I I. i .!. wr fflEf-V V &S f-. Af " W tyfKV5- Ti77TV3?A1 Hiihvvi $7R$BrBMBBBBBXffircPct7?rOT rrmim - aragffl'M EVENING PUBMOfLEDGERPHIlkDEpmAV filATORftiY, HKOBt ISS "' :.&? iv w- STARS APPEARING ON LOCAL SCREENS NEXT WEEK - ' - - XaRRRWtlaVRR:?)KBRtal jRTi 'iSttakStaaKUflMBHlHiB-n ( yUIiVHiJ ? ?,3HBttHHHBB:rt BJ8S tJBRRSsBalBsABmfei i BRv2BB!9BBBBBvSBBBBBB!!avjMBriH vw BRBBBBBRBBEaBltVKBMI.n BBBBv BBBBBBBBBlBBHn m I BBBBBBBjB'ibbbbbbbbksbbbI W bbbbbbbI aat BrBBrBBrBbbw BBRBBRBBRBBRBBRBBaBRBBRBBRBBRCam V .iJBBfck YBBRMaVjafc BBwrV flBdt&'i lBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBRBBRBBl ftfcfA Bt . , BBBvS' !!!S3 i BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBnSZBBBBBBgl BfckFi M4? JstzySzm $mUm) ""BLrIb jBPBPBPHBPPBPBPKC7 MPw 5HBrb : A nK VHr iilHHIHHHMHHBHHiB lf' HARRIS CHAPLIN, HBHsJ-,- AJi a v HHHDHII IK -XL PARADISE- Jftg& E ANNA Q. NIL5SON Scn. 'THREE. $J ( Ptce fM .JJPj? j5HP"Sm UVE .GHOST'S" ArcadU JrRBYrW RBYrT f WT? W j 12v :Ws IIbw rWTrrrrK Brbk L m jBSia , s Kr.- ,VWl azVAv BmBBBBBj HV&IHni tnm' t tf Dfi'VWJ' " j. P, RRRBj'tMr RRRRR?Sflc2WSaRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRaRRRRR tA OvRBSr E9vT''JRRCm vRF fc BRR ? BYBY BHrHNr0BrVr?M! EIC SON STKOHEIM "FOOLISH ObbV. BreLar BBB PPy J WIVES" Ald-ine BHVV CBf HfiP 'Af BP'aEHH -SHIRLEY MASON. "cJACKl -sBBL r', 'H Rgvggwtr-... KSSKSKBa Vl ''lX''i m BBklL &vr vfl BT Ba BsBt vl BBBBB vtr 1-'- itfr BbVABvBBBBB BB1(P--'""I .Bbbmv'Bi C' ftBBf ,i(i ' BBlBBrBBBBIBfBlf J IB S-J IWBBBmWW in n fex-v-r?w.ah44 -maaXmmh IHHVAvJHVAVAVAVAVAVI '' V- V b .f IV !'.. I. r IS I) r .. ' i k V. r KM I J, K !, ft' 1 I, M l"ifh c IS X'ALLACE J?EID dfid LOtS N3VILSON. THE WORLDS CHAMPION" Staleu CONRAD NAGEL" SATURDAY WIGHT' Belmetit and Locust" BFFB5aJBTJ" " ' " rZBfBBBB-fjfjBBK" rarBBFBBBBBVBr!Hk. f.S st- vf tVV tllBBTararararararararaHBBBTJk BbbBbbBbtb BN A 4 SMbIebBbVJy. B. BaBd VIOLA DANA. 3"THE FCURTEENTH LOVER" Capvfcel WILLIAM FACNUM, A ?TAGE ROMANCE" "Eaij'8 QIOKIA S'JlANSOM. HE"C HUSBANDS TRADEMARK " KarlieTi - .ALICE TERRY, "TUCN TO THE RIGHT- Starrterl - HACOLD U.OYU "A BAILOR, MADE MAN Victerrt - MOVIEGRAMS OF THE WEEK Twe Stage Hits Picturized and Shown en Lecal Screens. 'World's Champien" at Stanley "Three Live Ghosts" at Arcadia Other News leekln? bull fights and mantillas and local color throughout Spain for Mau rice Hewlett's "Spanish Jade.'' Unfortunately, before somebody thought of filming "My Official Wife" . again using real IlusMan bettings, and before Egypt was Invaded te get Hob Heb ert Hlchcus' atmosphere, and, above all, before this satne company which holds the rights, we understand, te necls of Jeseph Cenrad, had a chance te seud an adventuring unit away off te the Mu.a Archipelago, true Conrad Cenrad land, the bottom fell out and the Lon Len Lon eon studio was closed, and the players I and directors brought home. Tough luck : ' TI1I8 wrtk'a hleh Hfhts for hurrying readers Include: "Cenntance Tal madg Is te plar Fr Balnttr's part In "Eaiit Is Vfcn" en the screen. Lynn Hard'ng has come all the way from England te play the role of the king In "When Knighthood Was In I-,.. i -ttl. !.,lni. rtlM Ont In 'Bend, Ore., they have two pay-as-you- leave film hetfes where the