WSSSI W -.. &; . i '.i..'-!? .' i.l? eT iSFsSf SffiAY. 'iBJfBttaWH. - s.iivs-, . Tivmrnmurr- . ,. ., wwjmziiXSA - s e . r ?t MPM WIT ;'irvr7ii '.lilj- A, -M' LMt VT ' -te tfir- - 1U1 I mil "f'Y ' ' " I I 9 rr ir iiricdBillbM for the Coming Week '$, New AttmctleRi rtC "The cnoceiaw seiaier," re vlnl of famous Oscar Straus operetta, i;.inr Dena d nrian (Jeerae Her IHSTrt Bhaw's "Arms and the Man" p-Sitla- O'Brien. Detmnr Pepen, Johh IrBumblrd vuney ana eiuurea nesers. itr.NtJT "Lettv Pepper." Diaries rjthln'a comedy. "Mftggie Pepper" mu-T1.i-.ji with fhnrlntta dtan.t.nn Ih fK? leading role. Musle by Werner ' Janata, and book by .Oliver Morenco I'iad Geerge v. iioeart. Kay nay- fi3rf In cast. Centlnulnic Shew r?jr'"rhe O'Brien Girl." latent. (Mente M. mnam inumvai cumeny, will) MIUDein Xlllien. nut ,'tue urcne, n Swrgla Catne In the cast. tltnl "Drifting;," Brady mele- ijfijnfl, Dy jenn t;oiien ana uaisy ' Anflrew. wiin xtuueri nnrwicic ana rHln Menken. A tale of the China t'lMteast. flfcrOiD. "The Geld Diggers," Belasco aW broductlen of Avery Hopwood farce ,!! Vl?.i f..rn trlrls with nrtpii,lA .1 rVfiderlillt, Jebvna Hewland. Beverly ,' wilt. Bruce McRae and II. Reeves 'Win- . .. nnr "Mane n snappy." new ciMle Canter revue, with a cast that izlt..jMm T.llllen Kltzffftrnlfl. .Tnft Dnn. i' Law Hearn and ethers. VmrakRBBfQterge White's "Scandals." tUP1.?!!!? -,ll(Pnri Vf nnnunl rvui. with ijikt Including Ann Pennington. Lew ".. --... lll.n .....I f1j MJ HOltl, Lesier vneii mm utwju "iii. . STOCK 'mmvTHOPOLtTAK "Sally In Our Al Pf.Wi .T.w Mffitilv. hv Edward K. nose, shown here for the first time, kulnnlng Thursday matinee, with Mrfermances, matinee and night, the Jff efthe week. A cemedv that Ives Mae Desmond a fine part. , Vaudeville iJu f KElTli'a Florence nauuiii ' .'.a v.lUnnn. flfltlnPr. fltllttftll 1lV ?S.n Leltrlm and Exlander Vlad. lancers, and Milan Smelen and Maxl miuian Dolln, musicians. haB head Alse, Herbert Williams and m. Wolfus. comedy eklt : Lee Den- 1 Miiy. rhlladelphlan. In one-act play ,V "'Tis and 'Tlsn't": Delly Kay, iihcopaten nrtisi; ueenie r. uiuuje ' liHlary Jayn... mualca L Rf2X fwertes: I'Tanif risnei- nu """' niimere. rural comedy 'net, and etheis. tMmultitWT 8TIWBT OPERA nOUSB ri Needles revue, m otuueu '"" ISr..adllner next week. Among the eHfyMcerrVartearky. Jack t H:" n. i hW.ii. Amv Verity. ,,..,- . iiiith itiii CIUU vwirt Scott, Jimmy verve, ieaay tool All?" Pollard. The book am SS' of "Bins and Needles" are by Srt)e Ceurvllle, Wall Pink and Ed ; Wallace, and the muBlc by Fred Sa'pTlle. Willy Enger and Dave Sttnwer. . . .. unrriHuu .