BaMAAIttmrMf ONE OF BIG FAMILY .4vA. Kl Large Clan of Spooks In Neva ; Scotia, Speaker 'Tells Spiritualists Here IS A' SKEPTIC ON "HANTS" hlle Novn'Sietla Is full of "haunted tmtucs nna gnusi nunia nre irequent KL. Herewnrd Carrlngten. Invretigt- tar of psychic phenomena and former taie magician, thinks that most prank Blaring spooks are about seventeen years e!d and very much alive, although he jees net ailuw uii fuveui uiajr icaiij tilt. He told of some of his own ghost kntlnr in Neva Scotia, and referred with Interest te the test new going en it Antlgenlsli, in an address last night la the church of the First Association of .Spiritualists. Twelfth street, near "ftompsen. He aald that no Knew nttie aoeut tne ffermances 01 me spoon in me mac ,nu house at Antigenlsh. where Dr. w Franklin Prince, of the American r..tihifn for Scientific Research is new conducting his investigation. But he declared that his 'own experiences tn trying te get acquainted with n ghost Jlid ulBUC mm fiuiucn UBly DKCIUWDI nuuui "haunted houses." "v,rn Scotia has been interested in t number of haunted houses In recent tl -atJ U PlIHiltllvfAn IVI- . itnr-a in sunnert of the theerv that a p'ice is wnaeuca ey a gaei is very mucn we u " .ae, "The usual phenomena reported in Vnr Scotia include the break I nit of pet ttry or the throwing about of tableware bjr unseen annas, me moving 01 lurni tare, noises and lights, as at the Mac Donald home. Tricksters Often te Blame "A large part of these unusual things reported are undoubtedly fraudulent, w nmn tnnv be real. Often suDnesed rapernatural happenings have back of tbtm flowing iuurc iuuii eume person desiring te p'ny n trick, work en the credulity of ethers or te seek the llme- One of Sir. Cnrrlngten's own- efforts In Nera bcetla te meet a guest face te ftee was in the town of Windser. The Windser ghost, he said, was a fraud. He found that there was an old man in the town who posed as a medium nnd devised the idea of a "haunte"d house" te Increase his reputation. Steps te run down the "ghost" were made dlffl ralt because the man was aided in his deception by numerous volunteers. "The whole town helped him," cald Mr. Carrlngten. Ixcal pride or leve of frolic may have caused the old man's neighbors te exert themselves te make the Windser ghost iMra real, but in the end it was shown that everything attributed te the spook wis done by human hands. The Amherst Ghost 1 Neva Scotia's most famous ghost hunt. Sir. Carrlncten said, was at Am bent. In a house there spirits were reported te have struck matches and Hinted fires. The doings of these spooks were set down in a daily record and afterward furnished material for a book. Speaking of the prevailing terror In which spooks are held, Mr. Carrlngten aid. "It Is absurd te be afraid of spirits. Yeu are as much a ghost new as you ever will be." As n ghost is merely the spirit that has passed from the body, he told, there is no mere reason te be afraid of dealing with ghosts than of dealing with living men. Mr. Cnrrlngten's keenness In delect-In-: fraud practiced py mediums nnd ethers he said 1ms been ns much due te his training as a magician as te his later study of communication between the spiritual and the material worlds. Having performed the marvels which imazQ audiences, through the quickness of hand which defiles the eye, he knows better than most investigators hew te leek for fraud. Fraud Blended With Heal Yet, while stating thnt he hnd found much fraud, he admitted he hnd also found muny things that defied explana tion. Telling of Eusapia Palndlne, the Italian medium, who came te thin coun try several days ager he said the woman undoubtedly possessed strange gifts, hl!e nctunlly practicing fraud nt times. ThU disposition te deceive, he said, may lmve been due te vanity or a desire te give some apparently wonderful dem onstration of power nt every gathering. At any rnte, Slgnera