iRIrAX,ifl''f'7!PiiBBWBOr ?";. rUBB! n;!u)fsin nmwmMfm PftrlJU mmsm&n " - m ?jw -ii ! . T.i w rr vit.r--r nt aT. wjl'v rm." ivarVf": vvjLfc.VJLr " " rt' V JZiMtvBi l?1"CM" ,W ' j k . ". '" "v ,,v . : , gWP Ifif -11 M.WV ' '' 1 t ' " J Hi ,t '... m H'1NK Fipi I If TRXTTNX'rrKm iWTTWTT1 T.VIUlhlUZlDU I I 'A'l.lM'l .MH I A! IITHI IIA I . J2i VfJEiiMXJJIVT rUOJJiU -jjXiijLrvju.w A . . hb.cp: VlT J vV ' - WNANflAl. $ ' TO THE .HOLDERS OP .1' THE ATLANTIC REFINING COMPANY 'IlV? Debenture KTha Enulfahli. Trust Cemnanv of New "iTOrk, as Trustee) under Tha Atlantic Reflnln - Cemcanv Tntit Agreement listed Mnrctl It .')SMI. hereby Invites sealed offers te be made w.i mr ine an ie e ine einmnjr runu unuui A iy ' lnrundr nufllelent te exhnuat the num of aitSpKJFiv iiunared Theumind deiiah iioeu.uuuf. urjriiww neia an me mnhini runai n a vnw n tt . txceea pur tna necruea .ntpr. in xn T a "" ieill U SWIM lriininyii New Yerk Curb M iV net ha offered en Mnrrh IT. 1922. nt prices 1 Hut .. ...a... ... ... ...AH... .MM ,,,..,. rtY!7Y pended balance of the 8lkln Tund will be r ss ' BWi' arelled durlnr tha four months next succeed (111 .4 !nrar 1. 1822, as far an possible, by the -JeX 7mta. In the purchase of addlllenal De $i.Ht5'',ntur . t prlcea net te exceed par and f.-t7 9f accrued Inler.!. " S'e offers will he opened at the office 'Ta 3K iS ,n nderiimd, Ne. af Wall Street. New WtiTSOf c,,?j t 12 o'tleek neon. March 17. RS-JrlTl- Oners should be nddreeeed te the . tfP,.JTms tltfliFlmml w Stelw Department. THE XqCITAIILR TRUST COMPANY i-7.- , ur new YORK, Trustee Dated March Srd. 1932. A iw. ..v.- 'PIT j't? : B K - r Ife" enncR or kkystenk cemfanv rea QCARANTEEINn MORTOAQEH Dnrpai npuca ie niotaneiaera Wetlea la hereby alven that. In cureuane t a raaolutlen of the Iard of Dtrectera of thla. Company, aapeclal meetlne of the Bteckhpldera of aald Company wlfiU held en rrlday. the t4tli day of March. tM, t the ertlca of aald Company. 1420 Cheat nut at.. Philadelphia. Pa . for the pur. 58iJ..0'vo.l.lnft.,,lltl!!.n,.J n incraaa at the Capital mock of aald Company from ilM.OCD te 12.10 000 br the creation and faeuanca of additional aterk te the amount C 1180.000. te cerniit of 1800 aharai of Ua par yalua of tme each. JOSEPH V. MURRAY. Prretarr ,"" FUIXEB-IJ'HIOII COMPANY rffTrat Merteaie 67r Nlnklnc Fund Held Bend Under the provlalena of the mortgage, ero eaala for the account of the sinking fund will be received until 3 V. M March 13, H22. at the office of the Northern Truiit Company. Truatee, for the nale te it at the leweat price, net exceeding 102Vi " of their face value and accrued Irrtcreit, of aa many of the above-mentioned bend aa (29.310.37 will purchaae All tendcra aheuld be addreened te the undera'ffned. NORTIIKRN TRUST COMPANY. Truatra Sixth and Hprlnir Garden Philadelphia INDVSTRIAI.S Acmn "eal 1U . Acmi l'ac klne 30 31 Am Leather 11 . '' Amer I.lsht & Tr i!i, - Amer Thrcnd pf ft Car Light OH C l'ent'1 .Mir .ilH ,: nurant Metera -., " ' Durnnt Met of Ind US 1 KJec Hter Hat 37 3 tllllette Safely Ha2er ...1N7., IN (loedjear Tire 1 1 (Ieldnn Picture ..,. 3i Urant Mnter 01. t' Hall Switch .... . 1'li . Huilnen Ce pf le' 1 lleden Chcm HI ; Kavaer rta "II Llbby, McNeil fi New Mcx Land l' Perfection Tire 34 . Phillip Merrla 11 Vi 1 Peetjm Cereal t). U Itadle Cem 3i Radie Cem pf . . . . 'Jl . II J Ilenelda (new) "11". 44S 4 Southern Ceal . Iren ... PH. n Hivlft International .. . 21lt - tr H I. A It 9.' U I'nlteil Prem fiharlnj ... lt I'nlled Itet Candy r.4 Wtii no Ceal 01 0 Unltnl Profit Sharing new (t'i Whlstle Ce of Pa . ... 7 STANDARD OILS Angle Am Oil 17 1 Atlantic I.obei .. . DVa' Ohie oil 270 27 8 Oil of tnl 7". (i S Oil uf Kentucky . . 4SU 4b INDEPENDENT OILS Arkansas Nat (Ins H'i Uoeno Oil It 1 lloslen W)0inlng b'l il Cirlb Hyn ... . 3' Cltlea SerlcJ (old) . .. II).' in Cltlei r.'j-ci "M" ctfs . JO's 2 Cltlea Service rt . ., t0 t Columbia Pet 14 i:nnlni'ra l'utrel 3'i tl Kedernl Oil l ciillllnnd oil H (lUnrui-k Oil 1A Ornnndu '.'! Hudre.i Oil 31 3 Int Petrel 14?; i Ke atone Hanger Ill (I ivlrbv Pet 2"UJ 1 I.lllmrstnn Oil 1. I Mararnlbe Oil .... yj'i 2 NEW YORK BONDS (BALES IN $1000 104 'J'4 Ari! nen 7a nil 1 DDK I! 00H Queens'd 6s wl 24 en 1 1 PrnpesaU iMcrrltt oil Mexico Oil ' Mcx SruUetril Oil BCnOOL DISTRICT- OK THE CITY OF ' i.Stm ."eil1''1"0'' FIVE PER CENT IOAN ' iNebU- elet of the Cltv of lUaillnc ulli r-.i.. :..'""!.,! sealed blda for the purchaae of 4(ie coupon pure oil ris' binds of the denomination of J1000 each. Ineil lllink. ' aggregating 1490,001). l-arlns Interest t S Cifi I'mi " yv v...., ...... Hvta. uw .i.tvtdb (tfiu irr of all tax or taxes new or hereafter te be levied upon the aald bends or th debts thereby eecured by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, except aucceslen or Inher't suice taxes. Isucd te secure the remainder of Slmms lvt Skcllv oil Seuth Pet hpenier lvt Stanten oil 'lexen .. Wilcox oil Wueilburn Y OH llcf ex dlv K an autherlxed Increase of Indentednens of vaue.uuu os inn bgiiuei aisvrici or tne .( Ity f Reading. The bends will be dated July 1. 1921. and will mature as follews: I.NOOO en July 1, lU.'J MINIM! e.uuu en juiy i, iii.m 8.UU0 en July 1, 11) J 1 8,000 en July 1, lli.r, 8.000 en July 1, lR.!il 10.000 un July 1, m .'7 10,000 en July l, iujh 10,000 en July 1, 10J 10,000 en July 1. 1910 10,000 en July 1, 1911 10,000 en July 1. lBfj 13.0(H) en July 1, 1113,1 13,000 en July 1, 19.11 13,000 en July 1, 1931 13.000 en July 1, 193H 23,000 en July 1, 10.17 23,000 en July 1, 191S 21,000 en July 1, ltis'i 21,000 en July 1, HMO 23,000 eir July 1, 1941 30,000 en July 1, 1942 BO, (100 en July 1. 1043 80,001) en July 1, 1944 60,000 en July 1, 1941 All nlda will be opened at fha n,..,ii,n viim .v room of the Beard of Scheel Directors at .-e Am PAG . ... tha Adm'nlstratlen Hulldlne of eMd Scheel Mernnrd Mining . .. District, southeast corner .of Eighth and I 'lonepnh-lU linnnt .. . Washington streets. Heading, Pn . en fues- ' 'loneimh lllde day. March 28. 19J2. at 8 e clock P M , at I 'lonepnh Uxtn ex-dlv which time all bids must be submitted te I 'loneimh .Mlnlnu the undersigned Secretary of the Ilenrd. i Tk lluglns . . Itlds must be accompanied by a certified Undid L.ntvn cnecK xer - ei me yur aiue or me umeurc esi wen of the lean urn rer, maun payable te the Vulcane ni .a Tt4) aI j r9 4sa rl a n si. I acnoei wiu,vi w. . vii vi iieauing. I mivtia nnnris mav be ree'atered as te r,rtri?.ir,ai I iiit only, or aa te both principal or Interest at the option of the holder or holders thereof. The Beird reserves the right te reject any nd all blda. Theaa bends will be Issued subject ie the favorable opinion of Messrs. Tewnaend, la la Het A Munson, Philadelphia, 1a By order of the ITeanl of school Directors OSCAR B. Hi:iM. Secretary. Beuthaaat corner of T.Ighth awl Washington streets, Reading, Pa. OEOItun EVHS, Solle'ter. 13 KlS 'i 4 tint; 1.... 