u kX W'jWi?i THE WEATHER Rain fenlfht and Wednesdays some what colder XVtMniug, afternoon and evenings Imh shifting winds. TEMfKK.mTRt: AT BACH HOUR - .Ml . 40 148 10 111 I2 1 2 B 1 4 B" WYae m 102 53 fajentne $lubltc WzbQzt NIGHT EXTRA m m VOL. VIII. NO. 155 Entered, as Bocend-Clais Matter at the Poitefflca at Philadelphia, Pa. , ' Under Mia Act of March 8. 1BTB- . PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, MARCH 14, 1922 Published Dally Except Sun.lay. Subscription PrW in n. Year by Mall. CepyrlsM, 1022, by Publle Idr Company PRICE TWO CENTS 3 IN ARE HELD IN ROBBERY OF IE BANK MESS NGER Man Who Declared Aute Was Stelen by Bandits Put Under . $5000 Bail WOUNDED PATROLMAN CITED AND MAY BE PROMOTED Morien Lepez, 212 Seuth Eighth itrect. nnd Jehn Vitnngc, 720 League rtrect, were held without ball today ns two of the bandits who held up two messengers of the Southwestern Na tional Bank yesterday afternoon nt Bread and Hedman streets, and robbed them of $13,500. They will be given a further hearing when Patrolman Larry Butler nnd Wil liam McCafferty, of the Twelfth and Pine streets station, shot by Vltange when they arrested him in n poolroom it 027 Lembard street, arc able te appear against them. Jacob Wiener, SIkth street near Itltner, who reported the theft of the car which the bandits used in their bold held-up wns arrested also and held in $5000 bail for n further hear ing because his driver s license was without signature. The three men were given a hearing by Magistrate O'Brien at the Twelfth and Pine streets station. TJie two ban dits were amply identified by a dozen witnesses, patrolmen nnd ethers, who were positive they were concerned In the held-up. Jehn Smith and Stanley Jehnsen, Xegrec9, 1)10 Seuth Juniper street, said they saw Vltangc hit McGirr en the jaw as he dropped from the machine te the pavement. After the hearing Lepez and Vitange were taken te City Hall and "steed up" before the detectives. Captain Seudcr sent out his force te bring in all persons, victims of hold ups recently, te try te identify the two. Lepez was arrested in 11)17, record show, for assault and battery, but the charges were, withdrawn. Statements Contradicted The car used by the bandits' was found late last night abandoned at Lawrence and Spruce streets. It bore tht license number 111,607. Wiener declared it was stolen when he left it at neon at Fifteentli and Ititncr streets, lit said he had reported the theft te the pe'.lcc of the Fifteenth street and Snvilnr nvefeue itntlnn.. nt nhnuf .1 ) o'clock,' wliehWc discovered it was intaafnir ftm Police contradicted that Statement. MTinr ;tte theft; wMfc-jaaJwtaUintll 4 e clock. It was thst-circumstance and ..(he fact that his license papers did net appear te be regular that led te his being held for further investiga tion. The btery of the held-up was told graphically at the hearing. llebert McUirr, bank tunner who was robbed and then thrown from the running beard of the car, was unable te appear. He Is Improved, but still is In Heward Ify's pltal, He has a long gash in the scalp ynd concussion of the brniu. Ne doubt is expressed of his recovery. The iebt important witness was uorden Heed, eighteen cnrs old, n messenger employed by the bank, who M with McGirr. Heed TellVjtlls Story "It wai about 1:20 o'clock," sa'id Heed. "McUirr and I were walking tip Bread street, McGlrr with the money wrapped in paper under his arm. He was carrying the money that way e as net te excite suspicion. When we came te Hedman street we saw an automobile, a touring car with the cur- iins in position and one of the doers Srtly enen. hflcklnir nut it Timlinen trect. There w.ere two men en the sidewalk, nnd I think two men in the cr. though we could net see in very well. "The car backed in front of us and we stepped. As wq.dld se one of the Be? W "lc hldcwnlk dashed against ins rul threw me up ngninst the fence. Then both grubbed McUirr, ene pulling end the ether pushing him, nnd n mnn leaned out of the car nnd grabbed him. Miey drugged him up en the running Showman's Widow HRj&jjfjKv "?& tWJaFfr .bbbbbbbI aRUa;jaaJagaF Kl'TBHaflKLLV Mk,' :U".;; '.