l u. I ; lr. m iMrW P5IP?. V" l ' BVtiKiNG- PUBLIC LEPaERPHILADEljPHIA, SMtmAW 5 t i ii ci -ion? ii7j nUwr tu:i rru. TaiW An 1MHTW EE&tt i Baseball Since 1896, Widow Conrey Thinks There Isn't Anything in HOW TO START THE GAME WRONG ID CONROY, 26 YEARS OLD IN BASEBALL IS II TO STA Y WITH PHILS u SSJ M'r Ti K& PEl CO-EDS END SEASON WTH WN W Si,' f. Hi r. hjW'erks Lite Vecmgs.er lreund Third Base Until Time i.VL if .t . fr'.'fl. !-... 4 ..'...... :.. ',...... rw l nrew te rirsi wuncims issiaiuni iii ( pas Penfy e Spirit It) ItOltKIlT W. MAXWKI.I. sports Editor l.trnlni Public tidier l.eesbiirg, I "l.i .Miss Townsend Leads Sextet te 18-te-1 3 Triumph Over j Pittsburgh BIG CROWD SEES THE GAME "MHO'.S " Jeutigstcr ynu-nll hqvc playing tlilrd base mil ytiiidci V A nntle edged i W. ' -AX LK OYY, March II ynndei V" in te Ix n U t Wllliclm yesterday nt the liall park and pepped thp questien: , , 1 1 . "Oil. llnit bevV Wliy. he's ii li'ip w picked up frnm nn Imlepeiideiii icam nreuml IMill'nilclpliln". lie's twenty-five years old op thereabouts ami seem te knew ii iei ei uiwuiiii. think I'll keep lilin with thp club nil joer In fact, I knew t will " The yenngsler huh piny lag tin1 old stick ill the het nei us If lie lind been living Iheie nil his Hf'' There wasn't u linll thnr came in I, the general direction of t lie ling tlnil lie dldn t gobble up dean N lien u camp te throwing, there was n dif ferent story . " It deemed as It Hip youngster hud te heave the ball te first base llhe ft sliet-putter tossing the sixteen-pound pill. Yeu could iilmei hear the shoulder blade creak like a iitfcty Iren gale swinging open. Hit close observation one could sec line eneireltng the mouth of the. nthlete In iiucstlen and he looked a decade or e elder than twenty -five. It was William Conrey- unani meusly called Wld Contey -for ycais hie leaguer and new assistant-ceai h f the Phillies. Hut Wlllielm had net been kidding the sti anger con- prnine the age and knowledge of the former Washington and New Yeik WIU CONROY Wi(j wRf( pll.ked from tlie Penn tyl?anla Railroad League In Philadelphia, and he Is just twenty-stx jeais ild In baseball. Twenty-six seasons in America's national game, and si ill going Btreng. ' "Is there anything in baseball you den t knew? we asked Wld. YeO 6CT Tn "i I t W"" I PteJrv op fe ( pf ( nr, Putts we"j mmi : AT JIX A.M. VJO ARS POACTICAULY ICpD je That Yeu pail te H6R TmB ALARM , V WV VsSXNNNXVS VVWV AT 6KHT YeO AVWAKBtJ i. " j. .': a., .- Il K, v if I I CI l'- J ' 'J ' i( I (, M MHiiiumirtwi mil i in unnniiiiiiiiM nw 500 con- J)ey Hiiu 3onrey began professional baseball with tne uarinie eiun et me v.uin- ad Valley League at the time the hall players of today were Hitting their In the domestic clicuit. That was in '001890. net 3 700. Th fel- E season he went te Milten. Pa., and then moved te Pntervw. X. .1.. ft!v w Iflr ,'J-J w i. 9, & (ft t w m ttWF THERE it," replwl the Camden citizen, "I'm an nirtI fuib- ' hell- 'tc been in the game since 189G." Played Seven Different Positions r3B TVldew no one knows why this nickname was wished en him. net ?en Conrev himself has had a long and Taried career In bawball. He vhi taken Teles of player, manager nnd coach and at times has started m all " threa at once. And he has played every portion en thc let except pltdiei f He figures that he hai averaged close 1e 3.r games a season elncp he has bten Tn the sport, wWcli means inai ne nas ii'""i"i ' tMta in his career. If this isn't a iecerd it's as close as .lack l)emp 1. i.Av.fAi(.lif rlinmrtlnnshln. ' Conrey began professional baseball with the Carlisle Club of the Cum berland tfeeth Intfltit iMinn where he filled the pest made ncnnt by the hale of Henils Wagner te Louisville. , , , Courtland, X. T.. citizens saw him gracing their short field In 80, and aa the twentieth century was dawning he blossomed out in the big league, and wlth none ether than Cennie Mack, who at that time was managing the Mil waukee Club, of Hie American Association, which later became the American League. Mack took ever the Athletics the following season and lluhgey Dully went te Milwaukee. Conrey utayed through the year. Tn ien1' Will iunined te the Pirates. An idea of his playing ability ran b gained from thc fact that Wagner was immediately tent te the outfield while the Camden ieident occupied shortstop. PlttMititgh wen the champion ship that season. THE foVewitin year the I'milre made him a neat offer and he hopped te A no fork, where he played even years. Washington get him in a tiade and he held down third hnsti or the Senators for three seasons. His big league career ended in J9M. Wilhclm Pitched for If id at Elmira P)R two seasons