rule Is "Par a Much ns Yeu ThlnV the Shew's "Werth." I.iln I-ce wilt play the wife i In "Bleed nnd Sand" opposite Rudelph Valentine Instead of May McAvoy. , Huge Ballln starU work next week en n production starring his wife, Mabel , Ballln, baed en a ccennrle submitted te him by a Chicago stenographer. Doug Deug ' las Fairbanks In recent Interview, expressed the Intention of "making I "Den Caesar de Baxln" for the films and also a picture based en the life i nt TUnvenutn Cellini, dates net an neunced. ".Main street, Binciair Lewis mnch-talkcd-ef story, the stage .-inn nf whiph has lust finished a , run at the Walnut, will be picturized. A FILM new te PMledelpAia gttt itt A first Voicing out at tke Aster,le- ;-...'n fntiHnu nnd runnlnu ler thrtc daus. It it called "Madenna and ifen." Part of U 1$ laid in ancient P..k nn A nnr in mniirrn. America, thut utilising D. W. Griffith's general meJaedj in "intolerance." jnu, ey nc kv, is a favorite, and generally effecJtvv, 'photoplay plan of procedure. I r- Mitt Menken Started at Six' i Helen Menken, who co-stars with Bnbert Warwick in the melodrama, "Drifting," new nt the Adelphl Thea tre, began her sta?c career at the age of sir with Annie Russell In "Mid summer Night's Dream." Her next engagement wns with DcWelf Hepper in "The Pied I'ipcr." and was fol lowed by a season with Eddie Fey in "Mr. Hamlet of Broadway." Then she played with Adelaide Gcnee in "The Sliver Star," nnd. later, after a period of schooling, she tried vaudeville nnd two seasons of stock. Then William Brady engaged her for "Toe Many Cooks" nnd later for "Sinners." Her "Blanche Amery" In "Majer 1'cnden nls," with Jehn Drew, wen much praise a few years age. "Tempters" at Trocadero Next week's show at the Trocadero wfl be "The Tempters," presenting two bright burlettas with a company headed by Mae Hamilton, who has able assist ance from Johnny Kane, Rae Malzer, Helen Malzer and Ace Hamilton. There i Is a chorus of twenty-four, and a like number of musical numbers. A special feature will be La Sa'le, classical dan sense, with some new and unusual step. Travesties at Dument'a The two travesties which have been se popular the past week will be held eer for another six dnys, commencing Monday. They are "Ten Nights In n Barroom," with Bennie Franklin lead ing the funmakers, and "V. V. and Tootsie," with a cast headed by Charlie Boyden and Jehn Lemuels. Emmett Welch contributes some new song hits, nnd Geerge B. McCenncll and Happy Thompson have a vocal sketch. There arc numerous olio features. TWO popular stage play find their way te the silver screen at downtown photoplay houses next wk. At the Stanley "The World's Champien" will be shown and theatre goers will be lntereted te learn that it is iwnaiether than the Louden-Themas comedy "The Champien" which Grant Mlfchell played nt the Bread several seasons age with such uccess. Where the "world" part of the title came In Is an MMM (movie magnates mystery). The only ether opening of much importance is "Three Live Ghei-ts" at the cexy Arradla. This Is the Fred Isham farce which se tickled New Yerk's risi bilities, but never came te Philadelphia, though It was played In 6teck here. Photoplays te Be Seen en Lecal Screens