fePIn PStiM fra..YM RSSra -Wi? iwrjt VL" T I jT 1-3 .ST .? vtrif'v-i wvemsmeci' . r" . ie i - ... y WV.VT" ' ta'4"'1 v ;t vvi ( V ". ?! v1i fc 14 U4 M; I-' IIt It IS w r'jA ' m 7'&J . rm j. ' IV I.,. -V irs, ikf- flrac.r R. .0v J Jf ' W '& ESTATE FOR BALE . J C PENNSYLVANIA FARMS HALE Improved 94-acre farm, for Ml Klrchhef. Saturdar. March 11. le en 4th ave.,. Borough of Trappe, nd- i;einnraviiiQ, rive minutca- vveiiv iu lit Hill trolley and Wm.. Penn high- carfare. In Cnlleirevllle depot. Phlla. din. Railroad' feur-vear high school! i cellege: handy te Nornstewn, spring orersferd Phnenlxvllla! "a miles cell- alladelphla: dllghlful suburban eur modernized 10-room atone dwell em tenant house; extra rank uarn Bad; complete net farm bulldlnga) i orchards, 4 acres tlmlier. . superior IU hewa preaperlty en night: obtalnable wir rarmtng valuation; cieau up nic day- livestock, mnchlnery, orepa; sale at iz:au; tarm nnercu at guv. uim; circular with nhntn nn reaUCBt Ugh REESE & L1NDERMAN, Agents. ' arid Church sts,, Norrlalewn. Pa. RH PUni.TU SALE Saturday. IS. a P. M.. en rirrmleea. One farm. of Fr C. Jehnsen, deceased, Walnut st. urcn roan, l mile :sertn vvaies. mi- erancn. tr ana iv. jv. wiuim .....a trelleyllnes te Phils., 37 acres OS per.. acres, meaaew mtn vviasaiiirKin ii"i nr.vHi,tlv. ffim. .ithatnntlftl Stene allng, 10 rma., very 'geed condition! large la him. mnnA rnnrtitlnn. various eutbuild- I running; water In houie nnd barn, from Ing by gasoline marine, nrnpirty hna 41B0 I . .read frontage anl l suitable for aub- ions write (or detailed circular. J. DAUKK. AOT.. KUll CAUtuiun Ampler. ia. . ntiit skat stjk PAni.t. 7B acrea with charming old atone house, remodeled rd enlarged; 10 master chambers. 4 baths, servants- chambers, bath, het-water heat, teetrlclty, gas: house stands en beautiful lawn reached by driveway through old trees, $3 tanant houses with modern cenveniences: sjarace with chauffeur's quarters. 2 room and bath, laundry with laundress quarjers. t rooms and bath: latve stene barn equipped r hunters and drivers, with storage fleer r all creps: greenhouse, eprlngheuse. Mraam, lake, orchard, timber: a most at tractive, property In tine conditien: additional acres It dealred. J. M. Frenefleld, Wavnc.Pa MO ACRBS. 23 mllea te City Hall. Thllii.: en stone rd : 1 m. te eta.: bet soil; south seuth tB slope; Colonial alone dwgv, 10 r.. bath, h, w. ht.; ica.i, shaded lawn, rec-slz tennln court; abund of fruit: burn for 33 head, stanchiens: carries sile: all nec farm bids.. 10 a. timber: bounded b Neshamtny Creelt for 1 m.i beatl'K. bath's tc tlsh 'it, prlcn only taa.BOO. W. Fnrrest Magge, Southampton, Gentleman's Country Seat BO acrea. htsh location, beautiful view: modern dwelling;: tenant house, poultry heusea. abundance of fruit, bargain for Quick buyer. WA nnRN M rnnSEMi, ltatbore. Ta, SUNSET LANE FARM 82 ares en OU Yerk read, woodland and ream, sten mansion 14 rooms. 2 baths, stream pen flreplaccs, hardwood floors, electric 'Sjl!B,.,,,-. w winvrt T ir.,iUi.n r V.Hlfcf,j.'. .11 w.n.l.l .i""". - " ACRKS, 2'x miles from West Chester. H mile te cement hlehway: close te schoel: frame house. 7 roeins: nicely painted nnd papered: lann. stabiej peultn1 heute, plenty est fruit and berries: price 35in J. B. THOMPSON Realtor. West Chester. Pa. FARMS, heuea. bungalow s. bulldlnK leta, business places, stores and business op- pertunltljs I can furnish you with anything CU wish In lln. of real estate AMOS O. OOTWAl.f. Realtor. I'hoenlxMlle. Pa. S ACRKS, part woodland, en macadam read .and trolley line, tt-roem dwelling, open llrsplace, spring: Id mills te Philadelphia: nrlc f3Sfsi WrttiHf.. .n lm.iir.uu .i.nm.w. . 10 ACfti:s. 7-room dwelling, heat and light. varage: barn, chlcUun houses; price S47S0, tlone cash WARRBN M. CORNEL!,.. Hatboro. Ta. T21-ACRE ste-k farm, 3 dwellings 2 barns; fenced: J22.O0H casv terms. WESTNEY. 203 Llbertv Dldg. NEW JKKHIJV FAKMX FREE FARM CATALOG The greatest selection of New Jersey fnrms fully described In our free Illustrated cata cata leg for 1022. ISO bargains mattered through Wit the State, nn In commuting zone, soma clesa te seashore cities, ethsra Inland; early all counties represented- prices te suit all: reasonable terms arranged Pice in de scribes a rear Atlentlc City stocked lS-acru fruit, poultry, truck place: geed buildings. Ieta of fruit: stock, tools and household furniture Included at low prlce of $2100, With only 000 cash required, race 20 etlers a 2S-acre general farm In Silem County. With livestock tools, etc.. thrown In at I20OO n terms. Page 12 gives you the opportunity f buying a ti4-acre general farm In North am Jersey near New Yerk City, with tine buildings, rich tillable acres, pasture and weed tract, of which you can take Immediate ossesslen; the price Is only V.'.'.OD en easv terms. Call or write. NEW JERSEY FARM AGENCY. 303 D Real Estate Trust Bldg.. Bread and Chestnut ata . PhlHdelphla. Pa. COMMUTERS NEAR PHILA. EQUIPPED FRUIT AND POULTRY FARM 1C00 bearing peach anl apple trees; l acre an-anes. 1 aero ktraweerrles; small fruits, T-recm hiuse painted: heater, water In house old shade: barn, vvsien and tool sheds, Poultry house, etc.: equlpiied with geed ors. nutetrujk; 100 chickens, power apravcr. wagons ind toels: vearly Income ever 84000: price. 17000: only S2SO0 cash ncedd, Bee A. SI. OILLESPIE. B22 8. Broadway, Pitman. N. J. iruiTiT. neultrv and general farm. 33 acres. near town, en reed read; 6-room house, barn, wagon house, etc.: nil buildings geed. Included 2 horses. 1 cow. several chickens. Vies several tens hay, fodder, corn, potatoes, all kinds wagon and farm machinery: de net write, but corns te ses It; f.1000: slfiOO down. Owner called away. W. M. Wheatley. El sner. N. J. ACRES. 1100 per acre, near R. R.- 123 cash: 33 ninthly. . . . . TITLOW & CO., 1513 ARCH ST. SMALL FARM, geed house, plpcleas furnace. barn, chicken heuse: nr. town, only $1000; eaay'terms. photo sent tf lntnrsted. Address Owner. Leck Bex 131 Vlneland N. J. JfABMS for sale at reasonable prices. L. R. LEDD0N. ClaMen N. J B. E. SALE OB EXCHANGE JURCHASERS waiting list, call or send us particulars of the properties for sale or exchange, city, suburban ur seashore, Ml nncnA nnlctf MR ltV exclusive lltln ter a period of time; rommissien only ciargexi tfi AV'ent em ei siv. Aijji.4 in. .Huu.'mu SECURITY CO.. 1012 N 13th st. Poplar nsB. BEAX ESTATE TO EXCHANGE OWNER will exchange his desirable Invest ment heus"H and also give cash In ex change for ground or 2-Etcry apartments V 324. I-edaer Offlee OARAOE and dwelling, large repair husl- euulty, 112,000, what have you? 1UJLN11AKT ,24 Chestnut t. Spruce 1322 ni 000 CLEAR nar Haddjntleld. 