m&zn HsR-- wmmm pip-wwppy-ft, f"MWFlP'J,fgl; WMMM2 ' ," ."- mkmLtk:fxim JWTATB WOU BALM OKttMANTOWN " mXAIi ESTATE FOR 8AX.1 AI.AE8TATB FOR SAIi REAL ESTATE iAM 'EAL''MTATE''l flERMANTOWJf Pennsylvania simuRrtA rENNHYLTANIA mttmiA? PENNSYLVANIA WVHfBAN PgWWXTAWIA upbphbaw rmim,TAi) WW ' HHMMH mil1 w him ww Bitniflin tn: mmwHWfwwimaHHiHWBfliit imimmi nnm tn wintr.mniHuminiHnHimwHWwwiiBnnnnmipj; in iimiiiiiiiiiiiii in LJ MAIN LINE P. It. n BHEl. JHiiiuiiiijjMii,imuii JM i&g3(&&&:nr JaSS" BALA-CYNWYD - W MKHt LsBBBHnB; . Kf If- B T J 'Vh KX3 ? tw ii Mlt? JT IIP' mff " Pk ' SvV n tk ivf ? l&T- t 1 if ?- w: m i w Vi a ii 'S& A (s'sss'sH&tH.' jy IfcHlfceU' KtKtmmBkkwkiLm 4ft$ri muWumBttllLml sisal's. ilflRr'nllf W JrtBBr BBi EvL'B A SUBURBAN HOMES THR DtSCIUMINATINa BUTi:n OUR OFFHRINOS . our opi:uXtiens cevnn Lincoln drive. McmeN, wynnk wynnk wynnk woed. ovnnnneoK. wYNNnnKLD and Philadelphia and readine suhurbs-ukpresentine a total ei-' em:k enl half million dollars. 1 by makine your selection new you may have your i choice of construction and design at a f wind of 15 te uj0. small capital required think it eve1r PRICED MODERATELY AT $12,000 UP. AS PICTURED ABOVE. INCLUDING 2-CAR GARAGE, $22,500. PHONE, GERMANTOWN 3538-9. DON PETERS Builder '515 Pelham Read MMMiniHIIlillliliniM jkbj. e- iiiuiiimiiniiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii "GERMANTOWN REALTY" SEVERAL EXCEPTIONAL PROPERTIES Frem Our List Are Suggested Belew Let Us Shew Yeu These and Others N. E. COR. Walnut lane ana Morten at.: detached stone residence In ex cellent cordltlen. 7 bed chambers. 2 baths end shower; modern Improve Impreve ments: garage for 2 cars. Trice. 120,000. 4021 N. 17T1I ST. (Legan) 0 room,, bath, medern: garage; price, S5.U0. This is a rest bargain. IS B. WA9HINOTON LANE Semi detached stone resHence; excellent condition. ll rooms, bath; large tract of ground. 344 B. WALNUT LANE Semi-detached; 8 rooms, bath, modern. Prim, $1000. DESIRABLE BUILDING SITES B. B. LISTER & SON t 5812 GEI1MANTOWN AVE. mniaiiiiiiiiiiiiii'wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiffiiiiM'iiM'"'''"'"""'11'""1"" gwimiiiniimra Harvey Street 'Between Wayne ave. and Greene at.: p -tery semi-detached residence, with g1 0 bedrooms, 2 baths, eleetrle light. H 'grounds adjoin large estate. 1 i -. . , m s 7IA Sfnrv anri liarane e Cemer oreoerti-! modern In every ap- a Jrelntment: 5 bedrooms. 2 baths, open g fireplace; owner !ealng c -y: pneeu a $15,000. g West Side , Near Washington tans; 3-story twin, g ,'wlth 9 rooms and bath: eleetrle light, e only $6800. I Qiurch Lane Attractive semi-detached house. 0 Teems. bath: opposite large esiaie. convenient te train and trolley. 4( Complete list sent en request ,P LYNDON PRIESTMAU JUE R M A N T 0 WW ' 3C07 GERMANTOWN AVE. i aim 'Fiji REDUCED $1000 "Jitjt-roem corner dwelling, garage- separtte Kreh; hardwood flooring, het-water hvAt Cays- builder's office. Tr 6537 N. Woodstock St. '" . fe.. fmm "J1t nnd OhMten nve l.ii rf -- . V 8026 ERRfNCJER PLACE New. 2 baths: nrase: a park strtct. between Man- halm and Clapler- opposite Cricket Club; eharmlns location reduced te 1 12 300. U, 31. nALfr., .evv i.u. LOOAN $53.50 41 Monthly Expense '1 After $500 cash paymsnt lv Beautiful Heme and Liarasre I .! ". Clitantnr, Trrny lM SMIU Utjr kJlttJJ.iib w... UNEQUALED VALUE ! UNUSUAL TERMS VV n.... t.r.H hedroems and sleeeing t'liu .nuKfll.nt te 4 bedrooms. "Tnclesed front perch (heated). Perch en level with living-room; 4 rrench doers between: unusually large -kitchen. 8 windews: wniie enamel nnisn. ill bath, with built-in tub and shower. shriek nreDlace. etc. 1'The Finest Heatinp; Plant in the 1 1A,V Unnwlnel ITnrvtA in T Ar1H JlItnls,"""-e,' "" " jjvijtM - Separate laundry In basement; plas- tered wans in muu ceitnrn ..i.