Ifcj:.- - 'V1 W 0 :-jWYMrAWA-HVIIVIWAy rs Your should be the ownership of a home such as you have often pictured .WHY DELAY? Ovr a thpuiand beautiful residences, covering nil amd-suburban and suburban aectiens, and at your price, are listed hew from which you may ehoese, AN INQUIRY WILL INCUR NO OBLIGATION am f ADTTVIfi v A. AUflXtJlAilO Residence of distinctive design. eiueea it location nvartnnktna? lfalr. inttint Park: cn(.ir hail, ete,i bed- ctiaeiurrs. e u hampers. S baths I manv features: attractive grounds, old shade. Prlce, 137.000. LINCOLN DRIVE SECTION Canter, bull detached stone and etuccn home: large living room. with epan flraptaca; Si bedrooms and tlla bath en and fleer, with perch from front bailream 1 2 bedrooms, atera front bailroem I 3 bedrooms, store loom and bath en 8d fleer! haattd aun earleri completely rerteoerated and palntedi s-ca $ araaei hardwood floera throughout, het-water haat: vary attractive prlca and terms. Frlca 110,000. OVERBROOK W have a vary attractive hima te offer in tha canter of LOverbroeh, Excellent' train and trolley aervlca and central plant heat! oak floera and whlta paint throughout, Includ ing kitchen and pantry! 0 chambers, .2 bathe: larra perch. I'rlea 118,000. WYNNEWO0D A quaint Colonial en well-arranged let: Just tha home for a. email tarn l.yi whlta enamel threuahaut; A el-embers. 3 tlle batha and atrcplnr perch nn 3nd fleer; maid's quartera ?n 3rd; let 65x300 ft.; garage, 'rice, 121.000. CYNWYD d atuccn Cel ated en htah .around; center hall flrat'ftoer nrranuement: 4 vhamffcra nnd 3 bath pn.3nd fleer; 3 cham- lr and bath en 3d: tjlad batha: eeparata ahewer: oak floera; het- water neat; 101 exi70 i te ault. Prlca. Iza.COA. ARDMORE A white Colonial en lV.-acre let, near Morien liull nrraiuremi orlen pelf courae: eantar- ent: 7 cnameera nna fl bathe; wjll decorate tti ault: 2-car aairge, offer, Financed and subject te SmulHn &Bmm ' T g . . aiaaaamy ilW9$hli 1206-11 LIBERTY BLDG., BROAD & CHESTNUT 9TS. WM WlmMu P.RIVATB BRANCH EXCHANGE MllwmWIL LOCUST 7100 - - O S BJP, ft Attractive Suburban Hemes BALA CYNWYD Htone-and-atuceo residence en at tractive let 80x100. Oarage. Heuse contains 8 bedrooms and 8 batha; het-wator heat, cleatrle lights. Prlcf 817,800. ST. DAVIDS Modern detached residence and garage, vwll situated en comer let: shrubbery, etc.; S bedrooms. 2 baths, sewing room. Kvery modern convenience. Geed condi tion; white woodwork 1st and 2d floors. Price 110.000. MERION All-stony irsldence conveniently situated near station nil let UDx 240, Qrnunds ery attracthely Uld eut: old shade, etc. I 2-car Ma raud. The beuse contains a large living room and vell-arrnnxed dining room, pnmry, kitchen, etc. en 1st dr.; n bedrooms und 4 baths en upper floors; thoroughly mod ern; het-v.iiter ht.t: exception ally geed condition. We recom mend thla property as an excellent purclmie. BUILDING SITES We are efferlre excellent building sites In all auburba along tha Main Line, amount of ground te ault purchaser. SAMUEL C. WAGNER, JR. Commercial Trust Building LOCUBT 2871 SOMERTON IS THE PLACE TO LIVE Phlla. i.,intiir.'u t.tnni lnc.iHnn nf ronveiileiictt and rertlieiiltilU that offers the best fei temblned teuntry and city tesldencei high i elevation with pleasant views. Thla upper s.oulen of the 8Sth ward Is Inducing a number of prominent femlllun te Im-ute In this eharmlnn environment, whleh. with Its many outdoor uperis and practical accominedutlona, affords an Ideal nll-yiar-areutid home. ., . . hl'Ki'UItATIVE PHlCKa of Real Katate, Fer Sala or Rent elsewhere, urjtst ptempt consideration of SOMERTON GARDENS it present moderate prices, where a beautiful community of distinctively lexlKiifd homes en 1eh UO ft. by 150 ft., with attractive vdndlng roadways. Ik developing. Flne train service te Bnmeiten Hta. en Resdlnit'a N. Y. Mam Line, ene block distant. Ooed communication. Perfeet molar high ftass. City water. Pellca nnd flre protection, Opportunity te Buy or Build Your Own Heme Artistically designed plana by Clurl: local artniiuein. ENJOY HEAL SATISFACTION AT SOMERTON GARDENS D. BREWER GEHLY, Fer plans and details 33 he. juui J'KNNHVI.VAMA FARMS luiuimuuimiUtMuimiHiiuiituMuiiiimniiutijmiiimuTttiniimmiiimiiiituiuiiiiuinm GENTLEMAN'S ESTATE (FOHMIJHLjY tub Moenio AND SYNNOTT KSTATK) SUITABLE FOR A HIGH-CLASS SANITARIUM, INSTITUTION OR MOVING-PICTURE CORPORATION 11.1 A ai.n M a 1.. UA ...... nns Anl.lr.lnir flU'J iilral nf fftlld lan1t CT9Vi C?,"'.". "mil I.0UMI Willi tairVi '""piuviimmN. TliU Pluce 1 tlireu'i"!..""?- teen 'i'tTra'a" "of "ifa'rk with Iiriv.wya7 atlfciM trees und shrub; irnm nil ever the world, laiae nine una reuiii.eins. tf.H,iVu ..... -- "rdenn, one nillu uf Ktene wall with Pillars and brmwe '" JJni ''e."'': illlnn. gunrd house", two mansion heusex. garngej. leg cabin and tenant s. .,rii..; 1... F11V.,. 1,'.-.... i,,.r- ini.iini; t.ir t ir,-,i hundred head of cattle, .. . r . "-.""". "rv ""..-.,. .1-" - .T..i..,r.. m mn.iu.n witii tna ph1 Interview nn te urruntfc4 by cemmunltatlntf with A. Keeh, 1SS7 Aroh vtretti f r-'aMViyilltla r - l, - . - MAt lMAMI FOR lit! nWl--M ' ' I I I I i i i'Ii ' i "I L'j ' I I Service means success! Ultimate GERMANTOWN Mediri hrlrV residence, corner prop prep eriyi 7 badroema and bath. ancTeaed perch; het-water hnf hardwood floera; convenient te Periifi. Ntatlett "nd (larmantewn avenue cars. Price, 18780. Terma te ault. UPPER QERMANTOWN Cerner atena realdtnee, let 180x130; crnter halt, etc.; B badchambera. 