Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 08, 1922, Night Extra, Image 15

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v4t 4i
AUausaal Reawaeeef Pee.U What Very Mag U
-Fledged te De the Bidding of OlhTJ
Auther af "ThnMlracU Man," "Frem New On," fc.
Conrteht, i$n. bv PiuMe Lttetr Cem
li mw..A Mat. Yftrle .-.bman.
''& ti threw eft Mi'JeT. of rtrlnlc.
BSSJ hl llttte methrffa dawhtar,
EMS?, "e hla old frltn4. Paul VmIm.
6 Cl bteiuht up without knewttdta of
-Mai tutor until ha can redaam hi;
, -Ii iv ov-rcemlnr hla wtaVnaaa and
ESZminV hlmaeir. Tiwtiiy yara later
Mfr "Jt attempt mad ty a young un-Hfrt-awn
white man te atew away eh- a
K J??S5r uhlp anitw from Samoa
1' CiVJ. him under the Tcn observation
W" S en. of the pane ner. who follewa
Mh (L aahere and aatenljhea him by re
''' SLvibiY aceu-ve knewledce or hla fermefl
I "i If. a San Frnnclece younsater of
B:1 W,X.Za enil family, with one weak
" ..V .,!
J5t--gni6lln. The myaterleug rattan-
fF"-".- ... a fpntltfA fftnl-art. ufca-a..
B'the younger man agreea te pawn him-
-. Mir,iniu "- ---xw;t .-..-.....,......
IV C the alirnature) ei me eia-r man upe
i 5. wrltten bend a name known wlrtel
I1 " At... h.rt nr
requiring the action of
hi- Mrvfra
mature or the Older man upon
; X. r tten nenu a nana mew
, 5 the head of Amerlca'a w
i Z.ln or tambllna- hcuee. The
tin "rltet hla alirntvtur will
SJlilWe In, requiring- the action of
5. gall rea water te brln out the
tple nme Jehn Bruce. In the am
iei-i heuee which Druen "vlfltf7 aa
. Mt inipester, ha playa tilt ha 13
-" i .t.-Mlt. Ik- MH-M-l la
hu-tn a chance te pawn aeme valuahlaa.
8J pawnhrelcer la a tnarvefeusly beat
iSfut girl. Trailing ler taxlcnb, he 5
fata a brawl with acme excited foreign
i Et'but find aanetuary Juat.aa ha ktalt
vfLV. . the feet of the airl In th tail.
.X mi - eh ealla In Dr. ami, a brilliant
'. S..(ii but a drug addict, who la In
' Ei. iih her.
Maeff. Nit te aaye Druce'a. lire
She reputeaa hla ad-
eff. N" te "l? uruce a me agreea
nttrry crang. uran roea tne fare or
uee'f jneney which Claire haa hidden.
KV nr le marry nim and la aa
at Crana a grin en her. Haw
na r-ivea'a te Bruce he la the glrl'a
, isr.lahel at Crang'a grl
fane r-ivea'a te
-,,! father.
w . UmuI, ktf vIlrlHM il.lBk
VenUa nfreca that Claire, ahall learn
Hawkins premltea te
ahatl l
noe.her father la, but Hawkina rerueea.
Hfinrflnr hn hna net been ablA tn nn.
goer ttie habit. Aa Bruce U medltat
M dn the episode, he heara Clalre'a volee,
SYcrjr of dlatrcaa. Crarur la trying te
Srce kie from her. In the melee that
Jfllewf, Tlruce hurls him downstairs,
Trapping or Tinsel
UNDER the Bhadcd light en his table,
, Id bis private sitting room in tbe
ftfjne-Mlley Hetel, .Tehn Bruce hnd
Irtn writing steadily for half an hour
tut the sheets of paper ever which
til pen had traveled freely and swiftly
'vireln white. He paused new,
jrtmalned a moment, In thought, and
Am 't-f -1 a ItaaA Amm. shift BmAibV al mimLm Tak
ffllii tauea a jiiiu w ,uv iusi. dui'cl xiu
Uiik was left, but from the movement
of the pen this appeared te be a slg-
tr fathered the sheets together.
