ftv( WM jy' X HiV ,W i DKATHS J";",,, , I.ansdewre, Pa,, en March T, J' etWItllnm 8. Meer?, ttetfca of M- &nAf Mare-i . NNA. P., dsuMer .fSmri M. and "" 1' Merin. Uetatlva MWene "I"0 Aeoeunlln Dwtmentef ?m Amerlran. Hallway Exnre Ce.. Invited !5Mii?r I. Frl.. no A. M from ti4rn(f llffsnc C. fl Dewey t. Jlt nnd K'm. 2 avY) Sel'mn requiem mnaa at St. ?.'. 4 M. Int. Osthedral rm. TJSnnbW. March t, 11)22. MATHILDA u Jift of Or, Js-mes A Merrow. Rein fllL. eml friends nra Invited te attend fu- I.J.I Sat . 2 I. " i"1 her Inti rrn Mfi' 5"-7nr. r.th nnd finvder. ave. lnt .'V.L ' ,.. tli.1a M..., .,..11 t ! I.CI11. ..VtIM" .. VM.l & I. . March 7. HAHAII M.. lfe of SiVm N. Mier. dauehter of late William fafifs her later residence, HI9 AOth it. WLtfAN riot ;cm. March 0. lOSS AUQUSTA NAST. ..Si i bb.' Relative and friend, alie Peauw MmmII. Ne. U. p- nr invite t SSSti. Thur.. 10 A. M.. resldnic 720 N, mho t'squen te iik it Int. urecnir.euni vein. I'rlenda mar 'IbarKER March 8. MAT n., du-hler of .VE Parker. Relative nnd friend are td te attend funeral services, at J. R GSSihunl ft Ce.', 1024 Arch it., Thurr Thurr 2lne S i lint . at n P. M. Int. private. SSniCKlTT. March 4. MATILDA (nee 2.ed. wlfa of Jeseph It. Prlckltt. Rela- St Mi ?-'i'.w,?5f"P .Trs": ."?'. .B? a. e of N. A,. Invited te funeral I eerv r. m 3i R l(lth at. Int. North oed Ccm. Frlenda rail Tuea evenlnc. fetNERT. On Jlnrch 4. 11GNRT .D. keaMtid of Martha C. rtclncrt (nee Hart Jiann). Helatlvea anil friend; Invited te SKrtcea. en Thura . at 2 P, M from lila ?3? r'ildence 380T N. Tth at. All or. iinUatleni of which he bi a member In vfted. Prlenda may call Wed. eve, 8 te 10 ITAK. March 9. MAMY K.. , wife of rAiael J. Itva:i and mother of late Rev. Wahael A. Ryan. Relative and frlenda, S!Tb v. M Sodality. Invited te funeral, Kl h 30 A. M.. late teeldcnce. 1031 Brown 2 solemn requle.n tun at Church of the AMrrch 4. IS3. MARY M. f. rf Dr. William J. Ryan and daughter of ktirvr McCntdden, Relative end frlnda iftmeted te funeral. Krl.. J 30 A. St.. frnm EJ hueband'a renldsncc. 10 Snyder av. SniMiin reeulem mam At St MnnlcV Church fA Jit lnt Hely Cresa.Cem. HATTERTHWAIT. At llordentewn t J.. MiVch l, WDIA P., widow of 8. Buntn Sftwrthwalt. In her T.lh year. Relnttvea Si frlendt InUtfO te funeral aerlce. at Srlit Epl'cepal Church. Rordentewn, M. J., Sura 1 M. Int. atrictly private, at Mt. W'K.VffS -Warrl. T. RAHRIR A . WlfO Of victor P. Shadle Relative nnd frltndi In. i;nn 1 P. vtttd te funeral aerv ice, 'inura., T P. Jl ui reeinencw. ue wn,i ., vierininiewii. L"" ... ..... iu rmmltf. I. BHUSTrn At Norrlatewn. Ta., Mr.reh 5. flEOROr. V.'.. fr.. , huaband of latV Barah Aw? Shuater. In his 80tli jear. Relatlvl. m frlende. also U. R. Mint empleye and III ledge of T.hlch h waa a membci. are lasted te funeral, from hl late reeltfenc-. JSt Aa-or t Norrlatewn. Pa.. W1 . p. w Remain may be viewed Tue. evn. Int. S jxboreuh Preabjtcrlan Burying 0piTR;-March J, WIf.MAM. Im.btnd ef Miry A. Smvrl. iHinxral service Thur . 5p M. T"41 HDrtna-fleld ave Int. Kernwood Cein. Pilend call Wed. evening, from 7 te BOLAIir. March .' 10J2. JOHN n hue. kind of Cecelia Helarl nn1 eon of lata Loul ijd Nlccelelta flelnrj-Herretta. Relative and frlenCi nle Court Dandy Ren. Society nnd Fblla. LedEO. Ne Bl. -L. p O. M . ure In Tlted te funeral. Thur.. 7 30 A. M.. from kl late residence. 737 P. Ilutchlmen t. ailtmn hllh ma of requiem at Ht. Mary Saldalena d PaMl Church 3 A. M. Int. elr Cre Cem. IOMMER. March 0. 1022. I1ARBARA K . Idew of Frank Semmer (ne Ilehmann) In in 64th - , Relative and friends, alee Rotary and Altar Society of fit. Iimntlua1 Church, nre Invited te nttend funeral, huri a'-"0 A- M a from .n?r. ,ate reildence. 4S1I Olrard ave. Solemn hl1i riulem man at St. IcnatluV Church 10 A. M. Int. pri vate H"lv Redeemer Cem. BTOINER. March B. JOHN .TACOH BTEINEIl aeed 03. Friends may call aftr 8 P. M.. Thur.. at hi late residence. 3.'02 fleta it. Funeral service and Int. private. Pleas emit flowers. STERN March 6, SAMUEL, husband of Bete Stern, ased GO. Relative and friends, alto United Brethers' Dm Ann, Invited te ftiner.il Thurs., 10 A. f from his late raiWence. 