V3 raw? '$' j EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELP4IA, TUESDAY,' MAWCfi 7, 1922 A ' ".tfWji;'.i .,. .. utchisen and Barnes, Gelf Phenems, Cever 9000 Miles, Playing in 35 Matches en , Lin I tr; J swir 7i ' . S $m rITH RUTH ABSENT, NEW ORLEANS FANS TRAIL GOLF STARS -Barnes and Jeck Hutchisen, at Tail-End of Leng Tour, Attract Most Attention in Yankees' Training Camp t'e R. i j ! lly ROBERT W. MAXWELL - Spert Editor Evrnliur I'tiblle I-edser . New Orleans, La.. Mntch 7. THE New Tork Tnnkces, minus Babe Kuth, hac net made the big bit In this town that was expected. Instead of standing around nnd Meiltlng the ball placrs, as is usually the ease, the natives ate following Jim Barnes, Jeck Hutchisen nnd their youthful but intrepid mannger, Say McCarthy. Barnes nnd Hutchisen arc at tnc taii-enu et n ions tour wmen sinned December 0. ? a.S .All. . .I.... A.. KArjii. sm mill nit; buiiik piruug. 1S,. res. fc L-K. V m m ivi b !..: I v k i ' m it IV'rfi 1 They have covered 0000 miles, played in thJrty-iive games The trip was a success financially, se tiicrc is aeulng te get sere about. It was McCarthy's idea te take the two champions en tour. They " touched aii points en the Pacific Coast, including British Columbia nnd the Great Northwest. They were well received nnd stimulated interest in the game of golf by their wonderful performances mere than any ether pair la a decade. The trip was nn interesting one nnd McCarthy Is till hcl tip ever it. Ht was willing te speak for publication ami here is the result, in quotes nnd arerything : "Bnrnes. Hutchisen and mjself nre en the last lap of a tour that began in New Yerk Inst December nnd which hns touched at all points en the : Pacific Coast, including British Columbia and the Great Northwest. tiliAIlXES and Hutchisen, as is generally known, arc golfers O At luxe, champions in every sense of ihc word, Many had heard of their prowess with the weed and iron hefere the tour began, hut even the skeptics were convinced after seeing them in action. Five Games Still te Be Played " JOCK and Jim have played thirty-five games thus far. They have five I mere te play. Of these already played they have wen twenty-six, intshed all even in four nnd lest five; The first was played nt Vancouver, B. C, en December V3. The Inst contest of the tour will be played at Atlanta. This will be a 'benefit for a memorial te the late Douglas Edgur, former professional nt the Druid Hills Club. Bebby Jenes and Charles Maye will oppose the champions x la this match. , "The tourists will rest up ter a couple of weelfs after this mntch and, then start the spring drive by competing in the annual North and Seuth Open Championship nt Pinehurst. "After playing nt Vnnceuver nnd Victeria in British Columbia Bnrnes and Hutchisen returned te the States via Belllnghnm," Washington. They were te hnvc played In Seattle. Tacoma. Everett and Pertlnnd en the Pacific Coast, but the heaviest snowfall in years visited that part of the country just as Jeck and Jim arrived and forced a cancellation. They had lest one game in the Northwest that te Dave Black and Phil Tayler nt Victeria by a score of 2 and 1. t "They nrrived in San Francisce en Christmas Day nnd en the following iay played against MncDenald Smith, one of the greatest natural golfers in ' the business, and Snm Whiting. During the morning round n heavy rain fell nnd the wind blew nt n pace of sixty miles an hour. The' match was flayed at the I.nkesldc Club, Smith nnd Whiting winning in n thrilling v struggle by one up. A return mutch was played the following week and Jeck and Jim wen by one up. ' "Burnes nnd Hutchisen plnjcd ten matches in the vicinity of San Francisce. In one of these games they were beaten at Oakland by Jehn Black and Abe Esplnesa by 5 nnd 4. " MfOLLO'WIXG this match the champions competed in the Xerthem California oeen tournament, Hutchisen had net his ma ship work. ing te perfection by thts time and he proceeded te give a demonstration of sheeting that had the natives en their ears. Barnes Finishes in Seventh Place l. !',, 5 A '4 lis ,T " t fa it & TOCK wen the title by nine strokes, simply tow-roping the field. O Jim finished in seventh place. "Shortly after the pair left for Les Angeles, the golf mecca of Cnliferniu. News of their ability had by this time reached the residents, of that pnrt of the country nnd they turned out In great numbers at every mntch. The ckastpiens pluyed twenty-six matches in nil in Cnliferniu. They were beaten twice In Les Angeles nnd strangely by the Mime team, Dr. l'aul Hunter nnd Eddie Loes. In the second mntch, although Jeck and Jim put en double speed, Hunter cut loose and en the second round of the match shot n slxty alne himself, including four twos en the only four short holes en the course. "The big winter teurnnment of California, the Cnliferniu open cham pionship, was put en while Bnrnes and Hutchisen were in Les Angeles. Everybody was watching for Hutchisen te come through after his per formance in the North, and while they were watching Leng Jim gave one of the greatest exhibitions of golf ever seen ; he stepped out nnd walked off with the prize by twelve strokes. After that the natives figured Jeck and Jim were a couple of super-golfers. "Many of the professionals complained the nppearnnre of Bnrnes nnd Hutchisen would result in the ruination of the nrieus courses in California. "Snld Jimmy Simpsen, of Snn Diege, u few days after Bnrnes and Hutchisen hud plajed there: 'Yeu fellows nre going te be the en use of our Courses being ruined. Ever body is out there digging divots tue feet deep trying out that backspln shot of Hutchisen's.' "Frequently en this trip I have been asked which is the better golfer. I , aave nlwnys Tcplled that Barnes Is the better one day, Hutchisen the next. ' These two fellows are as well matched us any pair you could get, nnd golf being the game It is menns that the results will vary considerably. The fact that Hutchisen wen the Northern California title and Barnes the Southern California open proves this. 1( f"SE man with whom I talked in J.e Angela thought such n iriult V ira a frame-up en the part of the champions. 'Suppose it tall be Hutchisen' s turn te win next,' he said. Three Records Broken by Each Star t f jj-j r p'i Jt m WAT HOUSTON Barnes finished third, Hutchinson fifth, two Urukrs be- T- hind. At New Orleans, Hutchisen finished fourth, Barnes seventh: SO it gees. Each has broken three course records en this tour. And eacli has been as much responsible as the ether for the victories. UJeck and Jim. despite the fact that each is n champion nnd n star, nre .fait friends. Thcie has net been the slightest sign of an nltcrcntlen between them since we started, in spite of the fait they ae traveled some nine thousand miles already nnd have plajed in wet weather and when tired. Each Is n great booster for the ether. "Temperamentally, they are both well suited te each ether Bnrnes is rns -easy-going, slew, deliberate nnd n keen-thinking fellow w 110 seldom makes' n rash move. Hutchisen is hustling, peppery, nervous, energetic and constantly en the move. "I really believe that were Hutch te give up golf and devote his time nnd talents te the stage he would become as noted ns his fellow ceuntrjman, Harrv Lauder. Hutch enn sing nnd dance real stuff, can tell stories in n most amusing nnd inimitable manner, nnd is n real magician with cards and coins. p Barnes nnd myself have net wanted for entertainment se long ns Hutch aas been himself. Hew he keeps going is n mystery. tCTIIfJUB is one thing else I helirie t't 7ic important. Ii h a A common belief no training n nealed for golf play. 