101 U 1.... 101 U Canadian N 7s 1.... lieu Canadl'n Nthn OVis rets 2.... lOSH Cana'n Pacific Ce D wl 1 77tl 1 77'a S .... 77. 8... . 77. 2 . . 77H Chlle cep'r C n 8.1U 1 85 '4 n 83 Chile Cep'r 7 0.... 100H 1.... 100'i Chinese Oeve't IMC Rly fia 2 B4 1 till 1 .... S3tt i niu City Heme Aa 3 ... 110H n 1 1 e u, City Uerd'x 0 3 SVi 2... , 8.1L, 1.. .. 8.1 2 83 j City of Copen hagen 0Vi 1 80 10 . .00 1 00 1 .. 811 6 . . . 80 1 . .90 4 .. 80 City Lens (Is IS .... 8,1 1 8.1 '4 2 . 83 V, 2 ... 8.1 4 2 . 8.14 1. . 85 fit, MarVa (Is 8H 854 2 . 8.14 tl(aile) 8,14 1.. .. 8.1S 3 . . 8.14 1. ... 8.14 Cty Rie de Ju- scrle 8s 1 ... 1014 3.... 1014 1 ... 1014 Cty San Paule 8s l 1. 0... 10... 01 net 094 99 10 99 2 OOtt Queenal'd Ext Lean et 7a , 2.... 108 2.... 1084 1.... 1084 1. 1084 Rep Chile '2(1 1.... 10l I.... 1014 L... 1014 Rep Chile '41 1.... !0.T 1 104 Rep Clille '48 103 7i; 74 744 74 tt 74 4.. 22.. 1.. 1.. 1.. 10.. .. 23.. 30.. 1 15 103 V 1034 1054 103 4 103 1034 1014 103 103 101 103 1 1 n 3 ie Chl lOWIi Usale) 604 Chl Mil A Pat Sound 4a 1 004 Chicago Mil A St P'l d 4s , 3 60U 10 SOU Chicago Mil A St P 4a '21 1 73 2 734 Chicago Mil A StPcv 44 2 04 1 044 Chicago Mil A StP fd 44a 1 38 4 B7T4 Chicago Mil A St P cv 3s 10. ... 0V4 Ota-ale) 034 2 034 3... . 034 Chl I. Nwn mi 83 Chl itallw's Bs Alaska Itr Columbia . . Hlif ldce Metnii A. Mentani HoMten & Mentana Cen Calumet A. Jereme . . Ceppur Cunjen Cens CeiMT-r Mining Certes Slhtr CrerHOU Held ., ... , I' i,b Uurek i I'memis .... ( elddetd I'lonnce . . Iiileiendcnt I Jereme Verde DIv .Mi Niimnrii ... MaMin Valley Mether I.eli Clt National Tin I NemU Ophlr . .. Nev lulu SiHcr Hern . .New Cernell i .... . .New Dominion .Nipisrinir in If )' n 'V Iff K R Hf THE PITTSBURGH, CINCINNATI. CHICAGO & ST. LOUIS RAILROAD COMPANY Treasury Department Pittsburgh, Pa Marci 1, 19 Consolidated Mortgage Bends of vVv, DVLIA RAILROAD COMPANY te a total cost of 1138 740 00 v.111 bj. purchased for Allied Packer Us ... . Allied Packer tH itfi... All ed Packer ss i t. . Amir Ught lis Amer Tel Ua 19 H Anacnnd i 7s 1923 Armour 7a Ilirnsdnll bs ... ..... lleth Stiel 7 19J3 .... Beth Steel 7s 19J1 nn Nat R cq 7a . . . Can Tne lis , Cn Sttel hs Cities Serlce "s C .. Cel (Irupti Ss Cens Uas 7s Cens Uas Balte 7t ... Conn Coul 3 IuiU04tiu Light i'i,, Oulf Oil 7s Heed Hullir 3 Humble en id , ;w- eii,in. rnn,!. Inrrh ni iMq . .?' I Interbore hs ma B,i,n'ii. - ""'-"."!. i", UE me ' i.-..n... nl 1m .101 . HI . 88 . 41 .ltll't .1(1''. .8114 .101 . 911 Jill M'j 1(11 98 8H 41 101 10J 8H4 104 Agency of the Company. The Parmers' Lein and Trust Company. New Yerk City, under ms euuwii i', vk iiie oiertgage Sealed proposals for the sale of said bends will ba receUed at the Agency nf said Railroad Company In the City of Naw Yerk, and bends offered at ti price which. exclusl of accrued Interest thereon, shall be the lowest percentage of the principal thereof, will b, accented and paid for at net exceeding par am, accrued Interest. Should bendi of differ. . hntdprs be offend at thn nn,. ...' the number of euch liend purciasei snau lw. ., T pre rata bnkiu ... aa practicable. In proportion te the whole number of bends offered at the name Proposals te sen bends te the L1M -McNeill 7 . ... Nat cienK s N Y N II 4. H 4s N Y N II . 11 7 1921.. Ohie Cltlia 7s 1921... I'hlla Ce its Phlia Klec Oe . Pub Sen lie N J 7a Sears Roebuck 7s 19.M . Shnn sheen 7h .... Southwest Bell 7h Sfi ml Oil N Y 7a 11)10 Stand Oil N Y 7s lull, tnt-1 O'l of N Y 04 s Sun Oil Th Swift 7 1925 . Txxus Ce 7a ITiilal Osaira 7h s,.,t Tel lMlsnn 7a , linking . i'nlteil Oil I'red 8s . . arner sugar n .. Fund must be In the hands of the ra'rmerV I K." tSSi, three o'clock P. M.. in t ,.lJH' ' Winchester 74 a fc-"r an lf9 nx .. a. "I"UJ " .r'..""V,r:'"ef"'"V ?.!he Series 09V, 094 , . r,4 r4 e . S.14 8.1 814 .101)4 1004 1004 ,.101 1004 nil . 1034 10J 101 , .103 1034 103'i , . 98 98 98 . 11114 llll'l 101 H)J 10J 10J . .TOi lilt Jill 1UL 98 88 41 101 102 8Ui 104 101 101 PIP O'l't 101 101 M NI4 102 1IIJ HU'4 9' H"l 99 11114 101 1014 . 814 78lj 8t4 , . Ml 784 xO I0114 1004 11104 . 9H 9.1 91 101 101 101 98 DM 98 , ll'l Hl 90 1024 101 101 1024 1HJ4 1024 , ins I0v liis . I0i4 1084 1084 10(1 inn 1011 .11104 1004 10U4 1014 1014 1014 1)114 114 H'14 101 101 101 1044 1044 1044 111 91 91 9(1 llll'j 91)4 97 974 97 n 1. 10" 1 . 4 CIt 1 101 u . 101 . 101 . 101 .. 101 . 101 Teklo 0a ...74 City Zurich 8s a.... 111 1 . 111 Cuba CeBcv 3 80 4 3 ... 81 IHsalO 814 10. . . 814 1... . 81 1, . 81 22. .. 82 Cuban Cane S cv Cs C R 1 A P fd R Cuba 44' 8.... 79 Rep'c of Uru gtiay 8a 1.. . 1004 State Rie O'c De Sul 8s 4.. 100 13 .. 101 7 . 101 n 'hi '. "" .'. 'Chicago Union State Vf Sae Htn. ct 04e 1 II 1 1 10.. . 10 1 . .. li(sile) 30 23.. .. 78j 78 784 78 4 78 78 784 784 78 Paule ct Ss 10.... 102 2 . 102 ,, 4 ..102 C I W I 74t 2.... 1011, Cl'd Cln Chl A SwIti'dCen'-H, St Leuis 0s f 111 it. . . 'al 1 : " . U K art Brit A I'd 1922 20 ... 103 23... 101 13... 101 1 . 1034 V K art Brit A I'd 1929 4 . . 104)4 11.. . 101 2. 104 1 104 2 . 104. 3 . 1014 20 ... 104 1.. 104 U K Ort Brit A 'd 1037 3 9') 0 . .. 994 113 4 t"010 a ' .1 . . . . nu 1 8.1 9... . 80 Cens' d Cas 7a 108 10 02", 1 024 1 024 Iowa Cent' I 8s 1 724 1 724 Kan C Kt S A Memp 4a 1 7T 1 774 2 78 Kan C A H fia 1.. .. 83 1 834 Kelly Sprlng'd Tlra 8a 1.... 1034 1.... 10.14 0.... 10.1Vj 0 ... 100 2.. . J00 Kings C Elv'd 4s sta 1 70 Lack Steel '23 1 004 Lack Steel '30 8 644 Laclede Q Ce St L E 0 8(1 4 80 L S M S 841 10 774 Lehigh Val 4s B .... 78H I. S. Ml era 3a 1 .... 044 L A Myera 7s 1.... US Lerlllard C 7s 1 ... 1144 L 4. Nash 34s 7 . . 1024 Man H 4a ata 10 014 Market St Rl S Fran 1st 3 .... 871 4 87 1.. .. 87 B 87 M StP A S Stg M 04s 8 ... 1014 2.... 1014 41.. . 102 0 . . 102 Mex Pcfr'm 8s 1.... 1024 M K A T al n 1004 1004 1004 1004 1004 . "OH 1.... 0,. . 3.... 4.... 1.... 8 N Yk Light 11 A Pwr 4a 3 78 New Y N II A H 84" '64 1 44 New IK1I1 II 4s '67 10 43 New Y N H A Hart'd fls 3 07 New Yerk O A Wesfn 4 1 77 N Yk Rlya 4s 27 8444 N Yk Rlya 3a lw... 74 N Y Tele 44a 2 004 a ei N Y Tele'a '41 1 Beading c 4a 2 82 6 82 St L I Mt A 8 Rwy 4 1 0 81" 8 84 3 81 1 81 1 84 8 837s St L I Mt A S 11 1 a div 4s 10 80 St L A S V al 2 7,1 1 794 1 184 St L A 3 K In 3 .. 1 .. 12. . 3 .. 