IPBSK nsfWE r ' Hi ti b t j H f. ?i t HUWATPSTT-TT!?"''?' ,'. V n',M , it -.,-.- - -..-.,.. ..-., . ... ,,i i , ' ' ii ti 1 1 hi iwwn - -' ; rr:; 1 , ' '- ' ' - ' iii iaaaM P f ''li rail I JMBWWWWWkt. ,.. ''K1H -X BBBBBKara.3Eifr ?SlWd...mni02rfrvLB-,''.''lt KiafriiBaBaTllBBBMBR aM W Bl VI .B ,am til BBBj r 'U ? M jpmeiBjiiIm1 TS& . HI MJETOsPaaBmlag . v7 :MaBBBBBBr9DBBBT3triBEjBBBBBBBa$t-6 HJBHHHHBIWaffy'SitBAwf jHRJBBr DPMHKvjTvttKkuHrBMHDKr r MmMansiim JByiBaMaCTBwlS?Tgrrif bPSIBObbbbbbbbbbbbbvv sStl'WmSLmXsmWl 3MimSBBm( vF x .' 9EilKfflllHBHKnPwH19HB4 tamtly Council Frent Punch, Londen M :-tfwJW" fcij,' JVDD t i The British Lien's Restless Breed Restless te realize all the blessings of their united greatness and their individual equality a restlessness of growth and readjust ment, transforming a vast -Empire into a world-wide Common wealth of Free Nations. When did this great change begin? Hew was America responsible for its beginning? In what way did Canada hasten it? And Ireland? By what steps and through what difficulties is the process continuing? What important steps remain te be taken? Shall America hinder or help? Canada, the Land of Potentialities Hew tlees Canada compare with the ancient Reman Empire? With the British Isles? With the United States? Hew may Canada determine the future destiny of the world com monwealth of Greater Britain? Under what circumstances did the close friendship between the United States and Canada begin, and what is its special significance? Hew have the physical characteristics of Canada affected the devel opment of her national life? What are the fabulous natural resources of the Dominion? "Old Ireland" the New When and hew did the "rebirth of the Gael" begin, and hew did it result in the Irish Free State? What was at the root of Ireland's trouble with England? What is the "peculiar cultural and spiritual ancestry" of the Irish people? What is the Irish attitude toward death? What was the Irish Republican Army really like ; and what are the facts from both points of view regarding the Sinn Fein? Of what importance is the Irish Free State as an economic factor in the world? What is the effect of the new Agreement en Ulster? India, Seething With Unrest Will India break away from the British Commonwealth and become an independent Moslem state; will the Mehammedans restore the Sultan of Turkey te his former power; or will India remain as a dazzling jewel in the British crown? What is the wonderful story of this land of extremes, this home of one of the eldest civilizations in history, this "motherland of religion"? What are the most marked causes of the great unrest and dis content? America's Attitude Toward Great Britain Why have some papers been declaring that war between America and Great Britain "is inevitable," while ethers insist that we arc "entering an era of mere friendly relations than ever"? What is the prevailing American opinion, and upon what is it based? Should the United States "share with Great Britain the burdens of the world as a whole"? Hew will the rivalry between the British Commonwealth and the American Commonwealth for world trade be carried en, and with what result? THE BIG STORY OF A GIANT EMPIRE CHANGING TO A DEMOCRATIC COMMONWEALTH Told in the Special British Commonwealth Number of The Literary Digest OUT TO-DAY Australia, the Real Land of the Gelden Fleece Bases of British Strength With all its wealth, natural resources, financial strength and means of defense en land and sea, hew is England kept from starving? Hew are the products of the British Empire related te the life of the rest of the world? Hew is British naval supremacy affected by the Washington agree ment? Where have the sons of Britain been going for the past 200 years, and with what effect upon the motherland? British Character, Culture and Life Frem what "hated enemy" is the dominant strain of English bleed traced? What are the natural characteristics of the people and their attitude toward war? What is their notion of private rights, and hew docs it affect their government? What contradictory things are found in their character and temper, and what general principle accounts for them? Hew is the growth of democracy changing the British people? Egypt Under the British Regime What modern wonders in Egypt compare, for greatness, with the ancient pyramids and the ruins of Luxor? What has Britain been doing for the last forty years in Lewer Egypt and along the Upper Nile? Hew has Egypt developed; what is the present condition of h,er people, and when did the new Egyptian "nationalist move ment" become militant? The eldest continent en earth; larger than the United States; nearly as big as all Europe; a land of wonders and mysteries; surpassing all peoples in the world in per capita wealth and productive power; ninety-seven per cent of her people of pure British descent; a laboratory of political experiments what is the relation of Australia te the British Crown, hew is the country governed, what are her political problems, and what is her place in the economic program of the world? New Zealand First Did you knew that New Zealand was the first country in the world te make compulsory the conciliation and arbitration of indus trial disputes? That it was the first country te establish uni versal penny postage, state fire insurance, state maternity homes, non-contributing old-age pensions, and many ether social and economic reforms? De you want te knew all about this remarkable country of which Bryce declares that "nowhere is the' level of comfort higher; there are no millionaires, very few rich persons, and no class of people is sunk anywhere near te the margin of subsistence"? Changing Tides in Seuth Africa What marvelous transformation in Seuth Africa has brought about "one of the most dramatic chapters in the modem history of the British Empire"? What caused the Beers, who fought arainul the British in 1900 te right for the British in 1915? Hew did the Union of Seuth Africa become possible, and what claim has it te distinction as "the only real democracy in the world today"? Why ih the color problem "the most serious question before the people of Seuth Africa"? What is the thrilling and picturesque Bteiy of the takin and making of Khedesia? b British Power in the West Indies What special American significance has been found in the fact that this chain of islands flanks the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea? What aie the social, industiial. political and commercial character istics and possibilities of these groups of several thousand islands? Is there a probability of an Imperial Federation of the Caribbean Colenics under the leadership of Jamaica? Wonderful Maps, in Celers, of the Far-Flung British Commonwealth BUY IT TO-DAY MARCH 11TH ISSUE Tis a Mark of Distinction te Be a Reader of The Literary Digest tunni Lwuiif 'fiTit ll?ur2-llW AI.F.ti THE LITERARY DIGEST ATLAS OF NEW EUROPE G literdiy A new volume; 20 large colored maps; with descriptions of all burepcan countries. Necessary in every Heme, emcc anu - - m -v school. Paper 50c i Beards $1.00. All news-dealers, or by mail FUNK Af WAP.NAl I S POMPAMV -d'ui- i r .i r- k.,v, ! uim & WAUfNALLa CUM! ANY (Publishers of the Famous NEW Standard Dictionary) NEW JH ,BB Bl w - ONL Y 10 CENTS est Fer a Single Dime at the News-Stands Each Week YORK JUST PUBLISHED THE LITERARY DIGEST ATLAS OF NEW EUROPE I wenty large maps in coleis with descriptive articles of European Leumnes. I lie most recent and the most authentic atlas obtain able. Papci 30c; Beards $1.00. At all ncws-slands, or by mail M ,n 4 m Mi ?l fel i i 1 .IX CVi T t .' -Mmm:tmM,k;jM .if A V i .. ii. j'.'iTK& fc..HfSa. a . r VE?V' kBBter'Y riisrM.Vi vA Af.fttiBSaBttiate: VJ.ft3G3fe& rr -y- t ; tv .