HMHBflHiiBLBBLHMHLiBffrrWIK! vw!Sfl lIlilK "fill fuses rf.-TTeeif ., v? '- . ' -v . . " tw - -. : ! , -v '. ' . . ' : ' 'r Z ' j-i r t-r .-, - rm'jPiirjn'A"','r tww v liHiT'C,r-- -tjv ;-".- i m .. ' ." : 3 THE WEATHER Italn his' afternoon and prebablj. to night followed by clearing 'and some' what colder s Thursday fair. NIGHT TRMPKRATl'ttR AT KAMI HOt'It gm tie Ht u i I a I 3 i 4 dM I 48 144 43 143 42 44 41 v'fl !VOL..VIII. NO. 156 Untarcd aa Secona-Clasa Mattar at th r-oateftlca at Phlladalphui. Pa. yndr ttia Act of March 8. 18TD , Publlahtd Pally Vxctvl Sunday. Subscription Prlej in a Tear by Mali. Copyright. 1022. by Public Idgtr Cemrany PRICE TWO. CENTS PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15, 1922 jwutmuy puuuv mu gxr I 111 TIM mmPFFT f IS. BRUNEN IS NOW SOUGHT x Haiti' Showman Had Quarrel With Man Over Wife in Ho He ' beken Hetel, It Is Said kLua mac ciicDininnc IUMItl who yriviwug Si ' nc MATE CAY5 PARtfPR iftaeused Her of Plot te Take a" ' ' , k His Life in Letter te Sister Iearly arrest expected I-!..! nn nt TnUtla Hare I UVIMK wm . r.-..- Arouses Ire of Burlington County Sleuth Brunen Feared Wife, He Wrete His Sister "In(rase anything happens te me, ilstrr, I went you te ceme nnd take full charge of everything, for I think Doty ((he wife) is figuring te de iway with mc nnd thinks she win get free, for she talks about it all the time. They never give a woman the just ptnnlty nnd besides she fears I leave rfcrj thing 1e you. She wants te get money, for nil she cares for is a (oeil t line. Shu shot nt me en Christmas Day nnd kIib would hac killed me hut I dodged nnd grabbed my" gun and I fired and hit her in the stom ach, but her corset saved her; only fired once. She stele the gun out of her brother's trunk. The brother is a geed fellow and knows I nm right md be gave her plenty rails. She het six times and I only once. ' "I nm net afraid te die, but I will net let them drive me away." l? t A few weeks before his death Thee-'-.dor Jehn Brunen, murdered Riverside, ;Xi J., circus owner, gave County l)c- Kleetlrc Kills Parker a Hit of half a r? aeszen men whom no suspected were tee friendly with his wife. Detective Parker is checking up this '-)iit. Jt is hinted that the clues dug up by Parker, working night and day binee the murder, point strongly In the di rection e one of the men en this list. . It Mould surprise no ene in Mount Helly or Riverside if an arrest were made within h few hours. It is pre dicted that n man, net a woman, will W arrested. The map who is being Bought ns the slayer, according te a hint dropped by Oiunty Piosccuter Kclscy, mjght well hate been the circus man's victim in an .Mr last November in Ilobekcn. An extremely Important bit of evl- MC denee, which neither probecuter nor equnty detcctlve would discuss in do de tall, cama from Ilobeken today, in a j communication from the Ilobeken chief T of. police. The official informed the :Z Burllugten County authorities that Brunen had entered a Ilobekcn hotel In a great rage one day last November, had encountered his wife there in eem- Piny with a man and threatened te iheet him. The Burlington County authorities wire informed this afternoon that Mrs. Brunen and hnr rlnnvliter TInvnl linfl beea receiving letters for scvcrnl weeks under assumed names nt n town three miles from Itlverhidc. In the ilirnerlmi i of Camden. neeilicr or net this revelation has j- ! signiueance In tne iiresent rase ;- remains te lie seen. The authorities, eccr. ure lttcf.tlRiitinf; thoroughly i tnd limn mii'stlnnpfl impKniw i'tuk tnlirlit '.' lrnvc benic knewlcdse en the subject. 4M postmaster at the town in question f I said te have identified Mrs. Brunen y nu iiazel ns two persons who have if wen getting mail frequently under ' Utiles lift irni'n flift nnllnn mi'Mnli 4 kave net been revealed. Brunen Married Twite Annlllft Ml ftf t..lwtlltir lili.frtK. leameil ll lint Itnllnn Imlnv 11 iiu llinV nm. ... , : .":. !"-- """j n..-. ,... . - uuupst .iriim" llrunen wus murrled te I lira. Ili-i. ...... I T. nt. nc. v .