1 r. 10. . T" 1. Del A 1 , 107 , 107 , 108 , 108 , 1084 10S , 108 , 108 1084 108 Hud fd .. 404 . . 40 .. 404 404 604 60 30 60 60 4 80 60 30 60 4 r.e( 604 60 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 1024 102 102 7. 1.. 4.. 1.. 1.. 6.. 1.. 6.... 01 014 02 02 024 (U 02 02 40 1... . 09 0 99 1 994 U S Brazil 8s 2. .. 104 1 104 2 . . 104 1... 1I14 1.. . 104 U S Mexico 4s 0. . . 41 2 ... 444 r.... . 44 2 . . 41 41 Den A R O 4s n.. 1.. 18.. 1.. 21.. 1.1.. .1.. 1.. 71 73 73', 7.1 1 71 !!! 1 73 Pes Moines i. rt Dgs 4 s 2 . .. 43 2 44 Det L'dl 3s '33 3... . 01 18 6 1. 1. t i 10. 8 M BO' 3 6 Me K . T 4s 2 70 11. . 70 M K A T 4s wl 4 .. 074 4 ... 074 3 . .. 074 M K S. T 44" 10 .... 01 M K A T ,1s wl t .... 80 8 . .. 80 M 1C A T notes r. co Me Pic RR 4e 9914 09 90 4 99 09, Cuban C-e Sue 8s sta 2. . . 81 ,i!u S Mexico m 1? KJI Ce .i" n ... 8i 3 ... 814 2 . 814 I 814 1 . . 814 2 . . 814 Desnuirk Cen ct A 8s 1 . . 1084 Dept St !n 7 10 93 4 91 3 93 1 . 93 1.. 934 2.. .. 93 2... . 91 2 .. . 93 fl(Hale) 9.1 r, ... 91 20. ... 91 7 . . 94 1 ... 91 8 . . 93 Dem Bep'e .Is 3 . . 88 3 . 884 D Canada '20 21 ... 09 .1.. . II") ! . fi . Ii' 1.. .91 18 .... 984 D Canada '21 4 90 3 . 99 J 99 1 99 1 . nn- I) Canada '31 I 1 .... 98 Dutch E Ind'c hi rets American Sug IW g 0s 10 .... 60 10 . 6.1 10... . 834 10 60 20 334 10 . .83 4 Vm'n. Agr'e t Ch 7 4s 1.... 101 12 1014 13. .. 101 1 . 101 2 ... 1014 3 101 1 101 1.. . 101 1.... 10f4 Det U R 4 4a 4 7(1 3.. 1.. t i". 0 t . 3.. 1.. 1.. 6... 02 024 (12 4 02 (12 02 02 024 024 024 D Mutch 7 is IMent'n, Pwr 3s 1 .. 1084 Dlstl Security Cerp 3s 0 60 0 60 D de Nemours Pwdr 7 4a (1 1044, 98', 99 r eui I ' I I hill. ' 98 98 O'l 98 99 9') 98 99 98 99 S?sr e'f cece0.!1.- bJViRa" 3B STEEL BOOKINGS DECLINE mailed, and will nra...4 a Anrii it. in ,. mi t ' r . imi 1 a ii t-" "' "9 rum en .-,.. S.r.r.dCCenPApni Wr'SS!?. ffi'.h.M ! Corporation's Unfilled Orders Feb. 23 Totaled 4,141,069 Tens New Yerk, Maich 10. The monthly teniuiue ropeit of the I'nlted States Steel L'oipeintlnn, made publle tedaj. en that day. If required, that dellerv ,& .ulthln tan ilav. '.. t. ii. n. .Mcknight, . Treasurer. SEALED PROPOSALS MILL UK p ;; . w v- . " ."" . ""uX'nea at ,m T f. T clt 1 . . .88 4 10 . 881. 1 . 8S 4 A 'Icl S. T.I 3. 2 . 9(1 10. . 90 10 . 911 . 9(1 Mi Ml 9 11 T flu 13 10 8 . A. Te 1 1 9.1 9.1 I 9.1 1.1 9.1 9.1 93 2 .. 93 (e e t French I P. 7 4s rcta 3 1 I 3 1 10 1 3 112 112), 112 113 101 1044 .1 , 1024 til ILII . 44 . 44 4 434 risk Rub'r Ce 8s rcta 3... :i.. :i. .. 1 01 8 944 4 (H New Or Tex A Mexico Cs II 08 19 98 .1 08 N Y cent'! 4s 2 87 N Y Cfl en 4s 0 .. 784 N Y Cfl ne 4s 1. .60 N Y Tele'e '49 2.... 101 2.... 1034 1.... 1034 2.... 104 Nfk S'n n Bs 2(sale) 304 1 60 N A W ev 0 n.... 100 2 100 North Westers Bell T 7 2.... 1074 0.... 1074 0.... 1074 1.... 1074 N Paclfle R 4r 2 8,1 3 81 2 814 N Paclfle It fls 2.... 1074 Nth S Pwr 3e ... . 80 1 80 Ore A Calif Is 2.1 074. Oregon S I. In St'd 8a 1.. 1... 4... 1... a.. . ftre-W R It Ce Navl Ce 4 s 10 78 6 78 1 78 2;.... 78 20 78 Otis Steel Ists 1 07 2 97 Pac O A II 6s 1 88 1 88 Packard Moter Car Ce 7a 1.... 100 1 100 6(sale) 10O 1.... 1001. Sfsale) 1004 2.... 100 2 100 Pan A Petr'm A T Ce 7a 1 07 2 97 071 11 Se 911 01 90 Penna R 04h 3.... 100 :i 10.1 O(sale) 101 8 100 r. 1014 :e.... 100 3 100 Pee Oaa l.lghl 1 88 V. (J S Rub 74 10..., 104 Ud B -Steel 8s 3.... 100 2.... 100 1.... 1004 2.... 100 1,... 1004 2. . . . 100 23.... 1004 Va-C Chm 1st 6 07 Va-Cch 74 18 9.1 2 984 8 01 8 OS Va Rly Ce 8s 1 02 Wabash R 1st 2 0J4 Wesfn Md 4i 1 02 We'n Pae lata 2 83 10 8.14 1.... 83 We'n Union 6s .2 OS W Union 04s 8.... 1014 14.... 107 1.... 107 Weattntha'e E A Mfg 7 2.... 1004 1.... 100 8.... 100 1.... 100 Wh A L K 4s 1 014 .Wleka't) Spncr Steel 7a 7 07H Wilsen Ce cv 1.. 1 B 20 4 2 1 1 Wilsen O 74a 7 84 10 004 4 004 13 004 1 00 Wis Cent'! 4a 2 70 804 804 80 80 804 80 804 894 20. 004 Liberty 3"as 1-30 P. M. 00.00 07.40 Liberty ad 4'ab. 7.4- in.jhi ".i Liberty 3d 4s. 08.20 08.20 08.2 Liberty 4th 4V4s. 07.58 07.42 07.C Vlct'y Notes 4s.l00.74 100.00 100.7 Financial Briefs High low 00.80 00.52 I.lhnrtv 1r 41,. 07.40 07.30 .:- . -..- -,-"- -- r:. .- ,. in Liberty ad 4'AB. B7.4- in.jhi im.i- CO 70 8t L San Fran Series A 1 09 E 00 09 1 09 St L San Kran Series B 2 81 8 81 4 83 St L Sew'n en 734 0 74 St L Sew'n 6a 4 774 St Paul A K O B L 44a 22 78 Seab'd A L nj 10 10 0... . 19 S A L 4s sta 8 84 Seab'd A T, fd 0 30 Seab'd A I 0s 3 40 ti.-UI JOU e 49 Yole & Towne Menufapturlnit Cem- 1 48 pnny reports for year ended December 1 49 .'11 tier nrnlltn nfter rhnrirfiK nnd Trml c. . . ti j. '-- ." " -.: - . ".' "i" " en eitti . ",,.,.. inrpM. si -'Ill-'IJ. nfrnlnet S' :t"M s nlTt . y--i.1T-' ' ' v-i -i 3 . . . n ,-, 8 0 Sinclair C Oil Cerp 74s 3 .. 102 fl(sile) 102 1 3 70 . 1 1. 1.. Penna U 1 1 :i. 104 4 1014 104 K 101 101 1044 104 Gene' I Blec 6 1.. . 07 I 1 . . 107 Ooedear T A. , fj Y chl i. SI N Y Cfl 44s A Ceal 5s 10... . 8041 1 83 N Y t'cnl'l OelpeerK A i: In -' 9IIJ4 i... . 3V4 n . 99 4 S -- .1HI.. 6(ile) 99 llilla Rwye l .... . en- i i . r,e 2 . 99 - Ml- .. ,-,(,!, H(sale) 99 .1 . . . .10 4 8 99 2 ' Sei. - m I 12 . seu V Y Cent' I 7s ,, ,, ; , . . 107! t.i.rh r. St. Teiil's February lendlnjs In creased 17.7 per cent. I'nlted Vcrde Kxlcnslen Mining Cempnny's Fcbrunry production totaled 040,110 pounds of copper. tlc Swedish niksbank has reduced its discount rate from G1? te 5 per cent. Charles B. Keller, cashier of the Streudsbttrg National Tlank. has been elected chairman of Greup Three of the Pennsylvania Bankers' Association. The average price of the twenty active Intluhtriel stocks ndvanccd 0.22 per cent jevtcrday te 80.0.". while the twenty railroads advanced 0.54 per cent te 78.53. 470 In 1020. 513 in the pwleus year. After dpl' tlen charges, taxes nnd dividends there was a deficit of $2,103,000, egalnst a deficit of $1,287,475 after the nme de ductlens In 1020; Official returns from 100 banks In n.t. n.M...itni thn hnnk et tllC notion, show deposits .amounting te 3,400,000,(KH) krener, cash credits tc 1 277,000,000 ; home bills. 013,000,000, Hhnre cnnltal, 43.00O.00fM waemii, 170.000,000; cash, 138,000.000: bal ance In Denmark. 83,000,000; foreign balances, 4,000,000. ra,.l.. l.n .