. W Pit m flM a Kf. Vi l l t fa .. V m Vf Wr. h r lv. IV" hi i IA "e r-j 1 r t & "mmi WtWf II II mif ' III! Mh RESINOL Soethinq And He&linq for Baby's Tender 5kin SA NEW ARM We rwaeH tern.HH eve'rn and meth-HaVa-HI eaten clothe fit"" absolutely invisible bv our precesa. INVISIBLE MENDING CO.. 8 S. 17th St., svA A "8 Jehn S. Trower's Sens Germanlettii Ave. -.ml hrtlrn ie. CATERERS :r?Sri4 0iMfYr.-.- We nre e jt'n'Jtnr enr lall ml finndiy ullrr In MJRTII I'llll... t.OOA.N and ii k l.wr. ii Fancy Cake$ lee Cream The Pleasure of Uridine All tlie New nooks Is Yours II' YOU JOIN Womrath's Library Save rnene by renting oil the new iienulir fiction and the mcul-tnlked-ef books of Trntl, History. niegranhr, ete. l'rempt servlca of clean copies. PHILADELPHIA BRANCH 15 Seuth 13th St. GENUINE TYPEWRITTEN LETTERS IN QUANTITY Hitst CUit MercatndiiiBf Scrrice De you use methods that have been found unsuc cessful by ether concerns? HOOVEN SALES CO. 1637 Pat. .Tun BWCETSj i "Ne Splash in Sink" "Positive Shut Off" Name "SAVILL" en Faucet "Ask Your PInmber" Themas SavuTs Sens, Mfr. 1310-12-1 Wallace SU. Fhlla. TTTFieqrniLi czic ALDINE zsfaurant& CbrfeeSjcp v.00 . DAILY-SUNDAY 6ref3Ae PLATTERS Rncincc Mem'c ZZ&7C1 'A La Carte Service 1 km te a Rfi 19"it CHESTNUT STSJ 1 RENT 4000 Square Feet Geed for Manufacturing S 612-614 Chestnut Street Freight and Passenger Elevator Service Apply MR. DALLAS Second Fleer Public Ledger Company i . sn tf WALNUT r :ii x jrv ,? 'B1,IL'-TFnfrn r I I pi "Pj ' . i j, ' I 1BEST 1 I COAL W& "' MM II WE SERVE YOU RIGHT m;c. II II m 'III Owen Letters Sens iff . II II trentn Avt-& i . II II rfaimuri--nnu -i. W 1 1 WRITE OR PHONE NOW I BW1T t A B sBB immmmmmmi EVENING PUBLIC !rQ& Dafly Mevie Magazi FOR THE FILM Jt 3 tv' jr sSL.i tvimfx. TV-3 iF' . 'wj'.- -.n. n 'r ' rs, ,4V K-V JT '.. ) $$$ t jJ,? 5 .?" '. , Jf v t i. Vi U&J iWfc& , J .. . " , v .V-UaBaar ' iaBaVt, u'ijCTeaaaWF t, ww CLAIItK WINDSOU TTe Tl be glad te publish the picture of tueh screen pfejtra tt ere luggested by the fans THE MOVIE FAN'S LETTER-BOX Hv henry ai. b. Irving t ummmgs nan just hni-hed work with erma Ta'madge in , 'The Duchess de I.angeais." 1 haven't heard of hi- being engaged for any- n.inr; since. I didn't write am article .ilne fA Mn ... . T 4ncf cnl.l a fnu nasty things te various fans and you v .' ...rf , - w-.v -... -- - won't like 'em even If you de leek em "Jut a ran" "Th- Sbclk" was made In California. Oh, yes; they really have sheiks In Arabia but T don't believe many of them are much like Valentine. Certainly these that I have seen were net. Men of the stars will senU photographs of them se'ves if veu inclese twenty-five cents. Address Valentine, care of Lasky Stu t die Hollywood, Calif. ... . . Enuimtan Tes, all three of the ,p.l..J.. l.l. n... a. 1...4. art nf (..no 1 '"Vi"!.' l iv 1 r 11 1 mils liau xugn ncneui iu jruuni.wi. . a -L .1 .thfte are Anita Stewart and Mary An- dcrsen. 1 tin mi 1 cniiriFS a an jm ul tvi.i nriii T.C. A.-Addres, Marjerle Daw. care' I'ex Studie. Hollywood. Calif. She has n .ei in F.mmtr Flvnn's nrm nctlen nf "A Foel There Was." new making. She c rsrent.v renrs oil anrJ unmarrieu. Recent report hsd her engaged te Johnny a .a ft it . .1 T...1 1 ...! .. ... ......,, -- .... Harren, DUt nOtll OI llinm eenieu 1C. UUU I pness thev ought te knew. We'll have her picture seen. . . up. Still, if jeu Insist-' find some of ; j anything Mme. excepting the pie- motion picture. eve been fhem vnre Fohnieer ?'. .fnrcri 2 fl. 7 . J.I.- ". - j 1 . ...l. It terms el IT nilll-P. . Afdtlnn rs Mm take my advice nnd den tread them.1 )l(np sllch frcblp te remember film tun .s te be news 'diiil cs' en won't I ke me n hit. if von de. i t j- ...- -.. . i.l- tkn. tl 11 ti 1 ltMJJ. when the first .. - .. . 1UIU I i ,,T 1- .. , ., ,. (jiiess t s limited te jeurself. Anxious ' 'Jane Lyre is still play Ing In Philadelphia theatres. I can't . give you any cxait bookings for it. Jehn S. Lillian filsh played Annn hut just kiep watching the eliart in 1 Moere 111 "Way Down Hast" and Hich the lower corner of this page, and .veu ard Bnrtlielniesw plajed opposite her will discover it. Did jeu knew that Mabel Ballln, who plaved the title role, mid who Is a Philadelphia girl, has been vllting her grandmuther here repntlj ' I understand, tee. that h- Is planning te make personal appearances here shortly. The name of her next pictti.-e has been changed from 'Luxury Tax" te "Other Women's Cleth-"-." "SUpy HolleV' "The Cabinet of Dr. Calignri" was made In Ormany. Werner Krauss plajed the title pnrt, Cenrad Veldt was the somnambulist and Cenrad Veldt was the somnambulist and ethers were Lll Dagever und Fritz1 Tehcr. M. r. L.. That was the Kashmiri . r. t r ..... .. ii i r.nirn SenL from Lawrence Heik's cel- lectien of Indian Leve Lyrirx, set te music bv Am.v Woodferd Fihden. It i- generally popularly reitrriu te as -rnie Hands i Leve." . A Daily Reader writes: "Have just read the letter from 'Interested.' I, : . . ..i .u... .1.