14 rooms rer eiiy propeny BIHLMAIER 202 l.ilrtv Hldg DHBOCBL HILL llliOO equity sab te 1st mtgs. , modern .ind i for city prtp- srty. Blhlmali-r I.lbr'v Bldg aEAX ESTATE SALE OR REN2 faNKINTOWN BOS Summit ave , 10 rooms, ettllSO, WORRELL III1IV W.VST , 1 J UU 33 N 17th st. NEW JKB1EV SEASHORE WlLlMter.p COJU4ER store, main st.-eet general mer chandise, for sle r rent with or without fixtures; g'jed reas Tts Apply Jeseph Empel (MM Pacific ave. Excursion every Sunday BEAL ESTATE WANTED RANTED AT ONCL. Wl.vniy ESTATE j-uRNISHED HOUSE en Ilane.iCRS Creek. 18 from 25 te 200 acres, close te train and rooms. 2 nathroems; gns for cooking, hot het trolley; mutt have 20 or mere bdioems B)r furnace, open fireplaces, telephone; large garage and barns shade. lawn, running .-rounds old trees; riferencis C ion, L. O. water and woodland' te suit r."ed f '---y . " aanaterlum; correspondence tenfldentUI, send Pls. particuUrs. phutes and putt L 21U, MORTGAGES BATE bujers for heusea In the Sherwood tactien of. Wtat Phlliusjphla. TTIi OW At CO 1513 ARCH ST lalLAJVY CX VU.. I J I J fAUin J 1 . feBBBBSs. nttltrit taUT W . lifa msm-i. vsfvvlaipn jStl al. fl? 'northwest' fiVwd." north of Tw. ttieunt ave te Allegheny ave . ul of llreid at.! state particulars p CIS. l.ilgr Office. WANTED Chestnut Hill Ormantewn or Main Line, furnished small house for 2 1 adults; wanted nt one; for 0 months or' mere: state location, describe, quote prlee and say when available. C 217. Ledger Off. WANT apartment house, best sertlen must be high class, net ever 20 apartments: bui i mr rent: have sufficient cash. Write W. R CUNNINOHAM 1H13 8. 22d at I HAVE a large wafting list of clients for ' apis., uniuin. or luri. iv, Miwig, .r u. Ind Jut lllitei uiiiuihi v a ii si ". -- jyd Title Bldg, Spruce 829. nrERS w a ting for 2-sty prep, in mis sec. r Fkd. Webel. 3212 Fkd. ave Oar. 0l)d7. OUICIC CASH for real for real luir uns. What ave you? WESTNKY, 2 M Liberty Hldg. VSTORY perch-front dwelling wanted In any vea locaiieu; mim ue envny t.x. ... LLECTION of rente a specialty. Walter r niin. en u l.v. .. irnn.il.rf 1 H ii c-.v...w, v ., .... ... . ... L; fED- Dwelling in the 1500 nr 1800 ck N. 17th at. P B23. Ledger Office. Building Lets . -Building ground ripe for Inc rements; state particulars. P 817, etnee. MKAL ESTATE TOR RENT rwsii a CITY ."''. RENT IB-room dwelling, suitable for manufacturing. 1'ie sv. etn. Sjif CARSON A SON EsSe 8YDEHHAM Fully furn.. $100 per Wm. Sadler's Bena, 1B2U Columbia. llAMJOI.l'H ST. .ilx rms.. bath, Pi;MViv ( slee.: IBS per month. B. D'nten KiSf .:' &1 Lafayette Bldg. Ixmbard 3200. S? :Vi"ffl RCT building, S'O.UOU te 100,000 L 'Wii- PIKTBtflCrf. 78T Walnut st. welling, newly pa- aU -- ?.'?? TtlTT'4&t - - e - - - - - - - - B - - - - - - e - Vss - e - i - ifiW BEAL ESTATE FOR BENT CITY I8TH NEAR COLUMBIA AVE. Fine opportunity for eunir mArrlcd physician or denllrt! entire houae except 2 rma. en 2d fleer reserved, excellent condition WM. , CltAVICN'S HONH. Mftlli COI.DMniA AVK. 224A J. ItltfiAn waii nnntpil fur ntmrt' , inents or roemlns: first fleer suitable for ladles' tailor, dentist, physician, florist. Fmnk Pnber. 1421) Chestnut at. Sprues BR-JT RUNT HTORAdn. OAR-XOB OR MACHINE SHOP AT CHKSTNUT HtLIv NKAR 2P.TH AND UIHARU AVE. J. A. PATTKR8QN. 130 P- TH ST. llnlnew Preperiles nnd..Steres SERVICE STATION Manufacturing, TAUI.ANK. etc.. flrcproef bulldln. nin walnut nr. New Stores, 21t & Summer 2IS-22C N. 21at St. -pply 1235 locust at.. 173.S CAMAlWHIMi Suit nute radiator re- iwtlr shop, carpenter, plumber or any small simp Wilier. 142(1 Chestnut. Spruce B.VJT. UKSIRARLt: autnmetille show rooms. Mr. uimert. Kess-Hua-hes Ce.. .'ist a .MarKet. r.ieterlee. Warehouses. Manufactures; Floers SPACE In the ln-stery lulldlng at the north east corner of 12th and Arch sts.: this apace will be rendv bv June 1 or perhapa earlier, admirably adapted for general effices: ceilings are high; abundance of nat ural light: nrenrcer constructien: low insur ance' rjaor.eble rent PEOPLE'S TRl'ST COMPANY 12th nnd Areh sts HAVE nUILDINO, Seuth Philadelphia, 20x 44. 2 noers 2000 f.ct. electric, ticat rent tnkes It en lease. W. R. CUNNI.Nk.1HAM. 1H13S 22d. noe.nni) SQ. IT, fireproof, concrete hldj, : ftO.OOO an. ft. per fleer north central sec tion; R R. siding: might divide niKTERICH. 737 Walnut at. , THREE daylight floors, electric, eleiater. cheap rent: will rent separately. 040 Mar- ket si.; Entrance In rear. . A PACTORY wnreheuse and fleer specialist. ARTHUK It FRASER, 21 S. 12th st. flanigfS N E. COR. 28th and Moere sts Oarage and manufacturing building, 2.". OOP, sq. ft., electric lights, steam heat. Immediate pos session. Apply dltrct CHARLES II. SHET.S LINE & CO Bread and Paunk ae. 11)1(1 S I1ANCROPT ST. Twe-story garage. limn sn. ft., elevator. JOHN II MAC.EE. Real Estate Trust Rldg. OARAOE or repair shop for rent. N Urnid st. 4717-11) OmCKS. 1HTHIXIWS R00M8. ETC OFFICES AND STORAGE SPACE AUTOMORILE SECTION OODIIOLD 302 N line AD ST. W. A. SOUTH SIDE Cltv Hall Haxter Rldg.. 2 offices, handsomely furnished 1 na small est detail In mahogany, suit any business: street fleer roem: ilngle office. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER can lease erllce or desk room In desirable suite of offices In large centrally located eRlc.i building. Phene Rlttenheue 2404 11 A. M. 21127 ARCH ST. sort CHESTNUT ST. 003-117 WALNUT ST. PATTERSON. 130 S KITH ST. J. A. OFFICES Seven large rooms hardwood floors, heat and light; In vlclnltv of 4th nnd Wnlnut sts., Jl.ln a month. Apply WILLIS WINCHESTER. 21 S INth st. WILL SHARE my effKe Including desk ard atenegnphsr. with responsible party. P 013, Ledger Office V. FEW DESIRARLE OFFICES te rent te Apply Franklin Press Bldg. 20-22 S 13th st. I TWO OFFICE SUITES, with vaults, air. J 12TJI ST.. N.. 015 Delightful rooms, with light, second fleer 237 S 1th st.: very i nil conveniences, beard optienal: rate rea rea reasenable Key at H. Revner. 3J.1 Areh st. eennble: splendid epp. te learn Spanish. DESUtABLE e.Tlce space, fireproof build- tng. geed elevator service, moderate rent. Apply E. J, Elliet. 1112 Chestnut st. PHYSICIAN'S office. 1S.13 N. 17th st.: fully equipped, elec. nppll , stib, 27 vears; fine lee tv m. Sadler's S. ns. 1320 Columbia nve. , OFFICE apace, light, reasonably priced, een- trai enices vviiis-vvincnester. 2a S. lstn. west nnr.ATr,T.rmA SPRINGFIELD A"E. 8 rooms and bath, thnr. med . 130 rer me. H W. Watklns. 