Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 11, 1922, Night Extra, Page 11, Image 11

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BflfiW . " "
', "r
fee Try
fammrttee Decides Ball After
t'Touehdown Placed en 5-Yd.
li Line in Try for Point
v Yerk, March 11. The free trial
-4?7 goal nfter a touchdown was
'rtillshfS today by the Football Itules
'twefnrth n team scoring a
Ln mny put the bell in play en or
ffii of the opponent's five-yard line
2? from scriromiige try f6r a single
Slt by nnr J?J Lr'W. .&
Til irllliren PVrrn Wll " iwih-miu inn-
J.4 ill last night and were still sitting
Si morning. . They rend letters, te
Mfh ether received from lanj, ceacnes,
?.:. .nri an forth fVem all ever the
iStrr. They cleared the threat, nsked
STrtcognltien and addressed each
SJ Frem nil that, hurly-burly of
BL nothing has come forth ether than
lis statement that a decision en any
ikinrts which might be made for the
i:...;mnr nf the came of' college feet-
hll would net be made till neon today.
-Th members of the committee in
KMlen today are Bill. Reper, Princeton ;
B K Hall, Dartmouth! Dr. Alenzo
gtug,' Chicago; J. A. Babbitt, Hnver
fctd: Fred Moere, Hnrvnrd : Dr. Harry
WUllims, Minnesota; Carl Willlnms,
Pni Commander Paul Dashlel, An An
SdeIU: Andy 8mlth. California ; D. X.
Bible Texas, and Walter Camp, Yale,
HtttUry. C. W. Savage, Obcrlln, was
the only absentee.
Clipping, and ether unnecessary
naihneis, came in for rounds of de
biting during the long session of the
(enclive. Certain shift plays, which
umii nlivers te cet momentum before
the bU is passed, are being criticized.
Quintet of Runners 8lgns Papers In
Federal Building Sail March 21
nt fire members of the relay sound
which will represent the University of
PfuDijlranm abroad next mouth ap
pend at the Federal Building thin
morning aim sigiiuu application? xer
Titr will sail March 21 en thn 8. 8.
'AoeiUnla for Londen, where thnv will
fenpttc in the four-mile relay under
the auspices of the Achilles Club there.
laptain i,arry mown. Johnny licrr,
hm Kerr. Donald Head ami Klmer
jfcline will make the trip with Conch
Lewwn Robertsen, who haN already
Ukm out his papers for a passiiert.
The nancrs of the snued call for ner-
Blulen te enter france as well as
Great Britain.
Mile. Lenglen Enters for Mixed
Tennli Doubles at Nice
Nice. March 11. Mile. StiKnnne
'ngleit has sent in her name as an
Iry fur the N'lce mixed doubles tennis
tournament which enens Mendnv. hut
Mined te enter the women's singles.
I This will be the first time Mlle. Lena;.
mm lias participated in a tournament
race ne was defeated nt Ferest Hilly
But Mimmcr by Mrs. Mella UJurstedt
I urent interest has been n reused in
French tennis circles ever her rnrrv n
Where have been many recent reports
mm me was stm inr irem ncr old
Aemplenship form. '
tail Player Must Remain Inactive
a Whole Year
itHshid reinstated three players, denied
applications und consigned two
- the Ineligible list contained bad news
r meal uan piaycr.
Bill Haefner, former Pittsburgh
Jtcter, had been waiting word from
Judge that hi; wan reinstated and
rill nil Ln, fA 1.1.. a .i -
", "n. i i- return te uie
K ",, ,but, uin ,s meng six who may
. .... vmi u.v uiin inn years
.lsatsociatien from baseball."
Pilker Trails by Three Strekei
ter Beth Get 70i First Day
bnVT. f Jrv r,!,, ""f(, u. I'at
h 31 "Tl,I,"lrc!J. .us u.e
if mM i V iiura reunn
t. ' ' '" uu rierum open geir
8rnament at the Flerida Country
ilLi- DJe H,,,-C(l 70-73 14
mi.. r v -"" "Bluer tu-tu hu.
"'y lead a fast Held.
