hmtfi. ivmnnniHiHn i . , mi ,, t i.'Hfitn jit fa .yffV(t tt rtw. '"a. .? ' iw Mr'-' c - -ji - r " . " - i - i - T , , .,...- ...-. . ..a .-... ...j. .. ' TM LOVELESS MARRIAGE THE aUMPS-l Leve the Cows anChickcns ByRVBYM.AYRES , - ;;m "A m tJZr& "-. "A. , CopvrleM, fOtt, b PubUe Ltdper Company r - --.-. . -. . .. .... . , . ,., , , - ,, ..., hh i'lM --" !------- ii i . - .1 - - ip .1 - -- J iii ' ,'" t '' - : T .' . l.PgH . . . '- - M . y ' " 'tH I OrfilrI ' ,C 5?J .S5K,HLii .CITY- WE GOT TO OET OUT JXJT I 'MtTCBfrllNCi IN THE COUNTRY- V UCT. DINH TH-IK S'lUl Vr H 'ui p-as?l & 'fHIl! . ,v. ' v h ii IS i A7u( mill '& - 'itfi rnm-ll At.. 1 X-"rV mil ... i r wi HUH! IT,ii I I A CIP .i Vf?"-v ", M IH .. ?rfi-KBI : ': : : n.iitrj l . j-am emc B Hayward t'm 4 WSJ V-IFhBaiNg ItlB BTOIIY . 'ii5' ISmc. Maner! a cn f.'-'TSSel. tehcr h hed n WiSLWffSMTMMH 'f.Z, tY htr father lawyer. 1"'. take liii aeuvhttr te A( As c r- MM J" -T.fcfinf fUlllfV. Vl VI Wn:!i maii.mdku lev te Ar. ns HUB nintI .rfi,A ,, nJkM nf. liHj HICrte; : fin"''..-.v,l, (.,lum n it. IfeP't.'; fliie P ksitir. Morert ha ' ftilf 'mini 'hi '' no P0"?' .f''! 7- luHevit ttmptr and IrVWIW 11 . -. .J am FiMM- r r "?"" .""?;,;;-.r"', aM --" " rail (; 25k .rRrr aW. rnpt cerff re i iinHWKirce?l'T,Nl,E9 'irHINK he Is one of thoe men Iwho will nerer chanec much," I tfiSSS?' I ". with nthu.l. 'I turned my fnce lmtlly awny. I uitoriettcn ler the meineni uiai i n.i Kr boy's nnuie because of the. nr boy's nnuie fte'lilm Klcliard Vnwte," I na,kta.' "Francis Ih Ills father'a I "T ' I I .h aA IMrtl'fl T kAtlllAlin l Oirt 1 ttele a furtive glance nt him. ..j a l!it of the wull-vcincmbercil "ncicf his fucc Hcnt a little stab te m hiut Melt t flrl again as I looked at Mm -jait the flrl wle had broken licr heart Wi,ent ')'. ... . He looked around suddenly and met ITlf L.. AM .rtlM lliAllnlilf iJMfheil ami xheuk my head. "6b, they are worth be much, much tint,'' I told lili". "Loek, there It the' hduse. And eh, here ieiuch Jicbiril." CHAPTER XXVII par x .wrote nnu told y,m umf tt,r were trying te force me Inte mimiX my husband, anil and I asked ,. forgive me for hnvln.i told ,2U' V 1 2 that afternoon. I wasn't engaged te him. I never meant te be. I hJS fiwed him attain and again. "Mnrjerlel" He caught my i,.n,i hard, but I dlit net feel Att p3nS time and place seemed te be forgotten ind rolled away. I was clahteen once rib and be was my first lever. ' CIIAPTEBXXVIII I don't think' I nhnnlil hnvn ...!.... had Richard kissed me; but he .did net, he just held my hand hard. , 'I never-get any letter from von." ne said lb a strangled voice. "I have ncver heard from you from that day in the park until new. Yeu are sure you wrete sure?" "I te Miss Llnnlennd one premised te glve it te you herself," answered tremulously. Jt cecnicd te matter tremendously all at once. My fingers shook. "She .never did. I swear te (Jed that J" never dldl" he told me solemnly. "If I had had ?' He atepned. . "If you had had It?" I echoed. Ha laughed, nnd let my hand go. "Vie enn't bring back the past, can we? he said. We can only go en en. Marjerle. de you knew that it's time for me te be going?" My moment had gene : he would never sny