mmi m"". fa 'iT5a '4W1 w: Lk .-;e s2 m f'r K .fe IT i ? V 17. w "ESTATE FOR SALE YLVANlAfillDURBAN r ,. .HIGHLAND PARK D PARK Medem ahlnalA lin..a. ri'ruuips nnil imu ; let ivixiu 177.W. C. 12111 Chestnut. Walnut 40sft t- I" ". .:...?.".. -v.-.-" 'li'ir: HOLME tllOUSO thftiUffhOUt'. Irfirtfnln; n rnnma llbalrj. all cenventem-vsi garage; terms. Charles It. Illythe. 407 Parker ave . ueiawnre i-u., imj enn fare from 'Keystone phone. Menrcs US T) HORSHAM HKK1IIT.S QRSHAM HEIGHTS, N. Olenslde-Nesham- fans Fallal chelra l.lilir. til. al lenln .....i Rft .t.- 1 l 1 LaH 'ifJWWettw. IBn up: free title Insurance: easy 'Mvtiwrw 'ta.jttend for bklt, rhenc Dla. IsOO. ? FERGUSON. Frnnr fc Ynrlc UNn0WNK ABLE suburban residence In exclusive tctt. attractive In every wavt 2 seres of d. Hdph 8. Walker. 625 Land Title Bpruce 42.17. IDOWNE 2'4 -story Colonial brlclt llllflf. . lnlvrffcra ritrl. nl.. hnl .vate.. let) beat location. I'. O, Het mM. Phlla, K" J'le-ihlngle residence, 14 room'?, hot het M.rJ TMkter heat, electricity and can: A-l en. IA . Hloei possession, unragn 2 cam. let len LJf- I0j fruit: will sl H vnlu, quick sale. '. H.-Of. FRITZ. Tin Wilntit st. MKRION 9KW Colonial. 11 rooms. 2 hfilhs. dnuhle r "!'' "' inxsmi it., price iiu.oue, win. C. Clachem 121S Chstnut t. NRHIIAMINV PAl.t.M IfSRHAMtNY TALUS I1B00 new bunralew en :et 40X1 nn. r. e. liex 4. in. y! ROiEMONT ..u mi- it"".-":, I- j A ttln.l.. I..... 1 Bu.A.a. .. yh aMBbbied) open nrPIacsj narare and stable ever 1 acre of ground! convenient tatlnn: price J2S.0OO. Trent & Treat. ayne. T. Wayne 3J7. Jn, . ' . LjXUM k WK lmmenlafi. nurchnRA n itnn. .M hlnu: ht. n.wins ierV wllh old ShiIc'' ran 1 MmPneeS- nr ?. .5PiS.wl,J2 "i ""lie. llniinced: prlcc , lis.oeo. 'Mai Xr "Trflt Wntrntt I ll'nl'r. 827. , '" "" STR TFORD A. .COLONIAL Rtnnn li, ,! 11 rnnma trltl. II Dsinsi ikii-waier neil. Kurage and mania cembined: 3 acres of ground, close te statien: jrlce $20,000. Treat ft Treat. Wayne. Pa. Wavne 27. , lYAYNI AN OPPORTUNITY te purchase 000 de tached1 brick nnd shingle 0-room heus, with bath, let nOti'itn ..1,1 hil... teimt t TREAT. Wnne. Pa. Wayne 327 wvxxnriKi.n CENTRALLY' loc. dtnched stone hnus, ga rage: avallib'e seen. WAI.TBR M. 8UTII BRIGAND Hala-Cynwyd. Qnw yd 242. NKW .IKRSHV sum RRAX DWELLING, with conveniences, with 1 acre. Dwelling, wllh comenlencvs, wllh 0 acres. ftVr.'"",".- :"'" '"''""'rvir.T:..?."" ' '""" ' " "!. '?". '"'i -FL"r."'T.t Prices ren- I ecmae... .ui i.euiie jtenNJ. I AI'III'IIOX i FROM $3000 te I20uilb. best list of new and , . second hand bungJIIews and houses we er had te effcr. easy terms and newl'in at ence: office opposite stnllen: open dally una nunuay n. t. i.i.r.vni. i AUDUBON, rooms, modern, stucco; 00x1.10 sucrlflce Fremont Ce. North Amer. Illdg. Walnut sdl. rAMitr.x Itiilldlne Lets FORLST HILL QARDCN LOTS in the city of Camden. N J., are the neer of any luta offered for snle today or In the I xuture: nuy oeiero prices aavance, aue te DELAWAim RIVER BRIDGE eui thla lecatlun Is en th direct approach te tote great structure, all cltv protection at hand and the rsal conveniences which a city affords. Deuble Ieta. 40 feet front, at reasonable prlcee: small down payment; easy terms. Take trolley or bus nl ferry out Market at. te Marlton pike, walk south te office. W. H. MaeNnmara, agent en premises, or 840 jjfrderaH st.. Camden. N J A COLUXOMVOOP BEAUTIFUL NEW 1IIUCK HOUSE) Jaat completed; nil conveniences; best loca tion; reasonable prlc. STEPHENSON 31 E. Btlles ave IMnne Colllngsa'eod 100 GRKNI.nCH BEAUTIFUL bunguluw, en stone read, at 'Orenlech. Ap. te II. L Wllcix. niarkwoed. L.UltF.L HPKINdS A COZY HOIIB-Six rooms and lUi. 3 bed bed bed roema: excellent oendltlon. located near ehoel and Bteres; a bargain; $3300. RODERT F. RANKIN . Glenn ave.. Laurel Hnrlnus. N. .7 A BARGAIN HOUSE Six rooms and bath I80OO: (Inn location, near stores and schoel: In excellent condition, ether properties. Rebert F. Rankin, Glenn ave.. Laurel Springe. XKW JEBSKY SKA.MIORE TO LNVESTORS, LOT DEVELOPERS, PROMOTERS Twe mlea of ocean front with rlpiu-lan, rights; -a perfect, smooth bathlnir ueachT with unusually gradual slope and of ac knowledged safety: property extends back te bar; P.; H R. trains, parallel with auto hlghwny; extend entire length of property. Thla virgin property, lylnir mldwav between 3 well-known seaside resorts. Is the last un developed link en the coast of New Jersey, and la offered te c!es out a divided Interest; title clear. Address Executer. C 830, Ledger Office. OCEAJf CITY Cottnue. ocean view, 8 bed- rooms, bath with butlt-ln tub. pednstal waahatand, HrerUce In living room; kitchen, Jlnlng room; In basement maid's room, laun ry, ahewer bnth, dressing rooms, garage; en corner let; price IS.MHI OTIH M, TOWNSilNI) BUILDER NEAR Phlla , 10 rms , com p.. lawns, shrub bery, fruit. asp.iniKUs; barn, garase, hen nery; 7 acres, or will divide; bargain; de sirable for commuter; very near at.ttlen C 325, Ledger Office OCEAN CITY Several choice bungalows. which are new under construction ready for occupancy within 0 weeks In various de. alrable locations; price from JI.100 te $300. ' OTIS M. TOWNSEND. Builder OCEAN CITY Several choice bulldlni; lets In tl emest desirable sections of ocean OtJI Price 3.'.0 te 2.MM OTIS M TOWNSEND. BUILDER WTEDWOOD Ilulldlne letB, near bach.l tam.possesslei. hlmen Well. 1141 N 2d. i t'HI.I.SEA TWO LOTS, all Imprevements: each 40x110 ft.: close te beach, convenient train step. H. H. FRITZ. 713 Walnut st LONtiPIIRT a-STORT frame cottage, modern, 17 rooms. 8 baths, near beach, large let, desirable In every way. HUGH S. WALKER, 02.1 Land Tills Hide . Phlla Pa Spruce 4257. LOXUPORT 1XINOPCRT .seashore cettuite cheap, small eaah' payment, estate must sell tu -..... trieuie: 12 rooms, an impruvements. ite: is Bdg., EE flr utie tiiag.. i-nna OCEAN CITY THREE flne lets, cejrral ocean view, or will build cettsces te suit sell en easy terms, brand-new apartment with garage for rent. H. O. 'Halllnger. 