wwwmm 4 ( r- ' yfmmgf&&wf m H ?j FWff K.V i '( ' S"i i 1 7.- '.' J, $ ' ,yr '$& ' ft Si I EVENING PTJBEIC LEDGEB-PHIEADELPHIA, TUESDAY, MARCH 7, ' 1922 T -:l:9 W yl LOVELESS MARRIAGE By RUBY M. AYRES Auther of "A Man'a Wag," "The One Unwanted," "A Bacheler nv" , Husband," etc. Copyright, lets, bv PubHe Ledger Company THE GUMPS Geed Morning, Mr. Zip-Zip-Zip By Sidney Smith ... nittl.NS THE STORY .. iw.' mother va. kl"ed n VorieHM . ' ,, d htr father teas an ""!? SthjUthcl henepluted leth eBtettd bv PVfine. )tarer(e tool sent ,,"V-Aii school, where the had a 14 e Haly lime The only brteht met H Ar "" " "e ;,tr lather's lawyer. T.'mvti'i'rwnplf takes Mi daughter te hi lit. D?ln,mlinn. dove op her lather p"" inJmbtt"b he,"e. One of the fre .r.?r.pSrnlvat. a coarse-grained. HffJiVaef7l man. makes love te her. V.'niehard -Tempest again enters her IV" lilts brought te her father's house !"'!. tt tc "Marlerte ' prcet ahnmr. "M . Pnriiival, who he afcd her. morn ,""'; Vr i w fc errintf i Xm r"?" re Se her ahcr, Jfi.nH 1 pMuer "' marrlM Mm, (Jee her il' ". J iiiifcapjii. One MeM he '.' lm.V a fuftbus temper, and ''"!' nnt .Uor'erlC hnp(l ilth her '."""Vtiiidrfit Vlcfc and Xlsn. On the tm.S "ii htr father. Tempest comes te.. itai!'h,tumvathu. and tells Marjerte "K'il er received her letters. She fc,' tl that Itichard Tempest stilt ltvtt "" AND "KBE ,T CONTINUES CHArTEB XXX mtlB last I saw of my boy was bin 1 waving hnt,;lcl. presently i ceuhl net rcaiy wsunsuji.il "", ....., Sh,nhnnfln. '"? ".ewInUewH, nl- theunh I tried nnru ie ucuwt mm. knew the difference. T turned nwny with n feeling of deso dese deso l.tlen My husband bad refused te "mc with 5 IlC ",,IJ Mnfympathctl rally that he knew 1 should howl, and make n feel of myself, and be liated icenci. Se he slnycd at home nnd left ce te break my heart alone. Peer mothers, with dear beloved sons , ia,c! Hew often "Incc have 1 s.-cn maw such little iinrllngs between boys S Wen suits and metheis trying te ml'e n spile Ot tuc ienr in limn -.-- and my enn hentt lint, ached in sym- P'l thought II iiiiiiehsll'le te be nieir unhappy tlinn 1 was thai el.iy when Slchnrd went le benrdiiiK sehoel ; but new I renlb.- that I never knew then what unhapplncs reallv nicnnt. I haled the house without him : the icht 01 IMS UOOk", nun l lie ii'jn ihil i which lic hnd leni? Kinc(! rtewii, aueut (he roemn, broke my heart nficMi eatli t- . .., .... i.,. :.. Ijlsa waicncil nn; mm iuniin;iiv.. theMueiJcsbellU'liPvfntlicr-j.. "Any enc would think Dicky was dead, mother." i-he J-ald lcpieachfully. "I only wish I reuld go te bearding cnoel." , . , . . , , , I told Francis vhat mip said, and lie laughed and said he could net spare her. She was much mere bin favorite than ItlrlMid. no doubt, because the ai se like Hi in Wc UkH NOT RF THE BtST LOOKING MM IM THE WORt-P CO"! tON'T 'SP. ANY BSAVTY RBONS ON XPU- -tOU MJV MWt OEETS A. tiAfibSOME. CVtIUO Bin THC OtOWT ClttZEH tyeUSN'T REMEMBtft. THM-- VLL LtT Ol KNOW WMtN VJtE.T MWHtO OVLU. Bt llt FIR'ST OHt- He treated her nn if she weie a ,. , , v ' ,, mn-up lady: he teased her about I "' V" y" -..! He kissed me nnin nnd nked me If I were net alnd I hnd married him. I had te laugh, nnd he Rcemcd quite eatis-flcd when I returned his kiss. ucnvtu iiu rcnuy imagined, even then, thnt ours had been n most hnnpy ! mnriingc. ' ' We nrrnnged thnt he should drive i the car down Inte Surrey nnd bring Illchnrd nnd IiIh friend home by rend. ' Richard wns very keen en metering ' nnd n little anxious for bis" friend a Ind nnmed Temlsh te sec wbnt n line car we hnd. I expected them back nbeut 4 o'clock in the afternoon. It was n bright, dry day, and tfi rends were uplendld. "I wish I were with them." Kln snid ever nnd ever ngnln. "They'll hnvc a glorious run." She hnd taken grcnt pnlns with her. dress. She were her hnlr up new, though she wnn enlv Rlxtenn. iiml .!, .. 