-. ..iuiivii iii huim-j t. ;iy iiiifi'ii jriliM ilO when llnel was 11 smnll ehilrt. He "i sepurnled from his first wlfe by ttlVOHe. llfvm-illilfr l.i lliU liifnviiintlnn ;, Md bhe Imd died soute time after the $i(crcc was granted. m heiut n. i court, a Camden at t'rnt'.v representing Mrs. Brunen, issued niKMiy sriiteiuent tliis afternoon in in the lrtii.p li..ini. .,,..,..... ...i . '.. wpIcleu thut bin wife was planning te Id CenUnuMl jen PBKe Tirrntii , Column One L25BIDSFORU.S. SHIPS W Offers $225,000,000, but Is Un gf accompanied by Check KJF0"' JInrL,h ie dy A- p.) EmIvm rh'PP,nf nea'll t'ay hud re- m it, iff: i ? .,r:, jn .em" , liulU n . "' "HCVIHB Vll'lllllliy n Itei .uf.k for Kalc- Opening of the LwJ!. i U ,vns Bct (or t0,,By' ,1U hecn ftrwmei a "canned" Interview, do de fpalng Ida client from charges made lctl';r written by Brunen te his gcr, Mrs. Elizuheth Jesehkc, of M- m P esdent I? i, e? in K e NortbeV.rcenld be spared by the navy." i'.mw, inney, nt inai,e of.. M. j),.,,),, when nsltcil if the rMMiTi. ,'1' l'e'l inadvertentlv he he Rfren, . wnfl ''"P'et'erly iiddresscd, was PS ?,.i"B.,!S!."!iJ" V,,nl1 ,,,,l(""i w'l" felfff ', ,Sr-V'"rt.'0() for the entire licet. 'ruJ t ' '.'i"1'1' '" il,,,"," cerllllcd pUpiii. ,J ,cp C,"t of l,,u ",n0,"a u atTNtuifts. sm pas ap.Aiitf. S 4 .,". " r SHOWMAN'S WIDOW L.3jbHIbHbbbHv '? '''- 'TCbBPF-' ''V'e'XbbbbbbbK. ,i .1 p Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam . f sbbbkt . - aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaav IbbbbB 'kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkWI ka -V " SlkkkkkkkkkkklaHkkkkkkkkkkkkm ' BaaBfe,''' kkkkkkkkkkkkVrkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkaT? kljv'. lkkkkkkkHdBkkkkkkkkkkkkkkHail BBBfafsfafafaTSTAW'?"4''?' 77iBBBBBHMTBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVaiajft lkkkkkkWati y kkkaPulkkkkkkkkkkkkkBBkH ikBBBBHHakS: ' ' ''kkTjalfllkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkBkH'' iiiiiiBlkw 'xbbHIjbbbbbbbbbbHi; mMwmmi x Wm. DIVA DEN I 'aaaPIHHai International DctectUe Ellis I'ariier and Mrs, Theodere Jehn Ilruncn. Her Iius-t hand was murdered In their home at Riverside, N. !., and she slums resentment at dose questioning by the county detective LADY ALICE WHITE DIES AFTER ATTACK IN HOTEL Burglary Believed te Be Motive In Londen Murder Londen, March I.j. (By A. P.) Lady Alice White, who was found un conscious in .her room in a Londen Hetel jestcrday morning, died thU morning at li o'clock.. A burglar Is be lieved te have inllict,i,i!:c fatal injury, u fracture of thc"j1aIlT with a blunt instrument. Lady Alice White was the widow of Sir Eduurd White, late chairman of the IJtiden County Ceuueil. ,,.....! i. r wi r .. i.i i itcgunmiK iv;'" ' " period last night. She asserted that J n burglar hud entered her room through i a window and struck her. A'weman occupying n room adjoining said she beard n scream nner i.auy mte nail ' retired Monday evening, hut she did net knew whether it came from the ! hotel or the streets. The iissumptlen i.s that Lnuy uhlte shouted ler help, whereupon the intruder struck her en the head and escaped. The victim was between fifty nnd sixty years of age. ALLEGED BIGAMIST RECALLS HE HAD 13 WIVES, NOT 11 Forget te Mention Twe Whose Names He Doesn't Remember ' Indianapolis, March l."i. (By A. P.) Twe whes were ndded today te( the list of matrimonial vcnturcn of Iselah Moere, who is under arrest here charged with bigamy and embezzle-, ment. . , Moero told the police in the original list of eleven marriages he had neglected te include one nt Denver, where he suld he was married under the name of James Vnughnn, and ulse one at Ridge way, Md., where he gave the name of Harry Ferbes. He said he could net remember the names of. cither of the wives. "l-lmve alwajs been subjected te severe nervous disorders," Moere suld. "Petting nnd affection have caused my nervousness. I would get tired of one woman and would dcert her. Then I would feel the need of affection and would get murrled nqaln." Moere Is said te liuve inniried all of hl thirteen wives in the last ten jenrs. He said he was te hae married Miss Alptn Kofal, of Decker, Minn., es terday tinder the name nt' Heward Johnstone. The charges against Moero were pre ferred by Miss Harriet Dvuns, of Mex ico. Ltd.. who said she was nlse n wife of Moere. He is said te have ob tained ?500 from her ami tneii uitnp- I tlPlll'I'd. SALE OF GREAT NORTHERN NOT 'PECULIArVSAYS DENBY Defends Disposal of Ship Prier te Day for Opening Bids j Washington. March .". (By Ai ') ijcrretury Denby told the rieuse Naval Affulrs Onnmlttee today