(riot rfnnnmv nrac- tlced by rallreadH, the American Htcel Foundries, In Its report for 1021, showed net proms, niter iinir8rj, ..y ..y ..y nreclotlen nnd Federal taxes, of only $075,000, equivalent, after preferred 8leck dividends, te thirteen cent n shore earned en the 012,030 shares of common stock outstanding, nt s.M.rfdi-i par value. This contrasts with net profits in the preceding jear of $4,400, 442, or $0.37 a share. The Chandler Motorcar Company's report for 1021, Issued yesterday, prered ti.l..lrim nf nnnenrtlnff reSOIirCCS t prosperous times te tide ever periods of- uuprewiuii. aiiu uihiiiiiiii :'.. --"-- amounted te $1,048,530, a fall of $7, 000.100, or ncarlv 80 per cent from the 1020 receipts. iJven under this handi cap the management was able te absorb n ivrltp-eff of Inventory te the extent of $770,434 nnd show a prent pt sii.vui, ngalnst $1,213,111 the year before. After all cbargch nnd depreciation, Shnren Steel Heep Company reports less of $2,711,075 in 1021. The com pany wrote off $370,000 for plant de preciatien OnU iseirs.-llt uil liiiruitiij less. Its Interest charge was $570, ill. At the opening of the year the com cem pnny had surplus of $1,103,300 and therefore sustained capital deficit nt the close of the jcer of $1,008.284. , It Js estimated the company's $13,000,000 outstanding stock of S50 par had the oretical book vnltie of $20 a share en December 31 last. LONDON STOCK MARKET List Lacks 8teadlne.t-Q k'Edeed Section Weaker-Heme BIU Londen, March lO.-Fears about pe lltlcal developments ever the week-end mn.ln nnernters en the stock cxcliniige cautious as te ceininltiijcuts te. Inj . T e markets generally "c. ,,,i ,t ndluBt Incss. Hopes of n last-m limte g ment of the controversy In .he MjrtnMr ment or tne centrpyer ', j-r --. ;nt thc ing industries, which would prevent u thrawim-ef npprexlmatc y i-"0" men out of work within I ,S ed te n lirmcr tone in """'i'" peAtiw.' Pchnble A Ce,, are Invited te t rill. n aen 'air l i: The Interstate Commerce Commission ha"? denied the application of the re ceivers of the Denver nnd Salt I.nke Itallrend Company for n lean of $0, 500,000 for a period of fifteen ears. 102 ie: 101 102 102 ' Net Income of Great Northern In 102 ,4021. after deduction of tnxca nnd flrnl Se'n liell T 8s r,nrgcs, totaled $2S,4C0,020. rrnilvn rrnilvn Se'nP,cincfd' 1(,,lt ,0 ?U'41 n H,mrp en the ?2,t- ie!. . ? si!, 177.150 block outstanding. 10... . 81 I i. . . ss IreIdcnt Humphrey, of 'NVestliig- 1 8,1 linimn Alrlirnlre Pnmnnnv enr. thni l,A Se'n Pacific 4s1 .,,., tu (',,,ll .., r- n. 1021 will show n net operating profit of M.l 12.400 and undistributed turplus of SI 2,1131, 103. Thf Wntellmr.v Cleck f'emnnnv lins sn Pae Tenn'i purchiibed the assets of Hebcrt it. In- I .,' 1 Kcr-ell S. ltie. for .$1,500,000 cash. The On UflHUny -IS t nimnmn nii4.iir i tiu inniL Ktr T.l.. -.! Tf n am iiiiii"iiiiiiiniii "Ml "MtllV KIJI lllllll 11. rt " .rM.ii.ia. ...... i.. t...Mi...'i . .i .;' :; :'."- ( (11 i Mint", iiti-'iv'" ii uaiini UHL'y ier mi" r-miirriuiiu a a .'.'.'. 02 Ingerwll Company. ' i Ten liv.... sn Hallway 5s i I victory Divide lO(sale) 79 9 79 S'n Pue cv 4s 10 8S 1 88 10 .... 88 91 3 90 Sn Ilall'y 0h 94 r... 4.. I.. .1,. 01 94 V4 94 4 94 91 Steel lube Ce of A 7s 1.. .. 97 Ksule) 98 1 97 1 9SI. Thlnl Ae nj 10 31 -' Bit; 2 Mi. 8 31 lr. .. 31 L'nlen Pac cv J 02), Union l'ac M 8 .. . 8.1 Union Pae 4 2, ... 90 01 01 01 !!'..'.'. .ei 12 01 02 01 11 01 '.".'.'.'.'. .01 01 OI 01 01 , nj , '. '. '. '. '. '. .02 01 01 OS CIOI.DPIKLD STOCKS Sill. 20 a sharp en the common neck J'001!' r": m IV. iii.. -,..v ,,,,,,,, ....... ' niiKcrJacic v- LOCAL MINING STOCKS TOMOPAH M1NINO nii Cash 710)' Jim liutlcr XIacNatnara Crescent Mldnay Mlapah Extension Mentana North Star Rescue i:ula . . . . TnneDiih l'xt . . , West nnd M'est Ten .01 .0(1 .01 .02 .07 .0(1 .04 .02 .HI 1 .70 . .02 DIVIDE STOCKS Allied I) lv .. Altn Divide . Ifrlcher. Il-lcli llx ... Hen Hur .... HreuKh DIv Divide i:xt .. DIv Cen .... Dividend .... I.'nat Dlv ... Ilnrmlll ...., Hnsbrrlc Dlv Hlsh Dlv ... Knox; Itevrt Divide Henit Dlvlde Ttnseta . . Silver King . The Studebaker Cornerntlon In 1021 Venie Dlv piled lit the lilggcst net earniiiKs in Its K-1"10 nisieri M(i,4li'J.iiUl. equivalent te mn I lifter deduction of preferred dividends. ! r' or 11 31 In 1020 earnings weie .$0,822,054, $15.20 a share. Fer the lear ended IM-cmbcr Miller Kublier Cenilmny shown epernt- (irent Pend ing deficit of S01.0S0 and total deficit of IJ",'n, " CI niin niu s!nlnu .., .,.., l ... tu Kcvvanaa "- p itai'uni t limn iiiiiiiiiii,iit in nn, 083,000, iisnlnst S31,0(M),()0() In 1020. Inventory shows dccrc:isi from .$0,321, 803 In 1020 te S3.0S1,022. ' i nsr,T'..t.r.Avr:nis The United Clanr Stores Compenj Amnare l.oe ftir rebrunry reports cress Miles of i Aria United " .$5,300,430. nsiiliist S5.713.252 in the Caledonia ei (orrespending ineiith last jear. Sales'sifver" .'.".' '".'.". ' !e2 for the firsr two mouths of the jciir I nureka crees 2t tutnlcd S10.700.7liO. ii?alnsi A11r.Sf.. , i:nrrhu l'y Dlnmf I riorence Celdf Cen (lnld Dev (leldf Decn Star Ore lied Hills ., silver Pick Spearhead .211 ,01 ."I .02 04 01 Ask .01 .07 .07 (i I .01) .08 .07 .04 .18 .1 .77 .1) .01 02 .11.' .02 .01 .nil .11 02 .01 .02 11 .02 Ot 111 .02 ,J .02 .02 .01 .02 .02 O'l .O'l 02 .01 .01 28 .01 .02 .03 .01 .01 .0 I .01 .01 1 (III .02 1.10 .10 1 eti ie n nr. " '"2i "" . nu ISSUeS. IIUIISOH .imj ""- - ' f Notwithstanding easier rates i ier .i... dt.,icreil list was wcaner, receded, in sympathy with the nrtlen of values en the 1'nris lleursc. WIW the labor situation iinlmpreye.1 en the Hand, when considerable ylelei ice i has nUame,nrXrcaccd under rea.U.rig There also was moderate 1Pr0V.,,"?,,n,5 in Argentine rolls which ""tnlied losses. Dellar descriptions were Idle nnd'f cnturclcss. Itcbuj ing was noted In the oil section, which hardened. Ileyal Dutch was 35, Shell Transport and Trading, 411-10, nnd Mexican Kegle.4. The rubber division was well main tained, following steadiness In the crude nrticlc. Tues., 2 P. M., at the .Oliver': 1820 Chestnut at. I'hlla. Inl KVANS. siaren , jeiin M,, huih .u.. n r.,ha )n. tri.i U.!'"n frlenda, also members of the.Maccahe.. I nnn invltArt In funeral mapwIma. ..rra. 1 M.'late residence. 4421 tlalllmnr ...' private. Arllnten Ccm. Friends mii Wl.. 8 te -10 P. M, WumlweniLvi KAHKY. On March 8, 102j, c:i EIIINE. wife of Themas f ahey and etiSfl e h inie .tatnea and Maev 1,-v.i.... eJ of County Oalway, Ireland. ITunefai 8:.1 A. M realdence, 8023JJJ. JudiaiT High miaa .Church of Corpus chrltu A. M. Inl. Hely Crew Cm. llelitlvtii "iSSS.riSy"Vi'.iu . .... rivr.i.,"--.titiii u rtimnaai J. FnasH, I need 74. Xlelatlvea and frlenda afa liSal te attend funeral services. Sat., d tfWI residence. 