xmU&VW PffiSmSIHBIk SW"Kr . Kssxwxmz i'yv- . :i.: 'ftT-.T.-ffMS-f.V " r i " Vnw-'vr V-Alll "1 'W T i.xTT':TW(r'r-CT fe m'tv J' 1. -...- i "1H ueu iants Are in Shape for the Beginning of 1922 Season Werli Hard m la tki Fart la the Aatatese luslag TsemsmtBt 1 tff tffE5HBaB2&S'W wr t v ft" !i . A 'XHuF i;K 'frit ' v v!ma "T -htw iwreiiTrnirni ni iiiiiim i rv - lfr-: J ,'," " - ' WHiT.-TT-r - , . t- - fj ! . tamp ssvar Cliia WHt m t , f f gmtMrnM ' 1 r !&& pw r;f H r W M ,v ' & r. IvV m ' W' w . MET 'J $WGK;4 W EXPECTS NO Cinch winning FLAG- HARD FIGHT PLANNED Giants' Manager Believes He Will Be TJweatened by Cards, Braves, Pirates and Reds Has Lets of Talent Working Out in Camp By ROHEBT W. MAXWELL ports Wller ETtnlnr Pnbtle Ltdftr San Antonie, Tex.. Mstcli 17. JUST because he wen the rnnnnt in the National League and the world's championship. Jehn McUraw hhlppad several carL-nd of players .low here for BpTinit practice and established one of the largest training camps In i cither lague. Nobody was overlooked by the manager of the Giants. lMtchcrs. catchers, Infifelilcrs and outfielder were purchased by the de?en, und It took mere than a week te lenrn each ether's names. During the practice session the baseball park m cmdrd tr the '" edge, and it a feared that Henry rablnn would have te build hide beards en the fence te keep the athletes from overflowing into the residence district. Wen in uniform were cry place, and research work was put en by Jawn and his assistants, Hugh Jennings, CN.xy Delan. Jess Burkett ami Dick Kinse la. te discover some regular ball plaern. At this writing they still ure researching. It is difficult te figure why the large bunch of talent win brought here for the efflclM once ecr, because the Giants appear te b.- all set for the season with the exception of one outfield poMtlen lrUh Mcutel will be In left nnd IUw Yeung In riant field, and four high -clans pla)crs nre trjlng for the vacant place. The Infield, with Kelly. Frlsch. Bancroft and lireh as regulars, and Johnny lluvt lings as utility man, U ridlnc nice and pretty. However, a (lock of aspirants feck intield portions. The citching staff will consist of Snvdcr, Karl Smith nnd Gasten, yet n hulf der.cn ether hnve hopes of stepping 'into the line-up. Ahd McGrnw and his assistants arc clewly observing the v.erk of every man en the field. Til EKE arc se many rookie pitchers that some of the numes are net en the official lift yet. The old statxd-byi, meaning Jess llarnrs. Douglas, Tenev, Art Xchf. Bill Ryan, Cecil Causey and Pat Shea are en the job, and one or txce mere iceuld be xcelcemed Kith open arms. College Spirit Shown by Players DESPITE the large number of candidates for his varsity, McGraw has put the men through a strenuous three weeks, and It has been all for the best. The players have hnd no time te think of hew they wen the pennant, and later the World Series, and net like ordinary athletes with everything te gain and nothing te lese. In Met, the Giants nre dlQVrent from even Inst jear. They are net se cocky, and If they arc confident of repenting, they are keeping it te themselves. It took the Inflelders nnd outfielders just one wees te get Inte condition This Is indeed strange, but the plaers were se far advancejl that McGrnw had te slew down and call off afternoon practice a couple of times. They worked their heads off because they enjoyed It and had something te work for. The spirit Is like that en a college team and this Is seldom seen In professional baseball. Greh has completed the $."00,000 Infield, and the little third sneker hns put a let of pep in the Inner werkh. Heinle, Ilancreft nnd.Krlsch form n lightning fast trio, and before the season Ik ever the fans should be se accustomed te seeing double plays that they will be howling for something mere eiclting. With Kelly this is easily the be-t infield In the league, nnd It net only Is n strong defensive combination, but also quite formidable en the attack, linn linn cteft is the only one who might foil below .ISOO In Ms hitting. Johnny Ilaw-llngs, here of the World Series, will be en the bench ready te uten In If one of the regulars is injured. With him will be one or two rookies te be selected later. At present, Bill Black, a Philadelphia boy, has the call. Bill played with Portsmouth last season, dazzled the natives with hi- sensational fielding and hit only a few points below .300. McGraw likes his work and that means he has a geed chance te stick around. Walt Kepf, Larry's kid brother, also is a likely looking prospect, and the same gees for Heward Berry, the famous athlete from the University of Penn sylvania. Ed Hale, who gained fame at Mississippi University, leeks ery feed, but lacks experience. He probably will be farmed out. THERE are ether candidate for infield jobs, but they never will ste the bright lights in Sew Yerk. They Kill be laid axeay in the lata for further seasoning. McGraw Anxious for Anether Regular Pitcher ttT PROBABLY will carry two extra inflelders besides Itawllngs." said J. McGrnw. "I have learned through experience that the best place for youngsters, who have shown mere than erdlnnry ability, is en the bench with the regulars, where they can learn something. I tried It with Lurry Dejle, Art Fletcher, llube Mnrrpiard and many ethers and never was gerry. "Yeu have noticed the unusually Inrge number of recruit pitchers at the ball park. I knew the chnnccs are slim te pick a few geed ones from the crowd, but I don't want a few. All I want Is one. If somebody could go out today and show me a man who Is geed enough te take his turn in the box and win a mnjerlty of his games, I will ghe him nil of the ethers for nethinc Picking pitchers from green material is a big gamble, with the odds about 110 te 1. "The veterans. Jess Barnes Douglas, Teney and Nehf," continued McGraw, calling off the nnmes rnpidly, "can be depended upon. I expect Causey te hnve a geed jenr because he Is a first-class pitcher and has Improved considerably. Bill Hyan and Pat Shea also arc due, and should be reudy te take their regular turn. "Virgil Barnes is ready for the big league. He has been with us en three training trips, and for two years we have farmed him out. Last year he was with Milwaukee nnd finished with a geed reevrd. I think he will help our ball club this season. "Art Nehf Is the only left-hander en me club, but I am net werrjlng. I don't think I need any mere pertsiders, but if I can Kit a first-class' man I won't pass up the opportunity te buy him. But where enn ou get one? I will be perfectly satisfied if my right-handers come through. A geed pitcher Is a geed pitcher, regardless of the arm he uses te threw the ball." Claude Jonnard leeks like the bet of the recruits. IK- was with the club last year nnd bent the Phillies the latter part of the season, which is nothing te brng about. Jonnard was with Detroit In 1020, and Jennings says he lucks like u different pitcher. Claude has but one eye. HJIcQLOUCIILIX, of Portsmouth, is another geed prospect. Hi m I'm six fett three inches tall and