Soen with March 20 "Scheel Days," Wesley Barry, Stanley. "Footfalls," with Tyrene Power, Stanten. Tel'able David." with Richard Birthelmess, Palace. "Ons Glorious Day." with Will Ilesrers. Arcadia. "Sky High," with Tem Mix, Vic- terla, .lUrch 27 "Melly O," with Mabel Normand, Aldlne. First showings of lesser importance include a comedy at the Capitel, en- ' titled "The Fourteenth Lever," with Viela Dana, and fnt Held another at the Over at Resent called , Big Houses "Jackie," with Viela's sister, Shirley Masen. Other Important , (though net first) photeply engagements laclude "Her Husband s Trademark," ' in Us second week at the Karlton; "Turn te the Right." In its srend week at the Stanten; "Foolish Wives." In I ita third week at the Aldlne: "Foel's Paradise," at the Palace: "A Sailor Made Man," at the Victeria: "A Stage , te""' h V,,y'S,;,i i"S'iy eaat also include.-. Lionel Belmere (also Mght, at the Locust and Imperial. ' re(u,.t of betll Btagr. and tl.recn) T .-...., . ... . and Helen Dunbar, who old timers HEY'VB been pretty geed te Wal- I may remember used te pluv with Fran lace Reld lately In regard te his els X. Bushman; Richard Travcrs. stories, though in some cases the Bryant Washburn. Jqhn Cessar, Kilna scenarios have net been worthy of the , Mave, Nell Craig, Beverly Bane and baafc material. The high spot, of . Ruth Stonehouse In old Essaney films course was "Peter Ibbetson," even if made in Chicago. aeme of the flappers didn't like his i -nareclled hair and his serious acting. 'rpnc Arcadia's film sunds, te one New, we have him in this amusing stage I , ., . . comedy, which, even grantinK it, may ' x person, anyway, mighty Interest bare been butchered in the filming, is '" j,r-'Jcri,01 s-, lR11,,am,s V'W as certainly of a grmle higher than the generally acclaimed a rw-kne-y master ayerage studio-made commonplaces. I?? un(1 was """? redolent of Dear And, at the present time. Wally and a Old Luiinen. company are working down in Hnn ' Vr,I ln tUI 1ase' ,th,cy dldn t have Diege en Richard Harding Davis' bub- " recmutc snatches of hngland s enp Ming farce comedy, "The Dictator." ,'tal en Leng Island or in Hollywood, which served Willla Cellier as a stage ' r.tna rnmA ?,' V'07 "ercn ' bit. and Jack Barrymere as a screen ! CfKP.e" emQe9 pbllgeci te go scour success 'en film itig around the As a' matter of fact. Reld is some- Arcadia EeOshl" thing Of an anomaly in film.. Tic has te find a house that looked llge a Devon Deven been with ene company for-le, ,.ee- shire manor house, for Beed and auffl. about serai ycara. and the public never rPnt r,.asen that '4'hree Le Jhe"ts" has heard a whimper about broken con- evcr in r. -law tracts or outrageous demands or the ' s0 when von .nn ' t i.i, like. And. take it from ui, h must r; .jf' VD ".' f eT"i?1,i; lm? ," M be worth u let te his bosses right new. "he Te we? ami thi ,?J IfV nS T0"' u i,. T(rn,.n,.nf ..r.ii. ,.t le.i ,V.U -"-ewer anil the hundred aud enn -.aau i.n4H-S'V I'tuibbl H 4t f lO'QL BROAD Ilread Itelei- Ii cuit FB.VK MRDL1GEB, Bui. Msr. MATINEK TODAY NEXT WEEK rOl'LLAR I'KICE SUTINEC WEDNESDAY LAST WEEK DAVID BELASCO Cpvesenis' mL fiER Guide te Photoplays for the Week te Come New Photoplays STAXLEY "The