i3 . h't r,?. fe R f' I& r? ft K IV l he s: f. I, " .'' 'i ISV fcK ...' uvt Mi ppfe Daily Mevie Magaxine E&sre KasiiHBaEaaBaHHHHHBHBaHaMaiiaiMaaaMMBB (:'' HOB7 THEY lSED TO "SHOOT THE FILLVMS" ' ff'iiiiri I, I, " ., .iL'iVmT.. : ' Wi BHW I ll illllfircffi i ' Cff ' HSiHiliiu!23lllilEwl "). In cok'bratlen of the tenth MimlWT.-nrv ( tlit photoplay, in wlilcli m-B, ml H H i In ccli-hratleii of the tenth nunlMTMiry of tlic photoplay, In wlilcli tlic Latky company Is tnklng n li'uiUnspnrt, Churles (tgle uml Edjth Chapman demonstrated tliu "old way" In contract te tlte new. Above is the result. Nete tlic chalk Htm te keep the neters In the ongle of view of the cameru, nnd the flimsy back drop also the whiskers en the military-looking gentleman at the deer THE MOVIE FAN'S LETTER-BOX By nENRT K. M. difficulty Olencestcr I'm having semci getting the information you want about Enid Marker. I think 1 am en the track of it. however, and will print It as seen as it arrives. Rubye "Peter IbbctFen" was fir.-t , ncreencd under the name of the book WUtt WO intention OI UaVHlR tuai I lie permanent. Then it was thought that i-itles where the ulav had net been seen. PUbU a I1UIUD 1UU uvut Juuai0 au for it was likely that, In such cities, the book would net be generally familiar. Se It was decided te rcleate the picture under the title "Peter Ibbctsen" in cit ies where the play had shown, but te call It "Forever". In ether places. I rnn share your admiration for ElMe Fergusen se far as her beauty nnd tin technic of her acting arc concerned. ' ilut in everything except "Footlights" (I fairly loved her in thaO and per haps "Sacred and Profane Leve," .she Impressed me as being tee cold nnd reserved te mnke a deeply sympathetic appeal. I think, however, she is de veloping, a mere human touch nnd n mere heartfelt conception of things, and if she does I'll be one of the first te worship. I'm fcerry I can't tell jeu her age. I've never seen it given in n , biography. Her studio address will be mre Famous Players' Studie. Asteria. L. I., after about the 1st of April, but just at present she isn't mnklng pic tures nt all. She is playing in "The Varying Shere" nt the Hudsen Theatre en West Forty-fourth street. . ...... ... a m .,-. 1....nl tfenn AtllllO 1 11 00 perieciiy iirumi in nnswerlnc veu : seu haven t a cliance iil 1.1. ll.A im(a.. tiiil' Tlicy Ann't f von If veu're a novice. rri. no ntt..re.i t ilentli with ntmll- . .1 il. .. ' Atinilnh Inho fitt was net an actor in Italy "The Phantom" Is theie nn actress by the nntnc of Julia Arthur.' lice: von take me back many years. Sin- was the first actress te whom I ami- pletcly lest mv heart. .She was plnj - lnr then In "Mere Than Queen." Then she married a wealthy Canadian nnd retired from the stage and it was only recently that she emerged trem ncr ie Mrement nnd announced that she in tended te return te the foetlltfhts. She was a very beautiful wqyian, decidedly dark almost Orlenta' looking. "Ma and Myself" writes: "I think rendlnK ether peoples opinions is erj interesting nnu, iiiciuvniiiiij, uiuiiiikii ing. Sometimes jeu hit en an nwfullv Reed idea you never would have thought of yeurtelf. "What really prompted me te inflict myself en you was .1. 