threxes a leir ball uhich has hajlnl the hitters here. Others xche have shexen flashes of form are Butten, Melene, Procter, Rachac, Sheres and Mct'arland. All are right, handers. Stengel Sure te stay With Team CASEY STENGEL, Cunningham, Ike Beene nnd Uulph Shlnnm are candi dates for the Jeb left vacant by Geerge Burns Stengel Is sure te stay bacause he has taken off considerable weight, is faster nnd leeks mere like n ball plaer than at any time in the lrst two year- If he dens net miie. the regular team he will be used for utility purposes und plnch-hlttlng Italpb Shlnncrs, who was pun based rrum Indianapolis fur $!1.".00 in cash and players, leeks geed. He ts remarkably fnst for a big man und covers lets of ground. McGrnw calls him u reaming outfielder. Shlnners is a rlght-nanded hitter, ami at tliii"s leeks geed nr the plnte He steps into the ball and hits everything bur inside pltrhlng lit (.un't get his bat around quickly enough te connect with fast ones nn thu inside. How ever, the boy has been out fnr only two years and has lets .if time te improve Ike Beene, of New Orleans, is a natural left-handed hitter 'of the Beuls Becker type. He hits te all fields and connects selldlj itl, the bull. fe W(1 one of the best hitters in the leuntry Inst season, fmisliliii' with an average of .USD. Beene Is net a geed fielder. He reported neighing L'L'O pounds, nnd the first two weeks were devoted te taking off weight lie won't get se fat again next winter. Cunningham, who joined the nlutj iat June, leeks .!; the best of tin iet and probably will be rctnlned. Thus McGraw bus quite u job en his hands' Every man is valuable, and It vwll be difficult te attach the tinware when the time comes. FRAXK SXYDEIl, Earl Smtln and Mej- tiasten v tit be the catchers. Floyd Brexen and frank Hamxdt ute ere iritntf out, but they might jxist as xccll be some place ihc Giants Loek Like Real Club TAKING It nil In all, this leeks like a rcnl bnll club. The inhcld is won derful, and the eutf.eld will he strong. Eiperiencid catchers nill b behind the plate nnd everything Is up t the pltrhlng staff However, the twlrlers should net have ueh a dlflieult time. With men like Greh, Bancroft and Frisch making sensatiennl steps nnd giving wonder ful support the man en the mound should net worry. Confidence n hlmi-flf has made wany mediocre pitchers geed ones. Pitching just a little ubeve the avernge is what McGraw needs this year. But the manager of the Glnnts will net predict a pennnnt. "I don't believe we will walk awuy with the flag," he said. "There will be quite n little opposition, and several clubs are prettj strong. St I nni .-..!.. ...,.1 IX. ...1. ...... I. ..Ill l. I.. .!. ....! i J...... . T ''""IS, ' OUSHIJI mm lllinuuiftH mil ue in mi- treuuic. W1I.V.Y.YO the pennant xrill be a difficult job, and nxy mm xctll Vf hove te be en their tees all the time, giving eierythtng Ihey hate te get into the World Scries." Vopvrieht 1913. rj Public l.tdge fempanj Three Knockouts at Catawlesa Slnrch IT Thrue of the Louts hire fnl pd l.l lichnk'ul mieukimtti etnpiinl en ucmunt of up, uatinmi unnrcr. ever -Kid Julian. of KiVVU' C'auielssa l Staf'S.t ,i'eu' seheduli'd nlx-ruuiul &l&ffl mm the limit two buinw WliMf'irit. In the wind- EEH i' .! Mil ! I warn foul. The. Mtal-wlndup luiiii'iifc, iui 1 IIICJIIIIUII use mil ii) cause Mween Kid Jlalley, tf Wllllainspert and uri'i"' MKhlirJ "' Wllkfs-liarr as a draw. Kid Hhnflf; ft II nunnburtr, had Jimmy lllrlcey of IIhiivIIIk ijewn when the t.ll rnj In th nrtt rejiul .n;. lis was urfulj)' tu luiili Iispk. Hicends gf Kid Vex. of ratawls.a. savcil him frnm a knockout In thr fourth round -Uhea they threwi h tewtl law. the ring. SOMEBODY IS ALWAYS TAKING THE 1 " U i i - i - - ADKie tkfi g"e""" v7 Ge3M..XrmLa i '" 3mply CrazV even J our tb . f CM tejjriY.l xwee-r SmVli Sis?. . hb ! 