vr liS- K V wv f liKwEFFT" lV7iSJ wW m man i RESTS ON PACKAGE y 'Detective Parker ' Expects te Find Solution of Murder Mystery in Bundle WAS MAILED AT PALMYRA ( ' 7 If ii injurious paiKngp, sent iIueurIi he innlK rnn be trnccil le Its ilcsll ilcsll nntlen and recovered.' Detecth Kills ttirker, of llurllnglen County. N .1.. t..iii.tPi he will be nblc te niitioiiiier the name of tlfc mindcrcr of "Honest Jehn" Hriinen.Mcn1tliy Hrcim owner, who wfl" n"0' ,0 ,,cntl1 ln,,,lR ,10,IR' '" I niwr'lclc N. .1. Detective Pnikcr i rfti-cil te lcveiil hnt tbe pneknge rentnlneil. though he hinted tlmt the uniminl nntiirc of tlie .i.i-i,. umilil mIkp the murder myntcr. in the reiilm of tlieec mjatrrleiw crimes' With w lilcli f'oneii Deyle used Hherleck Helmes te solve for the delight of fic tion wader. , , I vh nnnlil t-hn count v detective sav bv whom the pneknge wai mailed, or 6 whom ltwnn addressed It was mnllcd, he wild, nt Pnlmyrn. X. J., the tuime nosteffice at which Mrs. DerlH ltrunen, wife of this murdered show man. wns nc nc cuteincd te receive letters written te her as 'Mr. D. Ndlcn." by "Dm-" Ward, former "ballyhoo' nncl let man, with the Uriinen clrcue. ' i Detective Parker' niineunced today that "Dec" Ward had told him he had i int silk stockings te Mrs. tinmen and te her tcp -daughter Hazel, nt Christ inns time, and they had sent him a present of 'a box of caudy in return. Ward, back in Jersey City, Is ready te nnsner further questions nt any time, Detective Tarkcr said. Finds Finger I'llnts ParVcr wns away all of Inst night. lie Mould net eay where he hnd gene, or what he lind learned. It is believed, however, I lint he was en the trail of the mysterious package which he hopes will icvenl the murderer's identity. He raid ahe that Anger prints hnd been disclosed en examination of the gun grip found In a field near llruneu's home and mippeMid te lime, teen lest by the murderer ns he tried te take the shot gun npart while he ran. The linger prints were fnlnt, I'nrker said, nnd may net be of much uie In tracing the mur derer. They hove been photographed. hnuGver. nnd enlnnrpmpnti mnitn nf llie dun outlines. Finger nrlnts uill be ra taken of nil these who might hnve hnd Twe ntternc eieel tin- writ Iter- slmre in the crime, nnd compared i mud Handler and D.ivld Slclnhiirdt. with the mnrks en the gun grip. While neither would entei lutn the full Parker reported te Ceuntv Prei-evii- detnlls of the ea'.e. Mr. S.indler ad ter Kelsey today en last niglitS trip, imitted wlini intenegnteil that Pielist. nd the two spent several hours 'n ion- ference behind locked doers. Kach hud imiiertant information te impnrt te the ether. A new theory en which Pniker is working ls thnt the murdcier lurked in the big garage back of the Tinmen home, watching for 11 favorable oppei tunlty te enealt up te the kitchen window near which HruiiPii sat. Theru is a cinder rath from the garage te the house that would deaden the foetfnll of the mur derer and carry no tell-tale trachs. Paul Prelim, former eonecssiennniiP, with the llruncu show, has been located in n hotel nt Pateisen. X. .1., nncl Pailver will either go te see him or haw hlni cime te Mount lleliy. lie is net a su,spcci. It is understood PniKcr has been tnlng te locate a rival showman, who had made thrents that "Ilruncn will nut taKe out his show this spring." Uriinen, it is snld. "jumped" a circus let the ether man had expected te ute in a town, leaving very uoer business for 111s rmii. Hint