'i , 1 "'. iMfrrjaiXA '. re .r'.- raSfflBa WdT1 ' MMtTfaXTr-j. r wiiMBiBik . wBaigv mw tiiAKaaHaaaBiaaiaaiaaBaw'mitCaaBaaiB Aiai a sfcai etirve'tha witaineskMiea saw I rlgstieil we trya immmfWI. ,-.'i I Sfti l:l'-4'ffesfegjM iijii !.'' :iijw ' .i m , .HWt;,fcroiient , 'Llf-l " Ktf Vt'i'ltf &.." a - i- s-v Wottte WfrtynM a body; WnlchJIMtf rrali SE UWTO ; BETESTED 'j , - fi r ii kttlk$MfjFVl4.-.AUMtfe t d ether -Mwrts' n Abee-1 Iuuim' &sMr' t vigorously fad the proposal of the coastal cities I.Kew Jersey te raise a fundvet Jrert 15,000 te 120,000 te be added te a leg ilatIwapprdprlatl'omtef i,10,000 ter S MeCiha entire ceaitt within -the it year aa a mean efdetcrmlmna :whnt'teM muitt.beAtaken .Ve halt i erosions and te enlist the 'aid of the ftre I'Sfct'iir nna'trfirif the, proper ret-uardf. " rRatables of esctfscabenrd Municipal Wwlll be the baric factor in ttetermln- :Ut the bIm df the contributions for the fntrty (and undepthe plans adopted .at r.t conference of the beach representa- ftl'rea.wlth the State Beard, of Conserva tion and 'Development, With Samuel V. Leeds, president of te Atlantic Ulty number of Commerce, as the chairman !e'f)the committee. - i Th mkarm Chamber of Commerce vsponsered itie-' movement at a'conference .'here a fortnight age' with the 'State et- Li ' !-i l mill tnk Hi Iiil in the. Ktuwuw . , .-.. -----,-..- i year's program of education by nutting F,5h.fets before visitors, from all parts .' K Jersey' as well as joining In the fprtneral'schedule. pyAtUattc'Clty, March 16. Miles KBemerrjlef.ewar.k,, former secretary . PSStf'executlve officer of the State Beard rrAf 'Tenement Heuse Supervision, has vi'Mfen appointed executive, secretary of Mat Atlantic City Publicity and Cen- Uu?'vntlen pbn.bV thestttdeht aes jim1 undCMraiiit .' ateustoBHi'inUhelnetltutien.vJ A'jmle" Juat .'promulgated Mys,kniclc Mys,kniclc erbeckers may net ;be Wern In town, hi the .class'reem'O In, the dining em 'or' whlle'.leunflng about the campuA There Is ne objection, te the gnrbf for .hiking, 'ka ting,-riding,,' golf or ether recreative aerM.i ...A V" ''',' FOUR PINNED UNDER TRUCK " .;."? '?'. . i . rgeant Killed,' soldier and .Twe ' "JtiMMej 'Alrta Injured nwmi, mureu -xe. vne man was kiiicu, nneiner was seriously Injured nna two eignieen-year-eia girls were nun wncn. a sneeninc nix.ten imv .-i. ... t .- .i.n. . - -iv:-' hulk uiim:t. un'Uie-rt imam I'enn HlglW way MsVmllca from here. The.,dcml anu liuuren are Derapiinr .inun Miller,. Edgcwater, Md., dead; Private ueprge uenictu nineteen, ei Michigan, ifMctuik.ef rUht leg. Internal injuries : Ada Heffman, Beading, fracture .of 4aik 1nitliMalAaiia M ,$. a 1 . . .. ;i!ir.ir..r- "l "".. na oeuy.; Dorethy Thalbclmer. Rcadlnr. bruises and scratches. The army men have been In Reading -- -.T.r- - fMww1 WIHlZMW WV. ' wwwbp w ' -T J 'i H gfi .1 . i Aqtt"4fenti, ihe birthiiioiiiet' March, ft;M.4 v mbiideiirab'le of; semi-precious stehts; fgfM l".y?