fri-SS' 'VW lC&SW ? ? -.' .T . ' . . ." -H - -.'.-,. .. s !3r. " -( " itv . l ?fV a1 i t I UP. ' AJfc" w$mEF 28 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, MARCH 7, 1922 RtAL ESTATE FOB SALE JEW 4KU1KV sflH'BS. AtinnniN UDtfHON. N. J New buntralevvs 0 rooms nil bath, nil conveniences, ras eiccinc. irea streets i-mawoeu anj .unpin nves i ten $4ien, will finance for sue, en premises. I. WKSiiKY aei.DTJiutu'. miner, iiiu ernt st.. Camden , OM Mone te J20.000 best lift nf nw nnd efOtnl itsmt htlntfnlnus nnil hiitl-es Mi Ttr had te elTcr. cn terms nnd ieiHriiii t ewe office opposite station eivn illl nd Sunday II II LEfXPi Al int tnnMHrniniful med tiicre, lOr . AUUUDUlNh w t'-Hi -irrie... fimirit ft Ce North Aitir Hide. XI "HI ( I.KUI..NTON SuNGAIjOW ,1 r tn mil bntfi enner Ini . 00x150 fil umnedlitn pee-sl m "iv lrm, .T N-isn iidv win 1 nnd rmc Hldg iiRF.Nt.etit J -tltmiliiie'v 0 leun r, ltiprevemive corner ini with go"! train anil bu thin cost Xpplv Mat r BttKNLOCH, N bntn. nil latest 150x170, near Inke. ervlce Mil li'SH Bnvder, owner. kii:utex REAL ESTATE rOK KENT CITY Fnrtnrlrs Warehouses, Mnntifiirlurltur Floers 71 MNI TO leil.inKI ScJ IT. JS OiiO ft tti Peer medrn tencri le bulkllng :i mlnutu from Cltv Hall REYNOLD 11 OREHNRF.RG Merris Hldg. t-eciist 24QQ 50(1 neil pq rT , tlrcnrniif com rei bullillnB. Re line mi ft ivr fleer north nntrnl unc tion rillrnnrl ni iinir mlRht Oh lit" nij-rrr.itti it th; weimtt . Tllfirr; ilmlUht tloer. plc-trlf olevntor "h(nti mnt will rent (""pnrnteH 1MD Mnr- k't 1 jtilrnmj Jn rar. r SIX fnrtnrM Knlnttep rtif l!""i. null nin Ni!nn Knncil I en H nnJVlt. A I t milY nnrrlinpw'nml Moel r) f In' lt AIIT'll'U It PllM'KII. .'I " t-'.th t (lurnr (lAHAili: or rpiUr ihotifer rnt ITlT-1'i .V 11 out Bt KOOMS TOR KENT (iriici. in "iMijijinMs rrr Fine Light Reems lZJ"""r nifeiul fin! tivn! n ier I'M Mtl.Kt M1T1IAV a pur- rf'. - i. ft Mei.n 1 I x Mlit.K T NEAR IllVKlt VS'D srTI"V TO MITTI V. A.N llfTXTK l lS-roem heu. mrAS lth ntudi" an-1 he P' i room, let lxle tn '("iti t nhrtOp, Timing .1 son fini -m-:TNrr t run a MJiM'"" BEMI IIITCOALO'V S rn ileul 1 ffuraup, 1 ili g;ljnx ltut WnnmiHh N I. op. n Pr, ,, luw n-ni NBW JF.KK -sVstOUi: te lwnsiem uir nnvr.i htii. rrtitcrrns I lnllfa of ecpnn front witn rlparmu rluli PfMfnet nioeth liithtnq I -ich w 'tli tin iu tmllv crnduil flop" mil f nrkn iw'i!il pafetv, p'ep'rl' nxiTds b irk te 1 a V 11 31 train pimllele.1 with mjM h-hi tnl entir- lnnrth of ir'pert f r i repnrt llnz ml'luay ltw n ti im? I wnewn fi'ir4i r ort h th 1 1' un 1 BleP'il IItiK en tli nl i1 lr n nl Is effiri it te t I"- mt ii Mlitil llil-rr!, title rlctr Al"lr" i:friiter 1" il"T t.nt"t Ofricp Wtr.DWOnn MulMinc I tmm e t)i sit' en XH nr b irh I llll X .(! et vx riTV . TIUI r AM mt fum T i i I uh ich Mr -mr Kr In r m 11 S n K fn in Qr-Tn ?' il w Mil r I0lfi 'i ,. I'nNi.iiMi r!nt COUNTRY PLACE MM TH SUlK ii Hill IHM-- 111 lit J errirnn h(iniein v furnlhi(l le th nmn,l nnt Oft ill in tnn'i ann' rut mi ImMin-ni trtfloer rem " nci iffler ri' Tr VdtlltAflllill tin lae effl or iinnk roeri In driirnbli) uit of effln in IntR" i ntralh liiatel effn- bullOInK Ph n n ttMihnuSe UA M W1I.I, slivtin in erfl. ' ltieiiilina"li?l nml itrnnst iph r with riMpeiilble lirt. I HI 1 1. di:rrOrtij t? t r.vriiAt "tirfii't: jl mi mnnili ppiini WiM l"n 1 Trii't ltlle. two errK-R iiiii'' wi'h Miiit air Micbt K.'.nn.t 0 ir J17 H lib it. m-i " renii n ilnv !- nt Jl 11 vn r . . V"h ji IrstnAm.Fl eTli,pa' t'r-proef lml'-3. In coeil el"ninr n rn" uio'prate rnt, Apii r i 1:1 let, uu ihmtnut ni 2t run ni i i'iim Hi".!!!!'" rre.irrtlrM nml sinrei I Mir.t: STOHT trm lrt 1 mr .nt in" r j r ion MIKMAVIllMN $ili NKU lU'.MI. 7 re rn . i. Iloerlna t in It lnleur. ""ini i '.'tut north of h It n i up 'nt Ien ffli i 117 . Weed- ri e. k fit CTV l-i-rn. 1'id rnl 'herl."" u li 1 f itlen In Qlti ntlrfli'l n 'tl p. Willi rtff' i rf ni ,v i; WAI.Nl'T aniVi Itoubie i Miiale rnw , con, te-cjir ele . Ii ml r pxcel mealu 10TH N., iau llOTHIi Htfnm Cantral. tietr ntntien imd nheptlnit district, benutl. itillj fum looms elci, piitlfs, nred. rntes f.liT fir s til Thr-p liirg" fttrn rooms, K' ntjeii nerbus'n ij t uplft med prJv. $4t "MONTH Veiini; rnuple tprnntl, in irrli-d ilcslrrs tn fhni. li'iiiiilful IrfiKin lienn with celililp. use "f .' iinfurnlli"l rums Ini'ludlnff balh. phene, ti'iit lluht and u ii.rnl nre of kltclnin this is n wenderful efTi-r te a r mplr lui will in pn clitn a iimI linn Vefsrencfi c .hnnijuii t .'s liila, riirflie I'M . V M ' A i hi hi. mini) iint, ir tlvli inns dormitory .'J I r t 'rnnt werklPK Ih bftvwrll Iho n(T"s i H' mil is Mini nt I.' t r wee Innulr h tli lt,n ti .purlin tn i etninl Hide ll.IVtchsi MtVU. piiinl fiiniH will rent furnish d h tlrei in In nt di-Hi .ipirtment botise, 30th an I rhnMiiui frmi u Ml room, bnth pheni. lirtili llshis .t m dirite. l'lie'l i!"M:LJL'ST lnrititr 1iT I . HAM)! i'Mi'.I.y" fiirii'isTiMr "room In larei i odern pri it' home l'ire llslits. 10 mlnuti's in I'Hi Mali yiinnK. 1'irlng IMIK "MII,.H litrn"" rtns for rent I eus'ltrep- Insr tiiilliKes n. Kertrsi ip Amh!r, ri I'lione A mbt r 114 J lillll lffl'rai!!!IIili8l:lllB'i: nin $ioe te the Incemplei iiininnin'miiiiinBia'iniiinMiBiiiii DAILY M 1TSED ATTTOMOBILES ESSEX TOURING, 1920 condltleni ewnsr will aacrlflcel term Al rendltlnm a1 Brrnmtsil. H10-J112 N. 10th st, HELP WANTED EEMAIiB : i-t iri....i. t. Fer the Best Last Line Supplied by Any Reader w. i. ere Limerick Printed Belew 1 ''vvJlsmajh. -23 ti a !it ti' innn iit. RULES OF THE LIMERICK CONTEST lata model! dem, rirmi nan terms. Tteval SJoter llred at. Open aundar. Ne telftihone fnlli or kirrsnnnl .imrrirK lllteF iv i.i iwr. an the iniif-ii The ilrrlslnn of liilrh tltiHl nml sinn or feu illfer Jtirlri celli Ne lettera will lie nnswrrril. me ju lint e.irn n nlisn dlsrus- Tl imr run. nri fin I X l,l"lT- W a mi furnlsln 1 looms for n'li-mm, clc trli . i rii it, s per week inis it. riiinih.' 