i" i-WWWS uw-m ):' m k w fcgyffiKEBab,... W&fi$!R.ii.'?fy '$ llUi if IW m ME) WILL GIVE PARTY Many St. Patrick's Day Affairs Are Listed by Veterans' Organizations FLOWER SALE IS PLANNED The whole world. wy a certain Phila delphia poet who had an hereditary con- nelMeurSDip in sucu uinuers, inw en ine HCTrniceniu of, March. That It applies os much te tbe American iJPnUMHufB legion an anytiiinr Lc lse j e e , e I course, uiuient raying, but It would seem evn a little mere no, from n glaucp nt the rainr Ht. Pat rlfk'i Buy" celebrations tonight by vn vn rleiw I-eslen Pests throughout the city. i I11 iimn ntt wVi& Vaahibii I'pAsf 50. anthers at the United States Nnnl Hospital, Twenty-fifth Tfemnn (F.) of course will be wel disabled soldiers new at tbe hospital. vp will St. Patrick's Day Bass with out befitting ievlnllty by the members of .Tames .1. Jnrr,v trim oe. wiia tuu IlCln 01 IllCir JJHUICB UIIIOlJ, LUCJf will held ft card parly at headquarters, ... h. fallowed b.v dancing. The nre- Lrrrdi of this nffelr will be used in the I' . f Tin. nti.A.vltlAM jiemeniH i-hj wui,hm;. iiuiriipr at. Patrick's Day entertain ment will he Riven by members of tbe Rebert J. Martin Pest 08. Souvenirs will be u'wen te every guest. This affair will be held in Pest headquarters. Th Prince Ferbes Auxiliary Is nlan- nlng a flower sale, te be held en some (lute previous te Enstcr. Geerge II. Imhof Pest 1B3 will held .. -a MDeMiif. initn ''ft at w ii ti of A. Hall. Twenty-ninth and Dauphin utrectn. Afterward the members will .e guests of tlie JiRUies' Auxiliary at a Mipper. GREED FOR GEiyiS ASSAILED Judge Says Women "Uae Dellar Mirk te Steer Husbands te Jail" Xew Yerk, March 16. "Greed for diamonds nnd furs is the curse f the times," Judge Leuis D. flibbs, of the Bronx County Court, de clared yesterday In suspending sentence en Saul Zuker, millinery dealer, who pleaded guilty te receiving stolen goods. "Modern women a great majority of then" he said, "ere using the dol lar mark te htcer their husbands Inte jail. Just ns long ns the men of tbe family brine: home the money, no ques tions sre ns-keri. The trouble with the man of tedny is that he is tee eager te make money te supply hfi wife or daughter uith diamonds and furs. He li bennd te get it somehow honestly or by crlminel methods." Judge Gibb' condemnation was de livered after Mrs. Zuker, the prisoner's wife, had been called te the stand, Attired in an expensive fur coat and licr fingers covered with riugs, she in rtignantly denied that Bhe had knowl edge of her husband's crime, though ad mitting that she had charge of her hus band's store. Judge Gibbs accused her of being in leugue with her husband, and ordered her from tbe courtroom. FORESTRY EMPLOYES SAFE Ne Pressure Will Be Used Against Them, Plnchet Says Hirrlsburr, March 16. Gilferd1 Pin Pin iliet, 8tate Forestry Commissioner, yes terday announced te the attaches of his department that notwithstanding tbe 'art be Is a candidate for the lie publican gubernatorial nomination they m net te ute their official positions for or against any candidate, especially out for hi in. "Ven may tote for whom yen please," tin said. And he added: 'There Mill he no assessment against jour salaries in my Interest, either be fore or after tlipuritnaries." Tbe information came In the form of letter te everj cmplejc of the depart -went. Capitel Hill Is used te taking "Mew and ummI te paying a 8 per cent assessment fur political purposes once Tear, whether there Is a campaign or net. OWINGS LEE Deris Fellows, of Philadelphia, Maid of Hener at Yerk Wedding . Verk, Pa., March 10. Stanley D. tags, bon of Mr. nnd Mrs. Richnrd ' Mngi, of Slmp-emillP. Md., nnd Miss rgaretta S. l.ec, daughter of Mr. and m James II. J.w., f this city, were mirriidje-iterday in St. Jehn Episcopal i'urch. the ltev. Pnul S. Atkins, rec i me inuicn. emrlating. The maid Li ?1r,lNnb MlM IJer'i Fellows, of nlladelphln. nnd the best man Thud- ,"'. Owlngs. of Sumpbenvllle, Md., brother of the bridegroom. The uahera .11 "lt0 ',"s ""thers, James Owings. m. nunpellH' nnl Krftk Owings, of , I-11'' . .Tllt' honeymoon will be Cm d lnnt,c Clty' New Tork "nd L w t ml'y'"i , L Bv't i tWTilJStJrTFit s1 MMMtaMMMl NKf, (W.i. T.T Si Aftcr-Dinner Tricks M fWAp.mtTTtlW lllMai.iAll w A N " ii i-nper &'$? '.,f ,.l,in """r ,s Pbcri ever "f J'11, llnm, I'he hand is palm cr "ml tlle I'OPT adheres te Th. . . . . !MrfL n'mn't1 by laying Im i H,; ''," "'" tHbl n"J "'bbing "Mrlctlnr " """"Mr or times,. k. 0f t"f lnti(I will keen it. m Ahr.lt,.. IS?? ihe .iinf ,.l,.,!."8..,,h,,. "' ." ; i,1' of til,, f', " "HKIIH.V ur lie kU II .?.1"' ' "f he notice. rw. ,' n,"vl ' tnhen from the fc8U b I'ubltc x.,tgW cvm,mt v 1 J rifed V &jud V . Gubdn-jtefied Storied By J. P. McEVOY OfJ The Sad End of the Mortimer Metli Family ' ONCE upon a time, dear children, there was a darling little family of moths who lived In a rug, Johnny, get off the pjane!) Mortimer Meth had chosen tbis rug with particular care, because, he said, there is nothing like having the proper environment in-whleh te raise one's family, Se he insisted from the very start upon settling down In a genuine antique Saraband. Hli elder brother Lawrence, married and went te live In an Axmlnlstcr, while his sister Lucille eloped ulth peer moth who lived in n hall carpet. But Mortimer Meth could never be brought te speak of Dennis, the black sheep of the family, who went se far as te take a lease In n rag rug In n bathroom, TUB union of Mr. and Mrs. Morti mer Meth was blessed with a large number of happy moth children who were the pride and comfort of their cultured parents. There was nothing the old folks en Joyed sp much ns te take their fnmllv with them whenever they went out hele-ing, which was almost any day the maid did net interrupt the walk by running the vacuum cleaner ever them. And the cunning little golf games they used te have en their private eighteen hole course! Yeu can't Imagine 'the fun tbe little dears get out of hunting for the right hole or when, ns was effen the case, they couldn't find it, making a new one right off, just like that! (Dorethy, will you please take the cun of sardines nut of tbe baby's mouth? That's all the feed we have In the house.) TpVKItYTHINa was going along -4 serenely in the Mortimer Meth household until one day the antique Saraband In which they lived was sold te n bachelor who smoked countless cigars, incredible cigarettes, and an un- mennennnie pip Everv time hi rug he would rub them in with his feet ana sav, "OH, that's geed for the moths." IJut, my dear children, It was net geed for them. These cigar nnd cigarette ashes were I lie ruination of little J mid Meth, Clarence Metb, Virginia Meth, nnd even Janet Meth. Yes, sir, they get se they would fel low this man around with their tiny months open waiting for his nstlies te e dropped aahei en his v I y At M hith-tUn Sltlitsiri mI Djcalt r in Drawing Material. Fast as thought These Koh-T-Noer leads "smooth as pussy-willow" glide ever the paper jis fast ns mind and hand can direct. They never drag and never miss a stroke. Werk is less tiring. Ask for KOH-I-NOOR Pencils Ceylaa lak Pencil drop info them. They 'became cigar and cigarette ash fiends. And there is no telling what might have nnnpenea te him. If miK ilnv tlili lincheler hadn't absent-mindedly knocked the ashes out of his unmentlemblpxp!pe onto the rug und into the trustful little nieuths of .Tmld, Clarence, Virginia nnd Janet Metb, Everybody said they made beautiful little corpses. As for Mortimer Meth and Itis wife, they snid, "Aw. wliatu the Ube!" anil went te Hollywood. That's all. Uwnu te bed. ' IA , ,', 'iMfl &.HT' &.,& V ttm DODdE WILL BE ARRAIGNED Girl Who Jumped Frem Aute Manu facturer's Sen's Car Is Better Kalamazoo, Mlcli.. March 1(5. A slight improvement was reported yester day in the condition of Miss Kmmeline Kwftkcrnoek, a Western State Nermal Scheel student, whose tkull was frac tured when she jumped from an auto mobile driven by Jehn D. Dedge, of Detroit, early Sundny morning. Dedge will be arraigned In Municipal MARKET STRUT BEEF GO. Special Prices for Thursday, Friday and Saturday Eat Beef Thif Week This Is Beef Week Finest Sirloin SiV'iTlCAlVlDlb. Seef Thif Week mis is ueer wee STEAK IS Raapi Pia Beati -Belart Side of Round ROASTS of BEEF 15,i lumrmfwr thin ! hn iMusl fine Quality meat we Jwars handle. This beef Is the flnwrt that money ran buy. Finest Roasting or Stewing Chickens, 25c lb. Fresh Ground Hamburg Steak. O m OE? n Best Boneless Beef for stewing IP5. Jj Finest Country Scrapple m Strictly Fresh Selected Eggs in Cartons. . . .25c dozen Olee or Nut Margarine 4 lbs, for 50c Fer Year Convenience Oar Sterei At Open Friday ani Saturday Until 9:30 P. M. One car ticket brlnta yen from almett aaywherei and yen tar tram Ce te 13a en etcry pound you bay at the MARKET STREET BEEF CO. 5221-23-25 Market St. 5939 Market St. Loek for Our Adv. in Monday Evening Newipapera 21 nw.rfTi ih .f.,1, .mkmz. tfnusmtii y i r . ?'' V7rri mkwsitWwmfflwmK " ' u r" "I r Z.-L ' LL 1I - ' ;- -1H t 4 ' S Court Tueday en charges pf drlylag an nutomebiltf" while Intoxicated nnd with possessing, transporting and fur nishing intoxicating liquor. . NEURITIS, LUMBAGO . STIFF MUSCLES, ETC. Pucrenfullv treated with electric bakln and mrdlCal miinaii by graduate of l'.illadlphla l'elvcllnlc. V M ADAMS ri,AZA mjiu., ises ARcn at. FREE EXHIBITION PAINTINGS Bu GEORGE A. TRAVER and W. tEE HANKEY . McCLEES GALLERIES 1807 WALNUT HTRKKT if ,JKi!l!(Jl Treat bruises anil peaeibl btaakt of the aldn with the miixptlc liniment. ftesierM ptliu and reduce welling Icllu ejenna anapreventa iraecnen. wniy itw drept reqund. Select for children. i j j at arua . glitorpdtpld.UberIttiilbettl,potpid, iec, Bv W. F.YOUNG, Inc. .. k 73 TeeapU StreM, Springfield, Maae. V - w 3 tfA' 'A fV!) MM.wmwwm ,m"sr m ' icaaiaien - Repaired FRANK B. CLAYTON'S SONS3 iri7.ie-ai.3 x, nth wt. v IWW iec. J ' . .V., ill A Kiiiiiai Yl . I ivui viu i miv Raaaitaaa fti mar be Painted1 aid Decorated or In a dfllahtfully antique way that ratK dere It far mere attractive than the new, and at cenelderauly lower oet. Katlmatpe rurnlehed A. L. DIAMENT & CO. IMS WAI.NCT HTBEET nnd nt Htrnfferd, ra. Asce Asrn kmMiiiiiiiiininc illliiiliiiiiiiilll.lllliilliai.iail.. r, JtDuitxl w&tf t "s v,9 B9 v --. ',!J&Jt-ie- mmC A -iknmm .kmWWWWwkX.-. X .eaHSK - xnwBkwaMimnnWSi kr BvNslK ' Halafce WmiTX i kv kK V. iKSVeaaKSVlMlHllt let $k?m jkm mWWWWW WnW X M?lWB?w LlWi"'"!!!-2'v'f 1 mf 1 IHHJf PJJJJJJJF VWrWvtSBlaMMaMaMH. i m M aaaaaaaaaaaHrBBEaar aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV v aa JVSV y X eLt 7 laaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaaaBaa aaaV Afrp aan KalBBKW JBaKaKaKaKaKaKaBKaBBBr W km7y- ilBHaaaaaaaaaaaaakSlBl M. HL LWLLWr kkkWV ' isMalssWM tm w JNSPs. nWmmWfW aaKsBaffai JVMbSb9bV staBaftWl! WHnW BSSSfBIPsa7'atX. ' 1 W kmnmnmmW&tSnmmmmmnm SBV. lPVcBSBr- , . tMmMianmmmW aBaBjBaBaBQ?Vi .klSxrawiiiiWHfaH Mm ' VkW mJMlt- . PINHIgsBe PBBBBBhX MaLaBfl sfBE(BBHBtJB v fs Bh. ejflBBBJHBBBaKM' . " .aVaBaBHHaHaHaM HHaBaVBsk. 'U AlsMBSBSBlMI0-?.' v-s SaT4BrJbnReT4Br4Br4Br4Br4Br4BralV aT4sr4srlaT4Br4Br4r4B&am. hBBBBJLW BBjHBAVjt,-' ji BsBjfSrBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBLBVT 9lfeBilfelaaaiSjsaBJBjHBsM BBBSiiLyLBJBviLBBJBBBBBBBBBBBBBB VB JBaPP' SaaPeaHBBBaTaT' BBBBBBBBBBflBBBBJKcBBBBjBjKgHBBBflaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBM mnmnnhnMn BSBBBBBBf aMMMMMMMMMMMMMMJSJSMajejBajajamajajajaja SjSaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaL Nut -Coffee aBBiWBv ' "yM kWWWwaCmZ vyy BBBBBSBBTVbtj x jBBBEBKfcZ . -X i iilaV AWW IV sBBsm afJBJBH 1 TD ICTURE in your mind plenty of rich, thick x Abbotts cream delicately flavored with fragrant Java Coffee generously mixed with the choicest nut meats then carefully blended and frozen into this new Abbotts creation. NUT-COFFEE ICE CREAM Nut-Coffee is a wonderful new flavor that you have never tasted one that is entirely new te Philadelphia. Yeu can buy it from any Abbotts dealer; wherever you see the familiar red and white sidewalk sign. Why net serve this delicious creatiqn for .A. Abbotts' Alderney Dairies, Inc. bbetts A s c e ce cream iiiPiMnuii II STORES .CQ I iTikiyvni A;rn ascu wmmwmwsMmiMWfSMmvL The Wonders of Our City fame. It nation. our is tne Here birthplace of our flag was Philadelphia has many unique claims te American liberty. It was the first capital of designed. Philadelphia is the workshop of the world. During the Great War, Phila delphia's .gigantic shipyard at Heg Island astounded the world by its marvelous output of ships, then the most vital instrument of warfare. And yet in peace we are known as the City of Hemes. Government statistics prove that it costs less te live in Philadelphia than in any ether big city in the U. S. We may be pardoned the justifiable pride that is ours in the part we have played for mere than a third of a century in easing the housekeepers table burdens. Beest Philadelphia whenever and wherever you can every Philadelphian has much te be proud of. ite?ped Frying Pans each 8c Asce Cern Starch, pkg. . f A dessert that is always enjoyable. Remnrkably low price Se 5c ieup Bean Calif. Lima Beana lb 18c 12c Aace cun Perk 4c Beana 9c Seedleaa RaUina pocket pkr 3c Chec. ! Cream Egga 4c 60c Qual. l Aa't Chocolate 37c Calif. Erap. Apricot 31c Calif. lb Evap. Peach 19c Extra Large Flerida Grapefruit, each 1 On Unusually large full of juice. Big value at this price. Jb Vaa x B. .. tnfnmnur .ajtaagiaw. GeldSeal EGGS Carten of twelve 30 Only the largest and fullest of the new-laid eggs are selected for the Geld Seal cartons. Strictly Fresh EGGS DOZ 25 Yeu are guaranteed twelve geed eggs in every dozen in the Asce Stores. Reg 19c can O5C0 utT Sifted Peas S.OO per dozen cans. High quality. Lew price. cut te 17c sr "lztcgg -lOcttr "'14c Garden ! OA A.ce can 1 C Choice ttu10 Spinach can 6VI Maine Cern IOC Succetaeh IOC Choice Tomatee lie Campbell's (or snider-s) Tomate Soup It will pay you te buy ahead at this low price. Aaparagua QQ Tip JOC can 8c Asce Coffee Asce Teas lb leu'U be surprised that u can sell such a splendid coffee at such a low price! Asce Evap. Milk J-Ji 9c Better than cream for your coffee or tea. Vi-lb Pkg 'j-lb pkg 23c, 1-lb pkg 45c Superior te teas costing almost double the price. India Ceylon Plain Black Old Country Style Orange Pekoe "Mixed Babbitt's Cleanser can Geld Seal Oat pkr 8c Kellogg' Cern Flake pK 8c Special for this week, se buy ahead. 5c Pest Teaatie pkr 8c GeldSeal Fleur -lb bar 27c Aace pkr Buckwheat 10c Aace Syrup N. B. C. Marshmallow Creams ib 29c Delicious little round cakes with marshmallow in the cemer and a rich chocolate coating. "n9c Atco Pancake Fleur J"aT 1 A 1UC SnaiwMt "I Oc Jc Pranei. Ib 1 9 1 B. G. Crisps ib 18c You'll love them! Victer Bread i& Big Leaf 6 Made of the purest ingredients and baked with painstaking care under strict sanitary supervision. Victer Raisin Bread, leaf 10c With big fat luscious Raisins. F O R L E N T Leuella Butter 48 This exquisite butter is se delicious se pure you will agree that it is itself. Taste it! m i T- 5irfc vr in a class by Richland Butter, " 45c Pure creamery prints. Norway Mackerel ca 5c, 7c Larger ones at 15c each. Aice Needles 5 Aace Macaroni n1" 9C Smoked Oc Bloater "IP Red Alaska OPc Salmen c" J Calif Sardinei ran Threaded Codfish, PS Makes tempting codfish cakes ! 7c ii in- IV Aice ItIcW Cedfiih choice Sardines, 3 Fc;cn;cJ 10c Remarkable value! Buy new. 19c Aice Spaghetti rt " Ner Scotia Ofkc Herrim lh V Calif. Tun. Full Can... 10c. 15e Fancy Wet Shrimp '"n 15' Rich Cheese, lb 25c With a delightful "anap" te it. F O R L E N T Mpsvf Qn;c In Our 207 vm.m. wviuie Sanitary Meat Markets Genuine Milk-Fed Veal Lein Chens lb 38c Rib Chops lb 32c Finest Seft Mealed Reaeting Fryina; Slewing Rump Roast lb 28c Lein Roast . lb 35c Chickens lb 35c Finest Quality Beef Selected Cuts Finest Standing R2 &out, lb 28c Leap Soup Meat .....lb 8c I Large End Rib Roast. .Ib lSc 1 Preih Hamhura Si.,1, Pure Perk Sausage lb 18c Delicious Country Scrapple lb 10c lb 18 Small Lean Smoked Picnics lb 16c Sour Kreut qt 12c Sliced Lebanon Bologna Neck End City Dreaaed Perk Chops or Roasts ib 22c Cooked Luncheon Rell 15c l.JU a-" Selected Cuta Ib ' a.... ..- .kjf J JaSpiSSSLS! 8t and Meat MarfcrtT -,Aarh 1 a VMIiHIlM c 1 32c I &isrmMiL S-iSiltT ' tllM mj v. mai't I" 'iBiiniinHeweHaanni . - i BaaaaVi-- - la i. I ' l?e mmrnmmnnmnmmmmmmmmmiK i Zl J Y .. : , '.n.mi vAubfte. ,,- .LttM.' . ...MMiiS ,4fU e n 'K j -n JiH !' s, 11 1 r m ; .vl t )b si CK JV