JSHKnfTWiFrlMi ,7.1-rti l irrrr r wlhn V-'r &mzm 'J.B? r T-f.J'rf- jaaiSSt mm f 't t IMS miPiiirwffit I IH BIR BLOCKS Jacaibe Touches Year's High. 'Heavy Trading in Kirby Petroleum H Yerk, March 7. The market en W .-, ...,. U If,r. showed generally iirm iunu Lt ..i trns unaffected by the losses .. ... .). etnclt nxplmnec. fe te e "'" u.iirt atnCKS "i - a Tt a mititbei- of these issues being ?' i inmn blocks nml making sub-. Entlil gnlns, among them Maracalbe, L, sold at -7, anew high for the r Imperial Ull Ol uminni ura firri tone and moved up from 102 te '5'. . ... unit, m R7U.. IS . i....- trmlliiff In Klrbv. Pe- nuiUflH iiL'uij . ---c. -- . - ...,,m which ranged from 23. te 23ft., K. .i.n.i nil continued In Reed demand I" 'f. ilinimt rf (itlUi. ml there wa a " """ " nu II"-"- - ... 1.. I. ,., .,1. la Sli"11" irelcum """-" D1,u "l Southern Petroleum was wuu "... .....i vIiOiIimI te 2Vi en n few ITt suppe"""" J , 'V'the Industrial action meter stocks ., eminent. Uiirniu .uniers pn pn c'frem 21'. te S7.4, nml Durant ln,Cil0Meck as firmly held nt yes- ,....-. . j.inceiu jieiurs l.,h ,'l ,1. Iteyneld- i'lri ,0 "" .., 1i phlHn Mertis inicrreiitlnentiil lttibbcr was in" the early trading, but later re- ted fractional' ISIIl'STKIAIJ 1:30 km. nji IllKll Il I A IN m ""Ik.; Iter llher I.r Tjpe Mr II I H Ban ! i nt Tereiea . . : Hte 13', -7ft OSji . !' . m HII 8S . UU . . leH .1811 . in; . 10- s& . a . un ..aa .77 . 77 . 7 . 10 . i . 3 ItS Sfe r I) l if" . Ifetse Nipple is is . Brant '"" L'0i jni .jiu'h. S4 4r. 5 8U., H'4 2'Jt 11 i!'t urn u?; Ju., rii; a UT4 4J a u 5 as 77 77 7 111 IH 4 esf 4. 88fc 0 lefi, lau 11 10 caU s. 4 J ',4 3 !).- aa 77 77 t 10 14 an Sthian Jve?"1, ' Amen -' lldvvyn Pictures l.r nubbcr . . Iiyr Ce . Incelti "''", ""I t Learner uiii...." tlenai Mwuu-i . , 1 .1 Zlr.e . . lillp Jlerrls Mum Oreal . llle Cem ... Il Reynolds (new) bkaway aim. fcthern Ceal ft Iren lift inicrnauui .u 1 snip . L & It Ship Cerp .. Pj etnnrrt ...... Fn'lte'il Preflt Sharlim rnlteu net tanuy STAXHAHK OILS llle-Amer Oil 17Ji 11 Mi 01 01 17, in nt i7.i'.; tnue !"" in in 17.1 44 luati 1I4U 34 r.H b-'i W P I. ITeis r it 44 44 lina "ii l,nl Oil Cr.nuil-i . .1II'U 10U Idlana P ! DlWi IM'.i . .14 :ia .. i7W MU knn Jlex .... Liithurit Pi!nn land Oil of Indiana INDEPENDENT OII.8 lun nu .. 3 , . 23 , . Ill . 07 .. 4 . .1K7 . . ae'i . . tse .. 3V4 :: alt . . a . . nU . . 0(1 . IA 41 . IS a,1 . l'i SO. . a7a IIs .. a . 211 .. ll" 20 . 27 . HI 7.1 . r. . 211 . . 13' . IOVh Bi . 2. . . 20 . ill . M . . 11H . N.I a; . 17 en Oil (new) 23 IS (IS 3i 1KII 20 Oil 3V4 a!: .".: l 43 in. 21 ('. m R4 27 IH4 2Va 21) ll'i m; 20 2(1 in 70 .i 2.1 13S lpV aw 20 1 Ml ih; 8.1 34 111 2 IS 0.1 4 1HI1 20'1 Oll'i 58 I ',; r.u ia 43 14 23'i 0 l'i 8(1 27 ' 2I 21) lli e'A 20 20 II, 7b' 2.1 13U 1014 r.H a.i 20 a r.i U6a ,S.-i 34 17 lint en, ..... Eten Wyoming .. . fle Sn .. ,;,. i Service (old) . Km serv " . Eu Service ft . . . Itlnental lief . Hlen - i" nl Sin '. Ihlnx rfte Blnien un . rineers rcirei kn Oil &MH Oil Petrel . by' Pet .. if Creek . Insiten Pt ma Pet . racalb Oil rrltt Oil . ilce UU x Sealieard . anliln Pred nal en ile .... Ihweat fill e Kancer tr Oil A ft nellners I Bank . t Crfk Pre.! Imj Pet Ely OH Ithern P i P. Eiten O'l nun Oil ild Ien . . UXl OSiG', Hrla Oil iif rcei OH lOd . MINIMI Mlia Br Ce.umblu. 2'. 21 112 nu 21 23 1 l'i 01 2; 14 i M 2.1 24i 12 1 - r.; Mi 15 3'i a 2'i 20 (12 30 a. 2(1 23 I l' hU,. 2'i 14 20 2i 24 Vt 41 1 Mi ia" la 13 34 3 r. 17 7 2U4 w rie 33 111 H 4'; ill! 1A til 2 21 112 3U 31 20 ,' SlV1 2T, II 20 as 2H. 42 ftla 3Va 14 3T4 3 r.. 17 2U?4 l' 77a .11) 33 IS S 44 l M 1A l 40 Ledse . itcnit K'.v ten It Metlun.x ten & Mentana C'ju fdji Copper Idelarla Mlnliih per Canun Cooper Mlin' ttt Silver en Geld Ida Ettemleu BiUader ena creeiuc dfleld Floret' .i tle-Araer Cerp d Shell breuck Dhidi lit Mining in sound . leadent l.eud prae Verde I)lv fr Like . . li D'v'drt . . . iReie Mln'r.ii VAamara . ma copper Mil Vallcv iter tela ( ttai Tin Ri Onhlr .iii a:i is F. Nev . r Cam .' Am V b e I'lDuh llelmeik -.V llJ 1. 1 lepah IHMde epan Kxteui i lepah Mlnlni, . Ited Uaalern r-ane . IKINDs Ill ra'Jan i;, 7n i'.n'( 7ft 1(114. 1014 101. .10IIV lOUVii lOIIJll .loe'i ion. i0i)U . Hll 100 i 1004 . l)N4 US. 084 .10.1 102 102 U . .10:14 103 "4 1084 . .luiVi ion; ieiu . lli'Jii 102'k 102 Vt .10.14 1054 1054 IHIV. I)?1). II1)J auu an; ae'i ler 101 101 . U7 1)7 07 Sll'i fSll'i Sllli 10 IH 104 iClHi U74 U7 074 102', 102T, 102 1(114 101. uni, mmum Tn. lit.e (r Llaht t iu r Tel flu lujj r Ml lis llil'l. enda lis icenila 7s Ui2'i , .. ile-Amer Oil i,u f"i u in.:.! & nleel 7- llt'l.. fNatlty 7a ' f iat ity 5s v , I Oil 7a rititlle b, Ceal ft W llnd llnrt), '.u I'" J: puricn 7. fa Rubber nun eui unii na 7j iri7j lr7a 104ii 104H llll'i H1I bill, 117 liUij 101 . 7U ll.Hj D11S4 U1174 HJI 811 III K.v.... . Sl"4 IMi'a Fiad. n;rv ' HO',. H7 Wl'a 10I)J 7H 11.1 '4 101 l;c.N.ill 7 Hi tiO',3 100 7H liVi let U7a iiui. iinu Br V.."" e 101 .iie.i;..j ,J 1174 ,U7a IMII4 Dili. inn. nn.. K.fi'bu.,;l " 1H2.I k;v." " 101' nut. 11)1 , :.v.t fete jj J, in' r.'. t rua k, inr llavati.i 71.. I).'11 n 011 7, ' " lie' l?J,Yf !!?. '.'.'I' K5.P5V" "..711 l,"l?4 I'll?. 1071. 107 -r (lis 107 . t0Va OlHi bought His H lOIlM Af Al.. ;reu,iil from nI, reue,i ..... . " "" "",B ilia; ni.s'i leavi . . 10'J.. llilii- 1 i'i ; s0ll V vJ? ",'H7 1(iS't 10511 lll.1i. SllOi v V J" ,ll)-b ,t",, "inlr 'lfll ViP .V V nf lU:,u ,07? ,07' 1(,7H l.g,,1.''" 