11 1 1 ymfwmPw .v,v,j. wmw tl'VWr -SWSWWTO pwyrn.-TS'TBrvwsri.ij A,.w.'T.r'!,(iwwjr' .v ' ,yw!zsw?xeiiwy.ts;J?r twsTSV'.tf'ii'r"' " wv.f -v 'ftlpflrfe lABOH 13x 1922 .witjPi .ri t...-;-. -:.- j .;w:h?7 tw, Wiii i THE PEOPLE'S FORUM s f tetters te the' Editor I PeriUteni Hutjwndi. , ii- f Iha Evenlni; iSibll? Ledger: Z-- recent. letter te the Bvrausje BJTA T.vnnxR, henrJnif ,upon the SSbffVcaM nnd. ethlclilng the young R .n who vnmpcd ether women's Ms Ms fenA .t rncted my attention, through 5.S.blVlacre knowledge efjle Sbilc evinced by the writer. ln doubt she Is the t)escsspr )f tf Jted who she f.l fa In" lmm Inert Km of being vamped, by one of the !:.i!,V veunz women, i ' I " .B" w'.iT.. 3 The InaV nevim IT'l nni net especially, nttrnctlv ?." .i. imlilt of attending te" n J i. when In the office, nnd yet my M? V,! i,' LP e keen 'the vlr- '2a husbands In their places. I men ?,. V.bamls particularly because they """:; ..ersistcnt In their 13 offensive mlvn en e my inJ offensive attentions nnccs. I no unmarried If r "en bcln able te appreciate fiffi when they are, reputed. . UwStlc I have much sympathy for a, woman whose husband has been .miu," I am hurtf that he has tried iM-s'fcw girls before he has been .Oe persuade one te "vamp" Kim. , if all'tiic ym8 business women who 'Wre been nimuj-" ". " " - MI:nccg of their married employers and ,iT?"c:V.invi.s were te write their-ex - I" ..' In the EVESINO PUDUQ FrMER n special edltieh would .be re " publish titters. EFp.Ui Philadelphia, March IP, 1022. 1 Shifters vt. Clipper fa f Editor of the Even Ing Public Ltdatr: . ',. avi.ii. nrc nil faiiiiilnf rmii v. Shifters, the enler that has spread XV. -iwrtrp. I de net beitevc many et .ir members orcnwnre of the menace hrlnr us in the' way of that new or- tulutien called tlie Ulippers. i-iinve Ui told that this new enterprise Is n Iret flffnlr, are strongly opposed te he .Shifter' principles, etc., ana Hint IlirT nrlile thenifrclvcs in being se-called 'SlKsiitfters." HpirenR that we nrc breeding a grafting dlwase. Jufl hew true the above Clipper in formation is I de net knew, but. I am turleus te lcnrn mere nbeut them, and It Is for this reason that I have written job feeling that if you nrc tunable te assist me in this direction, prhups ieme of jour readers wl'.l be nble te 'ebllgc. , . , ,.L t ,.. . Before closing i win m biui mi.tu tlut.the rumor is the Clippers nrig i..iil in Fislitewn. nnd I wouldn't doubt it In the least, as they arc always itHtlng something up there Stick te- 'thtf all ye Sinners aim ignore mc Inner emblem: viz.. the (Jein Clip. T A T.OYAIi KHIFTEK. Philadelphia, March 0, 11)22. 'Married Workers" Rebuked titU Editor of the i:vcntna Public Ledger: Sir I am a former service man and tlll'admlt that at times I get tired '( neuritis the ulirnie "feriner service EaV used in arguments. Hut the letter J printed in the People's I'erum columns It '!A Married Worker" seems te de- bnand, it, for her excuse for tnking n I position was te give i ncic atuu u leldler during our lute war. Thin, in my opinion, was very noeie, km n-liv sunll It bv still lielillne ' the BesitW when se many former service leenrire new out of work? This woman His hail a t.T-te of prosperity. Evl- t-wntlv lier liiisband did not.ce te war. ' Mer tiey were able te buy a home, or nt Ifui miiKe ii luiyim-iii. nun imw niic must work te tinish what she started. Fermer soldiers will have te wait. Would she cliangp her mind If her hus- tondiwere nut of work? Yes. indeed: he would hnller then because shp had le work. I.lttle she cares nbeut tlie oedof the enmmunity new. Where is tbatipeble spirit of patriotism? Seme neeiile mere'v ask u chance te live. Others ask n rliance te be wealthy. and will trend their fellowmen under feet jte attain that point. Hut this eman snvs: "I nm helping my htis land." Yes, she Is thinking of Iier- lf. Tills ladv should knew that con ditiens change.' When she went te work there was a scarcity of men. New there h a scarcity of positions. It nil peo pee p'e minded their own business only, we would be a narrow-minded 'race. We rteuld learn what we can of the ether felloe's liusini".s nnd give uud take advice without losing temper. IIKNKY t. Mecr.ern. Philadelphia. March 0. 1022. Favers Meral Training Ulht Editor of the Vvcntna PuUle l.tdper: eir i nole in your iiepartluent to day a letter from n Helmut -tiiirlur. telling of her experience when, at ihteen jean of age, slie stayed out until 4 A. Mi, although she had been arned te bu home at midnight. She expected n spanking," but was sur prised te rccehe u "s.iapplr.g " This se cffiencleus that only e;ice after wat did she have te receive severe funlalinii'iit ; that time she was "rod "red M. Presiimably, a third serious dis obedience would liuve caus-i'l the use of a club. New, docs it net seem te you that US trntlhln tr1Mi tlm iiiOiiiitniii-. it tM young person was thut she was J nnrdencd" te corporal punishment wat the only question in her mind was w iiiucir- sue was going te get? We exiierteil" n ti.nnHn,. fi.,,1 ..ic Mtfectly willing te eliance It. but her weuer "double-crossed" her nnd she jet mero than she had bargained for, 'nd the next time she nnnnrcntlv cot 'Ull mero sevcre ilebe. tbC CUR'S Hen if innriil fi-nl.iln,- ,.-,, ""t Setm te have pntoreil tntn tlin fj iwas mprely n (juestien of brute '., In niiy case, the question nrlsci " the advisability, or usefulness, uiing such means of persuuslen .Ii. , J' or a re(1 a Kr who has "ed the nge of eighteen an age ut J'.? me$ kM u t "'. am mn lared Bufticiently te make corporal Pnnlnhment, with Its attendant expos ,'' u tragceus. I think workers in that i y "rKkatlens would tell you ! J j i i""umeni lias eiicn resulted F TiVlnc tirls from tlii.li- lmnips ,,. . , , . HEADER. thiladelphia, March 8, 1022. fern te believe that crcn they if put ju iiie icsi weuiu come out unscatned In placing a email sum of money against their patriotism. I suffered severely' in the war, nnd have net yet recovered. I nm trying te recover, ihnd nm fcmirrerf mi with 'the theusht Mint the vliiitpeiKinpsu Hint rled me te enlist, Is going te sustain me te win duck anything I may linve lest. 