'I hat is it false belief. It is only by nhtrrvina the stiicteU training riilci that Barnes and Hutchisen hare been able te set a fine example for a great many ether gelfcri, and te my nay of thinking thirc is no doubt that their tour of the Pacific CeaU and through the SauthweU and Texas lias hem the outstanding feature' of the winter golf season." . Copyright, toil bj Pullie Ledger Company LECH, GOLF PRO, GET OVERBRIM Blend Expert Lands Coveted Berth Talman Signs 3-Year Contract at Whitemarsh PHILA. OPEN JULY 20-21 By SANDY McNIBLH'K fTNVO announcements that hnvc a let of significance In the pre golf ranks here are en tap toilev. One Is that Bill Leech falls heir te the tutoring lob at Overbroek left vacant by Jlmrnlc Thomsen. The ether is thnt of Mnurlc Tnlmnn, who spikes n rumor that has been persisting, namely, that he wns leaving Whitemarsh. Tnlmnn stntes thnt he has signed up with Whltemnrsh for three years nnd Leech nnneunces thnt he will open shop nt Overbroek en Mnrrh 15. There wns n mnd rush for the Over Over breok job, nnd the selection of Leech is a compliment te the heme-hreds ns well ns te the nblllty of the blend-hcndcd son of the Fnlls of Schuylkill. He stnrted te enddy nt the tender nge of seven years, a little blue cap athwart the curly locks. Tem Oiibbin. veteran caddy master nt the Country Club, gave Leech his start, laid down the law nnd told him nil there was te knew nheut golf nnd then 6eme. Makes Hit He mnde a hit with the golfers, Ka2,etl fnst nlul Played well. Matt Uuffy wns the next expert te take the lad under his wing, nnd when Bill wanted te be n pre, Mntf condescend ingly took Bill with him ns nssistant te Lngles Nest, N. Y., where "the eagles they fly high." Frem thnt club Leech went West te Mnrshn'tewn In., nnd thence te the battlefields of France. Bill hns been nt Mcrchentville for three summers. While there he wen the Fnlls open, the first year it wns played, fin ished close te the top In the Shcwnee open year before Inst, nnd new rnnks as one of the best playing tutors in the city. It is snld thnt his plnce nt Mcr chnntvllle will go te Matt Duffy, whose sensational finish In the Philadelphia open Inst year will net seen be forgot ten. Uumer hns it thnt Talmnn wns going back te Plj mouth, where he wns first, but this was net the case. It Is probable that A. B. Nelsen, pre at Beck Haven. Pa., will get this job. i..1.? Is, (,Ie1finItl'I' announced that the Philadelphia open will be played ever ''' east course at Merlen en July :() i'he Pennsjlvnnla open will be played some time between July 5-15 at the Allegheny C. C. Sewlckley, Pn That probably menus the 5th when one scans the calendar. ')Ue, sl,n,vlcc's 0K?n tournament leeks like July 0-7 with the national open nt Skekle all the following week. TRACK TRIALS AT PENN Ten for Trip te Athletes te Bid England len Lnlversity of Peiinlvanln nth letes were .selected this morning by Law son Hobert.sen, track couch, te trv for the four-mile relay team which will go te Ln'lnnd. The first tryout will be held tomorrow -en Franklin Field. ,. . 'IV1,'1' r'nrry I,rmv. (icerge Mere dith, hd McMullen nnd Jehnrv Helden members of the record-breaking two-' inl'e team; Elmer McLane, EdweYd tlseiier, bam Kerr nnd Al Jensen, freshmen, nnd Herr nnd Bend nre the ten men selected for the trials. Of that number five wl'l be taken across the pond. The trials tomorrow vijl net result In nnv final selections iict-eidltig, te Unbrtsen. but will be a pieliininarv te the final rnces te b held n week fieiu tomorrow,- after which it is ex Pjeted thnt the team will be announced, liesent indications point te Brown, Mc Lane, Fischer. Kerr and Head ns the quintet te represent the Bed and Line in Londen. However, nnv one or even two of the ether fie nuiv upset the dupe and win place en the team. Basketball Explained of AINT IT A GRAND vAND GLORIOUS FEELING mm wPflWMO Ve PWW-A CRY) PfiPwD Yeu PPP n7ghtC GET IN ANfrMOAHU fieiMG te LOOKiMC IN ' . BE A FIBRCe AT THe NICtPX , , NIGHT 1 WARM HCHm ' I ' r,,l,r,, I' And SO YeOVWTOIP and Yeu WMW and Then WWMM, " Yc,u ?eT ,M 0hi PUT UP A ARB N6ARLY""'T ' ( TOO HEAR W'' ". ''H IHE RUG IN l-RONr OF BIG ee FRemn I - The WitHO The Rtr-PLAce j CTnev . UAOY OPersiV OM-H-H- BOY,'! i,ORrl I III The deer aim't tT A , . I A'- I ANP cauu GR-F-R-RAr4D f Ml Ml ; 1 L - wmfw I Amfcmn lHWf JSrxS v "'tjmL Jin JBE&- iMWn vS-, .syff irf Bfliiiir -73 & Cmrlei.r,T4Ml , MILE