(.i jlumblng. reefs & cementing guaranteed. Tenth Above Courtland St. Juat above Boulevard and Hunting Park & DAILYVEVINGS nf AP- S. C. ABERNETHY ijilS CHESTNUT faT. 4024 N. 10TII IlilllllllllPlllllllllimilllllllllllllllllllltilllllllillllQIlll Crawford Hemes j ':. East Side Tenth St. r' North of Wyoming Avenue Every Modern Convenience Including All-Tile Bath, Hardwood fa m Floers Tnrougneui, Large Garage, etc. r,ONLY A FEW REMAINING paniel Crawford, Jr. Builder nnd Owner U(P 11 ilBWIUIIIUIIllllIlllllillllll!IIMllliai!IUIIIII,llIIII!llnll!IIil fr MAiiRirR IJCHTMAN SMHes your Inspection of the fullenlrw un rK?-4U3tl Franklin st. JOIOO ti.'llll 7.1IIO 75(1(1 72(111 7K0II Vj- WH Hutchinson St. "Vt, .101 vvjumimr vv l'V)71873 W'einlnc live, W!M40SU N. 11th t. .. JW14IH N, Jit I t. iy?'fhit n. null st. 7.',0U K''lll Llndley ave 7S00 TiS-7f 043 N. nth st J'. (I a fcr,te n. leth t 75 "UlW-lDOa OIney aw J'OJ WC7?','4004 N, 8th t 50() l':Kj .... ,n,ir t iz-ii i-ri likl Aibb MAUriiLL LiLniiviaiN JiU, COLONIAL THUar ?, -,,a OF DISTINCTION WILL. PROFIT BY INSPECTING Germantown si ai WEST CltELTHN AVE Peml-de. tached stone residence: 12 rooms. 3 hatha, medern: let 31W13B; excellent conditien: owner leaving city. 100 n. WASHINGTON LANE Semi detached residence. 1ft rooms, bath; let 28x110; prlce $8000. (121 H. MT. AntY AVn. Detached stcne reslderce: ft bed chimbere, 2 baths, het water heat, elec, let "ex 170: price. J1R000. NORTH SIDE Minhim and st , eemldtached. S rooms, modern. Price, $7300. TELEPHONE C.TN. 8301-02 g 9 ra I OVK LINK uiiiiiiriiiiii'iiwiiiuiu OAK LANE BUILDING LOTS Her are porno of the finest urlm urlm preved locations In this beautiful suburh: 6flth Avenue near Lawnton Chelten Ae. near 11th 13th St near Chelten Ave. 7th Street nenr Cltv Line Cor. 65th Ac. & 7th Street Prepect Avenue near 8prlnB ferlc Read at Ocenti Hill It will piy you te go cirefully ever trls list, several specially priced for quick sale, locations the best. There may be here Juat the let for seu at jour own prlce. ST flEAITCftS OAK LANE. OPPOfe STATION CALL OAK I.AXE 3302. II I EXCEPTIONALLY I ATTRACTIVE STONE a Heue; 7 sleeping rooms. 3 baths; p large let, garage bent neighborhood, M Convenient te train and trolley, 1 HERKNESS & STETSON H LAND TITLE HLDO. iiriiviiiiiii':i!'iiiriiuiiiiiiiiiin'ii!raii'iiiii1iiiij!iiiniiiiiinnii'f OI.NF.Y ANNOUNCING the opening of our new sample house 5739 N. Marshall St. PRICE $6500 SIX ROOM AND BATH het-water nest, ?lertrlrltj , hardwood floors threughiut: tlli-d bath, built-in tub. Shed In rear. Deep leti. W. Fischer's Sens, Builders N. W. COR. STil AND ROCKLAND pi:nsvi.vm -"-mi rtnw rrnr HAVERFORD Brick Colonial with slate reef. heus In un usually desirable location house contains 18 rtmniK tumners 4 bnths t.l"-pln-perch, Urge first fl rr un usually w 1 planned bruk ter ries, Inc esed perrh ;t cir ga rage, with mn h nuirt rs, ha. never been ffeiel before and can only be m en through this office D. WARN0CK 11 J 10TII ST 2 m 1 BUILDING GROUND DelepM pnctlen? of Puburbnn Termers. HuiUIra Iiere In our opportunity te (J-flin sour i'anit Art a for 10 te lne flwMtnm r ftd fur epratU n AVe can tak ptir of our flninftat utilisatien ThH in jour opportunity. J)un t inl It. Vany bulMern hae buub'ht land lruin us lately. idH.Wilsen&Cq 1017 WALNUT ST. 23 ACRES WITH 4 COWS, 2 HORSES 250 rhlLkens iiuckh, all miirhlnery tools and crops ueud S ruem beusn 1 imi iurn und ' eutLiulliiiiik'H no id oil line Imailnn enlv i inn s te j-nim u J.i". 'viiiiins for nul S.-.KOll iii.i.nu e i.ii uj.ji.vi v., u i. (' Airy st Norrlstewn fit Atlractivc Country Estate 10 miles t'histnut JMi clettilr trains, nit nt toad Llielce dlslilct ii r m resl-deiHt-, elM'ric. phunt, licit, eainze, stables, chicken beuse; larite lawns, .hud.), scenery, extenslve sreunds Hare bargain at ftO.sne.OO well financed. O 2J. LEDOLR OKKJCE. ES m m f n ii'ii'iiiiiii'iiiiiiiiiiiiiii'iiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiisni'iiiiiiiniiP'iiiiiiiiiiiiii iif Attractive Suburban WYNNEWOOD Ilrlek-and stucco residence contain In spacious llv In room, larne open flieplace of Colonial design: fl bed rooms and 2 bath en 2d fleer with sen ants' Quarters In the rear: southern expesure: well - planted grounds, garage. Prlce 20,000. MERION All-stone