R?&mfinHsMitfiM&vftsn cm .m VW7A TaS UV, WI z&, cv?sf i .v t ,"', i?,y&Tazm .gwjv -. U'j-vr V v WW,, ! TT?MB1Wr'lMJH 'I1 wi 7 5eVi'tt iVTJ'Vvl'fT AliViYaY 5&&3F V s'- AV, ' -v Ti' - .'.., ; .wir: W i' VjC i f ftitC EVENING PUBLIC? 'LEDGER P JU iw" " ti v eball Bug in Bosten Switches te National Club Because Frazee Wrecks Ameriielii fttjltj hi I Will v.' l.AUJUUriilA, WJttlliNriOliA.xr Jmuaxwjh' v HraSFdyOATC i?iVOPF OVE? RED SOX AMONG BOSTON FANS a jaffii 3. iericau League Club in the Hub Leses Popularity iter Sale of Star Players Nationals, Incidentally, Get New Top-Netchcrs for 1922 he :; Hy ROBEHT W. MAXWEHi S , ' New Orleans. I.. March 8. ,HE sports fan In a mighty changeable sort of individual. Thin highly , original nntl Illuminating assertion may need some backing up, Bnd than la plenty of material te prove It. Ba , mm kuaIii11 id .witainnil nut iA Inn attn the rlral American and Z .National League club owners in ever clt that had team In both major leafuea had a pretty geed Idea that the only way te mauc tneir investments f HMMfltable was te cater te the fans in the battle for drawing power. W- n New Yerk tl,c 01a",', ,m'1 ,lic cal1 for a lenR t,me' Se far "s tlie v'lliy'VflmWea Ultrrt nnnnA.nAil itnnV In till. illli ulllMl tht'V llHTil in k llteltllfinieil ar.-xm.:"..:.':. -" " . ---;,'.,.: r. :.:.....: u. .. ., xiiguianciers, uetnsm iann went 10 nee mem in wnnu nuiuurm urauw -, itker were rcmlmlwl thnt. tlipv nl se hml renilnr ball club. Tt made all the. Av men treat of a trip te see the iiiant after watching the American J.enguers " .-j wubuk uruunu In Chicago Ed Walsh ami (he Oub, with their Tinker-to-Evcrs-te-Gfcknce copyright, were the rival attraction. In the halcjen da8 of the gterless spltball king the attraction was about evenly divMcd. In Philadelphia ths National I.cagtic nlvvavs had the call, in spite of the tact that they wcre unuallv down in the muck while Wadriell, Bender, Plunk, Cellins and Baker were stars for the Athletics. ' flf 8T. LOUIS the faieritism of the fans varied. Se far as Bosten teas concerned, thu American League led the parade until Stalling) came along with his ja ng of misfits. Braves the Favorites AND that brings us down te the story. In Bosten things hare changed. Thev no longer eat the well-known frijelra for desecrt and they don't like Harry Eraree. The Bosten fan figures that any owner who tics thj agateware en knights f the diamond of the caliber of Ituth, Melunla, Bush. Jenes, Scott, net te Natien Heeper and a few ethers, is net making wild efforts te give the taf what they want. . "On the ether hand, a quiet-working combination, such as Fred Mitchell ai' Geerge Washington Grant, manager and owner of ihe Braves, who are afcnrieusly out te build up n winner, have an excellent chance te win the kearta of the birds who cat the guta percha handwicheg and drink acetic eld or whatever It Is they masquerade under the name of lemonade. 1 Incidentally the recent trade in which the Braves sent Scott.te Cincinnati fkr the veteran Marquard and the ether veteran, Kepf, may leek like a case ttt mental lapsing en the surface, but it has the earmark of some shrewd thinking. Marquard may be near the end, but he is a fairly steady old aldewbceler, some-thing that the Bosten hurling corps needs. Kepf bas a fw seasons of mighty geed baseball left in him and will steady up the Inner Works te a remarkable degree, v JJEVKR a tnp-rank star, still he lias altcayt leen a- nighty depend depend depend '.oMe player, and Mitchell Knctc tehat he teas about when he made that itadr. War Slopped Development of Players TOOK several years the managers