Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 13, 1922, Night Extra, Page 24, Image 24

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1 1
Bi .
VGrmanv Gloats at Presnect of
$&, Embarrassment Caused by
America's Demand
- '
?l&s liflnilnn. Mnrrli 1.1. Mtlinncli Atner-
JtllfMI' nlnCt, ... iiiIimIIi. , t ttnrt.uitit Ci
)Stne upkeep c.f lier tirmv In tlie Klilne
,iT land hna been fentnrcel in the news cel-
fik .twins, the llrpt extended comment up
; Speared only tn.lnj'.
Lt The Meriiini! Pest's tterllii cerrc-
5.4 spendent says iw of tin American il
'' "" mnnd vn rrcehe'cl llieie with titidw-
i Jillsed MitUfnetlnn nt the rmhiirr.Tn-
r njent It was likely le eihim the Allies.
& , The TdRliclte HnniNehuii Is ipietcd as
vJO. .Mjlng the moment lias come for tier-
SJS many te matiRtiratc nn nctive inreien
'-i' nellrv fllmln
nt ohllteriitloll of
I.VVIj V. 1 V...MI...1'
The corre-tpemlent ascrili" in the
newspaper the Mfitenidit that. Ameri
ca's nntagenWm te Trance liclti,- no
longer cenccaltd, the (lernian detnnndH
are conquering the enemy world. In
conclusion, he quetes:
"Away "with rontrel rommllens !
Away with the repnratietM ltra.Mil !
Awaj' with the locust plau'iie nf irmu'i
of occupation! Out of our treneli,
" Herr" Wlrtli, and up te the counter-attack!"
"Aiuerlr.iV IJembsliell"
The Londen Daily Chronicle, tinder
the caption "Ameriea- lleiub-hell,"
""Intrinsically the el.iim i net un
reasonable, and If the piuctleal effect
Is te make some of our continental
friends lens zealous te prolong the oc
cupation of (ierman soil tliK would be
quite as much te the t.iste of llrltKh
public opinion as te American."
The newspaper admits It muj be urged
that, as the I'nlteel St.ttes 1m net par
ticipating in the treaty of Ver-allle.
It has no claim te money collected un
der that treaty and that the mere cor
rect course would have been te claim
It direct from ISerlln under it" own
treaty, but thinks the fact that Amer
ica undertook the Hliine occupation
jointly with the Allies "dots cue her
some .moral claim for joint reimburse
ment' The Westminster (Sazettn, lining the
rame headline, Kays there is net nine h
doubt that cut penny the I'nlted
Htatcs takes will have te eme nut of the
Allies' share of reparations.
"America has already intimated that
' the thinks the whole lepaiatieus ques
tion a proper subject for tll"eii-liin at
Genea," adds the (iawttc, "and we
may properly auim that this sudden
and unexpected Insistent e en Iter rights
Is part of the mine polio, and that
he wishes the curtain hntill liuii;
'.MA if ArrtfLrt!lla
ctewn en tne reputations farce.
"Very pessibh iiNe she wants te
take her troops nwav, and considers
this n subtle way of persuading her
European associates te speed the part
ing ally. , i
"This nctlen by the l"nitil States
compels the Allies te face the fact that
the cost of eccupjlng Ccrmiiu tcrrlterj
Is altogether out of proportion te the
debt for which the occupation is se
curity and that the whole sehetne et
payment!) and sanctions needs te be sub
stantially revised."
Genea Conference te Ge On
, The Vonhrence of Iirltl'li. Trench
and Italian Tureign Secretaries in I'm is
te discuss the program of the (Sene.i
conference has been fixed definitely for
March 'Si, It was announced ted.i. An
official statement aKn was ghun out
that the Italian (!n eminent had ac
cepted April 10 as the dnte for the
opening of the Genea gathering, thus
disposing of n rumor here during the Inst
two or three dus that the conference
would be abander d. owing te the non nen non
particlpatlen of the Tnited States.
Paris, March 1.1. -flly A. V.) The
decisions reached bj the Allied Tinnnce
Ministers Saturday ns te the distribu
tion of the fust billion maiks of Ger
man reparations payments among the
Allies probably will be brought te the
attention of the Allied Kcpututleus
Commission in time for discussion at to
morrow's meeting.
At the bame time the commission will
receive notification that the Allied
Governments hae referred back te It
, for reply the ncent German memoran
dum concerning reparation pawncnts.