A MINUTE? POOF! CINCH FOR ANTELOPE Si 1 Would Make Man O' Wan. Loek Like Selling Plat Ostrich Fastest Twe'Legged Sprinter and Could Set Mean Records ' t By ORANTLAND RICE NDEPENDENTS TO PAftADEAPRIL 15 Philadelphia Baseball Associa tion Will Open Season With Display en Bread Street MAY BAR RESERVE CLAUSE y Beets and Saddle rrn t" ,H0M mM '".i.' i. wief xrec, unniMi uy iiurry 1'U.vne TTBiiney, appear uewc in ine reature Jrace at Havana today, with Leghorn Bd Cel Chile an contender, Hersen which feem bent In ether are: Urnt race. Stencwa 11. Wldu X. Itelilllillltv: KPenml Unn. Ballen, War Map, Iiengalcxe: third, it One. Old Sinner. IIIiipI; tfncWl,. . VSL a.- vi, a .,.!.. a x- i. '. rr.awwf.KMj !, jumi-j t,, .iuvuju : ' aAb llavAvnnil fun.l l..l) M HiVt . ..--.., -wuwu, t, .T1, '. i Bia.B m. ...m m .& in iimiiiirrrin J" . - i ,:' - j".., rcnaseu me em race herne Irlnli man for breeding purpesen in ion with the production of horses. is keen in the fertlienminf. ruy, iu,nrv auuca, te De run .Ttni. Cherry Tree, tlm rnn.i Mtr-old of Harry Payne Whit. ! favored by many for the stake. brothers have a formidable enn. Is la Llewellyn. Andrew Hl.iWi.lv vltkinc Cestlian and Llahter frnm )yMmQtUtnu te Havana te enter In ueKifan snowed race speed l the Havnnn race eeurfe, 1h te start n j 10(K)-acie thmeughbred farm ut Shasta, t allf. Solemon in te be his leudlnir Hire, noieinon h colts liuu shown class at IIuunn. By PHILIP G. LEWIS OrmiElzrr nnd rrrNldrnt nffthr llinr.T Alpreed lliiNkrtlinll Oirictui . a very important and closely- con cen trsteil high school game with the score tint nt i points, a feilt was called en the home team. The feutd thrower stepped up te the, line and the home rooters were yelling. The trv was mi. successful, and the referee allowed an. ether, which was successful, nnd eventu ally wen. the game. Where ders the official get the authority te allow an an ether threw? Cellepla'te Itule 6, Section 4, pace 10 The referee shall have power te call fouls for unspertsmanlike conduct en the part of playera or spectators, or te make decisions en any points net spe cifically covered in the rules. Eastern League Rule ;t. Section 11 I'.iKe 174 He shall held the home team responsible for the behavior of the buec buec taters, etc. With both arms aieuiul a player 'and both hands en the ball, is thii a feult CellfKlate Rule 7, Section 8. Page 13 Helding Is persennl contact with an opponent that Interferes with the oppo nent's freedom of movement. n.iHtern Leapue Rule 19, Sections 1 and -, papre 173 Heth arms nreund a plajer shall be considered an offense Players must heep one nrm free when pluylmr nn opponent from the nar (The hands en the ball have nethln" te de with the Infraction of the rule There is personal contact, ntul the free dom of the pluyer with the ball Is Inter fered with ) In making a fiee thiew, hew far buck of the mark may the thiewer stand f Thue Is nethlntr In nny set cf rules which Mates where and hew for back of the line the leul thrower must stand ' it is unuerwuiuu umt iitw uuuwer wishes te pet as close te the goal iih peslbc' then-fure sets as close te the line us possible without touching It Collegiate Rule 14, Section 2, I'nge A player shall net, while nuking u free threw fei goal, touch or cress the free free threw line until the ball has touched the backet or backboard. Kai-tein League Rule 16, Section 2, page 171 The man throwing for the giul must stand fifteen feet from the basket en a line which shall b clearly marked en the fleer. lie shall net cress the line until the ball hns entered or missed the goal, etc. H'Anf is the difference between an i- The independent baseball teams com prising the Philadelphia Baseball Asso ciation have virtually agreed en Sat urday, April 15, ns the dnte for the big city pnrnde when the 1022 snndlet bnscbnll season will be ushered in. Mere than 2000 plnycrs nre expected te be In line. Final arrangements will be completed at n meeting te be held tomorrow eve ning nt the Hetel Walten, nt which time n