'I'Miarc the same faith in our Govern ment. 1 de net believe" that any Ameri can is inclined te dwarf the efforts of the soldiers and give no recognition te them. There were millions of Americans In the war, nnd I believe that a great per centage of them were there, through patriotic motives. It Is these who are net heard from, and who nre bearing the stigma that their brothers are try ing, unblushlngly, te place upon them for the Reed cnuse they labored se hard te sustain. It te the unpatriotic who nrc raising all this howl, and If you will study them carefully, ns a rule, they consist of these who went into the ven ture for the excitement and novelty they would gain therefrem, nnd mw want te still further enjoy the benefits of n benu-i placed upon- the Government, which Is Btrnlnins 'every nerve te bring about a condition of normalcy which will be of benefit te the entire country, te the service men ns well' ns thesn who se loyally supported them nt home. Lay nsldc.yeur reserve, brother Legien mem bers, nnd de net let this noisy gnng bring odium upon our beloved order, mnde up, I nm sure, nine-tenths of patriots, and let yourself "alie be heard. Let us remember the toast of Rob Reb ert C. Wlnthrep nt Fnueull Hall, Bos Bes Bos eon,, en July i, ISiti : "Our country whether bounded by he St, Jehn's and the Sabine, or however otherwise bound ed nnd described, and be the measure ments mere or less still our country, te be cherished In all our hearts, und te be defended by nil our liand"t." THOMAS T. CHEATHAM. Philadelphia, March IV), 1022. Congress and the Benus Te the Editor of the Evening PuhUc Ledger: Sir Party leaders have suddenly dis covered thnt It Is wrong te 'take money out of the Treasury for the benefit of private Individuals. They have scru ples against levying taxes or Issuing bends for such purposes. They ere ngnlnst the sales tax, because they are afraid of the farmer vote and the "busi ness men's vote. During the wur bo nuses of several hundred million dollars a year were voted te railroad stockhold ers, appropriations were voted te imy bonuses fn the form of inflated prices te owners of camp sites, centiacts were let out by the Government nt cost plus 10 per cent, which allowed the con tractor te pay any exorbitant price nec essary for materials, labor nnd take nil the time lie wanted te finish the job. and nt the end charge the Government 10 per cent of nil money spent, ns his guar antee, the result being thnt' the Govern ment paid three or four times as much ns i private concern would pay te have the same work done. Appropriations were made te (he "."nlted State Shipping Heard te build up a mercantile murine, nnd there were no accounts kept by the Shipping Heard of the funds that were spent. Millions of dollars were appro priated for airships and nebmlv knows where the money went, nor is there nny lcceimt at hand te show that It was spent for airships. The members of Congress who allowed such things te be done under the plen that it was neccs nry, in order thnt everything had te b(e done quickly in order te carry en the war, aroiiew consistently fighting thO' bonus. ' Hut when ex-soldiers nnd sailors nsk for a bonus it is n different story. Tnxes, levied or bends Issued for such u pur pose will cause inflation, increase the est of living, create panics, etc. It Is perfectly proper te tax ex-service men for liniiusi'Mfer the benefit of the peer profiteer, but It is wrong in principle te give the soldiers n bonus. In several of the small States in the United States bonuses have been paid te soldiers up te S.100. In New Yerk Stnte. the Em- pire Stnte, n bonus bill was passed by a Tammany Hnll Legislature nnd sub mitted te the people, with the result thnt the people gave u majority of ."00.- 000 in favor of It. The law was de clared unconstitutional by one of the higher courts of the State. It is doubted thnt the Legislature passed the law with the intention of the soldier ever get ting the money. The Legislature must Iinve kn'ewn the Inw wns unconstitu tional when it passed if. but, ns tilings are done in the army, they missed llie buck te the courts. In Pennsylva nia they have ulse killed nny chance of the soldiers getting a bonus from this Stnte. The patriots who stay at 'home are opposed te the bonus. Many of these so se called patriots are among these who join the National Guard during peace times nnd when wnr- Is declared they develop nil kinds of disabilities, such ns flat feet, cold feet, weak eyes and ether Mien weaknesses. Jn time of peuce you will always find them in tie fient lines I nt nil social functions and public- cele brations,, but in time of war you could , net find them with n microscope. JAMES A. REAMY. Philadelphia, March 8, 1022. ' live hert-lndetd, that may never hav an our eherm. S. W." Zans Qray, the- writer, 14 "W. a man. "J. C. C." Easter l the nm Sunday after the nrnt full moon aftnr the Bint or March. This year It wll foil en the 10th et April. Poems and Songs Desired Can a Reader 8upply It? Te the Editor eii Evening i'liMIc Ledger: Sir Kindly pubUnVi til the Pcople's I'erum the recitation called "Hcautles of Nature." It Is composed et advertlscmeets In rhyme. JIK3. V. h. SPARKS, nilladclphla. March' 4. 1022. "We'll March Together" Te the EHter et the Evening 'uulteJLedtier: Sir Tfeu have helped me through hclplnt ethers many times, se I am cemlnir te you myself this time. Will you please ask your readers If any of them can ulve me the plece with the following" linen In It! "We'll march together up, thj'hlll. but yeult come back again, ' -, ' , ' Se premise a little trouble ta take for me when I am Bene,'! , . I heard my mother sin If yeafa are. N W. U M. Philadelphia, March 8, 1022. "Heme" Te the Editor of the Evening Publte I.edeer: flit Ateut it year ago'ene of your renders esked for the peem entitled "Heme." I found copy of n poem with thitt.'tllle'. which I hope you will print for your readers' 'benefit. I de net knew the author of the poem. ' JOHN KKIUt. Attantte City, N. X, March 0, 102'J. HOME Teil may le seme pleasant moments. , If you're far away from home. "" And for R time you may be glad That yoe are free te ream: But when, you feci Olscoureged, And you re down nnd out and blu. 'TIs then' you wish for home again And home ties te renew. , rerhaps your friends have left you And have Kena buck home awhile, i And the ky neems dark' and cloudy, Ani It's mluhty hard te smile. 'TIs then you long for henvj again. But longing Is In vain. , HI'RINfl RKSOBTS M'llINfJ BKSOKTS ASIIKVIM.r. N. C. AHHK.VIf.l.K. K. r. '"31 i JTrrewff ' J33 JUST w ' Mt mmm .'W ' Early Reterrattent Suggested. mbmarle1?arK hmntiTitC Set in a green and blossoming park in the clear, life-giving atmosphere of "The Land of the Sky." Simple; perfect service, homelike informality, concentrated comfort. One of these "wholly satisfying" places found once in a while ana never forgotten. Horse back riding. Finest of meter reads. Through Stecplna Car Service Dally Frem l'hlladelphlti Perfect X5elf in a Perfect Climate All ether Spert in Perfection ALBERT H. MALONE, Manner On ttwricn & dn trnglUH San. Fer'the mero you long and yea'rn ter things The greater Is the pnln. "Mm. V. r.. U" desires the poem which contains the 'fnllewlnsi "One whose feet were worn with straying, In the rough paths trodden hare. Entered through the golden portals Te the' grapd Snbbatle yenr." )h TKiOATIOXAfi elh Hetes TIim TavIei Srrinni I'ay md Right .T. . Dcnoei 10OJ Market St. rjregg Shorthand. Teuchtj-plng, rtoekkeeplng. Accounting. Hecrlrlnl courses. Enroll new. 4TRAYER' I'1" ""' llnslnes Seheel FMltlen gunran'd. Enter new. Day or night. SMINO ItESOItTS ATMXTIf CITV. X. J. ATI AMnr.rrrv m Directly en. the Ocean Fht IAnvricanPianliotfleflindxii CAPACITY COO IQAKADC U'aXerS.Bc GRAND ATLANTIC Virginia eve, ft Ilentli. Het A Celd running water. Prlv. biitlin. Hates SI day up. Hpeclal wkly. Cap. noe. lloeklPt, Orchestra. (I.HCAIt I). I'AIXTEIt HOTEL CONTINENTAL Always open, nlw.ys reedy: terms moderate. WrtN or phone. M. WAt.SH DUNCAN. IlRATTIft HEATHS t.nfajetti Ixidge, Ne. 71, f'nhimhln Tt. A. Chanter. Cemmnndery. N.i..4, K. T. P. and A. M.I He-, till Rt. .Tebn una veterans or services and Int; prlate. Tues.. 2 P. M., late reslrtenee, Ulbbsbern, N, J. Int. llerllti Cem. Itcmalns may bn viewed Men. eve, . jritOW.V. On March 10, 1022. JAMK3, husband of Jennie Ilrewn. Itelfltlve and friends, also Woodland Council, Ne. 170, I. O of A.. Hnd Carpenters' Lecal Union, JJe. 207, et Chester, Pa., are Invited te the serv ices, en Monday afternoon, et 2.80 o'clock, et his late residence, 2010 Mllllck nt, Inter ment private, . 