of sixteen big league ball clubs have peen, JP squealing for young plajers like a bunch of future presidents howling for Many of them have been condemned for letting veterans slip out Inte tha" tall and uncut when said veterans had a let of geed baseball concealed in their withering hulks. And it Is a fact that many veterans who were still capable aC putting up a fairly geed brand of the old pastime were ushered te the railroad station with the glistening tinware clinking at every step. But there were mighty few beardless youths hanging around with enough 4lklllty te fill their places. The reasons were plain. The war stepped the develenmcnt of a let of youngsters who would have gene along in the minera t for a couple mere seasons te ipreut Inte big league timber. Miner league.. p, troubles also contributed their share te squcicning tne amomens et tnese tr veunKstcrs. In fact, the stage was all set against tnem. But new things arc changing. 5Iiner league and sand let baseball is v .booming today as It prebablj never boomed before. The twilight leaguers JL and back -let teams are full of talent that needs only development te prove Itself for fabt company. ' LAST season tee receiird ti feu) surprises in this direction while looking eier a let of thi3 type of teams in various pert of the WONDER WHAT A BANDIT THINKS ABOUT? m THft rx.K oeo M.u RM3MT Trying lb T AOMC BASY fAOHSV AND TMtS IS TU R8&ULT...,. IF- HADMT MBT THAT 8VWCM of reLievMS I WOUtVN'T 86 H6RC I MM6VM t COULDN'T Get auMY with it. . Tub GuY enjuV Had a PHW COLLARS. tWYUMY AND TAKC3 ACHANCF CM A 9ARS AMD NOVAJ I've cer Te Lese A part of mv hfc--ehwhat a Beeb; JUKI I OUaHT'Tb HAVB KNOVAJM 88TTKR-" HBR I AM IH A Cectl WH6M t MI6HT, Jest A weu- BR OUTsSiO MAKIMG pAYSCLF USEFUL- ' WHAT A 6008 I AM; , wad A Geed je(T- A OOOj MeTH-A Geed LiTttK cltSTfist A FIMB FATHSIW--- CGC? I MAt A.nrsJB jvueaTie Toe out' I HAVE Te de AMD ruiw eweYTMiN& TRYIM6 Te BE A . CHBAP HOLDUP GOV WONDM IK MOTH8K KN0W4!.. Gae t'lC RBAVt HtJR UP AMD MAVS KtLV. HGt IP 4M HOAR4 A90VIT MP'. IF tT' VAAS ONLY MY8ILF THAT MAD Te SyFTBPi IT WOULD WT . B6 SO ROTTCIW- BUT 1 s'Pe3ir am rvsiOH- BOttJ WILL HSAPs ABOUT (IT AMD PIK OM MA AND 9M A I USB lb BB AS. Geed A ANY KlP" Gee Ws U4B ib hau 30M Nicet TlMffJ IU 5CHOOL TMeaa vuM thb happy das i, wish i ae mv tim Te HUB QU AGAIM ----- w I I'M THB PrslXK OCOaU d 'A PIKE AGAIN HEADS SUBURBAN LEAGUE Chesen President of Baseball League for Seventh Con secutive Time TWO CHANGES IN CIRCUIT m flr r mLimm rnx,Ttt ANOTHER of the "little" baseball leagues the Philadelphia-Suburban la all set for tic 1022 races that l, in far as tha pcrcennel of the circuit Is concerned : likewise the officers te con duct its business. McKlnWy and Ash bourne have been admitted in place of Southampton and Willow drove, and OlenMdc, Hatboro, Wyndmoor and Fert Fer the seventh successive season Hareld B. Tike han been honored with the presidency, and the ether officers are: Warren M. Cernell, Hatboro. vlM president : Gorden Klttren, Fert Wash Ington, secretary Clifferd Klttenheuse. Olenslde, treasurer. The pretest beard cenalsta of Hareld E. Pike, chairman; Cennie Macs and William WehU Mere than flftv delegates attfnded the meeting that decided en the circuit nnd elected officers, niiil tlin annual dues were raited from !f2(l te WO, which wmiM unpm tn lndlcnte nrearcps. or rather nresnerlty. President Pike has been delegated te confer with Heward xt nnnnvmi. nf thp Phllndalnlila Ilase- ball Association, regarding affiliation with that body. One of the chief teplc te be discussed AMATEUR M AN E LOCAL OPEN GOLF ALL-AMERICA PICKERS HA VE