general committee te conduct the event will be named. Jim Hemier, of Shunahan, and Larry Soimner, (sec retary of the association, arranged the preliminary details". The -parade was only one of a dozen impertnnt mutters decided upon nt u meeting of the Heard of Governors held last evening. The players' contract was a question that received the attention of the delegates for nearly three hours. Pnrt of the members wanted a reserve clnuse nnd ethers advanced the opinion thnt It would be n wise move te forget the Mime for this season nt least, inert is a suspicion among plnjcrs that or ganized ball is net for their best Inter ests and the magnates, te disprove this, would willingly waive such a clause from nn efflclnl standpoint, although It enn .be inserted if ngrecublc te both parties concerned. . : It has been decided te purchnsc sup- plies collectively and the contract for i all Imseba'ls has been awarded, but j tli,. iwii.inii of the committee must be ratllied at n meeting tomorrow night, nt which time the appointment of n recognized booking agent will also be n ti twill nrm1 . The umpire question, as usual, was argued for hours, and the committee of Hill Gleasen, of North Phils, and hd Helden. of Illlldalc, was augmented by , Luke Kidiee, of Nativity. 'JJ-nesc men will meet again this evening and com cem p'ete plans te present nt tomorrow s gathering. The present offices of the organiza tion in, the Butlcy-Heyburu ltulldlng have been found te be Inadequate, nnd It lin Iwnn fleplded te Seek mere COI11- modieus quarters, as the booking agcnl of the association will be In the same offices with Secretary Larry Seinmer. The latter is absent from his duties for u few days, owing te the death of his mother, who died en Sunday, nnd who will be burled tomorrow. Harvard Football Practice te Begin Late This Menth i , Cambridge, Mass., March 7. The Harvard football mnnngcncnt Isn't going te let the editorial objections of the Crimson, the college dally, which is opposed te pre-scasen foot ball practice, ever-rule common foot ball sense, for Conch Beb Fisher hns set March 27 ns a tentative dnte for spring prncticc. The prnctlce w)ll Inst three weeks. One or two meet ings will be held before thnt time. Captain Charlie Buell is busy making nrrnngements, nnd all can didates are expected te sign up be fore next Wednesday. r Fonseca Signs With Reds Clntltfnetl. March 7. Ixu!s Fonca, an Inflelilcr. has reached an agreement with Auitust Herrmann, of the Cincinnati Iteiln. and slimed a contract td play with the lteds. lMdle Heuah. star outfielder. Is the only plner still urslgned. The Ultimate Test ?Virrc hale been men who bearded liens III thntr ,infi. 7,-e Itirf. ewe have trailed ihc tiger down Or charged the gri:;ly bear. Ind some liutw feuiht machine-gun ticits , Stuck hllrh. iii nuiifilrtl iiitf.,.1 '"i'( ' have played with a bnjtlge expert (, unwell n evupw ej uuuhs, A MONJ5 Ihc day's queries that some- tlmei leave us huddled under .the table with n glassjt store, we come across this one": "What is the fastest running animal en earth and hww ta(t can it run 100 yards nnd also a mile?" Wc hnvc been, (old thnt, this is an Asiatic antelope, whose scientific name we have forgotten. The speed of this antelope has been estimated ttt a mile tt minute, sonic thirty-live seconds faster than n Mnn e' War can stagger ever the same distance. The sight of some feur-leggedi sprinter leading Mnn e' War or Miirvich by mere than n quaitcr in u jnllecdnsli would be something te leek nt. The ostrich is easily the fastest of the two legged sprinters, with no one else close. If nn ostrich hns ever been timed for the 100, 220 nnd the 4-10 wc have never seen the figures, but it might be in in Mere Than Hundred Arbitrators Af- Jesting te knew just hew swiftly two ., A , ...... , , . legs enn travel, leaving quite u target filiated With Lecal Bedy for tnc imran,, race te sheet nt. The United I'midres Association et 1 .,, ,, nrnrn this city added ten mere officials te its Exponent of BcsultsNleesn't (axe list last night, nt (he Benedict Club. , I m . ' . . .