2130 N. 7th at. Int. nrlrai.' i OALnRAlTK. March T. JULIA, i.,', ,'. KTIarenca A. Oalbrnlth. daughter et'jiilf and Clara Itart. In iicr 28th year, i Unlimited Funds Fer First, Second, Third or Building Mortgages QUICK ACTION ABE K0LSKY & COMPANY, Inc. N. W, Cor. 9th and Walnut Sis. UARANTEECT) I Sal latMatfsWBBr'SBSSrsSCTeTr-s -?a,."JII srvleeV. SatT "' s'TV 4077 Orlscem t..VrJfc . all Tr .11 .02 .21 Rub'r '31 1 100 101 101 101 100 W J IJSU MB." "WS. '"te? 'tKi "censtr'Jc'.ra'n'd S,,0,1 Pd ?'?'mW t0I.,i f &" '"l ""T I " 00 equlpplm of u dairy barn at the State In. " linmI February -,. llils is a de- ,,' S ""."'ktmv'9 pL1- VTh?ene.n:lIun?,y' '-co. crcn.e from .Innunr.v's iiulillcd orders, ,fj'Ve ' j8' BS&rSS-ih??ihSiUtl5 ; '1,"1.f.',vvhicli totaled 4 ''41.I17S. I '?, ' WW Sr all Atn'n W P 1 81 Armour 4 He .1.. . 8d 1 80 , A I' & S Te Is 0 . . 87i'j a 87 . 87 A CujiU I. ell 17. . 71H. 2. . . 79 V, Atl'c Prult bids, or any part of am- t.iii .n,i , CnninnrKens of nnlilled tonnacre en bT.VUhr..fonf,rthC.,SIIe?n.t '"pla'nsj'lthe 10th of i-ach month since WW fel- tlcatlens may ba obtained at the office of I low I Ri-ii.Jlw,nSaS ft "" f "K """A'W ' . ...Te" ,,,,,, , Ten. ;,..... r-.. ww- -..v .,vc, .vii- p.-,, tf, I IlLUliM .Tiil. 117 in SI4 111 Jan 1922. .i.i-i. nit mil", li,. ill JI. 4.2(18 411 V,iv ' v. A "Ml W! Arr 330 llamsoert. Pa. ritAN'i; KMiTir Secretary Beard of Managers. Auk . .luly. June, i Mu. All) AU Julv, June, M Atir a ti m. m iff "4 m 0t West End Trust Hulldlne. Philadelphia I ?,t ' Vn" 1 4 "8l'87 Jllli - ', lli2t I,1(',(i.li70 I eh Hneclal Meetlnea OSS3 FRANKLIN NATIONAL HANK --' Neeeial Netice In SdirLlml.l... icntl In herebv riven. Ihnt In upnnT,rf-.A ,.-..' stlth a Besolutlen of tha Ilenrd of Directors ' r.ii',' of the Kranklln National Hank, n special Jan.. M..Hn. nf thn ateckhnlderH Is h.rnl.u ni,..i .... and will be held en Wednesday, the 22il dav Nev. eT Slarrh. 10.3. et 12 p'rhjek SI., at the , O?) . efflca ct the bank. Ne 1410 Chestnut street. Situ Jnnaaei"- ,u ta aunun un ine approval or disapproval, and te vote for or aialnst tha proposed lncrease of the Capital stock of tha aald bank from One trillion Dollars Tit ..nn.DIIO) te One Millien Plv- II, ,,!;!,, Thousand Dellara (f t.SOO.oeo), said Increase MUi te DO hihud ui u biui;s liiriuiiii ireitv me ' If I) . undivided profits of tha bank. I Jun,. J. It. MCALLISTER. D.c , ' President. Nev , Ra DKLMONT XUUHT COMPANY ' frrTt", -- NoUeo of Special Meeting of I Aim . t Stockholders lulv. VAttaa ta hereby alven that m. -r-u.i.1 inn. maatina- ei ma nowneiuirs ei me Uelment "Trust Company will ba held, pursuant te resolution of the Beard of Dlrectera, at the Rica et the Eeiment Trust Cenuan. 4nitl Baltlmera avenue, in the City of Phlladel : peia. en March 15. 1023. at 4 p. M for tha purpose et voting for or aaajlnst a pro posed Increase of the Capital Sterk of Del. meet Trust Company from 1125,000 te net mera) than 1250,000. " I 7 WILLIAM DIQNAN. JB . f OKI. K. DE VICTOR. Secretary. v ollclter. 18 Real Batata Trust Bid. XUE Kll-TKMJOlISi; Titusr uuvran a eclal ST ' Netlea of hneclal Meetler itfAlle la hereby erlven of a apeclal meetlna nf tha shareholder! of TH13 III fTKNllOUSU -(BUST COMPANY, te be held at the banktnf tieine. 1512 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, en Wilneadar, March IS. 19S3. at II e'ciack A. M.. te take motion en approval or disap proval upon tha proposed conversion of the company Inte a. nalenal banking association in accordance with the previsions et Section MM of the Revised Statutes of the United States aa amended, by Section 8 of the Fad. aral Reserve Act. under the title, "The Rltteheusa' National Bank of Philadelphia." HOWARD LONOSTHETH. President. tABTHUR HAINES. Secretary. Dividend 1921, 4 111 92ll 1 in 1921. 4,830,121 I''0 1921 1.117 Sill Vel., 1921 ,1 42 187 I) l , 1'IJl. .1,841 221 '"nt,. 11121 I, 2sl 7H1 Vuc , 1921 l, '113 M,7 lulv 1921. 7 17 1.104 June. 1'i'JO. X H8 122 II IV. 1920 ) 021,181 Alir 1920 ll.h H1.812 Mch., 1920 10 874, SO I r.i. l'l.'O le.hdl ids Ian , 1920,11 118 41H Iv 1920 10 '178 SIT Nuv , 1920,10 '140 4(1.1 Sent til. 0,10 310 717 AU 1920, 9,8')2,071 Jul ', 1920, 9 012,081 lune 1S20. 9 281,141 Mm 1'IUI, 8 2d" llli. Alir , 101'), 7 IJS l,l) Mill , 11)111, 1.172 IU',8 1 .Ii 1919, II 28 I I, l Inn . 11119, (1 10 1.101 ! i' , 1919, .1 17 (lit Nev llll'l, 1,892 8',-, f), c . 1919, 4,282,110 Sent . 1910, 4,11)0.11(11 A lit:.. lOl'l. Ti, 410, 172 lulv, I'll'), (1 010,787 June. 1919. (I OI4.2n Mav, 191 H, 7,(79,112 Apr , 1918, 8,121,(1(11 Melt , 1118-, H 8", 1 .)! I'cl) 111 S. H 297 901 Jan . 1918. 8 7.10 (112 Dee , 1918, 11,1101 net Nev , 1918, 0 3 17,(128 Oct , 1918, 8 741 882 huA , 1918, 9,01(1 4011 AUir . 1918, 0,288,411 Jlllv, 1018, 9,477,811 June, 1917. 9 ,181,7111 Mav. 1917. 8 197,100 Apr,, 1917. O.Od.a.71 Mcll . Sept., 1917.11811,477 Pel). AUB., 1917.10 407.049 Jan . 11 104 1 . 101'4 1. .. 103, C.r il Trunk of 341 1. 4 . 4 7 4. 2(1 10 21 '. 3.. 4.. r,.. b . 9.. 4.. 1.. 1 , 1 , 1., l" 1., I. 99 99 'i BUS 004 99 , 90 . 995 99's 100 09, , 90 , 9'l,4 , 09 ' . 99', 100 . 99 . 90S . 99t . 90', . Oil . Wit . 90'. . 99'. 09','ht Ss 1 81 1. . . 8 1 l,nuis 4s 1 . . 84V4 .. 80 I.. . K, N Y l.dl'n Cn Pred u' a & Re OHs rctw flnera 8s 1. .. 10014 ' I.... 102 N-i.i mils . . , S. II. Krrsi tV. Ce. hn IsmieiI In I Nevada Wonder 2. . oei, , report for the eir ended Dcccinlicr .'tl. I rTank c 7s slinvvliiB Ik t pruhn after Tedeiul taxes Charters Filed 7 . 1011, of Sl.'.'.jS.Uli, OiUllvilli'llt lifter ilednc- I I0 id M-rrh 10 Charters tiled te. L'nfil Druir 8s Hen of lili'ferrcd dividends te SS.,17 ndn: i:l r-l I'teturlre.!. Inc.. $1,000 oeo, ... nm 1. . 10(1 1 ' inn i !?tH)0,Sr5, or $0.01 a share, ill VJ'M. , tlef of Delnvvnrc. $11.000,000; manufnaure 1 . 100 I '. ' ' -" J, nn,i tiiBtrhiile llttlil hent nnd power; M A. U S llubb'r .Is I .... ..,.,. . Ilruce, C. II. ItlaeKe. T. I.. LTntt ,u . VVII 8l',i 1 1 sliare enrncd en the Sl'J.OOO.OUO'cem- E'v.uf'H.,".,:" ""'' ,'"1",r,l.!'u,!". m?Ue.n. W?,rJZ' . &nAl. .... n... .UA 1 . 1,1 . . ' I tUll' II .. I. .,. ,,,-j , .. v.. -..,,"w, until Mttuh, in i;iiiiiiiirt'ti vviiii iici et WIlmlnKten II Kevetnne rower v orpeni' I he St. .Te80t)!i Lend f ninnnnv. for I minvinn. Del. rhnnire In ntme of MIshIshIpdI ui!i ' I he venr ended Deermber .11. lcnortsnet ' River oil Corperutinn. te I'timlsilnml (lise . 80V, " .,ll,r y"' I"' l,," r , ' V',", rL,I, ll line Cnrpnrnl'nn, nnd ntien-e in cnnltn . bOii income of $l,enO,2i.i, ngn nst 11,S1 .- fVim J2. ene oeo tu 40 Nw Yerk. Ooedcar T & 1. 1 , . Js iiv,.r 'al A Pwd'r 7WS, , ,, 1. .. US 2 . . ll.Hi ' 1 C(s-ile) I I O(uat) 11 I'd 10 ... 11.1". 1.... 11.1'i 13 . 103 Bald n L IV S 1 . 100 Bait i. Ohie cv 1. . 77i, 1 77 .May. Apr , Mcli.. I'clt . Jan , D.