GREAT EYESIGHT Grantland Rice Quit Gazing 3,000,000 Square Miles for Players Twelve Years Age Mail Proves I Many Geed Ones Are Overlooked Prize-Meney Increase Hoped Fer I With Whole Purse Going I , te Winners i rpHIJ Harvard Crimson suggests that 10 PUBLIC LINKS IN CHICAGO 1 All-America football teams be nbel- Mied. When n shot is fired. It's great te knew 5eu don't have te duck. We Bv SANDY McNIBUt'K i collected our last all-star assemblage, ON TOP of the announcement that relating te eleven picked football plaj -., ... , I, , i. -if i.m ers, twche yeara age. At which time the Philadelphia open-golf cham- .nnlnn ,.. , th Hini,ri. erlty of Il.OOO.OOO squara miles te the human vision. The uncharted spaces replete with exceptional talent left, us blinking. Penns Relay Team Will sail for England March' 28 te compete in a four-mile race against the best Oxford and Cam bridge can produce.' . Captain Larry Brown of the Red and Blue speedster and holder of the world's 1000-yard championship, will be one of lhe In vaders. He will tell you nil about the eondltlen of the rival athletes, the trip abroad and the International contest. The first of his series of articles will appear Saturday, March 11, in the EuttUtlubttc ledger at the regular meeting of the Philadel phia Baseball Association at the Hetel Walten tonight will, be, the playrs' contrast, which has been finally dratted by lha association's counsel, Arne P. MewlU, and a commlttee composed of Billy Whitman, Eddie Gottlieb, T6m Walker and "President Donevan. The Parade Committee, will also re pert, and a general committee te ar range for the city celebratien en April IB will be appointed. Many ether coin cein coin mlttaeii InMuitlnr nnn en sunelles and booking agents, will make known their findings. The umpire problem will be discussed for probably the left time, and what Is decided by the 'assembled managers will likely be the procedure for the sea son. . Representatives of numereus: "little" leagues 1111 te in attendance, as they have decided te come into the fold e( erganised baseball, aa it means every thing te them, especially regarding play ers' contracts. FOR TANKCHAMPS Reichle Has His Mermen in Shape and Hopes te Win Title Friday 1 mermen 3 By PAUL PBBP NORTHEAST HIGH SCHOOL te priming Its swimming team for the championship meet which will take bIim , In the Gcrmantewn Y. M. D. A. Wli.. ' night. Coach Relchlq Is out te ln the title and buten dHUing his raernen carnfiillv in tn lmkt week. Several shifts have been made in the I team lately. Kli-n and Ecklemeyer hsw I own eiuercu in mu uu ana Uni yard" dashes, respectively. Kirn originally -j m a fthey diver, but since Nelsen, a sopbemore, haa beceme eligible, the former Tish been tamed into a sprinter by Relchle. Nelsen Is a geed dir , and with 'Bill "Joiner, the jeungittr who made such an impressive shewlnt In the Penn Interschnlsstlea. .i5 . score a few points for the Archives In . the reming meet. Ecklemeyer also msy be entered la', the 220-yard Humi.btt nothing definite, haa.been learned ah yet. liongshere and., Laird, however, -are sure te be enttred in this event. Teaf, tee, will be araeag. thoHe prcsnt In the sprints. ' The relay team will be made up of Ecklemeyer, Teaf, Weltsenhefcr and . Kirn. All of theso boys are speedy per per per formera nnd will make their opponents hustle. .Weltzcnbefer also Is entered In the plunge event along with Brummeli ' country. Let-Down Is Pasting & &?' TBE materinl Is there once mere and e rle i 1th the prediction that a couple mere sensens will bee one of thece periods when a let of brilliant young stars come through te cop