3m'A JU4T Th meD IVSm Af TmV U oVe AmM TMrST MOTHBt ax,uj urn- " SZrfffna rS TMM&eii) el TAflMies-Bp Tyre. sHPLB,nenu tastbs, mVS-l iStW J"41" vOMnT' WWW --60SM I HOP. iMP'U v v j ' AXrvJrcsy - SWCH A M00u OWATUrrsr I've Get Te mv f i " Han That mx?! Ml J AL SET. J . . Jrte'a The LewciiesT 0Ku I c MO$J r vtf 'SsnBst alsswE ' I - ' ', i ! I cpunn atu ctcc LO Ti Delegation Representing 25 In stitutions Will Compete in England and France IN SWISS FIELD DAY By PAUL PREP INTERNATIONAL sports competition will be given another boost this umnier when a galaxy of athlete from leading preparatory schools throughout the country will Invade Europe. The boys will "compete with Eten. Rugby . and Winchester schools, in England, nnd several French institutions. Henry A. Dreiser, of Pcnn Charter Scheel, will be the ns-istnnt In chnrge of the trip. The boys nre net going te Europe for athletic purposes, they arc going te mnke the trip for the educa tional value. But as the English and I French schools will be in session at the I time, athletic events will be urranged. "Se fnr," snld Mr. Dresser, "twenty five schools hnve announced they will be represented In the delegation. This, by the way, will be the firt trip te Europe since the start of the war. J. F. Haley, of New Yerk, will direct the I tour. "I expect te make arrangements for several athletic competitions en the ether side. It is nlmet definitely de cided that we will compete with the British nnd the French in soccer nnd track, nnd probably several ether branehei of sport. "We .will visit Switzerland, where we will have a new uay some wme in Ai.MBt A tennU tournament will DC arrnneed. Beat and canoe races nlse will be the card, and they should be Interesting." The IM of schools that will be repre sented in the tour fellows; I I'' nn Charter, Swarthmore rrP. Mrcer bun? Arademy. Etr Aendemy. And iv.tr lAc.dimy Honlnlewn Military Imtltute. Hill Scheel, Culver Military Academy. Teme ' Scheel. Hackli-y Scheel, Gllmiin Country I schMil. Taft Scheel. Hnvrferd hrhoel, Hetch'Klm Scheel, Mlddlrxet Sch ul. Illvor Illver dIe Country Scheel. Ad-IPtilA AeulMny, Tower 1(111 Scheel, Ilrowne nnd Nichols Hrhoel. Monteemcry Scheel -trelt Country Dny .rhnel, Howe Scheel (. Jehn'B Mill- i ury Academy. HrunsvTkk Suhtel end Chest- nut Hill Academy. Spring football practice will get under wnv nt the West Philadelphia High i Scheel within the next week, according te Warren 'N'eiller. tench of the feet- ' ball and basketball teams at the Orange and Blue institution. The practice will be held en Kiikbrldc-t Field, Forty-sixth and Market streets. "The weather will ghe me a great ..!........ i tc.fif.1i tin. wmnp ellnuil hew Lil.III.tr fcl itu ii .... ". .h ..-.. .. .