WjUSfWSSlPAmWPiSOPLb' Nancy Wynne Tells of Very Palm Beach Luitchcens Honed She Sees Seme W1AT de yetrtblnlt your sensations would be 1( you invited some people te luncheon nnd they arrived, drvtgeri in bathing sulte? Hut Jeu would net be a bit surnrlticil It you were In Palm Beach, for .that seems te be the preper way te attend n luncheon down there. Yeu se. jeu go In and cat mid tit around and smeke for an hour or mei-u ' afterward and then down te the beach and Inte the water. The Gurnee Munipi gave a ,large ' buffet luncheeu In Palm Beach en Tuedy nnd a number of their gueeta attended In bathing suits, I learned from a letter received today. Yeu knew the MuniiH' villa Is very near the we, and It was convenient for these who were bathing later In the day te se all ready for tliclr plunge. The luncheon was a very p'.euftaut nffnir. ,i The Hcek Wetherills, from 'this city, were among the ffuestH nnd the Oeorge Vldeners and llcnrn Celeman Dray Dray tens. Gertie Coheway Is down at Palm Beach, loe. j'eu knew. Her mother, Mrs. Barklle Henry, and her step father, Mr. Henry, go down neurly every winter. Mr. Henry ban n yacht and cruises about In Southern waters. 'However, the season lq Flerida will toen be ever ; April, as you knew from Income tax dny jefcterday, is nearly here. Just two weeks mere in fact and the creenses ,and daffies ere al ready sticking their. ImiUlsItlve little upreuts through the earth. If It would enly clear and stay clear we would be pretty well intlsfled, would we net? HAVE you seen the Munnlug black bat that Ujtendale Cancr is wear ing? It is trimmed with one of thene black and dark blue willow plume and the long end of the plume falls off the idc toward the back of the wide brim. I saw her en Tuesday nt the lat Actors' Afternoon of the Charlette Cushman Club. Uytendale'a mother-In -law, Sirs. Harrison Caner, la en the Uushman Club beard. Kathleen Heward, the grand opera singer, vas there and were a lint which reuld huve been queer en any one else, but just suited her te perfection. It was small, of black velvet trimmed with dull geld brocade and the freut pointed little te reemblc n tort of Ugjptlau headdress. Three rowe of jet bead verc fastened under her chin, and from the right side" of the lint fell n long thin loop of brocade and n long loop of pearls. Her gown wa of Mark vclwt nnd the ccrtalttly was faclnnt Idjc in her description of hew uu opera is put en. D ID you knew that Gwendelen Mc- Intlre, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry 13. Mclntire, of Ardmore, l net coming out next winter as be ninny peplc thought? Sim still has two mere years of school, that is. ln iliidlni? this year. She poes ti Mis Irwin's and won't mnkc her debut until the year after she prrndimtps. There certainly will be nnethcr bis crowd that winter won't there V Krmiia Ner- rls, llahn Mather, Ethel Hecksehcr, J Margaretta Stevens, jtans reweii, Helen's younger sister and all their frlcuds. THi: teres nre full of the small jelly egg these days. And, as usual, the small girls nnd boys leek with longing eyes nt tlicin as they pas the win dows, nnd when they come In te a sliep with mother they gcnernlly man see te pass that counter or say some thing which will call her attention te the faet that "jelly eggs" arc here assln. Yesterday, as I waited for a raeknee, suiall Klennnr who lind cemu in with Mether sidled up te the ooun eoun oeun tir where the jelly eggs were and said t the salesperson : "Hew much Is the cgs.'r" (Eleaner is sh, se she' jifit particular nbeut "Is" or "nrc") "They nre n penny a plere. dear," replied the smiling girl. "Hut." said Eleaner. "I don't want a piece, 1 wnt a whole egg." KANCT WYNNE. SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Mls Marguerite .?. Meyle, daughter of Mr. and Mis Samuel J. IJrale, of Kes- vielt Ueus", Kyclnl, will give n f,heer fn.l tea imnernw- afternoon r.t the lllmn nf im. ,.,.n.1..,h...