the boss knew that Wld was glowing up. The legs seemed a trifle stiff, net as many bases w.ere being btelen as in ether yeais and the old aeupbene was losing its power. At the beginning of the J013 training season ha'called his peppery third baseman into conference. "Wid," he said. "I don't plan en using you this year nnd I hse fixed It for teu te go te RediPfter. It's a geed town, thp club pays geed money and I knew you'll like it." Conrey made no reply. ''Xew, if you don't want te go you don't have te. Yeu can cmit for me and can have the job as long as 1 stay heie." This seemed te bring Wid te life. "What, Mi: SCOUT!" he shouted. "Why, I can de that when I'm nn old man. I can Mill play ball, you beteha life I can. I'll go te Rochester." He was in Rochester in '13 and '1 1. Then he became manager of Klmiia In the International League, where Kaiser Wllhelm was a member of hi. pitching staff, lie wen the pennant his firt year with Elmira and stayed through the next tvte seasons. In 1018 he was with Otte Knabe In Richmond, and the next year went out te Oklahoma City as manager of that Western League Club. The circuit disbanded in jnldsoasen and Wld came Last again aa manager of New Yeik Ship. He was slated te handle a club in the Railiead League this summer, but lie accepted the Philn' offer when It came along. Wlllielm was asked why he picked Conrey as his assistant. "I played with him for two years at Rochester and under him for tluee years at Elmira. I figure there Isn't a man living who knows any mete baseball than he does, rurthermere, he Is full of pep and can keep thc plnyei charged. There is no question about Wld possessing plenty of spirit. In that he Is related te Johnny Walker. WJOIT COy nOX -Hern 7.i77 and Uill geinj strenn' ' " Copyright, 131), bu 7h6IIc Ltdg'r Company rH, I'M thrilled dean through. ' V-J siild one co-ed te another last night as the crowd was tiling out of the Cavalry Armery , Thirty -weml mid Lancaster incline, lifter seeing (he rnUeiHlty of. Ppnnsyhanlii girl teams defeat t lie Pittsburgh ce-eds IK te 1.1. "And I de net knew hew I am geln? te sleep tonight. It was se writing Weren't our girls just wonderful, te piled the Hist co-ed's lompaiilen. The Peiui girls were "tickled skinny at thn magnificent piny of their favor ites last night. And well they should he. for the victory scored ever the sextette from the Smoky City nmile an excellent cllnmv te thc ilut season for Penn. Incidentally, last night was the second time In eight years Hint the Pittsburgh girls have sunVieil defeat. .Swnrtlimere turned the ether vuleiy i In en Tliursdny night The biggest ciewd of the season aw Captain Anne TewiiM'tid nnd her Hyp leniuniates phiy their bent game of the year. Frem the stnrt they showed nn uncanny' passing game that completely upset the attack of the Mters, 1... ...... n. I.. Iltn lIii.1'1 llttfitllnf. PftlllP !UM: eS,i"t ': PENN -TO INVADE ENGLAND butghcrs In the hi si n.ill. uic --coir standing S te l when the whistle blew, with the Penu gills singing "HaU Pennsylvania." as they arc went te de with their male rluinipleus between tne halves of a grldiieu struggle, i A bewildering attack at the start of the second half sent the scoie te 10-1'J. and before the finnl whistle blew, ending the contest, the Red and ltlup ciimpti" Inhabitants added two mere points while Pittsburgh was scoring one. Miss Anne Townsend, captain of Penn. anil Miss Ceerglunnn riitmiin were the stars of thr game. The former scored four field goals uud two out of seven feuN. Mls Yeiitman sent foul two-pointers thieugh the nets k. BKIUdAI wjp"" r7 1 s... v ' out e Tntr C GZjfr I s0N'K's 1 s M-X v ,"T Game He Doesn't l$nw nNlYlvnisWALIFIED TO TACKLE DEMFSEY ssmmmm wi k TO vTllvtl SAI REACH TK. CUO, Tne CACOV MAJTGR Tculs Veu Vtu". wuewms has SBGlO OUT AM HOtia 50 YOOR BAY AND YOU OAMB IS JVST HATIWAUY Greb-Gibbens-Carpentier Band Has Net Physical Power, Needed te i,epc tr nn j - r in Ring iV, m in. ., i. ii ,rhi- rr tike a name Or find a thrill amid its ' Thin thousand rehes cry: "lershime, We mint abolish it ' enrC Whit is it when ii touch of un Vietps into uinitliiU 'c "of, Thru qn'xvhly put 11 en the jkii, Or dcftlv Iter U uite fuzz! I've seen some people in mu i'mf Who did net care for Hhalcspcuu itv flllAXTLAXI) RICE " i ... . . . V.M ... V..I......I i n ill hem ' "' ""s orcnsien. nnu mat ni.iy ,,) i,. am Ihc National I aiiuiem, Mlfmn nimcliln imw n. i,iV. ifu'5 Em ..'".I....; " ' " a ,; If (Ilhbmis can't win with n knock- il out Iip will llml n complete cvcnlii' l pntPrtalniiiPiit nt hand when Ii c0mi. 11 te oittpeliitliig the hustliiij Plitsbutjlicr I wue piics ins untie witn vim and sklU ; There Is no way te figure Orel), abu. 1' , e make t(tt pounds, in Wempscv's pa'h" - i ' And the (Jibbens display will have . ti m nuniy cncctive te start any reiiefl M btiyxliitf. ' $1 WW. for hls.weljht. Is a nectarine M VJ full of juice. Hut weight entlp0Wfr 4 ieiik'h te colliding with DcinnseV. V,, 'M f.rt..l lllil ..... I.. ..i . '.'