WmmAMm'i mmm lpLUt '"J " " "'" ' ' ' 'nayiwiiii JUST GOSSIP ABOUT PEOPLE A'atcy Wynne Tells of Miss Next Year She Hears of Philadelphia EVIItli' ONE will be delighted te meet Anne. Townsend next year, when he will n0 Introduced by mem hri of her parents' families. Yeu inew Anne la the daughter of the Inte tr and Mrs. Knlph Townsend, of this riii whose death left her nn orphan Mime our or Ave years age. Mm. Tewnwrnl waa Daisy Godfrey, quite one of the prettiest women Philadelphia his'tvcr Known. ... I have net seen Anne for several . but If she la half as pretty as .. i.nnilfiil mother wa she will ' Sake a decided Impression en the Phil- 'kitclehla world of society ntul fash- . E?ip fr. Daniel Xewhal . who was rilen. Godfrey, Is Anne's aunt, and till brlnfc her out next year. She is ,f preent at bearding school at Fex- "V. William Pepper, whose engage ment te Mrs. Voorhees Drayten was Atineanced jilst Inst week. Is an uncle of the coming debutante through his first marrlaec. Ills wife was Miss Mary r?erlfrcv. Mh'celn Godfrey, .1r., and Bfllle Godfrey nre uncles, and then the Townsend family ia all closely related mi Anne's father's aide". Se you knew there will be much entertaining for the Ittlc girl. Dr. and Mn. Jehn Gibben will give n dinner for Anne en March "4 during the spring holidays, before iae Saturday Evening Dancing Class. iv AVE you heard about the bazaar -MM. Mr. Samuel Hinda Themas '... t t km I.ai.ii tMa nflAt-nnnti under the auspices of the Animal Res Se'Leue? Yeu knew Mrs. Themas I, president of the Lcaeue, which last Tr purchased property out of town for homeless nnlmals ai a memorial te Miss Kittv Blddle ahd Mrs. Bradbury Bedell, both of whom were devoted members of the League. The yice prcs -,irets of the association aft Mrs. 1 red -erlck Thursten Masen. -Mrs. Jehn H. Essbr. Mr. Rebert Rcstclrrlg Legan ni Mrs. Jnmcs T.. Halscy, nnd there nre anv number of ether prominent women Interested In the work. One member told me recently that In one dav alone twentyeseven stray dogs Imd been taken off the streets and rred for. Se naturally they are anxious te Increase their funds and itdd te the kennele already procured. The fair I-) te be at Mrs. Theinns house. 2020. De Lancev street. Mrs. Themas, who was Miss Adele BIddle, , a sister of the lnie Miss Kathcr ne Biddle. Mr. and Mrs. Themas live in the cummer at that ntttactlvc house jn Torrcsilale which was built by the late Mr. Rebert Stuart. THE Saturday Evening Dancing Class will meet in the Feyer of the Acad hit this Vvcnins nnd .Tehn Price TVethrrlll, fid. will lead the cotillen. Four ether boys will nt.sist Jehn, te it seems te me the rotlllen will he led. The ntherB will be Bartow Muller, Heward Butcher, 3d. Geerge Vaux CrcsRen and Giles Wetherlll. Mrs. rieerre McFadden and Mrs. D. Mercau Iterrlngcr will receive the members. THE Philadelphia Dancing Class will have a dance en Easter Monday evening nt the Rltx-Carlten. Yeu knew that class is a delightful affair. rte committee la made up of forty-five men nnd there are ten patronesses. They have meetings several times throughout the season. The committee Includes Oliver Hopkinson Baird, though Mr. Baird is In mourning this, jenr. se Is net geinf eut: James Febi ter I.en. Lvmnn Lisle, Claude Plowman nnd Wirt Tutweiler. The patronesses arc Mrs. Tlu'sell Duane, Mrs. Walter Wiring, Hopkiiiben, Mrs. Charles Pen Pen reie Keith, Mrs. Henry C. Majer. Jr., Mrs. Richard Coxe McCali, Mrs. Clay Clay eon MeElrey. Mrs. Richard 8. New bold. Mrs. Clayten Piatt. Jr.. Mrs. .fames Starr, Jr., and Mrs. Charles Willing. , HAVE you seen that exquisite coat cloak of gray Hquirrel that Mary Olendinnlng is wearing this winter? I '!e think tdie hns the prettiest clothes. I law her the etlicr dav en the street waring this wonderful cent nnd n mall hnt of black Mitin trimmed nt 'he side with n white gardenia. Mary Ins such a sweet face and lovely col oring it's always a pleasure te see her. NANCY WYNNE. SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Mi. and Sirs. Knlph Adams Cinin, of Beacon utreet, Bosten, announce the 'fragenient of their daughter. Miss rj C. Cram, te Mr. .Teieme C. Greene, Harvard, "1, son ief Mr. nnd Sirs. Irnm 11. firpene nf IBB !"?!) Slvlvw tlilrd street. New Voile. Miss Cram Is1 "at of this Reason's debutantes in Ue- en, Mr. Greene In new at Trinity Cel- le. Canibrldf-e. I'.ncr. Nn ilntn linv lieim .... m... .. "...t-".' - " "' i i or me weuuing. Miss Annls Iee Tunis, daughter of i,r;.B,ul Mrs, Jeseph Prlce Tunis, of -316 De I.ancey place, who is a (Undent 9t Miss Shlple'M Scheel, Umi Mawr, MU return home en Fildny, March 24 te pend the spring ac.xtten with her Parents. MIfs Tunis will, be formally ("recmvii tu secicij. ni a tea te ne i;vuu "y licr parenlt. ut their home en Thuts- uay artcrnoen, November 23 MIm TMiti, v.!... r. .i,..i.. ,. 1 ?"; ,anil Mrs. Heward Wurtn Papc, of I Did Clinten strect, who has been spend- , "B a. few weeks In Bosteu with Mrs. lrUlnatid Blnnchnid, lias returned te '! aJ.d Mrs. Heward Wurtn Piirc, of i per liemc. Dr. Isaac Starr. Jr. who connected with the Massachusetts Uencr.il Ifoepltal In Bosten, will re writ home Hiettly. Dr. Starr nnd Miss "Be, wne will be married en Saturua 1 Mtcrnoeu, April 22, In Old St. Peter's nurch, will, en their return from a feuding trip, llve for .v short time with "r. htm 1 i parents, .Mr, nnd Mrs. If.ane , jwrr, of Stenton avenue, Chestnut Hill. "Mere occupying their new house in ' vuctinui Mm, Ir and Mid. Chillies Custls Ifanl '". -J,1;.. 