BHIBUQT! IFWM P II MWIMM gPWPW? hhwhhhh viuw flta ,"-k ii i aw a mmm n ' i ni " wihwiiwm wiiwiiBi iihi ih i w mib i mw nmwmiiiiF um mw f n imimi im mwwwi i n j i iw wii . i i rm&$mm$m mi t .s. .r. awnr-w (,.:' hi-: KT '. ;'!V"M'Wi Kf- EVENING PUBLIC LEO)GERr-PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, MMUflu CirrfLfY rnMDZT'C L A,n r" Jr,, ' 5i4 TURD A Y VEN1NU I ALK $ Please Tell Me What te De By CYNTHIA .'... .. . . . , .,,,., i ,1 . ir... 117.... rifAM) t.hiltimn Kntp.rpd Inte tlie jtflr HWiilC Of lJIt' no n u je "Sweet 16 arid Never. Never" ! ? VF-Hlti - . ... ()C rnilfeii tlm fnlmtltiit wna n trjfl. Mfcr a Divine LhllU ,I)e net think of making smtietlilng-eut ugitei ' ' Hnvn .some fun ever It by net IMV iicuiiib mi.' uey Knew yen get h. WlniipnvL'-i !... Miltimns I nhrtili wrltlltis. tv-vi 111 genealogies IWfrrN . . . . V '. 't .... j nd observant of reclnl characteristics. "Waiting Patiently" miz' . iz?vxw rtlflim . .'".' ' " "- -- 2'V'KeW rjYGtttQT mine with n critical yet net tin ted eye nipt me net Ions nge and d me if 1 realized in my frequent A J LU.VKLY childhood can -el er1 , His en te children ami te Christ us , .Vf itnulatf the imacimHleti orelveurc , the the first nnd the .greatest ills- . f ,, ( t M,vuiV(, f,. ethers, ' rlgl er" of children, that In tin- nnun N .W M,m,BhtlPW of ethers. fMirl-Cn child- I Is life there nre net n .own . w JM$ ,,,, ,,N heart BniI mn.le Ills ery InterentliiK letterH from lilm. Treat the nmtter cnsimlly Yen have a perfect rlKht te have any nuinbrr of friends. Expresces Her View E.W-2 .ji. i ' .i " ... , ,V fniv Imatlnnllen n wlilte immp jiprcnp- Drar Cynthia I am writing te rt- SPi?. frallt,"n ,'"'r0 re I'cr,in,,1 " J, i tlcHi T!ipr r:rn" n time nt l:t when tires mv .views of your column Oil 3-M: ,t!.r,r atintte stories , concernlni? eiil- .... k , t , (l )mar f the nhole It Ih very Reed and jour nn m$ ., dM n Ills own childhood In which ' " . , , t , t v mnl ?wers nrc wisely ihesen. but I think ' ii ichltdrcn linve a tiart. IiVe.flrf fell 11 ni " the lertern you receive are all written '" . 'Be, teniKht T have wt myplf te hll"'y, ',. ' ' ''.".V ,vn4 . ,. heart of I1"? ,a f'rin!' ,'" s.uch nr.'r"l nm a J"eun thlnklmr. And I have aKked myself : , ,. ' ;" w n In Ii' 'art et .cenKtde.e- Koe, y?eUln by both , J"W W5S ,,,n,,TnriK, n't'S ne".,Ve.ImentnT,,nb,m children than land' I ZTnt"" T ln fpr children .' M hat w J" X'Sml'iibmit 'I"1!'' 'Hw n ' ""' "rst ,,,,,,H MfmUIHp. They are all written tnth thfin? What were hi" revelntlens "'.'',. . .,, ... i,,.iw i.M1 1 like that. What de v.mi .mho nlmut her . -- I. .i .1.- I....- . ..l.nMMI lliue H'" " i'i' " i ........m .-rw.. limaeterlxed In- of leeks or nRe nnd why auk If Hhe can dance nnd all kucIi things as that'. wncerninc uiein mni nine fu "--' ,, ,. .,WlMrvn he ritAl fntul" " v . ' . . .!.... Per.nn. if will c,.rnrlM fcemc of the' '".". . niimicKc....... '" "' reu just want te l,.. her of him. An. ' re.nVri of thli roll mi n It did me children mat any ei us wen lu-mi i- etlicr thlni; m, when you have debate. JSJ.e,J fL'" M IP ti,.. rniitncts of them pla.r Ins mu-f Imnietliately r.-eeif they nil debate en the one nubject hcn I caine te Kud tlief . "''"n"" l 't H( .., k efV tw, eh. ani, very solIem en . ethpr whJerc . Hla with children, tlint only etn aie "'',;.. P 4nu , of children playlriir In ' ?' "eK0 dny.s? He hure Vas fi I""1"1 In the authentic hUter es ei t "'p .711' 'lp " ' '"." ',!;, , uame In wrltlnjr te von en these topics. F? III life, nnd perhaps three mere In the the n;11' ' IU7-."',' V. ..,,'. ' ' "csh he Ket UiHufted by the remarlcn ,tridltiennl stories cencernliis Ills ev.n et nKree iper win t hej ni t. t f,R. ,,cenle Mll, nni, A . fr(jm childhood. !!" "f who -henld plii.v tin nrieus I ln oelumn, , ,le et wm)(. t(, atart a . . "liM's nretPlid. He milt , !,. hate en whnt r ,il,l uhnvu Imr t have Hashed mil Ills swift lnlle with 'list theucht I would offer a Mtatrestlen. some quick culture of Internvefatlen PIe.ih.i help me new, I would like te that lr should h.ive been icmemhered ' "y ' It 1 proper for me te go te a and nut down nn mi apt. He Mid VflA three of his reeimled miracles w were nt innn children. ail thev are Included in the' seven reeeids In one of, three niirneles. the eiirlmr of the de v mented little child of the (Jreel: woman. He never saw the child. In the mir acle of the henllmt of the epileptic li.v en hi Dnv of th, Traiistletlllttleu. lie wielce only' te the evil spirit p,-spini:.,l.e. n tn n1.l1.1 ma. (ll flu. I'llltfl. llr'l'N ' And en the occasion of the ntlvr mir- "f nic 111;- the chldreii .iiiiirrelliiK acle. the raWns of the little d:lUEhtr , -iver their play In the marl;ei-pnec. of the ruler .Ialru from her dencb-like 'I'he'-e who want te play wedding say .l..n IT ic imr rennrdml te lin-e sold V.. trilled te VOU. but you would net tinythlrHt te her after He toelt her lit- dance: Se then we played funeral. We . a w . '. I 1 .. tit. it i i ..... !...