--. , - - ikfOiV'S GnAXD Johnny Burke, rnu 'WY&.i.n .ntn military burlcsaue, TWfted " as amusing headllner. .A se. tSena Stephens and Len D. HelUster SnljTthelr "Back . n Beverly Hills Setch: Burke. Walsh and Nana. SnJrT dance and comedy; ?jephlne ?mSVs assisted, by Irne D' Aubrey, will feats : Flo and OHIe Walters, Kni an" chat, and usual plcture pro pre Jim, including dramas and comedy ind scenic. , Uri'KNICRERBOGKER The Jee De Kes Troupe of acrobats, Ave men nd. one woman, are tne neaauncrn. Klml Rogers Sisters, singers. In skit, Blueing the Blues" : Rlane Northlane and Ward, comedy singing, talking Mid acrobatics j Burten and Shea, nov nev Ity -singing and dancing; Davis and Chidwlck, blackface entertainers : Vtrtlnettl, pantomimic comedian, and, feihire film. "A Stag Remance," costume-drama, with William Farnum tttrred. tYUTOXE Berle Sisters, billed as the "Diving Venuses." in a water specta- rlfc are headliners next met , (llldta and Jafola, In eklt, "Making KU Acquaintance" : CJarles D. Keat !. as "Huckleberry Finn": Piatt and erjey Sisters, comedy and sepg . Three Martels, "fun en wheels' and HrSfth chaptet" of "White EagSe" JerW, with Ruth Reland, and ether (Umi. ULTOX ROOF Mary Rellly, making hr.Eastem debut. In sycPatn anil "eiS shouting", act, Is one feature Alts, Beth Ber . unique entertainer. IhSew and McNeil, formerly wUh "Mary." with unupual dances, and ethers. ' ...... WOV Monday. Tuesday ana ween- y,-Arthur anu nen j" "."."'" . Vi.i. ..iiti.j 'iririn Nleht : t,rem- .f."".-"-""".'..-. nrA-eltV 1 Page well.. Ill R B"'i"- "T-'i,,, '. IwYnfiV . hrav in "Just a I-augh ; ijomej Haakell. conversationalist; Eary ana &ry, whirlwind novelty : film feature. The Idle Rich." with Bert Lytell. il0B-"The Highwaymen." ,lc eeeretta, with g,..c,n$&ti hJads the varied bill. , n0. line the r Review, showing new e1", ? aneUier ftahjre. Alse1, Manjean W. acr0 tatlcand balancing ':M"jyJ wartty surprise; Jehn P- w"a.ej!ndy tlUniate star. In comedy playlet .Ana Ind Louise Barlew, seflgs and dances, and many ethers. lUEOHE.NT '.The Four Horsemen or -te. Apocalypse," rex Ingram fm- Ibanei's novel, with Uodelph Valen Valen tieo, Alice Tern- and many favorites, will have Its tlrst showing In this HCtlen of the. city heie next week. ROADWAY J- Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday, "Ten Nights -In a Bar room," feature film, based en old U melodrama; Kcmpten Greene, ene of the stars In It, appears In per per en. Alse, Klttv