1IIIOW.M. fctarrh 12, ll22. .lAMKS .7 IlIIOWN, aged US. Kelutlve nnd friends nru Invited te funeral services. Wed,. 11 A. M,, rldmice, :i3 N, Highland live., I.anwliiwne, WeUware Ce,, l'n. Int. private, Arlington. IlItUNKN At ItlveriAde, I,". ,r Jlarch 10, 1U22. JOHN T., husband of Deris Hruneii. Iteintha and friends, also all societies nf which He wan n memler, nre Invited te at tend, funerul, Tues,, 2 P. M,, from hie Inte residence, SOS New Jerscy u.e,, ltlversld". Int nrlvut,', IIUCK. March 10, A.V.VA n. widow of Teremlnh W. lluck nee HMImiirO, aged 2. lielntlvet and frlendH are Invited te attend funeral services, Tues., 2 .P. M,, nt her sun-In-laW's residence, Harry Kyi, fiDOl Tiieeny st. Int. North Cedar HIM Cem, Friends may roll .Mm., 8 te- in P. M. IlfTI'TV, ?MI M,nh O T.l.rl-Tl k.t band of Antf Iluettler. Itelntlve ar..l f'riemli I tl o'cJeckv.?tTh,omn,B' Church. Vlllaneva are Invited te attend funeral. Tues., 8:.10 1 P.,rrnt. St. ."n's. tf.m. .. T ,. c ,. A. M. late resldonce. 1.120 S. l'Axnn el ' HIIA. At Atlantic City. N J., March 11 Solemn iciulem maw. Church of tlI "ateJ I I 1022. HAWAII I... widow of Oe. ar V, trill messed Pacrainem, 10 A. .M. Jut, Ht, Denis urn DKATHW ''iV Foreign Wars Invited te funernl, en Memlay, t 2 P, M, from parlors of . p. Krnnken. acid Bens. 30th nnd Kprlng ciarden sts. Friends rail Hunday evening. 8 te 0. Inter ment American Mechanics' Cemetery, IIAIIT. March 12, 1922, MAIIV R. HAltT, daughter of the lti Iwls I., and Hsther Haxer, need 0D Ket vlr.es Wed., 2 P, M.. nt her late residence, i'I4.1 Catharine si. Int. prlxntc. Friends may call Tues., 7 te 0 P. M. HAYWAIUj. March n, JAMHS. husband of llose Ilaywaj-d. Hslalie and friends In vited te attend funernl services, M'en,, 2 P, M., residence, 2317 Nt. 3d ut. Int. private. Itemalne viewed Hun. eve V HAZUHTr. Marth II HAMt'l:L, husband of Iteba Haslett fnee. flrahnm) and son nf Samuel tj, una isuzauen jinxieii, ngtti :;i , enrs Itelr.tlves and friends, emplevci of M. I.. Shoemaker Company, Invited te fu-1 l eral services, en Tuesday, nt 2 1". St., nt i parents resilience, i-mu i,. imckwick at. Int. prltatp, North Cedar Hill Cm. Viewing Monday e voting. HICKF.Y. March 12. IlItlDfinT. widow of Pnlrlek Illckey. ItelatUes 'and friend In. vlled te funern!. Wed,, 10 A. M. Oarretl ave,, .Ilosement, Pa. Solemn reiiutem mass Kt'IlQHSM .March 10. MAItQAnET. wife of the late Stephen A. Ilurgess, Hr. Itela ttves u,nd friends ere Invited te attend fu neral services, Wed., 2 I'. M,, residence. C15 K. Wlldey St. In:, private. Vidwlng Tues, IIUnTON. FtlANKJS. IIL'IITON died slid, denly en Saturday morning, at 670 Park ave.. New Yerk, in his COth year. Funerul nervlces will b held at Rt, Oeerge'i Church, Htuyvesant Pquare, sv. v., in A. , jien. lA'UltH. March 11, MAIIY ANN. vlf. of Rcerge llynru. Hr, (nee Kelsall), In her ."Din year, Helatlvei and friends ate Invited te attend funeral services, en Wad., at 2 P. M, fi'em her liifn residence. 1717 Felllhrnd St.. Frankford. Int. nt Oakland Cem Ilenialns rrem h i I" i-. m. residence. (1(1. 13 Dltman tt.. faceny. Reletsjri requiem muss, Ht. Ijce's Cliiirih, 10 A. K ' iiu, 4i, wuminic m wm ( .... . .,rSil loved liustiand of Margaret MCNamarA ine,tr, Ilrewn). Helatlves and friends, Division (II; yl-' A Tt tr nM Inulful lA nM.ml (iinaral WA- Vt nesday. H:au A. M. late residence 2863 HAWiA llarnet st. Helemn requiem msss, Chureh gfwf- tS wur l.Hiiy. Ol jhiniKV, ,iv . JU iuyrmeiii?j.iK:(; , lieiy cress. '''jVi .ii;(.(iui;ii -jiarru i-. uaiu. winew ervjj, Thnmns Mvcuuch. uged DO. Itelatlvea ,a4J' rrlends ere Invited te funernl nentcea. We.,Ai II A AT., nf (he residence nf hnr daiiahtar'fta1 .Mrs. Jeseph n. Walker. 128 H. 4Rth el. tBU-frm private. Viewing Tues,. 7 te PlV.Mi JWS Mi:aAItCH,R. March 10, HTL.VeSTBIM''!3 Imsiuiiwi nr late , Hn rah A Mefsrcle (nee M llrlttln). In his 70th year. Ilelatlvea nni rf,1 A-tWl friends are Invited te attend funeral nervlces.. ,VV-c Tues., 2 I'. M.. at his law residence, iiusue ,- jf,. ten, Plln. Int. strictly private. Frlenis ,nav ell fnll. eve. MFIHSNKU. Merch tl. MAIIY MKISc Nnjl (nee dress), widow of Jehn Mrlssnri need 0 Itplntlven and friends re invited te attend fur.eral, Wed , 2 P, M residence of her BOn-ln-luw, Abraham Wachtel, :8lir N Alnrsten st, Int, Mt. Vernen Ccni Friends msv cnlf Tues eve MEL,I,ON. On March 10, 1922. ANNA, daughter of In'tn Daniel and Sarah Mellen, nnllve of County Tyrene, Ireland, Funeral Tues., 8 .10 A. M.. residence, 20BO N. (12d st our i.nuy or ixiuraes cnurcn le m Tl (,! ma mtm liit T Kiln rf nged 7fl, ltelatlves nnd friends are InMteU A. M. Int Hely Cress Cem, Relatives and n ntlenrt ttlnernl services. TU,S.. :i 1. 1. I fplenrla. nlun flue IVLIIV nf Lntlrfles JF 'V. H at the reldence or her daughter. .Mrs. Hlain Sodality. InMted te attend. K. Woedotli, 222 K. Walnut uve.. Merchant- I MHI.ItOHK March 12. CAimiH, wife of lltflf N. J. Int. private. ' Clurence Me'aes. Funeral services Wed., II Hl.tnin. -March 11. 11122 MAIIH:, widow I A M BR3T Hllswerth st. Int, private of Jehn Hluhb. aged 1B. IteUtlves nnd Friends in iv call Tues. eve. friends, and all societies of which shn was MU.NdRItT Huddenli. en March tl, 1022 a member, ere Invited te attend funernl, UICHAJtD MENOHKT, late of 32(1 Wet Wed., 7:30 A. M.. from her late residence, Duval st , (Jermantown. IlelatH and ISO! N. Mutter st. He'iuleni mass St. i friends are Invited te the service en Tuesdty Laurentlus' Church 0 A. M. In:. Helv I morning, at 11 I'cleck, ut 1820 Chestnut si henulchre Cem. Interment private. . HOKTZ. Maren ii, ate w , widow of i miciiijwjtti. Aiarcn n. akiiiuu, . iiuam i(. jieriK. or. it-iimvpn and rrienas i are Invited te attend funeral services, Tues., , 2 P. M., at lier late residence, 6121 Plhn st. i int. private. I IfllNrriNfJTON. Jfarch 1". l'XIZA '. TH.DA Ht'NTINOTON. Ilelatlles and friends OCKAN I'lTY, N. J. NOW le l,1 tlm t0 ,nake your booking rer .luiy niut Augii-t. at the IIOTEf, IHIKIIITON. 7th A Ocean Ave., tleenn rity. N. J. MOUNT rOCONO. PA. MEAIIOWSIUK INN Ht. roeeno, l'n. In the i'oeeno Mrfantnlns. Newly built; all outside rooms; steam heat, electricity, private ba'.hs Iteduced rates. m 1 tj I.A .'I.....A., 'C.aH - f . . . T.i . . ... .... I...,...., ... H..n ....m.., aa..IAM ...... CAI.IjAllA e TCI! 1. lAlvlr. A tiiu mniru iv i.iieii'i luiiun.t oil nmn, v i . daughter of Hleatiera and the lute Itlchard II A. M at the Church of the Intarnntluii. A. Cnllnhan. Ueltttles and friends Invltea iirriiid end jenersen sis. nt. private. I te funeral. Thurs.. 8:30 A. M. mother's, Mt'lUtT Mun Ii .10. in22. MICIIAUb, son residence. 2232 Fltzwnter et. Solemn high of Ute Henry and Mary liurst (ne ramp mass st. Charles' Church JO A. M. Int. Hell), of County Hllge, Ireland. Ilelatlvan Hely f'rewt ("em. . "nd friends Invited te attend funeral, Tu., CArtlllGAN.