. . M """ '""V"'"1 - benis n na tbe clinniplen at nny early date. stuff. 1 Who scoffed at II in en s rheicesl ihtiinc. And aln ay handed, h cats a cuff. IAeip. you may think I m Uddlun you. Hut evtu stranger still te note. I 're iifir ncie.ss a mull or tice Who didn't vaiAfer what I tuielc. Many nrc ( ailed, but most of them I'den't care te be annoy ed. rpe COLLHCT piieiicIi kale te Pay elf - wumpscv iei- us next argument ii,. Thn rlllest ",U"IC "' nrB', V'".1.,"0 (:nlls,'l Upen te Jlie .e.i Htsi .)0J. t ,el of buI0I A , ',!'' te TX TI1K darker side of the bracket ,.,., b(.feie meviiip in tlilv ciiicrVie,," L Hnrrv Wills .stands out dearly (Ip- wrt'tb thrt ji ick of the challengers ou' AFTER LAPSE OF 22 YEARS I ' 7 In 1900 University Athletes fp Made Notable Recerd at Olympics, With Kraenzlein U inning Pour First Places Uy LAWRENCE A. BROWN C n pi i. In uf the I'nUrrjttv of PwinjlianU tnnU tenni nnd erld' renl lielilcr for toot) yards CORNELL F AVORITE 'ined ns the next l.ri' among me "- - .a.wn ,is picscnicl. i lencere. 01 u"s tUn 1,P1P w,,l "c no spccincn. '. arffaawilr '''Sii'" Hut even here, with a .decisive 1" ,,.,, .. 4 Tl... excellent gunid p lay et the Misses nJ, . f h l;ilvri.sty 0f Penn- Crush and Slter preed ten much for 'I ' ' . ,. , .... tn the visiting feiwaids. who nie used te sylvanla four-mile relay team te viillliic mi iieints with monotonous ion- England this yeiir will mark the lusl slstencv. Mlb Cliiipmaii of the visitors ,jm( sjncP i!t(H) that the wearers of slipped thieugh the close defense for tjie i,,,i IlM(j M tac nppearril. abroad one field goal and one eerhead field jM international coinpetitien. goal, a total of tluee points, while Miss 'rweuty-twe years age one of the Pinker edged In with one ecihead gealKI,at(,ut aggregations of track stais ever for n point. te j (.present PcnnsUviuiin went te Len- The consistent weik of Mls Chapm.m ,ou nmj pnris and electrified the track from the foul line kept her team in the wer, wth n series of performances running. Thirteen times she stepped te tnn, jinXP scjldem if ever been equaled the matk and nine of her thiews wne j,, t1P i,story of track athletics, registcied as points. ' 'P,c team' wns coiupeoed of twelve Miss Rell at renter and Miss -U-mtliletcs. four of whom wen. no less man at side renter pcrfeimed meilt- ,, m. ehmplc diaiiiDlenship". Ihe oileiisly for the winners, while the x vailed fiem New Yerk the latter Misses uietney iccnteri, ite(ien smf - . , .June, Jliini, competing m i i enter. McNaniara and .lames (guanls) ,01lj0n and nfteiwiml In the great did yeoman work for the losers. (jlvnipir gunies held l" Paris. Last night's tilumpli gave the Penn irui, mcmbeis of the team and then girls an even bieak en the se.tsdn. wlthl.)elf()1.um.cs in the Olympic games weic : - , ptaVisJlw-Jeler U-Ji., "!'' hu"""' ,.V.i '-,i.V.XeiMne"r le.rdl third In tluee vRterleA and as many defeats. PENN-DARTMOUTH IN LEAGUE FRAY Dessen and Vegelin Will Be in the Came for the Red and Blue oe.mtrr (IpsIi. loe-" lOO-meler (lHsli. rtrsln lilnh Jumi. J. 1. H.r... " - nun 7,!rSm'rrVd'I3rrr.'fflj j nr.i ! '. : .-- '-.: i ..... Ilinwv il i'r?. '". VX. ".i.i T. TRIM t'T""'-. ..rrmivc nlncrd le HOO-meter , II ABB Hilril In dlMUM A. .1.1, tirnml Jinnii. K. rnn... ...,, M II.I.IJ ' KKMIMilON wen handicap I mWO of the ine,t Important games ,' "tkik "jSSJ -I,it",lti3i'ANi"KB,.BAT 1 In the wanlnr Iiilcrcellegiate League I AiVmiBi-N Steri.AIN fnlll .''' se.i:eii are scheduled for tonight. The i the eenls In winen mw University' et Pennsylvania rjulntet. ... llll.,1irnii1,l, 1 .1 AWmWi-' ' 'Mmmmm9 ' alLalk4alaB Ww- mwA alalalalalalalalBaVlHalH J"-- ggggggggVflggB . ggggggggggggggggggggggggggggHfgggggggH gHgggggggu ' V HK gggggggggH ' S' v gggMVs' i "' IBS' m gggagBnL" &$' i,:J'- BBBBBBBVBJl tV K Pf 3'M IffffffVW' M?$&fc Pmt"'mmmWF'':' j? V 9 BVMV ' mgggmm--t N f I FOR TRACK TITLE I New Records Expected in Re ' vival of Intercollegiate Indoor Meet PENN HAS 32 ENTRIES New Yeili. Maidi 11. -Cernell ru'es the faveilte In track ge-.lp nnieiig the (elleglans who are here IhN nieiiiliigj for the indoor intpicellegiuje diainploii diainpleii 'hips scheduled te stall at S o'deil. tonight in the Twenty -spdiiii Rpglincnt Aiinery. Xnl slire 1017 Iiiup lie Kn-t tm col legians met in Indnei conipeillieii. the war preventing the sanies In !)lf. vhlle di'i'liig 1010 nnd 10-0 Ihc stew ards of .he T. C. A. A. A. A. did net fee (it te renew the aiiuiinl Indoor ( !r.sslr. Tills year as tin icsiilt of picsuic from the -elleges the meet was listed. 