Fiancts and coin cein Mny In a review, "Mrs. O'Malley Reception" ; Eddle- Sleane, comedy, mga and chatter; T.erey and ilart, mass, and ethers. Thursday. Friday tj teiig-wrltcr, asslHtecl. by Mlbs ' fperllns. In sketch. Alse. "Kent Free, lth Wallii(-i Jleld. I 0SS KVYS Monday, Tuesday and Wedneda , the Beganny Troupe, cc-tn-'dy nevelt, and acrobatic act, head J4 by Jebeph Beganny. Alse, Bar- i ten and Spaillng, comedy hengsters; 'Around llie Map." miniature musical temedy ; Hey and Davis, comedy. enga nnd chatter ; Challls and Lam-' rt, songs and music ; Mercllcs. songs i and dances en roller skates. Thurs- i Jay, Friday and Saturday, "The Geld 'IKrs." musical revuette, and many ether nctB. I MllAM 7'n.VA' Menrtav Tn.uilnvl and Wednesday, Franklyn and Charles Md company, acrobatics, equlllbrlsm. ' engj and dances contained In an net I tailed a "Vaudeville Surnrihe." Alse. M.DINE Cbfttoet at 19la Direction Fred.D.&M.E.Feli T New in lu Second Week TWn irmejn. ciin&r. UILLlON-IJOLLAn PICITUnB w& ijhuw BT ANP WITH VON STROHEIM TIIK OHEATKBT I'lCrUltK TVER ITtKSUNTED IN riIILAUELlHIA "'5. Mitt Duoent will appear is jwn today at 3. 8 and 10 P. M. pifUKl, AHUlult WITHEItHl'OO.V HA 1,1. TlelelH 11.00 ut ir.'ppe'n SUNDAY LECTURE I'j1,1 "uf'um. t S:S0 P. M, . Bf mreugh CUfiic Ui if, m& ,mmmr tt'MM I i Mm JJW..H'W,ten in fllm feature, "Star Dust." Afitf, Geerge. Klsher and Heney Hurst, In slclt. 'Hata and Things" : Kay Hall, Edith ErmlnlB and Louise Brlce, entertainers, and ethers, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, James H!?.rke. alla Eleaner Durkln, songs f "The Idle Rich," film, and many ethers. Burlesque CASINO Sam Howe's new show. pre. S.nKn5 fha "'ey,01' "Revusital Fable.' In two nrtn anA )n ... -T. and enlisting a big company and fa chorus of twenty-four. .Helen Tarr and Cliff Bragden nre featured In a cast that Includes also Nerma Barry. Ucrtrude Kxten, Lee Heyt, Hareld Carr and Henrv J. nevi. TtiyuAvisnv "The Tempters." with Mae Hamilton hcndlng a big coat ln rludlng Johnny Kane. Rae Malzcr, Helen Malzer and Ace Hamilton. Alse La Salle, classical danseuse, as an added attraction.. Minstrel DUMONT'S Travsstlcs en "Ten Night In a Barroom." and "V. V. nnd Tectsle" nre continued next week. Bennle Fianklln is the comedian In the first, and Jphn Lemuels and Char lie -Boyden In the second. Olie and first-part features, tee. t ''C -'- " - niiavtyiKiicrBELOW TWELFTH A THIRD OF A CENTURY "PLAYING NEXT WEEK ?