l'aladlne. desplte far psjchlc power, would cheat when ever she had a chance, if net closely watched, he ail. Mr. Carrlngten Is by no means n eitic concerning messages from the' spirit world, despite the mass of decep tion that has come under his obscrva ebscrva obscrva Hen. He tell, of experiences with noted mediums that left no doubt In his mind that theie are men nnd women who pos pes ess sifts science cannot jet explain, onieC iIiemj experiences being liie trnns trnns mlnien of a message from his dead mother, containing Information It was net neK-lblf for a medium te bupidy fraudulently. Letters Are Stumbling Works One test tried without tntMactery results by the Society for Psychical He March, he said, was the writing of n letter by a living man te be repeated after death through a medium, the let ter meanwhile te remain locked in thn safe of the society nnd net .opened until a spirit mcMsuge was received from the writer. "Seme of these who have written letters befere their death for this test," M'ali "have failed te route in touch with the world nfter death. Others have yyd te try te deliver messages con cen ejrnliiR the letters, but the messages, niic In bome cases giving an Idea of .1 . ' w1? written, have net been com plete. n new have a letter In the fe of the Society for Psychical He March, nnd while I de net wish the writer any hard lurk, I would llke w me this test completcd." hii. A Vnd?r,lt0IMJ tf,Ht Mr- Carrlngten wmsclf Is the writer of this letter and &,e.5 .t0 ,rePeat it through a me death' l'osslble te de se after SCHOOLS GEt $891 ,555.57 8'e Checka 8ent te All Dlatrlcts "t Philadelphia and Pittsburgh tSmlP'W' Mnrch - (Br A. P.) todfl.i?Lll;caHUry.nnneuncc'l issuance with Jjch?.0 appropriations, and that hSSipM?.n ,. of Philadelphia and tCl buKl' H districts have been sent tt m, i tl10 general appropriation for iVtlt6c200l year ending July 1. This chenrl1,0!1'782'08 h" been paid en eni. .S.1??0 cltles. hlh Bchuelti and Vek eP c,nl "PProprlatlens In another s or be, r vS. Measurer Snyder has asked He i '"PRn"; Superintendent of Pub Pub tlen . B,.rctlen, te begin rcrtllicn ttent. ...i """''er districts for pay fi. p".lcr ,0 K'lniemla net. the i v-" U(!nda act ttkes the place of W-m..,,0(lru,t, end "er acts. The Jjreenta under the Woodruff act last nV..A iW1 ae " e i'enr be en April 0. it wan aUted at the 6VltTY f miOWS CONFEWI AT HONEYMOONERS aBHJ&HEr&MBIiMgi9fHBBi9nl PPsB, ;;a, I v, aSpsaHiriiHKBHasVIBBCHKH 20 CHILDRIN CORNIR THIIF f Haaburg March 0. Twenty small boys and' girls, using' sticks, .stones and spades, yesterday chased a thief who had broken into a shop near where they were playing. They finally surrounded the thief and held blm prisoner until the police arrived. The man was Iden tified as a former convict. He had a pocket full of silverware, which In had stolen. Weathar RtMrta by HatfT Chicago. March . (By A. P.) The local Weather Bureau is completing plans for the broadcasting "of weather report by radio. The service Is ex netn1 ntart within a day or two. and like the market auotatlens sent out by the .Chicago Beard of Trade dally, it will be from the K. Y. W, station en n 360-meter wave length, which la ex pected te reach a 200-mlle radius. . (c) Central New The British royal family giving Princess Mary and her huaband, Viscount LasceUes, a send -off as they leave Buckingham Palace for Paddlngten te start en their honeymoon. Confetti In the shape of small horseshoes and silver slippers is being thrown at the bride and bridegroom. King Geerge Is wearing a busby. With him are the Duke of Yerk, Prince Henry and Prince Geerge, broth en of the bride Girl te Assist in "Ghost" Hunt Continued from Pare Oe spite of the many strnnge twists he managed te give his nucstiens in an ef fort te discover any flaw In the story. Fer he must discover n flaw In this mass of weird evidence somewhere, else It will be Impossible