3 Very batha and atorereom madarn anri In perfect conditien: fnenlareai tnerlai perfect conditien: ppreima an opportunity. irellna, and futuraai an unuauai walk Htreet. TIOGA Jieet fletlrable ; ,l"AliT,fp2HWjr?lJ netachad a-etery atqne and att chtvmbera- uTU'lh." frle.7 : BK' uricK. roaieerHMl LOGAN W K& S,.lSieu!ilal?f5 ?c.BUXbaw.. 'St.BS'ViX ? he, ? at .MO-890- T "Hlclt ' tfeularly well equlpped for a pro pre pro wlll.cenaldar reaaennble offer. feaolenal man, and la offend at a OAK LANE Central hall atena Colonial real deuce, maamvflcently flnlahed: laran tien. apaaeua roemai. corner. let 180x107 ft. ft.: nna anruDpery: tnera nre a a umber of attractive feature about il placa that nre aura te Interest a home turer. Price, M2,00i. MELROSE PARK Seml'bunaalew atyle; living rrc-n at th front; dlnlnB room, kitchen. 3 nhnmhun Ann bath en lit flnnr: ft. chamEera and bath en 3d floer: 3- r airaae; cjrn;r property; ercr havlnir left tha city I open te any reaannabie effer. V.T.WTWH PARIT ELKINS PARK Center-hall Colonial atone residence witn Mil aoleia nral-floer arranae- ment. 1 ohambere and II tiled ,moor ana (ilea uauis en upiwr.iu-ui.,. iiuvwiiwr, run, liaMlwend AlMiral lli acres, with lln ncera;. net-wnter reet, A in old abade. aaraaa with llvlnjc qunr tarat ifreenheuM. Price, iot.eOO. ena el tDt flneat hemea In thla arrewlna lUDurb. Fer Reiidtnce Property Consult MERION ileat desirable all-stone Colonial residence: center-hall plan, living room with open fireplace; 8 bed rooms, 3 baths, bodreoma having southern expeaitra; thoroughly modern; garage; old abide. Piiea (27.800. ARDMORE Attraettve atucoe residence, Idsatlv located en corner let 138x178. Heuse centalna center-hall ar rangement en 1st flr. : 8 bedrooms. 2 baths and storereom: het-water bent, electric light: In geed condi tion. Price 118.300. DEVON Cray stone residence situated en nigh greuna wun siiuiuerii . pesure; OK acres. Including large orchard, ahada trees, vegetable Harden, lawns, etc, Heuse has center hall, living room, library, billiard room, luvate-y. dining loom. etc. en let fir.; 7 bedrooms and 3 batha en upper floors. Hot Het water heat, electric light. Excel lent purchase and lictd at u rea sonable figure. (JVRDEN & Dudnlck ft Charles J. Mitchell, Owner ,.,m.Srsi,i-.M apnly Roem 200 at. wen i,i. i SfJr PrXVHlf.VANIA FABMH uniler full ciultlytttlun w th U meOtm "175 "TW T I Ulin Lit II11UI U H UtIUMUU HU1 II IllUUaUlJ lUAII II ItlJI IB Ull 1 1 II II Ii UU i mmmw i mummm 'd TteaSffiNtf -Ptlftlid, LEDGER-.PHILADELPrilA, WEDNESDAY, KttAL MTATE FO fAlS7'" "h REAL BSTAT 0R BINT - HEAL ESTATE gOB RENT ,j ytvAVtAvJT :l: rp ' ' ' ciTt , ii r"H. : i"rv I l r Geal DREXEL HILL rThnrtnln wlilla Colonial hollow tile: near etiitlenl 10 roemi.. fl chambera, S inc. porehec new, and etmtly medern: beautiful outteoki aaiaae. I'rloe, 123.000. LANSDOWNE attractive, home, aurreunded II A., te taat trolley Una te UBth Prne, 115,630 n. barcMn, SPRINGFIELD ucca liera; lUndl let: WrW: flSm l''!I en ma'n nt,"v i way. SOUTH 'BROAD ST. JSSSIL J5'.2f.,.hneMR0n,tnrK-rt.,i red remarkably low flrare for thla leca WEST PHILA. TJ. cer. 2d nnd Walnut eU . 118 en Walnut at. by 178 ft. en 43d m.i tnia preperiv is r pa ler aeva epment and la priced rlaht fef quick ante, Ml N. C8d at., 11-room, 8-story brick heura; bit 180 ft, dep: heme erTered. for ante at 113.609. 222 H. 40lh at.: 8-ttery, ll-roem acml-detachcd brlelt resldence: Orj ished In whlta and mahogany; hard hard hard wee t floera: het-water heat; aleo alee trlctty. breakfast room finished In cril! meat tleslrabla location and priced right for quick sale; well fbanced. CENTRAL CITY meat desirable preperty: modern in ovary resTu net-wi electricity: revenue ben every respect; hut-water haat; electricity; revenue nennn? nar S90O0 a yenr. tllfered ter aate at 840.000, Sta this property along with 3 ethera In thla auma locality. NEW JKBUKY SUnriBBAN MAPI.K KHAI1K DON'T FAIL TO BBS BARLOW & C0.'S One-Acre Farms $5 DOWN $5 MONTH PAYS FOB IT BUYS ONB wnrrn fob free PAMPHLET On ... - "v:j.:i.-. -- BAIILOW ilLDO,. MAPLB HHAUU, jr. J. Open Dally and Sundays, PKNNHYLVANIA TAK-MM A Rare Opportunity Farm and ceuntrv seat 177 Rcrca. 17 mil. te City Halt, en State highway. 10 intnutiV valk te station. 10-room dwelling of nrtls nrtls tle design, modern conveniences, spacious lawn, atone farmer's heuse 10 rooms, larrs barn, necessary outbuildings, variety of fruit, spring-watered pasture, ery beat seli: a sacrifice at 180,000. W. FORREST MAGEE SOUTHAMPTON. PA. xt;v jkksev fabmh Equipped Farm Bargain 2 Horses, 4 Cows and 100 chickens, 2 wagons, buggy, plows, har rows, cultivators, all tools nnd Implement: located In famous Salem County, en geed read: near town, station, school and nlinrnh. A reiah with mnti nrmlilKllt. t;nll. all under cultivatien: geed 0 room house, sur- I rounded by ueautirul shade ; large uurn, wagon ahel. 2 poultry houses, garage, corn crib and pigsty; about 123 fruit tree of various kinds) ewner'a ether buslnesn Inter ests ferces sale; price for all 84000; cash 81800; balance en easy term. Fer further Information and photo of bulldlnaa of this and ether equipped dairy, grain, Truck or fruit and poultry farms call or write VINBLAND FARM AOKNCY. 