K.t ti ?V)'f "JU& tuHJ-yi Nancy Wynne Tells of Chicago Brether Hearing Phila delphian Sing She Speaks of ' the Committee' Class Meeting Tonight, in Academy Fbyer THIS rodie business la really .wonder fill, you knew. Yeu tune your re ceiver te the given wavn length and Vm i "get It," and If you don't It'll go lytt you and somebody cIbe11 get it." And you don't want te miss It, because veu can hear orchestra playing In rhlcn.e or Bosten or some; ether far- chestra Is playing ha n transmitter or "something." Anyway, what started m. Is the fact thnt I heard yesterday hat Jack Whiting was going te sing t night at Stotesbury's or Warbur Warbur en's or some house where there Is an nenaratus, and his brother IVret, who lives in Chicago, was going te listen te him out there. It seems particularly nee te me, for Peret Whiting Is natu rally a bit low In his mind these days, .. his fiancee, Alzada Ennls, has been very 111 and has just' had te Undergo an operation for appendicitis. And won't it be fun te hear Jack apparently in the next room singing "Afterwards" or wine Other of hls.pet songs? HAVE you ''ever happened te see small Betty Denner,- dance V She's the ten-year-old daughter of Air. and Mrs. "'William H. Cenner,- and is as graceful as can be. And, furthermore, he Is perfectly unconscious of her beauty and grace. She has the greatest talent for fancy dancing, and even in vents her own steps. Betty has large blue eyes andgelden hair and is a per fect darling. ' , TUB. spring vacation meeting of the Saturday Evening or Committee Dancing Class will be Jield this evening In the foyer of the Academy of Music, and there will net be any cotillen I hear, as it will be a pretty full class, with every one fteme from bearding school and college. Members of the commit tee who will receive are Mrs. Geerge off town ii iu -... 7 " v- McFadden, Mrs. K. H. Bayard Hewie, Mrs. D. Mereau Barrlnger, Mrs. Percy II. Clark, Mrs. B. Franklin Pepper, Mrs.'Geerge Stuart Patterson and Mrs. John'Hnmpten Barnes. As you have doubtless thought, there will be no meeting of Mrs. Wurts' dancing class this evening at the Belle- vuc-Stratferd, because of the death of Mrs. Wurts' mother, Mrs. Jehn, Wister, en Wednesday. I HEAR there Is te be most in teresting feature at the Charlette Cushman Club annual benefit matinee this year. It's te be held one day next month, and about twenty-five or thirty prominent women have been asked te Impersonate some of the great actresses of the past. There will be Sarah Sid Sid dens, Mrs. Jehn Drew, Rlsteri, Rachel, Medjcska, Charlette Cushman, Sarah Bernhardt. Fanny Davenport and a number of ethers. Fanny Davenport, by the way, Is te be posed by her niece, who has the same name. Mrs. James Khersen, Jr.. is chairman of the benefit this year. Viela Allen, Julia Arthur and Nera Bayes have already premised te take part in the afternoon. MARY LOUISE is a frequent visitor next deer. 