0 Chuclcwoed Kami. Vlllaneva, jja -lu r.asi lllttcnhouse square, will L,e a uance early In Jun In honor "' Miss Ellen Mc.Michacl, daughter of 3nV. ".".. 1lrB. wniery AicAiicnaei, 011 u.i.i .Walnut street. Mr. and Mrs. r'JJ'Ichacl and Miss McMichael sailed Mt week for Bermuda, where they will , Wnd bccinl weeks. ' Ms Matlorle Y, Gibben, daughter! w7,r' nnd JIH' Jehn H. Gibben, of IGOR tiur? 6,rect, will entertain as her guest S1 'UUlte llazele, of B&sten, who will ' Mi. ,,0',,ly' t0 'cnialu for n lew dnye. I -. 1 ..ijiii'.irr, i,r if 1 inir hap er i mi. ii'l ' ft"l Mrs. Ueeitsc- W. Head, of Wash - --"... ..V...I. llllUhlllLi Ul V,l li ni.,1 .j.. :. "."'::"v.n"' ...." ritiiT"' V' wll i a cousin of M 'lOben, Is spcndlnu a few weeks w Miss I Ith , Me ''esephiue CrlMleld, dauKhter of ?"d Mih. .1. A. 1'caice CrUIIeld. , krrt,i,ia s'udent at Hmlth Collcse, will ' nte home en March 2a, accompanied annhJls.s Pauline Whitney, cf Mlnno Mlnne liae t0 r'le"a tlle .sprliip l.elldajs with iirn,i'!l";nlH '" their home ut Hast ,irra lane, Chestnut Hill. Mr ... Annn- Ncwheld, daughter nf lilt, S ,!ci,t "uckley Newbeld, of the aliiifm m.en "ml Cresswlck Heuse. Jen tueT Ve h, fcPcndliiB this week ns the ?$, f lh.s Sjdney Hiddle, dauehter thcleeana,M,s' A' Meicer Biddle, ut wtlr'home In Terreadale . MrMlvtS ii.t"rlM a- Watklna, dauxhter of i4ienii1,u"U" Wntklns. cf TU .Seuth for v. blP,?ct- "'" lc'10 " March L'.l ll, S Jmk, where she will lslt litter ,1.,,.,,r' v" Nu8l. Hhe will f.r.LK'J le fcilnrhuift. U I., bofeic MISS Aniln. S X'ewl.nlil ilnmli'l.i. nt l.ilUrahlir, TllU Pliunw, muni nf MU m. Mns V...T' ."u s'.HiiMcini-iii in ants ii at? Sffi a'a Sl''- 0.erB 11. Weed, son of "in .11 r, K. Me.170 Ll fl I.. Qfaiera ' '-""inilncett Weed, of Il'isl M m,lm, 'hfhtnut Illll, tecentlj w rimeuiiu.il. iH.itisrii, sj, itr,vni tiiiu ,11,1 i.am ,iaiii.ii. I .,, ,p"iBcnia Duvla und Miss Mary 2iiittv,ft ".. 2lal l-ecust street, una wlc, I'aeli, w ll sail for Eureps i mill . T - , - ffiin Anne Townsend's Debut Anether Meeting of the Dancing Class I pn April 6. They will spend some lime In Par a, later visions England and ewltterland. .Mr. and Mrs William It Denner, of 348 Seuth nighteenth .street, who have, been unending this week in New New Yerk, will return home tomorrow. Mr. and Mral'lleynelds Driver 13rewn, of ail Seuth Fifteenth street, will irlvc a danca at the Philadelphia Cricket iCIub en Friday evening, March 31, In honor of their daughter, Miss Delia Bredhcad Brown. Mrs. Samtel Appleton. of Marihfleld, Warrenton, Va.. who Is Msltlnr her mother, Mrs. William Ilrntet Geedman, of 140 Bethlehem plUe, Chestnut Hill, was the guest of honor at a bridge parly last evening, given by her sister, Miss Ernestine A, Geedman. A farewell luncheon In lirmer of Mr. Clerald Campbell. H, B. M. Censul den. oral In this city, nnd Mrs Campbell will be given at the Bellevue-Stratford en Wednesday next at 1 o'clock. The com mittee In charge of the luncheon In cludes Mr. B. Gorden Bremloy, Mr. Jehn Cadwalader, Mr. Geerge Film. Mr. Theodere A. Fex. Dr. Themas Mc Crae. Mr. Clinten Rogers Woodruff and Mr. Henry A. Anaell. Mrs. erge Franklin Archer, of Camden, N. j announces the engage ment of her UaughteiMIss Katharine siar.r. Archer, and Mr. Kugcne It. Zleber of Wynnoweotl, l'a. A dinner-dance will be clvcn en Man- i&LesVCWn5',S,?,ch "' nt the Urec' l r.2.1 latei' 'P cennHcucn with the IlAt'nn T-4Trtatn Ulini fr, it. ... . n, ar;. v.-. ti'.Y.' ,' "cneit hi nntlan Vaa Vi...mII 1.. t Mis. Kfflnghani B. Menls. Jtrp. Idml Maen Halter, of 1S05 Ktle tvcnue, will entertain the memlieis of her auction lirldne club en Monday afl afl afl crpoen, March 13. Mr. nnd Mr Xeale MacNelll, of 61fil Columbia, avenue, Overhtoelt, win en tertain at a dinner at t'.ieli l.ome en Saturday, Match IS, followed bv a bridge party. The uucsts will Include the members of their cnril club GERMANTOWN An early sprint wedding- of Interctt K b2 ltat-ef IL"M Oeneviexe Klenner Dlllenbeck, daughter of Mr. und Mrs Clark Dlllenbeck, of 209 Pelham read whose marriage te Mr. rtebert Swain Terry, .Jr. .of Oormantewn, will take place en Saturday. April ;e. The btlde and groom will llve In Beaufort, X. c. Miss Florence Why. of 47 West Po mona, terrace, entertained the membcis of the De ta J'hl Sigma Serwliv. of which she Is president, jiestenlay after noon. Mrs. Themas Kenweithv, of 42.1 "Went Hertter ntreet, who hun been ttavellne In Europe for sarnie time, experts te return home before the end of the month. Mrs. William Lucas, c-f Germantown avenua and Upsal street, will entcrtnln her sewing circle at her home this after noon. Mr. and Mrs. X. J. Gottlieb, of 1227 InRoheckins- street, h.we as their P.uestr,Ser ?""0. llm" their daughter, Mrs. Edward Cehn, of Chicago. Miss Elizabeth Green, et Tulpehecken street, will entertain a number of her friends at her home en Sunday evening In honor of Miss Flcrence M. Maurlc of New Yerk, who Is visiting in this city. ,.MlIftniJ Mrs Geerge C. Ttldgewnv. of lul Maplewood avenue, are sncntlln sncntlln sncntlln some time In Atlantle Oit. Mrs. Maurice W. Wolfson. of Belfleld street, will entertain the inembrra of her card club at her home en Tuesday after, neon. Mr. Hewell Brighten, of Winona ave nue, will return next week from Palm Ueaeh, where she has been spending some time. WEST PHILADELPHIA Mi. and Mr.s. Jchn ,1. Eagan, of West Philadelphia, nnneunru the engagement of thelr (laughter, Mls3 Helen Man Eagan, te Mr. Erwln L.dell Stremmet. of Chicago, III. The manlage of Miss Dorethv Kar Kar den, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Samuel Knrden, of 6201 AVushlngten acnue. and Mr. Julius M. Zimmerman, of 2203 North Thirty-third street, took place en Thuiedny eenlng, Mnrch 9, ut 7 o'clock. Rabbi Samuel Kredman nfllclnted. A reception followed the ceremony, after which Mr. and Mrs. Zimmerman left fei Bermuda Upen their return they will uve in uvciuioeu. Mr. David (Jreenberg, et 21S Seuth ' Fifty-second street, has i elurned from !a meter trln te Flerida nnd f'ub.i. Mrs. Jehn M. Galbreath, of 1)23 Seuth Feity-elghth street, announces thn en gagement of her daughter, Miss Kiully Silver Galbreath. te Dr. Hugh Baird Campbell, of Norwich, Conn. NORTH PHILADELPHIA Miss Natalie Simen, of Kllwoed U . I P.i.. is visiting Mrs. A. Bei-man, uf 1 2r,51 Mvrtlewoed street. MIbs Simen e::nectg te snend two weeks In the city. jjrs 13 h ntreet" anneu'i ? .daughter. !!lL .' g . . '. Mrs. B. H. Reed, of 202.'. Green inneuncen tin. engagement f.t Miss Dotothy ileed, te Betrothed . UV. " ' '.' I. .v.f'' i V ' : ! ;.0. , .S Z&' .'sV",sfrfc i i-.'st.i hl,l.,l 1lJ liSjat.S!itKiCaina.SSv .5t 2i .MUSS CAICKOL MiKINNKV Duuglilcr of (he Kev. and .Mrs. Themas Air Kinney, hese eiiguse incut has been announced (e Air. Herace Palmer I'alat, son of Air. and Mrs. tieerje Herace I'alst, or lAthant rarh, Oak Mue Krttvmil,,... ...1.1. ii.. j. .. VV.V"y' '" 1 .,. ... . .... Mmieil .II uiiiin ". ...ll..l. l.M.iij ln..U1.,l U ..1,1.1.. ,.,. ranl'u tlll'V tt ill Pll nflll Iiinlr fn ii-urt 'I'l... ..a. . ii.m; i.iriiuii ih rnnii itvin nr i... i mim...v. tv .ai . (jiuiricM iiuti' i ., .., .... 1'i.iriijii ni- iiiiiir. .11 -- ..0...-w v. . ..v . ...,.,.,.,. ., . - . . r--.- - - ..- v'.......c, .itiwii iiiuiuurs .iirM. ' rwimfm iinii7er. nr nniiii'iiiA. i'a .i.t .1 i. ...,..j ..i,i ,nipni imieiiii ......- ..,.-. 111 ..,,, 111111111 .u. i,r.. ----. - n .... .... ., ,...., , ,lt u, , .ssnien, mib. Archibald Bailtlle, Mm, ,V,.if n,.,i Vnvinnd did mere in the -'nst bc.nuse a few pets of eglenailcs win net nnu it 111. once. Then, being wJSiH; 1V'0rw",M,', P.e"Jnln i'hev !,.,. .., ,,,,, -,. , . ! 1 1, 't! n 1 II 1 1'!'11 mJ" '" ''"t Ita"' ''I"""1 discouraged, they will step ..ml begin 1 aSh"r ? M ('jenrVrh.'"',1,"" 'V'fed "' ' "" ' ' S 1 , S tKlnem arc agnl.,t the bonus you Me .grumble ngnln : nnd. Inst, you will Mis Jl&ph Ka le ;?s wnni,Dvnu' I V.' r , if1 V 'i . f FneHsl soldiers itie malicletislv nttiihiitc this Kate of mind nil them just where they were before 5 ClaHes C.' iffrrlsnii lr Mrl" , 'J,'..1' frUm"' . ,f. Baltimore. Md . ! ' ' nml 1-'. " tV"Biertcnns thev te the millions of ex-serUce be. Yeu they get their bonus. F. U li. SffisSS'fSt s&r-w? - SrH?aSVti y.iit.r- -vjs trr.Ne,r.r,lH' a,frs;, !?" R oTten. Miss Bene Lebarr gave a dinner partv America Inte the war. De you tl link that Tour rtaileri txre , Questions AtlSlVcrCll ei-i'X'fi0' ,Pas' 1rB Ileu,,,t at ,laf beme en Thursday evening', lit eh. Kngland knew what she was a bunch et ignorant lunkheads? De! x .,.r.Sn.1rI'1f'iM1V,ii?eB,t.Tnayer' Mr' honor of Miss Blhble V. Cehen, wiiese ,'..' j ? ,er credit for that. Our ou think that you are "getting b ' Sumner Buleil-Mlller, Mr. Hlchaid marrlaire te Mr. Hurmnn Mnlern mil wilt nhOUt. Jill net crcu" iei I ,,,.,,. wfh ,,.., hnlf-trutiH Unit xnil ure Te Evr.hanne Rnrn.J Bill I CTA IScxSS!: fkSS-"? WS. JJ5 '" .&&' J?a TZ ZninBM during the flU.!" against us? ' r ,. auter of ,h. k,, rbtie ,Lr: al. li'atl ssssiw;' iBBBBBBBBBnsIS? sHVft' aaaWT.iuV aiaiaiaiaiaiaiae- : r?. aiaTBTBr sv vi v. i ; : v ' Engaged v ' fMmM-M ik '4 'i ) f 'siB''( I'hote by J. Mitchell r.lllet. MISS BEATRICE CERBONI Niece of Mr. and Mrs. C. Wendell Weed, of the Blenheim, whose en gagement has recently been an atlven bv f,nnrn of Miss Cehen's friends, who Included Miss lllrnbeth Goldstein, Miss Rese Geffner. Miss Gett Jeslaw, Miss Henri Xeufehl, Miss Sephia Geldbere and Miss Rene I.cbarr. Mr. and Mis Charles Bachman, of C24 Tuscaltun Nticet, are bclni; congrat ulated en the birth of a daughter, Shir ley, Monday, Mnrch C. Mr?. Bachman will h remembeied as Miss liintrlcc Urlmdltch. The Lafayette Baseball club held Its first banquet of tlm season en Sunday, March C. nt the home of Mr .lesenri Crystal, 2211 Xerth Seventeenth stieet I An orR.inU.itlen meetlnir followed mid ' a program for the cemltiR Beasen wnn i arranfted. The follewlna; members wen nrcsent: Mr. Frank Valentine, Mr. r. Bumernm. honorary inemhcrs and for met- staiy of Lafajettc College, were also present. Miss Anna Reland, of Netth Sixteenth ' file' "ciS.-UJI?. a..eT. meCUK-uenJl of her slrter.ln.law. Mrs ,1. P. Reland. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Levy, of 2S27 Xetth Twvntj-fitNt street, liaMi an nounced the cnsjaeenient et their daugh ter. Mirs ntli-.ibeth lx;vy, te Mr. Kie.I Ettelseu, of this city. Mrs. Maurice I,eetvi.v, of KlKliteenth street and Susquehanna avenue, entet talucd the members of her card club ut iter nome en 1 nuay alternoen Miss l-'rancea Hletter. of Netth Camac .iips ijrancen Mieuer. or euh ( amne, ,nie in '.iu iij. ! SOUTH PHILADELPHIA Mr. and Mry. .lesenh Le.ihv nf '!.-. t Seuth Woodstock street, and theii dauKhter, Miss PeKBy LeUhy. ha;e nMi.1, ,rt ,i,..i. i...,u ., r,.. ,...i I nfeiv iiniuii Aifiiiin i-it.. "'--it" '- "' mi Mi.,,.,., ir ., "" .... t.... .tail Illll II ILTUUIl 111 The mcmbeis of the Atirvlc Club will mem ui me nome or . Towers. 1711 Illtner atreet u-sof'the'lub Mr. Jeseph Williams Mr. Mr. Alir.ihuin night. Anion.: the members are .