Baseball Filmed
Camps and Elsewhere
ftk H ...I. .. ...
klhiri'i"""? few" mt Meb 10. of thn
Pi'enAfh?.c,lV.(,n' '" th0,r ni,t iam "f
kr il!nr..l.h HfKrnoen l Mobile. Matrn.
thi AiS, atf ",1) "cret' 'hand latJr
" Mini it th reculurs run up th
tki ni. ... """
wruiMm lX arS. ?i te Intel the Iah
iiJ'ifir"00n.- .Mannger Kllllftr Is mu
" 7 te Is" Clrluy, uhluli ihe Ulter
sit .r .en Recount nt iAKiUmM,t .i,A.
,il!i. .in" team Ovm U'i iinj.. ,,,
m ier iilc lesiilar camp at Het nirlni!
ifej!.""" Will OPPn Ihn ,nn for
Franl.l.Vii"i H?.n Antonie fl l.-ad-elt
"" tr. ihn'rtJESJrf h " le.lwerk In ih.
yuwuen ua clean-uu batter.
Ju . . -
IStr imTOHf'0"1 e"" of the remalnliiB
'W tirJIJ." tu sft "e the Kniulara.
IS.1. lnt nn.l wmre.. . .. .
vlla at fcnVJin.Aii ".i?.'' 'i" ,nelr
-I roelcleH in thtlf eprnlriisam?.'
C Th P., I ;;,l,.l:l.lr "" liiren bouth beuth
tt!'nlnifV0rf,,nrKral rjPrlmia. Tr x .
...' " behind, i-,h-,"h,..w'.":. 'J"':,
", -. -- ..V .fMO u .vui'U Ul
Wntll"""! Indiana fnr n,. w,
' The ,..);' ''hl'11 P"11." at the lama
wM" UulIRV'u .)Yr. n!','1', h I minind
?'4 ViVr i." Mml Hli'nheiiaen. Pevfli-akli
f it if V, fe, "aulara Hnd liMded till
"' which canm in nne Innlim,
W$'lS!.,H.y'.!" advanced In their
it iBiinuuua V-.J.,"""'' . J 'a-i whr l-
Ty. jfi hilllcr hnr'l aeaefnn waa held
Uel? ,5 Sf .wveriil of the pltc.Wi
Us: jil h ll,i.,J,0KK,Jr JJ?M"tlen,r9v
fcHdiuL.'.V.1. WMhingten' today ter
yfi?apr9"; v 'rira
' '
for Geal After Touchdown Is Abolished by
The University runners, who will compete in Kngland against Oxford and Cambridge and ether leading foreign
relay teams at the Archllles Club games next month, today applied for their passports in the Federal Building'
at Ninth and Chestnut streets. Left te right, Chief Clerk Gilbert Ludlng, of the Passport Bureau, administer
ing the oath; Captain Larry Brown, Samuel Kerr, Jehn Heir, Elmer McLene, Donald Head
Parkinson Will Be Shifted te
Second Regulars Meet
Yans Today
Leesburg, FU., March 11. The
Fletcher-Parkinson problem which has
been worrying Klse Wllhclm and Wid
Conrey for the last few days has been
thoroughly discussed ence again and the
decision reversed. The former Giant
star will be in his accustomed position
and Parkinson will be shifted te sec
ond base in the first game of the sea
son, which will be staged at Cboke
Park this afternoon.
"This is final," said the Phil boss
this morning. "Fletcher will play
shortstop. This was our line of rea
soning. Art has been playing that
short field se long, thnt it would be
felly te take him awny from it nnd en
the ether hand, Parkinson Is a young
chap and he can easily adapt himself
te new conditions. There you have it
in a nutshell.
"Fletcher was perfectly willing te
play second. Tn fact, I believe he'd
go In there and pitch if we wanted
him te, but I think he will be of mere
value nt sbort6tep than any ether posi
tion. Parkinson Will Develop
"Parkinson will find it strange in
the beginning. The angle of throwing
when you go te the right is quite dif
ferent, but after he'H been playing thnt
bag for a spell he will begin te set him
self for the chuck te the corner. Then,
again, he can fumbln that ball and
still get his man at first. Parkinson
has a crackcrjack arm und that's go
ing te help him.