-' ,;' bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbW A bbPbbbbHIb BBBnSiliBBBBBBBBBB Mrs. Theodere Jehn Bninen, wImm husband was shot te death In their home at Riverside, N. J.. last Friday I l ward and tried te Ket him Inte the rnr. Tile machine had stepped, and the ;. .er, t,1,liftcd ''is gears quickly and Murtcil down Itedmnn street. McGirr was en the running beard. He had put iK.ut out in WUCM way that they ii .. ' 1I1,U hlm int0 the car He kept iiflitlng and tried te held onto the pack He of money, but tlicy took It from "n. Uie cur was some distance down eUman street when I saw McGirr fnll "the bticct. He lay stunned for u A IllCat truck wna imc.iiiir nnL euth en Bread street. They saw the r running awny, and turned down Wman street after it, the driver cut ng loose with his siren and keeping u up Evidently they thought McUirr i .1. F" run evor wliei they saw him "the street. They kept close behind l.Yi,0Ur . K ?nr nn', t ene tIn,e it looked though they could have bumped Inte it they were se close. Patrolman Gives Alarm "I ran ever te the patrolman en the uJ iri.?nd,t0,d Mm' B,cGirr t p with bleed streaming from a, cut ! head. We went up te him and Put his arm en my shoulder. The li . "J?" ne'Pcl him, nnd we took him P te Bread street, where the patrol Kt . P',eU nn ni'toinebile and we took "'M te the hesnital. The patrolman h..i jun ever te the bonk at Bread and Beutk streets, when I told him what HE HAD A "SWEET LINE," SAYS VICTIMIZED ACTRESS Rube Geuet Held' In Ball Charged With Bilking 8tagefelk Rube Geuet, alias Edward Devcrc, and known by many jOthcr names, al leged swindler of actors nnd actresses through bogus publicity schemes, who was arrested last night In Keith's The atre, -was held in $800 bail today by Magistrate Ceward. Recently n pollce flyer was sent out, nnd Geerge M. Yeung, manager of Keith's, had a geed description of Geuet. Mr. Yeung recognized him when ie entered the -theatre and asked for Florence Walten, dancer. Yeung get In touch with Miss Walten' nnd the two arranged te detain him until offi cers arrived. Geuet is charged with flimflamming members of the actors' profession out if hundreds of dollars while pqsjng some times as representative of a new service, staff photographer of a prominent daily newspaper, or at ether times as an em em peoye of a publisher of theatrical magazine. "That boy sure has a sweet line;" says Dorethy Fuller, who. is playing nt the Garrick Theatre. "He knew my history since my birth. Knewing that I am a professional swimmer, lie pro posed te tuy a tank and put me en In a small headllner. lie charged me $100." RESCUE MAN FOUND LYING JN MIDST' OF. FLAMING BED Flrerriert Blame Hit Custom of Smek Jng After Retiring William Bell, fifty-five years old, 810 iNertn Kievcntn street, was carried from his home by firemen at 0 :30 o'clock this morning after they had taken him from his blazing bed in nn unconscious state. Engine Company 20. Tenth and But- tonweod streets, responded te nn nlnrpi lurneu in ey neignoers, wne suw smeKe pouring from nn upner window. TIipv rnn upstairs and found Bell's bed burn ing briskly and its eccupnnt apparently asleep in Its midst. In reality he ns overcome by smoke. He was wrapped in a blanket bv fire men, who carried him down a ladder te the back yard, where he was re vived. It i thought the fire originated through Bell's custom of smoking in bed. ' . BRUNEN SLAYER . USED CAR STOLEN IN PHILADELPHIA Aute Abandoned at Hammen- ten, N. J., Taken Frem Juni per and Vine Streets ARRESTS ARE EXPECTED WITHIN FORTY-EIGHT HOURS SCHEAFFER ASSETS $8068 Liabilities Are Listed at $151,841 in 8chedule Filed Assets of the Simen -Schenffcr Com pany, stock brokerage house that failed seme weeks age, are placed at $8068.23, while liabilities are listed at $151, 841.71, in the schedule filed today by Benjamin II. Lcltcrman. attorney for the receiver, with Jehn M. Hill, referee in bankruptcy. Anether reclamation mectinc in the Chandler Brethers & Ce. failure 'will be held in th office of Mr. Hill March 28. At this meeting persons who hnvc claims upon any of the securities found in the hands of the bankrupt brokerage house wJll be enabled te file claims. If valid, the Court will order the secur ities turned ever te them. This is one of a series of similar meetings that have been held. GIRL NEEDS $250 A YEAR Clothing Budgets ln'jepeka and Chicago Toe Lew for New Yerk New Yerk, .March 14. (By A. 1.) It costs New Yerk girls nt least $2e0 annunlly te clothe themselves properly, members of the League of Girls' Clubs announced today. Today's report, filed nfter the working girls composing the league hnd answered a questionnaire en the subject, declared that Topeke nnd Chicago estimates arc tee low for New lerK. A recent report of the findings of Topeka merchants declared thnt SS2 was a fiumcient dress allowance for a working girl. Chicago girls later re ported they could dress properly en $117 annually. TO RUSH CONVENTION HALL Property Owners Must. Move te Make Way for Building Werk The first tanglble sten toward the convention hall construction was taken today by Mayer Moere. He ordered Director Cnvcn te Immediately notify the residents