"1' S.WI imjfl f.jyi...T.-i j . . t ,tr .... , , .w'j- iyi.'n-'t.tj Soefhinq And Ht&tinq Steps. Itch inq Hairs Will Vanish After This Treatment (Toilet Helps) ' Yeu can keep ur arm. nerk Ar f ace fres from hrlr or fuzs by t'je occasional use of plnin delaters, ami In uslnir It you nfd 1ine no fnr of marring or Injuring ttlS SKIn. i ,HMW iiu.ie is innuv wj nilxlns son "f the powdered Otatens with wattr. Then spread 'en the nalra und after -' or .1 minutes rub oft, wash ihe skin and nil traces of !ialr hava vanished. Ue careful, however te get leal delatene. Adv. ts TAf &, .&& EHRETi SLAG ROOFING A EHRET ROOFING A . OUR STORE ORDERS Answer the luying question Our (10 rears' experlenre U mI denre tlsiaC yen are dunlin with n rellnhle firm from Whom you can nurcliisr everythlnt: needed In the household. Oar Plan enable you te be te the leadtnic stores of Phllu. (n selert your purchase. ...., WRITE FOK DETAILS TONIGHT MIK5 E 1023 arriett Bres. !k 1111 CHESTNUT STREET wwpeBWfi!? fPA a-wfrryi VJ' f."U &'.WJ t'Ji H r'Twj. rvjiik! nrar. b x-.'.1'!? ;mevw&fw TO BUILD NEW HIE Breen - McCracken Committee Hopes te Have Werk linger Way by January 1 OTHER NEWS OF VETERANS rJXsjROGERScaln l, BUILDERS. JpJ HtML SUM. "" PlitUKLmiA, xmmmmmmKmmmmKsmmmmmammJL Wkai tmWMMlWvl $44.00 Latest-Medel This Week's Special 10 DAYS' 1TIEK TRIAT.I 1 1KAB lUlAKAVTKKl THIIKIII IIIIIjY KK ONSTRUCTEn 1005 Chestnut St. Walnut 887 Bundy Typewriter Ce. I Mixed I Salted Nuts $1.25 lb. I 11 1 We Pay the , Parcel Pett Anywhere in the U.S. Send for Our Price List Sailed Jumbo Peanut 75c lb. Salted Almondi . . . , $1.50 lb. Silted Ctikew Nuts $2 00 lb. Salted Brazil Nuts $2 00 lb. Salted PiiUcbe Nut $2.50 lb. Salted Junbe Pecan $2.50 lb. m BpT . 'Ufe pbpbl mm V llO'CAMnv shop 104 S. 13th St. 1504 Chestnut St. 131 S. Bread St. Ct&ku275.000beebh went te Larlseadl last year Vil ihey rame from nil eier th in M te partake of I he natural uratlv. prepertle for atenuul riiul'. Iler nnd kidney dlhenacf riirunatlsm. constipation etc.. run i i d in Carlsliad Hprudel .Snrlii; cr' Tneui for centuries . Nan :ou can obtain fiese natuf i.iiiJl!H at jour druggist. ASK FOR THE GENUINE Carltbad Sprudcl Water tad laAshaAWW Sprudel salt $1 by mail 1 A gent t Car'sbad Products Ce. 90 Weit St., New' Yerk ram BpEsH bHKwhSS9h The Executive Committee of tlie Llirccn-McCrackcn Pest 270. American Legien, -seems te have finished Its plant ter nnancing n permanent home. T li e committee lias reason te hone that ground u III be broken before the end of the year. Mnnv tentative nhyslcnl p 1 n n fnr tlln lintnn have been aubmlttctl te the committee,, but net jet accepted. The committee Is guided by the Idea that the home, when complete.!, must be one of the finest assembly halls In Philadelphia. TllC nest 1r an amnlcnmntlnn nf what were the Philadelphia Mnncte Pest 270 and the old Ttrfnu.Mr.Pi-iw.kni Pout 207. Its iiirlttlfeflnn mivn l.n Thirty-fourth and Forty-fourth Ward, auu itf Headquarters arc at 300 North ruty-sccenu street. The tirlnrlnnl rpmilt nf n mniiiini. r fhe Herbert Warrlncr Pest 70 In tln I-ibrnrv Iltilltllntr. nt Tnilntli n,i Shunk "strcetH, ThurKdav night, vcrp plani In cmbrje for a hiree