'Ihe meet tonight will wind un one nf the "'.e.i(cl ludoer seasons fur ni.niy .,!.. '-fieiU will Villi be thc matter of . Revised a Rlt 1 Cnrpenllpi- nnd the , wlimcr. vine i Swg u wig of sick men, hollies full f should help kill mldllienal lime en (.; '" tiic read te sprinj. , j ' our and ticcnty doctors needed en thn i.r n dm.e mentle 1 Wills nlelie fly; "" has the physical (imiliuViitlens needed . When em fnAc a swallow your tu,mt , for a Dcmpscv jmist. . . (tsiiim te smoke, ? I Grdr.nd Gibben, "" ' Xc" ' " ""' ''" " hch" " VtRKPi and (ilbbmis have both been I T IT.. VV t tlf . i J bowline alone the lf?nt neavjweigiu w n.i.u... ueiiins. narr.v. and MaVfr 1 hlahwnv without bring thiewn for nny 1TA weir rated as the "SI 00 (inn In -1 un'cL.,,.l.v le-c. They lime fenjW lldd - Kelly. ,..,.,M.,,. iCm!", fl- twice without any seileus (lamagc ii - I, ,., ,p (.( ,, ns ,)lt "Sfinoono'tiJ "Sfineono'tiJ "Sfinoeno'tiJ suKlng. 'J lie advuirr e.iess new ' "' tiel.l." net te prove they n're sx tiw ' both will lie upon their hindle at the ,.,.,. ,,, ,. , . f FREE LE DMAN TO BOX did of the "hew. less u dellnr can brl'i home in the Their will be an I'lili-util intcnuvr hck. for cadi te uniell his tines! muduiiiili't" ,.,, 0i,i ;3,, An ,,.,,,,, Ktacil(t DEVLIN WINS AT CAMBRIA Manayunk Bjxer Defeats Johnny' Hauba in Wind-Up Telllllll l)cllll. MP. linnmlv r.r M.. nyunk. easily defeated Johnny lleuha,' -.line cigin. et liiningten, in tin"'! ngiit-ieuiKl wind-up nt the Cainbru A. (.. IaM night. Devlin used a geed. lr" 'e iKnuiiiagc. and liaubu vpellr.I I his exhibition by c(neiincup tee mutli The Wilmington boy. lieweer. preietl i a glutton for punishment. ' i.. .i ..... .... .. ii un- M'liii-rwuu-uii niicent j.eiiei. ONARD IN N Y. Sailor Says He Is te Battle for Lightweight Title in April ii cnr. .Mere ipiekIs have been MppTe P.ALLAHAN TON GH I ' Ji'"- .v outclassed Willie l'ergueu, l.i ekeii nnd u greater number of nth- Nlfcfc I O UHl.LHnii i wm i, i-,n i,,i ,, . hies have ,r.t 1 meets than eve, be- ' ,, ' U's,3J,Vi-,lli0,niVf'm feie In the history of indoor games. ..,.,., ? -,7 Ll i' ',t'P ! ri" , Intercollegiate .Vcrds are etuectcd te l' I Ml IS H. JAI-1 I- !--. h te I Jee Augustine. 1 fall tonight nnd probably national ones. eiaII.HU UKKKDMAX preliauiy w i. - ... , j,f ''".'' "' ,'""' : T The new track cons,,,., l,.l at nn ell- S Vn10 next c.-ck at Ihe HgWlB 'Si' Ilonlen "l ""1 mated sist of .Oltld Is said in he the " ' ' :.. ,.. Il,l1ileliih ill I "inii. i i.J. -. in . --,-- r..ti..t. i .i... i.i........ ,i - .... . ,. iiutlincr Kii-ii in Mir iiisnpiy ei i ue games. , i ,, .nttiii Thr Hack will be eight laps u. today and. all getting a leng-'llstam. mile and banked at the turns and .piked , ..n f1(Tni Cliliae. rM: that the athleles will he Iitbeiing uiidei ', " , " ,, , , ......i,. for me ',"",' ,," , Uflmeni MwxZa tnre! lr M the best possible londitlens. . inn di vlitunlly lias been iiiiku iei "- ,r , , leunils. but ih unerler .triniih of i PeTui May Surprise Lecal Boxer Wins at Buffalo tuiiiiin. Mftf.iii ti n..t .. . ffii"'? : ' .& ascwei ev"'; ; i i.i, lli.im I eeiinnl. We me going te ftV'i, 71."""' "u ' "-i Seulhtrncr toward Hit with Itellliy l.iemiiii. s n " llnlKli. Kenans ?Ik, t.tiii t.e'intl!. 1)1. wliieli is leading tne lace, mceis i.eerge ii,iij,p,i hv these mh- Znhn's Dartmouth fite 0er In ,( 'Aiw i ... In Pilneetnn. ( uriipU. one of the most lm- lp,s en iemi.ii . I Inrmed teams in Ml.e league, engages sptva no '"'"'' ".'",., V.'"'' d , KH,e. , Hill aim's Tiger the. A victory for Maid. Jl f or llie A(ln -i U ." Penn and a defeat for Princeton will I - .'IT. I uJishl. mat. give Penn n big ndvnnlage for the nsiani' nni ., " M,, game I.e.,. next Saturday night wltli ' ;-' Wl1 , h V, V;"n , that n lie I the Titers and will mean a defeat at u. ' , '"t eV he failed tl.nl limn fnr Penn will iiie.in n tlf I tnineus n .un m . (.. .,n,.e were l Slllice runners. -vn-. raie. Penn will start tonight without the I seniles of Resenast. who aided in tlir 'IM-te-l victory ever the Uieen up at 1 D.iriiuniitli several weeks age. In his I place will be Heniiv Dessen. the former Southern High Scheel star, who has Imllrely l eceveretl from the told that kept him out of the Swartlimere game. I Al Vegelin. who injuied his ankle iignliM Cernell Inst Satuiihiy night, has also entirely lceeeicd from the hint ! nnd will be seen nt his guard pet when ihe opening whistle blows. Waller , lliinUinger will stnrt at Ihe ether for fer Iwaid pest willi draw