237 S. 4ilth st. . STONE HARBOR 8-ROOM pottage, bnth, all conveniences; .owner will sacrltUv ut 13.100 and assist flnanclpg. C 307 Lediter Ofttce PKNNSYLVANIA FARMS Custom-made farms Trmm ter sale of any sue fi 10 or 20 acre tracts; an thing up te 00 ariea: tract located' 3 miles north of Barten 1'a , .ilenu State highway and trellej ; mitnl.le for pnul try; no cash required, tlrst in ruage taken en land: Imildlngs built tu suit purchase! , ler full Information call or vville -UBOnKBU G. NEEDLES. D.jltstewn, Pa ', Olioesiio Trell 'V Station !jl NEAR; WEST CHESTER. 101 acres clean f - lan1',1 v fr.. frm trnyti .tn ulnn.. Ttad. atone heus. h rooms tent and i.c- i iricity;, stene barn with un'er bowls, milk BChlni'H and electricity, rarage out- I Wy-v-lvaeaaai ngs. arga en? ne. fted mill and all nacssstry shafting for power work orchard ;-w aeveral acres timber, 20 acres ttiw meadow s' w lritB stream; geed fences thruughei ut. t-lll.UOO. J. M. FRONEFIEI.D. Wnjne Pa. BARGAIN ACT QUICK JVrty-aeven acres; s-room stene house and Jther necessary outbuildings In geed cnn Itlen; close te town und tialn price $3000. terms te suit; cataleguia ready. Happ, 30U-) t. nth st. tl-ACRE fully equlpp-d poultry farm: 7-room neuset goon euinuuuirgs, vntieiy or iruu woodland and geed watet iirlce 41-00 part eaah or) consider city property In, catalogue rei.iv. iiAirj;iiiu .n .itnsi. 8f-ACBE DAIRY FARM, rlute'lilghway'ani trolley; Colonial house, Imp, $13 000, no hnrn elec. sstem water by grav- lty; $90011. C F, Beuumunt Doylestown. Pa NEW JERSEY I'AIIMX T58ACRES 100 Acres Pntule I.nnd Hnerlallsls Take NntleA Semlnently loc. led between Burlington und eunt Helly, with land frentlnc en new ff, aaphalt read, near shipping station, geed I'Yiy IruJldlnga: wonderful lam! for potatoes, fruit '.-,- auana. grain, eariy svveet corn, none better EJSi a.auperler farm si &t.tKl pfU-e. $28 0 W? ?L.'f JKnT "ns ?V k aHttkavpIn fnrm DAlilntn ut iln tiU eim,nlnllu aaaa"a mi -mmviii hihhuwiei rejri.ii4ii , llllll ;sgi:. nurHnfften N J. JrfMUUfS KOIl f .-.rTL R. LEt KOIl HAI.i:, Ht rtrafonahle prlceH t .PrilUlW. I'lmtrin V T E. SALE OR EXCHANGE f 'OWNER of beautiful home en Main Line . H U ,W.,I ,. .11. mill. ,,.111 .nnU- ?,iexcbanxe for 3 or 4 houses valued ut about v iMtlD.OUO each, or will consider ether modern L,Mfceanaa of lower value showing geed Invest- ;. ..nt: wnrvieai wun owners wne want a S -ciata stiuureun neme; mute lull pat era. Address -i ".- ..i. . A. I ni4. linger unice m! LOT.' 84th an i.bfc3U .ft d Mr will s-,aehang and Reed eta.. 810 rt. deem 4 frenta: eauliv -it l-j-.v! ww Ji"w"e "J . '"ni wuavB. 'i". wniiif, sV. waj lananan, iDin ana nne at. REAL ESTATE WAKTEP WANTED AT O.VC1I. COUNTRY ESTATE, from y," tn HOD acres, close te trnln and trnlley; mint havi 20 nr mero bidroems. rnrnge and barns, shade. Inwn, running water .-tnd weed! md tn "tilt nH of latge sanatorium; correspondence cenfidential: send Plans, particular, i-h i unci n C -HI. fdtfT Of,"!! APARTMENT. 0 rooms and bath. private perch. In Ovorbroek, lln'n. Onwyd or Oermantewn, net te exceed $100, or a smalt hnuse In the same locution, net te exceed t7S: b)th unfurnished, possession May 1. I n.10. Ledger Office, WANTED TO HUNT en a leni lease or would buy at a rlnht prlce In West I'lilln ilfllihlu or UerbroeK corner or detached residence. Reed locatien: southern exposures at least (1 sleeplnic rooms, all cenveniences: Kile particulars. C 3011, Ledger Office. WVNT1U) Chestnut Hill. Oermantewn or Main I.lne, furnished stun 1 1 house for 2 adults, wanted nt unca for 0 months or mere, stale location, describe, quoin price and say when available C 217, Ledger Off Ileal Ktate. Merteiires. Insurane. ARTHUR B0SWELL .2.11 N, lllth st Heth rhenesiw I'ROPKRTY In all" sections, slnele erln rews: nle factory and fleer spice from 1000 te 40.000 sq. ft ellcnti waltlinr; sitlifnetlnn suaranlred. hours 0 A M. te li V. M. Ken 1SH7 Hi'AU WILDKY. .MS W Iehlnh AN old rreiierty In central secllnn that can be remed"led Inte a warehouse or Unlit mAnufacturlns building. C 324. Leilgcr Office. WANTED On fleer bulldlnit net les than 111 ft. by 201) ft., regardless of location. Herman ft Trnltner. nn.TI Mnrket si '..'. '..... ...,..';:... rniVATn oauaek wantkd iyefi8tli anil Pine sis. I'. ntn IdKr Office CKNTIIAI. preperty en llruad sf . net ever ei.'i 4IUV.WV. yilllV 'l IIP VII; 1.1. k'IUVU '.':-' . CAN HKI.Ij nnv nreriirtv. nnv nescriptien. In 740 days If reasei'ible. lnnMONT ft CO . North American HldK. Walnut Dfll. I WANTED TO HUNT- I'eur or five-room and bath bungalow or small house In suburbs. rti. n.,i,..i.i. rm T tint 1,1... tiffin THRBBTORY cern-r or slde-yard dwellln , r.tin.,1 (i.iuii neiuhherhn...!. net -""-":- -V.''L :'". '..... --. lui.noe cas'i l" H2.i, l.eucer Olllce. Pl'YUHS waltinu for 2-stv prep. In this see. ' or Kkil Webel. ri2't2 Tkil nv- Oar. 0H37 r1T .T.t?rTTIflV nf 11 nnelulfv Wnllr c Heading, bu lftn st. leunaea ld.ta. -, -..,. , REAL ESTATE FOR RENT riTY 18TH NEAR COLUMBIA AVE. 1'lne opportunity for young married physician i r nenui nure neu-, exeunt - rms un u . )-.. .. a...s 1 ..UMll. a nAn.llll.,.. U'f I . I III'M i !- I I" I- l I T I I I IMIilHIIllll, .11 I liRVVBN'S SONS, 2'MII COLI'MRIA AVB, 80.000 BQUAlin FEET pi:nna. n. n sidixe II II McCOLI.l'.M. 1211 WALNUT HTRHBT -O, N. imeI- Well adartnl for apart ,,,,. , ..,,lni- flr.l tlimr iillnhln for h,),,;" ' ,ier; dentist, physician. rierTst I lyunk Fnbr Hin t'hestnut t Spruce Sf.27. ' MODERN UlRht Hrge rooms, perch: etcel- "0' ocndltien. m.iln thoreiighfnre. Apply I "'"' " Lehigh Diamond iVVi. CBNTRAI. till N l'.'lh st. rooms; med- ern. SMITH Point Hreeie ave. rrz WILL ERECT building 30 (inn te 100.000 squire feet DIHVP.Riril. 737 walnut st. t llslnes Properties nnd Stores 6 S. MOLE ST. Stere and basement, suitable for any busi ness center of cltv Apply IAItI.ES r. MI.EIIAN. 4 S. Mele St. ARTHUR IIOSWULl. 233 N. 13th street t;.'i7 N. l.'th st . one-story, lsxine. 004 Sprlnit Unrden, business building 1131 Hire, etere and duelling. 1738 CALLOWHH.I Suit auto radiator re. pair shop, carifnter. plumber or any mal shop, Fiits-r, 1420 Chestnut. Ppruce n."27 LARGE STORR imtn street. 3 car lines, rent t30. H. J. Elliett. 1112 Chestnut at. racterles. nreheiises. .