liuppenea years age linf i"v Him ."iiueinuii is Mini re nnc ui-.s, K,Kp Clues Narrowed Down 'Theie weie at first fiw clues.'' I rreiseeuter KeXey said, "and these hnw ,i, .1...1 ..1 : ;..',.."".""" --uhil- in tin- new 11111 rowed down te two. We aic-ibe i-i ii'iiuiiLiiiiiK 11 crisis in tnp case. I -"" imiiiiig 110c k i iiiu lysani te be Tlic next feity -eight benis ought le e uxrluslw that lis iuciiibeiship luster tiling te light the person or persons le- ! N cenllncd te twelve iumilic"-, all 1111I pcinslble for this crime. Mienaitps and ull highly idnced socially. 'I de net believe llncl Hiuueiu Piebsi asset ted he fust Ket ."(!." a arkstrein knows nnytliing about the ,111011th. was nilsed t,, Sim. in addition l-ientitv of the peien or persons ie- 1 te which he get his meals ami Mceplng "Pensilile for her father's death. She qunrleis and was able, therefeie te naturally is anxious te see the mm -. send money te his methei In Swits-pi-lf rer i appiehcmled ." land and te deposit Mi) in .be l.lg ,,,i e, rtred esrs" -V1" ' -I-lakes n ktin j Hank and SKIO will, his friend V.im rtrel years, said Ilacl as she steed I merman. Piebsi lestiti . ..nU V ,? .!:,rL0', ISfi.T'M.!!-". .i.t !.; "Su "".'"'." '"V - in reply te n queslien as te whether the .-.-.. ...,,.,,-. ,-, uiuiie ine srnieineni. ' mmtiy imd obtained anv Infoimntien indicating the identity of the murderer nf her father. The bride nf her fathei's lien tamer expressed confident p that Uunty Detective Paiker will get the 1111111111 m time. She sal, that her mother would an- 1 nr.all questions "when the doctor I (m nfiimte.. i.n.. l ..11. ,, . - ........-, Ilr, , inui. lining .irs. 1 iimtiem sinsistPtl bee Hint I. or , mil, I net be ispfti hv nnyhech. She ha Id "the family will present its tide of the case t the nrniier time." 1 ims tins been n tenitile shock te mullier and she is under the doctor's care. She is a very nerieus woman natuinlly. I am stienger. of course, d I can Ntnnd it better than mother. In hups in a fe,w days she will be able t talk, nnd then we will tell our side "i inc ense. 111:11 w, if the doctor mils mother te tnlk." per- lime you had any infoimntien tend tig te clear up the mysten of the luennti of 1 he mini who killed father':" she was asked. your e haw no idea at all, but minder "ill mil. een if it takes 11 bundled ypiis, Sonicbedi is hound t0 find out. e think Mr. Pinker is n enderfnl lnini niwl lw. ..ill et.,.1 ..,,, ,i. i. ii.. "" iiii inni uiii nn- iiiiiii. iii. Nephews and Nieces te Inherit1 funds of Aged Germantown Weman One of the wills tiled for piebntc to te '' as that of Mis. Anna .1. Kkieu, "he dtetl in the (ii'immilewii Alnn--Leuse at the age of eighty -tin ce len -lnK tin e Mate of .CiOOll. I'ntil about I'H mouths age she Hied with a lephew Pellceiiinii Itnllcnilne. Wlien ' "'ii win uiniiieil the Hallen i ne house beeame loe mhuII ami she "weil in the aliiihii.iis. juiylng henid ll0",. Her little estate was left te her nephew niul nlcicK. Atiiilhir w ,, , VUS ,m, ,)f ,m el ' llunistine. et .!27 Seuth Seicntpeinh r !'; Vvlln ,li,,,1 MiddPtih en .Mm eh .s. I 'e left ?--,no.te his widow. Mrn. An ' lluiIlKlne. ,f el'liwr. -IiiHitK-. who left nn estate '.' 'N,,HI(l, briiiieutliecl SIKfl in i ln ilirts ilelldny Uiimv nt t'ape .Alay tniil .S2."5(l " iillkMCIUHM werK union u i he siees ii ml the Indians. ,. "flier w wills tiled weie: Calheiinc ;" '' ' """"" 'ti'cnili .-trcet. WXitl: Kicdeil.'h Khntder. 