at enter, and Pe Miller tit guard. Scraps About Scrappers under tiianl was- one of. the best one and two-mile runners In the reuntiv in that time. et both he and Rtishuell were uniible'te pint e. They attrtiiuted their Inability te sceie points te di iiiatlc (oudillens. The four-mile team will nr meie f.. tunntr as regaids dluinte this year Minn was the 1000 team. Marih here is m , unlike that of Londen, while the Muni Muni teon in April will be se slight that I de net fed it will have much cfli.t en us. Their K however, a possi bility that the iliinete will hae tin same effert en us thnt it did the d's lanc" iitiinei In 1000. tieeige Uiten. Pennsylvania's ciert di-taiire ruiiiier of that year and p-event managei of the lelay camlvnl. was never able te de himself justiie in England, 'vet in ranee tie scored se .XWRENCE A. RKOWX WEST PHILA. HIGH TAKESALL TITLES Swimmers Make Clean Sweep of Individual Championships in Germantown Peel v.. 1 . A. il" 1 III I. 111. 14 I III' ....... -.... ,- -. -- t'l' llll II U 1 l lflll .11 ur l.awsen Hobeitseii and thlity-lwe "" " V v, ,1 i inlmb v en the "th. """ .'-' "', Ph.ln'tnlile. iiet the iWIiIeb all.letes rep.esentlng .he I l,riMi el '." ''' fiw learned 0er 'V"lu 'll"-'r,1- ' Nw Verk. ! Pennsylvania nl lived this morning. . l I" N,, , ,' " lr, Hirshie - I Pen.. IsieE-ardednsomerthesu-ongeM 'Vnl,0,,P,.,va"e f 3ne- ,cse,.s. icentendeis for the title outside of Ce,. J11"- ,'"' l" , '.'.u, i", -e te Xev. -- ' rfM T,,,, V 1!m,,,tl,,1" """'". "",'" Yort I, n'he" . neesentv!. .hcc ,?. PHYSICAL FITNESS whli-Ii recently bieke the r.'cerd fi the .ll '1 ' ,,' l.c match is all but ?JvkK f.'e.Ket businea. ahl In .h, , event In the Illinois samps. , . ami. as I s,t " (-ili ? (ttmnas lum Class nml slm. kv) llltteil ll'.Mlns! 1 'ell II Suite, uhi'li linn.n 1 In the best ti ,,f . j,r i,t(. Miliresc game- iignlusi Ames. , Penn iilsu dc.'cntcd the lewnus bv , vltltiiilly the s.uiie nmrrilii as Pei, ninie. wnitu ineaiis that the i.uc te- in.Lie . ... i ill,. A liuitih with Leolieul vvirilU b" rieedlllilli's second meeting wH J '" diainpleii. They lecently Itevei. at ihe Ice Pnlliie help, and the Sailor gically i i... .l.me Vel enl.v vus the iiiis.-i tuv- ..... . - - - - . ir . I . CliUiigean sitcipseful In standing off the 1013 . nilnij Teel then l'rlt te work, VWIY (ill .STAI.I? THE Y. M.C.A GYMNASIUM, 111 irril M.. f.'cnlr.il HMr. ;M Minimi St.. n( nidi. Iidilnli Me.. North Ituilillnr i tiirvlit . miil.l I I .,. I i.i muni, nuwuiu iir ritiM- aiMi xriiniff throughout. Ileheus,,,, expe.-lsti.smrl I'lienijiliin. hut iiivie " ," "' Captain Lairy P.i.m,,. El MrMulli'n figuipd 1'i.edman had In l li I lie vin vin Mieerge .Meredith, hiether of ihe 111,,": ner nftir eight scheduled eiiiiN. trleus Ted. and Johnny Holden. he "Yeu knew. s , led ei ill . i. latter a Washing,,veuii. "Mine that bout with Lumai.l I have i ,,vI,,hm te ( i in III a emitpst llv.st Philu. High Scheel's Stvim Champs for 1922 Van SuM Time, Vim hicKle. 'J'liui!. 1 ii . nl .1 .li 1 llll .ml ';..)! ti. eil ;i sicnnd. j."i. wiiu iiapii- I'uwlnis' Tim L' mln u ' i as .--. scot i. Vflfi-viiil iiIh Wen I'lillaJilplila T mi i niiniit" ."(. eceiu.. Pinna fur a i.inu lli.sn"l. Dlslance. C'i'i lct Iji n Mir r nan, iut ts nelnt. FRAZEE REFUSES FORTUNE I FOR "JUMPING JOE" DUGAN! i i.piv .in uriniia. alumni -ftin.rniiiB i ..-. .... .... . - wlm ban hexrl In lh nrlM and i:urep. H eial notable victories in Hie uijinp.es minTUCD enrj MATIKITv niaWlnir li lieinn In Ciiniiln for a. while , ...i nf.(... i,em. ANOTHER FOR NATIVITY Mr em nn from N-w Yerk, wh-re Mnr '"" n,M1 I was succKful In eleren liiuta Art O'Cnn- ij1..1,.iin (lie lireatest .nor. iv I'r wn wre.tl-r. Iw li'in nti the IVMCIlICIIl Hie sinmesi Uptown Churchmen Reut Tri-Coun- irU tne'iii'i the worm with Md'ariaiM. , Kraenjileiii is the guniest i.thieir In thP 'list ry (U uic hihvitii,i, his Alex nun is upj.i iii 1I.11IHI1K hi . i.-ir-T- I r ,. ft -i.l nnwi in the II mine, nl' FREEDMA.rJ ANp JACKSON FIT FOR BOUTS TONIGHT Meet Callahan and Welsh Respect ! ively at National Sailor I'reidiiian and Jee .lnikseii pill In their liual iiicpaiatlnns for to te 1 nlgln's matches m the National A. A. al a Iqcal gymnasium jeMcnluj utter utter neon, Freed, nan and Jacksen i,,,. m meet Frankle Callahnii and Jee Welsh. respectively , and each ihewiil himself te be In the' pink of inmutlen. Eieedmnii pill en tlie gne wltli . incKsen yesteidaj afterneun fu te a decision. 