1 Tpittnunt tn b, i i" siitim room !i --1IIM11.1, Mtfr fnmlH iii"I ith Wee llmul I I iTs i r unfiitti , nuns , win il i i .n tin. 1 W prb prl- ui.l I uh nil i II in,l J70'J J at m R i- i Contest open te nny one Only VSS?"'." te .""J In Inst line te i.imeriek, using, for cnmenlrnee. coupon below, theush this la net essential All nn-wers te tndaw'a I.linarlck must be r''',!;',d b the last mull Thursday iH " ciirriiu ie senn te the l'e"t- ,,,, li nes Ilm hen In coupon, Ne aw era Mill b received at this erflce. All must be mailed, lite winner nf each dai ONI'. iii'xtmiii) HOI.I.AH I'm.i: J''' . ,' ntimiunteil one week nfter publlentlen of tin- I.lmerlck. In one of tie nt.s OX15 ItfNDIII.n PDM.VIIS will be awarded te encn sin e.sful cetiteitni.t. Th" prize will net be split up ninoner them. Tliern Is no limit tn tlm number of lines n rnnlestnnt Mj submH, bin riirli line Slltur he I (lien n n srp- n rule lln tif miner Willi irame iiiliirrss. nml THE WINNER OF TODAY'S CONTEST WILL HE ANNOUNCED ONE WEEK FROM TODAY BOARDING n SNiH.VAMl-M lUitnv.v 'ra I l n 1 1 ts t Intl." TIAN fsm" ,f 1 adults ewnlnc beuti'ui m drn heni" It nilnuii from i nth si will heirl 1 I ustiiess lad ei K"n Mi mm 'X ui re.a Ii m-, 110 week 1" Ml" l.nltr Off he llni" tt!2 rirstniit si APAKTMENTS f :i mil w 1 nnt fiirnla'ie i in I -ttiinir room in in h i ml Ch sinul Inti 'trio Mchi" I Mi ii' iftH . V M raragi ini irf hi I i iti-rvi r iiii.i S1KNTON AI'AHTMrNT -it in III lit nl.KI M- n, w bs it n,rni fi r k N'iri. i 1 Mil. Ill T i fi rv t ixr tlm wM le rteil firm mist le . ,1 e ill an -tnt -i" n- trend , msi ne I mi y roll n iei fruit , I rf ii, e ii un 1. ,- miles ti pim tine frit nn s s denr t !" i- Irleit n mill , pr inrtl- I mi"' t'n Id C -l"n at b ii - -t ii m lf if at-nit 2 flfrpi , t i,no , l l ,l n, i trM, sn I la in K tenin heit tank bin f r 1 lie i 1 . m B1-' Tilete si'i mil ii tlna- in-' tli llsie 't r Hill t ,u 1 ill. iv .n . I is 111, 1. Illlll. for ft or limn nt it nt . iw f l nufclt , sTOItl.K, ale Se'irnrl 11! r.l. I IX pl'KMAX i V r. r vvt n. -.n i. s 1ULAL .'ULL1KY 1-All 1 Mii.r.. te ir i isr. I ''?" Jast l it J iri 1 till e ' r ti aeris f Beet Mil frui fn hnn'i" use w I l Cafed, n-m te town w th trel " stor.' ster.' etc . tl si t ns 1 ul ' na-i fin- 'linn he is ns'i b nk birn w th poultry heus nnd 114 pen ntti led as n 1 n urn In ues outlier a widow r n " il ii fu 1 J talis tbr. inti ltv;rl. A i.ixtii'UM x n K C Airssl N' rtlsteun jjl. 34 At IIKS Inn. w iti rfrent 110 rlili kens horns nod Imp mi mtn heuse tin 1" rwti Tiarn stMhiini: for n iti ber-es bnll'i lnf BOOil shp prlee ,.t"i 10 clew in trill and Kend reid. 1 1, miles tn I'nliS Islphtn 7 ncres room lieu i.irn nn 1 11 1 In-i fdr e cows and 15 horses trjll. pnss- thi deer itrie reid HI miles nut pib 5 m Apply te It O TIIOXUI v,, r An QUlekl for theie urn hiritaln he.inut lllll "i"i ben iti ' 1 siltiiti n r tit AM'I' 'en s Ir P' m.M FI -lit-H- V X J nri 1 rl' lc 1 se nt m -t Ue lti balh-i 1 e le et St tit-.. illT's i , med 7 i. Hrl he Oll't sl Ml l!llN' rr 11 11 '' ctei 1 ion Van irpjt Kl KN!t I fl SsMi XI nln it " r, & 7 r Kenn apTrimsiits furnlsbed heusjj II Hepe M10I Yirlc reiil fining 1 .1 vshehi: 1 1 f .11 ki: TI..NTI( llKXT f r spi ini. Atlnnt ' it s' eti f 'Jill' t 111 'iti- 01 It -ir ible Stntes 1 euse m: .ii:iisi i'mim Tt Ul'NT "0 ncres, h'tlse 1 n r month i n Itnu 1 ir 1 , 1 an line 1 II "X rlti M 1 car ice m s 1 eli w 1. X J '.tli EOR RENT FURNISHED 1 ir Mil 1.1 f I i'l ion t lie il'n nm ' 1 11 11 iitm' it ti rtnt t uti 1 r i s Il rr iPfitirTti 11 ' n 1 '7 t M P1VH yT nm 'Iw room,-1 nd ln t h apirt mint in apartment beus el it ir electric llht and m vld mn " Hulit h iiiselienpinK tin M'Wt Msu I I ph in 1 ti r I" M I "ed t I K-Ut I'll II I bt W TAH'ill HP X'n ftirnlshi-l ipirf mm' 1 11 m d' h nett ml 1 ith ill r n lrtt cenrenir ei s coin rient tu train in I . 1 - u It 'minu -t'-4 I .'tun 1.111.I Mill Vl' ' in iritnent" each - lure r intns and hath kitclu neite belt irns electrle. rent $i:. HI. PI NLIt 'i.l 1 I illnti n nl . . XTlTtlMtini: AIM . J.'il imfwiinut st Purn 2 reima and bi'li mill and le mt 1 .Mnlfi iniineiiiMj. p iss'ssl in e.ill I' ' 1 IION AVP "Till' Ihre,. I irce e' u mt rooms scetiil llecr. hent eleetri ' uht irns undbit2i rnt t" .M.i II lr 1720- Pour rooms, Inth, eltetrlc llirhti llnrdwe 1 Heets het-w it' r hi it 1 1 1 , P re l'n 'JSI (llrir 1 ae III! 1 XL 1 1 WHOP .1.11 s 11th Bt. (llfh A -pruc Med "1 rm, apt . p. rfeet 1 e id mi 11 V riji aiieriali r mil Walnut 17 X i1Ier KUerwuns in I bnth, Al pi" I per A 1 a lwl' 0s Hlephtn til 1 I II if 1 XI 1 SI 11TH 1 leims nnd kltih.n- it ml bitti ee, 11. it c'lidlttnn A K I t'n C 1 Ini X W 1 t Pth in 1 Uilnut i l.Y ' ti elti i!ii"lnent. 11 re m and 1 ith mi nnHhel i'il Wilnut "" 1 1 in n j w a P 'i m Sd IS a ra Cut Out and Mail TO TUB I.1MI.KICK COSTKST, Emi.nine rcnue I.Enr.r.n. P. O. 1le 1.V2I, rilllmlrliililii. (All lines .MUST lie sent te (III? Im. I.lnc nililrpisrtl in nny oilier w.i.v nre net eligible.) LIMERICK NO. 27 There once was a girlie named Thayer Who complained she had nothing te wear; But she dressed all the while , Tn the most extreme style I'llANKMN' 11122 brnunhami pnlv driven 00 miles, nn unusual oppenunuy i" l:u"-"T; fhla popular car. Tragically, new. at a aac r I flcej prUately ewhed. It nm. I,edef Hgnqe. HI ininN Hwtlnter. clnssleKt far (n HU1J5U1N t,hlni! ,!re whees; $0 takes Its balance terms. Itejal Moter CJir r-eninntiv. rt'Jil N. nread si. open Sundaw, I'nplar. hban. lTpPMOIHIli II J. Kaller. with MJP'Jri ft llarp-r, ltObmeblle nifetitc ha; ?fv"'" used pars et repulnr makes In Heed cenr dllltm nnd sneclallv. priced. cenenlei nt Pjy M. nnt "si. ii-na.1 .. np ph. Spr. oeoq. .ll:lll' but t, ,,i.'"