'And very often she tomes home with cookies or a Btick of randy. Mether Is anxious te bring Mnry Louise up properly, and se she carefully instructed her never, while visiting Mrs. T , te ask for any thing te cat. The ether afternoon she came running home with a piece of randy in one hand and A jelly sandwich In the ether. "Why. Mary Louise!" erclalmed mother in horror, "where dM you get that candy and snndwlch?" "I was hungry, nnd Mrs. T gave 'cm te me,""repllcd Mary Louise. "But, dearie, de you net remember mother told you you must net nsk Mrs. T for anything te eat?" "Yep, I m!!i0T: r ?,d Mary Louise, 'nn' I didn't. I jus' said, 'Well, I guess I'll go home and get something te eat.' " - NANCY WYNNE. SOCIALACTIVITIES jPS8ug & Mrs8 Henry B. Thompson, of Green viFle Da?' it.lJi-ana "J8, Leenard Weed, will taks pinc8 en Sunday, April 2. at th eme of the Governer General It Manila It hi. -'tut""" Weed Is a niember' el his father's staff In the Philippines!! iiFD.r ?"d Mrs. Strieker Celes of ami M?t,tre,t' ? entertain at a "inner "hISST? n.,n honor Mr and f Bertram Llpplncett. Mrs. Llppln- eatt, before her marriage, was $ sa STu&J EUL H,?t daughter of d" and Mrs. Barten Coeke Hirst. F?v?2,?te,ne Haven, 2037 Spruce lmi&HM lM.ue1 Invitations for a Masu !! Sv ssft&& a &r of her M- SipJ.m Ann? tt Wharten, of 2220 Locust street, has Issued Invitations for a tea ..TuJ8Uy". from ""til 7 o'clock, te t!Lk w""?9- .Mr- A1n Sturges of ?5t0M'.wh&" v,"iunrher parents, Dr. flX;,ChurUa Magarge Levis, of 6624 McCallum street. Qermantewn. an' "ounces the marriage of his daughter, TwL.AB?e1, Rwland Levis, te Mr -ff0"" & MVer- son et Mr- and Mrs xAlf.JJ1, .My5r' yesterday morning. rw,23A ln Bt Vincent de Paul's Church, Germantown. nfHl'nf nc, Hr.B- Heltlnshead N. Tayler, ..in8l0i4 st Martins lane, Chestnut Hllf. VIU, dance tomorrow In honor of their daughter. Miss Pelly Tayler. Mrs. Tayler and Miss Tayler will sail R "That mi be fine, Billy" 0 - y KCAVSE A SATURDAY NIGHT j , 0 Mk DINNER DANCE AT GREEN HILL U U iVI FARMS HOTEL HAS BECOME j H SYNONYMOUS WITH AN UNUS- j f UALLY GOOD TIME, MILADY'S II M ACCEPTANCE OF YOUR INVITATION j H IS A FOREGONE CONCLUSION. j N Laurence Mareich, Manager H Orerliroek, I'a. II D iZrcn I Q IJvStii . - 1 H On the Lincoln JftJMl 6 Miles U L'fhw"?' VtZ2mmf Frem H ,at City Lme XOlllll phlladelphia J N BMtsaMttftd II N HOTEL Jl CONCERTS EVERY SUN1MY EVENING mwrmeTEE: en April 26 for Europe, where they will spend the summer traveling, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Schmidt will entertain at a small dinner at their home en Friday evening, March II. In honor of their daughter, Miss Hen rietta Moere Schmidt, before the Junier Cinderella. Dance at the Merlen Cricket Club. Mrs. Dicksen Kdsen, of 5231 Wtasa Wtasa hlcken avenue. Germantown, will enter tain at a small bridge party at her home en Friday afternoon. April 7, In honor of Miss Katharine H. Coffin, daughter of Mr. It. Coffin, of Seventeenth and Hpruce streets, whose marriage te Mr. Stanley A. Welsh, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Welsh, et the Aldlne, will take place en Saturday afternoon, April 22. There will be twelve guests. Mm. tllnrenca D. Mav. of Hlchland avenue, Merlen, will give a tea at her' neme early in April, in nenar ei ner daughter, Mrs. Luther Russell Graves, 2d, who expects te leave for a trip abroad en Wednesday, April 19, te spend some time In foreign travel. Mrs. Themas Flnletter Clement, of 81 East Springfield avenue. Chestnut Hill, will entertain at bridge en Thursday and Friday afternoons of next week. Mrs. Frederick de Vlgnen Stralth Miller, and her daughter, Miss Mar garet Stralth.Mlller. of Ambler, have teft for Enterprise, Fla,, for an In definite stay. The Sigma Epollen Phi Fraternity of the Penn Scheel of Pharmacy gave 'Its third annual dinner dance en Wednes day evening, at the Hetel Nermaadle, Thirty-sixth and Chestnut streets,. In honor of Its new member. Dr. Jehn B. Mlnehart, Dean of the Scheel or Phar macy. Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Rogers, and their son, formerly of Chicago, have token apartments at the Aven ln Karberth, and expect te remain there perma nently. ALONG THE READING Mrs. Jehn L. Steel, of Elklns avenue. near Old Yerk read, Elklns Park, will give a tea this afternoon for the benefit of the work of the Auxiliary Ne. 12' of the Kensington Hospital Dispensary. The proceeds are te go toward the building fund of Rlvercrest, the hespt-, tal's preventaterlum for tuberculosis. Among these who are Interested are Mrs. Henry A, Craig, .Mrs. H. W. Scheenhut. Mrs. Jehn Lincoln Carsen, Mrs. Wlnfleld D. Pallat and Mrs. Jeseph M. .Steele. Mrs.' Frank Munn and her daughter. Miss Florence Munn, who have been spending several weeks ln Flerida, have returned te their home en Oak Lane avenue below Lawnton avenue, Oak Lane. GERMANTOWN Miss Viela Slbbers, daughter efMr. and Mra Stanley Slbbers, of West Jehnsen street, will entertain at a bridge party at her home en Monday evening next Mr. and Mrs. Jehn D. Slmklns, of Coulter street, are receiving cengratula. tlens upon the birth of a son. Edward Frank Slmklns. Miss Ruth Krug and Miss Mildred Krug. of 322 West Legan street, en. tertalned their friends at a St. Patrick's Day party. The guests were Miss Eva Dahl, Miss Eleaner Karl. Mlsa Evelyn Lewis, Miss Edith Catherman, Miss Mil. dred Ebert, Miss Sara Buleste, Miss Dorethy Berresh, Mr. Harry Weaver, Mr. Dlxey Dahl, Mr. William Tracy, Mr. Irylng Lewis, Mr. Jeseph Phlster, Mr. Frederick Karl and Mr. Warren Sproul. WEST PHILADELPHIA Mr. and Mrs. Harry F.' Hendersen, of 5 SO 3 Christian street, announce the en gagement of their daughter. Miss Kath ryn Heller Hendersen te Mr. William Paul Heed, et Lansdowne. Mrs. Albert Emmens, of E536 Walnut street. Is spending a few days at the Brighten, at Atlantic City. Mrs. A. M. Hendersen, of 4921 Flor ence avenue, announces the eneaecment of her daiiKhter, Miss Dorethy Hender son, te Mr. iiarem Lever, or New Yenc. LADIES' HAT FRAMES' "S$E i75 FIRST" MILLINERS' SUPPLY HOUSE DAVID GOLDSTEIN, Prep. Wholesale and Retail Up te the Minute HAT FRAMES All With a Touch of Something ,. Dlffrrrnt STRAW CLOTHS Our stock of sheet ings and hair cloths for Spring Mil linery contains the latest and best te be had. Something new each day. Moderate In price. SILKS Baronet Crepe and Serge Clre have just arrived. Taffetas, Gre De Laundre Geergettes, Satins In every wanted color always en hand. FLOWERS of all descriptions and colors, the kind that are In demand you Will find rlffht here. "Cesie early end get (A but .Utntien" 62 N. EIGHTH ST. SECOND FLOOR I wti&Wi,, Engaged :..w:j.;jjuai Photo r Pl.lllipa Phtlllpa -.MISS LORINB SACKSENMAIER Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geerge Sackseamaler, of Waring and High Scheel reads, Elklns Park, whose engagement has been announced te Mr. Rey Cleeland, also of Elklns Park . t i i ' ' AttBilaal ' sV;9r WmuMMW&'i V (fry afVVHF aHsf 7 IMPORTERS, DEBIONERB AND MAKERS OF WOMEN'S AND CBILDREN'8 APPAREL OF THE HIQHEBT CHARACTER FOR MORE THAN TWENTY-SIX YEARS A . DIFFERENT KIND OF A STORE ik The "Harris" Showing Spring Apparel : Superior in Completeness Originality Value The inspiration of masters of Europe, modified with a nicety that makes them just right for American women's wear ing. Specialized and personalized for your particular need. Wraps and Capes 49.50 te 99.50 Crepe de Chine and Georgette Overbleuses Formerly te 6.95 a )) Blouses, beaded, em- "v broidered and two- tone effects. Dresses The new sleeves, gird ings, bleusings and trim mingsthat Paris has conceived and leading .American designers adopted. . Silk Hosiery Special for Saturday Just 200 pairs, exceptional te a degree in quality and fashioning. Brown, pole, gray, blackj and white. In " This Different Kind of Juvenile'9 Stere Yeu Will Find Reflected the Smartest of Juvenile Medes at Amazingly Moderate Prices Cape- Costume-Dresses An unusual selection of light colors and staple shades. Trig straight-line frocks and jaunty capes, some of which are lined. Ages 6 te 14. 19.9522.50 Beguiling Frecks for Youth The range of smart fabrics in silk is exhatmturl r.v ? iharminir stvlM trirU of a i ." ercnausted bv designers in creating ffi te?i2 S1" Sft? 6 t0 16 hve ever -worn.' "'"l eumuubu nuu tUHHUSlCU. :We Spfcblhf en Afipanl Tty Slenderizes the NORT PHILAOiXWtA' -V Mr. and Mrs.- H tlsman. iffl Master street, announce the. engagenv unc ina !!""' of their flflt!)lfAP. J""Tf"""" -zzizr ... MIS jnnna Rell- man, 10 nr. iBttqere yynriuiK , ....... .. Isadora wienuic. The marriage of -Miss Martha .Brown and Mr. Jehn II. Lavlgne took olace en Sunday, March 19, at Beth Juds. Syna gogue, Fifty-fourth and Sansom ; Bibbl Lwln officiated. After wHlnj trip te Atlantic City and Washington Mr. and Mrs. Lavlgne will' live at MM Glrard avenue. ' Mr. ' and Mrs.. Keeva Segal. . , 914 Glrard avenue, announce -the betrothal of their daughter. Mlsa Ethel SeemL te Mr. Nathan Mandel. sonef MrjM BfT nard Mandel, Of 1749 North Thirty third street, v Mr. 'and Mrs, Harry L. Dernbew, of ttei Old Yerk read, are receiving; con gratulations upon the birth of a daugh ter, Shirley Phyllis uembew,- en March 9. ' . , SOUTH PHILADELPHIA Miss Pauline C.. Shapire." prasi dent of Phi Delta Sigma, entorulned at 1 her home In Seuth Philadelphia, en Sunday evening, March 19, In honor or Miss Ruth Heffman, daughter of Rabbi and Mrs. B. Z. Heffman, whose an jragement waa recently announced te Mr. Max Levy, of Legan. , . The members of the Tau Beta Garna Country Club, of Blackwood, N. . J., a-ave a linen shower at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cehen, 1720 North Crelgh Crelgh ten street, in honor of. Mlsa Bessie Greenbaum and Mr. Harry Passen, whose engagement was announced re cently. A suprlse party In honor of Mr, and Mrs. Leuis Miner was tuven in .cei- hMiinn nt thair wddin anniversary by their sister smd brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. I. Miller, at 1621 Seuth Ork ney street, i DELAWARE COUNTY The hostesses at the musical tea which will be given en Sunday afternoon at the Country Club of Lansdowne will be Mrs. J. Burnett Glbb and Mrs. Allen R. Hetter. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. dewne, announce the Egolf, of Lane engagement of their daughter. Miss. their daughter. miss nea- nainryn Egolf, te Mr, Heward P. Se.ule, of.Tops ef.Tops of.Teps flcld, Mas. HOLME8BURQ Mrs. William Farber, of Hhawn street, has returned from a trip te New Yerk, where she spent several weeks. Miss Helen Mabel Stene, of Hhawn and Hegerman streets, will entertain the members of her sewing circle at her home this evening, Mrs. Hareld Blewer, of Dltman street, expects te leave shortly for the Seuth, where she will spend several weeks traveling. Twelfth Cerner Chestnut ,' li?r jti Misses Tweed Suits Special Purchase Made te Sell at 35.00 te 49.50 58 Smartly styled Misses' Suits, tai lored te perfection. Including some -The Newest of the Mede 2S00 and 3500 Coats Many Styles Appropriate te every age.' In rose, blue, tan and lavender. Well tailored and nearly all silk-lined. Ages 6 te 14. 12.50 te 49.50 15-00 te 39.50 'PftAftkrefW" Mr Leula Magtll. of Foulkrod street, has returned from Atlantte City, where she 'spent some time with, her sister-in-law, Mrs. Mayer Magtll. ' Mr.'Alfred Kanheld, of Dltman street, has returned from the West, where he has been traveling. . Mrs. Fi Williams, of Sellers street, has left for the 'Seuth, where she will spend a few weeks visiting friends at Richmond, Va. YARDLEY .Mr. and Mrs. Rebert W. Welch, who kmve had apartments at the Bertram, Philadelphia, for the winter, will return today te their' summer home here. x Mrs. 1. Sidney Cadwallader Is spend ing a few days In Baltimore. Miss Helen Leedom, of Westtcwn Scheel, Is home for the spring holidays, Mrs. Wlrth, of Lancaster, ts spending some time with her daughter, Mrs. Al fred Dauser, ' THe "Mary Jane" Newest-Creation In all-Patent Leather, also with Gray Suede quarter and all-Black Satin. $645' Best Grade We hate tbtm as lew as $400 Silh-elcxtJ hetUry te match $1.45 REISZNER 20 Se. 52d 939 Market Opes Ertnlnc (Basement) 1 Ne. 10th JParcel Pett, 10 Cents, APPAREL THAT IS DIFFERENT !.- Tailleurs 39.50 te 99.50 29S0 imported tweeds. Phases Mere Than a Hundred New Medels Springtime Celere Navy Brown Black -the colors of every Spring as well as the newer shades of the Season, such as Peri winkle and Dandelion. All sizes for Women and Misses 95c A riot of colors, bril- Larger Weman LiJtLJ !" s NOHIHiTOWN' i Mra Charles B. -Fex has returned te her home' In New Yerk' City after visit ing her mother, Mrs. J. , Umstead, of the Hamilton. ,, Mr, Raymond Hoxworth, of MS Green 1 for Ieck street, will leave April Haven, where he will Hey Scout executive. 1 be located as a II 111 MP Clettsst at 1Mb DlfftUeai ffl Mm W IV FredJ).M.I.Fell AT 11:00 IjOft tiOO f.-OO T:S 0 Today k Toeww Last Tiaet TUB IHBT ttBAt. UILLION-DOLLAB PfCTOAB A TeSl mw avjjfe with VONSTROHEIM rtm weer troNDBMret. MCTOIUS xn AjnnttCA BONWTEllR6CQ CHESTNUT AT 13 TRBET SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY " MISSES' SPRING APPAREL THREE-PIECE COSTUME SUITS CANTON CREPE fc POIRET TWILL MODELS 74.00 Specialty Piked Three-piece Cpe and Dreti Medel of Peiret tuill or Canten crepe repeats th c:t$? de chine lining of Cape in Viennet red, periwinkle blue, tan. gray, onion or jade in the underbedice of frock. This color reveals itself through the decorative fag ettmg of Freck and Cape. Anether Costume : Drew and Ceat of Peiret twill with bodice of Canten crepe displays a new treatment of bronze or silver embroidery. TAILLEUR SUITS 45.00 Smart ta.lleurs ef Peiret twill i straight-belted model buttoned te the neck. New pocket treatments. Cepe de chine or rad.um lined. NEW FROCKS OF CREPE SILK 55.00 Cliamuns frocks ef crepe silk, featuring the flowing !eee, plaited panels. embroidery motifs and new fringe treatments. Beaded siedeli; many classic in design. OiJier Silks. 