--March 0, ETHKI. D. wife 7.30 A. M.. from lila late residence. 32 H. nf James Carrlgan and diiughtep cf I.Jdle I Price rX . Oerinantevm. Solemn inasi of ard the' late Oeorge H. Itelln. rtelatlves ard V'lulem St .Vincent de Paul'a Chuich U A. friends Invited tu funeral. Tues.. 2 30 P. M.. ' M...Int .H.el Sepulchre Cem. .. . I residence sin s Vedges st. Int. private,, ni,!Mm. At tne imme jr i atnerine w. l Ar ngten rem. ena.mnv. caii a . c.e . . ... . .. """. "...'fr'.V'""" i'VV"S. son of the late Victer Mlchelettl and husband or Susan Mlchelettl, 30 jean of age. Itels fives and friends Invited te attend tuner Wed., ! A, M late residence, 0142 Chrl tlsn st. In' Hely Cress Cem. MHl.nil. --Jiarcii iu, lsi.Hiu, aaujnter (it Tenus ra r r Jr r1- -i , i . -' SWITZERLAND SWITKRI.AXI) . PIHHiW Te Rejuvenating H RK. jPsHHBHHLJ Fountain of Health 0 H fbnadsm Finest mineral springs in YM llnKSIrsivPvi? V ' wonderfully equipped estab- m-A WMBakWmmLwmi ' 'M& lUhmcnts. Here Health. Ej , BlllJPlaSSIifflKilvS ! ''$$ Strength and Youth may be- BQ ! HWstlsllwl !wKwWufi i Knli come yours. Kn inlFfJtwts ' bIsK Americana touring MB Wfit:WWt-'iWfm ' Wri7.- Switzerland nerd MM - tetxVi'"Mii ! ySyy " ptuspeyt visac. y3jW - WSSBSSSfm!mi Sa Send for CemplimcMaru P- h f 1 t i l ' MffitiSHJliirWllllMJ packet Ne. SO, centuiviny V 5M AHVc A BsHB3Hlj ' " u'calth of infermatimu Sm A iiO K?pS Swiss Federal Railroads VtjS Uilrk&b&lHyi Y kSZZ' - LIL-j w j lJUBUbT m MveM iNew xeric fflUlM , , n ZZKBCyfflffiMBBdh Londen: A'flAwmU'i'M i. muK- t TOl'US vLHErW Bnk eRRZSsK pHMTTUB hBdW hh tm gntj EH nd fll Baa BSi JhwI Ba Ed Wfil KwJy w .ri Mat vSk sli sffy tBsI JSjy IJifSw. MM hH Hj f ? t ffrKfieSirt-Efti. nH $? M s. Jet V . ., .l ...miffl , , JllSIIElBJBIiS IL m Jarm FUflNESS- JERMID r&-UAE Sailingi Twice Weekly from N. Y. eiery Weil. & Sat. Frem Ilermiulr. eery Tfles. & Snt. Tickets geed en either steamer Offering unequalled cxnrcm service Special Easter Trip Pnlntlnl S. S. "IOIIT ST. flF.OROE" leaves N,Y.Air.8 Arrhfs N.Y.Apr.13 Fattest Steamers te Bermuda The palatl.il iill-burnltig Hteuniers of the I'iirni-.-llrriiiudii I.lne I mil their iinksrncrrH and tMiggnge dUrflly nt Hamilton Ped;, utelillnc (lie dl dl ramfer. Iniomrnleiue und delay et Undltiu by tender. S. S. "FORT VICTORIA" Twin-screw. 1 1 een tens displacement S. S. "FORT HAMILTON" TwIn-sciPW. 11.000 tens displacement Bermuda offers all outdoor sports Including (leir. Tennis. Sulllng, Math Ing. Flailing. Hiding. Drltlng. Ne Pnsstierts Jlnny Modern Hotels. Write for nttr.MUe Inrluslve rate. FURNESS BERMUDA LINE 31 Whitehall St.. N. Y. Furfiess Wlthv &. Ce., Ltd.. Ileurse Illdi.. I'hlla.. nr Any Tourist Agent CI.OTHIEH. March 12. IIHItlHA HEW- I IJTT, wife of Tehodore Clothier and daugli 1 ter of Hnmuel II. and F.dlth Hewitt. Ser I Ices Wed.. 2 P. M., late resldencr. ( New et.. Westvllle, N. J. Jnt I'lurltsbore. 'Friends call Tues. eve. .. . ...... t CONDON. On March 0. 1U22. ANNA ntA"Ci:s, wjdew of Jeseph Conden, aged (l-i ycurs. ltelatlves and frlendn are InVlteil te the service en Mendnj afn-rnmn nt :an o'clock, at lier late resilience 1,3, Monre st. Interment at Fernwood temtury SI.V. In his 7tlth vpar ltelatlves nnd friends invited te funeral, ut Friends' Meeting Iteune, Fallslngtnn Pa., en Third month, 14th, nt 2 P. M. Train Ieas Ilread Btrcet Station for MerrlMVllle, ut 12 03. Conveyances te c aiisinsicin. Ht'TCHINHON. March 10 JH22. HCT.KN C , wife of Harry Hutchinson nnd daughter "t late Michael nnd Mary lleyie, aged 2S )'.Iatlves and friends, also Annunciation ' Catholic Club. Invited te funeral. Wed., -30 ' A M. . from her lote residence, 3 800 S. 10:h cnppiif'K. Match 11. ANNIH -vlfu of ! e emu nign mns or requiem at tlie' the l.itn Fugene Cepp-iCk (t.ee .Sell). Tu- Annunciation ( hurch 10 A M. Int. Hely i nerfli services Wed P. At ! N. Faroen cress ( m ' neral ecruces c i.. -m . -m . aruen i KA,ltjl-1l March ,, lfl22. TlOSn MUN- , nnAXE. Alnrcll HI. 1UL. .1 l.il M, A.. ."'." '.' V '"? j.n.... ,,iiwvr-n ii... wlfn of Ilebert W. Crat.e. (igcd 75 Ilelu Uvea nnd friends are Invited te funernl, Men.. 2 P. M.. residence. 1402 H. 51st st. Int. private. ... . CUAVKX. en siarcn ii. in: friend. ur lnvlte.1 te funeral services. Tues 2 P. M . at the Calvin Presbyterian Church, ' (10th and Mster its. Int. private. Friends I may call Men cm- . at 4S.15 llaftlmore two miAIlLRS ' KAHN March II. BSTHKn. duughter of R.. Jiusband of Dorethea K. CrAen. Itelii- i uesuiiej anti into tenx iTinn. xeiallves and lives and friends, also Templu Council. Ne. menus invited te Httcna rum-rai. Men.. 2 1010. I. O. A.. Invited te funernl en Weil- IP. M.. residence of her sister, Mrs Albert I nesday, nt 2 P. M . from 4310 North lBth i vyieuer. -.u. ... jutn st. mt ' , In,armnn nrlv'-ite. TVIen.lu mnv P.Tll Cem Tuesday evening. ' KAMMKIl - March II KATItnnt.VK , CP.OOKS. March 0. MAUCSAItET, wife J UHHIIlt, wife of the late Henry Kammer, of late Alexander Creeks (nee IjUtR). Hela- aged 74. Relative and friends, also cengre- tlves and friends, h1e St l.uV-e'H Kplphany untlen and Ladles' Society of St Luke's Kef 1 Clnsse, are Intlted te attend funeral, Men , I Church. Invited te funeral. Wed . 1 P. M . '2 I. M.. residence. 1202 S. Ileneill it. Int 1723 N. Holljweod st Servh es In the Fernwnuil Cem. Ilmalna l.ed Sui , 7iibove named ihurc.li 20th below Ctrard hp. te (i p f , "t 2 o'clock. Int. Mt. I'vaie Cem. Friends diamond. .il.iriii u, a.va irn or ii uui "-ii i. .j.. ie j e qieck ward Diamond (nee .mlth. aged 2(1.. Itela-1 ' liKITsCH. March In. KVA. wldew of fives and frlendi are Invited te attend funerul I.dward u. Keltech Services Tues, 2 P. services, Men., 2 P. M.. ulster's residence, M , Ute residence, 002 Spring ave.. Neble, Mrs. Jehn Keenlg. 001 U Igrade et. Int. i Pa Int. private Palmer Cem. Frtendx may call Sun. eve. KIl.I.in.N March in 11152, THOMAS H. IiOltHANCR On Mrvh 12. 11122. All- ' KII.I.IO.N. hisband of Mirgaret Klillen (ne THt'K DOHHANcn. rgd 73 ycarN. Ila- ! Oerrlty). ltelatlves nnd friends, also th lives and frl nds are Inv'lted te the service V.i'.erens of the Philadelphia nnd Ite-idlng en lueseay. .viai'n 11, at 11 . .ai.. at nis iiuu.iy un,i nu bbi;i.u,. et wnicn ne was h I Walter and Mary Helly, aged 22. Funer.i .Wed, 2 I'. M . rildence262t 8, 3d it. 1 Int Mt. Mtrlah Cum. Friends may ea ' Turn. eve. MINKIl - March 8. FIlANCia K.. beloved I husband nf Anna W. Miner and son of Mary liusstnger and the late Charles Miner, aged 1 211. ltelatlves and friends are Invited: ta at 1 tend funeral, Men., 8:30 A. M from his late I lesldence, ylir. n. Seltzer (t. Solemn high man at St. Ann's Church 10 A. M. Int Helv Iicdeerr.er Cem. 1 MINOKRT Died, at 1 o'clock. March 11. lUrifAirS MINOEIIT. fl20 V. Duval at aged Ot ears Due notice of funeral later MON'AfJHAN Mnrrh tl. JKNNIB C. wife , of late Michael Men.ighan I'Mneral. te which relatives and friends ar Invited 1 Tues., S A M . from her late residence, 200 Daly st Mass Church et Our Lady of Mt Carmel 0 30 A, M precisely. Int. IIel- , LriMs Cem ' NICC U.r. Suddenly. Merch 10. 3. DIE I.II.A. widow of Theodere A, Nlcelle, afed Mi. ltelatlves and friends are Invited te at tend funeral, from late residence, 220 K I llrlnghurst st., Otn., Men,. 