-.".,. -,.,! HUPMOBILE Xr" new carl eaay terms Open evenlnua. SiVi Patrick k Heller, 1S8 Market, flnruea 02H1, HI IPMfiRH F roadster. injO! ecelent nuriVlUDlL.t -onulteni muet,,!' seen te be appreciated; cash ei terms. Hie-u . IQtli at. ' Hl'I'MOUII.B cnutv. 1920. juet eierhauled! n dealerm. rhene. Ambler . - marmen. mezTcivr:zt O.orsen Aute Fitchange, , 218 N. nread et. oldsmebile;"1:5 it?j fakea It. Iteyal Moter Car Ce, 020 N, red st. Open Hiimtaiis rhens Poplar 0030- (Wilie our answer en this line). 2 Xnmp Rticct nnd 'e. City and Stale Ot.DHMOIlII.r: teurlnit nnd 4-paes. Chumrflj priced low, en time, open cxenlncs. HARt'EIt HAItrnn. 0 N, l'read. OVP.RL.ANDH, tnolel SO. 0, BUirnnteed! rentlnentnl meter, all alandard P-iJt"; tieiirly new. nctual in up of these c-irs J.'Oim: Intr Trier . IWi See 11 .1. Tailor. Harper f. Harper ml N llrnnd ft OVPIILANP. S.I-1 teurlnttl In perfect condi tion, ready for nny trips M W down I laj nine ;eaivAuliiirn Agc.ila. 0.11 N. Weau. OVER1. NDP, 4 sedans, new and used: prices low; terms & HARPr.n. 304 w. nread. . Onll can Mr. IB ' PAir.F f'eupei present body S r rtlULi )ln iKiuat cheaply. j IIeMe Spruep p-!rl. -i 1'ATllJRSfiN 0 el r.tit paint nnd micltln- ety price low. terms arrnnsed. Harper 3 .? Harper .104 N It read st . And there's a Linw'm' Lim'rick for ueu each week in & the SUNDAY PUBLIC LEDGER, loe. Three prizes g $200, $100, $50. PEERLESS like new ler. 1R1t teurlnpr, present model, Reed condition new paint' leeks ens terms. Klrkpatrlek . Hoy Hey Marltnt st Spruep 0281. Lim'rick Winner's Wife Can Say ' liepefnllj irmlliiR the iitiinbprt en tin' niiP'iilp of tlie floors. ntilkluK, wnlKini;. until we i e ei oil n tlistnntr n limit pqiuil i le 1 lint lie! wren here nnil flip renst. Vnlfi Vnu Kn" I l'eilmiis it wtisn't euitp ilmt fni. Iml, nmlitiu. it iliil --ecm etull-ss. ' And then nil of a njiililcn c feiiml It enilnned from fnce One ' "nil .Ie It lturrm cellcclcfl llm jtiM 'fur il. I Men tin true hrcweiKs uesiiii. PFFR1 FS5? fihUh-Krade Limeusine: lare I l-.l-.lL.I-.JJ J numBer f extras; perfent serlee. Oorsen's Aute Uxchange. 238 N, I llread . rtlCNA1'tT limousine; perfect runnlnir I order; n r"nl baranln Oorsen's Auln Piehnnae 21S N. Tlrend st cprT PACUPnld for used cars In eoed Ort-ZX V,-len rntK,t0n, open eenln 1 7 0 7 Vine Spruen 21 STPARNP KX'IOHT iperl model, eulet meter, J12." down Opn evenlnns llnrper ( Harper. API N Urnnd st 89 ACRES BARGAIN ACT QUICK Terty-set en ncris. S r'em stone hense i" 1 ether r isn nuthiilUInc in "I ' i illtlen, i lusi t t w i u I ti i'e tr e -loon leimi te suit iatili.un reniU IIiip, lOni N. Mil st ui:r p.i x i AXTwtefi.xn AX'l THI.X'luX Mile from Lincoln IIlEhwny Bend bu I Urns house en hlKh xruuril upi ter Ian I ku I well witered poss nt eni at fuw pr tv, nteck and Implements f nnnteil pn tes I'KTERS & SON t OS i IIK.sT.XIT -" 1 H1I, i ONE AOUK In clenn rnnimutlnB town brick. i rms &. bith. see 1U it i-jt-water i heat, line bnrr and peultr nun fruit fine location s m n from statl .n tnitie I terms See i het j nnd owner s i vr s nt i I live. 17-'n Nsth "t 1 Mir-h 31-ACRB fulls eeulpiKMl peulir Linn 7 room boue koe'I out' u Uri nrliO t fnnt voed and and p oil wa'.r prlce 14m hi - j caeh or censuler it' ini rx in .,httt,i ratnlerue rejjj HAM' 1'M X '.n, st IP ACK''', fluster mini, sine rm a ,i bulldlt k-1 t im Call r i sin- i ITt 3 N Mrt st e- phine llei i 1J '1 IU.XT riT.XISHLIi 1-, root s j tile Paths kltibeti imm rei m house in first-' llss i.en.lltlyn thnuuhnut old .1 id tr -.. a-re will rent i relUbei i uf. 1 lied In ''lull cl iss resid'titil soi. sei. soi. en of th tits en J i-lvtrli Ini a lnd 2 jteuin .Inea I' ' Ledger tiff I 4IIM s strti tH f ieinbe 'l t a p On .mi: xi perch -tstv, nnil i I Tim 4sm i:T CHhsTXl r floors ii riiii.iii.i,riii Mtllt s 1' ilx-rnem Hisirttnrnr I-rn linmedtnte r-issessl ei Itunrell & Derninn UJ s rei ms and liath Cl-ctnut sts $1 prh ate 0 Call PT l'l-st nrd s. eml i nnd lath call ler 7710 til HMW.imN linn n umisii il h us kt-rpini; where thi w rk Is cut diin mum new mil modern with In It tn "lb sliew r separate npirtme'it t i a mini tllid bllh IMT" Il MORTGAGES Pund prcm MORTGAGE MONEY ind . I ft i rer.iter - 'r nn a re of Jjwn with I old si i ie 1 siiinie ti leuntri ''ub nnl If lli .' sinuris le -st it t i hi MAI RAN . Mm' M x . i ) X p isii lliml and ' nut sis fnt first answers DVNI SQft IMr nice -A. H Lit: eee t 1 itrab! 1 1 .l SI I il e Tltlt.X "".u'c'arics' "R" M i sT X " .'14-1 Modern '. re'Tns. . iimis. i ti pith hardwood II en hi it and 1 inlt ir n I .3 j .- ri 1 e n ilv . peri I mil itnteil "MONEY AT 4 PER CENT ere I lans repaal I. In. 14i4 M'.M .ir.ltsK HMi 1 i i funnel l tia Hern s i e Phi 1 Ii I I .XDs I'eth 1- rst ii I ' fit jlertBiues pi i Ui.i I- i. LfrrLi.n U, 1 s,irili me ijh nMlJ: AX LXl st ! i 1 l.VKlir. 1" L.NU slln it n r. i. P s Pi un s'iu i 'MuRTit 'i'" I i I- rst il I nd map nil ri xx' I lK IP" M HI M'l'IPl I M r st aril 1 he iiun pa 1 r 1 S1IS1. J Ii in st M,VXI- Xli I I II ir s i l,Xsi('.M MM M X I MjiritnjN L t 111 I f! 1 s we' i , (tei Imffp liwn .ant rent 8' Ir . 14'ii ( h. i farm i pa itm I7AO(1 reurarre peuPrv ""xm , ultix !,., nn excellent m t eus tn f w i rellar 1 lrf , i i -a enH in minlj', , Trie In- in i ar Is i nn ( t i chur h M il nihuiint IT' i I farm n lll'Jii pin 'is! t t Walter p" ' amp .'I ' P" N. I 1'UY Nnv i ( re ihe f., bi He n i -i t Delavv ire ends trie prx e f I m 1 ir t w M ncres if land -,-e pna I M w KPed sill hti.H .-t r s , hu h s mil fir .tads - " I r illuet im i t t l. II llt.ltr A n'l UJ.Ai.MAS 7 m vh out ii im i i r i R. E SALE OR EXCKVNGE 550 f I- PIP.i-T M nn Phi i ' 'i i r. i fsint I r 1 per' '! I f r 1 I I I I.I I 'j 7 ! 