pntrrtnin. ment nnd dame te be held durlne Uaf i cr wcck. At mis meeting fJhnirmanJ ivinusnv. et tnc ueuntr rn spoke en the unemployment etttintinn. and urged members of the Wnrrlnir Pest Who in In nOIll nf inha In IriLn advantage of 'the help offered by the region. M'lth the M'illlam T. Shctzllne Pest no. at least, the membership dilve has been going well. Within n few months It nrOmlSOR tl llmtllln Its tnatnhnn1,l,. nM.f :j ".."" r-r. -' "" ";i- iinn iuBt meets earn nrst and Thursday nt the Public Llbrnrj, euuiu xireun street. , A.dnncc at the Roosevelt Hall en April 21 Is planned. reGasRari&lftr MBr.'aSeJsWIHITstaesjaTJiritjSj Vuwit man s tre v yS7 P. $7.90 Sent P. Prepaid . Give name and number of tnnce Then erdrrtd GEO. W. PEARCE & CO. MIO Msschet lit., Phlla. Wremlng 0?1 Unlimited Funds Fer First, Second, Third or Building Mortgages QUICK ACTION ABE K0LSKY & C0MPANY,Jnc. N. W. Cor. 9th and Watiut Sts. ViliHilll' liWm VsrVj-BlLv JSjLPSSpSJTe' third 2407 Iteiii the Kaymend E. Oreclev Pest 01 comes the announcement th'nt the athletic team that captured highest honors at the National American 1a 1a Bien Held and track meet nt Franklin field last year has been kept Intact, hngcr te letnln the cup, the members of the pest plan seen te place the tenm under active and systematic training. Ven 315 will ghc eer its quarters tonight te the Disabled Officers of the ?r,L" nr Assclatlen for Its reunion. All officers of the World War who hnc Incurred major or miner disabilities as a result of service have been asked te nttend. Te establish a sinking fund, Jeseph S. tergusen Pest has taken five shares of ?tecls IS tt uui'ling and lean organi zation. The ether outstanding activ ity of this pest Is the preparation of plans for n bn 1, te be given en the first Friday following Easter. Tomorrow afternoon Mrs. W. H. S. Itateman will entertain members of the Legan Pest at it tea In her home, 81.T1 North Bread street. The pest will hate Its regular meeting Thursday night in the Legifn Library. Themas K, peiliig for Apiil 20. Fnles Pest 108 is "Ladles' Nlghf pie-ler Somewhat closer te hand is the St. I ntrit-k s petty te be given Friday b. the members of Henry K. SchlmJt lest at e-j V, est Susquehanna avenue. The -Rajmond C. Their Pest 47 has 5 the dote of Its charter' banquet for rJ" rAh 2;'- ?no nft"nlr w"i ic i'cid iu the Camden Aunery. NEWOTfK EXCURSIONS Every Other Sunday 400 W ROUN0 TRIP Next r:ctirsien, March 19 ' m Bptclil train learss Headlnir nmll 100 A. M stepplnr at Columbia Ats . Huutlntden St., wtyps Junction, Letas and Jtnlclutevru, Returnlnr lesvn New Yerk. a"VeS,i?.t,y,",,l,,ab,,ty Tlekata msy It. ntirchand prier te list of Exclusion. Philadelphia & Reading Pat' V IL l U y.. v!bBScv:'S Id i t py jiblllllrVlMZpMsis-TB - .mmtmuasen ' I 17iiaVaSl9BBVIBBKw II I MAN ARRESTED SAYS GIRLS SHOW MORE THAN HE DOES - V i Women In Knee-Lengths Shocked at Seeing His Shin gilcase. Match M.