10(1 J lfliltii unit Us Oil 1.... , . UU' lOPi lull i.a,t 11a 1(12 10" Well 1 1,1. . !",,,P y tlie smell of lie in i,u i' iiiu siui'ii in m u"i "he le,,.,,, )n 1 ,M ,.' ' turned ' " (MlJUIUUil I...".' '." an alarm. He iben in h A T. I".1"" '. n red-het ' Ilalhin. ! ir K'r ''"t'l'Kulshed Hakfneif upper uoer, were EXECUHVE AVERS Pay in December Above That in Other Industries, J. W. Wiggins Declares LABOR BOARD GETS DATA By the Aueclatcd PreAs Chkaxe, March 7. The men enfcaged in work comparable te that done mi railroads,- employed In C127 Industries in (wenty-eigiit or the Western States, are receiving wages much lower than these paid te empleyes of the rallrenils, according te n statement rend today by .T.'W. Hlgglns, executive secretary of the Asseclntlbn of Western Hall ways, before ihc United States Hall Hall read Laber Beard, nt Its hearing con cerning wage disputes between empleyes, and the reads. According te the statement, prepared after nn exhaustive survey of the iU8, !).'! empleyes of all classes studied in ether industries, 247,800, or 77.7.T per cent, were getting wages. In' December, 1021, lower than these paid by rail roads for similar services. The slnte. Wnt f-ald that in Arkansas. Arizona, ni-Him-ny, .uiciugnn, .uississippi anil TenneHf.ee mere than 00 per cent of empleyes In ether Industries nre paid less than rntlrend wages. Mr. Hlgglns snld that while the leads wish the wages paid te be fair and adequate it was net be'leved thnt the Trnnsportntlen Act intended u tint rate te prevail throughout the country. In addition te citing statistics showing (In difference in wages paid common labor In principal cities of the West, he pre sented data te show that 80.5 per rent of the men in the metal crafts in ether Industries receive lower wages than men doing the same work for railroads, JASCHA HEIFETZ PLAYS TO IMMENSE AUDIENCE Yeung Violinist Give Excellent Pro gram In Faultiest Manner Taseha llelfcta, one of the relatively few artists who can fill nny auditorium In Philadelphia 'te the doers, gave his concert in the Academy of Music last evening before n crowd which fjlled every scat Jn the auditorium nml over flowed te the extent of about 300 en the stage. Mr. Ilclfetz was In his usual flawless form and exhibited all the perfection of technique in both the bow arm and the left hnnd which has made his name a synonym for absolutely perfect technical achievement. He began with Hrucli'x Scotch Fantnsle," one of these works for the violin In which the composer ccrlninly endeavored te repent the suc cess of the (1 miner concerto. While the fnntnsie docs net rise te nny emo tional heights, still It proved te be nn excellent vehicle for the displny of the peculiar talents of the soloist, and his rendition was excellent. The Bach Chaconne which followed wns net se happy. Mr. Hclfctz was inclined te hasten the tempi of the biiiMirn parts of the great sole number, with a less of the dignity which is se essential n part of all that Bach ever composed, nnd he was also inclined te cut the chords tee short where the sole voice lay in the middle of the harmony.' But it wns in the shorter numbers that Mr. Heifetz showed the greatest art as well as the finest technical equip ment perhaps new en the concert stnge among "lehnlsts. The Malngucnu and the llnbnmcraVbeth by Snrasate, and I lie Paganinl Caprice in A miner, Ne. 24, transcribed by Auer. gave him every opportunity for the display of the light ness of touch in both bow and style that are peculiarly Ills. His double-stepping octave work, nnd especially the harmonics, were uncanny In their ac curacy and were nl.se lovely in the tone qunllty wiucn lie produced had and he has cained a finish, csne- clally in the shorter numbers, which makes their rendition much mere pleas ing. N. J. Bank Installs Radiophone A wireless telephone has been in stalled in the Firht National Hank at Pitman Greve. N. .T., ever which the bank will receive bend quntajtleus nnd the weather report dally. It is the first wireless phone In use I;i a Southern New Jersey bank. LITTLE ' BENNY'S NOTEBOOK , By Lee Pape Pep weuldent leeve me go out last Sunuey aftirnoen en account of me nxsidently breaking 2 of his cigars wile I was seeing if I could juggle with .'I i at one time, and he sent me -up te my I room and I herd the fellows outside and ' I had a geed Ideer and I snuek ever and looked out the frunt wlnde and the nil fd worderfo nrnrLl nf" iiIJC cheap methods of displaying their wares. fellows was settlne ever en Sam cons der H ns an expression . Ireiu a 1 mK. Ils """ '" " -""""- "'' Cesses frunt itepH nn." 1 waved , - eltlwii who has never before aired hi. I talien were he shook troops of the Mec i...i . c'!...i . 1 1 ...1 11 vlnu. Iti this wnv. Olid DIMsieu: ---" --. (i.i Ft .(iii i.1" ,""?: "",," ..V... ' "'Jr.,,"" . i.ii a .. j.,. 