-(ir. jenepn uushlnjr. Dcrt.irhcrtv. Mr. .Tiiinen S Themas McCermlck and Mr. Abraham T, Nloheja. The club will Klve a Uante , Saturday. April S3, at the New C'entui j niawlnif Iloems, ou Seuth Twclftii , ht , ,MlS FlO'enre, V. .Ionian, nf Vine. 1 HKirUKIIl HUB ICITCUIIV IlDCBl HIl' ..I l l.li I.. ........ nfilltn 1. IT VIIS' . liu.u . V,ll-li?l.-l,L( . l-AIIKKtlUll' "... "",. "'- nnniiuil in xt- ei...iu (.. . ""b ''."v".. .. . ...-. ..!.!.. " I tlm liiriirei nf i mm niMi.iiieil tn tlmitien. Wlieil tliclr inener N iihnnr ffiin Plcarelle. J ir Heward Graff. Mr. M. e . '"' -" """ ' "'".,; ". ' jeu mnke statements Mnillnt- te Hint ' Z."" Baumann. Mr. !'. Blazek. Mr. t. Miirn. u li i.nrlnlnlv waH sratlfylUS te , ... ,,. ,........... , ... ....... . Mr. J. Kox. Mr. .1. Hectclter. Mn if ,.0,d our editorial en "Why Munler- , V' '' i,. mluulu m "" 'luvl', LarBe Income Tax Figures WS"Snr-,Au.M?.'!?a,,;..M,,;IL.ai! er's Kscane." It was one of ninny. V,., n et.,ervi,, , ,h l,on..re.'.,,af'0,"""il'""""".t'd'-' .' Mr. T. Crystal, li. Bectcher"-! plendld arllclcs pub J S ' ' net ,,ec'' "' '""' '""- .- J7h.T ..ISIme, "oVT.'eo "oeo 'end 'll Mr. Ii J. 1lijes. Mr. William Baldwin, per en the subject of capital punish KX-SOLDIBR. -urlt.r the most recent ,.lr in wWeh nsurei Mr. .Tamed Killlneer nnd Mr. Walde ment. P hllm nlnhlt, Mmni, i ii' ' ,,.,. ,,. , ,, . , -,,. ,,i0 , ,,M r. ... , , thetven Is Interesting remiiiiK. miu. mi,i,. iu,m- ... ..... ..... v .... n j0llII s 1PrnillI1, nn,,,,,, t n a.. ,iJtw.m r $1 L?. ;,i fr- s'net;iUeI' ' J 1. Jerves 10 ether purpose, may Ket HaR te salute it: jet we ate nor willlns lr(int flir rl,Bi.lfntin lioner.. win,.; e. daUKller of Mr Bernard u. Oerdliiff. . If It 'Vnue readers ntcreste.l in that te ptelect it unless w.i ale paid te de se. f,.n tlm ,. house .0 hi. f-.-m in Maus- place last week ii ,cmi Alnndv as we nre new , Spanslcd ilunner." but we Imj down iurem.nt n v is insk.nB plans ami jeeieii . Uiuce mac wech I)03f UM.,, Ainnej. as "C lire 110 n '. . . , -...,.... , .1.. .nytnlzhur ineMMii'tda t, b'.nc ali.ut h's Mr. and Mrs j. j Rlee. of the lletrl uMiiK it. N "Imply, " "V "lt '', t Bd Tf & 11..I. s no s e ill iiJ ...m.n.tlnn tin. .U. nhen in th-fl.ia .h Letralne, ere spending a shett time af method of boeHceuinj.'. 1'apcr money -cntimcut.el Kej unless mj .lie inured brother in-i -. Colonel jieu-t 1. i- T.nl.unn,l V T '" h .""' UII1B .If III I III ll fc,nlv 11 III Illll -e ' W C 111 O RO.IIB te llO Utlll f(lf sllllditlS f...l l.tm nn 1 n , ich, !n Be. n.e fcnm. s i'sws.(i. II, Id Illll ttril'Llli Kllk .....,..,, , ... -. ,. .w -,.,.. ....... ........,-. membeiH of her Vorerl v I e -f H I net he redeemed In geld, but Is just an this oipamatlen. te wind, we were se ,hfra nre enlJ f,m or f ,ln.. . ,nf ainma. at their menthlv mectinc this i sntKfaitei v if icdei'iucil ill any one of lueud te nppi ml our name-, s Kw r(,fW i:iti:r.v lOLI.tvillt afternoon. Amentr the memhers. of the1,, number of commodities, provided the te be disrupted, .enet.il ushinctnti. -,nllc Cltj. N' J. Mutch !. li.1.' sorority nte Miss Mdrin McCluie, MIh ",1,h,i used is dclivcied at its mar-I when he tee!, ciunumud of the elill-i I SSJ'rfg'S0 VJSJl"., Ht'rs" ie; le a te";';'.8 'MenV h, lelly? money ncn.nl An.,,. ...fused te take any paj, A Dreary Desert" I ii.uiiHie, .iirs. ivaii ijianet. Mm. .leiui ""..,.."..., ... i,i ,,, ,-i..., .m,l i. nc an K m i entei his e.vnenses. . , .,.... ..... . i. j.ecuer, .miss Henrietta Xclmaii, MIbs may up iriimucii m siu i i uiuinn v ., i, ,.j i,.. , ne.i.i. ' ''" f-tuer or tnr i i r cuu.k. i .-car Irene KreKd', Miss Mnrcattt McCiessau enuhnlent. This would Include cnerpy. "hat Denus was n.M te l urn-. Sirrur a r,ls itme I ine heen le kii . and Miss May McCarre. ,. iMUnn l net lalkinc threush his'llenrj. te l.enj.unin I lauitlin, l" ,,. I0.,., ftn,i thP ivIP!e's Fen-.m sue- ny'frem'a fecml lllneT' '" reu,,per1-. In tlieni. Jii-t as m.iny of us had et.r , 1 was tl.re.uh (he e.ld A ar scrv Ing from a lecent Illness I m ,'ej,,cm,.,i nf GeM-nimcnt sinus in moie than two jcnis ineM.j en The membera of the ladlev auxlliaty ill(oul,ie of. caianse. in coined beef. Ihe ethci- side In the tlm!. of it. I N. A. U C, Ne. 3, pave n card partj ' ... ,, ,-,.. Iu t,i took my medicine, ter I felt I was and dancn at their headquarters, Oni- Tlm point Hint I.dlsen Is nlrninj; nt. ... ,'.,,, mllr, j Ilew, neuter's Hall, Klffhteenth und SprhiK and rluhllj . is te find a money sjsten. S "" L 1 m '. Vn,i .ee.,11 .!. llUI llatl ill ATA nn 'lhiii itlm .,..!... last. '", ' '"'"" - "" scib STRAWBERRY MANSION Mis. .Ipperah I'emeiant., rf Jill .N'eith Thirtieth ntteet. uiineitiu es tlm (iiBUKement of liei ihtuchtei, Sllss Sara ii. x-uiiiHiaiiK, 10 .ut. .ueee i.uvj, in , tlli3 clt'' . Miss Hentliitn AVtll, of S9-"! NlthnhiH Klrcct, Ih cuteituliilnn; lii ceu"ln, MIi.j Helen Hyman, of New Vetk. - NORRI8TOWN Mls Linda, l.eeser. of I-'iecdlev stieei far rather thnn hecauva of any Im iHiis the gnest of honor nt a imrpils. nnilaut different ( eter the ethers. Our and Mis. Kiank Htilca. Mr. and Mis hill our l'lesldeilt MIJij londltiens .ne Walter De I'refentaln, Miss Kathailue Tedd, Miss OIlve Knineus, Miss Alice Detwller nnd MIsh Charlette Uanett. Mr. Rebert Stlnsen. of Troener ieml. has returned from a two months' trip tu uaiiieriua. Mr. and Mis Lee Minims h.t u tuincd from a wcddlnx trip te. Atl.iutie City. Mi a. Simons, heroic her uuiriinne. waa Miss A, Miriam Waitnvi Mr aril Mts. Slmena will llve in l.uusdalv. DELAWARE COUNTY Mr. and Mrs. Kinest Y.trnall. f 15e.nl-lu-He.ul, Mnjlan, .no t'pcmllim .1 few weehe In Kleilda. Mis. , l-'annle llhedes l-'rlsble, has te i turned te her home In Media from it two i .,.. u , ,, u. -,,!,. I weeks Mslt .