The American claim for S1M1 .000.000
for the expenses of the army of occu
pation will receive different treatment,
having been referred b the Tinnnce
Ministers te their Governments, which
probably will lead te diicct negotia
tions. The clulm of the United States for
reimbursement is regarded in allied cir
cles as en n par with the allied claims
upon Germany, according te high au
thorities. The question, it was indi
cated, was one of method rather than
of principle, all idea of claiming that
the Treaty of Versailles constituted a
first mortgage upon Germany's facili
ties for payment having been rejected
and the right of the I nited States te
collect at the same time as the Allies
ibelng conceded.
miat remains te be determined, ir
is stated, is whether the Itcparatlens
Commission is the proper collecting
agent for the United States.
Brunen's Widow te Be
Quizzed by A utherities
Cratlnncil from Tage Onn
were fired, because it is net customary
te lead mere than fourteen or fifteen
buckshot in a cnitrld'c.
A mysterious closed car which may
or may net figure in the ttugnly is in
the hands of the State police at Hum Hum Hum
monten, Three men who occupied IJ.
-are being sought by State troopers and
the Philadelphia pelice: - -
Car Driven ltccklessly
The Ilammouten incident -was re
ported te l'arker teduj . At neon pn
Saturday, according te Sergeant Kd
ward Eustburn of the .State Constabu
lary, a closed cur. nil curtains, down,
came dashing into llnmiuentnn from
the direction of Atlantic City. The, cur
was going fast, and wits being driven
recklessly. Ah the machine struck
JJellevue avenue, In ilamuiuuten, some
thing went wrong with the steering
gear The car leaped from the read,
ripped down the heavy guj wire of a
telegraph pole and ran into an orchard.
w tfelng fifty feet before It brought up
iwV jigalnst a tree, the radiator smashed and
V iere urea mown out.
Juue iiircu men in me car, me mute
ilice learned, Jumped out and run at
maiul trt tint W'lil,.. II..HLI. ..!!,..
W.i-D- - ' ,,i,,v imiru Jim.
iMmint in the direction of I'hllndelphiu.
KijThe car bore a Tennsylvnniu license,
ljfwhlch Is being looked up by the police,
9" " ' ""' eeiieve eiinur me car or
I'JTf' ,,ccnse Plates were stolen. Ilieru
V$zL 'had been Initials en the deer of the car,
Kfe'ri', "' wese nau ucen scratcneti en.
uTe Quiz Brunen's Family
'M&itf interrogate nazel,
r '; jnnuifii e -uuiieucci, uuu jita, uurry
PrIelr,' Mrs. Brunen's mother.
sA'fe.VW''' Bfaen already has made two
."rliii.ai'.l, 'eat1 Ilalnntlira lln-t,..
rWwi,-,r., .v..,u ..
? t taxt)'
JM. JB-Xf m
f "
mMm'-YHi-im nm. w ",m
HHr lbBIIbIIIIIIH ' K-- t i
Alsoc is t..e die.ir.N ulnle steiie uhidi i enlriiiiteil Dr. l'rlnre and Ills
companions when they arched at the f.inn of Alexander .'MiicDenald,
In AnllgnuMi County. 'ou Scotia, with plans te lay the "spook"
wlili Ii I:. id drien .MacDenalil ami his famlh from their home. In the
landscape can be seen the "haunted luiiisc" and barn and two mem-
I hers of the party standing In the snow, llrlnw Is :i croup of the lnesll-
i gaters pcslng together Inside the house. 'I hej are, left te right, Dan
i .Mai Ultcliie, a cartoonist; II. IS. Whlddcn. a Halifax reporter, who sas
he retched a ghnstl slap diulni; a prier lnrstlgntleii of the mysterj ;
Lee .Mac(iilira. a neighbor youth, who has been scoffing a hit at Dr.
I'riurc's theories, and Dr. Tiiiuc himself
want hct te tell me mei
Die about hear-
.m i mi,! niMiiiM.r
lug the tciiiirt of the
Unit te ni)tlf thp neighbet''.
Mini, iilki. t.i ileierili.i tin. lliii.
leighbef. I want
the line men hhe
'vinv. i.ne in a car and the mlnr. neai
.her licmic, running te j;et abe.ml the
I "If tlieie was such a car in the case
It was tie "pay car." and the men in It
had come te see ili.it l'.mncn was killed,
1 I belice the iminicr was cemniittceil ler
'hire. Hi.' iimidercr tiiideuhtcdly get ion; en Nittirdtn , as lie had a big bust
I nwav in i I'md ieuim, wlmli viis ncss ileul en. He did net intimate that
, parked about a qnaitcr of a mile away he was in fear of his life.