1 ring our ueu one at a time ana ns. for ine maybe iny father will get ilred of anscring it and maybe he'll leevc me go out All 'rite, sure. Ill ring it ferst. sed Puds. And I quick snuek back te my room nnd jest then the bell rang and I hardly get back te the setting room lined nnn (.nllnr tlewn htillrs nn nci.ninil f 1,1.., l,..l, the ,,nv nil in Vive n, U 1( pllUIISlietl details. LCSSllei' (lid lii , C-vne.lttllOll l)y UK enemy .11 Ills pesillt I s of him being tl.e eny one in except me, I , ' th lf , ( , t, t f ' en bet, ,ues of the river Suippe and his hour vn?hn. " stranger against whom lie had no ' withdrawal from .lie Massif .le Notre- iunnv if A ' V, ttl' 5 B' '"grievance. He committed unreasonable 1 Dame-des-fhamps "Let there he liennj in, Jir, jeiih. murder the luivilest Mi in pnndnne. licht. It our crllie wants mere en- He is. and thats ware he's going te 'Tut he s, ,ys "I , 1 ,' t nean te kill ! lightenment we respectfully refer him te stay sed pep. And he shut the deer one," and 1 believe it. He committed 'congressional. Navy . a-War Department naru nnuvrei uiira nn in 1 f tuinii m11i(,,j. w ,s ,,.,,.,,, 111(l , llliy, lm. officials 'lilD.MAS .McCltU.M room and pritty seen the hell rang , ulg,Tt.ly j1L. flrei 'a lltul hheU'ia t Philadelphia. March -I. 1022. agen and pep went down agen tawking hh t,e Mhole story? I te himself and I herd bam Crew naylng, , ,f .. . , uan iienny cemu 0111, .ur. iens: ,,,. , . ",,,:, "; , ; . rraises i my ui am'n-fnunicii He cannot, nnd you can tell that te J 'f" ; wie '. tllu ,,Bh,y V?Ul hlt1 VSyJ 1 Te a,, t c., 0 the Evening Public i.aier, whoever cits it may censerf. and save , " f J J'< ''" "-e.is letters in me the trubble, sed pep. And he shut I ''.'". ' ?., ' , rUI ,lV, TJ J,-, the People's Forum censuring the pel the deer even harder and lie hadent .'' . ' ' '""fJ1"... b ' ' ' "., " h,' L1 L , i have nut been te France f. vuii ine uiu iiinii itiiiii, ttii.i n uiiii'u I iiiinlshiiienls nf the nreininent rich nnd .May I lie permiueii 10 mill .. mile in im -anser it and It rang 2 mere times am I !' Z u,PnneV wT ,V .,.! . Vn . half of these who stajed at heme''! pep went down fast ,euiidins mud '' jstpiif. The sentence of this nineteen-; Thimk ou. quick epeiu'd the deer and sed, Ne he v,,lu..eI(, b0n ,1HH (1(.lm,h,eil I11P beyond I Heal patrintism Is preien by the ef- cant come out, and .illicit slammed it 1 :,., ..!., iT i..'i it r-i ... . .., .... ,,ni,mii i mimit. 1, ,.,.,.n,.,i,...u agen, calling upstniri,, Henny, uenny. Sir.' 1 sed. thinking, ., hcrray, and pep sed, eme down heer and camp In tlm linll nml trill tlllu (.ft. ii it M a if lli.i uiu m.i .... .-.. ...." e""". - (lulrers that yeure in te stay. Me tlilnk- ing, Heck, geed nlte. And I went down nnd nrltty seen the bell rang and it was Sid Hunt miylng, Can Benny come out, O hello Benny, I thawt you was your father. And I steed there tawking te lilm about 0 minuits nnn; pep called down, Shut that deer, Micros n draft coining up here from the North Pele, hew long does it ti.Ku ou te say you can't go out, shut that deer Wlcii 1 did, ami pritty seen ine uen rang agen and It was Lew Davis and after I had tawke.l te him about I! nilii nits pep called down, Benny, put en your hat and coat and get out of beer as quick as your legs will carry you, Wlch I did. Proving Its n grate thing te keep en trying -Ai t . Letters te the Editor Can Philadelphia Support Opera? Je (lie HtUter of the llvnlne Public Ltieet! Kir The splendid nttendnnce nt thti Chicago Opera Company's performances Mieuld convince our public-spirited citl iens that Philadelphia Is able and will ing te support n rcgulnr winter season bf grand opera in this city. This same spirit has been displayed In the over flowing nudlenccs nt the 'Metropolitan performances, and the, line showing In this respect made here during the San Carle season previous te the holidays. All that Is necessary is the right people te take held of the project nnintift nun tnnulft lnvnrtl. t IIOHQ SOCiailV prominent, nml the men and women of means In the city. Nothing tends te ad ad viuiee n community, mere than fine music. Fer some reason or ether it be came understood thnt n grand opera sea son here would net pay, and the Ilnm mersteln season was pointed as nn ex ample, and inter projects that boeh went te the wall. , . , , The reason for the failure of the Hammcrstcin season was that while It was most artistic, yet It was very poorly managed from a business standpoint. Te be successful the two must go hand In hand, Then later companies who tried their luck gnvc such inferior perform ances thnt the public became sus picious of each new Venture, and if It was geed it. went upon flnnncinl rocks before the public was given time te gain confidence. The grand opera enthusiasm dlsplrtyed this winter should be nn in centive for prominent Philadelphia, te get together befere another season and see that Philadelphia is given its own season, nnrt by n company te be com pared with any in the country. MltS. W. Ju CHURCHILL. Philadelphia, March 2, 1022. Frem an English War Bride Te the Editor of thr Evening PabUc l.edatr: Sir Let me say te "W. L. T.," who wrote nbeut the "regal stuff" con cerning Princess Mnry's wedding, Why net till this regal stuff? He or she did net pay for it. Alse nbeut putting the head of the German family in exile. Yes, but who did it? I inn sure he did net. I biicss he was one of the bunch that arrived ever tlierc jiist in time te celebrate the Armistice. I nm nn English girl married te nn American boy in the United States navy. I served ever in France for two years and ever with the 'Weman's rmy Ambnlance Cerps, nnd our tel dlers teught steadily and bravely forijngten, D. C, four long years, some of them wounded nine times ana mere and sent uacit until they were killed while America was contemplating. Yes, America also did well, lis our army was war-worn nnd shattered en account of the long strain of fighting. We knew what wnr wns. . New, "W. L. T.," let sleeping dogs ..Ill ... I .ln. f.