1841 W. Passyunk ave. Int. at lit Lebanon Cem STOVER. Al her horn. l!8 n Willow Orere av . Chestnut Hill. March 7, L'DITII iAUTERBACH. Infant dauchter of Dr. I. Starcls nnd Edith I. I.. Stever. STRADLINO Third Menth nth. at Lans ferd, Pa.. SUSANNA C. widow of deere W. Strartllmr. 1 uneral Fuurthnlay, Third Menth 8th. 8 V M . from Friends' Meeting Heuse. Newtown. Pa. Train for Newtown iti Readlnir Terminal 1 2i P M. . STUHt.TRAOER. March 0, 1822. st PTOdaoed. N. J.. EDITH L . beloved wife of tiarence Sluhltracer nnd daughter of Mar Faret and the lata J. Edr'ard llroelce, ared I Relatives nnd frlendj re Invited te at Ki4 funeral service frl . IP m . at resl rBce of Jehn F. Klerfer. 315 W. Olrard re. Int. private, ltll.nlde Cem. 8UDDERF March II. IIU'J. WILLIAM I. Jmiband of Emma E. Sudder. Relatives and ftlends are Invited la attend funeral services Thure.. I P. M . at 4183 Rjde nve.. Fall of schuslklll. Int. prlvata. West Laurel Hill TH!1H Mirch fi RORERT. h.i.K.n.l f Elele and en of Jehn R nndthe late inhnth T&vler. In hln 2Uth vear. nin le and frlendn and mtmbrn of the Bureim of Fire ure Invited te Services. Pat, a p il Inle n-uMtncu. 2020 N. t oedstoclt st. 1st private .Friends sum call Frl., after 7PM tl&hM'. At the residence of her sen-ln-aw. Albr: T. Trultt 8102 Mt Vernen t . ti Manh 7 1022 . PATIENCE, widow of iTllllai.t J. Teeue. Netice of funeral later. leURNV Vt hei renldeitcc. 7 S. 43a et.. March 6. EMMA A . widow of I.nul Teurnj. IMneral eervlca Wed , 2 P M . at Morten A Sen. 701 ti flOth at., Phlla. JJcclesla LBS A. Invited. Int. private. TOW MEND .March 0. JdHN, huaband et Stars' 11. Tennend Relatives and friends and all tecletlea of vOitch he vrk n member, are larlttd te attend funeral, Thur,, a P. M.. trera the parlor et M. A. Hayes, 108 E. Price at.. Oermantewn. Int. Northwood Cem . VOLPB At Phoebus, Va . March 6. 1022. ftART M , only beloved daughter of Jehn land Catharine Velp. ared 14. Due notice Ef funeral, from parentn' resident. 1314 IcKean at . Philadelphia. WACKBNHUT Mureh 0. rt ren'a roj rej flmce Uroekllne, Pa.. JOHN M.. husband of ui late Anna Marie Wackenhut, tn his Rlat rear. Relatives and frtends and all societies M which he wan a member? Invited te cerv ices. Frl., 2 P M . parlors of Frederick Mann Jr., 1743 N 10th st lnt private, rrtend may call Thurs , after 7 P. M, j WAnREN. HARRY READ. March B. Mtd 7 years, ten e! Sherman U and Helen C Warren. Friends nre Invited te th nmm. cm, at th nema or hi parent, 411 Themas v juvenen, n. J , Wed., March 8. 3 ,ji mi. private. WA 'ALKER. At her resld'ter, 706 S Bread en March n. lu.'J. isaiielia I), tin Jame Walker. Relative and friends invited te th servlc. en WMlnmil.i, ftirnoen. at 2 e clock, at the Oliver II. nr Building. 1820 Chestnut at. Interment Irate i ntcu fli wiiuninBie'w n. J., larci I HELEN SICKLER wife of Ralph Weed, led 20 Service Thur.. 2 P. M , at the ! E Church, Wllllamatewn, N. J. Friends ay vle-v remains nt the church V.i:.SKJER At Ms residence 101(1 S. Diet t. en March 6, 102, IIANH, husband of ertha Wenlier (nee Ulvvei 0, uued 7d yea.re, 41tlves and frlendi, abe all societlr of itleh hi was a member, are Invited te the nrtces, en Wednesday afternoon at J 'clock at the OH' or H Hair UIUb'.. 1620 Xestnut st. Interment private. J KNNER. March fi WILRFU MER. JILL, son of T,eRe Tl an 1 Elvle Miller nn-r relatives hnd frlend nre In tJ atterd funeral ierUe, Wed . 2 30 J1 M rejliiel nt hie purent' rea.dencc. SltO "tW'" In'. Private ..VVlllj.: March . 112J, TII1TRES.V. vWf I Batnu'l Milte (nt I'ahy) Relatives. and JrltndH are liulied te mend luner.vl, Fri . J'O A M from her lat rirldenre 1fi2.' Jj, pukdt'e i. Silerui remilrm ini. nt tie Crth uf Our Lndj of Mercy 10 A. M lnt rsrw Cnthedral cem WII,DEHMUriI -?nr I. t! 102J l.OL'IS w lutband of He.i'iie M Wlldermutli (re rlamanni, uend f.O UelKtlvre and frlimde, alie lUrmiiiu lelun Ne 124 I' and A rfj ' Kinrlnuien It. A t Ne 281, lCina'iiir. ten Ceimnnnileri Nn M 1C T.. and nil f , r 'beletk b of 'itch he a n number Invited te fervhe Thuru. 