Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 14, 1922, Night Extra, Page 2, Image 2

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V- ,L
II. ,
-VT -I
. ;KHfcV
n .vtswrv
Repert Is That This Is Location
Decided Upen for Sesqtii-
N. J. Appropriates Fwuh
for 1926 Fair Building
Trenten. March 1 I
New .Terfei'a nrtixc pnrliclpntlen
In the Phlladclphln So-mul-Ccnten-nlal
Kxpnsltlnn mm ti..iircd tmlnv
when the (toxernnr pin. oil his ap
proval en the bill b.x Senater Itright,
of Cape Mny Ceuntx. appi "printing
?2.",000 for thr New derse buttil
tng Bt the 10'Jf! exent
Fundi prodded for the bmldin.:
nre te be spent t the Ven .toie.x
Stnte Heuse Commission
The Sesnul-Centennlnl i;po.ileii
ulle wilt be annnum"vl thl nfleriinen. (
and It Is predicted thn) the fheiie nf
the Ixceutln Conimlttee will full mi
the Falrmeiint l'nrk-I'nrknr traet
The reason for the prcdletlen, whhh
Ik gencrnl nmenB thee he hute fel. ,
'nw the mnt tPrrlexeh. i thnt tlie
Sc!nui- entennlnl 1'xeciillre ( numiittec
1R jut about te let the .nut nut Inr
printine the joint report nf einlneer.
rehlteelB nnd renl e.fnte men. fundus
the Falrmeiint Pnrk-I'ntkwnj l'e.
The rxeetitive Committee will nnke
lt announcement nf final (holce of 11
lte nt n meetlnz nf the M.iard of Dlrec-
ters of the Kxhlbllinn Assedailnn.
tt tins hi en rumeieil Inlelj thnt Hi
Ilenseelt bnulewird site wns tunnini: 111
strong competition with the I'nrkwiu
site, but it ii generilh understood thnt tnn. lliienns Aires. F.mden. I'.ahn,
the Parkwav has the preforen'o. I Kie .Ifiiieiie, Itrtudisl nnd Tin in
Frnnk lturch. ccretnr of the 'en
trnl Laber Union, -smic t. Mtuei i SNYDER'S BOOSTERS SEEK
Moere today protesting itgmnt the I aN ' U c" D "'c " caoce
Tark site. Mi. Itureh sn tint the TO BELITTLE PEPPER
renreentatlves of IT.VOOO citizen nf
Philadelphia ob eet te thp elesing of
city streets, and the "mairlti!,' of the
natural benuu spot of the ,itv ' The
Mayer transmitted the lettei te the'
Kxeeutive Conimlttee
Yerterda the entne F.xe.utite (im
mittee. consisting nf Mnyni Mooi Meoi Moei
Alba B. Jehnsen. Colonel Jehn (ii'li
hel. Jehn l'rederiik Lewii J S W
floiten and Jehn H. Maen. teiind the
Tark. Particular attention was piid
tn the lower stretches of the Sdiulkill
River just abne Mnikrt stieet
The committee nte gntlioieii ti tui
T'nlen League te listen te the icpnrt
etting forth the prnpoei srupe ami
plan of the epesitliui that tins, been
'prepared In Mr. I.xi
The Mnrnr submitted te tie com
mittee the letter he had iceciveil frn,n
Uetar Tlnnrrn. in uhl, I lie lnlter
laeeuneu te consul.- jne proposal 10 m mi- imisira m un- i-ein
bring him bore ns direeter general of it is declared that the former .,.
'the world fair. dins of the State will nni Colnnel
The Mayer took time estenlav tn Shannen, nf Columbia, against 1'ippir.
prepare the statement pmbedjing the for xxlutexcr nffice be caimsses ter.
' data that President Harding had re-I Minder's campaign for (i.ixrnmr Ii nk
.quested in order te be In a position te an uitcnsne turn lednx A stntement
end s message te Cengresi requesting wns issue! from leenl Itepuhliciu bend-
Federal recognition for the fnir. i ipinrters thnt "Snxiler's lemrd in el-
The selfctien of the site teda. ail leitlm: "iM)Hfl.One in State tnxes at h
the outlining of the ehnracter of the'.est of les-. thnn sexen tentl)s of 1 per
tfalr are expected te paxe the xax fei cent, lnrgel from inrperatinns 'who
intensive membership and finanunl , were attempting te dodge pixmnit. i-
, campaigns designed te insure the mn 'the leal .nuse of attacks en Sindr Mi
'cess of the fair In.inM I Philndelphia."
Then, tee, the committees will pre- These corporations will be mnde tn
rare te go te Washington te nppear , pa if Snxder Is elected (invertier. the
before congressional .emmittees ana statement dednres
- .. .. .. .-..
(bespeak Federal recognition nnd aid for
the fair.
' The speculation as te whether the
remmittcp xxill decide te hnve n dlieetnr
general or have the fair run bx groups
of committees In nil probability will
be settled In today's report. j
Anether matter thnt will nrcupx the I
attention of the Beard nf I)roetnrl
will be the relectlen of Victer Hese- I
water as director of public!!. It 1
expected there will be opposition te Mr.
Rosexxater manifested nt the meeting.
Lawyer and Wife Have Thrilling
Experience With Armed Madman
Norrlstewn, Pa.. Mardi 1 1 II. L
Hallman, prominent uieniler nf me
Montgomery Count bar. nnd ln xxilr
had a thrilling experience villi i .rnzx
man yesterda nftennwm nt tlirir bun bun
galew at Schxxenksxille.
William I.udwig, n neighbei, enme tn
their home nnd ordered Mrs. Hnlinnu
te leave, as he picked up a leaded gun
Mrs. Hallman tied in terror. When Mr.
Hallman protested, I.udwig turned the
gun en the laxxer, holding the weapon
.net ten feet from his head. Kmnxiiig
I that the gun had two leaded sheila in
It. the attorney left the house
' The Halltnans took refuge nt n neign-
I , 1. IS .! 1
I nor s iiense, i . n . ,, ,-iek, mngisiriie
Semn years age Ludxxir xxns treated
for menial disorders
.e wiiiire. mil emr iein . -indii. (jin ( ;, rr ,1 f m ( mpnnx a S-li nnd (Kid urn nun i uii'i'Ti'i i , . ,..,.. ,. . -1 auiegrnpn. i xtrs. Hnpliln t usscu Lnuiweti, xxtuexx
who xxas at nek s efilce, took Lut.wigL.i. ,,, flti hn'nki nut. no- tendir into American wiit.r wnh il- As senn as the pielute ran he framed nf Spt, raidwell. .Ir.. founer president
Inte custed. I.eediii-s ng.ilnst Die rempniix.' .lu.lgi' " " lup'Ors it will be gl-n n place of honor in Hie of tn(, (jrnrd Nntlnnnl Pnnk. died cs-
Ludwig xxas brought tn the niinix , (. ",, , , , ,,' ., ,,,,., tlubinems -n plnee tint is nt present tenia nt her home, lO.'IO Chestnut
jail here where he is inx.ng , n,eb , n.' ' , ' ,,' ,,,",',. ,, f ,r Cpr Mfty CITIZENS REJOICE "'M.plcd bx lllhegraph likeness et s(lc(.t. Mis. Caldwell, xxhe xxas in his
thnt Warden rellmnii has taken ..lops. . r!f,,rni n,; (,,,, v ,. ,'Hru"1"' the Piesident. ninet.x -first xenr, xxas a member of St.
te hnxe him committed te the Hes, nni M , . ,i , r The photegr.iph xxns admired xcs.. St.plirn' Church, wheie until recent
for the Insane. Bla Demonstration Planned In Cele- lerdax bx mapx t lub liieDibPis who luard xems she xxns nctlre in xxmk connected
I Colonel Shelden Petter Says All
Discharged After Being Locked Up! Natlen Need8 , Made Here
Overnight j i,n irliphin is the nwt tvph.il -f
Trenten, March 14 - ll'.r j i ,11 Ameiicnn ciins mhI She'dn.i Put
Unable te agree upon n xrrdltt, Mercer ter, fnimir Dnumi nf Publlt Sntei
Count 's second mixed jurx te i.innln 1 In nddresing n ' II.mii Phil.idelpln i'
locked up together nil night wns dls- issemblx this morning in (.eriniintew n
charged tedsx In Merter Supreme j High Si mol
Court. It heard a suit for .Inning's 'Ibneis 1 in.iie imlx ment 111 pnpu
gainst the Public Serxlte Itnilx'.i.x 'mien liere Hi in In mi .uh.r nix ii.
Company. ,, .nuutrx of equal iinpnilnnce. be
Whereas the membeis nf the Inst in,, jr fnreigu nnd ntins-lnillnti'il
mixed jur told cnnflicting stories ns te popn'mien being netiiblx low
hexv they spent the night, some nf them Plulndelpliin im also netid fnr Its in
admitting thnt (hex- pluxe.l tinds nnd' dusinrs. snnl ( olenel Petter 11.11111 1
took naps, today s jur.x appsrentlx hiidi,nx fm then x.uietx I'.xrixihlng
agreed upon a pellrv of silence, ns net
one xxerd was forthcoming as te hew
the deliberations were cenduited
Three of tin women of the jinx weie
members of the mixed inn of ln.t week,
which alto xxas nimble te agree en a
Fixe nf the jureis disdiargul le.ln
xserc married women, nnd tlier bus
bands xxere In com I when thev re
Mayer Orders That Necessary Werk
. - i.iui.1 r, 1 ., -.
for Exhibiting Paintings Be Dene
Mayer Moere letlii ordered Director
of Public Works Caxcn te proceed at
once xxlth rostiirntlen xxerk en the liouse
of the lute .lehn ti. .Inlinsnn, ,ril(l Seuth
Uread street, in t.nler that tin paint
Ings bequeathed te the ell b.x the law-
ycr may be plHced en view.
In a letter te the Director the Mnxm
railed attention te the fact that the
palnllngs must be exhibited In at.eid-
mire Willi the .lohnsen xlll nnd that it
Is Imperatlx for the building te be In
geed repair. Director Caven is In-
structeel te confer wjtn tin trustees et
lh tt
ati, hentted by J. Hampton
i ii
?Kr5l T
xw'r:,r v
New Censul General
W. II. m. sinci,ii:
Mie nrrheil today te repreeent the
ltrltlsh (ieirinmetit in I'hlladrl-
W. H
M. Sinclair Arrives te Take
Charge of Office
mm lliisli AlnntgnniPr eiiieinir
nPh npl,nliited Urltl-h CenMii (.(iier.il
n, phUnrtpiphln. nrrned rndn. He
greetetl .11 the efhee., nf the eon-
iiilnte, L'Jl Snutli 'I lilrd niroet, b
(Jenhl Cnmpbe'l. IiK prodi,cei-or, who
rotiirned etih eit'rdm from n vldi te
hl new pest nt Sim Krinn-n
Mr Sindnir . iinn,t in I'hllnddplii 1
f-nm tiennn "here he lin.l If. n mmn
lieueinl since JSMII. lie I, iinniari lid
lie wns iintii in II11I1II11 nnd began Ills
mirer in I he fnrelKn s. rvlie in 1!U
and hns been slnllened nt Miinlh. Itns-
H,s p0ttsville Organ Says Senater
May Be Forced Out for Sproul
i'nttsxi'Ie. I'a., Mnnh It Friends
of Mnte 'I'nisiirii Simlei. wlie wns would tint be ater'e tn ,mi Intesti- Scennd Mrcet and Wllllng's alley,
hissed In women friends of S. nitnr Igntinn, provided thc, hnd lcpioenlatinn St. Jeseph hai been nc.erdcd ft super
I'eppei it I'hllndi'lplna I'mlin ift.r i nnieng tlie Inxesllgjtnri, but no one immanent, sanctity bcunisp of twn cii cii
nei n, aie hitting bn.k at the -i n iter nn,s nskid fei an Innuiiv. eiimstnnies, be said, the fiut Hint he
lie stattniPiit Is lielng wlililx imii-l
lit.d In Siiwler pnittsms t'l.it IV pper
ninx Ik persimdeil tn run fnr i.excrnnr
I Senntni. ninl nllew (.miinnr.
Sprnnl te Im ome h sen i mill ..null -
'I In I'nttsvllle Kepubliein. SumIei's
persnnnl organ, net niih i edit, tills
statemen. but declnies Hint een ns n .
gubcrtinterinl eandidate Pepper weuld1
lie Ulisatlstacleri . h. cause of his er
npparnii .erpnrntinn ntbiiatlnns nml
mHrliOlt IlttltlllO nCnltlSt tie IlltOU'stS
..r .... r .1... ......!.
IN $1,000,000 OIL FRAUD
J. Cox. of Housten, Patron of
Avlaticn, Held In $25,000 Bail
Housten. Tev.. M.irdi II i Hi A
I The cae of S(mniir I Cor.
Housten promoter, nrrested in New
Vnik Inst night nnd .alleged tn bnxe de
frauded liuestnrs out of SI (SHI (SMI
through Ihe snle of xxnrthlesi ml stocks
will he laid before the Federal (Jinin!
Itiry here new in session. His bend has
been fmd at Sil.OflO
F. II. Blink, postal inpp(inr. said
Cox is nlligul In have used Ihe malls
te send nut elnulnrs, phntngr iplw and
statements xxhlch were fraudulent in
.i i.i. ,i. i.. ,.f .i,
' llll III I I'll I 11 llll III'" I'l'IIIIUII'MI ill I IK'
C-neinl Oil Ciiuipanx. Cnx Keal.rnlinn
'. .. . ..
f I-- i t I' I d... j
s uii muic iiini r i, i i Hi Hiii-
Cox and the General Oil Cnnipanv.
wl.l.h he piometul. haxe bee,, ihe ten-
' ... .
ileum? ns iiresldeni nf ihe .nmnnnx.
Nexx trustees win .ippeinti.l
At nlmit the sum. time cieditnis nf
necessarx te the life nf I no lull inn !
Il'1--l..T I". Ill-
...0.1.. l.nr.i m knnm il."i.e nnd tlil .in
thihiigh Hie ships and lmemnlu-rs mid
here, is 1 esiniisih'n feu n gieal dt 11 ut
the triiiihpnrlatlnti of the xnr' I
Prisoner Gets Seven Years for At
tack en Patrolman
.ln.lce Shoemaker lii'lnx imposed ihe
... ...... ., i i. . ' weiil. lunhnhlv be tent i red nn executive
V hln iv.xxxas 'n'nn'nre-nnni l-ltle,', undtr the new Ass.tun, At- The nepubllcan Weman's Hub nf Ul nng.neer..
bis airnlnnes in the race f.n Hie lame terney (tcncrnl. Pennsxlx aula is cherishing a gift Hint jt(, js mirxixcd bv his xxitlexv, Mrs
("onion "tennett Trej.lix the Ceniiill ' Dauglferlx's second nnneume- mtl Jllst nrrlxed nt Its hendnunrterN. 21!t Annln Preemnn Cnrnell: his wn. Wll
Oil Cempanx xxns put Inte ihe hands r nirnt xxns that he had sent InMnu tieti- j Snutli Seventeenth street I M bji - ham O. a.rnell. Jr.; his mother. Mrs
n reccixei and Cox xxns enielned from I '" ""' Departuif nt of Justlce te ei7e Ulcd phetngraph of President Hard- j, bee m . Cnrnell. nnd lu sjter. Dr
maximum seni.net, sexen xems m Ihe ,1,,,.,, , - plants nf the company hnxe
iniini prison, mi (.uirge Pierte. .1 ,r, dosed Inilefinitelx "until the em-
.Segm. of 1U20 Ninth W.nnmk Htnet. ,,nTPH realise that (he plant ts net
xxhe pb tided ulltx te beating l'niiel- , being run from union headepinrters "
man Menncx x ilh a hatchet Mnrdi ." Hecentlx n ri duel Inn in wages f.n
Mimtiex wim iittm kid win 11 he went In n twisters xxas nnntniticed, which
the uld of Pletie's wife xxhtii Pieice wnll, put their salaix en an nxeiage
xxent en n iiunpage lnenex icnixnl lll(iS ,,f te j, week, but thcx refused
sexen dot p scalp xxniiniK n fintliirtil tn ntcept it and inM.ad asked for a Pi
Jaw nml 1 em iifslen of the brain nnd .)r,r ,,nt Ineicase. 'Ihe lempnii) bus
was nlcucd from tin hnspltnl nnlx xcs- nlrP thnn . M I emplex es,
terdnx ' ,
Piene wn he'd for llie (imntl Inix ARK -,ou rim rilll ADKI.rill.X?
by Mngl-tiate Nelf xesienhi . mid tin Ar '""'; unhni!i"ii.',i,nrt "nnZ
magistrate hl.cd 11 taxltab ami inqK lilm '', i;rVr.frSnerUo5?iiienT "Theiin!uK
te Clt Hall se that n speed return,,!,, "p-hIb. of ctxia Kaity" in ledny'i
con hi de maun m un- iiiw, i-it-nc
pieaueu unit un xxan hiuuk xxiix-ii ne
jnade 4 lie nttnek,
i i. ..m.mwsi-Vjit.irt7zr-nG!i,x:i?amnnsazncm &
wamv " ' 5Hrw?- Wf,M?7rfvw
Tf .
Heads of Anthracite Workers te
Begin Negotiations With
Operators Tomorrow
I It the Associated Press
! New Verlt. Mnnli 14. Further con
ferences of nflhers of (he Pulled Mlne
Worker nf ihe nnthriidte field nnd n
Jgcinml meeting nf the sionle Committee
were eliednlel e he held tednv In prep. !
Ini.illim fet the conference xxlth the cenl
operators heie tomorrow In discuss n
Itiexx xxnije ngrccm.nt for llie hntd-.enl I
i miiiei I'liui) in i Ien en ptoieiliiro fer1
the ieini tun ting will lie niken nftri
the mrixal nf .tehn I, l.ew is. nnd Philip
Mutinx. pieililpiit nnd vice president.
I tcspcctlxelx , nf llie national organ- I
lnllen. uh w pnttidpntc nnd lend I
the iiegntintlmis bitwecii the nnttir.it Ite
Illinois ami nne-nlnis
friin lllllnli.ii itmiiiiiilw fif tin. litllliru.
r .. 1. i .! ,.
fnrniulntcd nt 11 eenniitlnn nt Shnmu
the inine workers slinulil -hnre in nn
redintlnn in pi he nf the fuel in lite
1. . .....I . ..... ... .1. .l.n...lu ...In.
"." M-i-iiiiiiK mi- .1.. 1, ,,.,-. ..I,..-
pis Iii.ne tint fniiuiiiuteil nin (lelinlte
plnns sn f.n ,im known, ex. opt tint time
will be n simpen-leti nf inmins in the
iiiitliini.itn ilel.u n., a in 11 I if iw. .iii.
kin, Tn.. 111 .Inniinn will be Inld before , ,, , nmen )p n ,. k pivt M.-mmendr(l that
the eiHTntnw toi.iniiew iin.l H Rci.ernl Mnll!,Mi nf oiexelniid, UMinp Ce- ' --emmittec n lsn cemniende, mat
jp..ntln nf e..rh ..n. will he ,,.e prij,0,. nf Ohie, told thee xdie gntheml n rntirw In J1,n' '" "Scheel
hv the spnkesmen fn- Hie union. ' he,lt nenn ,,, , ,,, 0nrrlrk Thratie tencheis nt the "WW J,
milieu ham unnllicnl l.ifnruiutlen ihtt , n(lPflI ,,0J TP,,.n ,0rdoe. ltflinp "n ,,'ec"' "ft, hi nnen teTcacher of
III. t ppinteiH ..ii t. n.lnl 1 Hi- niln- , MH mnk the pbicc of the Hrv . 1 llis, l""1", 5 ' R mc?t one nftcr-
1ns stnntinn from their point of dew. it.,,.. Samuel S. MnmuN. who-e illness -P ml rl.ns"n ' Sj" J! ?wle" of
and mnj mnke the dntoment public made II Impossible for him le speak In- "nnn ?n(: " ,p,c h' ,, X 17 from
Op.nlers h.ne iler tared thnt the pilie'.lny. The bishop will also s!ink te- . '-., m'
of nntlirmite .oil m (no hlch. nnd thnl morrow. '." ",l ' ' ...,ij i,of riam-m
fmten iigieement has been lendiid at ''hr dlsiirnminenl ennference n
thnt time 'Iheie Is nn foundation for W nshlngteii. he snld. "laki s the world
i perls nf nibitintlnn benrds m iex- ',ttnv fiein Hip plusiml ilniKg in of wnr
eminent ..miniisslens te Inxestigaieeeiil " "; lp-" Hint moral s,niggc
prices and mining conditions, miners JJ "' ' ,,",ll'.lI1, ' '? JiU"f " T. '"','; 1,1
snld tmlax. It K tee rn.h te talk nf l "'," !u 'ienll ! f TX, '
Ihese thine, one lender sH.d. ns ncge- ,'".! nI, '' L'V'"' ';?" ' enf mine
Hniinns h.,e no, been npened and the V WhII. -, P nr ancnr , nlue
miners de nel knew ,nw far the np.r- , , value In moral stiuggle. as
tilnrs will go alniiK with he werke.s in ,, ,, n,1( mnni100(.
i.rnftinc a new agreement.
An ItnoMigallen of coal p-ires has'
r.fl.. I.nnl. U..r.l.A.. .. f ....... Illllnn .... f
'I'll in .'It -.l(.rnilt ..I l....lll .t...i'i. .i ..
nnd was mentienid m the Shnmehln
.ementum. Mine woikers, it wns snld.
j U'.islilngt
' lehn L.
en. March It. (T.v A I i
Lewis, iiiesni.nt .f Hi1
I lilted Mine Woikers nf Amein i. wlie
'is en rnule te New Ynik te ntleuil tin
lonferenccs there iietween nniiii.iciie
operater1 nnd miners en n new wnge
snle. sleppeif off m Washington ted.i;
and conferred with Se-retnri Paxls
Mi Lewis Intimated bofeio etiteilng
i he i nnf, ren. e lint lie hellered 1 stilki
was eertnin In come, but rcnfHinieiI In
,.-,! -., I l ,1,, ), , ,,nr'
union wa seeking the opportunity i
negotiate with the mine epei.itms
Daugherty te Urge Appointment of
Special U. S. Prosecutor
I'eit Pierce. Fla., March ll. Atter Attor Atter
ner Oeneral Dntighert made two nli nli
iieiinccments .xos'enlnx xxhlch ninx lend
te important dexelepmenis ill tlie en en
fercenient program. Mr. Daitghertx is
n member nf I'resiiient llnrdliiR s
hniisebent pnrtr, xhlch Is ciiilslng
Miiithwuril en (lie Indian Hixei It i
wns minle ilun tn a . orrependent wlie j
tnlked with Air. Daugherlx the Hnnl- '
ins Administration liitinds in the new
plan of depnrtuicntnl rinigHiuiitlnn in
mnke n iirniinuneeil mill nnsi!e offei r
.,, enfone the nrohibltien law.
As a purl of the leorg.iniilleii
scheme, xxhich contemplates the tinuslu
nf piohibillen cnfeiceiiienl from tin
I'rensurx Depnrtmiul te the lleimrlmei I
nt .liisti.p. ,xir. unilgnenx xxill icceni-
mend a nexx Assistant Atlninex (Jeneial I
he prnxided te tnke chnige nf thnt wmk. '
'I Im Piesident is said tn be in sjmpiibx I
xxlth tlie plan.
Ii max be sexcrnl months befn-e the'
detailed rccemmendniinns .an be pie
pnred nnd acted upon bx Congiess, but I rn)nlk,M(, J10nti ',ere the xnns xxeu Suiuln.x nt his home. 1111 Arrntt
Mr Harding In snid te be readx te tip- ,,lrr,j , t, biild nf n steamship, xxhb Ii i slreet, rrnnkfnrd. Xtll be buried In
point a man of recognized nbiliix te the . ,101)(.lt t,cm , Xexv Yerk. Frem New I nmnnw. Si rx ices will be nt 7 :.t0 P. M.
new iiesiiinu, xxnese niiiiin i ii.iiii
- Ml .1 ,. l.. .. .!...
!ens w'11 bV,l J , J !,n 1, e
i lii 11 tin nnli.l rtnnr i irfui.i rn nil twl p
- t 4 if... ., t., i. ii. ,..
fopuier. I Cey A. Iiuwi-, Ii eni bit ion
imii ii 11 hum i m .' , .. -,... p,
Cmntnissielier. xxill net ii.cessnnlx j.'
separaied from Ihe sonl.e inde, t ,r
n.m i.lnii Im! hn IJ Hill II lllUVO flllil
the linlisb steanihiiip .r.ixsen ininx
Inr-h has been l.xi.ig in-t nuiM.le I lie
uiici-miu nmu in ui- x n inn ..'--
bratien of Ferry Prospect
,iic Max-, Mnuh 1 I '1 he it x
( emini.hiimers el tins 1 ity linxe it -..Ixeil
xxerd from Trenten that !nx
ci nor L'dwuriU hns sljned Hit N-w
Icisex iJolnwaie I crrx Hill xeitcnlnx
making it 11 inxx. Cltiens nie xxild
xxlth delight Preparation- ni. bdng
mnde fm a big celdn uinn liere In
xxhldi all the shore rexirts fiem Sand
Heek in Cape Mnj will b. nskrd le
'1 he nt xx fn rx xxill shot tin Hie 10110
tn the .lerex ceiisl iiserts and lli
New ni. and Nt w rnglnnd lesnns
bx mnx miU h. Werk en lb. f n x
will be cemuienteii nt once nnd sups
will bt token te pieniii the siriimennt
I.i In lilatt il "11 the 1 nil ill lljin
'Ihe Pcuuslxanl.i and Id ruling
Itallrends 'xcie grnnlad ngiit of wax
exer the Cape Ma.x Point beul. xniel
- '. . .
tn the f.rix- III 11.1! UK a' ( ape lliil Point
last xxeeK nun 1110 imius win niiiiu nun
eperale jeliltl 11 lead In Hie fern
Management Announces Plants Shall
Net Be Controlled by Union
Ciislen, I'a., March 1t Announce
ment xxns mane ycsiennx nx- ine mix
mm I. -Creineme.xer Silk Cempiinx that the
I'iBilti I.iti.eKii, mull It lii. hii.I nut. your
limn, en rncerit rulillcuplrlltd rltuin,
After you ix slsnid your plecljj. tll your
frlinai. av.
i. - " '"A -.a' - vi
Man, Held for Driving While Drunk,
Gives Up Candy Treat
Edward It. Miller, of Pa1m.ir. N.
.t., hnndrd n he of candy te n woman
Prisoner In Centrnl Station tetbi, then
e was held In SM)0 bnll for enurl
en the elinrjce of drUlnn nil ntitomv ntitemv ntitomv
lille while ItiKixlenleil,
"Itere." he inld, "t will hne tin
nn for till new."
Miller pnld he hnd bought the enndv
for lli nMeetlienrt. Hu wns nrreieil
liitt nlslit nt .lunlper mid. Chestnut
Must First End End Martial
Conflicts, Cleveland
Bishop Says
w ion nnt eni lint nn end tn mnr n
'.,,,,,. - 1,.. ,. ,,i ,.,i ,.111
When nnllnn, nut nn end tn uiiirllnl
rp'- . ........! ' -"-nn" --...
Illdiep D11 .Meulin h siihjeft wns
"Meril Armninent and Martini Anna-
lln ,lwintrl.l .Tin. llin m.nl till.. In
... ... .....w .... .-... ...
life tmbit wns the endlnc nf the unite
in mnitinl diuggle nnd the dexotien of
udi wasted energies tn the tmggle f.11
'lueinl liettermeiil .
Of nil the snlntri and men. SI. .Inseph
I. A ..... ...1.1 1-...1.n.. I......I.
I., s III.' l I 11,11 . 111(1 I llllil'l .l.f..'1'.l
ttile lednv nt the noonday serxlte In
St. .lesenh's Itemnn Cnthelie Church,
'was espoused te tlie Hen .Mnllier. and
i dint be was the foster-f lther of Christ
'llie Nnxenn of St. .!ncnli is heltii
.elibiuted this week.
'The Lord's Prn.ei" wns the Ihenie
of Itlslinp Hnxenpeit. of KnMcrn Man
land. In the Old Ornie Cliurdi. Su
en.l nnd ( Imreli street".
Streets. .
.... . . i i i , , -.1. i.i.
II1IS inner, wiucu uen nmu wiie
no. r....n c inn ,1 hn mill r. 1111 .
should be applied mil-
mrsniix. snul niiiep wnxenpeir. in nil
lllltlOIIS Oll'l 1 01' nil WHO HUM' 111 I II UI
in p. xxhrther spiritual or tiinterml.
Cheesing as his theme Ihe tm fieni
the Ob Testiimeiil nf Mems nnd I lie
'bin nine biHi. tlie Itev. Dr. Han is I
Kirk. In his nddre-s nt the Lenlon
I services In St. St. phen's IIpl. ..pal
Chui. h. Tcnlh street near Chestnut.
snid sudi Merles should net be llghtlx
dismissed ns fnble,. l,t In.eiprded
t In s. i iiii be applied with pinlit te
model n life.
Ills miliiei t u.it "Hew a M.u
Hew a Man finds
Ills (Joil." He oiuphiisled the Im
portant e of lexiient studx nf the lis lis
sens found In the Bible.
Chemist's Household Goods Packed
In r.nlnnn Arrive In Twe TruckB
Vx nmlngtnn. Del.. Match 14 'I he I '1 he funeral will tnkeplnce 1 liumln
heusefurnishiligs of Dr. Paul D. Thern- aflunoen at 1 e Heck. I ollexxillg serx -nsdiexski.
a chemist in Ihe emplex of I. es ,,t the 'house. Interment will be
the du Pent Company nt Deep Wati i nude in Hillside emetciv.
I f,.., Cnlecne. Cermnnx. In two meter-
i Mini, iiini"! mi m iiiiiiiikhi . . i - i ....
'I he fiirniiure wns piiekc.l into tim
xnns nt Cologne and net once remnxed
until its nrrlxn! nt the home In Wll
At Cologne the trucks xxere i tux nn Hat
. n. r.. l. tn.niii. tn lTniiitmi f ll.nl
i v,.-!. i. . ..c .iietnre, i r. XX in e i? mi
.V.I. It"'. 1... Hl".".v ..- p
" "
. .... . . . ........
MR nnirt n PcUnC: 1 1 1 I. IVI L. V Vj
Repub,can Weman's Club Greatly
Pleased witn Kresment s uiri
i ing Hearing at tin noiieiiiin . .i - s
f rerrllnl greeting nnd uest xxs,es
in me ci uu ir.ni un- . ..--.i.i.-.ii ..". ..-
Uie'-in xxiie niiiril
a talk en "Constitutional nnd Point
sl tiisterv, gnen nc .1 e 0101 1
Mrs. rn .!. Wllllnms
shenandeah Man Convicted In Death
n ""'u"
of Opponent He Felled
Pnttsxllle, Pa., March It. "mtkn
( nt. hscn, of Shenandoah, .enxliinl nl
killing Pinnk Unix bx felling him w lib
n ttene. xxas eMenliv sentenced In
I .TittlRO Kech te M xenis in jail 'lln
stone hit llur.x in the fnrchend
icitchseu escaped the iltttne ilmr
becnun of the piexnl.nt ncllit thai be
did net inten.l te kiil Ituix. the tight
hi I ween the two men net being of .1
serious nature until the stone was
thrown nml
111) othei weapnlis being ' uii'inu s euire. in xxiik i'ii'i'ii-u iiiiih
, Ihtinte in INfeO. selling one term. We is
1 !. .l 1., 1,1.. ..1,1.,,. M.., I', llll,
- 1111111.1 ui 111 i.itirii. ..... .
ir..--.,, 1 Me. M ru m. ,.,, i, ! Meiirs Hlle.x . nnd I III ee ilnuglilerR, Mi s.
Funeral of Mrs. Mary Meceueh W1,am ,; Stanten. .Mrs. Prnnds X.
rune ml services were imidinleil this Cennell nnd Mrs. William ltartlett.
nfternenn for Mis Mmv Meinudi, I
nlneix xenrs old. xxhe died Sunil.ix, Matthew Sherlock
frein the hnmecif hoi elnilghtei Mis .1 Mlltthevx' Sherlock, fifty, of .",15.-.
It. duiker. 1-'S Seuth erl -eighth Siiiinifchle nxenue. xxhe wns found uu
strict. 'Ihe sen Ices wire in chnige of .nmus en the tineks nf the Phila
lln Itex. Hnhirt liiler. Iddphln and lttading Itailwn neat
'Sintts Iniie, Suiidii.x night, tiled ester-
inieves uoei e.mr i-aracrs
Ijinrastcr, Pa.. Mnreh 11 Thine
enlerid H1100 homes In Hie xieinux of
Klii70i xeslcrdn.x, but thej stele nothing
hut feed
Simen Klnnln r.1 70 Cnlumhlii ve nni I eim
llreenct. Cinnlen N. T
.lfrel Allisen llll A n . nl Ldiherlne
M It llrlButi, HIS. 20th pi
Joki-Mi Itenili. 171(1 Iieehxxoei t , Hn.l
Cmll)' A f Mibaiie '.'!1 N llebarl l
1 rmi .'"II llrtlnl,. 71'.' H lOlh n,, nnd
l'lleinenn lie l.ticu, fll.is lliixfrfenl nx
I. nxrenrii I llimh" Jsilj N r n nni
l.lllhin Canliier 1J0 XXentmei-HHinl nl
Leuis Muieelln ll'.'t f Kill i , iin'l Hern
c nlien IJih i nnd dreen hum
JuhitIi t anirx s0.' Nolile nt , and I.ula I urr,
jei.'s l'lne n.
Charles KneeW, 1509 N. XX'arnnrk st . nml
Klhtl (Inl)l.-ulU I7.'.0 N. ltallrj tt
XVIIllam K. tien.lrleks J'lymeiith, l',, nnJ
iinriviiK iiuuiii. tji .i umu pi.
JiSSife v
f l
Proposal Before Beard te Re-
vive Teaching of Language
in September
IVoMen whether or net the study of
Herman l te be resumed In the schools
of the rltv will be mnde tedny by the
Itenid of Kduentlen. The Committee en
Higher Schoeh hni reeemmended that
Ihe study of the Iniisiingc be replaced
In 10 eurrlciilum.
In Ifl" when Amerlen entered the
World Wnr the studv of fJeriimn vjis
Meiiped In nil the publle schools In tlie
rlt. The recnmmendntlen innde
OHterdn directs Hint rlnx-c In t.er
irnn he resumed In the full In the Junier
nnd senior high school, as in """
Imce with the course In foreign Inn-
.. . 1U t I'.imdH tlll IIP
glinges. j no suuij ui iitimn..
etitlreh elective.
e tlleuwlen of the reeommendntlon
wns mnde by committee members, ns
.....Unelr Imil PTtireHsed tlicm-
inniij in -.""-.' ',-,,.' i.
I sell el I" favor 01 ine reswr... v 1 ....
'"" " '" ";."" :; " " , 1. ion
nneunisc. new thnt the war Is long
It also wni recemmeiiuru mni ',,:,"
It 111........... nrtnerK- nf ttlO OhCmlS.
, I llllllllllt. iw"""1- '- " ff.
trx depnrtnient of (lermnntewn Hlgn
Selioel. be nppelnted bend of the de-
, ,.nrtlnnnt of mnrnemniif s an.i
M,1 r'i N-nrtl0n,t HRh Scheel.
ri.erCiv wns given peimis
' ., CTninnslum of the N
.inrtmetit of mnrnemnii. s an.i ""'"
nit i riiint
mission te
use llie gvninnsiiini m un .......
High Sdienl for Its summer .lasses for
lern hers of phx stent training, pievidcj
such use did net Interfere with nnv of
the sdienl uses. The building pigernm
whldi hnd been previously ndented bv
the Pinnnie. P.lemenlary nnd Piepcrty
Committees also xvni approved.
The Finance Committee lecemmeniled
that nn mhnnce en snlnrlcs due nt the
end of September be paid ,np'c0Cl'r1V
enn nfter school opens in the inn
One Venireman Is Accepted Tenta
. tlvely en First Day
San IV.ineJsce, Mnrdi 14. One
jurei tempnrnrllv passed wns the record
nf the (lrst day's session in the third
irini of llnscee "Pntlx" Arbuekle en
innnslniighter ehnrges arising from the
death of Virginia Happe, motion-picture
notress and one of tlie guests nt n
inrt gien bv him here last Laber
siit- eniienien were OTnmlneil. lour
were excused for having opinions. One
, .,,.,., . ,n, chlea mill
iirfiii'fi miiii"ini lu. . " .v.... ..... . ......
, . . ,,. .. ,,il mi,,r Mnmlnnt en
llll Mlll "'- s "
Deaths of a Day
' Was Widely Known In Masonic Clr-
ce8 Survived by Twe Sens
Kmipnsnn Ir xvidelv known 111
j . el &''""'". J'ilKt ,ils
iiniin ii" i' I't 'ii'" ..-j. - -- rr -
home -JflflT West tiirnid axrnue. He
i xi sexenl -txxe years o,e
.ll. niCM'IISIIII Mil- Miri .tt.i.' .
Lafnxetle Ledge. Ne. 71. F. nnd A M.
mid xwis nlsn n menibei el Ml. Sum!
liilge. Ne. lit. L. P. of A. He xxns
for main xenrs an ndjusler for th"
I'hilndelphln Itnpid Transit Cempnny.
He retired fnur xeurs nge. At one lime
I. ...... ....!... t. ..nlt.tnnl i Ii ele nl
j ll()Rh ,, ,)rxcl. ,,;,,, nnr pubP 0fjjtc.
I He Is snivlxed hx two sons.
- urn i ii ii f Ainiin I
We. Known Chemist Is Dead at
Age of Fifty-three
William Cnldxxell Cnrnell. a chemist
nnd brother of Denn Laura H. Cur-
neil i,t 'I'emnln I'niiersitx xxbn .lip I
. I a he t 'arnei nn no.
.- - ,1,. ....
I Air. Cnrnell wns born ir. Philadelphia
ittt lni itnxc nni t (ha Hhia f
ii 1 1 i nt ' .Mint' 'K'-" i "v- 1 1 in- in
his dentil he was xlec president nf
Charles Lennig & Ce., manufaeturing
chemists. 10 Nmth Finnt street. He
xxas n member of the Roeletv of Chemi
- , i,nura II. Larncll
Mrs. Sephia C. Caldwell
1 xein
- with the diuitli. She lenxes n daugh-
nxi.,. jiiK. a. (i. IlctherlliKten. nnd a
Kinnd-dniighiei, Mis Ada Hctherlng-
ten Liithum, both nf Philadelphia.
Jeseph S. Riley
'I he funeral of Jeseph S llilcy, Stnte
Ilnnk Dxnmlner, fnimcr mnglsiinte nnd
Inwxer, xxhe tiled Sundnx nt his home.
1.VJ North Nintlceiilh strtei. will take
place mnieirnw nfternenn. Mr. Ulley,
xxhe xxns sexent-one .xenrs old, died
from pneuiunnl 1.
Mr. Itllex wns bnnk examiner for
mnie thnn txxenlx xenis He xxas actixc
In politics 111 the Tweinv ninth Wurd.
He studied law in the ethen nf the Inti
'"1, J , f-heeinnker nml wns ndmltte.l te
the Philadelphia bnr in ISilI. nnd n few
",m Inter beinme a clerk In thn Clt
1 dn.x in the i.miliennu liespltnt. Hhei .
link xxns n set linn fmemiin for llie
Heading nnd hnd been with the iom iem
yinnx txxentv-fixe xears.
t .
rxi.riwr.l.l. On Mnreh 13 10'JJ'
Mll'lllA I'AhHlir.l, xtlcluw uf H.tti C aid
xxi'll Ir. H1hiIxci Rnrt frlemli inxltcil tn
funernl n.rxlrep en X'ertnrlx', at 2 10
! M. ntdntu rldrne, 11130 l.hUfljt at
jnl'rnient nrlxate
rt.lIMMIMI Xlnrih IS GEOndR XX
Iiu1iihI nf Harriet. I'lf minlnir. Itclatlxea
and filenl" aliH'jbr(A I.arnberlen Ujn
Ve. 4S7 l Hiul A M Uurry Veat Ne Is.
tl, A H , ntn luvlteil te iiltfrnl fuii-rul.
Ihurila 2 I' M . from tils lain rra dence,
lTiin S 12th at. Interment f.rnwneil Cem
etery. Uemalna may tw xlexvtd XVrdneidat
lil3NM.NO On Marrh 1.1. RMZABHTII,
widow of Jehn llcnnlnr. Kuneral tarvlr.a
en 'Ihuradav, at 1 10 r. M.. at her lata
rfslrter.ee IL'83 Fl.leher at. letermeiit rl-
... (krmin Lutheran (cmtery. Frienda
I . r.--;-- '--.i. .. - -'
Plans "Treaty" Navy,
This Congressman, a tlw result of
Ills slashing of liaxy npproprlii nppreprlii npproprlii
tlen is xailleil "A L Hie D sarma.
ment Ceiifcrenrf" all by himself.
He plnns te keep mixlllary m"
ilexx-n te the r.-r.-a treaty ratio by
the slmple expedient of prexldlng
funds only for that iiunibnr
Slashes U. S. Navy
by Paring Funds
Cenllnued from Tase One
allowed le.OOO men for sheic dutx. This
makes n total pctsennel of (i,",(l00 ns
agninst the 10S,Ot(0 new In serx lie nnd
the mailne imps new .niiss(s f -'.-4M
men. Mr. Kelle xxniihl cut this bv
Mr. Denbx asked fnr n fVM 000,000
appropriation. Itcdiictlnns in per
sonnel as planned bx Mr. Kelle xxill
cut this by .j4.".000,000. Olher rcdiic rcdiic
liens from retiring xcsKels from nctixe
senice. It Is figuied. xxill siixe MOO.
0(M).000 te KPJe.ntW.OOO. TIiih the
IIoiise Committee is bent en cutting Ihe
tiiivv appropriations down te ''-0(1,-000,000
cr less.
Liberal Regarding Oftlters
Se far ns officers me concerned tlie
Heuse economists nre liberal, lidlexlnc
In hnxing sufficient nllnm se Hint the,
tiaxy can be readily expanded. The
number of officers nnxv is 0K0. The
committee plans te cut this by only ."00.
retiring some reserxe elhccrs xxhe cntne
Inte the nnxy fiem rlxil life timing the
xx a r.
But te keep the effiieis from in
creasing tee rnpidlx in number, the
conimlttee xxenld send bnek Inte iixil
life nil but 1f!5 members of the picsenl
graduntlng clnss of fill nt Annnpelis
These nnt nccepled xxenld go nn the re
serxe list. Mr. Kellex thinks 1 lie eung
men net commissioned xxenld lime im
cause for complaint, ns the.x will linxe.
iccelxed n geed (diicalinn at (iexein
ment expense.
The sub-committee's trcntx naxv will I
undeubtedlx go through the Heuse,
whose membeis are bent upon making a i
tcceid for eoenomv in milltarv cx-
penditures, xxhtch they lieliexe xxill In l
popular In Hie coining uimmilgn. In I
the Senate there will be n haul fight. J
Mi. Denbx hns resisted I lie tills or Mi. j
I lie-before the uh-i iiiiiniltli e nf the
Heuse, nntl he xxill teiitlniie his effnit
In kttp Cnngrcss fnmi iiintilng the mux .
when the hill nnclies (be SmiiIi The
Scnnte Nnxnl Commilteo is miidi nmu
fricndlv te the Nax Dcpaitment thnn
is the Heuse committee, as the .ent.st
in the Senate last xenr piuxed. But (he
Senate finnllx lind te xiild te the Heuse
last jeni. Mr. Kdlc.x's tiuitx uaxx xxill
probably be ndeptc.l substaiitlall.x .
'' 'J0m
B X-tKKk' Wait 4ia
I mitimtffli -r S'PI ill
priced en the basis of a large and economical production.
In ether words, you pay for nothing in the Twin-Six that
is net actually there. The present low price only empha
sizes the genuine value of the Twin-Six that has made it
the preferred investment among fine meter cars for the
past seven years.
Satisfy yourself that these things are true.
Ride in and drive the Twin-Six. Put it
te the most exacting tests. See for your
self hew splendidly it meets .and
masters them.
The Twin-Six Touring, $3850 at Detroit
The Single-Six Touring, $2350 at Detroit
319 North Bread Street
March Winds Rip Up Towns in
Oklahoma, Arkansas and
lly (he Associated Irws
McAlesler, Okla., March 14. Nine
persons were killed nnd several scrleuslv
Injured by a tornado tnnt leveled n path
through Oexxett, n mining village fifteen
miles Enst of here. Inst night, aceord aceerd
ing te Dr. W. W. Snmcs, of Hnrtsherne.
xhe returned te his home tedny after
assisting In relief work.
The dend are Mrs. Sidney xVllker xVllker
sen, Clifferd Wllkorsen, Infant; Mrs.
Pnt Laner, Mrs. (Jeorge Glembo, Rena
C.lembe, fifteen jears old; Annie 0!m 0!m
be, thirteen ears old; Mrs. Pete Al Al
nnbels, Pete Alnabels nnd Matllde Al Al
nnbel. Most of Ihe dend nnd Injured nre In
ImbltnntH of the Mexican quarters, Dr.
Snmes snld. Mnny .persons xx-ere sllghtl
in In roil.
Teiity-fie homes xxere reported tie tie
slrexed. The xlllngc hns n population
of 700.
Pine lllufr, Arl( March 14. (By A.
P.) At lenst six nerees nnd four
whites xxerc killed In n tnrnnde xxhlch
passed through the nerthcin patt of
this county early teds.
Sulphur. Okla,, March 11. (Bv A.
P.) One mnn is dead and half n deren
oilier persons me in n hnspltnl serious!
in lured tednv ns a lesuit of n tornado
which lipped through the west side of
Ibis city into xostereiny xxieri.ing unetit
fiftv buildings, with propel t ilnmnrc
est mnled around StOO.000.
Sexcrnl of 1 lie sorieiislx iniured xxerc
no! exnectec tn ixe. xeluntecr xxerk
ers liesnn clcniing nxxny tne cicuns nt
dnbreak. Appteximtttcly 150 persons
iV the Very few cars that today merit the hallmark of
the Packard Twin-Six alone is built and
... l.n.r.MlJta WLm.. . .
;' i,';3zM t'Ku "r. j ' w.
of the tornado. VeverilSceM KIS
bon Arn nurstns miner ini,,..t " .''FV'
The tnrjinde swooped dexxn frnm ifr
southeast, passing ever imI.1". "l .
Hen of the eltr and dropped nv,n, '"J
xvest side, levying a path two block ''
tvldtli and mere than half n iX ?Jn'
Most of the Klri.etitrcs In the Ydsfe'
path x.ere dxx-elllngs. The ceiirik. S .
nnd the Presbytcrmn . church xxe ST '
mellshcd nnd the reef of the, MethMW i
church was cnrrled away. u'n '
Continuing In a northward course ,i.
tornado lifted as tt passed outef' K'
city. It descended again and clcmoli..i clcmeli..i
Cnrr's Chapel school house. tTe ffi'
north or here. Three children In ifi
building were slightly Injured. W
Dalen Rouge'. L March 14 .
A. P.) Sunrise, Louisiana, in vJ21
Baten Rouge parish, xxns virtually fi
lltcrntcd this inertilng hv n tefnsiW-'
Txxe persons xvcre Killed, sixteen inferwii'l
and n' number of dnelllnss were ,1
mellshed. ,
Men Accused of Occupying 8i.
alde Cottage and, Robbing ethtri
Detectives are endenverlnc in ..'
robberies upon four xeung men irk,
were held under $2000 bnil each hr
Magistrate Ceward In the Central SU.
tlnn tedny for further examination
March 22 tn connection xxlth the XT
nf n 43250 nutomebllo from Uenlami
Pre,ler, 1031 North Thlrlj-wSSS
street. Thcv nre Jehn Median. Unnl.t
The four were nrrested nt 172.-. ...i
Twenty-second street nfter the mlslti
Heeslde. N. .T. The dctectixes nt.n ...
that the four men hnxc been livifii
xvltheut permission In the summer cot"
Inge nt Beasiue et .lesepn irrr; anj
that In the rettnee xx'cie cnneenia ..
tides which had been carried off xxhti J
line.; wium- ui-umuf unused xxere rebbM
of goods valued at ?5000. w
Frltmuth Estate Set at $338,000
An inventory nf the estate of Wlllim
D. Frlsmul-b. filed tednx. iilnce, iu
value nt S3. ' Letters 0f ,S
ministration xxere granted for the extiti
of Martha Derby, 25";! Tulip sr.
for improving the graduation and
increasing the importance of necklaces
Jkwcutv Silver - STAftenarf
CJiESTNirr and Juniper Streets
Gelf Suits
As n man takes his sports se he clothes himself
for the enjoyment of them. Te be properly
dressed for coif is as much a part of the game
ns te have the right kind of clubs.
Spring liuainess Suits, vigde-to-erdcr, $115 up
Spring Topcoats and Gelf Suits, rcady4o-put-en
Rebert Stewart 1501 Walnut St.
Sporting and Mufti Taiter f Brmeh Makers
lien Yerk 8ter, IS East lUb Btrest
may rail Wednesday evTntn, ,
HsillMBk'V'.:t' A ' "
i Ap e p tn t
&:, ij.&.yfs$-w tht.;fetm&?Lt.
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