& ..A.. ...,-...1.1 .. l.nnf ".lehn the Iliietlst came tastlnj. n Iweller in the deserts, ntid je said: lie hiit h a iletti." The S f man ami' carina: and drlnklns and ye aid : friend of pubUcniu ami mii- students roem.s at the l'nlerslty of Pennsylvania If I have known him for several months. Of coure. I am a jflrl. j A SHIKTIlll. Thank you for your views, my friend, but if the writers want Onthta ,0 knew what they leek llke they have a rtuht te tell her. Itespectnble Klrls neer pe te ece yeuiiB men unchaperencd. IS,. -if' Says He Hasn't Been te Glrardvllle Dear CviUhla I Imvn lieen m nnlnt rl hfincl tn Tils nnd lifted her UP with wniled te you. but you would net brat , reader of your column every evenlnir, the werd: the breast, you would net minim'.' " ,1"ucI,,v'!"1 t0 ay ,ll,lt ' e"J' ll verJ' w "Idttle Birr (a better tranMatlen I Just a f ... M perhaps than dnmsel of dmnesel), i,Tt,,,. . . . ,, oenfi Ne 2": B Mr unto thee arise!" -rnHLRl. was certainly nethlnz sentl- , j,,,rst A American? i naruiy unnic se By the tone of your """i. u irnvcieci iue.uuu miles, en An ITi w.itnhed her w.tlk neresR tin X mental about this mimicry, or Ills loom. He noted what had evidently " um of a chlliilsli trait that wen e lie raped her distraught attendants and hert hotter outicrewu In adult jeais, te point parents, viz., thnt she wn wenlc fer1.-! rather hren u-Milte tu Ills genera- nourishment. And He told tnem te sivc ; t,0n of critic., mil mis mimicri nit n her bread at once. I phase of child life te the veiy centir, There remain, then, beMdes the,e three mlraeh-s just four epleile el Christ with children and His own child hood te account for the great part lie has played in the live, of rhlldreu from the day He was horn In IMIiIrhcm te today in Ruda. when millions of chil dren arc bclnif fed In Ills name. you? In all your travels you necr saw iiu .Mireraan Bin w no ceuiu outdo a foreign clrl. Say, what part of a frelaht tirfH did you bunk In? If m all your travels yeu've never seen an American Klrl whee bwtuiy rs natural. I hepe te tell you ou've never hem In (ilrardville. Seldom been In the nam tdnee twice. 1 1 Mippesn thre are reasons. nnuw mu un American Kin wne can- just as later lie used another trait of thildrcn tnrtr wiieienenrteuncss te n- 'iistrate n great truth. It inlirht widl lie that the welcome" of some child, who lillil run Inte the errn garden ceunya.n en siK1iC ,,, rer stand up te any roreign Blrl or "hist nnd llung himself Inte His arms, , woman In locks, dress, home-making nnd hmJ turned our Lord's thoughts from ; inteilm-cnc or anything. ilirff s-,,1 nnd somber chanues te . .t the Idea that I in Jealous i V. ...,iti ..i ,..iw.i.ii,en-t,i OI llK1 loreign Kins or nrraiii tncy win WHAT v.-n the childhood of our ''"H'J ennteniplatlen of whelehea.ted 0tst.imI ,Pi p 00mpete wtn n-ny 0I T.,, devMlen. . I them I an also say the same for my ,..' . .1 . n'er what II" "aw in the child wav friend Tradition makes Him a lenylj. t- .,1(, C1,mctenes of hl simi.Ic logical I I d llke te knew hew you de It (this apart child, and as Mich, subject te the .crr,nn(.0 f uini as his friend, whnt I flfty-flfty buine). De you suifceat It neglect and even cruelty of ether Will- , "n 'M. ..... - rnntidln" little bedv. n , u" ,hrn or nre Uiey. se crazy about you teirlrttfcr 'md "isilr elS ' V f f ? "? Tn&tMVL passInR wonder .id 'Hisslnp cuiuiatinn lv1 .iti,ut mlcnlatien for nr.y end ' g0lng out with veu? a set-apart chid. Iradlflen has Its ibeV(imr ,,. 10Ur an,i t,e occasion. Ynu tall a geed sport a bis fish. value, net a verbatim, circumstantial ,, ' Well, you must be a sardine. value, rather a spiritual value. It fop-gums Jl.. If It's tlsh you are leek- conveys an Impression of the way the l TT WAS Mirclj this, or something like , Imj for, as -i rung Man Ne. : says, frr-l V1IU llln WIIVOi alone. onlookers- received a truth rather than Xit tlint f'rew from lilm that great the truth ltelf. And. indeed, history ;iyltiK"" about children nnd about these no far beam ent tradition asrcpanU the ,vhe wen'd fellow lilm : childhood of Christ that It is plain lie "Vcrilv 1 -r..v unto you. except ye most have wen a lonely, as no undeubi- trn nmi become as little Leave the sardines SEL.MA R. edl t y waff a set-apart, child. jlall In no wi'e outer Inte the King jt The fate of all children of royal birth ,i0m of Heaven. whose lives are hunted ones br rea-ien ,.,,,,. n .,... Ot the overthrew of the Government or", ..l .! n. .Oil hll.. the usurpation of the throne fir the In- vaslen of a foreign fee. Is a pitiful fate. TT'W ArT,li TT'U iT The-murdered Iianphln of France, the II nH O H rjXi murdered Czarevitch of Russia, are "r HKI.KN nrsiv. tragic little figures whose ghnstn, with these of the I'rlnces of the Tower and . young Arthur Plnntastnet, wander through history with n peiunant appeal that Is all out of proportion te the jctual effect their j etitis lives could Ijave had had they been spared. Hut ippese any one of thtwe children had been rescued In tlmp, his only safety Teitld be as cemp'ete a less of Identltr Vim possible, the ferret of his birth and Qie prepaintimi for his possible but flpest Improbable future controlled by a few persons as lunsible. and he him. self fated te play apart, study apart. ' njad as he grew te youth, cherish his hopes apart from the boys and girls of the town or the village where he lived. """"" " AND that this was the fute of Christ , we knew, i After the flight te Kirrnt. oblivion (dosed ever the family of the Child. The secret of the return, of the settlement Answers "Patsy" r. .. .-.. ...Ui.. t ...-t.. .. .in...... ' hllilren, e,.., ,,, th, .hp ,vrv llr(.t thini, . would de in the matter would be te hunt n quiet corner and think It ever. I If In the wremr, I would write a letter I of apology, and If net replied te In I a wei It's time I'd see the ether party ' in iiitheii. Haven't letters bten known , t) no .(stray? C'un't they .easily be de-1 ipHM ,mbp$ SPRING m;;l: frocks MSB lr Hi HHPwiO '"!B draped aaavCifeui il'liaa1awaalaa'aaWalaaaaaJtaBtl mmfflmmnwMWtm HI aapStfMriaaaaitaaaaaanaTaaBaSHaaiaaavlaaaauaa' -.'-'. .flflaaal taaeaaWaaaamlaaaaVwiaTBtlaamlacf taaaasj-'-.'' iiLtujaaal aaWaaaaaBaaamaaal Hi aaaallai taaaaaV&JT !eiBfltal HH9nBWwTaaVtaaaaVAWl aaaaaaVHBH-NHl aBaRHHIVBalllPfl am1iiaa3afaVaB,talSa' '' .