- v. .1 ?ir 'n USuSK apterhCaypsPl fault of the scenario writcrb. They i fthe smrsl Ktlll rtta n their skill for rr.rn7?lfr nOW 1 raiSea IVIU By AN EX-CHILD -.. sv v niiw.Ts 1 CHAPTER X I Obt jln Rest and Solitude for Them WHEN I llrst came te my ) parent. TT they wcie being continually bom - bem - l.arded bv invitations te dinners, parties nn.l various kinds of shindigs. . -. - Nclglfbers and frlends-I make the llbtlnctlen purpescb were dropping in te spend the evening. Itelu- lives were alvvavs dropping In te keep the guest room from being a total less. itf.. - ----- As n result my peer parents were en 1'0.P-C0"t'lia.1'La"!1J1,"J n.t'ne.,. the hop continually and had no tine te -ne.i tVn n.msnniier com e. go te the movies, or otherwise broaden and uplift l,i. ""."". ?'"" "' , :; S"i1' . IK themselves. As feun us I grew old enough I acting, but the trouble is that the parts these who may have had the geed for- "'V.rS, ,uitf 'i ViZZL' . ' "y "," !'yer.,enu lu . 1,""'"u' " "" , AI 1 llVBiri Vu. , , Sd .? nref Mr stvll se" h i Tb ' Ce Nei Ta'n ' e?l Vpcffi, ' Sf- this. buV it releascsl serially I ""ciaire stared at ihe old pawnbroker. MARY MILES MINTER rpelble for them te "threw anv real ??'; fl .iKnce ",Mch r "a' r'y Lr'enaWIn1ll1e,1,,,,l T f '77: fa?hf ':'' .'Jl' .'Tla' .? ln "'" WINMM' force into them. exists ln their Interpretations of similar lmtl' lbat "as In 1J11' enlr -levcn t rather late, isn't it And. besides, you , - 1)reji, & 5)U,(lu.hannll "I think Neima Talmndge's acting I temperamental leles. Mlv Yeung's eu.rnlaB,' . , would be nil alone iu the house? bLUttSlKU r nimi,.,.. . umii u was quite wonderful for a piece of im- 'Camille. we must remember, Tu "The flrnft"H!nr;infl",rc, flIm CJ" "Nonsense:1 ' sau I 1 uul en izu. lm' WALLACE REID aginative work, iu a picture that I saw . from the well-known stage plav. She """ft wa- 1 a neub Pajcrs' produttleii all right. Much better. I'll be up te- ,?e,,nx ntri" I her in some time age where she was I was pretty te leek upon, we ill admit f (ruec.n Ll.abcth,' in which Sarah , morrow. But I p.irticiilarlv want te in m.NT mix "... ",l ''.?'. ,,femniSenieVn :hnncq e open it, when they iiim- .ni-c-umi iiiie s 's'"." - - .... -. nil the piune -j here was one mat was ver.v fend ef: "Little woolly puppy deg, Come and we this tiny frog." It was a complete bucccss. The tune was even simpler, if possible, ' rnllK first time I tried It out the liv FAN'S SCRAPBOOK fRVfN T.. ,v. ". z se1- ; z,2u y ., : . ,f V's ? -Ji ifJ V& . - U ,'X -a K?.1, yl. 'S?t f "! ' .' ' 'Aii . &m T'K " ST 4re ' W, "."' , 'Yt, j.;. Miff P$ : . AvVI il L'JW m. XTXl.T iiecrining tne ureauiui striiEgic sne uu had before sheeting a man inniy te -IiIeIU her huband. wbe had really done the sheeting). tMeac tell me the name of that mvture? iim.t fr f-,1 ... tTk AHhi' i I1IJIIJUS .IIVIKUUU ill Mirnelc Mnn' nn.l 'Mnfe nnd Tema e. for pvnmtnV. 11ns he renllv been ceed thesn Mars de net play their Parts well. de net play their narts well. n they put any force into n but hew can they put any force into a pan mar is imnns,n y iam: , s Impossibly tame? et undcrstann why you de .:.... ..e ifiiii.m u linn "i cannot unucrtnnn w-ny you ue net nrint nictures of William S. Hart and Milten Sills. Why is It that when they appear en the screen all ether men ii:iv.irm "'- cii-i-ii u U7 -,eem te slink Inte space.' js it tneir;. peculiar effect en me alone, or de you get ether similar eempluiiits? "This Ik nlsr. mv first letter, and In ... ...... .,. . cenciuuing 1 wish te ieii you tnai j ...i . u i..a..a i . ur . -rj nluwl ,,.. nw. v fri i . . inui iuriuu j uiuiiiuKc inquire u& aim I'ltu if 11 liiti ijuiii . unit iur iimi si t -. (I -t.. Meighan film "The Cit of Silent !Men." I don't think your theory ei- wnvs holds trim bv nnr means, although I'll admit you're right in many cases. u ten wuen a screen actor or actress wins a reputation in n certain kind of picture, hib or her company Insists en imuing ine same tyiie 01 niet, nnu inc . ... .. scenario writer has te build the story t'B.F.stai'l a.I. ena lAA I.nl .v.eimB. I iii-iunu no- rmi. ,v 'j uuu uiu lui- tures of Hart, and will try te print en of SlIK Never heard of that peculiar cltfet being wrought b them before and did the saving act you mention. We've had many pictures of Miss Glsh en tliis page, one net long age. The "geed son" in "Over the Hill" was plujcd by Jebuny Walker. - - An Admtrer That was Leuis Calhein who played Phil West iu "Tins Blet" ; I'll try te get a picture qf him. but veu'll have te have nntlence. Kn jeu're another who would like te sec Agnes and Itodelph in "The Retnem- bored KIsh." Kwry story you girls read, ou seem te Imagine jour favorite read. ou seem te Imagine jour favorite screen idols in the leading characters, However, go te it. It's all in the game. s.r..l1 ll'.l..c..ln v,t,!. r..lT.. Mally Vielnstein Address Cel'een Moere. -nru of (jeldwm Studie, Culver City. Calif. "Pw&OPMk ItAJn&Sv'i JLwjtl''X bbbbT i iV t-aW" 2 ' alAiBBBBBBB v " ! i. NaaPsPr ' - 37 . . , jaBBBBBBBB , BaaaVvBv 'leHHk :,.K "5v PHb'bW m " iii "g i . n k i reel in :engiu ; mui was 111c stuuuaril fc.cin,,i listless Betty Jenes writes: "a few dajs size. But this picture wus quia drama 1 V,vL' tuulcht?" he asked nb nb nge in reading ever jour valued paper without a ehuse. It was called 'After I ......i!, I chanced upon an article written by ' Many Years.' and the pieducws werer .iv.,in(.silav father." bhe answered. Lillian nyatt, in vvnich she expresses l,...tlf In I...V Llpine (o.me ,..A. .1... i '"-' "s." '" 's.j .si... a buiue(, iiii- I r'ce K gRJS I Kimball Yeung. tn -.. !, . t ... ....... ..1...1. ui"" latemS By . P. McEVOY i .v.. ni.i. .1 .1 .u.