(Mderf them neatly and slipped them
Inte in envelope. He replaced the cap
aw thn fnnntnln een he had necn u-inr.
aiereil the ncn in his vest pecltct, und
froeianother pocket took out another
Mn,tliat wan apparently lucniicai wun
,tie first. With this second pen, in
Hick Ink, he addressed the envelope te
,eei Gilbert Harmen in can r rnncisce.
Hi waled the onvclepo, stamped It, put
K In liU pocket, returned the Fecend
femlaln pen te his vest pocket, lighted
t elinrettc, leaned back in his chair.
ind frowned at the ascending spirals
if ioieke 'from the cigarette's tip.
The report which he had just writ
ten te Larmen, explaining his inaction
luring the past weeks, hnd been nn ef
fcrt net physical, but mental. He had
tomehew, curiously, felt no personal
runt for the enforced nbsence from
tit "work." and he new felt no en
iluilnra at the prospect of resuming
It. ire had had no right te tinge or
color his letter te Larmen with these
tlsws; nor had he intended te de no.
Perhaps he had net: perhaps he had.
Hi illd net knew. The nk originated
Vj the old Samoan Islander had IU dis
Idtintnces as well as its, advantages.
Re eeultl net new read the letter ever
mm It was written J
He flicked the ash lrritabty from "his
rlnrette. He had'neen back here In
lit hotel new for two days and the
Wing had been constantly growing
amn Mm. IVhv? Un did net knew
ixcept that the cause seemed te Insist
n associating itself with his recent ill
km, his life In the one-time pawnshop
if Paul Venlze. But. logically, that
did net held water. Why should it?
He had met a pawnbroker who reamed
the Ktrppts at night in a fantastic me
tercar, driven by a drunkard; and he
hi fallen In leve with a girl who was
Illd she was going te marry n uope uepe uope
rttieg criminal. Why, it was a
iptctacle te make
Jehn Bruce's fist crashed suddenly
ievu en the desk beside him, und he
row from his chair and steed there star
he unsecingly before him. That was
let fair! What was uppermost new
iris the rccrudescence of the bitterness
tilt had possessed him two nights age
hen he hnd returned from Paul Veil
Im's te the hotel here. Ner was It
my mere true thun it was fair ! What
of the days and nights of 'nursing, of
are, of the ungrudging arid kindly hos
pitality they, had given te an, utter
triDgcr? Yes, he knew! 'Only only
111 hid .said she was glad !
Hi began te pace the room. He had
eft Ventza's in bitterness. He bad net
hen Claire. It was a strange sort of
Mr he boasted, little of unselfishness
i it, much or impatience, ana stui
tlOre of Intnlnranna ! Thnt- 11 wna l.
hopeless love in se far ns he was con cen
Mratd did net place him before him
wl In any better light. If he cared
or her, If there was any depth of fecl
Jf In this love he claimed te have,
wen et least her happiness, her welfare
nd her future could net be cxtraneeub
tnd Indifferent considerations te hlin.
1 en the spur of the moment, piqued,
is spile, of Paul Veniza's protestnllens,
Jj hed left that night without Bcelng
CUIre again!
tHe had been ashamed of himself,
teiterday, he had telephoned Ulalre.
Ill llfld hpfrtVAl linw t"niariiTinoeil 1 fu
E!jin0a racant te say mere but he
" ijemctning in ncr voice had ue,
Ot IllVllPlI l.e n.,l.l ..I c.. l.l
Jft had brought the passion, pleading
Jtacat, back into his own. It hnd
Rimed In him Mint .hn ...aa l e..l.
the ether end of tbe wire; at leust,
OrlYelV BK cli.. ha.l ..J,1t1.. ..I..1 l
..i 6he hal been unable te keep her
''c under control. But she had
"VQ6(J fin ntinwew rTliAtin k. A U,.A
..I, "" nti AUCIU linU UVEI1
Otnlncr in fnr rrl .U UaA ...1.1 If,.
h.n '4 h?? that he raU8 s ''"
" ' euia see nr again. And Oien
i "'ilerlcn"'' vr and ever
etMi 8ne,nl hegged him te attempt
'"ininit Of tlm knrt Kf lnLa..t -
K'TI XeW Ynplf IiAHQUla .k. Inalaf.ul
iren !' ?.ah "0t Bafo f0r hlm te tay
ITtI In the citv.