World's Champien." Pjcturlzatlen of papular stage corned)', "The Champien," by A. Ei Themas nnd Themas Leuden, starring Wallace Held. The tery of a young Eng 1 sh aristocrat, who shocked hie fam ily by cemlns; te America and becom ing a prlze lighter. ARCADIA "Three Live Ghosts," aeerre Fltimaurlce production of popular stage comedy, with Anna Q. Mlssen and Nerman Kerry featured. The story of three "Temmies." who return is If from the dead after a period ln a CJerman prison camrs and get into all sorts of amusing predicaments. RKQEXT "Jackie." film based en novel by Countess Barcynska, and telling of the wanderings through Europe of a little Russian waif. Shirley Ma Ma eon featured. CAPITOL "The Fourteenth Lever." the story of a society girl who Jilts thir teen prospective husbands and sets her heart en a gardener who deesn t like society debutantes. Viela Dana starred. Previously Reviewed ADLIXF. "Foolish Wives," glittering Monte Carle in all Its aspectsVen Strehelm villainy as opposed te Amer ican bluntness and simplicity the story or many amours. KARLTOS "Her Husband's Trade mark." as demonstrated by Oler a Swnnsen, who emotes occasionally and wears stunning gowns through out Broadway and Mexico wicked ness contrasted. 7 STA.vrO.V "Turn te the Right." Rex Ingram feature bucolle pleasures, with Juet enough about mortgage fore closures te lend the serious touch Alice Terry, Is extremely decorative. PALACE "Foel's Paradise," a return of the old De Mllle. minus trick tele phones and tiled bathrooms faintly related te Leenard Merrick, but you'll never notice It artistic thrills. VICTORIA "K Sailor Made Man," Har- OlutLleya en it u.huusuiii a rucuea Mildred Davis from n hnrcm and dem onstrates a new way te foil pursuers also "Carmen," with Geraldlne Far- rar and Wallace Held, and "The Pnur Seasons." unusual film. ZIAKKET STREET Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. "A Stage Remance. William Farnum aa Edmund Keane. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, 'Ten Nights In a BarroenV'Just that GREAT NORTHERN Vonter.. Tues day and Wednesday. "The Child Theu Gavest Me," society drama, with Lew" Stene. Thursday, Friday and Satur day, "Judgment,' historic film. COLONIAL "Saturday Night." Cecil B. De Mllle society yarn. Proving that oil and water don't mix. with nrad Nagel, Leatrlce Jey, Edith Roberts and Jack Mower. IMPERIAL "A Connecticut Yankee In King Arthur's Court," famous Mark Twain satiric comedy, with Many Myers In the title role. ALHAUBRA Monday, . Tuesday and Wednesday. "Ten Nights in a Bar room," famous stage melodrama a feature film. Thursday, Friday and Saturday. "Kent Free," comedy, wltn Wallace held. LOCVUT "Saturday Night." Cecil B. De Mllle society drama, with Cenrad Nagel and I.entrice Jey ; also ButXtr Keaterr, In "The Beat," his funniest comedy. RIVOLI Monday. Tuesday and Wed nesday. "The Weman In the Cage, , with Betty Compson. Thursday, Fri day and Saturday, "Scandal," win Constance Talmadge. COLISEUM Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, "Saturday Night," Cecil B. De Mllle feature. Thursday and Friday, "The Gelden Snare." Satur day. 