-i perceptibly. mu uuu uuic, iuc isuiutijag uau, tuinnca La'mC After I -.T&aVS. ! ! third btaua, which consisted of the I then recited "Mary Had a Litfu ltnh fTa.M h A.l . . S .1.. j .a Urst one witli the gestures for the bee , -.,. ,.,. 1.... . t. a i """. "' VU .01 ',B. .""or eccauiu IlltllllkT llTlTirillllfl11l- I 1 I tl 1 1 I K s.l.w.i -.1 , ?d., again te the viX? ti tne "tie woeuy puppy i eg te ceme and the tiny fre'g'aga'ii fe? he fl eeti or twentythird time. At tuj8 8tage of the game the room game the room iy mother, who ..v ..... . . .u mc ruem was empty, except for my mother, who JVl2-rT-fiS,S ,"y,.ath:r'..wh? had ii vvns very pale: my father, who had u strange gleam in his eves, nmi m.. S, ,"metl,er. "who" wns j..V" uuu grandmother, who was deaf, ' , FEW 'neighbors came back .em lln. har,e(i iiuntine ler their lintu i Aft- ,hat our home was nfl Alter mat. our iieme was a quiet, rcstiui spot. My parents lest tneir hag- gard leek. The grew contented and ga. We had no visitors, no relatives, no neighbors. We never had te entertain or be entertained. And we had plenty nf lime tn read tne comics and tbn edi LEDGEK-t-HILADBLPaiA, fsATOBDAY, ttAmH. 1922 zme l bcemie licr tllrcoter made poed we of a vn nmiiDcr ei triCK cie5cuii ''t wlilch the mevltiR-picturc enmrra is fn. metiN, In order that he might magnify tlm huuty or her face, gowns, eir,, while en tin ethVr Imnd Nazlmeva. sup- i ported by Itodelph Valentine, did net rely upon these mechanical nlds. Hers' was the 'Camlllr' of modern France;' chic, with the charm of Hie FarMcime nhe (towns nt the Rue de la Pair, daiiclncr with the abandon of a Rice-1 sonic pagan frenv thr Casine !n Ment-1 niartre: i-parkltiis with the golden gayety of ehampagne, nnd loving mark join well! loving tilth the int?lilt of one . who tiilllngly gives life for love. This1 role, all win ?u It miiMt admit, was net -e p eafnnt te leek upon as that of Clara Kimball Yeung's. Neerthclr''M, I thl- waw life. However odleui It may line appeared te Minn of ut who ma) j nut li8e experienced TIF1j In that manner, we must concede it was inter preted for the screen by one of the greHfet. If net the grealtit, screen artists of tue ineva." " , i,v. i present (I.IS 0?.l- FILM MAN TELLS OF INFANT DAYS OF PICTURES WHKN the photoplay was one reel In length; when .Teanle Macpherson was a star; when Mack Scnnctt waf a cemedinn nnd the Olsh slstert were I mailing thrg screen debut; when Cecil' i H. DcMilie was .tlll directing htagf actor, and stage plajs and D. V. Orlf- Hth's directorial mantle wai still shinv , new that was tn years age in ths .history of the photeplaj. I And yet theie are eajitieus critics who wiy the motion picture has net tire- Sre.svd. The celebration of the tenth an nttrrvnrt it faat,. ..!..... i... tn nfinim vim itlwiiXM iln theatres throughout the .-euntrv thrown into high relief thu observation's of I.re JJuiighcrty. film editor of the Lnky htudie, who can .nelnt te tnentv-flv! years of sen ice perhaps the r'ecird in the brief history of tJie mtccii. If ' there iS Bnv lllTllIlt na t.i Ih nmer. I made by the young art. listen ! what this veteran of veterans has tu mj . 'TllO Hrl nwitteitt kIhIiika. .....A ...I... -" .' iiiuii JIIUUI'-. IM'II- 'M" tii re that moved' and netlilns mere, The tiret one T erii nti me ..fil1..,1 l, t'l I 1 . . . -""" tile JIUOlOVOIie.' mill MP usnil It a. an intermission eiitertalnmrnt at the no'ten Museum, where I was stage manager in the summer of 1S00. I helieie the 'j:idolesrope' was en th" unieir me i-iuoiesrope was en th.i iirsi .menenii-matlc projector. Flicker - ing all ever the screen, it jet Hened , te project pictures of a bicycle parade en Fifth avenue, n short scene of a blllKlcht nnil II f.in' nllmv.un .. n v..... , ' 0......- . .. .,,.,,, ?u"mK weed. "That marked my introduction te the en friendly cturcs ion- i ....... Ullli fi Vllll.1 ntlen.nl ... "'Jwt i 'or-vln,te M"' picture wi I made by the Melies brothers, (Sastci Usl tlljll V '. "' "p . "" VtS,' a,1 "' '.""' 'e""" "i venture wa -,.-- -- ,-- ,"."t. t ':'"" A'-LV. , .". ' ""- ,"."", i"-iui'-. -i future was a fairyland thing will; .-rudu story .,-..- ,, , , nt 1 rv xrvtir' ...m, .i.i. ... .1.. - - yw r"t" ". s mc T terial life of n niilicemnti , tiremiiii ; Jee Jeffersen ut Ids home inilllir subject.. But it wnt. net til nn r.ni?lisM ennninnv nrr.flna,1 ,, --. --,- ,;: -, . 1'reacher with tin- first dinse cvei Umt - . 