2 P M, rel nce 247 i: (Jlmrl-i.e. mt Hll'alde Cem lnls inn nil 'rt vt PAHCEL POST OLD ROOFSK'NEW J v ill mat uur uef iviul KUEnititee It 10 ','. .'"" N "' '"' l'icvMtln riady for u ?1 I'er fia'len or ." Gallenn, $4.50 Hum, ion iiicn.K ROBERT A. MAYS ItoelliiB. Itimr I'liliitlnit nnd f eitln- 124M21I North 16th St.. Phlla. Pennsylvania Eye Clinic 733WalntSt. Pvep Eye Disnenmry I.V l IttlM 10 . TO ,1 p. V. trirei of All I've Dl.rii.fi, OI'F.N II rcrTr. WINDOW SHADES trliifii. , ' l rr'mi I'i'inuf utuinr m,l Fuve r.'limKnji prentai l 00 shale for .vs,.' i.ALi nil i... .... -. m. .- .. ... -. -. '- i ;. ni, jnr ,ric! ( s', tniwleii fei Mranni... cs".', iut hanallie, l.stlinales JVAI.r'0'snVpt; c(. fine V. Lehigh -EITZER'S SALVE Cam iirtii. ---. . . ... m. viA .v jr"",aR.,.r.f.'. t t .' Hvrv.i ..ii! ""." t'',,a ,,?a Mtkta7!:aUyTI.r'.,7'a. i BB rGJ-Jf?:?. I i v i aruniiM. iu luuss ifaaa wmi). fulajy "gT'rLTWTI I w ssj-.jp --gA 'luna i,wi )jmmte'&& BS tZESxW L PAHOEL POBT Star Brand Malt Syrup 100 PURE Wt deal tn only en urad of UarUr Matt, tn best, uunrunteed te ctv t!i STAR BRAND ar3ft m3& f 2w v ' - . . . 1 Package, $1 6 Packages, $4.50 12 Packages, $8.50 Phene Poplar 8IK4 FREE DELIVERY IN CITY PARCEL POST FREE FINLEY BROS. 2008 Ridge Ave., Philadelphia Meat Phlla. tlrntirh 42M Lancaster Ave, U.S. KHAKI BREECHES Reclaimed, Rut in Perfect Condition Just Like New 65c Pr. Ai.sn O. D. Woolen Breeches Krclulmcd, Rut In rerun (.onaitien. $1.40 a Pr. SPIRAL PUTTEES, 45c U. S. Army All-Weel Under wear, Brand New, S1 CC a Suit A JJ U. S. Khaki, Brand. new Shirt .... U. S. Army Shirts, All Weel 1.10 $2.95 Vest Pocket Size Razor In n neat silver re .III held A blade. Hllrtte aire n n d t.le. The Inteet tt te- no e market Only 69 Cents I.nrklnn' Hln-v. in llrka vxreiitlnni' hurra In ini Ilium 110 We lnnre All Parrel l'unel Pel. tOr K.tlr.l Head C.ihIi, Cbrrk or Meney Order West Phila. Mail Order Heuse IfPt. A. r.n; (Inmrller Hi ,vaVVrkt I'lillartrli'lil 1 ' ELECTRIC STOVE TettKtlOE. euk ne. Krylnic. HenMiic. SttTillslns, IDEA!, KOK TRAVKI IM) I'l'BI'DStS. Minnll elertrle Hove Hlth a huueanil Special, $2.50 llfferent ue. Unlit tn rinlnr n lifetime. 'Then you romenre prlie rampure quality. Ve charge u HtMn mero for fie lil q 'vllty difference. niUlt for SI, 110. 210 Velte. A. r. or O, (', 'ninplele nitti 0 ft. Iirutcr eerd, NPlIt "l i nd il'M l.'-nl. Electric Heater SrfantMcally d liBMi, M"lnt a irttttd mni r f1cfT hnt, wry &'$7.00 lit O.KAY or-- acts (utrnnleee! ( (fv atfcl(n r. men' rfunca N. AKtrn ehn for artle'M sani By rarcei t nt. FREE iniintrKllen O-Kay Sales Company 1013 Chestnut Ht. Fhone, Locust I48S LEG COMFORT t arlces. veins, fallen sreae. swollen legs and all ether IM i treublt will find certain, accur al aupperi threuih th us at I tORMSH I.ACKII flTOCICI.Vas Threw vway tei turlnr elastlea or iioublrseme bnntsiss snd fernet la truublei. Corliss Lacti Steckln.s made tu measure without elastic wear for many months, washable und sanitary IIhik and dm able. Cost only t,75 ea"h. or two for th are llmli 14 S5. nnd you'd irlsdw pay much mer- for the support unit rsae uttalned. Call fi no OS measured fr. or i'rlte for eelf-meusurement blank Se B. We nlse make Hbi'"tnlnni hlt (clnMIc or lien elasi'i' tn order S'ere enen It tn r, dRliy: ali M and Snl Kv t T 10 0 feiimi, Cerllna I. hub NurclnltT L., 4 N, ntd St.. rhili., la. lernirrlr of 430 llird flldf. Pearce Gas Range Tep With lire Arm ml Hurnrr nriiurr ttiiK ni'i Nniiu (uiilnr llliaut Klue Mend fir tlreulir OrserMi ni; the NINE REASONS WM. H. PEARCE & CO. 52 S. 2d St. Lembard 4145 Geed Werk Lew Prices . Me an ir.i litre nti stitlsfmtliin mid Pninlr-ss Penllvtry t I evvrst I In I'liin. I till inc. 30 Kl Dr. Hymnn Ulll. . MurUit nnd llriinrhes Mattresses Feather Beds r.oiieviitid, Bterlllzeil rat rat lifHiterll) anil hfin'ntly. ltciiMinalile n r I c e Ne I nui lil'' te eetlmst" PORTERFIELD jMT-iu iiiiKin avh Mull or Plinnf Ola 8.10N I , w" ' m ,, r i fir ir 'inii-r-" M "TS IflRtTjMssfliCBHflBpK W-f LtliTH J IIBJBJaJlSMlrv vi FREE ffO fir aax-vgWganr TTBTaX Jil w,, jfsjq fl. 2SK33sk . " SSnK-- -. -:u-. .'