tmm MiIB u'-a T-r. nBae? . 'Tu WMtw& wj;' 'v ' -, J -v , , h U' SKif'"'' RAM hk.ww.? Ii$i3 mmm JCJ V JjiXi ill it XT C J!! in i jrji mTjyJ ii' iii m.i h f i i aua . Kai m i aiai . ' " mm ---i-JiaJaaTa4aaTaTallatalBtTaatar aTaaTtaTaaTaTaTa,BBa'B,esjBTaaaTaaa?a?aa . T . t-j-.yi vlTi-r i 11 .,"P v... . L-i;Li-ii..J r iin kPnumni , in uui iuu n :. V iuylvmia Edisen Company lativ Preferred Stack Uh Dividend SB ner Share THK MARKET , The Pennsylvania Edisen referred Stock has been sold In a score of financial center, and it is our opinion that its wide distribution will create a market for the stock. Appli cation will be made te list the stock en the Philadelphia and Bosten Sleck Kxchances, ahich will add te the facilities for trading. We recommend the Pre ferred Stock, te yield 8C, because it is protected by large assets, ample earnings. 1 and should enjoy a geed I market. Shall wt tend you information? Jehn Nickerson, Jr. 1 Broadway 314Ne.B'way Hew Ycrk City St. Louii, Me. Province of New Brunswick eVt Geld liends Due Jan.'lG, 1932 Principal nml lntctt , payable In .New Yerk New Brunswick, one of the eldest Provinces in Canda, is wealthy in agricultural and ether natural resources. In 1920 (the last year re . ported) the agricultural pro duction exceeded 86,000,000, or about $230 per capita. The Province itself owns mere than 7,000,000 acres of crown lands havinc an osti esti 'mated value of $50,000,000. Price 100 and interest Payment in United States Kuntfi Write for Circular P-31 Weed, Gundy & Ce. Incorporated 14 Wall Street, New Yerk Terente Londen, Ena, WE OWN AND OFFER Strawbridge & Clothier 6, 1937 100 74 Philadelphia Electric 6i, 1941 Te yield 5.85r'r Duquesne Light &. Power 7js, 1936 Te yield 6.90 A't lax cjcntrt ut 'chhu. Widens Biec Philadelphia Afrmirn ttj Km Xerk Steti fjutattt aiWTtOB u u City of Easten Northampton County . Penniylvanin Scheel District 5s Due January 1, 1925 ' Tax Free in Pennsylvania, Free of All Income Taxes Legal Investment for Trustees Price: 101.33 and Interest i Te Net 4'i Per Cent 'ft ''I k- r 't- m 1. h i -' v Biddle & Henry 104 Seuth Fifth Street Philadelphia r I W -1 s Hydro-Electro Bends Safety Willi Geed Yield Write for dchcriptien aim pneo pnee pneo ef some attractive Hydro-Electric issues. Henry L. Doherty & Ce. u ;( mte mi- m pA. Iff'. l J .M Merm Building, Phtla., Pa. Mr .UI.CIarkee. fVaar-s KSft BANKERS VI J, tr-ti. timi WjV 21 Chestnut St., Philadelphia mm csiauiisneu iej ra New Yerk and Philadelphia ' Cleck Exchanges mm Wm!fa. BE: iKjam life1 .. I'm WiSTJEEiJ3& Sens Ge. .tm.v'M WomEKns-ctnwnuxTreua MjmummtiA . tophte MsVi'2 . Trt&x .. ;-;' '! fi k' - , SELECTED STOCKS 1 HELD ATTENTIONS 100 103 2600 750O 1000 1300 100 900 100 eoe 100 600 2800 2100 300 500 600 500 100 500 700 200 100 400 1000 900 500 1500 600 400 1200 200 3800 200 200 100 400 8300 1700 1800 2300 100 200 600 100 100 100 200 200 2000 100 200 100 100 900 4200 100 900 800 100 300 1600 600 200 200 100 100 2000 400 100 100 900 1503 1100 400 300 1000 100 1800 500 1600 400 200 4000 3300 300 500 200 2300 1000 100 10300 2200 600 300 200 300 100 1603 5200 130O 1100 100 2800 4300 2200 400 Miner Specialties Again Marked Up, While Fermer Leaders Hung Fire Xcu Yerk, Mnrrh 1-1. Today's stock iiunrkct were practically the ntue gen eral characteristics as that of the prev ious eslen. Interest continued con centrated In selected or special Issue?, I while oilier tiremlneut Issues that had ' held n leatlins poMtlen in the construe 1 live movement were jelejnted te n sec- endnry position. Tlie dny's operations 1 exemplified one fart most pointedly, i nnd that was the market's digestion was ' till unimpaired. While the selected I lucs wen beln.T marked up. consider i iible selling was evident In ether parts . of the 11m, renresentins both realization of paper profit nnd selling te obtain 1 fund te make Inremr- tax pnjmenti to morrow. All these efferlngH were taken ltlmut hardly eauln.7 a rlpjile. Continued weakne's of fereisn ex- i chance, whlrh Is sencrallv accepted ns i n (lectiiiK the unsettled Seuth African , situation, had little effect; in fact, lit- , tin attention was paid te any of the development) abroad mid te home events ns well, unless they leaned in favor of ; the plans of the constructive party. The I renewal rate of 4 per rent for rail money quickly dissipated the talk of a I neIbl. mnnev Hurry ns result of the i heavy tax payments tomorrow nnd ether larcp (ievernmeut financial operntiens. Te tin- contrary, the liberal supply of demand funds save additional enceur- i aKcmcnl for n broadening of peel nc- 1 tMtles. imperially in the less active ' nnd senernlly obscure luc.. i , The shifting speculative demand sei pronounced in recent sessions is entirely in unlen with various movements that ' Minve been noted in the market since' 'n-r September. Quieting down of