- taaaa 1 aaaaaVUlaaVaNaHaaaaViaaHtaalSiBa'-'vf ' jaVaaml aaKSaaaaaaanaaTaaaaWaaaaay's''''sGgr aaaaaaHi IslQinilBflHrrF .,' JaWi H VflaBaBaffaBaBaBPWMT - .aHHaBHHHHU JUUBVJpanHRHBHBr. aaaMlafeWj aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaVl B19EitfiBBBHBBBBaHBaaan iSaafaaaaaaaHHaaaaaaeMSflBltaaT aaaal 1 ; JBfJamarvMw-iv. Hae'SlfBaVyxi K i:.' 1 Weman s Eyes SKHf -Uy By JEAN NEWTdN WM:Wm'm fsllimaHW 4 rl w ?rvn ... .t .jijjyi - iJW iv"- Deluded Wives Hy If AZKL DKYO HATCHELOK Ju te ten udith Carhile h theivpieal small- reirn irii, une uni.ii .;. ,i laml, suddenly tells hh business a nd gees te Acw lern te or '". Judy refuse te adapt herself in the least te his ticte life, and the people they meet. When Rand Returned AFTKB Itnnd had left her, Judy was suddenly afraid of what flic bad done. She had Eone tee far, and Rand for the first time In hle life was furi ously angry wljh her. His eyes had falrlv blazed Inte hers, and the expression In them had been terrifying. Toe frlchtencd te cry. .Tmly began te walk up and down the studio. Where had he gene, and suppose he had left her for geed? If he did that, what would become of herV She wrung her hands impotent y nnd wished ynguely that (die had thought twice begore going upstairs, but nt the thought of Laura Kln.t nngcr overcame Judy's fear. .... , Hew she haled I.aura urns; " what did Rand mean by going up there constantly? Judy never toeK into ac h Your Mind Se Easily Fooled That Yeu Belietie What Seems te Be? . It Is, Yeu Can Enjoy a Play Much Mere for Being Able te Visualize Things That Yeu Knew Are Net There Through a Wern r i fMmmm- The Girl of Today Can Take Carejf Herself They are net leaving a geed hair en ' the hpad of the "fllrl e"f today," the se- ( called "modem type" the pert mls.s who rouges nnd doesn't care who knows It, who wears short fklrtH nnd gives never n thought te It. who thinks It a matter of ceurv that her rnmlyel'- !- mere prominent than her blouse, who and rellshrs the "verboten" cocktail and 'docs net blush tit "sex" suggestion. They say her' clothes are a disgrace te womanhood, her dancing an Invitation te the wert nnd her callousness te the most intimate topics a denial of all the qualities that have heretofore entitled us te the respect and the reverence of men. Seme of this Is true. Ne fad In the world, for Instance, can make any girl of high Ideals and real womanly dlpiity nnd .self-respect willing te display her calves nnd knees nor hug a strange mini en a (innce noer. , A... I ...t nil ftlin "Tlnliemt'lti" tiretlM.1 stieyed by an enemy? Yeu say tluse a in ,lle wrld can leavP nil in-1 people loc each ether Are they reIiib i '.",.. ,' 's.i ....ii,i .,.i ..mii.d i u, threw It lightly, aside? If se. hew . J a -- ;- ; "' ".-", ;: I'rilli; iiri mini- ..v.w .. - I can t lies eer claim te have levtd i Isn't It a sham and make-believe? Why nlue plff-hendedners se hlghl ? Ten i .s.n she cares "In secret" Hew Is he KDlnK te bcoema awaie of "hidden things"? Is he a fert'ine.teller? ;rhen take the ethrr side. Suppesn you dearly loved sime one and they did you a mean trick : made you feel bitter nnd , dark th' 'a. you knew. Then th"i pupiese In a few days you I && Photes by Central Ne"s Sometimes they even go se far as te allow their draping te be their only adornment, especially when they are made of dandelion yellow satin with sit-In sleeves of violet satin, hut mere often they add something like u plaited fan of white, silk en a black or dark blue satin background. Nearly always they have longer, scantier skirts than the dresses which are allowed te fall straight IT IS n great thing te nave a mind that Is sensitive te illusion. Tn nnve. fltnt Is. the ability te bellcvC n thing Is whnt It seems Instead of just knowing that "It leeks Ke wnai iv nin't." . Yeu can enjoy your thentre se much mere. Ne matter hew many times -you have rambled behind the scenes at the benellt that was given for the church, you can btlll forget what It Is llhe back there when veu are en the ether side of the footlights. ' . , . Yeu may be able te sit in the orches tra and arrange In your wind the ap pearance of the back of the scenes you are gazing at. , . . There, where there is supposed te be a garden, Is Just a curtain, nnd behind that n fire-escape uoer wire re juu n the cold steps and wait for your cue. On this side, where the actors stand at the. window and talk about the wen- ,l.r..l U. f l,e river VOU K110W tllC III I llV.t. ...wi. ... .-- .11.11111 1IVII .11 wi. '. - -- i count the fact thnt Rand went up te see side walls are se close te me wings "ii Dick as well as Laura. It was against , thcre Is barely room for three persons Lnura thnt all her wrath was directed t0 stand abreast and It wi!'