.lla tlarlaa Unu. f. . llrT,i, Kl ai.ZZ.Za. rem pan la su Orfnefralt uunur, n!L'T''LT.ukr.rlar2: 1 sHTiifii'Ki' 'tit.'a"i; SM TABOEL FOOT Let Ui Make Yeu a Present of This Heuse Wli every order this week we will end absolutely fre a dotlheuee 7 Inches wide, 8 Inch lenr. Ilk th Illustration above. . Ne matter hew mall reur order may ba yau will receive th beautiful noun. Loek at th bargains we are offering b ew and send u your order today. Shopping Bag 3 in 1 Bag SUe llxlfl Inche 50c HI&y3K Mffm "nrrel Pest, An Ultra aiiMiiiyft ,M Manicuring Set pleies In tuVwrrarie .leatherette Renular valus, 0.50. Our price, 21 rsse, S2.SO. PAIirnt. POST. Iflc EXTRA TMrlAU, "SHARPEN-M-ALL" Safety Blade Strepper Rhnrprna both edae of nt K Gillette and Durham Duplex PRICE at ame lime, Alse anarp en any ether make. Wen derful hers-iln. Parrel Pet. Re Kstrn 1.22 lirtiUU.K PRICK, f.1.30 A. W. P0MEAN & CO. 1640 GcratBtewD At., ttilsdeli.i., Pa. Hilpped Prepaid An) where 6 Cans $4 12 Cans ($8 Send for Price List It Will Pay Yeu Bell Phene, Kensington 1933 Keystone Phene, Park 148G SAM'L 1217N.LawrenceSt. AMI 17 N. 2d St., Phila. Just Above Market Street 25c By Mail 25c By Mail Why Suffer Toetlutchc? Uu th 20th Century Weaitr aUfadlaa- ,:! ,.u. I... ELECTRIC DISC Curea It Inttantly U the Electric His.- vlth n Diiiiu un hewn In the lIlustruMen alive. He (ure they come teether. Thl lnt.mtl cur anv toethacht. This LMse u surunte-d und vtIII last forever. ELECTRIC DISC CO. Main (Htleei 1.124 North Ilevrr Mrrrt rniLADBIJIUA, P, I. S. A. Aecnts Wanted ' f" NONE IIVTTKB MA1IW 1 t :i . CI t: Ck Liiucriy aiicLiruoieve Fer Teaatln: ( oeklnc Vrylnc Spnlal 1'riee $2.00 ParcM Teat llle Fttra 0 fl, of cord GuiU'iuU'ed te slve irr.tleri or menev U fundeil. Nickel - jr.ated sie,'i ciiniLruvj,iuii, Incies In diameter It slniplj lird te cornel there wk a real erammlc nerd at n urlre within the reuh of ver nocketbeok, Charles Emery Ce. 120 N. 18th M,, Phlludrluhln, Hell I'henr, IecJt 4 .'90 PRINTING THAT PLEASES What Yeu Want, When Yeu Want It, Hew Yeu Want it! 1000 I.ITTTKR III'AIH KM!I.III'l.s IIII. I. Ill All's Itt'MNKhH CAIIlis, ifti ;e I'l'u M, Kstlmates cheerfully nlven en all rr ntlnt Cull or Write THE WASHINGTON PRESS 5130 nNSTKAI IsT., Pnil.A.. P , SAVE 25ft ON YOUR COAL BILL llwnuuii. nua th cual burn loaf er. IjIv tl iuwi . hi at. l.eavea u ' rlnrter ei cilnkeit. bent Parcel Prsn prtpatd en recslst of prle, II, ajatl faction miarnt4, Edw. S. Wslli, Hit. H TbeiapMa at., DIAMONDS BOUGHT lna u veur diamond If veu want M realia th hlslnst txsslbl vtu ter them. Ne matter vrhat etnera tell you tbey art tterih. aet our price he for veu sell. , AV pay ID.OO te IIOO.IW for saun dlamen, .itVi.. null n v r J r ( e0) ) urrri j 1 Sn SnMriiS Walt Syrup 1 lll'n lfl F,r tnt Fere ! I 111 1 75c- J -L SUlTTI mi IIUI"IIUj vss Kf A lrya twit vVfeAVif9k. vu m ta nPBaaaHJl set- lESIRn. W I. J9f !? liter man ninwr py. He us and ha eenvlnead. PAKOE& PORT V Demand the Genuine BLUE RIBBON MALT BRAND SCAUD SANITARY CANS I W Add 12c for Parcel Pest charges. i niue niDDen ill a man unsur y iz passed ter purity, quality ana f naver. A trial will convince you. j. Order today at your dealer, gre- 2 .vith us and w c ill see that you U ire eupplieu. FRFF yc,u I" Illustrated A --t Catalog and Recipe Uoeklct vv ill be mailed you. j DEALERS::""!:'1 e t e r J--4J Write ferJJ itlrjrtlve prniHiHltle.i. "MainOcc and ,"Wareroom lX7Nerthl3thSticet rr tftb fberrT Hts.i PHILADELPHIA. PA. Uemberi l'blle. Beard of Xrid ,J BaAIICKCi , ' lt30S Uatkct (t. riisce Beimcrt llStJ? 1341 Oerir.int3vrn are, Qlamend Hill, 817 Broadway. Csitden, K. 3, '. raeterlen Decatur, Danville. 111. S'.iubunvilb, O, !;:er;!;!;!;!;t?;!i:;T;!;j;!;!!i:tfiiy Central Plumbing Supply Ce. S. W. Cerner 12th & Sprins Garden Sts. Philadelphia, Pa. Ter hei'th nnd eunllatlen Ophi front and 1'iick BUrr'itercl rellule'd et with btu liiiiern, ,'i one i u put ih'i Mit In p nt N pilnt or vurnldi iu ear of;. 