-?tfl. rs..ri:.Ti '"-; - v , j. iSji : YshQW.aspletxdicl collectiert etmqaerareiy pnecu : aquamarine jewelry. T S. Kind & ' Sens -. "crt.J. DIAMOND MEnCHANTSr-JEWEtiEBB SlbVERSMlTHff Vventlen Bureau at a salary 'et 97500 a fc'fwesr. He will assume his new duties Br bjesr. lie will assume nis new duties ii about April 1, succeeding M. B, Car- !. . vialsmail hir. Beemer lsnsst netentste of the ''tRnlaum TVmnln'nf-thn Mvstle Hlirlnp. nf W, Newark, a member of the Beard, of It' 'Governors of the National Heusing As sociatien, a director of the New Jersey Heusing Association, .advisory member sfcii of' the New Jersey Council of Secial !i.f " i ? "v"i"'- " "'. -'" hi . . ; . AtlsntWi ntv. Mnreh Ifi fThm flruf IOI --- V.y F . "-" "." MW lest of the Case Anti-Prbntecrlng Kent 2a.w, signed Tuesday 'try Governer Ed s'.' wifdg. Is Blated for trial In the District $', Ceurtjhere tomorrow. Under the terms '.( of the .enactment the burden 61 proof y.- isplaced en the landlord te "show the rcasuuauicucoe ui ivub uuudw uuuve et per cent ever a period of three years, t The csse" listed for trial here is that of Mrs.Reba Henry, 2021 Pacific ave nue, who occupies a house where she has been paying IGO.e, month- rent for the last six years. She has just re- celved notice of. a'raise te S150 a raentn. 1 The matter was befere the v. Atlantic n City Bent Commission, which has been .handling such cSBes, and has been re ferred ta tue court as a test et the 'constitutionality' of the new law. h II 1 ' T ' .. . N . .'. .iJ.m'i m.J. J Atlantic Clty.vMarch 10. In the arrest of Jehn Kelly.' alias ''Baltimore J Whiter' the nherc authorities believe "j tneyjflave -seivea tne mystery et tne ; source of the' "dope" supply te ad dicts here. Kelly was arrestcd-Tuesday bight in' a soft -drink establishment nt -..1122 Arctic avenue en -a tip by the I:' r rice 'squad. Detectives Gilbert and Canneff found an old shoe In the place and inlt was a pocketbook, said te contain $300, worth of cocaine. Mere of the stuff was found in Kelly's pockets. The detectives found a rev enue officer's badge, and it is their be lief that Kelly impersonated an agenj In bearding ships at Philadelphia and New Yerk te secure his supplies. The prisoner has been held 'for the Fed eral authorities. l-VAtiaa'tle ''cSlty. March 16. Charles , iUedtfey, former Mayer et Vcntner K City and a past president of the At iltnttc City Rotary Club, Is being iv'ftoemed as district, governor of the AJUetary clubs of this section. He will Kibe placed in nomination at -the dls- frttrlct convention in Washington next m .week. P-.if. Atlantic City, March 10. Judge i tyiauc, ua ruiiaueiijuin, lliet illgllt '4. .addreased the Atlantic Citv Ledrn nf i JKlka in their drlve for 1000 mem- . yers Deiere tne grana loage sessions ,'liere. Judge Crane' substituted for W. Iceland Kendrick., A delegation from '.the, Philadelphia ledge accompanied i j.he speaker te the shore. AtUntlQ City, March 10. Harry Levin, seventy years, fell unconscious from a heart attack yesterday when his son, Philip Levin; was held Under $2500 jbsll for the GrandVJury en charges of stealing goods freinvthe Hlrsch Stores Corporation, where he was a trusted empleye. The father was taken te the .hospital In a serious condition. .Atlantic City, 'March 16. Internal 5Tnue .deputies sitting in the City Hall were swnmned with lnst-mlnute ' taxpayers yesterday trying te get in unnet tha "itfiiiA') kArMA ai.a i.'a.i. iped day the "wlre" hnfern thn Vetlapnl curfew sounded last night for the income ,f returns. .. Atlantic City, March. 16. Coast ""res who were notified Tue winy night W tederal agents along the Maryland .coast te be en the lookout for two rum running schooners headed in this dl dl recuen, were unable te gain trace of we ships in their patrols yesterday. Hulck telephonic notification has been K,?nrcd,.wlt!-CaP Mly where the Mtter Klckanet Is stationed, lri ense t'B crait are found. i WOMAN ; JUROR OUSTED v ,Talked te Man Connected With De- ft AUoena, Pa., March 16. (By A. P.) f 4,,.irf' f1"" Savage, a member of the &tJryJn Jeseph B. Trengn, of Pitts- !' r2.p stealing jewelry nt a wreck jf the Pennsylvania Railroad, talked ? 5, n wen. connected with the defense .' ?.uf'ng the neon recess WpilnpKdnv. J i'.Wrs. Savage was withdrawn from the "' Sii' . ' t,l cnse wn8 continued with 6- ?ny eleven men Jurers', who this morn- A ing breusht In n VBrrllrf nf iriillf nt f J?$e,,,in- stolen goods, but net guilty of .- '" fefOrums Approved as Hospital 8lte K.&VWkten. Pa., March 10. Ixicntien '& w the nronesed Luzerne Cnnnlv tiihep. & v.ii"9 he"Pltal near Drums, Butler, w- i. ,eyi was recommended yesterday by. TV -."."sP B"i expert ..sent uy tnu fVla 1?l'Prt.nent etHealtll.' Plans will fJW w started within the next Six months. 8IGNEI) YOUH ri.KHGE XKXt . . eure a dudue rhllAdeinhi. .en lB. OH liiLIf",Jr,t beiy. Vou're a eubl r BW, tl .'.n. ' jrt buiy. .Vou're a oubUe-nplrlled . t i u.nni loupneia we oe. narea '.w.itniit .en ery occasion. rrnui'. fill Then, . J3vi tomorrow Pustie IjKUuis. PuSijaJWHriL'JW.hl. , WKb Said Suits Wouldn't be Geed This Spring? tricetine We're selling them!- Many different versions! In tweeds! In navy kirie and Peiret, strictly taileredj 'And, of course, the Ca)pe Suit's! At the left, an excellent model In tan Kelly tweed at $25.00. The third, figure is a black serge .. with faint white striping the type of Suit that had always been geed and always will be;-special att--$35.00. Fer a Cape-Suit you will have a long-search te;find a handsomer one than shown above; rose-color tweed at $52.60. At the right, tan herringbone with contrasting braid, te add dlstinc-' ti'en; $35.00. ' - . , S, . , ' ' These -are all in women's sizes. JThere are many ethers irt both women's and misses' .sizes. . " ; McCallum Hosiery .W!e(i specialize, in, McCallum Hosiery, ' because we believe that no better Stockings are made. . As the McCallum people say in their national advertising, "Yeu just knew she wears them" whenyeu see an un usually well-dressed woman. . There are many; different numbera amengs which the following are particu larly goed: ' Plain heavy silk (all-silk including tops and feet) in black, white and shoe shades $3.50 a pair.. ' ' i, Clocked All-silk in navy-and-geld, nary-and-white, bronze-and-white, and ethers $4.50 a pair.. Lace clocks in white-and-black, black-and-white $6.00 a pair. McCallum Novelty Embroidered Silk Stock ings in self clocks $6.50 a pair. McCallum Out-size Fer the large woman; fashioned for comfort as well as trim fit; plain heavy silk with lisle tops, and feet; black, white, navy, African brown $3.75 a pair. r Fine Silks r Fer many generations the!; name of Darlington has' been closely associated with fine Silks. In our new Silk Salen en the Second Fleer we are better prepared ' than ever te serve you well plenty of light, "plenty of room, experienced sales people, a general environment unsurpassed s anywhere. y 40-inch White Country Club Sports Silks $4.50 a yard. ,, - -. 