-'Mntbe I did wicms. but I couldn't help ii." This ws the explanation made in euit jestenlay by Carl Sattler, nlm nd been nrrested en complaint of Mis. Abel Walluck, tvhe charged that Sat tley took tee much notice of Mis. Wnl lnck's two pretty dauglitcis. Mrs. A. L. Lenston, twenty, nnd Mellie Wnl lack, seventeen, in a street car. Sattley told the Court the young women were knee-length skirts nnd, as lie could plalny see, rolled stock ings "My attention was first attracted te this group," Sattlet told the .ludge. "when they began te leek nt me nnd eihange shaip remarks. Then till of n sudden the elder woman leaned for ward nnd shot her finger nt me. " 'A policeman ought te get jnu,' (he said. 'Your appearance is ' ills ciaieliil. r won't hate ihese innocent gills looking at such a disgraceful ex ex lilbitien.' " Mr. SJltiey looked down nnd Slis Slis ceveted tluil the cuff of one clunker lis had unwlcd up nbeut half nn intli ever the contact point et his gaitci, exposing a patch of his skin. lie blushed. "I nm sorry," he said. "Rut these jeung women with you are displaving mere thnn I am. Alse, I haven't com plained." DR. STRAT0N CONDEMNS "PULPIT PUSSY-FOOTING" In Open Letter Paster Calls for Mere Sensational Preaching New Yerk, March 14 .(By A. P.) In a letter uddresscd te "Discriminating New Yorkers," the Ilev. .lelin Hern li Straten, pastor of Calvary Baptist Church tedav pleaded for the over ever over tlnew of "pulpit pus.v-fe(itlng." and the ndoptleii of mere "seniatlenal pleaching." It was A in Dr. Strnlen's pulpil that Wlllium A. ItindeA, theatrical pieducer, iccently defended Uie meialn of the stage 'mil meving-iihtuiu studio. In open debate with the pastor. The Rev. Dr. Stuart MncArthur, piister emeritus, lerentlv withdrew from the congrega tion nfter criticising his successor for scusntienaiism. "There is no usb in trjltig le heal (lie enncer of sin with seething sirup, " Dr. Stiaten declared in his open letter, "nnd It is Idle te sprlnkle colegue wntcr upon the putt Id inqultlcs of a icbellieiis race. "With ten mlUiens of the human tace ettillt in nlltlmelv cinieu heenntn nf hiimuiiitj's hlii-. and war lust, and with such a tntm nulla of rilme nnd vlce and sliiiiin'icssiicfr ns .society lias never .new li before, suiclv some, nreiicliers nut needfil who will tliue te speak the ttuth at any hazard jcs. borne who will cry iileud nnd spare net, even though the nre (ninrtcrea in tne streets nnd' nailed Every time ydu walk through the Widener Arcade think of WILSON painting the great building above you with paints that will stand the test of time. Painters since 1851 ,2039 Arch Street M'RVCK 83;74I5?R RACK 4008-IUG7 Janet S. Wilien & Sen, Inc. u''r,vwJM "' BBEST COAL WE SERVE YOU .RIGHT Owen Letter's Sens tarsal Ceal Yard inPhilaitlph'ia TRENTON AVE. & WESTMORELAND ST. WRITE OR PHONE NOW ! Take Comfert Here is a shoe especially tlcbiijncd for your comfort that will add no ticeably te your vigor, poise and happiness. It is a goeti-lookiiifj shoe. It beats, a geed name, hon orably earned by the comfort that it has given te thousands of women. It is known as the Cantilever Shee. Unlike ordinary shoes, the rantilever v- Shee" IVemesi is niadfi with nn arch that Is flctlble IKe jour own arch Cantilever wedged heels keep the weight off the- Inslde of no feet, nnd llielr rounded tees fit both the new mode nnd our feet. The natural sole line en Cantilevers gives oil tee room without less of stjle What would It mean te ou te co lour way In shoes that eai-e every step ou take? Cnntllevers de tlilsj and mere they permit stienBthenlnj: exer exer exer ose of the muscles that stlrf-sh.inKed shoes cramp ; thev correct nnd prev ent weak-foet: nnd they nth! much (e our health, spirits and Italltv. Take com- Cantilever Shoes. Widths AAAA te n CANTILEVER SHOE SHOP 1300 Walnut Street Over Custard Office Cantilevers uie ulse en sale In nnirbr cltlesi AltoenA llemllieJm'a. J30J Kleventh Vv Asbury 1'aik liet Hhoe Ce.. J7 Cookman Camden ilurruu'a Shee Stele no ii?.ff.Bi. uaaii iv ....,. u..vv M.wiv, j.v 4ireauu.v llairUbuiB-Oiiibr'H. 24 N 3U at, , '' Jolinsteuii Xaiik-'e, 510 Main ,t. Lancuater tiey s, a.Kast King; t. einwenner;a, 43.' I'enn Sausr 'liVV. VUZ23S. Av. Muvycuei SJ JI" llntnlintr 6"i5JSniST,!...n?l. niwiMunni W, irsivnt 1 1 Tnn.en--!l. M. VnerhM ii acne) Specialists' in Smart Sportswear '.We Introduce the New $3 'Buster Brown' Jumper Sweater The "Latest Thing Out" wamkmw:,mmmknir:MwnmBmrr iiisjiii 1 1 -sjs i m-ts i , i ii im 5-r,n ' i i.,.T,Tr;".rr. wit -.a h zr z.v.r wVi . -w, . -.- t,x- .- l . .Tt ' ! ." - ----f-j----. - i .i. . : - - ' - - .im-.lmmmmim-t--ummmm0mmmm i i j - r. - . .. . J.. - aWtrTvKUXKrlllAV, SIAKCH la,.IU22. Wtem Opens 0 A. it. ClOaea 8180 SnellenburgS J ENTIRE BLOCK-M4L'r WTe2iaSTeETSf M m '"Xf'.'H fETv&'ix,. A'" "'wwyTwfi,lgB IS'ftiKiXJMLa $1.95 A pure wor sted jumper blouse in the favorite Peter Pan or Buster Brown style. complete with very smart cel lars, cuffs and belts of kid. In all the colors that will be worn this spring and in a com plete range bt sizes. Shown. AtTiftae . aV" aBBIBBlC v S1BIM V IBJI i; ' : : TnlW tft'1 W WL. 'Iliflffjy vfcJlr lsV iiiiiiH Full Line of Fiber Silk Sports Scarfs $2.95 te $6.50 Fiber silks, and worsteds with fiber silk trimmings in Reman stripes, cross bar effects and plain colors. The smart est finishing touch you can add te your spring street costume. bNCLLENBURflS Second Fleer "StylishSieut" Corsets Mean Smart, Youthful Lines for Every Large Weman This Spring Cheese your corset before- you aercct your gown or suit and be sure te select "Stylish Stout" te insure the trimmest, most youthful appearance and the greatest style in the "line" and "hang" of your clothes. Our Expert Cersetieres Will Gladly Give Yeu the Benefit of Their Knowledge as te the Medel Best Suited te Your Needs && $9 & $15 $7 W.B. Yquth-Line &A A A Reduse Corsets at. . v.W Medels fcr large figures; white ceutils. SNEELENBURCS Second Fleer Choice Quality $-2.50 Georgette Crepe at $1.39 Yd. A beautiful heavy grade in periwinkle, orchid, maize, orange, red, Copenhagen and every new spring shade. Alse white and black. Maline, Special afc..OEp Yd. In white and every color. milJX bNELLEHBURGS First Fleer Wonderful Sale of Towels & Toweling At Exceptionally Lew Prices 6000 Yds. 28c Crash Toweling, 1 g Yard Very heavy, bleached, absorbent, half linen Barnsley weave crash, with coleicd borders. 5000 Yards 35c All-Linen Crash 9K Toweling, Yard AOK Clese, firm, heavy, bleached, all pure Irish linen Barnsley weave crash with pretty colored borders. 45c Extra Fine Crash Toweling, QQ Yard Heavy pure Irish linen Barnsley weave crash with neat colored, ueruers. 60c All-Linen Huck Towels, Each Bleached, heavy, pure linen Huckabnck towels, all-white or with red or blue ber ders 'hemmed ends. 75c Pure Linen Huckaback Towels, Each All pure linen guest towels with damask borders; slze idxzh incnes. 35c Turkish Bath Towels, Each In fancy Jacquard weaves with hemmed ends; large slze. 49c Turkish Bath Towels, Each Thick, heavy, spongy Turkish towels in a geed large size; hemmed ends. 200 Dezen 60c Turkish Bath Towels, Each Woven from heavy two-ply Terry yarn, nil-white, large sizes and very absorbent. 4000 85c te $4 KQ te U9 rtf' Turkish Bath Mats OVK' O Washable Turkish bath mats in a large assortment of colors and patterns. Fast colors. Large sizes. SNELLEN QURflS First Fleer 39c 39c 19c 29c 39c Big Values in Our March Sale of Secial and Business Stationery Continuing Throughout This Week isi "3 c era '; $1.00 $3.00 Values, Te Order... Stationery Dies Any combination efVjnltlals. If ordering- by mall, please rIve num ber of die. Stamping Frem Dies On Stationery Purchased Here 72 Sheets for 85c BE H N m bb w &mwrwm I " " ... " '" ,Y. "j j Special Values in Pound Paper Hand-Leem Stationery The Beat Yeu Can Buy 75c for a Bex of 72 Sheets 25 Envelopes te Match. 30c Package Crest Leem Stationery, A Kg 72 Sheets for u" As heavy as hand loom, but net as snowy-white. It is a white paper, however, nnd comes with 25 envelopes te match at 22c package. New Imported Stationery, QPJc New arrivals geed writing paper many with lined envelopes scores of at tractive novelties. 39c Initial Stationery. 24 sheets of paper and 24 envelopes. jr-w-jM WhVJ BBBkSllBBSBBBISBSBBBBBBaaBSHBBHBiasaBI A Complete Line cif v mm. -w W'. smart new Jbenj Trouser Suits 1 Fer the High Scheel Student? Ready for Easter Selection M $18.50 $20.00 $23.50 $25.00 & $27.50 23c "Bosten Cabinet" Deuble Quantity at 69c Half Price Just 300 Bexes te Sell at, Bex Each box contains 24 sheets of linen paper, 24 geld beveled correspondence cards nnd 48 en velopes te match Vhlte and tints. Including the now-se-fashionable jrray. 19c 39c Boxed Stationery. Small let each box con tains one quire of paper and 24 envelopes. In white, blue, pink, violet and buff. Cor respondence cards included in the let. 50c Boxed Stationery for Yeung QQ Felks OUK" White only each box contains 24 sheets of paper, 12 correspon dence cards and S6 envelopes. A few pinks and blues without the cards. Same price. Fountain Pens Carrying the Same Guarantee as Our $5 Pens at $1.39 Each n They are 14 kt. geld - filled banded, guaran teed for 10 years. They have II. kt solid geld points. Lever self-fillers, with hand- rubbed, highly f polished barrels. I ; Geld clips erli- chatclalnc rings, ! Pen repairing en short notice. Bring your ailing Pens te our Docter. Mail orders filled promptly. Desk Pads suitable Extraordinary Engraving Prices Calling Cards en Best Stock Procurable 50 Cards and Plate in Script Lettering ."..,. 50 Cards and Plate in Shaded Old English 50 Cards from own plate 100 Cards from own plate ,.'..'