913 Lincoln Bldg. Phene Spruee 723(1 3424 SPRUCE Electric lights, entirely modern. Frailer. 404 Welghtman Bldg., 1 .124 Chestnut. Bnslnesn Properties nnd Stores larch: inni- uTfinr n-n'n trM s ... in,... rt' 3gTgL J. I'liPett'nlb aChCeR.,nu',n.t: I C.ERMANTOWN 7048 OERMANTOU"N AVE. Twelve-room heute; modern Imprevements: gardn; near Allen Lane station Pennsylvania Railroad; may be seen by f ppelntment. THE LAND TITLE AND TRUST CO.. Real Estate De nnrtment. Breal and Chestnut sts. ttlO NEW HOME: ,7 rooms; oak floering: perch lnclesure: eaat of 21st, north nf Chelten ae. Operation office. 837 . Wood Weod Woed stoekst OLNEY 201 E. FI3HERS AV. New. Or., pch., med.. gar. 2 cars- yrlv. lease Sheem'r. 7th. Erie rEXNIVIA'ANlAS runt BAN FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED Stene farmhouse, bath, etc.: at station; B mllea from Dovvnlngtewn: ear or less. PETERS & SON OOH CHESTNUT ST..PHILA COLLINODALK D FOR RENT Seven-room detachud dwelling- large let; xer smau ismiiy; I'ersning ana Parker aves.: electric light, gas range and hath: unfurnished. 180: or furnished. Phene Lansdowne 448 R. FERN nOCK STORES, apartments, furnished houses. H. Hepe 3001 Yerk rnsd Wyoming 4S3T. c.i.ENsmr DESIRABLE stores ft nnts. In Citenslde st sts. Rennlnter Renningar. Qlenslde. Pa. NEW JERSEY rniTKBAy RECHVVOOJ AT BEACHWOOD, N. J., near Toms River. summer cottige In the pines: living room, .1218, 4 liedroems, kitchen and bath, gas and electricity. 100 '-feet from nter: fine bathing: My 1 te October 1, for $400. If ar ranged new. or will sacrifice te quick buyer. C. M. PERRY 84 Market St. , New Yerk City. NEW JERSEY FARMX TO RENT-50 acres, house and garage. $18 mr month en Boulevard a ml es below Mays Landing. J. II. COX. 1235 N. 16th at., city. FOR RENT FURNISHED 13 rooms, sll modern conveniences; house In first-class condition throughout; 8-car garage; old shade trees, 1-acre: will lease furnished, monthly or vearly. te reliable party; Incaud in Oerrrantewn en 2 electric lines and S steam lines. V B3J. Ledger Office. WEST PHILADELPHIA .1020 SPRINOnELD AVE. 4 b.droems In In ceosed perch, garage, all latest Improve ments. MICHAEL A. JLU.ONEY. 10J1 S. (leth st NEW JERSEY SUnURUAN PEN'NINTON MONEY AT 4 PER CENT ' prospective home owners builders and rent- ,era: Plans, estimates and money furnished: i r,'vg,,lB nke r,n!, prU4,ntal Hemes Ce., I ''"' .... f T.n x.i.a.. Dr.ll. jHC, H J fcim smuwic. av ""- Pa V .-- tis -. k,.Ai ! ns4 nolueta livnjss trr i WST "mSrtw'.-. ' "ASlnTftSKniY. WM chestnut at. i THE KERNEL FOR RENT FURNISHED CITY . - ZT iXErt-l VNS PvBOviT N-AvtHO A. WOL- -N. 1 --b xsv irB"a,-r . ASfwjsg , ,A hHEHtMeS A JvSJL AVNAUCvvACi A.eNfr ffilW fcfceOND ONO U fl & M J'EV-R. SEE- llE- "eARS I W-?T'' ( W ' Wee OS - 3C3f J LOOKED PO HM V jg .f V 1 ( ) GeftH'pft?--' Ui L T " W I sC)yLiy' never coeo J'i kT$m K EVENING PUBLIC MORTGAGES an unusuallylaReh fund first morteaors en Philadelphia real estafa Central property preferred If. H. FIU-IY,; 713 Walnut St. $50 Real estate atcurlty, Immediate settlement, Interest en estates' TO bought. Cash at once. . $2000 EDW.M.M0LL ft8,,8.,. VVE REPRESENT I) or the lergeit bulldln , and lean associations and desire applies. ' tlena for first, second and split mortgages In any sectlrn of the city or suburbs. , WILLIAM JAMHS KEOOH. Land Title Bldt. ANY AMOUNT first and second mertgages: building and lean associations; quick settlements. Adelplila Mortgage Security Company, Inc., 1(112 N, 13lh at Pheno Kx.tv Park 2187. 1 1 PRIVATE FUNDS and building association money available for geed mortgages en , j cltv or nearby suburban property; prompt , I decisions. Rebert J. Naeh. 1214 Locust at. ! I FUNDS FUNDS IN ANY AMOUNT IMMEDIATE SETTLEMENT RUILDiye ASSOCIATION MONEY DEMP&ET A CO.. 27 S. KITH 8T. I MORTGAGE MONEY or nddltlenal capital for established cencerns: can aid with capltnl. markets or management. Marcus M, Browne. Bethlehem. Pa, MORTOAUKS WANTED, PRIVATE FUNDS IX)R INVESTMENT. OEORGE HALL. 133 S t'.'TH ST 1ST. 2D, 3D MORTGAOKS en property easily obtained open evenings. Strawberry Man- alen Realty JC e.. 23311 N. )th Dlnmend 1807. EXCELLENT flrst mortgages, 0 per cent, $2300 te Jin no-)' Immediate settlements. S C AHERNETHY 13'Js Cliestnut st. MORTOAGE FUNDS YARNALL BROS. riWiSs m. MONKTf for mortgages. Walter C Red-, ding 3fi S 17th, Phlla. Founded 1X3-'. FUNDS for 1st & 2d mtgs., prompt replies. I I'ranels J. Dovle. Kealter. Kens A Alleg'v, . MONEY for flrst nnd second mortgages. . KOEHLER CO.. 1420 Chestnut st. ' SEE MAURICE LICHTMAN T-UNDS. 1st and 2d Phlla, and Del. Ce i ! mtges. 3. T. Lynch. 11 'J S. Kith. spr. 7B44 W. H. BALL A PON S LAND TITLE BLDfl. FUNDS for 1st and 2d mtss. : nulck reply M H. Mattlnger. Reil Itnte Trust Hldg BUILDINO asse funds for Imniedlnte Invest ment. Philip N Arneld. 1201 Chestnut MONEY for first or second mtges.. city or eeuntrv. Franks. Lewis. 310 Finance Bldg. FUNDS rOR MORTO.U.ES ALBERT F. BROWN. ?10 LINCOLN llt.DO. FUNDS for well-sccureil 1st mtgs.: reason able charges. F. T. Lewis, till Merris Bid. MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN $1000 te $100 000 en lUUIlva tvtt n vtu( ii wives, vi.(t'iaiivve vt mertgages: nulck tunda, confidential plan. I STADLKN. 12"1 Penna. Hldg. Spruce 3302. i jmsevtaa SSrtaU alila Aaa anndntsi tlAAa A ROOMS FOB fiENT BROAD. N. 333S 3 rms. ft bath or third tloer: all eiyvenlenc"s. Tiega 2101 R. CHESTNUT, 2000 Single and double rooms; southern exposure. . SPRUCE. 1318 Desirable vncanclea: cenve- nlent bath, eltctrlc lltfht, reasonable. bl'RUCU ST. 1312 Dejble and slnule rms., prlv. bath elec : gintlepii-n nrefirre.1 te cars: elec. h. water; excel meals. 12TH t! Nl 013 Nice rooms, cenvs , reasonable beird optional; gentlemen only. iath n .. vsn HnTOT, RURIC Central. near station and shopping district, beautb fully furn. roems: elec : spotless med. rates ,-.it s.t k. 4nThre mnm furn rooms. rentlemen or hulnea enupU med prlv i J1S A MONTH Yeung ceuple recently married desires te , share beautiful Legan home with couple, use . of 2 unfurnished rooms, lncludlnr batli. phene, heat lUht and general use of kitchen. this Is a wonderful offer te a couple who will appreciate a reil henv: refennces ex- I changed. M 328 Ledger Office. j I SMALL private family will rent furnialird bedroom In modern apartment house, setn , ana unestnut: ireni uuuiiun m...... --- agy'R". ST P' nnd Chestnut; rrent uulsiae room. u.... i HASnsiiMl.l.v furnished room In is.r i t medsrn, private home; electric llghte: ie mlnntsa n Cltv Hall Phen Baring 041) west rnn.Anr.i.rniA OOTH. N.. 1831 Warm furnished rooms for gentlemen: electric; private; JS per week. Belmont lmw It TURN, or unfurn.: 4 rms and bstn: an cenvs : Ideal loc. Call Woodland 2.02 J APARTMENTS iniTi.T riTrtiti nf .1 will rent furnished I bedroom, or bedmem and sitting room. In i modern apartment house. 