( largely because sac iiki nei understand Laura's type, and there fore feared It. Ne doubt If Laura had been plain nnd self-effnclrig and with out charm Judy mljht hnve found a friend In her, but as It was, she hated her with all her small-town narrow ness nnd venom, The morning fairly dragged away, and still Rand did net return. At 11 :!10 Judy put en her hat and coat and went out te de her marketing, hoping In that way te pass the time. But when he returned nn hour later Rand wns net there, and Judy's fran tic terror returned. It wns nearly f o'clock when he walked In, and Judy, busy in the Itltchcn, hurried out te meet him. "Rand." she said timidly. She was eager new te make amends, te say that she was sorry, te resaln her power ever him, but hle eyes, when they looked nt her, although they were no longer angry, were quite cold. "I've been out searching apart ments," he said briefly. "We're go ing te get out of here tomorrow." Judy stepped back In nmnzenienl. "We're ceing te move, but why, Rand, I don't understand." "De you think I'd stny here after what happened this morning? De you think I wnnt te take the chnnce el running into the Kins?" He stepped abruptly, fearful of what he might say. Rand knew hew tiselc"! It would be te tiuarrel with Judy, hew Impossible it would be te make her understand hew he felt. Rut Judy, nfter the llrt shock, was suddenly fiercely glad that they were going. She had no ilulre te meet Laura King after what hi.d happened. Nie , ' n . , , tlme te have could afford new te be generous. Reason, i new w Wlirt wnnt itn irk Kntul nillrkV nilCll11' f "' - l"" i m. a.. .. put her arms around IiW neck. ' "Oh. ' retted stable 'manure. While tiiieii 'tlie ether side, where the Bound of music Is heard, apparently fr,,,,. tim iimn.inn.ninm. veu remember n winding stnlicase that leads Inte the mysteries of lights nndi drop curtains and wings and "effects." Yet. if you have one of these easily Cnnim! ininiu tbst recollection wen t spoil your fun nt all. Why, no ; they are looking far down the river, just an they say they n. And when the young dnushtur dancing off with her lever through tu deer Inte the drawing-room, you eia imagine uiciu icunj entering a Jim room and dancing there wltb ether eeu., nles. Kven though you kne,w that they Urt nail id civil tuicitiii.t in urucr te (TOM bumping Inte the wall of the room ani mnklng it shake or hang In a loot wobbly way which no wall should offset! AND se you enjoy the play crack better. If the program says tit the scene Is the attic, the stage becetaii' the attic, nlthettgh you knew perfeetlr well that It is exactly the same ai thi living-room of the preceding scene, witi. different walls nnd furnishings. This Is really a great gift. J j l ennuies you 10 ke into a flirt theatre with u blue feeling of detnlt and dlKconresement, nnd come ent feli ing refreshed and (pjite hnppy agala. Fpr In the interval between your . truiuv and your exit, your foolish mind has allowed you te forget thnt you m just seeing a movie, and remember enl that the girl with the curly hair is e!n te fall in love with the nice young tnia. And thnt you won't blame her if aht does, but that you won't like her if ibi doesn't. A RECIPROCITY motion plchri would lc amusing: n capture of tl expressions of nil the neople In tb movies who hnve these linprcssleniblt HEN' the heroine itrells out into minds as they watch the play ... , VV i.- ....ia.i itiAb ni- the moon ybur mind merely registers thnt she throws a cope about her shoulders as she gees out. .,,, And you can understand why she docs thnt, because it must be rather cool out there in the garden. When the beat upsets down the river and nil the characters gather at the window te watch the rescue, they are net just gazing ut a blim wall. ifnvn veu ever caught yourself hill leaning forward In your interest, with vettr mouth open In a polite smile ii '"she" thanks "him" for bringing in. home in his car In the rain? That's your Hilly mind, thinking tint It is up there en the screen doing til thi acting itself. It's very foolish, no doubt. But it does enable you te enjoy thlnji Immensely. Soen Will Come the Garden Season, Se PrepareferlUSays Mrs. Wilsen Yeu Will Have Returns for Your Efferts in Delicious Thinp for Your Kitchen and an Improvement in Health By MRS. M. A. WILSON Corirlefit. 19!1. tv .V. .V. A. ll'IHO'l U0M3 rcscrvru USUALLY about the middle of March the home gardener begins te think of the kitchen garden, and te plant or map out his .ill ideas for the growing linilr.ieTTi f.lrrn Of course, the "girl of today" Is far from being in the majority, but it must he ndmltted that there are enough of these free and cniv daughters of J!)J te constitute an important type and cnuv concern ever the tendencies of the However, even with this typc in .. i. .. .. ....ii i..... . t. ....... -.,.. i ..i t.. .1.:.. n I. A .linnl.Mill iir ici.-fi.ii n j.'ihii-iii irtii iihi imiiii'i i millll. IIM're is hum iu ui- in...... : i Tn ,1,. ,.. j ,. . n en ou received a en.ll. becnuw the The "girl of today" can take care of """ i-Mer of V eman s Pag't wound waa tee deep te answer at once. ' i,p.uif ', .''ear Madam -Will you please tell me Wouldn't lour heart beat high? I "v. ' , i . i,,i, !.,i.- te tlulw"dt w!!' tnk" stains made by a. toilet W.mldnt you Rladly brlghfn the treu- , " ,: "' " ' '' '";,',!, ' ,.V .,,. ..n. , P'epaiatlen out of it pink, silk and cotton I.I...1 . v-i u ml I i.hf.i.1 flu. hanrf Btcn I tears UIIU lllli-.-i miiiiiv. ... ". . "Iras ... . ,. f'.iilu.' i, ...:.... :. 1. 1.;.. fiiMin. .iiv tn i be constant werty tnnt caus. " Ne. Don't de It next week I'.-xt month or nett year, but new. ' until siie win "snieiy niarncn i mere are properties In this liquid whirl The Weman's Exchange Nothing but Water A. a. Ill) llfW 8U 1-ifit but net the Mi.ty-feur heura irons, new rears-.' Coming 'ear nfter year at the time leat, never think it gleri us te ape when Nature h ilrst (,'reen leaves are ihe wnvs of a pig or a mule llut aut eagerly welcomed by wlnter-wearled ' like a human with th normal amount Hplrit3, the traditional of the of pulsating gray nutter. In t,hert. .. .i.... .. .i... i;.n.. ..l.i......i i ilu nu I'... Iirfii. eiireifrli tn .iiltult Vfilln . . . ..,, . i .Vtail'IK " HI' "Jlnil llll'-.. sfiitl.ll ....... r... -. ......... ,.... far away from Bethlehem where the ' uoeularlti. ivm among neonle wl.ellv inistaUes. After all, why bluff" lieesn't tragedy of the slaujlitered babies would , unrelated te Ireland And new 'hat, at tVl!'' (,'i" knew that we're human? 