kHfcH ; klaW nv 'rraaw v BKv;J SRmr.ll smstt",- v. -i.r mrnann &;St I iv ifv st. ft. V h Bk1 M y i R BSrB. wm !&H Wv i N.H.HI Fiv ?il evening . public-; ledgkrphime&Ilphi vbtTmmm fl7r 12 ' ' ..' J',i a 'rffi NNERING AtfT HnMiith tlafeta I'nrMi ! "till! KIMdKLKY M.AN JTvmlne riame.i flew f'ormlne Kwliiw-jlen,; Wfil. rtiul Frl. Phene Walnut 1002. Kemi for lioeklct U5. flneiil tit Klnxulty cmn ms Walnut St.. rhlln.ZESSS W&M r 1 : K38&- - ljAkv jnice ai Banik Supplies Wnntuim nmam VimmomeMmn vjy riiaraeiL street Imported Steamer Rugs for fashioning into the latest style rug skirts, capes and nut filers. for use in automobiles; as couch or bed covers ; and en sleeping perches. $6.00 and up Receiver' Sale at Wholesale Prices Wm.Ayres & Sens 4th & Cumberland Sts. Telephene: Kensington 6545 NEW WAR RAGING ON CONSERVATION Fall Raises Cry of "Pinchetism" in Counter-Attack en Wal lace and Aides :0RMER BATTLE RECALLED 1U n Staff Correspondent Washington,' March 7. "IMnchet" am! "IMnclietiMn" nnil "Feil" and "I'alllsiu" nre threatening te become bywords In n new wur ever the con servation of natural resources such n that which nearly wrecked the Tn(t Administration and split the ltcpubll can l'arty. This (uestien. lint shall be done with the put He domain, the public land, coal, oil and water power, has become an ncute Imuc In 'the Harding Adiriiulstrntlen, and partially explains current reports thut Secretary of the Interior Fall will shortly leave the Cabinet. It. Is generally acknowledged that n "showdewn'' N Imminent between the (.ensvrvatiniiisN and theK1 who believe in liberalizing the land and forest laws te permit dovulepment of the Natien's mineral resources by private capital. At present, Secietnry of Agriculture Wallace, supporting Colonel (irecley as head of the forest service, is leading the convervntleiiNts. with Secretary Full the spceia.1 object of their attacks. The latter in spirited Interviews and other wise has launched a counter-offensive en ins own account te combat what lie FLEISC1ANN CO APPEALS DRY EOICI Order Revoking Industrial Al cohol Permits Reviewed by Prohibition Commissioner VIOLATION OF LAW CHARGED By the Assoc In led Press Washington. Mnrch ".Appeal of the Flelschtnnnn Company. Inc.. of New Jerk. from the orders issued Friday by Prohibition Cemmlliner Hnynes re voking its Industrial alcohol permits anil directing the seizure of nlcohel In I eleven of its branches was being heard today by Internal Itcvenuc Commis sioner Ulnlr. Mr. Illnir has announced his intention of rendering n decision en the case as quickly as pnible. At tne hearing today the cempany1 nn represented hy Henry J. Knlten bacli, vice nrcdtlrnt of the company; Henry A. WNe and Carl Whitney, of New Yerk, as counsel, and Rebert A. Knne, of the cemnan.v's local stuff. The Prohibition llurc.ui was rcpre I sen ted by Commissioner Hnynes and i members of its legal division, while ' I-.lmcr Dever, Assistant Secretary of I the Treasury, sat Willi Mr. Hlalr. I A rehearing of the cne wns granted I the cempnnv bv Mr. Hlalr after n con ference with Secretary Mellen Satur day, attended by Mr. Dever. Mr. Hnynes and Internal Revenue Solicitor Mnpcs, nt which it was said the Treas ury recognized the plea of the remminv -- . . fOf THINGS terms "vicious tirenacuudu" unwar- thnt the recent lieni-incs In Phllmlnliiliin ! runted by the facts of his own position, i before S. F. Ruttcr, former Assistant Fall Attacks Plnrhel i Prohibition Director for Pennsylvania. WE PAY THE PARCEL POST WE GO TO SPAIN FOR ALMONDS But they am our own kltchrn. cooked and salted In $1.50 lb. Chocolate-Covered Toasted Cocoanut Marsh- QA mallows VXJC lb Send (or Price Lilt of Oar Sptcialtiet 41 w ITE c A N t V anep 104 S. 13th St 1504 Chestnut St. 149S. Bread St. rincuei nnil I'liiciietsim recur frciiucntly in Secretary Fail's latest reply te his critics. The former chief forester, new State Forestry Commis sioner for Pennsylvania, Is charged by i Fall with inspiring attacks against him nnd making personal chnrges in comma- 1 nidatiens "concerning myself nnd my policy of 'wrecking' the forest re serves. Secretory Fall declares In a letter te a member of Congress that the at tacks en him probably were due te his recommendation before the committees en territories of the Heuse and Senate that