840 C, Landla no., Vlneland, N. J. SEAL ESTATE SALE OB naWT " CUKHTMIT ItlT.t, VERY DESIRABLE RESIDENCES FURNISHED OR UNFURNtSHKP JOSEPH M. JENNINGS CO. CIIKHTNUT HILL. PHIIA. Chsstnut Hill 1887 Chestnut Hill 2087 NEW JKH8KY WUIHJBBAN SPRING LAKE BEACH NEW JERSEY AND VICINITY Cottages for Sale or Rent DURAND & BROWN Pliuntt II DK SIlMKIt HOUHKB LAKE SUNAPEE Summer Hpmes, Cottages & Camps FOR RENT anU FOR SALE Wrlte for booklet. Correspondence Invited. SARGENT & CO., New LomlenN.H. HeadimrlRis Hunapee Region Renl L'Htute BEAL ESTATE WANTED iiMniiitiiiiiHiiiiiiinuiii;ii:iiiiiiJin!t!iiiit;;iiiLUiiiLi;rwiim(!UumfiUJ)!)iuu'aiu:;i We lints iivertl tllenu who wish In g buy humes In Ouk Line; thesu homes m must be modern and contain at lra.it y I liciiioetiiH una .' u.uiisi u leu ute 8ii h u heinu In Ouk l.ane mid sour pi lee Is lUlit, e havu a wurcluuiti for It. WM. H. WILSON & CO. 11117 WALNUT BT. wPi:ii!:iiiiiwii!iiiiiifiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiKiriiiiiiiiii!iiiiTjiiiiiaar,i REAL ESTATE gQR RENT CITY Central Offices and Floers JOHN G. WILLIAMS in r.ivn ptTT.in Uf.rti. ' )ee . , t - v J..1 4,"- OFFICE FLOOR SPACE HO North Bread Street Attract I ve emcta, tarie and mull, in thoroughly meclcm, cntrlly lepatvd, nreoreof bulldlnw, ' Thla fleer apace In partletilwly adapted for owanlzatlena In whlth te handle lance office force economically ana efficiently. , 8TMAM H19AT HrLKNDID LIGHT AND VENTILATIOM KtJTCCTIUC PAHSENOKB AND KKKIOHT KLKVATORS LAJtUB AND COMMODIOUS WAHU BOOMS LINOLEUM FLOOH COVEntNOS We also hava one 2000 aquare ft. stere apace en the ground fleer, ana dry sterage apace In tha baaament " , Fer further particular ripply te QEOnaiS E. OLLEn, Secretary Manager . 10 N. Dread St., Phlla., Va. Phene: Spruce 1060 GUARANTY CORPORATION IMlCTllMIHiMiSlIEMCMWrJIIBii! RENT 11,500 SQ. FT. 828 Markqt streut Flye-atery. modern building, atere and floera available for Immediate posses sion. V' HCAM0!-i " ' CnCSTNUT AND 13T1I BT8. llllfllllllliUIINIUIIiailOlMlllllHI RENT Chestnut St. Stere I FLOOR SPACR 1800 8Q. FT. ciimtrati- sneppmn DiaTXIOV applt f. j. cunnx S12 CHESTNUT BT. aWHrWiawiaefflrai'jMffl NEW TWO-STORY STORE AND LOFT 40 I1Y 120 222-4 N. 18th at. WILL DIV1DK WALTER F. OFF 118 S. 10th at. Business rrerwrtlea tmt Bterea iiiaiiiiiiiBraiaiiiiii'amjiiiMranwi R E N T CENTRAL STORE 104 S.' THIRTEENTH ST. OFF. 13TH A C1II1BTNUT fTS, 1MMUUIATU POBflEBSlON IX)NO IJVSK MENDES SOUS 183 H. 12TH HT. PHONE WALNUT 43B2 1217 WALNUT STREET 8TH BELOW CHESTNUT ST. J. A. PATTKBBON. 180 B. 1BT1I BT. 1425-27 N. BOUVIER ST. I'AJtT OP CvMlAOB J.A.Pattersen, 130 S. 15 th St. factories. Waretieneea. tannfarterlng Fleors RENT 250-52-54 N. Bread St. PLOen About 15,000 Sq. Ft. 72 Ft. Frontage en Bread St. LABOR) AUTOMOBILE ELEVATOB deal apace and location for automobile body bulldina, repair and paint shop. 308 N. BROAD STREET Spruce 7302 llace 0535 FLOORS 1342, BROWN STREET 4B0O SQ. IT EACH CONCRETE BUILDING BUITABLE FOR Automobile Repair or Paint Shep and Manufacturing Large Automobile Freight Elevator HE'MA'N!Ny& BRO. WIDKVBR Hl.nO RENT 30,000 SQ, FT. 1 OnOUND FLOOR. UPTOVN: SUIT HEAVY MACHINERY; EXCEP TIONAL ArthurB.Fraser.21S. 12th niw 101-03-05-07 GRANITE ST. 835 RACE ST. EDELSTEIN & BERNSTEIN 218 8, IDTIt ST. 806-808 ARCH ST. BTORKCI AND BASEMENT 304 N. FRONT ST. EDELSTEIN ft BEIINRTEIN. 215 B. lfilh at 806-808 ARCH STREET SECOND FI.OOIl EDELSTEIN & BERNSTEIN 318 H. lf.TH BT. (iamacH 3322-24.NORTH BROAD ST. AUTOMOBILE SALESROOM AND GARAGE, 50' x 200' 10 000 sa. ft. en ens flecr Rxiital anally reduced CIIAH. OOLbMAN, 725 Wiflnut st. OFflCKH, lU'BINESH ItOOM. KTO. i,'iMiiTi'iii'iiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiii:iiiiiiijiiiiiiiiiti'miiiiiii,iiiiiiiim RENT OFFICE SPACE ffi 2D AND 3D FLOORS S. W. Cor 8th & Chestnut About I00O sq. ft. each fleer Bliert or long term Iruse U. H. Shipping Beard lilHUlre Roem 713, HO N, llread st. Tel. I)oust 5200. Extinelen 43d. l4ll!l'liriaillllllli.llll!llllllllllll!lllllilffillllliii'!llli'iiD:HII ARCHITECTS. ARTISTS OR PHOTOGRAPHERS Pleasa note we tnve n line studio for rent, 020 feet fleer niacc, iti unfed for enrs by a pruiiilnnnt artist, '".iV!!".': T "llvldlnu the rnetn. Ap Ply tem U'Mlmit SHUBERfkJILDING" 250 S. Bread Street JUST A REAL GOOD OFFICE BUILDINQ BERNHEHV1ER & SUNDHEIM t sDOavV. Man in i n -mm. t1 rrt '.I.u'.'WVI wtnul9iaSnMfmwwH? Rfjni mmm A t ,"ifl v.f-r ""iai vTBriT rmr,AriKr,rmA 5922-5930-5932 Springfield Av. EDELSTEIN & BERNSTEIN 218 . 1STH ST. nCNNXVAMA HPTirBltAX West Overbroek Thrce-sterv stone wg.. tnecUrn, niw paper -amd paint, 1 ncre of greund: riiriiKfi: $160 per month. 2-year lease, D. MMOT-HAUHLANDTrrLE BLDO. FOR BENT FURNISHED WKfiT PHll.AI)CT.l'llfA FOR RENT FURNISHED 1841 Wynnowoed read, for 3 months Three-story semi-detached home with garage, beautifully furnished: central plant haat; tloe per month. McDEVITT & MULLIN C8d ft Lancaster ave. Oerbroek 4303 MORTGAGES ' TRUST FUNDS for Investment m first mortgages en Philadelphia real estate; large or small amounts; Immediate settlement. FRANK H. MOSS & CO,' 518 Walnut St. linsVI!lilIllllllllll!IIH!lll!l!lllll,m MORTGAGE 1 ONEY I Funds for large and small ilrst and second Mortgages. B. A L. Funds. 