1 I ' !.. " ..." . "" iiiivkicu lung cjirnngs, wnicn made licr leek very much like nn nctress, I thought. She wns pretty In n fretful, fipellcd sort of way, nnd her hair was lovely, se fnlr nnd silky. Wc steed nt the window together nnd looked down the long wind-swept innd waiting eagerly for the meter horn, or n Blimiwc of thp bl headlights Jliwi..l ll.n. .! .l. .. . .. . " wi.wufcu mi" uiiiKfiiiiis aiiernoen. "They're ever se bite." KUn i.ni.1 'I wish they'd conic," I nnvvtered. ' I could hardly contain milf for nn longing te see Itir-hnrd. lie wns n great, bis fellow then ever six feet ' In his socks. It was 5 o'clock when nl lnl e' henrd the fient deer hell ling. KNn and I looked nt each ether., "It's net they," sdie said imlifli'i- cntly. Hut we both llsicncd nnd linn nh. hew can I write it; the deer buiM , open nnd one of the servnnts nunc Inte the loom, unceremoniously, followed In-1 n (nil lad the boy Ternlsh, whom Hlchnrd had been wringing home-with him. He wns ghn-Uly white, nn, . were one nrm banduced nnd in n -Ihn; I roe le my feet ; I think I Iviiew what wan coming. "Itichard Ulclinnl." wns nil I (eiild stammer. The peer Ind burst into ieai. and in that instant my heait seemed te die die very slowly, nnd in most dreadful ngeny. r cloned mj ees nnd ' put out my hnmls helplc-slv. The peer boy took them In his uninjured one; lie wns sebbin;,', though niv pes were dry. He tried te brenk it te me gently; he begnn le stnmmer some Incoherent story, but I can't leniember what lie said; nt leasl only n few wnrd-i of Ii. lie sent Ills love le jeil he sent Ttivr'S a6r. "TOOT8- GWE 'ME A lattU-Time- ;M,r te stxcx SOME UtFUV- VWEPDHG PRESENT FOROU- I'M GOING TO BUN 0 OIME 'SUVPE.U ANP A HOUSE. , OJXCKtT ANU JOMt- OUOU BOOK8- VMEH 0 ARU THNT Olt 1BN .OO'RC GOING TO &t HOME. A LOT- ' ' . " - aai a r sf. - i ' j .. . '. i ii i ,.., i r . . - tfc i . -. s- M HOW 00 JISKSSHSf " Ame- Ht'S MOTTONCOE-mO- VwTnmWW ( STttw M(A BEEN rZwLl ) SU.IANT M- NOT ONLV V ffif I THE STATES- TO LOHG A60 I? V . '( MAW OP AFFAIRS BUT OTr HOM fiM I intri. t 1 VST V TiTivit Slk. 1 MAN THJVT A.WV VMOMMN UlOUUb fcJst rv . . l r.i j v rM . . & n UBkittii jm v v", I rn SOMEBODY'S STENOGThe Heme of Peace and Quiet Itsmird I Pal m O01 By Hay ward i Helle sam ) are. oe ' STILL UJ ( The ajet s BUSIAJF-SSJ J H.STEW ,THt- AIMT A AlUT FACTORS A4 Tr-E COUNTRY SO MUCH OF A AlUT FACTORS' AS MIME IS ! SOU KAJOW AAV STEAJOG GOT HOLD OF ttmnnn LV)Ai"T ffiii ' r-r - IW(W - - I' - VJELLRiTE 'tOUR 9WAl AA15WE.K ie iriAT ; rr Xi A TtY-frH SLE ALLTHEM LIW6S A4' VJRWKLES ? I fiET A FRESH OHB EvERV tMY . LAST WEEK SHE HIRED, A BUTLER Te rivtt. t iai THE OFFIC&: ArJh THAT LAP OOS OF HERS 'BOUT THE Gl2E OT i (TAMARV ITS ALWAYS LOST OK SOMETHIMG 1 IF A GeOX SIZED FLEJ Pvpi? GOT OM MAI LXJCa II WOULD 'BE KAMK AURDER '. l The Yeung Lady Acress the Way i - J B. T II ' . V ; OH VAfELL.T ShlOHLDj'T GROWL' 1 There's always a silvlr liajim.' SlWCE SHE. 6bT MOAJEV