of the block bounded by Eighteenth, Nineteenth, Vine and Weed streets te vacate their properties within ninety days in order that the buildings may be demolished te mnke way for the hall. The Mayer railed attention, In his letter te Director Cuven, that the work en the hall jnust be started ut ence in order thnt it may be completed In tlme for the Sesqul-Centcnnlul. Virtually $11,000,000 Is available for the construction work. DO YOU WANT A USED AUTOMOIllI.Kf The motorcar believed te hnve been tised by the slayer of Theodere Jehn Hruncn. wealth v showman shot te death in his Riverside home last Friday, was Identified today as one stolen from Juniper nnd Vine streets, this city, about ten hours before the murder. The nutomebllc, bearing Pennsylvania license tag 210187. was abandoned "at Hammonton, N. J., en Saturday nt neon by three men who ilea en feet after the car crashed Inte a pole. Alexander Tittlcmun, of this city, went te Hammonton today with Detec tive. Qulnn. of Cantnln Howler's staff jtnd identified' the machine. The license tag did net belong te him and pre sumably had been switched from another stolen car. Parker Gets "Het" Tip A mysterious "tip." described ns n "het" one, was received by Detective Ellis Parker today from n town in Pennsylvania near Philadelphia. Parker sent a State trooper and a detective te run down the tin immediately. Detective Parker nnd Prosecutor Kelsey also have requested the police of the entire country te leek for Geerge Werner, the circus cnei. "who was dis charged by Bruncn nt Christmas time, The report that lie hnd turned up In, New lerk nnd given n complete niiDi is denied by the New Jersey authorities. Werner bought a gun December 15 ht William8ten, te sheet rabbits, but re turned it after five days' trial, saying it was unsatisfactory and he would get another. Werner was last seen a week age In Philadelphia. ' The local pe'icc are look ing for him nt Detective Parker's re quest. Anether rlue from Philadelphia was put In Prosecutor Kelscy's hands today by Chief Veshcll, of Riverside. It was a letter from this city, bearing no signature, which descrribed .two men who were seen frequently near Brunen's home, including the day of the murder. Burlington County detectives arc checking up today en the movements of uaymend Kertman, of Wllllamstewn, who left a twelve-sauce shetsun last Thursday atiJehn Jeseph's poolroom In TYtirauldn TnrfmAn nnlll n 41... weapon Friday afternoon several hours before Brunen was killed. Kertman Advances Alibi Kertmnn gave detectives whetwsw regarded as a water-tight alibi. He was taken te Brunen's show nt Wll Wll llmstewn, but none of the circus -empeoyes could identify him. He ex plained his gun had been nt Browns Mills nnd thnt he went down after it Thursday. Kertmnn lias two brothers in River side. Frank nnd Harry, but they were unable te ledge him Thursday night, se no went te a longing nouse in the ber eugli "PafKelleytOne-iManArms Parley, Slashes U. S. Navy Congressman Would Complete Werk of Wash ington Conference by Withholding Funds for Auxiliary Warships By CLINTON W. GILBERT ' 1 Spfflnl CeiTfupenilent F.nlhit rnbllc Ledger , . CotvrteM, Hit, VU Public Ltdgcr Cempanu Washington, March 14. The Heuse Sub-Committee en Nnval Appropria tions Is taking the navy mere completely into Its hands than the sjmllnr Com mittee en Military Appropriations has taken ttle army into its hands. Rep resentative Patrick II. Kelley, of this committee, is a little disarmament con ference nil by Himself and Is doing the work which the Washington Conference left unfinished. He is" planning appropriations for what he calls a "treaty navy." The ednference failed te limit submarines and auxiliary emit. Mr. Kelley and his' committee arc going te limit them all by themselves, simply withholding money for mere destroyers nnd cruisers than they think necessary te complete a licet with the battleships allowed by the nnval treaty. This Is another example of hew Con gress, through the control of funds, is reaching out te dominate the Execu tive. Mr. KeUey's Navy Mr.'KclIey's treaty navy will consist of eighteen first -class battleships, the number nllewed by the five-Power treaty, 103 destroyers, eighty-four sub marines and a number of cruisers net yet determined. The number of destroyers was reached by allowing the Vnlted Slates five for every three that Japan possesses. The eighty-four submarines arc all that the United Stntes new possesses, which arc slightly mere than is necessary for the five-three ratio. The United States has new mere thnn 800 destroyers, a number out of nil pro portion te the number of battleships provided for in the naval