-i!wwm GEO.F. MOORE & MARY JANE I "A JTTMS O' THI3 AS'D THAT" I NPEVtAt, Fntr.AnKi.i-niA FKATUKEt ttllMIBtft'V AMKRIC'A'H MOST rOPVIR l iiiaiw i .;f iiiiiiiiBBr a QAfftjJyi LEO DONNELLY WITH tm-MCENT HANLnY IN A St?rEn-NOVELTY. " 'T13 AND 'T13NT" DOLLY BYNCQPATiex-s ct.cvER nxpe.vENT HUSTONRAY Amerlra'ii Ynuthful Concert P)enlt Sawareff & Senia j Aesop's Fables EXTRA ADDED ATTRACTION! AND --WILLIAMS & WOLFUS"- In "FROM SOUP TO NUTS" A nUF-riNHD C-CMf.Dy IN FOUR COURSES Slattncfs (Except Nutiirdiiy nnd Ilelldujh), 1000 Hulceny Hrnls. 30c; 1000 Orrlieatra Head. 85c, Including- Tilt. Kvcnlincni Entire Flrnt Itftlceny. CSci Knllre Second Hulceny, 30ri Orclimtra Seet. SI. 10 nml St.BO, Including Tax. 2 Blews Dally, 2 and 8 I. M. Sean One Week In Advance Phene,; Filbert 8308 MAINE I r KIB oelisft M -r Hv H The Mere the silver Coming MARCH 27th uuuuiiuiny m Mi TJWjwi See this the PPM rWws?JedOT iik meat gorgeous Che - M VtGBtBeih- dramatic Bimn. iiir sd achievement W n ' of the screen! Av V' by and Wk '$Ky Fea tur i n -M ETWyp- Den Skemrw "A Man Yeu Will Leve Te Hate MABEL NORMAND in MACK SENNETT'S Ilir.Clllt AND msm LANCAKTFR AV., REI.OW 41HT MATS., ail.1 KVI1H.. 7 A 0 5 GREAT ACTS Neat Meek Itrat Time nfPepiiinr a-ncr FRANKLYN D'AMORE and CHARLES DOUGLAS ASHIHTKD UY ZEI.I.A titlllDMAN In "A VAUDEVILLE SURPRISE" A HtlR"T I MIIXER A CAI'WAN " llIL r.HWIMi AHhirh ISKA " 'ill AT WKHT I'llll.A. SIIOM INi HOPE HAMPTON "STAR-DUST" mil I hmiKed Tliurwwy DUIWNTSU?..lj.WSK.,, JUS EMMETT WELCH MinrtrJ aitu-,V. V.HwU,illHwlW Lew Hearn's Stage Debut Lew Ilearn one of the lunmakers in Eddie Canter's, revue, ''Make It Snappy," new playing at the Shubert Theatre, pawned bis father's watch and borrowed $2 from his sister' te get te Hamilton, Ont where he secured his first engagement In vaudeville at S10 n week. Ills first appearnnce in New Yerk wits In the musical comedy. "Wine, Women and Seng." Then, after a tour of Europe, he appeared with Lew lUclds In "Susie" and In the Winter Garden production, "Meiite Crlste, Jr." "Llliem" Cejnlng te Adelphl The Theatre Guild's production of Frnnz Molnar's comedy, "Lillem," will open a limited engagement at the Adcl pbl Theatre Monday, March 20. This unusual play, with scenes at a Hunga rian citrnlvnl and in fhe police court of heaven, has in Its leading roles Jeseph Schlldkraut and Eva Le Galllenne. Molnar Is remembered best te Americans for his play "The Devil." kirivii ITT- ' ... J- EXCLUSIVELY VAUDEVILLE'S BEST" FIRST APPEARANCE HERE J BALLROOM , DANCER With Leen Leltrim & Alexander VlaJ Alte Milan Smelen, PianUt, and Maximilian Dolln, Russian