13 KIIAXK. 1 l ..nA. . I If ... .!- ... ... . . hedged nheut every daughter and M.tcr tl.eJe is mnhlng'ihut'i.. m,.ve,Vt. i'.-xt rnenm or netc year, nut new. until sue was --siuuiy "" ' m'-re are properties in tills liquid which I May Is dangerous Ueesn't cvcr j ii.lie hew tremendously tills counts lis change the color of the material which ...ininiiis-itlnt. for what some of u- led it teuclieu. has been lest In freshness ami modesty. It i-i the cry. openness of things te- .in, iimt iinns the modern glil and Fer a Birthday Party make tnat one Jinny forever unwelcome last, the llttle Own isle is c. n eg into I of Jeseph's and of .Mary's nriteced- 'ler own, no umint nc -atriuK's Juy ents of the Child's pretensions te the , l;j--- wl" ue n" Jyuuiy unserved throne te which I In was the earthly heir, the secret of Ills preparation for a public life, were nil well kept, but ' than ever. Invitations te a "Patrician" luncheon, dinnei, dance m card party should he t i..itir nut thin v r If It Iu ..... .. at what cost te the Child, as well as te te obtain the cauls with beautiful ni,i i TAAJknl. Mll.l T.,. .nn ..nn I . ! I t r, . I I . . .....".It 1..l.... .. t. I 1- . ' IIVJIII 1.1114 .IMIji UHf l-UII llllllKUie. I U.IHIIV PVMHI HVII.C-I, VSI1IC1I miy juij con imagine, tee, wnnt lay liacu of im s-iuiacu in ui" iuikpsi rme, a de er Can Yeu Tell? Hy It. .). and A. II. HOltU:iS makes her se much mere capaiiie in 10 vm umtw el lt'emnn's Page: taking care of herself than was her, JJear Madam Kindly tell me through grandmother, whose pedestal was sup- your column bow I can get n full face, tmsed te keep her out of harm s reach, , ' am thin In the check bones nnd would but mere often made, her easy prey. ' Vcnlhav" ,lsaU1:-' red bl1 Bowing rset Dimiieii iij .....- .-.--.. - ". ;". .11. i,. i . um Kivinir a uiinuay tiartv mystery, tlie uiniicrn kih ...... .. i month Hew should I Invite my friends this ;uds what Rand, you don't knew what I've gene through today. I'm sorry for what I did, dear, bitterly sorry. De you think you can ever forgive me?" She wns sebblnz new, nnd. ns uual before her tears, Rand relented. Ills arms went nreund her. and although there was little of love or tendernct'i In his henrt. he held her as It she haa been n rhild. Was she really sorry, he was think Then the first drv and warm spell have It spaded un der, se as te be ready for the early planting. , .. ., Let me Intervene here and say that it tin. mnn who must work indoors will plan nnd work out n kitchen garden. using both the plain and curly 1m! variety. The garden greens arc next In ewe, nnd when the home gardener reallnj the splendid variety thnt can be second I feel sure she will always find a ibhQ corner of the garden te devote te tbi succulent net greens. Salad plants ure in order In the tte garden, corn nlad, dandelion, chicory, using both the common and wltloef vnrietles ; endive mustard, cress, lcttucl and Swiss chard are easy te grew, in! de net rcaulrc n great deal of atten tien, and the pleasure you will ebttln when you can go into your garden and harvest a mess of alad greens for tt tlei ' ;. ... i.i... i.t.. .i!..iiiiuiii.i in nnvs- it wiii pay mni "''"'"", i't' ' table will amply repay you for the Ileal ..tness and geed ;l J( " n. nli trouble you have given them, cheap way of aklng mue "pPllP'' ' j wnnt t0 tell ye nl)ut n man 1 ..!. ia (in.l nuMltlir llirV filial! III lll"HI I .... . . lngV And if se, did that mean that If1'0" """", I 1 he i te revent n she would be different in the future? n your W"' W IK ,ew th,," te "Yeu never leek a, things from my , ftf'. el,"- seli after ldc," Judy was sobbing. "Veu never ,"".r. u "" ,,l "t -educe peer who "" " ", .- ..,, Iltne A i Mil" OKI U.V II1S pil.lMCllllI UIUI III! IIIU'V nature nt one and the same time. ' , ',, ..... . ,,..... short study of the. clmrneter of the re "" ' ""'" enaltV f be dd U After explaining te his doctor tnat for sten te realize thnt I 'tet lonely, and thnt ou have taken mc away from all my friends." The truth of that struck home, mid Rand forbore te ask her why she hud net tried te make a friend of Lnma King. After all, perhaps, she wns sorry; perhaps she would try te be different in the future, would try te make her se that she would net miss se keenly her old friends in LjnuroeK .Junction. ii rain or wane wet m iii "" results, the h'eil drying in nar.i n mi". It is almost Impossible te brenk up these lumps of dirt. New, no matter hew tinv your garden is te be. plan te work It In two plots. This will give you n rotation of crops. Light, sandy soil is ready te work Copinelif, (Te he continued) JDJJ, by J'libllc Lrden Cetrrnm The Crepe Freck Calls for Bugles financial reasons this, could net be ha decided he would de the next bat tiling. He would spend as many beurt outdoors ns he possibly could, anil t turned te his hack yard and planned and actually turned it into a kltclta garden. This gnrden has net only given Wn big dividends in health but It is abe paying for Itself, nnd he is quoted ti ng his neighbors, upea really de with a small I !.,.. aI ..a I fTM... .f1n.i t. M.X. "". ,---.- . 1111-i.u i Kii'iiiui, j-ih: s"'"" reason, when planning nnir ruiicu i- ri,nn nn( js 14 j)V 40 fcct rangu early In the sensen for hose or I Thi, rar,icn brought in actual cart. piping te supply plenty or water. ( rptm-ns te Its owner $15.50, but Jmt If ynu will remember that green and suppose he had net gnlned a single succulent vegctnmes averiigi: mnn c. ; ncuny, the wendertui return te iifiiu te 0." per cent of their total weight In , wns worth thousands of dollars te him, water, you can uiiderttund the great : lie is an earnest home kitchen garden uiini 11.1 11. i'i- j.ifeni. . - - - . , .. 