40-inch Crepe de Chine Sports Silks in self tone figures and designs $5.00 a yard. 40-inch May Queen Sports Silks in novel stripe patterns and colors $6.00 .a yard. 40-inch Genuine Reshanara Brocaded Crepe-i-$6.00-a yard. 40-inch Balkan Crepe in wonderful colorings $4.75 a'yanL 36-inch Suede Crepe, a new silk weave $3.75 a yard. 40-inch Spiral Spun, silk-and-wool $3.60 a yard. 40-inch Washnble Pussywillew for undergar ments and negligees $3.50 a yard. Friday A Special Let of Women's Dresses at . : ; $28.00 . ' v Five are shown, but theife are a dozen or se ether geed styles. Mnmnle of a tviinrinea fnfTpfns sntin.Vinnlr pvptipq PnaVianava nvanna lAuacuaia cw kww...w, VV...W.MW, w..... w.. .r, Canten crepes. All sizes at tne start irem' 3b te "44. Dresses, for se moderate a price. h Reshanara creDes. Exceptionally geed " .'..-.. 'a. mt ., i f.irir.Yi ,. . i:'tCT'i.m.Wm'r'KK:MjLiJ4aAX.9m irC '. 'u TJift W.W 1B1B1B1B1B1B1B1B1B1B1BV V T .-:i JT 4 -1't - f C1K1. .t . .. . i i . M . r,ni.-namm mmllQ'OQ $ ., - i. ., iii a! . 7? y 'l:.' . aBBBBa. . a'W- 'IBbhHbbVbI ,-' :wr''r .fl 7V ,JbMMbbH.1VbW: i r Wt m.m .. Baam riaaaaaai arBaaaaaam-? iaikaaaaaaaaK - -"c t 'w'iivaauu '', BN IjbbbbV b f VMBBBaaaaaaa., av . !'" 'v'j'.lw;. -fMBtiinMi Ba7MillKBf V j 'IB: ;BWira. .TVV.rKJiM n . 'ijk j ( rv y , ia ii ' j " "f" - ' i ii j aa aaW am ' 'VH -Vfl looking m 'i " ' aaiiL French tileuiei. Unusual at $540, $7M . A.neup of xeitltc)x BMde Blouses of fine voile nd ba tiite. In'wh'lte, white trimmed in color, also colored Blouses pink, blue, orchid' of lemon; Frills, plaits anl tucks, hem stitching, cer3ed searhsand these Httie, nineties of'hand ef'hand stltchery that French women 'knew hew te de se beautifully all are features of these Blouses. u Values are excep tional a $6.00, $7.00' and $16.50. '8trAwt)rldc 4 Clothier "French' Salen. Third Fleer, Wet Women's Fine' Sample Shoes Frem ImtrirScheber, is Ce. . Still, an opportunity for women who wear "sample" aires 4 and 4,.,B width te shate in.the Sale.; The smart est fsprlng styles' in High Shoes, Pumps', and. Oxfords at less than factory cost te us for these medels: in. regular; stock. nirawDriec cietnier ' Eighth and Filbert Streets V Compact Face Powder, $1.50 AS LOVELY AS ITS NAME "Fiancee? , First showing,, In Philadel phia of this 'Compact' Face Powder the latest vanity con ceit. Decorated, polished gilt case, with reversible, powder puff, hinge cover and mirror. Powder comes in four shades. Can be refilled at 50c. Btrawbrldze A Clothier Alal'7, Market Street' Tweed Hand Bags Te Match Tweed Suits The last word in Hand Bags.-Whether the tweed suit is tan, brown, rose, blue or violet, a woman may match it in a smart Hand Bag. Frames are tweed-covered or bright metal, and handles are Apf tweed. And they are all beau tifully lined. Bags, of course, are tailored in effect, some in one-piece style, ethers Jn flat shapes. Prices,-$2.95 te $9.75. i Strawbridse A Clothier Alals 8. Centre Axminster Rugs Under Price .Here, in the DEPART MENT OF LOWER-PRICED FLOOR COVERINGS, is a collection of Overbroek Ax minster Rugs, in four desirable sizes, at prices that are lower than for several years. Patterns and colorings for. the living-room, bedroom or dining-roem: Rugs, 6x9 feet $19.00 Rugs, 7.6x9 feet $25.75 Rugs, 8.3x10.6 $28.75 Rugs, 9x12 feet $29.75 Printed Cerk Linoleum in new designs for the kitchen, at 75c a square yard. Strawbrldaa & Clethler-r Fourth Fleer, Filbert Street Thousands of Trim- Spring Suits Are New Reatfg , Revealing:, in lapels, in pockets, in waist-line and in . fabric the spirited influence of the sports season. . Spring, the season of youth and here are Clethes designed te meet the require ments of- the alert young man of te-day and of the modern business man who regards his youthful appearance as a business and social asset. And what is most interesting prices are moderate indeed a feature as attractive as Springtime itself: Stein-Blech Spring Suits are $40.00 te $55.00 Hart, Schaffner & Marx Suits, $35.00 te $55.00 Our Exclusive ")Yickham" Suits, $29.50 te $50 Smart New "Alce" Suits are $29.50 te $55M FABRICS New tweeds, new stripes, new herringbones,' Glen Urquhart plaids, club checks, shepherd checks in colorings that' reflect the brightness of springtime. Sports Styles! The predominating note in men's fashions are the new Sports-coat Suits some belted all around, some semi-belted, some plaited, some with the "fellow through" shoulder plaits. All with patch pockets. Leng trousers, of course! We have the most complete and comprehensive collection of these new sports styles te be seen in Philadelphia. In cluded are two remarkable value groups at $25.00 and $35.00. ALL SIZES and all propor tions. Practically complete assurance that your size is here in the fabric and style that best, meets your requirements. Outstanding Features of the Collection Directing attention towards several special groups of particular and immediate importance, beca'use they are the result of well-laid plans te present our customers with out-of-the-ordinary price advan tages at the' very start of the season. Spring Suits with Twe Pairs of Trousers Unusual Value at $23 JO, $27.50 and $32 JO v A great variety of styles sports-coat and conservative. A wealth of handsome fabrics tailored with exacting carp All sizes and proportions. The prices, you will note, are unusually low for Suits with extra 'trousers $23.50, $27.50 and $32.50. Alse worthy of note a group of "Alce" and ether fine Suits with two pairs of trousers, special at $36.50. Seme Splendid Londen Gabardine New Suits at $25.00 Tep Coats, $25.00 Unusual value, of course-! A Rain-proof gabardine in new fortunate trade circumstance en- n ,,j i .-,. . . 'n.u ables us te mark them at this low n, shades in smart new Enllsh price. They are in sports coat styles, and conservative styles, of serge Ynntha T nnn and ether Spring fabrics. XOltthS Leng- Spring-Weight Trousers Suifs Tep Coats at $35.00 ,an Jra Pair , .len T 0 , . T , trousers! Welcome values, in- AkX cttTnnfwS- and dcedat $21.00, $25.00 and $27.00.. medium-toned fabrics. Separate Trousers Tep CeatS at $20.00 Suiting fabrics that will wear, Geed styles well tailored, of wel1 tailored te fit comfortably, brown, heather and gray fabrics, and marked at a price that will Exceptional value, of course. please $5.00, $6.50 and $7.50. 3-StrttWbrldsBt Clothier Second Fleer, Kat Beys' Serge Suits in Spring Styles, $10.50 and $13.75 All-wool Blue Serge Suits $10.50 A durable, dependable Suit for boys 8 te 18 years of age. The coat is well tailored and the knickerbockers are full-lined. ' All-wool Serge Suits $13.75 Here is a Suit every boy will likej with its patch pockets and box-plaited back. Full-lined knickerbockers tee. Sizes 8 te 18 years, $13.75. Mixed Cheviot 2-Trouser's Suits $13.75 Mothers appreciate what two pairs of knickerbockers mean te a boy's Suit. They