Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 13, 1922, Night Extra, Page 11, Image 11

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By Lee Pape
Things YoiCll'Leve te Make
iff le Gtrl 5 ChineseHat
mi. nfilrnoen I went Q crrnnd for"
infl being ene cent chnnge from It, ntul
en the wnys home I started te go past
Memmy Eilinmlnscs store and there was
geme neur bells in the winde with 'a
elne saying, Wlls they last, 3 for a
tent. Me thlnklngO, If ma gives me
his cent III buy 3, eny q, by the time
I be home and sce if I run have the
inV nnd then come back the sour bells
Site net lat that long, O, well, Q,
1 VJess HI Jeit tnkc n clinnre.
And I went In and' get 3 sour balls
for the cent change, and wen I get
home I scd te ma, Hay ma, will you
Te me a cent If I tell you something?
If you have cnythlng you wunt te
tdl me, tell me, I dent llke these
bribery methods, scd ma.
Meenlng te tell her rce of chardgc,
nd 1 scd, Well G, ma, gosh, holey
meaks, you ewtcnt te dlscurrltlge me
wtn Im trying te find a honest way te
make a cent. ... , T
0 dent be se abscrd, scd ma, and I
wl.'well, well will you, ma?
Will I wet? scd me, nnd I scd, Will
you give me a cent if I tell you some
thing? , . . ., '
Ne ccrtcny I went, wat nenscnts, Id
drathcr give you n cent net te heer it,
watcver it is, scd ma.
0, all rite ma, thats a bargain, new
I went even mention It eny mere,
ihanks ma, I sed.
And I quick ran out nnd sat en the
frunt steps and sucked the 3 sour balls
feeling honest.
Gives Superb Performance of Haydn
Eneice and Schumann
The Flonzaley Quartet, one of the
world's greatest chamber-music organi
zations gave the program (it the seventh
meeting of the Chamber Music As
sociatien at the Bcllcvue yesterday
afternoon. Anether immense audience
was present, and this season Is far the
bett of the live since the association was
founded, both in attendance and in in
terest. The concert bezun with the Hnvrln
Quartet In E-flat, Op. 00 Ne, 3, one'
ei tne mere .rareiy piayeu or tne ivyun
works, but n composition of great
beauty. It proved te be remarkable in
the use of the 'cello te' such an un
usual extent, (for that period of Haydn's
creation life) as a sole instrument, the
elaborate and beautiful part being
superbly played by Mr. d'Archam
beau. who is 'undoubtedly one of the
world' finest quartet Cellists. The
composition is one of the best of the
Haydn quartets prier te the great Op.
04, TO and 77 nnd is typical of that
great master in its general cheerfulness
and In the beauty of the mere serious
parts. It was played by the Flon Flen
alleys with great beauty of tone, the
clearness and beauty of construction
being admirably xhewn, and with a
spirit thoroughly in keeping with the
Intention of die composer.
The second number was the slew
movement of a quartet by Geerges
Kncscu, a contemporaneous Rumanian
composer. It is a skillfully constructed
work, modern in harmonization and In
thought, but the musical value of which
is scarcely te bee apraiscd en first
heiiring. It is written with vast knowl
edge of the tonal and technical re
sources of the Instruments, nearly all
of these possibilities being used in the
slnclu movement.
The concluding number was the
Schumann A miner, most popular of
that master's quartets. It was played
with ait the beauty of tone nnd llnish
which, have made the Flenzaley Quar
tet unique among chambcrk-music or
ganizations, the Scherzo and the ilnale
being especially well 'done. The quar
tet received a hearty reception after
etch number was played.
Sly dear Mrs. Wilsen Will you tell
me what a bunch of heup herbs consists
of and hew te make soup from beef
anil the herbs? Alse what is the
proper time te serve fruit salad at
trninll home dinner party. I have had
It ns first course, then along with the
meat, then ngnln the Inst thing before
dessert, 'nnd am wondering just the
right time te serve It. I have some
nice bherbct glasses; will .they de te
serve the fruit salad? A. II. V.