Violinist rr.nk - fiSHER & GILM0RE-" "HBK HASHFUf BOMEO' KAY and niONeanAni RECOnD STAlt THE STANLEY BROS "Twe Dnnliih Plilnrmfttle" Pathe News Topics of the Day THE rillLADELPHIA FAVOKITEM1 TfflEATM t dkectien" FREnn-M.EJEIT CHESTNUT at 192S At 11, 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 P. M. LIMITED ENGAGEMENT CARL LAEMMLE PRESENTS vOeS First Real Millien Dellar Picture thrills than were ever be fore concentrated in one gigantic picture Mere cqstly stage settings than were ever before disclosed upon screen. "MOLLY O" IIKTTKB THAN "irKKV" 1'IIKbtMJT hT. OPfcKA HOLHE Mt. Tedie. Tenlaht H SHUBERT VAUDEVILLE A1.1-STAU 111 I.I. HAM M C HUBERT MAT. TODi WnUDUll TONHIHT Al EDDIE CANTOR MAT. TODAV S T 8.10 "MKF. 11' SNAPPY" i vmr1 matjnf.i: tedav L, I I1V LAST TIMD TONIGHT LADIES' NIGHT IN A TI'RKISH MATH NF.XT MEF.K SETS NOW. SEM.INO "The Chocolate Soldier" With DONALD BRIAN ADF1 PHI MAT1NKH TODAY AlibUrni TONIGHT AT 8:10 Rebert M'ljrulck nml Helen Menken In "DRIFTING" UAI NUT MA'l.'lOUAV. Wc teJl.50 VVLI1W a ,,Asr TIrK TONIOHT "MAIN STREET" With AIJ11A TKI.L nnd McKAY MORRIS NKXT WEEK SKATS ON 8AI.K Charlette Greenwood In "UETIT PEPPER" GranD BROAD AND MOXTOOMKHY AVK. F. , NUen-Nlrdllaier, Uen'l .Mgr. Mat, Dully, StlS 17e A M let. Tux Ere,, ItSO te lOllS 8c 40c. Inc. Tl Jthews Hm, Kt.. 6i0 - Praitat- D C VlL PeaaUr !,', U A IC1U1 Vaadetille Onlr-lecal Appearance nt Popular Trices JOHNNY BURKE Preaentlnr His Orlilnal Military fleresm 'DRAFTKll' BURKE, WALSH & NANA FROSINI FLO & OLLIE WALTERS THE CLOWN SEAL JOSEPHINE AMOROS Autm iy tnr.Ni: d'aiirrey Htllr-Reurk Proitiicllen "The Ne'er te Return Read" Thrlntr Comedy "Kill Uuletlr" Palhe Nenra Tonics of the Da iicnepa a-neic -Stephens & Hellisler- In a fiem nf n Pln-rtet LccnO' LcnD. "ItAt'K IN IIKVKRI.V t.T.S" S2D NT. AROVi: .MARKF.t. AT 1:30 AMI " n.-!0 -rc '?. ALL NEXT WEEK ' AT BOTH THESE THEATRES CECIL B. DE MILLEJ'S SATURDAY NIGHT with Tiira EvcnpTleNAi. tast LEATRICE JOY, CONRAD JACK MOWER, JULIA FAYE, EDITH CHArTflAN, THEODORE ROBERTS, SYLVIA ASHTON. a MARCH 37 RUDOI.PII VAI.KNTINO nml DOROTHY' HAI.TOS lit -.MllllAJH or NlT WE:K AT U30 AND 3:00. AND 6:30 TO 11 I. M. A PICTURIZATION OF Oi:OUOn DU MAL'RIER S FAMOUS NOV1II. PETER IBBETSON WITH AN nXCDPTIONAI. PAST. INCLUDING ELSIE FERGUSON, WALLACE REID, ELLIOTT DEXTER, MONTAGUE LOVE, BARBARA DEAN and DOLORES CASSINELLI THE ORIIVTEST nOWANCH KVim WRITTEN A I.OVP. STORY AH 11IO AS THE STARS THAT IM.AT IT .MARCH 20 MAK MURRAY In "PEACOCK AM.K1" w Ttt)ce)v 02 D ltd. MARKET ST. Dully nt StlS EtrnlnCN. 