te arrive at any solution ether than a supernatural one. Se far this attempt te materialize the causation and weaken the story Inte a commonplace one, has proved a failure. Tfce mere facts uncovered the mere reStifying de the whele cir cumstances become. Mary Ellen Is sat Isncd that her former home was tnken ever by evil spirits that had deter mined te drive them out. She believes that the spirits arc net satisfied with their victory, but feels that the presence of the investigating party will rekindle their anger. It Is probable, she thinks, thnt if the party remains in the house any length of time they will be visited by the evil power the same as I and Carrell experienced after one night free from molestation. Dr. PrlnCO Is UtJnc bin nun mi.llm.1a and he does net speak very much of his pinns. no is new busy writing a scien tific report of his deductions se far. Thcse are for his own benefit for use in stllflv nf thn ntinnnmnna nnd ia nn- net knew what he has written until he is ready te divulge the facts. We de knew, however, that he has witnessed no fresh phenomena since arriving here. Thnt the ".spirits" failed te put in an nppenrance for two nights Is no sign that they will net pay us a visit tonight. It will be remembered that lt was net until the second night spent in the house by the previous investigating party that any unusual demonstrations occurred. The repetition of that story of the mys terious "slap" in the night, while It has no doubt had some effect en the members of the pnrty, has net made any of them afraid te face this third night. Prince Scrutinizes Signs Early yesterday 'the rain cleared away, and when night fell the sk.v was clear. Throughout the day Mr. Prince was busily engaged about the heiicc and barn, scrutinizing every evidence of the "spook" visits, nnd asking hun dreds of questions of the eye-wltneses who accompanied htm. He seemed te be fairly ucll hntlfeftcd, and about fi o'clock gave up the investigation and came Inte the house, where we gath ered about the kitchen fire. The .neighbors hae been exceptionally kind te us nnd nave nreugut in tpecmny cooked things te ent. I think the majority of us would be glad if something were te happen, nnd seen. Daybreak yestcrdny found the Intrepid band of watchers In n stnte of relieved disappointment, relieved because they had net been iiidrly handled or chased out Inte the fury of tlie terrific wind nnd rainstorm that raged all through the night and disappointed because the ghost had failed entirely te maid; his presence Known, ir. i-rinre snys ni slept well and he Is net nt nil surprised that nothing hnppenrd te Intcrfeie with his slumber that lx, nothing of nn un usual nature. .True, the house was rocked and tortured by one of the most furious wind and rainstorms that has swept this locality for years. A per fect hcttlng for an incendiary nnd man handling ghost. But there uhs net a rim. a crenk or n flicker that tcmimled us of the idlesyucruclcs of the famous Antigonish ghost. Bui If the learned doctor Mcpt wen it was net se with the rest of us in the house. He retired early aspcr usual custom, lie said, nnd left the ret of us te our own devices, but with instruc tions te teke no action in cue of tin UHiml occurrences without first nreiibing We did net feel like sleeping. The action of the elements wus net con ducive te repose. Se we sat around and smoked nnd plnyed cards. It uas hard te keep our minds en the subject. I was looked upon nt n veteran, having already heard and felt the manifesta tions of the Inexplicable power that haunts this place. But I could net control my nervousness and would net attempt te conceal lt. All hands waited in unspoken apprehension ter the zero PromelesGoodnair Cuticura Treetmentt At nicnt run wuucu.u Ointment Inte partinae all ever tne scalp. Next rooming nhampoe with Cuticura Seap and het water. Re peat In two weeka. ,ra&a.'B.ij- t.T