'Arrest Nerma MacOreger." CEDAR Monday and Tuesday. "Intri gue." with Pela, Negri. Wednesday and Thursday, "The Law and the woman." Friday and Saturday, "Travelln On," With William S. Hart. BTRAND "Saturday Night, Ceell B. De Mllle society feature, with Cenrad Nagefj Edith Reberta, Leatrlce Jey. Theodere Roberts, Sylvia Ashton and BELUONT-"'reitr IbbeUen." beatlful love Idyl of Du Maurler, with Wallace Reld in the role Jehn Barrymere played en the stage, and Elsie Fer- BIr.NlNTHSTREET - Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. "Saturday Nluht," story of the old difficulty in mixing oil nnd water, with Cenrad Nagel and Leatrlce Jey. Thursday, Friday and Saturday. "The Law and .kn wnmnn " wllh Bettv Comnsen. " iy'riV-j... iic.-i-... :.j n.:.i 'woman." with Betty Comnsen LEADER Monday. Tuesday and Wed Wed nesday, "Travelln On, Western thriller wun wiiwuin a, nan, iiiue j... lvMiv nnri Stnturdnv. "Thn Lau uuj, ? .-. --:. i and the woman,' y. "The Law with Betty Cemp- He Ht Get tha Lauftha Iaster Allen, whose comedy work lh the burlesque Russian scene Is one of the hiU of Geerge White's "Scandals, new at the Ferrest Theatre, was a member of a stock company out in Seat tle several years age, and had occasion te play the role of a Russian soldier In "The Yellow Ticket," although he wab nearly two feet shorter than the part demanded. When "The Scandals opened, Allen's part in the Russian bit was unapplaudcd. Then he decided te play the part, as he had dene that In the stock show, which was unintentionally S, end'has continued that way ever since. . ' Brian's One Superstition Donald Brian, who is Wwdta the revival of the Oscar 8 "us operetta, J'Thc Chocolate Soldier," which come te the Lyric Theatre Monday night, has -one superstition. He wears the tame pair of dantlng shoes every open ing night that be bad when ' IteMjnj Widow" was first given. His 'Trince Danlle" in the Lcher operetta brought hlra fame, and he believes the shoes brought him luck. Brian was born In St. JohnsNewfeundland, and w.ent te Bosten at the age of seven years. Like se many stars, he gained bis stage schooling in stock, lie was last seen here In "Buddies." . The Leng and the Short of It One of the 'principals in Charlette Greenwood's latest musical comedy, "Letty Pepper," which comes te the Walnut Street Theatre next Monday, is "Master Gabriel," one of the best known dlmlnutive funmakers en the stage. He gained his reputation first as the original Buster Brewii in the musical show of that name, and later repeated his success ns "Little Neme." Following tours In vaudeville for a number of seasons, he was engaged for the part of i "Billy," the department store page in "Lctty Pepper." Ills three feet make him an admirable foil for Miss Greenwood's lanky height. PAVIOWA IN FAHEWELLta Prier Russian Danseuse Here wneiiiai luur f Anna Pavlewa and her Ballet Russ. vf will give a dance program nt tS Academy of Music Monday nltht ,i!1 last here before she stnrta en a tour 3 Japan, thef Far Kast and the Scand?: ' navlan countries. mi t A feature of the farewell prom. " will, be a number called "Cheplnian7 t in which tbe, Russian artiste" EmSIsJ l by Laurent KorlkeK and her ceaput ' will jput Inte ballet, form a uSSEu li the most popular waltses, mazurkas a r ether melodies of the Polish comnews The orchestration Is by GlazouneS. S the ballet was arranged by lTZM Clustlne., J ') Anether feature Is "Fairy Tales l with music by Tschnlkewsky, which ia'.ij treduccs all of childhoeiVs favetltL'1 and enllsttf the entlre strensth nf tZ J company. The divertissements InclasV a mazurka by Glinka: "Dmrmn.ii by Kreisler, danced by Pavlewa; "BeVJ ?""