The bunch of soup licibs consists of
Callage. ,
made in small portions and tied In
Te make bouillon place in saucepan
0i9 pound of leef bones,
Three-quarters pound of veal bones,
One pound of 'lean stetcing beef,
Twe bunches of soup herbs, chopped
2 tee quarts of water,
Ming te bell, simmer slowly for three
hours, then strain through a napkin, let
cook, remove the fat and return te the
kettlp, and add
V'hite of otie egg,
One-half eup of cold tcatcr,
tihell of the egg,
beat just enough te mix before adding
te the stock. Bring stock te boil, cook
or ten minutes, remove from the lire
and add one-half cup of cold water, httr
te liicnd nnd stand for ten minutes te
settle, then strain through n napkin.
lhls broth should be clear; If net, litter
or strain again. .,
Tite fruit salad when served without
salad dressing at the beginning of a
meal is called a fruit cocktail or salpl salpl
ien, It has no place in the menu with
the meat course; should net be served
nt dinner. This snlad la essentially a
luncheon ealad, or It Is sometimes
iercd nt high tea. Serve the fruit
amd en the regular salad plates. Use
your sherbct glasses for fruit juices
ft hen served ns cocktails or punches.
My Denr Mrs. Wilsen Will you
mease give recipe for lemon sponge pic?
MItS. V. A.
1-lne up layer cake pnn with plain
pastry. New place, in mixing bowl
Twe-thirds cup of sugar,
lelks of two eggs,
i ' nitr tablespoons of butter,
Juice of one lemon,
One teaspoon of grated lemon rind,
leuin well and until a light lemon
color. Xew ndd three-quarter nip of
One teaspoon of baking powder,
I we-thirds cup of milk.
Heat hnrd te blend and then fold in
'no btlflly benten whites of the two
KRi, pour in the prepared pan and bake
In a slew even for thirty mluutes.
Mis. Wilsen.-! would appreciate u'
njcipp fm. making beef tea and the cut
"meat te uWj, Xt. A.
I' or makliiE beef tea use a piece
jfeiu the neck, and huve the butcher
"' It while you wait. New place in a
"""It jar and add one pint of water
lur every pound of meat.
' ii'm tablespoons of finely chopped
parxlcy, "
Cever vim-ply nml plnce the jar In
Pan of cold water, having the water
fcutir niiii.i.fni.tl.n .!.. .v....t. - .,.
. -... ,. .w -,,,, IIO UIU Ul-lllll 1)1 lU
T.V bring bldwly te a bell and cook.
e?r.r. we heurs: itraln nnd Reason
Ah Interesting hat for little sister Is
It Is made of a large plateau (flat
sliape) off Btraw, lined underneath with
a becoming color. Four circles, each
one anil one-halt Inches In dlnmcter, are
cut In" the brim of tlie.hat, Uye en each
side of the front and two In the back
te correspond. A heavy silk rope is run
through the two holes nt each Bide. Each
end of the cord Is finished with a bIIE
or worsted ball and tnnsel. Twe circles
of the cord are stitched nreund the
crown. A row of small rosebuds out
lines each hole. The front nnd back of
this charming LITTLE GIHL'8 CHI
NESE HAT are drawn together some
what by the cords, which are then fas
tened te the briny FLORA.
1 I rsV
(mmkwlr . ja H""
The Weman's Exchange
Te "Ignorant"
Tour letter did net come until tee late
te print your "answer In time. And,
aslde from that. It would be entirely up
te you te think up Thcse reasons for the
debate yourself. Your teachers give you
the subject and the debate in order ta
give you the practices of looking up your
reasons and thinking them out ter your
selves. And, anyhow, you are right
there In the school and knew better
than any one en the outside.
Her Friends Tease Her
te the Editor of Weman's Pace:
Dear Madam I have some shape te
my legs, but they are thin. Hew nnd
what should I de te fatten them up?
nvery ene cans my legs iceinpickB,
,wnicn manes me very aisneartened.
K. D.
It Isn't very nlce of your friends te
tease you llke this, Is it? nut Just let
them wait After you have been eating
lets of butter and eggs and milk for a
while, se that 'you will get fatter all
ever and have been dancing, playing
basketball or skating or taking iame
exercises In a. gymnasium, se that your
legs will take most of that extra flesh,
they'll be surprised. Then they'll all
begin te compliment you. Don't let
their taunts make you disheartened.