-ItU trlcnd In Ceiun.hur, u Approves the Watsen Hearing Mr. nnd Mrs. William Il.oemall I Te the 7:aVei et the t.itnine PuMle 7.ei'ai and Mr. rrnitlc Black, of ("lieuter, uc- ' Sir I am net a "follower" of Sin Sin eempauled b Mr. W. A. Marble, of New; at,,r 'Pem Watsen, of fieerpla, but I be- weeks ln''nmlda'irieftb')Tannr 1v ''few l,le,c hc le''"' ,,f for In, estlSnt Ins ya rS Sy'Sw new InX Peter the alleged hangliiBb et American sol sel buig, where they will remain tome time, dins in France, there can be pe hnrm 'done in niilnc the whole thing. MOORESTOWN Mrs. Leulii 1-. I'aret of Kast ('enti.W ' execut ou 0f nn American sod er, bu I taenue, Kae a tea last week for her .,,.,",,. ,t ,,V,.rimi( officers had the sister. Miss Lauiu II. Spencer. There1 new Uli,,1lin (rV . i ni.?.,,., Iwere forty Guests. power of fc und death eer their men Mr.s. Lester Cellins, of Chester ave nue, was one of the speakeis at the last meetltu; of the Mount Helly Kertnluhtlj Club. Miss Dorethv Warden was the imest of Mrs, FicU denas. .)r.( of Wayne, t'a.ii iu Thuiaduy and Friday. v ' THE Letters te the Editor , Pickpockets and Bankrupt Brokers 7e th Kdlter 0 the Kutiiltta PuiUe Utetr: Sir I have always admired your edi torial policy for lis clean, honest opin ions without taint of the '.'yellow jour nal" sensationalism, Your stand nt the present time urging Just 'punishment for "Bankrupt Bro kers' ia commendable, especially se in Tlew of the fact that you persist, whereas ethers have already evidently fprgetten. . 'Yeu should oenttnue te insist that Femethlng be done with these "high Hnra creeks." and that stiltable Oawa be pawed le protect the public 'In se far att possible. If you could see, as I have .;en . tne- .. . t1tff.vtif itlnRtei ntwt h,;,":.."..1,J "V n I ,.f iim ,iftni- at these bankrupts you .would "lay It en" much harder. I The fe'Iew who picks your pocket en 'the Street or holds .seu up and robs te a judge and jury? Why punlsli Mejcr ami let tne rest 01 ine j.im. free? P- " ' Philadelphia, March 3, 1022.. America's Showing In the War Te f he Editor of (he Kreiilnp Public I.ttetr! ut. v.i,inv 1 reml n very "Inter- fc-, A V TV. M.., - -- ,.tJ, e mn. " " whole flBhtln. If it wnsn t for Aincr- lea they wett'ltl be still fightinic, unci . Germany weuiu nave uueut m-i-ru im -( i. ...t. n.An Amfirirnn NOI i CnncLML tlllL UL iiiuui - - - . I Hera hnd no tralnlnif when they wen . into tne war. uu. imj ..- ii. thev wcie made of quicker than the I KllEllSh CVer tllU. XltO rillBlleu uiu ....- eelted beers anyway, and the lcsh j 011 hear of them the better. Whnt eay, Americans? AX AMKHICAN ALWAYS Philadelphia, March 8. 19'J2. if iu 1, iiNiharnus custom that still ul.A.I,i,t nin. TimileriL civilization. J HUUvni .' -' ..------ ... , .. we Wish thce articles. miE"i "--" . . .1 i. 4i... -iDrminrnii itpss te c7rU,a(hVollUrefTMsnUal."etlf n fore b,'K nrenuenst Tiiruusu i" "e""u,i" " , I'liiladelphla, March 0, 11 Geld as Meney Basis 7e Ihi Kditer et tht r.i e.thie 1'jiblle f.iifr: Sir Your report of INen's iiuestiennniie ami Norris co IllOUev emmeiits " l,ay. WPIl,t'- '" yuY ", .s , . , cnilli which he I"-"""" , . i l...l.l .Im. Htnled and tllC Gevel limcilt should 1 .tttiid rentl.x te piem that Mtluc by ledcinptlen 'en (lemutid. ttninml this Is the point of im- ! jour pecKi- niiiiv n ",i"'' 'V-n.-wwUtlllc tlie ex-sei'Vice Hnss. . l..lU...li l H iuiniA llASWin T III'I 'fliiffiieK in tlm vilest manner, but we i J ns dlsnbled in service and T am send the nlckneckct te ja II; for theoinet a member of the Legien. How Hew &c.nP simply, ever, I M nil become n tnenber. They '""..' . .1 "',' "l wi.. , .nmi them 1 ni'e making n line Maud neelnst the nimeiiu 11 leteiviT. i "j "." . ; 1 ., Praises Editorial ... a .a .J.. ntilj r atfffl- iiuc-iiiuii"ii,.v -..-. - ',,.. 1 1 .1, i,', ,,. ' ,..!,. nr ...... 1... . .r. .1., ..-mu....v.. .-.. -.. .... - It eruleni cs the tact' re-iporlanre le n world mil nnu i "''.;'"""" ' nt , be .. Y t lle-e i i.i ..u iii ..Mitki.il uhlln the nlne de net i.lnc te ue p. tin. lit tne-e .., ...... "J .,' . ..,i i,nnii!n enlil Im is uvia rn.il.'. " ' --".- " . . i...r hn.iun us ii money unse. ic neeu .,..-.....---- - 1ml, as Neuis seems te think T1'1' ' ,A:'L h,nr oaVllewn 1 ,,'ir A horsepower hour j or a Il0n', J' ' " or a miner s neli nie units e cnersj of i.tnnin elii tiiuilv and water, tespeet- sieam eledlicity and water, tespeet . Vv V enndlepewer and a B. T. I '. ' , "K'muk i ' 1 iht ud heat They a. e V ""''? ,,' ins nmn ec nlil silver sia'xfmrtnirnn" lffis:1U: "V. ' 'i ... K M,lnini,.,i .. .... . . . i 1.. .... 1. . 1 n.. .. i ,1.... .,... tnat nees mil mi ni .".. iiii.ei vi.'' war. Metallic ledcmpiien nlwnjs et wur. ..ii-ii.ii..- i.iu.1.1... .im., Joes The inrtul seniles le hdiiiR am tl paper has e de lie business and , llKht the war. l. Isen is ugh! In seek-m U.K ter a method el H-enuitie.. Hint ,ew nel depend en sucli :i eewardlv M, if xu scilHh is "jtieciy stele' ,,1L. (hi-fi Ml. X. would de well I., "listen In." Peihaps he could ham uninelliinc se iiuiitnE. The mene sj stems of the we.ld hate luiikdi down. 