308 N. BROAD STREET Kpruce 7302 llace 8538 MORTGAGE FUNDS Building Association and Trust Funds Central Properttoa Preferred LIONEL FRIEDMANN 281 H. 18TII HT. Telephone apruce (1111-2.3 THIRD MORTGAGES Substantial Funds en Hand 21. HOtm HEllVICHi NO reiATtriK rnn lNVEHTl(lATlONti B1HNCJ t)UR DEED FINANCE REAITYCORR A nrr n nance em MONEY O.N HAND FOR FIRST SECOND THIRD ALSO BLDO AND LOAN MORTOAQE3 CAMERON &BARR,. .113 INCOLN BLDO. MORTGAGES I.nrrc or small amount trust snl rrhnt fundi; seni for factory mortgages. W lirtUCE IfARROW. lill) N. 12th St. FIRST MORTGAGE MONEYS In nmnuntN vanlnir finm tl.lOO te 15800. CHAS. W. MILLER ti'Virr' r.xausLtsftp MONEY TO LOAN EASYTERMS UP TO $300 TO HOUSEKEEPERS FROM PUIS LICENSED, BON'DED I1AVK INf DEPAHTMEN'T HL'l'ERVlhED COMI'A.NY ry ttsy ttrms anl p.iMiicnts arranged tn suit our oeiinlni Ve fen uf Hny ,imi charged only Interrit tt thn i.tte provided by litv. (mr mtnv e.UItlcd iMisiriinern tlnrt It te tliclr lidviintiuA in nun our MeVl.'Y KBliv. I( E te fill their ceil bins. An Inquiry puts M.U te no tnpene- Will, ir If In u api l.urry. uw 1111 phene Leiiiit 7f.37. '"' iiillH iVn'eTWA' WJ'tlvii'VeJS HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO. 246 SOUTH 15TH STREET Second llmr CrnMa Building Jiembcr of 1'hil.i Chamber nf Commerce, REAL ESTATE FOB SALB . CITY " " 4023 OLD YORK ROAD 2-sten. pur h f i.nt 7 looms unl-b.uh hot het wiler licut tlci.ttli 'n ,, , n ilreplacv ( HAS. W MII.LEII, 1201-07 IMn menvsealth iijjy. i SALE CHEAP iKfePtllJ" "a "lllBH "r- ""KOI OWNER. 247 N. FRON v BT. 132-184 K. 1'iTII BT iVntral .wrner loca leca I Jieh, a inutl uni'iur ultu nnd unuauai tn- pertunlty fei a wile a ike liuelms, where paneenifer tufflc Is forced te rn-ngulae llie . wares of the fettun.ite in -r hunt vlu nbtalni llile prniMTtv II II I'rltz 713 Walnut .. I'JTII A CAMIIRIV STH. -Six rooms ai.d b.tth: KiicrllUe If Beld this vee), TITLOW & CO., 1 5 13 ARCH A BAVINO OF UM ON THIS ONh" 2712 B. Snudliy at.. 7 rooms, laundry; else. trie, Imt-iwittr heat perch, WALTER H PHILLIPfl, 1730 Snydtr ave. 1500 CASH Tii-mrtiii,,.Tk.-.tnk . . . kvi"'1 "vi,ii ,r uutiur ii u ihi.i, iu rooms. .J;t.Q.V.MIhI?Jr.n-,,'n'..,,2 balhs, modern linpreiements. 125.000. 11V. rooms . tile both, open flreplaeej electricity : het water heat. 8443 N. Jlth it. llcuUm tall Woodland "eja L. " ' and uau IV i Fer partli 1810 N. 10TH ST II sty . 0 rooms, bath. elec . all conveniences Mill finunea, IkJ- FASY. 18th 5cThompsen 200 AND 2028 K. 21.ST Imniedlals posses.; 3 story, ft rooms and laundry; 4 bedrooms; electrle light, newly pnpered, painted, etc. JOHN I. HOMERS, 2ilth and Snyder ave RIVER FRONT Large tract above Tacenyt prlce about 00 .per rent of btwssed vnu MAH0H 8; -1922- BKAL E8TATE FOB SALE C1TV B. T. COIt. 22t ANfi MARKKT 8T3. 30xVil. valuable business rernar Will flnanc. little caah required VAT.OAMLW PAItKWAT BITU Opposlte proposed Convention Hall 8. U, cer, INth nnd Vine at. 44x160, 8 fronts 123 S. tllh at,. 20x100 te rear a treat Meaern il-aiery euiiuinv an n ieih t . ihvUa.r in no. ,B te rear atreal 587 N. 18th at.. 22x160. oppeslto I.egan 8q. Hth at.. 32X100. opposite i.egai Vine St.. 18140 tu Winter at I Vine St. 11'J5 te Pearl at. ee at,, 18x140. rlesr te Purlin 1B13 Idly 1703 Ilaee arkway enmv at.. iwe uioek 188V Pearl t., IBxSe 17,10 Weed at.. 18x84 te Carlten at. J. Edward Lutz, 240 N. 17th St IQlOaniCKN, 14 room. 8 batha, h.-w. heat, 1H10 Wallace, in rooms, e baths, modern. 2124 Hp. Uarden, 10 roema, 1 baths, modern. lOOSOreen, 11 room, central, enii N. 28d. near Parkway, 3 flat. 1527 Hp. Oarden. 10 roema. hat-water heat. 14.10.N, lth. aKtn yard, electricity, 8 bathi. 602!i Hummer, corner, 3 atery, 8 roema. C21N. Iflth. 14 rooms, tf baths, fern-r. rnr. nath nd Wash'ti ave.. 2 stores, med. 1420 Mt. Vernen, 12 rooms, 2 baths. (UlinKHP 11. WORHKLL It CO., ht .V. 17th 172T V. 18TII ST. M. 18 Attractive 8-story house and physlclan'a of of flee, with epnrallmr room and complete mod ern apartment of 4 reams and bath en third Moen all Improvements; in perfect condition. Let 88x100 feet te Carllsla at. flare opportunity for a physician or dentist Apply only te C. C. VAN nil'EH 1081 Wlnitb'KiKlnB st. Talachens wyemlntr 0010 Or If. A. CANNON, lturd lildg., a. W. cer Uth and Chestnut a'.e. 1429 POPLAR STREET Modern npartmenr heuse, 14 rooms, 4 baths, oleotrio. het-water heat, hfttrtwwd floertf: rie IIH.O0OI I30UO cas'i rcquirem income 800 per month or $3000 Per yeir. Income nrat tufla Aetaa1ei eamniltlt tf rfltltf lnt.'ti1. I DUlnETtT. 1420 Poplar, st. Phene 4127. Call before. 12 A. M. te see house. lar 10U Oreen at. ivti (llenwoed ave. 1738 Falrmaunt ave. MAN. IBtha. 819 Corinthian ave. 120Oreenst. (l.'.ll N. Kith irt. 1010 KnlrmeuM ave. 1M7-00 FiOrineunt 1010 tt Vernen 718 Hhlrley at. M4 N. 7th at. S10. 217 N. 10th at. 17.V.' WJI10 at OBOItOB !. PARKCTt. 1788 Falrmuiint ave WE HELP YOU GET A HOME Prospective home owners, let owners, build- era renters; pians. eeum, at a p. c. mtcs. turn. 1 repays bla mi entbty. Prudsntlal Hemes Ce. no.. 1414 H. I'enn square. I'hlla.. Pa. HANBY A PAIUUSH BTB., near Parkway rarace: facing 3 streets; noeo iuara feet flrat fleer, aupruxlmately tiO'JO snunre ft seoend fleer, heat and tight. Urehmann Paving and Construction Ce,, 2fl2 ParrUli St; , TWO and 8-aterv heuaea; all aertlena; only 800 cash renulnd. H. J. FASY. 18th & Thompson 1843 E. TIOQA ST. Perch front. 0 rooms and bath, outslde kitchen, het-water heat; already flnanced. Polls & Potts. 1S33 Chest- nut at. k BAROA1N lWJlt Francla at. and 708 N. 18th at., D-atery dwellfnga; rental te8: prlc 15300. O'Hanlan, Kenalngten and Cumber la nd. 10TH BELOW YOIUC Twe etery. T rooms and hath, xlnctrlclty, poasesslen. WEHTN1TY, 203 Liberty Hide;. 2244 N. 3D Keml-detached: new white plumblnc, plpeleis heuter: 18x00; 12700; terms. WEBTNKY. 208 Liberty Blda MARKKT ABOVE 0TII Flne business) build ing; rlaht price and terms. WCSTNBY. 203 Liberty Bldg. 2789 ALEn.SFOBU HT. Six r., bath, pcli.i whlte plumb., newly papered; 10-ft front; 13701). J. e Itafferty, 2811 Konslngteu ai. 2134 N. 12TII ST. Fourteen rooms. 2 batlia; geed condition; prlce right for quick sr.le. Wm. Kmlley, 120. W. Susquehanna ava. 4418 N. MAUailALL Modern 8-room house, with perch: geed conditien: lmmad. poss. BMIL HCHUR'iOT. 4227 Qsrmgntewn ate. I WILL BUY any prltate corner or store r corner It the price Is right. P 020. .Ledger Office. 