, from the house, tt ituc-ccx miu a man
i riinnillC with something iu his hand.
niideiihttdlv the Kim. and cd abenid
this car. which h.id been left bv tin
read with llu'hts out. si( ptnked thnt It
leuhl get awa immedlntclv in the ill-
rcctlen et either I'.iindcn or Ticnteti."
i .........
Scarih .Made for (inn
Dctctl'.e I'nrl.er has ( nli-ted the aid
of the l'hiladelplii'i police in a seneli
for th" shotgun which was iisid te Kill
llruucli. He found n plci e et the irun.
the "crlii" which lecKs the hnuels te
the stock. It had 1 n chopped, app.ir-
cutl. b Hie inurdeier i his hn-ii te
lake the gun iipuit .is lie i an. Detecth
ii. ., i.... I..... lm.l ii... mil, ..Min.i.w.i t...
cxpeits, and tlu tell him it is part et
a cheap weapon, pmhnhh of Itelglnn m
'(leinian nuke, which sold for fiem ,?10
I te SL'."i.
I, I i I. 1 .1 .
'of water te the Ihun,.;, '"iZti
is w reL- mine ei suiinm in.! l. ....
I near the cieck In the hope thnt' tin
murdeicr thiew the gun nwav iu the
swamps or into the creek us he ctessed
n iu,)., l.fi.l.,.. ,l..i, I.....I. ... ,. :. ...i.f.i.
wiiulil hnve been in the direction of his
probable tliglit.
Yi'stenhij cintis people from New
Yeik, some of them known whcrcM r the
"big top" is creeled, called at the
Itrunen home in Ithershle. I'mu-riit
MTiiccs will be held tomeriow at the
11 iiiiiv ... ...s. it. ,11 .v..... uiri ii, V. IUIJI1
It developed jestcrelav that Hazel
Brtinen is the s.!.).(lulj,hl(,l. lf Ml,
Itrunen. Ihiel and her step. methi r an-
coming te Philadelphia tedaj te hu.v
mourning garments. 1 hej aic said te
It developed jestcrelav that Hazel
WmM- ''f Deles live Kills I'urker is shown
KW W& h.ehing ecr fore 'grip of gun
Hjt'i :0 which was used In sLij ln Thee-
HR( iM ''N' '"" I'runen at Klverslde,
tSf. M s'- ' 'J,, sll'ell" that hilled th.e. ,
eiRC '!: show man nnd leaded one are also
-w... is1M'sf
liaw been left well off by the death of
p..,,., i... 1....1 ..,;. .i f-....,
of about SL'OD.tlOO. according te Dctec-
live I'ail,. r.
.' ...
Ui'lecthe .Istlllel
"I Knew 'Honest Jehn' well," said
Mr. 1'nil.er teda. "I had n cenversa-
tln with him en business net mere than
two das bt fen he was nuirdered. He
loin me then that lie was going te :sev
"lie lmd some enemies, of course, as
. v,.n innn mn.i l, l,f, U..., n ,!.
show Imsines, fr cars, bur none who
miu'lit lnie lieen crpected te murder
him Tl
ie case i one of the most mys-
tenens 1 m
e cer known. Evidently
j, wns cnieiulU planned and deliberately
. ...:...! .... i i.-.ii i. ,..
u lied out. I Indict c It was a murder
let letcnjie. although I hac established
no meine. The person who killed
liruneii eldent. was familiar with his
ineemcnts and with the house itself,
.Mrs. itarhara Walter, n ueiehber.
J"1'1, "V 'hat she had seen a man at the
' .''' ,h"Z. "' "runen s home Thursday
night. I lie man knocked, but cot no
nnswer nnd went nwav. I'.runen nreh-
"uI-v "'lls down the cellar, and did net
'''" "' ' believe If Itrunen had an-
s"ll,,d lie would lime been shot as he
opened the deer. I think the man who
lllllll It'll fit llll. l.illli.ik n'l.,(.i..lit. ..Iiakl
"- ' ' "mr Hrun.; w,m,7"was' the
'mm wee iiimiuuici i no i inner.
. -wv i t.v
Da., rim - LJ eLl.i. nenc n
i,v. wi. v.. n. i3lIIK, 9UD Drewn
Street, Leses $35 in Clothing
in. i.s ei.ieicu mc iieiiie ei me itev.
Dr Chiistian n shirk, LViiMi Brown
tii't, while all members of the family
wer ., jesterduj, and stele cloth -
nig lain
at !J:'.e.
Anether lebbetj icperted l.,dn was
. ,,, st,)K, ()f Si(llu'1(l, NntKl, MSlb
Richmond street. The thieves climber
tin. nigh a bad; window ami carried off
$.111! worth of hesicrj.
rtwwwwi tiimmtmumintKmvHUrxifxnxt.il
iiinimwmiMi(,i itimMakti-fhs.mx:,
Dr, Prince Alene
in Haunted Heuse
Continued from Pace One
sufficient te bnse a report upon. What
It Is nobody but himself knows. I de
net believe Whlddcn or Mcltltchlc knew.