5-Ycar Guarantee Hl.l, MM'. Or PM'MIIIM. .SII'M.IKS PROMPT VTTI'.MMIN TO MAIL OKDrn" Army and Navy Goods II. 1), Moel Ilrecihei-- Just lUr CTl -If, new: elies M te J iSm.,m.m hlr.ll.l (eltrti Ihnthta, ii r7Cf UP te .11 4 " I , .'. lievl. Ouriil'ri with It.lix. fl fit fit Alse Jumtvrs. flli.e U.nhn, i i. c i Or llrlh I in si.a."s Cotien " l J. New. IllaiJ. CnJ or Ure vn Der. 31,-, ll-ll IrnimT.: newt II! r- CO t-p; lib t,r v i 'un hles ini te 4i "' A, BERNSTEIN CO. Dept. L, 13S4 Ridge Ave. Phila., T.-V. I'AIK I.I. IOS1. tut I MltV ;-L ,lur iiiiuiiiied Mhippiti. ui,P, s Pert Itir-ler (line v,,i :t ini v.llli e'liM '1 ' Wound, tUHH) wmtewmmmm I LAfiLLS 29S.sncTHaT.pHn.ii FOR Kim-iI iN uu I'rimiiiir I.rltn lilllliru.Ii'. M.iliim ut, vO Cinl nnil Fqieli nrsi ('U fini)0 TERMINI LABi:i, & I'Tfi." CO. tfl elstli t I'lillil I'll. REUPHOLSTERING e the Higher Oreiln Knnnstruclliii.. KrhnUliliic lour Old Parler rurnltuie U'lUtil tu n vv 3, s,'e, Aii. New Lmnf-Raem Furntur Latest httws In beiutlfully deelui ed T.vtiesti.i Velmirx and Melnlr Plushes te erdci it ninntiM lurnri,' nil .. Slip Levers rd urntierls mi" spvclilty. Quaker City Upholstering Ce. I einbard tl "0 Jnn.;)., t'li-tniit Ht. - Drill Uius cxtriirtrtl hene.v, (lllrret rem Hrekeeper.) a lis. fei 11 ue. i U lbs ll.ii. or 1 llu ter j uu I Dellvircd h l'uicel Pest Satisfaction i.'unraiike I p ninrev lefurded. Try It. I K. Ilestetlcr, Itnntr fi, l,nninatrr, Penm, ( 'ii fALKlNC MACHINES it REPRODUCERS e VotelUrfiiMNl mnttm YELLOW LABIL j5 NOW fi T Complete fj ; ! Jmgm jWjWV eatiillilliQHliSI jgftJBBBvasywvjW?AWwltVTW!PPiLiM mimmmmmmmammmtmmmmtmmmmwtmtm IMIHIK l&lsh fi VM) AIirJ,!'VUlaf. American writing iTiaciune te. ,,1 PARCEL POST CNYDEK$ FlAIIi URDEK iaSOeti Seuth iT.PlHaA CJtLlCISS Fi14 Olesst VArt.1.Vtt itimia tllnn(.ilurri 1 ftdfl Cri Zeiss for nee of Arnv Tleld Of. flcei Equipped with extra powerful lenses, eeparate eje adtustments Ranfa 50 te 60 miles. Complete Hh dust proof cap and durable carrvln cas, aheulder straps and belt toen . ?.f $45.00 ;. $12.50 Parcel Pest and Ineiirnrr ;5p Ilxtra. Snyder's Mail Order Heuse 808 Seuth St. Dcpt. W, Philadelphia, Pa. Mall erdern prempll) attended Prevent Contagious Disease uith the wonderful "PYTEEV0" A Mucous Mtmbrane Antittptie FOR TEETH, NOSE, MOUTH AND THROAT A Reliable Treatment for l'vnrrhees. Ioesr Teelh, fyenit), Hlredlne: nnd Reeedlna Hume, I'lrerntrd Meuth, TenMHtll, Uiilney, nn Thre it. Ciihirrh, old In llend. l!ee nnd !ln lvrr. Hmeker'N llireiit. Inviiliiiilile tu ' Nlnffer nnd Public Hprlkera Pleaiie de net cenfuee "l' -Tl.tV-(l" vvllli mi) nullnnr) innuilinnMi or untlaeiitle you mi liuvv ued In the past. "PY-TEK-MI" l a I hlerln an tlecp'lc It belentrs tu Hi it wonderful famllj vvhkli was uird with Mich om em etinJInir .fftct in the bitih ,"i Ids of Kurepe Gudrnntt.'l ai reiircrint"1!! m money refunded ' geld by I.l'.vlln Mid all flrst-cluei drugl.Ms IO117. little. Jl 00. iir eent prepaid for the aime price. SHARPE-PHILIPP1 C0.,lnc. Dept. L, 3101 Chestnut St. Philadnlphid, Pa. .EYES EXAMINED FREE NO DROPS USED SPECIALvJl Bifocal Glasses Geld-filled Frame !2.50 '.I I I 1 IMI III iu. Jtrlt tleni filled it -v rivvlnir tit 2". t.i "i , illn'.i mrds en the p:m le nlii,, jej wait. MYERSOIN OPTICAL CO. 8 NORTH 9TH ST. Opeu Men. &. Sat. Ev. lill B P. M. 3 bueweisir: BAJQIYMAK S,RUP Made hyAnheascr SrisclijK St. loin's "Absolutely ioef Pate &uv frrtmyvur lUller or frtltr Jl'rtct ft . " "OJrCarsiCjj.iWesr i j telmvKin ! apply Ce. , 04 IJj ERiw Sm. bpiucttSfZ J'JflUa. Kece35 JJWILlQYKASc llaih inir in mil i lli 'es n mi ' e vvlll toil j en ,IOv vnu nn i.cr t'l s ninilren''. , J. v..' tn.v.-i riirnnt. 1 tnM-'l'lrd ii urr u u. v xuni.iTixi ritvr HenriiibT vviih eui t.1i i II WONT est i i a i i lira ii atch eme tn ri I ii le! fitii vlvct be rile -i' un e fn I Khl". tUli Plan new: xi-ppi te NisSini il llrpt. tl, N, 110 . (. CAsar 5000 dez. Arrew Brand Linen Cellars 51 un 1' r I i THE ROSEHILL CO. V l lib M.. ii ntd riuer I in el I', -l !li I lrn WILLIAMSON & WILLIAMSON (KITH H25 ARCH ST.. rillLA. ', Muii mill lhtira I re.. l Ir IMIttN J"- Dill. II tn )7n.. Rliil.