trad ing In select stocks or groups that had hi en strong and acme has invariably been followed by urgent buying in ether ' groups. In today's market stocks in which the greatest strength prevailed were in most cases Inliuenecd by special icasens, helped along, of course, by , adroit manipulation of speculative com- i blniitiens. The ruling of the Supreme Court in the Brooklyn Union Gas case had the j same stimulating effect en the gas storks as the similar Consolidated Gas I decision. While former favorite were dull nnd relatively unchanged, miner specialties were active nnd strong. ThN brought into the limelight surh stocks us Uesch Magneto. Streinbcrg Carbure tor. t S. Cat Iren Pipe. Vanadium Stnd. KpIm Wheel. Neva Scotia Steel and I. S. I'oed Product". Commodity Markets I GRAIN MARKET J Chicago, March M. Wheat started a4i te lc lower for May and f'sc te il',i' off for July. Trade was fairly active, with locals and Kastcrn houses 'fellinc because of the weaker cables. .Montreal I Winnipeg .Weakness in sterling nnd fine weather I for the crop. On the break there was bujlng by rominisiien houses. Cern Marted 'it te -Vic lower for May and X,c te ";sc for duly, with scnt .tered commibslen-house selling indi I eating long liquidation. 1 Unts opened ifce 10 ,,. with a , mixed nnd active trnde. no outstanding , features. , AVIifal - 'mv . .. ijulv .. . Cem - May ;.Iuiy ,-rpt. nibr I Hits Mv . ... Julv . . . 1 n H..I 1 P. M. . 1.3.V, . 1.1S-, . 1.03H . fit . bH't 1700 5700 100 8800 8100 2100 900 100 1800 300 100 600 200 900 400 600 200 7900 100 100 4600 2100 400 200 7200 100 100 4900 200 200 200 100 1200 4600 1800 800 5900 100 100 I COTTON MARKET New Yerk. Man h 11. The lutten opening was rather iictiw' today untl seni'what it regular. .lune was 14 peintH lower and ether months were ft out "J points efT te 4 points up. About ' seenteen notices wen: issued. W.nll Sticct nnd tommissleii houses werp I eail biners. and Liverpool was a' seller. i 1 1 1 rabies weaker. Anether drop 111 feri'isn nxehnnse led te selling bete. Inn some new buyltc nh'erbed tin offerings and priies inllieil a little uhew lft-t niqlit's i'esi.. llecelpt- at the ports for the fny are e'liiii'ited at tl.tif Ml bales, against 'Jl, l."7 hales n week age. l4,.iK!l bales a jciir age and -'i.-l!)!! bales two jenrs age. 1 Ul Ti4a i n nni. 1 nrn 1 T. At Murrli is. 1) is it IT us Mh- 17. M 17 SS 17.8(1 .Tuli 17.04 17.03 17,1'J Ih-telKT 111.40 Hi. 11 10 sr IiftemlT 1. 20 11 'J.l Janar 10. 0.' MB OS I1 NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET ' New Yetlt. March 11. Mqindnilnn mil nude sf lliti bt ought about n te 7 point-, dieline this ninrniug. Kneipts, iiiiiiuued full nnd tills fenture Ims been nme or less of n disappointment te llmse hn have been looking for n shin p fulling elT hi receipts at Jlle and ' Snnle". I lier t lie i-nrlv elTeiiiigj had b"en i iilaii'd. selling slackened up and lix)ii I I hi' 11 i ir :i I n m e of a few Mattered buy- i mg enliTs nrices inllieil, September ad- .1 !i me 7 points le ..". with ether I .utile i infills up fiein initial figures. I Tie ninrkit siems willing enough te' 2800 400 100 300 800 300 3200 7.00 7100 6200 3300 230 700 1100 100 1200 600 3100 100 10J 6600 300 600 3100 1000 1700 1700 1000 3400 100 iH" kii ri'iniii le any s(,it or (leniand. Veil re. Hpn ."In i H'j'u si R 7IIC79 .lu h wjiisi .,7;, s.pipinlr "MBM s SIOS2 I ) " " r . b M h STSbS Itiil FOREIGN EXCHANGE New Vim li. Maieh II. Following firther (lei lines quoted from Londen iln- iiieruiu;:. this marker In feulgn i.'hiiiige :ii ihe opening was irregularly li Mr, with some aileneie-i abe1 c je.,. ti'tdaj's tnnil figures here. 'I'lie move ments continued somewhat unlent and llieie were dilfcirnrcK of seierul points iii the quotations of leading interna tional banking house. In the early afternoon the inajket lelleeteil nun c ciiLOIItaging teperts from .union assuming the return of order . T""VE "cent' en comme'n. en tin Ittind. The iUotiillens uere : i erll 1 te" alecU of record March is and 114 ."-iciling cnhlci. 4 2f)a. deiniiiiil (.21); rer cent en preferred. pebl May t 10 Inin ,ibes S.KI. checks S.S2: lire ""jr.! ,.C rM.nfn.eS l"e . quarterly of 1"4 Mllilc 4.117. checks I !)!)'... , marks, , rr tent en preferred, payable April I 10 '",;!- .. . .. , I "n.Si.nlcomeUvf Company. euar- Tnc .(Vnliiil Li.repean exehnnges I trl5 ilr cent en common and t4 per cent win. iTiatli- teilni deck ilei-llneil mer i. nrfirreil. both rayable April 1 te atecK . r . I .1 .1 ...- "''" iiii-ch, 1 iti ; 1 .i-i-oe-oiovuhiiiu, 1 it-j; Pell Hi. .0210; rinnish, 2.0(1; AiiMrian, .01325; lliingiirliiii. .12. Tin1 piTiiilunt en .New Yerk fund, in .Montreal today was -Hi per cent. The iIIm-eiiiu 011 ('iin.iilinu funds In New Yerk mis .'! 15-1(1 per cent. I YI'HTIlllll.W H C I.O.SIN-11 OL'OTA'I ION'S 1 'P ,.!.. per .t .' - , 1 ...... .. . ...,,., lljrit I points ti.itt.