1708-O7-OO-11 3. DORRANCB BT. 2 story. 3 rms., underd'd: 1700 vacant; price each 12300. Jehn I flemers. 20th and Bnyder ave. 827 N. 24TH Three atery, 6 bedrooms. 2 baths; make geed apartment house; 10300. WM. C. HBYDE, loin ana anyaur ave. 1040 8. LAMBERT BT. Twe atery. 7 roema: medern: lorge let: price $3400. JOHN I. SOMERS. 20th and Bnyder ave. -.aa rAciir 000 N. 20th perfect. 7 ream,. het-water heat, electric: worth I0C00: sell I tHOO. reiNK. 2tn aim ienign. 1 1 HAVE a number of aesirahle houses In northwest sct'n. will be glad te submit lilt. tu'1.t.u. -j.'Wl nun numerwi sis. J300O 3100 N. JUD30N ST.. S rooms and bath: tubs In cellar way te ynrd; hut-wat'r heat Owner or COYNE. 24th A Lehigh. 73 HEAL HOMES $250, 8400 cash. 82100 te tHWl. EDW M. OHAHAM. 32 H Bread. Oil IMBARD ST. Tn rettle an estate. S C ADAMS. 1418 IValnut st. ACANT 29.11 Tayler 13700- 0 rms. alfe., rcfln . L-uar.; barir. Ceyre 24th Ihlgh. 1030 S. BROAD BT II r , 2 b h.-w. heat. lec: 811. OOP. Win C. Hyde. 15th Si Bnyder IJOCDINOT nnd Somerset, at L sta.; lirec. shape Dartkelmann. 2557 N.Bth. Ken 2587 Building Iita. Fatlery Sltra. Ktc. 00 ACRV:s. close te Heltnesburg June. Sta., P. R. R : large Delawura ltlver front and front en Mate rend. P R. R. connections; adjoins some of Philadelphia's largeat In dustrial plants; family reasons lender this a eurprtidnc chance fur prompt buer. H. H. FRITZ. 713 Wa inut St. OARAOE BITES 54x110, Ssxflrt etc.. geed lo cation, attractive prices; hulldlrir lett, ex cellcnt loiailens, SuOe tu 11000 each, 2 blecha from the Boulevard ABl I'.iti-nir, i:t L'nfBtnm BlOCK OF OROl'ND, with Imprevements: oppejlte Frnnkferd "L" Trmlnal: wen derful opportunity rer quicx-saie neuses, II i. ii FRITK 713 Walnut st. N. W. COR. MARTHA AND ANN ST3. I.aige let, with 3 etrcct fronts, geed slta for factory or g.rai,-e. Eotate of David M. Hess 004 Wnlnut s BUNflALOW 81TE8. Lavr.dtle, 75x100, 11500. will cUWii. advances arranged. ABERNETIIY, 132i (Jlitatnut. blTEB. railroad. Penna. and Heading 12000 per nere ami up. DIBTER1CH. 737 Walnut FOR HALE Inim. poss ; hlhtiin, Del River Hilga. ii'C. tllmen Well, owner, 1141 N. 2.11 l'Jtt V Mil ST . !'iv,lirv tirlcl Mtnrw i..l vviinhmife PENN Ce 517 Chestnut nt " - - - ranenrs. n .ire ihiiibi-h Miijnunrijinmj t mers III! P, hied thla property in net In nrit-elans condition. it It has venderful pflbilitl'-s for many luiiereni i,nc ur initnuiaciuriiik- aim it is in iwrK tin IIU.Mll.ll 11, ui urmlll f'HEBrr.lt D. RDITNER x V-ii-i-'lii l """"lit T75 lMi BU.U.VHE FhKT ieM biirnTiiB cu-i". structlun eprmkli I in.fr plant, It It sldltu:, noe.l labor nnttktl fur sale tbe.,,, Iet iussesalen I'llEsrER D. RUITNER i. CO;,, 1421 Ch.stnut ,r ur nn broker WAREHOl'hE " Extra hew cnnvtiurtten w.thln 1 Hqunre of all railroads and sieam-hin llneic lmme- i dlilteiiisiHiier iJrtiier 247 N Frent it. fu TmTi MJl'.Vlti; feet" iinrKt4t t.ldg eU.-trlu elevator, lire tniiei, ml, M-ll or eae. AJ1i.rtJi"ik. hJ" -L-""l TU lulu FACTORY ei warelieuie" 24 IUKI eq ft, Delaiviua ltlver section InimtdUtc jioss-s-slen. -SIMON WEIL eiin. r. 1141" N 2d FACTORIES VAaretieuses, rt aparr, leniul" Alliert Hull Land Title Bhlg Mpriice 2,'ilh. FAfTOHIFH. v nrthnusiH r'tlieuda, tan flniiiice DIKTE1UCH 737 jtlnut et r rjitraces 100"AR garage at Bread t. and N. E, beuleiurd exiellent kiih station. welMs. tabllshed arcesserleB and repulr bus Apply te Emll Schureet. 42.'7 Cermantewn ave. iyj,'ti!,iL'i'ii''i'iji- .1. E COU oeili nnd fnlilH i r el Parkway liueritn'tleil nf two he.ivil tnn led etieets; .... I- -.., gain. MICHAEL A. MALONEY 1021 S, ilOTIl BT 40.11 LOCUST 12 rooms, .1 baths, flectiic li.it-irnter heal. 1131 1st iiiunlli, pile IHOOO. 423 te l7 Nap i il rooms nnd bath, rent 20 euch ier month nr.ee I2J00 each, 8021 ABkn st 11 rer iu nnd bath, Kirei, in Ice J2rt.il) 4.10 N. !I2I et. 13 rooms and bsth, electric, In vtrj geed condition; prlce 13500. Preston 1007 ANTHONY OAL luVOIIER. 370.1 llaverferd ave. J431I0 REMARKABLY low price fef ' this hiwBiiira jeriMiuK iiuine, wun private r( Incleeed perrh,i elec.. h.-w. heat, parti. vlT r.. with tiled, bath and hev,ri ldry. pari nr In.' wmentitbe steberty. 008 Atuoed rn.i m.nt fir silo 4-17 li V Bread i i mV." i?e! J wn nd 8l"'P'nfr l'"rch en H nerfect. smooth bathlnc Uaeh with unuati,! jnentifjr-B.ilu.4i17 L) llread t "d tloer; nil cenvs., stable, irarage chh ken nllv a-radual slope nnd nf ocknewlaJae '. n...in... i,...i n.i w, ., .f. orchard, elevated near nation nif'tv prnpnrty extends back te bay, P. HV'vl Business Properties nnd Stere PETERS ft se.NVOOh ciU'iTNTT S-l PHH A " trains paralleled with auto highway c-'. tRCH BELOW 21) S0O0 hii ft 1-atery busi- win min ,,," 1, tend pntlre linnlh of property This Virgin,'!' lieii hWildlnir- V"u Tnie V.r.imet nf,s. en ?-,' A! .TW m . . 1 ''n" lnn Prepertv. prepert h Inn inliUvay between two welK n ""' !ffi S!rnS'K.i-..n J, i'i eriv ilirtL- n'nJ' la, n1"' -"Tiura. Btnble acre- Uievvii h-I.1 resorts. Is the last unaeiil, Jv.M.Nt-J- -LnJ LlbertyJIIdK nge- excellent local en trunnif r,.ii, T .. .im,,..,! Unit en th cebbI .if New .Tnr.av and J, AN IMPORTANT Delaware liner frontage era vs ne v uirn VJ V ! , .', i . ,.' V "' for eile consisting of .' magnificent Piers, ce.h te school and clmrh ',,1'." ,""-"' tilth Penna and R. n ling R II eervl.