AA1D A FEW Dl6AllFlEt A1RS THE OFFICE AIMT AS AJOISV AMHOW ' THERE Li. BE LESS CHATTERIM6 An' GAiiBLiAlfi : ir- ) " Y Copyright, l)!t, 0 Pvblu lietr Ct. MARY, ISjT HE (Sef?3EOUG v THAT OUgfi MILLIONAIRE I MET AT lALM BEACH SfmT IT TO me: , vL) rn. PI A B M A- vAAJ5"& 7 .rnnn.ini im v : no leased ncr neon i,r!nir "fincetheaits." se that by the time she was thirteen she bchncdns If the were twentj-enc. Her gecrnes renlcl de nothing will' ler, and she defied me. "I'm the only one who understands t lie child." m.v hutband wild sr.indileQiienlly, "l.eae her te me." Se I had only the hplldnys te leek fernard te. I simply lived for tnese, and even they were n dlnippeintmcRt. Richard generally brought a fiicnd with him, and sometimes two, and sill day they were eul together, nnd I enl; taw them at meals. I suppose it wns silly of me le mind, but I did; I wns ininrihlv ieiileus of these brown-faced ym boyiflhe'c society my seu picfeircd ie nmr. Of ceurc, it was natural, nnd yet many and many n night 1. cried myself te sleep because Itichurd bad suddenly frown bashful nbeut kissing inc. It was net that he loved mc les. i He was dead dead m liev. mi darling. That wns my Inst Christmas; r hnve never made n pretcne of keeping the fwtivnl fcince; if possible I hnve ul wnjs shut up I he house and gene away nbrend wheip it is mere possible te forget n season that should he jojeus; where there is no holly nnd mistletoe. nnd new, nnd ilnelng bells te bring bnck the torture I endured durlns thnt never- te -be -fei get ten winter. We hnd deceuttcd the hnll nnd slnir ense with boughs of eversreen, nnd bright-berried holly, thinking te spend n happy time together, and, lnstcnd, my boy lav there in his coffin, waiting for the dny when they would take him nwny from me forever. O Ged ! O Ged ! Who made us peer metheis with our nu-'slenntu love and capability of sulTeiltig! liven new my heart writhes in ter ment ns I think of that uWhtuinrc of knew, and jet it hurt mere than any- gg.ng "- " ,u L"B"S, ", bMmT1 thing could have done te see him color ' never te end. nnd. nhee all. the cruel, w "ii;i juv ti-it.iiiiij 111111 11 ..ia tin iii- up and just peek at my cheek whin nv of the oilier "fellows" weic nbiur. Elsa wns In her element when holi day time came ; she seemed te have a fresh sweetheart every term; I knew that she wrote sentiinpiitnl letters te it least three boys at Itichnrd's school. "Girls will be glrK" Finncis said. Vlin T ffllil lilm ''Sllin'. mmn llm it neca m for it." i necr ncniu nnj tiling et iucunrd 4empest; once i snw lu- name men deed tiulslicd nnd done wltli; all m.v hopes for the future, all niv di cuius of ' the dn when my bev would be a jutii, gene gene fercM'r. 1 snt beside ids I'etfiu when lliej brought hi in home, nnd prnjed te die, tee! I FAMILY STUFF Bu FONTAINE FOX CIIAPTKU XXXII "Richnrd sent his loe te jeu " That was nil tlie faiewcll I should ever hne f.nm l.lt.i li" .. " nil flln fllMllfnuh I 41. , . , :- - - iijuiii null, llliik ...i-t mi uir twitt.ut i . wi..'1 'm ".' pafcr ns mvIn,B in(,e- could hug te my broken hemt. ckjr deal nbrend that hnd made Fer wheil the teirible story of it nil mm a rich man. but I never enmc across r,n, tn he tnld. when tliev ln-eke te m, my nv one who knew him or heard any mini; ei mm, Three times lie had crewed mv path Jy. and each time with years between. Hhea Itichnrd wns eighteen Husband bought a motorcar. Horses