places with the fast set. Fer the la-t few yenrb there ha been a sort of general let-down in the caliber of baseball that has been plajed In the big leagues and It, was of a kind that is difficult te explain. AH departments of the game femml te suffer and It will take some young Weed te opeeme this and pep things up once mom. The one thing that beemri te be the greatest handicap among the youngsters we saw'during last season was the ancient trouble of all rookies the inability te ataud up there when the pltcheri uncorked. We can point eutnt least a score of young ball players in various parts Of the East, from New England te Ohie, who.neuld be fielding stars in any league that was ever invented, but thej cannot whnle the seamy onion. Which recalls u conversation ue had fceveral scabens back with Ilughey Jennlng. "Give me a player who can hit and haa a normal arm, and I can make .fielder out et him," was the way the freckled former leader of the Tigers ut it. j HOWEVUH, a fete mere days and some of the dope en the pros pects for the yeungsteis who are new learning te eat fried ham and candied yams in the Southern camps will begin te give the world a (tne en the outlook for the coming scaien. 1 ,w,- n... n..i.i..-.-... . . i Bunnell rrice ruuiiciiy eiuni NOW that all the hectic convulsions ever the tale of Jimmy O'Connell te the Giants bj the San Francisce club for thnt mere pittance of 7.'.()0Q are settling down and the fans arc gridually regaining their cellectlw equilibrium, one bfgiiiB te wonder hew much they really did pay for the f'eust League rookie. , A little sum like $75,000 whs a let of money ten centuries age, it was a let of money when shlpnrri workers were bujlng seen-cnrnt diamonds, nnd It will be a let of money when all the present-day Maharajahs of Swat are picking soft epetH in the diamond graejnrd. That any bull club, even n New Yerk club, could be indured te part with that much in an kind of currenc) except Austrian krenen for a recruit with one jear of experience in the miners listens like the annual sea serpent yarns. We were chanting our scorn of the whole tale te a prominent big league baseball man the ether day, who chirped In wjth a rear and held his sides te U mrevent the buttons taking sudden leave from his vest. , One-third of the amount would have been an Incredible price, was the . ynj no put u ; eui iiin n'" -" xurh mius nave 10 grae me puuueitj glnie kiVv And casually he inentlemd the furt that there is a law which provides !?T,raM tnv fin nvfPhH firnhts. ,-t .- --- ..-,-. WWrtt'K'f!t : .1.111 nrl.,,1,l.i l,. Il I .. j. . J,, the Government figure rhaiers, before anybody IneuH anything about hew anybody else stands en these tiuume and excess profits tatcs. And by that time ihiy will probably hate te seal up both ends of all the subuays tn (Ac country nnd drop the birds who have violated the laws down through chutes. Net that the Joints fractured the law en O'Cenncll, but that $7.1,000 depe should be taken with at least one grain of saleratus. It listens geed, but net tee geed. Copyright. tSil, bv I'ubHe Ltdaer Company plenshlp will be played the 20th and 21st of July at Merlen's cafct ceurbc u new rule for the tournament has just been made. Hereafter the entire purse will be divided among the professionals only. The prize money, It has been virtual!) decided nlse, will be materially in creased. Thin was decided at a meeting of the Executive Committee of the District Gelf Association this week. It has been the custom In the past that when an amateur breaks In among the leaders he get that prise, with the simple prevision taut tne prue