-e. nar son . lellv tlimr i'ed A ' ir "v?!1!11, ? !""".V,H, Maiket st. This prm-irty is aspe.l.il y valu- , w it t . e st. Media I-nA iLui'HM1, "i able, with estiaerdlnai. bulkhead a-ea In . ,T-,L-rr -----"' Mv,, .uu,i irai rnimn in ,., , n,,,,,,i, trii'Tfii , for ssle Particulars bv null upon written L,. ri Chester D. Ruttner Ce.. 1421 Ch-stnur "T'.""," -,, smnni- n nTfilbTfArnrpELT ia-..cTT7S--n-;i i ' Xi? P.rV." ?,?''' . ' Lnna H R sldinun neiver -e'lint ; unrln. -rr-. -. - '.- .. - - uh.cuu.ih cir.r. nun ,,,,.. ii, n,,ri ii-i.n.. I vui"i .luuii - - ; -BEAI, EWTATE FOB ALE WgiT nWMBPaiEl - in r-AulilllMrl HT A rms. I Deaa,88ane 8131 ltdepee roems: possession...,. 8JUO 8838 Wyalqalnc 0 nna.; elee.l poss,... 8O0O 1880 N. B'ith ml-Jetached "000 8818 Hunters Kleetrlei possession. .... U300 Further partleulara and additional list CLAGHORN, 54th & Girard Ave. 69TH STREET SECTION M1.Aaietha11 riAtTUI. Wltll ataVrAaTf! ilflOd rash. $02 monthly includee paylms oft. Phene ,,....v,-ai TutB before 10 A. M. or In tbe e enlnKs. . .. . 03T1I AN1 M.U'.KKT HTft. HKCTJON ITnd house; larii biHi yard: (1 ruumHlmd 1th; aoir"ndltleni ele-lrlc llabt. h"(-wat;r heal: frlci 15300. J. II. Mecke, Jr.. flOfh and M uket ita , otqii-iie Terminal, open Bun- nay. HKn TUB "fiOL,n" fnad chi H1UN 114 Irss than rant iaya fixed chaiaea and mortgage; Ape wrah-freti ; homes; 7 roema; Os-ice v, ftld e 81t " c H.aS te 82,1 and Market; open dally; 00' ViVMrrn V, iM.-Ch j strut H207 W. OIHAllU AVIS. Two-alery ster and dwelling, with large garag en rear H'. T'fASY. 1 8th& Thompson 3644 CHESTNUT ST. Thr? aterv 11 rooms nd hath hpl-waUr i,At tti.elrtcli. ttoel condition. ('HAH, W. MILLLnl. 121LCjjnwMJthJli(i. temi?. odT-Ven'J! venvVj Imilate PM-ceni prle. Mtg. 1PI1 S BALFOIlTJi $300' . 3(KI J' TITLOW &.C0., 1513 ARCH itnnn az(? Mntr 4. bed- rooms r ..... t . Pep-1"'?' ffiiviiAN rte iXft-loe. lfnFl'MAN.i" ctrle light. rduccd from no in ami mrare sr.ftne Cerner dwcllins: rooms ana iain, all oenvonUncesi vacant 7121 Woodland iv. iA'rtjAw,. 401-8 N. 03D BT.. cer. bldr., consisting of 4 n.rm -and-bath apts.j also 2 stores. Apply rLaWler. Mywoen!. Ph. Laned'ne 1809. S00O AND 8700 block llartram ave Klve 7-atnrr heuses: medern: flne rendition. tJj let OBI BOOM. 2HWI ftharln et. .,. nnprfinv AVE UxcDtlenal bar i .. . . i 4 bedrms., h.-w. heat, eloe. Us , very large , let quick pose., prlc IOR00. will llnance. , ' J. P. CtrNNIs'OHAM. 37117 Chester ave. 4 bedrms.. h.-w. heat. eloe. Us . very large I'llVU q'fivxt, tiita iitiaaiit.tJt 18000 1317 N. 88th: Dutch hall. 4 bedrms.. wli flnatice" HeftmAn. 00th and Olrard eiccir.u i."i a-'i-" ir,w'.:, niT,' . lieiwiwii. m.i mm v..,w,u. nOO-Overbroek a-ctlen; modern. Including "dwd. fleer; throughout I r. ami bath; asy terms. HOFFMAN. f07 ulrard ave. rasy mrim. HUtraA.. ei niraru ava. ' ' ' ' ". "T 8380 PAHK8IDE AVE. 8 rooms L bath; perch front, elee. light, low price. II. H. MILLER 1483 N. Uread st. Ucl. 0778. 4044 PARKS1DE AVE. (faelnr th P Park) b, tfrtlOQ. Wm. J. Jtove". loin nnu nnyuar qvp. MUST SELL 2-sty seml-det., garden: lncl. perch: h. w.; oleo. P B22. Ledger Office. . u.wu.. ...- ij --i --.. - -, i, -.:.- --' 8801 RACE, vaeant, white and maheg.. Dutch hall, elee., new plumbing, paint and wiwr, tmalnma Properties and Stere , 017 B. BOTH BT. Cerner property; geed lo cation for grocery, tailor or ahecmaker. 4 bedrooms; medem Improvements. Michael A. Maleney eeth au OEBMAXTOWX LTNCOIA' DRIVE and Allen laiie Three Etory stone residence, semi-detached, mod ern, 2 baths: change of ownership enable Ul I,; viiausvi ., iinwinui. ""'"" inaka an attractive prien: sample 720O Lincoln drive: open Bunday. us te max house C9S7-48 BEECHWOOD BT. 2-sty. perch frent: 4 rooms end bath. E. J. MARTIN, 148 K. 84tl. st. Belmont OllHl. OERItANTOWN Attraatlve areunds. R5x 186: 8 bedroems: garage: valuable; J14.00U. Q. M. RANDLE. 1300 Locust st, 248 WINONA AVE. Three-sty. det. comer dwelling: splendid loc.; reasonably prlccO. ntTCBTNIT HILL CORNER property, about V4 acre; beauti fully landscaped, fine shade, shrubbery; Colonial stone and tlla house; large living room with fireplace nnd bookcases, centr hall illnlntf rnntn. with flrtnlac. nnrl phln. c'esat, den, breakfaet room, kitchen 0 btd cnamoerp, iiucn nuu truiiiv uiub.ib, e imihr, hardwood fliiers. complete laundry; excellent conditien: garage: wu arage: will consider reasonable efttr ter quick sale, ii. j. UAUL.it. Ambler. Fa. LOOAW ATTRACTIVE twin home, Duneannnn ave.: modern 7 -room side-yard dwelling, with large a large roema una nam en second noer It4t,njvt ii - ism in j"" w " " 'ass ustsaaeii 1 1.44 ia.i an corner let: gare.g prlUlege; right prices, MQOHB. 11th and Wlndrlm a ' ' CRAWFORD HOME 3. W. corner Hutchin son and Leuden sts , no house, contain ing every modem cemenlencu und large gartfce, tHOCO, LOOAN BJgceat bargain; eeinl-detached. 4 bedruema" modern. KOTO N leth, will flnnnw at twin. Aherncthy. ia2 Chestnut HUTCHINSON ST. above Duncannon ave., 80x100 te 0th St. Werre'4 885 N 17th COOPER'S HOUSES OPPOSITE STENTON PARK. inTlI BT. BKt)W WYOMINCT. OUR nmv listings of homes will Interest you. miman a ai-imn. uil ,-y Itread MUHT sell: Wanieclc st neer beulevard: fl r.: sur Welsman A Mwlgln. 40011 N B rea d OI.NF.V I50O CASH bun te.iullful modem home 22-4 W Fisher ave.; oleso te Incarnatler Cl.itrh 7 riinma. Incln4rl mr.h. .M.. geed section, Immedlat posneuslen; 45 and is irnii.vu iKTiMETiu' inti cki.,. ..... ' : - """ILJ1 " 1800 CABlt Ruacemh st Iwtween 2d nrd au i uieck iteuseveii uju., u rooms, hath ncl. perch, het-wnttr luvat le hardvoed lncl. nerc h. het-vntLr hiut lc ynrA,n,.A floors. STAIIL. 5200 N Id st Wm 8T"u .t Henlrvard Section lb E. ROOSEVELT BOUUfVARD r4iw . wml-detnched house, ilth 2-car garage; 5' chamburs. 