-, nppllejil te sport. let many et tne greatest nuvc also UMPIRES' UNION GROWS s and has already grown into i been the most graceful. .bio and successful be.lv. ! ynntherllkc glide" of .Tack Hemp- . en, la 111(1 nn,. 4nnr prepn ti ninin.. sima The new organisatien hns new a mem hcrship list of mere thnu one hundred nrbltrnter a fermidabl During the meeting the hv-lnws nnd constitution were dmwn up and adopt ed, nfter which Augie Mernn, one-time National League umpire, related ninny of his experiences ns nn umpire In big and little lengues. Mernn pointed out many of the plays which te often con fuse fans, plujers and umpires at times. The association derided te nsk big league umpires te attend the wecklv meetings whenever an official finds it convenient te attend. Blackbeard talks of puzzling pln.xs will uNe be it weekly fenturc. soy is iuu per cent grace te every one except the party of the second part, who is thinking mainly nheut his jnw and the distance from chin te resin. There isn't nn awkwar.d touch te any Dempsey movement, no wasted motion, no lurching effort. The lcepnrd doesn't show n grenter litlieness. The most grnceful bnll player we ever snw wns Napeleon Lnjeic, and he was also one of the greatest. Fer that matter. "Babe" Iltith has a world of grnce nt bat in the smooth ness nnd sjmmctry of Ills swing. Geerge Duncnn heads the list ns the world's most graceful golfer, but 11. Vnrden isn't far away. MMl Thirteen Years Against Three fjp-fti rnttj . I . UIV U1 new ndnt 8iS X Thompson a matter of thirteen TT te hangup the National LeaguMS of 127 home runs. """J Science Is ndvnnclng. Fer It 1ms taken "Babe" Buti, iuM lira years te amass 142 home runji his march te fame. uu ' Venerable ,8am wns cfte of the new sluggers of the past. Yet Ruth S wirce years nas pummeled fifteen itS i circuit drives tlinn Thompson iSS . pickle in thirteen seasons. "I Why Is It I That a geimall that is headed for ik. ,,,. , huncr adly tpletn ,0T ' II ill travel se much faster than it fa toward the grecnt ? IT IS fairly well conceded thit by a knockout, there will bt litS clamor for cither tn trmie t.m.j'nSf Dempsey. The idea being that If fjS4 cant knock out Gibbens n flfttS yimiua, ur uioegns cnnt step Qrth u the same span, what chance weuH either have te harass the champtes? A decisive victory from either Mm. .would start a line of fashionable tW., chat, even if it led no further ' IF GBEB wins, Pittsburgh cuU i. ether notch in her gun. This nn has complied its share of the sportta spertta laurel. .Since J000 It has wen feJJ pennants, for one thing. It has tarsal out three amateur golf champion k ycrs, Fownes and Herren. which fa fa mere than nny ether city except Chi cnge has developed In the last twr years. In football Pittsburgh Unlm slty hasn remarkable ten.. j Pittsburgh is much like Bosten, whin ..uu i4u. Mini uiiuuni. nny uisn VOUJ Ctrl for en the menu of any lending turn. THE present collegiate move usjir way, if net calling for total dli'. armament, may at least provide for i limitation or a ten-year recess of the paid alnateur. miIE ball player's life i prut' L soft," remarks an exchange, Rtt about the brief neried left nftn- t,. v.. come upon his thirty-eighth year, hit as a geed, fast kid steps into the old Vina hIiaaL 1 Copy r told. 1323, All Rights Rtsetvtt, Scraps About Scrappers Ike Miller, formerly BharKey Smith, 1. 1 triilnlnir dally ter maichm with uny et the local US-peunders. i Harrj Kid I.uber, uraduate of UIJeu and Gajuly amateur tourneys., trained a llsn-l ment In his rluht letr. He will bn unabls le box for a week. II a v llelment visited Fcranten last week nnd durinir hli short stay wen In eight rounds from bplke Sullivan, tcerlne a knocl. knecl. knocl. dewn Al I'ex has placed himself under th man-1 ant-mint of Johnny Falls, who also handle Yeuntt Jee Bradley, Den Toomey, Venni Lepei, Uattllnts Walters and Yeuni; I.evlne Kid KunsaH has three mlttmen of the umr wclaht under his wing. They are Veunit Wallace, I'atay Nelsen and Andy Wilsen cacU rrepf.red for 1111-pound competition. Hmltn laauee a cii-n te 1I inl imei jeh nny next ARRANGE INTER-CITY SERIES Jewish Cage Teams te Play for Championship of East Malinger Harry Pussen bus completed 1 nriiinxciiieiitH ter an intercity series for the Jewish basketball championship of the Enst. The tennis icpresenttd nte I Ik; Seuth l'hlllv Ilelnetvu T,..i..i, rliampiens of Philadellihlii, Ninety-sec. , fentlencil nml en tinlntcntfennl periencil end street Y. M. II. A., of New Yerk- ,","" ilew Vl1,nn?,L,",ch e"mite a Passaic amMYllkes-Burre. w,en" p layer fro m the lamef Yilkcs-Bnrre has alr.ndy been he.e. I . .. 'al""'1 JZ xft l.-.n..lltM If. fl n.i.i Hmtth in rernatched te Krauze en inuruiy ,ukmv mi", niv eeiilnir he will taken en Temmy Devlin. 1 Fei. of rarkelde. Is anxious for a rt turn bout with Hattlln- Abe Cehin, VranVIe Connelly. 118, and Jlmrnv Kirl, 110. stablemateH. are read for bems In their respective classes. Jack Tulnier nnneur.ies lhat Ik would take en llenn I-unard at H7 pounds ut s o'cleckj. The former also wants inatil..- with K. O. Kaplun. Jack Terry and JagK flrltten. Temmy Miirrav deesn't bar any one at thu . Am limit. In hli, tnn.t r.ium Afurray, ennaned In fisticuffs nlth limny1 WfL iv ereverueu go YORK, WrirfeCL.' '.WmRt ii rTTiryaTg 4 k S sPCnMPK flCt tilled at. r m ' - " r V I ft SB, hm L k M fl ztTm. y m gggll fl -U m & gggA' Mlv Vk ' Q ggg aStmm -ii 1 INDIANAPOLIS, IND. . .. iMinnv itrnu n Martin Judae. Chick lUtitas and pBKti l..im Oth i?,i ,? . BVJIl mst The race -will be de- y, . i . i1 in ether j ears, but the I rst team tr. wri. .... winrtnr mniti i,n,uu, " meet the downtewners will be the New tact with nn opponent, whether Inten Inten Yerk aggregation, and they make their ' tlennl or net. Four of these cause the (Jueker City debut en Thursday nlirhl removal of the offender from the Kame. andNS,nVde,;"at;:::!,"u,el "Wil"? l '"cfenl MuWrMlaViS and Mi) uer annul. JMIkes-iiarre fel- fren, tnn Bame. Head penalty for Hule lows nnd Passaic will be the last te in, Sections 11. U and 13. The only appear. I guide for un nfllclnl Is the fact that a The series has caused a stir In .Tew- im'l occurs. He calls It ns It Ih seen. ish circles nnd the largest crowd of the ' IlBI,i,"Jnn" nlhv1"thenoffende?rnien,ent;n" season Is cxpectetl nt the opening game. tlal l-8 known by the offender alone. VIlen the Bphas met the Camden East- , . nlA inji, ni. ern Lenauers near y. 1C00 watched the DarrahOW Indian,. Diet match, but evert nun than rhia nitmtu.,. r Kut IJvemert, O., March T. Jerry Dar Iliilhrr IIut liliihnii Is inatched win, jiicuev Travera at I.yijn. Xlass . March 13, len rounds te decision and Illecky Richards Dayton. O.. ten rounds decision. .March 20 Itutchy has been In fifteen diclslen contests and has never lest. nil! frllwr has arranired a slx.Uut pre. Bram fr Thursday nlaht at the Auditorium, with the wind-up betwe.n Hay Mitchell and Jimmy Jerdan. Tim semi will ti Frank". Alder vs. Juer Kelly Prelims I Jee WrlKht v. Temmy Hharre, Joe Stanley vs. (li-nrL. Packer. Willis Mauser Kid Mitchell and Yeunn llebby llarrett vs. Danny Tey. Andy rhanej has recovered from his re. cent lllneis. Me will meet Oycar Deschamps at Montreal. Can,, ten rounds. March 18, Al Wasner has arranged another sli.beut card ter th National Baturday nlaht. irl had . difficult time arranirlmi or Hilly A' Seli te meet Bailer Freedman. Jey Jaci,.en will return from Chicago te meet Jee Welsh fPftMIHVn'?raV.lM WI' fciub wheTtr.rt cMrw.. ii tM i AlfirliS. In the MRil, Tantinr Burke, Wt-?hllly. lae. ia te mS-t nr of t eial ltwtlht. open Hai ave a cMaK k-ij 5 ft 7- T laV i -rf. mm. giggUHglHS mm Bk a t?f xpszjm &&assm i&z&S &Z2S&31 nBE&sSl OS iwm :S5rtanip - ii in' " nr v ' Bn i Mb 01 III te i Ill i. t nt Be urn :t I'll ir.i. Id G Sti ler Wii Jul t 'it Ti ( He 'tl fit I'll n .,rn ,W. .11 w v ataaMte.lwste.a i. 4.i ir v-ar' n .VB...T . i'" ' .vgaa,:. itTJKWWS in j ?vt tf : j , rt.MT v a &?! J . . , livii.llJ ,.fflrl.A