She Must Werk at Heme
Te the Editor of Weman's Pane:
Dear Madam Due te the circum
stances nt home, father out of werlt,
mother being 111, I take care of mother ;
I cannot de any work outside. I am
nineteen years of age, a high school and
business school grnudate. I would like
very much te Knew whefe I could get
Berne outside work te de t home. Will
you kindly advise me through your
column where such places could be
Have you a typewriter at nemer
Typing is about the only kind of work
that can ba done at home, and there are
Bemetlmcs calls for persons who de this
kind of work. The typewriter com
panies often have calls for typists and
nlsc the multlgrnphlne companies. It Is
a geed plan te have your name and
nddress en flle with a number of dlt
fercnt places se that If anything does
come In you will have a geed chance of
rnttinir it. And also the employment
Imrenu at the Y.W. C. A. sometimes
has calls ter tnis type ei warncra. xjibh
you can de addressing at home.
There Is a list of addressing com
panies In the business directory of the
tfclephone book, nnd by applying te them
you mny be able te get some of this
ing te press
New listings or changes of
present listings cannot be as-
sured in the next issue of the Bell
Telephone Directory unless the
business office is notified before
March 15 th
Se if you are planning te move, '
desire your listing changed of want
advertising space in the new direc-
tery, call "Official 0050" at once.
epiace Your Advertising New
Frem $160 Upward
68 Y. Chtltrn At... Grrmantewn
Phene: Ocrmottfewn Otte
LUNCH &?iU,'"v 7AJtt8RM.
restaurant! ahe ceftie shop
Increase Your Personal Value
Appmruncra count thre, day.
Our plan rnnblfn eti te drra wrll
with clethlnc from the leudlnc re
fill! Mere of l'hllii. Yeu Y
in moderate nmnunl that will net
tjx jreur cnrnlnc". n tlieu.andii
time hern delnc for the pait (SO
Marriett Bres.
FOR forty years Slean's Liniment
has been the quickest relief for
neuralgia, sciatica and rheuma
tism, tired muscles and lame backs.
Ask your neighbor.
Yeu just knew from ifce stimulating
healthy odor that it will de you geed!
Keep Slean's handy and apply
freely at the first twinge. It penetrates
without rubbing.
These sudden sprains and strains
which unfit you for work or play are
Boen eased when Slean's is used.
The sensation of comfort and
warmth surely and readily fellows its
use. Slean's masters pain.
You'll find Slean's Liniment clean
and nen-ukin-staining.
At all druggists 35c, 70c, $1.40,
K4- .t
TIi terinr elthla Itch
will quickly UiriifTwl tv
pplylruc before rattnnf.
mint. Ontef Dr.Hebws's
ramuy mknie.
. nnnuUf J
j for Every Fleer in the Heuse
' &ft fj LajLJ rjiKv " .
l'JJc-SH"P'PBf"nrHH I ttM aBaLLsfl
Bank president and janitor
both like this fleer
A FLOOR can be liked or it can be dis
Here is a fleer in the Heme Savings Bank
of Bosten that is hard te find fault with.
The bank officers like it because it is
quiet and rich-looking. The bank clerks
like it because it is restful te the feet and
springy te the tread. The janitor likes it
because it is a remarkably easy fleer te
clean waterproof, and without bulges or
unsightly seams. Even grease, if there were
any, would wash right off.
Since a fleer like this is net expensive te
install, and is permanent when properly
laid, it satisfies everybody.
The bank fleer is Armstrong's Linoleum.
Floers of Armstrong's Linoleum have
about all the qualities a geed fleer should
If you have anything te de with the
floors of any building, shop or public in
stitution, consult your architect, contrac
tor or any geed linoleum merchant about
Armstrong's Linoleum. We gladly furnish
data and 'specifications for laying. All
Armstrong's Linoleum is- guaranteed te
give satisfaction.
Armstrong Cerk Company, Linoleum Department
Lancaster, Pennsylvania
New Yerk Office: 212 Fifth Ave.