treaty nnd much larger than would be built if the country were building them today. They art) virtually all new and in the ab sence of nn nercement among fhc na tions it is difficult te Induce the navy te retire nny of them from service. They cost 4lnst year mere than 75,000,000 te maintain and operate. "" Denby Rounds It Out After Mr. Kelley had finished his re duction of the destroyer licet, lie handed it te Secretary Denby with the request te round it out with auxiliary nnd small craft sufficient for n navy of this size. Mr. Denby did se nnd en the basis of Mr. Kellcy's treaty navy estimated a personnel of O.'l.OOO men te man the vessels. - Mr. KeUey's knife cuts deeper. He Is our best disarmament man. He cut Mr. Dcnby's 53,000 te 50,000 nnd then Continued en I'aKC Tne, Column Nix GHOST QUEST E NDS REPORT I AWAITED Dr. Prince, Preparing State ment, Declares Data Obtained Justifies Antigonish Trip KEPT LONE VIGIL IN HOUSE Bv W. G. REES ' Kdlter HHllrnx Herald Halifax, N. S.. March 14. Dr. Wal ter Franklin Prince, secret purveyor of one of the world's greatest secrets, ar rived in Halifax last night from Cale donia Mills, where he spent n week In "the interest of science." In his notebook the scientist lias the fjamjiwerk, jjf Jhejepert which he hopes te"bulld up witnlrt flip next few hours. In his hand satchel he carried Ills spook-evoking apparatus. If one could peer into their secret nnd sacred In wards, one would knew what the world wants te knew: "Did it register n spook?" Before retiring last night Dr. Prince authorized the Halifax Herald te nn TREATY TEST VOTE TO BE TAKEN TODAY . W. W. CHIEFS PLAN BIG RUSSIAN PLANT .S. Remance Fades WITHU WORKERS "Bill" Haywood Heads Syndi cate te Operate Iren Works and Mines in Urals WILL SEEK 6000 SKILLED WORKERS FROM AMERICA, By the Associated Press Moscow. Mnrch 14. Willlnm D. ("Big Bill") Haywood bends n group of American I. W. W. men te whom Premier Lcn'lnc has granted n conces sion te operate the big Nndcjdinkv Iren Werk's in the Ural Mountain region, part of the ;coal mines In the Kesnetz basin nnd auxiliary fnrterites. (Hay wood disappeared from the I'nited States last year while under $65,000 bail -nfter he and about nlnetv ether I. W. W. men had been convicted of espionage and conspiracy nguinst the Government in the war. He has since taicen some part in the deliberations of tne xiiird Intornntlenale. nt Moscow). It is stipulated that 4S00 fully qualified American workers with a tech nical personnel shall he brought te Russia te operate the properties nnd that each of them must purchase ?100 worm ei tools or instruments for his l own equipment and sign an undertaking te observe nil the Miles of the Soviet labor cede. The announcement stntes that the i Government has ns-dgned S300.000 toward financing the undertaking. It is tilse te provide weed te build homes for workers and assign 27,000 acres of land for agriculture. The American work men arc te be organized into a trade union association. The whole production of all these ' flntlAAuuInn i I.. .. j At i. strength Of Senate Factions which undertakes te supply the work-i men with n ration mid nllew thpm nnrt. of the production ns necessary menus te carry en further work. The agreement is te held for two years. If the workmen desire te leave Russia earlier, the Government is te as sist theill te return In thplr rnnnlrr after they have handed ever te the BBaTaTaTaTaTaTafJB'''laBalaTaTaTaV BaaaW ''SnaaH laaPf'.aB iBBBBBBV ' ; , ;' alK; ills ii ke9t a i .? ,i. ', fj f F-" Vjg afafMSaiiRa'di;' :; mmLJM iJ x - 'J&jflaTaTaVV , ' BaaTaTaTaTaTaTM rf&ii r ?VV?y iff, -i T S A, jfc, ' ' '', V "!l V ' 1. 'i ' ' ' ( v-'-j,:,",. .. ..' i',l i,i.i.:..-i.,.'it VfiS tx an TINKERS SUMMON CRITICS BONUS i'.- "v O. ti.J.r.J...Ax.s. ty'KLZ-'' w,' . mmf:. m ' K ,., 4At . . rr. . Tr.JTO ' 'w WWTKti S.. t.j.s"!.- fW .. J s ' i Sit ' -. - - S t " fSt v.w 'L. 'Vevw MF" 'v A j A. V.f i t- V,W mmmrfCZZZ,.- ASrwrrts. v 'Vv ' .MARGARET .MATZENAUER MATZENAUER LOSES 100 P. UjUSBAND Fermer Chauffeur, te Her a "Real Man," Couldn't Bear Life of Luxury OF LOAN AFTER CLASH Committee Vetes, 13 te 11, te Hear Mellen, Crissinger and Governer Harding PUBLIC SESSION IS HELD; "CHANGES ARE DEFEATED By flic Associated Press Washington, Mnrch 14. Secretary Mellen. Comptroller of the Currency rrlsslnger nnd Governer Harding, of the federal Kpsnrve Jieunl, will be asked ' te uppenr in-fore tin- Heuse Wus nnd .Menus t'einiuittup this ufternoen te glvn i further statements with regard te the bank lean prevision f the soldiers . bonus. Chuirmn'ii Fordney said the bill would he reported out as seen us the three of- , lleials hnd been