-C . "Viv . (Det , S-ept,, Aur , July. May, Aei., Mch., Keli Jan., Dec , Nev,, H'I., 1917 ll,'8l,'2S2 1IK7 11 8k(l r.'ll 1917,1? 181 OS 1917,11,711.(144 1017,11.17(1 (19' 1917 II 471 01 191(1 11,147.28 191(1 11,0.18 14 1010,10, 01,1,20 191(1 (I 122 .-81 191(1, 9 (1(10.117 1911., 0 ,10 1,102 1910. 9 040.418 11)111. 9 917 70S 1'Jlll 9 829 .111 1910. 9,111,001 mm 8 r.08 tine 191(1 101.1 1911, 191.1 .1117.012 Kltr., 4 908 411 1011, 4.128..14II 1U11, 4,(178,19(1 mil. 4 2(14 -'IN 1011, .1.1(2 241 1911. 4,211,710 101,1, 4 .141 871 i 1011, 4 248,171 1914. 9 810 lilt I mil. a 324 re? 1911, .'I 4111 007 1914, 3,787 l.llj I 1914, 4 213 311 inl t, 4.iri8180, tin i, i.ti rj h ,7 ,r ii t rutin ui I.... ii.-t's Can (is rcta " t"1'n ' Oranby C Ml'tt 1 1"'- ,. , A.,'1'1 S" & P 8S B , 102 ""It 0,1 fl" 1 ... 88 1 10 102 102 Ord Trunk oft"" -Me s Canaill Ts " " " " 14, . lOlU, ll .110 J ;M.lGrent Nerth'nl ' '' Rlv sua l c ' " '" ' 90S I iniii. 10l, no 1. . 88 B & O Tel 4e 10 11'. Bell Telephone of Pa 7a Tun Tim'! 1st ' - l' r .... in st l. .. en t I . 89 H 922 7 Jan Geven't 4 .189,187 C Belgium Hs .1 . .. fifli 7(salc) 9(1 2 . .. 90i3 1 . . 9lli 2 .... 90i, 1 .. 90s, fs N.,.' n rti. eu B Steel Bs '3(1 , . 1 . . . e r. . .. 87' M. I I . O I -4 m .. t-,1 k. unii uui wv u. 20. 10 I . ft 10 . 4. n n. ,i l 1034 103". 108 '4 1011, 1031. 103', 1031, 10.1 a . . . (i.i i. 'IB Kdla'n C 7e 10. , 71 II IMlBtm D 7s 1 10(1', B Hupld Tran ct 7h eta 1 . 71'. 1 . 108 1 . 108 10(flut) 107V 107". Te Helders of lUVj 1031,, J 103141 103, 101141 Ct'l of Gn Osl 8 5.1 10 8. 5 ti. 1 1. 3. 108 IMS ms 1081, 108', 1081, K'8', 1(181. IDS'. ,'l 'll X Mr,,, fM ,. , " "!,, fl. Ctl Leather M n, 721. 14: 4,25o!!! Pase 1 lil .1 A lt1 a It a 1011, r,,02n 4te 1914. 1,013,0 10 ' mn, 4 282 111s I 1913, 4 Hill -147 1111,1, 1 .in ,07 llll'l, f,, no i,7Ki 1011, r, 221,408 mi i, n .190,110 1913, fi, 807, 317 1913, 0,324 1122 191.1, 0 978 702 1011. 7,408.911(1 1913, T.fl'll.714 1013, 7.827,303 Federal Reserve Ratios Washlna-ten, March 10 Ratios of total reserves te net deposit and Pederal , Reserve note liabilities combined for th Twelve Fed. oral Reserve hanks and the entire system, aa nf March 8, 1922, compared with the pre vious vvtetc and a vear age fellow 1921 Mar. 8 Mar, l Mar, 11 10S 108 108 107 V4 1081, 108H Kingdom Den mark ct 0a 1.. 1. 1 11." 10.. Cep'r 8s 1 .. 1!2 2 . 112', 10. . 112 10. . 112', C & O cv 414s 3 81i. Civ 4 O cv Ss ! r... 7. 1. 1.. 0 .V if .,. Sn v flinmn triibt rninnvv ?$& At - meetlns of the Beard nf Managers ' nJrhIn""d Boftten Nnvv Vurk PlilladelpliU Cltiv eland HHirn held this day, a quarterly tiivieenii ur ninn S,,',"'"" IW$ ,t " 'p eent was declared. payable April 1. n'lcr'",, " rSfir Wi stockholders of record en the books Cr,nnni nils V of ths cempnay at the clone of business 1S,1 e , (VU1 Harcn 10. lU-s. v-necaa nm nn manea, ,fi,.l us ml T"0MAH '"SSSSrir. '-"-"Cisco u jy ynnaeaipnia. r.. aiarcn u. ju... 1 -f eU1 77,8 7 7 71 0 84 9 711 1 1 1 1 71 1 77 ,1 78 4 72 3 (10 2 10 (1 79 II 70 4 81 1 7 1,2 711 I .18 7 70 (I 71 9 7(1 s 71 II Oil I .18 ll 80 II 111 3 41 8 r.7.0 110, 1 .10 0 41 3 !i0,7 .111 (I r.e 4 49 9 39 0 54.1 60 0 13. 3. 1. 1. ft 10. 1 1. ICInsdem Den mark ct 8a 1.. . 108t4 1.... lOOVs K of Nether lands Os v,t 117 ; 08 97 s4 97 4 07 It 98 97 ; 07', 07H Chl t. Alten Bl j 15 rJj(tK en PrsfsiT Bteck, payable Murch IS, i'Xlifit, 'te BtecsasikJera of record February, f'S mjrimz. C. TREV0B DUMIA3I. INC. 4H K. Brnasl St.. I'hlla.. Fa. Ths Beard of Directors have deelared a .fiW . J. '....tutu .a.V.1 4l,t,SalM,f A, ..Wn n.v ii.i. . ng.i i.i 1, .v". - ...w w. T-W rv, .., fit waited. .sw.vkun.ut.. jr.. Deerstanr. (!C S? Paris Bourse Irregular Paris, Murch 10, Prices moved lireuu larly en the Bourse today. Three per cent rentes, 08 francs 07 centimes; exchange en Tendon. 48 francs Wl canilmes; B. per cent lean. TS francs 95 centimes. Ths dellsr Vias Hijeua t 11 francu iH cgntlinw, . 1 10 1 1. 1 1 n 044, 94 '4 941; 9tH 94 4. U4U 94 4, 94 , 1V414 9444 04 H 04H 4 s 4 K Sweden 0s CO...,. 00 Mi c... 109 v; S 09 H 28 88H 22 .... 00 K 0f7i 78), 78',, 781, 78 V. 78, 78. 8U 1... 1. Hud t Man In 2 fiBH -'. . . iisij 4.. .. r.Hi, lllis ct'l 4 'H2 1 .... 7(1 '1 111 Cent'l r.'4s 1 . fill I ! "OW.Int'e Met 4 14s 8r, 811", 8U Ksale) 40 4 Chl t. Alt 3t-,s 1... 4..., 10 ., Ti ... tl .. S ... 1 . 12,. . ,1, Chl 11 1.1 1.1 .' 100 . 1. 3 . cnig (ins I.. . 107 0.... 107 1.... 107U 11..., 107U Ct E IDs 'Bl - Ttr. B.... 8.,.,. B.. 14H 14V Inte .11 ct 4 Ha 7 121, 10 10- 4U. 20 12V4 UH ,Intb'e It T fd 41'. 0 0214 41 B 0211 41 ll4 0 ,1 97 97 1 i 1)7 97'd 97'. 97 73 74 4 74 7Kv 02 ,. (12 '. 02 1, 02 V4 02 '4 02", 02 1, (12'i, 02', 02 '4 024 02U 1, 4. 1(1 n T 1 9. 1 4 1 1 r. I M Marine Os 1 04 4 04 Int' I Pap b Bs -... fi37s Invincible Oil Cerp 8 3.44. Z2i J ' ,V'I,'J Victory 4&$ Notes due May 20, 1923 The Treasury Department offers in exchange . for the above Notes United States Treasury 434 Notes , due March 15, 1926 TIiIh exchange may be effected through any Bank, Trust Company I ABSOLUTELY PURE-J WHITE LEAD 100 lbs $10.75 50 lbs . 5.55 25 lbs 2.78 122 lbs 1.40 FLAT WHITE 1 gal $2.50 Yz gal 1.30 Va gal 75 SHELLAC White, per gal $3.00 Orange, per gal. . . 2.75 Linseed Oil 85 Turpentine 1.00 B. FRANK SHINN 302 S. 52nd 21st and Seuth llrlment 8900 prure 49J0 Deliveries Everywhere IN MK1IOKIA1I anrrr.v iiovbnden halvey. in iev- Ins mimerv of our dnrllnit. he ncnt from un ta Jein her Kindred nnzcls en March 12. 1920, lcnlnK te llilna lena; lemembrances and rearet. MOTHER. 8I8TE11 nnd IIHOTHBIl. Second iilinlvcrHiry muss ut ltie I'linrcii et our i-aiiy or .i-rcv, ureaii and huniiuinunna uc, at s A, il. aaturauy, March 11. Qcatljs and Clara nan. in. ncr nam year. 4U tiva and friends, also PhllA. rii.h. sl i" .;..:r ii...i.;.. . " -.."""t,ii S, tUIIICII W. .www, ion. 4J,TIUn. invlla ..Anl tl,n.f. rvlaa ftmt el '"2.W parents' residence, ford. Int, prWate ORISS. March 7. AND11EW. h...v... Vlrslnla Oelss (nre Dlank) ReUtlviail .(h. .I.m nil nwiNUalliw. . .. .1 was a member, are invited te attend tSt services, nai. i;ou i ai bi nir lata 2 dence. 247 . Wlldeyst. Int. NerlpfiS Cem IVIends may call after 7 P. M, Kf? ueunusi. .Marcn i. main aenrnc nclatlxca and friends Invited te atttM services en Saturday memlns; at ie e'ebS at tha residence of daughter, Mrs. Acte? 1911 roelar at. Interment private, i OBAU.