11 ih.i. n.t ... " siDiiuics. xius mm wen enormous uJarity 1 -.in rna He. 1. n. 1 1 . ai 1 . . '. w 'the ffrVt American ' tna'de mol bn picture , .-. rf-fniiVl h..r .: nT " iPi'i " ' ! . 11. .1.. .1.... .'..... ',.' ,,. hCcneS connected by labels. There Ms no drama et anv sort. Sheitly nfti.p ihnt ,. nm.ln i'h !.. 1. the Adirondacks. It had a thin Indian sterv hut 11 uterv nwer u.,. 1---- - ...... ...v........ 1. "At this time the old Blegrnpb Cem- s- M t, ...J llll'i lilt UIU A-fl'Mli Ve-l'lll" pany had a studio en top of u business e building en lower Broadway. New Yeik. c I We used te build our sets of painted runt nt. nn ti t ti fiirnKlit ev tlmt n n ......1,1 '"JC 'l "T or-v, ,ln.t" M"' picture was.tutlen. .. r'e.1 fellow the sun around with the set. Of 'Told it nnd put it in that envelope course, sunlight was the only kind of without scaling it, and address the en illumination. Fer a time the film used vulepe te Mr. H. L. Peters at the was about the h-ize of the present-d.iv ' Bavne-Miley Hetel !" be instructed, pocket (amera film and the camera was Jehn Bruce folded the letter. As he 11 portable dark room, which net only 'did se he noted that bit signature was held the lens and film, but the camera-' a geed two or three inches above the man as well. He used te crawl inside! thumb nail murk. He placed the letter and the camera was put in ulace by In tlic envelope, and addressed the letter four strong men wbe carrkd it from as Crang htul directed, place te place. I Crang moved around te the ether slde "The tirst- comedy was madc about this time. It was culled 'Personal' and consisted almost entirely of chasd scenes. The public went wild about It nnd it nluveil for seven weeks nt Keith's Union Square Theatre. "Fer the ne.xt three or four jenrs cemidies and dramas which consisted of an excuse for a chase were produced, of an excuse for a chase were produced, te the exclusion of everjthing else. It was net until 1D0S that u picture with- out a chase was made. The story wus written by Frank Weeds, new chief , 1.1 " .11. ..... .. ..!... . ...... sunervisinc director' of pictures ln.uli! at the Lusky Studie. D. W. OriUitb llit-ctcd it. Of leurse, it was only one . 1 . .l. ., . . net optimistic about its sueiess. Hut le .11.1 ..,..l .! lw.r.1.f ,nn,l,..l .1... it uni iui.hu uuv. iinivKj u.u.ev.u mu "T, "ft BttmPt "n1'0 ', reel picture wusafilm ersien of 'Enech ArUPir witu Wlllreil l.ucas in .hi ijuecii i..ii.ul;l4i, hi iiuieii i5urau i Bcruhardt starred. Tlmt came a ve.ir utter -necn Aruen anu marncil the ,.- ,s a 1 1 i . . I real birth of the Bernhardt is te visit the United States jiiiuiujiiu) . .umt. believe, te kW in I in n lew raeiiuis, the tenth aunivcrsury celebration of this event. " .Im. ... , . .i i -. xnat. wuu uuij ui-sune age. .t ttiiih . i i : i. i . ..i -ni1A.. e....-,n ii i . 1 1 . .. i.inii ii eiir rn kin n J a -rs.if i . uiui is. 4xn a ' as only a decade age. In'nj, for the lateness of the hour, Claire ing years the photoplay l,j, , tliat hectleii nf tlie city was as eafe us far as the stage play , ,,cr own home. "Please de as I l',' JL . ?..,l'.?.t:ll,,!l-:,1lHk. ou, Claire," he. insisted. , in'. ' ,1ia 1. if art em I nrduressed ' 1 I pregrcsseu i - I triunic urt te convey its ideas. 7" . . . . s. !.. .I . .. has called te iih colors c loiievvers of T a I. . 111.. .. SnlnllS It tl , I VI.A I . ,. e a. ... W &CZ lZ only S , te achieve the greatness that is in sleru i eMt " Doht S1, ,erv. in addition te Ms service, has the unique distinction of h.nvim. len the first scenaiie ..,iiiw iiruBire";u ... s, js...-. " uih.ij,,uhi, j0U tiaire," nc insiFteu. un eiiglnal dramatic feim aud the Ids-1 .'Very well, father," bhe acrccd after service, nas tuu uiutiuc uisunetien ef.nniii lmeie "lien having been the first Mcnaile editor ' rbilre s tennctl e ,,e ,tfcaH who selected the stories ferl'l fl iIe t wan who selected the stories f r i f..r. '.',.. i0.u ,.,., i.... .i..." ",r ' ! early oue-r;c ?rs. i.u ng tin, .nag Pi nlficent sum of live dollars per idea. Lvciitually, this mini reached thirtv Hc dollars for a eiie-Ttel plot and seventy dollars for u twe-reelcr. That, tee, was only ten jears age. Today the producer spends theusauds of dol lars for his story alone und Im s. cures the services of the leading figures "' "-.7 v"r "V,,,;n;.. ;r,,Vi i ? V'i.." - " 'u , ',',i" ' ' "" " ", t0 suppl mm. WOT. 