lienrd and thnt he did net think the measure would be nmended any further. The motion te enll fir the thtec Ad ministration officers was made by Rep resentative Garner, of Texas, the ronk renk In? Democrat, nnd was ndepted 13 te, li nfter-what was described ns n sharp s-JH V51. heven Reinibiienn joined witli sit Democrats i In etiiig in the affirmutlvei tlie Hepiibllcnns were I.ougwerth, Til son. IJaehanwh. Trcndway. Watsen, r,eunir und Mett. Twe Democrats. J ague ,,nd Cnruw, voted against the motion. Calls Statements Conflicting I-ii announcing thnt Secretary .Mel .Mel eon, Governer Harding and Comptroller rissmger would appear before the DIVA WANTS HIM BACK made one an- Expected te Be Shown in Ballet en Amendment WILLIS SUPPORTS PACT nmmr.n tl.n ftnfft Ivl.fr.W lin Im.l stl.f a (.....1 He snid he left the rnn nt ilie!. in,in,.tn mmiu trn, .. n,e ...m poolroom rather than take it te the LCnt te justify his trip te Neva Scotia. l0fe reSef.... .,., vMm-.. .,..- Tl'e dnta. he said will greatly extend Detective Cain snid Kertmnn's shot- gun is numbered .'JO.S'JU and that it i complete. Tlie number docs net cer- Continued en Pae Twentr-flve. Column 1'lTe FILED YOUR TAX REPORT? Tomorrow la Last Day Better Get Busy Tomorrow is the last day en which you can file your Income tax return if you would escape n heavy pcnnlty. The corridors in the Federal Building arc crowded three deep with people who arc anxious te settle up their ob ligations with the Government. Extra clerks arc en hand and several long tables have been placed In the corri dors at the disposal of the people. Collector of Internal Revenue Blukely D. McCaughn said today he wns-pleascd with the filing of the returns, although he expects the sum collected for this year will be materially lower than last year. Mere than 500,000 Income tax blanks have been sent out in this district. It is expected that many of these will be returned. The biggest rush, of course, will ceme tomorrow. The office will be open to night and tomorrow night. the records new en file in the offices of the American Institute of bcientitic Up search, New Yerk. Dr. Prince said that of all the 400 cases he had previ ously investigated the Caledonia Mills case was the most mysterious. His re port, 'he sa'id, seen will be completed. Kept Lene Vigil In Heuse It was learned from the ether mem bers of the Prince expedition thnt the scientist spent the night alone in the house of mystery. The ethers were nl'ewcd te go te the Beyle homestead after dark. They gave pledges that they would keep their lips sealed nnd they have done se. Last night they refused te see nny one, going directly te their homes. They did net even approach the effice of the Halifax Herald. While. members of the Herald staff, they nre still under Dr. Prince, and until he rclenses them they will net return te their newspaper duties. The party left Calodenm Mills at 7 o'clock yesterday morning. They arrived at Antigonish at neon nnd then left for Halifax. Crowds were nt the various stations along the Canadian N'ntin,,i Railway line. Reporters went up the line te meet the party, but without Washington, Mnrch 14. The first Is sue of the Senate fight ever ratification of the Four-Power Pacific Treaty will be decided today when a vote is taken en the amendment proposed by Sennter Robinson, of Arknnsns. Unanimous consent for a vote en the amendment nt 4 P. M. wns given bv the Senate yesterday en the proposal of Sennter SwnilKOll. of Vireinia. nftpr nn nll.ilnv nttack en the treaty In which Sennter .innnsen, et t niiternin, and Hernh Idaho, took the lead. As modified yesterday by Sennter Robinson, his amendment provides that the rights of nntiens. both in nnd out of the four-Power ereun. are te lm in spected, and that non-signatory as well By the Associated Press San Kranrlsce, March 14. Margaret Matzennuer, famous diva, apparently has lest her ehnuffeur husband, whom she termed "100 per cent man." The husband, Flejd Gletzhach, hns come back Je his job at the Del Mente committee today in open session. Chair- nan i er.iney said it had been decided ' "n inviii occnuse tney had -iiiieineius conflicting with ether." M . as en'l.Mi'nns Commute toted down n motion te reinsert the wish feature of the bonus and te re re lmpest. the excess profits tux and nn nn ether motion te restore the wartime in come surtax rate of 05 per cent. These were said te hnvi Iipph tlm ....i.. i rtant amendments brought up nt this ie lirst mcctlnS of the entire committee ports Hi.. stntc'tlic works nnd factories that had 1IO,Pl "erP ""ring tourists nueut. , te consider the bill. iiip installations ami instruments A year age lie took .Mine. Jlatzenauer immediately nfter the Heuse con brought from abroad. ellt for drje for lllre shc bnt en , vened discussion en the measure was , New Yerk. Mnrch 14,-(By A. P.)