-r. ....!, inarpened ilVl.t I". f, UULlll.l, 'Jr, :vc. riv'ir. - au r r.r ti ilu iidllnieu.tti ' i eii i.rluin,; 'tttt.lshi.ier t nil. miir.in (.iumumi te. I5IO I llherl .. I'hllii., Pi. PAPER li ikk, I ur I KVI- IIWI M i i iilii P iiirr lilinlimlr . KUuil 'in nusj I'liurT'i'F Mudilnrn A Purer EZRA LEVINS0N, 26 Seuth 5th 1'ln nest I in ih il "H:i M iln WS rr-rt Mhr I'.VII1- r OBt BLUE RIBBON MALT SYRUP v ill Orders Tl n C. A H, Mierliiil; --h: ', I UH I'liinUferd Vve. ' i ii ui i ll eiir I STORAGE A1TD MOVING MOTOR VAN SERVICE TO v ', V "(Klv heivveen PI II luIM "i m 1 i ill ii, . If t a vvnl mi. TL l"V IT t n 1 iiK:uiy-T iittiisicr v.e., nn:. Mth mni Mi . ' ' ' I vor. BAZV. TYPEWRITERS RENTED viMin.i: j Mfi.t . o.ie vsi) ui ''actery Rebuilt Typey'Wte.s "Sec Our Nuw Mai'hinc, the Cuntury" tin -" -J me wuniury" i a tvi . m f. . , I USED AUTOMOBILES TJBEP AUTOMOBlXBg m. I II II J v.i'i -r - r IBI ill IBsfF CAR'ns-trtfG E II hi mm UI M atirn tAvn.'1.1U)f4 mm msSp IP m I ImnfEilHIl i UllilJJJU II llisfkJbPillMilakHlillttvelili I Ir! USED CARS . v : i II l r-inACTICALLY evrrv ceed car Scores of splendid machines, all in (lrst-cla3H condition and se low priced that you will icalizc at once their extraerdinaiy values. Nete that each car is fully yuurantced, mid you will invntiably find our prices very low. Time Payments Can Dc Arruicd if Dcsirid BROADWAY AUTO EXCHANGE 441 -443-445-447-449-45 1 North Bread Street e:m:v sl'.vd.ws A Clean-Up Sale MARCH BARGAINS UXIIEARD-OF PRICES We are offering the llmst Mm uf Ouaranttd Hclullt Trueti e r.'ief trucl s wli be ,.d lexi-d'ere piopnitlen . . This Ib ibselufls n rinn un i-nl" ie imke reaclj for our iia eprina; hueln". The Motertrucl.-lii) Ine publ will ire.iily betieflt by thse slashing price reduction. IO 1 lij 2 and 5 Ten Trucks Most of tlinn re e'i'iMel " 1th n vv tlrn and tube Smill amount of ash down nnd the balance em vmr tn pnv ... ,... Ten different stle l.idlei te choes from PoeI'lvh k tedj for every lire of I nin.H OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS wn everlrTa until oetx!.. Sunda from 10 A. M te 4 P. M. Ne 'var fx nn Hliv of thpee IrilrA VIM SALES and SERVICE CORP. BROAD & HUNTINGDON STS., PHILA., PA. S BARON' S AUTO EXCHANGE Bread and Wallace Sts. Easy Terms-One Year te Pay 19U1 McFarlan S-peri Car. I oel thl O'er 1-pasi 192J Mercer Roadster Series 2 extra tires: terms;. 1920 Mercer Teuiing Series 5; time payments. 19:21 Haync3 -1 pas.; like nev; a wonderful car at a low price, 1920 Paige Larchinent A snappy co; Al condition. 1921 Columbia Roadster Disc wheel'; 'pert car, e7 Cadillac 7 pajf,.. 1919; overhauled; newly puinted. 1920 Stutz 1 pace, and Road ster; very litt'e down, bal ance one year. Alse Dodges, Duicks. Essex, Old-mobile. HE BOUGHT ANOTHER FEDERAL rnu:nAi. i-oed i ubbf i -viiu ! i -ill M ui ih .inti' j I i'i:i.iim i nil st jve-ed i If td (.ei.l re IJ ubbe P'im had) .-.-t-Te i r.e.'ir. t i imv 1 Bta ." bedj .inJ cun-- ler.i) v .un-dr.ve t j 's th bedie. Olh r ma ,e. e' tru-l.s bodies te suit purchttse- r 1 1 1 ,. ten, vis tlEllt. FEDERAL MOTOR TRUCK CO. OF PHILA. 4U spp.isa i:nii n - ClliTTi A h J uJ i I, Hi dm li BCW AUWulii;' i il I ini MACK TRUCKS , ' j i i.e e t 1.1 ful.v jmii Vll'MrU ' 'llllp I IJ C" 1H nil W fl General Moter Truck Cerp. S .11 i and vjirr itr rsj fiw. ivjrniiiiiiiiirisiiiiiii ii ii, ,iaHi,!i'riiW!7i I iVi.Nl. 1 itlM.s 'I,IM ':M'ity iiimiii.ii l. vi vv, ,is if v.u iMMi:nin n .i rv .hi tWI i.i.I i vn lii II nl Inrin . , , j M $75 Pleasure Cars Trucks SCH0BER SPRINGS $2.00 ANY SUE I! "11fl ' M'.M 1 s I'Finn' Help Wanted Situation Wanted Employment Agencies and Lest and Found . Advertising will be found en Pane 28 V -W' APABT34r.NXS HANDSOME APT. .