2 P. M. Int. prl- 1 vatn. Ivy Hill Cem. Friends may call flun te II l'. M OllErt. At 1617 X. 10th t, en March 11 t t vM ji tt "X v m T Ifc f A i 1 w. Yl 3 us notice of BAHAMAS S. S. MUNARGO (.New) Finttt Sfilpn Southern Trade Sail wet-kljr, arriring NASSAU morning of third day. Return sailing afternoon day of arrival. SPECIAL HOUND TRIPS Substantial reductions in Fares. LmvcN.Y. March2, March 28, Passengers have option of all ocean trip with one day ashore,' returning with steamer; or, one week or tv,e weeks stav at Nassau (last return sailing from Nassau for special tours April 7). ALL EXPENSE CRUISE-16 Days $180 -d Yen make the trip en large, 10,000-ten -r"steamera especially designed and luxur ieusly fitted for service in the tropics. Wide choice of accommodations ranging from comfortable staterooms at mini mum rates te suites with private bath. Rates cover all necessary expenses of MUNSON STEAMSHIP L1N-ES Koein (), l'.i.-ni;er Department Dre.M'l llldj;., Phila., Vr ; Mull st.. n. . meals and stateroom accommodations ! for entire trip te and around island and return te New Yerk. New Condado Vanderbilt Hetel at San Juan, finest re sort hotel in the West Indies, new open. A sailing every Saturday. Write for at tractive booklets giving full information. ERICSSON LINE roil IIAI.TIMIIHK ? ONI; WAV. ii KOL.ND T1HP Frem Pier a Se. Delaware Ave. S P M dally except Simula j., 3 o'clock Saturday Questions Answered for and Against Benus r ?PPses Threats of Legien olrS".ero "'?. "."'" rulUe Ledger: trwT",1" Sir Walter Scetfa ".Mur- (uT.-; no wrete: "V iu coward tlmt would net F.fil"t for such n lnn.iv ft.?dS""Id ,,nv8 uMcti lhe word Wtl T?1, ,nre en ' nnuscntlnit e tk. a ls,,,elS l'ut tip by iiiciubcrH by Vrfm . tlu'y c,1n't B"l this beiuiH elarWt . ' " '"" wur will be tli fh s in, Vnr ,llll0iS brothers, nnd the klalmln I V vaPleii u tllc uu t box. .'UulDir thnt II... r ,.!.. i.. .. .., in, VLll "vcrtl.rew niy (levfrnment or mi,..--: '.,"""" " '"vi-nn J I " ""': 'n' oppose thum. We tL ,i' " "et ',,,llfiV0 " 1 hc' tltturH i thn ,cr' l'Utrletlbin that n the ,,. ""-iiiinnv nny iiueinpi ten iTi TT (J"einL or our leglBlit- "''JUtTlClcut fnlll. l , l.,l,: ,ii.i -... , Mir,,,vr iiui,- tifepI, : ti.-'-s 'urum win aLmeer dull ""jn I'uWta I4tr. and niiV ram will ..-jrr ij" i-tii " lnibllA Jimmm wiSrWB. IS J u"u. ftiir France's Gain In Territory Te the Editor of the Evening rubite Ledger: Sir Hew nmny tulles of territory did France g-aln In the late war? II W. I..' Philadelphia. March 0. 1021'. Frane sained E003 iuuire miles of ter ritory and alsu r,08,SD3 square miles In col onies and deiieildcntlp. France, with all her liossssslens, ha-i n population almost oe.ual te that of continental United States, PORTO RICO LINE 25 Broadway, New Yerk or local agent r rr,rgr m ? - COOKS k, U FRYiYS in mi:.mei:i.m K.UI.vii:un. A I .-,., trlbutn iiawiki, I'liiu;.cfi ilnr sinter, .uinicit. ,IUSt lust Juki A. Hi te our JU5A.M- n thought 11' i.memiir-ince, a ii.i-iuerv fi.inl .uui trur, it lhum.lit of itfeittnn .1 11 aiuccni tun for ou. blSi'L'US H& Indiana In Alaska Te the Editor of the Eventna PvWe Ledger: Sir Please tell ma hew many Indiana there are In Alaska. HENItY T. CASSEL. Philadelphia, March 8, 1022, People classed as Indians total 20,S5S'tn the 11)20 census of Alaska. This Is 48.3 ' per gent of the cntlre population. Per sons of mixed bleed urn classified according I te the non-whlte racial strain, i Cotten Shipments of Cities Te the E titer of the Evening Puitlle' Ledger: Sir Which pert ships mere eatten. Gal veston or New Orleans? J, I,, J. Philadelphia, March 8. 1022. The Department of Commerce says fial fial vesten, fex,, shipped twice as much cotton as New Orleans for the year 1920. Ralph Cenner, Auther Te the Editor of the Evening Publte Ledger: lr Will you kindly Inform me through your Poeplo's Forum what" Itulph Cenner's real name Is, and wan he a colonel In the Ilrltlsh army durlnir the recent World Wart I understand he la u clergyman, Philadelphia, March 0. 1022, Italph Cenner, the author. Is In real life the Itev. Charles W. Gorden', minister of Ht, Stephen's, Winnipeg, Cunada, He was moderator of tin Uencral Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of Cunada In 1021. lie has done much missionary service among the miners and lumbermen In the Ilecky Mountains, ami vvuh active In social service and evangelism. Mr. Cenner for Clerrtqn) was chaplain te the Canadian forces during the World War. "Who's Who" does net mention a title; Mill, he may have held that of colonel. Aliens and American Land Te the Editor of the Evening Publte Ledger: Sir Te seltle n dispute between friends, kindly Inform ate If aliens can own real estate In the United States. 0, S. h, Philadelphia, March 8, 1923. They net enljN ma. own, raal eatat, but EUROPE Seeing and getting into closer intimacy with Europe's cities, peoples, art, architecture, literature and history is an experience of everlasting enjoyment and satisfaction. COOK'S world-wide organization can offer you unrivalled advantages whether you wish te travel individually, in a family party or in a" larger group. Permanent offices at every point of impor imper tance throughout Europe. Escorted Tours at frequent intervals during April, May, June and July. This Season's Special Features Include: The Passion Plays at Oberammergau (for which we are Official Foreign Agents) Cruises te North Cape and Norwegian Fjords. Summer Cruise Around the Mediterra nean by specially chartered new Cunard Cunard Ancher Liner "Tuscania" July 5 te Sept 6. Other current programs include Cruises te BFR. MUDA, WEST INDIES, etc; individual and party travel te CALIFORNIA-evcr land or by sea. ROUND THE WORLD TOURS -departures West. bound-Aug., Sept., Oct. Enstbound-Oct.,Nev.,Jan.23. THOS. COOK (Si, SON OFFICIAL AQENTS FOR ALL STEAMSHIP LINES 225 SOUTH BROAD STREET (Belew Walnut Street) Philadelphia Telephone Walnut 0300 and 2632 (cooks) I I eatfjs Ute residence. 100 l'arlc :ivt . Illvorten N. .1. Internvnt private, M. James Ccmt- terv. tlrlstel. P.i. UfFFY. .March li, CATHKIUNK. wife, of the late William Duffv Owe Ilernn). I Relatives and frit-wit .ire invited te attend fum-rnt, Tuesday, h HO A M . late rt-nldf-nce. 172(1 Illtner et Solemn mans of requiem, 1 1 nun n ei si. .vumicj, iu ., .11, interment private. I DUNK. March 12. IIKI.UX M. w Mew of' .Telm P. Uurn. ISeliiMvte rt rid friends are, Inviteil te r.tten-1 funeral. Wed . S;ae A. 2,1. . I le resilience, 1H27 Kltiii-r st. lllli mara of . requiem St. Menlra'H t'hurtli 10 A. M Int. priv.ttx I'rthetlral Cetn. HVi:U M.itUi i, t;il!2, l.l.MEIt K. DYI'It 1'uneral nrvlce .Men . -.' ' Jl , I precisely, nt hU late residence, 10'J Ureen rlll'e I'. ljtUKll Int. Iirlvit. DYSON March 1", AMIAM I., hueband of Marv 1. Dpnn. Ilelatlvea and friends are Invited te attend funeial services. Men,, , 'J P. M., lute residence. '2118 I'elimore av Int. North Cedur Hill Cem. l'rlends muy cnll Sun. eve. 1 i IIIJM.S. At Sea rtreeze, Tin , mi Mnr-h , 1!)22. WAl.TKH IJ.. huilian. 01 Melllc '11h. Helatlve-. and friends alhu Washinicten lnUe 'Ne. Mi, l- ft A M . Harmony Clininer Nu. ".2 It A. c Mar I'einniandtr . Ne. Ull. ' K. T: Lulu ',. tuple. A. A O. N M. S. . Manufacturers' riul) OlTleers and Dlrncters of the I'elumMii Vve Trut Ce. and m-l-Uijet of Kr.nk Sfhehl.. & t'e. are lnvlte.1 i te the erv,n en Tuesday afternen, at 2 e clock Lt the ilvtr 11. Hair llldir.. lt.2u i'li.