--euaaeniy, jiarcn 7, CHARUal husband ef tha late Pauline Orau (net IS meycr), formerly et 2030 N. Bth st. S 7H. Relatives and friends Invited te ittSS' funeral services. Pun., 2 P. M.. parlerSa Mrs. Henry Schneider A Sen. leirw. (Ssv brla st. int. Northwood Cem ukai. Jinrcn v. ai ner nusnana s nst, dence. M7 Llnwoed ave.. ColllnasweolTT J MARY II.. wife of Oorden Gray. FuseS servicca rnvaie. int. ei. jenn s uem., Ltsii; berry, ra . Sun, afternoon. , lllli;iiuiii, ainrcn v, r.L,iAllh;TH,sl Ifn nf William I). CIreimry. aireii 7 'ft1 neral sen Ices Sat., 2 P. M., R2 Ilerlln'tiaL Iladdnnnelil. N, .7. Int. private. "' UKU MM. aiarcn it, aiaiix c rl(. af Nicholas J drlffln. Funeral notice itB from nn2l Doen st.. Ormantewn. ' HAMPTON On March 8, 1022 ALWDU X".. wif of Jehn W. llnmnten. Jr.. years. Serilcea Bat., 2 P. M, at the Btk HAIlDESON. March 7. JAMfca P. MaR. I1HHOM Relatlies and friends are InrlM te funeral serWces, Frl.. 2 P. M lata rta. inc, 0122 McCallum at., Oermantewn. !, "'lini'wnY. March 8. JOHN' irBKNCT rtclatliei nnd frlenda. also PhlH. reun.' v inn. K. of C. nnd A. O. -It . are Invited te nttnd funcrnl, Sat,, ij A. M.. from 1700 Race at Ilrqulem nun nt the Cathedral 10 A. M. Int. VUk. Ilnrriv Pa. Illiy. Suddenly. Mnrch 8. WAWM HEY. Services and Int. at the ceimtl. tnce of tte family. HINHH. March S. JOSEPH F hmUM of UrldKet E Hlnen (nee Uvnth). Helill.n nnd friends Invltetl te funeral, Sat,, lit A. M.. Inte residence. 403S Ocdn st Hln mass of requiem Church of Our Mether et Cmin 10 A M. Int. Cnthrdrfll rm -" ': I . .... .. r,. .--:. IIOH .MAiXiN. un .Marcn it, iuia )'HILD) ,T husband of the InM) Mamnrct Heftmim, Service Men., 2 P. M. at his late realdreca. 2020 Poplar st. i KENT Suddenly, at Clnvment, Del,, en Thurs.. March 0. 1022, CHARLES I . ion late Dat.Iel II. and M.KIIaineth Kent. r neril Kervlces. nt "Wpedsctlge." Claynnw, Del . nt half-Pist 10 n clock. Monday nwn.. Inir. March 111 Intnrm'nt private. KINO. ALEXANDER KINO. SemnMt Pa , en March 4. nired 70 yars. FuMril . ... ... .........v.! TJr. SVnkl. W .ABA anil iniermeiii icuuuhi a... .timi-n ., mzj. KIllL'llNUH illinn i, - 'lAllbKI K1ATTKA K1RC1INER Itelathes in, fr'endi nre Invited te attend funral, Sn, 2 P. M. r"sldonce of brother. 7101 Unlit ne. Int. iii. .Merian tun, ic-ninff rn. ci'" . - . . KIlUv, .inren B, li'-- -AlUAltlM, Ife of the Inte Michael Kirk (nf e McArtH), Helntlica and friends, also St Themas' B. ', M. Sodality, are Invited te attend funeril, Sat . 8 A. M., from her late residence. IWl S. 1,1th at. Solemn reiulem miis Churrt ,f St Themns Aquinas 0 30 A. M. Int. Nre fnth..rtrnl Cem. ' N KIRCIINER March 7, CHARLEI KI.ATTKA KIRCIINER. R.'lntlics til friends are Inilted te uttend funeral, git, P. M. resinenct" ei oremcr, iiy uuisl ae Int. Alt Mnrinn (.em. v lewinn rn iti i. T.Aiiui.:it rtuueeniv. .tiarcn e. zked. ERICK. husband of the lnie Charletti Klnud-r (nee.Muller), n(nd 81 Relatives tn frlfiida are Invited te nttend funeral senlen, Sit. 1 30 P. M. nt hlsnnte residence, 1H1 N. Ornti! st. Int. private TlTTI.KU'nOn Mnrch 8 MARY W.. srif. of J. Thompson l.lttlewoeil nnd dautbtst of the late David nnd Mnry Wallice. Rili. tlves .ind friends Invited te funeral sfrvlcH, Sit., 11 A. M.. 1.11 Rechellc ave., Wltit hlcken Int. private. Prlends may ctl) rvi nt. 1)NH. March 7. 1922. JOSEPH E., tu. Kind of Inti' Jennie )tmic nnd son of Ellta. 1 -ctli nnd Inte Jeiin 1. linir. liciaiuei u friends, also nil BOtletlea nf which he wu a incmhcr, Invlttd te funeril Kervlces, Su, 2 P. M , late residence, 2814 Heward it Int. Cedar Hill Cem. Friends ran call TA, I.ONCIAKER At I.ansdewnc, March I, 1022. DAVIS HROOKS l.ONdAKEIl, r4 Ki runernl servlies Sat., 2 P. St.. at Wlf land Memerial llaptlitt Church, r.2J ui inillmere ave, Int, Kernvvenrl Cem I.OWERY (np Ilrephv) Mireh 0, CATB. PRIM:, bt'leved wile of Edwin P. I ewery anil i!aURhtr of Andrew A. and Florins Iliephv. ncid 20 eam. Relatives and friend nru Invited te attend funeril. SJt , 8JI A. M, from n sldenie of her methcr-ln-liw, 1S04 E. HuntlnKden at. felcmn innns of r tiulem 10 A. M . Church of the Visitation, B, . M Int. Hely )M-pulchre Cem I.UTZ March 8 EUZAIIEIII, ulfi st late Daniel II. I.uts (nee Schnau) Fumril, te which iclallveti and frlendi are lnvliit Men., 8:10 A. M from her late residence. 21.14 S. 17th at. Solemn mass of rreule. Church of St. Menica 10 A. M. precisely Int prlv ite. MAl'UKIDE On Mnrch 0. 1922, MZZTI Mncbrlde. hkeiI 81 je.irs Relatives mJ fl ends uru Invited te thn fervtcv ;at., 2 ANDERSOV At Mentclnlr. N. J.March 9, CHARLES LESLEY. son the late J, Lesley nnd Hester Cirrnll Anlersen, (Bed ill, services nt St, Luke's Church, .vienit'inir. . j.. nai., q d'l i'. m, ATKI.S'SON March 7, JOSEPH PRANK I. IN, husband of Adeline Atkinson, Itcta- Ives nnd frlerds. also emp'evea of the Court nnd Harrison Club of thu mm Ward, are lnvitcil te funeral services. Sat , 2 1' M.. .it his late n sldence, 721 N. 19th nt. Int. Oicmwoed Cem, I'rlcnJa mas call Pit eve. EAUEIl Mirrh 7. MINNIE wife of the lite Ir, ilnrlnk l(.ill,,r. niril l.t rfplitlLAu ,,ml friends nre Invited te nttend services, i ji at the Oliver H. Hair Hide,. "J I 1l in '111 . St A .,. & Un, t) .1 -. .1 .J . ,... I .,,, .v ' ... .,, , nmmi n nu,, n iiiiii 71 lIlSIOU' ei. I ill, jnitiii,'. cnapei, i.iuii e. urnaq hi. int. private, Snel len Hills Cem. Remalna muy be vleued Thurs, eve. ItOENIflEN. March .1, LOUISA, beloved vvlfe of tlm late Nlchelnp Eenlffen, ntrid SI IttlutlviM and frlenda nre Invited te nttenl funrnl hcnlces Men., 1.30 1. M iircclselv. nt the parlors of J K. Hnckman, 907 W I.ihlBh nve. Int. private, German Lutheran Ccm. HOYLE March 0. MARY E.. daughter nf the Inte Daniel nnd Hrldcet l,'ole. Itnlatlvcs nnd friends are Invited te intend funirnl, 0 A. M , resldence of her reueln Mrs Sephia Dever, 1402 N 21st nt. Hqulem innsa St, Elizabeth's Church 7 A M. Int. McAdoo, Hi. HRENN. March T. RUDOLPH 'j I1RE.NN'. BRcd .HI Relatives and friends also Westmoreland Republican Assn. and Klremcna Relief Assn . Invited te funeral services. Erl.. 2 P. JI :. 3117 Chatham s t Int. Oreenvvoed K. of P. Cem. Vlcvtlnii Thurs eve " CA1.VERLEY. On Mnrch R. 1922. MAR. OARET 11. CALVERI.EY. lin S n.. J. Cnlverlej Relatlvts and friends Invited te funeral (.frvlces, en Saturday afternoon at ulTirRUKY. Mnrrh 8. I1ERTIIA H, wlfe of Alexander L Mayberry ami daurtte! of Anm. and the late Oeorue llrautlnn. r,L.A,i .!' rteiiiiliea and friends, nnd all e cletles of which he was u nit mber, are l vlted te attemi tunerai ant., J i: m. i;j her late residence 3013 N Kill it. InJ Northwood Cem. Remains may be viiwn Tl ... n McANDHHWr-Mnrch 7. 1922. KDWARft b'lnvfil husband tf Catherine Mr Andrew W"J Cellins), Rtlnttves and friends of famlV. nlFe Lcnste of Sncrcd Heart and Hely M Socletv of St. (Inbrld'a Church nnd Illvlilm) Ne 7. A O. IL. nnd County .M-ijb Meal Society ninl nil ethtr sniletlea of whifh M was a mcmltr, nre Invited te nttend ! mial. Snt . s SO A. M.. from his lite resi dence. 