- -M, Tl.n 1- ' Jionie of lir urpnilmether. Mis. Jehn iZ .Kfenls, il.lOO De Lanrcy place. In honor of Mls Henrietta McVeigh Ki Itz. daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Jeseph I. V'rlti, of Pslham Court, Clermantewn, wlm'te eu eu pagement te Mr. Frederick Carrell Jli easier recently was announced. Among the guests will be Mls Uvelyn Jl Drayten. Miss Ottille Meirls. Miss J'llscllla Merris, Mies Florence Paul i Kane. Mlis Uorethea M. Kalrd, Miss ' 3:tlrali-tli Iluey. Miss Kathryn F. Pence , and Miss Hllzabcth Dorten. Mtrs Hevle, I who will be one of net season's debu-' isntes. will be ferinally InticUuccil by , lier jiaienls nt a tea en Thursdav, No vember 16. Miss nlc nlfce will be I lie PUest of honor nt ., ilniipn uhlh her 'cl and aunt, Mr. nnd Mis Walter -si JcrrerdB, v. Ill give in Decetnber. i Mr. ,md Mrs Mngruder Dent, of Ard maie, will entertain ut auction bridge, it thtii home en Saturdai evening next, I te be followed bv a. buffet supper. The Ciwis w 111 Include the members of tliclr iftrd club. Mm. Alfred Paul Mcrri". of Villa Villa tjeia. etitertalned at a small dinner and 'lince last nlprht In hemer of Mls i Jthea .. llalrd. dnuchtcr of Mr. and Mrt Themas H nalrd. Jr., of Vllla Vllla nea There were twenty cuchts. .Mr. and .Mr.. i:rM(lnc M. Srilih. of tse Old (Jrcharil, Aidmere. will tntertaln at dinner tomorrow evening before the liuuce at the Merlen Gelf Club. , Mrs. Jehn n. Large, of DS Wc Wil l"w til ova avenue, Chestnut Hill, and Mrs. Frederick Kaick, ulf.e of i'hetnut Hill, arrived in this ceuntiy en Mendaj 'rein a trip te Panama. , Mr, and Mrs. .1, Wllmer Middle, who lave been spending the winter at the i.its-Carlten. opened Illndertnn Ilonie, tliclr eeuutry place at Oicatnut Hill, ieJterttay. Mis Wdrtle tuturned en iuesday from Haltlinere, where the cleta her tuwn lieusu In that city. Miss Naney F. Ceiie, dauirhte- of Mra. . liter Cepe, JOO Hist Jolui'eii Mrett. crinauttwn, who Inii been u ndlr.it a reiinlsrlit In tfyiiicuw, N. Y will jo je iUiii home toiueiiow, Mr. and Mrs, I'.dw.ud 'i'. Comfert, '"( Uenguu HIllJ. Stntcu Uland, N. V "N the ijuestx of Mn Fumfit s sister, inr,"- Walter W, Hancock, at lier lienu, " es: rnce :trcci, uuiinaiitewn. Mrs Charles Stewart Wurts, of 920 J-nruce Hrut, who lu speudlna a tiliert imiu in Toiento, c.iw , as the truest of fin. (Jrulinm Thompson, will tetuiu te "fi home uu Frldnj, March 21. '.,Mr, Kucene Carter II. Simenlu. of ,'i- hprlrKileld avenue, f'htHtnut Hill, '' lift tur a visit te Iltisbuih. I'u , where tilm Is the t;uest of In r biethvr-Vv-m ' a,l(1 nlster, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur nnitney Howe, tfhe expects te rtiualu r a week, Atlas Illeuner Pun lance, daughter of ;". Peretrlue Wllnitr. who la a stu , '11 at Miss Peller's Scheel, Funning i"ni Cunn,, arrived home lesterday te Heud the spiing liellduyu. .President M. Curey Themas, of Urin fiawr Cellucu, esslstetl by Mrs. I'lmilu I'lmilu J'lieads and Mrr. Helaiul Men In. will " Jho he'itesa at Ua this afttruoen fl the Usllaiuc-Stratferd, following tla J'etura which Ills Hxoelleney, Mr. AI lUd re, the Chinese Mlnliter, will sn iinaer tlm auspices of the Urin Mawr ' umnae Kchelaralilp Committee, et J hlch Mra. William Uey Hmlth la chair- Wtji .." Heward Butcher, of Ilanfalr vWd, Winter reads. .' &A"" spending sever al of her slsur, jimere, wne nae era) weeks M the wsiKm aaKsasa Informal Costumes Wern at A Few Sub-Debs Men- Smart and Unusual Hats Handy, of Iteulah Furri'iH, Weal Hart Hart eord, Vt, returned te her home last week. Mrt. Butcher, accompanied by her daughter. Miss Mary I Butcher, spent the week-end with her daughter. Mlwi Margaret B. Butcher, who Is a ntudant nt.Vassar Cellcce. Mr.', anil Mrs. Paul A. Vannetnan, J.r" .ar. "ecelvlnir ronjjrntulatleii en the birth of ft daughter lftt Saturday. Mrs. Vannemnn will be rtmembered as Miss Sarah Hansen. Miss nvelyii 'Prlen. daughter of Mr. , ana am. uu jvirn rrice, or 1709 ! nut street, who Is a student at Smith College. Northampton, will return te lwr home en, Wednesday, March 22, te spend, the spring vacation with her parent!. .'