1 "'I' 1 Jfedl est l'e M' tlrtt lit st ti eriert Ini t' t en 1 'uurhi !aph n ' "ii e M,i .iniisrs, s;sijerr TI X1I( I ITY for the AVIlsen-Mattin rempnn. nl Tliiitieth nnd Mnrket stiept. We t'liened te lircnk the news te lilm, nun wlint n time we hnd ceiniiirliiK him thnt it mob net n "joke," but nu lionet-te. Kewlncss tenllty! And jut h. wny of pievinp thnt lie is indpt'il a model liusbnnd hnnpiits liftj . hfti wltli hi wife, bcrnuM' it we reallj slip wlie wns repetiRlble for tlie i-eiiiliiig of the line. The nine ethers who wen iilnrca en the biillet nre : Leiii Ak'Kenna, 34!0 North Twenty fust btreet. .1. A. Malcomten, ndlfi Hunter ttrect. V. P. Housten. l.'JOll Pine Mrect. (lortrude Walker. !144 Carlli-le btrcct. Carrie Mutzer, Pitman, N. J. Alary L. Pcnneek. Wllinlncten. Del. .1. C'ImIp legler, Harrii-hurK, Pa. 15. P. Huddle, Postal Telegraph, P.eurse HuildlnK. i. I. Sniinnpr. lOlift Kniillt Pnrnn Sinn Utieet. I The jury Mas composed of emplevei i of the Iturcau of Water, Iloein 780, City (Jueen llnll ll.OIl il an. D'jever pet off an elevator in fity Hill nnd happen bv ehnnee te turn tiie wrong tint? Well, that's inn what we did. Wi hae no bump of direction n -tall. , We wnndeicd down the rorridei. weie like a breed of met hei lees 1 lll'v w . . i .. . ... iiiiekeiiM, nil ever evcrjwlicre, talujiiK, ili'itiKliiK iinsitleiiH, but finallj thej ttet tle.l tliemselvi's nnd begun eting. Due of the girls hnd te step in I lie middle of her decision te be told int hew- tlm l.lm'rhk wheels go leuiid te he iiesiireil that thete is no "deep, dink, ditl work" lariled en in tlie office, mid then she reiitiniietl. Il iilwais a pleasure for us te i tiilniii iut hew we manage this, nnd we tiust that the denn soul wns f-at- i islied. Anether Jndy hnd te llv bwk te weik tlie iiiinute plic dropped jier ballet, but we ninnnged te tenr her awav j mug eiieugn te pec Mtii the lest for the minera man. Tlie ineinbers of ihe jury wete Alary Tleseis, H!)!.-, Pmnklln 'street; Mae IiepUii". 2li."i Xertli CleeInllll avenue; Mnile Ress, !().'!' llni! Tliompsen stieet; Hniinnh Revs, !!)(tS East Thompson stieet; Reginn Sewnej, 2001 Seuth Sixteenth street ; Mary Shea, 5721 Westminster nenue; Mary Al dritd, .i:i!i Seuth Conestegn sheet; Jehn Hums, 211 17 N'ei III Twenty-ninth street ; Jeseph limns 2!!17 North Twenty nlntli stieet; Hnny Seiiinidt, 2110 Pber stieet ; W, i. 1'lend, -lO-ICi flreen stieet ; Nell Ciewlej, CilH.". r.irseu slieet, and Themas Spenee. 1.102 Neith ritteeiitli stieet. STUDEBAKER6, Fine condition; first $200 takes It terms nrranBed.' Rejnl Moter Car Company. 020 N llread st Opn HUndnys. Phene Poplar (iinn, . fc I'UTZ leurlmr and rnndstcrs, all mnden, thnrnuuhli overhauled nd reflnlshed, ex ex reptlenally low -priced, ensh or terms See Mr Hunter. Slutr Acenty, flOII N. Ilrend st. Pippe llrnnd new cords by prjnte pirty llIM-O-n.-m, tte. !I2x4 t7. 33x4, Jls .11x1 $10 1012 Olenwend. Phene Cel I2S0 I ILI.Ys-KNIOIIT,.new nnd used cirs. nml closed models, guaranteed, unusu voel ronlltlen In eery detnll; n demenstra Itlen will convince you tnnt these cars nre witth deubln our prlie See 1. J. raller, I lliirper St- Harper, 304 N. Ilrend st. Spruce f-iui Open evenings Vi; KINANCl. cars sold by IndlMduali te Indlildunla en terms aultable te purchaser. Roem -ii- iii i nesmui st walnut rjoe Te. Illre COOKINO. downstairs work! rellnhle whjt- wtrmant amall family, Chestnut 1IIII024 OltlL. en. selllnB eandyl exp. (frt enlri , ldyer Offlet neat noed pay .DIKB . Tn a rew ambitious nnd edtlcatert adlei. with larte aeclal tJeauBlnlMcy in hd vicinity, pieaeani ami ""? Fhlla. iM vie nltv poiltleni full or lart times nnswer re'i'li perrenal Intervlew arrnnKOd.' ieiBtr urme. own in HQUSKKRKl'KR nnd cook Olrl Under 3J family of 2! wane $10. .Phenf Market 0411 after a I'. M. Ilelment 144B n, MOTIinlPS lint.PKR te assist with care of .2 children; sleep out! middle cltv illslrlct. I ererence lenulrerl. Phene spruce nnn. NURSKH Wanted. 3 reelstered nurees 24 te 27 year old. Industrial medical nerk, l experienced In routine urine analysis anu ftnillllfti A--nilsallfinBi ftlft nftf MSeKt OT1 hear day, hour Juncti.' Haturday 't,rL0nrJ'J nunaaya anil neilliaya Oil, i: iiiiMiJPia-i ". NURHE8 (4). Braduale. wanitcl 18 ' ptinrra nl ,! in pAn-rR hnsnlttll! Bliinry 7 per month, wltr? maintenance Apply fen Ueneral llnspllsl. Paterson. pi,..a. rntefsen (leneral Hespllsl. I'atersen. rj NURHL'H Orsdiute anil undergraduate, practical for private erk, Immedtn and Mely CaM Nurses' I.eiie. 134 N. 18th at. BTENOORArilER and Kdlphene or Dlcta Dlcta Dlcta Phone operator wanted, with aiUertlslne agency experience preferred; accuracy ana tieatnees essentluli permanent. Position as eured le riht peraen. C 2IB, Ledger Offlat. STENOGRAPHER Wanted txt. ulrl, etart Immediately; stale ealry and reference. P 012, Ledger Office - SUIT MODELB Slie 38, 40. must be fi feet 8 Inches tall. Apply second fleer, 841 Chestnut ttreet, rriday morning at 10 o'clock. thi: TELLTHONB OPERATING RAPID OROWTII OF THE 113 A WEEK AT THE BTART ,, uunia r.ea MAIS8T NECEMHAHY TO INCREASE OUIl OPJ.IIATINU KUItt'l. , It seu are seeking a position where permanence, advancement, arid (med salary are ascured ceme In and make application If you are undecided tome In anyway and let us show ou the advantage! of working with us Aak for MISS STEVENSON at 1011 ARCH ST. ., THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY WAITRE8HF.S4 Yeung women (white) of neat appearance, who line had experience as waitresses, for half-time work, 10 te 8 o'clock, meals and uniforms furrlshed. Apply Reftnurnnt, ev enth fleer. . . OIMDCL UROT11P.RS "WOMAN Neat, capable, white, for cooking nnd downstairs work! country home. Had Had den Karma. Phene 120 Hnddenfleld, N. J. YOUNG WOMAN te take care of 2 ehlldren 11 and 0 years old; must have geed Ameri can educatien: nice home and cnurrtry during summer; permanent position