Colonial residence with the desired renter-hall arranirement en 1st fleer. The. upper floors hae n chambers and 2 buths: every modern tmivcnlenre. Woodwork has strictly Colen al finish Heuse la well sit mtd en spacious let with old shade and southwestern exposure. Oarage l':lce $20,000. BRYN MAWR Stone-and-.turce residence conven iently located te station and college. Attraction rounds, let (10x200: ga rage, Th house has been newlv papered, painted nnd thoroughly deoernted contains spicleus living hRll with open fireplace, lUing room, dining room, etc : 7 bedrooms unci 2 Jmths en uprr floers: het-water heat, eleclrle light. Trice J25.000 and well financed. BUILDING SITES $ We are offering excellent building sites along tha Main Mne P. It. It. and In Bala-Cynwyd. Lets B0 ft. frentase and upwards te tracts of one aero or mere. Complete Information with sunes In our office. In nddttlen te the above we have many ether desirable residences in all the suburbs alenp; the P. R. R. Main Line and in Brtla Cymvyd that will fulfill many requirements. Full description and photos in our office. SAMUEL C. WAGNER, JR. COMMERCIAL TRUST BUILDING LOCUST 2871 H BifflllMBIlllM IE31i i i n 1 1 f n i mw m i tm i essfes-LLiJ "i i i iivi i n m i frTfftl Suburban Properties 6 IN ALL THE LEADING SUBURBS OVERBROOK Hautlful all-stone Colonial heue center entrance hall, large living room, glass-Inclesed perch. 8 tied rooms, 3 baths; hardwoel floors and every modern convenience, large grounds with old forest shade. MERION Attractive stene-nnd-plaster heu. 2 car garige: house contains center entrance hall, 6 bedroems: larsc greundi, one of the Inst locations. WYNNEWOOD Colenlal-stjle house wlrh center en trance hall: 0 bedrooms, 8 baths; new and thoroughly medern: 2-car garage, large grounds with beautiful outlook HAVERFORD All-white hollow-tile house and ga rage: 11 rooms. 5 bedrooms; center entrance hall, het-nater heat, liard liard liard woed floors, white finish; well financed, low price. Cbarles J. Sioed (Si Ce. (Merris Hldg ) 1421 apiiiMiniiraiirnii HI 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'ii'iiiirlOiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiili'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii YORK ROAD HOMES OAK LANE Sten roler. nt resli'ence in exclusive locnt.en. renter entrince hall, Uvlnc room dining room billiard room, etc : 0 ihnmlera, 3 tath, ery mejprn ap pointment, Iitre car aire, nearly one aero Mellplantel Kreurnl near station, MELROSE Attrictlve two-story bungilew: con cen alni living room, illnln- room break ast room, t chambers, bl'llard room; lllectrlclt, het-water heat I'-car ga lagc, let li5'x!75'; excellent condition. 3 gE.A HAVENS CO niinniiiLiiPiiiiiiuiiiriiiihniiiiiii'iii'i'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiii UWOTTTIE BLOG sra COUNTRY SEAT 120 ACRES $20,000 10 mlnUtes Kraier station. Stain Line, Ta , 10-renm stenn ininslen, bath, het-nater-heat li k sjstem tenants' quartern, high cleva t lull : modern stone barn, eutbuildings: ele sunt setl fine eunc erclnrd; 10 acres weeds .tieum flowing through, HEALD i. SON Wist Chester, Ta. 51 JB!3!PwmmH!IslElimillUUimH333EnliBTSinia 5j Main Line Estate A wonderful hem with fta fta rage, mill's quarter, greiMi greiMi heuse, old shade, t acres, 18 mlnuten te city. I 1 con cen con Hlder leae or exen tin." for cii Investment pr lertle. NEW 7-R00M HOUSE Mut ! sold, prlie, ilium ?r,(ie will take title, ilesn te uariij n u s junction PURDY, THE PROVIDER 'fiin&TL'n I'lLi:. dahiiv. initny I ( OLWVN ' ,, ,, A I 14 X. WAI IJ I JlJl i . w .... .six looms excellent let itieu ieliealeHen ttc CAMAL & LU. (12(10 WOODLAND AVK. i:sr ianhwhm: EAST UNSD0WNE Tenn Heulevard: modern 11-rpem bun bun (Mlew, let 50x125; fruit, old shadel reus Harry Han-', l'resten 4714. fcHrflJWWrWJ ALBERT HALL-LAND TITLE BLDG. H lrtgmattrmiwiffaaTraffiniatwinw 3 umm 1 llv MAIN I.1NH g 122 d ,h. AJT Rten and-frame rcHhlence of A "M in LJ r 14 rmH,L l) s ch el 8 Q stables v 1th nmple gir mrum Vn LJ llv, qutrs with