thp word I had hungered all my life te hear, never tell me that he loved tnp. I was a mnrried "woman nnd a mother . Tears smarted In my eyes as we went back te the house. I suppose I ought te be ashamed te admit It. I suppose n mother of n beau tiful eon and a little daughter ought te be ashamed te admit that xhc lias ever given n thought te any man who Is net their father; but I was net very old, and I knew I would have given anything I possessed that night te have heard Richard say he loved nic. Hut It wan comforting te knew he had never had my letter; comforting te knew that he hnd nej gene away bc us M; eon came running toward us: he?'1'''2.1' h "M net "l'y t. iincb a manly looking boy even when l "rS? W . . , 7m,. Anl. iwvp . told one of the servants te br m If wit enlr twelve He 'were a dark blue Jersey that rioted off his straight flgurt. and his fici was tanned and clear with beau tiful health. When he gaw Richard he walked ere wberly. "Iin't he a big fellow for twelve?" 1 nked proudly. "Richard, this is Jlf.TempMt." 'H'tdn put out a brown, net over ever tleta fiend. It seemed ta strange te tee theft t-e whom I loved better thnn ill the, 'world shaking' handq se Helcmnly. ."He,Jlkc jeu, Mnrjeric," Richard nM. iAml small Richard looked up nt Bl'lnd laughed. "rery one says I am like my moth meth irAhe said. "Klsa in like father." Wient back te the heusp. together. laill Richard, ns I must call him la order te distinguish him, laughing ud talking all the war. He wanted te lit top In the dogcart and drive. He nt delighted when big Richard prom bed te take him for. a spin. n&en'fcisa liehrd it she set up a ilrtlrcherus. requesting te be nlleweJ it fe, tee. "ilr, Tempest doesn't want you leth;' my treasures;" I told them. Rut llchird said he did net mind, and prcs m they all three drove off, Elsa sit BM'between the two Richards. Iitoed at the deer of Nascet Heuse ud matched them mixlejisly. Of course Mtneiv Richard would 'net let .them nete any harm, but I was glad when tit;, were back hafcly. Klsa apparently hnd taken a despcr ite fancy te Richard. She hung en te li hand when we went nrnmul the lirden, and Insisted en picking a robe ad petting it in his coat, ''leu've made a great Impression," I told-him. laughing. "She's rather pcultith strangers, ns n rule." 'I am very fend of children." he rtld. "I should like a 4ey like yours." "I "don't knew what I should de ltheut'lilm." I answered. lirlnf nis nersc nnu trnp around te the front of the house, and I went te the deer te fcee Mm off. He, was driving te a village seven miles nway, he told me, where he was staying with friends. "Their then perhaps I shall sec you ngnln?" I faltered. "If If you care te come ever." Fer n moment he did net nnswer; he absently pnttcd the silky neck of the cob, which was stamping Impa tiently, longing te be off. "Thank you thnnks very much," he Mild. But I new he did net mean te Come. We steed for a few minutes In desul tory conversation : we talknl nbeut th weather, nnd the prospect of n goedl imrveiH. nnu me cultivation et newers, nnd such ordinary topics, while nil tht time I felt as If my heart were stretch ing Imploring hands te him. and crying, "Don't