ll.... 1J.r,u'c ,mrlwl the butt et his
lldV,"6 J,n he direction of the cus
lah 't ml e'fnched hla fiat. Crang!
i.r.kbfpmCran8 ' We laughcd aloud
e .J; 4,e a',Ke, nothing better than
S. C.ren,t "Ba'n. " would net
7 10 Wlnb ,I.A ... -i t ij it.-
yr the better!
entln,fll?Vl nt ,,ls uud lip, as he
tali1? ,mcc tb0 room. Today,
' aaq tclen ieiipiI m in, . i... CL
"? Det' hliekpn .l,n tl.i. ii..... ii
ild r.Pce? b.urprlcd nt the news he
Ukh?.id,' for ,l(! icmembered that
wfbmVad "nee " hlm ht the old
Ut&Cr wns ,ln ri'a,1y from
"' Bome one. he ,1IH ,,ne b,,n... ...i,,
MpBhb?f ir?J,H,jlJr' ha(1 answered
II. nSf Iaul Vcniza bad been taken
JmmWmmmWi L. ialUlllaValalalBllaiElltml mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmWmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Monsieur Henri de Lavergne weultl be flattered Indeed wllh Mr.
Bruee's cenfldenre
mirror. What would they say the
whlte-haircd' Negro hutlcr, und the ex-
?iilslte Monsieur Henri de Lavergne,
or instance when the millionaire
plunger, usually se immaculate in even
ing clothes, presented himself at thuir
deer in Ji,8ult of business 'tweeds?
He shrugged his shoulders. Down at
ltatti's that night his apparel It whs
a matter of viewpoint had been n
source of eminent displeasure, und as
such hnd been very effectively disposed
of. He bAd had no opportunity te be
measured for new clothes.
The smile faded, and he steed starinc
at the desk. The millionaire plunger!
ii ncemeu te. jar somehow en His sensi
bilities. Werk!. That was a quctr
way, tee, te designate it. He wad
going te take up his work ngaln to
night, pick up the threads of his life
again where he hnd dropped them. A
bit ragged these threads, weren't they?
Frayed, as it were!
What the devil was the matter with
him. anrwav? There wbh mnner In If
a princely existence. What mere could
any one ask? What did Pltr hi
love for a girl who WOS clad tn mnrrr
some one else infinitely worse than he
was, nave te de with lt7 ' Ah, she did
have something te de with it, then!
Nonsense! It was absurd!
He took n key abruptly from his
pocket, and unlocked one of the drawers
of the desk. Frem the drawer he took
out a large roll of bills. The hotel man
agement had sent te the bank nnd
cashed a check for him that afternoon.
He had net forgotten that he would
need money, nnd plenty of It, nt the
tables this evening. Well, he was quite
ready te go new, and it was time; It
would be half-past 10 before he get
there, and
"The devil!" said Jehn Bruce sav
agely and suddenly tossed the money
back into the drawer, mid locked the
drnwer. "If I don't feel like it to
night, 'why should I? I guess I'll just
drop around for a little convalescent
visit, nnd let it ge'nt that."
Jehn Bruce nut en a Hsht nverrnnf.
.nnd left the room. In the lobby down
stairs he posted his letter te Gilbert
l,nrmen. jip stepped out en the street,
and from the runk in front of the
hotel secured a taxi. Twenty minutes
later he entered Gilbert Lnrmen's New
lerk gambling hell.
Here he received n sort of rhapsedical
tvclceme from the exquisite Monsieur
Henri de Iavergne, which embraced
fielgnant regret at the accident that
ind befallen him, nnd unspeakable joy
nt his se HDlcndid recovery. It was n
delight se great te shake the hand of
Mr. Ii.ruce again that Monsieur Henri
tic Lavergne complained bitterly at the
poverty, of .language which prevented an
edequntc' expression of his true nnd sin
cere feelings. Alse, Monsieur Henri
dp Laycrgne, if he were net trespassing,
would be flattered indeed with Mr.