1 whipped him heie and I feel sine I can de it in a tiftten tiftten reiiud (entefl je, mid even mine de rislvely. If Ihe New- Yerk mutch gees ii......n'i. nu l mu i-lvrn te iinilei'stand it will. I fed pi tain thai l.eenuid 111 1 I,., the ex-lltthtwclght dilllillilen." I Recause of the pieliabilily of tin championship bout with Leeiiaid Treed man sjs thai Miller has (ailed off ne gotiations for a contest In Husten witn Johnny Dundee. "Hiishie told me that he would de no fiullier business ter ,ne until nfter a definite aniieuiueiiient was iniulc about the Leenard sct-le In New Yerk." said rreeilninn. Frcedinau was te have boxed l'.il OLYMPI BOXING Men.l'vg. ........ Men.l.u. Manh u Bread & Bambridje M,rth u JIMMY neunv " V -- - . -II Plau Kaunnla Tnnlnkl I !. v Offered TVlere Menev ter Fermer ' J .-...a,,. T Mackman Than He Get for Ruth I r T,lKrb'7.'f',!bal i'V"" "X "'" ,N,a"vM.'V " '5-"H rS licVV.' 1000 against the eiemn of Ihe weUd Is i ?. , , ," , t, t t t. Catheiir Club added nne her vlcteiy te Temiler will be Alex'3 econ,l neuthniM nP- semf.thiiig that has net been equaled. ,f Bosten. March 11. Harry H. Era- Its our st by defeating Tit. Council lust imert in n low. liming -toot etf ijeerge r.emeiiiiiis i -' . aee, preal.lcnt of the Rosten Americans, I WK- T ' ". Tliiity-eigli.h , Ji.f.r.'c" ,l "iS.."."!!.'"?. "ft?. tn V'sllihVivun h 1 Wl e pi' tl ."',' ? .ays he haS .ejected a proposal for a -" J't,'- K by ; HfS 7te vj; UV;-CbM $$ player's purchase that would surpass hVf, nn 18-8 advantage , it half time nnd Jimm iiu.ri,i,,jen vs nebbv wimm nn j.is maik Iip rnn tlie 100 meters gf." ' all ethers of the kind. I The home players did considerably llmmr Hllln. New Yerk sveit.-we.,.,, Xiimrfa'nCM been n'erma? the. e '"H t " ,,nw '"0" "'f,'rC,,r- nnj' h"r ' scored he '"rlvnK "bv"s "lielinl C - ll ?. "trW $A 'l.f lilt 1 Z thai I he Al iiavP btek ' tecV ( fused meii! money for Jee Diigau thun, sp"if,I '1P'P ";a's ",V Mx l'" f ,mt ,i, ch h.iw Jaeic j'.,itn.-i ili mi,., en ,. wmld's receid for the event In mrl rcceiyed for llnbe. Ruth.'.' dispat.hcs the lend p.eved tee big a band caj, te afc., w.fc.r. Kred r..en ,j Mm i.2S ' Jumi K.ncnV.lrin had t en he IB!,!01,",110' l"''nB'.1A ,,l(' "" rM nd Costdle fernerv t e Can en " " '" "" Vi"veu..V J.Vu'i, iiS 1th the peculiar take-off nnd prelnbh m nrainiiiB camp, iiuelc traree ns saying. '"' Xi-Jmf JW nnd rtkhh. Kin m Temmy JMrr., ",, , n'vi. created a record had II B5V' Ttiat is tai.cn te mean tnni appieM- pi" (.- " emi", riYTK. -,!.. sir.ii linn ....w ,,l,,no,i uu tin. ...in., mine ins reannearance nnu i l' fOUV Itirrilr. nf flirt VflMelWll llPl'P t(tlll'!,lll. llll t loiltyef West Phlliideh'ilila High Scheel '"."ga,! ft E iZ",'1 ?! "! th'e latter l.uil his hand In UeadliU' svliumers ever ll.e merman of the ether en In n future' s Z '" M "is i "ar In''?'f?,i !,11"1 l""1 ,l" 7"M '!"' high schools l the., ty.. he, were dls., clever a wellerw eight as , ,. .'P ' ,n.? ' h' , ' 'V' ''Sir' I '' ,1 HW ;'" ' "" oedbeys sX; s,.d ..Vednuin las, ,, ;,U MUute JucJ svept the Imllviiliuil ihamnlenshlp meet f' ,"? '," IRK " lm "' rl11' os I'N. ,.ns ,uken Middenly 111 .vestenlny. " ' HUTCHINSON vs. WILSON YOl'Mi IIMIDY SIIEKlOCK'sFITZGERALir I'IMI KAY BODIE vs. OMLEY TATSV 8 Hiln. nATTMNT. WALLACE vs. MACK l.r.W H ItJsj. AI.KX TENDLERvsHART PRICES, 50c, $1, $1.50 iMn oil r.ilr, SflnHC-i Caff, I'-Jlh ,'v Illhfrt SU. riienr. l.eut ItHfO. ilm I ! in tn'i n int n AT C . A M Tl.AHI !u 1,. ..e i....... .. .... . .s.. .... w. --. llll-IU IIS U KM III lIll'MMNI lir.tllr. l i.. ., peel. ilii, thc meeting between Jinks!,,, and ( e.'ieli Antlienv s- impiis wen nil or i eisn. the sl.x evenis en the Mini, cautuicd Other bouts en ihe caul nie te be every place In the UUO and grabbed between Chailey Ray nnd Kid Wolf, tluee places lu the lOO-jnrd dash and biiiitaius r Jnck I'liiiicls. a newcomer the plunge for dlstuiKc. The plunge here, nud Harry llurke. feathenvelghts, went te N'ewlen Ilnssel with the res'erd , and Johnny (irlffen and Jeliny C.ardner (iltauce of till'', fepf. The jirevlens , Xegre lightweights. After kieplii? the wires het ler sei eral hours last night Wagner tinallj succeeded In getting Pi ankle Calliilian, Ilroekljn llghlwelght. te agree te meet Freednian. The I'lcedman-Callahnii matt I) will be the final bout of eight rounds tonight, and the sailor will be handled by Roeboo Heff, net been for that fact. Willi the thoughts of the great deed" murk, ilt:14. was made by Ilnssel last year. Ilare'd Van Svikle was the outstand ing slur of the nieel. He wen the fifty nml lllll-ynril evenis nun came wiuiiu Beets and Saddle ' Vs Krax rACK RODI'.X says P. R. It. ttavd- ng Is geed for the system, rivne .s.i.. eirniinn ..i..nn.i .... .i. i mmte his reatinenrnnce nnd n.mln fiee tiAi.i... nnpmnn. fniinnr.nir til. hi.i. .iA. Vfif, othcsherts.opwl,,,ca.netothcllosto.,il.ntr ii'iriL'Kl Slitil&ti?, 0iJ ."I'1 Zu u?TX Tl e' innT'?' T t "'"' )?..!',"!. "'..""r1 "!,? '," '''0.Va"'!lt!a,e ""lP...'pr lli.ec. J , M . elUb during Ihe winter 111 a lliree-cer- ''"i' "" i"".' - ie.nr., ln . (.h.ienKe te i.ieuinani. Earl liairrl,"' V", ""V . 