'nUn I'nW,' ZTe?M Pull. man. Tlisy went te sleep in Jacksonville nnd telil ilia rjertar te wakn them ai itsii.... IL'u Ring I.arjnsr'a latest, entitled "lirakei and llreaks." w appsar In ttia Magazln nvliun UI. "Ml ni.VMr ruuiiv lefiffer. "PAWNED" TtllS IttXIINS THR MTORV IT.anklns, an eld New Yerk rabtnjn, iinable te threw off his loe of tlrliw. twwtia Mi llttle methrlM dhtcr, Cimre. te his old friend. Paul Vnli. te te brought up without krewld(te nr lir roll father intll he enn rrdfem M; MikIke by nirreinlnir hla wenknMs ana rfdrrmlhg himself. Twenty ears later n futile attempt maile by a leunit un known whim man te tow away en n rnesenger ship aalilnc from Pamea irlnits him tinder the keen observation uf a imsterleus passenger, who draws ui a stranae contract, whereby the lounger man acrees te pawn himself Inte his serlce. Gilbert Lermen Is the secret head of AmerKa's wealthiest chain of cambllnif houses. The jeunser man. who Is a ban Franciscan of aoed fam ily, with a manli for mmbllnir. Is Jehn Uruce. In the icambllnit heuee which Uruce "visits" as a secret Inspector, he plays till he Is broke, and through the inanHcemcnt Is glsen, a chance te pawn some valuables. Th pawnbroker Is a maneleusis- beautiful girl. Tralllnir her, he gets Inte n brawl, and finds sanctuary In her home just as he l.eets mer at the feet of the girl, fhe calls In Dr. Crane, a brilliant nhslclan but a drug addict, who l In loe with her. Fhe repulses his ndianccs. but te ae Hruce's life agrees te "larry i'rarur. Crnng robs the safe of Hruie's money which flalre has hidden. Ilruce asks her te marry him. ana is nsiemsnea at I'rang'a grip en nor. iiHYiKiim repeats 10 Jirucs no is me gin a i worthless father. Hawkins tiremlsea te ,ri... :. -.-. --".-- t: r ... I is redeem himself bv gltlng up drink, and -4 enlz agrees that Claire shall learn J who he. father U hut Hawkins rew el fuses, pretending he has net ben able te conquer the hiblt. As Jlruce sits medi tating en the episode, he hears ( Inlre's elc In a cry of distress. Crang Is trlng te force kisses from her. In the in, lee that fellows, Ilruce hurls him dunnstalrs. Claim refuses te see him, nnd he gees bad: te his "work" of gam bling in Larmen's house te check; off en tb tfmplejes. hut does net play. Its has taken a dislike for gambling. Bruce Is kidnapped by Crnng. who threatens te kill him If he refuses te write a letter ,'eeejnig Larmen. the gambling king, Inte Crang's blackmailing power, AND IIKRK IT CONTINUES .-.... ,,,.,, , , it i i.ii',fld been h great nnd very wonderful OII.N IJIllf'K obeyed. He circled Ireward given te her before he had even T O his litis with his tongue. "Viii jeu won't de I.armen any harm, will you?" he questioned ab- iectly. "Iin life'i worth mere.tuan it llt'tle money, if it's only that, and iiml. If that's all, I I'm mire he'd anther nut." "Don't' imoleglze!" sneered Crnng. "Ge en new, und write. Address ultn '"b" tinea dipped the pen in the inK ,iml "0(e In a Mnall hand: "Dear Mr. T.urmen: He lueked up in a cencdwRy. ' "All right; grunted prang. l ' Kiif"-? we'll kill another bird, tee, wtiile we're at it." He smiled cryptically. "fie en again and write!' And Jehn Bruce wrote as Crang dic tated: . ., I'm here in my roemi in tne same ,...., .. i.i. ..... i...t am Inwnlr wntehed IIOII'l Willi ,UU, UUl ft." .. .rf -- - . I. ,,.;, T nskeil 11 t-'lrl l0 mar,.r me nnd in doing se felt he iiad the right te my full confidence. feUc Jim ,ne in She" j0iin jimce's pen bad halted. Tehn Itruce s pen I ,. ... .mr,.P,i Pmnc cliarnlv. ,i0 f ",' Jm Vi-U tot -I armen " " Ret '' ?J , f , ii0l 1 a 1" .tha.t '"' ..U1 btlic0 "' lOOl, IS IIC t "Vn." snld Jehn Bruce. "Well, go en then!" And Jehn Bruce wrete: 'She was all the time engaged te 'ti,e i...n,1 nf neiniL' of creeks." prangs, iii' ii'i.ii v. n-- t' . .. mnllr.ll.im lOllll UlO itltCri'UPtCII HIS (111 lll'll ' - i .... V.1. ra nl spBr'n8 """"' '"" "" ""i'i. ... n.im.e.i hln writing: 1 -. - .... .. 1. ..- ...A . . ti. i,i rsn sin 11 1 1 1 iiivi- inn is iii.au - ' an .cot without arousing, any " ..Ven. I am leaving the hotel new. 1 ti.i slmnlil net risk mere thau ' one "conference together, se bring .1 blank check with ou. j acre is ,, ...i,,. ..,i mil. It s simply a question of tl amount. I am bitterly sorry that tMu Iiem hiitincnci tnruiiK" "- """ Mrucc .,...- ..... ... '' U-V,. . . a a Crang. with his revolver pressed into the buck of Jehn Bruce s neck, leaned , ever Jehn Brace's shoulder and re.itl 1,,. i-nvnt efl rPT II 11 V of the table, tucked tue envelope ime his pocket, und grinned mockingly, And then without a word Jehn Bruce Kct up from his chair and tlung himself ... . .in n nn the mnttrcss again. , CIIAITGR XV The Clue I pnui Viuizii, prepped up in bed en1 pnui Viiiiza, preppt his pillow followed !',es as she moved abe .. perhaps because m ",f lute, te notice I Ill 01 inn. i ""'"'' ... e..u i r-i.i... k.ui, . iiis lUUOWUU UlttUS-".i . out the room, it lie had been tee , nTivthlm? tlint be i J i i ,w.. n smlilen slieck at I rlnlre's aiipeurauce. She looked pule' 1 ..,. 1 even her movements . U11U UIH'M w. t,.i Veni7n nluclted nt the counter-' PHUI C111ZU piUCUlU Ul Ull uuillli." . lf ,.,,u nl ,nn iuiipii ter tenure X? 'the beuse. . "Put en jour nat, near, uuu ruu . tinnt-inu teniL-ht." Hn did net nar- P-i ii ' -..-. -" . " tlcularly want te see Hawkins or any i 'ene esc. but II lie diu net nave some i rvnTid cxcue she would meat certainly I "i" B ". . l "V l- Mm , te Z" I uttlc walk and a breath of fresh air i.i .1.. rl.;,.n M.el.t ..I ..nnd And , wuum ui v-i.ii.i- "" "-..- ,.-- J' a moment's hcsltutluu. and went and . U liJlflUllH ,mr fl h,.r hut. -. J&Z. ! ?2 fZTu t ' .'