."'.".., "'. C:"S3"WJ. wtth by Gressman, nnd Visions, by Berlleg, ' Fred Stene Returnlne Fred Stene will return te Phllaatl. J his latest musical comedy, which nn.SlJ here last season, opens "at the Ferrest ?h xueaire. uw ikvuucuuu, weicn Wtf specially constructed for the star by Anne Caldwell und R. H. Brunstda also enlists the services of the Dni,! Sisters, the Six Brown Brethers, tki fl eisicuii uviiuiui Biave uirm and t. rcssa Valerie, Eileen Christie, Htlea Rich and Marie Sewell. m ' .! Revusleat Fable at Casine Next week's show at the Casine h J, ilu!" ""w, me preuuetr, a Rcvuslcal Fab e. It Is In two acts sni ten scenes, and consists, besides a bis cast, a chorus of twcntv.fnnr mil Brngden and Helen Tarr are two of J the principals, and they are assisted br i 7M,,.V """""' V.'"" ,iYi UCT-. truae r-xten, co wove, Hareld Cgjn Hnrn nnd Henry ueyic. There ere slxtisa alaln1 mliatlAsal nifVMtsiatsai "" ESTNUT ST. OPERA HOUSE CH BSk we.ys6 aT- AiB. J mnm- BBLV aVM BBB1 f I mw a r mWJ Via PniLADEM'IUA'S T.EADINO THKATRES. CHE5TNUTSTBIIJB1UH PHONE WALNUT OIBECTI0N LEE ,J. J. fiHUnERT ' mar- the worlds bes Vaudeville DAILY MATS. 2J5 EVES. 8.15 SPECIALLY ENGAGED FOP SHUBERT VAUDEVILLl 611Q SHUBlRTi "N&m " Ml an Celd Die AVERy HOPWOOD'S FAMOUS COMEDO Witfi a Perfect Casf of Accomplished Players MONDAY. MARCH 20 TUO WEEKS ONLY SEATS THURSDAY DAVID BELASCO Presents LIONEL ATWILL 'THE GRAND IN nillfP" A PARISIAN COMEDY WUrUi I. y hACHA fiL'ITHV Sunpertrd br thr Orlrlntl C.. Inflndlnc UNA AnARBANELL VIVIAN TORIN MOROAN 1'ARI.EY JOHN I.. hlllNK rnPOMB I'RICK' MATINEE TODAY All Nllht. CO g(l Ut Ke..t " Pep. Mills. Wed. t; ft Sal. Ikst BeaU '' KlimnSOS or l.linilnn nmmi.l. r.'ll cntrfernl!n BtKB.lnmI "" tW) l ' ''' T " In that li-nsrtb i.f time under the one ,?.,?'.' "'.',1 '' ' 10 'J?"1 "'" "new- banner Reid has dene striking work ln ,J r"ceIl- $ iT" ,e1m B you 'Jean thn Wetuun." in "C'aiiwii." iu ,!,! 'ney I".,"nd or .hU own .jr. i . ,. . . ....--. ' 110in LOW n. Witl'rn "fit vmii .Lcn.... ... Aiarn That I. 'Fnrrar aterv. Rhcin-scliless , In that ilellchtful O. Henry I'X'Jl01. ' l'ut three The Halberdier uf the Little i : " " '""i. "" .w" ' ,"lu",,lr"ra n l,.f'r- under another nnmi. t "" t1", "v" "'" ' "ur" . .. : -..--. ,, imurwi was picturized) ; in "Believe Me, Xnn- inun prison cntnp when they are he he lleveil dead. Their adventures thereafter flppe," the Harvard prUe piny: In "The , "Cr,,n!!1C "'l1 . J h'?.; uniei iiianri'" una tlie ubliiuiteus .i TV """' v.".u-ti.