no given in the form of n silver trophy and net In rash. Last j car, for instance. Weedy Piatt finished setend in the open, and, in lieu of the cash, as an amateur he received a handsome platter. This year these amateurs finishing In "the mene.v" will get a medal and the urefessianal finishing next In order will get the cah prize. Because of the new ruling the open tournament here should bq a real attraction, particularly If the prue money is muterinuy in creased. These thousand-guinea and thousand dollar pure round-about are setting a het pace. The meagei funds at the command of the leinls will net permit much stepping out., but they intend te de the beM tliey can. Ten Public Links Plans have just been completed for the building of public links Ne. 10 In Chicago, which will give that metropolis ,the largest uumber of public golf courses of an town In the world. That s net all. Chicago ia also laying out a Kite for Its eleventn course ami wiu iim nlupnl project calls for the gradual building of several ether public courses. Resides the ten ceiif-cu it will hava Ter the start of the season, Chicago line four "pre rata" or send-public courses, i One reuisc out there was used by lni'mui .inn,i lust pnr nnd nnethci iu Jacksen Park is. said te have bad ivcu.mere. ... l,, ,ii,. With virtually fourteen public Unas Chicago Is still having difficulty te ac commodate the mobs. . Philadelphia, with only one public HnU, Is naturally almost as badly oil as if it hadu t any. , "Last summer I set the alarm for ,'t M.. and hied myself te ( eblie Cr..k as fast as I could,- testifies one Philadelphia public linKsman. i muH I anlved tlicrn about twentj minutes of four, I found fourteen bags already lined en the tee. the boys slniplv waiting till it get comfortably light befeic start- " "Wlint chances has a man get te start who arrives lelsurel.v at 10 e clock? Ie has nothing en me P""""1"1 """ S FOR giviug due credit te dashing letters we received last fall, we weie A' talent, judging from most of the constantly overlooking the geed ones Every mail brought in querulous com plaints from Berkeley te Barnegnt ask ing why Hnlfback Whesis was ever looked. BOMSHING tests, with due respect interactienal con- te the Crimson, will net help at all. There will be far lei's fervor and frenzy for a game between Harvard and Chicago than there will be for a game between Harvard nnd Yale. The faculty was mainly responsible for calling off games between Chicago and Michigan, where games between Chicago and Cernell or, Michigan and Pcnn were encouraged because the rivalry was of a much mere remote and subdued brand. The game between Princeton nnd Chicago last fall reccivid enlj a smnll part of the pub licity and started only a slight degree By GRANTLAND RICK of the clamor that the games between Princeton and Harvard or Princeton nnd Ynlc brought about. Tim right sort of luibllclty, even in large quantities, isn't going te hurt college sport. Very much te the con cen trurv. There is no need te evcr-cm-phasizc greatness, just as there is no need te ever-criticize mistakes. But certainly the sportsmanship, skill and courage of such men as Mack Aldrlch and Charlie Owen are worthy of printed applause. It is a geed thing for the younger generation te knew that such qualities en the field are worth Imi tating, somewhat bevend smoking cig nrettes, boozing and the afternoon tea dance. It isn't a geed thing te held Hint fumbling a puut or missing a tackle is any nnrt of a crime. It is In no sense u serious affair, in se far as the destinies of the universe are con cerned. The tendency te roast a col lege nthlete