-r, pinny en tie political ".VYobaVe r Company of Canada. In 1 ii-iettlcincnl, making 11 total Jee- from I,,,. Trtnidend of 1V twr cent en ordinary, til" rliiMMif last week of 15 lielnm. The payable March S9, and aeml-annual 3 per iiiMitallnna iieic;, in.'ic. nuar Uilinnillail. 7 I U ; Serbian, 1 .38 ; j ,.' u, P.1 '?t cent en preferred, payable April ' tiering iranvii mu inern ijin"-" . '', - ;- t. ', -jvil-j r;...u .n n...,..r.,i j ni. u Kfiii .111,1. .ni r.n .hi. Anr 11 IB te tteck of record March -0, 1,'ables 4 M 8.8! .91 37,30 TODAY' 8 OI'KNI.VtJ QUOTATIONS m.J. ii r. r l n,.iu... Ipemanil, .,f 4l2af H.7S "4)S,4 ST.Sil 'table. V".Jl " :" Tiaa t .TI" .rIi","f,JT.,-"1iS',I? Barl U54A i.zai jJ.r;"fcHs,isftt' ., ?VR-t tmmm ii.ia!.wi'iim)i'iv.Tiv .'ij"iu:-.j. i-- 'Htvs-i UfLmmmmf'MiiA:., A -.. . t wmt-,mfWBmrnmMiM&FritfmMV',r -ii.'.i; svx i-n-.n NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE TRANSACTIONS Dlv. Suttn In t 200 ., tee .. 1 1.V .Net r. xr. ct. 634 ' 16)4- H STOCK lllah Lew Adams Express ... 63V 6314 .. Ad vane Itumtly... 16)4 18J4 5 Advance llumily pf . 47 47 4 Air Reduction 32 92 . . AJax Ilubbcr 1Jt WA . . Alaska Juneau O M I !4 1 .. Alaska Oeld Mlnei. . H Mr 4 Allied Chcm A Dye. 58H 56 7 Allied Chm ft D pf 108H 106K 4 Altli-Chalmera .... 47 i 6 T Allla Chalmtrs pf. 9214 92! .. Am AgrleChem.... 41 40 . . Am Agrlc Chm pf . 68J4 68J . . Am Beet Sugar.... 41 H 41 U . . Am Besch Magneto. 40 Ji 39X .. Am Can 44M 44K 12 Am Car & Fdy....136K 1584 .. Am Chicle 10J 10J4 .. Am Cotten Oil 26H 23?i .. Am Drujr Syn 5 5 8 Am Express 132M 132 7 Am Ice 104)4 103)4 G Am Ice pf 80H 80 . Am Internat Cerp... 44)i 44 1 Am-La France Eng. 11 ' ., ..AmLlnseed 3114 31 4 6 Am locomotive.... 1 09 !i 108'4 .. Am Safety Razor.. 7 7Ka ..AmShlpftCem ISJt 15 . Am Smlt 50 50)4 7 Am Smelt pf 93 92H 3 Am Steel Feundrle 33H 33)4 .. Am Sugar Ref 72Ii 72' .. Am Sumatra 30H 30H r Am Tel & Tel 12414 J 24 J2 Am Tobicce 136t 136H 12 Am Tobacco B.... 133)4 133! .. Am Waterworks. . 10H 10H .. AmWatrwks 6 pf 27H 274 7 Atn Woolen 90)4 89)4 .. Am Zlne IA A Sm'.t 144 13H .. Am Zinc Ld & S pf 40 38 .. Anaconda Copper.. 49H 49H ..Ann Arber pf 46)4 46)4 .. AHeta Realization.. 2)4 2)4 4 Asse Dry Goods.... 54)4 53)4 7 Aase D Goods 2d pf 78 78 6 Atch Tep ft San F 87)4 97)4 B Atch Tep A.S F pf 86K 86M . . Atlan Blr ft Atlantic 1 1 .. Atlantic Fruit 4 4 .. All Gulf ft W I S S 31 30)4 .. Austin Nicholas.... 24 24 6 Austin Nlch Inc pf 81 J-j 81 .. Barnsdale Claaa A. 30 30 .. Barnidale class B.. 23)4 23)4 7 Baldwin Locomotive 1 07 ' 106)4 .. Baltimore ft Ohie.. 38)4 37H 4 Baltimore ft Ohie pt 53)4 55)4 47 -52 -16)4 14 H 58 -1064 464 S2K 4- 114 !4 4 4 'J4 54 '4 54 40J4 2H 44 54 15654-1- 10J4-T 23J4- SJ4 1324 1034 80 44 11 31 V 108)4 7 54 15 -50J4 4 93 304- 12454 1364- 133)4 104 -!-27 39 !4 54 "l4 14 54 14 54 54 54 54 " V H 154 li 49)4 . 46)4 1 2)4- Vk 54)4 154 78 97 54 86H 1 4 f - 81 54 30 ! 23)4 106)4- 38)4 5554 -r H 64 ! 8- 1154 9 54 89 97)4 -r 126)4- 394 5H 26 31 '4 1 1 ?4 4" 74)4 136 15J4-T 6 -r 36 -704-72J4-35 60 T4 ! 34 ! 10?4 -20 4254 7 54 18 -23 ) 37)4 69J4- 110 40 n ; 174 27 ?4 i-43)4-274 48)4 r 59 7914 - 2T4 n?4 4 " v 54 54 114 6 H4 5 4 !4 . . Batepllas Mining. . . HAftlM-H 5 Beth Steel B 64 63H .. Brit Em Steel...,. 8K . . Bklyn Rapid Transit 1 1 !4 .. Bkln RTetfsef dep 9)4 .. Brklyn Union Gas.. 89 7 Burns 97 )i R Burns Bres A 1 26)4 2 Burns Bres B 39 . . Butte Copper ft Zinc. 5'i . . Butte ft Sup Cep. . . 26)4 . . Butterlck 31)4 .. Cadde Ctn O ft II. . 11 H 6 California Packing. 74)4 . . California Pereleum 52'4 . . Callahan Zinc ft Ld 6)4 10 Canadian Pacific. .. t36 .. Caraen Hill Mining. 15ft . . Case (J I) Plew... 6 . . Central Leather ... 36 !i . Central Leather pt. 70 H 6 Chandler Meters ... 73 . . Cerro-de-Paace .... 35 4 Chesapeake & Ohie 60 "4 . . Chicago & Alten... 5K .. Chicago & Alten pi 10 . . Phi & B III (new).. 20 . . Chi ft E 111 (new) pf 43)4 . . Chicago & Or West 7)4 . . Chi ft Gr West pf.. 18)4 . . C'hl Mil & St P ?3 ' . . Chi Mil & St P Pf. . 37)4 r Clil & Northwestern 694 8 Ills 84 88 97)4 126 39 K SJi 25)4 3154 11 H 74)4 5154 654 13514 1574 5H 35 70 72)4 34)4 60 5)4 10 19(4 41 U 7)4 18 23)4 37)4 69 !4 110 4054 17 54 27 H 43 54 27 i 48 54 59 79 54 2Ji 13 7154 50 1 107'4 12)4 59)4 1 03 J4 35 57)4 25 91 15 54 37?4 57 114 1065J 244 3!4 7 145 82)4 104 1714 1154 3714 63H 93 91 ' 154 16 3, '4 58 59 4 70 ', 156 10)4 73 404 27 IB 78 34)4 1254 71)4 3 102 14 75.4 15 'A 37, 40 V 2)4 6 14 II 43 25)4 92 1514 7054 32)4 74 54 59 H I 2 J4 65 45 54 04?; 17)4 654 29)4 154 20 40)4 25 4 56 514 45 14 95 ?4 28". 16J4 s 54 !4 J4 " Vt 54 v ,! 2J4 I 1 ! f4 , S4 , 54 iui 54 v H 154 54 54 4 V, !4 7 Chi & Northwest pflie . Chi UI ft Pac 'Hi . Chile Copper 1714 Chine Copper 27 H 4 Coca-Cela 43)4 Cole Fuel ft Iren. . 