22.50 te 95 00 MISSES' TWEED Attractive two-piece model ef tweed with scarf u match Fringe edges ends of scarf also .Umera of overbleuie and skirt. White linen cellar i;rd ruffs and narrow leather belt fourth Flutr Geerge Allen, inc. 1214 Chestnut Streefc-1214 Your EasterHat is Ready at Allen's Friday and Saturday we offer a remarkable collection of Smart Hand-Made Hats m the $10.00 group also the very newest ideas in Flower Trim, Ribbons or French Fancies $15.00 te $30.00 The Very Latest in Sports Hats for Women and Misses, $4.00 te $11.00 Friday and Saturday "Kayser Italian shk" underwear, 2u Off Te acquaint our many customers i$ttr ty"?10?? Sllk Underwear ve wll effJr.' for 1 rM, Tnna batwday enV. 20 discount from our remilar nr ces ThiVmnL. real Having of 20-Wause our remilar wiJh , J,Vllnn"..,.i lewcet. Chiffen Weight Silk Hosiery, $3.00 fashion decrees chiffon weight Pole ay: Sliver and Slack.' "WUU'"B AWn New French Veilings, Special, 29c yd. tnr- Kfln e vurrt Thr 1 .,, ""l uur ew n lninoriaiien in inn kuitia ;kL ,;:.:. "" ..3. "'?";'"' .',ew """"w m ";, '""" ikiiih jiuiun in jancy vcninga are the talk of the town. Pongee Celer Linen rricea ai euc, &c Hand-embroidered in EiW-c?.'2Sl',!Jb"!i"e? "r"".: lllft finintlAflt Fla. White llnnd-maile Vrenrh II are ahewn for the flrat time. 1.7S te Large White Bath Towels, 38c y heay-vlght Turkish Towels In poed itn2m. i ' Za X tt weum pay te "n".w;at Sturdy is trie U3ii,i remaikably Un Air Embaume Talcum, 55c 7C,Th;0raTaSa 1IU. Is usually Allen's Quality Hairnets, $1.00 Dezen 3 Dezen Asserted as Yeu Wish, $2.50 Allen's nre justly famous for the Ruperler nuaiiiv nr ,i," , . nets. The sllp-en cap shape come In larn or "mail 1 0fT l'S.'r shape In extra larife else. The colors are taiKiVi ,i . rllt ,fctru'Kl thade of hulr White and Gray HalrheU are " l Cume '" evcry 15c each fl.se en WW, fl .'ViH. vsvfrs m BROAD- ' TOMORROW U0NEL ATWILL in "THE GRAND DUKE" A Parisian Comedy by Sacha Oultry fletmnrt'd by the Orltnl Cempeny S-)DDt7Gnr MATINEE f fkIUUIiO 1 TOMOHHOW MOTRMRH TO AIX THE CHILDRKN 'A RtP-ROARtNO RIOT OV JOY A FUN' CHMUS OHUN9NMM Preftrt "aavaam V', ir? W of All FRCP STONK. Shew GARRICK Mat Tomorrow The danclns Is simply erat." Rtoerd. GEO. M. COHAN'S COMEDIANS Is the Wketoaesf Munlcal lilt THE O'BRIEN GIRL (MAIY'ft BIO MUMCAI. HIHTKR) leadtmy-Tkta. Bex Off. ltppe',1110 Cheat. PHILADELPHIA! r3 ORCHESTRA; MendcImoPhrnS?m.Ne.n DUMONTS BTH ARCH. Ev., Bill imwuni j M,t, Men We1 s , , EMMETT WELCH Minitreli Satlra "STOCKS AND HHOCK8" TWEED SUITS , 35.00 Bex Ceat or belted model uith novelty pockets and self-ten stitchery Heather mixtures and hemespuns in tan, gray, orchid rose, blue and mixtures. DRESSES 29.75 syee. with our complete nhertment are as Ie an the hose for Rnrlnsr Yeu U11 flnil n caster, BelRi', Suede, - Y.. M"""l.v. """ HOUIU mmiii.. .,. .. .. Usunllv anil the jipsei truer t m men ics and Aseen detf. These Handkerchiefs and $1.00 each d'in- aPe'pViiv1?, flAulnn.. IM. l . . f- .7Jl""" .ln ' rk dclan. 