"Fletcher has started te tench him
all he knows and with Art in there te
steady him I leek for Parkinson te
develop Inte a right smart second base
man." The new keystone pair will be seen
in action for the first time today when
the Yanlgans piny the Hegulnrs. The
fracas is net going te be a comedy.
Wid Conrey, the rookies captain, is out
te show up the first-string pluyers and
pulled a coup d'etat lust night by chas
ing his athletes te bed an hour curlier
than usual.
The Kaiser will have a strong aggre
gation en the field with Jack Leslie, the
New Orleans rookie, en first; Parkin
son at secend, Fletcher at short and
Goldle Itapp An third. The outfield will
be composed of Lcbeurveiiu in left, Kiug
in center and Wulkcr iu right.
Conrey at Third
Conrey will station Cliff Lee at firnt,
Wrightstene at ueceiul. llulph Miller tit
short, but he thoughtfully reserved the
het certu-T for himself. In such an im
portant contest the Cnmden citizen
could never trust the duties of third
buse te any one else.
Three pitchers will take care of the
outfield for the Widow. Jimmy lting
has been assigned te the short field, left,
se that he won't have te run se faht.
Stanley Baumgiirtner will ocaniper
around in center and big Lefty Snevur
will wobble after them in light.
Wilhelm will take two of the three
catchers. He wanted Peters and Hen
line, but the Wid objected that he then
would have no one who could bark loud
enough. The argument was wen and
Big Pote wus turned ever te the Yani
gans. Six pitchers will be used during the
giiiue, three en each team, te work
three Innings apiece. The two man
agers lmve net decided en the huiicrH.
hut it is likely that Wclnert and Iititrf
will start. Sedgwick, Winters, Hubbcll
and Smith will sec action.
Three Mere Arrivals
Three players arrived ' yesterday.
They ure Jack Leslie, Geldlc Itupp und
Hack Miller. The latter two reported
se latn that I hey could net get into the
practice, but they were out en the
field this morning. Leslie gnve uu ex
cellent exhibition of first basing, and
If he hIiews the mine uriuinnt work in
the future that he did yesterday, he
In Mire of holding down the pest.
There are only three athletes en the
rolls who hae net reported, and
Jimmy Smith, thn crapplug second
bithcinan of lust season, is the only one
of the trio who hus net scut some word.
Sports Served Short
nexlnr Willie nitc-hl
Iher ehMImn hiit.r. ull
lfuitfninn nri, I
ether uliMImn bexera will appear III 11 liuiiurtt
at bun Franclice Murch
IllNkf tliull Weetern Cenftrenr casi een.
eon winds un tonight when Wlreenaln and
Chloaae inrel, I'urdue lias already wen Iho
Wrmtllne wremli-r named J'rlre von
II. e dci'laleii ever n, le.xer. "Hnller" Ailuiiia.
at Jnplln, Me., fast nlsht, Tlis wreatler
aa dropped for short ceunta four tlmea by
th bexri'a Duni'liea. but thtew- hla opponent
twlie for the victor'.
(ielf Canada hna revolted against Clreat
rirltaln In barilng rlb.fuced golf cluba. The
Dominion will ulluw them. The United Htuttu
hua net set taken definite action.
Boxing Marly Purred, New Yerlc. beat
Krinlile Oennla, Oakland, In four ruunda at
r.ne Ancelea lnut night. They were middle,
llabketball Wabath and Kr.lamazoe meet
tonight In tha rtnala et th National Inter
in .uueriHi inter
Tournament at In-
couegiaie jsiiminutien
Ilexlng Jabea While will box Carl Tre Tre
malrte nt HI. LeuU next Tueaday, '
Hecker CoeMi Yet. of Mlchtsaa, U n n
deaverlng te em hockeyAaueeta.tto )n
Miss, Artelt Breaks "World"
Swim Mark for 200 Yards
Fair Mermaid, Just Back
Frem Miami, Swam Fast
est Ever, But Ne One
te Time Her
tf ET out of my way, Porpoise, and
VJ let somebody swim what CAN
A long black fish was tumbled about
in the sea off Miami Bench nnd probably
barely caught a glimpse of a slim form
gliding past him overhead as though he
were stendlng still. The slim swimmer
overhead was Miss Gertrude Artelt,
Philadelphia, in the act of breaking the
"world's record" for the 200-yard dash.