I did net see Dr. Prince yesterday. He
was in his room ngaln. The apparatus
that la, these queer little sleigh-bells
was still in place, I did net ask any
questions about them. I asked Wild
den If he was going te come and stay
at my place. lie said ne: that
if they left the house they would have
te go te some place where there wa
no one who hud seen any of the strong,
fires or ether happenings. I was one
of the eye-witnesses, nnd of course that
let me out.
When I left the house Whlddcn and
Meltitchle were very quiet. I de net
think they liked being stepped from
railing up their homes and talking te
the folks. This had been denied them
nil day. Kut it was orders, they said,
nnd they guessed that they would have
te obey them.
All kinds of rumors are springing up
here, due te the fact that the motion
picture men have been refused permis
sion te take pictures lnslde the Mac
Donald house. Several of these fellows
have gene nwity sere. One ,told me he
. was going te announce tnnt some one
I had bought up the MacDonald home
, stead and was going te charge $200 te
i nny one who took pictures and $20 te
any one who wanted te go through the
I This Is, of course, net true. The
Prince expedition Is there simply
through the courtesy of Mr. MncDennhl
and nothing else. Rut the rumors come
1 thick and fast, and despite the terrible '
f""llten of the rentls many drove here
, in sleighs. When the reads are eoed
i "''? !lnell,(1 b,c n ce0'1 ,,,n.cc f?p t0Ur,lHtHi
I J"" J ,'lm e"'"8 te se what I can de te
leek after them
, inve jllPt looked out ever the hill
, mid there Is a light new In the Mac-
I Donald home. This Is all I expect te
I learn new, unless Whlddcn and Mc-
i Itltchle come te my place. The neigh-
I ners arc a mile away.
I am convinced thnt Dr. Prince's re
pert will verify all I have said nbeut
the fires nnd strange happenings. I
I myself was called te the MacDonald
home liv Mrs. MncTInnnlil nml Van
I Kllen en the evening of Jnnuurv 11. I
I myself saw thirty-eight Hrcs break out.
and I myself wns mystified nnd terror
ized, ami l never want te go through an
experience like that again,'
I was net dreaming. The fires were
' there. I miw them. My brother Dan
I saw tucm nn(l Duncan MacDonald Baw
' them, as did the members of the Mnc-
Donald family. I am eager te see what
Dr. Prince says I knew he will give
the same nnswer ns Detecth e Carrell.
That answer Is supernatural.
Caledonia Mills. N. S.. March 1.1
(By A. P.) The hpoek hunter, Dr.
Walter Franklin Prince, was alone last
night in Alexander MncDenald's little
home ever en the hill, hoping -that the
"thing wiiieii caused Alex and his
I v-ojiteeuld get friendly and
"?.. - - . "'
There are some here who believe that
Dr. Prince hai already discovered the
hecret of the ghost, or" perhaps made
its acquaintance and arranged for u
friendly little -:hat tonight.
This morning Dr. Prince will be
jidned by members of his party at the
H,00k haunt, thn nil will leave for
I Antlgenlsh te entrain for Halifax. Dr.
' Prince will make u written report en
!1'13 '"vc-tlgatlen.
Sir Mia SilWllrUlVldti
, nsiniuiu te IX1A
Bosten, March 13. Edward J.
O'Brien, scientist and author, asserts
that the mybterleu Hrcs en the Antl Antl
genlhh farm were net set by a ghost
but the result of wireless flashes be-
I tween the two most powerful radio
stations en the Atlantic Coast en the
direct line of which he declares Hen
the "ghost farm."
I He declareb ether mysterious fives
lie along the direct line between these
i two stations. All the fires, he sujs,
me of a distinctly electrical character.
The two powerful stations nre located
at Well Fleet, Mass., and at Glucc
, Bay.
I "The MacDenalds will have te move
. their house out of the range of these
powerful curicnts or It is liable te hum
down some night when the atmospheric
conditions nre just right for it,
' "Take the map, trace the line, apply
j our scientific knowledge of wireless
operation, study the curious effects of
electrical fires en ships and en land iu
erases where jeu knew they wcie caused
by wireless currents, and you hac tin1
bolutlen of the fires new being blamed
, upon the ghost of Antlgenlsh.