.. "t, J . ' , ::X1 .." .? fl? as1J.F..h,t?",.. . cftllc'd hack "Don't lVurrv." I cni if 5. ?.? i .... ... ;V. .. s i. l r n far te ce-ius areun, thefirtr was net lar toge just around the tirst - , ,er aml hulfivuy down the next block nnd at fit st she walked briskly, im tielled bv an anxiety te get back te the (..no (u.ntn mi seen ns nesslhle mt "" V.V" """" V. ir.t,.,,nit ,,n.v ,,n,i ' "" ."" """" rutc nan tnrewn um bcrcd the tavs wheu. a little elder, she itU'll II virll 11 , , . "They are after blackmai new an ,jun the Mnira. She had thanked (led had drcLl Iw.rself in heV . . I rtnthri P"J1eW Ja!ll I JaJrtJiJll threaten te expev breuht ulluKlns' huge delight hud Ntwly built and newly furnl.ned. aumI you te come under nn anas iieiuu ' wi. j,ut n w j again, she was net nlmcd ni urineess whlle h ,lnv.. I..r ld rooms. 1'rlvjte batha. Het ana nic ire un ngainst it and ou should be ii'le ...... t vi1Ilf i,'i i! llf V,i,,. ......V." ' . . ', . , ? ' . ,. V c hw running water nnd telephone In alTr3 pic t nre up ns-"""1 i " . vvere,wi Iv .. ke.1t "lm nw".v' "bout in his old lamshack e hansom Hungarian cutalne. Music. Danclni. fefl or n ' the spot; but If tliej Knew jeu win Where was Jehn Bruce She beirnn ...h land bUllard rooms. Boek st. TVlnSsI nn.l hwe they would only n.tacn , .C ra n . ,0 10gpt ,lt ,,, ,,,, ,0,(, Johll nn - uuewoed SSI. N.w Tort eiaea te, un- importance te i um im- i - i,e must net attempt te see her or com- she wns net strem- eneneli ..!., t l! ''"n'Tvnnclsoe M,rthatinmpeinmtin" ",'"" c" e Vl ,,or ""?' me10' ,t,,0!th uirry him te bis bed. Shu tun.cl and. . Tnt'RS --I in. I San Irnncisce, anil lliai in" """""' (,, 1.11( eniv .,. .. ,..,. . i.n, , . ... ., ... ,,... .". sa-KKaaBnnnnwiHansMnBsanBnnssaMssnnnaannft .. (.nilllte W1LI1 1IIU II.. ,t.i,.. ', ... .m, nt.il.I C. I.I.. un . .1... t. .. .1.1 .. .... .... . . '. . -.,.,. ..... l... .Mnn i nnv nrp . - .... --.-- -. ..w... .. ,... 1,111 nun i,.-uiy i Mii?iiiii r. 0.11111 vns. mm "" ",".'. ".I... v -n trust t u ... e,ie.v i mil 11 niiiiiu ,i.e lyii ew Hedges, et course, the oil ' ru.V. ".:... t.., r D O net)- growing iiiiimu'i"- ""-"..".. Ullt llioiise t he verv worst In Dp f rsne. 1 11...1.. I vui wi.n. ' e n.in L.ttei nnseiuiPiv. 1111 insensibly, little by little, tier footsteps; GREAT NORTHERN,1"." AT,', ! ilrntrgf.il. What was it? Something In the night, the durkness. that nremised n kimilv S Icleak against tue ureuKing of Her belf cloak against the breukfng of her belf restraint, that budc her let go of herself a weicoine the tears that welled se snontnneeus v te her C.vesY Wen i bring relief ? Today, all evening, mere I luu" " "' "" " "jit ucr vu- durance almost at an end. Rhc turned her face upward te the night,. It wns black ; net a star showed anywhere, It Eccincd as though Something dense and An Unusual Remance .f Ph Who. Vary B.l-I U Pledaed te De the Bidding of Othe.J By FRANK L. PACKARD Auther of "The Miracle Man," "f" "" 0n'" te AUtner OTCepiiriBhti .,, h, Mile Lttef Cemtanu forbidding bad been drawn like n somber mantle ever the world. Cled, even, seemed far nway tonight. .. She shivered n little. Could that really be true that Cled wat turning His .face awav from Iter? She had tried Se liartl nllnie tn Iter fllitb. It tiaS all she had ; It was all that of late bad steed between her and n aespair una misery, n horror te overwhelming that death by contrast seemed n been. If ti 1 -l .. k1ij. M.llrnH nlnnf X1CT lips qillVlTCII U!t luc ninvunF..,, . It almost sceiiicd ns though she did net want te t)ght any mere. And yet there , Hawlilns h'ad been geed te . matle the final sucrinVe that i-hn bad pledged herself te make. If her t-eul ireeltcd fiem the association that must conic with Docter Crting. If evcrv in stlnct within her roc up in ttark horror before the contamination of the man's wanton moral filth, 0110 strange and wondrous thing sustained hr. And she had no right te mistrust fied, for Ged must have brought her this. She bad bought an unknown lifethat had be come dearer te her thuji her own, or anything that might liumicn te her. She knew love It was no fenecr a stranger ue ou a uc en through the yearn DCCaU'O Sl 10 Uflu cjrirtM in tia tlm nrltH - '. ..v w.av' .-..... .D- that liad been set upon his life it was fMnien"1'0, u. t t , 11 i . i Claire caught her hands suddenly te, nhJtV't1' I1'" .Vrl,cp! She was still "if,ruJMer '"" rucc. And tonight, ..i c.vimig. iimi lear nan nccn growing onlV'-premeuh enV'u,V r hnY .hVrit- e,ie,l ui... i..., i- .,.,.".:--," llln 3: ila,I .hcanI the tll'!lls- An'1 'f,"1"11 of ''r en tenihle expert- nndV"r"nl.Lc.u.Ln.a" !fc n.s.Vi.u i "i '"' ',' ,"",', "'- , -";' ' ".yi. Mr-ij .mini iiriisB fe ' '!? 'n H J,n ,new- 1,,a! hN hnS Ue.,:n,f,C. 'lnLV' Le.CS."B had wrung the premise from her. Ne. . she was net se sire There T wnL , orsenn nl,.l, .,.,. ,r i. ' . i ii enmltv between them new. Besides. If anj tiling lmppencd she wen hi net be able te. liiing t te Clangs deer-( rilUS j . '. wuuiii inue care I j t hi k. T aj" It" . c. 1 , u,u ""' "em- And fe sue "J, 1" : ..,",.. .u?? t"! " ." V'1 rc .Vlc l'erliaps Jehn Bruce had yielded te her .1 11 a a 1 1 a. . . . . ... I 't.d If he "nevv the man 'nL7 ...'' . . . " . ""Ll ?.,u. "...'' "' "' , "'" """-l '"""" ,ml ,""",!',, ., m , - - ..y . 