-ff,t fliAfn nM.na I lie still, nnd don't forget there arc as many English people in Philadelphia . 'i ?i.. IT..U..1 O...L .,, ..in.ten.,u .m.i. lllltl llltl l Illicit aiaiwiinti.iititviinii. about lineage, I guftss If we traced your nncestry back tlicre is some eitncr English, Irish or Germnn bleed in you nnd riot n true-born American. I have met some very nice American people and I find it is net the real American who beasts, but some would be American, se "W. L. T." let me say. don't try te provoke hostilities between EngVmd nnd America, because, no doubt, if ever there .was war you would be the first one te run nnd hide yourself. AN ENGLISH WAIt BU1IJE. Philadelphia, March 5, 1022. The Street Venders Te Ihc EA'tcr et the Evening Public Ledger: Sir The street venders in this city with heavy overhead expenses thatthescl street liawker.s are allowed te sell their goods en the street rent free. They re tlie persons in large numbers en our streets beg ging. II. A. S. Philadelphia, February 23, 1!)22. Mrs. Asqulth Criticized l'e the Editor of the Eienlna Public Lcducu Sir I read an noceunt of Marget Asquitli'H lecture in the Evnxixe Pub Pub me Lkdeer, nnd wns sorry te hear of her criticizing American women's leeks. Of course, the climate here is rather try ing, but there nre lets of geed-looking women, nnd certainly clever business women. Mnrget should net have smoked, but set u geed example for 'the American girl, because It Is certainly Injurious.' I have a son thnt has neither smoked nor drank, nnd has a nne physique nnd is in perfect health. I encsj saw a beat woman going along the canal smoking and thought hew tough she looked. A MOTHER AND AMERICAN CITI ZEN. Philadelphia, February 20, 1022. The Harry Lessner Case Te the Editor of the Evening Public Lcilgei Sir Perhaps jeu will class this let- . -. ... .l. .......1. nf n 1.11.. crnnl;.' I hone, en the ether hand, that 1011 will - -- - -s. - . "V ., 7w 'nn.leinL. fll.n..i .1,.. ...ni..-. . .ii.i(iii in .linlirr. Iliifvitre nnnIeiniiii i !n 1 '-'V, " ' 'V "" " .".,., VV."V. ... ill.... ...:.3.iv..,...,.vi..i. iu ,,: .iriiiii "- . , - cluilr. es, the innocent bystander miM he 1 1 rotecLt-tl -tIe taking of life must be answered for, and laws cannot he made te lit the individual case. I knew neth ing of Lessner or his crime, ether than "" . -' -f,v' KUi.liug it. ( ,f ve believe that Judge Rogers has1 nmP nu unfir dceisien, you could bring ' . " . .. ." mere lerce te hear than the State s tjevurll0r. Won't you consider the case? 1 -pj,,, 1)0y has net reached man's estate: he lias bcarcely begun te live. Why rob him of life for an Impulsive murder?' l.ifn liniii'lkiiiuiieiif 01 1 en,.! ivnnlil be I fairer. will 11 please neigh this appeal? j believe the public will reflect my at- .itude. A. It. Philadelphia, February 28, 11)22. 1 Fer and Against Benus Marines In the World War Te the Editor of the Evening Public Ledger. Sir In yesterdnv'b Kvkniwi Puiilie I,rnni:n In the People's Forum col - cel - s nga ngst a ' ty enllSancJ f e he n I troepn arrive, inc ...ling a number e of- te sell goods in this way en the riile- , . "cn for the specific duties Never A ,n ... iV.. afi... ... .i. i i.,..,... .. ... mew being perfnnncd by your men, the fv .edV 'I'liev Invfl riiihlv nttrn ,.f ,, rrew.l marines will be brought bark once mere i Te the EU'ler of the Evemne PubUr I.tdee, forced ll.ej lnaiil.Dl pttratt a crowd l,,nil pnn,l,. nml ns. Sir Will ou please publleh the poem of Idlers, who innicc t lemselves very . ","";.' "V. ' , ?t w,leh thev se much ' tlllnk"hy ieddar.l. b-ginnlng-objectiennbleto the pedestrians. Be- ' j.VseeemT ' Ite,!la7 Division I "ft:: 1"1 ..!J"L 'L.?.U'. .!?!T: sides. It. is net itttr iu uiu iiii'ii'iiiiiun arc Hie iieruiis wun iiM-'ti te tit union 1 11 iiiii, 11 nil a. it iiiiiit'i iiiiiv ill iit'.n I 1-1-1 1 ( 1 1.11 in 111 i.iv ..iiii.'iii.ii itt.i l tiki 111 1 1 -i TH&PEUPLE'S forum limn, under the caption, "Hard en Slacker Soldiers," n mlslnfermant by the name of "J. Tayler, chief engineer, liAtvtn M ! xAAnntl In Ala iIah a wit I et tt ltfla IUU1U, ujiu ni'CUUU, . IU iiiu uur.ci.aiiH migrant who arrived since the war or may yet arrive. The ex-soldier who is new demanding the bonus in the majority of rases wns net n soldier from choice, but from necessity, in which case patriotism could have been but n slight motive. These in the service of production at home were there wholly from choice, nnd ,thls our country cannot, yea, must net, fall te continue in rewarding them as they deserve. Let's have dctters from ethers sup porting the cause against the mercenary rabble, v , AN EX-SOLDIRIt BUM. Philadelphia, March 1, 1022. Questions Answered Most-Spoken Language Te the h'dlter of lie Evening rlibHc tfdeer: 4 ill- r t ' -.. .-.J .. .... "" v.k .no principal ian?u!Uffi or ine world, wnlch language la the most epelten, and olae pleara elve a compnrlKen' with ether lanruaRcs? " ft, I,. K. Philadelphia, March 1, 1022. The English language la the meat ppeken. I.elng the language of mero than 150,000. 