only; state nge. open I religion, education and general references. jallv I P 12fi. Ledger Office I t I.XI-MH.M MM ; . -i ' 1 .lh il ' 1 ti 1'irlfen. seeijet I irch w II r in n I'h' ne At- d a ' i' iii APARTMENT HOTELS '"'i" $2000 EDW. M.MOLL HI ' l.'th PPX'D V XTls IX xy imepnt IMMHiUU. sy. rTl P.VPXT I PI 11 1 ni A1"" I Isl l"X M 'XV Y ni mi -i-it. " -" 1,nH -r MHXT.1 PuR KIRsT MI' l-l"" M' M H 1 Al.i.l XIi SM M.I. M' il X 1 - ! ALLEN & REED THE GLADSTONE urn AND 1 IM si AJISOLL'Tl.I Y PI1 PPROOP 1 pp.M'-iir n .X"P sli 1.1 ' xpt itxisiip.n I KM I. i:SE3 ! OUM'Il n'lr xchim $15 HO" homes .f meni w high i un.! tlculara d ltei.ll I f J tl . t'le MORI I! i 'or h e I,i I i Idlfl mi lu I ! REAL LSTATE TO EXCHANGE OARA PfSH l'.2l i I Mt M. i K i.l nil, i mi 1 1 s I I Xfi' M )XP.Y Ii 1 i,n HiK K s or innnn-reniei,t P h'hemPH X'Y" M I XT li ill V A II MIRY I X'I TITI E 1 I DO 1 - 1 n ' 1 . i m i I h n P -i t i, 111 ANS'V "" !' .K- V VX re I) PKP E IX I -il MPXT I 1 "II .1 t.'i II ' I I T -r n it n ni 1 Mir .urn m-r 11 1 I Ollie eeplnj, ing roetn It II HAMILTON COURT III MM I 1D 1 ith vn tirfurn ih nM I Olfi. 1 1 at' hall: I Matly Ku3e. non-din- ei toil i I x i MM' f j REAJ ESTATK SALE OR Ri: PI XXsV, S .1 111 FtlMN Il stt I yarnall'bres. rtirit, n I i M ii r V KI I I iYs nut -l-s I r s IT IS t a I ei. K I tl s 1 f I an s REAL LSTATE WANTED I r, - I 1 t .1 -t H ' II I IXi, I'l Dl u. let I wesi (' and w nl I 'ileal t 1 III IIU ARTHUB lit I st , I Mi P A ' I !' It I -1 r It '.p ! S V l f r t P t hi U,: 211 N H'AMII' i Mai i I r adults ' ' I mere hi ne i t and sav ' b n i WILL PLY r-n prepyl ii In jii WALkKIt -l I WISH in I i It be iit n I 'j price I' (' I" I 5am mi i i. i n i 3D d i'l If i North An i ' i IllAVr h n,' apt nt 'j i JndT'iii P 'rf HAVE ni rtv ' i delph'n r p.rt Id- 'f" J1UYKHS "nit t or Pkd W I COLLI C11e,X . 1 Ret in r i DEPPS mine med bit K I B0SWELL !' n xi , i in it i p n I Xllfc 'i - w -; tbi, i hnrbc i 1 WILL I ViA." IP t BaKes mode at. - 1. P It X T'. Kl Xi- i PI Xn til.. I I 1 ii' I ! 1 r I tn--'le H 1 'itr l i x i i I let ti W M II fl1 ,0 is. n I Ii 1.1- 1 1 TH 1 HI R Maniqer. NEW HOTEL BARTRAM .up .r i in -imt A-ini-tnierns I or, I'l e 1 r t'nf lirnlsbed WI1.IIH X XH 1 I 1 'I'l' PLAX PIIUM I ft, I 1 X M!0 THE DELMAR-M0RRIS S i 1,1 !i I XX n s ii mim irs in ii'uii-r i!x rinx i i titiftini ' I i j I l Im." npt "HOTEL WINDERMERE-" Mi XXIi I li M sr ue rules 1 1' e in Illltl Will "I In tl ' v, i ii,' imi Sr ii nl i t i An et i an ..' I iltl. .! Jr i iri lMi "' ,i II JI I 1 II' 1 1 ill X s- 1 I ' ' ' 1 Hteid s' -l" k i. iriu i HOtTSLKEEPING APAP.TJVIENTS r ie un i They Say, "He Knows Mere Baseball Men Than Any Other Expert in the Country" He's in the heart of the, trainnm: camp belt new nnd vill viit all the major league clubs riming their spring prepara tion for the 1922 season. Yeu knew (BOB) Kebeit Maxwell. Sports Editor of the Fvknine Public Ledger and acknowledged authority en every eraneh of sport outdoor and indoor. And you'll want le fellow his sports column every day throughout the base ball season. Rut start vow! "Beb" covers nil sports in inimitable style and he's a "tried and true "prophet" when it comes te predicting wheS who among the entries in the grand annual championship race. Turn te the Sports Pages new and read "Beb's" inside dope today and every dny. Keep In mind what he says from dav te day. And see hew it works out! Be one of the mnny thousands of enthusiastic baseball fans "vhe knew "BOB" V,nex',s, nnd swear by what he says. "Make It a Habit" JO HIRE. Ti and 7 pasi. touring, limousines, $1 BO per hour up. Pep 1017. Park 4U0. Wanted WILL PAY' five or six hundred cish for leii'-rnssenper eeupj or sedan, 1021 model. In llrst-clnss condition a 221. ledger Office. LET us dispose of sour old car: fi per cent commission, no rterage charge. Rejnl Moter Cnr Ce . 020 N Ilrend Poplar 00311. EOR SALE CRLAT rPHNlTORE.. SALE WONDER- P.cds Jt. Simmons guaranteed springs. $1 7S oak dining room tables. JM (le 100 pure cotton mattresses 14 7i": china closets $17 no, noe sample rugs far below manu facturers' cest: 0x12 lruses, ni no; 4-plece vwilnut bedroom suits, $73; walnut dining room suits, $105' worth double, 8" fine living room suits, everything te furnish a lnnutlful home, 1 floors packed te the doers. HOUSE OP IIAROAINS TEINSTEIN CO IUh and Spring Garden sts. Open evenings. Free aule delivery. LOOK POR THE NAME ON 'IHE W. OFPICE FURNITURE Large let of desks, safes, files, ciblnets and general office furniture store fixtures. "We huy. sell and exchange. PATTEN PPnNITURE CO LOCUST 4070 1127 ARCH ST. RAPE 4209. ALL Felding Chairs "SSc Each Brand new. strongest made. $18 dez. Chairs and tables rented for alp occasions, rjlAIR irXCHANOE, COR ATI! AND VINE KjiTT'ItEAM POX'h MACHIX'i: fr"si,. geed londltlen, will sell rheap leaving ceuntrv M Martlnn . Ce.. 817 XX'ashlngten ,i vePhlnileliililll. Pa PRICKS Tearing down 80 buildings te make vvav .for Delaware River llrldce at Frent 'and Rncn sts . motertruck delivery Charles I I) llenvev Ilelment 1421,, 1 REFRIGERATORS , TO;.8- I R T RANDALL. & CO, 331 X' v,l ,t I - WM.L PAPER " fie up. hoeK our own paper nnd save money 1 qptii evenings fi-'ll) Arch et " POOL TAIILLS bought, sold nnd tepilred, LKlefer, 12 W. OJinrdJMi Jens JMir!. TW'l) PORK stalls In market for s-ii,. ,inimr l,oedJiii"lnefsApplj;j1X- Carllale ai fypil presses and cutters, big bargains Ph In Prime's' Hiloelv 14 S it, Jt. STORAGE AND MOVING MONTH FREE v I I f)fi ( isi n n lerr h Hid erst mnrt igi ti Irtil iteil '. I si, I it ni nt nt seuillHl ie nt" nl ariniet , 7 lisitlis ml. n . nin mn ' I i tu Biiieirini 1 il, nit t r hn t I ru gli nri f ' i! xsr. i rm si -ii a: v I t 1 I t- XI' if an ii and i, t n In P SI,X 1' i ill's r m it g lies S-T XI I.KX" HONEY TO LOAN XX 'I t , Jl il ' r ' ' i , ' u i e, et k r ji s I n ' en ne- t es or tlm. ( IIEsIM I vr 2101 17 Hpnn i '- I'lBhl Minnj li jre te ms tlle bith , , a v i n 'i it kltehetieti ,i,. i x nf .'i rooms ni i ; u JII 7 ( lien HU " f Nt I.irilXltli 1 X-BITER II. -t i im epre l i ,! nnl ii"P f r n h 1 iim " rneui-, I uh. ii Je r 1 triNp' ( i ni 1 Tit nn ir nt npautlful rtiT n uihirn fi- wiin Bhwr p H Un Hli rx i h ith r-nta . USED AUTOMOBILES BUICKS hnxe several Rulcks ' melels and Upes, us 1 w i Royal Jlnter. unr ie i.