-r, uikiuw nun automobile series, which some fans stem , )?, ' "T aJl opportunity of nc-Iiik hew te think ought te be never-ending. ! """ Mn,i of r"mer gets across en the And despite all theso geed ones, the ' ser'c"' company in a recent advertisement, ' '""erge Fltzwniirlce. who hnn "Peter mentioned as the only Reld rcpresenta- ' ibbetsen" and "On With the Dance" tlen njneng n list of their "big pic te his erHIt directed this emedy and tures in the last ten years," "Th Vul- f'10 cn8t includes Nerman Kerry, who Jey of the Giants," which whs typical '"'H '"'en '" Hiigland some tlme making ilm gnii'l nnd In whicli Reid was a pictures,, and Anna Q. Nllhsen, who lypicai iiiiivju iuei. Dunny people, Uiem; llun '"K" making u msu te lier native ni'iinuiuinvinn Heme, rtien- in also Cyril Chudwlck, plajlnu "Spoefy" uh he did 11m nreduccrs ! In "Tlie World Champien," which nga an ungusu setting, Wullv lias th part of n roving wen of an arUtecrntic family wne comes te America In nn dfnrt te earn hU own livelihood and returned n prize ring champion. Nat urally, Ids dlgnllled pnrcnts and friends are shocked, hut he wins them ever and, Incidentally, Introduce home American pen" into tlie stellil household en the stflKc, und Jehn Mlltern. whom jeu probably remember us "Experience In the pluy of thut name. Must have been iiulte a treat for some of these plnjcru In the Londen unit of this company. First Jehn Rob Rob erteon took n tn.upe of thctn through France filming "Perpetun" (under the title of "Levc'h Boomerang.") Then X V2 . RKS.i -'. ucrfti Frem ndvance reports It would mm i (here was this typically Louden m'ttlng that honera are shared by William ,1. for "Three Live GhestH" ; Donald Crisp Fergusen, that corking uld chuructcr I had the I'ngllsli (or Scotch) country actor (stage and xcrccn). who makes , districts ns n background for "Beside his butlcr'H role eini of the biggest of tht film. T.nla AVlltfnn Vtl'Iiii mitflif .. bi known HH "AIIiin T.nlii KeH" hernniut in me picture ei heroine, and tie the Bennie Brier Bush" ; Fltzmuurlce tnen trotted a company ever te Italy te take that geed old favorite, "The Mail Frem Heme" with Jamas Kirk Kirk weed, and, flaally, Robertsea has been I. ' FORREST Bread & Snnem Ht. THOMAS M. LOVK. Das. Mrr. POSITIVELY LAST WEEK 3n-e0(T(0N-W0RL0'5 GReffTeST Si-lOW rj j.i.i jfviiiL j-ij tTii;jAWLTi 101) HOaZ.AONTJEMIMA.tESTCftftUfN.aORGE IrflMRE.UICTORIAfKflBERT tUOROEQICKU.OUVE YAUGWfJAMfl NtUER.SAH tOrtER.HE(.N leVONNf.PEGCV OOUH1UELVN(CfriW10ftRWWELfWftMmCUUfN,HO.WCOX,MAEMCRIS' ALSO- GEORGE WHITE COMING MONDAY, .MARCH 20 hEATS THUH8DAY TUE ONE "IU VKAKI.Y EVENT FRED STONE in "TIP-TOP" ' niDCPT rOITM HINC.MnNTUC ATTUC LONDON OAlETY AND 5MUBER7 THEATRE NEW YOSK. PINS-NEEDLES A LONDON FOLLIES Produced bi) ALBEOT DC0UB)U Hrsded B-y EMTH KELLY COULD. a.nd a "host of III LONDON'S GREATEST REVUE STARS ac well & a 9Cerc of FAMOUS CAIETY GIRLS ggiSBE AN ENGLISH NOVELTY REVUE NOTE-DESPITE THt; FACT THAT PINS & NFEDLE5 HAS BEEN PLAYING IN NEW V0P.K AT 300 ADMISSION SCALE THE REOULAP. SHUBECT VAUDFJ'ILE PRICES VJIll BE MAINTAINED FOR THIS ENGAGEMENT rtnircc eves.27.5e75 $joe. EXCEPT ST DAILY MATS. JZTOguSAVf SAM S. EVES'Z1 50V2.50 SAT MAT ,"200 pormat.ved.3e;tt,l5e SHUBERT LAST WEEK Ileeg LEE & JO SHuBEGTpraWKt EDDIE CAMTOR IN A PEPPY PARISIAN REVUE OF LAUGHS AND LADIES MAKE IT SNAPPY WITH A SHIMMERING SHOWER OF STAM AND 75 DAINTY DIAPHANOUS DIVINITIES HI 'sritM WAINUTMHINIH DELL PHOtlEu WALNUT 7169 J.RBEURY .SOLE OWNER. CUHNAKAM MANA6EB LIMITED ENGAGEMENT BEG. MONDAY NIGHT K?D OLIVER. MOROSCO Presents , THE