28 3 Colerado & Southern 48 j 4 Colerado & Se 1st pf n 6 Celum Gas & Elec. . 79 '4 . Celum Graphophene 3)1 Lel Graphophene pf 13J 4 Cemput Tab Itec. 72i . Consel Cigar pf 20 . Consel Dla Ins Hi 7 Consolidated Gas.. 109 . Consel Textiles.... 13Ji . Continental Can.. .. 60 4 Cern Products Kef. 104)4 54 ' 1 vz 1 50 - I 154-t-1084 12)4 -60 103J4 -35H-f 57J4 25 J4 4 91 I 17 i 384 574- 11454- 106 54 25H ! 314 . 7 145 i 8254 i 104 1714 1 1 54 , -93 914 1354 184 - '4 58)4 i CO J4 -70)4 156 -10)4 , 73 4. 40 ?4 27 - 18 4 78H 35 )4 1254 1 7254 i 3 ie2)4 -; 754 V 15'4 354 -40 J4 214 GH 0. 114! 4354 1' 25 4 1 92 16 I 7154 32 54 4 744 60)4 : 13 65 45 54 65)4 17)4 654 1 2954 4- 154- K 1 54 4 6300 2' j Cosden & Ce -e 170D 4 Cruclble Steel 58 . . Cuban Am sugar.. . 'j?4 7 Cub-Amer Sugar pf 91 . . Cuban Cane Sugar. 17 . Cuban Cane Sis pf 39 . . Davisen Chemical.. 58)4 fi Del Lack ft Western 1 1 4 H 8 Detroit Edlien ....106)4 1 Deme Mines 2554 DuluthSSft-M . 3)4 . . Duluth Se S ft At pf 7 12 Elec Storage Bal . 145 C Endlcott-Jehnson .. 82)4 . Erle 0 .. Eric 1st pf 17H . Erie 2d pf "14 4 Fed Mln & Smlt pf 3714 5 Famous Placrs I. . 84 H le Fisher Bedy .... 93 X Fisher Bedy of O pf 91 3 . Flsk Rubber 16 '4 Krecpert Texas . 19)i , dasten Wms & Wig 54 fi Gen Am Tank Cur 58)4 . . fleneral Asphalt 61 )i fi General Cigar 70)4 8 General Electric. ... 156 . General Meters 10)4 6 Gen Meters deb 6 73 .. Goedrich B F 40 ft , . Oranby Cen M ft M. 27 .. Gray Davis 18 7 Great Northern jr. 78 ?i 4 Great North Ore ctfs 34J4 . . Guantanamo Sugar. 12J4 Gulf State Steel.... 72J4 . . Hablrshaw El Cable 3)i 7 Hartman Cerp. ...10254 Housten OH 75U tlnnn Motorcar.... 15 54 1 54 154 54 ' 54 14 !4 300 .fiO Indlahema Ref. 3 inspiration Cen Cep 40 54 .. Interb con Cerp.... 2)4 . . Interb Cen Cerp pf 64 .. internal Agrlcul... 1154 . Int Agrlcul Cerp pf. 43)4 2 Inter Combustion.. 25)4 C Int Harvester new.. 92 . Int Mer Marine.. . 16'4 r, lnt Mer Marine pf.. 72 Internet Motertruck 33t 7 lnt Mote trek 1st pf 744 T Int Motertrck 2d pf 60)4 .. International Nickel 13 G Internal Nickel pf. 65 . international Paper 46 G Inter Paper pf atpd 65!i .. Invincible Oil Cerp 1)4 . . Iowa Central 6 54 .. iron Products 29)4 Island Oil JH . . Jewel Tea 20 ! . . Jenes Bres Tea. . . 41 Kan City Southern. 26)4 4 Kan City Se pf.... 57 54 . . Kansas & Gulf 554 .. Kelly-Spg Tire 46 Kelsey Wheel 97 .. Kennecett Copper.. 29)4 .. Keystone T & II. . . . 16H 4 54 14 34 154 !4 '54 154 5-4 54 54 54 20)4 41 -I 1 26 -i 57 i 5!i- 4554 -954 t 29 16?4 54 214 DIVIDENDS DECLARED Radie Warning for Investors .lamei I. Hush, able Trust Company, npany, I W. .. '"ft velcome ou. They . ,r".-::..w irrh n mall be aaietl, net aiei'l " ir., .A,r.Ant. ..I., ttt von In cKr nlll- . . a isi.i U rAtMHAnu m 11 a r. . and iiuarterly both payable April 20 te. atrtK nf riiierd .March .. ' A Draka Hhee and I'eundry Cern, rany. nuarterly II en new common, and 1'i rairii "s'i i ... n.,.,i ak-ii wi BANK Hank ilearlnaa mm.. ..... - ;..rrH cent en new pmn;i, ..""! i;"". respeuuing day both payable responding day last ,Vr'"1,Vr,n,.e."CemnnSy: Quarterly 1'4 ...,. .,c nni",. li.'. ',.; V Dr.firrfU. payable Mareh 31 te'V'i'-V fll-X . ...l kam.h -4 ...i w-u.-v.',v..v ...!... u-.ii I'nmmnv. nuarterlv 12. Dlv PI in. . -. - . , ,- .. - Prices Heavy I'arla. March 14. the Ileurse today. 39 f 4c. KKchange . BAB All VER r-.. . -.. V.A 1...r 1. fy,n tl.V .or. w, w--. .... .....- - nn per ceni lean, quetea ai hi evc, .. . r i . LM..A.-'s . ,:. A&. MMmM vnw.itam.s.MQ'j 1 :.10 r. m. 136)4 S6J4 17 334 33)4 38)4 103 14J4 12J4 37 1324 1374 51 SO 3SJ4 3454 40 6054 Lew 136J4 56 14 17 3314 3354 50)4 103 MX 1214 37 152K 1314 51 80 3314 34J4 974 40 60)J 23 25)4 9J4 28 11254 1264 1354 30 10J4 62 54 654 1254 334 2254 3454 15)4 2954 40 174 3574 8954 14)4 63 54 81)4 3154 1754 2254 2314 154 100 704 5754 '43 54 8054 2374 13 23)4 254 137 74 33 7 14 54 4954 57 54 52 14 37 54 754 76 18 27 54 59 54 69 54 3654 344 16)4 8 47 '4 6174 90 54 28 68 2 84 54 117 42 30 S 1454 74 41 73 63 32 51 54 5154 1274 28 74 50 29 44 3 2 -a 4 6 7a 67 54 1354 3954 224 36 54 H5 .2074 32 54 955. 17554 11454 69 7 365, 434 101 14 105 6 54 514 4 5a 2!4 10 74 4354 4374 331, 2614 19 '4 617. 36 34 9 54 40 17 74 1324 7354 IO254 70 1404 1154 32 45 54 325-2 6654 4 54 40 '4 61 102 36 44), 94 J,, 117 63 "j 1554 38!', DO 35(4 44 H4 7'. 24 ''4 16 1254 10 55)4 83 514 8 5, 1754 4054 9.'4 13 5 74 31 54 38 54 78 32'j 48 14 14 4 riv. 1 Bts In t STOCK Irish 200 6 Kresge S 3 136)4 100 ,. Laclede Gas of St L 36)4 700 .. La ke Erle ft West. . 17)4 IOO .. Lake L"rle & W pf. 33)4 6000 2 Lc Rubber Tire... 34 , 200 3 4 Lehigh Valley 58J4 100 7 Lima Locomotive.. 103 5100 ..LeoweCo 15 600 1 Left Candy 1254 100 .. Loese-Wllea Biscuit 37 100 12 Lerlllnrd Tobacco.. 1524 1200 .. Metntyre l'erc Ml.. 137a 600 .. Manatl Sugar 51 J4 100 7 Manatl Sugar pf.... 80 200 7 Manhat Elev Ouar. . 