3(!th nnd Chitnut: front outside rooms; pain, eieviric wim, nhene: very moderate. Phene after 5 P. 31.. Daring 1073 M APARTMENTS In Private house 7 lafge rooms, tile bath, lvvrdwoed floors, electric light, gas heat and uher.e In vicinity of 4th I and Walnut sts.; Jliin a menm. APPiy WILLIS WINCHESTER, '.'.'i S. ISth st. BROAD ST., 8.. 413 (at Pine) New hskpg. apt., never before occupied, 2 large rooms. bath kitchenette; environment, beauty, will Impress you. C. L. ROACH, 410 S. Bread. 1 c ..-- Ant j)rm;e u.J. 143 W TABOR RD. Nicely furnished apart ment, 3 rooms klteh. nette nnd bath, all modern cenveniences: convenient te train nnd trellsy: private resldnce Wyoming 2384 J. POWELTON AVE., 30S Three large ele gant rooms, second fleer, heat, electric light, gas and bath, rent 133 WALNUT, B533 Flve-rnem apt : Miuthern exiwMire: newly renrvated. perch. Call any time Belmont 721)0 M &WARTHMOHF. APT.. 22.1 and Walnut sts. -Furn.. 2 rooms and bath, maid and ele- vatnr service tmmedlnt possession.' rail ,"233 N. 33D ST Desirable cer apt , 6 r. and bath hdd. firs., elec lights, all cenv, App'y E. J, Elliett. 1112 Chestnut Fll. 3SB8. ARCH ST.. 1729 lour rooms, bath, eltctrle ."h,4 n,? Fex -5'M Olrard a've Apply O Percy Fex, .u.4 Olrard ave. lights, narawe'm nenrn iiui-Hier neat 47 N. 83D ST. Five rooms and b.ith. Apply Reper A Caldwell. 018 Stephen Glrard mag. WAI.NUT ST.. 11TH 3 rooms and kitchen ette and bath: excellent condition A. Kill- ultv a rn , inc . . vv cer inn ami walnut 820 8 11TH ST.. Tne lingiewoea (nth and SpruoeH-jieq. n-room api . perr.ct cend.;, med. L. A. Taulane. I ealtnr 010 Walnut. ' ' 22.10 N. BROAD. tl-ROOM APARTMENT I EDEI.STEIN & BERNSTEIN 21.1 S 1.1TH US'0 and 3 rooms, with private bath; all renvenlences T. T Rockett 02O N mth, 1437 N. 15TH 3 rma . bath, parquetry flrs , stm. ht.. else Jsnlter serv Par. 0.1.10 WEST PHILADELPIH 409 S 50TH faT. Hlx-rwm apartmnt; strictly medern: ImmedKte r'ssesslen, reaaenabls. Grunnell & Derman, 422 s. B2d st. itunTitnNT. 8 rooms and bath, private perch. 4eth and Chestnut sts Locust 4X411 170. Call WEST CHESTNUT APT8. First and second floors. 5 rooms and bath. Call Lec 7730. VIVRY attractive npnrtment. n rejnis and ba th unfuinlshert Call Walnut .1.114 GERMANTOWN tlOO An unusual housekeeping apartment, where the work Is cut down te a mini mum: new and modern, with tiled bath built-in tub, shewer, separate perch, re re frlgerater. et;.: ever an acre of lawn wit), old shade. 1 square te country club nnd e,if links. 2 squares te station. MAURAN. bOt.MAN CO.. N. E. cer. Bread and Walnut sts. APARTMENT H0TEL8 TOD CUENSVA. 1 S. WTII ST.. ' I"""- et ,he shopping district. . Tn it - - - I'"" f LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA; WEDNESDAY, MAltOH 6, 1022 SlOO Fer the Best Last Line Supplied by Any Reader te the Incomplete Limerick Printed Belew RULES OF THE LIMERICK CONTEST 1. e .!,'ln.e.tlfV r persona cat a VS:i'i i ltera will be answered. The decision j the juries is nbso nbse lutely fliml and net open te discus sion. 2. Contest open te any one. Only necessary te send In last line te Limerick, using, for convenience, coupon .below, though this Is net essential. 3. All answers te today's Limerick must be revolved by the last mall Frldav night. Re careful te send te the I'est- eniee iwx given in coupon. Ne an THE WINNER OF TODAY'S CONTEST WILL BE ANNOUNCED ONE WEEK FROM TODAY Cut Out and Mail TO THE LIMERICK CONTEST, Evening Public Ledger, PO. Ilex 1523, Phllntlclphla. (AH line. MUST be sent te thin box. Lines addressed in any ether wny are net eligible.) LIMERICK NO. 28 There was an old skipper named Shay Who put out te sea late in May; He said, "It's great sport When you come into pert Z m O s 1 -,( (Wrlte your answer en iMa line.) Name ), Street and Ne. ) City .and State And there's a Limjpin' Lim'rick for you each week in lISffiViKn.!? Vi. -JS9iiwSu3 the SUNDAY PUBLIC LEDGER, tee. Three prizes fl $200, $100, $50. 1 !aBll:!jBSaii::BBslL;rnBBai!i;aBBBTI,!;BBUTi;SBBBir!!BBBBir:niBBBBlir;ilBBBl: ll!lsmi!ll!aH!,lLtSBHn:.BBBlI MISBaiJj'BSBlliniBBBlIirilBBBll'lllBBBBirinSBailinBBBBinnrBBBBlIiniBBBBlllTTfBBBVIIIIIl acf Toek Perseverance, or ' ' W v KtIT H O Urrhwi ftr T net Dill IMC YY Oil Ul JUUSl Centlnned from Page One Xcwlln McCenncll, 325 Chestnut troet. Mr. .T. R. Morrison, 453 Enrlham tcrrnce, (termnntewn. Jnrksen Study, 1000 Snnpem street. Kdltli Mann, 327 Winona avenue, Gcnnnntewn. Anna Betchel, 031 Atwood read. The jury was taken from BentvU Teller's, eventually taken, we mlr.lit n.v, because we had quite a time f,ct tinc them together. MIsr Sfhaffcr hud te mevi the time a couple of hours nnd f.e it was up te us te go out Inte the cold again and eklp the gutter or sheet marbles, or semethln', until she was ready for us. What "Twe Minutes of Optimism" Will De for Yeu It brings vital, Helpful, chockful-ef-cheer messages te all who are open minded and receptive te the better tilings of life. "Twe Minutes of Optimism," by Herman J. Stich, appears regularly in the Evening Public Ledger. Mr. Stich, widely known as "the successor te Elbert Hubbard," greatly resembles the famous Philistine in the forceful presentation of his eptimisms. He became famous through his editorials in the Brooklyn Eagle and the New Yerk Evening World, also as lecturer at the College of the City of New Yerk and at New Yerk University. Among the two-minute talks which have been published recently may be mentiened: "Patience and Perseverance" "Senicc and Results Net Hours or Dignity" "Little Troubles" ieit te overcome them "Every Man a Menagerie" You'll enjoy reading "Twe Minutes of Optimism" en another page in this newspaper today. Turn te it new. Read these common-sense talks regularly in the Evening Public Ledger. "Make It a Habit" APARTMENT HOTELS THE GLADSTONE 11TH AND PINE STS. fy ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOK AITS , FURNISHED. UNFURNISHED LONG AND SHORT TERM LEASES HAMILTON COURT 8'JTH AND CHESTNUT STS. 2 rooms and bath, with private hall: non housekeeping; unfurnished! yearly lease: din ing room. H THATCHER. Manager. NEW HOTEL BARTRAM Mn t, CHESTNUT Apartments Furnished or Unfurnished AMnR.nANNANDREUROPEePLAN THE DELMAR-M0RRIS W. Chelten Avenue GERMANTOWN 50 MINUTES TO BROAD ST. STATION Hetel or unfurn. suites, neus' Keeping arts. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS CIIr.HTr.tr ni.. -'" ,TZ li. .. - n.n,1T V.u. mnila.n room-a iQ-batn apis., wim .v,wv ni lain, kltchenelte: beautiful large, rooms, seulhcrn exin'ures rental $7S up; 2117 open 0 A. .M. te f) P M. ,.-,.,... .. HICHAltU J. gM-"1'". - "i. .i A BEAU'UKUL, new central clt city ." riiii ..rivMe'.hath duplex opt.: all outslde r ems uihern exnesure: $123 per mentn. APPIJ 117 Chestnut St. If.TH ST. N.. 1007 One unfurnished apart ' mnt all rnnvenleneea APARTMENTS WANTED ' . ., sO W'a An it .iilV,l HAVE you any w - ' ",",,' " ''"-"ii' .ul"WWrlte u. e'r call Poplar "m ALni, . , niiri MnrtTOAOE A?D HlJCUlllTY CO nil in. n i up ie v v" -- ----. . .. - - I 1012 N. 13th st. li i a. i i . . iYT Kmm-m . ivzwmk ,..' M --r-- nr-, t . DAILY swers will be received at this office. All must be mailed. 4. The wlnner of each day's ONE ' iiituniiKi nni.t.Att rniy.fa win be announced one week after publication' of tn L.imcricK. ..i 6. In esse of tle' votes ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS will be awarded te eaep successful contestant. The prize will net be split up amerg them. 0. There Is no limit te the number, of lini.s rt contestant may submit, but each line MUST be written en (sep arate slip of paper with name ami address tti Did you ever walk through Benwlt's nnd ,eaHiiall.v glance about you? There's a tell, slithery one with much hair nnd pearl earrings, who gives you a leek from beneath lashes long anil black. Then there's another a trifle shorter with flashing eyes all Rl7.es and kinds and complexion and each n little better than the Inst. Well, they finally nil get together and we told 'cm what was required, and outside of the fact that they didn't pay any attention te us al firet, it was nil right. The members of the jury were Cath- erlne Cravens, fi710 Lambert street; Helen Barrett, 1320 Oxford street ; Mac Oulnan, 1023 East Tiega street; Mil dred Brown. 211 North Thirty-fourth Hireei: .unne Alcucttlgan, 227 Seuth J;,!?,t-y"i!Rllt,h T$trc(;t,i Mum McGinn. 2(l.ie North Hutchinson street: Dnriq Hutchinson Street: Deris Helen TtM-.t ome A.rJl.? Lehman and Helen Baird. 2413 OnWfnr.'i street. APARTMENTS WANTED YOU ARE INVITED te list v USED ATJTOMOBTT.WR rtlNULKUN ."ffiFM " will .ell Hevler. 34M,&h.y?.y-ppfSkgga'A BUICKS'9, ,httv 'vel Bulcks. all 00 . term.m0n3oyaaS?e,oVy,CaV Se" '8Sb ft" Br"d st. Open Sundays pSr rVif. ".Jj- llr..,.i . - ' " vasaVI UUflO. I ,n.i J.1W8 1 OUr r.- ..u. .ir, liunter. stutz Agency, mia N. Bread st. CHANDI.F.Rpi'Patch 1021 model! u.e.l .r, r. "littles $200 down, balance terms Opp evenings. 1707 Vine st. CHEVROLET ' " "dBn' v: an .nM.. ,V T ,n"w "-eril ire: run .loeo miles; $S50: must be seen te be appteclated: easy terms. Klrkpalrlck Heyler. 1834 Mar kit st. Open evenings. Spruce 02.11. COLE 8 J',,'erh ,w,re wheels; terms. $200 Royal Phene O. , . .. ...... -,.. .ioier tar ue. 020 N. Bread st. Poplar 0030. nODflF teurln.- and roadster, late model, " $100 dewn: terms. Open eve. nlngs 1707 Vine st. FnRn,eurln latl model; dem. rlma: -'i 100. lialHncn tnrmH. IIevhI Afntef Oir Ce., 1120 N. Bread at. Open Sundays. I'nnne j'epiar nuaii. . PRANKLIN 122 brougham, only driven 600 miles; an unusual opportunity te purchase this popular car, practically new. at a sac- rltlce. privately owned 1) fi.'l.l. Ledger Ogflce, Ml irvCDM Speedster: clni sslest car In eels; $2.10 takes ' U-JWI-. ,.., wire wh - I.... .. -... Its balance termB. RoyaUMetnr Car Ce.. - i. RoyaUMetnr Car Ce.. H-u eplar 0030. . open Sundays. N. Bread st. V our vacant or AwrusSJ"W rT V w'aTnutXne your nearly co-operation" """1 USED AUTOMOBILES HUPMOBILE SSrlaUViWTfirS new car: eaay terms: open evenings. Klrk- Patrick ft Heyler. 1834 Market st. Hpr. em LET UH dispose of your old car: Bwreral rntnmlMinn! nit stersge charge. Royal Motorcar Ce.. 020 N, Bread st. 1'enlar 0Q3B. OLDSMOBILEr'-r iSJ'K 1L S,v"pheC"pep,i.?1bg nATOt? V..u. .'mini hndy style! ran rniUE. bT-rft cheaply.- Call Mr. f Heyler. Spruce 02.1 PFCRI CCC Teurlngi present meaeii "" r'C.C.KLt03con(,ten! new paint! leeks tike new) easy terms. Klrkpalrlck ft Heyler, 1834 Market at, Bpruce 0251. flf?f.Ilt r?f4? a....i-M MSAassint mnd(lt KOO1 rCCIMJliXJ iV,Vrn' ' new" nalnl -leeks Ilka new; easy terms. Klrkpalrlck A Hey ler. i4 Market st. spruce u.ni. QPflT PAQU'd for used cars In oea erui V,nonren,m0n. open evenings. 170T Vine. Spruce 21B0. , STUTZ touring; and rendsters. all njpdeU. thoroughly overhauled nnd rellnlahed, ex ceptionally low-priced: cnah or lerma. See air. Hunter, atuts Agency. nn .-. """' - TIDCC Brand new cords by private party. imCO30lA(. ,.. nIx4, 117! 83x4. MM 31x4. 110. 1012 nienwnnd. Phene WE FINANCE cars -sold by Indlv dusls i te Individuals en terms sultnble te puryh"'' Roem 202. 1211 Chestnut st. Walnut loe, RUICK roadsters, 1010: real bargain! terms, lain vvoeo st. FORDS We are headquarters for used , Fords! I7S up! terms arranged. 1815 Weed nirmi. HUPMOBILE 101R touring, like news a snap: S47B! terms lain Weed at. Stearns-Knight 1920 ".'"cernt. Call Pep. 3243. Mr- McMlehael. 134(1 Poplar. STEARNS-KNIOHT. 1010. 5 rss..ll50. Call Poplar 324.1. Mr. McMlehael. 1343 Poplar. STUDEBAKEIs Special 3. 1020, 5 Pass. Call rei'lar 3243. Mr. McMlehael. 1840 Poplar. Wanted FORD TRUCK, 1 ten. panel body. 1021-22. dVmeJnibV Trims: .must be In A-l cendl; tlen: give best possible prlce for cash. C 22l. ledger Office. cnrvT P A Cll Pa'd for used cars In geed erU I LAOn condition. Open evenings. 1707 Vine. Spruce 2tE0. BUSINESS OPPOBTTTNITIES -...- vmn ..,.. T'ii n dmet two kilns. 110,000 ' Snri i?n nnn ranAclty Martin brick 'machine. 1 and 140, 000 capacity. """" au cents Per :"J'rV..,"X".W. ' V.,; Sn.OOO: ether I ir i invvnt i ; in vnia i . j - : . , flrving racKD iur miv -:l"- i eaurnmenti ail In geed repair, owner s "" business Interests feres ii en imtn '",.-..6 J3300. with reasonable terms i "r,',7" bujer. Bex 103. Pcrkasle. Bell phone -17. I'erkaale. - FOR SALE The Duffryn Mswr Iln,",e.,'1" censed, en the Lincoln highway. 21 miles from City Hall; 24 rooms ft"d 2 bathrooms all conveniences, steam heat. Pr'uugaragg for II cars, het-water heat: Urge building and shedding; sccommedate 25 cars . JJU SVa acres greund: ene of ths beat f ""S." In the State for roadhouse. E. L. '" Malvern, Ta., nren Tree Station, P. R r,-r. ..c -ifntm-M Will SALE The enlv tight coeperngi In cltv of eyer 30.000 in I'em.a.. Including complete tools, several machines, engine, let of PUllejs hangers, shafts and belts: also a Im' '.:.', .ii A. -.nn nosh! innri business all ers, shafts and belts: also a l nnia . sell all for 1300 caahs geed business all areund: geed rensotwfer se.llng. or tulars address M 330T Ledgvr Office. ill He ear partlt CONrECTIONERY en 6. 