11IS1 (Jratz stfeet, SP.MKK). mid . Annie 11. Mc llii.etiti" ,U:! Xe,,h i:,(,,e,,t1' Mre1,1' The linenteiy tiled today of the per "niil estate of William It. Gorden -bowed letal pnmejty of $85,882, was one of ,y father's best, ti lends NruilP", ,f"' H" '"lu f"V '"' "s" fl he will find lite man who killed ( "l"''1 , f""" ll'" "i1""" 'J'"1 V.,,xl '"'" him " ' I pi'iired aiiiiilig a fence of walteis te- ci tilled for the Uniting Unci, flub Al UCUnilCr- iiniATr i r-i r The. iiniiilginlhm uutllinllles heie ftUMbHOUSE INMATE LEFT lusitucieci m ie.,1. .mt r,,,- him AM Fs5TATP UfnDTU CKnnnl I'biuaiy -tl last, and the net clay wpip HN CJ)IAIt WUHIH $0000 hielllied th.it he had aiine.ned in New iTi .S". .S W 'HIHfl(UflHHHHHHHHHiflBHHHHHHMBHHHHMHr? -v 11 flH yBBBBBV BR '' . ij' ' HHVJHD!2Hf BbBBBi BBBBBBB3HRuiBBlKTBHBBHBBfl9lBBBB9 Old "Simlre Drewnd's mansion" In Heslyn has been unoccupied for cars. and, due te the peculiar circum stances of. Its abandonment, talcs of "hauls" have persisted through the rars. Shortly after Squire Drewnd's death his two sisters precipitately lied from the house In their nlghtclethes and refused In return or make an explanation SAYS GIRL'S KIN Swiss Butler Charges Plot te ( Keep Him Frem Wedding t Pittsburgh Heiress INVESTIGATE HIS SANITY New Veili, habeus eeinus March "(I wilt of signed. iv IVdeuil .fudge. Mbiiui , i in. nil .illume Slack, .was seived yctenliiy nt Kills' Island upon .lumes P. Daly. iepieent 1 ing Immigration Conimisleuer Itehcit K. Tedd, railing for the bunging of AuguM Probst, a Swiss rltien, held en Ihe Island because el alleged insanity, befeic Federal .ludge Knox, tomorrow nfternren, se his mental coiulitlen may 'be Inquired into. r'wbe is tuentj -feuK unci a .tiiUnglj 1 f . 1, ...... .1 Sal, Mania. 1 " lleth l.,wy e?s !"s;; t' Ule Swi.s is en- ' !he u'suari Un"-10''"?1 USAW n,e W. "A0 &2iU 1 USZ , et their desirability ns citlens. The story thul Probst's femtsel say he will tell Is that elTeits aie belnc made te get bint mil of Aineilcu bemuse he and 1 a Pittsburgh glil efVieat wealth unci social piemliieiiic aie in low anil mint 1 te many, but the gill's lelatives object I te his station In lite mid hud him Ki.I nuppeil nnd pluceil in the psychopathic wind te sepuiate I bent, ' The- Pittsbingh gill, necenlliig te Ihp slm j. is a wry near kinswoman of n Pittsbuigh uiillienaiie. She is nineteen, geed looking and a college glil. Accetding te his suinii tesiimeny which was iiiescnteil te .hielue .Mnek in the application-tin the wiit of habeas1 corpus. Alicust I'rebsl. also Ltftiwn ns ("Aichle" Pielist. was hoi 11 in Heine. ....! . .,.. celtiitM .lime I last us a htuwnid ein the White Star linei Ohmi.le. I! l.,l fii,. 1,:.. . 1 Through him Ptebsf leained that the Itelllnjr Heck Club at l.igienier. Pa., ntar ' ittsuutgh. wanted 11 butler. Sel went te Mglenier mid get the job. RM". '"'ml, .ineKiennan and s'ened wiiii me 111 my et hi iiatiie leuutiy. 11 u nn,. ns-cit imnbe lie wns tee modest te ele s himself he N e tiemely gnml-loekiii and Is j eeIeler of high talent, in addition te which be plays the plain ami l it genenil all mound athlete MEMBERS OF CUM ,XO hUU UbtY rtiUBST STORY Pittsburgh. Mnich I'll. 1II1 A lliimlcialieti etiieeis heie weie P. 1 ledav licckiti!: tin the 111 lii nil's of Auiiust Prebsl, n Intini r waiter at lite fashion- I able Itulllng ltmk Club in the Alleghany ' Mountains, near l.lgnnler, who Is tight'- 1 iiik uepei laiieit luuceeiiiugs al l.llls 1 Island. Mpiubcis n the I'ltib iiiiueuil.'i'il .is 'wlielh undue' siateini'iits ntiilbiitc.l le rrebst that we.tltln i I'lltsbuigh glil we ie tela tnes nt a ing his deiiei liliiiill ie, ieei ei'l llllj I I 1IIKC 111 mm, en the gieuuds thai he is iimiuc. I'ieiii etheiiil leceids here PieIihi came te this i.iiinlt hist .luiie as stew- i aid en i he liner Olympic, mid desei ml ........ ... . . I .1, his shin lu New etk Inn hut . lie lii.ide his ai te J'hlciige. the tatPiiicul Mini. Wlil'ie lie was inc l.t'i up and . . v ,-. . Yeil,. Ail lies celli e'l nilig I'tebst wue that he hnd "bei'tt itiiunilug iieiiiiiieut people lit Pitlsliingh, ami is a iliiugcieiis innii." Mi'inb.'is of the i lub Mild tetlnv llint Pielist. who wns known t them as "Aichle," was teen te ail iineil cm Kcieial oiiasieu, unit n was lommeii gossip mound tin club that he Imh ile eland he wax et royal bleed mid bettei than another Swiss who was n, many an Ameilc.iii heiress. After mi inci dent in which l'lub-l was said m hnie flglllPil Illll.lger lllile. of the t lull, leiil; li i nt te New Yolk nnd tin mil him our te tlie P.llis Island iiutheiilics TRUCK KILLS WOMAN Fruit Seller Fatally Hurt at Dela ware Avenue and Market Street Mih, Uegluii MnhitcNin, I bitty yen t old, of ."-1 Seuth Wale i siieei was injured fatally when struck bv n motor meter it ink this illuming while ii.islni,' ihe si t eel at Id limine aicniie and Mmkei stii'et. wheie she I'llllllncls a llllil Miimi. Nil.-. Miilmelu was taken le tlt Pcnnsjlvanlii Ilestillal, hut died en the niiciiitlni! table. Jacob ,M. Hill, of :t l.'ls KiUemeiii sttpet. timer of the duck, was aucsieel nnd held without hall by Maglflialc Ceward le nwalt the action of tl.e Corener. KIDNAPPED M I INCREASE IN EMPLOYMENT EXPECTED SOON IN PHILA ,;. Survey of City' Shows Only Slight I Decrease Frem Peak ' Although cmp1eineiit In Plillndel ' pliln took a diep in February, gener.il conditions Indicate that' spilng work in the next three months will cnuse a big gain in the number of employed, iiieeidlns te the Industrial Itelntlens Committee of the Philadelphia Cham- ' lini tt irtiliifiti ft The ynvuv ceers sixty -seven firms, f CT.rii'eMn one" group of miscellaneous Industrie.. J The dren In cmnlevment in these 'in- dustlles wns from OT.OOi In January L n'",,,f5S '", n-nlI,V . 1)ccclnbcr'a . Hiiien Nlinueil lift. TIIO uet Keis. rin iieri'i'iinitre e nierensc or cle- I .crease tn me peiieci irem August, '1021. te end of Kebiunry. JO'J'.'. fel- I lows : lnirme V. ('. I 10 I . 'HI I . n.r.i . 27.1 roeil nrniluM- lOTtll" Iren nrd i"d ... l.umbr and if product. I."llmr and Us product rwr Htid prlnlinw . . . -.- 1 liinlc.ilri nnd nlll'd iuikIucis 1" Tcibacce inenufatturltiK . . . 'U Vhlrls . .. '11.2 Mlfrellsn'eua Uccrense fnninnilseus show that theie h.is been a diep of only ."OS empleyes lie t ween this month and llllil. when cm t.1ii tnenf wtls lit lis HeltMlI. "iiffeVu haye !,. made ih.ougheut 1 W. &JhLZVJXt i c"e ' be es' e Vl I, ompieyinent nn-... these who caiine, .ebta.n ,; i, ,, ,i.(J ,i, i, I net tnused serious suffering this winter. NAB 2 MORE IN AUTO DEATH Youths Implicated by Four Other 1 Beys Previously Arrested Twe mete heys weie held today by .Miigisdnle l)el 11 111 1 use el of being or (iipants nf the "minder" mi tlmt ntiuck 1111(1 killed Vieejte lontaello at Twenty -tltlid nncl I'leui field stteets Mault !. The two. at rested List ulahl. weie imnlieateel In lour ether bes, ui listed List I'llilay nlsht. Police sa they liaw statements deni the bens that thei wi'ie In the car, which had lnen stele n. am! stiml; 11 tiattelniaii just l,efnii killing Monttiello. The bens guw their names as llinin.is Star, alius "(ient." sevpiitetn e,iis old. 