-'.tiitit st.. I'hila. lnten ..-it nrtvate. I KdO. March '. 1022. PATMCK J. hus band of .Mary Ke (nee AUardi Ittlatlvex and friend", and nil societies of which he was a number, are Invllcd te nttenj funeral. TueJ.. S :i-l A. M, liein Ills Ii. r-..I no. ;. 1 S'lioel lan.i, Otn. Solemn mass of r'iulm Mmviit de Paul's Church 10 A. M. Int. Ile'j sepulchre Cem i:i.-UNIIHi:r. On March l'l lfi22, RE Hl.ci'A A., wife of tli- Lit- J ,lm At nisen br. Seivlees end Interni'i.t at Hiirrln '.in 1V . un Wednesdiv. I'm-ndH may call iur. i' -'viiuiK. ui ui-' .Meni--i)i' si. .,,-M5rMUU'7r-M,ri" l maih.ahht. wit- nf Wit If, n. -.. ... a it-,.. i. .. , ... ...,..,,, .n,,u,-la ifcri.m.i. aiu irientis ' ii n-., rtM invited In nt,nt fun. r.. T,,a u.ert I call l" A M from her la't, residence Ome Muk nnlla ave , Ocrtnantewii Milemn mass of lenulem r.t Immaculate C --ictulun . Church 10 A M Int. Hely .Henulchre Om. , I FlIt.MSTONU On the lnth inst . In the Iiu ti.ir of his nise. HAHItY l'lUMSTONl. of l.r.rgiUle. Allenhenv i eurtv a , son of the laie William Flrmntene, Heq. Int. I I prlv-Tte, reitA.N .March In 1H22. WH.I.IA.M TT . I husband of Helen rer.ui. Ue itives and friends, aim all secittles ,-f which he was a I member are Invited te ait.-n l f mural. Tues- day. 8..T0 A. M.. from his Ute residence .Sunt Terrace st.. iss.chlck.ni .selenni reiiulem mass St. Jehn th-, Haptlsfs Church i lu. v.!' interment We-ttmln-t. r Cemetery. Fl'.lT'.. en, M.n-li I-.-. 1022 ANNIK M Iv-I.Ievviif Daniel rrt2 I'.elatlve, nnd friends are Invited tt, tlie .erv!.-e en Wedneedav nft. l?Sn'3en1,-,t i n'r;-k- t Jier '(.' residence, Wnil , Daui-hln st In-ei nm private i iTIeuds mav call Tuesday eveninir. lUUMi ill. .vtarth in. HIlNliy C. bus iremper. inviten te luncrii. en Tuesday -it h'30 A. M.. fiem Ills late residence "HUT TeDirr s. Se.emn high mass of requlm a tie Churci of tha Gcsu. at 10 A. .M. In Hely Cress Cem. KINO suddcnl,-. M.inh JO. NICHOLAS lfira. THOMAS K. OBEU. itinerni win ue given O'Nnil.l. March 13, 1982. JOHN O'NUILI,, beloved husband of Annie O'Nell (nee Lewe). Due notice of the funeral veil be irlven Inter, from his lata residence, 1600 N. lT.th gt. rVTinn On March 11- 1H52. TlfOMAH K Uedef Shalem 01)KR. Hclntlves and friends are InvltrJ te ' tne service en vv ennrsiay anornnen, m x o'clock, at his late residence, 1017 North lCf I st. Interment private. I OSIANDEIt March 10. JACOB, husband i of the late Anna Osiander (nee Hchnelder) ned S3, ltelatlves and friends are Invitee! te attend funeral. Men . 2 P. M.. from his ' late residence, 2741 Ceral st. Int. private Viewing- Sun. eve. PACHA Suddenly. March 10. ANDItKW PACHA. ltelatlves and friends, also Aerie I Ne. 12. V. U. E : Phlln. IOdne, Ne. 6. i I.. O e. M : Minerva Council. Ne. 30, K I P A ; Peo.uecl Tribe, Ne. 18. Imp. O. It. M 'Oaks Club and nil ether societies of which h was a member, are Invited te funeral h-rvlcea, Men.. 2 I", !.. at parlors of Ueeri W Hnrrett. Park and Lehluli aves. In North-vned Cem Friends mav call Sun. eve. 1 PABK. On March 11. 1022, JANE M. PAHK (nee Laird), wife of Charles Park. Sr. I'.elatlvcs and friends are Invited te the serv ice en Tuesday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at the lesldence of her son Charles Park. Jr.. 2433 , carpenter st interment private. I.Un1. (i husband of the late Mary E. Kir. inee may call Mendav evening from 7 te 0 o'clock. Herner), need J. Ilelativ.-s and friends art PENNINOTON March 11. at the M. E nvltc-d te attend funeral rervlces. Tues.. 1 I Heme Mrs RACHEL, PENNINOTON. ni?..l 2420 1. M. Precisely, nt his lata residence N. Park ave. Int Chelten Hills Cem KIIIHCIIENMAN Suddenly, March 10 1022, KDWAKIJ, beloved husband of .Matilda (nee Selberllcli). Hellvei and friends, also member,, of P. F. IJ Belief Asse . Kensltm Kensltm ten Ledtt". Ne ,'', K of P.. Invited te attend funeral services, Wed . 2 V M . Inte res! dence, 1.VJ0 N. L.iA-rence st. Int. private. Remains may be viewed Tues., rt te !l P. M. KtTKR March 10. 1022. THOMAS C., husband of Amy Klter (nee Kirk). Rela tives and friends are Invited te attend funeral servtcf a, Men . 2 P. JI , nt h.s late reslder.ee, 2730 N Lawrence st. Int. Green mount Cem. Trlends rruy call Sun., after 7 P. M KI.OPP In Sheridan. Pa . en 10th .-vi'v.u k.. ixi.'-ti'i-. acca Oft veirs. nnd friend, and all ercaniz.iticns he was u member invited tu fuin rnl. without "-"n, e. filmier notice from his Utu residence. Sherl- lnt 14 din. Pa, tn Tueedai. March .'f All services at the heuie. hoc Ken iceiermeu t emeterv. KOCH March 12. WILLIAM J., husband of Sail! Kech. I"uneral from his .ate res!, dem'e, 235 Pine st. Due notice will be BlVetl. KltOLL Jlarch 10. EDWARD A h4 Funeral services at the Heme. Helmnnt acid EdKeley irves., Tues., 10:30 A. M. pra clseb Int. West Laurel H Cem. PETERMAN. On Mnrch 12, 1022, KD WARD H . ion of llie late Ix-wls and Msr- i.arei i-eierman nermeriy or unestnul IIIllj, aped 74 years Relatives and friends ar" In vited te the funeral en Wednesday mernln at 8:30 e'clcck. from the Oliver II. IlaTr Hide, 1S20 Chestnut st. Requiem high mm I at St. Patrlck'a Church at 10 A. M. Inter ment at at. .viarya cemetery, Uleucestar. Vlevvlna- Tuesday evening-. PICKARD March U. JOSEPH, husband of Annie E. Plckurd. aged 77 Relatives and friends, also Mt Carmel Ledg-e. Ne 230. A. A. S. It.: Abel Ledge. Ne, s. A. of S Shftkesneare Ledce. Ne. Id. s r,t , n ilelHtlves i Bn'i r- i tj. viiieinien, invn-owte attend r.t which , funeral. Men. 2 P. M . from his late reel i.e.v , A.iiiruu ,., i,ieviilaiH, 1 ni,l, I Vernen Cem. Friends mav c nt ii n null. -w. 1. t ra t" (i tU i- T . Inst , lnt Tulec I 11115 en .March S. IH22, EDWAim J.. Jin. luipe- . . d . Ell-ftb.lh PrIn, , nivtTfW afe.l OS years. Relatives and frie-tds and all societies of which he was a member. Invited te funeral services en Mendav. at 2 P M . at his late residence, 103d W. Glrard ave Interment private et Ardslej- Cemetery t Cf ' Malli.da -Hid th late IVank J. Kre'l , ' r !?", ?J' -vir? n ' ," "E'- , ,. 1 ned 40 Relatives and friends, also Amer- n V.rJiSA ,ThIfi' i. .n"' ."V"1 la Circle. Ne 2i I-Uwa.-e Council Ne ', hu'l1bnnl nf ThereMi Pullman. Relatives -..13. Mlnn-wa Tribe. Ne. 70. Invited nj l.'rJen,' a vW "'nd funers mnerni Wed " p t hi- v viji.1.1. "iniw'i Men . 2 P. M. res dence, 141 T """int. Mt ''Peace1 CemV iVi'-nd, B' "i'S I .TfeJ U ...Y"M ". ': . ."-?' -.... v.. , ... iv-, .UrtJV L !, . Wire Tues eve, 1-ANCASTEIl. March in, Jctirv LAV CASTER Sr.. husband of late Anna M Lan caster, 1.1 his 'J.M eur. Funeral i-ervlces Wed , 2 P M , at non's residence, Jehn Ijin 1 cveier, .Tr , 402-. Havvtheine st Frankford inc. iserm leinr uui 1 em lTlends mav t ALDi:itP;OR,r-.March 10 102.'. GEORGE p., lieleveil husband of Eleaner IJ ai differ I (nee Caffee). Rea.,v.s a nd f r U-n is , re h 1 Utc-d te nttt-nd f'lin-n.l. Wed. 1 p M from I f fr'n'''"'!.''' ""i 1'"".k " -Mlilbeurn" 1 n-Iawore Ce.. Pa int. Ar Innten Cem. Re- mama may bn viewed Tues . s te 10 p. M. ALLEN,- ELIZA - ALLEN. Relatives '"'d friends .nut-d t,. funfrnl en w.