35J4 300 ZMnnhntShlrt 34)4 1700 ...Market St Rwy.... 11 1200 .. Market St Rwy pf. . 46)4 3100 c Market St Rwy pr pf 67 '?00 .. Mar St Rwy 2d pf 25 100 . Marland Oil 25 "4 300 .. Marlln Rockwell .. 9J4 100 2 Martin Parry 28 200 g j,iay rjept stores ... 1 1 2 54 6300 12 Mexican Petroleum. 12754 2354 9J4 28 112)4- 12754 134 30 10)4 62 4 554 64 4 1254 r 3394 -2254-554 1554-f 29 54- 43001.20 Middle. States Cerp. 1314 2500 2000 Mldvale Steel 3054 Minn & St Leuis... 104 M St P & S S M-. . 62 Me Kansas ft Texas 54 Me Kan ft. Tex pf. 654 Me Kan & Tex (wl) 1274 Me Kan ft T (wl) pf 3454 100 700 300 3800 1400 1200 3800 4400 tee 100 300 3500 Missouri Pacific. 224 55H Me Pacific pf Montgomery Ward Mulllns Bedy Nat Cleak & Suit.. Nat Cen ft Cable. Npt Tfti J?. 5tnmn.. 1554 2354 40 174 37 54 894 14)4 6354 8174 3154 40 1 74 37 8954 14)4 63 54 8174 31 4 17 54 .12 6 National Lead S2 Vev Cen Copper... ,i- fi N O Tex & Mex... 2000 b New Yerk Central. iuu 114 New Yerk Deck. 200 200 100 tee 100 200 100 100 2700 100 100 100 200 110 3200 4300 100 1500 3100 100 1500 3300 100 200 2300 100 200 3000 100 100 1200 tee 100 100 400 200 300 3500 5400 5300 2100 600 1000 2400 tee 100 New Yerk N 11 & II 17 54 2 New Yerk Ont ft W 224 2254 2354 154- 100 7054 -5754-43 54-" 8U4 2374 r 13 2854 t 2)4 13974 33 - 854 14)4 -49)4 58 754 76 -18 -t-2754 5954 6954 -3754 r 344 1654- 854 r 47 54T 6174 54 1- 4 N Y Shipbuilding.. 2354 . . Norfolk & Southern 1554 7 Norfolk & Western 100 4 Norfolk & West pf 7054 3 North Amcr ctfs... 574 3 N American pf ctfs 4354 7 Northern Pacific... 8154 . . Neva Scotia S & C 2374 , . Ohie Bedy ft Blewer 1 3 2 Ohie Fuel Supply.. 28 51 . . Okla Tred & Ref... 214 8 Otis Elevator 1 39 54 2 Owens Bett Mach. 334 . Pacific Devel Cerp. . 954 .. Pacific Mall 1414 3 Pacific OH 49)4 6 Pan-Atner Petrel... 58 54 6 Pan-Amer n 52)4 2 Pennsylvania R R. 38 . Pcnn Seaboard Steel 7 54 5 Peeples Gas Chicago 76 . Peoria & Eastern... 18 . . Pcre Marquette.. . 274 5 Pere Marquette pf. 59 54 5 Pere Marq prier pt 6954 .1 I'hlliilelphlii Ce ... 38 2 Phillips Pet 3454 . Plerce-Arrew Moter I6I4 . Plerqe Oil 854 5 Pierce Oil pf 47 54 6 Pitts Ceal 61 74 6 Pitts Ceal pf 9014 . Pitta ft West Va 28 54 , . Pressed Steel Car.. 69 . Producers Refiners. 2714 4 Pub Sen Ice of N J 8554 8 Pullman 11854 . Punta Alegre Sugar 4314 2 Pure Oil 3054 . Ray Cen copper ... 15 4 Reading 74)4 . Remington Typewrit 42 ltem Typewrit 1st pf 73 .' Rem Typewslt 2d pt 63 . Replegle Steel 3254 . Rcpub Iren & Steel 51 J4 68 -2714 .. 8454 11754t 42)4 1 3054 . . 144 -744 41 73 63 1 32 1 51 5)4- 52. 1274 .. . 800 . 500 . 500 . 16000' iiepuDiic aioters. ... ',2 Royal Dutch N V. . 5254 100 2600 500 1100 1500 500 400 200 700 900 500 100 16100 200 4200 1300 100 100 200 -w0 00 IU0O 3100 14500 2800 4200 300 6300 2500 1500 3200 1 St Jeseph Lead 1274 . . St Leuis San Fran 29 54 . . s:t I. San Fran pf. 51 . . St L S W It R 2954 . . St L Southwest pf.. 44 54 . . Santa Cecelia Sugar 3 . . Saxen Sfoter 2 ' 4 .. Seaboard Air Line. 4J4 . . Seab Air Line pf. . . 7 . . Scars-Roebuck .... 68'4 . . Seneca Cep Cerp... 1374 7 Shell Transport . . 3954 . . Sinclair Cen OH ... 23)4 . . Sless-Shetnelil 37 6 Southern Pacific 855', .. Southern Rail 21 . . Southern Rail pf . . 5254 4 Standard Oil of Cat 9554 5 Standard Oil of N J 177 7 Stand OH of N J pf 115 7 Steel Tube pf 70 2 Stewart Warner Spil 37)4 . . htrembertf Oarb. . . . 46 7 Studebaker 10254 7 Studebaker pf 1004 . . Sub Beat Cerp 7 .. Superior OH Cerp.. 5?j 29 14 ! 51 29J4 4 44 -j- 3 2Ji - 41, ; 7 G74 -134 3954 r 23)4 37 05 - 2074 52 54 ! 9554- 17554 - 11454 70 , 37)4 t- 4554 r 102 107 54 f- 674 r 554- 454 - 3 I 107a r 44 54 f 4374 I- 335,- 27 1- 194 .- I V 1 54 I It: a '4 , 54 1 . . Sweets Ce of Amcr . . Tcmt Cen. & F "A" . . Tenn Cep & Chctn. . 3 Texas Ce i'l 11 44 5i 437. 100 2'.s Tex. Gulf .Sulphur. '2 H 14 4 54 10400 Texas te Pacific. . . . 34 54 1100 200 1800 300 2100 300 1GUU 700 100 100 700 100 3100 5400 1600 5100 100 7680 2100 3I00 100 100 100 7200 100 100 700 0500 100 400 100 6200 3100 8900 100 100 800 103 200 1400 400 300 600 1400 700 1200 900 400 200 1 Texas ft l'ac C & J 27J,a . Third Ale 195. G Tobacco PiedUL-ts. . 61 J . 'I' S L .V W pf rll 11 364 Ol V2 36 54 Transcen Oil 954 40 - 18 i 13254 f 73 54 ,' 10254 r 71 I- 14054 - 12 j 32 54 1 45&4 ). 34(4 1 6614 f 6!a 1 49 J 61 i4 -10 Jfa 44 U I 94H J 117 63 J4 J- 1554 i- 3854 I 90 - 35 54 - 44 - 9H - 8!a i- 2514 I 16 - 1254 V 10 f 55i 83 -574 -8 7. 1754 1 41 , 10J4 13(4 574 , 3154 I 39 -78 -3!?i I 4854 - 2 Twin City I! T. , 41 , 18 ,133 . 7 J Ja ,10254 72 , 14054 . . Union Oil 10 I'nlen Pacific. .. 4 Union Pacific pf . 7 Union Tank Car. .. United Drug.... 8 United Fruit .. United Rwy Iniest. 1254 .. Unit Rwy Invest pt 3374 G United Retail Stores 4574 .. U S C I P ft Kily.. 34J2 Sl'lll l P & Kdy pf 6b 14 ..US Keed Product.-!. 64 ..US liul Alcohol .. 