11111111; iur tlii'll, u , and he himself (long before the heavy loam, but this soil !in ulIt,ertv ,imeng p life lcis lonely, 1 will need lets of irrigation, because t whnr fl mnn cnn rpf t miss se keenly dries out very quickly, ie. for tins, iec,0 of r0UJ1(jf r their nnxlety the grown-ups' anxiety I c,rL1, nr '"" ,",,n a. Kl'en lnk ,.x, nn" ' :; 'nr. "r...eL" K'iy..v!u" i ' March Invitation cards. Paul and Virginia I,y III'XKN.V HOYT GRANT vet. if each step we took, whether en . a smooth sheet of ice or en a highlj polished fleer, were made with the body 1 evenly balanced and with the weight of the body distributed equally eer I the entire feet, we would net slip. The 1. r ti... 1 iiAnis' nmi . . U..11 t n . . " steer clear 01 m. muni.-. ,,."', "!,u'v ""'i serve; aiw, wnut. Net under the disadvantage m -ikuiu ci frames should we play? If l linen or delusion she is "from Mis- in Ing KirH In, hew shall X introduce i.iiiiu y. ." them tn ii innllin. .....I ln.wl..i titu... clirl. ., ... ... ,.,. 1 time shnll'lt stnrt nnil whnt llin. cili..ll I.. best things, int are xerclse long, I the exercise, take the long breaths without it. This will biiiif the healthy bleed te your cheeks. If you will send 1110 a self-addressed, stamned ( nvelnnn 1 will Cnllen. of Vlncennes. enii you 11 t. 1 atrick s jay party .... .... . ..l t """ i iii 11 a viin iipii ii!iKiii7 iin ire 4 .. .1 Ai.sni. wet trniuii iiki; iu 1: hvl . B ...... ....., ,, .....s.. - - . . ,, r he- "nu; UKOIIUB . ,Inln I We are very ant te sn 0ti the Ice. 1 " ""''"""...."...Ltimnt. t n a i:at mere. That's always the, 8 '" land even the smooth floors of eiir;cv' w,?.i, TiSy t?.V1"1'1 T f,d eat special "ll homes, while there is no thought of I virr Rrcat Ruin e er t f vv s 01 n-i Hkebuier and nil; and eggs, tl "- H.I, ..!... h .mlL-e n f.. ..r. I. . PmilOll "K" "' '" '.. "' !"IJ. - t ""-"-iuiir. llinil raille lefimar t! of """.""J" -"" " ; - . 's """ is , , ., , , . today" can tauc care 01 every day that will make you take or the tloers covered wirn mrpetv. auu "... 7 deeu breaths: or .If veu can't iri A Busy Family Inte I'agahendia AUL was day-drcimlng; Virginia knew nil the signs. "New whnt Is It, dear: a " It must be won derful, this i-ett of thing," he haid. By "this suit of thing," I'aul indi cated the b e e .. .&!.. 1 " 'iinnn in 1 1111 riiiii-s. - . --.. mix. anic J. s- --; ; when vcu in ght ke te use ler veur the first Indiana woman t" seehn seat blitli.lay. This tells what te serve for ,..,.,,,. .,.,., , . . 'reason we slip at nil is in cases wheru'in Cengrers, is the wne 01 iiiinui ., refreshments ami what Karnes te play. Jint S that EOt te (10 With it' Anil 1.. ..... ..!.'.. t... .. .!.. ' .. ,r " ... u ' .....! ,.n tertus ns till. When vim Intrndllri, vnnr frl..i..lL te ev:rVih.,;g1h;ret"w!er,faI''1 i!",d ?", ' ctiy balanced. epentnUve li.' Cenaa of the Second y;,ur mother, j .-pother thjs Is u.5.. ' h-.VntU! VH "?' ' We can de se slipping when Indiana district. Jj'nittVw J "' JrnU., VnZnl UrUL'IJ JLIIIIIM ! IIIWI Pl Ullllt .. l ..1 1 .. . .. t .?. .11-. "' --.-.---. . - -..,....,..- of a1! th wiiiulfrful .mi -.,.!. .nriitfn. later en. In tlie art gnllerie cities of old Kurepe and he spent a month j u s t rusticating i n 1 Helland, and "It must b wen- , dpi-ful," murni'ireil "V a g u b e n d 1 a c Around the World." w i t h whkh fat volume he had been concerned for four evenings running. bending has Iti drawbacks, but' I think lne",ft that In- spent tnat one nugat visit and curious foreign wonderful time Virginia, new drenm- "' t i ...- iiirt ml. r "Wonderful ' T should say se. And just think, lieiiev, he started with eniv n hundred dollars, 'ninl Isitlall these strange '" ,fl "V fn ,l'"1 ''i"1" ;n lands nnd enjoy a Ijednk carried alenif with without spending a derful : IU se' '- 5; , yw i v J Jik i him. Wen- fdrtune. such as travelers uiunllv feel called upon te spend." "But, Paui, travel costs se much .especially abroad." Paul frowned. "Oh. that's what everybody thinks. Iter Instance" and he tapped the cover "And I MIPIiiiSO he flmillv found t!, spot of his dieanis, what'.' ' "Well, he went all around the world nnd visited almost everv ceuntrv The book tells all about it." Virginia sighed absently. "Hew wonderful! Just te think that Win de we net slip en diy walks' We take as many net perfectly bal anced steps when walking en the ordinary sidewalk as we de when walk- , Ing en ice or en peiisiieu Hours, n a de net slip when thus walking en dry hldeuulks. cen though we pay but , little uttentlnn te our steps, because of what is called friction. Without fric tien we could net walk nt nil. When we walk en ice the amount of friction between the sole of the shoe and the ice is less than en u dry walk. Our i ability, therefore, te walk en nny kind I of surface is due entirely te the amount of friction that occurs, between the I bottom of the shoe and the surface .which Is being walked upon. If we I create sufficient friction at these points we can wniK en any kuui ei suriace, whether our steps are balanced or net. Carrying Bubbles Yeu didn't knew it could be done, did veu? Well, some of the guests won't be able te get through with it successfully, but ethers will, se that's where the game part comes In. If you wnnt te knew hew te make the attempt, as well as hew the rest of the enchanting bubble party Is planned, send in n stamped, addressed envelope te the