wi'dm- VSJMV SfUtl IVV flNTCfiK; iMkriMV RE Aids Ghost Hunt 1 C&3 -J MARY FAAMS MaeDONALD Adopted daughter of Alexander IMacDe'nald, of Autlgenlsh ghost fame, who Is te spend a night In the "haunted" house te aid Dr. Prince's investigation dentally jarring the delicate apparatus that he hopes will betray tit presence of unwclcome visitors during hU slumber. ... Se the first night passed with us, punc tuated with fitful slumber between the violent gusts e( the storm. The deer was blown in mere than ence and we hsd te brace it strongly before it would held ngnlnst the terrific force of 'the gnlc. My previous experience in the house has given me an uncanny belief that I can tell when the weird forces are about te get in their work. And I felt Bure last night, after the zero hour had passcd."thet we would witness noth neth in of n Dhonemenal nature. Nevertheless, the ineffaccable effect of that alarming night when Carrell tn detective) and I were actually "slapped" by the strange power that we could hear but net see, feel but net grasp, left me with n horror of this heuse that grips me the moment I enter it. Bicyclist Robs Twe Motorists Detroit, March J). (By A. P.) A man riding a bicycle pulled up along side a man and a wemnn in an auto mobile in this city tedny, nourished a pistol, demanded and obtained the me terlsts' money, then fled. tS.-AL I At m1 I?T5IulrtMi. JJK'SIMa.. a. A4-B--fl Li, lllStfltflllHIn'rft. saiejaaeeeMasMMaai f . . ay-Tji BT BaisEajHspssSk saaaav BjiBIESlBBBisasP ixnFTW? t f .r r.'Vwscv.vsiOifci. " heus midnight. Fer that, nc'eerdlng te tradition, is thn critical moment for ghostly actions. Watches wcre glanced at surreptitious glances tney were, tee. If seme ghostly rapping had sounded the strokes of 12 o'clock en some spectral gong I am sure wc would have gene through the wall. All Well nt Midnight But net a sound was heard the storm did net make, except our own uneasy activities as wc clustered around the kitchen btevc and tried te appear nenehntnnt. "Twelve o'clock and nil's well," said McMitchlc, nnd he moved te retire. Scnrcely had the words left his mouth, when we were electrified by the sound of n tinkling bell in Dr. Prince's room. , "The ghost!" some one exclaimed ns we waited, tense with excitement, for what would come next. But it was only Dr. Prince ncci- "PAPEROID" ' Filing & Mailing Containers Including the well-known Verte rile Pocket for correspondence will be en view at the Business Shew Beeth 20 A "Papereld" Pocket Wallet for personal use will be given rRKE te ovary Interested caller at our Beeth. . Alvah Bushnell 6. Datable Filing Centa'uuri 1'liitadclphia. Pa. TedabTs Executives9 Bay The hours from 1 te 6 P. M. today are reserved for busy executives te enable them te study modern business systems at their leisure. Regular visitors' tickets will be hon ored after 6 P. M. Te every business executive in the city we extend a cordial invitation te avail himself of this privilege. today. -, One hour may save you thousands of dollars. Tfit National Butlnnt Skew 'is nt a fin rtauiiatien but an EtpttitUn efthi lalt it and hit ideas in business iffirtencj nd tctnemy. Ge te the JfafionalBusinessShew COMMERCIAL MUSEUM, PHILADELPHIA. lielO nilii all -this P.-M. '-Week. Who discovered printing? MOVABLE types were invented some centuries age. That invention was the biggest advance in the science of making men think as you want them te. Nevertheless, comparatively few busi ness men have yet discovered printing. That is te say, few appreciate te the full the low cost and efficiency of this in strument for making customers under stand and desire their goods. Geed printed matter should be just as essentially a part of your sales methods as geed salesmen. The work of your geed salesmen can be made mere productive if their activities are paralleled and sup-, planted by the Pest Office and the Printer. This is a geed year for you te discover what geed printing can de for your business. S. D. WARREN COMPANY, Bosten Warren's Standard Printing Papers are sold by D. L. WARD COMPANY Lembard 6800 Philadelphia Main 1701 Dnltirwre Washington Richmond Wilkes-Btrr J u paper better printing better business WARREN'S STANDARD PRINTING PAPERS UMiHilHTiMi1" ffBlPilliilii'ill!!titv frnUnrfPapu Te help you in planning direct advertis ing, we shall be glad te send you copies of an interesting series of booklets en titled, "Making It Easy te Plan Printing." 