nnd trnps were tee slew for Mm, he said, when 1 objected te the Mle of ours. "One must keep up with tbe times." Se he gave n thousand pounds for n drtfe e'U Car U,ld "ns ,a"B"1 t0 kJw' piensC(1 niEn ! sIlp "''eel off nnd ii ie I'rettieat meter bonnet she TJih' nni1 bll ,,ml '"' 'hcr drove Deut the country everywhere together. etv J"8 l WP"t wi,h t,lc,n' mt pttber nervous, especially in the nnr- Kl.a iSfli .I0.1"" iNnsc0? HeUh''. bt lirV. n It; !hf was nlwnys clnmor clnmer Ztll far "f ,er own : sll declnred limrJ one who w"s "nnv one" In fcTedrfT a Cilr: ,hh0 netPd bits .TSl0'! ew the papers nbeut H.'.ji.i"""rue,.' or tlie Countess of n .. ?.ln' l.h0 ,ln,I lenrned te drive Bitin. i ' l Knew jt W0ll,d end In her Itttlng her own way. CHAPTER XXXI i. t ,,l'C..Cn.ri.st.m,ns hen Hlchnrd Pened hn i Vi ' Hen,eil.lns hap 1 1 Ltai t00k "10 """shine from m; - tlHl, Kicliard was my kid denn ,7? t0 K0 t0 Cambridge; he te fn' ,neJTr.5Kpe wJiolerj'he was Wi"" ."' "l,or" leally te enr fnr boelti Mekg' lt p.. i ."' ,u l,'re ie Hi own nn n" ? lln(1 Krent ''leas e ii.. . '" "" "varsity nciiard e n son who had been te 1 W ad,, t .. i","' of course- nl f wid. . " at if ?ae me n thrill nr0;i .: '"" icel w tenu him that we could 0. I 'Cycai in r '71 hecn for the Ins. extra rhr,fctmn8' nni1 we h' ,lls teicthw I''nent" for n jelly MiU ifc. VN,ft nnd l "' the ! Ce: ui'? e,1I l '. 1,0Uk0 f""" t0P lehar,Uva''t, leIIiy nml mistletoe. Hh h Irn n, ? p'.n,f ll0'nu Ids "chum" bout it. ' Llsu was very excited ft V0"10 "thPr people mm ,n4 dinni'6 'i,em,t t0 ve a dnnce ,,tWlnm?nt.n Bevcrnl ethcr 8,nnH Plrit &"?"d 1,llt0 cn'ercd Inte the "' at home "' t0' u,,d B,'ec(l ,0 e iTm" l ,l,0l't he reaily mennt P0" ceMM.?,Bi nn'1 he kinder nnd 4. Onte ,10 me', hut it never 'Wloneto L i llc. weu1'1 be "hburdly h,fdly Temc.l i'1 ",l.cn Jev w,l!lt, 'e ibc, '"""ed te .cnllae I was in exist- But in.. . I. ."l Llll'iullllne 1.. . . v J lie i-euiiicfi ie en nrd te the holiday. i me mistletoe, nnd C fnr n lnnmnnl In M'!nd i JiVcau8ht; me round the .."Im. i " " . fcPWA yeunir nn ever." h. "uoeay weiii,i . i.ii. .iiun inni.i fttaWn'. ttTli!'9 len married gently, bit by bit. hew it hnd nil hap pencd, my henrt cried out in n tierce frenzy of ccrtnlnty thnt it had been no accident but murder ! Hut for his fnther my son would have been nlivc nnd well ; but for Ills fnther I should net have te drag through all these lonely, jejless jenrs. It was only weeks nfterwnul thnt T wns nble te think it out. bit by bit, nnd piece the tragic story together. Itichnrd's fnther hnd been the weise for drink; he had insisted en driving the cnr. Illchnrd, Mil beside him. Oh, hew often, hew often in tlie long, bottomless blnrkncss of night, when I iny nwnKe nnd could net desp my cjes, hnve I pictured that Inst scene. , The wintry rend, the crisp, keen air, ' and my boy, in nil the vigor of his j young mnnhoed, sitting beside that i drunken Hut I ennnet go en ; some- times I nm afraid of my own unferglve- ncss, of the bitterness that has burned j like nn unquenchable fire in my hemt ever since. Sometimes I used te think it would i drive me te the madness of murder. One night, nbeut two months lifter Richnrd died, I came in suddenly and saw my husband nslecp in n chnir bj the fire the thought stele into nn heart: "Suppose I wcre te kill him; supposing 1 robbed him of his life ns he hns robbed his son?" I stared nt him ns he slept