It isn't an official record, because
there wasn't nnybedy around, net se
veu could notice it, te take her time.
But Miss Artelt herself Is confident no
one ever swam such n fast 200 yards
before or ever will again.
The local mermaid, one of the best
swimmers in' Philadelphia, has just re
turned from a winter visit in Flerida,
tvliprn hc accompanied her mother.
whose health had been falling. Miss
Artnlr. took thn onnertunltv te de a let
of swimming, rehearsal and training for
the tank champiensmps te no ueia ncre
nnri rlgRwhcrc In the near future.
She believes she has added speed te
her form in the water nnd in particular
Is Bure she ought te be awarded the
"world's record" mcntienea uneve.
A Man-Eater
"We generally swam in the peels
down there." the fulr local star ex
plained, "but this happened the first
time I went in the ecenn. They had
told us about the 'baracoetics,' or what
ever they call the man-eating sharks,
but that didn't worry me any. I was a
"Anvhew, I swam out about 200
yards, I guess, und was diving under the
big waves when suddenly I saw what I
thought at first wus n submarine. Then
it showed seme'menn teeth and made n
face and a dive at me in the same in
stant. "Mnybe I didn't get out of there!
I forget all I ever knew about scientific
Hwlmmlne. I think 1 evolved a new
htreke rlifht en the spot. It was sort
of a-flying dive for thn shore.
"Shurk!"I kept thinking, and they
bite. I passed all the ether fish in the
place. They didn't have a chunce.
"I hit shore en first bounce nnd never
stepped going till they hollered that
sharks don't huvc legs and can't chutc
you en shore.
Tlilnlis of Sharks
"Se new when I wnnt te speed up In
the water I imnglne anybody behind me
Ih a shark. Then I sure step out. I
hn-nk nil the rules, but I KCt there.'.'
Miss Artelt looked the picture of
physical perfection when biie btcppeil
off the train yesterdiiy ufternoen at
West Philadelphia into the urms et the
rest of her family and tne friends who
hud gathered te greet her.
She wns selected as the "most per
fect specimen of womanhood in Amer
ica" some time nge ut Chlcuee, und
looked the part yesterday, with the
udded attraction of a fine coat of tan
Mm. Artelt. tee, looked the geed the
v sit did both
The family hurried off te their home
at it-1 INertli I'.ieiitp street, wiiere
the head of the family. Dr. II. Artelt.
had seeu te it that n tine nlanked-shud
dinner awaited his reunited family.
"It was a pleasure trip," beamed
Miss Artelt happily in the family circle
once mere. "We 'JUBt visited nnd hnd
a geed time, but there were plenty of
chances te swim, nnd besides that I
swum in four races."
These were Pnlm Bench vs. Miami
races en New Year's Dnv, when the
local star wen the 100-yurd frec-t-lvle
and GO-yard back stroke. Later
bhe wen pair of ruces in the "in
ternational mutch" with Cuba.
After winning thcBO-yard back stroke
thn swam in a challenge race, using
tliat stroke against a Cuban rival using
the crawl stroke. Miss Artelt wen out
amidst wild applause.
Recerd Helder
Miss Artelt holds several Middle At
lantic records and will very likely com
pete tonight nt the Baltimore Athletic
Club in the GO-ynnl natiennl champion
ship. The fair expert practiced dili
gently in Dixie nnd net enlv improved
un the Ameriruu crawl Rtroke she uses
but changed her whole divine style with
such improvement thut bhe may enter
then' events hereafter.
Miss Artelt Is much enthused ever
the peels ut Miami which she describes
us the best she ever suw. The water
is piped in from the sea und Is u beau
tiful Jede green, absolutely tieur.
in the sen she enjoyed the popular
rpert of aiptaplanlng and described a
new sport down there. A strong swim
mer is hitched In tackle te a fish line en
a pole wielded by an expert. The game
is for the "human fish" te defy the ef ef
ferth of tha fisherman te pull the swim
mer te shore with the line.