go! Oh. don't go!" Then all at once, ns if In answer te my unspoken words, he turned. "I must sny geed-by," he snld. "It's j getting late, and " j I felt his eyes en mc in the moon- i light, but I could net meet tliein; then he took my hand, and, raising it, kissed it very gently. "Oued-by, und Ged bless you!" CHAPTER XXIX T fcfoed Mill where Richard left inc. lixtenlng te the sound of the trait i i wheels dying nway down the rend ; 1 then I went slowly hack te the house. I My heart felt cold and dead; in vain 1 toen myself te t.iHlc ; called myscll wicked and ungrateful. I loved Rieh nrd Tempest; I had alwnys loved him from that moment of our first meeting by the stream. I knew that I nheuld nlwn.vH leve him. ' "Il never hed my letter," I told myself. It sent n wiirm glow of copi cepi copi fert te my heart, "lie nctcr hail inj .viler. SOMEBODY'S $TENOG She Objects te a Current Idea DEAff A(?HAVVAApD, lAJMJUB rADTnnn DO ipu AIOT 7HIAIK .w should HAME HO A CMAPPDmue -n- ACCOMPAAJV HEP OAI ' HfeK IKIMTOLORlbA? RWAjTlAifi HlBSXiTAc EOFTHOS6HOI??.Btd e i BNuejKAFMERS" AS we a& CHOSE B AfOW-A-DAYS, T&U KMOWIT05EDT& BE TVIE WAITRESSES. ACTRESSES AJ& Wpi i CtKLS 1ME.T USED Te MCK OAI HUT HOW ITS lUSTEHOG'J. MEf?'s HOPIA16 MJ9M WILL PIIT A CHAPEROfiE,IN THERE UfcWAY AAJttHHLP.US OUT. FURTHERAim?e7- LHOPB Veo Arte Aim I 0)UU JOST HU6-HER'. v The dear worried -.darli ai 6 J I DIDA1T THIAJK DFHAVJAJ6 A CHAPBROMB BECAUSE IT DlfcATI OCCUR TO MB. AAV MORALS AlEEDE.t WATCHIMS ' OUR LITTLE FRIEMD MUSTAIT WORRY ABOUT THE SEAiSATIeAl HOOA40S IVAfTH SMUT ALWAYS N IHEIR AAIA4DS ! AAI6RV. O0RS "sIestixttLe IPedFUlM IMC TITIC UlYtlll.i) r r? SO Tl-lEY (CALL US "THO.S HeppiricI STEAIOORAPHERS" De THE.V ? 1 I BET MEM ARE AT THE. KEVaeT OF IT ALL - AAEAi! IT'S M&H THAT MAKE IT AJECESSARV Fe Amii tfiRLS LIKE HER Te ATDVtWTtTr They're 3oeli JeiT RR THE MUDDY TOAIGUES all About '. Vr 1 - fh&?sn U w"-- -p"' ) && Ctftrttte, tHI, bt FIU IMftr C: TAKE THE 6'ARDEAt OF E.tEM ROR lAlSTAAJCE ! VAHAT A LeOVELY PLAC IT UOULb HAVE BEEAi IF S0 MG.M hadm't come alemgah i I ; aL (.ByTTED IAJ I J II I LriTE4, DEARIB, PERHAIft rfS BEST TO HAJBl A CHAPEROHB. I ViOMT ARfiUE. THAT. SUTAAJV OLD TIME AlOSS-8ACKSWI m MUb SLAJGERS GET OUSf OM HDL1? FAIR AIAME TfeLuAfS AWD VWHILE X GOT BREATH fleOIN' AJ PA4U CV I JL UL r-U KJT- ... iiaeml jse i lie rc.W vi'"i'-' wi- sr i x?t " I i i ret Hi I .'F.-rvfWAR ''. l The Yeung Lady Aeteta the Way L-ffl THE TOONERVILLE TROLLEY . By FONTAINE FOX r j V- Jk. JCp e -&X . 'H . fcl' vW" . .CI &&! 9 KW&S& ' C .a V. m 7 C .S irs sc Ms. jFj'ir -O Ja V t y L SCHOOL DAYS Bif DW1G 4 cr X te s? t.... ...u .i i n i ii i coil hi go no uiiiiier none uiai inn- Later, when the children had gene;.,. .,.,.,. tb. un ...,. fu-Ki.i.fe,, .i,., - ....... a , lay there. I went upstairs te my boy's bedroom and fat down beside his bed. He was fast asleep; I could hear hlv deep, even breathing, nnd once the little sighing son nd he made as he turned en his .nlllew had told Rlchurd my children wi-e I nil 1 had te love, but I hnd net leliij te bed, Rlchnrd nnd I walked around III nrden. It was n trenutlful night. ltd there was n nightingale singing In Mae mutant trees. We stepped en the shadowy lnwn te wtea. The moon was slowly climbing wiky, like u gracious queen nscend- ll the marble steps te her throne. 