7 & 0 5 r ALL-STAR JT f VOD-VIL ACTS f S I In addition te II V Bert Lytell.'The Idle Rich w B-IWoell' r.D & TANSOM 8T. :in. j. u:i. in ii Men.. Tuei. 1 "Ml BETTY COMPSON In "Till: l,ff AND Till: WO WAN" 1 Hl'llSDAV, ITIIDAY i. SATURDAY, CniiHtHnce T.iinniiee. "m-i1bu.ii," Mnrch ae IIAROIJI I.I.IIUI In "A hAlI.tllt-JIADK .WAN" , j mum fJKMMlMiE JPi? f am. ni:xt mi:i:k huoinnine .mendav fi BIG MUSICAL FESTIVAL IN CONJUNCTION Willi (SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA l'NDER DIRECTION OF MR. MODEST ALTSCHULER r.NTim: t'iiNQF. or mi sicai. pkeikm tiii inhv MenJ.iv, Tneadny, Medneiciiij- "MADONNAS AND MEN" RIK K OMEDV. "HKI.P YOURBl.l" C-. HORACi: IIOM'.MAN. Tener I.OllF, IIOSI.ET, D.liup Uiihhln MAT. DAILY. 10 AND Sllc EVKNINtiH. 7 A l. Fie. ".c. Itlc PHOTOPI.AS OIITAIM:D TIIROUtlH STANI.EV O. OF AMERICA ACADEMY OF NEXT MONDAY EVENING AT ANNA PAVLOWA and Her BALLET RUSSE With SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Prearnm Include "CHOPIMANA" Serlen of Nine D mcc Frem UIOPIN." "FAIRY TAl'fes." Muale l "lt'HAIKOWhK." le lnlerctlnfc- "DlYI.Rnsi:MF.NTX." tickkts NOW ON SA1 F -u' and tioe, U. .e. s.'.se l'u" xjn atxitu in:iii:-s. niu ciikvinit st. ASHEIVS SWIMMING SCHOOL ,..! Muinlii'i-c. !l le 1 lTllXcU, ,Sjt.. (i a.w.-s p.m. I ' Iimtmctlen Olien te lleth Sexri PARTY NIGHTS Tueadny. Tliurnduy, Snturday. 8:30 te 10 acadi:my of music mftropei.itan epkrv company, n. y. liVi k ir. DIE WALKUERE 1 MiuU. Cli'STSin, ttmten. Qurden. MM Hem hacli. MhllcKlll. Uuntiif.nn. fend. Hedaniky. TlcUet Acudemy 1 llfpne'w. alie Cheat. St. ""ferrkst POP. PHH'K .MAT. TODAY " St Killtlen 1 Meelcn Onl GEORGE WHITE'S SCANDALS Illi ANN PENNINGTON " 1IHOAH M VTINF.K TODAY "THE GOLD DIGGERS" Avery Hopwood' Fiiweuh C'umcdy ti tituiru MATINKR TODAY OEOKOE M. COHAN'S COUUUM ' 'in VriJ Wkoleaeni Mu.lml Hit " i"tuk u'BHIKN anu." - ""T'-:"-'V ... iuau tnttL.iaiii tunnn p vujiiujjq mitt VufuUt Mt. bt, I'aUUk'a Uay, C1V.HMANTOIVN AVK. AND VKNANflO . CECIIi 11. Di: MILI.B'8 nnAMA 01' MISMATKD 5AU imlAOKB "Saturday Night" WITH CONRAD NAOHt.. LRATR1CB JOY, KDITH IIOIIKUT3 AND TlinODOrtK ItOHKKTS An Intimate ploiure of lev that ruanta tee aoeti Inte mnrflaR. . . , Rt II1 a iinbnmt In fllatcnlnc fAinlen. DnncInK threuKh Imunti where pleanur Iwlnlilca nmenit the llglita. , YOU CAN PARK HERE STREET THEATRE OPPItSITK TKRMlNAf. . Men., Tue. CHCIIj It, nli'l Wednesilay DK MI1.L,C'S "SATURDAY NIGHT" A Drama of Mlsmated Mnrrlnccn With Tenrad Naiscl, I.strlce Jev, lMlti Reh-rt and Theodere Hehcrta