imp ; abundance H Q of old shade many fine fruit PI trees lares gnrden Inke and Ij 3 )TTk lrm WIM 1 "old nt s grent J M Xsacrlflee 'TlntT . MeMI'I r IV H QvrsT end TBI's r 7ir.ne yy' g F uzrrnjsUTrnr iriiiraniiii KV S nTTTKi ItKN MAW B j iipiiiiiiiiiiiiijiniiiiiig LeyJ "'v g fy UK YIN 1UAWK X- H a r7 Colonial stene house north X B fi M side with Miuthrrn exinsure, LA VIJIlllllllllll m O eentalnlnir 11 reun J Luths ami V-J bj M (i chambers, tmraK,- for .' mrs M B V Very reasennbl itIumI rf f V, HIRST & McMULLIN fl H J' V-WCIT C.VB THltif DI,Dr ,,y H S S rs -rtX B 1 reixiMiiiM.i; iH a I t 50. C'OI.WYN, 3 J'A' ! P for grocery, ra MERION All-stone residence conveniently sit uated near station en let 110x240, Grounds erv attractively laid eut: old shade, etc.; 2-car garage. The heuse contains a large living room and vell-nrrnnged dining room, pantry, kitchen, etc., en 1st Dr.: 0 bedrooms and 4 but lis en upper fin t thoroughly modern; het-water heat; exceptionally iroed condition. We recommend this property as an ex cellent purchase. Prlce 138,000. HAVERFORD Colonial residence, center hall de sign: 4 bedrooms. 2 baths en 2d fleer nnd thoroughly modern throughout; 2-car garage; a very desirable, house for a email family; price lin.OOO. BALA CYNWYD Blone-nnd-sluece residence en at tractive let 50x100: garage; house contains D bedrooms and 8 bath; het-water heat, elect r te lights. Prlce J17.C00. ST. DAVIDS Attractive residence with spacious perch: exceedingly welt-arranged 1st and 2d floors with 5 bedrooms tand hath for family's use. In addition te servants' quarters: central - plant heat, eleetrle light. Let 75x22S, beautifully planted. Price $18,000. FURNISHED HOMES for the SUMMER W have an excellent list of homes offered for rent furnished for the summer months. We suggest that It you centemplate rentlnc a furnished home for the summer the sooner you advise us of your re quirements ttie better selection ou will have. GERMANTOWN Detached heme: modern througheut: 8 bedrooms. 4 baths; 3-car garage; grounds 100x300. Delightful stonc-and-stucce tieuse: 11 bedrooms, 3 baths, 2-car garage; large grounds with old shade. ST. MARTINS A new listing. All-white house with tile reef. 8 tvdroerns. 3 baths: hand somely finished with all 'conveniences; 2-car garage, large grounds beauti fully planted. ST. DAVIDS Attractive Colonial house; 0 bed rooms, center (entrance hall; hard wood floers: thoroughly medern: i! car garage; evor H acre, situated In one of the best locations. CYNWYD Rtene-and-rlaster tveuse; R bedrooms, 3 baths; thoroughly modern; garage; low price. mm i CHESTNUT ST. niiHinmiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiii JENKINTOWN Attractive etens Colonial home, well located en corner let envenlent te sta sta teon: contains 7 chambers, dressing room, 3 biths, shower, electricity, hot het water heat, hardwood floors; Inrge let. old eiada and shrubbery. ELKINS PARK Attractlve-stle Colonial ieme: hollow hellow hollew tlle ami-stucce constructien: center hall, lncleml perch, t) chambers, 2 baths, elettrlcltv. hardwood floers: large cor ner let. Price $20,000 DREXEL HILL I Net Merely a Heuse I But a Heme Just the Right Size 3 Wheie the woman of the a house wants te de her own p housework a better arrange- g ment could net be planned. It tins an the conveniences of an apartment and you have the advantage of living alone. The spacious living-room has'plen- B ty of wall space for furniture B and opens into inclesed perch. Four large chambers beau- a tiful. bath nnd attic, stands fe p alone; of .stone and stucco, en iet iuuxiuu, witn separate garage. Located en Harper Ave,; price and further information will be furnished upon applica tion WM.M.KNATZ,Inc. flfltli R. inVINO STS Sherwood 17 10 III i:iiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiii tin iiii'iiiui iiiiiiiiiiini'iimiin HAVi: lvitiii; iistniB or preptfrtieH wbith must be Held, can bn had from JICUO ta 130011 less than con struction reBt today, lens tlnn 2 arH ulil, poi(,es3len , $Sfeu te 31j,ih)0 