- ...... . .... -,. i ...i tit.. ,.tt... he h , "te 1 arn "Xt haven't the , fn, t ti,,, fall because the season opens! tee een. But with the am ei spnni in ca I urnctire we will be abl" te start re work immediately in the fall. Spring soccer prac tire also Ins stalled at Wct Philadelphia. Coach Vnll ha.t his candidate verking out every dav, and sajs that he ha some tine "material. "This is a great chance for a boy te make the seicer team," snld Vail, "because only two of last jcur'q team are back." The bT-eball mjuttd has been practic ing outdoor for the last week. Coach I.ukn. has divided his Orange and Blue teseis in four teams and a gnme is pliived every tiny. The teams have a 1 little league ami the vursity nine will , be pu ked from this league. Beets tnd Saddle St. Patrick's Day Purse, fifth en the card, Is the feature at Havana today. Plus I'ltra uppcars host, with .Stanley second nnd Petrarch third. Other horses well placed, nre: First race Slvane, Humpy, Blaise; f,)nil VVuterferd. Bengalcse, Bae- 'ehniialian: third Hutchisen. Swift C'rl.-ket, Awning; fourth - Whlnpet, ! Me.de4. Counsel ; sixth Buckingham, Diversity. Mary Erb. 1 At .Mobile Exhorter, Ktecutlen and' C'acumbe appenr best in the St. Pat- 1 rick's Handicap, in the order named. Herse which seem best In ether ruccs are; First race fret, Sun Time, Kitty i M. ; second Pert ight. Seaboard, Al veriilu : third Marmite. Horeb, An nette Teller; fifth Cery den, Lieuten ant Perkins, Lerena Mess; sixth 1 Granny I.cc, Flying Orb Aunt Deda. Weights have been announced for the Coffroth SiiO.(MK) Handicap te be run nt Tijuuna Sunday. The big ram is nt n mllii and a fourth. Tep weight of 134 pounds has been assigned te Bit Frank, the veteran purse winner at the Cali fornia track. Irish Kiss gets In at 122 peunds: East Indian. 114; Moter Cep, IDS; Flngs, 114; Planet nnd Slippery Elm. 110; Pit, 102. A large field likely ulll'stnrt, the above being some of the best nerses entered. The minimum purse te be hung up nt ix!iigtr.n and I.eulsvi'lc this year will be Sl.'lOO. The purses at l.atenln. aver- nvinu S14.-.0. remain iinihanscd l'lnan. 0 TOUR EUROPE """ '-::.;'. , a. i,.. - n ...name en racera as a punuc-ipmiaa cuu clal conditions in tne nine urass art reported mu tetter than lut aprlsf. it iiiv nine "we mwv Tilden Picks Australia as Possible Davis Cup Finalist uHard te Pick Challenger Frem Best List Ever,'" Says Champien of World i -i i ANDERSON PROMISING By WILLIAM TILDEN, 3d THE Davis Cup competition of 1021 set a mark that has never befete been approached in number of countries en tered, in attendance nnd In general public interest. The entrance into in ternational competition of Japan, Ar gentina, Denmark, Hpaln, India nnd Czecho-Slovakia brought new bleed into play that must spur en the ether coun tries. England nnd France hardly measured up te their past teams, while Australia relied en the young players, who were te be seasoned for future teams. However, she introduced te Amerlcn a man who seems dcstincJ for great things In the future J. O. An An dereon. Seme Teams Picked The 1022 challenges nre already com cem Imr in te the I.'nitcd States Tennis As sociatien, nnd in some 'cases the teams hnve been tentatively chosen. Chal lenges nre assured from Australia, which is sending its stiengcst team in a desperate effort te regain the treas ured trophy; Englnnd, which hns an nounced that at '-cast two stars who vere unable te piny last year will be with the team this season; Jupan. which will semi back the two great nlnvepR from the tpam of 1021. Dili- mldsu and Ktimagnc; Hpnin, which will head her renrcsentatlves wun mm marvelous young plnyer, Manuel Aleli ze. nnd France, wnlch will nepenu eh her old stars. Oebert and Laurcntz, supported bv Brugnon and either Ham nzleuhl or Danet. It Is hard te pick a chal lenger against America from such a magnificent list of tcatns, but my order of choke is Australia, tcith Xerman Brookes, Gerald Patterson, J. O. Andcnen and Pat O'llara Weed. SECOND, Japan, with Shimidzu and Kumagiic. Third, Englnnd with Colonel A. It. F. Klngscete, B. I. C. Norten, Randelph Lycett and either Max Woesmun or F. G. Lewe, Fourth, Spain, with Manuel Alenzo nnd Count de Gemnr. Fifth, France, with her team of veternns. The American team must ince u mini nml grueling task te retain tne cup. Noting tat our be will !.. It h Imiierathe. that tWlllli um M. Tnlincfnn Se nn hiind for these matches. If we nre te retain the cup, for there is no greater match player in the world than this little Ollfernlnn. Mncent Richards is a Certainty for the team if he retains the form he dlsplajcd lat season. I'll Be There Unless I fall off, I should be nmeng the members, se that the fourth position is the only one eicn for much discus- Netwithstnndlng the tact that Wnt mn Wnnhhtirn in ranked, ahead of It. N. Williams, and- Wallace Jehnsen , leads them both for 1U21, I leek te see Dick Williams the fourth member of the team In 1022, His years of international competi tion should give him preference, pre- vlile.1 that the form of the three con- i testantH Is virtually equal, as it was last year. . . ist yea Will mcrica retain tne cup; -j.um Ts Krax S INGLI7 men make better speakers than the mnrrled gents. The for- mcr get mere prnctice. .Sfati'sficn en the Bale Weight, '.ii'i pounds. Waif, 0 tceeks. Our Dally Guessing Contest What game de they ply with golf stlds7 , AMATnuu eirrs nothing ran IIWIXO THAT MAKES W. J. UHYAN ONU (J? Tin: liUST. Hncaklrur of when the Itelilna will appear In I'hllslelphl. Brooklyn plays her en April 11. "I neier lnek up from the plat," inur. mured the rookie iu thr waller stepped tilth another order ui ww"". The tf. V. ball teams ought te he geed at golf always playing for the ft" , . . riirl bowlers like te knit between tunu for excitement. It puts them en 'pins and needles - I auk you re rniiAriKipmAf . Are you a "pJr;'T De you stand up I ' aeJ,:ndhi?,onC.vy,'rvUS5ci.leln'T ST0h.nn:u?B ' ins "Plds of Clvfa Ftaltir" In today's I Tcnuc Lpheks, mull It .In. and out your After lau tiav.lcnfa lour fill jour pltxlr tU your xan. risees, V, JOY OUT OF LIFE Tilden in Exhibition Scheel Tennis Match William T. Tilden, 2d, world's tennis champion, will appear with five ether leading racquet wlelders in nn exhibition tennis match nt the Gcrmnntewn Academy April 22. The matches will be played en the G. A. courts, which will be completed by the middle of April. Tilden arranged the exhibition in order te defray expenses for the new Gcrmnntewn Academy field. He attended the Greene street nnd Scheel lane institution several years age. Is n hard question for any one but n clairvoyant te answer nt this time. My opinion is that If Johnsten comes En"t we will, but only after a close nnd bit ter struggle in the challenge round. Should Johnsten net come East, ns he announced Inst autumn inight be thw case, I believe that there is n big chance that Australia might defeat America. Itexecvcr, J am sure that September irill sue Johnsten at Ferest Hills in his usual form, se I am awaiting the Iiai'is Cup matches ,with eagerness and confidence. rpilll tremendous growth of the game - of tennis throughout the world, which Is se clearly emphasised In the number of nations that new challenge for the Davis Cup, should mnke us pause for n moment te consider the future of tennis .In America. True we have many wonderful young players of the type of Vincent Richards and Arneld Jenes, but theso'bejs nre new. Jin me etiBu ei grauuaiieii from tue junior ranks, wnat are we lining for me heys who nre te fellow ihMm atunil V hnt Is your club doing te develop the young players from whom must come Its future teams? What are you doing personally? .It will net lnjure your gnne te play twice n week for half an hour with some premising youngster, and It amy well mean the making of n great player in the future. I believe that every man -who knows tennis should help at least ene boy in his own club if he wishes the geme te thrive in his community. Mr. 'The TUden's next article will be, Australian Davis Cup Team," Cepvriaht, liSi, lv utile Ledger Company Mjf 1514-16 Market St. j) Special Tomorrow An Advance Sale of the Season's Newest Spring Suits AND Tep Coats At a Price Greatly Belew Regular ! BECKER'S start; right off te stir up business by allowing this most liberal reduction en our new stocks. Easter is later this year than last, and with this in mind, we lower our regular low prices se every man who wants te buy his spring suit or overcoat new can make a worthwhile saving. All the new styles for young men and con servative dressers. Every size. BECKER'S-1514 MARKET ST. EI Seuth Jrty InterseholMtle Traek and Field Carnival Billed for May 13 Colllngsweod High Scheel hns or er ganised a miniature "Pcnn Relay" carnival of its own entitled "The Meuth Jersey Interschelnstlc Track Meet. This will be open te the Class "B schools of Seuth Jersey. , . The following schools have been in vited : Hftddenficld, Pnlmyrn, Wood bury, Moercfttown, Vlneland, Iladden Heights, Hntnmonten, Burlington, YVoedstown, Bridgeton, MercuantvlHe, Pcnnsgrevc, Rlvcrten, Ocean City, Neptune, Gloucester, Bordentown, Glassboro, Mlllrllle, Mount Helly, EgR Harber, Balem, Pemberton end Cape May. The meet will be held Saturday ay, May the need 13. Oblllneswoed has long felt the of such an event and will be the host te nil contestants. The interschelnstlcs in track was in renllly erganised t; Woodbury last year, but only Included about eight schools. Colllngsweod will held ene every year. The school amassing the grcntfcst number of points will receive a silver cup. The highest Individual score will receive n small silver cup, and geld, Silver nnd bronze medals will be awarded for flret, second and third. Manager Emmett, of CoUlngsweod, issued the call for track candidates this week. Frem the squad of last year the follewinc nre left: Captain Ellis, whose specialty is the 440 and 220 ynrd dashes; Emmett, 440 and pole vault; Roberts, 449 and javelin; Jenes, Javelin and shot-put; Graham and Weldmnn, rhet-pht; Sturmcr, Javelin; Nichols, bread and high jump. Captain Ellis, Roberts nnd Emmett mr moo SpringSuits frlbpceats Htarllnif oft the new sea von with un usual values: The New Homespun and Tweed Sports Suits as well as rvtry ether wanted ma teria), iiatlern nnd celurlne. A style ter every man. Kvery garment in tills group Is eftenM at a vierth-whlln vavlns. hccuu'e our rent Is low and our overhead Is emull, Walk Just a few steps off Market street and convince yourself. Hub Stores of Standard Jlerchafl diss and Standard Quality. 