggggggggggggggggggggggfl BBBBBBBBBIBltlll.BBBBBl SJSJSJSJSBJf gffBBBBBBBBBJ 7 JSJSJSJSJSBB SBBBBBB- Bl BBBBBB1 "BBB BBBBBB BBBBBBBBJ ' BBBBBBBB . JaliJal -" Vjb'bVJ b 1 .bBjbBJ . bjbjb. aliJBliJB X. for jtasiier-iii U'lmisdentleusly and well. And it Is Kkmlr right that we return the cempll- .w.nt! that we see te it that tne tblm m are deinr will glve the satisfaction & mKPt te tret from the thlntrs ether Tk J 1.. a .ha. Alaaija aa.lll Va . ytaeOPie ero UOIUK, IUUL UiCJO Kill UO I1U v&ese for complaint se far as we are iWUCtrHUU IU um ,1-viasi ww -te u I Jfte JOD we aru nwifucu w uv iuuuu rt were doing it ier our ewu Bt-ivi-H. And after all that is what civlliia- pn is It is merely a scneme ier secur iV thn sld of our fellow man. ''Oil we ere savages It would be differ .W With the savace It is a case e' ' trery man for himself. He has little r no thought for his neighbor. He ffT(8 no aid, asks none, and is little "titter than or above the animal. The ?ct that we are dependent upon our VlaiiAs. man that, wn let him work for eand in return work for him, Is what kes us civilized. , .,,.-!. tks mam wVin aulmnci nln nnrn 4nVi .,h0 does net de his level best at his Own yfaiki. who fails te work for ethers as tfli n-cre the ethers, is nothing mere lw 'less than a camouflaged savage. i is out of his habitat. And he ought be deported either te Africa or te bushmen of Australia. the Waist en i( its Wax HemeY rj i JJJJe waist'ine is a great tourist. Ist Water it booked te the hips and even wend that. New, however, there are Fns that it is en the eve of buying fe return mp ticket. Bevcrai or tne rls designers notably raised the waist a among these being the great house In the type of dance frock shown f sew the waist has always been rather Ijeae keeping. And this sort of model, w it said, is maintaining its position aaeag all newcomers. The wide skirts l these picturesque frocks nre, often lyi? l.5nanr lnyer of material, and C..i . y.ll?,wrf et net lac. crfiP0 ""d tin individual tints are lest in a tea ks tllnt nf pnlne Wus the above charming dress places ejra co or georgette ever blue satin, Jj ffies te the skirt n panel of corn 2i,r n'l "liver lace. Frem this point Intl. ...v.. v. uuu-vuiuiiu KruBKra.u 18?- ' each Punctuated with blue saUn l2?.T.nlv?ater5.d b brilliants. Jirilllants Mether satin flower. CORINNB LOWE. OOLP IS BAMnrDfiiie . 5m Br!,'S'n'n(r Physician leek you evr Sw thtTniS correc,lve esorclae If you "innSrteiT Phlca Training . v. tvi. C. A- 1411 ARCH HT. OPENING WEEK Marth 34th te sut Candy Specials AT M'l i i 'riiRinsen s Ntw and BttUrtDnt Sltt 147 S. Bread St. Ferrut Theatrt Bleck Open AU Night L&i 1BI.,w.,,s As.' M lb. ChoealaVal "ti. Rea. Prl n Ih. n-.ui.i. iSKS- H. IU, " rrlee. a'an LiO with A. Special $pe. Talaakau WiUMl UN v Greatest and Best Collection- of - 'I ' J . w . tlkhine Ever Known in Philadehhia Tomorrow Cheese 'T" " . " . . , Fi rem H i L-igW Open Every Evening Ai2HgagBgBgB rl'miiaBlMHBBgM 'a.iav aBgatBgalBgBlw alB"BB"BHBf'B.B"BlBBwM UB::.'3ilBBBKiaaBBa . . I BJ a-BJ rlli 'bbbbbbW - ' 1Avl '.bT H r '&H.BaaBBaaaW -aw H Bwf y hB9BBBBBBBBI aBT Bfl BB B7 VSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB jVHB. HHUBBgnl A.n bVbVbVbVbVbWX iBBK9BBBBjJgjBaBBBBBBBBpBBftBBa. BVSsBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBk -BmHlMHBBHW7aiBBaBH9BaKHL BT BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB, aBHBBBBSBBBBflBValffflSBVBmBlSBVaT & ' JBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBw&nBBPBBBLfgBB BV ABBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB f ABBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBKTKgmgTSKBBBBBkBsaBBWyBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB AaaHtBBBBBBBBBBBBBH?l3ilB9H. aBaBV.BV.BV.BV?BSK'SB BKMaaftVMIBVB VaBV? BaTVBBBBBwSBBBVBVBVBvMaBvB TBVBVBVBVaBvk SbIR M'm9aBaiBVjBV.BV.BVSBV7 V.bV.bV.bV.bV1 lSMSk !ftilSBVaKaBWalllllllllllllB WaP.aVaV.BVal J0lal.B H aVDatr -:---v g.M;:;. gffiMBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. aaaaaaaaaaaatal aVaf aK:'"N BV.aV.aV.aV.aV.aV.aV.aBBV.aV.aVfl aWBT itW ''-'la'aV 'l&Aki?BaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl l''':MSMVaVlVAValVa.ValVa.ValVa.Va.ValVM -jJgaWgBJBJgaMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMJ Stere iPfiiiiBMBH Orders , El pBVH' ' Accepted 1 flHHilB IniSnaHPaikftJiB. ' ' Ml iST B,nlfflB.a.a.a.a.aTBWPaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV wantHBBPHv WW s.salaaaV aaaaaaaaaaaLaaaaaaaaiB 1 ::''"aBBBBBBBBWJ BVaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBa) VfX i:-lii-:iil-W R..H ll tKrBTaBBBBBBaf aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBal al afgdSaBBBBBBBaV bIbIbbIbIbIbIbV la. II IligBgi ImglmBmV 11 BamaaV HaamgamaV U - ILILmH fclg.msH 11 . PVfaBBBBBBBBaf fH fg'S ii ?a9aBaBBBBBB Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaj a'K iitkaBBBBBBBBBT BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBb! M BbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV BWbVbVV ll aBLaBBBWBBVBVBVavV aMavVaflBVlBBBBlSBVBW jlRV HamamS MPJBB A 2a?aaaaaaHnk "J"' tataatatataV. ?. v;fl 'iatPJaaaaTartlOlf '9jaBBTaVaB7JaKaWaBWaBWaBWaBaBWaBWaBH AyTaVBEcsnKnCaaLi i auZT?ajrjPaBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl 'attUUBVEtKiaJBnS aaBaViiUBaaVaHBBVaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB itaWmVaBBWa ''SsJi. YbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbwIVI . aVFIE ' vaaaak TiVf OneandluJoPcurefJPcints & a4.l.amP.am r f" aaV BaaaV W-HHaa bbI BaBtBaBsaBBBv "afll "P ' " At Prices That Save Yeu At aaaaBBaBflBBaBBBat) v BBBBBBaafa1aBWaaalalallaaaWa aVVafaSlBffSBaBBaBBBBatBBanM BVaaaBaaBalBaaBMaVBBafBVaaaa1 ValaaaBBaBBBBtBaMBaVafaaBBaBBa alaa-aaaaaa leact $B.AA fn $1 A AA fff -" " iiiBBittBiaBaittttB B-an iBiMM.aBi.iBaMBa SPRING IS HERE and Easter is but a short time away. Every man must think of his new clothes new and when a man thinks of clothing he thinks of the HILL CO. It is but natural for M:r! Hill's values are known from coast te coast Mr. Hill's varieties are known te be the largest in the country and the garments themselves the finest it is possible te offer in materials and workmanship. Never before in the history of this store or in the clothing industry has any store been se "READY" te supply thtmen with their new clothing and at such low prices. Hundreds and Hundreds of Styles. Materials. Patterns and Colorings Sports Suits Single-Breasted Medels Deuble-Breasted Medels Ferm-Fitting Medels Conservative Medels 1 and 2 Butten Medels Stout Men's Suits The assortments are bewildering the varieties almost unbelievable. There Isn't a style, a pat tern, a coloring or a material that any' man could want but that MR. HILL has it here in this store and at these most unusually low prices. Ne matter what you want no matter what you have in mind if it is clothing, COME TO THE HILL CO it is here for you and at a worth-while saving. THE HILL CO. Is Philadelphia's Largest Exclusive Men's & Beys' Clethina Stere Just thmk a 5-story building carrying nothing else but clothing. That is just what Mr. Hill offers you here! Is it any wonder that Mr - Hill's values are better when he can buy such large quantities? Come in today, tonight or toiherrow GET READY FOR EASTER and come te THE HILL CO., where you KNOW that what you want is awaiting you and at the lowest price it is possible te offer And, REMEMBER SIZES FOR EVERY MAN whether he is short or tall stout or slim and regulars, of course. f Mr. Hill's Guarantee Gees With Every Purchase Beys' 1&2 Pair Pants SUITS Reefers and Tep Coats At Unusual Savings I Mr. Hill is ready for the boys and ready with a big "R." A real surprise awaits you when you come te the Beys' Department en the Third Fleer for it is the largest exclusive Beys' Clothing Department in the city. tHfsmKF r ittK9tm9!tK. lzl L J t t a-a-l ataaL b"b"bW i m pE5jl3 52g? wHBI -aw aaaaaaa ( Parents, just see the stock and veu will rpnii0 rw n- ,, 4. u..T assortments of everything new for the boy. .And nrices whv Mr nm ZL??' -v siere can show the varieties the The finest quality materials in all th &J?e YlW1 A .saving of S3.00 te $4.00 en everv nun." te 18 years and plenty of -STOUT SIZES, tee. pairs of Iined trousers. Every boy can be fitted up The Largest .Department in the City! Men's Trousers Thousands of Pairs. At These-Lew Prices ib-$-Jfsfk. Tweeds' in all colors, fancy cassimeres, worsteds, pin stripes, blue and gray serges, brown,' blue and green flannels. We can fit any man all lengths'up te 87-inch inseam and all waist measurements up te 54 inches. Stere Orders Accepted j IBM' bIbbbbbI BBaaallaB BI!faaaaV - -. ' alM 1019 Market St. Philadelphia's Largest Exclusive Men's & Bevs jT : J Sf H ST Open Every Night! !LCIdth 1021 Market in? " - ,-lfeK i t At aaa i y , ; Ilhc.am.. .Oil i. ,.,. . . J &xh JVti . t . fx..y a... Mffejfe, if . L .. xtfBk&fflLii k&kti&AQ WSi tsmmiMs&i ajfiAMiiiij ui" -i alrLi.!i.AjaavaBBBBaKLSi na an aauaPjBBBBBaBi VtHn AJ? uim.itm mmmmtmammmmmmmmmamm