49", ..US Rubber 62 14 8 U S Rubber 11 pt. 102 .. U.S .Smelt ft list . 36 :',i U S Smelt ft Ref pf 44 54 .1 I S Ssteu 94)4 .. IIS Steel Pt 117 2 I 'tali Copper . . . . 63'i .. Utah Sec 1614 .. Vanadium Cot p.... 39 7 Vnn llaaite 1st pr. SO . Va-Car . . 36'4 G Va Iren Ceal ft CeUc 44 . . Vivaduu Ine, 93 . , Wabash , . Wabash pf A .. Wubanli pf U 1 Wcbcr ft Jlellhteiiir .. Western Maryland. 6 Western Pacific pf . . 4 Wt-stiUKhuusii Alt . 4 Wcstlngh U ft M.. .. Winding & I, E 8i, 25, ' 16 1254 10 54 55 54 84 58 874 .. Wheeling ft L E pr 1754 4 White, Moter 41 .. Whlte Oil Cerp i0)4 . . Wick Spenc St Cerp 1 3 14 . . WlllyfUwrlund ... 6 .. Wlllys-Oierland pf 3154 , . Wilsen ft Ce 3914 7 Wilsen ft Ce pf.... 78 200 700 .. Wlste'isln Central.. JZJa 4 Weitliingtun Pump. 49 "4 Kx-diwdenil, Raw Sugar" Market Easier vlra prealdent of the f.iiuli New YnrU. U. The of New lurK it-met - el .eii eirn t-biei- maruei is rneiRwnat i-aner In cay nddreaseil Ihe radio audience fiein ma-! I'ubiia ter .Manh t,hlpintit uueled 2 5-ltl feri "W. .1, V..." Newark. N. .1 Ills t'lplc (emu, fest and frclclit, eiiuj te 3,d2 leets, was "don't believe In llpa: ienult eui duly raid, for April ahlpment at 2H tente, banka," lie aald, In part; "In the Kiiult.ib'e mai .ind fieluht, viuel te .'l.fts ent!i duty Truat Company of New Yolk, na In tinny fid. .sali-H yenttrday te lehnTa nnd opera. of the larger banks, an lniestin-nl depdit-! ters ate entlmuttd ut ebuut 51,000 Imk en ment Is maintained whete aole hiilnei u the, above busls, nnd lli't balanc of inrKe la le Investigate and paaa upon Invntir.ent if I'uhaH adeut Uibeut Il.'iiij bnB) heIiI te aet-iirltleal further. It iicla ae a merchant In 'the "ntluna at 2 5.111 ci'ttts, reit nnd frfluht, Boe-i aecurltles. nnd It Is. tlieredite, pre I or 'Ai rente duty paid. The lecil rclirit'ii pared te net only Impart advice, but aim te . inaiket la unchanged with nil letlnera iiuntlitg buy for uu the Inieatinenta ieu ilnehie en lh) bama of 5. .10 (enia, Ishu 2 Pel tent for upon. In fact, the banU will help ' im bu' cah. the came kind of bnnda that It buia (ui Hi ew-n account, tle te Ihi banka they will are Intcreated that mnnev . Charters Filed Hist I ney will help ,. , ., ... .. HuvlncrH n anuara rlal.' i'"iri , i.ri,, .uuirii u,- i uniiris lllee li). dai Hnioilvwe I'reductlni' Int. I0,.',(io. I0,.',(ie. IM)0. i (induct placa of nn'useinent, iValn-r A. I'etersiin, I W lli.nner II 11 lliirlen, New yerk Merit il'H till nnd tins Hi mil' enle, drill fui, prudui-e nnd market i,l , . CLEARINGS leday remnared with cer two M'ara in. i iii.-ii " . ..,.i,V.-. II.IK It, J'lHIIUII, ,n ,sV',-..' .-. ' .'.-"., '.?:-. ''.'' 'ICI""V-.. " "n'l'" - i,Vu, T i A ,'Vi'..'VSs I .'."'.'.Th'-J." 5'fl " '. ' ' .,'u'"' ' . l'f .". ..u.,wut ....... vu (u...m.,.w .'it "ilil-niF. nun llTCnt IlOitlOU.DOU le 413,000,0(10, en Paris Bourse rrlcei were hcaiy nn Three per cent rentea, en Londen, 48f OBc. Worcester Rwy. Resumes Dividend tlc-aten, March J I -Wercenler Consolidated fitraet nallwnv fl t.r nr. i.p u.,ri B .ii..i..... n use. roe ueuar waJf vJ-t!8? e." 4 ha prcferreil Klnrk. , N. ThJa li the first dividend In f$A aC'VlH-V i aV L'.VJL m MdlAJ CONTINUED PROFIT Net cm. 14 4 14 .. .. - H 14 54 "f ' - ' J4 - Vl - )4 - 2 - 554 I IT. U. 0. 1. Alse Offered Freely, but Rallied When Pressure Relaxed Philadelphia Rapid Transit, 17. 0. T. and Pennsylvania Railroad were the three leading- attractions of the local market. P. R. T. continued en tan and mode a further descent te SWU. or fi.11 a share under the top price of the move ment. Efferts te cash In paper profits In the.iast two days disclosed a greatly diminished demand nnd apparent with drawal of peel support. It was pointed out an the street If the Mitten Interests have wen the overwhelming victory they rlaim the speculative end of the contro centro contre vcrsy had spent Its force. The market community naturally arc greatly inter ested In the outcome of the annual meeting tomorrow, but from all ind ind enteons it looked as If the Mitten slate would go through without a break. After results remain te be seen. U. O. I. was also freely offered at the outset and during the first part or the morning, which selling was un doubtedly n further reflection of the in- tnfffnA. n' .1.a AnmnnnV nv tllC.rCdCrni 23 t 1 14 14 "4 54 54 54 54 54 54 ! 