7.. n . m eiu-iiiui m " ""' ei .1,111111111. im- yrnr-euis. ler 11 purse or .y,(j, w .1- 'XL netcd trade, after .naklng his , nark as of Ihe season ten ht vrhen . mee.s ,,,,, .ij., would i.u. .,...n, match ,, the minili 10 tl 0 Ien n I la will , carry lifly-jn..! .eieid eft.Ml I. n ferni-i-fpn,rr today a. llavnn. Yhclry Theunh it vldem ia(ua rat, nnd , . tv?' 4 member of t he AtllletKs. I race lilts "."'ni " ' " ""- ", ...iBuii 1,.- ..... ..""", "j;." ." ' " cs, rumv -nir. inn njiwi'i- i.ii.v tree. Willi 101 WPigni 01 i,,,,,,,,!,. tnii , ntlm hail trellrn ears I XAH.WK Ufi Jjccii credited with having received be- li-t""'1. m A legheny avenue Kaye,, u Jr. H,ai. Pi,i.d;ji.l,l. f..ihrrei,tlt. 'he best college and d earns i wi.s 1:7 'J-r, se.eii.N ' appears te lie the bes,. I.eghmn ,, ,,i ' ' 1 1 V . I FRhfcDMAN VS. (it 'tueen S1".i (Mill mid SliiO.O HI for Kill 1 eeiniu-ii iv iinnn ,ni niiii.iiu.i iur ine in. , n niniiK a hi v nlm.t nur up m i.iikiuiiu. "... ....... " ......,, nn ( ,f s , p,-,se ei nie peinpeiu en wus i Little lililPK tSiecp s IOI1 i he the ,.., .. XyxnMntVtnm illness hnmplenshlP of the downtown section , Mj'nr ' nhd"; Vn?ili,iBki??l,0.;5 ' !h" SQmp Ml"c "s Kiaeiwln,, ,IP ,nP, ,,, Smith, star diver of the , r, lers. ' " ,l,c '0"- Our Dally Guessing Cenlfst What . iT'P.?" i ?.." "V'v.Tiinr r,,.n and claims the d.amplenshin of ttfe ' "nijS!,?. maniest ar i VruLV-i,,.' and his lea.n.natcs did. . -,., Philadelnhla team, was shut out" Herse, well l.,.e,i i , material Is used In a straw hat? rirruyeesnlil Durum would net bf-s,i. entire city. is bnxinir u.enn.l thj.jiiclni,. . -- in his faveillr event, whldi wn- rap- nil.; Piisl , ace-Jap Mun.n. Tlr,. . - He would net inillrule the source of . - Pedre ran.., ib. f. ip no ,s hoes.j m 'yAvM'iSiS. TL i?.,",1!"1' " "' w """' en ,hp ' I'loem.Jled; second-, ur.ency. Ame,- u.irhHnA'i'-fJJf.nJ-.,iB-x . BHHB.Ha.HiaBHBl tbeetrcr. .. CELTICS TAKE LEAD W$?'tSr-?'itir,Mtilni!i . h,fta .r wh . . 1 awaVn'Var11 . 1 ' a'Ki",3-l?l P.PPFN VALL PY GOLF HOST Victory Over Trenten Gives New ' L'Z "1' , ..... .... QUAKERS BATTLE TOrMIRHT L)l n" ",KI ,'.". .Vt' rn-.f"li , "'.inshaui. Who Can Tell. 'iiutchi,,. vw& .h. Knew, ,ou abe, ,., I IfflC DAI APK V I 45111 i MMIKKf HTIIKETS I NATIONAL Uth & Catharine Sti. j.rLi:iiAY i;ye.. mahlii ii .lOHNNV vs. .10IINNV GARDNER GRIFFIN JACK vs. FRANCIS CIIAKMA RAT jni; .. WELCH i ii tsi.ir. CALLAHAN Uc.frifd Seats. SI, .10. "$1.00. Ailru,. 50t. TliktlH Hnlr. 33 sj. H, hi, VVul, Ul MMtllY BURKE Kill WOLF .kii; JACKSON v" Vfstf- B f story Yorkers First Place srwiHM! or nn: ci.ti: w. i.. v.r. v. N, v, .3 ;i ,si:t (wii'i r. 'iuniif( II H .IKK Wllk.-ll. :t Trentun li I .790 Kradlnr '! (,.MKS TOM01IT Trrnlen nt Krudlnc tiunUfii nt VVIIUfs-llarre I floxbefough Club Announces Invita- tlen Links Event for June 1-3 B? Green Valley Ceuntiy Chili will held Iii1 an invitation golf tournament for umii-ft-'teurs en June 1 te .'!. ncceiding te aii- raMMOuncciue.it inadr today by Cliarlc fc&JHttK, a liiPrtiber of the cnuunlttee. y,, fj;,H Wll be the first "open" tour- rnamcnt ever held ny tins riuu, vvnesr S ineniliers nla.vcl ou the course out there &,for the first I inc lnt jeiir. Desplir xiie Petters played peer W'Hl newness, the Lrcen alley ceiiisc complete revcrMil of -WJiuh come along In tine fashion, and by nel ir,M. the fans. I.. t:; in 13 l'.( .'its ."!.ll .133 IVnnLU llplllan. rif Mils' Till nn.l 1..rlr 1ii.cn, ii iTaltlmere N'Bie. Mil, . i..t in the m,i Iiiiiii jf the :.uillild A I'.. .Vtlnnllc i 'Its-. Meniln nliflit II nm ll.im luxe. Trrrj llnn.nn In the tml. Prellnm Artln Mrt'inn ii. Hilly Smith. Tiinunv VVIlKOn v lliidd till- nnd Hplke Hojer n I'rankln O'llrlen. - - - right points iii winning the ''20-yard . , under. Haverford and Swarthmore te Wlndl'"' "".' ,'". ,.nhln? M,',:n" .'" ,IP ,'('".". Al Mebile: Up Basketball Season Reth llavcrfeid and Svvailhuii.ur tiiry. Ills time ler tlie -tl was U vnrhlil. minutes lis --.i sccem.s, Wet Phlllv had little tieuble ir l'lil nue Itiuk Cm key V sccniid- n?i MM I The New Yerk Celtics breezed into Ifi.st plaie in the Laslern Ilasketball League by taking a game from Trenten i ou the hitler's Heur last night. ---HI. nnu ami s Mewed form, which did Club. Aunt Deda Magnet Land; thlid Penn II liifie. l.lrllP l'ntkv Iii. II.. 1. i . .lack 'lVnw;?,W',H',r.lll"1thr w;r'l'r- will bring their basketball sciirens te winning tlie liOO-jai.l Hay. i fourth Plielan. Link' llej,' Preuilsli,.' Ircrs v irht thani&len of the fiOUlh ( in Irlli. .1. . .?...!!.. .. i .1... ... . V.