"Mary Kllen mischievously braided
the cows' tails and thought It was great
fun. Whldden, the reporter, carried
away by his imagination, probably
really believed the ghost really slapped
"Dr. Prince is about te give up his
in,uest. The story of the ghost is plnln
I bunk. Your ghost is wireless."
90 N. . Pastors
Get New Charges
Continued from Face One
Mhntua'-'J. W. Itui'C.
MaiKntc C'ltj K. C. Itardr.
Miiys I.nndlns A. P. Ward.
-NKtlenal Park J). W. Lucitenbill,
Paulsberu Hilllnifururt, C. O. btreli, ht.
I'aul's. H. M. Vnnsant.
PlPAsantvllle liethany. I. D. Champien;
Palem. T. II. Hielcs! Wesley, W. I Shaw-.
HUklervlllu and Tunsbore iftnjamln All All
eend, Htratfenl Elmer rltnrr-
H,fdiubnry U. U. Havaman,
Thorofare W. A. 1urcli.
'rurnervllle Klwoed Hoey.
Wennah P S. -I Fees.
Wcstnient W J. AVIIllitins.
WeBtvllle-Vlcteria H. L. lleyer
Wltislew circuit Harry Ulse.
Wi.eilbury W. J Sayie.
Woedlynn C. O, Uoek.
, fiuperlntendent Trenten district SI, li.
Allentenn C. S. Mlller.
Asbury '. O. Itlierten) F. K. Tanslej
Heverly N D Kelly.
TlnrclentevMi J, S, Uui rleen.
Ilrideebore J, W. Veal.
llreunu Mills W. C. Hlnhep.
UurlliiKten h'reail Street. Lawrcmen
Cerrellj Union Street. O. A. l'almr.
CelumbUB circuit J. H. Nankliel.
Cranbury 1 K. I.cnex.
e.'resswlcks and Ellisdale I'rank Wood Weed
field. Delalr K. V. Stciiens.
Delance Wllliam"JJl8brew.
EnKllshtewn Hanford Memerial, J. 11.
Kleldsbore D. D. Ressell.
Florence Henry Jehnsen.
(Jrevevllle 11. V, Deran.
Hamilton 6quare O. C, I3ene.
Hlihtstewn C. D. Whltten.
Hopewell--W, B. Msmwh.
Vulsjrstewn eusJHlt f. U Psndrtek, Jr.
JCLCOMtQWli anil eCAnbtCnn.HVV 1,. t mn.
JmebUrgs Woltlefer Jehnsen.
Klturitewn S.'R. Latham,
IJnvala and Amwallrt N. Bradlyy.
Lumbrten and Smlthjilll J. r. Sher-
.Marlton and Crien V. W. Wlckward.
M'dferd William Kwn.
Mtrchantvllle a. O. Pitt.
MoermtnwtA J, It. Maann.
Mount Helly Jehn Oerley. . ,
New Eeypt ahd Celllera MUla Timer
ji-lngf r.
Nw I-iKbert pnd Matnella If. P. Jtudy.
Pnlmyra K. A. noblnnea.
l'earannvllle V. B. Whltaker,
Pembrten Herchl I,e.
Pennlnften 11. P. Judd.
Penaaukrn and Umt Pernauktn J V.
tlnrman. . e
Pelntvlllc and Wrlchtstewn (Camp Vx)
J. V. Follctte.
Princeton A. It. I,ucak,
ltnncecaii circuit Hutch Berejlse.
uivfmiae i. ji. nniimn,
llcieblln V. II. Murphy,
'iniwrnnc.e una inai
Ian Mills Themas
Illumine . v. a I iuiuiif i .ii, uefurt.
Trenten Bread Rtseet. J. E. Shaw: Ilread
Street Park, O. A. Lee; Cadwatader Itelthta,
O. W, ItAnnera) Central, r. II. Merleyj
I hnmbyrn Street, C. E. Bhubart; Clinten
Aenu, C. It. Andeiaeni Mrt. T. D, Law
lencej Greenwood Avenue, W, A, Ilnydi Ham
ilton Aenue. J. W, I.ee; St, Paul, Leen J.
Chamberlain; Htate Street, 1. 'f, JUerhenten:
Trinity, E. A. Wella: Wealey, 8. Ludlow.
Vlncentenn nnd Buddtown L. D, Hen Hen Hen
dorfen. . .
Wlndner Arthur Themas
Superintendent Htv Brunswick District
Adelphta and Jemeyvllle E. T. Weeks.
Anbury Park llaliard Nfemerlal, II. Jt.
mil.... III. t r mK.KiA A . a
iiaHiDKFi r irni. r. a. imHriKi
Aflnnflr- ttiirhlandfl.T. Tr. fintin.