mean practically double wear. Mohair-lined coat has yoke and inverted plaits, front and back. An unusual value, in sizes 8 te 18 years, at $13.75. Kx" Strawbrldje ft Clothier Second Fleer, Filbert Street, East KSJJ Women's Finest Suits in Years, $55 High-grade tricotine and twill cord, beau tifully tailored and finished in all the fine de tails. Suits fashieaed te be worn with or without the belt, soma with smartly slnshed seams, seme trimmed with tailored folds, or flat silk braid. One of the plainer models, se well liked, is shown in the sketch. Black and navy blue. High-Grade Tweed Suits at $35.00 Herringbone effects in gray, tan, rose and heliotrope. Seme en long, tailored, semi-fitting lines, etherswith slightly fitted back and box fronts; inset pockets with novel touches. 3- 8trwbrld Clothier Second Fleer, Centre r r Base Ball Supplies Complete Outfits for base ball teams, and Uniforms in quantity, at special prices. Fielders' Gloves in about 25 styles, at 75c te $8.00. Catchers' Mitts in about 15 styles, at $1.00 te $15.00. Bats nt 25c te $2.50. Base Balls nt 25c te $2.00. Masks at $1.50 te $9.00. Base Ball Suits, for boys 6 te 14 years of age, at $2.50. Training Shirts at $2.25. Base Ball Stockings, at 50c, $1.00, $1.50 and $2.50. Jersey Sweaters, Bases, Leg Guards and Protectors. StrawbrUire & Clothier Fourth Fleer Player-Piane Music Rolls 45c Plenty of new numbers have been added te the already popular eoljectien of titles. Frem mere thnn one-third te mere than one-half under the usual price at 45c a roll. Strawbrldne & Cletfiler Filbert Street .Creat Alitle and Fifth Fleer, West Cutex Manicuring Preparations Polish, liquid, paste or pow der; Nail White and Nail Comfert 35c each. Cuticle Remover 35c, 65c and $1.25. Cutex SetsSGc, $1.00, $1.50 and $3.00 Btrawbrldte Clothier Aiile 0, Centre Men's Shirts Under Price . $1.30 Still a geed assortment te cheese from. Well-made, com fortably proportioned Shirts. Of woven - stripe" madras, printer-stripe madras, mercer ized - stripe madras, striped poplin and fine-count percale. Hundreds of patterns, plenty of color, combinations, and all SlZCS. Htrnwlirldse & Clothier Eaat Stere. Eighth Street New Ribbons of Crepe de Chine Are soft and sinuous, drap ing or looping with bewitching grace. As for the colorings there are glorious Paisley prints, rich hues woven in geld or silver silk and self tones, and the season's smartest shudes with a woven satin stripe design. All are $ inches wide $2.50 and $3.00 a yard. Strawbrldcn ft Clothier Alule 11, Centre W ti M Stainless Steel Knives, $10 a Dez. A new shipment has just arrived of these most practical Stainless Steel Knives. They hcye silver-plated handles and French blades. Being stain less, they save you all the cleaning troubles that are usually a part of ordinary, steel knives $10,00 a dozen Htrawbrldce Clothier i Alele H. Market trt STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHBgng . vS :M VI A M i & 1 "4 MARKET STREET EIGHTH STREET :W mnr i 9 m .-! 'WSM m 7VB& M m ,V1 w-,ii K'n v,a ,i .J vfLMurr 4 4 J ii-JL xqffi. trP Wfr (rfJ, , ft At , Vt1 lr- T jr. '. t ! .'. .. mmMiMiMhKL .JimMMmm i;'.V's f."w "ir's iavir, Mj-. ""'-' ' j-iwJUMntA:TLZ '.X.J'LJU i&tmmM . , wxm gB-4'-'- - i'tv'-i m I'bUaOclsbla .l , tha Jtadiaa'.Aawr- T'7 fv ' .s7 :. Tm rTTTTTTiTv'WIBifflBIMrWWL' J"W- 4."HA. ' tewsw tvmrmifM. ".VI A.-: .M