theie, with a sort of fnscinntlen ; his hend wns thrown bnck n little, lenvlng Ills strong threat bare. I hegan te understand hew murderers felt when they steed, as 1 did, beside their unconscious victim ; the sort of lustful vengeance Hint consumes i one, body nnd soul; tins terrible, oer eer oer pewering longing for menge, And then lie stirred suddenl, In his sleep, opened his eyes nnd looked nt inc. Fer u moment he did net move ; then he sprang te his feet : "Murjeric! What is the mutter.' I turned away, biting no lip hnid. Iiu lnuglied uneasily. " Ten my soul, j en looked us if you could hnve killed ine," he said It mattered se llttln te Francis our boy's denth. After the first Mieck he I seen become his careless self ng.iln ; he never admitted that lie was te blame; he said ever nnd ever again that acci dents would happen te the most careful drivers. Hut this might easily bine been avoided; he hail been diking se reck lessly and nt such n speed thnt he hnd net been nble te take n shnip turn in the rend; the cnr struck a wull, nnd tinned ever. , ' And they did net evpn bring me ni ' boy for two long, nwful dnys; theie hud te he an inquest; strange, unsjin-i pathetic eyes looked nt my beautiful . son nnd talked ever the cause of his, death, while I, his mother, waited at, home nnd nte my heart out in hepelpss longing. ' I could net bclleiP he was leally (lend nnlll I saw ll I 111 I 11 lit J I tllP 1110- , incut when they took me downstairs te the dccerntPil hall wIipie he lay in his Collin. , Hpfnre it hnd nil seemed llke a nlghtinnre from which I must wpkei). Hut I knew when I snw his fnce -his dear, beautiful face with the little haU amlfe en his white, set lipa.f ' OONTTNHKn TOMfWrO'V The yeunz lady across the wa sny it's n girl's own fault if .he lets n young man kiss her, and m m bedy'd better liy te get plateiuc with her. Unisys iSr III & -, r y cUrti- te CjrvAAnvtiu OULKxa' WOC SCHOOL DAYS JJeJi mA WtVtV "litjVW eSAx. te CjrvAAnvtiu (rtetLxv W!W " heX. ki. cidUci't LuJukvuvk. 'frju -At Pinehurst HP9BBH fflHpiSBB j ' BMfi.MTO 'ar,k ., vmrL' ."vjOsm . . -mmret wi vxu'jin fe7iw4r -r,v " . 'Tj&siu' wjxtjmn&TJimjr kzmmmimBZBk , . WHmwmwmzzrpt&'iammm M ";7f ii frtS.CHU.ORr .fTWIM - (TOOPMeSS NAIHAT AW EMPARRASSIHC FRKICAMEUT HE1515 VE AT9P AT PI MB HURST AND Teu l HAUM n I IHt IHIHG n &&9&& wvwWN nwiwuii j rir VJUli'lVltb -? Sl E. J iiJ'W fM rrNUM VIE MOST 15 f B By C. 1. Yeight - E1?- HAMts s I PeTer t. piuk v VJIRED AHEAD feR- A suTe of'Reowis- l - HOW A.flnT IT-'.7 $Dft 0 S SW jO a "m . xv GASOLINE ALLEY Referring te Mr. Glib - They're- T5fADT sr -but, (0V iAlONeU VERECOMIM6 Tvje vjees ace awe a& V4E HELD T OPEW TOK (TU, I -OF COURSE TOL UMDER "V STAMP ER- ri '2p'Vl0kWK i& i ml Wx V. Nelr By King f7T ... !!l y "L LWLWLWLWmTmmmmmmmmmTllmmrmWKkWPm i ' in (SIuSLIVTauk about him like) Rachel M - - g H (m. feS Ge ahead, doc, with what) vim m ii'; "S JCJ i'. it u nw !( 'ft nearly niaeteen v ..-'lVi.'. a,-Jt'J..?tt,F i&M."V? .ri. t... .JT ri,, i yy . .Mc,,.',,k f i ,. - . - hmThS. . ."ii'WctfeiT ..pVIWA-vit'". ii2iLs. UWi1 .t . irt J.i.vvrf..- ' ., -ivr,r3)i . ' v .Aicif ,-flfc,"" j " ,j s- ., .. ..,. .rr. ,- igiaff ' T.Vv. tlMiMiaMiBaMajajjjjjjjjjjjlij , iri iiiaatiiBaiiwii j ". r UHuamiihrifffffffffffHajHa tfld I k, . . . f .1, .A -, - ur ...... .-.- . .i i i j m.r&i :iiii.it). -j ,v..i....L.,i'.ViAA, ?. ...iMi,. , 'a. z. . i - t ,.,. - yk'..r.N,11.L ...m