the President either be empowered i te co-enlinute the governmental ngen were net before an iietunl denntv of the Prohibition Commissioner. Cancellation of the company's per mits and the seizure of alcohol at the branches at New Yerk City. Peekskill. i X. Y. ; Yonkers, N. Y. ; Uroeklyn. X. Y. : Philndclnlfia. Scrnntnn. Pa.: .Trr- isey City. Cincinnati. Bridgeport. Conn. : Cambridge. Mnss., and lnngdnn. Dis-. I trict of Columbia, was ordered by Mr. j Hnynes en the recommendation of Mr. 1 Butter. He assigned as grounds for i the issuance of the orders that nt the Philadelphia hearings it was established that the company had diverted non- i beverage alcohol te beverage purposes. I I disposed of nlcohel without unrnilta nnil cles relating te Alaska, or cimct legis- , en false nermits. fniled te keen nrener I lotion vesting authority ever Alaskan records and otherwise acted "In the ut nffnlrs exclusively in the Interior De- most bad faith with respect te cm-' partment. i forming with the national Prohibition Among the activities winch would be Act nnd the regulations in carrvlng en affected by any change In the present I business under its several permits." division of authority, Secretary Fall i Counsel for the cempanv, it was tin observes, is the administration of the I dcrstoed, were prepared te enter n de- lerestM in Alaska, new under control of i nlnl of the charges, centcndlnc that MRSCP'rv'' SPRAY and PRUNE your fruit nnd shade trees and bushes new. They will frlve better results this year. We have a cemplnte line of spraying ma chinery and spraying material. Alse pruning shears, saws, pruning gIees, etc, for trce trimming. Sew Seed New In lietlieiln or In bevrn Indoors Cabbage, Cauliflower, Esjt Plant, Parsley, Pepper, Tomate, etc. Get a copy tt' frer. of our teri CnluleK Michells HS6DE 518-516 MARKET ST. Netice Edisen Records Reduced in Price $1.35 Records new. . .$1.00 $1.85 Records new. . .$1.50 $2.25 Records new. . .$2.00 Effective ut our stores IminiMliiitely, Lint of winner of Mr. KdUen'n 10,000 I'rlie Content ebtulnnble t our tore. the Department of Agriculture, of which tlic forest service is n part. "This at once brought down upon my devoted head the wratli of Mr. Cifford Plnchet and his followers," Secretary Fall declares, "and immediately there was issued a press sheet in glaring black headlines purporting te be sent out by the American Forestry Association. In the first column appears an interview limiting from Colonel Greeley, chief of the United States Ferest Service. In the second column is n picture of this very efficient official, and under the pic ture tlie explanation In headlines: 'Colonel W. 15. Greeley, chief of the United States Ferest Service, who chal lenges plan te get control ever Alaska's feiests. i "I was absent en official business j when this sheet was sent out, but im mediately mclved a telegram from my office describing It and quoting from it. The chiefs of several of the bureaus of i this Interior Department, whose efforts te administer the public laws arc se frequently hampered by activities of the , Forestry Bureau and of Mr. Plnchet, i were outraged at this vicious and un warranted attack upon the head of a ' co-ordinate department of the Govern- I merit. I was urged te take the matter up directly with the President." (J net ex Frem Lincoln Secretary Fall gees en te explain the basis of his earlier atack en the For estry liiiuau. which he says grew out of u justltiable complaint concerning his treatment us u stpek grazer, which I lie declares was ignored in Washing- I ten. and in- conclusion, quoting ' from Lincoln te show the latter' faith In the development of the country's re sources. Pall expresses cnnlldencc that ' his own policies If carried out would I bilng n-stilts fully ns greut, "Plnchet and Piiichetism and Greeley and Gree leyisin te the contrary notwithstand ing." Beneath the superficial controversy ever consolidation of governmental agencies dealing with the public do main in a single administrative unit is the deeper and mere fundamental dif ference of Ideas us te its development. Chief Ferester Greeley, belonging te the I'inciiet school, though net se radical as hit predecessor, is n thoroughgoing "conservationist," and ib backed by Secietary Wallace. Secretury Fall, while