for anything except muck erlsm en the field in fading out. THinin Is no barm that we can see in the joyous abandon for both pln.ver and public te an afternoon's fun that Is clean and health). We seem te be drifting te the time when the sun light and the sturllght will be barred, and only the shadows of dreariness will be allowed by law. Copyright, Ida, AM KiehU Jltstrvti. BASEBALL FILMED IN CAMPS AND ELSEWHERE ball. ' Scraps About Scrappers M. rutrirk' "lel't will b h cccMlen e tvi'ls'UIW en" S?lnv.!U.b. rpV gtjhtr Uiw Ttndler anl bnamua u urwn Itlllr Ancrln t Yerk, miff-rert an tnjiirel hanllVT! K?rln a knoekeut ever Temmj ,, ?d te cMTeB h i mHleh I r hitira-ij Msnasw Klllrf.r of t r"iiht It lh Nat.inal wilt. M-ller .FrJman . U i. hard Jeb tu prun? I M?ll Hal'SerV the California llrhtwelkht, I pttclitnif plrntn te th Gentf Plsler nd Johnny Tebln reached the main et the Jlrewni. at Mobile, Am., y.-stcrdni. nnd the lilt of ubHcnten haa narrowed down te Pitcher Dave Pan forth, who la exiw-ctad te arrlve lale this wpek. Beth 8ller and Tpbln clebratd their arrival by driving the ball uvr the fence. The camp of 1h White Sex at Kefuln. Tex, m.isl. eeine happy nee when a wlr announced that Eddie Celllna. Jlarry Iloeni-r. Amu Strunk and Heb Kulk were en thlr uy tQ tralelnE headduarnre and that Krnln Jnhnaen, jbortatep, who in III In ChlciiBe, will start aa seen aa he In able. Cervleakle, Ilasby, Morten. Uhle. Poth Peth Poth eron and Malta ar the hurlers whom Trla Hpeakrt will depend un tbla eeaien, accord accerd Inir te advlcea from tha Indiana" camp ut Dalian. 'lx Morten, who did net nt atartd ticfore Jul 4 laat year, will be Blven plent of early work In the nep that hla sreat cure ball will win mam samea before the Iwtters set aoeuatomed te leal PltUilng. fold weather haa asatn at In at Weal Uailcn, Ind , and Orers Qlbepn win cum pellfd te keep hla Pirate athletes indeura. A usni worKeut areuna a itbck ii uiiiuui-ln-up excrrliea Indoors marked yesterday a program ut uLttvltlee. With .Traa Barnm. WeOraWa pltchlnc nee, alltned te a 1022 contract, the I at of hold outs In the (llama' tamp haa dwindled iluwn te Kelly and Deuaiaa The former h tl ra plied that h will reach Ban Antenlu by next Mendrvj. KdiUe ltetiah. Red eutflelder. haa left ('In clrmatl for hla home In Indiana following a ronference w)th Prealdent Auituat Herr mann at tha conrlualen of which both admitted 11 loeaa aa uieusiv ' vuut'. wi,c te terms regarding Hirurea of Jteueh a loii leii tract nranrh Rickey la In St. Iiula tedny te confer with the Cardlnala' manaiemeat re inrillnK Hesera liernfby, atcend bueeman, and Jarauea Keurnler. flrat baaeman, who have fulled te aeree en thla aaasun a ion tract Hernaby wanta K0 000, while the management la aAld te have offered hlrn 117 Ofie. Aocei-dlna- tenickey. trulnlm; of the Cards at Oranne, lex., la preKrcatlng llh aatlef action. carry this iar The llrulna will play two morn full nlnt limine uaniei at their camp at Cuullnu Island, off the coast of Call fprnla, before they start en a trip te meet Portland mien pnd I.ea AnKcles In a series of exhibitions The ranka nf thn Plnnlnnnll T1.t of ri. era! hprlnss lmve bt-m aUKmented with the mmm ii nunera .-innnl and HllKspIO, who caiiiB dlrnit from Wan Pranrlsce to te githei. rh, ha l anl iiethinir from Haminy UeIiiih, Jlmin Cavemuy or IUbe P.nilll. he worn expei tml te arrive with Jlipin. Die HeilN will play ibelr Hrst ex ex hlblilen uanies with Fert Werth en Satur da and Sunday. Aaren Ward, peppery Yankee aecend saek er. his (oine te terms and Miller lluiglna aai nil hla men are new lined up with the uoealble nxctptlen of VVaily Schane. the veteran ratcliir rhn Yankees held a snappy practice at Niw Orleans estcrda, with a sub-cquent llinb-rinr up. An epldemle of cold haa struck? the Dodr Dedr ers herdnuartera at JacksenMlle ami the plaera woj-e Idle agaJn vesterdaj en account ion is considerably Bill McCarron and of rain worried ManiiKcr lloblnsen Is cenalderabli a Zfirk VVheHt. 