3.78 eurh. rlll1 this ir' , Jtr. FMD STONE ' NINETEENTH AND MARI 11 A. M. te 11 P. m; -: GUS EDWASDS' ; ! L' "Scheel Dave' WITH WK8M5T TURRT. ,-; Flared with Appropriate FreN Buster Keaten Next Wrek NORMA TAT,VA "LOVE'S RRDEMirriOlr , Adrtfd fllmb.1 Kanhlan ReVWrWJ Mi.t.ii,i..iill l natLli.a4 it. ilise. iitu. site, sise. iss s-ag A I'HOTODriAMA WITH A , , fit If I II1IANIJ.NKW IDEA FOOTFALLS With TTRONB VOWKHB ' NEXT WEEK The Rembrandt of the 3res THE PRODIGAL ii rrr.v tf WWLVIU tl a . . . . . .. . 'W Aaapted rrem the werld-tssss novel by Vaughsn Keatef ,'' UROAD CHESTNUT 11:30, 1:30, 8:30, 6:30. 7:80. ) . William de Mille'f ' ' LATEST PRODUCTION "BOUGHT AND PAID FOR" rneM nrteAPHunsTs pi.at "nn Timn.r, with JACK AGNES HOLT AYRES A Story That Reuaes Ertrjl Emotion Yeu Have KATtr.Tev rnsrCTT enrHESTRA PALACE RUDOL1 1L14 .MAltKET 8T. 10 A. Sf. te 11 -IK P. SM. RUDOLPH VALENTINO and DOROTHY DALTON In "MOHAN f)11 THf f,ATY I.ETTT" UTTT" ARCADIA Chcutnut Il. lBth1 " A, M le 11-1R.P. se. ONE GLORIOUS DAY" VICTORIA fA.1.'T AT Nitrad am'va u .i. u. 10 una f, j; TUM MIA "SICx HTOH" TADITfil 8TH S, MARKET Vfiiuvu i a. jr. te ii:is p. g "THREE LIVE GHOSTyy 10 A. jr. te liiiii w. REGENT 17111 c MAKKIST Cenatanc. Btnney In "Flmt Tvw' GLOBE JUNIPER & MAHfcBT 11 te II reNTINUOU vrti lliVIL,T.E3 KITTY FRANCIS & CO. JOE BOGANNY TROUPE, ttl.A.'S I.EADINO TIIBATRaaj DIRECTION QF LEH A J. J. 8HUBa' SHUBECTvAUDEviTB I DAILY MATS AT 2.15 -rvf at sTSsi ADELE ROWLAND In Serif of Hparklliur Sense UM UriDI mv And xnv Serampa Bli MATTHEWS & AYRES A. ROBINS I BERTHANLOR BOBBY HIGGINS & CO. In th Munleal Farce "OH. CIIEWir f,rnt -iirreiini1lng Hill nt WnturtalnwSL fan S SHUBERT 1AI. TOHQK. Beit SesU. I2.M "A. CltACKKIUACK SHOW " Recerd, row Mmii-nl Cumeil'ra lfavn the Appeal a A DELPHI MAT- tomer. i HUKLrni Beat Seats, $2.0 "A eoeil Hml plnunlbln atery. Prevea hef cclr u woman of arica gifts." 1'ui-ilc Idstr. LYRIC LAST 2 EVGS. I.WT MAT. TOMOR., I1EST NKATS. I!M rut I flit- .Mut-lcil Milrrnre f tli- CrttUTT ,K DONALD BRIAN "i:en mere delUhtful than In ermer ilnja." HaoertL IIIKII.NNI.NO Jlu.N'lur , SEATS NOW SELLING T1IU SUMVYNS I'KEaENT Mr. m. Mrm. Jehn JBumk Lik Drew fiTTiM Carts JOHN lallVflf KRNKUT II M.I.'D.W FLAWFORD IIF.TTV 'V' RORKRT or. mii WALNUT - AT. TOAKIKROW 0r TO C3.00 einr te Ih- I'eneert CHARLOTTE CREENWOOD LETTYPEPPEK i:lru rimie 'nnrere Tumor., 1 M. ly Mil HKH.NKH JA.NH8KN. Cnmnn t nf "l.inTT I'Kl'l' Kit ' K EITH'S THEATRI Marien Morgan Daacart in iii;i.i:.v ei' 'rneY Tmrltan I SkkSSjJ MsO JAV DILLON and BETTY PAirU ! Kay. w i Lit & mak I MAN Marti JCli llf.NNY, CAITH IinOIL: , l'Al 1. NOLA.V & CO.. QTHERR and Charles King & Lila RkeW In "TOUT YOt'H HORN" UNIVERSITY MUSEUM i itm: ii. i,. i.kcti kkh . SVriltllAY AMI SI'MIAV. AT 840 THE PASSING OF TWE ll ( -. ( . V. I iirliing Metlun rirtajM i ACAIIKMY OF Mt'HIO $(1 . ..a nM... '-- rvA iiurntiiif airiuiiK. iiriiiij 11. BifB t( '!- MENDELSSOHN fHnii uf Terente, nnd thr L'emnlMa W. l'HILADELPIIlA OHCHRHT.i Tlikrtu NOW m Jlrppr'a und Has Ossss -Tl acaiikmii or Mtifiie " efi Mr.riteriii.uAN eikka iiiui'ih it kk. i:ii. nir tatc 7i wm MAK. SS. AT S sIK. IUII, . AT S timi; nr.iiK KllthT r tiii; iir.nrc (Tin Minr. iiirri'ie, , i.rennnrai, lla.a. HeiUiirliv. TU. Arud. ti llrpnt'a. UW lliirrnlil, 111 ii, l.renhnrai, llaii 4cr in. iririi. AiiriMm. Am, .-.,.., rimtw, &STsU .ffS M n 4 i 1 Vd m m Mi (K. i U ' j, Si nv v X .;. 4 I jf .1 '? I l '4 jI ".m n Mrry , iud ai,li."S, tiyAmmmmitiM h iLii .e n 7. J .V.i, '-. VAVv 1" 'ml w 2.1. jLlaai f"lJuSi ,v1 VsTl iff A mi M. t t'..t lv TROCADERO - ,