"They are ull keen en swlmmln?
down there," said Mls Artelt, "eupcci
ally Iho kids. The peels arc iiIwiih
filled with little tots and some of them
ure real swimmers. It's the right wuy
te start. On Suudns they held ruces
for them. There weren't many races
for the elder folks."
Despite the attractions Mies Artelt
kept te her own training rules all the
time down there, These iifclude going
te bed early, avoiding tiastrles. sweets.
etc. She decries the fair-sex vogue pf
smoking and dusking these days.
She returned enthused ever the stylsn
iu,bt!UBg7CvUBM at MiaibM "ae
. wsLsE'Ev-i
. William T. Tilden
world's lawn tennis champion, is
the mnn who put Philadelphia en
the tennis map. He hus wen city,
State, national nnd International
titles and was oue of the, team
which brought the famous 'Davis
Cup back from Europe.
"Our Bill"
is an experienced and prolific writer
en tennis subjects. Ills views, re
views and expert criticisms are
illuminating and educational. ' He
will write n scries of articles which
will begin. Tuesday, Mnrch 14, In
Euen.ttfl public Hedger
body wears stockings or shoes in the
water," she stute'd, "nnd it's time they
abolished silly restrictions up here. A
woman can't swim In the water with
shoes and' things like that en. Freedom
is essential. They step at nothing down
there," hIie grinned.
"Ncnrly all the girls wear one-piece
suits with a skirt effect and gorgeous
colors prevail. 1 have seldom seen nny
thing se picturesque as ihe beach, when
there's n crowd.
"Besides enc-plccc suits they wear
gingham bathing suits, velvet with
brilliant embroidered flowers, und
equally flimsy effects. 'I even suw some
alleged bathers in crepe de chine out
fits. It's a great life in Flerida."
That reminded her. She paid Cuba
a visit.
: . .1
Crews Face Most Difficult Schedule
In History This 8easen
Jeseph Wright, coach of .the Univer
sity of Pennsylvunla crews since 1015,
signed a three-year contract, whicii
starts next full, according te an an
nouncement of noting Graduate Muti
neer Bushnell this morning.
"Wright's coaching has been se sat
isfactory that the Crew Committee nsked
that he sign u contract for three years,"
said Mr. Bushnell. "Mr. Wright will
receive a substuutiul Incrcuse iu salury,
effective next fall."
The Athletic Council, which met yes
terday afternoon for the first time in
two months, rut I tied the crew bchedulc,
us follews: April 15, Yale en the
Schuylkill ; 20, Harvard nt Cambridge ;
May J.'t, Child's Cup regatta at Prince
ton; 20, Columbia nt New Yerk; 27.
American Henlcj, .Schuylkill; June 20,
intercellcglatcs ut Peughkcepsle.
Dr. Hubert W. Yates, couch of the
frenulum baseball team, was ratified by
the council for the same pest this year.
Yates, a former Phillie pitcher, lives in
this city. The dual meet with Cernell
scheduled for Jranklin Field en May IH
nay i
a 102
has been transferred te Ithucii. 1
and 1021 the Red team will come te this
Jee McCarthy Signs as Manager
Jee MtfCnithy, of (Jermantown, whn
piloted I.oulsll'.e of the American Aaso Aase Aaso
clutlen te a championship lajit aeasen. has
Jumi algned a. two-jour contract with the
McCarthy la ene of the brainiest man
agers In the miner le.icuea and was hete hete hete
tofern under a plieer'a contract which had
tha leneric elnuse In It. His present con cen
nectluii Is that ut manager only.
New World's Bowling Recerd
Cleveland. March 11. A world's bowling
iicerd was catabllshrd here when the
Walte taxi rtve-man team rolled 1143 In the
second tnme at a aeries with the Hawkey
urea. The previous record, l'.'lO. wns nude
by the Detroit Juurnal team 111 lOlu.
Klrkwoed en Way East
Plnehurst. N. C March 11. Werd waa
recelved here today that Jeseph 11. Klrkwoed,
the Auatrullan open golf champion, had
arrived In a Pacllle pert and la en his
wav te I'lnthurat te nrepare for the North
and Seuth umateur golf ihnmplenshlp.