CAfrth, CmCLE'AmtimmkktkbuUfUsk
MARCH 13, 1922
Wanamdker's Down Stairs Stord
Navy Blue Suits for Women
Who Prefer Them
T fflL
$25 $25
A great variety of suits of
niu-y blue tricetincs and Peiret
twill at $25 te $57.50 Seme arc
braided, some embroidered and
some jiderned with beads. Ma
terials' are of excellent quality.
Twe suits at $25 arc sketched.
Tweed Suit in Misty
Colorings, $12.75
In green and tan tones, they
show a small indefinite check that
is most Interesting. The jackets
arc made" with four patch pockets,-
n,ar,row belts nnd inverted
pleats down the backs.
Tweed suits at $15 upward are
silk lined and the array of color
ings is delightful. Strawberry,
rose, lilac, Copenhagen, violet,
gray, tan and green mixtures are
some of the becoming tones.
Cape suits at $25 arc in laven
der, Copenhagen and tan and the
little capes arc lined with peau
de cygne in lovely colors.
Spring Suits for Junier
Girls Arrive
Here are gay little suits with skirts and jackets or with
jackets, skirts and knickers te mntch. They're of homespun
tweeds in tan, reindeer and Copenhagen in sizes for girls of 15
te 19. $1G.75, $18, $22.50 te $25.
Tweed Cape Dresses, $8.75
Straight-line dresses with washable white Peter Pan cellars
have little capes bound with black silk braid. In lavender, rose,
Copenhagen and tan. Sizes 14 and 16.
All Sorts of Dear Little Capes
from tiny ones for Miss Six-.Ycars-Old te quite long ones for
Juniors. Seme are bright red, some in black-and-white checks
nnd a great many pretty tweeds in all colors. Prices begin at
$3 for 6 year sizes and go te $25 for Juniors.
Dainty Little Voile Dresses
in 6-Year Sizes
are in white, pink, maize and light blue. Seme are delightfully
smocked by hand and all arc very sweet and dainty. $3 te $8.50.
Deris Petticoats of
White Sateen, $2
The sateen is almost ns soft
as silk and has a high luster.
The feature of the Deris petti
coat is the very deep hem
stitched hem which means vir
tually a double petticoat, while
holding te a slcnderness of line.
A 3'1-inch petticoat has a 25
inch hem.
n 9 a
Dey ecrge j
Reefers, $8.75 ni
Exceptionally well-tailored' "
coats of fine navy serge.
eveiy thread all-wool, of
course. Deuble - breasted
style with an inverted pleat
in bactt and belted all around.
Red sleeve chevron and sergt
lining throughout. Sizes 8
te 10 years.
(dallerjr, Market)
Is the First Step Toward a Correct
Easter Costume
It is most important of all, for upon it all the rest
depends. Because it means se much we recommend
Gossard Corsets n
and are ready with them in full new Spring assortment.
A properly fitted Gossard corset is a source of satisfaction,
genuine comfort and unimpeachable appearance. It is like
a perfectly fitting glove. As one wema,n expressed it, "I
like te feel my gloves and corsets everywhere yet have them
bind or press nowhere. It is dreadful te have a corset tee
loose in some places and tee tight in ethers."
The Gossard corset is made in enough models te suit
every figure and when the right model is correctly fitted
one can have corset satisfaction as never before.
Gossard corsets are all front-lace corsets. Lew-bust,
topless and medium-bust models are of plain pink or white
ceutil, figured breches and some handsome brocades. $3.50
te $15.
Fitting service is without charge.
Black Sateen Pantalette
Frecks for Miss 2 te 6
are decidedly the fashion as well as very practical. Of lustroei
black sateen with bands of dark red or corn-color sateen trimming
both the dress and bloomers. $1.50.
Fer "Best"
there are two extremely pretty pantalette frocks of tan cotton pongee.
One has colored stitching, at $u.e0; the ether hand embroidery in res
color, at $3.
. At $1.25
a little pantalette dress of blue, pink or corn-color chambray te
trimmed with white. A practical frock for playtimes.
March Sales
en the
Central Aisle
Petticoats and
Knickerbockers of
Radium Silk, $3.85
A new specinl let of the pretti
est undies of the season lovely
enough for trousseaux! Made of
the popular radium that is as firm
and heavy as taffeta, yet is soft
and smooth and does net "rustle."