-Mnnufnetnrlng Floers MANUFACTUU1NO Ooer.i In northeast nnd northwest from SOOO m. It. te 70 U00 sij. ft. ; possession at once. E. S. Tomlinson. Jr. ftJSwinl, 1 r0O 000 SQ. IT., fireproof, concrete bldi. no.une ' ft per nccr north central aec tlen, R It sidlnK. tnluht divide, UII-TLRICII. i3i Walnut at. A UA.TORY and lloer aprlaiw. ARTHUR B FRASER. 21 S. 12th St. tilX factories, Kensingten: dlf. h'zp. suit , any business. Kennedy. IQil H. Van Pelt QFTirr.s. misiMNs rooms, etc. 2018 AM) 2117 CHLSTNUT laith 3 large rooms en first fleer, vvell adanted for nm. Cesslenal use, excellent light, maid and Jan itor service, modern in every respect Rich ard J. Seltzer 1423 Locust. Spruce. 7382. if FINE, LIGHT RQ0MS .Mr- buelnaaa purposes or nrtlres. 2d and 3d fleer. tOTAHLUS MEEHAN. 4 i B B. Mele st OFFICES AND STORAGE SPACE AUTOMOBILE SECTION W. A. GODI'OLl) 302 N BROAD ST. A 1"KW doslraMe ertlres te rent te repen- I slble tenants cititrul location Apply Franklin Trip t IIMu., 20-22 H. 13th st. , DE.SIRADLK offlce space, fireproof building. koeo. eievaier srviee, moderate rent. Apply E. J. ELLIOTT. 1112 Chestnut st. LARUE office rooms; heat, light. 201) ;T 4th st. Oarages N. H. COR. 2ilth and Moere sts Garaxe I ard manufacturlns bulldlni;. 2." 000 sq ft., electric lights, steam heat lmindat pos session Apply direct CHARLES H. SHETZ LINE & CO., llruad nnd P.issjunk ave. 1427-20 N imuviER ST. Modern earairc . spare for .In cars C Prank Aer, 1721 r,u-iluMiin:-na av itiTir.iARvGu .pe-,,rr main.' Hil2 N. l.'liti si Bi.p M135 or 1'ailt 21n7 , I PIIILMIEI.I'IIIA -N u" ('u" "'',TI XN') HADDINGTON STh (below Ji nelson) Six luiinis, bath, Kai.m... Apply Suiidnv 2 te . 1' M e.V SANhOM sr. between ,'illth and Cli-.h. . steri modern. A. F. Brown, 810 Ilnreln lil.lg ! STORY, nadir all Improvements In. :21 S .'.1st st $70 me. JJiilnes Prnpertl's nnd stores UVROE STORE, main st.. 3 ear lines, rent 130 E J. Ulllett U12 Chestnut st tiERMANTOWN $00- NEW HOME; 7 rooms oak flooring; perch IncJeHure east of 21st, north of Cheltm nvt uji-atlen cfflce, iU37 ". Weel lUi.K H I i.'lN Ore.. no and Tuipeh-'kin sts. bst 'ocitlen In etn. attractive h"m. vlt i t-'aiages Drel.y i. Evans On7 Lincoln Hldg ,pi22 I-0('-'T AVI1 12 rooms itarage. cnn. venknt te Haiti laryre biAvii. mi i-r me. (m,m:y -.01 E. 1'HliniH IV - Or., pch . med.. gr. 2 cars, vri iej Sheem'r, 7th. Erie 321 W FlSlIEIt AVE Six rooms, bath, ga- rage. HI5. SIM'.X. Klljl V Pasyunk ave Fit VMil'OIt!) PHANKFORD. 4715 Oakland st. New 7 large rooms Idpal location nr cars J50, pi:n.nsyi.vsi -stniitjiw BVI.A I-INWYO TWO modern np.irtmnt 5 neins and bath, pes-iess "in Aftv 1122 JAMES E. D0LAN & CO. ,15.1 BAL AJVL OVr.RIIUDOK I3S.1 1-terpn nnd Dwellliigs BALA AND HIGHLAND WES New med- ern store; 12x42 bal- m .ind storeroom poseesslen April i.fAmernan stores aujein- ""'' JAMES E. D0LAN & CO. 123 RAUV AVE. OVERIiROOK 453 THE KERNEL Bea. WX es, siw. I N CRAN'PrM ) CeSStE STftVfTr-el HT T i ? 1,5 A TTiTrtnxTTXTi -nTm-r Ten ivxxmjlwu jruJDiiiv REAL ESTATE FOR RENT I'KNNSYl.VAMA IIHtTBIIAN FKRN ROCK .ITeitl.S. KPirtmenn. turnlched houses. 11. Hene. M1H4 N' Uread si. Wynmlnc 4Ba7 NKW jKiisr.v mniiRtiAy HLACKWOOI) UOAIUHNfl li)l"rfl! a, lliickwoed, N, J. en lnli fieni. ppiv Mr. II. L. Wllreh "MORTbAOES MONEY AT 4 PER CENT Prospective, home owners builders and rent ers: plans, estimates and money furnished: repayable llke rent. P-Jueiitla. Hemes Ce.. Inc.. 1414 H. P'-nn ijimM.l'hlln.. Pa. ANY AMOUNT PltOPnilTY write or call M. STADLEN 1209 PENNSYLVANIA JILUU;. Bpruc 8802 Wb'rhPHESENT ri "f the lrt O"1',"!!.". and lean nssoclillens and desire "PPllfJ "PPllfJ tlens for first, secerd and spilt mertgaiss In any section of th eltv or ""'"'.., WILLIAM JAMi: jJT'eilll. Land Title nidi. I'SJNU'I rt'NDI IN ANV AMOIINT TMMKDlATi; Hl'.TTl.I.MUNT ntHMH'AskeCMTION MONPY DRMj2Sj2.V"i!0 -; M '"Tt hT- PrtlVATi: FUNDS aiidliulldlng association money nallalle ler reed mertRases en city or nearby suburb m property, prompt decisions. Hehert J. N a rh .! 1! 1 Le?i!l5li. KIHST .MOUTOAOBM wnnteil In nnv amount n PhlWdelphla real estate; centrnl prepurtv P.',"i,,rCT. a-r I If. H. ritlT. 71 WAIMT ST. .I MOHTOAQE MONHY or additional cl; for established cencerns: can '''' cspltsl, markets or management. Marcus M Browne. Ueihlebem r.i ' ANY AMOUNT JOHN .V IIAHllY ri7 LAND TITI.I.' ni.rxi MORTOAflK I'UNDS I YARNALLBROS. snussL. ! UUtl.DlNCI association and rmati. funds i for i J.: .V f hetnut st second mertgaBes. ,iiiiai.M.uii. i ZZTZ. 1Y1R RENT Attrnctlie funil'hcd cettagaa nnd nungniewe .. . , K r. MIHtWIN. MT jW'ONO. PA riitsT-MeiniiAiir ivnds MTKIW . IIAIITII Rlp'tlK A VII. A N D IflTH UXCEI.l.UNT first innrtBngps, rt per cent. $2300 te Jln.DOiI- Immedlite settlements ft (' AnK.llNUTHV 1H2S fheilnilt st. MONET ONBY for mnrlguBi-s Walter C Rl- ding 80 M 17th. Ph la Pounded 1832 UXDS for 1st 4 2d tiiTgs prompt replies. 1'rincls J Onili1. Ueiltur Kens Allg y i iT StONKY for 1st or 2d mtg- clt or country.- Prank a. Lenls. aie I'IPRiice inaB.. W 1IA1.I. A SON 48S LAND TITLD HLDO ri'NDH for 1st nnd 2d migs . ipilck reply M II. llatzlngnr. Ileal KHnle Ttut Illdg HLILDINO hsse funds for immediate. Iniest ment. Philip N Arneld. 1201 t'hi.slnut FUNDS FOR MORTO.M.KS ALUnRT F 11HOWN, ?10 I.INrOI.N 1II.DO MONEY TO LOAN WANTKD Lean of 13000 for I'll dajs. ex rellent ind .rsement. i' 327 ledger OfPce KOOMS FOR RENT CHESTNUT. 2000 Single Bnd double roems: I southern exposure. . lAVr.Itl-imi) AVE .380,1 Furnished rooms ROOM for rent In exclusive private home te r'8SnVS-J$$?tml BurreunJlnK'- I ATTRACTIVE second-fleer front, reasonable. itentlemen. WEST PniLAOKLPIlIA l.TNrr- HT. MHATl AOTIt l'n n40 Pine t. Frent room. evcrMhmg new. neat and clan. tastefully "furnished, references. TintiA ! BROAD ST . N.. S14S Mcnlern: B rooms, tile batn, nnrnvvoeu noers, neal and ) initer service; newly papered and painted. $100 monthly. t rr.xsYi.v.NL sriu'iuiAX LAWNDAI.E .Mrs. Umluh. 