1101 Mnr'awnn nn. .ink la ler ar all en Hi" hesD tal list. I'ltihT ; Kelwrt VVclngartner tins been uncon ditionally released, IlUpatrhe from Het Springs, Ark , add Ibe Tium'H of l.ddln I'eelrr and Muddy tluel te the list ut Itnl hex holdeuls, Pettor re 'iib th" silatj elTenil last jear and Kuel has illiawrceil with lhe Sex mtnaBement. Jin Harris returning te uiajur-leavue play after seeral ycara' suspension, appears te bi In soed shupt, Tne Miff drllle was the order nf th day In the Ilraves' tralnlnv quarters at St. Pen rsburifi Kla . and the program ,wn i urneu out iieipue inv rxci'saiw neul. ' Pl whh tne aesnute et tne werituut. Pep'' te' V.: t 4 will meet the Chlise.in V.lu. f.MT Will wlud.up of the thr The kn whlih Trla Sreaker Injured last ee.iH n und vhlch kept blm nut of the game fur several weeka la betlicrlnic him again, llf wremhed It during seslerday'a practice. 'I he Indiana' "end team will play In Wichita Palls, 'lex., en Saturday and Sun das. According te reperla from Pnea Sprlnss, Calif , where tha Han Pram Isie club la ,p. ,i na I ttimV II I Itnr. uilin n .. u & - .1.-. n..w. ,. ..j, , i ."" ..-"',. .-.-,t.. ":". -"j'.". ." :: u. iiin mw. ,B niiuina , ccntts soul iu uie umimi mr tmiiuu win in. ui hi leurieen prebalilj Play ri'iucr nmn una icur, O'Cen- nine aa intends telneii rlai.d llrst last ir meet HIK Al In the rour-reunn rKiuia at Beets and Saddle B'VMaMte's ten-day meeting opens today Lrfth six races and a heavv track. The lh race at a mue ami m yarus i tne are,, Bxiierter appears nest, witn it and Murray aa centenuerti. well pinceii in etner races are: .race, Arrew point, .vicivoiie, As- kj aecend, Htevensen, I'retend, line: third, tireeninuu. Jteien i, Bagazzn; lifth, r'ert Churchill, ly H.. Jiurpuy ; sixtu, Mint uev, It mess, inter rnuer. V-'.vl . , . i Uayana first race, rnir i.assie, (Ue, Mtneiicic; second, .viaen Marlen iteiuiiH, uiuy itoets; i-M Aa.1. WaAi.ttltti, fl.ii.mn n.lM if fourth. Balfour. Havensa. War j ifta. Hainan, Acesta, Geerge W, j llM, mmtiumfv, caiwu and Sn.OOO distributed in purses. V. B. Irwin, J. A. Paraens and G. J. Miller are the leading ineney-w inning owners-. C. H. Irwin's herees have-en thirty-six races and $27,14(1, Taut In dian la the leading money horse with $11,200 te his cretllt. He Trank is sec end with .$7700. J. Huntlmer lieadn the Jetkejs, with 107 winnlnga, 78 acfends and 75 tliirda. Iluntliner leada all jock. es for 11122, Including Lang. The Cali fornia meeting haa drawn large crewda from thla side the border, special trains' ecing run irem an seciiena or the ritnte. Han Ulege and Hollywood have fur nished large delegations te the race cel eny. Select Basketball Officials Phil Q howls, president of the Philadel phia Approved Beard of Basketball Off'clala. and Ooerge Cartwrurht, both of this ejty. Bae named aa tne eneiais rer tna new thi nijeu Theatru enlKht Hebbv Hay vs. !honUVeunV Chsnev and wAv O'Keefe . Prwd l.ULSS im mi"' ,.-"- Kid neehe. veteran of 0111 beutr. new di.ea an exhibition unt In h ch hn spars w th jSe UreVii !! -ealiH of ihr- re-mlnut" retinda Thry nut en their farce it AOantle City Monday night. if... nanitner. of Chicago, la coming Kast ..K,f..". .TeV in Philadelphia for llahl- L.lht 'eornpttltlen; ' prVferrlnn n match with deerga Chancy. i Kid Murray. brthr of Jee nrirwn. Is open i . ,n.t any of thi local lOH-peunders If1 U nnnJleusnytu meet Harry Jaffe and Jack I Uuman. . rh.pirr Rai Is lined up for four match!. .iV?di7 night Hay t-ewc Kid Wolf here, Saturday nigj i ',.'