2 baths 2 lncle,l perches; lurue lawn ana snrubh-rv rfn n dallj ROBERT D HAMILTON, Wyoming 3338 MOI'XT AIIIV $11.500 POSSESSION vs tn ST. Bedgwlck sta ; 11 room house, all ennvs in. -jx.uft te rear Htreet, room for saragn . . t-. i'b raitta e u., one CHESTNUT yKNNHYt.VAMA I HI KIIAV LANGHORNE BIUl'TIFUL HOME" 4'j ACRE.-, COtlVOIllOnCes. also Klllful.l tnr 1.1. l..i ,. "t Hut Ien a. Herbert JenUlnB ntu fnr eitajc 020 Cemnieri-lal Tiust UW3 Phlla iii;.i'TlFCL ceuntri home, 35 a, res i l'e,a vvure i.-.iuni i-ui .niHi frm .,,.. 111 u e-vuiie t.. b ,...-. . . " In the Old V.irlt Bui i nVe.i;,, . ,. "" .,....' i.,,".,.,.,a, ""Hen Seul for our lte,r',e"p'aar1 HbUc! JiIIjII. I"riTrt tn.imt L. ...( .pleasant. Mell-nlaiin-1 firmheua. I..;. in mil!!- '4t-"' "" aUl,i r,,l,' 1'hllad.lphlu WE.SI.EY Ml LI.IN Jfjiele illen l'a NLW Hill Hi: in ruburbn II nT,,inT"j v. ., te'il MeKlnnev tin J A MarJt.Jle; hi or!' Hulldliig I et ,77-.. .nil .v: vi.m- Llli;MTrit PIKE. lenr7.. le suit vvi 1 hull,) Bj finiinre tn ault pur- ' chaser M. e.riei lmi,-.iiements, iilthln Vulu. i ii K dUlaiiee nf f.flth t If. e Miller lis" N, 32.1 si JMm..nt (i773 -u"'r. lis. VMIII.I.U NEW, in 1 1 rn i.uiih,. wn tielnu ce'sirnci.. i of helms til- with i.slesr,.u -....,..... . shlnalH nefs Hung i loin lining room kitchen, 4 bedreiui-.i jnd tilth all m,.iern Including ilectrliltj. 'aue Iry tubs etc t ,t 50x1.15' ft each. IGMin, S,1tieii , ash" b il linea . isy terms. II J DAUER Ambler l'a. --ii. Ainnier. .hln-,1.. ".....'. v""" rin.H COLWV.S t l.ruk 7 i en I Imh. ZT,.. 2 ' nr Karaite I.Mlitinil Tl.'l Wiindbindav . DVIIBV 108 Seuth 4th Ave 2-s'erv detached X moms ami L.ith. In ftv!"lV.trviv''-7''U,!'HU,ru" ni ii,i-,)tl7.,"."'- Cem ennmmi 111 ii MILLLR. 1201-7 nmiiiei"a lauh IIJ Iu ' 1)1 Vll.s BRlClv and stucco hen 12 I'.enm. .'I buThs 2 lueluevd perches het-u.tter li-ut, iu Inge with d rooms, 1 butli gurage fur ;i cars high. titlun jonieni tit te station miini out frutt and shiide trees 2 acres nf ground, price Millien, Treat A Ileal. Wane. Pa Wayne 327, . liiiTOiD'' lUUt I HAM! tl tletii.hed preputles laaTTbaTi" lears old ulilch mut be .old at a aticil" IV., i alt ceiuei.lences ranging In price from SMige tu I 3,0(101 Ituanred, Immediate pos lUtFALI. IIII.L session, can be seen by appointment eTily. a. t. i.v.Mii. ii- p. tntn at. Hinuce 7)114 DRUXEL HILL HOMB8. WALTER C. RED- REr 1J8) umui an n. .i.. ri.im, reunaeq 1132. . . ILUrSH ft Tt'Trffig 1 BKAI, MTaV WfjL gSaffigff WWLXmi 10 At"BE8. lawn, alwc aftrubjar.- orchard; Colonial ftf-ne dWellhi. fii S baths, hardwood floera. hOt-walat thoroughly rnederni A-l eneVsptieaji J Asking 818.0OQ- . PA"W.. jnpwm:. MntiKUN 7-reum single he Wb section, attractive, deatcn: l0( 4 tmv. 7 -room hijiiae; large let; nrajfal What hlrul of a property de u vU.Tii hnA It nn our list" n batbr coma'e'it and let ua show It te , re3t(J every da-. Wm. T. b. Rvbarta It iiisnem' tr tM-rtdid otiner. At I8S00. Hnnintf 4 1 i "" ' .i;.tj" it. .-. .s.. j rilfiff". ingnFie r .',.VT'-r.l - .rfrrz attrACTIVM W -stone lOr. house, -mi, t. Inc.: ntmn flrsplscel 878001,1 ntrt. It. dnrc.A-1 OOn.l let 7SxlCO ft,! Mt Rennlnger Uennlnger. nienslde. Pa., ec.at 1IATWOBO ...nif-n j4tr.n r ll.renin stnna dwallfa pnAUTlFUL Ileberta ave. heust. msMltf m -, tent'llvlna room with open nt'PJaf'l.vB t&h ether rooms; IIL8O0: also ail-brlck CefpfUkfcTi 4fj,. house, het-water 'beat,, 0 rooms; every jl!,t Vt5 prevementl l70O; e ee open W'f jUtXR&qtfA wni, Jj Reberta a, en. .OIwi.Ke. .fai JQM$. HBANn-NKW cer. Colonial dwf.i open aWPlfi&M1 i.c. mm., built-in tub. with akawiKiA tY. some conveniences. oed barn, pettlUS(fa ?Tf. heiee. flne location. 810.000: adelntna; fWftfl W cn be purchased. If deslred. It. J. fcj? ,". Or.rt. Ambler. Pa. II IOHI ANDJLABK. , ;.'f3f- HIOHIJIND 1'AIlK Modern ahlnele "!'' low, 0 roema enu enin, iei "2il''milxxi.7J Gee. Barnes. 1201 Chestnut. Walnat 4jf. HIlBmiAM UKIOHTH 4.ahari- iinnuiiiM urMiitt'l'. N. (llensldcNs ,.. u-.itu, rhnir hlibf. lets, at train and. ' paymrt'a. Band fef bklt. Pheno Lla. 1K0O, treller, 160 up: free title insurance; esar.Tt FERGUSON, Frent & Yerk .1KSKINTOWT4 jKNitiNTOWNBnaTHaJi atyle: slqnnaVj timberrd construction; center hall 7 chare);,, brrs. H baths, modern tnrougnem BraaAfcl E A. HANH. CO.. Iind Tltli Bld..fc;H 7'00 Mlnr-le ilwdltng, 10 rooms, and b I let IfixIMJ; haraalp titer atatlen, -. ' QEOBOK H.Wr.rUNEB. lno.,..JAnkJntewa.W .UhNh 7'inn. " J""V.--",.i"",.,L--iiifr M '"IV. '.?. " cars. Ulenn. idi I . ".ii. i . ' f LANMIOWNE . ai?r. OWEN AVE. Leautlful 8-atery Cole-3 . niai n.iiiiu. ? 'r'":l. "-." ".. "YA. TiSK?"' i het-water neat, ir.ginc. itiiu.u,, .. w.-r-- j '"te 'inap'.'el'ite"" i")7tTl"li"eE 3lf 3. (! ' l- suuarea lnjin- avef H r.Cth at, Bherwd. 028f.fiS -- rii I vnu rn iff.f-VUIttK t 7T ATTKACTIVrT single 7-room dwelling. P-t4 , ,.-, , it i!niiBO: 17800. Rennlnarer h nnnlr.er. Olenelde. Ps., opposite sUtleXv ; NORWOOD De'YOIf WANT A IIAROA1N7 Imaglna tr)M4 let. 28x128, twin house. 7 rooms, hardweert .,.-. .!., rlr. l'ht convenient loc, eiuy d IOQiie'. J.. P. Cur.nlmtham, 5707 Cheater efayjt' PKUIAM PEUIAM Near Upsul Btatlen: modern eteeMl; Colonial heme: f chambers. 3 baths, alee Ing perch. cnirai-piani ""V' " ""fju lece: early possilen; 117. 00O. .Artf E A 1IAVENB CO.. UNI) TITLE ULPq K1DLKY PARK RIDLEY PARK I haxe paid IS0O en ae-a count of 81 WO worth of Improved lets tefe nidify Park. Will aell contract for 1800 Mm uulck buier. Una, are, only IS mlnuJjK walk from Baldwin Lccerrwtlve WeVa. S LMllVStOlW Will gH'B 5 U HlSUnU tltfWiJ "JOT" .. r eYri n, ? i ' ,IIT- '""er etrice. , .1 RiiuKMnvr .'