McLean Wins Over Marine
Miluutikre, Wl., Mnrch 11. Stewart Mo Me
Lean. St. Paul, outbexed Sammy Marine,
Detroit bantamweight, lust night In u ten
round iio-acclilen bout,- ucceriilng iu news
puper critics,
Weman Boxer Scores Kaye
Reading, Pa.. Murch 1, Mile. Jeanne
Lamar, France a champion woman boxer,
scored a victory here last night when she.
stepped Johnny Watsen, et Buffalo, sending
him le the mat for tha count tn ten In
Geslin Suspended for
Acting Like a Geese
Washington, Mnrch 11. Clyde
Milan, new manager of the Wash
ington club, guve notice, that he
places u high value en disclpllue
when he served an indctinite sus
pension yesterday en Loen GenIIii,
the young Columbia, 8. C, recruit,
whose performance last season had
earned him a regular outfield berth
for tills cur.
Milan, who said he took the ac
tion regretfully und only after every
effort te keep Geidln within the
ropes at the .Tampa, Fin., training
camp, declared thru young outfielder
had "broken virtually every training
rule et the camp."
She picked out Mount Italnler te be tha
''best man!' at her wedding. Her bean
agreed and they were married en he nuro nure
nilt. Tuu'M waut te read about Ura. til.
war j. iMauitaa. ' TU .! r th. ltui.
Tep,-- in .Ug MagagiM aaeUaa) grTugt
Beb Says His Arm Is in Perfect
Shape Harris' Alse
Is Fit
Eagle Pais, Tex., March 11. This is
the day for the third argument between
the Owls and the Hawks here. The
Hawks have a crew te pick with the
Owls, because the latter has wen the two
games played se far by Mack's men.
Cennie wasn't sure this morning, but
he believed that Beb Hasty, who hurt
his flinging fin toward the close of the
1(121 season, would get out en the
mound for a while today. Itebert says
that the Injury has healed entirely and
feels as If his arm is better than it ever
Fer the last few days Hasty has been
doing some conscientious training. He
has been en the go nt every opportunity
and is one of the hnrdest workers 'in
camp. "I'd like te get In that game
today," said Beb at the breakfast table,
"the old soup bone is pretty nifty nnd
I want te prove It te Mr. Mack."
Anether diligent worker here Is the
elongated Slim Harris. The tall one
hasn't shirked a second in any of the
prnctlces In fact, he hns been putting
mere stuff en the ball, both for speed
and hooks, than any of the huriers,
and as a result he is in better condi
tion thnn nny of the ether A's slab
stcrs. The weather has changed n let slnce
Thursday, and yesterday thn sun was
out nice nnd strong, there wns no wind
or dust nnd two perfectly lovely prac
tices were held.
There was only one new change te
the drill yesterday. Heine Schccr was
at short instead of second bnse in in
field practice. Mack in se attracted te
this Hartferd rookie that he wants te
try him nt nil parts of tun intield.
Again Mill isarreti is ireuDicu wim a
boil en his arm, which prevents him
throwing in his best style, se he went te
the keystone because of the. shorter
throwing. ...
Frnnk Callaway, the ether short-
stepper, had a long and vigores work
out, unil ioeks in de in inu dcni or
shape. Perhaps the best hitter of the
ahortst'ep combination will win the po
sition. Dec Johnsten is rapidly getting -In
shape. He Is careful of his underpin
ning and docs a let of jogging nreuna
the park each day. Johnsten has un
infectious, sincere mnnner thnt quickly
wen him the esteem hf his males.
THE unusual value that is in White Owl is recognized
wherever geed cigars are smoked. , Burlington, Vt. recog
nizes it; se does St. Leuis, Me. White Owl is popular everywhere.
But White Owls are mere popular than ever in the handy
pocket package of twelve. Slip a package in your bag. Keep
one in your desk. Hunt with it. Gelf with it. Werk with it.
One package of twelve will convince you that White Owl
stands supreme in
ave a
rvalue vjw
,1 J 1 l.
,il75fi?M K.eAWM
, -&'' ? jV x&?' "
majsum. xx, jukm
the ; Football Rules
Tedays Soccer Games;
Where They Are Played
Clever va. Uetment, Belgrade and Ontario
Autecar va. Hardwlck A Mages, Ardmera,
Dlniten Hnw va. Vliceae, State read and
Unruh atreet. . . ....