-diiesduj at IJ n'tleclc. from her late lesllciive. 222tl llted t. In'ermei t iirlvate. rt'F'V , Mari le. WALTER, husband Monday eve.nni,- Services nt Jr. E Ciinr.-R" .N. J . luesday 3 P. 11 ir,trm; seph E. and C.ladvs 11 c-.,.tte ......'.:. ,.,n" invited te lbs service en Tuesd.ii after! 00.14 Cobbs Creek Park'v.y, Iiiteime-it it i:vne;0en!n?,,tery- ' "' "'' M""1- ' fN:?ri", -..) Re'a'lv.s- anV V. L' I '" huataiul of Mary a, ,;i' tfi, .-JA ,'"' ! nltVZX .tt.. U M-."."-.. '"- -.TV ices i ue . 'J i: .vr ,lta lesl.lenr. 11 . . , 111.1 itrtA ,....".""..". '"-."liver 11. Ra.r ?,:"""en aI- "' Private. Friends call Viewing- TueKdav .Venin, r. ' TV". "." '"'? .nun, eve, Int. St. Ann's Cem i.erti.'vy.- no Muni, iit ini'i 11 i.. 1, l- bjnd of Careline Fremuth. Fut.-r.u services I widow of Paul C, Lerun Services" u i, ..'. ;-h,ni,-.i- V " V at hM 1,te r.sldence. ?av. t 2 P. M.. MI7 N Robins. t (.hurchv I e. Pa. Int. pitvau Train for Interment private. Vlvim; ui'Jhi evening Churchville leaves Readlnc Tcrn.'nal l:"j , LORIMER In niaspew. Scotland. March VJiL,r,r. . '" " R 1022. after a brief ,lness, HCUH KEN PL'NCK - SuiWcnlv .March 11 ,T.U en P ' NKnv LOIllMER. of J. t p. St-v.nsen, husband of Pauline W. Funck. aired 70 Hell , OlA"B"v. and the William H. Ixirlmer Sen atlves anl friends are invited t attend fu. Ce Phlladelj.hla. neral services. Wed.. 1 11 p. M p, ecliely, I IAU'iiHNEY March 11 JOHN A . son of nt his l.it., icsldence. 02(1 W. Silver st. Int ' Jehn A ,and Elizabeth T I eurflinev Tee Northwje.l " Ceffmani. Funeral Wed h-30 V M 0170 cii'iiii i' .1 IcJciinZ!. " ''" n 1022. Ji - ' 'leim si neicmn rruuiem mass a' tl. ....... w.v.-T.r...ii. 1 r.lt .111 or Adam n. Ranclc. Relatives and frlenda mil 111,111:0 IU services, .iron , ii 1. l t her late residence. 21117 s. Kraaler at. "'in Montreso Cem. Friends may call Sun. eve RANDOLPH March 10 SAMUKi lU'RKHi'LDER RANDOLPH husband e Paul'nn Randelph (nee Schuster) Relatives l.ANTlKrt M.-irci, i" i.rnn 1- i... ..,"."" lr .""''" ' invnea. te luneraj service. Redman 1 Land.'- iWral slides 7vFi 1 I unr,eth iV Int" nfwitelt rfn'V-801 ?. p' h ,;!a9 ?'-"'" "' '. Arllng-ten'Frlem.maycaVAndai C,m Cem. Friends cvx'l Tuts eve., 7 te 11 t, clock. I ntii.i,ffiniv vi ,.1, ,k'er.... LIKHOLD. .March 11. SEL.MA II- uir. n I u.. -..-, ... u.,,""".', -". "" !".""'" " n. ... , 1. ,.,., . i,r...i.i.,e..r:.,i --: "''" " mu "i-ni,i ,,i- nwn, uui- I'lriuie, JteiH(Ies anu friends, nlre consreKatleii ,f Emanuel Evan Church, are invited te attend fune-ral. Tues.. 1 P. M.. residence. Iul7 Create st. Servlce-i at the Emanuel Evir, Church, .'itb and In. tllaiiu ave., 2 P M Int. private..' Oakland Cem. Remains may or viewed Men eve LITTLEJOHNK. Man h 10. 1H22. I.-A-BELLA M . wife of James II. I.ittleiehns nuej 73. Residence, 207 Watklns st Serv ices nnd Int. at convenience of the family LODGE March 12. 1U22. JOHN, son nf William J. and Anna E Ledite inee Carr) aged 7. ltelatlves ,,nd friends ur invited te attend funeral, Ihuis. s 30 A M . parents- reshience ew i; Uieh-tieni nve "elemivJ Ht his Kte reildence I leciuiem mass Church ,: .vs. ensleu 10 A I I Jietice of funerl1 vi;i b Rapp, ng-ed B3 Funersl resiaence, 07 mt. private 11. F11- Ct-v TV J 1 M. I l.eltiinmi. iidjelnlnir hi-euiiilH, AI'PEL. Suddenly. March JO., Irf-X Sm& COOKS) COOK'S TRAVELERS' CHEQUES IN DOLLARS OR POUNDS CHEAPEST SAFEST BEST HAKElt. At her home. 1317 8. 52d St.. en March 11 1022. JENNIE RAKER Relal lives and friends ur Invited te the service en luesday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at the Oliver II. llalr Illd . Ls20 Chestnu it. In terment prlviit". ''AllCLXY. Mjnli 1.) 'IHOMS BAR- . ...... hhvu n.l. l.ei.iui S ine ITIfnilS iv ,1. "..-, i :r..v ;? .'." ""- .11 - ......ui tun """, '.m- eenin rium 7 te II o'clock tii.r. A iineiih in .. .... . widow of ,h late,' Jehn , UV. V .e""?' ra. Relatives and friends im-it.,i ;V..":"" Ved.. March 1.1. i:SI A M -JiVn v-u"T.r.?. k ,.l. ,.-... . -" "-'- v pr mt nu anm v. 1 ..1, , - Lad V f Merct". -I t '.. ' ',","" m , "" V. . t . our I'm,, c " " "v- " J"l il.i;s.-iNKR .March 11. wile of wtllium II Glfssi 102 J 1! invited te fumr.il servic s. Tues . p it i V.,"."l,".r1,? mvilecl e attei. 1 i-.ii.,ra! services Aich .,l I .T. .'.- ." "' " 'am 5M et Aiulievv J ll.ilr A. Sen, "hi air. nil. private. BARNES. Ski st. Int. nrt.nte finii.m.-ii tfn ...1. ,a .... . -it.,, 1, i,v e ,r. ... ! ."i. -"A"";'.. -?'-" " -.. 1 . widow nf BARNES, at the rcsld. 11. n of bl. .I..V.. friends lnvl.n.1 ,"..;...'"'. in."1V" . .-... ui.-w, UllltUIUIll UlR. mi '.HI 3. 11. 'l. l-rt In .f I1.. ji....... . " I tl t i J" " " HeVV '1 tlltf. - , J r.5.Y!" "n.a t"'u nrn mvlted te attend funeral services, .en . 1 .'10 P M. preclsel at the David II. Sthu.ver llldir. Jiread mid Diamond sts. Int. private. , IVVSC1". On March 11. 1022, JPLll"J i1i',!.,ul et Elizabeth c n.is.-ll need .'.:' I t'e" i'm,,,l,'"",N """" l,'"'id'n l?edL;e Kecle'tlss r,,hi0' 'i" We"'men and all ether societies of which he was a innm r i.u..i iunern . ,n vtu.inA.in .. . . ...- -.'."'r'' Cetneterv, lUlAHAM. March Church of Our LaJy nf Vict ' iieij- 1 rnss I.OVETT - In Norristevvn Pa en Mat i 11. ISABELLA J . widow of Jehn K 1 .ut-tt in her Httli year. Relatives and friends ,r (invited te attetid funeral, frgm the reaider, a 1 of her daughter, Mrs. Irvln P Knlne ,-,r 1 chestnut t en Tues , at 11 A. M . private Pe lestnwn. Pa Ml? VaJ' 1-VZRA. husband of L 41.1 Fisher Lund Funeral service at rem. dence 172.1 N. SOth st , Wed., 10 A M Tn- a'Ae'r .n'pM 1,B' 1'rl'nUa '"'"' Tu"' MANNES -'-March 10. 1022 EMILII5 1 I MANNES. Relatives and f? ends "re ih- I vlted te attend funeral services. Men s I P V preciseb. lite residence. 3i) W tSm. mood st In'., private. Kindly 0mlt tiew- MATTHES At Atlantic t'lty, N t ?iHI'ih,1,MAN,,HK,V JlvANS. huibjr.d cf the late Murnaret Matthes. ukp.1 M i-i, . ,.' -"'-'..'-" 1 e--r , " .11, at Jeffries e. Keatea . A'lartle Cits. .V j nl. pri MAT. -March 10. JACOB, husband cf ?,".,m?tiV.a',,aK7' '', Kelatlves and friends are invited te attend funernl. Men , I 30 P Ferhn 00,! I . ' ,r"nl m ''" leamence. 2Uln W. Alle Alle Alle rernnoed aheny ave. Int Northwood Cem Rimalns . , lint' a'-J !-. I'll 'Utl VT$ Hely I MARY V 'latlves an. I 1111 U and at . - -:; " ".. " eiiiifsii'iy, at ..all eclncl len' n" '"'"residence. r.tV Se'us "t!. Cam': ?"'., ,J' Solemn hlKh mass at the Church if the Immaculate Conception at 0 A f Intet ment Calvary Ci-meteiy. 'v M' late residence,. lltlO'i - u,h -t .Int. Ve,,V. tj ,ni l.ni, n. ...... 1. ... T ......... sr - ..-..,.,. II II. 1 Inirv V',,l..',l m' rectei of Chun h nf uui I.adi S", YV ""V,' ''" ,,xt ,V1!. realder.ee tf his .i .".tow. 01111 ami vine sts liimnSiS 1 ' ,.","." .Jv0"v Jr .Ikins ler.T- relative and friends ar- Invited te nf 5l,.r.,,'Jr,',! l1' "'r2, OEOlE E M ! ultiiid funeral at the Church cf , iu" i.Bl?, , l 'AMBUIPUE. Sr . au.d 71 years. Relatives of Mctery, Thurs. Divine ,..flc tl-3e I ?mk frlnds, also Fidelity Ledim. n vis I iVeif Crl?il''nn rul"Mn.as,- l0 A M Int. 1 JH3,0'Jr0' e.1 "Vm"! "H.vS.TVe ?ii ciii.vssT .Maren 12. 