32d st" equipped for manufacturing; will show S150U Profit for Uasler: low rent. . - ,nMi TITL0W&C0., 1513 ARCH CORPORATIONS erganised under Delaware. i laws or deeds of trust: experienced I law- era. charges reasonable; pamphlet, saving taxes ana expensed, wj-u fc ;" " ..;":: business. Delaware Trust Attorney, mi 13.1. Wlimingien, uei. CANDY MAN, experienced In manufacture and geed salesman, wanted by going con cen cern: can make Investment If desired; will be Judged by results: splendid opportunity; references required. C 211), Ledger Oftlc. PRACTICAL man. with gied knewledge of marketable merchandise; excellent cennec.- inna in n.riYiftiiv; salllm? this month! c.in execute advantagteus orders with German linns nr Individuals C 21)7. lxxlger Otlle" v.vpEitiENCED business man with flnan ilal connections, seeks connection with preposition of high merit needing working capital. C 131. Ledger Offlee. EXCELLENT opportunity for man who can really sell real estate te connect with real estate office en liberal commission basis. P n34. ledger Offlee BUSINESS PERSONALS WE PAID A WOMAN S8.B0 for a let of Jewelry she had been offered $40 for elsewhere; bring jour dia monds and Jewelry te us; we guarantee a full honest cash value: established lHfl.1. THUS. It. LEi; tc CO . 712 Wnlnut st. DIAMONDS BOUGHT AND PAWN TICKETS FOR DIAMONDS KC1JL.& CC .W ... VillFBIIIUL (, Suite 3-2 second fleer, ever Chili hub Rest DIAMONDS BOUGHT HARRY W. SMITH. 717 8ANSOM ST. UNDERWOODS. $40: some cheaper; rep'd rebuilt, everhauled: reasonable. 731 Arch. FOR SALE GREAT FURNITURE SALE WONDER. Eeds $4: Simmons guaranteed springs $4.75: oak dining room tables, JH.-.S. loe pure cotton mattresses. $4,715: china closets $17 50: noe sample rugs far below manu facturers' cost; nxiB Jirusseis. JU r,0; 4-plece walnut bedroom suits $75; walnut dlnlni; room suits. in.i- worth deuble: fil fine living room suits: everything te furnish a hautlful home: n floors packed te the doers HOUSE OF BARGAINS. PKI.NhTElN cS Uth and Spring Uuiden sts. Open evenings. Free auto delliery. LOOK FOR THE NAME UN 1111 AvAf.T. OFFICE FURNITURE Large let of desks, safes, files, cabinets and general office furniture, store fixtures. We buy. sell and exchange. PATTEN FURNITURE CO. r.OCUBT 4070. 1127 ARCH ST. RACE 4200. ICE CRGAM CONK MACHINE for sale: geed conditien: will soil cheap, leaving country. M. Martlne & Le.. 837 Washington nve . Philadelphia. Pa. BRICKS Tearing down 30 buildings te make wav fr Delaware River Bridge at Frent and Race sts i ; motertruck delliery. Charles II. Heavey. Belmont 7424, THEATRE CHAIRS, new and usd. for theatris, halls and shoe stores, theatre chair repair parts, lowest Prlc.s, imm. ,ic. livery. Chair Exchange, ter, (Ith and vin. ' " WALL PAPER " ' Ce up; hang jour own paper and save moneys open evenings fi-'lO Arcn Btr " REFRIGEKAIOK5 ..?Thb erms If a..i.a n. T. Randall ft Cn. 311 N. 2d st. SHOWCASES, wall case, tafes. suitable for Jewelry business, for sals at once at a sacrifice. 1017 Market at. JHAr'LX CAMERA, with leather ease, 3U" ' isxce"'!nt condition. Helmnnt 1182 VI fl.LMAN UPRinilT grand Plann.UkTTT for sale reas D Anilce, 222S 111th VICTROLA, ste. .Wltn recerda; used two months. 20 B Slat st. IPJO HUDSON llmnualne, lst-clnss cend lure.: owner ihk m. vrip ) illli rj ort. 1'XI ), TABLES lmught, sold anil'renilre.i' . Klefer. S3I W. aitnrd. Ph. KrnVj; I Tiviimiia sia.is in mnrxet rer silc, ,in(r geed linln"ss Apply y fnrll.l. J.g OLD GOLD u ' ..via lewelrv. tih nin... "i .?. V.S...""' eia- 1 I J HAJ BWIIil FIlfQI ma I I Him . Ill fl f .. . . - ' atyle Jewelry, teeth p ites bought for .' Eat. 1817. t. U Clark, reflna?. 807 San.eiS. Bud's Idea of Grandpa as a Little Bey HELP WAITED gEMALU BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, Prelsatant. experienced! nigh scnoel graauaie ins fsrred: eatabllshed business! central leca tien. Aanrcss own nanuwrmng, siaium experience snd salary. C 22.1. Ledger Office. OIRL, exp. Mlt!n candvl exd. g rl only) neat; goea pay p Bis, linger uincr. HOU8EKEEPER nnd cook Olrl under 85 ..fsmlly of 2 wages 810. Phene Market 0411 after 0 P.'M. Belmont 1443 R. . LADY wanted. unencumbereAltetravel! en Interested In church or child's welfare, Werk nMr...i t... i.i.ui... Khnn. Wvn. ennn, of. mAArmmm ft'iRS nfmantntTn. aVS. N".s!;'.(,-Tar,,uate and undergraduate, and Practical for private work. Immediately. - .lurnes league, I3t SI. lBtn si. OPERATORS wanted, experienced, en mak ah ?.".. .ll?,', ."d sewing the cellars en shirts) best price In city paid! In one of the m.J: Jcnt and brightest factories In the fVl t.hire ere advantages hers for opera epera tnli ,h",,1, cannot be found In any ether fac anTwi'.ller ros.Ce.. S. W. cer. Brqad nnq Wallsce sts., second Boer. . STENOGRAPHER and Edlphene or Dicta Dicta Jene operator wanted, with advertising agency .ezperlenca preferred: accuracy and "ii? !" cssentMl! permanent position as- -..- tv riant person, u gia. L.eeger mncu, 8T.-NOenAPHER Wanted exp. girl, start n A'jvi,"j'veiyi state salary ana reierence. P 012. Ledger fifflre. TELEPHONE OPERATINO . Titr. Jf'LA WEEK AT THE START .. T'p JgAPID OROWTH OF THE BUSINESS MAKES JT NECESSARV TO INCREASE .OUR OPERATING FORCE If you are seeking a position Where permanence, advancement and geed salary are .assured . come In and make application. If you are undecided come in anyway and let us show you the advantage of working with ui. Ask for MISS STEVENSON -. n IMt ARCH ST. . THE DELL TELEPHONE COMPAHT WOMAN, white, wanted, widow, mlddls aged. English Protestant, for care of household during absence of family; some knowledge of housekeeping and aewlng neces sary: permanent position posslble: first-class reference required. Address by letter only '" -'iiss eenneii. in2 cnestnut St. WOMAN Neat, capable, white, for cooking una aewnstnirs work! country neme, jiaa jiaa den Farms. Phene 120 Haildenfleld. N. J. YOUNO WOMAN te take care of 2 children. 