Ileblna s. Lighthouse. Tulip and Levlck
Albien va. Mafghall B. Smith, Slxtyflflh
and Catherine atreeta, ,
fleetloe A
' Kenslnrten Congregational va. YVelfenden.
Shere, U and Clearfield atrcete.
flectien B
Gorden Field' Club va. Canadian War Vet
ernns. t nnd Tiega, atraeti.
Ancennlen va.' Paradise. D and Ontario
Second Dtftalan
ratelherp va. Wlldwoed, Second and Clear.
n'd atreela.
Kaywood va. North Phlla., Thlrty.flrat and
Dlekfnien atreela.
Olen social va. Brltlth War Veterana,
Bread atreet and Allegheny avenue,
Nertawget teetlen
Kden va. Ftinfltld, Halnee nd McMahon
atreeta. .
reltenvllte va. Green ntbben. A, and lou leu
den atreeta,
Cayuga, va. Franclavtlte, Fifth and Nedre
trceta. .... ,. .,
Nertheaat Heetlen
Roaeweod va. Fitter, Fifth and Weetmore Weetmere
land atreela, ....
Farren va. De Paul, Frent .and Berke
Wlaalnemlng va. Sunshine, P. It. It. and
Benner atreeta.
Dlasten Bteel va. P. O. S. of A., state
reud and Unruh atreet.
Flrat Section
Dunkirk va. Vlctrl. Fifty-eighth atreet
und Haerferd aenUe.
Heneni Section
Dunkirk Tteaervca va. West nnd. Fifty,
fourth and larke atreeta.
Ablen A. A. . Angera B. C. Nineteenth
and Drewn atreeta.
Kalnbew n. Aldan A. A., Ftfty-elghtli
Rtrcet And Wlllewa avenue.
Stewart Club va. Victeria B. C, Sixty,
third and Walnut atreeta.
Nerthwrat Section
Colllngaweod vs. Semcraet. Mascher and
Adama read.
Cambria va. Lighthouse Rerera, Mascher
And Weatmereland atreeta.
Funhcld a. Roosevelt, Twenty-second and
Scdglcy streets.
Northeast Section .
R. S. F. vt. Frankford Alblens, Itelmstead
and Mllner atreeta.
St. Vincent . St. Adelbcrt, Terreadale
aenue nnd Cettmau atreet.
Moereslown ve. Phlladdphld C. C. Moores.
Philadelphia. F. C. va. Harrison F. C,
Ciihill Field. Twenty-ninth nd Clearfield
Fall Rlicr a. New Yerk F. C . New Tork.
Fnlce F. C. va. J. & V. Coats, Ilolyeke.
Harrison I. C. a. Philadelphia F. C.
Hnrrlaen, N. J.
Autecar at Arcenslen, I and Tiega streets.
Name Officials for Soccer Match
St. Leula. March fl. Officials of the na
tional secfer football championship game
te be played here March 10 will Include
nnre Yeung. Philadelphia, referee; Paul
McSweeney. Claten. M"e.. and P. J. Cava
naugh. St, Leula. linesmen. The Tedd Ship
Yar3 F. C. of Hroeklvn. and the Hrullln
Steel Company F. C will be the centestanta
tn the championship game.
ereverjeu ate
cigar values.
. ,
.-tVl Y. . "'. I
Last Year's New Jersey Basket
ball Champions Win Hard
Battle in Tourney
Trenten High ndvnnced te the final
round in the Beuth Jersey school bns
kclball tourney by taking n hotly-contested
game from Camden High. 25 te
2T1. The game, which wns the first of
two contests of the semi-final round,
was played this morning In the Cam
den Tt. M. C. A., Broadway and Fed
eral strcet.
Trenten wen the championship of the
tourney lust season, defeating Atlantic
City in the final round. They will meet
the winner of the Atlnntie City HIkIi HIkIi
Prlnceten clash, for the .championship
tills afternoon. In this game Atlantic
City wuh leading 17 te 8 nt hnlf time.