1020 K. Kerper St.; 3 furnished or unfurnished rooms hath and kitchen. '4 from trolley, route r.O: 3 squares from train slnifla house, large lawn. Phene Walnut 1 18.1. BOOMS WANTED PENNSYLVANIA M'lU'KMAjf i GENTLEMAN desires 1 or 2 rooms and i bath also Karage spate, with private I family In northern suburbs with or without meals, references, no ether boarders. C 303. I I.edirer of rice BOARDING THE GABLEH, Ardmore, Pa Roem nnd iniaru, i square irum irain or trolley; rates reasonable Pheno Aidmere 1074 APARTMENTS OPEN TODAY, 2 TO 5 P. M Cal ewhl I. 0327. Apartment H Reaiitirni corner. 3 rooms und bath, up-ie-date, newly pnered nnd painted, $113. CHE.-TNUT, 2101-17 New me.lern 2-rooms- e nil.riii til out u arllli nnn rvl... .AM.-s. kltchtnetle: beautiful. !nr-e roems: south.-!? exposure, rental 173 up. 2117 epn. li A M te 0 P M. Richard J. fieltzer. 1423 Locum SPRING GARDEN ST.. 2004 Bacheler and housekeeping, medern: jearly lease DAVID T. NEVIN. 520 N. 20th. 11(1 W. SIIARPNACK ST Third fleer; un fumlshril, 4 rooms. Hml-baih. heat and light, pnn-h use; J2.V Otn 11123 J 1511 OlRARB AVE. Sunny, cheerful unfurn apt , 3 rooms, kitchenette nnd bdth; mod med c -n and up-ie-tlate doctor's home ("HESTER AVE. 1041 Turnlshcd room; hem comforts, beard optional, gentleman ir business teup.t'. Pheno Woodland IHImI '.'.'.".S N 1131) HT DHlrahle"cer apIT" (TV and bnth fir, elec. lUhts, all cenv App'y E J. Ell.utt, 1112 Chestnut Pll, 8H5S. 1010 N 52I Four-room apt , el..e. light, IH'iir ill, rum nrnnmu I'l.i v 'rW0Cnv'.'nfen?eHr,,nT!',T"nl!ck,er.l,V',,",,:e1 eenvnlences 1. T. Rnckett s iftri iii . 8. 1013 Desirable act unf.irr. . ' iBht.. 1 !-w. heat: run"g het !?,' Hint.. . neav. rung net water. BROAD. 8. 1013 Desirable act., unfurr, . elec. PARTMKNT.H 2il'.l S 4th st Heat, electrle light, LOCUST ,ST . 1523 Very elegant huus.-k.ep Ing apurlin-'nts, ilroetns antl 2 batlis "2250 N liTtuAD. n-Rfi(l.M APARTMENT ' IJBI.iTUIN & BERNSTEIN 215 S jsth IVI'-ST l'llll..I)EI,l'III, OSAGE AVE. 5023 (Graylock Apartmnts) -net ii-i. jiuiwi nei.Kn ineuern. An. - y Win, SCHWARTMAN, 3d and Vine iinlment 1011 KINOSESSINCI AVE , 1515 Modern unfur. I nlshd housekeeping apartments, second fleer. 3 lariie rooms, tile bath and kitchen-1 ette Call Walnut 1631 or Woodland 4721 W OiO VeO GUSS(&? "...i.v. V. without l,our,l. 'I'll,. ,itlw...u ,..!. , ... ., ,"...'- ?'"'" '"11- meter; w. """"3" ." - yji-i- jii-iiii-iz.--i ; ; -- A. ""' piiici'i en 1 en 11 s y 1 i pn.t lavnretl the norms anil Harper, am a. oreuu ".. . Vnrtner wlniTrrl'e-nTVaTlb.10 Smer Mrcc'tt. ll"' l f VYV 1 4 , F""' I MMLE W-U.NUT. 303-DO-u1uT.ttngleTtn5-oelw I H 1! erth 'nR3n K? f' ' c'" !' J 1""kll,1l l? ,f 'I'0 University ' .AKrn Special I 1120 S pass. Call I te ears, ele h. ater,. excel meal. V'- " i " ClltJ -sec nnd street; of I'eilllSjlvenln for darlnc te oppose "i'srn. Mr? McMlchael. 1310 Poplar- lTfll ST. N.. niS DellBhtful rooms with J.j " " . ir' ! i?St VJll ?t.r,,t't' "' hut "C nrP" l atS Inte any nr- ...... .vS.KNK1HT new and usedTars. open nil conveniences; beard optional- rate rea- '"r J- red Hassclhcrtr, 1004 Jlern- Blltneilts ever that bonus buslllCa while ind closed models; guaranteed: unusually I senahle, splendid. ertglejunSpnnlsh. tlail street ; Mrs. E. H. VunBHt, 12.1-1 1 we've get our health. I Reed condition In every detail : in .''eristra. ' 12TH ST. N 01R Nice rooms, corns. estlliere and htreet : Anna It Iteehlel The memWc l,i !- Wlen wilt convince you that these cars are I reasonable beard optional; gentlemen only. 001 vtwnn.l m,,i wi.,"nui 1 1 1 ' "0 meniDers of t lie Jury were: eflh double our price. Pee II. J. Faller. ll8Tir..N.. 183. HOTiHTUlTfCeTe-n-tra-i: MrVVlnrv r I IZK P"n'lg'l'llln i . Lockwood. M45 Chestnut ' Harper & Harper. But N. Bread at. Spruce 1 near station and shopping district, beautl- ;,rH- ;'nr lV. lt0nB, .Tncksen street, . strevt, commander; Mentleue Merris 1 ar.eil. Open evenings. . . fully furn. rooms, elec : spotless; med, rates ape May ; MarKaret Cloud, 421 Ash- .-(1(15 Chester avenue, senior vice cnii 1 . Trucks r.STH ST ,S .277 Nicely furn. rm southern heitnin read, Ahhenrnr. m.inder- I)r C f'llftnn fit im1- ... " " ... ,.M .., I exp.: suitable for gentlemen. Shcr. If ,,., miPhr 1,', i. .... i , , 5 ' ' r' ' !,' ""On dtiest. 4 100 , r, it TfW 1'4-ten chassis: srl-ndld Condi- nsiiiSv en.r ," ,,?" mISty "ard Jeb for the Market street, finance officer; Themas rULlUIN tlen. $3ne. trayler ENO. A THE Y M. c. A.. " ieeP their minds en the ballet- Merris. Tm East Essex avenue. I.ans- MFO. CO.. Rreadnd Ljhigh.ave, ran accommedite In their boys' dormlterv "IK- t course, .Mm PICKS nrc interest- (lewilO. la. ! Tliemas A MeKnv 'MT. IVTrDMATinWAl -ten with express"ia; Elf C r r lrTBf- SpZZZZ 1 mtnme. ter"itv n?n Phen" Raring 0418 , !."r,rr.';"' I'lmteRrnphs of pretty girls , liain II. Hoozer. 12.11 Seuth Kiftv-lirst In fine conditien: $1200. TRAYLOR ENO. A iSjaclJ si-. I" ' , i ; ..Xir ,y1ii', , ,, O. .r-Tri-BT -rixirrTK (TT'tTnr Ak X-wrriTkV!ir TUT A jjjDiijrJnrv - rJrxxxjU2ia - giiaBiMiJiiii i a - rs qLJU Fer the Best Last Line Supplied hu Any Reader te the Incomplete Limerick Printed Belew RULES OF THE LIMERICK CONTEST l' Si? itfI"tli-BJj,i"u!..,i,r Bwimnal calls ,in"T,J.1' VST .will net- iiittted. Ne letters, ivlll he nnsivered. iThJi'SL" fn I " l"Tlr " i "I"". iiiteiy llnul and net open te discus- elOM. 2. lentesl open te. any one. Only necessary te send In last line te,L i u"ln 'or convenience, SSUlT.'t- a b,ew theusli this Is net i Hi '?",?. . . . . J. All answera te today's Limerick mm B ?,.' "y ii10. ""' mnl' Tue.dsv ench line SIUST be written en a aen- I 'B.?KSr?i VeuSr X'n1: W&1' et p"-r w',h nan,e Bnd I THE WINNER OF TODAY'S CONTEST WILL BE g ANNOUNCED ONE WEEK FROM TODAY Cut Out and Mail TO THE LIMERICK CONTEST, Evening I'ukme Ledoer, P. O. Bex 1523, Philadelphia. (All lines MUST be sent te this box. Lines addressefl In nny elher way nrc net eligible.) LIMERICK NO. 31 There once was a fellow named Deyle Who thought he would gamble in oil; He invested his cash In a manner most rash , (Write your answer en this line) Xame , ... U Street and Ne.. i. ..... City and State. a..,,.,,,,.,,.., I H S I H I i e?l?'s a Mmpln' Lim'rick for you each week in 8 thi fSUNTkAV nrrnr wn mnnn " a,,.. . fei oe : ?. lunula liiiuucK, we. inree prizes m ?t.vv, viuu, fiOV. ! BiTHnurn iiini'iiiGiiiBiiiniumiiiiiii ; Office Force Can't Kid Jim Murphy Centlnned from Tnee One Mifrphy. Tliore were eleven memhers "f the jury nn.l Jim's line received six YeCllin of 'Mil V,V.1 -iii. m -111 ISertll iinfH, wniie me line niibmltt ' -" live, .... 