Editor of the Weman's I'nge, und send It in seen, for the party Is meant for St. Patrick's. Day, which Isn't very far away! Iiik the boys te the glils, call the girls miss anu me ueys --jir,,-- ana use me same, xi nn or introduction, jr they nre under sixteen jeu may Just use the full name, without the Miss and Sir. If the party Is tu the evening It should start i at 8 o'clock and end at 11 or half paBt. In the afternoon It should be from : or 3 until ti. Read Your Character Iiy Di'jlJ Phillips I'erbuJding the Thinker The "thinker." as has been explained In n previous article, can bn recognized by the head nnd faip, which are wider nt the top than across the cheeks or jaws. Nine times out of ten they are the sort of people jeu would never call "robust." They are oftener small than large, ineir bones are small ' i J It rrWlll I I srn I need of plenty of water, The small garden cnn rabe radishes, garden onions, beets, carrots, parsley, imrden herbs. ' tomatoes, porn, cucum bers, string beans, Hum or pole beans, advocate, and Krnest Wright's mfsun te his 1,1'iends is go in the gnrdea mi the small hey and dig for wermi. dlf until you nre se tired that you eta hardly stand up straight. Then tali In the small garden It will hardly pay & warm bath nnd retire, te get up one you te raise from seed the tomnte, egg inuir earner in me morning unu a, and similar plants. Yeu ran buy mere ' d'St again. Fer nervousness, inseni' cheaply. Radishes and lettuce may,"in. Indigestion nnd n lazy liver, M be sewn In shallow boxes and placed ,"n5. us the best tonic made. Try It. in sunny windows, nnd just ns seen as it does net cost much beyond the pan tile radishes are us big n tlie top of ileal effort and n intised-up plot. It i our thimble pull them and use en the veu secure the health that you IN "table. Lettuce may be used when the 'nuking- for it will truly prove a Wms fourth leaf appears. '".' i iu nave iur tins corner " erti Mr. back frit. i-rwf nimi iinv in A iirtl nnt rrnilir te s v t.eas. plan te plant but one row ' .n' ""' lt,' Brewing aeawn IS a tl ,e, se .; te W a -"timial , Wr , ' XSS'rf E'. A"BS,,7iTr'riTr"3"',vnr.l into n most attractive kitchen n reme i.g all "Ven mid hi a " ' f""'.. Le arranged MyUt. . . ..nt.i.ui, Wien ilu. soil is well wl'lth between tfie rows nnd hew M r fc fe ,nnnMr vh" .uaklni , rJjJ '"" "f f plnt necerdlaft. I .i.-ii... ......!. e tin,. i.i... .1,, ' Lurepenn gardening methods. rows. enk tne peas ter twentj -tour hours In warm water, then plnnt. hnv Mr. Wrlftht bns nn Indoor rafflU which he made for himself late last wu i nt-, -"- -. ..... - . ing tin seed iuiiv two ai.ii one-unit """ " '"(" mkt icu weimcriiiiij inches deep. Bat the soil firnilj , but net i T'"'t lie '" "w- In fine shape for til tee hard. 'open season In kitchen gardens. Plant the jeunc garden onion and nlse 1 Hctllng bade te mother nature some radishes. If jour family Is small, veiy uecesunry for the iniddle-ngcdlnj-three feet planted every third week will IInI if he is te keep physically . give you nn abundant crop. If you will a" indoor work, with just a few mffl' plant your peas about the first week In "'es devoted te racing 'for the car ct April you will begin tn harvest the crop t" the station does net help te ? about the second week in June, nnd n 'low tlp ,,,enl Pressure, or act as Iilnuting every week until the third , e for n lazy liver, week in May will glvc the family u " mess of neas four or live times eneli week from the middle of June until late , Cn(.P;l R.rlnrtinn in Hairdrellbf r- -- -- - - -- - ,, ::.iS ::: . ... M .ri.U. .1.1.1. ...!.....,. ... i....... I . U..UI4C iniSR mimur-iu, llisilince. UO ,... ,,.1,1, ,,. , , . ,,'. liut'tknew that a full meal of mutton ;,,, i ,"J' , V. '.," ."" "" .,'1 "1""i & .an, j i.i .1 'I f . v w h i jwiii ir.i nni: I lull . r I Ml u p i uiiiii.i a mrr . v i f 'TV '. r " nly V; ""f;;0S -"-traceun: Adventures mm a rurse , mirl SrrlaV" ' .. . 7 fV COURSE In these days when In- XJr .i. i. .. ... . ,, "Hiding.'' repented l'nul. with umn.ll .. i,in .rivil i .. t TjmniB uiauu a nice ei iiistnste, ulinw t i,li,i, im-i Vi " "" " "v"'t ; " nuiiw ft JllTden't like mutton." sin, mnr- !? i g . J. "i , '"' sul(i n.v-1 homes, there is an Im-reaMng number f i,,AndIknewI,dJunhateadI ' K .U .r,d.,nB?r "V Wti'M the f Incense holders in surprisingly novel V XHK." d ju-t nate pad- waj III0,t of lt r . from h, JJ()t 0)(. tlmt m . Bi WWEt have yen any Idea of hew chean .. '" "" "'"fM ny "ver , ,.inim a soft spot in my heart is the iViBffl" fl" ei,?"iJ "" n" Ln?: ,1 "S the oceans he crossed ; polishing brasses. Chinese llu.lilha. I saw en., of thee Irt'JI bbi P ? t-!.' iiiii t iiii; in un. lt nnrt no n Annl ... . .. u .. . 1 ii -,,..... LTJ. UIII1 fllltllP llilt'en. RHrecJiveOuiltfe0 r: .i . ... . . . " . - i tiii u uuiii niipsi &k vim m nif tiii r ! .1 i : ,-tm " "' s.i.x. ,.i iiiuy linn in tnreus wavs Itv .Tee.. It .ut i irming country tewni of Bpaln(heen wonderful!" ?. I haven't the remotest .IfThat's it. veu see. Nobedv renlljes math ehenlilv tliesn wenilerful i&t:j,..m ....... 