.e? STONE and shlngte heuaa. 12 reninj -r2 baths, 2 open nrpiuce; mun-i ""rin5i cembln-d: evor 1 aera of greund: cenvenlaMJJ .' in statien: price I25.0OO. Treat A TraW i Wayne. Pa. Wavne 327 HT. DAVIDH FOR Immediate purchaae a atnne and ahli k.... in vnnma. central McaiR hsat: 1 acre with old shade: can be flnancedMjrJjav Treat u ireai, ,i, . . TTivTaT'2 BTKArrOKP A COLONIAL stone house. 12 rooms, with 8 bathe; het-water heat; garage and atablavW cembined: a acrea of eToundicles; te Matlefis trice SJO.oeu. iji.a.& ,., ..r pa.. Yhmi 827. WAYNE MOST COMPLETE and lU-able little home:' nriil HUtir. llVIUJi ,.'"... .... ...,,..v.J perch-s en. both sides, iiiiring room, pantri uitchan: second fleer, 3 chambers, sewlnj room. 2 tile baths, seuth-rn sleep'nir POren i ifvuii " ' , a l.ai iJEam third fleer. 2 rooms, ene having het and COW'S i water- laundry In basement: 'ets of olestaf3 cuntrel-plant ateam heat, electricity and area. 2 i u unn ' J. M, FRONEF1ELD. Wayne. Pa. I '. AN OPPORTUNITY te purchase 18000 aWt tachud brleU ami aningia u-roem no ' with bath, .tot 30200. old shaj TRBAT , TREAT Wayne. Pa. Wayne 827. ,'M I .........e....f,r,r. S' i...iff,iM. .a WYNNEWOOD Detached home; alone u teA.ajel.mM sWa an hssa l 8i i mVn.r,?uiU7J?!Vilr i? m Va' S E. A. HAVKNri CO.. I-AND TITIE BLP4,.,. BLUCCO COI1BII tlUH, -ll.M,, . dern threuahaut: larva let. 118.000 NEW JHRHKV SUBURBAN '. td ,,nIIlv IIKinllTH Nbv; nunxalew. mi .a........... ,- am. In flna locatien: let 00x200 ft 1 t80 II (MX) cali, no cnai-ye rer nnancing; i rei and bath, all newly paperci ana peinjen: new flxturesi all In film oend.; price lOaMiT will flnencu; exn dally and Bunday. ABBOTT IHJl Opposite atatlen ,-v.7.r. 7 .vW '. TrC"T.1nil'"-.'. ' 7TiT" i blVIIIiUlM with eunvenlencs y.lth AuauMin. j. j. 1 ecrei ' ,iuiiinir with conveniences, with tl acn duelling wllh centenlennja. let dOxlflS fLjt I nrai emm '"?. ""llVifrit." ." ' ennoble. IXJUIS H. I-EDDON. Claytet). N. .1 Cni.I.INOStVOOD STUCCO, detached, 0 rooms, bath, laundry., pantry, gaa. elfetrklty. tereens. awnlijee,. shadea, storm sash and llimlainn Included; corner let nuxit,u le-i; cuvsnieni iu iraaav. trolley ana eua. uwnur ibkviuk wwii; 'Utfmy ..,11 raiilnu.MOel Real Estate Ce.. 73ft. Hailden nve. uoinngaweoj um. WKHT t'OIXINCSWOOU nTCCCO, 0 room unil bath. Karoce. haKw, water heat er.d el-s-trlc lights; en trolley',. line, bargain fr uulclt sle; leaving town. Jr Leuie Hlmie. 100 Rlchev uve i J NEW .IERBKV HrUHHOBK TO 1NVEHTOBS, LOT DEVCLOPKna..,7; PROMOTERS ',:5 2 miles of ocean front with rlparlnn right .; Iu ..ff.brl ,.. ..lit,.., nil, n .IIvIiIm.I Kttrmmt ''' clear. Address Executer, P 807. Ledger. ltlee . J! I'l.EASANTMLI.E Choice building leta. rv-irloelilmj Abkrcen Hay reelrb-ted 2xl2ffl' ml passeH tract water vus, J10 upi teraMc.'v PIIOMPaiiNJ130 Mains' Pleassntillla. p MODERN 3-fnm pt , Par'. .' near BeeM fK alk en el Invest epp. IIA1IHV r. krivniv. tih ., lii.w Anliurv .. i7 'iM''J.l!&.N .J . J. lnun pesiessl jm Simen Well 1141 iljint iaji" muuuiiik iuii, i4trm ueHnji'-ii w. sa,-A .:, ni:i.si:v THREE-STiillY frame tettnge: niielern! tl'Oe moms, h Dutns. neir ne.ic i larse leal i dalrable In every wav Ilusrl I'.VKMH ii"ni I l H, .. 1,1 "T.J . ,1 T .. ,., .7 ..H..M .-.,.. ,.i. i.. ....... ....... ii....i. is iv.iLa. ..j i A FARM FOR YOU ItnvDT FOR HPRINH'M PI..VNTINO fTimi'T'S NEW CVTALOU lust out. aarlbtng In detail 1201 pmiltty fruit, tru In 1 dulri Unci. LIU uett.m and farms farms t" ireet .your rsfiulratnen1 tniull farirs pear i-nuaaniriit inarxe iurse iitrnia .ii itch agricultural dUtrlrtfti fnins. iilth itnck tools, seed. (iulp4l)eaki ijjf 'e.ulJ te product fiem dale of lsu.es, l-H . Ki n.any wuterfrniit and luUeslde properties, ,7 I TffiT' J"l ln,t ul "' "'' 1,r" 'rm en pags If. J VX "Iv MS" ruiiulred. teivs nml Impr-meM- jV ,,, i ftu pple trees uls winil; jTeeB'' . Ihibm. barn Haels etc .nil l)u V , On pair 11 sei li'iw I70O Bets n 223-aers) tl tin in. th horses, x teau und heifers, sheep. M ,r.. iu furniture llOO annl.i treea ll.raauBa, t, house, barn isiultry lieu.es, .-arage, eierii, U thing only P.".'J 0 'i ou can lend en n13 nbuut Ilia IJ904T. Ji ft in, 250 itrres, with Musis, 20 r.iwa ml heifers, poultry, furniture fed, vesetablfg, full Implements 0-r.iein Culenlal heuse, a 't barns, teiiiint louse only part tash neeqeH.'t tl i ihen '.n PiJi 33 miiiw ,i 1'10-ncre fafniVrji, I rich dairy dlsirlft. rlose university city; 3i . ,,.,, s y,r,es 110 sheep hugs, poultry" fur. I nliure all equlimieiit threivn In: 7-reuiar 1 ii use nil,- imsuiiicui nnrii, poultry 'I0UM.' elt i llninedUte pesaetsluii part Lash I60UU gate 8i,- heveral pages dareted te ' Nttsctal Barnta1 farm... re.tulrliia- flrst payments of laal m.m less the lieipfut ctinst-to-feast ssrvl.ui of IMii eiKiinl.i.ll. n thai last Venr sold 5100 Ul iiruied farms ihrnuaheut the 88 Hlutea sJaaV"- ( tn-uiiiMt pinvinrea in wiilcn II niyrali jeurs for the asking, start right! gi I '',''' Hlbt'nted book, sludy It and liav I i",M ln '."r. ,h" fI!iwlPK.lB4VJP XI fCS c"?'!etJ",i,'' r ?.MU rW.r A fhiu 't.!,81' '" t,i,", T,,1 ",d" fhla, Pa. PUBLIC MAI Psiew me. Trngjibi w rm f ii 1 1 m 3JS'1 faT'7y, J, J! VI ii M t II fl wi. . ;3- tl - ns. .- "'P ;i i'J ,v. W e j L-l mwi-tti ar. : l rQ1 4sC J- asH i leiattitiii Vieli.baaaaai IxVl KlS" j KLK1NH .PARK Petj Wmm .,T-,- - rWtm wmtnaiB'mmumruuwMWiW' m "W'iLJ tJW. .? w'(h Harry J. KeebiwiTCrmeTw JSSuEStgJig v &&2Ltii& net. p4&mmiai&.Hm id fc,Ta;fi,.xK rXdStm&Ki b1.U'. 1. I V. 1, il!uB-l Jii