llnam ed SPENCER T. LYNCH 11 J S Kith st. Spruce 7011. JIIIIIIIUIIUIUIIIUIIDIIIIIIIUIIIWIIUII'II KI.KINS I'AUK I'liiniii'iii'ini'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiipuiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ELKINS PARK Store Colonial dwclllnt, containing; 12 rooms, 7 bedrooms, 3 baths, het. vmer heat, electricity, numereun open fireplaces, 1 acre; 2-car garage; surrounded b niagnlflcnnt old shade, only a fvv minutes from train dr trolley ja uuu. HERKNESS 5c STETSON LAND TITI.n DLDO. JIIllllllllllllllllllil ,NMt('ll Lii'iiiiiiii,iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiniiiiw g) LLANERCH .100 feet from Chester Pike 10; loom reslUiince: 4 bedrooms -biithH! Uru let 10(1x150 ft , 2-car gantise itvvnlnits topper fcreens are Included with the prep.-rtv. Iludle phene service, A er deslr ii Me locution te Uve l. WmH.WiLS0N&Cb. 1617 WALNUT ST. iir mtifli mtrniimfi inmHinHHn ki 1 1 im inn f n ii mm 1 1 i i i i , ' ; 1. 1 DKEXKL HILL III!1IIII'IMI m 1 i w III Hemes BRYN MAWR Modern stone residence and 2-car garage, well situated en 1H acres of ground, well planted shade and fruit trees, large vesetable garden. The hint has southern exposure andla en central-hall design, Llv Inr room with open fireplace, den and lavatory en 1st fleer; 8 bed rooms, dressing room. 8 baths en the upper floors. Every modern appointment. Price 113,000 and well financed. WYNNEFIELD All-stone residence beautifully lo cated near trelley and railroad sta tion, contains r rooms en 1st fleer) 4 bedrooms and bath en 2d floer: 4 bedrooms en 8d. Modern heating; and lighting facilities: attractive grounds. Priced reasonably at $20, 000 and conveniently financed. ARDMORE nungalew design: exceedingly well arranged 1st fleer with living room, dining room, breakfast room, pan trv and kitchen: 4 bedrooms and tiled bath en 2d fleer; bedrooms have southern exposure; het-water heat, gas and eleetrle light; attrac tive let. Price 115,000, 1I01.MEH A REAL BARGAIN $3300 8-room house, almost new. ALL MODERN IMPROVEMENTS, with let 25x100. PURDY, THE PROVIDER 1 CHESTER PIKE. DARBY. DARHY 210. LANOHORNK . ri ii j n linitimi rimiii in i muuii it e tmu t n ii l i Lin 1 1 m i nun m ui iraii un nimu im n mm innum I LANGHORNE. PA. 1 1 BEAUTIFUL HOME I ! $15,000 1 This fine, property, consisting of h dwelling and larffe let of ground, H li Bltu.ited In the most attractive" H part of this beautiful suburb and gj Is well worth the consideration of m any one desiring a home of qua!- B lt. for at the prlce it is a tar- p Bain. Has a frentage en two g mreets ; Is adjacent te Country m Club. Let has a frontage of 23S g feet and a depth of 200 feet. g Flne big stone house; three g stories ; parlor, living room, din- p ing room and kitchen en first jji fleer; large front and side g perches; four chambers, sewing m room and hath en second fleer, s nnd five bedrooms en third fleer, S Wonderful No-Kel heating system 3 and all conveniences. i:.xcellent m 13 m condition. g m Twe-story stone and frame B i p, garage and stable combined. f 1 FRANCIS J. BYERS 1 1 Real Estate Breker ,S 419 Radcltffc St., Bristel, Pa. j , Phene, Bristel 226 imniiiiiiimraiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiimiiirai MERION MERION DEAUTIFUL new heuse In Merien, contains 3 large rooms, 2 baths, second fleer; 2 rooms, 1 bath, third fleer; central hall with large living room and dining-room. White paint, hardwood floors, tiled baths, large let. Southern exposure. $19,000. W. GORDON SMITH "Fine Residence Property" Overbroek 8700-01-02 QVKitnnoeK 'lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll OVERBROOK T ARGE semi-detached house, , m '" "- .uv.iv.un, mill .v...- r lw nnn mnnrinn simt-i. Ann. tral Plant heat and nil Over- brook conveniences. Has sleeping rooms, 2 baths, nice let. $13,000. W. GORDON SMITH "Fine Residence Property" Overbroek 8700-01-02 l.i iiimii'ii'iiiii'iiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii N. W. COR. LANCASTER"' & OVERBROOK AVES. Desirable detached duelllnir, 15 rooms 4 baths; l.'