11. I'elt'.s letter. I should 'ike te shake hands with Mr. Felt, and I de se verbally. He is en tirely right. If we had n few inerc bread-minded people like him in the uni verse the famous 'Society for the Pre ventien of Others would net enjoy se prominent a place in the limelight. Horrors unspeakable! Perhaps it Is just ns well left undone, taking nil in nil. "What de you think of Faverham'a Hike him 'tres Men.' " the eid""lmers who knew nil the ropes, richer settings, mere impressive phe-! up te examine Ken's lind. "Hut but And everv time veu see il contest going tegraph or mere skillful directing than , hew did it happen.'" stammered the di di te with the avowed purpose of "finding this one." rector. " bite enamel," replied Tur- new material for the screen," don't. Tint was nil true, wn-n't It? Te con- pin, proudly, nnd leaned against the believe it. What the producers arc tinue: beast te held it erect i..in. f. i miw mniiFinl tn i-ive them , "tV (..,. ie u,.,r nnmii.1, tliinir listen te tills, though : Its the true pub'iclty nnd keep tlielr names played nnd utv much along the usunl Mac 1' et . W'K 1.,cn ,,relte Int0 J'k' :. , It.. ! . v: Vn ..mi,... , ..,, . .1 ...i.i. .- ,i. Itures. As I said, he was n nrnn hnv ud in me iuukuiiii"). v, ...n..w i .uuriii.v uiiu - - - aim mlii iiiu nu- Wvi ittJne nAiunnni' n vniii bnnw . I nn thell" RIllfF. finil If I (Ineun htflP -- nt .iv,' i viimti ' tmvmnonflbnnitTem his clients, he has enl his en artrK ,' 'Jfac Nostrum'? I think" it would , judgment te offer. If he says he re- ' tr; 'b , " "J " ' turuTudvlee "l I(", mnke a geed movie, although the wen- ceived hundreds of pretests against ' ' ," l' ".V "T'lk " V ,i " , ' , stree h. dfuJ death bcena at the end would he I Mich-and-such a (Urn and tells why the ' X' w te efnni t ' I,j? pretty nearly impossible te produce as Dee.de objected te it. the producers are M ,, t,cwnik " , r e . -e ? h . It te-innd tljn I 'suppose they'd cast H. likely te think twk-e b-fore the.v put J'VntmiSis ,.f U,'.! -.iV- "ri"? e 4- nieniiiiu, r.ii.. m n' u-uihiib ihic. " """' I., s"-. ,,, ui itri Sk. (i Uk h,m trnys b(', ten- J uen,(: R knew of any plan te lilm "Mare Neu- ' ' trum."; WW f Theodere H. C. (something or ether, i I ran't rend the bignuturc), of Camden, writes: "I saw jour answer te 'Peter r.y Pan' In today's Kvr.NiMt Prin.Kj Ledeek, nnd te say the least, it nearly f struck me cold. Perhaps jeu cannot ', 's see bow, but I will try te explain. "OWlnte you have shown a tendency . te take a neutral btaud In regard te the reviewing of pictutes, as in the case of Mae Murray's 'Peacock Alley.' In your review. If I nm net mistaken, you did net declare whether it was a geed i or bad picture. Later a reader expressed his opinion of the picture, nnd you went ahead and nearly said all you wanted te. I Miy nearly because I nm of the b belief that very much niore could be 5, .Mid of it. lkS "New comes your nnswer te 'Peter ipin ' Vmi utntn tlint- vnn Lnvn rumln ?iHill m jlnSnltA nntlcv Vint- In .lluieit... l.t iMA "....- v" -' ,''""" '" your (lepurtmeiu nuns wiiicu aie nav- (7HIK Uli'll ill. si punning iicic, mi iis net ie 'Influence the fans te te see It or staj Klaway' well, or nil tilings : i tlmu";'it fjgSjeu were n person of judgment. RUM?; " "e will have le blame jeu fet im ..ffaji-vait nerccniagu ei uuuesirnu:e nuns u it'Sre letting, because with jour true isr,,,,;,svl'i'i''"" J" u i""" i uii'i ii nine ins- i?.ra;, ', i-t i i. -,...i... ...i .. iwi .ii f vmsMen ei it in jour department, n lr '"'if.vwl kleturn u'nnlil nrevn hiicoehh nn.l fc.' ?WdLr4ure a failure. Hut if you re-. ra tu perinuwieu te jet P M. NEELT ment and you will net ulve us your true opinion in your revlewn, by what arc we te ne Rinded .' ou are iettinit a bird tly away from jour hand te cntch two in the buh, because the time te dl-cuvi n picture is wlitei u have a chance te prove te the theatre mannRers that a gned picture can call a crowd and u baa