000 People, German cemej next, then rtuaatan, Trench, Hpanlah, Itnllan antl Portuirucee In the erjcr named. Presbyterian Tjieolegical Schools Te the Editor of the Evertne Public Ledger: Sir t'leasa name for me the leading lresbyterlan theological schools In the United Slates, giving the number of students at tach. s. 1., T. Philadelphia, March 1, 1022. The McCormack"- Theological Seminary. Mrirlne Engineer Itencflclnl Association, Ne. :i.1, N. Y. C.," attempts, with shallow criticism, te" minimize tjie splcn--did work accomplished by the marines during the World Wnr. Our critic sajs, "The most the marines did wns home service, police duty in Paris, etc., and received ?3:i per month." The fact that President Harding has ex tolled the work of Certain marines with the following citation means nothing te our critic Says President Harding: "We hnvc long been accustomed te the heroism of members of the Marine. Cerps, who seem never te fnil in main taining the magniticent traditions et their organization. It is n great pleas turc te record my acknowledgment of your own contribution te the enhanced glory of an organization of which nil Americans arc se justly proud." Let me quote official records at Wash- "On .Tune 27. 1017." says the official record, "the bnttallen of the Fifth Regi ment actuallv landed in Frnnce and en July 3, 1017, the entire Fifth Itcgi mfcnt was under canvas en French soil. Frem June 27. 14)17, te the middle of Sppmber ij)i7i ,,,, rifth HP?lmCnt ....... n ,,. nf iie First Division of "" ., 4H.Ml,1n. "On May 21), 101,. in accordance with Instructions issued by the Presi- . -" . ,,, . , ,. ,. , dent the becretary of the Nnvy (II- rcctcd the mnjer general cemmnndant 'te organize n force of marines for serv ice with the army as a part of the first expedition te proceed te Frnnce in the near future.' The following letter, dated Novem ber 10, 1017. addressed by General Pershing te the major general com cem ninndnnt, U. S. Marine Cerps, Is both commentary and explanatory as te why innriues were used along the line of communicatiens: "Your marines linvlnc been under I my command for nearly six months, I I f..n1 lin. T nnn nirn I'm, ,1 .ltudrllllllin t inir report as te their excellent standing with tlicir brothers of the army and their under General Bund.v. General Pershing, ill another letter te Brigadier General Dejen, (stated in, part: I "your service has been vatisl'iiclm-.v On June I!. 1!)1S. the Second Division snatched the initiative from tlie Ger mans nnd started an offensive en Its front which did nei end until July 1. BUS, and in the widNls of General Pershing, "sturdily held its ground against tlie"-enemy's bet guard di visions" and completely cleared Beis de Bellenu of the enemy en June 2, 1018 a major of marines Sending in his famous message: 'Weeds new I". S. Murine Cerps' entirely." Our critic says, "the marines were net in tlie ticiiches." Fer psychological reasons marines de net remain in trendies for any great length of time. Marines are lighters nnd a lighter's place is out en the open battlefield, where a geed soldier ought te be. Our President made the marines' work im mortal when he spoke of their deeds ns "the enhanced clop of the marines." One cannot win glory In trenches. The' nsi-clinliiL'icul effi't'l of the battle of Bel- lean Weed will go ringing down the t (enturies radiating forces of healthy ac itlvilies and accomplishments. Has our critic heard of the Battle of Olinteaii-'l hlerrj .' I'ecs lie knew, ler install, e. that the Hfth and Sinh Reg - .... . .....1 li,.. wiiiii iinniiinn i.iiii icui. I General null ill en" report says : "LllO SPCOlUl JiUUIill. JJ1VIH1 en. United I , s.n.es. ln'Illin.ith commanded bv Gen ......". ...... ., Oltlln, 1.1 .......... -" -" -'.- 1 eral l.ejeune. aNe 11 marine etlicer, I played a glorious part In the operations ' of the Fourth Army in the Champagne iu October, l'.US. Tins nttncK, com- , bined with thar of the French divisions en its left and right, resulted in tin1 their aUin.de ..gains, the .soldier?' hem.s Had it net been for the employer with his tools, the empleye with his ability, etc., who produced nnd forwarded the l. n -.. 4. . il . .. supplies ihitn rj in ine successnii I prosecution of the wnr. the soldiers In , France could net but have signally railed nnn instead or returning te n free America would either huve been I billed or captured and our country I would he groveling in tlie dust nt the! I Kaiser's feet. as the soldier Iu effect ""ly directing the energy procured 'through the who, were in the service. nf production at home? Havliitr been engaged 111 tills greater service it is only proper that the ones who stnjed at home having this responsibility should have the greater reward. Net only that, but the country should continue this pellcv through the industries, munici palities, rsiaie aim .National uevcrn- ments te offer preference in employment 'nnd 'nnd waues, first, te these who stayed at .. nk.nl ......I AA.i.ltt.iiV I nnn niiuill.n 1'rtil I It) I" and our ceiiimaiid is cun-ldcred ns one rl"r; e pr, '' ?"' ""C"' , if .i t. a. ii. . t t. ... ...i.t.. T nere an n.tlniH fur all our pah of the best in tiaiicc. I have nothing ut tthen J0,lth, the llr,.,imi h,.,,,,,,,,, but praise for tlie service which jolt fIt takc, semeihlng from our he.ttts. have rendered in this cemmMlnl.1 And It never mir.ee ug.ila. Chlrnge, 160 atudenta, and Princeton Theo logical Seminary, 103 atudenta. Point In Cotten Te the Editor el the Vvtntnn I'ullte Lcdeirl Hlr What la meant by a point In the (Jot (Jet (Jot ten mnrltet? AV H. I. Phltndetuhla, February 27, 1022. On a cotton market a point ta enual te five cents en each hale of BOO peunda. or S3 en 100 balea, 'this belnK the uiual contract. Changing of Name 7e the Editor el the Mvcittnu Public Ltdeer: Sir I have aen In your paper nntf ethers oplnlena le the effect that It Is net neceaaary te h'ave legal proceedings te make a chance nf namn valid. Should an alien reatdlng In this country change Mr nanie and later apply for citizenship In his new namn, would this affect securing his flrct or second paper7 F 1.. D. Plillad'lphla. Fehruary 2S. 1022. The naturalization law requires an alien te flle his declaration nf Intention and his petition for naturalization In his full, cor rect name. If hli name linn been changed without a court order, hn mint state his original old country name and the name esmimcd by him. If he then ilealres In un the assumed name, the court has authority te make an order changing 'iH name at the hearing. A declaration of Intention (first paper), made in the new r.ame. would net necessarily he void, but the declaration would have te 'alum that he Is the person who was kn.iwn by another name In nnethei. country and that he.. In fact, made th") dec laration rnd slcncd it. Poems and Songs Desired Who Wrete It? Te the Editor et the Evening Public t.rdge Sir t am very anxious te knew the follewing: "A million million werldi pence, A million mlirhly lawn thnt And ene small ant heap, hidden by small wsa Is, Itlch with eggs, staves nnd store. nf millet Phlladelnhla. March 4. 1022. " The author of the verse quel-. a Hi.tr , lette P. S. Oilman, nnd It ni.pe.iri in her ' poem "A Common Inference Mrs. Wilcox's Peem Te the Editor of the Kvenlne Pnblln t.'dgrr Sir What In the proper tUle of Mr Wll rex's pcem bRlnnlmr "Laugh nnd th" erld laughs with you"? W. II. I., rhllndelphla. March 3, 1022. The prepsr tltl ns given tn the poem by Mrs. Wilcox Is "The Wnv of th.. World." but we believe It is sometimes printed with the tltle "Solitude." "The King of Dreams" Te the Editor of the Evening Public Ledgtr Sir I Inclese n rim by Cllntrn Srnllard which was united for In jeitenl.-n s Kvrsivn PCM.IC .I.niiaKR. I happened tn hnve It. as It Is set te musle. and It Bles me great pleasure te send It it.. miss noneiiiY M.rn:i:. Philadelphia. March 3. 1022. THi: KING OP DI1KAMS Some must delve when the dawn Is nigh; Some must tell when tlu noerij beam'. I'ut when the night comes .ind the soft winds sigh Kvcry man Is u king of dreams! Onn must pln.l uhlle anethtr must pi' At plow or loom till the sunset gleam. Put hen the night come, n,l the moon rldr high Kvery man Is a king of dre,im One Is a 3l-.e te a marter's en. Anethr serf te a despot seems. IJut when night comes and the dltceids die Kvery man Is a king of dreams. This seu may sell and that may buy This you may barter for geld that gleams. But there's en domain that Is flxe.t for MAKTIX T. HOUIXSOX Philadelphia. March 2, 11122. xi:vi:u au.mx fly Ttleli.ir.l Ile.irv Pte.hl.v I V We ate strelice" Ill.l are bette Under mnnhoe.l s sterner rlKn Still We fee1 tint 1-cme'hlnR siv.-e' Follew'tl veuth, with M Inir fi' And will never com. asale Something beaullfu, Is v.uiln .' And we sigh fei It In vain We beheld It everwh. re On the erth nnd le the Dut It nev.er cimes ..gnu. The Teeple's Kiiruni will appear dally In the Kvenlng Public Ledger, and alae In the Sunday Public ledger. Letter discussing timely tnelrsjUlll lip printed. a well as reauestetl poems, and miratien. ef general Interest will tie nhswered. Cuticura Is The Best Beauty Docter Dally use of Cuticura Seap, with touches of Cuticura Ointment new and then, keeps the skin fresh, smooth and clear, Cuticura Talcum is bIbe Ideal for the skin. BaUvvUIackriMbTitaU AdJrtt: Caucat.Lk raKrUi, Dipt ur, Mai d.a4t,MM."be!dt art. weer. mnc, uinumntatianilMe t.lcumUe. i-utlcura aeapaharea without mui, Unlimited Funds Fer First, Second, Third or Building Mortgages QLICK ACTION ABE K0LSKY & COMPANY, Inc. N. W. Cor. 9th and Walnut Sts. CREDITS AND COLLECTIONS Course, lieulns J'rldny March 10 Klrat session frsn. Phene or writ- Instruction Olllce for further deulls, Y. M. C. A. SCHOOL OF COMMERCE Accounts mid rliuinte 11:1 Aren rt. i.i ...no mmmmmamaww that move ,n J) never leise, M f T EHRETS " 9 SLAG ROOFING EHRET ROOFING & A MFG. CO. NT? & G lr forty Fivfc rf inrmr Ditiv. . "Make Your Jeb Our Jeb" Get Our Estimate Repairing Fire Damage FAYbuilder I N22. Se MOLE ST. "" Phene REPAIRS Valve scat planed in position and new valve furiiUhed. All kind of engine repairs. Phene Will. 1814 nnd Muln 3111 & CruflMsrfirlachlnlftf ZI2-2Z2 S.OARIEN ST. Maw Pearce Gas KaneTbly rcz51 Sent P. P. $7.90 Prepaid. (;VC ,,. and niimlier of ntngp when nrilercd GQ PEARCE & CO. fllKl Mnsclirr St.. I'hllrt. WjeiiiliiBOJOl l'lNAXCIAI. PORTO RICO GAS COMPANY te tiik nei.in:its or nuvr M(iin..u.i: Vc MNK1M ITND 001 .11 VN riir. imikte kiie "AVy.'VNMr.M.V; ct'Ki:i iiv 'i in; Miiiti(i.(ii:eit iii.i.i OF TUIST OF SMIl (OMPVN1 TO Till. ITAKANTY TIM M C (IMrAVl III' MIW YOIIK. AS Tltr.sTl.i:. D.Vll.ll I'KI : as tins. AM) te tiii: iiei.ih:k- or nu tens or s.i iexi": , , Notlce Is hnreby gUen. pursu-int ' . (he terms and conditions of Artu le S-xn ntl; .of the nboe-mentlen d .Mitui- .i i'"'e or Tr-.it. ih-ii tlw nnhrslmi. I u. i..n 'dulv appointed nn.l nu- urtlni; in . Hend holders' Cemmltttc representing ni.ij irlty In amount of all outstanding benis and ever- due coupons of the .tld Perte III", t.us Company, under a llnn.lhel.h rs l1-peslt Agreement In writing, .luted Auust 1. 1111. heretofore ledged and new .in nl. lin rne ti,-.. vel...., T.if.i x. Trust tenniiru .it 1 nli- ntlelphlii. as I)iiesltaiv. whose address 1 s Xt'ttnwtst rerner of Chestnut nnd 1 uurtn i Streets, PhlladeliXila. Pmnsylvanla and that snld femmtttm lm terniulut'd and nuprtivcd .. 1'li.n tin I Agre. ment In writing, dated Nueml.er 2S lull for the reorganiatien of the nffalrs or said Perte Itlce (las Company, which has also been Ille.l with the said The Provident I.lfe i Tiut ivminn' of I'hllii delphlti. us lepnsltui and th it ou art herebv miucsteil te euree te th. t. rms of hucIi I'lun un.l Agncmtnt of ii.i.rgiinls.itleti and execute nn.l hetem.. a nartv te the sum I ''detigltlni? 'Veir ialVl V.n.is .tin: coupon iwlth thasnlil The Company of Phlladi Pmvldim l.if 1 rust nanv of Phladi nba. as Hi inn "i xrhanse for tertllli att s of d. p..- l th' reef executed bv the Depositary In th. form pr" scribed nnd apprev.d by th" Cmm tt. and te pay un nsseiJMntnt will' h is hti.bv le rlare.) te be H j.er rent eti tin (ic alue of the bends and rnuuuti. k .1. pe.it, J by ou, within thlrtv (Je) !.! aft. i the last publication of this notice un.l nt leu-' ten (10) dais befere anv h.iI of tlie preperts of raid Perte lllce (1-is Cump'iny in th" notion new nendlnir for the fore. ..sure of the said Mertgngn Nfcur.ng said bends and n.ii n.ii liens, pursuant te and In cempllanee wth I the' terms of said I'lun and Agrecm. i.t of' UenrsanUatlen. dated Xe ember 2S. ltd In thu event of Neur failure t i i nun1' with this request, you mav Jein in fU. h I'litu and Agiiement of H'-tuganl it.en during inn time within thlrtv (an) d.ivs lifter th. s.tU . of the said prepenv in !i"c .sut. up e nnvlmr the nss.sHtnent tli.-n .lue in.! r .u I'lnn and Agrim.nt of ll" iir .iti.'i. ir 1 interest th. reen, and as a li.jul.lit.d aiiieui ten ner i entuni en the amount ;f the eh. -- mtnt us simulated il.iiinci f..r our fni.u te ceme In sooner ue.br t-il.l Plan a lei ,jre.miit of lteiiruaiiu.it mr. ItfKl'S WAP1.1 s ih .Ktn . i 1'ltANCIS S. .'I .! r "'l.l.i: HK.VItY A. IHMICP CAltl. V rilVMMll.n .IOI1N' W M'lltKS rmuiniticK p. m -us ( film llate.1 Wbruajv .s 1022 netici: wi:i.ni reMP.x iiiikty-I ykau siviiiM! rrxn rivK pi it t i:xf 1 COI.LAIKItAI. Tllf-T MOK'I ...M.I. t.OI.I) nexiis. i).ti:i .11 m: 1. laoe. t'nder lb" prevlsiuna of tea n 'mce. tealed prep 'S ill will h, re. el. ..I f, 1 11 n. teunt of tb Mnklna b'tind until 1." n't Jeck neon, M.irrli S, lli'iJ, at the .,IUC uf the undersign."). Trustee, for the .a t, ,,t the lowest price ret Pticdlng 1 ai u 1 rrued Inter -tt of se m.mv of tfi ,i 1 ,ue . us ll'ia .'.JS I" wtM purehas. Propesils should b indorse 1 I'- ;, for the s.t of tie Welsba. h Cen 1 ai j ,v. lvr Cent Collateral Trust (ield n n nJ addressed te ASA S WLS'O 1 1. . , TUB PROVDRXT LIPK AMI II:' T ctjMPxNv ok I'lni.Aruu.i'iiiA X W. cer. 4th and Chestnut Ms Phllatenh , 1",, 11 i.i.i;k-i.i:iik;ii nuiM I'lr.t Miir.giige (i' ".luklng l'lind (.old KiuhI. I'nd'T th. pruwiuns of th niurtg'14, 1 - pes.ils fur the iii.eunt of th i,, t, . 1 will b" rttene.i until :) P VI M.,, 1, 1 , 1H22 at th" off 1, e f the Wnti.ii 'i r'i. Cempiin Truste. for th.i htl. . , i. (,t the iewest eric, net eedinu lei- ,.. thtir face valut and aevrm .1 u.., ' tf ; many of th. above nu ntb.ned b . i. ,v 1211. 310. .17 will part-has. All ten 1 1 - . . be addr,Hse.i 10 the -miler gne.i NOKIIIKKN TIU'.VT ()M1'AN. Iru.tte SU1I1 and .sprin.- liard, 'i Philidelphla I'roiieNiiU I'll.ll'OsAI. I'Olt Dill III. 1. 1'er tlfTl, ers aiul X..ti-C..miii .- Ol IKII.Its I . 1 Ofllee of .' nstlU' UrisT IJU.IIt-i 1 ,a-' ford Aisenil Plilllidelplil.i la peH.ils will I. le, vlved i,i 1. March H. tvil. mi th. 11 ,., 1 stllKtl'.Il lis 11. "I- d ,il.v 1' ltltallel.s Ml be I iriilvhed ui 1 a deposit ,r ten delluis if ID oe I I .1' .-.V " m I -iee- let e( .pel.il Merllne MIL ItlTTI.MIIM s. 1 m si llllll'.VM Sc? Netice or ..pei l.i I M.elnii. Xell e s luielj Kiv.li u( i ,, , , , ,, nf the sh.irehel I. is of Till: 1 I I I I 1 , ,, rill'ST I'eMI'ANV te 1.1 1 1 'lOUSH, 1.112 1 li "HUH Hill. 1 t ' vVfiini'siiiiv . 11,11111 1,1. 111::. , . M., te take a un en ,,' prOVill U "111 the .ii,iSed uinpanv m'" t t vl...iml 1 in at.cer,laiKe wifh tie 11 11.14 nf the 11. vlnd S..ltU'1's r states ati amen 1. ,1 1 v s. , , "i al Heserve , 1 un I. r , ItltteheUse Htietiat II.111 , .' pi HOWAIll) 1.1 iN'i is-l HP I'll ) AUTlU'lt II AIM'S .-. , , 1 ti'tleiU ' sap- ,-C' I'ltANM.IN NAIItlWI vsK Pet 111 Nelhe In s,, l.i,,,!,..... . , li, e is In 1 1 b m -ill , , , ( li .1 It, ie'ut oil i.f II I', Ml. i'llinkllll V ttleli , I 1 , I m tnnr 01 the hi.i, kh,, . , ,1 l VI, 1 be 1 elfl VJll Vtllll.sd.lt. i. of ll.inh. IIiJ. lit 12 it', In, k i " mi f th bank Nu 1 11 l'i .,.1 .pin 1 in 1.1k,. ., 1 1 - ,1 pievit! .ml t . , i t , ,I,,lMtseJ Ini 'O is" t . , , , Ml.. H.li.l b.ltlk flull, 1 in "- nun 10 Uii" Mt 1 , 1 1 I ,' , I Dollars 1 s 1 ,, , 1 in 1 t, bv a ste W 1 . U I , i I i.letlts of tli. 1. w I il.iv a 11 Mill 1 i Annual MivHncs . nil. nnc.i. in;, ,',N(, , M PliDBreiituls Issc,,m f .M,. dm v. il I" h II I ut stlii), .Marth II. Mi" ,i a, S.I P. M,, n It 'i,i .hi . Ull II 4, 1 1 'l I .1 il II U 11 . Ol le rb a 1' ' er.ter i i ' MI I" N. i: ,1H11N.- STI IMiBIP XIITH Ls AMERICA UNE M.V 1.IIIK TO ItOITLKDAM Ilil l'ljletmth, lleiilnciie-Siir .irr Utnilltlll .V.l'r'." ''" .'.? -M-'i 2'! .N, Amaterdiini ..,,ir. ,.i ,pr, iv .nun' ;i sjperu mi . .Anr i !,!? lit dune ? i Unttertl im . , .Apr. K Ptnenser Office, 1531 W aAKKFD I lb""! t i . - .. vv x. r who wr ji? t sf" II CT TK x mfiKTi DOWN IN THE CROOVlMlw ULf.VU.WlTHTQPOI'TOVe.ytr 0 AMERICA UNE J sslsslMsBMslsVlsasHsHBWNsasMBlllMHBVs teMmm!ismr- m. Zl yti?, Smciax, BOOK NOW and secure wide choice of cabin at- , commedations in cltidinjr luxurious suites, cabins with bath, cabins with toilet, cabins with single bedsteads. HI rat. Second n nil Third Class Pn.sen cers carried. CANADIAN PACIFIC R. C. Clayten, Passenger Agent 029 Cheatnut htreet Philadelphia. Pa. Telephene I. mibnrd 7116 WILLIAMS LINE S S "WILLPOLO" Sailing March S te Les AngeBes, San Francisce, Portland, Seattle and Tacoma Freight Received Daily PIER 27 NORTH f M)lt Itvn-S AMI PAHTICLI.AHS, AITI.Y WILLIAMS STEAMSHIP CO., Inc. Ill Drexel IJIdg., Custom Heuse Place Lembard 5474-5 BLACK DIAMOND LINES REGULAR FREIGHT SERVICE TO ROTTERDAWI S S EDCXHILL" (U.S.S.I1.) SS "STORM KING" (U.S.S.I1.) SS "EASTERN SOLDIER" (U.S.S.U.) TO ANTWERP SS "WESTERN SPIRIT" (U.S S.ll ) SS "EASTERN SEA" (US SB.) , SS "EASTERN DAWN" (U.S.S.B.) APRIL Fer Rates and Particulars Apply fevelin & Comeanv. Inc.. . Aecnt , . j . - - -- - p 108 Seuth Fourth Lembard S144 Larcest steamer f-a.l.ng teWt-' Imlii'-. Fare S.00 up. BoeUj gs te any pens of ca!'. , WHITE STAR LINE I ( ru e Drpt MALLOiY TRANSPGRTLiES,! Regular Freisht Service nc. Te BARCELONA, GENOA, MARSEILLES, NAPLES and VALENCIA S S "West Lashaway"' (USSB) . Sailing March 10 Fer Rates and Particulars Apply GEYEL8SS & CO., inc. Philadelphia Agents 108 S. Fourth St., Phila Lembard Sl-l-4 Mam t S2e KERR LINES Sailings Frem Philadelphia FOR HAMBURG SS "Schoharie" (U. S. S. B.) Sailing March 8 SS "Dallas" ( U. S. S. B.) Sailing March 18 HUDSON SHIPPING CO. Inc., Agents LAFAYLTTE HUlLDlNt. PHILADELPHIA PA Lembard 52G4-5 Main SI 06 FLORI OxA, By Sea JACKSONVILLE (M.k .s-at.uinalil Frem PHILADELPHIA "Urdnraduy, &utunhi, u V. .11. 53-l.US ,;; ;:;;,' $G1.SS llt'tH". I'llll Hi lll'iOKIII ..1 tint MII'.I (hiiis ihilmltl I iiii tli.irif. ii rriuiirn.Klc PrrK Itnitm lhkf k'euii t ' r turn iiniil M m f 1 r.rUhl milt Viileiithliili't. i ir rlfil it Int.. ui i IP. i . nti it a....!..... . M!.. t... r. inercuinu a. minm ..an., ..u. ?1f r IB .1"" ITzil'"U. C "''. -. ' (mmr ? a criL?D 1 ! I Delightful vey VrTM'S 1 I aKe of 27 days -teiBKa -tf& l ill t,j-ui'iv a..e, sr, I visiting Havana, 'sdr- I Jamaica, Panama i-&-j' I I Canal (two days , Venezuela, I Trinidad, Barbados, Martin- J ique, St. Themas, San Juan, I Bcrnnitia. Ne iasperts r"'- I euircd for full iTUist' Itifirt.t- I ing short excursmt , I MMEGANTIC 1 (20,000'-)" A MARCH 20 I te the WEST INDIES I Larcest dimn'e'ip t( ai y ! 1 1 I 'firniilTMiiTii.. 'GSStfuKi . d-Cl &43n art .-T iTurnemi SAiijjrGr ssr i'iJ'MSwBM- iMii: -i AiixiUH New Yerk te LIVERPOOL March 23 By the magnificent, oil-burning "Empress of Britain" Spacious promenade decks, large and sumptuous public rooms including all modern innovations, fully equipped gymnasium, etc. Fer rntes and full l information apply te local amenta or te SAILING MARCH 7 17 31 10 24 7 T r Street, Philadelphia Main 7620 New Yerk te ScuthAmerica Oiiil.S.QevemtnentSliips Fastest Time te Rmde Jiuieirn, Montevideo and Huenes Aire biuret ships American (.ervice Atncru.in foil ineriun cotnterta. Sail iiisi trem Pier s. lielxiken Southern Cress Mar. 10 Aeolus Mar, 30 American Legien April 13 ftirare iV.lff kwm mm B m m M i - t t s .in imp- Mar II Apr. 1 1 .Ilu.v n . I pr. 215 .Mav ' 11.1 :I0 .lime 20 Jul) . . ui i herhvviru ae MM II M MM 1(1 l'M I'.I HI ), Mtl 1 II . t . V II W.ISI ( IIII.M MLIMIM I VI llM ... I I III V s v ,I 111 i.(,:.in i N ' . II., I ,v U.I. I. III 1 v I . . v I . It ,' i- ,1 -1 1' 1 1 II t . 1 111! I It IIItON I 1 - I Ililll 1 1 1 Mar H'r Il.ir II l. let .'il M.i .'I .lime ' , i ..in ..it v ipr. s ii.iv 12 .lime i lei n, t ,1 til i-i Unr i 1 INbt ' Ilai ' P ae M.i i Vll, l.i nali, Mai I Iniliur 'Mtainshin Line. I..IIO I nil, lit Srrr, i, ,,, i' lluiirse Hid,: Plill.i ( nn tnl toil I' locum i IIMI. I r, lulu (lib, i DiV.ie Steamship Lines PHILADELPHIA te I Bristel, Manchester, Glasgow i U.S.S.B.SS"EASTERN PILO'l Ixpe.vted te Sail March 11 .11 COM'!. Ill M I IE in s Harms, Magill & Ce., Inc. 1J-. I.il.ijitte lildg., Chiladclpliu l,: ,s ir.l 1 ..'(l-l V till Tflln EXPORT- Transportation Ce., Inc. Oriele Steamship Lines PHILADELPHIA te LONDON, HULL & LEITH s S "W K.ST NOhSKA" Mar. Hi I ..r Infiiiiii ttieu and rates imply tu Hudsen Shipping Ce., Inc. Afclil. I..il.ijcttc I)uiltliiir. Phila., Pa .laniibaril e'.'OI-S Ililln aiul ZiTUEVlIVlE.ffV.IAI - STEAMSHIP LINES PHILADELPHIA te CORK, DUBLIN, BELFAST and LONDONDERRY S "Keiliunkseii" About Alarch l.i Moere and McCormack, Inc. 111-lG Beurte Uldg., PhiJn I iiinii. ti58!i Main 7.r)10j( H Pan America April 27 H "Ptirtnlglitly Tliereitfter" I 1 Munson StearashipLines I B 07 II ill s. rw Yerk City I fl Phil nt, Inula Ofllee. Ilrciel Hide. I a It graying Operator for 1 W S. SHIPPING BOARQ x:i W J't iS-- au ym 1 Inir 0S7. CvaeanJ : a leca 1L.1 'flwrw . n i -i ' ft' . ti i.i U'" , 'av J "re" 'maw ajZwiT 4Jg i i i: . i.ft '), aflfl ' TZU 'tW( .,: m W3 ifl a" 3 t'S ve Mil a. v :ru l-jf-.u IB .' '.. i .-.'j J m:.5 14 9 ?l- IB' I v, jr I'M. W e' en r e& 1 '- iu.. l.Jilil', I ,-'.J'US- 7i".f: 'tV.Jii -M.,h' U' !U..k asKU -. isfsaa, ! -4.