'JL'lt! West Haleid street. 11111I An- thorn Iliinuig.iu. svwntccii, liT.'ll West Albeit street. Thev weie held with out bull te nwult the aitleu of the Cuieuer. WAR VETERAN MISSING Wife Says He Toek $330 of Her Meney With Him Mis. t'.imille Walteis. Wit; ( inhi i.i stiei'l. teperted at the .MiuiumiiiK sta tion this nuiintug tltat her husband, O litdi Wultcis, u World War leter.iu, disnppiMicd from his home Siitind.iy tneiiiiiig. taking ultli hlni s'.V.'M of hei ineiipy . VI" I I WiNlPts. who is twenty -ene1 old. was gassed duiing the win wlihh aiieieltug le his wile, destiuyi'd one 'd i ins iiiiis, no leu su,tui; 1 1 1 :t i iie was going le sec the compensation beanl, but Intel bis wife found the fellow lug iietf : I "Please take uetiie Teil.u is the I day I meet tin tatttl deem. ('. V." Sntuiilay afternoon she lecelwil a tele :guim Ii etii Ii 1 in saying he would wiite i Intel. d Wallets was elNe hinge T tnun the ,n tin of ih'i upulinu about i innutlis ugi DISCUSS POLICE WORK rnri.iunn m.. n,-.,w... f rnm. merce Committee .lames T. CoUelyeit, Dim tut et Pub lie Sately. nttenile'il the inieliiig el the .Muuiilu.il Affairs Commit tee of the wi kvrwv. i.iwwka ,,n,i,ws, ui vwpii- l'lilhileliihifi Chmnlier of t'emmeice this 'afleinoen and dlseussecl isitiiiu police pieteetive tucaiiires Jn which the t'hiim ber of ('emmeiie is i o-epeialiug ivlth the ell i. III. Wllnier Ki u-in is cltiiii inn ii of ill.' lemmltlee. A delegation fnuii the Tent ,iud Awning Mnnufai Itneis' A ss,,,.,;, t H,ii also attemleil the meitiiu nnd pl.u cd hefere It legihlatlic iiiallcts et iit.il in iciest te the eigiiiiiiitliiu. The intitiei of the icunenlieti ball en the I'mkw.iy was the'tliiid item of basin. - AUTOIST TOO "SASSY- (Talking Back te Traffic Policeman Costs Man $13.50 "Sasslng"' Mutiny link's, new l utile ptUle'inati test l.ee Wejeiee hew u Mil. nil. Ile U a baker, and Ihes nt ll'IT Main stiect, ItiVilUMi of IlllllilifiUS lice lili'llls, caused by tadng nut. .mobile s, Ttnlhi' I'elle email Neniinu Tayler bus be mi hinlluneil at Miilu-tinil l.c'M'ilug htnets with a (.emnpheic. This iiintnlug, young Wuh lAehew Ie disiegaideil Tayler's signal for him le Flop at the PiOiHlng. 'When lepieMcel, he made some letnaiks thnt Tnyler ehlected i te. Magistrate Det n sustained the eh jeilleiiN Sill, 5(1 wnilh - Crash Victim Dying De. tins nl the Prcsby leilaii'llesjiiiiil Iiiimi little hope today eif siuiin; the life of Leuis Knilfuiiiu, l IMI lill'IIWOOl avenue, who wns struck by nn auto It skidded at Keitv-hut mobile when sticet and (ilinid ineuiii' Inst nlglu Kiiufnmirs skull Is fractuicd. Ids ilghi 'eg hiekeii ti nd his heih bnilh cut mid. tnulKPil. The car wns drhen by Lucius Campbell, of Kast Rnenevelt Rmilevard, I iPIT. CARS NOW BY I Signs in Cars Premise Better Service by Empleyes as Stockholders MEET TODAY . t'mi en all lines of llie P. II. T. b'" iihuhIiis were eptrnteil by ewueIS . .,.,... l "" '""iiain ". -"' ineuj Coen servile. ioe, 1 run I mi, 11.. 1 1 ., 1 1 mil pull.d eieiy ear through acerd-, RUN OWNERS nig 10 setieilule. 'tills eleesji ! menu , rhodeilendioiis. 011 bids ami ie.