.OxlTU In ated from central plant, possession, lei uteil en highest peint: must be seen In order te appreciate the line ar ransement of roemu and excellent construc tion. Mastbaum H24 S Bres. & Fleisher i'iln.v seuAitn 6122 COLUMBIA AVE. 1 hren-stery seml-df tached stenn and brick dvve,, 11 room. 2 ImiIih, het-wati r heut, t:a and (In trie. Iiaiilwoed floers: stenu kirap;e, posnesHlen: tnrivnlent te 03d st. trollej. ailect iiDlKliberhui.nl; eusy terms Mastbaum Bres. & Fleisher 1124 K I'lIVV SOlIAHR M12AIK)WR(JIOK lllllllllllll'lJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII lllllllllllllllllllillllllllllli MEAD0WBR00K Ment -and-shlnBle residence; 17 rooms and 4 baths. 1st fir. very attractive!) planned, II acres of Mound In wonderful state of cul tivation l-tiir garage with coin cein pletn separate apartment for chnuffeui A line propel ty. M.Wilsen&G). 1017 WALNUT ST. Illlllllllllllllll IIMIM I'linillllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll'll'lllllll! I ATTRACTIVE ALL-STONE Q Colonial house; newly built and with H every modern cenvenience: near train 5 and trolley; price S2O,00O. 1 HERKNESS & STETSON 1 LAND TITLB HLDO. II w I iimiiiiiiii'S i JiiiOi 1 'gliaWilllllllllllllMllillPIIIIIIIIIIB Beesting,, KNOCKERS ARE A MENACE, AND SHOULD BE SHUNNED Our ever-growing clientele-is a direct result of our constant "Beesting of Philadelphia and its suburbs. We Strive te Serve and Satisfy at All Times. Over one thousand listings of Philadelphia's finest homes, covering all attractive rcsiden tial sections, places this office first as a medium through whom te "PURCHASE YOUR NEW HOME" ST. DAVIDS rirlclc Colonial, flnely situated en large let; center hall, living room, library; 7 chambers, 2 baths: steam ' or central plant heat; 2-car garage. Price $25,000. OVERBROOK Unusually attractive stucco hema en Sherwood Itead: In perfect condi tion; Includes attractive 1st floer: 0 chambers, 2 baths: central-plant heat, hardwood floors, white finish throughout. Unusual value at 118 000. WYNNEWOOD Stene-and-stucco Colonial home en large let with center hall 1st fleer arrangement: 0 chambers, S battis: thoroughly modern. Decorated te suit purchaser. Oarage. P r I e 127, BOO. - WYNNEFIELD New atone Colonial heme: 1st fir.: center hall, living room (f. p.). Inc. perch (f, p.). dining room, breakfast room, pantry. Kitchen and laundry: 2d fir.: 4 large bed rooms and 2 tiled baths, with 2 maids' rooms and bath en rear wing; 8d fir.: large attle ever entlra house; 2-car garage; modern con veniences; nr. station and trolley en Main Peulevard: let 00x200 ft. well Planted with shrubbery. $33,000. GERMANTOWN West Side; modern residence of 8 bedrooms. 2 baths, sun parlor; central-Plant heat, hardwood floors, whlte-and-mahngany finish; large let. Trice 1 18.000. PELHAM SECTION Delightful corner preperty: B bed rooms and 3 baths '(2 tiled. 1 with shower): every modern convenience. Including garage. Near Upsal Sta tion. llfi.OOO. GERMANTOWN Cerner preperty: complete In every detail: 5 bedrooms, 2 baths; hard wood floors, !iet-water heat: de tached brick garage; convenient lo cation. Prlce reduced te $12,000. UPSAL STATION Handsome Colonial stone-and-stuece residence: center-hall plan: 8 bed rooms, 2 baths: many novel and at tractive features, garage for 2 cars. Prlce 110.000 WHEN eiiniug ,f!,nifitnll3n,i,i,i)nrmimini. allil IIIHlllUlUIIIIIHIIimillBBf " i MF.I.ROSK PATtK ainniiniiuiiiiii iiiiMiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiraiiiiiiiii BUNGALOW TYPE MELROSE PARK HOME A practically new home, of the very best constructien: artistic and cezy: 2 bathrooms, open fireplaces: old shade end southern exposure; liberal lets. Priced at $10,000. OAK I.ANK Or-POSITE STATION I'hone enk I.ane .TjII." NAKnr.RTH NARBERTH ' iThree-stery stone dwelling; en 'large let; modern and In best of condition. $18,000. or will trade for city dwelling;. ALBERT HALL-LAN D TITLE BLDG. 1 NORWOOD NORWOOD $6000 New operation en Urban ave , Nor wood, SGOOO, 2-story, 8-roomed house, het-water heat, all modern Improvements, Larsu let und uaraKa privileges. $700 CASH Will take title, Sample house open all day Piindaj , man en premises. Within trues squares of n. K. station, trelUy. PURDY, the Provider 1 CHKSTKU IMKH. DARBY. DAHIIV 250. st. 4Vin ST. DAVIDS Conveniently located te train and overleoklnc coif course. Ideal suburban home containing; 12 rooms, 3 baths. 7 chambers. Earase, 2 cars, man's room, l'i acres or lavvir. rjx.neu. HIRST & McMULLIN WEST END TUL'ST 11LDQ. Sl'KIVnFIKLD Announcement! I have four (4) distinctly different tvpes of ultra-suburban homes, Lo Le ciitid en "Itelllnir Itead," Immedlata occupancy can be given and financed In u manner entirely satisfactory. See Jfr. AltCIUHALD TODAY en Rolling Itead I'rem 1 te 5 P. M. W. PERCIVAL JOHNSON 4030 LANCAfaTim AVC, . NEW .1KIISKV SrilUHIIAN IltllllllllltLetH li Building Let Bargains!" In direct lira) Willi NEW IIUIIXli; We iniiHt sell quirk remalnlntr unsold lets of our bi-nutlful "HllMl'.srL'AD" Iiiepeity, situated at 4.'d and Maple itve , Mirchantvllle, N, J, Immcdlatn imishcsh en of Kruund upon payment of Due Dellar Down and allow purchaser te pny bnlancu (lne Dellar Weekly, Trices reduced for quick s,tle, IH min utes from Market Ht I'erry, en a sin sin Kle fare. Take .Merchitntvllle or Moercstovvn cur, Ret oft at 42d and .Maple ave. t'eu.e tediy, make sour selection, fl. e this before purchaslnB elMuhere. Plille. oftlee, 4143 Chestnut, Rnrrv. Ar Rarrtr l AKenls en umij "mi; iirnunas uaity msxtifX gi B g fill QlEirJ!llfllffll!lllill1llllIIIIlll,ITIHI!IIIIIIIHtIfllllltlll!llllllllllllllllllIIII!llllin FOR ACTIVE BUILDERS We offer the exclusive sale of 3800 front ft. of choice building lets, exceptionally well located In "CHESTNUT HILL," Prices most attractive. Will divide any portion. Lenient restrictions. See plan of subdivision at office. WEST PELHAM Beautifully located stone residence) high corner location with expansive R rounds; center hall, eta: S cham rs, storeroom and 2 baths: modern and In perfect conditien: fireplaces. beautiful paneling and white finish throughout. Must be seen te be ap preciated. CARPENTER New detached stone Colonial resi dence nnd2-car garage: center-hall plan: living- room (f. V c, xi fir.; 8 chambers, 2 tiled baths: 3d fir.: 2 chambers and bath. Well Planned with large rooms and mod ern In detail. Price $22,000. QUEEN LANE MANOR Detached 2 H -story bungalew-typa home with Colonial finish: built by owner; large living room (f. p.), etc.; 2d fir.: 8 large chambers and tiled bath with shewer: Sd fir.: bed room, bath and storeroom. Unusual and most complete. Ideal for small family. Subject te offer. Make offer. TIOGA Modern 8-story, 0 te 12 room homes. 3400 block N. 21st St $8300 8800 block N. 18th St 000(1 1800 block. W. Tiega st. ...12.800" 2000 block W. Tiega St. . . .15.600 LOGAN 12th. st. nr. Llndley ave ; attractive brlclt residence! southeastern ex ex eosure: dutch hall: 0 chambers and 2 baths; large airy rooms; par quetry floors; modern eleetrle fix tures. Inspect at once. Make offer. OAK LANE Center-hall stone -Colonial residence en large corner let; 6 chambers and 2 baths. Price Is below duplication value. Beautiful suburban setting In a community of fine homes. OAK LANE Stene bungalow In the A800 block Dread Street. Attractively ar ranged: living rcem, dining room, breakfast room. 4 chambers and bath. Owner leaving city. CONSIDERING REAL ESTATE, 1206-11 LIBERTY BUILDING, BROAD AND CHESTNUT STREETS PRIVATE BRANCH EXCHANGE, LOCUST 7100 TJINSDOWNK rcniiiiniiiM This is in siiiiiiiiiniiM THE MOST DESIRABLE BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE RIGHT ON LANSDOWNE AVENUE (Twe Squares te High-Speed Trelley) Plenty of old shade, excellent reads and all Improvements In. See some of our beautiful homes In this suburb that we have built. ARTISTIC HOMES Phene or Write New Lans. 09 - MERION piiiiiBimiiiMiiiiiiraiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiEmiiiim I MERION g 1 We recommend this beautiful, EngllBh-style resi-, dence, located in this ever-popular suburb. This prep- erty is the ideal size for the average family Contains I four chambers, two baths en second fleer. Three cham- 1 Vnnsl. b?ti1' storeroom en third fleer. Large let with p 100 feet front and southern exposure. Garage for three 3 cars. Convenient te station. Can be seen only by j MXfist.lwiil-Jlb W1U1 US. 1 WM. H. WILSON a JCO. I 1617 WALNUT STREET NIIII1IIII11IIIII1M QVF.nnrtoeK IlllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllll, OVERBROOK Exceptional opportunity te buy erje of the best homes in this convenient suburb. Beautiful, detached, all-stone, Colonial residence and garage, ever one acre of ground; six master chambers, three baths, servants' quarters; perfect condition, ready for immediate occupancy. Near train and trolley. Must be seen te be appreciated. WM. H. WILSON (SL CO. 1617 WALNUT STREET iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiniiii new jkkskv summit N AWHUIOX $3600 w"! tuy a new uuncalew: 5 moms T RI,J bath; medern: no charce for financing: 1500 cusli and a small amount per month; 150 hemps of every description at jour price and terms, ABBOTT Orn. Station. Audubon. ?. J. Oien Dally and Sunday, cot, i,im. swoon COLLINdSWOdD AND WKST OULLINUSWOOU, N. J. 3 JIO.NOALOWS J720O M80O I080O ltespectlvely In thn thrlvliiK town of rai COLLIN(lSWOOl), NEW JBHSUY The top of production for the minimum of cost, HavliiK till tin modern Improvements such a a the liujcr of today expects tn set nnd refuscn tu purchase unless he does It these prices are within your raiiL'e get In touch at encn with THEO. C. ROLLER $ Hadden aye. and Brewntns; read nell rhencs Office 7D4-R Residence 128 ! DELAWARE COUNTY We offer two unusually low-priced homes In this section. One 10-roetn modern residence at 18300. Trie ether a detached 8-room-and-bath home with het-water heat: garage, etc. nt $7000. lleth of these very conveniently located,. LANSDOWNE Delightful atens and stucco euburl ban home, containing 12 rooms, a thambers and 2 baths. Many fea tures such as stone perches, hard wood floors and Colonial' Interior. Acre of ground with fruit trees and garden. Select neighborhood. Hunt by owner. 123,800. A rare opperi tunlty. AN INVESTMENT Buy this .apartment house 7 apartments, one block from car line. All apartments filled, with waiting list. Het-water heat, 13000 per year Income, Price $15,80013000 cash required. WEST PHILA. 4818 Bpruse Street 14 rooms and 2 baths; het-water beat: electricity; hardwood floors; very desirable. Priced right for Immediate sale. Can be seen only by appointment through this office. CENTRAL CITY On Spruce Street 18 rooms and 0 baths: het-water heat and electricity $40,000. Alse three ether properties In this vicinity ranging in price from $33,000 te $40,000. APARTMENT SITES S. B. eer. 42dandj,Walnut Streets, 118x178 ft. This property Is ripe for development, and wonderfully located. Can finance Tight party. Anether, 80x100 ft., faclnr en three streets; within 8 mln, of City Hall. Price $80,000. Full Information at this office, T.iree-stery residence with het-water heat, electricity, hardwood floors, open fireplace; property In geed condition. Priced right for Immedi ate sale. S. Bread Street One of the most modern apd up-te-date homes en Bread St.; deep let. Large break fast room. Can be seen by appoint appeint ment: an opportunity. THINK OF TNSDOWNK Lansdowne BUILT TO YOUR ORDER HARRY P. HEALD Lansdowne & Plumstead Ave MERION OVERBROOK NEW JERSEY SPDCRDAN rAIRVIEW PinrinTTITIMrtlfflimnmimniiiiifflimniiiiiimiiinfflmnnnilllinniinil HiH,i,iwuwiiiiii,.iiUMiiiiiifliiiiiiiiiiiii FAIRVIEW OWN YOUR OWN HOME IN FAIRVIEW AND MORGAN VILLAGE 4. B, 6 and T room huMt."..e,K terms: prices $2000 and up. Rents cei lected, Insurance paid. FAIRVIEW REAL ESTATE & MORTGAGE CO. inse collines read B35 FEDERAL 8TRLLT CAMDEN, N. J. A S UAntibl DID, eviv vtie .?& & :trH t - w s W U&i i. fflSv.' St sy&54 If' t wV i,., -n : . it,.', rfti. iftPVLJ.' , k TW if, A. '..- '( 'i-mj' mj'mm