.. Wedding Announcements and Invitations 100 Announcements from copper plate- script lettering 7 lines en geed stock 54xGi, plate marked, two envelopes 100 Invitations same style as announcements, 10 lines. Size uHn.C'?. two envelopes $1.50 Bosten Pencil Sharpener 95c Special i .51.48 . 2.95 . .79 . 1.45 $15 $19 ttt?SMhSJ)JBf ' If you prefer the Chi cago Automatic you mag have it at the same low price. Ne office complete wtheut sharpener. 100 In several sizes, for home or office. values double AQn 98c One let the price, at Anether let. Values up te $1.75 Blotters in Pastel Tints Only Ne dark green or blue in cluded. Sie 19x21. Hegu- lar 15c each Per Decn. . Chips Game Counter Choice of 2 Sizes First quality red, QK white and blue. . . . OtJC Playing Cards all qualities and prices Congress Cards Picture Backs fiQ Geld edge, pack.-i . UC Ivery, Bridge or CO, Pinochle, deck DJ7C A new assortment of tallies and place cards have just ar rived. at. Pntrifh Tfiltln nr I a! r , .-...,. .. i , i'u"s en aaie. aim nave a Typewriter Bend Paper 92xll Put up in 100 Sheet Pads, convenient for home br of- nce use. Specially Priced 1000 Sheets for aecend Sheets, 9x11 29c Cepjing 50c Japan Tin Cash Bexes 59c With Leck and Key, small size only. . . Small let Beard Files, origin ally marked te sell for up at9...Sp!dal.. 49c G'oed Assortment. Te Reduce Our Scheel Bag Stock We have included all Scheel Bags, formerly priced from S1.89 te $2.19. On sale while let lasts at one (J- m r? price M.40 fut aslde a few needs they won't atrnin se chean for future be offered bNELLENBURcS First Fleer Spring Sale of Heusef Urnishings $55.00 High-Grade Cabin, Gas 345 AtJUIIIjC With full 10-inch baking even nnd brelllnp even (he burners en top bold en Club Plan $75 Snellcnburg Special All-White Porcelain Finished Gas Cabinets ... . $59.95 lSiiiire Cabinet latise with cvliii riiie bnkliu,' and luellllnir evens, bold en Club Plan $1.." Aluminum Deuble Rice Beiler 5. leXJTTTfnT k 89cMUIQ $2.50 Aluminum $1 A G fi.nl. Khi JL'HkO $45.00 Hiah-Gradc Oak KUchcn $285() W 111 te enamel Ihilsh Interior. I d r a vv e r s white slidlns porcelain top, deep tleur bin. glass sugar jai a n d 4 spice jars. Sold en "lub Plan nfotsjei ll j rvS J HI L fin S "eg. 25.00 100-Pc. American Porcelain Dinner Sets at $12.98 $55 Leenard China-Dish Refrigerator Clean-as-a- $32.50 J npirrTfi TNj "Inte CDII1 is." rtTlM ,em"1 ("I Ij I cerne- s v I porcelain iyTi "hy. paneled TJJn JJ doei. Vy Sold en t lub l'lnn TliU U the i linippit anil best rririiteruter iinjnlirrr. $190.00 One-I'c. Leenard Clean-as-a-China-Dish Refrig erator $120 AU-whlte nercelaln Insldf nnd eutstdii ll n t'lnli l'lim 85c Aluminum Fry Ian 49c 75c Aluminum Ladles 25c $2.50 5-Ft. Felding Step Ladders, $1.89 80c Galvanized Wash Tub', 2 Handles, 55c $1.50 Galvanized Boilers With Cevers Wash 89c C3 mfmm Ira WTmOk lla aVKl IIiiiiIib1iiiiiiiiiiiB II i'M M iff5Hl II ssP"3bF II hk Seme Twe-Trouser Suits Included A splendid line of one, two and three button models, single and double breasted sacks. Alse a big variety of popular sports styles for spring. All top-notch suits from the standpoint of style, of quality and serviceability tai lored in accordance with the high Snellcn burg standard priced en our famous maker-te-wearer basis. Snappy Styles Built Along Zines Especially Adapted