11 nnd n vwr. dm; must have geed Ameri can educatien: nice home and country during summer: permanent position only; stats age, religion, education and general references. C 12.1. Ledger Office. , Oenersl COSTUME design, fashion Illustration, also pattern draftlnir. ruttlni?. flttlnc. ilrnnlng and mil Inery design; learn from prominent. Practical experts In surprisingly snort time: munificent salaries quickly earned. Fashion Academy. Dept. L. 1430 N. Bread st jr; - - .. .' llckiib, typists, rtenegs quaury rer uevi. nealllneia. XVritm fnp inmnU lent tnfttrufl. tlen particulars. P 1422. Ledger Office. HELP WANTED MALE BOY wanted, ever 17. for office of publish Ing house. C 224. Ledger Offlee. DRAUGHTSMAN AND ESTIMATOR, experi enced In architectural and engineering construction. Wrlte for Interview te M 602. Ledger Office. HOSPITAL SUPERINTENDENT wanted OO-bed Institution with training school In connection; located In Ohie: operating under minimum standard requirements; seeks a high-grade superintendent: applicants must state professional training, executive and professional experience, reference and rc muneratlnn expected. M MS. Ledgr Office. McCnEERY ft CO. of Pittsburgh. Pa. have positions open for sverat DRAPERY CONTRACT SALESMEN Thoroughly experienced In Interior deco rating. Only salesmen who are accustomed te meeting the better clientele will be con sidered. These positions offer te successful sales men unusual opportunities te earn substan tial Incomes. Apply te Mr. J. B. Swlnney. Bellevua Bellevua Stratferd Hetel. In person, or by letter te the General Superintendent. McCreery A Ce.. Pittsburgh. Pa. McCREERY & CO. of Pittsburgh. Pa. have position open for an ASSISTANT BUYUR IN THEIR DRAPERY DEPARTMENT Applicants must be ambitious and capable young men. who have previously filled a similar position and who have a successful selling record. This position offers exceptional opportunity for further advancement. Apply In person. te Mr. J. B. Swlnney. Bellevue-Stratford Hetel, or by letter te ths Ceneral Superintendent, McCreery ft Ce.. Pittsburgh. Pa. MAN Aheut 8 years age a yerng Christian began a busineaa with assets consisting principally of Ideals and plans that many elder head ad vised "couldn't be done"; he has built a business worth several million dollars, branched Inte a number of cities and has started en still greater accomplishments In Philadelphia; this enterprise will need cer tain types of men In carrying out the prac tical dream of Its founder and It Is the duty of the undersigned te find them: the man I want seldom reads these columns; he Is net u job hunter or one who expects an executlvs position before he learns ths business, but a way has been found whereby a decent living Is obtainable from the etart: X want a Plain, normal human being, between 2H and !i7. who will fellow carefully worked out plans and be capable of assuming manager ial responsibilities as seen aa he has learned me essen-iais. eee .vir, Williams, Itoem 483. iun i.in'Binut. irusicea system. MAN We need the services rt a clean-living man, Oentlle of geed standing and average ability, who Is willing te work hard for geed pay, at the same time he Is titling himself for promotion te mere Important position with us. Apply Suits 110b, Land Title and Trust Building. MAN. fully experienced, wanted te run auto, mobile auction house C 122 Ledger Off. PIANO TUNER, exp,: wonderful oppertunity: had. nuuu a....?, aime juai wimi exp. you nave P 011, Ledger Office. SALESMANSHIP COURSE absolutely free Develop Inltlatrve and self-reliance; at tractive position en completion of course; In struction by former faculty member of lead ing Philadelphia cellege: also Londen and Ox ford men; an umisual course throughout. ENROLL NOW. Call upon HEAD IN STRUCTOR. Roem B38. 1011 Chestnut St.. between 0-30 and 11 A. M. only. HA,?'E3.MAN wanted by a bend house estab- lished for 85 veara. dealing In high-grade bends: enlv a man with ambltlnn ni.en .. cird and forceful personality need applv: this a uiii4uri.iii.iinuij, kuuu oppervunuy rer the right man; the business la dignified and very remunerative: the house Is progressive, re sponsible and highly successful: v0u will have behind veur efforts the name and repu repu tatlen of a. nationally advertised Investment heuae with efflcea In the principal financial tenters, offering a diversified list of bends' state age and selling experience; replies will beheld In strict confidence. M B3'.', Ledger SALESMAN I am looking for -particular type of man who la Inherently honest, who can safely represent an organization nf national repu repu tatlen and recerd: regardless of your present "ceupatlnn, you may be that particular man whom I can place In u position te earn net less than $7500 a year. Call Spruce 0413 te arrange for Interview. HALLbMEN Ave require tne service of several high-class men te call upon a selected list of Indlv Iduals In connection with a progressive Philadelphia educational In. stttutlen: art excellent remuneration Is as. sured te these who are willing te work. Apply Roem 1104 Stei.k Exchange Bldg SALESMAN Wanted experienced steel eash salesman. Philadelphia nnd vicinity. Send replies te M BOI, Ledger Office. SALESMAN te tnke charge local efflee. whelesale and retail; experience unneces sary. M 834. Ledger Office. WANTED MA T.ts uauaennnuini , tO fOltOW' art.. . .1 lectins; and selling frames S f I reed meneri both cltr .rnTV.-cei?Jn.'Ml)qi I SBSW3S men Mr, M " ' " " , h;vo'XclleAle1.Ucallner, wrtteTHSaV I nu"r.i m00. w-ir.A -t" ttrtsVteasi sliTen. en, VffiLtgff iga.KKWtl PriSS SALESMEN $1000 or TM? you Bt. Present aaml I mere per year? If het. wa hiiH nll'0" neul", ernviu 5JS 1 a stock or bend nrMiii..wl!B I a preposition interest, prevl mis is nnt 2KL " miirS. ui"euuS iT1 SSSuft, n.iin. ji os, linger Ofrlr. s-i 1 eaiiKSMEN wanted te sail national). .3 ilBr far T.y.& ealty. Burllnuren na..Yst .Rl.1f&, Mini III I ii An active Phlladafnhla iiSSlSi!.. J ' new selling goods te leartlnr AA?i.!S?eV. SSESJ&s&ifi' ,nm. rfi;.;"ir:T' t"' "si et ens. rr.eniW.f." VJSr"".'-rens; co-eperaifin nulst "be " crnnclnrand,f,e,rcenfu?:n,rB'0 g vancea. but llller.i ,S2,iIrf5;u,.Lne..s.i action required: give experience ani i HfiSi TE LLEK, experienced, for saving fun. .-2 Buucauen. rers. in dttall also a.T.V""'i Bg.tif'.tw"M B0X B Le"er -S.'lffi, "reaulreVSeVvrc'S? MiU& resenUHvei applicant must hive "knewtffl 2L.!hP?"B?Try0 "U" . have held .7nJS!! iu...uun Annreas M B2I. ledger Offlci WEAVER wanted In clothing facm. :r .position; write, giving referenr.. ' ISIH i. dealred, etc.. J.,heen?mM. iSc.. fi'W I Redwood st.. Baltimore. Md. ?HNP .MAN. 18 te 21). general effle. ST. svesmsnip enice: able operate treinM... stenography of advantage; Vtstc 7&l ence and salary expected. C 290. Led rwr.' keeping, auto bus. P sSd. eTglV'eV. !45rJJmSi:, '.