- ! front fcpt with him. hotter te c-! Jiew RenubuIZ1 MrT"1'.!0 A2 II. 8. Calvert, one of the men nsseein ed joy the scenery. Later came the en- Sd nan" eus .enM-n'01;:'"8' ?' ffae'ns, Zrite-nioe !?.nd -? U'tT works nnd coal mines in Russia, snv. I "'" tne l"ving wneei. "' "' l" inemeers of lie'Wii.VH nnd that a -party of engineers nnd tech- The San "Francisce Examiner today' nicians will seen leave for Russia te prepare the way for 0000 American workmen. Calvert, like the ether cnnrpsvlnnnipn of W n member of the T. W. W.. nnd was lerim-ny n fei-ennm In the Ferd nuto nute nuto mebile jdnnt nt Detroit. TV ether in the group of conces cences s enalrex. Calvert eid. arc Themas Bnr.scr and I). Buyer, who are well Known m 1. . V. c re .w in tli! ns signatory nations shall be invited te i country, but'nronev in Russia with any conference held te cetmMer mnim. versles nffecting insular interests In the Pacific "or nny Far Eastern questions." Administration leaders said they were assured of sufficient votes te defeat the amendment which, until Senater Rob inson's speecli yesterday favoring its adoption in the Interest, he snid. et Russia, China, and ether non-signnterv lint Ions-, had been touched nn Imf llttln tin the Senate debate. i lie amendment, if adopted, vlrtuallv would destroy the treaty as signed at the Washington Conference. While the vote en the amendment will net necessarily be identical with the vote en ratification the result will afford a sufc indication In that direction. In response, he said, te "a large number of telegrams from Youngstown. O., protesting ng.iinst the four-Power treaty," Senater Willis today issued the following statement: "The four-Power pact creates no nl liance. It encroaches In no way what ever upon the seveielgnty of the United States. It is based en civilized public opinion nnd net iinen for if i n,- longest step toward peace and mutual I nm' ,,ene et understanding in a thousand tears, und! 'l'he l'r' 1 shnll support it." ' ashore in ti Hnywoed. and C. IT. Rutgers, a native of Helland, wiie has been identified huh uie x. v . u . movement in the uniicii eintes. Under the terms of the concession, Calvert said, the Soviet Gevei nment will collect n retenue of 7 per cent from the properties, nnd reserves the right te commander approximately .0 per cent of the colony's output of coal. Iren nnd machine products, for w hldi it agrees te give the workers credits with which thev can purclinse ether sunn ins. Tim r. gives Glotzbach's reasons for leaving his bride In New Yerk : "I'd rather be a chauffeur in-California than te dwell forever in the pal aces of Babylon." he snid. It would seem (tletzbnch 'was forced te let nnether man drive his wife's automobile. "It would drive nnv man crazy te sit back among the cushions and squirm every time he felt the backlash of the transmission, when all it needed wns n real mechanician." the icperter quotes. Neither did (Sletzhucli enjoy break fasts in lied. Ner did sitting up night nfter night through Bruennhilde's bat- tlecry appeal te an ear ntruned te tin t ..leans i einmittee and also the Heuse. iiiKing tiiat mere be Included in the "onus Bill n prevision for ndjusted compensation for the Immediate rela tives of service men who died during. tk war or hevelled since tlttimc. Garrett Quizzes Meudell Representative Garrett, the Demo cratic leader, asked that Representa tive Mendell, the majority leader. In form the Heuse when the bill would be taken up and in what manner it was l be considered. Mr. Mendell said he t neught accurate Information us te these points could be given fur enough in iiinnncu te give absent members time te return. licnrc-tptifntici, r:n.i.AH i.n.. .t..i .1... hum of a smoelli-t mining meter. A u 1. ......... . r ..'".' l" " "?''-" i"" The reporter sajs Clet.bacl. told l,iu, ' X. 7, ' i", V l 1 ","" tl,e , -1lal' there hnd been no friction; that the s s; ,ie of e ',i; ir'1',? "iU'r, chauffeur husband just "escaped" when ' H les lf " Neuker his bride was net loeking: that he will ... ','" euld BMk hlm for net go back. .Madame .Matzennuer. it is said, wants her husband back. There Is talk of compromises from New Yerk. ."I"-r'Jie,.-nil1' Is, t,( 1,,,J lpft te Hii'ibut unlistened te. sUJs Gletzbnch. ,...Biu ui.ijiu-,1! 