llruce'H confidence, If Mr. Bruce should
sen fit te honor him with an account of
hew the accident had happened. Ha
would be desolated if in any way It
could be attributable te any suggestion
that he, Monsieur de Lavergne, en be
half of the house which he had the honor
te represent as manager, had made te
Mr. Bruce which might have In
"Net ut all!" Jehn Bruce assured
him heartily. He smiled at Monsieur
de Lavergne. The ether knew nothing
of Claire's presenee in the car that
night, and for Claire's sake it was nec
essary te set tbe man's mind se com
pletely at rest that the subject would
lack further interest. The only way
te accomplish that wag te appear whole
heartedly frank. Jehn Bruce became
cgrcgleusly frank. "It was just my
own damned curiosity," he sold with a
wry smile. "I get out of that Ingenious
contraption at the corner after going
nMllnrf f m tli,1r nn.1 t.i11 mi! m.i
esity, as I said, get the better of me.
I followed the thing, and found out
where Mr. Venlia lived. I started en
my way back, but I didn't get very
far. I get into trouble with a rather
tough crowd- just around the corner,
who didn't like my shirt front, I be
lieve they said. The fight ended .by
my being backed into a wine shop,
where I wns stabbed, but from which I
managed te escape Inte the lane. I
was about all in. and the entr chonre T
could see was a lighted window en the
etner slue or a low fence. I crawled
in the window and flopped en the fleer.
It proved te be Mr. Venizn's house."
"Pour I'ameur de DIcu!" exclaimed
WtMtd Ctti-Se Ritm
Solid Brass Hardwft
Grtin, Oak and
Mahogany Finish
Tattntid PregMtivt
Heller Suspension
Finished End Cast
"Alliteal" Verticil
Letter File
Number IM'V.L.
Very Lew Prices en
Office Files!
See the &K&tee Office
Furniture Exhibit at the Busi
ness Shew this week.
Phene Spruce 5837 for
Complimentary Business Tickets
hi KhtaA'? Jf" "P wM Mm all
- em, aim was wen rest-
k!n ru
deikTI. i.,."H,ea rupuy before
laSa1."" he had been writing,
PU Iftai?w V1? ynte"' It was a
bVjJ "U ID O'clock. ...11..-... !.,.
te . work!'- aa-aln t,nlh" 11!
I1,.eini5r' M Itttl qulMlctlly,
vj.', " "M jMnuelf la
Office Furniture
The General Fireproofing Company
Complete Line en Display s ,
Warehouse Stock for Immediate Delivery
"Recerd Filing, Fireproofing and Waterproofing EngineerV'
Bell Spruce 5837 Keystone Race 2704
'i:i, pa erricK k.uvipmknt company
eh. pa Nixneitr IIAIUJ
j,Aft,ffttrw K! f
rcn ixyiixr., r
TBKNTON. N. J. , . . . .
YOKK. PA. ...w.....
N. .11, KVANN
iy afaitarmv
m, ii. i,. j-ijumr rn
, , . CilAH. II. KLINK
i , i ' 5. . .
MAh,.J&& suM
Monsieur Henri de Iaverfne breath
lessly, i
''And which, also accounts,"' said
Jehn Bruce pleasantly, "for the npol npel npol
etr I must eter rea for my appearance
this evening-. In these clothes. .The mob
in that respect was nultn successful."
V "Bat that you are back 1" Monsieur
de Iavetrne's hands were raised in pre
laaf "lla I. .i.Mk ...i.m4 ha
Monsieur Bruce knows that In any at
tire it is the same here for monsieur
as though hd'werc at home."
"Thank you !" said Jehn Brace cor
dially. "I have only dropped in
through the urge of old habits, 1 guess.
I'm hardly en tmy feet yet, and J
thought I'd just watch the play for a
little whlle tenltht."
"And. that, tool" aia'M MnnVlmr Henri
de Lavergne with a bewr as Jehn Bruce
moved toward tne stitlrraae, "is en
tirely as monsieur desires."
Jehn Bruce mounted the train, and
began a stroll through the roulette and
card rooms. The croupiers and dealers
nodded te him genially; these of the
"guests" wiiem Up knew did llkewiae.