'V' '";'.,," '."' reached the dingy rooming, house where iawlvi.s lived. She brushed her hand resolutely auress Iter -'- j. ..... ..;. ..v.-. ,. mm .,,rt,.fr,.,i.i,,...rt... 'I'l... ... .. 1 1 mounted the steps. Tiie tears Iimi come inter an, ler ner lasiies were wet. It was net necessary cither te ring or knock; tlie deer was nlw.ijs uiifast- cued; and In sides, she bad been here se many, many times that shc knew the ikjui- i.iiim'-i .i i-,i ,.c imi '.i, iiuuiu, Shu eK'iied the dour, stepped Inte a black hallway, and beg.tu te feel her way up tne creasing staircase. Xbere wus tlie possibility, of course, that Hawkins was either out or already In bed: but if he were out she would leuve a note in his room for him se that he would come evct te the old pawnshop when he returntd, and if he I'HUTOI'I.WS H0TOPL)lYs, . COMSSNr r . psAMtmca C2D . 'IHOMPSON PT9. rtrULLU MATIN HAU,Y ETHEL CLAYTON in "1ILK UH.N JIUNKV" ADCAniA ClinbT.NH' Bel. 10T11 AKVAUIA 111 A M te WM V. M. WII.MAM 11' M1I.I.K PIUIIHCrillN "MISS LULU BETT" ' . ' Ten Tlin ten Wignts in a narroem BROADWAY Hna WPA NORMA TALMADGE I I" "THE 1A0M)1.K1LI, HUM," . DiTrM t-j; MAiticr.r st. .Prl 1 UL in a m mil ir. T t - --- .""' w d-jj Elsie Fergusen ' Wallace weia nan rergusun '" ' ljTUt ""T''"- , n, vitAl Ola. t Maplwoea Ave.. i -i rxMlAI CULUIMAL 10, 7 rfiid !l . JI. WILLIAM S. HART In "lltAW.I.l.V (I.N" FAIRMOUNT VSsi'.viJA WALLACE REID in "HI. NT llll.l." eTU QT TIIUAI Itn llslew spruce DO 1 rl 1 M VTIVTin DAILY WALLACE REID in ih:t iiikk" ' MAY MacAVOY in "A VNUilMA COIKT.SIIIP" - ' - ' - IMPFRl A r,l)"i walnut .sth llvlrl-rirvi Mals. "30. ,VKII. 7 4 ;, it j bit.ci.ii. lami in , "Ten Night, in a Barroom" IcARLTONdXI , GLORIA SWANSON L "Hf-t Ul'MIANII'x TIIA1.KMMII... BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaVAMllnWBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 1 "'-. mh Mtt llm lull ifSTtn every one but Hawkins! were already in bed her message de livered through the deer would seen bring Hnwkiii" out of It ngaln Hawkins, since be hud been driving that old car which he had created, was well accustomed te calls at all hours of the night. A thin. Irregular strcaf of light, the K:"llbl.jr:i-.t.r only sign of light she had Seen liny- ownership direction assures end guarantees wbC where in Hie linnse. Nlinwr.l new nt the i1.- tB??'j'!2?.rl".r.t' ai?!'ji threshold tinder 'Hawkln' Ill-fitting I "--- deer, ns she reached the landing, She stepped tjuickly te the deer mid knocked. There wai no answer. She knocked again. There was ftlll no en- ft.n'e.1. flnl.A .rtllrt.l m llf.ln ...I.I.... , .j.... vinui; eujik u u JikVJ'j .iiiii. Mcully. Iinuklns as crewing cxtrava- ' irant W. l.l .. .... ...i 1-f U light burning. She tried the deer, and. GSC3 1 HWI"IT1 nneHng it unlocked, opened it, stepped, Virginia avc. aocend neu liTTreSI forward Inte the room ami with a d Btejl Fier. Every atipelutmcnt. uSSJ sudden, low, half-hurt, half-frlghtcncd ',!.??," we'fitiy "Vat?, UftJj"rlVe.Sw.,P cry, steed still. Hawkins was neither ' ' ciTecDMric J- .out, nor wn he in bed. Hawking was) 'wwiuij, nuitt SST' " JV" . ! T, " 'V. ?'"' ' m .--,""" """"". i i.iucuni- ill? uuium;i:. HnTKl. tCllMTIlMlTMT'Al ' Several bottles, ull empty but one. steed "' upon the table. There were two dirty ' Vfte'S ln"?s !'"'l'-' the bottles, and another Sgr ,"'ie, DreKcn, en the fleer. Hawkins was snoring Htcrtoreusly. It seemed somehow te Claire 8 "". that this was the lntt "I" , ' ,c vns only a World . TUB piAVA at. caayje. aDl-S5 1 a . .1 i .,1 ul I"l.v '" er neaci iur tue eiu man. . P.el:i:'. "emeiiKs. Air .n ,i, , . miui iulfM i,. 2i ' open nveryapp'm't. Daitrlch a nuss.u.l .n...i....;.i ... .. .i.h.i ..11...1.1. '.' ...... 1 ... ' rnnnPPIiniV Sfawand Ave. nr. BmM ;nrc ind vmlttng fr the "ick-tlck nnpelntment. Med, rates! MrC.J.' 'eJSSM thut great cumbersome silver watch.' Kmvn C!ri, Which, fallen out of his pocket uew.i ? y its chain and mv ung l jerky 1 "ij tuui tu 111 urcntulng. Hlie rcincm Back nt the end of the lower hall ztiFtJJ? 2r22r iSD'il Clnire peun.lcl upon 11 deer. Present!, woman', voice answc:ed her. .A me- liient Inter a light appeared as the deer I B ih. Sn.el.ll, rs.n.rei q.K r R ,'jNaM lV?a',,ttnSf wU1,.,i a" "I'l1"1"0'' ,,-"E,nP'eMf France" I8.4S1 rrwlal ' u ""' b.b". w.U.n uu.i cun A fleatltuj pal.ee for th. whole trip. Rww papers. 1 Ne Yerk. Panama, s.n P,.-i.eD.ileie, 1 "Oh. it's jeu. Miss CInlrc!" the Julu. 1 days In Japan. Chins, Msn.l.,JirL brought J en ever lieie tonight, dear?1 iiumau utienuni iu -.unnw, niiuts. ....--....-..... v.r..u ... ., .... - . .. .. 1 . 