. I.BUIVHUU , uiin or isi i Pine street, will leave the earlv part of Mny for her country place. Farley. BrldRwater.' Pn where sh expects, te remain until the latter part of No Ne vember. , Mr. Francis Tayler Chambers nnd his dauehtere, Miss Katharine H. Chambers and Miss Chrletlne V. Chambers, of eeu 1'iue nircei, win occupy their country place at Penllyn the enrly part' of May, where they expect te remain until the autumn. Mr. and MraC. A. Heekscher Weth. frill, of 1880 Xtittenheuse square, who hava been spending several weeks with Mr. ana irs. iTdwara F. llnttrm in Palm Beach, returned horns last week. The Mystic "18" Fraternltv will glvel a banquet In the CJray Roem of the ' Arcadia Cafe en April 7. This I the first banquet ever given by this fra , -nilty nnd l will probably be an an nual affair. The program for the eve nine lias net. been completed. There I will be speaker, n nevelty entertain-' ment and musical elections bv niein- bers of the fraternity. The committee In chuxge Includes Mr. Oeerge I Pcheenbera-, chairman : Mr. LeRey A. Slngley. Mr. Harry F. Hauck and Mr. Paul Mergard, Mrs. Charles Knlttel. who has been spendlnr a month nt Palm Besxh and Miami, Fla., has returned te her home, R2 07 Atlantic avenue, Ventner City. N. J, . Mr. and Mrs. David B. Pre van will leave en Saturday next for a month's I cruise 10 me weal liinici. OERMANTOWN Mrs. l-'rank Wllnen rave a hrltlge luncheon yesterday. Tha cu.ns In rluded Mrs. William II. Wlhen, MrH. Edward Ilarrlh. Mri. N. Kelley, Mrs. May nippey, allin CIihcc Ulppe, Mrs. Gracsy, Mrs. Stuart JCIppry. Mrs. Mai-berrj- and Mr?. AViiltcr Veder. Mrfl. Unrvey Crc-sman, of Oak Lane. will entertain ih menibern of Iter sew ing clul en AVednerday, March 22. WEST PHILADELPHIA The West Philadelphia IZIkIi Rrhecrl Alumni Association will (five, a dance i mkn r ii5neV t ,,!t,r1cl ai Weight- . Mr. nml Mr3. Kcllx Strtiusse. of North 2J?Hf. ' rllln "third and Spruce rjread street, hne announced the en 8tre6ta- IWagement of their daughter. MIsh Ulta A luncheon ard card parly will be Strousae. te Mr. Harry Hubschmau, of given en Saturday aiternoe-i at the i this city. Normaudle Hetel. 'Uilrtv-sl.xth and ,. , ,, ,- r, ,, -. Chestnut streets liv tlm Wemini fi h Mp- nnfl Mra Aaren S. Belber, of of the Canadl.il Lc ety of thU rlty U623 North MlM'enth street, and 5tls- under the auspices of tha president. 1 i'n, Ucll,fr Jmvi.. '"".JrfJiiJn8 William A. Capen, who will be assisted ' for a.dfnce te be elvcn at the I'Jrcnn by the following cc-iimlttee: Mrs. U t8 Club en Friday evcnlnc, Match 2. Adna Brown, Mrs. Arthur IJrewn. Mrs! V. Ashley Fnurhl. Jfrq. M. V. C.ullck, Mra. William McKale and Mrs. . .. - ---- ( IMirrfl a. -uarun. . Mr. and Mrs. Jehn Kendlg, of the i ISSU XZL rleX I i I card party at ner nome en nuay eve- SOUTH PHILADELPHIA !& I Mrs. Walter Banians, of 2352 Seuth ' Mrs. William Bnnk-j. of North Nine i Twentieth street, will entertain t ft I tcnth rtreet. Is spending a tav weelta luncheon nnd bridge party this after- neon. The guets will Include Mrs. r. C. I Hiiute, Airs. Jehn uucli, Mrs. William i Tomllnsen, Mra Charles n. Shlslcr, Mrs. Fred Bobbins, Mib. Ncff Lalng, Mrs. 13. Brlcher, Mrc. M. Edmonds, Mrs. Jehn Uroughten. Mrs. 11. Broekdeld, Mrs. Jeseph Harrlman, Mrs. (.Seerge Carr, Mrs, M. Nelsen, Mrs. William Cower. Mm J. O'Heat. Mrs 1). Webb. Mrs. C. Hermann and Mrs. Clulghten Tuiner. Miss Jane- 13. Harreld. of 2844 Seuth ' fifteenth street, la suendlnc u few tins 3 In Newark, N. J. . i ..ir. iiniiu .i, .tiuuiucr uuu -nr. i-aui , V1,.... T ff...,JA. ...1 V...1 and Mr. Paul at the Clreen 'n honor of i. .iiauscn B"ve a tinnier Hiu i arms Hetel recently in honor or .-vi r. ami Jirs. James a. mm. or ueu- ttt ' tli'pi Kdelph Navv"Vard' iieneii at nil) i niinueimi u. fsai rnra. w&ffitowMwitemi MUUrW .msibtcu in receivim, tnc quests. Sir. and Mi3. Adam I. Smith, of Frent and McKean "trcef, are receiving con-1 .n,..n,ln..a ll.u.it ,t,n hlt. rxt n .I.Hnh. iu '" P", ' w,mSAh "jlbe ' I Oil .MlirCll .'.. JITS, ismilll Will Be laiuiuiiiiiii u.j,. uie uu lii vi .. n.ub" I remembered as Miss Klla McCrcll. NORTH PHILADELPHIA ..!VES"". ?t i!!,e .T'JlSRSS'i S.: ! (li,. ',1. u U uviu ui tiiu ,.,ii- L,. riimn Mae Glass. 3I1S West .SUsquchannu avenue, en Monday evenlnc last. The guests were Mlsa Mae Cla, MIs Rese V.. I T7''.'V.i,i..''ii... ti f '.".v... . . i. .-tl' fEalVMiK' ' ' V.'".1.' 1 ''iw i.M?Bm . - , .. ,vv '"ivjr i i t ftk, A .I 'Msiw .' ;?)ii W Ir nm-sMW ' . I rEF 5k.R'lllll ''( '"' A ' IBS "w ; f Ultfl I Ml 177 C T."Jf , ' v1LJK Xmv" n-A :: - J mm -Wi '3firf IWf it -Wli III '' i;n s ,,h i IT 'iKfJff I, 1 , ei'y V Till It' ' v 'i li ii V' ' 'V I ' l'-( pH s;1 t ' l. M i I . .V, I ' ,.( "Ill'1 .1.,' .. iWWiti .JM. .4nf,TJ,'rT i '""Y. ATTRACTIVE m" " .MtLLLLLLsflfeah. bbbbHPHbbbbH f Av'ii X',! ikBBBBH bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV'-'-, rsSJaP !"Vi:bbbbbDB LbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbVIJbbV .'',: iLHBBBBBsHHSI BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbIIBBBV " ' -.A BBBBBBBBHiBHKrr7l Br.;: jJibBBBBBBBbBbW IbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV :!';:"::',bbbbbbbbbbVb1b1 BBrBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVBV-l ' VflMf r '.'M- j.". S , .BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH , BBBBBBBBaBBBBBBiiBBHrtaBBBBBBBBBBBBKl bbHbbbbbbbH' i' fy'V H LHsBBlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVBBBBBBBBm''':":''" 'IBbH BBHBBBBBBBBBBBBHffgP; ALbLbLB'''W- lM IBlBBBBBBllBBBBBBV ''.' ',4Kr' ''..;:.;: !' BH BBBBBBBBBHsBBBBBfr ''' I BBBBBBBbVI ' V'"'bBBbH BBBBBBsBil'-raBBBBP't'l V " V' v'-BBBbB BBBBBBbHH'' 4aBtBBLBP7'' VbbH BBBBBBBBBBT -' ' iBBBBP " .'BBBBl bbbbbbbHbbbV '",' ' aWasarv ,' '-"bbbbH LbbbbbHbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI bbBbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbLbb MISS I'RISCIIXA M. CAHSTAIRS Daugliter of Mr. and Mrs. James Contain, of Oetids lane, Havcrferd Mist, Carstalra "III mahe Iter debut In a couple of years Klrshbaum, Mlna Lllvnti i.epnsen, MKs Mildred Kiel, MIjh Kleaner Leclcs Miss Anna Neumann and Mltn Rwa llrten. Miss Breen's cncajteinent te Mr. Fred Levy, of Flerida,, who Ih new vlsltllifc In ' this city, hau been announced. Mr. nnd Mra Frank 1. Wright, of Vnrth Rlirhteenth Htrct. hare returned from the West, where they spent several months traveling thieiigh California. xri.e Allierf Tteviield. of North Rnv, nieenth Ftrcct. has returned from nln..l.....k T, ...1,A,. ulin .aa ,1,A st of- her teusln, .Miaa Hilda Ken- uedy. n, MH3nHertetjeectSa,,r. Heveeenth I' LINUUrKI . ,., l.fll., n't' ,, v.. at Atlantic uiiy. enn is actum ninieu by her sister-in-law, Mrs. 1 redcrlcl; K. uanns. DELAWARE COUNTY I Mr, and Mrs: William PreW?l. Jr.. and fr. and Mrs. II. H. Ilcu-iten, or Chester, who ure en a Medlterr.iiieiin cruise, nre new in constantirieiiie, i where they will rpend ft few days Mrs. Elwentl Tyson entertained the meinbern of the beard of the Delaware County Chanter of the Daughters of the strnthaven inn. swnrtnmere. en .mom strnthnven Inn. Swnrthmere. en Mem- tlny - Tlle chttpter wlu nleet at the home Q.'ltH lltteilan. Mrs. Edwin r. til.iuser. 'IH IWlUIMHUtl , ."- .M.W1-W.. n - im hNteilah Mrs Udv ,0I1 prevldenre read. Chester, en Monday ( Crnoen. March 20. ' ,. . .. e,...! e r-.-nnj nf Media, will enlcrtaln Mi. Jenrss-Mlllpr. jef New yerU ftt tK,p home ,u jUdla 'for a few days next week. .... FRANKFORD Mrs. n. M. Meirls. nf Wllmnr ,l. ' re Mreet. will entertain the members of her card ulub at her home en Frldav afternoon. I f.. Ytrltl.nuM j: nna Mr Wllbraham. of 1228 Wakelne ' ' has ret'urne.i from Atlantl tlLll! ( llV. I where .te ip-nt few weks at the Marlboreugh-Blenhclm. ,r . . ,. .. - Mr. Charles II. Butten, of 4710 I BONWIT TELLER CO SUic Specialty SttyofQvwahenb CHESTNUT AT 13 STREET Replicas of Imports Adaptations & Innovations in WOMEN'S NEW GOWNS 75.00 Sponsoring Crcpc Elizabeth, Georgette Crepe and Crepe Rcnee in Nev Spring Colorings- 32 ICH silken weaves, expressed in exquisite new colorings, cheese their youthful lines from the Classic Silhouette. Delightful variations in the matter of slcevea de the seemingly impossible in achieving grace through intricate and angular designing some are long and tight of cuff, ethers show the chic winged effect. New decorative notes are intreduced: Rosettes of self-fabric, needle-fine tucks, grosgrain ribbon, narrow sashes. The price is exceptionally moderate for dresses of such high type. WOMEN'S DEPT. : SECOND FLOOR Jl I' iluai SUB-DEB Photo by J. Mitchell Elliet. ier street, ! yp'ndlng a short time nt I'luehurgt, N. C. He is accompanied by Mr. J. A. Hdgar, of 4935 Saul street. Mr. nnd Mrs. Alfred Kaplan of SclleM street, have returned from their wedding trip. Mrs. Kaplan wrji for merly Mies Margaret P. Summers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sum mers; of Bridge street. Miss Helen Ti. Fllngel, of Lelper and Kellers streets, will shortly leave for Washington. D. C. where she will spend a few wetlta visiting friends. BRIDESBURQ Mt a. H. M. Smith, of Pratt street. will entertain the card elub of which she is a member at her home en Friday after- neon. I Mr L'dward Madcr, of 56 IS Ash street, Is entertaining ut her (meat for ' a few weeks her nlcee from Cleveland, Ohie. Miss Allce Franks, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Franks, of La Fevre street, will entertain a number of her I friends nt her home en Saturday eve- ntne In VinniT- nf fl TMah l.lln ....., ... ..... . ..JU iiciu, O.ITIU, Ul New erlt, Mr, and Mrs. James Laber, of 4241 Salmen street, will iaav siiertu- tnv i Cnnada, where they will spend several """"" Jft' , W' ' B?,ncVB?i risburg. I'a., uhere aha will Mslt her hrether-ln law nnd sister, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Butler. NORRISTOWN Mr. nnd Mra. Jehn t! Tl.-.il nt i,. ?-J1,??J?1lfli!I , ii??r,V,Tl?iUi, , ffS "cclvlnB , "fe"tuial1,ens l")0n th blrUl of a"se en AIft,c" " i The March meetinir of the Octave Cluli was hld at Urn Trlnfty I.utheran Church en Wednesduv nftrninnn n,h. .v.. ' U;ntcu program waa presenlwi:" Mlsi ,:lUl j,eU3 wa the cnallman fop tl)e iday. The stflelbts were: Mr. Harry A. bykei, erganist: Mr. C. David Pike, fPltOr! At PU lntHflHtl t1dn.l..M 111.. 1 riens. Mr Cieome D. Mills. Jr.. Mrt T iT ,"- .Htltlllft Jill, ',?"" "."i.-. ..f"0..""'0..-'"!' Chorus. i.. i- .-. . .;." -.-.-. r.. .--k. ,:. vf"V"."cJ""..V""r"' """", -V' f ""? """' Vngier, Bave 1"c,'" """. I Ma tt'Alt.a Tllt.1. - i. tr"' V enVer'talneV'. "JLS"""."! I Kunlltll t1llt tit ltttM ttAtua . v I iTIicre were ten suwts' "'c "" u"aa' ' The Kev. nnd Mrs. Will H. Uouchten. of Swede street, nnd Mra. A. K. Berg- - 'nii" ipp -L. sircsser and her sort. Mastsr Harvey Bergstresser, of Pert Indian, are ameiiK the lecnlltcs who are tpendlng aeme time In Atlantic City. Mrs. C. Decry, of rhlladelphla. In visiting her sister, Mrs, Kannle Loomis, of 1106 West Main street. Mri Arthur C. Smith, of tha Nerrls, has returned from a visit, te Pitts burgh, Pa. " Cnttrtalnment for Veterans A "pla and apple" party waa given by a committee of Indies headed by Mrs, A. J. Helllngs. of 36G0 Camae street, for tha convalescent veteran of. the war at tha ' Philadelphia Health Hospital, at Twenty-fourth street and Grays terry avenue, of which Mrs. cteergs U. Evana in the. head, en Tuesday iieniten at the Hed Cres recreation In ttia hos pital ground. During the nfternen Mrs. Hareld Mulligan, of Tenth street and Oermantewn avenue, took hoiiie or the veterans for rides In her car. JUDGE LEWIS IS DINED 260 Membera of Har Olnal Ledge of B'nal B'rlth at Banquet Twe hundred nnd fifty members of the Har Hinal Ix)dBe of IVnal lVrltb at tended n dinner hint niifht in the Mn Mn Jefctlc Hetel In honor of .fudge W llllam Si. Lewis, newly appointed Munlclpjl Court ..fudge. , . , 'Judge Lewis, who wr the principal speaker, nld there Is a better feeling among the Jewish people today than ever before. He wld he docs net want te be known as a Jewish Judge, but as an American Judge of the Jewish re ligion. Judge Lewis came te this coun try from Hussla and started life as a newsboy. Anether of the speakers was Henry Smalleck, who has been a lifelong friend of Judge Lewis. The new Judge was preenled with a trnellug bag. Other Kpenkers were Harry Petreskcy, Abra ham Werner nnd Itabbl b'reedman, of Uethel-KI Synasegue. Jeseph W. Salus was teastmastcr. . The ledge started a membership drive nt the dinner, appointing committees and pledging each member te get ut least live new members. Crystal Cleth Slippers Highest quality imported silver or geld cloth ; Kxqulsitely dainty llttle slippers. Hand made In our own fnoterv nnd embedylnir tht- Muhest irnd of wnrknian,i1i and materials. Ground-fleer ahepu charge HO for like quality. Yeu Alivai8 Save $2 te $1 Here Hecause our low second-fleer rent, cash-and-carry selling (pellcv, volume sales and ether economies make It pecslble. Thrifty women shop here and saie. .Iteijal I! Step PAUttfaiti Cmttsf cemmt Shep 1206-8-10 Chestnut St. 2nd Fleer TAKE ILBVATOR OH STAIRS Geerge Allen, inc. 1214 Chestnut Street UU New Paris Millinery Tlie Choicest Marguerite and Leonie f Germaine he Mennicr . Suzettc Many Levely Allen Creations shown for the lir&t time. Save a Third te Half en Fine Kid and Fabric Gloves Elbow-length suede-finish Fabric Gloves, in white, mode, Beaver, Brown and Pongee, usually $1.25, at 65c pair 2-Clasp imported Lambskin Gloves in shades of Brown, s usually $1.50, at $1.00 a pair 2-Clasp Trefeussc everseam sewn French Kid Gloves, in Black, White, Tan, Gray, Brown, Beaver and Navy, usually $2.50, at $1.85 a pair 1 -Clasp Trefeussc French Kid Gloves, P. K. sewn; Black, White, Ten, Gray and Brown, usually $3.00, at $2.00 a pr. 1 -Clasp African Capeskin Gloves, in Mastic, Pearl, Beaver and Brown, usually $3.00, at $2.25 a pair Allen's Annual Spring Silk Sale 40-inch Crepe de Chine, $1.25 a Yard Surpns.ing!y koeiI quulity; the price lb remarkable and for otie week only. 'M shude.3 in lliu assortment. 40-inch All-Silk Foulards, $2.00 a Yard This beasen'tf l'.ateuis in larj;c or amall ile?isns. 36-inch Navy Dress Taffeta, $1.65 a Yard True navy ahadt-i in superior quality. 40-inch Canten Crepe dc Chine, $2.25 a Yard A fashionable silk in dependable u earing quality, light and daik colors. 36-inch Black Charmeuse, $1.85 a Yard An exceptional price for thh wade. 40-inch Black Charmeuse, $2.25 a Yard Extra quality in soft lustrous weave. 40-inch Satin-Stripe Sports Crepe, $2.45 a Yard A very effective material of silk and cotton suitable for skirts nnd sports wear. 36-inch White Jersey Silks, $1.65 a Yard A serviceable tub Mlk splendid for tailored blouses 36-inch Colored Dress Satins, $1.50 a Yard Light nnd dark colorings for street and evening wear. 40-inch Canten Crepe, $2,95 a Yard i.isnt nnu aanc colors in heavy fS-14.'