1 1 irm'Rlehnnl'M ntrimHrni f-n II. www .i,. ii i -- i nil i nan te love, uuc i nnu nut nm ik, I. ih.!1 ' T l0nCl .S,thCMMW,e "w much thej were te me. hew .?.?... l Mlll . V". chlldrcn'much! Pcrhuns because no words of can tne moon sue. -,t.. .....i.i .i..n.. .u- i.. ...i.ii. ....... Are you quite hami.v?'' Richard ' -i .k .i...i.. .. i.ii. r 1....1 i.... m illlllUDL UUUIIlllUII llll.U A llllll ..L-i. It' little Richard since that first moment they laid him in my arm. While I hnd him uetlflng elm mat tered greatly; he was mine my veiy own. , Once ngnin life went en uneventful!) ; days grew into weeks, and weeks into months, nnd then then dime the da) when Rlchnrd went te bearding school.) With nil my will and dcteriuin.itinn I hud striven te put it off, but Fnmcls was ndamnut. Heys why did net go te n bunidiug ,1,, 1 "' "Y """ unviijn iri'i i.t iwn e tlireKli anything ns long "I have tliein." WMtlened me. The abruptness of Richard's, question I'Jt the bleed singing te my cheeks. Ii anybody quite quite happy V" I i"Xou knew uhat I meunV" he an Tircd. "I should net have naked, I "Wee; but just new In the moon-W-your face looked se snd, almost Ulf-as if He broke off. unpp?e ,0 n" llnv" our 'ou . I told him flippantly te hide the ' win, my heurt. "Hut the chlldicn .i..."l' "lr 9 inilCll. 1 nlWID'H fed u,.ml or. mimnii'v nnd ninllv.fiiililli'k. The yeunj lady across the wnj snjt. liisterlnus iilKa?ric en who ac tually wintc the DicUiratieu of lu-ilcp'-ndenc". but "-he belicm the best authorities think It vas Jeseph Jeffersen. M --"&&, . mn z , K&ifr Of eJJL & nUviM QuJAV UuuuLtAs Jit Ulcu eJtv "rvfc tsAU , . JvujJv tA)VvJ UrtO-UUl ttvtrUMTXS evw -CW -:i Ni-x. V fifer 't,T'' ( I 6ew'.n."l BBafigaaeaBgajBBBaBaaBapBafeeKBavgr wiBalBUr 4 j 'a PETEYNext Step, Pinehursi 1 he said. i.M ' ' leu lev.- them ct-y much?" nJ 11 01K' clstJ t0 )evc 7,y" luuiigutiesBiy. 1 thought It wan thai :..'" "is nice iiiiiire. ,' 1 declared, trying te leugh. ta,1i,H,"c'..,:t''-v ene UaH something Uedtni.rni. ,'""" ,l a eigniecn j dklJnkilt,"u.lst bc n" hone moon ,issm. I don't new." I h.J'"U be-wtli some men.' 1. -." wv iiunwpr. linn. f.M.ii.1 i aim fh., t ... . --.. -wu 1.7 :Mul l w fc,'ed and yns mairied te one Ini1r1 . . er afcnu 1 i " "UU1 w" "an y "i .m l0.affrCV0,V op kind ".a min whom should lmvn i..t "" ase inii ( ,1 ,:;;,: ..." "" 1V ,Tnn. 1 "" 'imuri'ii. Z'l L"1' U ' the Sk. . of c tall Jkeuette from ed he declared ; il ueuld be the making '" I Rlchnrd. lie us tee much tied te In-, mother's npren-blrings; he vtiiiitcu te I find lilt, level. I suppose It was nubunntitilly true; but the thought of patting Ith him mis llke tearing out my henit. I begged and impleri'd; I even wept, but it was no use, nnd one day I mil 1 looking nt my bey'h boxes packed and I corded and labeled, icndy te, go. 1 Richard was delighted, though I Knew I he did net show It much for fear et hurting me. He talked nbeut the holi days, and "half term." when 1 could Id I 'tell ' Re down nnd s'ce him; lie hnd given mc whom I 1 f-tt-ic t Instructions whnt sort of "tucl." hadeW8 f if?" "?.'1"s " "eunl- '1'1' UbSRl'I e."l treey lay in dl,rlt them m." "r ' .' " 1" "" and threuch tRr." sl,t r,Itcrcd llke Pointing . urnlni i . .... . iv rii". '".""t coming home te- te scud him. He told I'.'