-v n Hundavs ' Ph PepUr OKI USED AUTOMOBILES LHbVKULLT, 1 1'r terms ltr'ii I st Ope I I Is. $ it tb F'lJl '' passenger t 1 jl s first reasonable offer takes It M Hunter stutz Agene O'i'i X' Un 1n Is.'iO must i s.-n i rms. iviii in,, i. I Mi X' rk't Mt Open 'Ian 1021, all tires: run 3000 ' be appreciated Hnyler 1ST! Spruce O.'.'il, I I 1 I.enjst si IKAMOMi e. ' ' IIBIXI' I ROOMb rOR RENT i ir s " v i.l -I x IV 17 i niPlilTi iim ut lurti bt 1 np ii TADII 1 AC Touring Medel .13 Westing WLllL.-.- h0U,B hIiihk abnrler X I IjHrcam 310 nnd au N. pun st Imeuslne, beiutlful con 1 ' titlfii fnt .f I. I I lull lis' 11 I r i p i i' n i M l in "u! its p Sliei lu 1 st I illfl 1 , 's w rif I t -PI 1 I lll- 1" N k.i , i ' i 17 W i i r 1 Is 1J rk h-stnii' CHI TVi e iltl -li I -, I , I 'I f irr h 'I -I'l.'' I- 111 i,l fi' hah I SPIH tl 'i -i r n e and d i- irre I 1 Willi t -fi uble rooms EURNISHED APARTMENTS 'ln.r f in I II' AH SI in I I nth nn n 1 r ll.'S i li 1 ri 11 ml t tt i i I USED AUTOMOBILES Uh' t n II si b. Hi n I ni ti t i i' run f i r l ed ANDERSON ?':;,:,;' Mi V er S It Mnrket H . . l.t. r IslrUi t d t Ien, CADILLAC ",,": r, tsen s Ulte Exchaj2iaN.eitsi il!AI.MI.Its reniUter. 1H21 KW. ; "sh i un Hurp'l H H3XI"'r 3f. Hr i' si rtl AMHI CRLImeuslne Itke new. beau. v-.nrlxL'l-rir,(ui appeamnre (lersuti's Aute Pxehange 23S N. llread at. CHANDLLK u,,.,i nm, Kn i It in lerml. npin avn 1 7"7 X'ln' Jt iiip.xrtOLP.T sedan ld21 cend perf-rt, M ' ' I I XRAXCP, HXI.I I'em fur ihe n fri in xiinh 1 te i', pi ii titm closed ni ii I Henid end i i nip i u Miut.infee X ititur.sied In the prle, Mnliihn until l .10 I UK xx in I us used far te make in in Wlnten six, ii useii (urn, both in In this sale. I bv the Wlnten u ' unnei fall ie be will he open .1101 X II, n 1 XI PA NY st CCW F ft relilste, V'ULC' tnkes , Moter Chi Ce IiJii Poplar (.030 nnnr.F muring i . -'i-'sjtaj cnniUen chaser terms nrrnni w ' wheels, nn,. tirms. X hi. $200 Rojal Phene $17.1, i Ilnrpi r, turns 301 N open evenings, llirp. r Irread DODGE rings '-' ' "ginal punt, A-l I'nrgHln te rjultk pur '1 H" 12 N Kith st t urini, J I (in i! 1707 Vine III) I IO Istf i wn linns 1 ite model, Opi n el e- ONE MONTH FREE BSTAIILISHKIJ 1R THE LALHAINUb S1URAGE CO. 1 l.'O N HTH ST. PHO.XIP. DIAMOX'I) 7 SEPARATE ROOMS PACKING u MT) IVn r-xlLANP INSPECr OUR WAR1.,,L,J3 JANSSEN'S express and etersK? wints lene. r pirts te or. iriuii .mw vur c ii ,-.,:' Prevllllllie ui ,-Mii,- vn niui' hlfce I , ,, from Pittsburgh. S.n ind up wL -rp ..'.'! "'E'S '1" '"w Victory storage "I" .".llTr. ArrewnM?n8im0I' 0 fa, . XN MURAGE ( 0, N. M hnninsen Moving t-ternge shipping full Kensington 2130 MONARCH bTORAOQ CO . 1S70 1 MrTi7 TER AVE AUTO SERVICE hTOnjen' IAIKI.M1 LONG-niSTANCE MOVfXTV0"' Tlie Jehn Rhoads Ce. , "''" hbd Siorage Packing Moving. Cnr'pe"' "uVn'mng wax i ed- WANTED old ship pit uirvA c l..r.d llthegraphH of HVu-irer, if , r Currlei . Ives prints of Im.rir.n ,i ' fhlp- Address slnilng p,lc.. ?" t '.'" r li IP! Walnut si. l r"'". Oeneral COSTUME design, fashion Illustration, all. pattern draftlnr. cutting, fitting, drapln) nnd mlll'nery deilm: learn from tremtnent. practical experts tn surprisingly short this: munificent salsrlee qutetclv earned. Fashlci Academy. Dept. L. 148'.' N. nread ,.t. CLERKS, typists, rtenegs qualify for Gevt. positions. Write for sample test Instruc tion particulars. P 1422 Ledger Office. HELP WANTED MALE CLOCKMAKER One experienced en fine work Apply Era Era plejment Hureau fourth fleer UIMUEI. I1RO 1 HERS CORRESIO.XDENT and udjustei . young marr, state age, silarj expeslence and references, de net appls unless hail actual experience with collection ngenc. M n20, Ledger Office. DRAtlhMAN wanted, experienced en fur nace part or stoker, mnll application only will be considered nnd must stnte record of irevleus experience and full details. Falr Falr meunt Foundry Ce 1,1th nnd Indiana ave HOSIERY HOYS 10 YEARS OP AGE, GRAMMAR SCHOOL GRADUATES TO LEARN TRADE IN rULL-FASIIIONEDn HOSIERY INDUSTRY. APPLY EMPLOY MENT DEPARTMENT. THOMAS E I1ROWN ii SONS 2D AND WESTMORELAND McCREERY & CO. of Pittsburgh, Pa. hax positions open for several DitArniir ce.xytract salesmen Thoroughly experienced In Interior deco rating Only salesmen who are accustomed te meeting the better clientele will b. con sidered. These positions offer te successful sales-' men unusual opportunities te earn substan tial Incomes, Apply te Mr J. II 8 winner. Rellevue Rellevue Stratferd Het' I, In person, or by lettc tu the General Superintendent McCreerx g. Ce P I ttshurgh. I'a "Mi," HELP WAWTEP-mat.ti trictly eommlMlen .a-l:cen,m .'.','" "" a il had. P 011, Ledger Office' ""' U,u.V- 11 ni. --.!, .BAJ'E9, J'ANAGER l' "ieugh te hand le the Thorns Vi . nte rC?-V",!!' le"l teTrltery Vr,','1. ' Address ' ful-'rece d7 jfe?rls.Kel?r i,nl,Jill': I Mutual Llfe llldg.. lluffale, N. vren C,, : SALESMAN I m looking for A narllenl.- l. .. 'I who le Inherently honest whs E.-01 hV represent an orgnlatl0n,efW0nl,?",1 ' I innnn nnu recerd: regardlesa nf Ve,i. . ""' occupation ou may be that pimCnel"'""' whom I cvtn tiiace In.a pesitin iJ" rrn lesi than $7o5e a year. Ca HnnS.."."! uiia ie irrnnge ier interview. SALESMAN Want edTeliT ndsTr:.T sa esman. Ihiis.i..i.i. '! i""?'1. "'eel replleAte M flei Ledwr nnJ"' skI aa r HAI.KHMKV nnn-A.i .....