2702 Taalter st. bole mn hlh mui of requiem nt St. (iabrlrl's Church 10 A. int heiv cress cem, ....,. .n.--.lll.r. .. .l.ti.ii . -. ' ,V-.,.- widow of IMtrlek J MrCnrney (nee helin Due nottce of funeral from late reiiaenca CONEnHY. Relatives nnd friends art vlted te attend funcrnl. med, e ju a. t ..... .,.tAn n I,.. I,rn,, iiuiii im iibiuvihu w. J'--. -, fUte 1 n'plerlc. tit lntA rpulilan,.,. nttn ... rn . ,..,.. . ,. , .ii'm stnrtl.i,, .1 st. Interment Hillside Cemetery. ' Pri-nds tnnntnwn .' Hlnh miisH Church ut at. Vine .v . ' ntniuiK, a te IV e Llnclt, CA.N'IY. Match I). liuj. iirj.i-v .!.... ter of the Inte .1er mhh nnd Elli'n Cum HeUtlvca nnd friends, also all Hneletl.s ,,f ue. ' .V ' .'' '..-'-.."i" J i ' V. t iechMl .vir.jl.l-1, .tlliri-ii n, t, ..., , - i.iB of litn I.ultn -ird EllriDelh MrLiue. '" rrieniiH mviieu ie iumiii -- i,.j e.j n,.n .1 ,iiiii"vr, ii re imiteu te at- 1 P. M , from rt'luene "I niece, .. --. e-'Me'iVn yh-W.' ".?" A .?' ' from '"" '" i'" N"'1 2011 H OUth Ht int FernwefJ .r,ic,ic V,, ?' c.V's,,,,luTbtt "'' Solemn fern Krlends m iv t ill Erl s te '?.f'2 i-qulem ni(SH St. Mnlnclij'a Church 10 A McCOVERN March 7. 1022, ANNA . M Int Cnlhedral (Vrn ,eieie.l wife of JnmnH V. McOevern (w , iA?r,l ,urn' 8' l'-C- '"WOHA. d.ush. Had)? TlVlitlv.s and' "rlendsare lnvlej l.r.a,vBnnrfreT1X1J:n,,J:L1-,..V"'L .l::.SlSt L ')l Ilfjr llliiiitc.-isi- " ..- "-- .- nf or DISCOUNT HOUSE ' OF SALOMON BROS. & HUTZLER MEMBERS NF.W YORK STOCK EXCHANGE COMMERCIAL TRUST BLUG. PHILADELPHIA Telephone-Spruce 7591 NEW YORK BOSTON CHICAGO which Hhe was k munh-r, nre Invited te nt l ml fmurnl. Snt.. S JO A M, from h'i ,.t l ,,u ,1, n.n itll it- ,.i ,.l : . 4,u,.u. ni -. v, ,.-.... v , .,,.1. ,, , . .iniiiiiii i nv !. MalHtiin irqulem in is St MnldLhi'i Chunh in M Int I'Hthedrnl I'lin. -"u," 10 A f'HADVMCK.Mircli 8 C'A'lHARIVP m CIIADWICK dauehi.r of tic, l" te Wmiim nnd Mary Harrow Relatives and f?leri, 1 K invited te ntt-nd funeral, .Men g "e A M from h"i late resldencn. 2211 Cninenter i' Solemn Wulem ,,,, L-hiri... church I'e "',..;. -;; ...7" ..-"v1 ' "i in v- sii. .. u iianni ma aa iievern. .in r iiiwsiei . ,"", w, requiem St. Anthen' Church. 10 A. JI. Hely Cress Cem. ..... .,, , M( CO ERN. M in h 0. MAlll. . Rebert McOevern. Ile'ntlveH nnu , ir "":,' iiiAjii.i;- -.Mnrch 7, iuy.. SAnAir n widow of Rebert Charles Pun oral sVrvleei " r.-V,' a.' ":?l'""'co of her!llnui , cm Mrs. Adelaide A Peters aiendnrh. N i' Ir ends mi ill Pri.. nfm. r ii , ,' J - -... ....-, , . ., K 101 AX. S.... ill,l In fiitii.rnl HerVlCfH ''Vt. 3 JUJ.'!' l no resieF Merinli Ci 10 P M. lite residence. 2007 St. Albans :,.Jm4i f rteneH muy i.u , - Merlnh Ccm, McKI.UPI'RY. "Miirrh THOMAS I- CHISM Mnnh (nee Lnltertj), vylfe of JamJs lUUiiird'chlsfi aneil 20 It. latlves and f rh nds. Ill,, H icn 1 II'V'YJ."1 B,!tc'nKM,.. " Invited 327 8. Sd'st CeTvvVn. P'' It'lih "S"' Clement's Church 10 A. M.' Inl!' uJlyCress COLE Mnnh 8. miOTr r fnrm ,i.. . ln.f'c?..c:..llu;.k,s.Cn. ,"."." f the Inte Jeseph ...';.."' '"'"nves nncl tr rntlH In. whit ECAR MOOllii, wicinw ei "V-Vrieedi Ji.Mn0tun. ''f1.' f"""1K;l) A. M from te Moeie. aued 80 M'nrs. K.IiiIIieh enU rie LmL'1"-0 nf, llls "'"' s'l S'HlcJ hi ,ie Invlicl te thn teivlce, en I rid i, We,m?ftrA,uls7,,.m.a,f.nt "10 f'h'irch f the no"". t 2 o'clock, nt her Hjte resWsnce. ' OCHU lfl A. M. Int HnW, I.,,.., Inl, .J J, '... ule w f .. r,..n n.. f n n kilo W n0. I ' McKI.UPI'RY. Mnrrh " .J '','. elt husbmd of into rrnnclsD. McKeefcry.Kei tins and frlciulrt. also minibcn of 1 f ls. llcllef Aaie and 1. O. t) l.. N" 5,( 'n vlfd te funeral, vien . hi " ,", ,, late residence, lrt.13 S. &3d st. I'n at of I no Most llleasid icranw 10 A. M Hit, (it Hel Ciess ' rei MONIOHAN. Mnrch 7. at Nat'0"1 Uidjet N J.. MARUARET J., ilniiBhter e 1 imiia Menisnan '":rli. und filenda nre lnvllcd te nttcnii ! M snt.. 8,10 A. M from thf ri'sldetn nlcce, Mis. J.irnes Cuniilnslinm. ! 2d st'. Solemn hluh mass of rcnulem ym of St. Plillle 10 A. M. PifdselJ. int. v-'"1 "j'l'eMVIV.-On March 7, 1922. MAUVEM COMHS.-At Rlvertrn. N j , ' '' , thn Cmbs laie .'iiinmiis E and Jemlm . n Heivlce Snt.. 2 p. m. Int. nnl...,' , DEPIirY. March 7. MARY E wlf. . idsPinttVId0SunerUVv,&l'S- call Irl eve i.iS't ,i -"MX..?- ARTHA. wife of the '.Mho I ,t Els em iAviV.h .".'.' Yu ."emtiyes and frlehdi( ,l1" mves .in ?rn.IQVIted te attend funeral ..m... e.,u' r0u. s. 1 III l T r.. nnv.n i-'.:".-0, 3 I . I '. ' ' " "..-"- .. f..n .. - ., ..n,Mfc,,, -rii.i 'in n u. i. iirn.itn I ir, nn v n...i 1. ur 1-. .cn. .- .u Wi"n510UIlt Cem- neirmlns may"be Vleived "' eall i'H. eve., from 7 te , ) e'cif rfl . UICKINSDV In Trnne. R... t ... t," .'.'' .'... ."l'.'..v''...'.'nj is Vunerl".'il ril.2lJKK?ilN' 'T I STsal" 2 l'.'SVat her ate re.ldenW.JJ nfunlk ielant'i?5; VVT a Ce "' " " '3' I'lsher'H . ' elncy. Friends call " b,rHno7,.bee"A,r?'"'1 V.V.','!"' ?!'. mem ?,.. .., ., ,, c'lnc!" funernl servlcrs." Sat . 2 "p j'. 'Stnnart O ' "iT ' 'of Je. ph 1' WSJ IT" r.SLJ, ?' TH1,IV'""' '' . IO?)1 M?rk " dalwht. i of h llifniis and " , nivmfti'' i, Int t "nrleiKh i'em I "" laneM and frtiuls ur . hli,niWA.''KrM'ui'l " "--'. Iil'll) atUnil funirnl, Sut , 8.10 A. JIi ';?i,iv unii?uL 1' ,nJy ,l"i'n I (me c, .' ' "f her l.reiber.ln.hivv. 'hlM J.'.s (V iJeft." A"? 'rlii'l,infniiH nf th.. ihln 713 H filth Ht. Helemn ruiulun .mas -BjJ,! Pellen district, are Invited te mt, nd funeral "' the Transrluurutlen 10 A. M. ' " private MORROW March T. 1922 MTHIW .Morren ,,, tlvis und frit nils are Invited te B.,,,'?. M , wife of Dr. James A neral. Sat., 2 P. M., fren ,' i. U' . . ... ..'.,......, Cxi, .. fill J I uc-m-u, vv, cer. cin nnu ,ji."- -- ., rri. Mt. Murlnh Cem. Trltnds may call ' utter 7 P M t....J MUELLER. Mnrch 8. CASPEIl. id"a n lite Elsie I .n inner I ?1"t",'.ral i"" Ives and frl-nds Invited te "er.1"iiil. Sut.. 2 P. M.. 2410 McheUs t,Ja De Iincev st Jeieph'H Chuich 0.30 Culh, ilrnt Cm DRAKELEYi March 8 1.1... ...... ii.. ,.v . :.."," ."" -"j -'- " ."IIIJIL',1, .1 , , a f .:.."'.' Int. New iiiiA.ftu,i.ijXt .March 8. 1023 TOSPim 'i'i-V?!?' U?"""". and late Samuel Drakelev as-ed 80. runernl services Prl" 8 P M ?J tha rat denea nf S t '",?' t,, at y i .. Ifei i II tedn. Ne aft v iU a" "nntten - . :i SB. XB8g ZiZL i- .4 , . . fcJU,Stifi&S V,MVEHS'-March 0. JOUST.VftSS services Prl Iers (ne. e "" r,.Jne I IV. M. precisely. rei I UNDKBTAKEB8 Baa y ,-CTT irftfUJA idStr. b&tfic f ' A . -J. 4 i4a.M.'ij