picture empty seats .., wl tl.nv rnre fnr or nn!n ,eng nftcr Uic plturu is gOI10 wlcn what we would term n bad picture has: proved n success te them, which they can prove by showing us the box office receipts? "The educated part of the public should hnvv a means of propagating their opinions se ns te bring en their side the majority, which is new held by the uneducated, that is, these that can't tell the difference between geed and bad. "Yeu are te blame, Mr. Neely. Yeu are umible-eressins us uy net telling up just hew jeii saw the picture, since wi' rely en jeu ter an unbiased opinion. Instead we have te pick a geed photo play from out of the mass, and wnste money en pictures that arc net worth it. "The sooner we can prove te the pro pre ducers that geed pictures are appro appre dated and make it paying for them, the sooner we get better pictures. De jeu ugiee with me?" (fiesh ! Hew il'.Mi esnect me te agree1 with you when you lambaste me that t wnj V Se I'm te blame for bad pic- ittires n everything, am I? ' New. let's get down te cases and pit.. Iiaik .....rtl. Iwi.lj l.Mi. lu fiw v,,ii "-' " iu nu-ne ..-..- .. . cemiunint. 1 quote .eriMUiu irmn iuj H'vicw of Allej-." publMied February 14 : lailC .Ullilli; "J cm.uva "Few tihnteplnjh have shown mere (ni'itn nrni inr-r-tnii. ntnn- e iinnrnit or -iviiii il iuiiitlmi. inn nmiiinnv riisnfd pendabie Mente Hlue as leading man, I " ' "' " were inaiug a Heavy emo eme leave, the feminine portion of the audi-; ' "' .hp M a graph ence, at least, wit i n very Hntisueu.uven enthusiastic nficr-imnresslun " uituusiitsiit, aier-iinpu.-sieii. Tlint was a nice thing te Miy about """"' i"u'. wu s ,r ' " "e "''"''d 't- l" continue : "Miss Murraj. of ceiu.-e. p'njs a dancer and it is equally important that sue should ne a t renca dancer, uincr- wise her irrepressible mannerisms, her shrugs and grliunces, her pucker and her pout, would hnve no excuse what- ever. They New. 1 li They linve little enough as it Is." 1 leave it te your sense of fair - msu ii tiuif pivn miii mic linnressien that I liked the pro'ductien? Tl, nv ,n .nnrnu hn.l ntctnrne net t0 ,i,w.,l!(S t.m , ,i,is column be .. ....,, ... ....,.,..-., .. ,........ .. fore most fans have seen them. The only way Is for lets of people te see them nnd for every one of these people te write net te me but te the theatre man. iger denouncing the fi'in. Net n long letter, mind; jeu can say nil that is necisirj en a pntcanl. Ker slme this Mevie Magazine was started I liae implored the fans te get into this habit of constantly writing t the theatre managers, expressing both geed and had opinions of phntnnlnjs. lie's the bird te whom the producers leek for reports Yeu are entirely wieig in thinking that IIU.V iiplninu lullueuies the fans tn go te u picture or te stay uwii. I panned "Out tin Hill" umucr.'ifully ns the rheK'bt, most h.inal. silly and stupid tiling ever filmed nnd it did u land office business here, T ran name a dozen shows roasted te the limit by every critic In Philadelphia and the dollars continued te clink merrily inte the box-office cash drawer. Ne; the solution of the problem lies entirely between the fans and the tin -atre malingers. And, if I had my way, I'd hue thousands Inte the thcattt te see a hnpe'essly bad thing. If 1 fell sure each one would write n scathing letter te the theatte manager about it Wliai the tan would think of me for it ilecn't matter. Xobeilv loves mi, anyhow. Hut afterward, in the discussion in this department, I would feel privileged tn roust the film, tee, and te point out te these who didn't think It bud just