Ilnrpesat I'onnlnirten Coraen.
Ila-vllle and Ocean tlate-H, S. Ilenclc.
Ileach Haen 11 I,. Cooper.
Helfeid O. M. Het-ate.
Ilelmar D, B. Ituney.
Pradley Peach Marahatl Owen.
Clwtuwnrlh A. L. Davlea
Cllffwoed J. H. Smallwood.
Eatontevin and Clinten Falls Harry Van
Pnrmlnirdalc I.tnwoed Miller.
PerKed Hive, and Lanoka It. N. Aapln
wall. Precheld W. 1', Atklnnen
Oreenvllle circuit J, P. Lenen,
Hamilton and Neptune City (P. O. Aabury
PnrkI II. J. Ilur.
Harmony circuit (P, O. Lakowoed II, D.
Hlshlanit II P. arlm.
Inland Height H. J. Smith.
Kiwneburg O. C. Apar.
Keyperl Calvary. A. C. Brady.
St. Jehn A. L. Intnl.
I.akehurat and Whltlnn S. II. Matee.
I.akeMwid II, II., White. ft
Little MUer II. M. Smith.
Lenir Hranch Anbury, I. C, Cobb! I'lrat.
W. A. Monre. St. Luke W. E. Lake; Simp Simp
eon, W. II. Hickman.
Lewer Hank circuit C. h. Ebell.
Manahawklu and Cedsir Hun I). Y, Ste Ste
pheea. Manarauan Edward Mount.
tatawan E, V, Heed.
Mllltewn J. L. Kurtces.
Merganvllle O. Ii. Mundr.
Naealnk and Oceanic Frank Ounsen.
New nrunawlck Plrnt. C. R. Vunhoek.
Pitman E. II. Cleud: St. James, P. n.
New Clretna J, W. Stokes.
Oakhurst and Wayside H. H, IJcale
Ocean C!roe O. S Jehnsen.
Ocanpert D. W. Shlpp.
Old nriajm circuit j. ji. Pern man.
Point Pleasant First, X S. Moerei Cen
tral Aurlce Harsetls. ... ,,
Pert Bcpub'le and Smlthvllle V. M.
Hed Bank First. W. It. Haver.
(trace I. 8. Pimm.
Hayrevllle J, r, Scchrltt.
Sea Urlt-ht It. J. Anier...
Senalde Itetrhte E. L. Hampton.
-ald Purl: E B. Crnlar.
Hllvrrten Circuit J. II.. Htll.
Seuth Ambny O. W. Abel. . , A.
Southard Circuit (P. O. I.tkevreed) O.
S. teuthwlck. ... '
Seuth Btver Franklin Haley.
Spring- Lake 11, C, Llpplncett.
Toms Hlver W. W. Payne.
Tiielitrten -Darlel Jehnwn. ,, ,
Wall (P. O. Belmar) Te l-e supp1ld.
Waietewn. Clrctt O. W. Southard.
Wait Creek It. A. Caks. , .
West Orete (P. O. Aa'jury Park J. J.
vn.itcsHie ir. S. Hycr
Kurei Intend nt Alfred Wagu.
Aloway C. 8. Lawrence.
Avlt.e A. N llnmlln.
Anal) sea I M, Case. ....,,..
Asbury and euth heavllls V. . Jacksen.
Auburn J, T. IUddle.
Avra I). C. Evns.
Avalen Carl Henmer
Belle rialn J. T. Hann. , ,,
Brldgipeit .tnd Centtr Suuare A, L, Mer-
B.-ldgeten Central, II. P. Slean. First.
B. 8. Carllsles Fourth. C, J. Champien:
TrIHty C, M. Johnsten. Weeley Memerial,
E. A. Chambers.
Burleigh O. T. Hand. ..
Cape May City H. B. Hlllman.
Caw May Court Heuse B. W. Graham.
Carneys Point nnd Deep Water S. Is.
Mer re.
Cedartllte II, J. Helnemnnn. .
Centre UroveWeodruff Whllden.
Centerton II. J. K. Way.
Clayten H. I,. Ilradway.
Iieerfleld It. 8. Cranmer.
Iinnlsl!le and Seuth Dennis W. S.
T Ark as i
liividlner Creek Jehn S. Ilackatt.
Eldera circuit William Bradshaw.
Elmer 11. T. Tlelei.
Ewan B, F. Crane.
Felrten . W. Ilcynelds.
IYankllnvllle Stanley Clark
rrlendshlp I. O. Monreovllle U. C. II.
Olaasbore A. B. Carlln.
tieshen and Bias Orek C. P. 1 rd.