1 .1 . ' n...i-... ... j.iyiij fiiu-i anil then mere pretty rIHh and we had mi awful job ilnii;Kiiig the Jury away from them te vote. The Big Six All-Star Sports Writing Staff Of course you knew them. Yeu knew' (BOB) Rebert W. Maxwell, Sports Editor of the Evening Public Ledger. He is visiting all the major league clubs during: their spring prep prep aratien for the 1922 season and is telling of their prospects in his usual interesting, witty and easy style every day in the Evening Public Ledger. t Thoen he,'? ls,.,ira,nt,and Rice Edwin J- Pollock, Leuis H. JaiTc, Sandy McXibhck and Paul Prep, covering every branch of sports, indoors and outdoors. And in addition don't overlook the pithy paragraphs un dT Amateur Sports," "Scraps About Scrappers," "Baseball filmed in Camps and Elsewhere" nnd "Beets and Saddle " leu i can be the best informed fan in any line of sport by reading the Sports Pages of the Evening Public Ledger every day. "Make It a Habit" APARTMENTS wist Pnii,wn:i.PinA 3808 POWELTON AVE. Second-fleer apt.. 3 large, elegant rooms, heat, electrlc light, gas and bath Can be seen Sunday. 3S53 LANCASTER AVE. Third fl.. 0 rms. & bath, steam heat electrle light. (HAS L. BROWN & CO.. 217 8, Bread. APARi.MLNT, 5 rooms ami bath, private I perch, 4tth and Chestnut sts.; $70. Call l.i cust 4M0. j OERMANTOWN ' j inn An unusual housekeeping apartment where the work Is cut down te a minimum; ....... .,.. . n.4.... ...l.l. . . Il,1 t.n.W. V.. .11. ,J iuh hewer separate perch, refrigerator" .,, . O,or nn Rore of un wtn ehf aliade. viKi . .,or UI1 Ruiu in U...II im uiu nioiue, 1 "luare te country club and golf links, 2 e'lu.ires te station MAURAN. DOLMAN 4 CQ . N. E. cer I?read and Chestnut 1 s'luare le ceuniry sue ann geii iinas. TIOGA 'BROAD ST.. N. 3145 Modern; 5 rooms tile bath, hardwood floors, heat and Janitor nrvini, newly papered and painful, $luu monthly. " AR1IMORK H IIN1S1IED or unfuiriHlied. In te il.'.l. ulere, large garage necaer. 2- i-. iin- rnnr ave APARTMENT HOTELS ' HOTEL IIAMILTON."l334 Walnut st. (east of Bread) A eulet conservntlve hotel. beautlfulli furnished and well condueted, THE Gl.'NEVA, 127 S. HITH ST. In the heart et the shopping district. -Te rjciujrxxA - L raxujvixrJ.i ,, iwucx DAILY swers will be received at this office, All must be mailed. , . , 4, The winner of each day' HUNDRKD DOLLAJl rnizfe, anneunceil one Week after pul ONH mill b ,ltl(. tlin f ih f.lmarfrk. 8. In cnte of tie votes ONH HUNDRED DOLLARS will be awarded te each successful contestant. The prlre will pet be split up amen them, 0. There Is no limit te the number of linn, n contestant mav submit, but .. ' ,. I. ..,. .,.. .............,,.,l U S in nuiwi! nun no i W'niliailllllilHIIII'a? Ami, when we flnnlly did, that Rnvc Otearns-Mllgni. ' 7f V wheels. eM nt. iw a . ImiKf te Inek .it the rimtnrnp" "" p"" n-4v Mr' "cMlchaei. "-gg-nnjl the jury hnil te drng uh nwny te ST,"T eu;lneernhniulerran"nnU"dT : tell iw l. voting was ever, nnd here' p.pffflfvew-prlcd: casher fermi. See Mr. jour lint. Reed-by. I Hunter. Stuti Agency. 009 N. Frent st. The jurj was composed of the efli- TIDCC Brand new cords by private party, core- of 1'rlm'c-Ferbes Pest Ne. 7 ef1 HKtOsexS. $10; 32x1. $17: 33x1, 51 y ' i tiie American i.crIeii, which meets in l."i ... . i. ib . ... .. . . I 11.1111 11. uoeziT. i.u Miutli Hftv-lrst ktrcct; Frank II. Muck. B741 Mnrket street ; A. H. Trjen, l'7i Seuth Seven I tieth Btreet ecven- APARTMENT HOTELS THE GLADSTONE 11TH AND PINE STS. ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF AT.3-- FURNISHED, UNrtjRNl?irp-n LONG AND SHORT TERM t!p8'!&2 HAMILTON COURT 80TH AND CHESTNUT STS. 2 rooms and bath, with private hall. ...... I'nJ'SSn?."'"' ""'"nl.he'diear.'y8 ISSt, S-' R. H THATCHER. M,n,, tr-tvr I NKW HDTFl RARTPAM Mu" 'LL uAKllXAIVl 33D & CHESTNUT THE DELMAR-M0RRIS lfn:,-lMrNUT.r"S '10 "IIOAD ST STATION Hetel or ,i,lfurn S,H1. heus. keening npts. FUKNISHFAPAlTTMr-rJ'pci NI' I'.IV JF.IU.nY SEV.III1HI- t I'M Villi Ai 1' , i, in,. ri,i tutu, ,i i, ., , n,i n,mr southern exlsjs . outsule miin . Mrs Jehn Calg,. 5301 Atlantic nve , Vemner, N J. KM'NniK uecrenilen Ucntcr. Fiftieth WE FINANCE cars seiu w "'";-- ed by O. D.i street and Chester avenue, en the sec- "vi-.l' ".". :"" "",l?.D'e,I," 1200 SlxtleUi street, enil and fourth Tlitirsduj-H of each month. gTrvVs-KNigiiT fpert' medel: nulet 1 'PIlOV llllleil nn In In. l.. ..l H ' 1"":0..,V. j .. .. . kV.. ...nlnr. Itarner EVEK STA-V f "'WeXr4 utULew Ge TrtfVT 1 DARE TD KNOCK IT QUfsMEi, PP I XOO ,ee-lCi7 2 lt HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS 1530 LOCUST 8T. Slxteen-atery fireproof housekeeping apartment house, all moil era equipment: separate elevator .r ."J", set of apartments: apartments from oreom nnd bath te 7 rooms and 3 l5th;rs,inn mera apartment can be jeined: lnD",J0P IpOted. Apply te auperlntendent. en prom ises, A HEAUTIFUL new central city J "1 prlvate-bath duplex apt. I all outage rooms, siuthern expesure: 1125 Ir month. Apply 2117 Chestnut St. '.....M nnn . w .i bitehenette. nnt.. nnfutn.t I42.CO: elec. Ne. 7.Lee.0Iljn USED AUTOMOBILES DIlirfQWe have aeveral Dulcks. -alJ BUlLNam0(t(Il, ann. typ, a, low ., tanni terms. Royal Moter Car Ce., 620 : t. llread St. Open Sundays. Ph. Poplar uuae; ititiiil nil. jjim aaArlffr touring, UUI.1V JJllliO f UU1 iriin'i'" j, jj-( 1018! first reasonable i offer takei r It. , Mr. Hunler, Btuta Agency. 00ft N- Breaa ai. CHANDLER f?t't0,':doWrenfb'..aUnce terms. Ope eenlngs, ""7 vine si. rn V ft roadsters wire wneeis, ..w LLL.E. O . . . ... ,..... terms. Reval 1200 Moter Car Ce.. 620 N. Drd at. Ph repier uan, teurln and roadster, late model. nnnrc ti UJU1L tl0g down! terma., UPCI n- nlngs 17QT vine ai rUKU$,n0i naUnce terms. Royal MMer Oar Ce., 020 N. nread at. Open Bunaaya. w l'hene Poplar Bone. .,. .m'. FORD, 1021. Perfect mnnlng condition wm M ter top) self starter. Call etn. " ajj from 0 m 7 evenings. . . S 1IATNES. 