$100 S v n urlxhi roerm nevvlv lie er,u a nni v iml denrn v atini' he,t s ., m op, Plum vhnli'P Intatlen IT" Miik r .t APARTMENT HOTELS HOTEL WINDERMERE t . asJUMp AND LOCIIHT H TS. i . sd rtia wr rmannl ruealsi cviinrlHe I rervlea ativvrv reaaonanle restt liiflulr rpeelat American vlan rater ' f "I'ti i 11'? made is represented in our 'Opposite Uuldvvln Ixicometlv Werki) of Moter Trucks Ut te Olst put before of cost Lien t ml tnls wonderful REAL ESTATE FOB SALE tIT DWELLING 334 SOUTH 2 1ST STREET run sai.h m:iiiuni,i: location, medi.iw CtiNVI.MKM'Ki liliOU ilPPtmTl Nl TV TO l'llll'IIV.!.', AT VUKY i-ONM:r.VAnvu pmci: TIIIt.MI TO SLIT 'I UK OON HMkNCK OP THK PCIICIIASIIK IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 15 TIUOMS NU 'J IJAT111 IIM'K Ill'II.UINOS ALBERT B. MILLS n i:t nsi ti'.i'.'.t nr.nq 828 VINE ST., S. E. CORNER SCHELL ST. .M i, in m:.n Tin . M b-icl:, alenn pnprv. inf.Tlatr tieim. slnn inedlnie tionimslen vvlll sell nrencr., ,.,i,,,,l" fixture no"k an1 license for JuU 000 nn t ifirftittrhfar. tr. tl.A ti.hu.,. l.ivir Hr.ilK in It virnllatcl; . iMASTBAUM BROS. & FLEISHER I l.'t P.-NN SQf iu: Northeast Philadelphia Suburban Real Estate il'in' mTt.iandle" s.ure nil mil cas d r"t. id"vl 'iiiit'en main nute hiim- , crnvlni.- i immunlt) farm heurr fei re fudr.in uM sTiade, Building Lets !,i lies v inul H 1th V -- ' II VH.MA.MS 011 'Itcilien e i vrd U.d. liVill iilili Wlul'ilWilW ft 1 1 n iliriillLlhW hTS'iLIIiK,! J 'A Investment Properties 'Hi p'i nts vvti l.'0-ft, frontage clu te cential bu 'i iesa pseilen and l',ir..v jv I fa. 9- "Reakct lll.rv T AM inn sns fiiiririj.iiinj.i.iiii jjii miiir ."iii'"rAijVi1!iJN SPRING GARDEN STREET 'imm urn'.,, i s im net !. no 13 ROOMS. 2 BATHS i.ll.i"ihic het v a rr.ii iii.a , II Mil t O in 1 i nii;. DAVID T. NEVIN Factories & Warehouses WM. C. BENKERT 1 IJl Chestnut Suru t, ,li iffllilli'lilillliniilllihiil'lilUllnilii'liiiliii, lift I I I S. W. Cor. 1 0th &Racc fS if I ii IM I.l'DIM, i . t s (In N 1IIT11 r l V.Si IMI rH v i SYLVAN S. LEVY JT l.vi 'l!!l st -Pin i ;vi i U 'ilt!IW,!i!r'lli,!li,P!!lliIllii',ill1'il Midi; lii tee):. b w, s 5 S. E. Cor. Bread & Bainbridge lll(IV,S'l I' in . " I n 1 .itiiin f i i yep s. I Fl I 111 I K Jl I Jl plllvO 11 1 ii i "i tr vl t. it i iii : i ms, It vev ,'i' in n v Mabtbaum Bies. 6: Fleisher it. s r i'vn . en y.r.i' 804-6-8 SANS0M ST. I i e.j n eniiructed bufc.r,M p-e;- (en 1 pupcrti i ti i iillOi iur l,glei!al 'rwv t it nufiif turn uytli.u., iiertsti- Mabtbaum Bres. & Flcibher 2220 S. BROAD ST. 1 h-i m iiln lj rim . wtl iiirl lxt V Ji Jieti tjie lit nt i t r , fur a en,' Mastbaum Bres. & Fleisher um .s i i n M.g aiu; iilit'iilmlilll'l'i'l Hiiiii'iMuiiiiiiiiiwiU'iiBiUiiiry .'III -1 vv 'V e riiunis utilltlen lii E h I II till i) eellen i n itj pp n ii i pi? III Iht i S . rtlll pf 1 1 Li ill. uu ii iluijilil I'lufi'l lull I ll'iilminliliWimiillilillllllilll NEW TWb'-STORY STORE AND LOFT, 40 IIV ISO: '.2'.,.34 N'. 1.1TH ft), r 1 dm in ii WALiTWFOFFA '(4 RIAL MTATt if O jB?. rnrterle. VarrnBef , Ma .iW.1I htl Washiniien hve.H Factory Properly J vsl Fer Sale m "?j f On Account of Remove trnnrli i.rttnnr!se nearly the tire block between 23a and MtH street and Washington arenu. aaS Carpenter atreel, Phtladilplita. ' nulldlna sultab'e for waealne shop, foundry or general manvae turlnr, Pennsvlvan'a nallread aldlnc. Open tiearth ateel meltlne furnaee sold with property. If dea,r4. IMMRDIAIt: POfiSBSHION Vull description and particular will be furnished en application te JOHN S. WURTS Atternev.nl-I.nw vm t.ani) Tt-it.r: nuit.DiKa. J'lIII.AUliL.l'lllA, fA TMmmsswsamt nwrara I m ffiiuavj1' tstmu M&amsa DYE OR LEATHER WORKS A benullful Property for ale, con . meetlv 1 lalvlnr 40,000 auuare feet. story; plent) of vacant around for ad dltlensl epanrtnni cxccl.ent water facilities iind uraln'vcei this Is an tin commonly geel prws-rtj'; for sal cheap. Chester D. Rettncr 6c Ce. 1131 CHKHTNfT ST. nojiiTTiiWirwiOKKrtTiireri.Cursjasj 923 LOCUST STREET C STOItIKH AMU IIASVJHUST k BAP.OA1N. WILL, PINAKCR J. L. Stevenson & Sen L,Hnd Title nids. ui:it I'Hii.MiKi.riiiA iraiiimn'iiraisrLTisTrEauiasx. 