-i.Ii,mis( .eni. keenml In the men! ... . . ..i. c... 1.1 .. .. ... , . "'sillw i 1( CCS. deiDhlniincl under the wln of IVenhieKeib " 10sl leingin. worn tlie iwe teams ''" - ;..."," IOII1 nun neiiuiiii. neni . sjaiu y If . iurry liurln. liBhtweiKht: and .iMk'r.'ViiV: ' clash lu the Haverford College gj,,,. 1.; ti the work of Mm. .Tames and , xtli Horeb, Hhe Devil, The Celleei'i -MB- Many nre cilM liut few net un, Ihiifn't Ilnv, .Hint that one Inlrli, War s truck teaih h uflci the nen. dot e.it thc hamme, ,,, men manaBtd b i tlaslutn In the third annual battle of the two institutions. Willie MrCledkey. of Pert r.lchmend. Ine .sSvvnrthlllel'r will prebablv start will, bantam, ure i I raiiKle. fw middleweight. Cmirey c meet. L'aiid, vvlie scend llftien pelnlH among iin.. t them. James surprised by taking second - - in tlie dive with Laird and Kirn scoring One hundred nnl fifivfetir davs of ill, the r.OO-jaril dush and ill the 100. .facing for the Lmplte State thlscr i Cintrnl uncovered a new plunger In were sanctioned nl n meeting of ' tl0 iiiiuunii.. wue (""I. mini wiiu mu c. stewards ei hip .inetipv I lull T frite.JUdhe time the teuriininciit Is iilnjcd e. ! ' !a Tl.l. .1 I....I...... .1... lint. ..ID En J(fari lltinirl OKI I li.'' I"'. "..- .in ..nie , i . La-MtfW in Si-fat .app. ( :,',' n m&v<Ui club nlsu nnneiiiicfs that :t will Sf.'lwia. im niiiateui-prd rvciit, tlu "fh-M f J i'.SvjS' I...... I i ...liii.ln .1 e. III linun Lriiltl III . vaB.iuii'iM . n-iif-iiii it i i nil T;4JlrWltJwldeJuiHJu.yctH lirivc seen ip 112 hits ," All (old. they vvcie only able leninke Jimmy Marine, of hnuih Pli llv ny. that two Held goal ngainsl the (iethnmltes, Jecu ni.iien .iu..m.i.i uy,.. vvMr ll.e visitors rcgl tcred four. Xiit , ., ,, ellt wUll fh,enr, t0 Helu.a.i and Jnlinnlc ilcckniaii wcip tilts .Teimrt' jrjnly. Jee Tlpllir nnd Bebby Bar- sturs tuiil plnvcd iliis nreuiiil the Tipii-, rett. ' ten team. The Olllfs play 'e"blp-, rnntMti win be un.w, te bet- irilcr loi.ieirow. Ilieetlng WilkrS-IIarre,, "" tinl,t.i fie euffered u broken arm lit un ill the nitcmoeu una vaiuuen at iiiui. jncidcm uu j.i iii " ". f W.. . Willie jiri.inj. ; un i.icnmena. nil ."swuiiiuiiei'r win iireiniiin srnrt will Li. inn with any tne Kddium Min.r n faced Penn nn VvcdncMlny. for Rnl u,.u ..... mv,h laimn u- ier sneniMi 10 nuvniiiugn nxnilist tlir ".""" "" " . - sirnuni- " .mhi.i-i i iuij. I lie Hed and lllue and lllis a geed (hanre n"1 'iisuui.u ui nij- im, i.u.iie tiioreilguui-eu spiiri ou "I lie hlg ,ippr" te start the game when the whistle u)icd ( entral s ether point. will have its lll'J'J limiigural at the cus- blows at e i'lfici; Hwarllunnre naxter A I ltli:M)I.I.SS fir.ML'S! '"the Irasxly In the J.lfe et li.irrli," author of "Peter Pan." "The Profeaeer' l.eve story ' nnd "ine Admirable uncnten," The probable line -up Haverford Mutzke (captain), forward lllnknell .... ., forward Arneld... i .renter. Mucmli, i. , . I. ,. , .ruiiul, , Vuinull icuDiuini I In the .Masux.'ne Siclluii u( n VltBU, . ii. ,. ,,. ,.,gutd., ,..,,, Karmhiw i'M'.e Lulscr. 4iiv, ...ji . r, I atX tlletrrlu vvlilcli have srlpped t'ie lie.irtatrlnii of the Oliti'M i werin. in irini uv ope wue i.neiva mm well, duiiUa ii temarv spot .laiuaien en the il.i.. i tiny of May. This is three davs ctrller than the metropolitan rmeis began their camflnlKnliiR last year. The United Hunts will effpr a dny of emn. a i J- .mf !..... It la . ' ... r.,irafffffui, iiviii.uiu fiii'i; Tern, mm' f .' . .'' ; i Wf.1 I'hllailelplila High cleaned up Us ilv uh yesterday, in (lie peel. Eddie McGoerty Badly Beaten Osliknsh, ls., March It. Riij (Jerm.ni lieKvywelElit innxer. of Jvnnhi, Wis de. fea Kl Kddle Mctloerty. Ilulit heaveW,i In ten round lure, pccerdlni: le local apiiit (rltlc,. Onrmuii wa, ,lec'ircd tu have severely punlulieil Mtlleui j, ' Midget Smith Outpeints Moere Jeraey ritr. March II, Mldiet i'uiini ..1. iuure. ine nt. y weight, tn a reueh ten-round .. n-i.iunu .eniuiinsi ueuhy i V, 'V.iV vf,"v", nnni w iCE SKATING lvrry Iluy Kxcept Tun-ilir , Cnmiielrnt Inatrurtera nt All seailoei THUi:r. HKsWIQNs .IIAU.Y Baptie and Lamb BASKETBALL Haverford vs. Swarthmore. iiAYi:itreui riVyiNAU''! SATt'ltDlV, MARCH II. 8 P. ,MIVISHHI. Sl.uu smith out. i Rin i PAr.iiP ;ncCER ;-;i 'SalK;?UT.; falarU . . Murrl. I III,.' .8 j3. P. ftj Mifhcei.. i.r . i nn i.rit . , iv' v,vw ii ,;;.. -tM uiuiiiml4, ., li mi n-inri-i '.Jw'?iJtmw i.tetivtu wi, 'lilt, XiMii,m j-' ;v vMmMtw. '.-.-,. . , n V, sfn- 'V M4i rL v... ,(;,: "''.. ' . I I . "5 1. &tmm&XJ..-&i&r,e.. I ' ' ' it. -ArlHB..s,K.. . mt&ZiPfM'te U ''"rf.i' ' , t'i"l ." L . . .