54 H 14 14 1 54 - ' Grand Jury. A closer study of the- statement, however, issued by tnc man agement minimized the action of the Grand Jury nnd there was a subsequent quick rebound from 421,4 te 44. Of the three, Pennsylvania Railroad was the firmest, selling at 38'B, equal ing the high mark for the year touched yesterdav. Danklng Interests nre fav fav ernblv impressed by the recuperative powers disclosed by the property and the reported improvement in traffic condi tions throughout the entire system. Dealings in the general list were quiet nnd the movement narrow. hlle the transactions were of small dimensions the diversity of the operations reflected a continued gradual widening of in terest. Union Traction was net affected by the further reaction in P. R. T. As a matter of fact, only a few odd lets changed hands. The American Stores shares remained firm. .Electric Storage Hattery was steady, but received only scant attention as the main market for the stock has been transferred te New New Yerk. There was little change in tiic Philndelplfin Electric issues. 54 54 '254 54 54 54 74 "54 254 74 154 54 54 14 54 54 54 54 Philadelphia Stocks i-i.i ltleh Lew P. M 200 Am Stores !)5;s rs l'"r;s Net chBH. - 'A ; 54 154 "4 54 in de Jst pt.I-ll J -is J -11 .. 2.(l Am Rwys. S S 8 ,i HO de pref. . 34 31 34 .. loetR & e... ."wis .',; asu-f" ) HO Elec Ster.14.1 14.'. 345 000 Gen Asph. (50 00 150 VA :m in e n a .tju :i8 .tji.s 7 1, eh inv. . T"Ji, Ti i-lTB-t- 34 lutiii retina it U iitt's Jn M Phlla & W 8 8 38 Vs 8 nm t'O de pref.. 0!i .101 '? 100 Phlla Ce.. 37-14 37 l"4- ! -Ml de cum nf 30i 3!). 24'4 OOVsl mil 1.1111a r.;cc -fi -I't -t'i 307 de pref. . 27T4 2731 27-n i. Phlla Elec 24a "4U J' 100 de war f p 273't 27- 2731. . 1015 Phila It T 25,!s 2.T.4 25 10tStudebker.l02,8 102V8 102- 8 lutrione ."lin. 1 ,fe i; !', ti 1 nlenxrnc 1145 V G 1.... 44 0 de pref.. 51 -Is 310 Yerk Rwy 17- 38 Vi 42,4 r.1 17U .181... 44 .. "1 . . 1" H- 4- 1 Nl chanen made by comparison with last Hale en New Verlt Stock Exchans'. ' rilIf-DET.rilI. BONDS 10000 Liberty 2d 4Us 42 07.48 500 Liberty 2d 44h '42 07.58 40O0O.LIberly 2d 4'4 '42....'. 07.42 300 Liberty 3d 4'4s '2 fl?.44 7000 Liberty 3d 44s '2S..lets 08.00 5000 Liberty 4th 4'is '38 07.70 SIM) Liberty 4th 4is '38.. lets 07.51 2000 Liberty 4th 4,s '38. . . . .- 07.(12 33000 Liberty 4th 4,4 '38 07.00 14700 Victory 4s '2.1. . . .Iets.100.50 54 154 .'.ni Mctery -j-Jis '"j 100.04 JOOO Amer Gas & Electric 5s. 84', 4 1 2 0000 Cens Trnc New .ter 5s. V 154 274 7(1 05 115 n.j',i n-Ui i;i 100 Kleclric .t Pee 4s 500 Electric fi Pee Is 500 Electric & Pee 4s 2000 Electric & Pee 4s 1000 Electric ic Pen -Is 50(H) People's Passenger -l.. 54 14 I 14 1 (18 V. !4 3000 Phila Electric (Is.. ..lets lOUi 7000 Phlla Electric lis lets 30134 3000 Phila Electric 41s leta 1014 1000 United Rallivajs 4- 55 LIVESTOCK QUOTATIONS 54 54 54 Clikaae. Manh 1 1 CATTr.i; nevlpl. l-.OIIO limit Vrr hlmi llinl.rlnn. ..,-nu 1 ' 1 111 lower en nil (Ihk-h. few eaily snlc lieff -4 ineiTM mill fnt olio nm k iJc in 2Jc lower, 1 2 iliullc beet Hteeru ut i.i.illly 10 fell, $7.40 ; 54 54 154 54 54 54 54 254 14 154 54 74 14 54 54 Vt a.-.'. lioes r.ccclpm, :.i ine hnd. slew. mom. lv L'.'c lower than jcstprday m nift.-ii.-i-. Tep jui.7n. mrly: rractlcal limit,; bulk, llOSCIO.fiO: plgH mostly 25c lower, hulk de sirable. 100 te ISO round. jnCJ0..1.'. SIH-JEP neeeljits. 10,000 head. Kat Umh. openlns weak te loner; fat nhecp, aria te W)c hlvher: shearing lambs, .toady; thorn lambn. 11. 75-ff 1.1.10; no fat woeled lambs sold early; woeled ewn top early. SJI.7B; aoed laa round shorn I7.S0; (hearing lambs te ard traders, Sll.&e, i;at t. Ixitils, March 1 1. C.VTTl.n ne celple, ilSOII head Slew eatl a few atetra nnd beef enwe. l.'ic in 2."ie lower, bidding lower en .iearllna. unnera, bulln and MeckerH about sleadv; enl ralirs opened meally 2fic Inwir, later market etf mere. Knrlv top. JI0.2.".. bulk. tffTO.r.O. IIHOH rtreclpta. ll.r.nn lw.jd Klew l.V te 2.V lower. Tup. 410.110, lullc Hit) te 220 pound Bveragea. Jia.4OS10.riO, few ltdvles auld. packer ewb weak te 2."e lewrr. .t".nff 0; plus. dull. 2.'; le fiOe lower, S8.23W 0.23. HIIHKI' necclpti. 130O head Steady. 14 54 2 54 1 54 54 154 H 14 54 top. till in', i'uiiv i,v'"i luini'N, eiv.i'l(1 l,i; gmxl rllpiwd Ininbe, JI3. medium PO-pound WeMein ettia. J7. ritlhtiiirali. March It - ItOCiS, tnoe head. Lewer lleailes. Uw7fiW11 heaiy etl.era. 11113011,20, light erkera and plga. JIO.7,1 .lll".i:i' AND LAMPS-Receipts. 100 bead Sleadv Tep aheep. Jin, inn inmba, Jill. CALVES Jlecelpta. no hejd. Tup, J)!l. Tiial llntraln. N. i March 11. -CATTLE iieteipie. -vi'v nrttii, iiiew, eieauy. calves receipts, 200 head. Steady, J3013.6O. IIOUH lltcelpti, 2100 head. Slew, l.lalit nitinu;. i n. ui..ue (u. ..i- niH.r, jieavv 110. TiOiS 10.73; mixed, U(n.ftO; lerkers . I l.-U.. . ..UV. .!.,. "I mi n, .1 l-.(ft H.OO P'a. ii'uii.-.ii iguitiis. a9.7avu; atags, siii':v:p and i.amp.s v.. ;- 54 1 2 54 54 I.nmba. 23c higher. Fptlng lambs', h'iiQM. MONEY-LENDING RATES Vl'U' VflUlf IfAH... tl 1 . of KilUteral. opener today al I per cent fist lr nillntr mtii! t-fnatu-lfis -vnv I'lllInEI.I'llIA-Call, 5 per cent, llmi, n per ic-m, commercial papet, ihree tn bx iiiuii.iiei, u ,u i. . k i Lin. Lr. S. Certificates and Treasury Notes Int. Mat-.ii Ini raw ui,ir tune th Itnt tiate in, I April, 1H22 IOU Asked yteM I'. 11)0 l.;i2 ;i ,-,u tl4 June, 1112 102 I un t 111 ine 13-u: teos 100'i tee', ine i, 102'. 102 7-10 T"n'v June, S'l Ausr.. 4'A Hepi.. t3 Hept. tH, Hee.. t'ft'I June, MJ Sent.. 1PIIU, M I 1H22. 11122 102.'. 11)22, 1021 1021 10(123-32 S3 1"0. 3.70 1110. :rn" a. he JP.-' 4,41) 102ll.)0 4,40 ("Tl 4 44 tMi Mch li Meh., )II2."i 11120. ine' 100'i Mlxemnt frcm tedentl normal in. . : ,( I'M 4.1(1 t Acceptable for pajtmnt of ncem ta dun en date of maturity. " i' Reserve Banks' Discount Rates Official rediscount rates at the twelve Ted. eral Tleerie banks are ua fellows; Treas. . Lib. Cnni'l in,.. A rlfs lieiiils. paper mu '!'n. lie Ileslnn li? 414 ... - ... -..,.. ! """ New Yerk . . 'I 4 '4 4W 3 3 b ft 6 6 a 454 4'i 4 '4 V" 4W 4', 4!'' 4's 3 3 3 ft ft ft R 'i renuB fiein Philadelphia , . , i leieuilil .... Itlihmend Atlanta Chlrage St. IauIb ,, Mlnnt-apella ,,,,, Kansaa City . ... nallaa , ,.. San franclace . . , ft ft ft i A A r. 4!i AKING IN P payable April four year.. V, J) J . $150,000 n GEORGIA . RAILWAY & POWER CO.. GENERAL MORTGAGE 7 BONDS NOVEMIER 1, 1941 TAX REFUND IN PENNSYLVANIA THE COMPANY PAY8 THE NORMAL FEDERAL INCOME TAX OF 2 The Georgia Railway & Power Ce. supplies elec tric light and power from its extensive hydro electric generating plants te the Northern portion of the State of Georgia, including Atlanta and 48 ether municipalities, serving a population of ever 750,000. These bends are secured by deposit of an equal amount of 1st and refunding 5s due 1954, thus sharing in a direct first mortgage en all the prop erties of the Company, subject te only $1,400,000 underlying bends. A Sinking Fund will retire about $10,000,000 1st and refunding 5s by ma turity. Alse secured by a general mortgage en the entire property. EARNINGS (as officially reported) Year Ended December 31 1921 Total Rmmt. 14.431.S2S Optrttiaf Eipeeiei and Tixei 9,393,54 1 Greit Rarianci 5,038,264 Interest and Rentals of Leaied and Sefciidiary Cot. 2,004,974 1,810,229 latercit e Faaded Debt. 965,159 2,970,133 914,734 2,724.963 Balance 2,068,131 DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULAR ON REQUEST PRICE. 101, & INTEREST TO NET OVER 6.85 REILLY, BROCK & CO. BANKERS 306 CHESTNUT ST. PHILADELPHIA PHILADELPHIA BONDS We desire te call attention te the following Bends of corporations operated and managed in Philadelphia: Atlantic Refining Company 6s. 1931 Baldwin Locomotive Works 1st 5s, 1940 Edward G. Budd Mfg. Ce. 1st Serial 6s, 1922-1932 William Cramp & Sens Ship & Engine Building Ce. Cens. 1st Ss, 1929 Crew-Leviek Company 1st Mtg. 6s, 1931 Hale &. Kilburn Cerp. 1st Mtg. 6s, 1939 Keystone Telephone Ce. 1st Mtg. Ss, 1935 Market Street Elevated Passenger Rwy. 1st 4s, 1955 D. B. Martin Ce. 1st Mtg. 6s, 1935 Pennsylvania Railroad Ce. 4zs, 5s, 6i, 7s, of varieui maturities Philadelphia Electric Ce. 1st 5s, 1966 Philadelphia Electric Ce. 6s. 1942 Schuylkill River East Side R. R. 1st 4s, 1925 Strawbridge & Clothier Ce.' 1st 6s, 1942" Sun Company Debenture 6s and 7s, 1929-1931 Union Traction Ce. (Philadelphia) 50-Year Collateral 4s. 1952 H. O. Wilbur & Sens, Inc. 1st Mtg. 8, 1936 S. S. White Dental Mfg. Ce. 87c Notes, 1930 These who prefer te invest in securities "near iiome" will doubtless find in the above list securities with the three essentials of investment safety, marketability and satis factory yield. Quotations and reports eencernine; the nbe'c companies will be furnished en request. GARRISON & CO. WIDENER BUILDING, PHILADELPHIA MEMBERS TELEPHONES Philadelphia Stock Exchange Philadelphia Struct 8370 New Yerk Stock Exchange Nev Yerk litcttr 3U7:' All Information anil slntlstit. Iiave rr nhlnlnM frnm seuri' nhn i blleM te te tellable ami accurate, but !ln nm nut su.iiuntri' PENNSYLVANIA EDISON CO. CUMULATIVE PREFERRED STOCK Dividends $8 per Share per Annum PRICE $100 PER SHARE And Accrued Dividend Yielding 8 FREE OF PENNSYLVANIA STATE TAX The following nir some of the fuverabltj factors in runner, tien with this issue of cumulative preferred steck: 1. An unusually stable territory. 2. Excellent opportunity for expansion. 3. Streng protective restrictions. 4. Able management. 5. Dividend ever three times earned. 6. Extremely attractive yield. Detcriptive Circular en Requent ParslyBres. & Ce. BLrYNKERS 1121 CHESTNUT STREET PHILADELPHIA Members PmLADtirHiA Stock Exchange r " "ill TL Security Assured Kvery possible sufcRunrd physical, lcpal, financial, human is used te assure the safely of our deposits. We allow interest en checkini,' accounts. THE REAL ESTATE TRUST CO. OF PHILADELPHIA Bread and Chestnut Sts. I - -1 - 3 " si 4 w$&ftM!fctif 1920 13,211,287 9,099,129 4,117,158 1,392,195 ,r aTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTialaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTa I J.-..- mr. j r .. .m. i . g .:.. --j.t.,..j1 -jm &:. 'JA . i-ftBm'&r .'Sf i mmm-firr'r- -J "