1022. FRANK F he. "ervice, en rueauay arternoen, at " o'tle, ii band eQjaephlne Gray, used tm lSinerni B,1 the Oliver II lialr llldic lS2nCn.itnm hervlccs Wed., 2.30 P. M.. at his late res ! ,'' J"'8""6" Private Friends may vlevv t'ence. Huntlncdun 'uliv n. 1.,, 11. .L ."' I remains Monday even 11 ir ' ' Cee,. Triliih.l.,k .." .nciore Ternilnal 12-te P M. ' ea,n aiU'EAN .March 0 MARY A., daushter iK'r,,l,m (",a.Sa.r.n c"-ua" Belatlv-es ...... ....,.,., ,,r 1 viipa ,n nimn. .1 CI HAL'KKN Mnrch fi 1, t t'.r..... huslmiid of Mary McCrackeii (ne'e Cenli, ) and son of Emma F and laie William k ----. -- V 9 -. w t a-a 1 UUI in HT ervlces Men , 2 P. M . late Mate st . canidsn N J. Friends mav call Sun. eve. iil;ad At itevbllpr, . J March i.ii.in t nueiuui et .viai y i. Read. nerai services a n's late residence. 13 j.. ,vi,i,iiiiK. . a., lira , . I f REpFIEl.D March i. i'ARRIe'a tvl'e of Jehn If Redileld (ne Founder). aed i," Funeral Men.. March n. I p .v , late res luce. Elm t . Seuth Westvllle, N. J tIv1(Vm" !V -M '" Wenville Baptut Phurr-i lnt Clarksboro. N. J Friends may ca eiin , i , tl I ii iui,r- -.March u JOSEPH S. RILET i linn s' JJi - ROBINS. Match tl femnv t i u.. , .f Harrier V Rebles uiee lllebel) at )i,s Jet,- lesiden e Marlen Static n. Mil Ii r""",'JI; '' -M American Mechanics Cei, ROBIN&i.N -uu March 11 PI22. JAMES husband of Lleaiiei- M Robinson Relative. and trlenda. a Ue Taber Yeai ly Beneficial So Se i. l'fiAltl, II7,t",'Ji Seccty and employee of the Drexel Bank ate Invited te the .errf", I mi Wednesday ii Herman, nt .' e' circle, at hi" .a.t- i-aiu.nie. i;.h ,n HOi.Jvve.nl St In rment private i.t uiiiKten lemten 1 riends iny , all Tees.lav .venliig ROCHE 'n Man), '.2, 1022 MATlOATf Pr wife f Michael F ' t- "he"' FuneraiT viilnn.la ,at S3.) A M. teldenc, ll"-'.i-en st Solemn h Ei, mass church of the .Var'arcer,i:'ter'; M ' "" ' - RiiWEN At MoerestjiMl N J vr '" sPP,n ,rd0" nf 'lllim s." Rew,, n.e I,andt-iiU'reri Relatives and friends iiv.ted te attend funeral. Wed 1 I 'rem In r late ms denes, stie v "Q 1 M.:,'.re"i ' ,n N;. J . Int " Laurel H te T 11 3(1 p f. ,,Ul C'''' T"" " e" SAILER - i'n Match tl in'." a was WEST, daual.ter cf Jeseph and Man VX Siller aaed a iu.irs Service and Int.r ment private Please emit flowers SANDFORD March 11, n,2e 8U . ,, SANllFORD. after a short itin... ... ..l. Ci. ...n Cl.. I. ..- n.... .. . .. ,u ".. ? . ... .-.. ,(,c,,ri mrc , ,' if N' 21st st Int Laurel mil i',,n SELL. March tl ANNA E, i,if. "iT'i-i,1 ''" M ''""' ".r husband's re.idenf" ..al7 R.vir ave. Cai.idtii, N J. r, ,' vale Reiiialns mnv be viewed Tues SEYHOT1I Mar. h 10 leHtENA ? i .EYHuTir. dauxhtei of Jehn I and Dera a S.,lth niee Ma,,,.,. hsr .J3l, j.ir, 5 lA tlve and friends nre Invited te attend tu V.ra!- ,f.''.r ... s niJ A M '""'! isirents' reis , dj-tic-e a.'3'i Pampas! Helemn lernletn mass hurch of Ascension le A .VI Int. "i" RwletMnee I 't.u ut ,.,RI.AVY ,." Mar. I, I.' MARiJARET wlf. of hdvln Shaw Hi" Millev) Relative and ViS?'? V," ln',r1 '" -'"""I funeral Weil T ',, A..M-' il'lent of her aunt. .Mrs Ces. telle 2120 V. 3d st ILich mass St. Ed ward's cturch 10 s M Int. Hely Sepulcti, SliELDItAKF Suddfi.1 at f'ainr. Kne, F HiVl'i-VSrA,1-1' -' --?itat cRL?-, r. "HI-'-DRAKL, son nf ciceine B. and th rA',? r-,lU"i' V? A- )h1rake. of 2O0II Hout" -- - .! nii.il iu. I Hi- i:i.l.l.- "T Relatives und friends 'si.. It at 2141 of McCI.EMAN Sun,, weed after 7 P, "v ur.ii, .March s DRAf! V n-ife Cre'?nUer,,Churr-c. '',!"" " rrl.nai ' ,? FrU?ndsSt!!p!7 cTtu,'"" C' 2I,,r0n.--At Ma,inelln. Del . en March !ei!iT"rhrJ::. ,'dlV.,A NANCES nf Susan ami ,i, ,":',.'. ,J. '."u'.'"M'iter U.r. 1.. .. . "' '-.X,' -....vn ui aanes .h, VI :) i e. is tl" 1 bVo,,c,;.-Je.m 'firuV-T 3023' , ?a'5s "h&l-1 'nkiln ISu'lffnnlnc Ce"".!! ?0 j o"eV ej,, fuiVrarTu'0 "h'uO T T read, se emn reuuiem mass at st ilabriel's I R, .".""L f,u,nere1' JJ"" - - ' . re. dericel ll, m".r,."' 1 .'"""lence. '.'3e H, Warnerie Church !U A.M. Int. Hely Cress Cem r i!.?'?' "'chvvoed ,t. Int ArllnBten c"m rM,,e",,,.h,ilel1., i,li,," ." r"'eni at tl... il FY On March le. 1022. I'll ulettp ' rlend may ca sun eve. -1 r.nurch of the Epiphany le A ,r. Int Nta- (II V mother of AlieT. riJ.r' in. . i,..V.f k McFADDEN. March 1 1 Him- ..,. . ., , Cathedral Cem ' "" tn 011 Mendav, at 3 P. M . at the Over H Hair 'inN Relatives and friends Invited I te fel JI'.'CLOSKEY March 10, NELLIE w (. " 11I.U; nirt Chestnut t. Interment prlvale r'' W-J- s-3 A- M. from residence of ' ff,.I:,1,w,ar'1 '-'''''hey and 'daughter of tl" V Yli'!V;rvl.iuN i' JinerH pla copy ,v"alr- her nephew. Jeseph Mc-'anr,, 1407 N 2d t f?&dJ,:lm,,u,nna,,NV?n Vurf?' Helat vt. a 1 HAINES. On March 8. Ih22 CLARENCE rS.?k'mn reiiulem mass at St Michael's , r nnrtf ?, Inviteil te attend funeral, 'fuel. It son of Sarah Haines." Relatives and l 'JVTAJ.I 'V M I"1- NBW Cathedral cvfn t,', ' .A., Mi ,ffum "r residence, Us-s U!."" .V '.nlP,' '" '"neral. en -Menilay! K,r"? IOnyiN.--On March n. la5? RAY- 7, ""',l ,',n1 rJi,u",'" 19.' "hnrefi. f t,v n. Ettlnc et Int .150.Office3 Throughout the s$ paiJSPafe w. eU M lmwm I -mmHfTr f riMltl n LVnu'tGi v HAI.UV -March in. imTnr.PT -if - ll..i.. 11. .."" ' Hs.s, Int. PatrUI, If.l , . . . . '7 " ..irt,,t ,Vt urpun. 1 : " ult t;vu nairi- ,ni ..nnsin ilein- Q9"?'ll1,: ". 8 r.'iVr' "".; v,V. r 'VdeUM1: tVsl,le',,f214220lUH;" VC-,,'-,"'.JrcH 10. CVTHEIUNIT -n-if. ' i""""'' t rel.';",n requiem mass nt St. E et irtd llelner, in her .r'V"'0? '30 I ,iiZ.?Z.,t-" .Si i-ainier rins-v.'s 4(h sear, Funeral M. nreciselt- r..i. st. Interment i,nln.. may view body Sunday, 'a 'etii it,T:i 'W Ann a t'liureli u A. i in, u, t....c.i" Cem., (ilrardvllle. Pa . via 10 30 A M. train. Columbia Ave Station, p u,,d R. Rv,-y. ' HALLAM. Match 0, 1022, MART., wife of Arthur Halliim. Relatives and friend, ulse numbers of Trinity Reformed Episcopal Church, are Invited te attend funeral. Men.. 1 1", St., late, residence, 827 JJ. Allegheny fv,,Vr8il2'.le,!!,.i,l th. leve.named, church 3 LUed tei.0 m- "ema"" "'! .""-." ....TLTa-. . .-ae W"VII V. JUasah. lUlaUinT iiii'iiirr n , - -- ,- -- witii . National ',., , '' ii , '" ' ". . f "sin at 2 o'clock at itlie residence of hs brother in law 4KI-, vvurren i liuerment at Fernwe. d Cmn- "''. ,.t,' r."'1 may call juesuuy McKKOWN Mureh O 111" oeieveti wile or James Crowly) Relative and te attend funeral, Tues Cei SI 1121 evt-nltic- VNNA V N .Mcr.eevv-11 (li. friends urn Invited l 3'i A M lata OUT --Mar h D. ELIZADETir fiHOR'l ..... . ... .,.-, ,T. ,..OII. . 12 ' H, . I I'lirlttt Church, 2d nt. above Market. ' SB M l.U ,u Wllllamstewn, N. J Mar Ii J I ANNA KATE, wife of i:i,. Sit kler nK,-d Ml Relative, and friend, if livlted tu it'leml funersl .,ii.J "i?.." JneOTIt, March ta. lnn iit "m" l'.,M0 K "SOth. Berv?..13' mssssm irjy iiAma I tm MMMm I'NDERTAKKKK HUTK kWivi J p M tat M 1;. Church. William.," MI.ER.iTEIN. - At Atlantic Cit S arch 12 CARRIE wife of Ch.r S rillyiU in Further notice of. funeral wVi,i Klvcn from Aslier' Ilread Bt..Cliap,l. V mtnttrrv. March 10. I'trniteii a . w.,' llenaffiin nt ;p -rue.. N:av A. .. late reaicUne.: uiV i .." llln r.M.&iA. ta. "-..--IJ -; . ;.-.-. -"srs. Wt'il ;nt's Church 10 A. W. arrear). Funerl Ulanea. 2807' 8t..1ji.t. ' ... t.t Mi j 1 rik MM WW? XtMHt l5l I- V, J jAMOIIDvJ i'tt-.4urjnr "., pa 4Jt?vVVv . W'Sw:t m- il'i tiriw &.'"?" -jt,ij-. raMMt . ... i&