1 II 79c STORE OPENS AT A. M. CLOSES AT 8 :M P. M. '! nellenburgS jNTmt BLOCK- MttKET liniT.t2vST(tEETS f. J& ' '.6 Heusefurnishing Sale Specials 1 $1.89 Utility Bexes Mad for m Foreign Cevmrnmant and Werth $2.78 On Sale Tomorrow at 59. Ea. W fi W Ujl JPaV Thesa utility , boxes Are excp Uenally well made and have heavy metal corner, braces, two 1H-Incn hlnKn and 1-lnch hasps and keeper!, and 2 steel bands around the body. Streng- repe handles at each enci. SS In. Ions-, 19H in. wide. 10V4 la. high. v Mail or phene orderu filUd $2 Steel Garden Spades Te Seil for the Phenomenal Lew Priee of 75c Each $3.00 2-Burner Gas Het Plate (J tS.SO 3-Hurner, i2.9 J Can be connrcted with hose plat or Iren pipe. $2.25 Single Oven for same, $1.69 $24.50 Extended Tep Four-Burner Gas Cook Steves, &-t rj QQ With Breiler. ,Vi O Mad in en piece of eelid mate of Crener Steel without rivet: $55.00 Leenard China-Dish Refrigerator One-rlece white por per c e 1 a 1 n 1 1 n e d, round cor ner perc. 11 ti feed cham. ber. Held en Club Plan. This is the cheapest and beat rcfrlper' ater anywhere. Clean-as-a $32.50 J&MnQimi ipJii in Yr $6.50 White Enamel Finish Medicine Cabinet, ' 9, S4.95 '! Ilk VVm French ISsS I J mirror. "n '.J- and key. 10x14 plate lock VfjKaaBjiHi i5l JSayBBSHPajBjBjn iiIh Sold en Club Plan Size 16x18 Inch's, with iieparati broiler burner and broiler pan and rack. $55.00 High-Grade Cabinet Gas Range. $34.25 1 1 '- W V. en t W H I si- With full 18 . Inch b a kin-r even and broiling; even, flvg burn era e p. en b $75 Snellenburg Special AH-White Porcelain Finished Gas Cabinets. $59.95 $28.50 $45.00 High-Grade Oak Kitchen Cabinet .... White enamel fin ish Interior, 3 drawers, white sliding porcelain top, deep flour bin, glass sugar jar and 4 spies jars. Sold en Club Plan. $9.50 White Enamel Kitchen Tables d A Qff With white pore claJn tops and lira w e rs. Slight Im p rrfectlens which de net impnlr their sen--I c e ability. Slze SGx41. , Cabinet range with extra fine baking and broiling evena. Sold en Club Plan. 45c Long Leng Handle Cotten Wall and Ceiling Dusters, I hinifliSS. Linnfiita n a i tftsv I f-J $8.50 Rapid Washing Machines S4.9S Hand power m a c h I n p a with e a s y running gears. Kin iah slightly rubbed. $2.95 "Wear- Ever" 5-Quart Kettle and Cever, $1.95 $1.50 l':-Qt. Aluminum Percolators, 89c 2g rnwrve i rnr I 1 1 W Ln 80c Galvanized Wash Tub, 2 Handles, 55c $1.25 Oval Willow Clethes Baskets. . 85c 1!mv, . 65c 100 Ft. Extra Streng Clethes Line Oft at 39c $3.25 Felding &-i rf Ironing Beards. . pX I G Inches long; with rachet brace. $1.30 6-Gal. Garbage Can With Tight Deep-Fitting Cever, Reg. $12 52-Piece American Porcelain Dinner Sets lj TT"l .Medallion border decorations ; line edgf ; hauidlcv. geld- $1.25 Cut Glass Mayonnaise Set, 85c Floral I'Uttliiir with foliage. Bew I. Plate and Ladle. mWjfTslSFiX MwLT wfev Reg. $1.00 te $2 Vitrified China Covered Casseroles, Hrupreuf, 49c te 95c $8.50 16-Inch Indirect Lighting Fixture $4.39 Marble lrc' glass bowl fitted complete for Ks or electric lights. km D V k .ill JJJ I 11 itv'ruLjywM fJ I ' , bNEUENDUROS Third FJOft im ' '1L1 tm ti&l j'ii SSF " i & y. !$r.( SNELLENBURG Cp.i . X WLP- r iam mL, & Hlf liL.t'ieff' !' JmM i 'Vt H - . ! if--A'yA'fOHtf-i..". J'ffijltftj . ... .1 ri ?t..H . C1.7U pi , H .' im mil . ifirii iiff M Mlm 1.1 (V-S .' II 'i,jk W.C-i A . :sz'x. Let''