tuTtiifsAfUt-S swar!Hiimi mhtmmgimfmMwmiimmk:immmm. KBfWJ L" . m wsvmm m t i L V' n & v n n ; T'.w & ?i ItVi ,j V? ' frm nm I in I i i i i i iMiiij n i ', , ,, ' wms LEGION POST PLANS E TO BUILD NEW HOM Members of Legan Unit Shew Increasing interest and Re cruits Are Expected KIN TO BE ENTERTAINED Inrreavtnic Interest liy the former service men In the activities of Legan l'est, 370, American Legien, nml the mlditien of new members have ml vnnced the plans of the organization te ebtiiin n per manent li e in c. Many nhares of building nml lean stock for the building fund were Mibserlbed nt the , ln.t meeting In the Legan Library. One et tne new members is t lie iicv. Francis Htever. pnster of the Legan ltuiitist Church. The ptt Is ntlvertlRlng for mere members In the neighborhood newspapers nnd In the motion -picture neuses in tlint section. Yeu Can Actually Test fhe Wisdom of YeurBequests or. New Yerk, of Fifth avenue In ue xunnhlnc, of a uhep window that was n glimpse into fairyland, or coieritu east side strretH and the mystery of the river after dusk all this and mere Annie Laurie role about, while her shoes showed stubbed tees, and her little gloves had patched fingers and her hat, well, she refused ecn te consider it any longer. One afternoon the temptation was strong and she stepped before the tiny shop nnd breathed In the scent. of trail lug urbuttis. "I 'mu must hnve some!" she told the bent old woman. The little bushy, fragrant sprays of sweet blossoms were tied in whlte tis sue before she asked, "And hew much Is it. please?" "Seventy-live." She searched In her pocket and she felt In her pure, but all she could find was fifty cents. 'Her cheeks burned with embarrassment for there was an other customer in the shop with his 'back turned, "I think you dropped this:" Annie Laurie looked up into n pair of very blue eves and almost believed nt first she had dropped it. Hut this time she was forestalled. "I believe you live en the fleer nbevc me, nnd I believe I rescued jour bulb," he said quietly, "and ) think if I'm net mistaken, you're Annie Laurie WnreV "Oil. but hew did jieu knew?"' she asked in u shaken voice. lie did net tell her that any one could rend n nnme en the letter box. "I knew nu'e never done anything like It before, spoken te n mnn who LittiiMLalfiSLiI I i'ii' sJfrMjjfe TOM? t&WSSfs riii . . , till t t l 4. II ""U i iniuiv, cihiih.ii lit i man tMK J he next nice rig : wl I be held April .,,,.. becn introduced." he explained t the library, Oh erk read un.MNng- ..,, j hel)0 ,.,, wm.t ,, a'livtllnf at ner avenue. An Interesting program is like lt nglUn llllt ,., fr0n tlc Seuth li til tit nviuHniifl 1... Mia I, uluetnl utiiAiir 1 ' Committee. The members are planning a minstrel show and dance for May 5. ami'I knew you rer-tndria'waper It was the one thing that could have touched Annie Laurie Ware. "Perhaps " she hesitated. "Thnfs Just what I think 1" he fin ished jubilantly. They steed quite still eutside the tiny shop, and the man pleaded: "I wonder If you'd let me get some violets, a handful, or just a rose te celebrate?" "Hoses," Annie Laurie smiled, and then ns he darted into the shop she re peated the formula te herself, "as usual." They walked up the -street together, and the man with blue eyes said "Loek!" Annie Laurie gazed down from the heights nt the street that seemed almost like fairy street at the ether side of the little perk. "New Yerk is an enchanting place, isn't it?" the young mnn asked. '"It's almost like a city of dreams," Annle Laurie answered tremulously. The young men gave one swift, un derstanding glance at her face before they turned back. "It is the city of my dreams new!" he said. Lawrence Textile Mills Cut Wages Lawrence, Mam., March 22. The wave of wage revision In New Kngland cotton mills struck this textile center jesterdny, the Pacific Mills, formerly employing 10,000 persons, nnd the Mverctt Mills which employ 12000 an nouncing cuts understood te approxi mate -0 per cent. The Arlington Mills, with 7000 workers, announced f.n In definite . shutdown, effective Saturday because of "unsatisfactory business conditions." IET us suppose your r Will contains pro pre visions for a trust fund te be used for certain specified purposes. Yeu believe that the terms li l of your Will cover every i possible contingency. It might be reassuring, however, te actually ob serve that trust in oper ation, while there is yet time te remedy any un foreseen defects. This can be done by the creation of a Voluntary (or Living) Trust, which operates during the life of the maker instead of after his death. A Liv ing Trust, if made re vocable, may be altered or cancelled at any time. The above is only one of many uses of the Voluntary Trust. It is extensively used in building up a "personal sinking fund" against business reverses or old age. It may likewise be used te provide a son with a college education or a daughter with a ' f marriage portion. The Hrcen-McCrackcn Pest plans te organize a building and lean association In connection with Its plan for n new , pest home. The pest wants u .? 100,000 headquarters. The second anniversary of the Women's Auxiliary of Olney Pest, Ne. ."88. will be observed tomorrow evening, when an entertainment will be held in the Olney Public Scheel. The women will have the pest members ns their guests. Assistant United States District At torney Jeseph L. Kun., Stnte Repre sentative ltenlamln M. Geldcr and Francis S. Lewis, vice cemmnnder of I the Legien lu Pennsylvania, will be en tertained tomorrow night by the Stern Price Pest, Ne. 41". nnd the Women's Auxiliary at 1317 North Iiread street. , Alterations nt the headquarters of j Kurmnn-IScnnickcr Pest, at' 4120 North Klghth 6trcet, will be completed for the meeting tomorrow night. The Themas Roberts Reath Marine Pest Is planning te held a dance at the I New Century Club. The date for this affair has net becn set. The member ship drlve of this pest is meeting with I success. j Yeeman (T) Pest held its 'regular monthly business meeting last night at I .Sydenham and Locust streets and made . final arrangements for a minstrel show and dance te be held April 27 at Apelle , Hall. mW'nSSBUmi- iSfinBk GllflAlB TMJST HfMfiiY GO Bread and Chestnut Sts. Philadelphia Capital and Surplus $10,000,000 Member Federal Reserve System THE DAILY NOVELETTE CITY OF DREAMS By Jessie Douglas II7HAT de people de te get ac- Wqualnted?" Annie Laurie Ware thought desperately. She was walking nleng one of these streets in Harlem where the buildings seem te form a canyon, where the ave nues arc usly crosscuts, where there is no vlstn te rest the eye. "New, if I should just step this man rnmhie nml siiv. I in se desperately , ! lonely that I'd like te cry.' I wonder ' what he'd de. Call n policeman, I , I s'pesc. " . , I ' Annie Laurie had come quite close te him new. and she saw that lie hnd keen blue eyes and two pleasant creases 1 in his cheeks, that he glanced nt her ' 1 casually aud that when he did she felt . ' the bleed color her face. "Just ns theush he knew what I was thinking!" Annie Laurie went en dls- conselntely. as she turned the corner. ' "New, if I looked back and he looked back and Wlij. Annie Laurie, I'm ! scandalUcd at jeu!" she told herself. She stepped a moment before n shop windew: it was a very tiny shop with just enough slass te bhew Bosten ferns, a feathery spray of lilacs and some narcissus blooming In the shallow bowl. "He'd say 'Would you rather have lolets today. Annie Laurie, or just ivc as usual.' " "Anything I can de for you, mhs?" i Annie Laurie started. She realized she had stepped lenjer than she need before this window, nnd she blushed nnd looked down nt her glove, which was quite while nt the llnser tips where it should hnve been ::rny. and hesitated, "Yes. I should like a bulb," she said, boldly, "and some pebbles and a very, very little bowl." "I'erty-tHe, miss." Annie Laurie just had fifty cents left , and she realized with a pang that It I meant she would have no lunch tomer 1 row nnd she hoped there would be no I deln with her pay envelope. She snuggled her precious bulb under her arm and mnde the journey back te 1 her room without further adventure. "It must have sun and it must hnve water," she said aloud as she set It , in the open window ledge, i She let the water drip ever her bulb and heard an Irritated voice ascend .from the resiens belew: "Hut I don't need any water, thank you!" Annie Laurle peered down, and the voice peered up, until she found herself looking Inte the verj blue eyes of the man she had passed. "Oh, it's jeu!" she gasped. ' Then overcome nt the betrayal of her words, bhe pulled in her head, and in her embarrassment dislodged her precious bulb. She heard It se rat tling down the areawey amid the sharp ' clatter of her pebbles, nnd as she buw her little bowl shattered into fragments 1 she gave n heart -broken wall. 1 "I'll see what I can de," n tjmpn thetle veire called up te her, , ! "Remember, Annie Laurie, hew jeu I were brought up!" she warned herself. When, five minutes later, a breath- I less ming man with laughing blue eyes presented her with a stubby brown bulb, Annie Laurie, with drooped lids that I hid nil the light of her dancing eyes, answered primly, "Thank jeu vcrv much." That was all. That "thank you very much" pre cluded all ether conversation. Yeu couldn't talk about the weather sud- I denly or even about having seen a cer tain person uererc, se tlie young man thought, when a prim little guardian ! held the deer. And Annie Laurie back In her room was lonelier than ever. "I knew he's nice," she wailed. "He has eyes like little Ilennle, and his voice nnd I shall juft have te go en the same ns ever, dying of loneliness, going down te the office In the morning and cenilnj back In the evening, and i wishing In the meantime." And she did. ' The ache in her heart was getting ' harder te hear nil the time, and if It hadn't been for the flve dollars she could send each week te a little frame house In St. Petersburg, she might have given up the struggle nnd fled home. iter letters were .lull el the charm See the local ALPfMdeal er C3iE-T3 af.-k:.' ! Ie3-'-...f. ..-: .WraHBKL fl';';' ''-V-'-Vv'fyfl'. .'. '. .1 lw. . : vLli? - H' iTrlmilTTTBM 'Mf 'MSftfJi? w -he can give you a copy of "ALPHA CEMENT Hew te Use It," which tells hew te plan a perma nent foundation, hew te build the forms, mix and place the concrete, reinforce, waterproof, etc The helpful, 104-page ALPHA Handbook deals with scores of cement improvements around home and farm. Costs you nothing te get a copy from the ALPHA dealer. Just tell him what you have in mind building. When you are ready for cement he will tell you why he likes te sup ply ALPHA, which represents thirty-one years of experience in cement-making. ALPHA Cement is tested hourly while being made, in order te insure Onifermly high binding power. mpHm '-HE GUARANTEED 3? CI- PORTLAND 5? CEMENT Alpha Portland Cement Ge. EASTON. PA. 14 S. Dearborn St., CHICAGO, OX. t MAM MOISTlM05 New Yerk Baltimore Botten Philadelphia Plttabnrsh Battle Creek, Mich. Ironten.Ohlo PUntm mt: Alpha, N.J. Ccmenten.N.Y. Jamaavllla, N.Y. Manhelm.W.Va. Martina Creak. Pa. La Salle. 111. Ironten.Ohlo, BaUtvet, Mich. W I ; VAIsl (opuileM, 10JS bj VTrleltv Pharmaceutical Ce. Buy Spearmint fromyeurDrug' gist or send te us for FREE SAMPLE 0s t; M W I I , I ALCOwucamrwT-w J ( c e c KsWsWsWsWsMl - f 'V'.' I 4 The Correct Way te use SPEARMINT TOOTH PASTB is te use it. in" very small amounts. Spearmint is se high ly concentrated that you need use only a little te give your teeth a perfect cleansing. Spearmint is a pure, undiluted denti frice containing absolutely no water. Se by laying it across instead of aen the brush you obtain the best results and enjoy Spearmint's delicious flavor te the utmost. A Little Qees a Leng Way By using Spearmint Teeth Paste in the manner here prescribed you will get 320 cleansings out of every tube. Compare this with the results ob tained from ether dentifrices. SPEARMINT TOOTH PASTE is a splendid teeth paste for children. Mothers have no difficulty in having their children brush their teeth with it, for kiddies love its delicious cooling flaven Ne Qrit Spearmint contains no grit or harmful abra sives and cannot injure the enamel of delicate teeth. Spearmint helps make teeth white and beautiful, gums firm and healthy; the mouth fresh and clean. 31 JlS. Randelph St., PlUUdelphla, Pa. I Pltae tend me free sample tube of Spearmint Teeth Paite. Name Addreu My Drugilit'a Namt. Addfeu, TTZ TTT. . HB.l-V- , , tTITTIaBTVlnTnnnBHHIHBIH 7'ftM--Krsrv N - - FOUNDKD BT YEARS AOO - ' -;p.-vi. '""WfflSfflT&Vn i , . f ! l-;,1 The Heuse that H-vmiA DiiSlf ntuuc euui S fel li !J Inaugurated the One-Price System in 1881 rv' r C. J. lleppe &' Sen Central Stere Uptown Stere 1117-1119 Chestnut Street N. W. Cor. 6th & Thompson Sta. Florence J. Heppe (Ben 'e the founder 'President The best-built pianos are at Heppe's When the Heuse of Heppe was founded 67 years hre a policy te sell only the best pianos that could be built was established. Today the same policy pre vails of selling only high class Instruments .including the pre-eminent Masen 6c Hamlin and Henry F. Miller Grand Pianos We sell some low-priced pianos, but no cheap ones. When you want a reliable piano, irrespective of price, come te Heppe's. , Bargain Department Reconditioned pianos that will plve veu excellent service at a very little price. At 4 11,7 Chestnut St. Heppe Upright Piane C9QQ Schumann Upright C1I2C! riane Ebony JHJO ifendelsiehn Player - Piane Mnhegany 81- $325 nardman Grand CQ4 Tlanc -Ebony afUtiJ At 6th and Thompson Sts. rtatltt f Davla 1 Ofi Rosewood apl-SO Rosewood P-&-J S(wieOMf i ee French Walnut aplUiJ Constantin Sternberg makes records exclusively for the DUO-ART producing Tiane Yeu can hear at Heppe's, or better in your own home, the wonderful interpretations of Constantin Sternberg's own original compositions. The Due-Art is the piano supreme the ONLY piano which will really reproduce the works of the great masters as the masters would have them repro duced. That the Due-Art is used only with the Stein way, Weber, Steck, Wheelock, Stroud and Aeolian Pianos, is another evidence of its pre-eminence. Come te Heppe's te hear and try the Due-Art. vv jjgjg9QaSB9B Rachmanineff chose the Victer THIS great composer-pianist, in aligning himself with ether famous world artists in music and song who chose the Victer as the instrument for the rendition of their work, attests the pre-eminence of the Victer and gives te Victor-Victrelas an' .indersement of transcending value. We sell Victor-Victrelas exclusively because Victer goods are the best ob tainable. We would sell and urge our patrons te buy ether instruments if we knew they would measure up te the Victer standard. Our long experience, however, proves the superiority of Victer products, and we back the Victer goods because they give complete and lasting satisfaction. Heppe Victrela Outfits Victrela Ne. 50, $54.50 with six 10-inch double-face records Pay only fl.00 weeldy Victrela Ne. 80, $110 With 10 worth of records Pay only $3 weekly Victrela Ne. 90, $135 ' With $10 worth of records Pay only S1.7B weekly Victrela Ne. 300, $260 With $10 worth of records Pay only S3 weekly Nothing but Victor-Victrelas sold at Heppe's A Gift which we don't tell We want it te surprise you. Accept the offer made below and we premise te delight you with a lifetime gift See what you get. MaVHCAMl SSTERILI0vl iED, Mil IT liraw LLlm "JJMl 1 1 .-r uiaijj iTn"1 1 ' I II 111 I J aaVriTll IV5 miunuursj A Surprise Your grocer has it for you free This offers you a secret gift. We want it te surprise you te be better than you expect. It is for women only, and will last a lifetime. It is the latest thing of its kind, and made by a famous maker. It is something te daily enjoy. - It is a luxury, se most women de net have it. Net one in a thousand has one like this. tThe gift is at your grocer's. Accept, the offer in the coupon, and he will present it te you. But this is just a short-time offer. Please act new. Super-Grade Milk . Deuble richness thick as cream SP A Richer Milk The finest milk produced in America Over twice as rich as bottled milk. Absolutely free from germs. The result of 20 years of study te bring you the finest milk in its finest form. Van Camp Products Ce. Indianapolis, Ind. New the grocers of this section have a super-grade milk. The Van Camp experts have spent 20 years te perfect it. It is produced in the finest dairy ing sections of the Middle West. It comes from sanitary dairies and from high-bred cows. It is guarded byevery precaution. A cream-like milk In each of these sections milk fresh from the tcew comes te a model cendensery. There, at low heat in a vacuum, we evaporate most of the water. Nothing is added te the milk, nothing but water is taken out. It comes te you as thick as cream. It is ever twice as rich as bottled milk nearly 8 per cent butter fat. Use it like cream in coffee and en cereals. Add an equal part of water for drinking. Dilute still further for cooking, and you still have a rich, whole milk. Fer every purpose you have ster-' ile milk, utterly germ-free. It costs you less This ideal milk costs no mere than ether evaporated milks. It costs you less than bottled milk and saves you all the waste. It comes in small cans and tall cans, se you open what you want. It keeps until used up. With it you always have en hand the richest full-cream milk, and you never waste a drop. Fer selected cities t The production of such milk is limited. We can never supply mere than one home in twenty. Se we select certain sections and offer it there alone. New this section is one of them. Frem this time en all grocers here will be kept supplied. Se we want every home around here te try this perfect milk. That is why we make this offer. If you will try a dozen cans we will repay you amply. Your grocer will present you your choice of two gifts, both of them exquisite. Then you will knew the finest milk your home has ever served. And you will have a lasting gift Cut out the coupon se you won't forget. This Offer Geed for a Short Time Only The Secret Gift , is at your grocer's Buy from your grocer 12 cans of Van Camp's Milk, at one time or as wanted. Cut out from each label the picture of the can our trade-mark. When you have 12 of these trade-marks hand them te your grocer and he will present yw the gift ft i& A v.i !MkUb!&&i. X . ... J. - JV. ' LVa-jV fifS. im.ys.mjf. i. . a .., . ?i2, i&2:i. -a-- JOT ?3.'J V .Y JSl .-, . . falte&9!Mi&t.i WSMiiWM'V ,VJV' ' till ..&: -M?.iwt . BBSiVsi.t i