On en Creek and Bie Qrande J. O. II.
Haleyvllle circuit W. II. Andrews
Hancock's Bridge and Canten (P. O. Quln Quln
ten) Richard Merpn. -ft
HarrlsenUlle r.nd Farrell A. I. Bess.
Helslervllte J. E. Simpsen. ,..,
Leesburg and Dorchester J. T. Stewart.
Malaga and Pnrtstewn Frank bteens.
Waurlcetewn Milten II. McCann.
Mlllvllle First. C. I. Fltigeerce: Fourth.
J. W. Ilradway Second. 1) E. Clair Trln
Itv. F. C. Uhl: West Side, Thomaa Onle.
'Mtirtela Elijah Teier.
MonreeMlle W. U Petersen.
Mulllci Hill A'. J. Smith.
Ncwneld B. Ird. .
Newport Walter Mckles.
Ocean City Jehn Handler.
Pedr'cktewn J. A. Nailer.
Pennsgreve Emanuel, F. It. Pureed.
St. Paul Steailman Applcgnte.
I,ennslllc A. I.. Creamer.
. Plttman J. II. Haines.
Plalnsvlllc nr.'J L.vke Circuit BenJ. Rlck-
Cnpert'E1lrabeth A. 8. Bailey.
Pert Nerrls II. E. Oarrlsen.
Oulntnn Walter Pine.
R'rhland and Friendship Mark Kears.
Hlchwoed M. B. Trainer.
Salem Broadway. Qeoree T. Harris:
rirst, B. 11. Decker.
Twenty Years of Hatred
r Turned Against an
Innocent Weman !
IJENRY JARROMAN had spent twenty years in a cell for a crime he
LL did net commit. During all that time he fed his soul with
thoughts of vengeance. Frem poverty and prison he had suddenly be
come rjch and free te carry out his atrocious scheme. Then fate
stepped in. Jarreman learned that the object of his hatred was dead.
But figuring that the sins of the fathers should be visited upon the
daughters, he devised an even uglier plan for vengeance. Twenty years
in prison had stamped out any regard he may have had for youth and
loveliness, and chance had placed a beautiful girl in his power.
Nertkcliffe Says It Is the Greatest
Story Vickers Has Ever Written
Don't miss reading this powerful piece
of fiction. It will start in Thursday's
Evening Public Ledger. Every day's
installment will bring a new thrill and
a deeper plunge into intrigue, mystery
and human passion. Hate, love, greed,
sacrifice, courage, devotion, treachery
and revenge are se mixed together in
the plot that every chapter is crowded
with interest. Every day sees the
mystery deepen until the great climax
ei this wonderful tale. Then begins
the unraveling that saves the souls and
straightens out the lives of the people
This Remarkable Tale of Leve,
Strife, Adventure and Mystery
"The Vengeance of Henry Jarreman"
Begins Thursday, March 16, in the
fuenmg public Wzbzx
The Evening Public Ledger prints mere entertaininn rni
25 per cent MORE NEWS than any ether Phillditli n :ttn nvem0e of
, " mei rniiadelphia evening newspaper.
"Make It a Habit"
" ;
Sea lele C'ty. am 'Btrathmere Franklin
Bewen and Nelsen Moere. .
Beavlhe Circuit U. O. Petersburg;) Sam
uel Cnwman.
Sharptown T. J. Merarf. .. ,
Tabernacle (P. O. Erma) It. S. dascelne.
Tuokahee C. At. Orlrtlth.
Vlneland First, T. S. Breck.
North Wade Bump.
Seuth F. W. Slater. .
Wlldwoed N. V. Sargent. .
Wllllamstewn J. T. Richardson.
Wbedruft andxllesenhayn (P. O. Brldgeten)
Abert Baner. . .
Woodstown F. Jj. Jewett.
J. E. Ijike. resldent Ocean City' Associa
tion, member Ocean City Quarterly Confer-
nR.' L. Lewis, chaplain United Btateg Navy.
member Vlneland Quarterly Conference (P.
O. care Beard of Heme Missions and Church
Extensions, lTOt Arch ttreet. Philadelphia).
Pa ),
Frank Moere, superintendent State Re
formatory, Rahway, N. J., member Little
Sliver Quarterly Conference. ...
A. C. Oliver, Jr., chaplain United States
Army, member Ocean City Quarterly Con
ference (P. O. Fert Heward, Baltimore,
ti.'w. Rtdeut. conference evangelist, mem
ber Delance Quarterly "Conference.
R". C. Senaer, left without appointment te
attend school, member Parkslde, Camdan,
Quarterly Conference.