-iquilN theie was any eluingc In the pcrsenne 1 1 and tubciese., fvt uhich lie was In a in the i.tr news. 1 mild way famous. It,,. ,i, ,, , ., He bad leicreel one of the iieiflies Hut ll.es, sfsame e.cws iceenlljr ,, ,llhHi lllsfll(i, ,eatl..g ste,,, bought stU(c (he company , and niPinn.l made n 1 onset vntei of it And theiefete new werlvln ter themselves. ' if he had iins,., ,, minKsus bull) nnd Te lini nil ileleis tl.nl dm 1 ).... . 1 weie hems eiieinled In their outlets u simi neai lit',' t tic fellow Iitu aiiuineu evci v (i lite sste.in ; 'P. It. T. stocMieldrts encialliii; this cni pledge ear service safe, cetiilenus. 1 emtfe,-w mi Mitten mnnaVem nV." n I T,, ''L"! '"V ". I'-.." 1. 1 1 1 1 lilt H l llf-U lllPflllir I J tin ftlu. Placed the anti-. Mitten men last week ! win inei'i iecijv at llic ceninnnv s I'X- ec utile elfiec's lu the Land ing. Till Uulld- t hilelay .Miner Moeie liutile a sugges tion that meetings of the heard, en which he leptesents the dry, should in the futttie lie open te the pies, ami public. This suggestion wns net com cem incnti'il upon by Themas K. Mitten, presieleitt of the i'(iiiii:in . One of tlte veteran moteiincn of the leuipnui .new-a stockholder, said. "The .Mayer's snggpsthm is all light, bin why don't hc let the public "lend bis Ciiblnvr ineetings tee. I guess tlie people would hear ..ni interesting things," . SCHOLARSHIPS OFFERED One of $300 for Sprlngside Scheel Cemes Frem D. of C. A .s.'KH) tuition sehehnshlp for one war ill (lie Spiillgsidc Scheel, fhesl -nut Hill, is etieied b the Knitcd DttUglilets eit tlte ('enfedeiaci . This is one of slt -eight si helnishlps pieiideel by this iiigutiltitleu te Mirleus. ecliti a a tletutl Institutions thiougheiii the' eeuntiy. Among ether m hului hlw te In i winded this ie,ir me: Te St. Mntv's Scheel. Meiiiphis, Teini,. Slet); Ala bama Pehteihnlc Institute, .S.'Of Min imi Institute. Muiien. Aluhamn. Sl.i(l Celunibla Institiile, Columbia. Teim. (two m hehiishlii.i, .sum pni h : Itini Itini delph Mai'ein Auidenn, I'leuit Itmul Vii.. S10II, .mil Willlinii nnd Man Col lege. .f.-,tl. All si helai ships given undei this nl . lungiiiient me for a iciiuie of four eais, in until the -Mudclit eeiiiiiletes the ienise, exeept I 'it 1 ! -.It ()f 'ir ginia srheiaisini,,, h,i n)l, ii,t,.c te two yi in s Applicants feu these s, helarshlps .it, iP'luesteil te leininunliate with .Mis uiiiiniu iett uimiii. r,tu:: Pniski ncnue, Civrmmitewii iis seen lis pos- sii,i' Yeu take railroad travel for granted these easy days. But remember about Stephenson and the first locomotive. A lucky strike for progress 1 LUCKY 7 strike; The discovery of toasted tobacco was a lucky strike for us. If you will buy a package of Lucky Strike cigarettes yourself you will see why millions new prefer the toasted flavor, It's Toasted De tfisttedynd notice thm delicieut (nitted Barley whan you try Lucky Strike. QA OuirentMill) A A Al IA 1 1 IT A"' J,l,"fiT HOUSE IN NIGHT Squire Drewnds' Mansion Reslyn Deserted and Has Ghost Mystery CICTCDC uun ci en en cut SISTERS WHO FLED, SILENT Anether "liriuuted lieuse" le which Interest and attention hn been laluly dlrecteil is the old Diewnrl', inilliien. which ndjelns whnl. Is new the tafcly subuilmn inmmuiiltv f Hehn. It (& n tllMlca. uftt rtn f,.itn 1 ll A cll'llf of any cnsunllv iiu-peVtic buyers of model inedei ii homes, or of the auto- I ineblllsts who ne the toads there n limits. llieiiL-ii tileknlekeis and leic lern ta!is mlcht and often haw rami' upon it iinnu'iin-.. It stands well shel tered In n grove of cedars, chestnuts mid pines, nnd Is neailv half submerged in oveigrewn ginss. Iiiamblps and ines. The