& "VPSStly "?... m t, aakinTTS i-iiui.i.i. v uweuings; Dncklarera iiL pentera, plasterers, painters i an.i ail VSf" branches of trade. '' " exu General WE TEACH YOU TO DRIVE AND AirrnvtnntT ift.AWD REPAm $25 POR PULL A COMPLETE rettnat. - ' WE PAY BO centa te $2 an hourle?sS spore time writing shewenrds! no ea7 - .en.iiH, yy irntii you ami supply .1,.. works particulars free. Kwlk h!I!a Scheel. Terente. Canada. 1K "newesri SALESMEN Write for list of lines and r) I partldlnra; earn 12300 te lloVeoo Jearffi big demand for men. Inexperienced or prlenced. city or traveling. National s.lS' men's Tr. A.m.. n.n. e?t n.---- "SIIS" ...- ,... ., uii-,, BO, CLERKS Yeungjmen for Government f .l.?rf,ToY,?enV2nBowmo0pn.!'iJ.ona,?5 & Iga ".ya&sVana1' "'-lK ft""-.. H.lflSv .1' pes., Instruc. pa- 'culars. ""v.":?'""" ""upniiw wr ires nit at'. . P 1422. Led. OK i SITUATIONS WANTED PE MALI BOOKKEEPER, exp. trial balance. ceT. trolling sects.; salary $2.1, C 201). Led pS MANAGER for arartment house with rta. taurant: long exp. In renting, purchaalss and handling the public: highest Tbusinest ant personal refs, M BIB. Ledger Office. SITUATIONS WANTED MALB ACCOUNTANT wants work; thoroughly tx perlenced In public accounting, bookless. ing taxes etc.; this Is your opportunity U get a ri-llable accountant. S404 Baltlmara . ACCOUNTANT and office executive detlm connect en with live firm; available usea short notice. M (108. Ledger Offlee. UUTLER and heuaemani A-l ref.i last sea ii yrs tan ai e. Price st.. Oermsntewn . COOK, cher, Japanese, desires pos. la rH vale fem... country; has excellent ref. ant experience. Hugl. DOB Pine at. Walnut 107, (.uiuvr-at-u.AijjKi i- ana adjuster Yetmf man: state age, salary, experience and ref erences; de net apply unless had actual ex perience wltb collection agency. M S2, iuKBr umce ESTIMATOR ' experienced, wishes position In builder's of flee; can make quantity survey et all branches of work. C 220. Ledger Office. UARDENER. Japanese, married; has 3 chll dren; wants permanent position en private place; competent In all branches; salary $$3 a month. K. Tagaml. 207 McAlpIn st. MAN. married, wishes position aa chauffeur: can run any kind of car and de own repair work; has licenses: does net drink. Address B. L., 225 S. 3d at.. Phlla. MAN Ooed, clean, married man. pipe cat- ting or work around machinery, wants work. Address J. H. II.. 228 S. Third st, l miauaipnia. MAN, handy, about gentleman's plses, htndy with carpenter and painters' tools, wtshts a- tools, niiin Address H. K, positien: best of references, --.. a. 30, at., fnna. MAN Kx-aepvlca man desires position en gentleman's country place or rance, C 212. Ledger Office MAN, married, who can run nailing ma chine In box factory, requires work. Ad- dress R. P., 225 B, 8d St.. Phlla. OFFICE MANAGER. 13 years' exp. with brokerage, manufacturing and mercantile concern ns accountant, exec, cerresp., etc.; A-l references; age 35. C 10.1. Ledger Off. erFICE MANAGER desires position, havlu business experience of S years: gradual of Temple University. Ad. J. P.. 181(1 N. 8$J. PURCHASING AGENT, superintendent, of . flee manager en construction, would like) manufacturing or Industrial connection assur ing permanency and advancement: energetic, tactful and geed handler of meni moderns Hilary. C 2QS Ledger Office. f YOUNO MAN te sell grass edger In sub urban towns, evenings and Saturdays; (In. nge and occupation. C 223, Ledger Off lee. YOUNO SUN. 18, wlshea learn trade, bull nese position of any kind, 1818 Taaksr It. AGENTS AGENTS AND CANVASSERS Big Mlllmc preposition) easy sales; quick returns: out- nf-tewn men given county rights and ampler ether men. Bee or write Bedek, Tremont Products Ce,, 120 Church at., between Mar- ket and Arch off 2d st. AGENTS, all or part time! best 2Se house hold article ever shewn: everybody buyi; get sample and particulars. Baldwin Mff. Ce.. 21 f herry, Mil ford. Conn. . AGENTS wanted, men and women for ntw coupon offer Just being Issued: splendid chance for live workers. Eastland Studies. 1)14 Chestnut at. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES MRS. E. K'. HARVEY. 1019 Rlttenheusa sq. nllahle help ell nationalities LOST AND FOUND DOG Lest, hear Rryn Mawr. Bosten bull mala, brh- terrier pup. unaer a year ein dle and white, one side of htad white, ether brlndle; name tng en cellar. Liberal reward for return te owner, rnnne iiryn .Mawr isi. INSTRUMENT Lest, elec.-med. instr., R!e Ote coneuaaer; rew, r uiu. ijeiiger uinea. NECKLACE Lest, a Tecla pearl necklace, with a dlnnmnd clasp. Reward It re turned te 2330 N. Bread at. PEARLS Lest, string of pearls going from nilin Limekiln nike te 52 car en Chelten nve.. te 5S nnd l)B cars en Yerk rd., te North er llwrty wcnoei. liewaru. nazei jv. Nlehuala. Phena Oak Lane 0277 M. PIN Leat. March 4, diamond crescent pl! rewnrd 3103 Clifferd at. STORAGE AND MOVIN0 i"NS3EN3 express and stersge wants losei or eatli te or from New Yerk. Uoiten. Providence or points en route; also te anl JV,m Pittsburgh. $20 and up; we speclslUe in ?eng-dls?a"e moving. 010 W. MonUom MenUom MonUem ?",,'S":. Diamond B7B0. , " VICTORY STORAGE ?.'il.B!es.Arrlevgnrnt 4OT W r.wM STORAGE CO., N. E. cer. Id anl Thompson Moving, storage, packing anl hipping Call Kensington 2188. , Ther ahlppln UOMARCH STORAGE CO.. 3870 LANCAJ. The Jehn Rhoads Ce.;.".;?'?.-. Ptoregu. Packing. Moving. Carpet Cleaninj. WANTED MILLErt'H OIOTIIINfl CO. . High ptices paid, slightly worn street una evinlpg Downs, furs and genl'emen's eloin elein lug K COR. UTH AND BAlNIiniDQU Will rail city or Buburhs. Bell. Filbert 420$. WANTED Old ship picture-, water color or niiereu iitnngrapns et aquare-riggen siui". Cuirler Ives prints of American clipper ships Address, muting price, 0. Tyii j r. . am vvainut st. ANTIQUE FURNITURE. -hnn sllier n4 rlees pH i M wnr aim snip pictures fei rare pieces anibi lil'J war and ship pictures 1 hest rl 7 inn MACHINERY AND TOOLS NOS, 1 ANlT'.1. also 3 Schramm portable sif cumpriHiers; lA-II, P. kerosene engine; II. P. clectrle moter: 4-H. P. Otte gsi e glne; HxO and SxS Gardner belted ciiniprejr sers; 12x12x12 steam nlr compressor! 73 alj watt gunerater anil engine: oie-gauun i mails tank, milium' iui.,L lu uux ah MUSICAL INiTRUMINTJL VIOIJN. HELP vvAjviKjj py an old-established bottle mt ufacturer. a capable, efficient rnan ttl reaent them In the Hlladelphla.Bltim ' territory. Address with full faferrna ii?0.'! . i??Bi e5Kerie.n.ce'. reference and .its?! J expected. M 088. Ledger nm... ,I.f' 'Wtrb&wr v .iji, t. r.3ffv?irr,. vjww . . wKAtn i -,.iirj-v 4 r-fij-.'v--- i;v ...'i..niKm:M) . . re