- r- ; " ; hl.h fldel y bend. ' wll b, tr'alne? 1 fH, Lanston ronelypS MiiplilnS Ce SS'i Zi In territories te sell Ilarrett A.i.bS. ,DJa,!, and Calculating . Machines, aalarl ".""il ,"L paiu nccoreing te exner enrn uit imiii itut'eruing ie exnerienrn nn, aa.1 " ment will bemad.? en mer". An 'y 'Mlh.'Si Locust sis, Safes Dept.. u te 12 A. j" ,h lA'.KSMEN wanted te sell naflenfnT-t. s'9S'"' dvertl..d xyashlng mnihlnei7--..? -lecaiiy a(iveriis(i wash ng machines -..'J V h!'..l-..lft.rJ","'. wn.hlng-mwhlne SSnnV.!; l turers In Uie world traxeiing, A. M . Ther 1rv.S.rl?:.,rmHD,nt Pe 0n. S .ii Apply between fl A. M. ar,,t Tn tl T Electric Shep. 12 'f4.' 'fft ' SALESMEN, aexeral flrst-elnss etiwnTr. t pneumatlp automeblln tire salesmen' . ,..'1 i age. length of exiierlenee, sired, p 01B, ledger Office. rllery and whose tires i "' "5 ' i. ar - ,... . --: .I'lii.iii nun rv .1-1 STONE CRUSHER wanted. Appfy" l(H5rTj?T' ' ket St., Gloucester City, N. .1 JIM THROWBTBR Large commission ThTr-TT. renulrea servlcee of hlgh-clnss euPiid- i'ir resentntlvet nncllennt m,i uV. "' 'L".r?ti- of throwing and must haxe held , JmiiK poslllena Address M 021. Lede"!-' erf"c? r . WANTBD.ttle servlcee of n cetnr.HTnTT.T ' rei , ramiuar with nrranr ng .iL.tniri J7. , the block sjatem for title ,,C' du! xv. en dress Miller, Ronneke empinv. V H. Afji Vl'f Tl A if ll mm a.. - -T- 1... .inTn nu !- ins ,,ir a nu rk nndsj curnle stenographer and tiplst xvhf? 3! " slrea te make a business connection uh:,'. there nre chances for real advancement i Pfrmancnt poslifea: 0110 having seerei.,1.1. rxperlenee preferred. ATLAS HTOninJi WAREHOUSE CO . 37th and Market ..9? - - - -fHirT:i WBAVER wanted In clothing facterTTTpTaT; positien: write, giving references. ,i. desired, etc, J. Scheeneman, Inc It tt tlat-nft Ml tl-1tl--. .t ' ' 11- XV. -nilllltun-j .,,1, Redwood st , ' 1 YOU COULD NOT Ond s better opportunity than this tn .t.,t right and grew with your Income; if Teii .! well educated (cellege man pref.rreHj ti have some knowledge of accounting ana svs. tern, some genernl business training i,5 real liking for salesmanship, write iiiiel full detnlls; communlcatlene held striVti! c " ?ni!a!rff ecfurir'g8.ity sctkcr" wti wis: YOUNG MAN. 17 or keeping, auto bus P Oeneral is knowledge hneji. 030. Leriger Offl BUSINESS SERVICE CO , 1111 Land Title. eel, 000 hTENOORA , plum i'lii.R. rehl,A. some Imekkng tirists XVB TKACll YOU TO DRIVE A.XD ItEpTTrt AUTOMOI1ILES ""-Mlt 2.1FORFULI, .& COMPLETE COUnsp est AND NIOHT CLASSES. Open H.lidsvs I.P.R'S 1001 te IB HPrlng (1,,. .i" DAY SATTI CLERKS Yeung men for OevermnTnTdp'. partmenta, J12S menthly: writs for ? list of positions new open J. Leonara (for. mer Civil Service examiner). 002 Equitable nidg. Washington, D C. "'"'" ; MEN ran learn. the coloring nnd dicing of all ktnds of leather. Application te F Meck. 20(1 W. 101st st New Yerk Cltv T0.Vfi2 .VeEe' l.,JlrlriB Gevt position' J180O-I18OO yearly, write for free lljt et peg... Instruc... py 'culara. P 1422. Ld Oft. SITUATIONS WANTED EEMAIB UOOKKEEPHR, trolling aeeta ; exp . trial Imlunee ron ren snlnrv $21 C -'"Il I'.l Off STENOGRArHER, first clnss, thnrn.i.lilr exp , with Initiative nnd ex abme den secretarial position; salary $23 weekly. C 200. ledger Office. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE J ACCOUNTANT and offlce executive desires cennect en with llve Arm. available upon pii'iii injure i 1111 l.etiger Ulllce 1 " 1 1st pen nntiM j IIUTLER nnd houseman. A-I ref., H 1 1 rs inn ji 1; l'rice st oerm GARDENER, alngle, thoroughly understand nu iiran.ris or gnrutninB. sleck poultry, tc, nnd all-around care of private state. highest references, C 120. Ledger Office MAN, mirrlcd. xvlshii rosltlen ns ilnurfeuT can iun any kind of car and de own repair work has licenses; does net drink. Adlreai II L 2.-1 H. ad St.. PI Ha MAN- Geed, clean, marrlid man. pn e ,ui. ting or work nreund nneuner winii work. Address J H. H, 2J,1 S. Thirl id Tlilladelphla. MAN handv, alieut gentb man's P1.1 Inmly with carpenter and painters' tools IjIh-i position beat of lefirences. Xddress II M, - 1 nu si -'111 in MAN I.x-sirvlce mnn daslrfs pnsiilnn en gentleman's country place or an It C 212, Ledger Office , MN, marritd, who can run uniting nu. chlne in box facterv. rciiulres w Al- drees R. O , 221 S .Id Hi , Phlln MEN (.') with mechnnlcnl ablllti Iml lmg mv rlne englneera' lhenscs, wish lef'i ni at nnvthlng at once. J., 9 11 I ,,, unt si. OFFICII MAN. experienced, speclilii traffle nnd Insurance,, competent te tik rhirn) married, best of itferences fumlihed I .'10 1iilger Office. MrCREr.RY & CO. of Pittsburgh. Pi. have position open for an ASSISTANT BUYER IN THEIR DRAPERY DEPARTMENT Applicants must be nmhltlnus ant latnble veung men, who have previously tilled n similar position nnd who have a aucciHstul selling record This Position offers exceptional opportunity for further advancement Applv In person te -Mr, J. R, hwlnnev Uellovue-Stratferd Hetel, or bj letter te the General Superintendent, McCreery A Ce Pittsburgh, Pa c0 OFFICE 1.1 v.'lrs , brekerng''. in inufniturlni. an I concern as accountant ex, c .in A-l refi rences agi ,li (J pi,-, 1 PI ItCII'G AGENT supirln flce miiuiigir en 1 nstrin tlnn mnnii'ncturltic nt Indtisirhil mm Ins pi minnm' and Hihinctii nt iHdful and goe.1 handler of tn eiilirs. C 2DS, lslwir eflh 1 1 v.lili intip Ir . Of( f I HIM MSllf. 4 ue 1 rale AGENTS .MAN The writer Is connected with emiTf the most successful enterprises ever undae undae tnken In America He Is aaseclated with jeurfg Christian business men, who nre pro pre eroding with plans that assure the Per manent emplevment of men who rnn adapt themselxea te work that will he unlike any thing thej have done before, W de net ro re aulre a man from nnj Bpeelal occupation, provided he la Intelligent, has power te con centrate, clean, honest habile, Is h-iilthi and irns luiiniy respuiisiuiim'B inai nre nn nren. -v,i., 1,,. -.