.sn that he would bring home some et the "chaps te siieml thn hn'.ldiivs with him. He was growing up se fast : m babv ' had long fclrcc vanished, and new t was losing the child into which the1 babv had crown. ' Richard had even smoked his Hist cigarette! I had caught him with the vicar's son In the old burn trying hnrd te iinnglne they were enjoying themselves. When he saw me nnd. I iuppe"c. f- I THlUk tT5 A SWAMvM r ,'j) tovuTe STOP OVER feT? TUVC ) r .. .1.. . eT JT ( Thp.T vc Mlt Ge straight rvw lmmtJWf. few avs &vermboeV Pecs- -JQj f- OH.UNaE VEICY- Heme from Flerida aumpp -0L) m "J v3 - vj Wssisszl -nqu've GeT rU v WWgTq step off at PiMEHURvrVK Jn's ffirJp J H&s out L 1H S y YGbeDV- GASOLINE ALLEY An Awful Disposition & Bu C. A. Voight GOOD-Mtfifrtf-- " I HAOPA SeT k Tickets Te PlME- HURST Bfcausc IHA.T5 Ab FAT? A5 OUR HOMV VAllic . 'SlAKF US- f5c0 H53 ' bA-Ve., M tlhtf'hr,L.inef ;emln2 home "Xa .,lUcha"l ild suddenly. II. .1. , " "en he ' Mopped, Rtnndln- in r.. m.v shocked "u'L1 .a: forced te leek m i,i Mlttle ashamed, but. after u moment ieri.i"',. ". you marry him. m...'1 offered the -he looked r0 .:....' ' 1.0U nw what he "-you imi.r V . 1 " UUK" "llac e Iifi.7...Tst'?ve known. Why did "8 l'erharrim,eJl,, ,c" "In. the "t but It Lei'' ,- '' "et 1,avc d0,,c ln looking 'S? were.fhMt"' HtBn'1-,rTe-a g'rnve ui0. n,netl,,t;r avra ft hd b?.c , ?""' "'I my happl happl ttfere, " bu,lctl " and years 1 taartlta him .' ee,lns 0( "nreelity f,u, jeu 'en'i 'CC uu m,k me' ho he m, "oeociy ?lse cared what became of leu J!?"' way because 0ii told ,.m ..a .."ii; in in. . . .. 1 wwy, v "uiiri " he said Mcd ni bin, ,M, ,,,,, tilini expresslon expresslen . but. nftc mui'li-chewed end for inj he Maid eugag se nice, acceptance. "It's ever incl.v. He was IhhU'eu when he went te. bearding school : 1 took him te Leu- I den myself, and uUw him off with a let of ether boys. "Don't cry in front of till these I chaps, mother," he whlspcicd te me. when tin! time came for parting, lint' I he was very pear tearn himself as 1 t kissed his dcai' brown face. 1 "Don't forget me, sennle!" I whis pered with a sob. "And you 11 write every week premise me." He prnmlfcd, of course, bill I could 1 see that his thoughts were full of the 1 new life te which he was going, and ! ll.n !... Mnl.nna n.i.l M .. ....... I . j. ' III.' Willi I l.llllir, mill Ilin 111-11 1 "HI i, I.,., n.til Ilin linv .if ftim ...wl cakes which I had packed for him. Then the guard blew lili viltle, und teamed slowly uwuy irem. .ivur W..11 i. . . 1 flu, irniii . All..: ' ,,ii. ii iinrun't ,..,.iA.. -." ....... By King ti . LI1 Pifl SAV S cIl M eLLVbOAJTTLC OIL WCtK ?Z K-'T CET A WAKI-D Te BeM SOME OIL FOR. MlS AM JTD Sg lcHS dA Yyf WL lyJQgE ABO rfjUp BLOOEyt HE FUES ALLTwSg! . - fi " . .. ' rX. v v 1 . )i iif"i rVj y r wilftvft:rY,peH.': ,b" ,,ltttferm' - fc2?iOTI.?WM ',", . CONTINUE mono MA.Je' r t 11 - it; M mMwM e. &Mim -, tsi&sa vmm "ftA rs A) , aiITur,' i3 V i.!V..1 ' s.