- PHILLIPS WILL IS PROBATED Twe Seng and Twe Dauehtera 'te Share In $119,800 Eetate Twe sons and two daughters will share In the $110,800 estate of Milten Phillips, 1825 North Eighth street, who died March 8, and whose will was pro bated today. Other wills probated ere : Charles H. Braun, 2020 North Park nvenuc, $10,000; Themas T. Kckmnn, 3431 North Twenty-first street, $40,000 ; Charlette E. Howls, 2309 North Fifth htrcet, $5500; Jnceb 8. Skinner, who died In the Lankenau Hospital, $1.1, 000; Samuel Samsky, who died In St. Jeseph's Hospital, $15,000, arid Jehn Temas. 2731 East Venango, street, $7200. intfrr i.f administration were arnnlud I In the $7700 estate of Ann W. Hart, of 5121 Pine street. N ACCOUNT of our large Increase in busi ness, we have added te our staff a well- known Philadelphia cerseticrc, MRS. M. KANE Fermtrlv of BiuUenbere't and tUa iMwrel Cor$et Shep (pedal attention te Stouts, Surgical and Maternity. 'ffledams 835 Chestnut St. m). rile SVxnt Moderate fWi 1 :' W& A'i L - t . -J IL'J iV it Creations from Villelard Lewis Antoinette crept weaves. ODD Gene, PURIM BALI TONIGHT i . i i ii 1 1 i Chief Secial Event of Jewish 8oelal Season en Tonight Tonight the lone expected I'urlm Ilnll will take place in the ballroom of tbt Bellevue-Striitferd. This twenty-fifth nnnunl nffnlr of the congregation of the Beth Israel Congre gation Is regarded as one of the note worthy events of the social seusnn Mayer Moero Is te be one of the guests. AVllllum Goldstein nnd Mrs. Gold stein will be master nnd mistress of ceremonies. The Iteceptien Committee will he in cliurge of Mr. and Mr. Lee Ii. Cehn. nttT.A.'S I.CADINO THKATItra ntTtRr-TrnN or i.bb J. J. wHiTBgnT mutTHVr r.OrK.KA HOUSE HUBERT vAubiLLE DAILY MATS AT 2.13 - IYU AT 0 PINSandNEEDLES! wmwwwwwmim 3(10 I.itiiRh- llnmitlna Alulr EDITH KELLY GOULD Orle nil f'nrt from (i:lMy Tli. Londen MAMK tlAV, NRRVO A KNOX, fte. A llent of I.eniten'H (ireitmt Hrvur tnr snd n (irtnl tllll of Shuliert Aiiuilctlllf LYRIC TIiIk A Nef Wees Onlr KVn. AT 8H5 MAT. SAT. $2 3Se Musleil Stnstrrnlffe nf h rn. K DONALD BRIAN "l!en mere dcllahtful thsn In former dirs." Recerd WALNUT MATINEE SATURDAY 50c TO $2.00 CHARLOTTE CREENWOOD IN MOHOSCO'S MUSICAL HIT 1ETTYPEPPEK SHK i.nAPne niriiiT into tub I.AJ' or SUi'CKSH ' North American "A PHRSeNAf. TTUUMPH KOR THIS UNIQUI3 COMi:iII3NXK." Ke. ledger TSHUBEtrll La,t 3 Evg;, Lit Mil. Satardar, Beit Seatt, $2.00 EDDIE CANTOR IN A PIPPY TACIMUI RVkl or iteunt- lAHn MAKE IT SNAPPY WTH AWlMMtflHG SHOVt OF 5TA AH0 7S DA1MTY DIAPHANOUS DIVINlTltt Next Week Seats New Selling The Maiicil Cenedy Smtib ef the Year Dlrwt f rum l'ic rucseHtful run nf i I PI Thiitr?. OrlBlnil "av nnd Pioduttien ADELPHr LAST 3 kvuh. n Lait Matinee Siturdiy 1 ROBEHT A HELEN I WARWICK MENKEN 22 ttJ DRIFTING S'Th" iret Irue-c-ttnit contribution of a the ir,e;.t ei. ' Ki Bulletin. Next Week Seats New Selling MME. PETROVA (IN PERSON) "The White Peacock" n mmi:. rirrrsevv I)Ir from Tlir Corned. IhrMr. N. T., wllli O-lclml CnM and Production "f.vi:k am always a i.uik.luis si-i:cta ii:," ALDiN Chestnut at 19th IMrrttleu Fred D.&M.E.Felt A .' 1 1 re l en :; en' en 7 en i no Limited Enticement Third Big Week till. KIK.ST KI.AI. MILI.I'J.S.D' IM.AJ1 J I'lcTl Iti: affj& PV ANT) WITH VON STR0HEIM TIf MOST WUNUCM't I. i.s .ju.nti. teiiw. Tn'ipi;i:mi. srii(i)v mi Hum: (iP.eiu.r. hm.i. pi:rsun i.i.i api'kak r :i. ii .'. in p. ai. lUUAV-3 SHOWS 2. 7. 9 P. ESTELLE HUGHES ( I'lplirniril uprane Su!,it A '.. - iikni.U i ,i i ACADEMY of MUSIC KNIIIIi: NOV Ml'SKAI. l'POI.UM Symphony Orchestra O" n, M v,ffVk, Medesl Altschuler, Conductor l II'TIN Til CHARLES RAY in "TWO MINUTES TO GO" Mais., Il'c. .'