feutpatli that wind 111110111 tin tieeft past the little lettage of Peny Creenspnti, the ical estate mail, ami up te the (luuihling walls of the Drnwiiil-i maiisleii. Is seldom used, though it Is 11 fair -heiti'Ut le the IMgehill toad. In winter this IniongiueuH patch of timbei covering about forty tuiei has mi asiieit that N dull, austere and sometimes filghtenlng. If Iheic U wind 'the bianchis make 1110111 nftrl neles and las he turns n enive In the lead two windows pier nt the stiniiger tnun iiiideineath a h owning gable.. In sum mer the plat e becomes oveigrewn with honey sueKle, wild rocs mid witeiui and tiiKes en eeiie heautv. Clowned Willi a Tun el The house is three stories high, with gnules, ami is new lied in ft 1. nt with 11 seit of spH.eil tuner. It is of fiume mini rue 1 001 is Mlinnirn, unci llsc ounr eunr ing the dec.iy and the dNeidcr of the 1 I setting It, is ptetty iiiuili like nil ether I commodious round v houses built in the1 vlcmltv In the years lest following the 'Civil Win. 1 Owe. of ienise, llieie Wile shell dihewins around II. the lawns were Kept, the dees nenlh dimmed and hustle beni lies s, t among them. I Theie weie giecnhniises neaiby and ineie .-senile wiew 111 s, wiie'e nebiy line ,,. UPri. ,,,, ,; ,v;. p " Jeiiiuil liulli -iictessmih lie Kept the ' tllllllt ttllllll Mill kllivit nl It in -1 I. ..,.. .n I-.1...1. i " i-mn- 1 11 111 llIl- ! entile te cull. Hi. 1 e also hi' ls s.ild te' hnve iinlleil 111 111,11 rluc many swains an, nuieleus fnuii the -11 finiiilliii ceundy. Tln-ie lln-ri wiili Snnlie nuiun.l: l.lc two sistcis, and oiii"ieiMilh othei ml- f I 1 1 1 nu rl'lint niirei i Itimf ii 1ttT.. t.nl tii.f ifeiiMineii ,... t..T.,.,. tl... U....I..! .. .. """" "'" V Jeweled Bracelets J Damends -Emei-alds - Sapphires - Rubies Excellence ef&ciaiiy Design antf Werkmar2sht Patadopeli Palace of Venice, is warmed by AMERICAN RADIATORS Whether your home be a palace or a cottage tht9 Company has a heating product planned especially for it. Developed in the Institute of Ther mal Research, the largest in the world, AMERICAN Radiators and IDEAL Boil ers arc designed te last as long as the house and te pay for themselves in the fuel they save. AMERICAN RADIATOR COMPANY iDCif. Deileis and AMERICAS Radiators for eveiy healing nerd Display Roem, 1711 Chestnut St. ... , , ,. Office., 25th & Reed Sti. Philadelphia, Pa. The "Royal" Tep Ceat CJ This is new idect in Tep Coats. It is made with four buttons, straight hanging back and low pockets. I Its clever rakish lines make ready appeal te men' who arc looking for a distinctive and out-ot-the-erdinary style. J Made of Imported and Amer ican Tweeds, Cheviots, Home Heme . apuns $40, $45 and $50. JACOB MEED'S SONS U-2 M126 Chestnut Street BBFtS HK"E"1 peace he wait an ninatettr tiwldermwt, and always had semfitfJ: better than ..niminiiv l.i vlvn 1,1 ntt'tlllOII tO. XliefC l weip, of course, serVnnts n ceachmnn, n liutlcr and several mams. One dav, about tpn years nje, the H(iulre wns knocked down by nn auto- . ' , . i. t tl -t ii.A 1fAn.1(t.M Tit-. . moeiie in ireni i it j;n...,. . . I initial In Philadelphia. He wns badly ! t..i.i ti.ii lm itvAt liltii lintne. He in I died' weii afterward, I Ter three years the Drewmrs sis I teis lived in the house with only serv ants and the stuffed niilinntn the Squire had left about. Furnishings Are SeUl " "" bnppened suddenlj en a iiilit that the servants were out. And what It was is net known te tliix day. All ii,i ..mi im ipiii-ued Is that en thnt night. sheilh nfter 11! o'clock, the slMprs. hnlf i-liiil. uppenieil nt the deer of the near est celtnge and begged te be taken In. In the morning they left for Philadel phia and nevir returned, and neither ,lw.n i,r iifinruntil leuld the be licr- sunded te diiu'ii the tell what it wus tnai nae lem away Fer mere limn lUc yen is the hoiieo Te brush up en Spring scenery See Rogers Peet suits and overcoats. Ne finer fabrics! Ne finer type of tailoring! Patterns and designs comparable only with the 1 best custom made ! , Prices about half! FERRO & COMPANY Rogers Pcet Clethes Chestnut St. at Juniper FINE FRAMING Etchings Prints Water Celers Paintings TDE ROSENBACB GALLERIES IKO WetUit Btrctt TtH -iVSl KniliBlffflniVBW Vrl "tkct nrvraBBi wwwmamrv&m rnftinM'VlatueKnM Vlt If, with the inDic ser rer ercnKtnst, wttn tiie gilet beds made and the slstejV beds rumpled. A yenr uge some one at the order of the Drewndrt then In another pnrt of the country advertised a public sale, nnd all the furniture, the tinstcr heds. (lie high bejx nnd tabic linens, the bed I w Perry 's ' A N N OUNCE the finest and most varied selection of Spring clothes ever brought tegcthcjr in Philadelphia 4 Spring OVERCOATS Spring TOPCOATS Spring SUITS IN O MATTKR liew much you expect, you'll be amazed ar the results of our months of preparation. Thousands of handseme new Suits and Overcoats. Fab rics and styles for every conceivable taste. In Oven eats: Herringbones, Diamond weaves. Knitted. Coverts, Gabardines and conservatives in every wanted style and shade. Beautifully draped Raglans. Be.v bdek coats with set-in sleeves and Novel ties with or without belts. Seme especialh from Londen. In .S.i.--- Beautiful new Overplaidj.. Checks, Pencil Stripes. Tweeds, Home Heme spuns. Fancy Worsteds and very attractive Silk Mixtures. Spert Suits in wonderful variety for Town or Country Club - with or without Knickers. Junier Suits for the young fellow (31 te 6 inch chest measure). Separate trousers. .In J an especially I M PORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT te the People of Philadelphia is OCR SUPER-VALUE POLICY indicated by our SUPER-VALUE PRICES $ 28 $33 38 and 43 i. ensen jtucly estimated at te S 12 less than the same qualities will be sold for in an geed store in Philadelphia. WE ARE se confident of our qualities .ind values that we appreciate most of all the customer who leek around before he umie te u ! , Perry & Ce 16th and Chestnut SI PER-VALUES in Clethes- ter Men First Commuter 'That's tee Imd. I could -hjee stepped for yeil with the Moen. 1 can always count en thai car." (Iicii (am . S ". Closed Cat a .-.Will I he M e ii ii displav rooms a nil demon demen demon strnters Mt'lceiue ou cl.ij tiling or fieniiis. Moter Hit car of tlic ten proven units MACKIN MOTORS, Inc. .1. .la Vaiidcrjjrlft, I'rcH. Sii A. Uruud it. KfdSSM a ji jn cttf&"jiy were carried m?M 5JSff liunterH. ) 4wJ W "?-J. Nothing remained lentchl i el urn nf tha wrnlth or' whaN wan except a stuffed eagle and," hornets thnt fiail mnde tnrir the third-story walls Gars Phene, Peplmrffl I I J Xl ?! I , ' i l i -; ''I ,ji KaliiH i.Mj.ji iyc5 "1! - W '-! if 1 m SSI J1 ' '.1 m?j ;31 Vl rn 'i Vl 'H ii .s 'im m ti 'i Ik j W m ' - ;4 i 1 ? i CJJ va i i '; m SV4: Ji $ .::- t JHf -a' ! T M' Mmk M m&, .".i ' feWj J--S. f; AV. v I . 4. tt. k ' W v ,fl t . Al iH'Mt, is .iwni t.1.. I ..-, .Vl'3. J it . i.-,li.S.s"'.Jl. - .ill.' ii Mil-ram, ...twfra ikw &ifti