.,,, Mairh 17. Allen. own Uttla JW. ilareh, Atlantle r'ltjr, T'Tiny Trlnlile. March SI, Shenandoah. nncrewnc-i ny- ind Tiny TrlnKI have I he effclaJa for the ' itraty flaw Basketball chaniplenahjg, tour teur f. H U Played at Princeton en .Marsh IT itiy Is calling hlinsilf the " "Sight champion of America Frnnkle llrllten and Jack Toke have baen J,vVrihv Harry Jaikaen te meet In an Jlsht round ie at Atlajitle City Monday nlgbt. au hauta have been boekad by Billy 811- ,e'rnvan for the Audiwriui morrow niain. urn A. ti here te te meat Frankl Aider. Temmy 1eughran'n sparring partner. ..'2..' riuaar Kally O her bouts! Joe -'.V.-' r V. - l' - -T-'-'- ...1 line MuDr va. istni Barrett vs, iianny Ter. Hay Mitchell Jerdan In tha headline'. faces DUsir "a"! UltSSn "nTYeunsJ I T2bv Nt arfe j fff ' . Tan Oxford $10.00 We are mere particular than you, probably, when it comes, te see ing that our require mentis as te fit, 'quality of materials, etc., are lived up te. U 1 -r tQir0rn)aU JfOOZ &AQB) TT- -tv. , ,M r.f.Uk, e 1J v " r r-T '-iw f,tm Mw: vu - -i;('w .tfrunit mia, w . 1 1 frill" r m t-timlm iisTCpy-gxy""a,-r,riaa ear.-M3wM -ir r77 - -- .gagBaHaSSn&XUMf:.MBdHdHKJta4aBBMianBn UQCb1niit$L. ,Sii ,yjrV V, ' M$& arij.M.ij -v ,-v. , i fcu?-!.!' " ,'V3iS-,i irV7L. f :.:?. Taste is a matter of tobacco quality We ttate It as our honest belief that the tobaccos wed in Chesterfield are of finer quality (and hence of better taste) than In any ether cigarette at the price. Ugg'tt & Mftrj Ttiace C. '5P- ' .gagagagagagagagwa DB CKesterfi3ld CIGARETTES of Turkish and Demestic tobaccos hlendd 41 M b&w rVI.I.IJ.lJ.I.I.XT3J.lJ.l.CTJ.I.T.lJ.l.I.T.I.i:i.I.l.l.n.l.IJ.I.T.lJ.g.f.J.l.l. JTi ii I -""I .. fl AMB BI3SH lgafl vA H Tggak H MRU It is six months, and mere, since the 1922 Auburn came out. Already, in the hands of many owners, it has totaled mere than Three Millien Miles The test has been thorough. The verdict is complete. Owners, everywhere talk of its fine perfermanceits low operating cost its unfailing dependability. They praise its geed loeksits quiet operation its complete Restful riding. The 1922 Auburn is a fitting climax te 22 years of Auburn cars ! Auburn Prices NOW Lewest in History of Beauty-Sif Medels Quality better than evervalue unsurpassed CONTINENTAL red seal meter, Medel 7-R, the 'finest product et the world s largest exclusive meter manufacturers, with its positive pressure oiling system and feur-bearuig crankshaft which eliminates vibration. All ether units of equal high quality the best th t modern engineering can produce; 121-inch wheel base: ' cord tires; choice of three standard colors; six superb body types both closed and open models. A car for every need. Let us take you for a rridc. We invite you whether you buy new or later. a PIERPOINT MOTOR CO. Cunningham Moter Ce. AA2A fh..,n,,. i. Philadelphia , j'u".' A. Zaepfel It Hen Iancaatar, Pa. The. Nreulst SIB W, Oreen Bt.. ruedi n. t'a. 1M N. lath hi., Allaitiewn, !, Kliallcresa tlarass Mlddlstewn, D.l. wClreU Osrage F. C. Kels, Prep. Atlantln City, yj, j, v . wfffrJ&vi... Jy,i BwlMlaSi - HiTa. , ' ' ' f N , . i . , titojmmtettnM C41 N. UUOAU ST., l'HILA. PHONE POPLAR 3602 Jehn M. Pulton I mnastnr County, IlawllnaMlla, Pa. VI. A. PyetS WtlilHoed, N. i. V, Krunts, Kust Knd (laruga 827 N. I.lnden Ht llethlchem, Pa, II. rTT'l,n'W'MnWrTil'Wll'M41Td 4 h --e. saklak sm - Liai?,i. mm