C. II Eider, chaplain New Jersey Stale
Prison, member Trinity. Trenten. Quarterly
Conference. . t . ,
E. M. Conever, secretary Department of
War Emergency and Reconstruction of the
Beard of Heme Mission and Church Exten
sions, member Wcnenah Quarterly Confer
ence, - .
C. M. Levlster. welfere secretary. West
Jersey Hospital. Cwnden. member of Cen
tenary. Camden. Quarterly Conference.
8. H. Coulter missionary In Japan.
H. H. Elllngheuse. left without appoint
ment te attend school, member of Naveelnk
Quarterly Conference,
R, A. Conever, Centenary evangelist, mem
ber of First Church. Camden. Quarterly
Conference . . , , . .
M. 8. Pitt left without flpplntment te
attend school, member of Merchantvllle
Quarterly Conference.
J. L. Pttt, representative Ruard of Sun
day Schools, member of Merchantvllle Quar
terly Conference.
Asks Curb en Scheel Amusement
peaking nt the opening session this
morning, the Itev. Jehn Handley, ei
Ocenn City, declared the time had come
"for the preachers te place themselves
en record against the continued craze
for dancing and ether amusements, par
ticularly among high schools and fra
ternities, nnd the action of many school
beards In permitting the use of their
buildings for that purpose."
"I am a school man nnd a fraternity
man," he said, "but I cannot help Jut
deplore the fact that school beards are
continually throwing their buildings
open for amusements which have a ten
dency toward Immorality."
The declaration came after Dr. F. A.
Demaris had delivered his report en
"The Condition of the State of the
Church." He stntcd that the ending of
the World War has been followed by n
constantly Increasing spread of the
who have come in contact with Henry
The story is written by Rey Vickers,
who is taking the place, of Cenan
Deyle in English literature as the out
standing author of detective and mys
tery stories. His portrayal of char
acter through the most intense sort
of action creates a serial that plays en
all the emotions. Viscount North Nerth
cliffe, publisher of the Londen Times
and the Londen Mail, read the manu
script and called it the greatest story
Vickers has ever written.
craze for nmuMmcnta. ITe urged prcaehvil
this " end nc7 and " d Vri".
could net lake the place of real rei. Jl
Week be used by members of the Cen!!
ference In an extra effort te secure con
versions. Following the reading of, n telegram
from the secretary of the Htnt rv--..'.'
.7. O. A. M., nt Trenten, cengratalaUns A
the conference en Us action In uralni 'I
the State Sennte te brlnf the se-calleStnl
lllble.bllK.eut of committee, Mr. MinKI
. er nskedNtirrrillen n mA,H. ifi.a"ui
scrtiert of last week In which he tenae,"('a
the Jews of .America "Parasites erfiTl
Christian uivtutatlen." '. ;
"I wish te withdraw that ntnim...t i.l
he said, "It' was very unfair. Thi'r.l
are many Christian Jews, Jews u ,fl
uici.uiciuiii.nivu u ui no are 10 ernht'it.' I
with them. I knew many loyal Hebrews I
wne are initntui te the ting and hsi,t
fought with us side by Bldc.' K .
Christianity Toe Luxurious t
"There is net enough 8elf-sacrlfi.'
nnd renunciation in the r.i,ru,:vz
'church today" Bishop II. Lesta Hmltli i
ett Tnrlln. AaflnvttA In nti lmni..u..i. .1 .
dress. ' "(
"I wish I could make it harder for'-''
men and women te be Christiana, v... .
have no moral or ethical right te permit ''
the workers te bleach thcmselvm -mi:'
carrying double burdens and te fall en A A
nrnlsn flcldu trhlln vnu nn lint ,. -
luxury at home. Christianity today la
entirely tee luxurious."
"The world needs your support net
alone by sending mere men te the work'
in foreign lands, but by supporting
these who arc already there."
Prince Eltel and Wife Indignant
' Over Coreipendent Story
Londen, March 13. (By A. I.) ,
Prince Eltel Friedrlch and his uif.
hnve requested the Government depart
ment which deals with the Hohenzel
terns' affairs te proceed against dissem
inators of the story published In En.
land and the United States that tt,.
Princess had confessed te misconduct I
with the Baren Plettenbcrg, says a licr- 1
nn tnspatcn. ... , ,1
TCtfnl ami Ma rlf flav 1ia ..I...... i. ' 'I
untrue. They admit that the Princess
testified about a month age at the tint
hearing in the divorce case brought by
the Bareness Plettenbcrg, in which she
Is named as corespendent, but declare 1
that her testimony was exactly opposed
te that ascribed te her.
All divorce cases In Germany are
nenni in private.
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