why it was bad and hew they slieuliT i regard films. There are certain funda mental things te consider In viewing any work that purports te be art and it's, my job te try te teach these things. In rny reviews of such things ns "Peacock Alley," T consistently remem ber that there aie thousands of fans te whom the sini is wonderful. They are ctitir'ed te their opinion. I try te me whatever ine-ll thev me ill the picture and I mention It if I c.iu hud il. Hut I iiivarliib'y ciler it with mj own pin un, just lis 1 did In the icvlew .if "l'dicnck Allij." In ilils dci,ii'iimiit, i Here m siitiinlille slillls all the re emeuslhilih te me. I can omiiesh my- :.. i. ...t.i :. i.i ,:... sei( ui'iic sireugij wiiiieui, coiiMiieraiieu of the opinions of the fans. That's why the boss puts my name here. He wants it understood thut he icnlf tjl-lv'tViae for the idiocy amT". ' " ' FI.Q every A(T&!WH!!m-Sfii83raMK ryrmtfi HA( reI " "WU - BEN TURPIN RIDES IN TROLLEY TO KEEP AUTO bRY , By Constance Palmer Hollywood, Calif. TEN TURPIN was the cause of much - excitement one rainy day last week as he entered the gate of the Mack Sen nett Int. He was all dressed up in n brnnd-new suit of golf clothes, the out lit including n'leud checkered cnp. All He tipiw1p1 in nnmnlnJp in nirture was . . ,. ... h d . te the studio via the street car, which no doubt nfferded the passengers their daily thrill. When asked why he used street cars en rainy days, instead of coming in his big limousine, and also why he were golf clothes in the rain, he replied: "I never drive my car in the rain. It might get wet. And by wearing Knickerbockers today my et,"'r I'nilts win be dry or tomorrow." They tell another story about Ben in the old days at Essanny. He was a prep boy with ambitions te become n director. He told every one about it se often that it bceume something of a nuisance. Te quiet his importunities, one of the full-Hedged directors loudly demanded a white elephant te be used in tne picture lie wns making, Tin. I next llflV Ills nstlliltntlf enmn mi flu. urf without It tlmn. hi,in ,,n mmi, .,f,!m,,,i But Hen said: "I'll get it. Just leave it te me" Se the director gave him permlshien te absent himself from the "-tudie all that afternoon. Net a word WIIM fienifl ,lf lllftl unfit 1.n t.n.il.ii - : . "i. i "". " nu I'luuuiy leu u pure wane f rii , "" --we pi viiu k tlUllt'll. i llie animal was unnaturally whit ' coining living could have been s-e whltt ",. "" -'," ,,"' ti T, r ; ? ,,u-,PreI1H the set. He didn't knew the ciiniern u-.tk rriwllm. nn,i r,,. one noticed lilm. When the film was "'" elT J" tl,p Projecting room. Hen's career us a comedian was started when the first titter rati like u wne ever the spectators. mnu chiiu ui;u me runieiiiauH are i in a had way just new. Charles Chop- un nns eeen cenuneu te ills Heme with ilu ; liurelil Lloyd Is just recovering irem u serious attncK. nnu mister Ken. 1 ten hus it, though mildly. J-iiuv hiiuwcii hiu u irainen ceinnsii nt the Hamilton-White Studie the etliet I !" !""" "e nn erillllUry llslj . ,,,. If Inulutn.l ,.,.nn I...... ... ... .. .v '.tl i,'ill Ultll mit ei us oewi, nnu naeit into it again. in met, n secmen te tiunic it quite a game, for tney iiail te put a iiettluu across the opening, for four it would vet all tinsl out. Hut I'e iu-t hcanl ' that the peer thing has jumped Itself te ileum, anil t He company is m mouin meuin lug fur Its less. There I've been Mlly enough for one day. Cerns? just say Bluejay te your druggist Steps Pain Instantly The simplest way te end a corn is Blue-iav. A touch steDS the pain in stantly. Then the corn loosens and I comes out. Made in two forms a colorless, clear liquid (one drop does itl) and in extra thin plasters. Use whichever form you prefer, piasters or the liquid the action is the same. Safe, gentle. Made in a world-famed laboratory. Sold by all druggists. I BAN BIBLICAL CHALK SIGNS 1 If firrlkhiirir Mnreli 1 f Pitt limill w . i n :, t-jt Jtttf&v. DREAMLAND ADVENTURES The Magic Fairy Cap Uy iiAiinv Jack and .mirf itrr told bi Vecky and Mary lteb'm Hivy need a mapie fitiri vnii In mlrr Fitiriiland. They van unfa Am rj by doing a brave dud a ml uKiuiny a fairy in dhlrens. rtillewina alarm erica from the birdt, they fmd a tiny creature cuttyht in a spider s ueb. A snake is craicling up te cat him, CHAPTER III. The Teat of Bravery JACK didn't want te go' back te face the snnkc climbing the tree te cnt the Fniry prince trapped in the spider'n wee. anaKcs muue mm feel very creepy. Hut If lie didn't go back the snake surely would make un end of Prime I 'lit ter -Flash. Jack nnd .Timet wcic the only ones who could save the struggling fniry. The birds screamed loudly for help, but they were afraid, te venture near the snnkc. Jack took only an instant te mnke up his mind. He snatched up a Bteut club und turned back te the lovely dell. "Wait here," he said te Janet. But Janet didn't wait. Hhe picked up u stick and ran after Jnek. Mr. Snake was climbing the little tree beneath the spider's web, in which the Fairy prince was caught. He thought he had seared Jnek away. He raised his ugly head above the edge nf the wcl. and his forked tongue flickered liungt'ilj as he gloated emt the entangled fairy. He thought In was going te have n dainty feast. The snake drew hack his head le strike ja the helpless captive. "Hiss I've get you," he exulted. Jack lifted his club. Thud! He hit the snake squarely en the head. Down dropped the snake in it heap. The sudden blew bad stunned him. There la a let of fliht in n snake. This one couldn't be killed by one mew. lie equirmea around te battle Jack. Thud I Down came Jack's club again. , ssr.!fcr. TT tBGHnf rrti The New Applied Psychology Self -Development Self -Expression Three Demonstration Lectures by Silas Neff, Ph. D. Mar. 16, Thursday Evg., 8 o'Cleck Art Alliance, 1823 Walnut St Mar. 21, Tuesday Evg., 8 o'Cleck Art Alliance, 1823 Walnut St. Mar. 24, Friday Erg., 8 o'Cleck-Neff College, 1730 Chestnut St. Admission Free In all -Patent Leather, also with Gray Suede quarter and all-Black Satin. Silk-clocked hosiery te match, $1,45 939 Market 2ose.52d REISZNER i Ne: leih IfcMWIH OPEN- KVKXIXOS j IfSlTrBITfSlii i&3 :mtm svs mwmmMmm-frT-mm m sw immmzvm i u-ng laufv ..i . B iaKaetaewk t i .sar iinHI'H,H " H mmmmvh'mmmm1' mm hk k iBMFK3;!eyMiiL smmzi WW Pi mi ,M I1( ar l 1 IB i.Ti.VJ-' "- lTiJ- 'MlT-'fTfi "Tfifl V ti'&tff&i V8ttW?&M& iijkiff' T1CAWKAZ&&Z& i ms Wiesm&W?mMi m until April zsnn b immu mp but you get your m i WMmM i III iiiATtiii a m I mmMi m viui iii.m ftymmml m tomorrow MWmmmMl l i Any Style Victrela Any Finish iSfH I Then siinplv pay for your first se- m'hwmiM i. lectien of Kccenls ami enjoy the KfMSrT V m j , S Wft instrument of your choice in your 'mMTm f its home without pnying a single cent M&w$M4& K 1 M i m until April 29th. wMmwfflLi ' Jl i i xm men memniy raymenis ei $5 m'irf&tm a mi wyi i i--ii w iin i in 1- - 1 lfSl I 3 1 m ' A.'-ejinc. ' kMlMJy: j, rap Tills Is ti crrtlfv th.it. Vldrnln. Mi&$M$$&KSBm&mi t $ HB mrturerl liv Thn Vlrter T.ilklnu- .Mh- viswSESSSiSwH k r-r?" ililne Cuniiiniiv r.unili n. .V. .1 is , hK3CiK8&&s!9ffift8R3l ?. V raft ' full ituiiriuilei-il liv um. lu.tii n tn ihflMSt-Elwtt$3lffi!x i In t TT t.M.. ..ii. ..nm ilium , iir- ;3f r- UfZIHRKSeKIZV f ' ssi , tliermnie Hi iru'imiitM m ell rip- raTL I uriMfrnr i Tnnl i rf? I lllnte lllel I111K I lie inntur nf until Ml I ' .'tT SXSjTti&f, I t!?V i Mitrnl.i iliirini: Hi iir.-iiini of nm,.i ' WJ 1& " J KlftiKS t Msft m l.hi.i., ..id, I.. ,1... ..I..I.I.. trfJ JH ff ffcevTixn'.M fi I K.y i nt. in". v ..-'. . - uM.iiiui ijui " I rt TH" Jl WaKft'ie ',& J . .?&: IQIIfl IMf'lf ,l1 I'lil'LTt'Crii . r IB. XPKMeB 9 '' iM "" !'' m w . s; " ' I.JL??ASiH i m R R TOSIR - :J.fei: m 1623 CHESTNUT HHHii j m i m&IVJP " "IIMtjWPH 'jm The Famous Sahmer Player- KWT" ""-SyfmSMMVi K m I'ianes, uprigfitn and Grands, $-' ,7 ""r . jjfmLYt i BrJiX I .. . . 1777 '0 , I WH V FVXiH llnnn ninnrlnv irI.ln. A . k m e II r. j mt 7,' .". -' i hi D! ' i mwm&S. Evenings M L--4MH J mR SEBWHH i .Aitl.iJ..--. llW- iW3iW- .' . VAi,r. mfi wnamvATOM r . jti r iri r t.'eiilifrweeil Underwood MISS UTIIIX JOHNSTON She wns seriously injured In a meter accident in New Jersey. Miss Johnsten lives en Riverside drive, New Yerk It banged the snake in the neck. Thud 1 Thud! Jack struck again and nguin. The birds turned tlielr screams of alarm into shrieks of joy. They thought Prince Fiitter-Flash was nfc. Tlhie Mary Jane" Newest Creation 60 $3.4-5 6 " - j i BTfvfc' cHyHWKBi-Tv: ( 1 tBBflkmu-kBAaBBVn fFfUr T M WmWmvmm bbbbTbbbbbbbbbbbV ,'V V rS l:gHj; y-' 59 j:i rBBBBBBV( V ,,'-' '.t,2KBBBBBBBt':! bbS , alkUt .f' 1bb!R'I rl..HIKLir isMJyPf - - m - Ti - "r But he wam'ti Whlle danger from the snake was pat, he was mi 11 tangled in the Bplclcr's web, And Mil1 den in a den at a corner of the web wai the giant spider watching and waiting. The spider had caught the prince for bis own meal, but had been scared into hiding by the sight of the snake. As Jack knocked the make down, the spider saw 11 chance te re gnin his dinner. He scurried out en the web te drag the fairy into his den. Janet saw this ether peril. She shivered as the spider darted toward the fairy. Spiders made her feel us creepy as snakes did. , , But Janet proved brave. Smash! She drove her stick through the web, almost clipping off the Bpldcr's tees. The web was cut in two. The startled spider clung te one side. The Fairy prince wns tangled in the ether. Janet dropped her stick, se she could use both hflnds te free the prince. The spider threw out a fresh thread nnd started tewnid Janet. Slie.lere the Fniry prince loose nnd rn up the hill side. Jack gave the nnki"u finishing whnek and followed her. At the ten of the hill thev paused, and Janet held the Fairy prince up te get n geed leek nt him. "Why." cried Jack in disappoint ment, ''the Fniry prince is just n hum ming bird." The tiny creature gave n tinkling laugh. "If you think that," he whispered, "you are going te get a big surprise." (What that surprise is will be told in the next chapter). Hairdressing Marcel and Hairdreif, 7Sc Shampoo & Scalp Treatment, $1.00 JENNY SELTZER'S SALON 020 CI1KSTNUT l'MONB WAL. 7147 KOOM 200 MMIMMMMMMMMMMMMIIMIMHIIIMIMIMI INGROWN TOE NAIL Hew te Toughen Skin se Nail Turns Out Itself A few drops of "Outgre" upon the skin surrounding the ingrewing nail reduces inflammation and pain and se toughens the tender, sensitive skin underneath the tee nail, that it cannot penetrate the flesh, and the nail turns naturally outward almost ever night. "Outcre" is a harmless antiseetic manufactured for chiropodists. Hew ever, any one can buy from the drug store a tiny bottle containing direc tions. Advt. DANDERINE Steps Hair Coming Out; Thickens, Beautifies 35 cents buys a bottle of "Dandcr- ine at any drug store. After one application of this delightful tonic yuu van uui nnu rt panitlC OI uan- arutt or a tailing hair. Besides. every nair snows new lite, vicar. . . ' , , j- mi m9 engnincss, mere coier ana abun- dance. Advt. rllOTOl'LAVS MDTWUYr early showing COMMNV r . V j x Y ' WW H r i A sfc i --rvVs:; -.- PT HTlK' A W - 3 1-LW. r V .V..A" . '. .. pany of America. APOLLO 6JDMTTiV1';.T3Ta- .ii.ivi.ik i st In i "DANGEROUS LOVE" ARPAHiA CHESTNUT I1M. 10TH rrv--l-'l- in f, , n in . UKBKIIK riT.U.MItirK I'UODITTION "THREE LIVE GHOSTS" AQTOR FKANKMN & GlItAUD AVE. kiust riiu.ii:i.i'iiiA siiiiwim; "MADONNAS AND MEN" BALTIMORE r;!.B7A,is,0w mmc ;.; "'"1 NAZIMOVA ""'".I lli-t.liTiVJ V Ill tamii.i.i:" BLUEBIRD M'KCIM, 1 Kieml K SiurfUvhnnni ('nn'lni'run i itniil 11 m'kcim, re l'Kiuii i ION- "OVER THE HILL" BROADWAY Bro1.4e:J5ny4a,BrpATj: rrr.nii AM In "Ten Nights in a Barroom" PAPITOI 722 MAnKBT BT VIOLA DANA Tin; reniTKKvrii i.evi:it" COLONIAL Otn A MaiLvroei1 At. 2'HO. T nnl n p u Cenrml Niinl. I.f'lrlic Je mid i (,. In SATURDAY NIGHT" FAIRMOUNT Uth A Glrarl Av MTINi:c DAILY SI'KCIAI. (AST In "Ten Nights in a Barroom" IfVTH ST iEATnn-nieW sprue ?Oin Ol, MATIKKi: DAITT ALISTAR CAST In PANNV IlinST'S "Just Around the Cerner" GREAT NORTHERN ysWyFft 1IAIUIAKA tVlSTI.KTON III "The Child Theu Gavest Me" IMPFRIAL ?.I)T" .wa7.nutbts" ,'"'- " "I ! T 1 "A CONNECTICUT YANKEE. i ii.-ii Aiunrii'M riiriri" KARLT0N c,,?K;ru r? UL,UK1A SWANSON In "IIKIt HI'HIUMi's THAiii-aum.. LIBERTY Bne,S?,-lJMU1 a. U MATINEB DAILY WECIAI, OAST In "Ten NifhU in a Barroom" Don't Be Fat It Causes Mtich Unhappmesi; SURPLUS FAT net only add yeara te yenr ftppearant C 'i and rumen renntnnt dlncomfertn but aUe meant, that your Organ are Impeded In uieleaa fatty lUiue. '- I ' THINK tvlint reduced weight would mean (o.yeo In appenV- 11 nee alone. And It's se easily atcempllnlied H.v our Nafa Nutiirnl Metlmdii of Ilaths, Mnssnire, Hlmple Kxerelnes nnd Invert Trriilmentn, which ctiual the fnmeus "Hpan" of Rnrepe, BK VIVAriOt'fi he plenty of "pep," and net rid nf that eonntent tired feeling. - Visit Our Institution for Trial Treatment. Ne Obligation. COLLINS INSTITUTE FOR WOMEN EXCLUSIVELY Bellevue Court Building Phene, Spruce sm Rummage Sale "THE customers of Wanamaker & r Brown are privileged te buy war ranted, all-wool merchandise at Rum mage Prices, though it is riot of Rum mage quality. Read these items care fully: WE ARE SENDING OUT QUICKLY Winter Overcoats, single and double breasted styles, Cleth and Velvet cellars, in conservative I styles. Sizes 32 te 37, values up te $35, for d i e WE ARE SENDING OUT QUICKLY $45 Winter Overcoats in both. Ulster and Raglan styles. Sizes up te 38-inch breast measure ment for $90 WE ARE SENDING OUT QUICKLY . Winter Overcoats, values clear up te $55, Town Ulsters or Ulsters as you prefer, sizes up te 38 in., for- ' $25 WE ARE SENDING OUT QUICKLY Men's and young men's Odd Suits, formerly up te $30, for $19 WE -ARE SENDING OUT QUICKLY Suits (some of them Worsteds, all of them all wool), all Winter weights, values, tip te $35, for ' (ie I WE ARE SENDING Is Many small lets "S sizes, $40 qualities remainders from quick-selling 1 i yiuujjB j vi SJ1 X I WE ARE SENDING OUT QUICKLY la Beys' Suits up te $18 for $7.25. j Beys' Suits up te $20 for $8.50. m Beys' Suits up te $22.50 for $10.50. II Beys' Suits up te $30 for $12.50. P Beys' Small Overcoats up te $11 for $4.75. " II Small Beys' $15 Overcoats for $6.50. Juniors' $20 Coats for $7.50. Large Beys' Overcoats up te $30 for $11.25. ' l Beys' $7.50 Raincoats for $3.50. 