thnt the, steamship Gicut Northern, termeriy tne flagship Columbia et me Aiinnue ueei, was sol te the dale set for opening of bids. but,''e put ;ut te am lateln May, lm distinct understnudlng that any e a W. peat sport eiTerlnir innrn thnn ihn fell 0 lirlce , . . . V ,.'e" .ou V""e '"" l"rr nilll til bidder offering inoie than the sale price of ?l,'-'."e,0()0 would get tlie ship. There I was the possibility of only one bid, he said. . The secretary "a caueu ie gnc in formation concerning tlie turning line of the vessel te tlie Shipping Beard ami her sale te K. II. Alexiiniler, piesident of the Paeltle Steamship Company. The transaction wns brought up by Retire Retire sentutlve McCllntlc, Democrat, Okla homa, who charged thet the method of sale was "peculiar." "The President h only purpose In consulting me as te thn executive elder was te ascertain wiicincr me iirein President had li-siicu tne order inr tne Kile ever his pretest. Chairman Butler and oilier committee itienibeis Joined In loiuincn leiuincn loiuincn dntien at the "ridding the niivj of ! lliiiitiiig palace." DO VUC f.M A llAIIV (AltltUdi;, OK A stove uf unMUIxK elae for thn Iieii.k,' per haps lt In ilia Fei tia Is column te-iny en I pages 21 anU 30. Mlv. s . f y ,, (l,,v'e'y. V STANDS GRILLING IESL OF 100 P.C. HUSBAND i. a Matzenauer Says He Is Merely Away en Business Ridicules Breakfasts, in Bed BUT HE STICKS TO STORY By the Associated Press Joplin, Me., March le. Pera woman who just had been informed that her husband had "deserted her," Margnrcte Mntzcnnucr, famous opera singer, was In n dellghtfullly light-hearted mood, when seen by newspapermen at her buite in a local hotel last night. Since her nrrival in Joplin for her concert she had successfully'' eluded re porters. Ilcr representatives wiid she could net be seen before the concert, because she was teinperntnntnl nnd nn Interview "might interfere with her singing." But last night she was shown press dispatches from San Francisce contain ing an interview credited te her hus band, In v hlch he nld lie was no hot house plant. That brought hearty laugh ter from her. flflVK Tfn' nil nullum rri.... i.. -I....1..,.! !.. - ,.. statement from Snn Francisce." she , xnnii; i uusuiuici.v uuLiiinir 10 inp ""'"-"' " siiu c riini'ini-u, aM between rlen es of Inuehtcr. "Mv husband is in Monterey en business, When 'he left New Yerk he kissed me geed-by nnd 1 bnde hint gedspeed, There was no e'enping-re it." tier attention was called te that part of the Intel view in which her husband rcier te tuning his breakfast in bed "Why. can you imagine a blc. si rfect"pecnten f ! manhood til5-1?"11 bre.4fast . be AStVa-hR" toot, nc lug his his brenli net that kind of a matt, and if he ever nskcu ter such a tiling I would chase him out of the house. Sees Jelte en Reporter "Sonfebedy has plecd n joke en a reporter, thnt's till. Ne man would ex press himself as Mr. Uletzbnrh Is cred ited with expressing himself in the. in terview. It sounds mere like a three-year-old child.'' "Hew about squirming in mental nn- Continued en Paer Twe. Column life MRS. R. S.NEWHALL HELD Charged With Striking With Aute . Yeung Inmate of Orphanage Magistrate Lindell held Mrs. Rebert S. New hall, of 7432 Rural lane, Mount Airy, In $300 ball this morning. Lcsirruuy nu uiiiomneiie driven bv . fru Vak tinll l.h.i.. All . T 1... . I nlne-jenr-eld inmate of the Luthpriiu , .a.., .ti-iiiiuii euuvn 4&1UC11. J.lllLJier, a erpiiatiagc, us no was passing en Crcs- iteim street nenruy. The child is at the Ghestniit. Hospital. His injuries nrc said t net serious. Mrs. N'ewhnll was allow te sign tier own bend. Fairview, N. Lim'rick Mrs. Margaret Dale Has Last Lines in Neighbors Jibes Inte the pretty village of Fain lew, N. J., gees the check for the twenty- eighth Lim'rick. The winner is Mrs. .Marganu jjuic, uri-t wei ings reau, anil the completed Lim'rick is as follews: LIM'RICK NO. 2S , ."'" uu come mie ieri The' it's 'celldem' you'll land if ueu're "! A quaint little place with brick neiifi.T', iiim-iive iii mi'vu in un- iiuiiiiiu-1 i n.. ...,,!. ,.i, ..r ....... i.. ii... ...t.i.ii.. of the street, where the .vetitigsterH may reitii) nml tin usual little area w a j h which lead into ether streets that is Fairview. We rung the front doorbell and Mrs. Dale, c n m e te the deer We were se glad te see her we