1017. teuring: '.ISn' a W paint, rubber nd eurlnlnai prlce .i00. AP- i I ply 210 Quarrle at. Thene Market .Ji. til incrvM SecedBter: classiest car in en -a ! : .. . ,.. .k,i, ?.',n takes - l-nna;! i.-r;-H"- -no t- balnncn terms. "0"',,' en si ndnvs N. llread st. Poplar "'' O"'" Sundays.. HUPMOH1LES, ceupca ana e"""'. "" h" Id "'guaCrante: Price." m 'low m. asTewfns J20 dewn: open eve I a rpe r&Hiirpejnjl4Jnreauai. new: heia mihh. Jtr Harm STbDEiTW Rauch A Lang flf?, nr nxumttLls teurings and 4-passcnger S",LprlA"lew en time: open ,j. nlngs. HnrpiT & Harper. 304 N. """" "- ' li..;..- am M nread St. rivKHLANDS Four sedans, 'ticw and usea, , prices lew: terms. Harper A Harper. 30 1 ?Wison cylinder: new paint and ma. I '.m... nrie lew: terms arranged. . ir,r;:,f.,iT,Vrer. an4 n. Pruad st, CDAT rACUPa'11 for u"a car" m 'S l 1 vrei i condition. Open evenlnga. , 1707 Vine. Snruce 21P0. 7T: it i . I non I pass'ger. wire 3ixi. $ie. lQPJ oieiiweoa. i-none t.ui. ...; ' " 1'. "" . t . .. I-JI.,Mnala frt In fine conditien: aisyu. Vujrco..JPrea' n Lej I PANARD 2l4,'en w fAlNAlU ymv ,, ( ehlgh ave. lth cab, express top, completely. frayler & Mfg. Ce.. Breid nnd Lehigh. ClTf nCM lV4-ten. with express body, top JLLWUi cnD. runs like new $873. TRAYLOR ENO. & MFO. CO. Bread and I, ehlgh ave. RE0 Speed wniten with new Inclesed panel body. $00. TRAYLOR UNO. fi MFO. CO. Breid nnd I.chlrh nve. Wonted HIT us dispose of .veur old car: 0 per cent commissien: no sternee charee. Reynl Moter Car Ce., 020 N, Bread St. Poplar 0030. FOR SALE GRUAT FURNTUR SALT. - WONDER. I Beds $4: Simmons guaranteed springs. I $4.75! oak dining room tables, $11.30; leu pure cotton mnttresses, $4...': china closets i $17 no-. ."iO0 satnp.e rugs far below manu I facturera' cest: 0x12 Ifrusseis, $0 30; 4-peCe 'walnut bedroom suits, $..1; walnut dining iroem nulls, SIOK- worth double; 85 fine living room suits, eversthlng te furnish u i beautiful home: S floors packed te the doers. 1 HOL'Si: OF BARGAINS FUINSTUIN COT lith and Spring Garden sis. UPen evriiiiii. n.n ume ueuvery. FOR Till: NA.MIl ON TIIK W LOOK VALL OFFICE rURNlTURB Large let of desks, safes, files, cabinets and ceneral office furniture store fixtures. We buv. rell and exchange. PATTUN rURNITURK CO. . jrt 1 KIT tllini CTi I . rt -- TOirSAlS-UKedTl-ten Hew 'trUcklhTssTC. llrjf cPml,,int.?onnT.:,0e: ZTW. vv nPL'iuiw. ... - CHIME CLOCK, grnndfatheis, mahogany, perfect erder: bargain te quick buer. Fer appointment, eve. or Sunday, phone Wye- mlng 1000 J. WALL PAPER Be up: hang your own paper and save money; enen evenings. Mill . Arm st. PULPIT CHAIRS, pedestals nnd church prcws. i-mui " ii.wiv .mi luiijwn. sts. VICTROLA. Ne. 80, with records; used 2 months. 20 8. Mat at. VPE. presses and cutters: big bargains Phlla. Printers' Sut,p y. 14 H. 5th at. " MVINO. breakfast fret, kitchen tahfeTce jSsLulj5e le-ir-lBM .PlnTs,?'' ,c9 POOiTTABLES t,ught. sold and reprsT POOL TA..1... i.iusnt son. an-l repa, li, ivieiei. e ... .,..... i. , j,ns, 2315, STORAGE ANDMOVTNC TZTk MONTH FREi:. i:STAIlMMlKti-7Sl'caiiH0d lv trfimntm. '1.1 11" in vacai.rlea THE EXCHANGE STORAGE CO "-' .. . . .A acme 1420 N. STH ST. PIIOME DIAMOND "471 sr.PAItATE ROOMS. PACKING It uni-ivn CALlT AND. INSPECTOUR WAREHOUSl! JANSSEN'S express and storage wants leads ,,r narts te or. from New Yerk. He..?" ..".!"" ; -Ain.u .....: :: Bri'VlUence ui "",'. '" J""', te a.iil ,. i -;-u, rr'y'anvg:d'DSn'S057Bke: 01,i w Me--s. VICTORY STORAGE OLD GOLD wi.u Kum, suver, piaunum, pa ted war. .. styla Jewelry, teeth plains i., 7. T,. .'" "Id Est. 1817. J. L. Clark, refiner. 807 SanTem. HRE'.vre! PMrAT4-rn' COMPOS? - VOrt Cfc& r- a&- 'M ,-,;iiii rii.ui.iui ' """ Jieinieni iiiTO for ' "ll piersea, 2 men te work ak ,;,:,,. ...., .. w. ....,..- . Mtlmnf. I'ler.-e-Arrew vans. must be experienced en high-grade, ; "i ADADTAyiCMT UHI ICC T T - color process work; In your repl?, .tlta aire I ArAKlMfclNl HUUeb The Jehn Rhoads Ce. ,,0J;"V. I h'ir JSRYcuffi? d """". '" ny furnished: Mu Merage. Packln-r -Jevlng. Carpet Cl"nlnlg' " 5p lerirty. gift p?ev eui' Ur"ry ""l: ''" ?' city; $17,500 cash, balance meri. ;:,;.,. v-rrvii i7.m:.e .. - - --"- and all ether imrtieni.,. . .u" references CK', buys property, business, cic, tV-e" .WirVif S, S m.S?,n """emenT,OU;,,thba,.;et I tuia 'S' 1012 G,MWOa,I r"ne C' infiK-ivn iivn.nisTAVi'n ..' .!. j I. Uast neeslb n delav. A.irU. ' ,."" J,W i luinma -ffU- . vflaixHalai CZJcdjCD -MS O s$ Xvx X JP HELP WANTED PEMAMP COMPANION or aevjrneta te Ukej care of 2 children. 0 and 11 vears old! nun f (reed American educatien: permanent POJHIiai enlyi nlce home, country. Uurlni . "nl.n?Ji state age, religion, education and g-enerai ret .nK.. n ftiiH. ledger Office. DKL'.S.MAKi:it wanted 420 Pine at. first claaa. Appiy OtRL wanted for housewerki 4 In Jjinlljri referencea: new heuaewlth ll aiedern conveniences, electrle waahlnr "iCn'n,uJ'";r num cleaner, etc.i position permanent, rnene Walnut 2035. UIRL for cook nnd general heuaewprki fam- liy of a. Call Moneay. zet sum . HOMKWORKERS wanted: femalel HOe te 8S0 an heur: new. profitable profeaalen. United Shade Ce., Dept. 3, 48 Bend at., iorento, Kansas. NURSES, graduate and undergraduate and practical, for private werk: Immediately. Call Nursea' League, 134 N. 18th at. OPERATORS wanted, experienced en mak ing cellars and aewlng the cellar; en shirts: beat price In city paid; in one of the beat, cleaneat and brightest factories In the city! there are advantages here for opera tor that cannot newfound In any ether fac tory. Miller llres. Ce.. 8. W. cer. Bread and Wallace ate., second fleer. TELEPHONE OPERATING $18 A WEEK AT THE START THE RAPID GROWTH OF THE BUSINESS MAKES IT NECESSARY TO INCREASE OUR OPERATINO FORCE. It you are seeking a position where per manence, advancement and geed salary are assured come in and make application. It you are undecided come tn anyway, nnd ahew you the advantage! et work ing with us. Aek for MISS STEVENSON at 1631 ARCH