1 4531 PINE ST. n l nevcell'd r"rld-,ntlnl section, mrat a attractive modern hornet creatty un- cir iturreundms; vnlues, t J12.SUU. CHESTER AVE. CORNER Ixit ,1Ik1I2 ft , front urd side rerch: vjpir lirKtlnv. electrlcl,). VlTwOU te ncttlu eitate, must rell. Cor. 44th & Larcliwoed Av. Jl.'OOO: f ret t end e.de penh: hard rcmd floors elertrirlt het-water heat; Inclesed sxrch -d floer: tarac Irlvllue. LESS THAN $7000 Orer forced te !': 4-story. stum heat 'J bathe: l.'.d at . Ualtlmi re ,1 . J1000 caeh. elea, N. of SACRIFICING J!n ? offer -eirnrdless of original t 1S CIM: rt. 421 :.. nar I'lne: "tumli hIeiii. I'reiU iir.d slde perch. "iKtrlclty, hct-vnir heat. $11,500 .eat Cli-l.i Inr!: eien hail, hard wood flours 1st nnd !.d l!iir: rct-v-atcr heat, clccirlcli: a decided bar- KUlll $3700 w 1700 rauh. newl napjrsd ui d palnteJ) tfl new cluiiiblnt;: 4.".lli teJtn of Mir S ke', possisslen I TAYLOR. & SON, Sin i acini czmrnrEri, mca u NEW flPPDATIfiW-' e iX v'wvniiWH s ui:u;; uduan i.UIlt in ii r.it r.ljcllnn In. pnit nr ni4tMp.li ..., ,.,- Hunt void tl-vnrw r,m..l,.... i .u.--.'.cr ,iini. "t u ecL' te rr kl .VrilMttCa.ik il,nir.i..l m,il,l i. ...i ...:".. ...'.-:-. '."' .vuukiiuf ir i cr in i imr ilia iina Ir lectr.-nl f'.t ir , l-'tut.1 In tie' i't,f Nhm.,nnr Q1. M ''"," al' hemr aw nw, I blecli iu lirze narl. and nlnyrreu ).l Sample Heuse 5712G rentritlpc Street W -v:e ,ou te nnd "n thin eltv 1 "irie te eiual trine Tnr IHJOd. Oil' n llAlU -rn-n !l in -, 1' ..!-. b, a-Me'nti lent. v". ere Weed-" Ian 1 JO 14. 'tale rn, ca- nelrii west te ilOth . transfer LC ejth. or pfti. .i 'stii A -CtV M miiI ..M.l nve n- ('v. Lj cil r nve tiensf-r i n.-l' Cv5 te Willow nve t S Vv.v ..ii 1 An i iij jii? r"ii i ;c I ft r n'1! u jt:i ra ) urea Ll O ir i v-ede s v.rccK oeuievarc ii Cetner of Chrifsticn St. S emlrrfu li me v :'i CI. ft nerchn i' erli nlvlnit IMr'1 tr- ulrttii i u n.ll rti'iiri m -m-n u kin. lwre'i, parquetry S i"ir' ;''tnlin'i . I en'i iloerr from l 2i, in, M inri,.irfiiiiu, ; nr H..rii.t rimm! e4 JJjrjgu :e. a iais. pn cili.v 1 ever rr.ncelv-j ,een jihinin rieenti) built and .: arlcsd WM. M. KNATZ. Inc. I: s Al .u Tlf vi ir ine ,sr 11" 'oed 1710. viimrai'uiVi'iuw. virriuiicaaa 0VERBR00K rv t ! ) 1 'l j. Mi 'IS H 1IPI ' u. TV1 P.O USJEJ-T. IS. . i.vnci rj; Leme- I.M "50I ie n, lit Kulili 'et j. -ter, tone.au! tene.au! ihli'ir e I ulli .i,i -.th n.rr'rle et. 'atnr u lahit fei mures, epnrtmsnt ei m t en p'i tt.t hruse Umun llltirin, at ! n. let njeut UOiii .rtuii-e ft hlfhsray te 1 paved t 's month let has 21 J f' frentnse en 'il,ivva, . suitable fe -.ter's Hi 'age oil itf.tlen, etr. McDEVin' & MULLIN lirit . r.inccslrr u-e O crbroe t 3 ! 37111 iti'iiiiiiiiiiiii'ij'i i ;t v:u&'m usawawsngt ! 0VERBR00K SECTION 2i IT V C'd t d"tnche 1 Mune (,l.., II! -eunr. ."Ulfi Vhrsau st :r,iI5D. S-Kterj- sem'- dxu . het-water ht., exeep, villi. M0. 000; I.e. med hem. with K.irusc vaiant l7H(m, aeji Nassau st.. med airRR IHenn I7?s v liloeveod rt , pe-fv,t rnndn home, IM 00 1744 l .'.Rlh t perfect moil hone J.I80I, A7IS Hunter s'. med.; IS.VI0 ."O.'l JefNrsen at,, med, ca raae f m;ijii m in ethers Ark for our sale list. LER0Y SCHOCH 1001 OVirOItU HT. Pi 'w iimh' risu laiaii'iJiwffiiiiai.'iui llrlment R2D1. ."."laM 36TH AND BARING STS. SOl'THKAST COUJiEH Mnih c-nt detached home, 30 roems.2 .1 Laths: let AN ft. ly 17 H ft., sten con itructl.ii, offered fur sal at lea than hilf the actual cost of construction! -? celleiii IrtHtlnii handy te sitbwa;' snd ti inlnutta' vvallt te Vet Phtl ntatlen, ANTIIONV UAI.I.AtlllKR .nn Tlnve-fenl nve, Preston HT. I hJ wji II I .Hlsii XHJililW liHTJ. m VEOBBm It. i.cMiKliiij for Haul v' I'hlla, t'ernerl I v' pr 45th S. E. Cor. & Pine .'.I01.'.31 '. 1,.:r" s i,h ' "! .it 110. no lestrletlensi room for iipirtiurnta, 4 tlne stnrea and tar rural" i BARRY & BARRY4aS,. ba ' Effiiii.:iTi;iiwiiirawiijjmiawMaWMkii i-j3imB'iffna MliAUrlKUL. lemel IN It, i.vnrvlhltl neWl Day 19011 rW Imnirdfatelri sv roake r tl iitlnutes from C'lif Ualli I or nw.iis, letrUi. haHmnd. n trmr Kf'w.ff "iHfci,ja m H. II 27 I 29 uth at. '. , .. e-s s' A .V S ' S tn ."I,! 1 1,1 rl S" " I i ii il I m U -A, 1 'J Vi s mt ,ji l,t, r" M i"j:';v ,1 r"?l 1 " i-Ha im .i I '3 . ". , I'tifl . rm i .&'; i teMA.. L .A, u? L? ' MAtiH . . ,. .s. l '. i i