The petticoats are charmingly
plain and straight of line with
embroidered dots and scalloped
edges te make them leek "ex
pensive." All the new shades are
represented, including periwinkle
blue, jade, navy, brown, black,
henna and nurple. Lengths 30, 32,
34, 30 inches for the new longer
frocks. The bloomers are cut full
and finished with double bands
of elastic at the knees; sizes 29 te
34, se they are plenty long.
Braided Oval Rag Rugs
$1.25 and $2.50
A special let advantageously
purchased te sell for much less
than our regular prices.
Heavy rugs that will net roll
up nnd that can be easily kept
clean by an occasional scrubbing.
Their oval shape is a decided ad
vantage net usually obtained for
such low prices. Sizes 18x3G and
24x48 inches.
Geed Scissors, 50c
Special purchase of scissors
and small shears at this pre-war
price. Geed steel, convenient
shapes and just the right sizes,
varying from about 5 te 7 inches.
Satin-Striped Bandeaux
Firm cotton poplin ones with a
lengthwise stripe a new kind
usually higher priced.
Sizes 32 te 41.
The Price Scale Is Agreeably Lew
in the Spring Dress Sale -
The prices are close together $10,
$13.50, $16.50 and se en with lets of pretty
dresses at each one. That is the best of
this Fashion Sale, no matter hew little one
has te spend, one can cheese from an as
sortment and there is much satisfaction in
Silks and Wools of Many Kinds
at $10
Weel jersey frocks can be worn a few
weeks from new without coats and many
women have that in mind. These at S10
are in various well-made models, many with
crepe de chine cellars and cuffs. Seme have
1 pleated skirts.
' Navy tricetine and Peiret twill frocks
, are in a dozen or mere styles, uniformly
! well tailored.
Taffeta frocks, especially these for
young women, are delightfully ruffled and
trimmed with frills. Seme have Georgette
A Youthful Medel, $13.50
is one of a group of wool jersey dresses and
the style is sketched. It is in reindeer,
henna or navy. Netice the kimono sleeves.
Other wool jersey dresses at $13.50 are
en long lines and show contrasting silk
$16.50 for Canten Crepe Dresses
Yet they are but one group of many at
$10.50. Others are of taffeta in navy or
brown, many models; of heavy crepe de
chine, of tricelette, of crepe-back satin and
of wool crepe. One is sketched.
Dresses for All Occasions
at $18.75 and $23.50
Levely afternoon frocks, sports frocks
and dresses for street wear are all here and
4 Jr Jj
$13.50 $23.50 $16.50
each in many interpretations of the correct
thing te wear for certain occasions.
Tweed frocks with slip-ens and capes art
in all the new colorings.
Canten crepes combine beautiful colors,
such as navy with henna or gray. One of
these at $23.50 is sketched.
Silk embroidery or beads delightfully
finish ether dresses of the ever-lovely Can Can
eon crepe.
Crepe epenge and Russian crepe are
well represented.
S000 Fresh Spring Aprons and Apron-frocks
35c te $2
S Mr jlw
$1.65 $1 $2 85c
Percale and Gingham Aprons at 35c
Percale aprons have bibs that slip ever the head. Gingham
nprens are in dark-blue check, trimmed with snowy rickrack.
Large Round Gingham Aprons Are 50c
Black Sateen Office Aprons at 50c
At last! Lets of wimcu want them, and we have been waiting
for them a long while; 3 styles. Twe aie circular and one is long
nnd has strings at the waist. All have deep double pockets.
Slip-ever Apron-frocks, 85c
One is sketched. The material is checked percale in blue,
lavender or orange. Netice the sash bib and rickrack trimming.
Plaid gingham apron-frocks, $1.60.
"Veeta" The Breakfast Freck at $1
It combines n loose slip-ever bleuse with a separate skirt,
quaintly finished with scnlleping. The material is geed percale
with blue, tan or lavender figures en white ground. Sketched.
Slip-ever Frecks at $1.65
Checked percale frocks in the style that is sketched; button en
the shoulders. In red, green, black, purple, yellow and blue checks.
The same style in plain colors is $2. t
At $2 Anether renlly chnrming apron-frock is of plain-coler1
percale in green, lavender, pink, blue, yellow-or rose, outlined
with white rickrack. (Central)
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