Thnrrlay. Prldnv. Snturday BETTY COMPSON "LAW and the WOMAN" MAKKKT STRKI'.T IIKI,. tlOTII AT USD AMI 31 7 AND n f. 1. Men., Tues. and Wed. A Turn mount l'lcture NAGEL, EDITH ROBERTS, Tllhi I.AIII l.r.lli a VI a H H u i NIXON.MUDI.INCir.H, .M.innirr B c&cule -Mat A Lancaster Are. 2:30 te 4:30: 7 te 11 MONDAY. TUKSDAY i, WEDNESDAY WILLIAM S. HART in "TRAVELIN' ON" Tni'RSDAY. FRIDAY 4 SATURDVY Hetty Conuixen. "I.iiut nml the Itiimnn" Added "MAKINtl TTIIi: .WOVIIIS" Putrens Iniltril te take purt mid xre tliem- KChcH en the Kcreen, COtn -t. A CVdnr Ate. 1:30. R:(W. 7 A O P.M. .MONDAY nnd Tl'lDAY Pela Negri in Intrigue 5 Wed. A Tlturn. IIF.T TY COMPSON In Till: I.AM AND Illi: WOMAN" trl. unci Mil. ivii. . iiakt "TRAMXIN- ON" 111 MAriNKi: VKATCRU PHOlOPl.Al- ! I i i or 11 Ml xK'IANS i i i 1hiirn(ln, I'lldn.', sntiirdiiy CHARLES RAY "Twe Minutes te Ge" Rt'STKR KENTON. "Pl.AMIOl'SE" Ksrivl.l.i: III MIES. Snnrnne Mdl.t.l MMI'IDI.II, Diuiter MUSIC FARF.WEl.l. l'.Nt.Atll.MI.NT 8:15 ONE PERFORMANCE ONLY CASINO 8TH & WALNUT MATINEE DAILY Reelnntiii; Mend.ii M illnr A Shower of ltc.utb, .ilelmlt iukI I tm SAM HOWE'S NEW SHOW WKXTItlt Till: t.RFAP 111(1 X3 SPIXIAI. FKAI'l III'. i:TRI Till: (JKI-.VT I.IMIN'S .MAM KK II. 1. 1 MIIN "The Mystery of Cutting a Weman in Half" I. ACADEMY nr MUSIC I Saturday Aft., at 2:30, March IS CONCERT Or MUSIC FOR VIOLIN KREISLER Tlektti nw t HauW'i SUuep c, retw ' nd Rax Ofltt ' SUlavu- fliu THIS IS "TALK-PHILADELPHIA WEEK"' STANLEY COMPANY OF AMERICA At.WAYH BOOBTH I'HII,ADKf,PHIA ; 11 A. M. te lf:16 P. M. NEXT WEEK imMCBmD JiimVO.,. 9 .m....p mAWMTVrT mn ST Na romWherameus Jl 301 sn an r, :te 7 300 30 HimKNQ ni'l us JUNIPER & MARKET VAUDEVILLE It TO tl I s NEXT WEEK ,. A DELIGHTFUL COMIC OPERETTA "THE HIGHWAYMAN" WITH A IIIO CAST, HAND SOME HCENERV AND HEVY OF PRETTY (URLS EXTRA ADDED ATTRACTION FASHION PLATE REVIEW BEAUTIFUL MODELS "IN ART REVUE ALLEGHENY FRAN'UFORD &. A LLEOH !-. XF.XT WEEK - THE FOUR t m HORSEMEN! of the APOCALYPSE nit Rudelph Valentine AND or t. ',50il I i DIRKL'l Eli LV REN I IXCRAM BROADWAY RROAD A l l'i:n Net WrrV. Vauilei .1 e Hea Ictl b KITTY FRANCIS AND COMPANY In "Mrij IFMnlli'i' Hc-rfpllnn" FlrM Hnutli 1 Mll-i Jelplne Shen ins "TEN NIGHTS IN A BARROOM" 1 WITH I KEMPTON GREEN A FEATURED I'l M Wl IN PERSON CROSS MXTIK1II Al Mllvl I iiU'lillln Ji ;iu 7 anu H Next Weelc-Thn Worlds I itmiue H JOE BOGANNV'S COMEDIANS rii-.HT RENOWNED CRO IIA'IH and VI N MALFR.s I pa 1 v Illl.L CHAM. Hi J Tilt HSU U g? I -UA'l H and PI N MALFRs:-' tw HILL l-IIANOP.D j? 1 