01 ns tiiey see lit. I After this murrlngp Mine. Mntzen-,,,--,. . . . I nuer said her first innrriage, te Ferrari HARDING GOES A-FISHING rentnna. failed because of artists' tein- pcnuueiir. nne wnnteii a man, ne neacnes Palm Beach Back te St. i Augustine Today ! said. C Iter lemnnrn. as responsible Continued en Pase Twenty. tire. Column Six Champien Leng-Distance s Optimist Wins at Last Harry Greismer Has Asked Daily, "Has the Lim'rick Guy Been te See Me Today?" ftaUeueu en rie Twenty-flve, Column Three AURM DRIVES OFF THIEVES M.rket Street Factory Entered, but ' m, Loet la Left Behind Xh eves broke Inte the three-story tulld hig at 312 Murget street last night M were ready te take nway ?gee Mnnfn0f.B0,0lls,r0m the "efman Cerr iriufacturlng Company nnd N. Myers uurgiar alarm scared (U.I. .11. ... .. bVi , .,"".'. ""v '" mrce r-. .u ruu 1110 iienman lactery. Li. r1 M we'fld seEHh F!l,f?., U-tU " "' sep 'theT Kit Ergilnle u teulS f werlv,i 5e wche in tell, 200. jTiv, In Us Caw en nasi 37 and 2J, Adv, real honest' Untcr nn optimist! to-geodncss op timist who hns been sure that he would win a Llm'rlcU. Kncli night ns he entered the house, almost his first words li a v 0 been, "Well, was the lilm'rick guy here today 7" . He is Hnrrjr Greismier, twen-ty-twe years old, und lives in Hlkins Park. His completed Lim'rick Is im .'.lima . HAiinv amsisiiEii LIM'RICK NO. 27 There once was a glrlle named Tliayer Who complained site had nothing te (tear; But she dressed all the while III the most extrcnv i.tv! . leaves came in vogue, she'd be A I: 'mm.. SB '"y t '-SJl Bafla. ' ' KswKkWumWk. Ial m.M'JsiU BaBBBBBBBBBBaaBBBaH " JLbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI star, n nice bbiny I.im'rick star, and t just gees te prove hew wise n thing that is. Mr. Greismer sent In lets et answers in the Inst I.im'iick contest and was mentioned en the ballet. This time, tee, he has been hurrying home ut night se ns te get off his answer. He is quite a curtoentst and frequent ly sends in his answers decorated with frills und furbelows. Before the war, nnd for a time nfter his return te this country, he was employed en a morn ing newspaper! With Company C of the Fifty-seventh Engineers, lie1 served fourteen months, thirteen of which were spent en the. nlltn. ..In 1TI.!I .1. ... . W...W e.uv. i) iiuu mere, a History the company wns written ami MZ urcismcr illustrated it. His fellow sol diers little recked that they wcru rub bing elbows with and eating the same funny old checse with seme ene who would prove te be u I.lm'rlck celebrity. When In school he attended tha Centra High Scheel Mr. Greismer ditbbled n bit in cartoon work also. But recently he has put his art temporarily en the shelf, se te speak, nnd is new u sales agent for the Better RrusW Company In the Liberty Bulldlnir. P0G0 GIRL QUICKLY TIRES OF SCHOOLBOY HUSBAND Has Sent Him Away and May Seek Annulment, Grandfather Says New Yerk, Mnrch 14. (fiv A. l) Annulment may -be sought of the mar riage in Milferd. Conn., hist week of Geneva Mitchell, seventeen-' ear-old Broadway cheius girl, te Rebert Sav. Jige, twenty years old, wealthv school boy, who is preparing for Yale. S- ,W- Rice, the girl's grandfather, stated today that her mother. Mr. ernn Mitchell, probably would stun nn action this week te have the cere mony set nsidn nn the ground that both parties were under age. Mr. Rice also confirmed a report thnt the jeung couple separated last Satur day niBht and that the next day Siinge started for La Jolle, Calif., te sec his mother. "It's n mystery te us whv Geneva ever married him." said Mr. Rice. "The day nfter they were married her uncle nccempnnied her te eung Savage's apartment in his hotel for dinner, when she told him she didn't think she cuie.l enough for him te llve with him." Miss Mitchell, according te tin: n -pert of the separation, allowed Savage te see her te her grandfather's apart ment, where Nhe hud been making lnv home even after her marriage, ami when hey reached the deer, handed him he' it any 5eife "K Hlm U,,,,,,t wni,t I'alin Beach, Flu.. March 14. (Bv A. P.) President Hnrding airhed here nt 10 o'clock this morning aboard the McLean houseboat and bearded a fish ing smack for a short tMiing trip. The houseboat was anchored In Lake Werth the part came, ashore. Ident and Ins pmv mine me for a niernlii" jame of pill ami luncheon at ihe ienise hep hep ef Mr. McLean. Thev will beniil a tiniu for St Augustine into teua. . TJie nntilhesi tuent theory is hintei ler the wrecK el the new (iletzbach. a s.fnet comments : "Orchids will thrive in hethniisi vvilil mustuul needs California sm reintuice. Westerner, but Truck Qverturns, Driver Injured Laurel. Del.. Mnrch 1 1 When the stierint; gear of l.ls truck broke en the in Pout hieiiwn.v. il miles treui Selb.vville this nierniiig. .lean Mct'nbe wns pi.b.ibl.v I'at.illi tn mi when tin uir overturned, piiinim; hii