'Hint eur.s did net seen., tiititu because we did net strain it si neei In en woise, mil our millions el i... implored ukicc with him. c net the Beld the ether nations need te bel- hi. up their flimnecH. and new Hint we have it we aie punier than if llit liiel il .mil wcie Itecpimr our weiker liitsr bj biijlng our Reeds. lite steiyl of Midas is doubtless based en Iiuti), ami we are i'perleneini; that tiilllt We slieiild put the (Jevciumtiif lm. k Inte tlie business of Inutile money i.s provided bj our Constilutleu, ...id tul.e I luwav the jirlMUe simp new euietnl hj Ihe banl.eis .. Jt lillMT. I'liiladelphla, IVbruaiy 20, Iti'.'L. I sorted nne year In "France with the I rniril liltlMOU nun nc-iei- hiiiii-ii-h inr The I'mnle's l'eruin will unpen r il a 1 1 In the r.ienlin I'uhllc lilser. and alee In Ilia rlurd.-.y. I'lihlle Irfdsfr. Letters dlnreMlnn tlnielv teples will he printed. n well r.s rmueMed imnna. und iinestliia it tmer.il Imi'ieat will lie snsnfred.! "" ' -i .... PEOPLE'S FORUM I think it was a geed Idea te InvcstI ?ate the matter se the people may knew ust what happened "behind the. 'CCiJf?i' i t ,, L ,S' 7,','e.P Philadelphia,, February 28, U21!. I , i Views en the Benus Benuslte's Unsigned Letter Te tht Editor 0 Ut FvtniHO PubHc LeAetr! Sir Yeu mu brllcvc that you arc doing seme geed work In opposing the bonus bill In our editorials, but 1 doubt your sincerity. (Onetliig from your editorial of March 7, 11)22. "If the truth were known It would doubtless nppenr that the whole bonus agitation comes from n small or ganized minority which, for reasons that seem geed te It. In seeking te brew- bent Congress nnd the President Inte in- ... .. I........ - ,,.. , ,. . ?Z WV" "" Tills State net, statement Is Intended, se I lie- ' llcve. te prejudice the teadere against soldier leglslntlen. Yeu hnven't the slightest Idea as te the feeling of the tiieuraiiu'j of werkingmcu who icnii big business lnterehts nnd one et' Us organs, the Dw.WIMJ l'Utn.lti l,i:Dumt." 1 have worked aniline all classes of ex-servlce men In various parts' of the country and have Invariably found that nine out of ten, and yes, in met in stances, ten out of ten, were in favor of, the bentia. Yeu hae consistently exaggerated i nave ncaiti many lemntks trem your readers who have 'had muh in the Dini. n..-, ui runuur in me .;- l!if thnt- xnu nie iiilnt rnnt cnnnlii. - v ----- - m ,- - ""I" Mens en our own oimilens. which .i i .1. , .,, " "., Vf ' tlm advert I slim' hill-, lather tlutn en , ,0 ,1.111-11 in vum' liui- uiriiiini. 1 Ne deiiht this letter will see tint wnste basket before it is entlielv reud. ' That would lie In keeping with our lliat WOI1IU lie III Keeping With jour I "MIllKlnjt tatties, ulllv ill tills case 1 j 0,1 would he tossing aside a letter t lather than "mud." ' I hepe yetl nre aware of What T am I Iliteiidllic te brlni; out. In plain Kim- ' lllsh, "Don't lie." Yeu are entitled te ,,...- l...ti ..1 ,i. 1 1.... ..!... 1 your, belief about the bonus, but when (This letter is nnonjmeus, hut i- 1,1111111 -. prlnted ni 11 sample of the Klud of --areilincnt" inauv henus tirnnnnents . .' " nre uinK en en newspaperx and Ceneri men who dure te (ll-i-u-s the iiibfeei CAseiiably. The writer may hne hi en cry brave In war, hut he hadn't the , (mirage t -.isn his name te Midi uu iimp-he letter. Kditer. I I 1 I Patriots, Past and Present u c,lc uiier 0 in? ibrniflp j'liuiic; .riiuer' Mr ht'ii; is American stiitnuciii It We lletfll te the IHR liete tliesi heuus inuKris me i'Iibiikiiib fa at tin , iiiiiinniiw.itiiili u.lu t,l tnlew. 1 empeiisith ill W.I') te fellow. helmi); te the Ameruan l.ejieu, .tnd only about a dui u men i.i out pe-'t In - ' Jief that the Government e..cs them1 ... il.l,. . l..i. ....el (ml.. ',... I.I, 1. !,.. de7eii can make mole iiei-e than nnj i 1..1 :..,, ie ,i., t ,.., ,,.. iiuiiuic. i..v. j,.... ,....-.. ..,..,-,. ,,- ..,. TheiniiK I'.tlne. or le the ether eteal IikIus of our freedom.' Ihe ar of "' " "'" McVirau Win-, and jet tin! ,ou, ,ioed of the cetintiy icspended, ,, - . , , () ,.omPIlJntlel , ,, . ,, ....... i. ..;.. i.. ..... .1.. ,1 '."', l ',wl ". ", ""'"'"' V11 ' .' """l k"",1 "( s1n'rU l" ercl ,?,.s,,,v10 ,V-S V 'tien. What about the erhl War'" ' 'tirtu lu,!, ,0!l,c,1 " Jifrc,',,u ,J' I elinen. "I"' III"' " ' .-.. ...... ...., (lf .i.,, neoltitlenttiv u nr im trlet: "I te'.'ret t nil I have but one ife f ' (,)Unir.v." If we Im.. .ltrlr.ts ledn America, with its ,u ,irHiaH. supplies, would lie ' '., , ,. , , , , I te'.'ret that I have but one life we nte teatlnK, n the present lime, i, manhood et cowards mm Ki.iliets. A I. MiDI'ltSHVl'l'. IMiilndelphln, -Mni.li S. IIIJL'. .....-. ...... H, .((b,, ,., IVtaM. ,..,..- .,vr.. . . tl.,1.11-', ... ., lj. Every Leyal Philadelphian Should Sign the "Pledge of Civic Fealty, "Tall.-I'liiladelphia Week" begins Monday. The cam paign nuninst slurrinu I'hilailclpHia has been waged by the j'ublic I.ctlKcr anil lias lcceivctl the whelc-lieaitcd lmloisc lmleisc mem and hiippert of all miblic-spirited citizens who huc the bet,t lnteicbls of Philadelphia at heuit. New is tliu time for action. A special full page P'c sentiiift facts which hue made I'liiladclphin the leading Ameiicaii city will appear in the morning Public Ledger Wednesday, Match 15. Be sine te read this "newii" page. Knew these outstand ing points concerning your city nnd be ever ready te "boost" nnd defend Philadelphia en every occasion. Then sign the "Pledge of Civic Fealty." This pledge will nppear in the Public Ledger every morning next week. Mail your pledge te the Public Ledger and have your name printed as being nmeng these who pledge their leval suppeit te upheld the geed name of Philadelphia. As n citizen, home owner, taxpayer or member of Phila delphia's iaige family you will want te fellow this campaign against slurring Philadelphia every morning in the Public Ledger. 