He was treated with mnrked courtesy
and consideration by every attendant in
the establishment. Evcrvthlntr was ex
actly as it had been en his previous
visits. There .were the soft, mellow
Jlfhtsj the siren purr of the roulette
wheel, the musical click of the ball ns
it spun around en it uttie intciui or
bit ; the low, quiet voices of the croti creti croti
plers and dealers: the wcll-drcsied play
ers grouped around the tables, the hi
larious and the erim. the devil-may-
care laugh from one, the thin smile from
another. It was exactly the game, all
exactly the same, even te the table in
the suneer room, free te all thetiRh
Jaden with every wine and delicacy that
money could procure; out somenew,
even nt the end f half an hour, where
he was went te be engrossed till day
light, Jehn Bruce became excessively
PcrhnpH it wns because he was simply
an onlooker,, and net playing himself.
He hnd drawn close te n trreun around a
fare bank. The piny was grim enrnest
and for high stekex. Ne, it wasn't
thnt! lie did net want te piny. Home Heme Home
hew, rather, he knew a slight sense
both of contempt and disgust at the.
cnger clutch und rn of humls, the
hearse, short laugh of victory, the snarl
of defeat, the trembling 'flnccrs of the
mere timorous who staked with Chance
and demanded that the god be chari
table' in Its omnipotence and toss them
crttmtm 1
Well, what was he caviling about? It
was the life he hnd chosen. It was bin
Ufa .work. Wasn't he pleased with It?
lie had certainly liked it well enough in
the, old .days te Miuander upon It the
falr-eised fortune his father had left
hlm. He decidedly had net gene into
tbut infernal compact with Larmen
blindfolded. Ferlmtw it was because In
'"'lif'- I '
' XPaiit'elt.'Vfy'ri
n .? i 5U"t'.swe.
iaa ..:- -Li? j'i-' '.' .,1ii
these df ya he played -when he waited
le j and in these,' and hereafter, he
would ploy because he had te,, IJer
hups it was only that, tonight, there
wns upon' hni fhe, feeling, which , wns
natural enough, and. which was Immeas
urably human, tee, that it was irk-
.itMBe te be i slave, te W- fettered and
shackled ant) bound te anything! even
te What one,, with one's 'freedom his
own, was ordinarily out or cnoicemest
prone te de and delight in. Well,
if if 1 1 a in i -Mi4aaafWal
eitner. - '-
' Jl-f
Announces New Prices
Effective Today
Roadster - - - $2400
4-Passenger Touring - $2400
Coupe - - - - $2850
Sedan - $3150
All Weather Roadster - $2550
All Weather Touring - $2600
F. O. B. Indianapolis, Ind.
' - ( .'A- ' 1. " '
' Jl 9. eS C9HWhVMb) .vCHBrlwW
i v ' i T r nt
This income diary will
SAVE worry for YOU
With March 15th, the final date for filing Income Tax
returns, rapidly drawing near, the value of a record auch
as the ''Personal Recerd of Income" is emphasised most
Thia book was designed especially for keeping a day-te-day
record of EVERY item that should be considered
in making an Income Tax return. These who use It for
1922 will be SAVED the trouble and worry experienced
in former years.
We have one of these books for YOU. Come in and
get it or drop us a postal. Yeu will net be obligated in
the least
The Land Title and Trust Company
Bread and Chestnut
Philadelphia .
ggsMaajaflBBW HMmHhJ)
r i
the taste
because its
"a tidbit rare
beyond compare"
s rrucecucn
ether served
thirty years age
says a Philadelphian
UQOMETHING new," we announced in our
O first advertisement? "ice cream covered
with chocolate." And yet-
A Philadelphian informs us that thirty years
age his mother surprised her friends by serving
ice cream dipped in chocolate. The news spread,
and many of their neighbors were seen enjoying
this wonderful delicacy.
Se, frankly we admit chocolate-covered ice
cream is net a new dish, although it is new te
many Philadelphians of the present generations
The luxurious, tasty Chece-Pic consists of a
generous slice of velvety ice cream nestling in a
coating of purest chocolate and protected in a
sanitary wrapper. What could be better? There's
no denying it's worth trying!
asssssssssssssssPiillssssssssssssm bbssssssB atissssssssssw
$ J
It Urn J 'J
I.uh-.. A -.t'iMNi. -. . .. ;' i?.?i
' 1
- M
. i'.
.n'fyii;'.BB1"wh,J .,(.. ak. ai .warV'J