9 Beys' odd trousers up te $3 for $1.85. II WE ARE SENDING uuarameea $xu iiainceais ler $3.au. Guaranteed $30 Raincoats , for $12.00. $5, $6 and $7 Odd Trousers for $3.50. WE ARE SENDING $5 Men's Felt Hats for $1. C7 m . c.it u.i. r tt Il $15 Men's Velour Hats for $5. yg $8 Men's Velour Hats for $3.50. I&iH Wanamaker & Brown ai .m i & Market at Sixth FiJ I &3rSi fi'iiin'iiiiiiiii'i.i'ii.niiiii'iiii'iu'ii'iiiM'nipiiii;:!! I " ' iiiiiH'iimtiiiiHiiniimiii'i iiiuhh inn in mi mrii ih'iihiiiii iiinilPIIUIilllllllllllllllI'llllllllllllllilUlllUllBlli! FIlOTOrLAYS The following theatres obtain their Dictures STANLEY Company of America, which is a of the finest productions. Ask 'ORIENT WuuJIetid Ap at 02.1 HI. m vn ini:i: daily LIONEL BARRYMORE in "jm nn: ri:N.M.N" OVERBROOK c'JD&A,NlilicFO,u PAULINE FREDERICK in THK STINd OI' Till; LASH" PALACE 11U4 MAUKKT fiTRKET 1 n r m itiu ti .t i'KVH. . DK Mll.l.r. I-ROIII '1IO ' A Crrl le DAninicpii r ruuLil rtmUlSC I., VT.t .... .t.--. -. ...- Kt.Lit.iNi v, x,"c.r:, T: .... . 1 ' SHIRLEY MASON In "J.(K" RIAI TO GKKMANTOWN AVUmJu iMniiw A., t"! ii'iienfi- it "A CONNECTICUT YANKEE IN KINO AKTHt'H'H COUBT" SHERWOOD "&$;" WANDA HAWLEY In "A KISS IN TIMK' At. 6:30 STANLEY "AKKKT AT 10TH J,C'1 U A. M in !! 15 P P. M. WALLACE REID In "THK ( IIAMI'IOV STANTON Mf''7..evr-!uT7,; s,"r" Ti"L '!" ii H-Jii's,!,'., "1UKIN TO THE RIGHT 333 MARKETr(7 V1 WILLIAM hAKNUM In A UTAUK HOMAM'K" VICTORIA "KET ST. b. 0TH . . . "A. M, tn U i. m HAROLD LLOYD In "A HAU.OH.MAIIKMty .. GRANT 40- aV"" avunto avunte RICHARD TALMADGE AY In "THK INKMIWN" Al U1HKR THRatrpq ul - --'. ' AMBASSADOR llultlmore b. in Miih niv.i :) 4 -nae.T . tir.M. CONWAY TEARLE in "1HK MAN UPhTONK" Germantown "SaSHSS'W..' Milk. - - ''-'- - -I . 'i. J. ' . 1 4 1 0 Walnut Street . tW " ,i t (-' OUT QUICKLY of Winter Suits, virtually all OUT QUICKLY OUT QUICKLY $6 Men's Derby Hats for $3.50. $4 Men's Derby Hats for $1.50. $3 Men's Caps for $2. $1.50 Men's Caps for 50c. for Sixty Years mi ii'ii'WhUiiiiiimiihnviiii unigviii in iiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiBiiiii lil'ifcililMilUjI'illllllilllllllliKlllllllllilllM FHOTOfLAYS throuerh tha Guarantee of l SSSUB for the theatre I itantu ffRThc NIXON-NIRDLINGER m MU THEATRES BELMONT "?. aPY5.".aII,SSi lenraU Niiicel. I.rntrlrr Jey nnd Ulr C " "SATHRHAY NinHT" J V-LUMK ISO awl a: 7 and 0P.! BETTY COMPSON In "THK LAW AMI THE WOMAN" , T,,.. .,.. ,. Kn.k .. v-wuacum TaV.-ndB7r.iia p:i C'unr.iil N levl, lulrlri- .ler neil IIIk Out I "SATURDAY NIGHT" JUMBO ntON'lt ST. A (JIHAJID AVfl iIihiiIki June, en l-'nnHfirrt "h BARBARA BEDFORD In "THK PACK OP TUB WOBI.U" I PAnFR 1ST ft LANCASTHIt AVE1, LiCAUt-K S"IOI.l4S(l-7"illl'.i WILLIAM S. HART In "TKAVKIJ.V ON" I HP IQT n2D AND LOCUST STnEET' lajl.u.31 Mitii isiin. n-nn. nvicn steii Wallace Reid & Elsie Ferguien In "I'KTKK Illllin'.SON" NIXON B8D l,Kia, BERT LYTELL in "Tin: iim.i: hkii" DVni 1 B2P AND HANSOM T. j BETTY COMPSON In "THK UWV ANI THK WOMANjM AQTH T Theatre Opp. "L" Terinle I i-anriKl Mncrl. I.crlri Jey pnil mr mn . "SATURDAY NIGHT' & 1 KAND uerra"nJ.ue Te ii iTaj Cenriiil Niiki'I. I.nrlre Jey uml III I'1 'J "SATURDAY NIGHT" ,,. . r, -r a' iL.iiut.tj v-r ivj, r. i. v. - ini-r.nn ., Stllh PnupMn,' i Jt-r 1- tiKbUIN MATIS'KH II";'. .MAlHIi: lti:i.I.AMY nnd I.IOVD IIIWM "LOVE NEVER DIES" ! -- . PARW R"a AVB. PAUPHWJ 1 i V IMPBftAf1' ''',' r.",ur.1"' ttijae.I lt de V "THE FOUR HORSEMEN MARY PICKFORD 1 mm; j,, . v 1 ; -. U "UTTUMSBlJrAVM vmMiiwVM jrA t. J..J '.ll I )T1 Vkr-'k?7..fc cnzr.trwMi a. m iJ. .. . .iH: 62I!3it ifflBI