ST. TUB BBLIj TELEPHONE COMPANY WOMENt. B.hlgh grade.'lntelllgent.'te act as professional assistants; these selected will ha thoroughly trained by us In this werk: write for appointment, giving phone number. Address C 232. ledger Office. Oenersl COSTUJIE design, fashion Illustration, alie tl" .ill araitinaj. cutting, nttlng, draping anQ mllllnerV fl.. Vm I.d.k 4mn ..MMlnulf practical experts In surprisingly short time: munflcent salaries quickly earned. Fashion vmiiiiemy. uent. I.. 143U N. Hread at CLERKB. typists, -tenega qualify for Gevt, positions. Write for sample test Instrue tlen particulars. P 1422. Ledger Office. HELP WANTED MALE AUTOMOBILE striper and finisher and weed. ...j..i. p. iaa jm. .atrena at., 2d noer. CORRESPONDENT und adjuster 5- Yeung man; state ags. aalary, experience and ref erences; de net apply unless had actual ex perlencu with collection agency. M 620. Ledger Office. IJ1RLCTOR An experienced man aa director for a club for boys nnd men In the suburbs. C. C. .Shoemaker, na.1 Fiu.erf DISTRICT MANAOER We want a man between 28 and 88 jeara of are with unusual sates abll 'Jy.' P"'erably experienced In nan aline salesmen, te take charge of our Bosten district effice: we are a well rated, nationally known organize erganize iuPj. wl"l ""'"a In all principal cltlea. and have a large local cli entele: this office haa been estab-L-. j? ,hre r ana "heuld 5?e ne5ls,rlct manager JflOOO te .Vim'k0 a. 'ear: accepted nppllcant i' b9 thoroughly trnlned In own office and placed In charge of going business; unusual sales co-operation 5r?r.inn.,e"Uimu"t bl te flnancS present office and have absolute proof aa te sales ability and Integ rity; de net answer unless you can measure up te above requirements; in reply slate age. experience, tele tele tele phone number and complete details. Address M C03, Ledger Office DRAFTSMAN Power plant piping, deslan layouts and detail: only experienced man need apply; state age education, ewrlSnc! pen.d.lbTe',arpy ' """W1!? DRAITS-MUN, structural, design and lav! .,n.ut" enl' t-class men n"ed apply apply apply stote nge. experience, education and salarv Heslred: give phone number; P f)22. L" op D',l.VF7S1' EN. electrical, experienced In lilihi tension nnd nnwui- .niBn ...-i.. " .' -'" ten,lonnndewer;Vl.nt werk: only .tl .,?.. men n",a ""P'i ' age. experience nuUmCger0Von2de. 'feedi!' EXPERIENCED MECHANICAL RUBBER v .i .. , ODS SALESMAN "U,,DER .Nationally known rubber manufacturing com '"eunllfj- will be arrange i eUher Wla' c"e58? jS&m .Norfolk."",1"?. ' "who"? Sgl nlzeadandWsuhcce.sf5.,CvXP"""": irVOiS'sSSrV' sired; an excellent opportunity w.7,ar5.d.f: Mldd.e?vBn7 N? Y.CnCern- Addr"s . PArrrnvMiifi'oe ZT, r llTstVciais nir..;Wi." hve opening for 2 l"o"STeVw.S5ffiJ..'??.-. SSyte!SK 'pIe' .. MANUFACTURER AND FOREMAN te take charge of factory near rVhii.iiLv. en better-grade silk : walste "e"y GiiaS nor eughly experienced nnd capable need nn S .T.?I"i.r,u."Uy for ,ne rlht parti' te make , a ermeldn('"t eeJS'- IM.r,ft,0,Jfir! I Yrk C,ty' MEN Ours la i-r -eura In a urewlna? eririiriiiMe iva nr in .! "JL-l'V? -,V.rBn,zaIOn SO I ufe 4? ATUVaSS ,,.n... :.. " "77.--V! " '-U.II BllOW n I 'applicatien0 'Icffv? S!85'?ffl' erful opportunity; i,."01 i?1e,r,y' f,a,t0 Juat "'hat exp. you have! had. P en. Ledger Office. " u nav PLATEN lm;w ii,r.,....- Permanent positions tire open in Chienre f. a .men. one man te take chari?2teE PRESSMEN COMPrrrw nrri.-sr.-: Wanted experienced S ' JVANTED I. cssinin potent te tX ' hl"p,1kir wtb liC-dger Offlca. One Round Bub oil y mese, Wt-O cnn fnl. i-T -"-- .,.,"-,. J...DI , etences need apply. Call 10;.1d te i" r? SAM MILLER sold hia clothing business at" and2tn I P M,, 1228 Widener Ridi i the s- E- cer- ,8th nnd Ralnbrldge atreetl. , PAPEnilANGETt.S vTanTTT 7. . ' . Phlla,. Pa., en Fib. 13. 1022. te Kepel t. jlxtvsSj ."cietrrgi Drlcltman' tr'"1",, " - w'Mi !linnt Dept., Manz EmruMiw i"n jn V len SAU5 Twe-thlnl intereBt in J c5 HEIfr WAnctP-.AtV BRAIi ESTATE Centra office dealr.. ..." man. 30 te as Veara of age? must 1 '"' r.lenaln peraenaflty. a-oed cdneailsS ' iii-cuatomel toimcctln'peraonrennen,!n.'1 one with real, estate experience nrlfl"'"!! but net essential, and only a man r.7rff highest type cenalderedf tfnleaa t2s0f. Jh nil the above, requirements de nS!'VS,n" permanent position With fSture: etaur,,yi and quallflcntlene. Address P. n S,, SALESMAN, white pine lumber) falrlnS edge yellow plnn neeessaryi ter JSSST mill and Induitrlal trade Eaatern Knnf vanlai salary 150 per week? traveiiSn.n,, penses nnq yeany oenua. M 80. Leij.:? 3" HALKHKriCN ralllnir nr, ........ -a2i!B. BALESMEN, calling en out-ef-towirhTrir55 and plumbing trade con make Jeed V'n selling Harmony plpeleaa heatera. k"!?.". era A ranges: draw's; ace. against Si 95" menv Hteve Werka. flth. A li.'"Jt.?2lnr.WN B'2myEKrEF:i 8TENOORAPHKR, about 17: aem. ..T ence. Apply Ed. I,, stekei fce 'IK? 202, Franklin Trust llld. t'0, "oew YOUNO MAN iron Ulttr .- Experience net necessary; we wintvVu.. man who will work teaell InTwted nS?ZP tles te iflft ahepa and department .iSiJl: salarv will ha n.l.l frei. 7h. I.'S?11- ?'rea NATIONAL BELLING COMPANY '- ,-7aV"' "'' immimirr, fllQ. YOUNO MAN wanted In archltecfe effTea with aeme little experlencd- In draftingi stnte age. experience, aalary wanted, c 821 ledger Office. " YOUNO MEN te train ns local aaleamen fu? broom and brush mnnufscturers; no heuie. ta-heuse canvassing. P 1134. ledger Office . Oenenil 8ELL US your apare time. We w 111 train you i te write ahew carda: no canvaaelng or aellcltlng: we aunply you with werk: dlstanea no ebjtrt! you can corn from IB te $50 week. tWiren Metheda. Ltd.. Dept. 24 M F tilel-menil. Terente, Canada, CLERKS Yeung- men, ever 17, desiring Qev. ernment Positions. $130 monthly, write for free Hat of pnsltlena nbw open. i. Leenard able W.: VvHrawr,iB."'rA """ """ WE TEACH YOU TO DRIVE AND REPAIR AirrnMnmr.rtc. ""'AIR $25FOR FULIj C0.1fPLETE COURSE i"t DAY AND NIGHT CLASSES. Open Sundaya SATTLKH'B, 1001 te IB spring garden at WE PAY 00 cents te $2 nn "hour for your spare time writing ahewcarde: no can. vnsslng: we teach ou and aupply ateadv werk: particulars free. Kwlk Shewcard iui,.u .vti-:.N, m, duelring Gevt, nosltlens' $150ii.