'Make It 1917-1922 Te ti,t EMar of On t!!tnfe I'ufcVc Lt&aer. sir Three chcer for Kurt Lnupel '. n '" "" rlslit Idea new is net flic nnic (e XVerry. That xwis done In III!" by a certain few, Plenty of the public men nave million, he lucre ih inmicj somewhere. What docs It mailer If (he ex-soldiers happen te be broke? The first hundred jienrs nre the hurdwt, mid ut the end of twenty there is ii chance miiic mlsht he coming this way. fennu-lill,. flm Ixi v run t,ell nesl.'il- cards or papers, or walk the Mreets. They learned hew te walk ever there, uiti knew. With the maximum cnuh at ' .$02,", there isn't much chance of any , wild spending. They were gelnj le pay It nt the rate of fifty bucks every thie(. month?, an; hew, and it wouldn't pax i the rout. 9 There Isn't much of nn) thing but, talk, bevs, but they wauled action back In 1IH7 and we contributed plenty of ' it. New It In lmtrinilun te forget the Huip,arus nnu Rirei miiif. out tieiri feigct when veu hop tnil with your lit tle vole mid put dumuLudy down there. M. t O. liegnn, Philadelphia. .March li, 11)21', Hew the Benus Would Ge Te the KdUer of tht fte ltg Public l.crtffcr: Sir A writer refers te former Vel -dietH. friendless, penniless, hungry, etc.. walking our xtrcctH. We will admit that there lire theje hard up, but they nre of the unfortunate class. Jliwt of this kind tell n pitiable story about being down nnd out. These fellow a lire jtibt waiting te get their bonus money Then whnt will they de? Plrst, thej will go uml dress themselves te perfec perfec teon: second. thc.V will ke In u hotel .nnd IIe like n pilnee for a few weeks, mid e, y Mr can t ret e. reed ie bin for en th' was tlmeit burned up H. L. A IT n tkipmn hat hee..nr,i,. .. I.. 1 1 i r, b redeemed for Its fuuvkiu, if he ha, w" "'" ,nr" "rln" but "'eru ,hn '" iifth-,. it w u b, rcdnud for en.haif it., mmc. Women and Sea Mall Routes Te the r.'dife,- of th' r.vmUe pnbHe Lfdan Te the f.'dite,- et th' Kvrnlne Public Lfdari 'I'NlTAiUAN CIIUIK II Of (.EHJIANTOWN Mi Are wmnri uppnmted as mall tl-i'.e , 'ortene st anil chciten ave, en -en ,,,tT ll. D a. j "'"rniStVrnSlpBWJi.-);: wjn T'hllad-lphh. Tebruary 2S 1022. ..imiIi "ubject 'fllx Heuts of l'r.ier." 'rhn l'otleffiee li.pertmen' .vee that no. i;hurili school III l'arlh Heuse nt rami ""'" " "" rvrr anpemiea te nn tne 1.01 I'0"!, ," '" '',' c"k" pr "'" re,utr"' '""'iu I "1 th War turn of wer hae net besti con Phllad-lphla, 'Mnicti .1 1022 According te th list rnrnpllatten hlxt' ,', Anitrlrans h.td jesrly Incerre i nnn nnn ... . . Jl 000,000 und eh "Mending His Fences" re th t'llttnr of th" Km liie 1'itfiHc L'ttaf Sir What I ih me-imnir ami erinlii of 1 the pli.e.sj "Mendlnc Ida fenceic"" 13. KARRIS Camden. N J Match i 11' .'J Tu Vneilein peltt'ral slnrrr n.r-V'!n;r I 1-. f.rrs" s h euphonium fer itrt wire- nulhn 'Ih? phrnee ' Feld 10 h'ie hsj ite 1 rii;m Just prier te the tii-pi'm; of th Republican Natlui1.1l Cen cnt'jn n 1SS0 ,10 Itlcal iiivs hj Inftilrlrw vhitf ShTmrtn i ..is iiemir. i'.loreMlouao:. wedcl ih- i. It 1 w" r. --.! Poems and Songs Desired Wants Short Peem ' Te the rdlter of 'hr 1. irmnff Pul'lc I.tileer- , Sli l'lea-p jibllsh ths lm-m Willi the fe lelne epdlnj" ' Hat Kep me. held me eu.de me, Lord I lust for tednv me hop tint I rair (.ail It tnreiuii iu ifsUtance. 1' st.in "A lr-ar ileiit Uns' thou tra" Anil nuen" n hitter h. !' The Ueaert ma'ie tin lim pace' Mrs lie th u ilrlnl'isi s .ul 9 O -allcest lliiiu 'neath v nirr ski. A caitlen nil th uJ' Sims, aeul und ninU 'I I'jrad se r'w I'nrndlre nt Cle V i.i m i:ui;iii.r PI llidell.hli. "M r I. 4. Hi RUILD UP or REDUCE "PLftYfSYOOHG" LNni'll Ol'B NATURE TREATMENT (Nn Ste.-im Itith nr Msssaae) GOEBEL STUDIO n' tiVM.ru (. t t rinr Tleih fines Lad .l".i'iunt UU Spruce St. Wul. 15C5 a Habit" 1MS1 ftlr t.ldnl " I e ! 't - -' .in I II I. I I I I 1 Religion for. an Age of joniusien i A Berlfi of Sermons at the First Unitarian Church Chestnut Street Wen of 31st Street BY Rev. Frederick R. Griffin, MlnMer Hnndnr Morning at Kleren nClek Mareh 15 TH Uttl Friend of All the Heng Tim Mrinlnir Of Srvan le Unltarlsn. Ths Qullen of Deity an J Divinity. Mnrtfi 10 Hln and Bnlvntlen. Mureh 2fl lWend Thin Life. Atirll S--Mhat I thrlatlitnltr? April 0 Old ThniutlilK Mailr I.nrser. Aurll in Our V-u-l Htilrltusl Reflliennlbllltj'. MIM)K t'AAH. fiinrnne KATIIRVN MRtaf.K, Contralto HKtlKKirK ASM:. Tencr i itniiKiurK rAPKitdON, n DK. rilll.ir It. OOKPI', OrtnnlM nnn t.ueirmiiirr "" , .' . I I.ltiertr nnd 1'alth In Itellelen Mats Meeting in Germantown COLONIAL THEATRE OEKMANTOM.N ANO MAW.BWOOII Sunday Nights at 8 o'Cleck Addreee bv Mnr. II Dr. . VI, Itlhlmny, nt ltelii,i MHr. 10 Ir. W.L. H'lh.-.u, ut ew ur: Msr. "G Ilr.K.s. PerhcK, of liermiintnun Muele (lflnn ut 7 .10) liy rlilledelphle Orehxjtt-j Quartet l(nrl Mceii. of Mitrnpclltin ODTa Ce, Au,ilre Unitarian l.arnien's League BKi.miet's netici:s. Ilntillet tmk TKJiru: llrrmd und Uerk n't. (1100 N) a(fie Sent. llniiie or the Orme tt j.tle Church. Itt'RHni.L If. CONWIiLL Pnster Wm. l))re MeCurdy, AeeocUte IVulnr, J, Mnrvln lliinna. -Munlcal Director. I re1rlul: n. hturke. OrRannt. (utiiUv. Mrcli 12. 1'iSJ !i.8'i lirli' praer tmetlns. Aldren b Hen lllsclre ' te no verlily BRtitlini Mr renwell lnejcli, a "On lhi AVay te the enve Temnle c-herus elnci , . JO IS -Clilldrm'B Church (Ixnr Temple 1 .30 Bible Kehoel, Jere 1. Cre upt Att-ndsncc fentl. Il-dfeul Class (l dl-K). Henth i.'Ises (men I. , ' 0 SO Chrlatlan KinleuVi r S'e. ir (m-r. end etnenl f , -ihi uuriHlian Lnucainr. c"c. . J ijuu. ii-ni.Iel h A- tl'n..l.lH Mr Conn ell preath-s en, 1 lUmn. That lleln Me" Celllblneil Tetn - nle Churns Hlnne bv uclal rcfUt . Ohureli prayer metln. rrlday at S J' iT I'.llitniit Heeletr ACADK.MV lir MllfrlC. 