. r-nviltiRn, ISr, ','r, 4(lc PhutmilUK lllilillnnl Thrm'Kli Stnlilf Ce. UNIVERSITY MUSEUM .1.111 nn si-p.i f I liliitr itnl lutiirr. iitunl Ti5H "ANCIENT LONDON" ll 1. II. (inri'im I -( si Mi, i,k, "LONDON TODAY" MOTION PICTURES DUMONT'S Ul" L Arch .. bhii BM.ME1T WELCH MI.NSTKKLS ..rr-TKN &,S AAHKOOII. biwrlill M itlnr.. nl'il Mht r.VKRTIIINM IKIMI llllNNtllltllOK Y Mil VFVffis I OK PVPI1V ONK wvrpiiv pt iv inmrr WALTON ROOF ST. PATRICK'S NIGHT FRIDAY, MARCH 17 llt fnKTlHimni-iH "r n un m Ilenf. with M-vUI t I'fltilrU'i fcuturn crv. clmrgi no niitn II P. M turn Htv, STfjAn c&n y M rHreMlim IIUkKb GlfeMftkliyAtN ' - --T. I i linage " .nin; TKETH AND MAHkUf t It A. M. TO 1 P. M. '-Al? WALLACE RE r" ili and LOIS WILSON f 'T.i The Charapi A NI'AV PAKAMOl'NT VlCTtm' HAHKIJ O.V I'UT OP HAMR MA Tomorrow Sh Patrick's special rroieguc ana m Program atf ftfTKirfrfiiil HtXTBRNTir AND ifARKtST A! 11:.10, 1.S0. 3.30. n:30, 7:30. S:30 - iij Plcturiiatlen of Stage Suctti 1f TURN THE RIGH' IL Full of inspiring romance rib bubbling with rellir.kinir humor. NEXT WEEK A f'niPPJNCl MTHTKHT STOnT "FOOT FALLS" with tthenu rewm JM A Chestnut St. Above JiredS it no, 1 n )" ir.r.'i, 7:..u. v.jv I. VST TWO DAVtf GLORIA SWANSON IN I,ATi:ST PAfUMOfXT PICTCRS Her Husband's Trade-Mark Full of Gorgeous Gowns and Sensational Episodes COMMENCING SATURDAY nnaT Ttvin ANYvrn:nn Titmn: staii comhinatie.v William De MiDe's I'P.ODUCTION Bought and Paid Fer WITH Agnes Ayres AND Jack Helt It Is One of the Strongest Photoplays Ever Written , Prum I- Pluv b 0eri Prntilhurst IT'S A PAIIS.MOT'NT PICTUnn DAI ATI? -' JiAnKfix rnunL m a m. te i ms p. st Cecil. II, TOOL'S PARADISE' DfMJif'H AQTAniA iiK.vrNUT u-i. ieth AEllil in a t i(iii'p. r. "THREE LIVE GHOSTS" VICTORIA M HKIST AT NINTH I A. St. te 11. IH P. M. HAROLD LLOYD A "- nnlvv""' i-i-n1AD. MAN" 4 vnsnS FAKK.tlt In "CAnMBN" CAPITOL KTH AND STAIIKUT M A. .M. te IMS P. Jl. Viela Dana in 14th Levar REGENT ;nr ai vrkkt bHim.nv SIABON in "TAgttrr:" GLOBE JLMn.lt MAIIKUT VS"1)BVII.LK rn-.-Tivr'ni n te ii "THE HIGHWAYMAN" i FASHION PLATE REVIEW' Allegheny rr 'rvnkterd Althu HKX INOriASI 4 HORSEMEN ".fc1" Wallace Reid in "Rent Fre" K'Srv1' LAST3EVGS. 3rd tduien last si t h t. GEORGE WHITE'S SCANDALS With ANN PENNINGTON All Nlehln. lieit Seati. 12.50 I.mt Pep SI" muriq IWt Hcjts, 8 Ntxi WVek patH 'lini.iy CHARLES DILLINGHAM Presents ESSIES fPAMB"TO- rwBBy 0Rvni ter Greatest of fill FRED STONE Shows BROAD Last 3 Evgs. - s .-HliirJay UfVllV ULlH9t.ll printj fWtttf H0PW0009 FAMOUS ITM A coMiey wnHGuame stzjuce ear "N i ik- 4hiii TMit l A !l Hi.l.AM'u Prn n LIONEL. ATWILL in "THE GRAND DUKE" A I ana e t rni'Jy l a 'm (i.il.ry llHlrtl. b iie Or icmn ''uinpiiny GARRICK mxTIvkkS EXTRA 'Wi MATINEE Tomorrow, St. Patrick's Day GEO. M. COHAN'S COMEDIANS l'i lh Wholrem Muilenl Hit THE O'BRIEN GIRL (Nrvnv! nici Mfsipt. fisth n i K f 1 T H P Till- i wssm J "j'l J Ti A 1. sl y m kp mCyA ". ". r'.. ,r-vi1-a'i I .tin 1 rhi Im lll... ki....l.n Iff......... ' -.'"' '.Ksair. yjrf. LEO DONNELLY DOLLY ICAV " IB. imi I". Miiiirp A Miirs .,nti Pm.i, t? 1 loiter b. I Klrlii Ullinurei Huataa And WILLIAMS & WOLFUS ' In PltOM .SOI P 'le NUT,S" i Af.VIIKMV III' Ml kl. i !'' Saturday Alt., at 2j30, March 1I$K ceNcmrr of music Kun viei.uh " W KREISLER lUkin ri'jw Direction C. J HrP'i Mid Ues Oflli Pe 6ttlnwsy rlZu m APAIIK.MV lip ML'Hin MKIKOrOMlAN OPKIIA COMPANY. M. T.yf40.'. ANDRECHENIEiiJ Miiir. Miiile, HrMnrd, I'rrlul, llilmi t:. ," '.- ... . . w a.vi MM, ,W . II METROPOLITAN TODAY MAE DESMOND at SALLY?' Tl'Vt naw ul qimhlii n-l Acdmy-Tkt. Ilei Oft. Ikpp's,ttt i..... '"- ; " w. vni eiil. 'rvtu. Acudrmy X Hrip'. jiib ilLEi W a 'r- ' mm mm M Y iLsd ,m m m i'j 5 TJ m m wa :w 'i.u-7J i l ii im l m . ii 1 n Ml : !? 1 A u i jV n m ?: , u r'-i ii ulm i, A tl "4 1 .5J w ?. lm 4 1 mi -1 r'j usa 'u vk T J Ul I w, 1 i 1 3 f- : v ivJ f Jl 'Vis1 -f ij;j 'J? fli m f. - iti ti C w jy- V sBitliiMsMsWsMsUBJMiM v-'-yffi;iit ij s 7)73