$1800 yearly, write for free iief pos.. Instrue. pa- culars. P 1422. ia. (jjJJ SITUATIONS WANTED FEKALB MANAGER for nrnrtment house with r.s. lanrntif. Innc Avn tn ...II.M . . w urant: long cxp. in renting, purchasing handling thepubllcf highest hualnM, " n! anal rtfa. M Me. Ledger Office. and personal WOMAN, capable, will care for children, era: nine or part day. Diamond 2633 Vft BITUATIQNS WANTED MALK ACCOUNTANT wanta werk: thoroughly si. perlenced In Public accounting. boekkeii Ing taxes, etc.: this la your opportunity te' get a reliable ncceuntant. 5401 Baitlmer, i auiiiua .ruriuvr vjuvernment nudlter sn4 H..V,lln nMA.I... ,1.. .u. r. M.. . ?V.'M I1"""" WVV..M. . wn. fv. Oil. IjPU. (JHJ CHAUFFEUR. 0 years' reference from nrcT- ettt atnn near aHrt Im irnln i ' v rled. wishes position about April 1; somewhere en Main Line: can de own tepalr work; will. nil. iu uivL.-b kmiucii num. Apply 1'lrrl Beg CHAUFFEUR Would llke position; private-llrst-tlass mechanic: 10 eaB' cxperlenca' Write W. H. Bracey. 1022 Carpenter at. cifAUrrLLll. Jnpannsn, expert en repairs des. pos. prlvate place; has long exp., with personal ref. Yema. 003 Pine. Waf 1307 INCOME tax returns tiled rtnv or v.i.'" Phene Walnut 3152. evenlnga. Woodland 1683. W. Geerge W. aibbena. ex-Gevernrnent empleye. 125 3. Uth at. Ratea reasonable. MAN. married, wishes rosltlen aa rhauffeur- can run any kind of car nnd de own repair werk: has licenses: does net drink. Addreaa P.. I... 225 8. 8d at,. Phlla. ""ureas MAN Geed, clean, married man. pipe cut. ling or work around machinery, wants work. Address J. H. Hi. 22S S. Third st, I hlladelphln. MAN, handy, about gentleman's place, handy with carpenter and palntera' tools, wishes positien: best of references. Addreaa If. M.. 225 S. 3d at.. Phlla. ' MAN. married, who can run nailing ma- chine In box factory, requires work. Ad dress R. P.. 225 8, 3d at.. Phlla. OFFICE EXECUTIVE, extensive exp., com. imams cttimciiieH ei cniex account t, credit manager, auditor. Dreearlnar for c p a .1. rree. des. perm, cennect'n. C 306. Led. Off. PAPERHANGER and painter, flrat-clats me chanic, wants Jobs. Oell. 4926 Wakefield at.. rhlla., Pa. YOUNG MAN. civil engineer, 6 years' experi ence, married, new completing cost Investi gation en $500,000 project, desires permanent connection. M OOP, Ledger Office YOUNO MAN. 33. married, unemployed, de sires Positien: 15 venrn' tilllria nl- ence. banking, accounting und general office worn. -a reiersncg. u juj. logger Onlcer YOUNO MAN. IK, wishes learn trade, bull- """ I'ownien et qnv uinq. imu iTasKer at. v AGENTS AGENTS AND CANVASSERS Big selling propesition: easy sales: quick returns: out-of-town men given county rights and employ ether men. See or wrte uudk. Tremont Products Ce.. ITlO Church Mt.. xr. ket nnd Arch off 2d at. AGENTS, all or part time: beat 25e heuis- held article ever shown; everybody buys: get sample and particulars. Baldwin Mfg. Ce. 21 fhcrry, Mllferd, Conn, AGENTH WHnted. men and women for nw coupon offer just being Issued: splendid chance for ilv-e workers. Eastland Studies. 014 Chestnut at. LOST AND FOUND BARPIN Leet, diamond barpln. 11 bril liants set In plntlnum. Return te J. B. Caldwell & Ce., Juniper and Chestnut ate, nnd reeelve reward. CERTIFICATE Iist. Glrard Grocery Ce. , certificate. Return te F. Spangler. 180J N. .list st. DlK Iat. Bosten bulldog, with black and "" iimrniiiHs, wmie leei, lag we. en cellar: answers te mime of "Jack": ' d' . N- W. cer. Creaheim and Pell white markings, white feet, tag Ne. 401 "! re 'elhitn I nrrnup mntitevvn. Lest, hat box containing 2 btsck hats, from automobile In vlr.tnTtv Fair. mount Park. Wed.j reward. Narberth 6WI, SCARF Lest, Hud&en aeul scarf, March 10. about 8:40 P. M.. either between 82d St Station and 2d St. Station or In 2d St. Sta tion or In Market at. subway. Return te 7203 iJnceln drive. Phene Chestnut Hill H5R4. Reward. PERSONALS WANTED Twe sweethearts desirous of being married, who haven't the necessary funds te start heurvkeeplng with; If you will ngree te marry during the week Barney Gtrard'a "Felllta of the Day" Is et the t'nslne, Mr. Gerard will help you "tart heut-ekreplng. Application should be mads te the manager of the Casine Theatre lm- meeiateiv, I M,.V JAnv,IS STOVER aeld te Mr. Harry Fex stock and llxturcs of grocery stera located at 400e N. lflth at. nrecre- new op fmtins en a prentnble b.isl I Wa,t c"' er 300,000: e reasons for selling, te dose erating en a profitable basis: located Middle esiauusneu irui ese estate; will re : nn unusual opper tunity for aome ene who means bualnsii. Address M 004. Ledger Office. LUMBER. COAL, TEED. BUILDINO MA terlals: railroad statien: $S0,000 buslneaa yearl; tlO.OOO; one-half cash: Investigate., C. F. BEAUMONT, DOYLESTOWN. PA- BUSINESS PERSONALS DIAMONDS BOUGHT AND PAWN TICKKTB FOR DIAMOND kbi.ui CO.. eaz cnesinui ai. , Suite 2-22. second fleer, ever Chll iiusj i Rtlt LITIGATION, expense, delay avoided; bull- nes a ether difficulties scltiea; rignis v tected: doubtful accounts cellected: 23 yrl. exp. Mutual Adjustment Ce,, 1215 Filbert. DIAMONDS BOUGHT HARRY W. SMITH. 71T SANBOM ST. FURNITURE repaired and reflnlshed; expert upholstering. Lllerty l-urnltune Renevatm Ce., 27 N. Juniper st, Hpruce 2V38. SAFETY ra zer blade rnsharpenlng mc,h'n' for Bale, Filbert Gilndlntf Ce.. U'20 FIIW- FOB EXCHANGE . WILL EXCHANGE private yacht, wert $13,000, for real estatn In Phlla. or At- lanttn City. Pheno uerbroek 083 JAMES ADAMS. IHH N. 04th at. MAOHINEB'2 AND TOOLS FOR HALE Wheelwright and blackmult" shop equipment, consisting ut nTfCT-MTTCC fVPPniJTTIWTrrTTJR I nil" power nana saw. I 10" power Jointer, !! 44" bluwer fans. 1 IK'' exhaust fan. 2 Buffalo down-draft fergea, 2 Pest power drill. Pulleys, belting, ahaftlng and toela, Alte lumber, rima. apekea. eta, TUB AUTO HUPPLY OO. 44 N. Maple at. Mount Carmel, fa. -Si 1 ivM !,f'. '.' ifl'-riTalfr M'i .''M.1 . 1 .f - J,-.-. "-- ,j.n ff T' iv.,' j e s2Mflf.'kr I f "v, .' .. Ifdv. v (iti.etf.j , .A f L