asserting he would protect tlie national forests, insists conservation has been overdone nnd holds there must be a "liberalizing of tlie luws." Hold Held ing tills view, lie declared war en what lie terms "Plnclietlsm" nnd "Greclev ism." SOLDIERS COMBAT BIG FIRE IN PLATTSBURG BARRACKS the company hnd mnde every effort te conform te the prohibition regulations. According te Mr. Blair, no new evi dence was te be admissablc nt the hear ing, which being in the nature of ap pellate proceedings, was te be confined te testimony nlreadv of record. In the event of the revocation orders being upheld, it was understood that consideration would be given te working out regulations under which the com pany could continue the manufacture of yeast, as fermentation producing alcohol is a necessary part of the process. West Phlla. Business Men Elect The West Philadelphia Business Men's Association has elected these efficers: President. William S. Wacker; vice president. Frank F. Mathers, sec retary ; Jehn T. Richardson, treasurer ; Frank R. Shriver; directors, Jehn X. McGurvev. Heward Wiley. Charles Wyntt. Themas Burke and Dr. F. A. Fa tight. WORTH WHILE Cbnd Because ie make them is te 4e e LOWER IN PttJfE Coats 2V te 6 Years JN THE much-wanted tweeds in pastel shades. Net the usual ready - te - wear gar ments, but individual in style and custom tailored throughout. rllii 4 fill HI CONVERT TO tiiiuiiifi Dutch Hall Your Old-Faihlentd Parler W Remodel Your EnUn Hern . Quete Attractive Priced And aive Teu Quick. Service ,, P. J. SANTA MARIE 1343 W. Cumberland St. 9 -,jHJxiPhene Diamond S7S7 WMiini Anniver sary Special $16-H aV3 .aaPaW ALfiafLVrX Fl!sHaB' I fsxl I IP & V Kl vf W. H. Embick & Sens 1618-20 Chestnut St. Jein the LawEnf or cement League Organized by business and professional leaders of your city te register- public opinion in favor of law enforcement and protection of the Constitution. Apply for application blank (no dues) and help restore respect for all laws. JOS. M. STEELE, President, 915 Land Title Bldg. swsmsmsssJsssm1 ASCO M8& i P I vrpii r m J.etL.--c II ASCO i Are wMEammem W. Cor. 11th and and 20 S. 10th Walnut St. BEST COAL WE SERVE YOU RIOHt Owen Letter's Sens largest CmI Ymi m PfcIWIlsii TRENTON AVE. 4V WESTMORELAND ST. WRITE OR PHONE MOW! Beil,Frankferd2150 Ktyitene, East 7754 Eight Leng Weeden Buildings Destroyed PJiittslnu-B, N. Y March 7. (Uy A. P. ) -KU'lit ions wooden huildinKS nt the PlattsburK Barracks used for iiuartcrmnsters' supplies were destroyed by (ire early tedny. Army eflicers declined te estimate the less, but it was known that It would be many thousands at dollars. The buildiiiKs were erected for the reserve officers training camp, and the con cen tuits of all but three were destroyed. Soldiers saved the property In the ether". The large coal shed caught fire, but was extinguished. Tlie hospital was threatened, but this, together with the bund quarters and the big barracks building, was saved by tlie local (Ire de partment, assisted by mere than IfMK) soldiers under command of Colonel Ode C. Nichols. Twe beldlers were overcome by smoke, but their condition was net serious. Tlie (We, which was discovered a few minutes after midnight, wns under con trol jwe hours Inter. ALLEGED BURGLAR TRAPPED m m 'A Vs. RIGHf i Surrounded In Weeds, He Vainly Tries Dash te Freedom , Jamaica, N. Y., March 7. (Hy A. P.) Surrounding the patch of weeds In which he wns lildln:,' near here, eight een pellrcmcn of the Jamaica station lute yesterday afternoon gradually clntcd In, firlns their pistols us they I advanced, and finally captured Frnnk I Meyer, whom they charged with house breaking. Detectives unld today they . thought he wns responsible for wcrel icrent burglaries. . When the police closed tn en Meyer's hiding place the fugitive attempted te escupe by u quick dnsh acrei-s an open tipace. Shots followed him, and after running a short distance he btepped'aud threw up his hands. In Meyer's pou peu pou sessien were found twelve skeleton, keys n I 1 $4 p pi i 4 m I 1 ion Friends The Jewels in' the Diadem of Success All the recipes for success, whether personal, political or business, can be boiled down te two words "make friends". A business house cannot prosper unless it makes friends of its customers, and there is only one way te de