JUblUtll JBJaM. w E aril AND 'MOItlllr. MM H ; v E Nt wci-w vaudeville and a i "ijarrim. rri WILLIAM S. H AR fJ REGENT .S1S- 11 ShMe7MMba In "JACKIE" j j - Nineteenth nnd Market r ui vipunrer taclMOtrMT PICTURE a. I'M CAMPION Ual year en the ilage, the icaieiji biMe at c eme dy hit. New, en the .Green, it it Wally Reid . belt picture. Yeu don't knew what icreen comedy can be till you. have teen Wallie, a. the champ, deal a knockout blew te inebbery and walk away with the daughter of a duket LOIS WILSON fQj Mvn 6ua luwakuh1 --hi-Hoe!.. ni:xt vi:p.k si:cend and Anether of the vear's'bi? Cinema Dramas, directed by Rex Ingram AN INSPIRING ENTERTAINMENT! Full of beauty and romance, and bubbling with rollicking humor -p&si- Kartimi BRVAD AND CHESTNUT 11:30, 1:30, 3:30, 5:30, 7:30, 9:30 BEGINNING MON SECOND WEEK PARAMOUNT TRESENTS Gleria SWansen IN 'Her Husband's Trademark . (u Ur WT UT UT SIT p p p p J) VICTORIA NINTH AND MARKET 0 A. M. TO 11:16 P. H HI.GIXN'I.NV, NEXT 1 F) ' HAROLD MD IN A 5AJL0R-MADE MAN UUi:U ATriLU'TluSa Geraldine Farrar & Wallace Reid in "CARMEN" "Fnur bran "is - -;i n l Intimation CAPITOL EIGHTH t MARUi.r VEX I' PEL VIOLA DANA IN -VMIOI FC1ML RlMN'i E "THE 14TH LOVER" .1IK Ml LIU LI IS IN HIE PAST COLONIAL OEItMAN. ' TOWN k CHEI TEN CECIL B. DE MILLE'S SATURDAY NIGHT AlllH'l) MMIY IH-HNE SOPRANO I N-l in- hi-- v r HaT ertherIN LROAD ANDI E1UL M NT WEEK "CHILD THOU GAVEST ME" ADDF.D "IIF.ID1 OF TIIKAJj'..i SEVENTEENTH & MARKET tfti ikT- 11. A. M. te' 11:16 P. M. IS IN THE CAST ytf uay.s"' SIXTEENTH AND MARKET tinai. vi:i:ic ADAPTED FROM THE SUCCESSFUL hTAOE TLAT OF .SAME TAMU MARCH iill II "FOOTFALLS" UA NJ m. ; h W EF' mtfmmimm s. PALACE 1ITII AM) MARKET 1U A. il. lu 11 15 I'. M. MA r EEL PUtAMOl VT PRESENTS CecilB.De Milles aftoeucnoN "FOOLS PASADISE Ccril B. Da Mille'a tup rente achieve menl, aerpait in? theWerld'a wildeit dreamt e( beauty and thrills. ARCADIA bl.NlblNTH AND CIIE81-NUT 1 10 A. il. TO 11:15 P. At. I M I U EEK HUHMil(l PAHAMOl'NT 1 1 It RL MIAPTED 1 IKI STVOI PLAY IMPERIAL CUD i Walnut Next Whi-U MARK TUAIN'S "A CONNECTICUT YANKEE In KIMi MtTHl'R'S f'OURT" 333 Market St. Theatre Mendmy. Tutatey. WailaniMI wm. fawuh;:&$'& v l iMA 1 J MwMr i' f-1 iJ "fci ir. X . I) i'ilCf i Vir? t ijSWE- r. fl.i'ifc UMtyjiTPl 'AtWJTMI w ai Aa . r. mv n ' 1. i " - tAbm ' K '', s"! h wi .& . f. r . ii 'I . t J .1! -V J,,rft.t' "t.. -. ' 1 t .V!.,J .,' W'h . 'dTKM-I ti-V--. Wtfik .". w( I" til &s jar'ft-t. B'w: i;- a h . 'j&.. fa&i. Xsd&k,.. -. ,niilJ.iLJi HHHBtKiK-7-rTr,- dtVHaaV ,tW