25-27 NO. 13TH ST. Open Evenlnts Ktere Orders Accepted BIG SCHOOL ME AT COLLINGSWOOD A m irt JeII vm KrJ V If if IMP ' W M. TReaJM Fi t f' ' fi Ruth's' First Hemer t With Bases Leaded New Orleans, Mreh I7.r-Bhbe Ruth's bludgeon has started en Its murderous career. In the fifth in ning of the game between the Yan kees and the Pelicans yMterdny, with' all the baies occupied, the mighty mauler drove the ball ever (he rlght-fleld fence for his first offi cial homer of the year. Three ether runs which catne New Yerk's way In this same, frame gave Hug's men a lead the Pelicans could net over come, and the filial score was 0 te 3 In favor of Getham. were members of the relay team that wen first place In the Pehn relays last year, se that Coach Irvine' has only one man te develop for the relay. Jenes Ami Roberts handle the Javelin, averaging 185 te 140 feet each time, The one cvebt CoUlngsweod Is weak in at present Is the 100-yard dash. Urierley, the star last scflBOh, was lest by graduation. Manager Emmett has' prepared the following scnetiuie in track : April. 20, Palmyra; 28-20,, Penn re lays: May 0, Cheltenham ; 11, Y. M. O. A.; 13, 0. II. 8. interscJielastlcs! 17, lladdpnfleld ; 20, Woodbury ; U7, Qlrahl College; June 3, Norrittewn. x- a-inn ! west isis ICE PALACE Attn ASP HAKKBT HtBatmrli skid w estild al rtw-W will fas BOXING & Prtttsa ejee 50c,?l,1.50;.i, Ja)V iaTSSSCT BRANT v. SH JiKW IS Mounds) JUK MeFARLUND vi. rVlErldtLL AltJHili. (a Hounds) WliijB (8 Rounds) HERMAN li.) 'waLuT I. MPbMI ' OBErii LOUfekBM.V!tHi-rirF 'llekets. ul les t'alaeei tit) Ss.l Cunnlntham. til 8. eifii Tsnill kell Phaiffa. fit vh. si Vi. ieth. iiffii: iara. 10 s. sssi Ci I Crandal "? nllllsrd, 110 Mar- fieSS Marketl ren-fllnn TBf Huh. M N. I.'.h OLYMPI A MmE BOXING f Meh Breadataiabrldis m'.Ye rutiRe JOK CAMPO VS. RICHIE Al K. 0. Al- STONE vs. MILLER GEORGE TOTJWO EAGLEvs.MAHONEY BOUJIER 8 R4s. aOIINNV BARTFIELD vs. GILL 1IVMAN 8 Rds. tlODRY ' GOLD VS. BARRETT PRICES, 50c, $1,' $1.50 A Fllhert ti. rtien. Lnrimt 400U. runnlnthsm's, 10 H. fld Ri. Tendler'a Peel Parler, 780 Market Al. Spring -Tan Stetsons T WANT a Spring-Tan I Stetson" ; we hear that all day long in our store; everybody's asking for them; it's the stylish Spring idea. Several shades of tan; $'"7.00 deeper tan bands. aniu iSrak-arr neuatnut teKfll&isIlats :M. & H. SELL The Reason M. & H. Lead in Making Se Many Made-te-Order Baseball Uniforms Service and value. We outfit the aame teams year After year. Seme of our uniform patrons have been having uniforms made here since they were boys. Prices $5$6-$8 These unlfemis am tha hoof fabric and wears like leather. Holds shape. Often gives two years' dSeJjdn&t'. P yUr rder ln n0W' del"y Ine,n, Phene or Write for Representative te Call With Samples QH,H.wn tm manasers rlufar ass.pl,. and eat, "l?.rei.urfnt blseW; $100 in Prizes FREE If Yeu Name These Baseball Players h-1!'" I chance ihatJ,0U "Fn8" hve been waiting for. We 51aeVufifty.ph0t0Krap8 e th(? most prominent bie league playera S? aendlnTin" t" We wi" tribute llOOln pHzcsPte the person aendlngrih the nearest number of correct nameu. Ne OWgatten. Aak for Contest Blank Free Ws'n Ike argil fiaulall Uniform Maktts in Town - On TaOridlT k Satvra'af Evtaiafi Mm 31' WA fe'j ftfl nbw spHme -surra T trmWnt htltii wiire sauu v Cheatnut street fet ur apring suitW tepedat, .te the ia. the one big reiat, why we can effef i c h exeepUejil THIUCB, ..'. EHf1 IvrKrV Ateetad, "J" lE.Cor.9th&$ii.se seeena rioer ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS Drawing ", Chemistry Physics English end Other Subjects Leading te "!) M , , ' COLLEGE GRADE ir-'l COURSES Mechanical Electrical and Civil Engineering Starting' March 20th 3 Evening Scheel -U IT FOR LESS; are new v.i.,.' ..... i ... fnush Wt Outfit Hminit ' Tttrnt Evtrj Yttt Loek Ui Ik H. A H. Sign at fill DREXEL Jfm 'flUrisW A Mr r i. 'A r-J Nr VSmlmJari I J'A'il li iawAII mm sJimr1 $3 t i - ..& t T.X '. feii.'a tXf, .. 4i I" HI' .. teiVi A ' 'i' . ' f JMmmmm?.l., V . ' WfwTmm4tisflssssHMsistfiaSM