FAMOUS COMEOIENWE CHARLOTTE R,A IN HER LATEST MUSICAL COMEDY, SUCCESS ( Ml SHlt Ml CIU WHO PUT mt ttP'lNPlPPl. nm Of Bwueal vusien tdChvlesJQaajiuaitt: comedy 'Jlfvftie, Tkppci ') Hoekbu ' OLIVER MOROSCO 0 GEO VHOBAR Huucbif WER.NErV JANSSENL, tunes bu LEO. WOOD 6lBVIK0'61B5O VsiUVmCM MOROSCO AU-STAR CASTu tk PRICES WS SO te'2 SO "MAT SAT SOftal POP. MAT. WEDNESDAY SO tel.50 UllTE. Yeutll Kjnembet thuloei laa. Ill I DfmitJuckmacemiuBK M iW.kMA'nMMI aa. metf tnmJ thin htr ptevieux hits Ytt theONEmusidiaaaedu of the y&ujvu ant tfferd te miss GARRICK Chettnut anil Jenlprr Htrrli BAMX MXHN.NIHDI.INOEII. Dun. Mcr. MATINKE TODAY NEXT WEtK Mllneei I'OP. l'BICK M.T8. WED. & Fill. 4teis jw Cation Comedian jfi" and . iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiUKiiiiiiiiiifiiliig ' IVftflat PRICES I ACTWCBKs SSrfL ALIMm sm-i iTkh.ii w L.2ffl . L' . I I 11 it r, J ?M AKEI gJI EVES, a-t 815 A If Ckr rl I MATS THURS & SAT WILLIAM A BliAOY Tsrevenvv I1EOINNINO MONDAY ROBERT WARWICK HELEN MENKEN aTHE MOST INTERESTING CONTRIBUTION OF THE SEASON. Sbumfik PTT TETI T?l a g BS IS A 5UCCE5,S-Ae, rttMUS ADELPM AUDIENCE 5 PONWECFULL DBAMATIC SITUATIONS ShOui n 5 0ELI6HT ALL LOVER9 OF GRIPPING DRAMA-Recerd S E niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifliiiiBin5 Kik ADELPHI MU9ICAL tutN at- fcKeVEAO EVESr&"250 sat.mat2j00 vm MAT. WED. NS. .50 UNITED ENGAGEMENT Ntkh 2 BI2ILLIANT MESSCS-LEE&JJ SHUBERT PRESENTATION WEEKS ONLY . a-i5 SH ARP HOCIlER nOperPevfpin77ireefiftr-Murcv OSCAB STRAUS libretto by RUDOLF DEP.NAUEH and LEOPOLD JACOBSON -tnMitA lerren by STANISLAUS STANG& DONALD BRIAN AND A TRULY GREAT CA9T COM. MON. MAR. 20TH MOLNAR'S COMEDY OF LYFE TII1J llltlTllr. ULILI). INC. LILBO ..n Iur ntiss or me sv.M vurk hKiu.v. JOSEPH SCHILDKRAUT and EVA I. HALLIENNE (THE ROUGHNECK) MATS. THURS. & SAT. '- M WITH fc,AS-if ' ,mAIIuh Lulu WhWM hifwlijwlid work la -.rwwaAVn. .&., Vt. : r -... j.r.rwii-iwn y.ir.r a .w i-,, ,...-."' v. ,,i ,r . .. i.-x..sf . .. - &&. 7n. The Wholesome Musical Hit (Mary's Big Musical Sister) EXTRA ppb MATINEE ffi1ivi7ST. PATRICK'S DAY rVIY" AT THR ORNEBAI. OfTlCB BHOAD HTHKET THKATKC I OK 11E.NEII1.S AT AHOVK THEATRES. Al'l'l.V lll-v.-i-.. ..., .'. i "-TT- 1-"T M ",""" "'-!- CHamux go, tixii x. i-hone, waiaut urn. TM SAM S. SHUBERT BEG MM.thy 2tK ""'""u engagement Seat Sale Thursday Mail Orders New Jes. M. Gaites offers the Musical Comedy Cloudburst of Jey UP IN THE CLOUDS DY TUB AUTnORB OP "TAKE IT FROM ME" WITH THE N. Y. CAST AND PRODUCTION DIRECT FB0H ITS SUOOKSSFUi. BUN At 44TJB T, THEATRE, N y lh METROPOLITAN SKiTaffirsSK MAE DESMOND SALLY IN OUR ALLEY WwnrJ i:. Mem', i.nu.t ilmli, Popular Prices S.fu "aTn,, -w " uuiDia ludjuu PAkml Sft oreiNP RbTWED INTERrAINMfNT'; IrtiiOiiTMc Hi" KKujujrir Iffrrlce SI Sntunlnr.SI.S1 ' BETH BERI VaaitfTlllf'. llrlKlt . UiDV D C II I V THE QUEEN OF HYNCOI'ATIOJfl, f Tlrit KiitfrnAjip rjnj -J I.at. SHADOW. & McNEILi' DANCE CBKATIONl ., Acilamy-Tkti. flex Off. Heppe'.HlM hii Ann puiai TONieHij ...u.u ei jehkk nvr P' ORCHETIIAi,tl.pW smbffisfflwm&x&m, hkmik&MMm A,&Yi.Wi'm i.tfc,, aaaaaaaaaaaaiaBaaaaaaiiaiaaaaBaaiaiaBaaiaaaaiaaaaaMaiaaaiaaaaBaiaaaaaBiaaaaaaaBaaBaaaai n y..i.r k . . A&.1 (ii:i&,a;. KZFz. ri mil' . N