11 A M. UK JOHN MIS, en ' I'llKBENT CONDI- rieNs in aun.MAN'v ani thk el-. KTi'ncAi, seciUTV beu.se, s p. jr. NC. BANKS en "TUB MAN WHO WIN- " I'nltnrlnii 'n'RHT TSFfARiAN ClifRCH 7.. i-m.-iirTuck 11 OHtrFIN Minister Vi ' ",. 11", ' ifti'r.n win p-h sub j, t 'Ihc iirrat i.rinri 01 aii wie eens ,.f Mm" (n) "The Meanlnir of J,u te a Unitarian (b) "TIr. Cjjsllen of Deltj nh'Ljyiil'ii-'-- Vse'l. W Putilln mc.llnff In the Colonial Theulie. (jermantewn. Spi-alter: Abraham Mltrle Hlhban. of llnaten. ,Mis, t!ubj-ct, "Are Unitarians c'hrlatuna?" The GARRICK THEATRE TOMORROW AFTERNOON AT 3:15 . REV. J. WINTHR0P HEGEMAN, OF NEW YORK Founder nf the ( hnrili Federation Movement Subject: "REALIZING REALITIES,, The precrcssle man Is sctklnB semcthlnit better and keeps his mind open te that whnh tipllfts and makes for success Deers open at 2:30 All Welcome The "Quality" Tea Annual Sale Exceeds 30 Millien Packets BLACK, MIXED or GREEN Steadfastly Refuse All Substitutes!" iefruifli An V ASCO i n STORES CO. K Right from ike Glowing Ovens Only because we operate our own three immense balcerie?. witli a combined capacity of mere than two million leaves of bread weekly, are we able te sell the big Victer leaf for only Gc. Right from the glowing evens te our own Stores come these big golden-brown leaves of goodness. Yeu are saved the profit that would ordinarily go te the middleman. 'I . I, Victer "Tell me what these letters spell," Te her class the teacher said. "Co-e-d" they replied "Teacher, that spells Victer Br cadi' Victer Bread stays Sold only in Asce Stores, located all ever Phila. nnd through, out Pennsylvania, Nev Jersey, DeUnare and JlB J I II I J ,.. RRLlUintlS HOTICIW -r yrietwla,. -im i nwMtfiVtf' a 1 tt'.u'V nt.il tYnrn atH. i..1.r Afil'ill .Cnrler. NubJet.;!. Thk of the Klnedem Ne. 1,' . for ,erhlr 10-3O. Vliltem weleei BRRVUSSTAnr hrm et ji ''jieii'; I KlritHlaj1' (Hutidmyl merulne at Star UUAktT AieMlHK IlOllnP OH Miunivn erililpril. VIMtpw cordially ,1aYtWi" llml ' H'lU nltenil rrfubrlerlnn Aiifit kt. i nunc it. ism and Arch.' 1IM8 A. Al . Dr Mncarlney. will prejy rf. .Myalary or c;nriM. iy .""!n 1.1KIJ Any Other n?ll3len?" Ah as rt th ihtmeftil tendency of thremnt te rnfiKft im jnriBuiiiiyr Jnt 11 furthnr ileolepment et wurjj nlrfddy referl. 1 a Men's I- ri ,B.ic,ht i.v ne. lftfr i"" M-. .... -..!. f .6 i.;iu uecnai en in- iuni ,.!.,... "iu,yw " , mT'r. M.-'A aiMnlirht Wulk threW A ' i Telly, fin, flerrnw and Shnm of lb vA.' (lient fit. Alee the One Hay of IIelK .i"R Iliut I ft&v .shln'tiB In Hie Thick, TWjV ..? Darlne The cliurcli detrs IP t "!? VhllmVlphfl, fiiul Willi t I Hawer in j, otien at 7 oVJeck. IIKrill.KIIP.H I'KKII fKKIAN llev. WILLIAM I. McCORMICK Ke. K II I'RUV. AeeP'tnnt. ln.:te "i lirietlm Orewth." '.' an HumUy Scheel. rajter ievj 7.15 ' Christ tlm Uoer' .. ..,i5. T Mh .... . ;..--....-....... ...., wtj I HAD I'lLI.'.Ill ir.llljl.1 ..u..b. -.- . . ijj -r. VIST AMJ WAI..NUI BIB HiV5t 1 JIIIV ALUXANDICR MacCOLL. I. 'lt$tF MI.S.HTM1I. Kl ii. itiiv. alvi.v it ucr.Lnr assistant, -a J)r. lle.cC'011 n II preach at H ea Jl , V nVIftek. Jjr Alerifnir Sertnnn, nccend In '"' S" "Orcat r.vente In the IJfe of Jeus," Bulf Ject "llln Temptation " . Th. IJvetilni.' Sermon, atrend In f rls en ' "J Heejwi in Sterv Subject "The Hen wne Wen.,1 und the Men Who WeublNe. tme v. m &cncni:nT ;4i:iivtct "' "My Pence. I J,cne With Veu." "Te. ,n" Inlliilte, Die OnTnlpetence," ."Th Lent 3h ."Uv Phepherd, "O. Ued the KftcK'uC Aace." , ltrtruniental Irles, lelln. harp a,nd erssn. Iti.en a. JI Hunday Scheel nd Blbln I... , -it, V. If Wedne.das -B-lef De'eal f.erlte In th church. . .' visitehh WMi.cfiMn. 1'reteetant Kplaraunl tiuitcn (II ."T. Jl'DK ernen el AM) THR ATIMTY . 11 th nnl Mt Jlev J mi:s ( dpi: r flOPSOX. H? der,. je-trt A. M - "llie Mneter ChrlilUn." 7 ( J'. M. Kev Dr JrtUls Waahburn.f i:erbed rerdlelly Invited. hi. ii:ii:ii'n I'lii'itcii Third nnd iln xi. I lliv 1-IlWAim 'M JErifEnTS 9. T. .. Itrrter. , 7 3ft A. M Bely Cernmunlnn. , . s.3(i A. M. nel uetniuunian. 110OA M Mernlint eervlce nnd sermon I.v in Jteiter. The choir will ln:".T T I),um in (J iiepuins Stirelv If Hath Hern- OO 1. M llrl'f enrvlce end rerltal bv the choir Ah' Whit Mhall We Then ' Xh I'enti hn Hart ' ' '!' ileum l.audamus In llatidel hert addren, ' Onuned Bpehr 'olerldie-Tsyler 'Klnir Ker Clorteuii ' .dtalner MCMOIUW. CIIAI'KL OF TIIK HOLV rOMMI'.MOV, 27th and Wharten str. v . M. nnd ln3t A M . n special nml piirilculet pla.ee where prajera may be etfered for the h"allne of the mind. tht he-irt nnd the bed . built 11s at' verlnat Inu mrimirlal te the H-allr.c Tower of lmiM Christ Cilt'HCII OK MT. ,11'UK AM THIJ ATMITV 11th atnl Mount Vernen ate K-s. JAMKR COPH CUOSSOV Ttcter. in. 'te A M 'The Meete' Chr.silan.'' T I'. 1 M ltn. lip Ia.ii. lnal,l...M 12lSi'i2ILnJi!LlavilriJ Ll ST. SAI' Kl'lt (Krenrh). "J2d and De Lanoey eta -r-4 P, M. Connrmatlen nerlc-. Jit. Kev lilshoe Howe, of Alaska. Organ recital at 3 o'clock ' Vite La Monace at the organ f.iiii iia V I .irt as ASCO 1 ihfiiivnr Bread fresh ever Sunday Ai VA I i IW tzjr. V'fJ a i , riu 1 .mJ em ; .nm Iffl , 1 A uw iWi .I.f.l . . at i it. Utl 1 nn j t 'v--a e . 14 'Jv.VJ IBsAfl jjl" s. I vja r- Wv V hV.:. . ( W . " ' "V., Wkfc.t,i.. A..r.., i. a L-JsW . u?tt