Cnmden took the lead nt the sturt,
but never held mere than n four-point
advantage and the game was nip and
tuck from the opening whistle te the
elete. At the end nf the fir-t twenty
mlnutcH of play. Trenten leii 1 1 te
('umden started en nn up-lilll fiirht in.Mtleu helnt guard, nnd he is also end
tin second liulf nnd ilrcw up en even
terms with the Init .veur eliiimnlens nt
11 ull. The score then wns tied for
the next three figures und then Trenten
shot Inte the lend when Meister made
a two-pointer nt ."0 te 14.
The ligures were even ngnln nt 18
nnd 20 and Trenten again went into the
lend 21 te 20 when Davenport dropped
in n foul genl. Melstcr added another
Lebttmr Dinner, $1.50
Half Broiled Lebittr
Deviled Clam
filet of Mele. Tnrtarc Sauc
Barbteued Oilcra
Baked rolate
Chicktn Platter, $1.60
Roast Muffed Chicken, flfblet Hauet
Mantled Potatoes Peas
Asparagus Tip F!alrut, French Dressing
Lamb Platter, $1.00
Beast Leg et Spring Lamb
Balled Petate New Spinach
Lettuce and Tomate Salad,
I'rench Dressing
Chicken or Fresh Crab Salad, Fried Oysters $1.00
301 Alt Our Bread, tells. Pies and Pattric
v,' ' .V-.
Results of Penn and
Seuih Jersey Tourney
i-TeaDy lllgnj i ihutebii man, w. . i
West Philadelphia High 31 Upper Darby
St. Jehn's Prep. 41i I.e. Hall Prep. M.
3:00 Cresby High va. Weat PhlladelUlla
High. ..
8:00 St. Jehn's Prep vs. St Jesesfc'a
Princeton High, 29: Moorestown High, SO.
Camden High, SSI Colllngaweod High, IS.
Princeton High. 4lj Woodbury High, 21.
Atiantle City High, 49: Haddenfleld High,
10.30 Camden High vs. Trenten High.
11:30 Prlncelun High is. Atiantle City
3:00 Winners of abee games meet for
championship. u
- '
field genl for Trenten nnd the ultimate
winners held n 2.'! te 20 lead with Ave
minutes left te be played, ,
Jebcs. who took l.ebley's place in the
line-up for Cnmden, tallied n twe-,4,
pointer at- tms juncture anu tut" iargc
crowd was fu uu uproar. In scoring; 3
the genl Jebcs Was fouled and it WM&
nccessury te call for order te drown the
noise which enhued when he nlse added.
the( extra point and tied the score atr23
Basketball Leader Alse Plays en L'aV
cresse and Football Teams "i
AnnaDeIis. March 11. Warren S.i
Parr, of Kansas, has been selected te3
n, uns ncen selected tei
.nl Academy basketball
nsen. Parr has played
r two seasons, his pe-,
captain the isnvm
team for next sense
en the team for
en tile loetoaii eleven nun n reguinr
member of the lacrosse team. ,'
Purr Is n fine example of the schel- J
ar In ntliletic participation. In three '
important branches, he hns been actively 1
engaged In nthletics during virtually J
the whole of his course at the Acad- -
emy, but he huu found time te main" '
tuln n scholastic standing among the )
highest in his class. .)
i i
" t, , ir$f?
Mttnthan't Special, $1.50
I.ebiter Thcrmlder
Deviled Crab
I'llet of Sele Tartarc Sauce
Clami Casine
Saratoga Potatoes
Sirloin Platter, $1.00
Ileait Sirloin of Beef Chasn'ur
rilsselc Petate's String Beans
SUred Tomatoes
H Fish Platter, $1.00
Broiled Fresh Shad
Fried Scallops, Tartare Sauce
French Fried Potatoes String Beans
muni l Muufnurrs
Are Baked by Our nier.tric OvensQ
' 4feM
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rA --vil
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Ai'tl. . . 'kL
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'MaaWl i In I aMaWTaaaaaWTIiili-TaaMrilaTlMaalMaMlaaiW
baaaaMJSLBSalUBBBBBBBSi.'' -''Wi'liSl
te wwra 0"lg.