te the Re quirements of the High Scheel Bey of Woolens Specially Selected for Celer, Pattern and Durability SnellenburgS Third Fleer $1.25 New36-In. Center Pieces Stamped te Embroider at 85c ea. $1.25 18x54-In. Scarfs te Qr Match, Each Centerpieces of a beautiful white mate' rial, embroidered in all-white in a simple design combining lazy daisy stitch with Fiench knots. Unbleached Muslin Bed Spreads Stamped te Embroider . Special at $.35 With Bolster Throws te Match Spreads of excellent quality unbleached muslin, full size and stanmed in a design for French knot embroidery. A completed spread te show you hew effective the de sisn is. SNELLENBURGS Second Fleer Anether Big Sale of These Popular $1.25 MEL-O-DEE Player Piane Rolls At J0C Each Included are classics, marches, ualtxem and popular music. Phenomenal values! SnellenburgS Fifth Fleer Big Reductions in Music Rell Cabinets With Glass Doer Frent Priced for Tomorrow as Fellows. $49.50 Cabinet, Mahogany $35.75 54.50 Cabinet, Mahogany 39.75 59.50 Cabinet, Mahogany 45.75 64.50 Cabinet, Mahogany 47.50 69.50 Cabinet, Mahogany 49.50 84.50 Cabinet, Mahogany 59.50 (7) (1) (3) (3) (2) (2) SnellenburgS Fifth Fleer per- Ootnplcte service for 12 sons. Medallion border decoration $12.50 50-Piece Qn nr sets ao.ye fee"tle7saSflbOVe- Simper- $2.00 Light Cut-GIass Cracker-and-Cheese Dish or Handled Sandwich Tray, $1.00 Uore or daisy cuttlnp. St. Patrick's Dav Favers and Novelties In Wonderful Variety at . lcte$2.50Each Everything for table decoration and W, f?verf;-1 bonbons, snapping Mottoes, Shillelahs, Potatoes, Dells, Sliamrecks-aU sorts of entertaining and attiactiv new . ties at popular prices. SnflTenburgS Fourth Fleer U. S. L. 4-Cell 8-Velt Batteries Which Cost the Government $58.26 Each $2.25 Cut-Glass Ice Tea Sets.. $1.59 drape CUttlllR. nvereil Jltehct and six tumblers $3.50 7-Inch Oven Glass Fireproof j- q Round Casserole W !.!5 Copper llettum Oval Wtisli lleller.. $1.39 I U Wllh hiinti.f .... I WE.. N . ,,. ...nss ' WIIKs-narr H F. llnrrnv is T..kll. IB! " -- !, ,. 12.. . j . i. . S IIIS-"BS.n IW - MSSaiMkMHlMaMSaaBBBBBBBBBSBBBBBBBBSBBBBBBBBBBti!T OMDT T XIMmtny. . vi,- i !' -'j. r ii!. y i . w ,u- - t a. .1.. 'A! -" , - , -, . i mmmmwmwmmmwmm 4 . aLiuuijriii ni ki. x. s'aa whhh . fc'-a .yn&Xtt.L t-. V' ?- . y." TTtWv'!nn tr trK.w,.Mai.!. X&lxkSLiL m' ' " v . aSMBB I at $9.75 Each Hj U. S. L. . I,. In ill, inn!ide lu A,"Perc He"r. built for instal instal atien by the Government in battleships and transports. ' Fer wireless operators lighting hvh-tems-clcct.ic call systems-stoie window J splnyh heube and lawn illumination nSical t0rsranil train nioterboatH; ea. Sen wf u?lM-iM f7rm liKrhti' ln co un" tlen with Uelce systems. In fact, for evcrv electrical Kvery purpose. bnttery L'uatnnteeil. They can bt senLthcrgO1 nr hf0,V0niI,nul, 8U'm of Ne! sent C. O. D. Mail und phone orders filJi SNELLENBURGS Aute Supplies DmkJl , Third, nm'i SnellenburgS Third Fleer N. SNELLENBURGS CO. iVO.mY .Atffl&2&lZ&te.Ay.3.&t . .. ' ;v- a . .. . . :r .' .$Bsm& m&m i5 imam. imfmmm0m$ .( V M y V9!i fkmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmtmm Wjf tttttttttttttttttttttttttt i uy i ,i iilsasW. : ,"'"