undei- it He was taken te the .Milferd Hospital. piinxi I den t think that a fair question I nm called upon te answer at this time, replied Mr. Mendell. KeproseiituiivifGarrett suggested that the Heuse adjourn se members could attend the committee m-shIeh this nftcr "10."". but Mr. Mendell -nh he did net think the IIeue should neglect the business before it. Meinl.ers who de sired te de se nere ,lt hbertj te nt teiiu the bearing, Mr. Mendell said. Itcpiesentnthe Gainer told Mr. Gar rett that the open heariin; was in order , becnuse there was a suttbuiit number of members of the committee who de sired information tn send for Secietnrr Mellen, .Mr. CrissnSer und (iovirne'r 1 larding. ' It was done of pietest he added, "ever th-5 some (ominlttcenien." EAST0N, PA., ADOPTS DAYLIGHT SAVING EASTON, PA March 14. Daylight saving was unanhueubly adopted today by City Council. BRITISH COMMISSIONER TO PALESTINE ILL JERUSALEM, Mnvcli 14. Considerable anxiety is felt iu of ef flclal circles here ever the continued illne.s of Sir Herbert Sam uel, British high commissioner for Palestine. Ou the advice of Dr. Albert Bisklnd, his physician, formerly of Clevelaud O. a ba iolegist and a ceusultlug physician have been summoned fiolyahe te the high commissioner's bedside at Government Heuse en the Mount of Olives. GIRL WHO JUMPED FROM DODGE'S CAR BADLY HURT Yeung Weman Student In Hospital With Fractured Skull Kalamazoo, Mkh.. March 14. Miss Lmiueline Kwnkeriieek, nineteen. jenr jenr eld Western State Neimnl student, in jured when she jumped earlv Sundav morning funn an automobile driven by Jehn 1). Dedge, .son of the late mil lionaire automobile niiiiiufueturer of Detroit, was in a serious condition tills morning. She is suffciing from u true iurd slaill. . Dedge. arraigned jesteidav en charges of driving oil automobile, while intoxicated and illegally transporting lbiier, is under bends of S7000 te np peur for a hearing Tue-daj .Match 21. Miss Kthel Clemens and Miss Sue Sle gpngii, iiKe Western State Nermal stii dents, who were in the machine, with MIhh Kwekeineek, Dedge and Rex Karl, of this city, have been summoned ns witnesses at the hearing. I ledge deUjicil he wns inteicutel nnd asserted he planned enh te give the .veiing women "a little ride." Today's Developments at National Capital Secretary Mellen, Comptroller Crissinger and Governer Harding, of the Federal Reserve Heard, were ...M,.-., ,u iunn-iu- iieieru ine Heuse ... ..i", ,'.i,.t ine Heuse Ways and Means Committee today te mnke further statements en the Benus Bill's bank loon prevision A test vote en the Fmir-Peuer Treaty will be taken late t,.'h, when the Senate ballets en the Reb.' Insen iiuicndiuent. nnr. i iu i.uuhim.) IX)K HF.I.l'T 1'KR. '"i "'fr enrien you want la adver- paci !. Ailv. IN BACE WITH DEATH ,14 YEARS: "GOOD," SAYS BOY Yeung Arsonist Sentenced te Mich igan State Reformatory Battle Creek, Mich., March IL (Bj A, P.) Lawrence Duiibnr. iw.i.". are . v cnr-nM l.ul i.. t i ... hurrjng from Naples en .. fast steainet ! te seith ..ri ,i, ..,... te this city, wiiere their son Is iu ., . " "" """ M'""'" hospital. His condition iccently becuuie ' ""V ",u's hvlv' "lls """"''"fed jister- crlllenl. ' l'' " feuiteeii .vears in the State R,.. Mr. and Mrs. Helmes weie senched by f,";" , a wireless message just as thev were f... ' K,,,','',s.1"",1l will be a geed thing leaving Naples. They started the re- !' . "a" "'l "''I "Her hearing turn trip at once. , "':,M,',,t'' , Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Helmes, Bridge- bere, N. J Rushing te Sen Notified of the serious illness of their seu Themas, Mr. and Mrs. Kdimind S. Helmes, e( IJridgeboie, ,s. J. vv lien .nrresf .i i... ..it i .i ....... f.......,, ,,,- .Fiii-ii-ii ae ex. plaiiutlen that he started the fires te "see something burn," and 'te Bee the try te put. t out." umcm , . . . His Bent Friend Stele His Wife I fir tuenly iiimi i ri iriifil scruttitlc he n ri tinned and finiln liiwitlf utulthy. Jlit ;,, act en i I'l llfC. Hut ilvnlh Imiti htm twrtri'tiye. The fnithlini fricnil htm dial in iimarac, Itv ha lift n ilauehtcr yiewn Ui Inautiful iromunieod, The widiittrd mun traulva te muka th$ miwrt'nt immun suffir fur the ttexs ) Itrr fttthir. Jluid The Vengeance of Henry Jarreman Begins Thursday I'KRHAPS THE VKBV AKTIOUK VOO MMi W S JC f UK 'IS m' y s "$&! m .9.4JM m s- '- . ut. I :, m VSSSrm,, " iur.:TTh.coV..7eW&,5S v' , . .... When he and the etherslesn.en 'get tub wn'vuir ioeK,vn " 1 S ', V ' & " ' V ' ' ' f "--'- ' a - ry ,. $,y 4 " v ttalnar under Situations en pai JMbbJIbbbbb ,' ri .1 Sijf . vess fi'f , rP.Ui? imMkm,:. a& fi,.B.T IkUjw JVysii ij vjxzmi l