1, ,.,,,. ,,..! ..,.,, 11.... I... 1'CU'U tinij' u iiitiiii.ft, ii, ii-iiiiiii); 1(11 flTthan half what it costs a man te live IW5 en rlaht here at home." Virginia was impressed, r "Why. this mnn, the chap who wrote I his book,, landed in Pert Haid without "And I suppnie that he eventually found his garden snot, bis h,i,il'v Did he settle in one of these Islands in! the bet, I will tell jeu where I saw It. uiu euiiui nra or inn no cnoese the, Tl , south of France, or " Here Is heniethlng that just might hum... .1.. .i nnTienl te veu. either for keening veur .11.. ? h' e " "iT, ," EJ;. WV best deck' of cards In, or te W. as They may be ateut. but eftenei thev Monday-What Is the Most Restful 1 1 Things YeiCll Leve te Make j en,"tn0' JTiS it" "In te Loler' . gct 0110 anyhow, lu one way or another. I in these people the mental prcdouil prcdeuil i nates ever the physical. I When you want te persuade a man or woman of this type your nuickest read te success lies in starting hiin or her te thinking, l'eninnstratlen may aid, but it Isn't the predominant factor as It is In the case of the "square" people. Jt your Mieject lias a convex profile jeu knew that his attitude Is practical and scientific, and qulte nnturully you should glvii him facts and very definite statements upon which te think. If he (or shej Is concave, you knew your subject Is mere Inclined te be theoretical or philosophical, and you wouldn't emphasize statistics, for In stance, in me sumo way mat you today, in plaster, colored In green and bronze, together with a package of Chi nese water lily incense, which is sup posed te be delightfully fragrant, for twenty cents, n jeu wuuiu iim te uuy t'l mere tBeiLhnlf a dollar, and he lived i "or court, ne catue i.ome when he'd '.d; t haft for almost week " He con. Me" ,l nI1' Heavens, but woman does li inatreT auineNi a weta. iie con- . . . .. ,... , ..a . tMM Ml' tW . ......B. taken all ,tl taa out 1 . Tltt,8k, tiet, ,. ,f timVi. nnti,:. ... . "t.1" a prize the next time the card Ollll) -I.... ... w.. w. ...w..u u.iiiiiii.iinii iiiui-eN -. , I,,.,,.,. i ,,....l J fn-'," meets at join "". . niii-im ei n "Yeu mean te say "Of course, he came home when he'd :aiiiliatEr 3 1 1 . itMtA wiiirifii iiiH'iiriiiKi-ii iiiiiri u kb in. jiiiu nn V-?M fmmmm ''l 'wlne wli' caw meal, of the fcepk! vL :mRLWLWwfefa'! mmmJkWimmmmmL,!AiLm ifSu.-e.jn , leather finUh case the slze of n pack of cards, and closely re&emhllng n pocket book. On the front, in I suppose cel luloid, are small tiny playing cards, one of each suit. The price of this novelty lit fifty cente nr' A meit ATTRACTIVE QUILT can be made from nn old blanket. When n blanket becemcu worn or shabby, place It between two covers of pretty sllkellne or sateen. Tuft It with ribbon or wor sted te keep the blanket In place. The tufting can be made te form a pleasing aesian unoeno nwnii' inai will H I M , i z. nr A! l narmonine wim your peuamr, ana you H CORINNi; LOWK ern son It, i t ii .... i tt t'i.1 i-iiv uiu. .timi-iiiii nuilll, low, busies, Hew this Is the med-1 bnsll, borage, chervil, climes, cm n designers adaptation of Tu.ny- ,im. fennel, horeheumf. lavender ii. Along with beads and paillettes, i marjoram, mint, pnr-lev. ves fclivnj 'lltltiliMl-1 Ulll AlWtt 11 n I'I I I'llPfl I ,..... . nn.l ml nnM . . ... ?i.?Ln.. Iifil r'"ikM' m1rtlcVlnrli-!eo.nnien nnd lemon thyme nnd tarragon. T..1.. M...I.l!.... 11... lillil .1A.. t 11 l.llj, ..iiiis in.- nni.- Biiim-ii 1" veil illM,i ii..,. Mnrr.1 Cnrl watered during the mentlia of June and llinmnoe nmi Penlp Treatment July. This is the biist time of the whole Expert Marcvl Wining j ear te plan nnd arrange the herb gar- Munlcurlns den: the folks of vesteryeur knew the wonderful value of the herb garden, from both a health nnd medicinal standpoint. The vnrleties of herbs In nn old kitdien in a home in a small mid- West cllv nre: Angelica balm, sweet riander sweet esemnrv. sage, summer anil winter savory, sorrel THE LILLIAN llciuty Hnloe. Huccetmer te Mlbm MM 70: Mndirrt llldg,, llreud 4 Sprnt jlBmri. tl ltllCVllft I Kllnt.tltirt 1 Alt BJver, iu.i uubw iwiiuhiuk ii iiiitereut sceds iintiparonce from the mm wlilnh r..t.. . 1l-c"" dined ur in these huiirv ibitu ti-i,..ntiA... The seed man. or n geed cntnlniti... was a massed formation of bugles en w"' Blve teu full Information about the corsage or wneu tney jelled stiflly ""''"rniB me nimus. into a joke. Ne particular soil or special prepnra The nbeve model of black crepn ,len iM "ceded aft many wlU zxew al trimmed with blink bugles gives an II. ' '""'t ,,nT T,lRt', "'ey are planted. lustratien of the modern nppllcatlnn of I The green herbs nre used for salads trimming. 1-or ut the stde n long panel1 and nre dried for winter use. mm .1 would with the convex thinker. Yeu et. the ernainents is joined te the edge I herb gnrden can he made a profitable would keep mere te generalities nnd I of the train in lie hack .Anether band venture, as well ns one for nlens. theories. Hut Id either case you have te re member that you are dealing with a keen mentality. Yeu must try te start them thinking and te steer their thoughts (by suggestion) in the desired ijne, uuv ue mv uwXJVV "" ei i y rrln I rwheu evariw tiT. lr ."1 r 'i"-y uy win go, v-inis Is nartlen. ' " w, trylnte de their fttjMKfr them. JSS yg$t$. ' "Sil- ferly trtii with emenWlimftt " Yerg for health, ' in the back ministers te the iuwj,1r unt! i The herbs find ready me ameM "our" siicci. juki piace some tied in Httle bundles and wrapped In wax paper where the passing nubile win t Ji. ' . anidiTPui.wm ftl te see hew quickly they will go. xThi Is pnrticu larly true with emenXverbena, lemon thvme. Imtmim ati v. s""i lemon, variety by being placed under the eh- EVER GO HrCIII-n i-ici...... Whether the itrennn are Ira'in.. ITy Ktrtng freehet overrtow the bkV 2r mil.r wmiiet.b.. dented hi.1?."- Suggestion Ne J from the Ice Bex "I'm the man who put ICE te aervicc. Little brother g Hick with n bad headuche a" high fever lust night nnd WJ , mother came right down aw t ... IPC nnd DOt tsui. i-icic 5 1j - iittte some en ma neaa aim iiii Piece In his mouth, un ".' Johnny was grateful!"- A