-Uii,r 'lelnt- hln hesl. Ife .l,n.,t.i u "".'"''.""." ' "'." J00 PER WEEK easily inrtnl - 11 household neieisltles of 1 lh 1 llri-Lt te housewife nidi sl I ' selling h nise In Xiuirici wi 1 train ei hew te se'l. a I I iitlini X,inui,ei. .Il'ij jl ir I burgh I 'n AGENTh AND CAXX ssJlt.s I -propesldon ensj sali's iiutik 1 tm or-tevxn inti given county rlRhis a etner men Hee 01 vvrlle 11 ,1 k PredtietH Ce . 1-") Chuich st 1 t ket nnd Arrlieff2.lHt AGENTS nil or pnrt time, lust 1 held attlcle ever iliewn iv.n 'get sampli' nnd imrtleul irs Hi 1 Ce jl ( heriy Mllferd Cem , XWIY work for ether'' Xlnk, own kehus we show u h' ng Nnl ennl S ' Mnln Itlchnienil V live for doing hla hest. 1 hSn L"""1 ' ' ?' v.' 21 and willing te. luallfi himself for rewind, T'-pIT " AHlll'";""" and opportunities that will le i,lven him AGK.xr.l vvnnlrd moil and w men K. M Wlshiirt, 130-1011 Chestnut. Trusl coupon offer Just bring Isstn I tees' System chance for live workers. Eustl nl MAN We need the services rf a elean-llvlng man, Gentile of geed standing and nverage ability, who Is willing te work lmrd 'AT.."001,!, "y,'. ?' llu" """' Ome he Is fitting himself for promotion te mere Important position with us, appIv Suite 1108, Land Title and Trust lluildlng. HI I I hestllllt st 1. 1 n'liy 1 i . ' L Uti I I'll' II.' Ollt' I rmnUi 1 1 tnent Mir- 1 me Iml. n Mfr I Nmir heOK for n" - ndl. -illJIOJ EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES Used iiorlabie WANTLIi- dltlen nt If tl, st I'ellstnwn, even In c-nr.., .. Mice ( . Mnier ki fL"' Pa Petlstnwn 007 " MAN wanted with fireman's license nnd who Is willing, te help nreund factory. Apph . i'iusui nnw, yvsu. ler nt Roem Ne, Mr Aiken MAN. full! experienced, wanted te run hum. mobile auction house c 122 I.n--- off MAN te usslst Innlter, In and eutd 101 vCnVk Address C 211, Ledger Offlci WANTED at once b reneh and 1. 111, bul let k second men, Scandinavian 11! oilier first class cooks with kite h' 11 ni two trained Infant-nurses heustkei per nip for private home Fer March 2(1 001 , Miches mnld, parlor maid, second (li 1 lininnldj I'ruti stunt, liar Iluiber In aunun r s, versl xarancles for April, Mrs, R m rs Hi . 20th st -MRS NICIIOT.T.S. 210 S 211th " Cass butler, tall, geed reference in I 1 rut , vind cook nurses. French gev ernes . MRS E i: HARVEY HUH Tim icu-esl Reliable help, nil nutlnn-litus "f REAL ESTATE TORJIENT ' (IT. i.'24B N"" IlRi'xfj X, I uiiipt. d I jr hii or rooming firsi Hut suitille fir i'l II' ' tailor, d, niisi 1 1 s inn iim 1st Krai k 1'aber. 14.'0 1 'leslnul st Bpriii '"-' BTORE and upir 11 rs 12.' N 11th st , lbxss, puss ssien vx niu 1 r ii.xivivim-v THE KERNEL BUB, I xxetAtiEe XNVAPxT CA..S t- 1 BE -TrA vmAT-C5 xAMTr "TvAfXT 130 N 12th st JJODKK.X" h lure., r unis 1 condition m 1I11 thoreuhf r Vf. Ixhlah Damen I 7!nlJ 1 11 h Her. .I'll IluslnesH Priipirtlrs nnd stores SERVICE STATION KACHU L SHOP l L 1 ,XJM I. Mni X'l XX III DO HO Wilnut st fUTtl. 12TU HT""-Plrst fToernl""l is. ment for tnjslness wi 1 alter front and umke In tarler Improvements te suit tenant, long lease. J Cutl.t Fuller HI B lKth st Mill AH 1 HI el r.x IT -Stere with ni-.n nine. . 11 Uall & Hen, US Lind Title Bldg -y1' 3S31-31 01IIARD AVI) Stores, up te date (I. Percy Fex 2lJj Olrnrd, ave " 103 N" 4TH XTORE AND CELLAR ' R W I.I.OYD, 712 Walnut st . JIASEMENT X' W cer I7lh iimrchistnut W, II Pall It Sen. -US Uind ritle lllig 3retnrles. Warehouses, .Manufacturing I-oejra WAN U FACT URINO tloera lu northeast arid nurillWOBI UV"l uvvv '!, ii im iv,vy "4. s-- CVT . Ht'S r3V5M CARRtrA' OrA vP -TiAxc. pf? -rixvcc els Four DATS. ($Jw eEv2 ' ASK GOS "Te COxXAE MERg-vAE P4- VtTE.tMfcxMfvtA. USECi -r0 tss ft j possession ut once, E.S..Jjgfinen, Jr. tmsm Lincoln Hulldln .-Desirable cnr. APL, 8 r. ttUf-'liMtnut..PII, asR, l. M. ii A . s. . , . . 1 l l. ' Y ,v ' l ' 1 Lhl'jlAS ,l JtxlKl&w: ."Vs. h Poe-i. vcv-r-t " weOlD HEVEci FeRGWE 1 fc ANV-TrtvtAG SV0VH.b HftpPEK Te -coo ! T- f And Ma's Been Gene a Week VliAPxT WfXVE VeVJ QEEH rccvlNlj L 5 W tin.ttt,Mii!'&,.. '':"" I I , GLet?v t s-t-s- Jim bS-1 ,s Uoe-r 1 4 jwBI-l-l-l-l-l-l-k 11 ii 1 A j. n ' " " ! im ii-i - T - - t . MMMMiMMMaMMMaMMHMiai-iallll 1 ""..-s:'"w,'.'. .M,;,r -r-i.'.., .- LOST AND FOUND IN'SIRPMENT Lest. 1 Iw -med ins" Rice Rice Rice ote nini rew P 'llu I. ! eW PIN Um, .March 4, diamond errs nt Pin. rew aid 110J Clifferd st . - BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES lANDY MAN. Experienced l'n mai u'aciurt and Kind snlesmnn, wunti'd In K "g cefl. (em, iiu make Investment If de mi win le Judged b results, splnndld ejipuitunllli ' l.feirilfis rennlreil C 2111 Lulgi 1' . PIIAC1ICAL man, with geed km im lee...' J tnarketable men hnndlse exnlliti' '"'"X liens in German., snlllnir this 111 "IO rJ5 ixenite Hdvnntjgieus urdera with (I rniiii , linns or In, 111 1 limla (' 2H7 ledv "'l"'; EXPERIENCED business man with flnaii' flnl ,,,r.i,n. Hi,-,-, ...... l-j . Him preposition of high merit needln.' werKin . rapltal C 1 Jl. Leilgei Office BUSINESS PERSONAM " WE "PAID A WOMAN SOS All fi r 11 let nf Jewelri elie I ' " effeied (411 for elsewhere, I rlnu "", '!' nienils and Jewelry tit us, We guiriinte s full henisl tjsh value, establtshe I lsdi jHOS It LLP, ev t O , 71- XXainui " ,x DIAMONDS BOUGHT M AND PAWN TICKETS FOR DIAMOND. KELLY & CO. 08.' Chestnut ; ft. , Suite 2-22 second fleer, ever ChlM'i-ii-!- DIAMONDS BOUGHT ' iniinv w mrit'ii 71T a 1 yanii st u TTIlfTTTnlTf! ' t inaTJtuw.iiiN ii rt,, vTeUN. irenulnu Geglliinn, lti,L'oed"i'fn'ivW private party Phene T1 "''"' u Vi1"1! Si fii!sn PAINTING mm PAFE-tHANO' PAPKHHANOING 'na pUntUijr'dene Jtlj I rrfce, Mayers, .lid Market, rreeten ,-i. le fr'-ffi-l iiKiMsJiX..