1. .1.1 .. . inn 1 Is vnur father wmse.'" "Ne," Claire answered. "He wanted ' Hawkins, nnd -" Mrs. Hedges .shook her head. "Hawkins ain't in," she said, "but CLARK'S 19th CRUISE, FEB. 3, I 'ji tee IIUU ill' :ie iuu uiisuge wuen -m ntafnvvsvanww a mflVainBl ' he comes buck. He went out with the -.,, MH I II I h KK AniH AH enr uiiile a little while uce with s.niin THE men he bad with him.' sudd tnnw iintens." "Oh. no," asserted Mrs. Hedges nesl-' lively. "1 might net have he.ud him' nuiTei'i.wsi -r- The following theatres obtain their pictures through the STANLEY Company of America, which is a guarantee of early showing of the finest productions. Ask for the theatre in your locality obtaining pictures through the Stanley Com pany of America. I IRPRTY lfOVD 1 COLUMBIA AV, ll.r I MATINIIK UAILV WILLIAM S. HART !ii"iiiiiii: oak" ORFPMT Wuesllmul Ae. .it tiJU St. vyiMci-N i matim:i: daily ETHEL CLAYTON In "IIFK OWN MOMAH nVRRRRnnk' ii:!dhavi:iueud - . .... .s.. AVl.MJD JACK HOLT In "1IIK C'I.I.OrTHK MIRTH" PAI APF '" MAIIK1.T M'UET ,tt? ... "' A " HI"' !' M. CKIJIL II. IIK JIII.I.B I'KOIIl'LTION "SATURDAY NIGHT" 1X.VJ.1N 1 11 A II. te 11 i: JI. SHIRLEY MASON InJMArKli:" RIALTO s!UMAN10WN AVr-NtJiT lir..l AT .,.,,, .UOCK.' bT. JACK HOLT '" '"nn: i i.i. or Tin: .nekih" SHERwnnn ".- toiiiine-rAv: ifAT " IM ;, RUDOLPH VALENTINO in "Tin: QMiriyiN-ti peu r,u- STANLEY M-"s-'i'"ATiiiTn ! -il-H.lI 11 A.M. te 11:r, P. JI. RUDOLPH VALENTINO in ".mehan or thi: i.nv i.i.tpvm MANIUIN "IVW..-.!..1,1 Sireen erslnn nf tlie lfe.il Mm Suness "TURN TO THE RIGHT" 333 MARKETVl;1:7 Tf WILLIAM S. HART In "TIIWEMV ON" VICTORIA STCtCT WILLIAM FARNUM Iu "A SIAI.K UOMANfl," GRANT ini? !? a. ?? PEARL WHITE in ". viltlil.N I'AKADIsi;" , Amhassarlnr "-dlbnore Ave. at Sflth rlll--ss.ur Contlnueu. 1.30 te ll'-O LAST 1IMM T0Y MARY PICKFORD In "MTTI.V. until FAIInti en, Germantown matm'y Me' MAE MURRAY In rr,sriit'H AbLKY" going tipstalrs.'btii I TveulrJnaTeTal the car coming in. It ain't ceini Ul. "Hut Hawkins in un.rei. Clnlre n little heavily. ''I l'v. up." 0 1 te men liecomerfaNtartafatJM PaYMOift; Atlantic Citv Worlds Greatest Hetel Suee tJePfvl DirectlycmtKeOcmrW AAAmmcanrTiflHoteiej lWur-iI CAMOTYOOO : fcwY-J OARADC Phillips Heuse MasMebaaetts Ate. er B -V Attaining the Highest Stamford of I American Plan Service at I Moderate Rates Eltenilteb Imprased. Additional ail. i baths and running water la reaai'i" A. C. A E. n. MeCUXUN DeVILLE Most select, bsautltul. homelike, senu eemSE ICO rooms with het anil eeld ntnnln. .,:!. jiTfT'r' imSSikffBSi THE BREAKER Atlantic City, N. J. On Ocean Frent Firesranl -wvnu .no. uu.liis prCBni MajOl, .;.--n V"w .umypn riMt a own. ulw.js ready; terms nwiimJJ or. phene. Xt. WAI.SII DUNCilM Westminster f.;?.,"' AS:. ?1 I "icvniur, llflVIII MtaM I running wwia. Opn all vfitr. A. V. Kenl Te be ceniiminl Monday -f HI'KINtl kkhebti. ? ATLANTIC) VlfYTtTir- 2Saaw5.Slll7 ' -aHlaBBl bbbH cRtprettnlatht efnttyMJ thai can be comtivtderJtm stand-i CHESTER INN & btraw . nlnn. All cenvfnlencfu. tn.q. n uvuUbbI Nine Clarien Kcntucay Ave Jtut nCW V'lane" neardwallt. S. K. Best Beattnl L,AKKVV0(H1. N, J Steuunl KUUMU iriL WURLi India. Cevlen. 4 davs In Caire. Nisha I Havre, Southampton! (step evers) Qubsl I ny. te Aientrtal and rsew Yerk. 4 MONTHS. S1.000 and op Including Hotels, Drives, Guides, Fcei,M 1 By Specially Chartered, Sumptuous S. 1 '"With tlie cur':" Clulre found herself "EMPRESS of SCOTLAND" oil hyrair.JMj ddeulv u little frightened, she did net "T:3 p.Udn.SnL.wa'.'JI.al ..,,l, "Wf.ll ln.'u leu ne.. m.j I" "IvPt and fslestleti apain, Italy, ureses, snn evv why. ell. he s Iftck new, Mis. EuaerE Passion PisvTeun. KOOm. EUROfB Panlen PlayTeufi, JWOsj. Ilnrlli.1 Tnnn In 0O SI. 13th St (iillesnle, Mnperta & Ileurd. 1115 WsWI PHOTOPLAYS "gHOtWlAYp COMU( f 1 .erAMtmea. fTI TheNIXON-NlRDLlNCER Ul THEATRES 1 BFI rVIOMT B2U auevi: maiusJ WILLIAM S. HART iu "Timiaxv e" CEDAR HUTU ci:D.ut AVEsa 1.30 ami a 7 andjr.i NEAL HART In "TAM.LK1! THAILS"' COLISEUM WA .VI DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS lu "JIAMIATTAN J1ADNESS" JUMBO I'RO.Nr ST. & (JIRAIU)i4 .lumbn.1un?. en IrunRiera 1 RICHARD TALMADGE in "TAKINO tHANCKs" 1 FAnCD -1LST . LANCASTER. i -unuljlX .30te-l 3U, 7 InllM SPECIAL CAST In "Ten Night in a Barroom" Keinpten tireenr In iiersen ul ull ptrferg LOCUST -'D AND LOCl-.sT .lA.viKS ei.ivi:ii tritMtinp's "The Girl Frem Porcupie Vlivrwr r.'-n avm x iti;y.T SIS, IN1A.U1N " i:, rtieisl WILLIAM'S. HART In "ANNK OF MIT!.- MluKV R FVni I l"D AND RANSOM STS. IXlVVJL.I i nn nmi n.n Illalir, Sl'MIAL f.s.T Im III DVAKII Klry?al "Without Bene6t of Clerjr 69TH ST lhajtre. Out). "L" Tsr ;..,, - .-enr. WILLIAM S. HART In "TIIAVIH.IV ON" STRAND r"" Ave. nt VeMJ in ii ." 'e ii WILLIAM S. HART III "TKAVJ.I.I.V ON" AT OTHER THEATRFS MEMBERS OF M. P. T.OA. JEFFERSON ' DriS!'ri ANNA Q. NILSSON In "WITHOUr I.UI1T" , PARK nwaAM WILLIAM S. HA la "taavKMN' M I 1 ing loom wa full of unexpected and' terinte and the meve sub-title anrl H5?u I iiideaiicd guests, After I bad, sung lUsrew. in wisdom and grnre. J I iv. . -, ' yf -- $ihfi1 a.. WJ, . . '- "'- - -a&---3-fiyrf.-... eiy,---iA.M l -.?. -1t. SLf if'r,Ii WT)s T JT 1 ' 'Mf. - r . i"M. .... ,! , . Ji '.wa&wyvsirt.w J1Aya9'.N ajf-SS r - lw. . " f i r:s: