89144 5f rwzmsw .1 f l J', vjj, :rt i 'w t it ,Mennir r .wa 'i. i re T' vm -,-ir.' Jrijv i! ATOWB 4 nut j.i i.-r. m m -. ;, r' '';, 1VV SVH- V IV tuft fwp ' "i W&Y w .V i ! - EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHItADELPHIA, TUESDAY, MAKCH 7, 1922 ri I "" mii -i .. . . j i - 0M Squad Reports te Coach Cariss for University of Pennsylvania Ball Team 2, 21 WtLtiELM S,J. "I " f WILL MAKE geed; predicts smith I ff Columbia Geerge" Boosts 'McGraw as Great Manager and Incidentally Praises Phillies' Leader ; VI. l-invtv .1 Pni.i.n1K J-.W1- ' -- ,rn re strict f.r Hi' Lccsmirg. na.. .March 'I. GEOIM'K SMITH, lengthy n'ml lean, (I'ljustcil lilmself in ' n comfortable Mvlrr en.the veranda "of the Lnke View $K i'hen.fmitirters of tl.n Phillies bfijn tliftlr miring training. He picked JSillenR left mid wrapped It, Lincoln - LiMen, several times, around the ether. lfc took up the thread of the story he Ui Ktartnl nt the dinner table. "Yep. Jehn McOrnw is a urcnt man itt'r"he paid, nnd Oeerge should knew, fee he ppenf several seisenfi under the vL Yerk ehlcf. "There are a number if btffbnll fnns who claim MeOrew nn't develop player;, but I'm Relnp te iiitute that. He knows where the weak Jlt-et the -club 1h and KtartH looking inwlKl-fw the man te fill the job. pir.'ilie Price x ilnvarlnhly when Mctiraw wt& bin Ihd en getun n prayer no gem mm. Inn M ether nmnsicerii were Riven the iftewiry money It deen net fellow thnt tlH'iill re Inte the market nnd pluck lie nlnycr who will de the club the poet koe'1. H"t Jehn McGrnw can le "And while I'm talking about man iifri'.", he continued, puffing vigorously If'tlV'itnie. "I inlcht sny (puff) that WiVIiU (puff) Ih no (two puffs) mean ,ffir himself."' (Fleck of puffs and then ynether match.) I?.... fl 11111. ..1... ...tit Mn1.. .! la fictv I'"' 'ire of It. He's net tee trict-.nel- If lie tee enny. Wllhelm In trirUin a rertnln f.end and he can get I kf jwit of " And, "furthermore, he ineRWbflfeiiaii upn. eitncr in tue form 4 ptteher, Inllelder, outfielder or alAtr." (Jeorge Is n nntlvc of Greenwich, Cetni He attended Ohie State for one nir.and'tlKii w,enl te. Columbia. In lli'miilerjraduatc Ia.V8 he used te hang Itch Herry Imlay In the I'enn-Celum-til duels. He jumped from the class - Noe,t tl(e b'.j lensucs in.iiuu, wiicn kluicd the (Jlent. I.nter he went tefncllinatl, anil then back te the CtiWT,,He Jus been with the Phlln k'ievfral apens. His profession Is baseball, hut' Iii'h hobby Is fishing. Virellle Cliff Lee If nethlnir else, the Kisc is going (e live a,.Furc enough life, gingerly, full il thej'bl' pep versatile utility man. (Tlffen) J.ee W the young gentleman's Hiue. We t il riclit .from Manager W'il- 1dm himself that Cliff wlll.be ready, for terk ip any of five pesltlbrts. He 'can (itch ami "nine te the .Phillies as .a litktfan. He can play the outfield. Furthermore, he may get In there at Jrtt bai'C this ear. Jack' Leslie, the bev from New Of- law, phe probably wlM.arrlw in camp Way er tomorrow, is slated for first ke, mit in case he doesn't produce. 1( will be Kivun'the peht at the initial erner.' I.ee ran hit the ball. He ihend) clouting ability at Coeke Park jwierdnj . t'eurj times he hocked the ball ever lt barker, nnd one of the four clouts tnvflcij ele'-e te 4."0 feet. The spliere vrat fwlliig eer the fence into deep Mi eentPr. It nieabures 400 reef te il' feei' hi that point from the (lite, aed the herseblile kept en trav- emjaieasi anurner liny ieet. Anether yeuii'; man who was leaning ' thew j'heavily yesterdny was I.cc 11 i t Mere $3000 Still Makes Rogers Hornsby Holdout St, Leuis, March. 7. Hegcr Hornsby,- leading batsman of the National Lengtic, nnd officials of the Cardinals -are no nearer an agree ment! en n 1022 contract today. Hornsby, who has been holding out for $2fi,000, stated he had "shaved a bit" off the demand, and Sam Brcaden, president of the local club, stated he had made "some conces sions," It la understood Hornsby hflfi brought his figure down te .$20, 000, but the Cardinals' officials are unwilling te pay mere than $17,000. SIcndews. I,ec led the pitchers in hit ting last season with a mark of .210, net n very healthy average, te be sure, but a fair one for a hurler. Twe playcra joined the sipiad for the first time yesterday. They arc Lee King, the veternn 'outfielder, who came from the Olants, and William Lcrten Pinte, from the Londen club, the champions ei tue .Mlriiigan-Untarie League. Beth worked In the two prac tices. King Is a newlywcd, nnd has his bride with' him. They were married about two weeks age. The blushing Mrs. King nnd Mrs. (Wi1hclm ere the only women with the club party. WILL STOP TREMAINE, SAYS JOE O'DONNELL Meet en Same Card With Mealy and Barrett Tonight "I'll de the Mime te Tremalne that I handed Phil O'Dewd.." This was a sum mary from Jee O'Donnell en what he plans te de when he meets Carl Tre malne, the Cleveland boy, In one of the five eight-round bouts at the Ice Palace tonight. O'Donnell and Tremalne will clash en the same program In which Hebby' Harrett. of Cliften Heights, meets Johnny Mealy In a return bout. Jim Nnnlty, former Villanevn trainer, who has been working with Ilnrrett for the last three months, has nn nn neunccd that the youth Is ready. "Har rett has recovered from his lllnc-s." Faid Nnulty, "and Is ready te go. He never was punching better. Ills knees are giving him no trouble and with his legs strong, his powerful arms will de the rest." Three ether eight-round sessions will complete the program. In the third Whltey Fitzgerald of West Philadel phia, will go en agninst Frnnkie Hlce, of Baltimore. . Hyman Geld, the Call Call fernlan who made his Eastern debut against Lew Tcndler, will make his first Philadelphia showing in the second fray. He meets Johnny Dennelly. Lieu tenant Karl Bnird. of Seattle, will take en Kid Wagner, of this city. The first bout will go en nt 8 o'clock. RUTH OFF TO TRAIN Bambino Starts for New Orleans. Ward Only Holdout . Het Springs, Ark., March 7. "Hebe" Ruth, Pitchers Carl Mays, Walte Heyt and Shawkey, and Short stop Everett Scott, of the New Yerk American, were prepared te leave here today for the team's spring training camp at New Orleans. The Yankee starH had done preliminary training here for sevcrn! weeks. Colonel T. L. Husten, part owner of the club. b"fere depnrting for New Yerk, tald Aaren Ward, second base man, of Fert Smlfh, Ark., remained the only held-out en the club, anil that he expected him te report nt New Or leans shortly, Colonel Husten signed Ruth and Mays te contracts culling for large salaries. NEAR-RIOT WHEN TIPLITZ IS FOULED I, ! , Philadelphian Wins After Jee Benjamin Is Disqualified in Fourth Round WARNED SEVERAL TIMES Evening Ledger Decisions of Ring Bouts Last Night , "I.ymfia A. A, Je Tlpliis wnn en 'ffliit rrnm j- ifenMmfni Jlmmr Mid drftnteil nillr . .Dli F.irl llnrlnmn wen nrr frmikU Mrrsrlfnili Frankle Mslnnr drfqi1 Jack MnpfnAiii Jnk fitter VflAlcaii Atit V n PHIL HURLING PROSPECTS Oermen. fourth. ' I.VNN. MAM. Paul rmix u ntrir. Deyle wen frem ftflaTnVnnMw Vrlwapa imii ffm Ah Friertmsii. RKDINO Unrrr (Kilt) Ilrewn entrnutht FrtdAr Jirksi Oene rxlmnst ontpelnUil nmnr Ortrvmi K. O. Antfle knnckrd out temmr Oeldm. fenrthi Kid Wolf defrsted nattllns Psskesi Rehbr nnrke brat Willie Shlrlr. ,NKW"ORI.KANB llarrr Felejr wen ever Chm k. WUrslns, .iinrifna. v. n-h Jlnrlln knocked out Ry Thompeon, third, .", r-Anl ;ek t?hnfy. first! .1 elf I.nwni I.eii Kn W. ym'J Kln' ei ATLANTIC f!ITV fee. NHsenj Rosr Pter drfrntril mi erf i nehner, tlrsti ,ier rrrlnteln outpelntri iinnvn .! Hnn in nnn wapiti rW. yj.'ir Klnv ontiielntoil Jehnui' Jnrk Wolf hbre:s the low down en THOSE PHILS IN FLORIDA GNrte.'-Mnrean . Three years nge 'rfeae Mniunn. 'ir rliht-hand Ditcher, Me Inte professional baeball with tl Newport News Club of the Vir- TO wague. lie was drafted by tne PWlinl lnvt snrliii? nnd went te OelriCS- lnlh(. Ili'Jl training trip. He was Irpe tr Itwliester for fuither sen. tltic nnd linil a great campaign in "wljiternntinnnl League, winning wv ,gn gaini", nnil losing enlyrten. IRecheNter tinished second in the tae rnie ln-i .tear, and nt the end lj the tensen he was recnlled by Wll Wll werje l input -five tenrs old nnd Quaker C'itv citizen, but net a pNdiihlan. Ills home Is in Qunker , 0, Up K n slim boy for n pitcher, "t Wms te limn n nt nf nlnff. brneed In Its personnel such prominent ball players as "Nig" Clarke, Jack Miller, Paul Cobb, Ty's brother, and ethers, Is with, the Phils. The "first-te-figlit" athlete is Jehn E. Singleton, a right-liapded pitcher, who wns with the Phils last season and then fanned out te Newark with Hey Mack. He rejoined the Phils last September. With Newark Inst year Jehn wen twelve games nnd lest twenty. Newark finished fifth in the pennant race. l)e. spltb his tiumereiiH defeats, his average earned runs were only 2.03 per inning. Singleton is n native of Onllipells, O. He Is twenty-five years old. Colonel Snover Once a big league star himself, one must credit Irving Wllhetm. the boss of the Phi's, with the ability of knowing n pitcher when he sees enp. It wns he who plucked Colo nel L. Snover from Plttstleld. of the Eastern League. Colonel hurls from the pertslde and he has a huge hand te guide the ball and n powerful body with which te obtain speed. Colonel Snover Is the best piepect in the Phil cnjnp. He weighs ever l!00 nnunds mid mpiisiircn nlmut r.lv f..n, dvn three I inches. He leeks like n college football player and has n fnce with nggresic ness nnd determination written 'nil ever it. He broke into professional baseball In the Interstate Lcague ns an out fielder in 1010. The following season he was supposed te go te WelNvllle. a club which was te be managed by Widow Conrey, new ceaen of tlie 1'liiK The Ihftrfefi ltrtlltin 1 no, enmtnA- ".TAft' R ..u ...I... -..iiC riii.i ... Kiurke. the well-known Nativity ball "l"i recommended a chap named 'Mti, Clinrles A., te be exact, and Mpreiiiiil purchased by the Phll- 'Charlie" is a right-hand pitcher J" f,!P10 ,fl0' the Hamilton Club of ' Mlrhi!ttm.cntnrli League, which "wiiagcii dj iriteurke. Mhany,vins with Hamilton ""' and laM season wen twenty F flu lest only nine. He was 2 lflulifi Ipii ler of the League in J! mrned-run teliimn. which is the 5?J "nnprtuiir one. He came te the ?" after tin. clec of the Michigan ""'no l.enmie season nnil whs in two r'M'fall. He lest both of them: I I iapa'. .... t. . "" ' I - ' .....- - -ir n.ii Miiwirurir win nmnncr nnil ,..nnn - n. ...(. ....... .. a m " n ."iipf.'.er. Mf,T,1 .mcnn8 J Ped of the wnr- R .,.. l.luJie Is likely te stick. I Snover entered the service and II wns while p'aylng with I'ncle Sam's club that he discovered he could pitch. After he was discharged he wns given n trj out by the Olnnts, but MrOtaw sent him te Plttslield. of the Eastern League. He wns there during Jlil'l) and IIIL'1. ear the end of Inst season Mnuuger 'jlhclin took n trip te Plttslield, saw f-eiiug gmiu in ncuen nnci dratted S nn.i.,,rVr''nt , J r,fi 1'eunds. He Jms Twenty-six years age In Elnilrn. N. I , "iHiei (i iitn.'H rni'e fnr tlie V llm Inteut Plill iii-rn.tu.pl unu r'lirlu. kTMlHlLNUl!ks wlt" Htemneh trouble , te'ned Colenef L., nt n time, ns he puts ?! u pmm,lB "ll(,er we,8ht- It i It. "when he couldn't fight bnck." claims Hehati as a K!..1..1" .-mxiuiii. n"S !'. !h ""'' twent) -seven years tar. it1.11 ,1,n,r 'ls beyond his body In "" His hair Is white. Gorden m ..... . . It r. i' i "I'l'urseu iecseurg nu '" " Cffl1'; f?r " I'T'ii'inent job en Near Cm V.11'1'1.1," s Pitching stuff. He is W,ilh( ter iV 'PPersen. n young left- the y Wik... ''I' ih twenty yenrs old nnd i him. a Knfnrr knerkrd. out nutpin nulneinted if Kir cehnrn lntlMM AIIam ATI.ANTIC CITY Uehby Ilnrmnn ' shsdrd ifimd; nesr riey nrrrnrrn Anar IKId) TiFO VlnrfiRft nunn Imm jAtinnv KIimmii rrankle nirnrs nnil Jntk nernle ilrrwi .Mlrkrjr MiDonenirh nnd Kddle I.fc were rhnern from the rlnu. TAMAQL'A JIdrlln Jnae knocked ent rrfertr Mnndet. wrenil. Ily IIUIS II. JAFFE Spectntnrs nnd policemen took n hand in the Until bout at the Olympla Inst night when Ileferee Orlffe 'dlsqunltfled Jee Benjamin, of California, for foul ing Jee Tlplltz, of this city, in the fourth round. It was a grent night for the fnns, with mere thrills tlinn a combination of Deug Fairbanks nnd Tem, Mix could furnish. The "prelims" were pulled off ac cording te schedule, nnd gave the spec tators n geed time while they lasted. Hut the finnle wns different. There is n love lest between the two Joes, nnd they went at each ether Just ns if they meant It. which in fnct they did. In the fourth round Tlpllts'. fell te the fleer nfter Henjnmln hnd delivered n low punch. The fans swarmed nreiind the ring nnd pandemonium broke loose. One enthusiastic Tlplltz follower, with mere loyalty than Judgment, hopped into the ring nnd took n crnck nt Hen jnmln. He wns followed by n dozen ethers nnd the ring wns crewdetl with excited spectnters. Order Restored However, nfter n few seconds order was rertered by the gunrdlnns of the lnw nnd Benjamin was escorted te his dressing room. Tlplltz hnd te be helped out of the ring by his handler. The low punch thnt rendered Tlpllts nlmest helpless wns third foul pcr petrnted by Ilenjnmin. On each occa ecca sldn ringsider were loud In their wnrnlngs te Ileferee Oriffe, who wns substituting for Frank ("Pep") O'Hrlen, the Intter being 111 with grip. Oriffe warned Henjnmin twice for low punching, net because of any cemplnlnts from Tlplltz. but rather en account of the jeering, shouting and wild demon strations of many rlngslders. A few seconds Inter Tiplltr did motion te Oriffe thnt he hnd been fouled, walked around n bit, resumed boxing, nnd then suddenly he cellnpsed nfter nnethcr blew. Tlpllts tedny snld he felt no ill ef fect from his encounter. "I won't say Henjnmin fouled me deliberately." snld Tlplltz. "but he fouled me mere than once. In the third round he stuck his thumb In my right eye. nnd in the fourth I wns hit low twice. Itenjamln always has borne the reputation of being a clean fighter, se I wouldn't like te say ills illegal punches were intentional." Tiplltz pointed te n snsh under h'-j I right eye as evidence tlint Jfcnjamln had uscil his Ultimo in the third round. Dan McKetrlck, manncr of Hen jnmin, expressed regret ever the man ner in which the bout ended. "Feuling frequently happens, " he snld, "In n hard bout, nnd these two boys were going some ln-it nlsht. 1 knew the blew wns nor ititentiennl," Mende Is Winner Jimmy Mende nnd Hilly Oerinc, Seuth Philadelphia rivals, put en a hlzzlcr In the eight-round seml-finnl, with the former returning n winner. It wns n close bout throughout, nl nl theugh Mende managed te held the upper haul nt nil times. Devlnc fin ished with n belnted rnlly, but his spurt wnn insufficient even te give him n ,"0-n0 break. Enrl Hnrtinnn showed n let of stuff lu winning from Frnnkie McFnrlnnd. Tn the enrly rounds Enrl nppenrcd te linve trouble getting stnrted, nnd ns n result McFnrlnnd showed te advantage nt times. However, Hartmnn punched Frnnk .around pretty hard In the last two sessions and clinched the verdict. Frankle Mnlene. a newcomer from New Yerk, substituted ngnlnst Jnck Wermnn nnd finished n winner. K. O. Gress hnd his prefix slnpped en his chin in the fourth round by Jnck Lester. AIRCRAFT FJVeIm LEAD Has Net Lest a Game Yet In Navy. Yard Basketball League Naval Aircraft Fnctery held-s the lead in the Philadelphia Navy Yard Basketball League with three victories end no defeats. Twe of the best games were among last week's contests. It required an extra period for Aircraft te defeat Nnvnl Hospital by five points. Anether Interwtlns jrnmc was b-' tween Kecelving Station and Naval Aircraft A. C, the former winning 2,5-20. Lieutenant Commander Oul Oul hrnnsen plans te continue the league for a month mere when attention will be devoted te baseball. h rtar pttdtw of tliu l(in ilfinnn nif nf )athrp t'ltmfiu iL t.. i..i ti.. Nh. .?.."" am enrt " " miiliivii, m 'rld'r..r;"" li Orlande iu the 2S. ria " I! '-''"Bile., His home is lu about" t eventy miles 1 'ilniti;," . ffiIIUan iu"i Mar f ,tBi.h?,10,'kh'K v . Mu. 'Pi... . . "'"villi n ","""'; mnn fc .. r?' I)lx0eaeue tral A feimer Knlshts llr frnttl rini, linuf lb , leiikics weikilltf fnr n berth tiinn Is Themas .Seuth lles- years old and l. WJ Kith Tii """ innninn mp. K" lx eh. r'"'"' l"t season and VM i '". "f tin. fifteen games he ( tlicJin "l'"B"t outright at the 'Heb, Sen,h.v the Phils. Twe K,e. '." with the Pere Mar. 'M??iI,0"rs decisions 'and- lest ir,' .iery, ana ne'U stick AWAITS DEFINITE OFFER of Jack Kearns Knows Nothing Harry Frazee's Fight Plans Jnck Kenrns, manager of Jnck Demp ney, hns reiterated the statenii'iil made when he was first apprised of the offer ninile by Harry Fuuee, Ilosten lied Sex owner mid theatrical mnn. of $:wn.KM) te Dempsev prejh led he would agree te meet Harry ills, the Negro fighter, In a bnttle for the world's h'cnvywelght title this summer. When his attention wns enlled te statements In which he was said te have agreed te Frnzee's offer, which tarries with It $00,000 mere thnn the champion received for his bout w th Geerge Carpentier, In the Jersey City nren last summer, Kearns stated m Y's Krax THE only flies the A's saw iu the first week of training were tliose In the dining-room. Ktt'ccts te the sweet and liescicater te the Fair. Our Dally Ouesslng Contest Hew many figures In Iiahe Ruth's $75,000 RHlnry? ( t Pox scores from the training camps don't mean anything, except te the telegraph companies. Trcm force of linlilt, Denipy .iil( ten toceniU nftar lunchlti thi tlme cle-k, Ciirnrnllrr will innir.le Amrrlra for Jnck net Ileinpsrr. , , , . .Cni.I.KIlK ATllf.KTKH AHK nKINIl I)S CimHKtl 1110 AMI (!ON MOSTLY 1'BO. We A ad one liJte that it fore, hut (Aero are afeayt new cuitemert around. t NOGAMEraRA'S- .M IN TRAINING TODAY Ulu and Owls Wilt Resume mJW:9ttrm Mrs. WmMmMSSM 88 CANDIDATES FOR PENN NNE Wealth of Baseball Material Pleases Coach Cariss Many Battery Prospects L . . 1M ? S-A J ICEPALAC XfH Schedule and Results In Pcnn Tournament TONIOHT'S nrilKDt'I.r: 7.30 P. M. Nrrlte n Illicit . Chrstrr Sl.-M) r. !. Ureirr Hrhoel y. HI. ifeftrnli' 031 P. 31. Trnlrsl Well i, frothy lllcli. IHT NIHIIT'S KKHVI.TH Clrerse Hrhoel, 21 1 U'rneiinl Mllltnrr Aenit- ""fllhekVn lllsh. .Ill rnimlni IIIeIi. 3. I'Plirr imrbr lllsh, iS7i llnirr lllsh, in. ft. Jesrpn's Prru, :7i Jloerrolown IVIrnit'. 22. Hawks Clashing Tomorrow- Mack in Camp Sveclal nitpatch te EvcnUie Public Lrdger Eagle 'Pass, Tex.. Mnrcli 7. With the departure of Han Jehnsen, president of the American League, from the Ath letics' camp here came the arrival of a newcomer. Plenicd most of nil Is one C. Mnck, because the latest of the Phil adelphia party te rencli here is Mrs. Cornelius MeOilllcuddy, wife of the lean leader of the White Elephants. Cennie evidently felt se hnppy tedny ever the nrrivnl nf his bctterhnlf that he has called n sort of n part holiday for his hirelings. There will be no game this afternoon. Mnck hnvlng announced nt the breakfast tnblc thnt the Owls nnd the Hnwks would net clash again until tomorrow afternoon. Cennie ex pects his men te be in such shnpe be ginning next wetk tn linve them out In bnttle nrrny every afternoon. Despite n high wlnil yesterday aincK s athletes hnd I we llvelv rehenrsals. Tipped off thnt they must expect wind nnd sand storms In this section during the present month, some e the players bought dust-proof goggles and were them en the field. Net only did the green lenses pro tect the eyes from the glare, but they also kept the dust from trickling Inte rhelr nnttcN. The nlmers wlie were goggles received se much bencfi from their use that It is prcuicieu mi win have them today. The wind helped the hitter, and both Iling Miller nnd Frank McGewnn slammed the pill ever the fence. Miller m shot sailed ever the center-field roin rein pnrts nnd McOewnn's ernclc escaped from the pnrl: via the right-field zone. The unending dust cieuas semewmu Chas. Hehan, left, and Colonel Snover are a pair of twlrlers who leek premising in the Phillies' training camp. Urban is a right hand fllnger anil Snexer propel the pill -with his southpaw. TENNIS BOOM ON AT 1SPILY Wealth of Veterans Makes Prospects for Anether Title Loek Bright CREW PRACTICE SOON IJy PAUL PRKP MA.VAOKH "WYN" Mc.MAHON mnde the first call for candidates for West Philadelphia High Scheel's tennis team this nftemoen. Mnnngcr McMnhen took the names of nil pros pects, nnd instructed them te report for the inillnl practice, which will tnkc plncp Snttirdny morning. . "W; wen the chnmpienshlp Inst yenr." McMnhen snld this morning, "and we have a geed clinnce te cop nenln this sensen. Hansen Hedge. Ilnr- old Cel bur n. Jnck Brnmmnl. Jee Allieu- Fen, Chnrlle Miller nnd Pick Prlngs, all vefnrnna urn linnK ntrnln nrA tlin nma. . "..:". 1...1 l. .... I '-- ..-....-.... .... .... ,..- nampercii me piujvrs, uui "? "r"- pects loelc very erlgnr. nt their work with n will, nnd Cennie , "We will held our first prnctice en Mnck accounted It a successful day. Te defeat sunburn, the players, at Dr. Flhlng's advice, daubed themselves with cold cream. Everybody en the .squad took part in the drill. Johnny Walker, who had been 111. wns- In uniform, apparently fullv recovered from his recent cold. A'll the pitchers had a long bunting prnctice in the morning. In the after noon bntting and infield routine wns stressed. Twe iufieliU line up for practice. One combinntlen had ltrazill nt first, Schcer nt second. Callaway at short and Mnitlnnd nt third. .The ether con sisted of Johnsten, Dykes, Harrett nnd Gnllewny. Scheer ngnln sparkled at second base. This youth ii n flossy chip en the defense. He hnndlcs ground bulls like nn nrtlst. Mnitlnnd also played well nnd winged the bnll with rille-shet speed te first. Cnllnyny and Ilnrrett both performed excellently nt short. NEW WOMAN'S GOLF MARK Miss Cummlngs Leads Bellealr Qualifiers With 77 Ilellealr. Fla.. Mnrch 7. Miss Edith Cummingr, C'hicnge'h fair golf r,tar. played one of the most sensational leiinds for a wemnn ever seen en n championship course here when she led the qualifying plav lit the Flerida West Coast championship with a 77. Hhe wns thirteen strokes up en Mrs. fl. Henry Stetson, Philadelphia, who wns second. Miss dentin Collett. who bent Cecil I.eitch Inst jenr, wns third, with 1)3. The latter did the "Impossible" when she missed u putt thnt hung en the lip of the cup, by stubbing her putter in the green behind the bull. Miss Cummlngs mnde only two mis takes lu her round, which was four strokes better thnn the woman's record for the championship course. On the first) she was trapped twice and en the fifth she took three putts. Others who qualified were Mrs. Caleb Fex nnd Mrs. Alex Smith, both of Phil, udelphta. Baseball Filmed in Camps and Elsewhere I'ltclirrs Hnrnrs and DeusUs are the only PlttcrH of th New Yerk (Hants et tin n'gneJ llarnes Ih In nmp at Hun Antonie, ami may come te termn at ui, time, and Deula If expected te report seen with "I'll be geed where de 1 lsn" iri.etliiK. The Yunleun defeated the Heguttira in th Bt Ieuls Hrewni' cmp at Mobil, Ala., nun uirJttniE h no ter noners me two slues claimed atter the nrst practice came played f MilllJ Thlri-Hc pUnri-a of the Milwaukee Amer ican Asroclnllen team wlfl start fnr the sprlnu- tralnc camp at Carutherevllle, Me., led, trelns direct from their home, Wennmaker's reef next Snturday morn ing." Crew nf West Phllly The West Philadelphia "nil-star eight will lielii Its first prnctice within the next few dns. The crew, which Is managed by "nnjnh" I'ctzer. will have the use of the Penn machines for the next few weeks, and then will take te the river. Last season the same crew leek the river under the nnme of the "All-Scho lastic Eight." The boys did fairly geed werK ana were, se enthused that they decided te form another crew. "Kid" Kclley, famous coxswain Is en the job ngnln nnd will help the "Hnjah" ijn tun sneii. Jimmy Kustnce, Tem MncKlwee, Heb Bergman. "Pillows" Medeff. Dick Me Fceley, Hent nnd Hnyder, nil foetbnll stnrs, will form the crew. They will row in the order named, with Hustnce In the bow nnd Snyder ns stroke. Orten nnd "Biff" Mnnn, two ether grid stnrs, will be cnrrled en the squad ns substitutes. Track candidates at the West Cnlhelic High Scheel will he called out shortly. Seme of the youngsters have been work ing out nlrendy, but Coach Tem Burke will net make the official call until some time nenr the end of the week or the beginning of next week. The Blue nnd White will be fencd te defend the Cnthellci League title, which it captured last year. The tesk will be no easy one, ns ever hnlf of the 1021 sqund hns been leyt through grad uation. Captain Meran, 140-ynrrl champion of the Catholic League, wi1 be bnck, and bigger things nre expected of him. "Lflule Ksleven, the crock hnlf-miier, also will carry the colors of. West Catholic, alone with "Beds" Devine and Heward Celeman. Johnny Skelton will he en hand for the shorter distances, nnd se will Johnny McCenaghy. MeCulleugh and Avail will be used in the mile event. Heulsler, who wen the Catholic I.eague title Inst yenr, nnd Kstevez, ivhe finished second, will be back for the shetput, The school's gientest wenkness is In I the jumps, both high and bread. All 1 of the stnr performers have either left or been graduated from school. Mantis McIIugh, Johnny Deyle, "Steels" lr- win, nil nt I'enn new, performed in these events Inst yenr. Heulslcr, how ever, is still nvnilable for the bread jump. Manager Cell has arranged an elab orate schedule thus far. Starting with the Penn relnys the team will compete in the ronewing open events: Hwnrtli YADUSKY, TWIRLER, HURT DB. WALTER CARISS. conch of the Tlnlversltv nf Pennsylvania baseball team, l a firm believer In the old adage that In numbers strength con be found. Ever since taking held df the conch- Ili9 .alnn nt thn Tlntversllv flin fnrmpr Bed nnd Blue stnr hns talked basebnll i se convincingly thnt he has had the largest diamond squad in the history of the sport at the West Philadelphia In- I stltutlen. Let the fqund nssume nny . proportion nnd the veternn tutor will fin.1 ttmn Ia irlvn nnnli rnmllrlntit InHt. ' vldtinl instruction, whether he be n novice or the most adept velernn. This yenr, according te the doctor's own statement, the squad far surpasses any thnt he hns ever heard of since bnsebnll stnrted nt Penn. Yesterday nftcrnoen the springlike wenther drew n myrind of dtnmnnd players all eager te show their wnres te impress the coach that they slfeuld be i elected for the vnrsity nine. Eighty-eight In nil were listed en the attendance sheet ns being present en the flrFt real day's practice.. "The squad this year is one of the best I have ever been called upon te handle, and I nm ccrtnln the largest thnt hns ever grnced Franklin Field," said Dr. Cariss this morning. "I never thought there wns se much material in the University. We have pitchers, catchers, inflclders nnd outfielders galore. Many Veterans "With the big crop of veternns nnd the new men we should be able te develop a nine thnt will even be better thnn Inst year's team, which made nn excellent record considering thnt we had te use a brand new hurling corps. This year all the twirlcrs of last jeer's tenra nrc bnck with Walter Huntalntrer. the stnr of the 1020 tenm, rendy te Jump into the brench ns seen ns the basket -bnll season is concluded. "Frem new en with the grnce of geed weather we will plunge abend with our plans for the sensen. Until next Men day we will have te use the corners of the field" for practice. Three weeks remain before the open ing game of the sensen with Bowdoin en Franklin Field nnd during thnt time I will hnve my hnnds full whipping the twlrlers into shnpe in addition te giv ing the Inficldcis nnd outfielders the ence 'ever." Dr. Cnrlss is grentlv concerned ever the Injury suffered by Bill Yndusky, the I ctnr of the freshman tenm last Satur- day. Yndusky in n boxing bout at West , Point Saturday severely lnjureil his left hnnd, nnd wns forced te lenve the ring in the first round. An X-rny examina tion of the Injure! member will be mode some time today by Dr. Gnrnett. Prnctice yesterday was confined te batting nnd fielding, while the pitchers wnrmed up. Dr. Cnrlss wns nil ever the field admonishing several of the eager recruits against putting tee much en the ball and warning the catchers te held back their desire te fling the liersehide te the far corners of the field. A FINE RECORD St. David's Basketball Team Has Wen Twenty-five Games Straight The St. David's basketball tenm, of the new Twenty-first Wnrd Church League, Is hnnging up a few records in the cage game. The team hns wen twenty-five gnmes tills yenr nnd lest none nnd at present Is lending the league. Included in the list of victims is Ebenezer. leader of the original Twenty-first Ward Church League, nnd St. Michael, leader of the North Philadel phia church circuit. Lust week St. David's ran up a score of 112 te 14 in.ene of the league games, which lasted but thirty -two minutes. Pi k.,!,i.J . .? . "V Ht n0""'' Ala., mere, Ulenn M Is, Teme lntersc holas helas '"'bieakmj a tie for honors the two. sides ,i Vnl,nll r.hnmnlnn.l.lr. v.i.i Championships and the I.nfnyette Col Cel lege meet. Dual meets have been eched tiled with sevcrnl institutions in this Auitln McIIenry, of the Cards. in rex,, vicinity, including Episcepnl Acnilemy nnd Tredyffryn-Easttewn High Scheel. Ret his r QUALITY ief LOOKS COBS 9fte Economical Cigar LftOLD BVIHYWHIR.r. J jRTIf AND MARtCKT NTtM Trust alil w-j renM net run We wjU I Parehait Titkrti Frtm AtcttiiUl Palact Ajtntltt Odj. Aveii ScaajMrs; BOXING wwwif rTvTs-ROUND BOUTS KST 1,2,3 ft.w MrFvs. WagIei GOLD vs. DOmiELLV W cii,NKn; RICE vs. K. O. JOB Whitby FITZGERALI CAM. O'AONNEH TREMAINE w -.-.-- .- "5.W- siS!?aNM,' iieimv BARRETT vs. MEALY! ricliH. at Ira l'nlarei 1432 . I'enn I n,i CunnlnKlmm, 10 S. B2di Crsndnir l"fli H. nthi Tendler's IllllUril. 730 Mar Ikeli rUialet'H. n9nS Mnrketi row f Hen I Cafe. 84 H. 101 hi The Hah. 215 N. ISth RBSMHBsBsSBBBMBSsSBBBsVBSBBBaBa I CAMBRIA A. CLUB 5JSSSJ?,.t FnmAY r.vr... MAnrn 10. ma TOMMV DnVI.IN vi. 4IIIINNY HAUBA . four Oilier HMr Hunts Sports Served Short St. rani, Mini). With the plajerg ex hausted irem their strenuous performances, the third ir.im hit-veen the St. I'aul Athletic Club nnd IJvelth whs called at the end of the third extra period with neither team hating; scored. Chlcnce Jele n-iv will attempt te hreak his own world's Indoor one-mlle record of 4 H 3-S tenleht at the fourth unnuil indoor iriick und held ncet of the Ameriran In stitute of Harhlnar here stnnferil UnlTnlty. CnJlf. Jimmy Brltt. of Sua rranclsce, crce ft ler-dlnir contender ler tn world's lisntweiant cnumplnnshlp, la eeachln-r Htanrerd unKers.tv ijexern tn nrpn. n.ii,lnn fnw lh.1. a..t.iinl i.ia,nV.Au r.rvl.B .kA unnuil .". ili.ii nii,,ui,, iniiiiT-n lt,r.iiri ,iC j L'nlcre'ty of California next Saturdj night, rhlrnKO. Th Centrnl A. A L' Indoor championship track ard Held meet will be held here March t!4, -iccerdlnir te Charls A iJean, of the Chanipumsnip committee ("hlrnirc -Jake Prrmffer world'e chumpien IS. 2 Imlkllnj billiard plaer. left today for' West Baden. Ind,. her' he will be through i nn intenste ceurje or ireir as part of the trulnlne for his match her. March ST. L'S and "0, with Willie Hopr' from whom he recently, wen the title Chlencn. Professional wretlinx until r. c ntlv en the wane tn Chicago Is becoming a rehabilitated kiii-cess, Aldermen A .1. Cermak. member of the City Athletle -Tem. mlHRlen. which has supervision eier the sport rum in u nitiicineiH in)A i Knnsns Cltr. tn. The first round in ts National A. A. I' championship basketball tournament continued ieiav wnn etgnt rames scheduled, Teda s cimes, with the eleht iuyen, esierusx, cempietn me nrst reun.' of play. 3-Cushlen Amateur Cuemen Tied rhlcnue. March 7 The national amateur threes-cushion billiard chnmnlnnhln a.i. lay between I-Tank I, Wemlnir, of Chambalim, 111., and Atlelnh SDlelman. of th r-ht. n. & . A., who were tied in the matches last night. Deth Fleming and Splelman ha wen five matches and lest two They will nlsy off the tie today first home run of the reason yesterdav m unu urune lip camp at O nature pracuce Bume, l-l - fireirr llurtley, veteran catcher, is the only hod-eut en the Columbus American Association team. I he playura leave for the training camp at Macen, (la,, today. The Cleelaiid Indians enjoyed the'r best work-out jesterday. Thcra is keeu Interest for every position en tha Inflnld, but Indica tions ar that Gardner, aewell, Wambs. uanss and Mclnnlii will s the regulms, Tx Cobb rmlstered his llrsl circuit clout of the kcasen yesterday. It would nave been a four-base hit In tha regular campa'gn at any rate, for It satled eer the fence at Just about the sept UeUby .;ach had picked out lu win herwr for hint self. The l'lratfs ara bus) at work In their ramp at West lladen, md., with only n couple of the stars missing, Manager (Jib i"n has divided his squad Inte two sections, and both had a strunueus work-out tester day, . Dick Krrf, star of the .Chicago Wh'te Sex. la coaching the high school team at 1'arls. Tex,, und hopes tht. dlffurence In the salary uucstlen with the Bex management wilt seen be adjusted, Mike Mrneskr, Elmer Myers and At Wal ters ira thrt. Heil Hnv hnt,l.r,,,f. . i. ....:. ..1 ,i." d - ' " V-i- -.-" '. IWHIUI.I, ,,), ,I,U DU1 mKe I V. Stitched Tip $12.00 d that the Sex and Yankees might a. dial that will sarl f.nn.i;.. .''"?.'! Yankee outfield te nil up the gap caused by Uabe Ruth1 iWenslen. " " ;use ey iTwsr: Ich flria ,and Jimmy Jhmten rt Imported Brown Scotch Grqin Deuble SeUm New and Different CLAFLIN, 1107 Chestnut '? -I 4- Shad Planked Before Your Eyes Special Shad Dinner at Noen L--T-ifiwHsBrlll sPCKt smKtUsOvsvlMi.nHLBS'. J'V mWmmmk BsMfV Cl sssK3r"'T lsH C 5EK Wirfl 85c 57.00 Platter Served Every Day Until 9 o'Cleek Steaks, Chepa, Chicken Fish in Season Steamed Oyster Meft flami l"ttry Weilnewta Hum anil New Cabbage SHORE DISSERS 3 BANQUET ROOMS Ladles' Mnlnr Roem, erend fleer Open t'ntll U I. M. BOOKBINDER'S 125 Walnut Street 8:30 a. m. te 5 p. m, Expert Instructors Gelf Scheel Lesions $1.00 Jehn J. Howe, Slenten Country Club r.eerice V. (irlflln, Clearfield Country Clnb Themiis Orlhbln, Plilludelplila Country Club Gelf Equipment Sports SUITS with knickers $35.00 Gelf JACKETS, worsted heathers 7.00 KNICKERBOCKERS, all-wool 7.00 Gelf HOSE, pure wonted 2.S0 Gelf SHOES 8.50 te 9.00 Gelf BAGS 3.00 te 40.00 Gelf CLUBS 2.00 te 15.00 All popular brand Gelf Balls m Marshall E. Smith & Bre. 724 Men's Furnithingt llnreriwr-ileih Chestnut Street Athletic Goedt I FL PRODUCTO i mmm IMsT.ll!l'rAXDBHI sa s-m V lfcV.-r'.ajrB M MX : f5BKia Corena Wrfflri SBk W&ti$m$k i X&J w-rxa riSaw&.ui. .-v. . ;-X3Sia 1 wmm&iMmk Wamsmk tfc.w?iilHW,'ASB' 4fc. iifMrlr mm mwMk IbHAsA mMwa lll2J5p1lfvf43gSBk zkmimk l3c -Hae?.'',i,'-(Stm ! 1 Wr fa. h. r. oearcoh fa j jfS 6r real enjoyment WE can't make any money selling you just one El Producte. If our friends, the smokers, didn't stay with us, the sheriff would have sold us out long age. Se, when we ask you te risk a dime en your first El Producte, it isn't just te make a ten cent sale. We hope te add you te the ever increasing army of regular El Producte smokers. Fer a dime you can buy anElProducte(Bouquet size). Yeu will find in it the same choice Havana, the same shade grown wrapper, the same un un cepyable blend te be found in the highest priced El Producte. El Productes differ in size only. If you like your first El Producte you and we both have wen. If you don't like it, we have lest a customer and you have lest a dime. We havelest mere than yeuu Are you en? Puritane Fine 2fir25t I v f'. f 'jBSSSSSH XjulsissssH vBBSSISBSSSSSSSSSSSSI " vVnRHssssssl j uej I si?.-'.' w . iw p. . rk KAfc' m 'ril J &&k m r I V 'J 1 X ' I -I I V Btt' ' H r 1 ltkftlly tbet M hcl n.2ic"(raliinfj J9Lmii Mist VMdTgrm Itaim.lWnrJ. IN" , 4 'H. kfrs cismasvn. tJUi" 4 euter drl fetttrtne ftw. Uen' t AifJV' - "i-sff. . ft; .efi isii vlshjAMit prshm MLkM&tts&BEl lA.AliUli m&'M ,.-? vsj . f..tMr Slmn ltJi ii nwniiar--- - f r ".. -it i m Ai Mil ifm ' tew" AlA ';