just nat urally wanted te cmbrncu her only .Mr. Dale U' II s 1 u t Ii n h.ickgi'nuud mid might have reg istered nu ob JlAltUAUr.T DALB jectien, The jury was tn'Germantewn, and bBbV '-" ' bk' ft sjsifct B ' eA , 115,000,000 FIRE SWEEPS CHICAGO'S BUIEOTICT Entire Square Just Outside the "Loep" Section Destroyed by Flames INCENDIARISM SUSPECT ARRESTED; FJREMAN KILLED By lb Associated Press Chicago, March I.". A spectacular fnrJy morning" fire today destroyed a full square of business buildings just :outsIde Chicago's "loop" or downtown district, with a less estimated nt from iu.WO.000 te $15,000,000. Mere man WiOO ncrsenw. it is Mild. hA been made temporarily idle. The lire started in the center of the, block bounded by Van Burcn, Canal nnd Clinten streets, nnd West Jacksen beu'evard, of unknown origin, burned every structure in that area, leaped north across Jacksen and wrecked the twenty-enc-stery Chicago, Burlington nnd Quincy Railroad's general office building, which also houses the .Mer cantile Trust and Savings Bank. Then, driven by a strong wind, 1t dipped eer Van Buren street southward and burned nearly through te Harrison street. The fire was net brought under con trol until nearly 0 o'clock and even then firemen were fighting a dozen dif ferent fires which had broken out in termittently ns the wind -wafted sparks about. One fireman was killed, an other seriously injured, ten or mere slightly hurt and an unknown number of the hundred thousand spectators who thronged the burning district slightly hurt by falling bricks, burning timbers or sparks. Ten Alarms Sent Out i The fire for a time threatened te us I sumo virtually unlimited proportions unu every piece of lire-ligliting nppnr atus within fic miles was called out in u s-eries of ten nlarms. - "The rapidity with which the fire spread was astounding." Marshal Buck ley, assistant Ilre chief, said- "The fire actually seemed te run from us'." That the erialnnl blaze from which the conflagration grew possibly was of incendiary origin was the statement of Shirley P. High, city fire attorney, who early today nneunrcd the arrest of an unnamed man en information supplied hy II. T. Sehlff. president of the Con fectionery Specialty Comnenv. nt fi21 I west Jacksen boulevard, where the fire i started. .Mr. mgii rcrused te divulge the name of the man arrested, but said he was being questioned regarding threatening letters Mr. S.hlff bold the man, n for mer empleye, nan bent te mm. Mr, Sehlff told Mr. Hicli the mnn wn lluJ - ., . , . y -nnrgeu wncn lie nevainc Incensed ever in the company nnd within the last two mentliH had made n scries nf tliwnu Mr. Schiff placed his personal less at $50,000. Less May Reach $15,000,00(1 Mr. High summoned several of hs eiues wiillc the lire was nt Its height. ",'''. ttl ""i'W0" "lu be begun "Ia(;c,, ,hn ,0,nl 1 rruvcrslntr the iniiln Imrneil r i, Metropolitan West Slde Klevuted Line wns seriously handicapped In delivering its theuMinds of patrons te the down town line, which nlse used the four feur four treck structure which wus euught lit the midst of the tire. The huge Burlington office building, t'0nJlnuljnJ,aite Twe. Column rdur SEEK PEPPER'S AID Leeney's Candidacy for Railroad ' Laber Beard Umrrl nn c-.,.. ' m- ix BardAIUrfl" fn Senater Washlnstnn. Man-h l.".. Vr,i rr Sneer, of Jlarrhburg. president i.f Hie unier ei jiauway j.xnrcbsmcn. nml Jumcs II. Leency, of Worcester, Mass.. ciiiii'u en ncnnier repper teilav te v e.: his support of Leency's candidacy fei appointment en the, Railway Laber Beard. A tarlli en tobacco was urged bv William L. Crounse. of Lancaster, null etuer representniives et the .xtitienul Cicnr r enf Tob-ieee AKSeeli.tii,,, V., V- Hill h,".! calico HcnuSr 1W n bVHer a hope that the new tariff 0,vcd hill wll he speedily repotted and pas,:,, b tent,us. J., Gets en Winners' Map Persisted in Writing Spite of Her Fairview Is quite a dlMunce outside of Camden de you wonder we were clad , she wns there? a bit 'of sport tensing 'her because she ' had become infected wit It llm'rlckitls. ! Mrp lining ll, !,.. !,.. I. ..I ......, inrougiieut oetn contests, last jcars anil thib. Mm. DnTn Iuim cent In l,n answers, hnnefnllv nml hrmmiilr i,,.f I without success. ' ' ( New just suppose she had lest heart! and stepped sending her answers. Why. she would net have hud the laugh en her neighbors new. Won't she feel like .........ii -i ..i i. .. .. iuiiiiiiiy iiiiitiiik w lieu Hiie ic is inein t in geed news and gets them ull interested in thn check which she receives lednyV Her small son Kluar, two and n hulf jears old, danced up and down with I glee ns the man with the funny bes took the picture of IiIh mother. Mrs. Dale went te the Cumden Com mercial Hehoel mid then took a position as secretary te a man connected with one of the current magazines. Se she , ferta bus a hankering uftcr us news paper (ample. , But seven jcars age she gave up her position te be married, and new she lias i worries- ether than making editions ami 'getting copy into the hands of the printer lieierc closing date, The nine ether contestants who wun places en the ballet are; t'cicy llatlpps, .Media, Pa. Geerge Kennedy, 1531 L'dgelcy utrccl. I'antuwul ob Fh t Column Four . sk ,'.', , , , -vv . , i s Victory! i i .fleakkattaBBBlakw I ' aaajiiiiiB V"' ;VVIaLLLBBw ?aBKr!aBBLBBr IH 'S' v?'!iBiiHP.''JtiiH VPVBttiLVlJiaiLLLLl I js 'MIH Jr s 9LMLHMaLLLV ft J jFM' iTBwWBwzmxk 'iamimMBm x Mmmkmmmmmmtmmm WKflB THOMAS E. MITTEN Whose management of the P. R. T. wen a triumph at the stocldieldcrs' meeting today GIRL ELOPER, BACK HOME, IS SORRY SHE MADE TRIP Gloucester Girl Asserts She Will Net See Chlcagean Again William Pearson, Spartan father of Gloucester, took his runaway daughter, Sarah, fifteen years old, into Mayer Andcrseu'H court nt Gloucester this morning and said : "Mayer, here's your pribencr " Mr. Pearson, after obtaining a war rant for the arrest of his daughter ns n runaway, had gene te Chicago te bring her beck from Chicago after her arrest. Miss Pearson told Mayer Andersen that she had gene te Chicago te marry Teny Miller, an Au-trinn. who lit one time lived neress from her father's house in Gloucester. Miller, she said, had wired the money with which she paid ler the trip. The mini, she said had written her letter Intiii-jitiiix thut he would carry her off if she did net go te meet htm. This, she suld. ftiglitcncd her and caused her te start for Chicago, rather than wait for hlin te tarry out his threats. "I'll never leuvc home again," said Miss Pcaisen. "nnd I necr want te i.nn ATilIni iirniin She. was released in the custody cf j iter miner, witn a warning never te run I away again. HARDING AT ST. AUGUSTINE FpR TWO DAYS' RECREATION With Mrs. Harding, President Will Attend Public Reception Tonight tSt. Augustine, Fla., Mnrch le. (By A. P.) The special trnin eenvejing the presidential party from Palm Beach ar rived at S : l.'i o'clock. President Hard ing breakfasted en his car and went im mediately te the links for a round of golf. The train left Palm Bern h at lnld- pilot train, and prc-aiith.iis si N'""' tnl:,'n " 1,,p tri" Set .Washing,. e followed by , nigiit. was preceded all the way lij n . similar te Seuth from the rul read. The pnttj. will remain hcic two day. lenUng Frhla en the return trip te Washington. The President wound up his houseboat cruise nt Palin Beach yes terda), putting -ill u day of golf and ether recreation there before bearding the train ler St. Augustine. -SIIWIIILIUII-) llim; unit (II l III I'll If 1 11 I President and Mrs. Ilimllnir te he the . 1 . it... !,.., I. ..a ,t Ik..... f.n..n.w1 1... it. honor guests at a pnli'le reception te be ' i... .V. .i... li.,.,.... ,i.. i ii...i i...., tnnlcht. ler which about l.jlil) invitn- tiens have been sent out. It will be the first public function they hnvc nt- , ended during the M.catlen trip. " ' SWEAR ACKER TOMORROW City Purchasing Agent Leaves Mu- ,i!i ih t,i., . niclpal Jeb Today A. Lincoln Acker will lie sworn in ns I f'ntlpetnr (if the Pert of Pllilmlclnhlfl mm tomorrow b Judge J. Whltaker ' the separate treaty of peine with tier tier tier Tlionipsen. uf United States District munj. it was cxpliiined. anil the matter Court, lie will succeed William 11. 0f miMiient for the American forces In ly emt "l "'" siiccecu .1 iiiiiiin n. lll"""",C" C l Vfe will einl his son lee as rt Agent .X! - AftP. ,,,.) hU(1.n , i,0 llt k.,u fur Xew Yerk te attend a meeting in the United States Custom Heuse there or , tlie collectors, appraisers and siirxwors siirxwers siirxwors ef tlie ports of IJosten. New Yerk, Hut - i tlmore nnd Philadelphia. six new in'arbuckle jury Defense te Attack Credibility of State'3 Witnesses San l-'i-.itiflMii, Muri h 15. ilVy A. j P.)- Willi si juieis accepted tern- pernrllj. aileriies for State and dc- Iciisc ted.ij lesunicil their i Sorts te till the rcmiiinitig si. sets In the jut-jt he for the thiiil trial of Ho-cee il-attj e ', Arbucklc, en a ii..iiisaiiKlitcr cluirg RlewlnB out .f ,hc ,,('i"11 et " ' '" ginla Riippc. film actre-s liargc I 111 limit IOI1S IIIOl till' IClCllse W 0- I11C. l'nrlng le attack the. credibility of some e the Stnte s witnesses wctc given in qucsiieii ii.v uciensu rminai-i iw iu inv. welglit prospective jurors would give testlmen.v offered l). witnesses whose "truth, honest am be,'u "sallctl- integrity had Spring Fashions in All Their Glory Fifty eitiisite photographs, showing the latest fiem the Rue de la Va, Fifth avenue, Chest nut and Walnut streets. A complete symposium of all the things j en want te knew nbeut nur new- spring wnrdrebe. Special Rotogravure Section Queuing Uublic Ke&ger Tomorrow Thursday "Male It a Habit" il ' , , fc MAYOR OFFERS (7500 FAIR POST 10 Disapproved as Publicity Head, Moere Would Make Him As sistant te President WILL ANNOUNCE DECISION BEFORE END OF WEEK Mm m- Mnnie Imlnv offered te Victer l Rosewater the pest of assistant te the piesident of Hie Scqul-U'iilennial as sociation nt $7r,00 a jcur. I Tills was after a meeting of the directors of the nssoclatlen had dis approved of a selection of Mr. Rose Rese water ns director of publicity for the fair, and decided that he might Bcrve te greater usefulness in another ca pacity, j Mr. Rescwntcr, after he had been) Informed of the Mayer's efTcr, asked for a few days te consider. It Is preb- I nble that he will announce his decision ' before the end of the week. I Objection In Committee When Mr. Roevntcr was chosen a short time age by the Majer te fill tliei pest of publicity director, objection wns made by Themas Robins, of the Stutci committee en the exposition, who held i that the State organization should have been consulted before a decision wns reached in connection with the selec tion of a man for such an Important pest. Others joined in this objection. This l licllcvivl te hnvp caused the fair directors te decide thnt Mr. Rosewater ' should net at present be publicity dl- rector, but should receive n different place In the service of the association. Mr. Rescwater's duties ns asi'iM'tnt te Mr. Moero were net defined, 'wit It1 Is thought thnt he will nt le.'u-t tem porarily leek after publicity affairs un til the. permanent organization for the international fair Is completed. Decision was t cached by the cxpr'i- ROSEWAIER Hen directors nt their meeting yester day te held the fair en the Puvkway- : Falrmeunt Park site, the Executive p;i. xAqqi-p Ann lA;iiiam Mri Committee having reported In favor of Elght Yars Ag William McEl this location for the buildings. , rev Rpan nav WnrLrer Ne boundaries arc set forth In the re- i re Began as Uay WOrKer pert except in a general way, the execu- nr XreMcsit finmnanu tlve committee saying: "The Falrmeunt Ter ' ra"Slt company l'ark-l'nrkway site is a site in lair- mount Park with entrances upon the I'tirKwuy r Mime iiunn. wcm ei i.uBui. square, inciuuing adjacent portion et ' tiie Park en each side of the Schiryl- . Ull te the nerthwurd nnd northwest ward, and te the southward us far as may be necessary, but which it is net new possible te define by definite boundaries. But, probably, it would take in the -Zoological Garden, the ... . . . . Lemen Hill section te the Uirard nve- nun hrldzc. nml then nbeve the hridce ' ' along the east and west bants of the ' Continued en I'uec Turntr. Column M U. S. RIGHT TO INDEMNITY ESTABLISHED BY DEMAND' Z. i i j Request for Rhlneland Payment Net te Be Pressed New " ...... .. , ,- ,., . n i?,i.i7i !J'iJ "'i'.., ''r.rev''' Recognition by oil cr Interested gev- ciiimeiits of the rights of the 1 tilted States in connection with distribution I et ticriuun reparations was an Hint, wits i sought nt this time In the recent demand. upon the Allied Finance Ministers for pa.ment of 341.000.000 expenses of . . . a . Wil! stated today bj a iue .n in. ui " rujmi inn. n ligii ailmiulitra- il ,,n,t'la.V . ... , , ., Halng 'established H- i .ise it was id. the United States will net pics 1 further new its demands for pajincnt , of tlie bill. Presentation of the demand last week before the Allied Finance Ministers is regarded b, this (invent i ment as serving notice that its riglit ! must be respected. It was said, atnl i recognition of that attitude bj the ether (governments was all that was desired. I There has been no prele-t lrem re- spensible quarters against the United situtct. iilitnlniiiir ceunl rights u.ili tlir llte.l irmTrtmumtu ttimmrli .merntlrtti .-T of pilMlient ler the llhlnelnnd uue U'm'"- ill lie allow cil te t.iUe it- EXTRA CONVICTS MAKE LIBERTY BREAK AT READING TERMINAL; 1 ESCAPES Twe of feui pribeuers bveug'it heie Willtt-b-iairf tu begin senteuceb in the Eastern Peuitentiavy made a buak ter liberty In the Rending1 Tenninnl at 1.20 o'clock this atttvaev-n. Sheriff Jehn MacLuski, who tiled te step them, wa3 kneclaJ out by a blew from the liandcutfa the men weie. Auycle PugiU&e an I Michael Delmeud get away utter breaking the link of the haa.l cuffb that bound thtm together. Dulmend was, t.tuyln at jJicv tuth and Murkct iUicct. VOTE FOR DRY REFERENDUM Maryland Senate Adepts Amend ment Defeated in Heuse Annapolis, Md., March l.'i. i lty a. P.) -The Senate- late last night at tached r- referendum amendment te the I'rohibitieu Fuferccmciit Hill b.v a vote of ! ! te 13 and advamed the measure te a third i ending. I The same amendment, which would ufcr the enactment or iinu-emii tiiieui of the bill le tlie voters of the State at the election next November, was de feated in the Heuse of-Delegates. AlMIITSIIATrt TO Sl'IT l'. i:V l'l'Rs- aml ani'et evry rauulremi-nt amy bq fnunil , quickly by consulting hn Apartmcet clmii. I 'flcatten en parts 27 and 30. Atv, iMITTEN OUSTS "INSURGENTS; ELECTS 01 New P. R; T. Director WILLIAM McELROY Transit company yardman, who today wax elected a member of Beard of Directors of the P. 1C. T. IS P. R. I. AFFAIRS NOW DIRECTS "If unjbedy had told me. then that in eight years I'd be a director of the P. R. T., I'd have called nn ambu Innce.' This as one of the naive comments I offered by Jehn W. McLlrer. who nt It llieetlne of the P. It. T. stnc!;lin1.1nt-ii this morning was elected te the direc tership or the company. lie wiis siieaklnir of the time ulirn ie entered the employ of the corpora- lien as a laborer, and of his first job as an empieje of Themas K. Mitten.' P. R. T. PKsident. was te heln tin- ,"il,i " consignment of ve.OnO ties from r.illrnnd car Mi-Klrey Is 'n Mieh. nmK' man of about ferty-fic. with a great den! of ,ll!""l,l g'. lug ltalr. heav.x. weather beaten fentutes and soft brown (J. . ji,, ,.ls spi,,lt v,.,uilij, t)ip whle of is lfl llt i.Plu v i.,i,or In the eneii ir i "Dolled Up" for Meet in,' .t tni meptlng lie was dr-s cl of course, in his best clothes, a . sU,t r , uruis i wee t texture, a in mi r- cctized white slurt with a l.nvu'er stripe, anil a plain knitted tic. lie ,ile weie a timid scaifplu nnd no cm'iIc.Ii of the P. R. T. Uo-epr rathe Auciii Auciii Hen. of which lie i piesident. "I cntfl; fiem Mlncrsville." lie vnid , "That's in Sciiujlkill ('etiitti. i.ud whin I was a boy most nf the folks nu there i worked in the mines. I started ut school when 1 was seven and eft wliinj I was thirteen I had te. 1 went te i wet I; in the mines a a bleaker W j , or 1 shite picker. I kept en at 'lie mines in one job or another, anil V and l, get married. T kept en werki'v; around ' tlie initie- until Bill, when m. wile anil mc took n chance ami cam" te Philadelphia. The lit t job 1 g i a with the Gceige 1!. Newton Ceiiip, n. Cmitiniiril en l'lice Inmn, ( eluiiin four PAYMASTER HELD UP Armed Bandits Overawe Custodians of $9000 and Flee lidgewater, N. ,1., March 1." I By A. P.) Thieo armed b.mdits tcdnv stele about SIIIMVI from the piiyiiiatcr of Kvllegg, Spencer A. Seus, and est I'tipcd lu nu automobile. The rnhbuy eecuiivl vvilliin two Mecks of the plant, wliiih manufiic lines oils. 'I'll,, bandits drove their machine in front of an automobile , lupied l.v tlie p.iiinastir and several companions vered then with pistols and lied with tlie inniiej. Tlie lisat wrlllnc naerrs ar WHITINO rapsra A4v, " fv. YARDMAN ON If! (m if v MaflHk sH--:vk A. aLLLLLv ''v' f- iLLHbW ssBirfl VallllaaaaaaaBlRMHMlwjUBHMH FORMER LABORER DIRECTOR DIRECTORATE; P. IT. Opposition Crumples at Annual Election by . Stockholders NO RIVAL TICKET . IS PUT IN FIELD Fermer Day Laberer Named te Help Direct Affairs of Transit Lines ! MEN GIVE THEIR PRESIDENT OVATION AFTER VICTORY 520,637 Vetes Out of Possible 600,000 Indorse Slate of Management The entire Mitten ticket for the Beard of Directors of the Philadel phia Rapid Transit Company was ' swept into office today at the annual meeting of stockholders. At the crowded auditeiium of the company nt Tenth and Luzerne streets 10,882 individual shares were voted and proxies were cast for 009,753 mere shares, a grand total of 520,637 out of the total issue of 000,000 shares, the largest vote ever cast at a P. R. T. election. The five insurgent directors vlte have been fighting Themas E. Mit- ltcn le Pres'dent or control of the I company realized 'that their battle was lest before the meeting began and did net name a ticket. The New Directorate The new directors of the I1. R. T. fellow : Celeman J. Jejcc. counsel for tut company, who presented the P. tt. T. valuation befoie the Public Service Pninmiinn n c,, ,!.. n,tn,-..,i i... ti. re,nlnuinn bi . ,10 (";""issi"n- ,en,,, " -Mchlrej. pieident of the Co-encuitive We'f.tic Association, com- , ,,escd of I' R T emnlecs lie is a ' , emptejt . in is a ,nr,,l,,an- anU ,'tnu,p,1 '", Mrll"l'1 career its a mine breakorbe mid Is the , first workman te sit en the beard. nP Mitten n son of Mr Mil- ' 'lule,, " son of 3ir- Mli t0"- president of the cempan. He is secretary of tlie Ce-operative Welfare Association and also was chosen an a representative of the cmplejcs. Nelsen Robinson. New Yerk capital ist, who scvcial months age effeicd Mr. Mitten almost unlimited back ing for his fight with tlie insurgent group. II. G. Tlllly. picsldcnt of the IIiill.lle Street Uuilwnj.s niyl fermeily wee prctl dent of the P. U. T. Ce. Directors Re-elected The director's re-elected were: Mr. Mitten, president of the com pany and chairman of tlie Executive Committee (,f the Beard of Directors, who has managed the tiaiislt sjptcm here lm e 101 1. W. C. vice pisnei)t of tlie P. It T.. In rlmige of IwiaiKc and ac ac (.eiiuting, G A lllcliiinlsiMi. ii e piesidmt, in charge of operation. The "inuigeiit i(" vvlie auto aute in.'ilicall.N pass from etlicc as directors of the P. It. T. Ceiup.inj are William .1 Montgemerj . chairiiinn of tlie Heard of IMreiters; .1. Matthews, Sullivan. William Y. Tripple. C. Frank Buck and .1. J. Mr, Tripple and Mr. Matthews were the enlj members of die ami-Mitten gitiup noted In tlie asM'iiiblv ball When the icMilts of the balloting had been iiiii'iiiui ei) Mr. 'IVippie ald : "I cannot aj Imw m-iiiv piexira w ere tinned fee. fur Us lis tin v weie all givin te Mr. Montgeni' , Saw Fight Was Futile "1 learned lust night Unit the oilier side had iiiipiewmiitelj l,0,000 geed prewi's. We Knew tin ii tliete was lull use in ntteiupiinj votes en the tithe te liglit with se many- BOARD sole, i nnve been n t director for two years and it lias been .1 : i.. !.. r .t erj hard two jcars. I am glad that it is all ever. "Tlie only icasi u I came te the meet ing was te avoid any ciitclsm that might be made that we who 'quit Ids' Miri ( lierr 'I heir Leader A vel'cv of applause sitiiided when Mr. Mitten eutciisl ami wa'lied quickly down tlie aisle, The eniplejes' icpre scntntlvcs smiled in their chief, He smiled In ictuiii and meiiutisl tlie plat form "The time lias come te open the meet ing," lie begun alniipll.'. lie Htoed well forward en the p'otferm, iiriiiei le bnlaiiei- llghtl en tlie soles of his feet and then glanced about the hall. "This is nu oppeiimiit) tlie Mock Meck holders have," lie went en "Tlie Jr.if thing te de Is te appoint n chairman." Mr. Dunbar, vlie president in clmrge of finance, iieiuiiiiilcd former ,liiii' .liiines Guv (ionleu for linii iiiuii of I de imctiug. Ills motion wits seconded lr Dr. Wlllium .1. n'llilcii. a Kbnrnlield-. cr. who moved for tlie closing of iieiui- UUtlellH, I'lllllllllliillK llimreval was lriven mmd ..ii. iioreoii (unu i nc cnnir, iPa tr ll,,.,l.,i l ,!..... I ..' I'"1! .1. I....I- .1.' .1 I .1 " " ' ("I'll ... ui.. eivii iiiriiiiiiii-i ,ir .r y, Cantliiurd a rasa Xaraau. .'raiMj.. vi..' M'it'M -wl ."'1 n (ift cv II ,, i .'ir m. .mm I mi I I S ,! A - 'Tf: t .-"2. f r,yi 'lw ""jrti Jn .jfK&sbv . r. t,A w r rtu-i a ' r ' -jM'iMBmsw .if" "j "( $MdL. f.. "f- .... .Mwmmt,. w .. s I -,- r rw.. -nn it.i a" -ij. r-vtL" ZZZ&"2 &2mMr,A ti;'.'iii