this by giving honest values and following the Gelden Rule. We have grown from one Meat Mai'ket te a mighty chain of 206 net merely by our own busi ness acumen net by any particular merchandis ing genius en our part but because we have made many thousands upon thousands of friends. This we have done by carrying only high quality meats and pricing them fairly and honestly. Specials for Tuesday in our 206 Sanitary Meat Markets Milk-Fed Country Veal Rump Roast " 28c Lein Roast lb 35c is Rib Chops "32c Lein Chops ib 38c Cutlets ib 48c Beef Liver 10c Fresh Tripe 14c Pa! s M 3PU 1 Thick End Rib Roast 16c ib Selected Cuts Finest Standing Rib Roast 28c b Lean Soup Beef 7c lb These prices effective dn all our Meat Markets in Phlla. and throughout Pennsylvania, mw jersey ana ueiaware f A9CU ASCO il 4 "PAPER0ID" Filing & Mailing ' Containers Including the well-known Vertex Mlfc Feehet for correspondence will be en view at the Business Shew Beeth 20 A "Papereid" Pocket Wallet for personal use will be given FRKK te every Interested caller at our Uoeth. Alvah Bushriell Ce. Oaraete Filing Cenlaintrt Philadelphia, Pa. BtfH CANI BE , BEAUTIFUL? YES! ' THE innsMO-PLASTIC . MKTIIOim tJSKII nv Dr. Stackhouse, 347 5th Are,, N. l. Pkili. Officii 119 S. 17th St., PkiltdelpUa t'enmiltntlnn WmIiijimIij- It te S Hoeklft Free. Mention Adv. Ifint 1BT GENUINE TYPEWRinEN LETTERS IN QUANTITY Hiflitit Clsit Mcrcktndiiiflf Semes There is a big difference between a personal letter and a circular letter. HOOVEN writes personal letters. ", HOOVEN SALES CO. 1037 WALNUT rtimmqmm&i r ; fm- kkkkkH l ?!"4VIwMmw AiawT1JkVllkkVBkkkkkkV sSS8S8YP csvr TS&$i1kr At J&r.TLA'. lBywa v PjllillllllllEl0sSl Dutch Silver Relish Dish This dish is heavily silver plated and contains a fflasj lining with three compartments diameter, 6Yi inches $650. We have many silver-plated reproductions of Dutch Silver. The designs are pleasing, the quality excellent and the prices moderate. S. Kind & Sens, 1110 chestnut st DIAMOND MKRCHANTS JEWELEnS SILVERSMITHS Clean, White k. sm a . it Ijlttlte 7Vj5 M(ltllfM'..I.J,T dlffirnltv tn ..,!".. ' 7. V.. '"'"nwi irinnia . m 1 i .. . , use opt mint Teeth Paste. T wwwi, uctigiiuui navet appeals strongly - them and they gUslh, VirilaVl fhlt. t..,L 7 u "" Cepirfr7?it 1021 by Wrtplev Pharmaceutical Ce, Geed for Childrenanty fdr Grewn-Ups, Toe Spearmint contains absolutely no rrk' or Harmful chemicals. It cannot injarV the delicate enamel of children's t.A It tends te keep them white and beautiful tk. , gqms firm and .healthy, arid freshens the meuth.1 SPEARMINT TOOTH PASTE What Spearmint does for children's teethjt does for yours as wil It cleans the teem ettectiveiy, easily,, pleasantly. Spearmint meets all Sen fev FREE Sample Tube TedttB IUUU1 UdaiC H.4U11W- ments. It is a 100 dentifrice. Because it is highly concen trated, you need use only a little at a time. A tube lasts long. Test it your-' self today. Wrleley Flinrmareutlcal Ce.. 31 X. Randelph HI., l'lilladelplila, Fa. Plcase send me free tube of Spearmint loom x'asie. . XrAne , Address .'....'. My Druggist's Name. Add! ess Runlbur Office en Express Schedule ! Today Proper methods and equipment will put it there and keep it there. Manufacturers of the latest and best office equipment make it easy for you te de this. At the National Business Shew, they combine and provide ideal cenditiprts for you te study up-te-date methods. lP.M.te6BM.reserved for Executives Only The National Business Shew is net a sales organization but an Expo sition of the latest and best ideas in business efficiency and economy. Ge te the Matiendh amines Shew COMMERCIAL MUSEUM, PHILADELPHIA, 1P.M. te U.IODU Aikmakw. t.i T a Wwm TILAAV ." HUlJI jgZfffHHr 'akkkVkkk T . IIIHakkV kkkkBikHkwxskkkkkkkkH Lkkkr taia tllini lkkB ikMkkkkkkkBkkkkkkH sslHIi "'??TTSM,3PBAaBsl I"' m 11 raflsE9iEai-I jmSKBissiBr I J 1 11 Wfcai' eBsn-iiBk j9XdMa6m m and all thisWeek iZrTi nd ?0 in caebf. WWXUSte mmMtb t W$i .t.'iPflU m&& !.:. Sfcir-JCui-.r r.;.?.J , ,. . yM.i . i - 7. - i .. ."T WA $1 v4 A I Ml e 7 '. .. ... Vp i' I t 'LAt . ..iTf -ft. pn v; Wi mm j s . .'iy v . tLf 'j isssi&nSis- jtaiui J.1 . mMmmtmsM raiAi .v' Js. : LV lif.yiij Y iWTVJ- : . ..iT.:.?. &,,r:, jmM.,.iMU.i v . 'i V ' mtf&m -,. mmm , ? tit J., ttdjili; ''-.' -;i X2 VUrL.: W 7 f . 'Jy T,