IMS ilmmW&' uSwHSP y j s?ifc.g rAT-ii! jiififw EFHW MOW it tail fimiiL"K: tun r XI H5V WijiA., ifttf L.vvTj Tf.F', ' & YtmWmW Wmr ' T'FMT fmWBtm Wttitfi iijrTimrimTh llinn'ATAIIAnifrn . wmtim luwertw ' ttfNTicm mmwmtw " I sr i mnmiiiiM.1 imimi im nt , ' .,...-. , ffUlING BATTLE BYGIRLS DRINKING jSLVS Pastors Fight for Prohibition and Sunday Observance Tepic of Conference , rMEETNEXTWEDNESDAY ttittaX DtivtUch te Kvening PubUe I.tSetr Atlantic City, March 0. Plnnit for i tU mobilisatien of the Methodist of KJ BWte for the foil election, 'Sebbf th ViTnnce, the enforcement of bMe". both Stnte and national, nnd Suil 'representation for, the laity, en Si convention fleer re the outstanding Stun en the program of the eighty ilxth annual meeting of the'Ncw Jersey Methodist Episcopal Conference open- .K i en Wednesday in St. Paut'a I:-"'Chnrch, with upward et wt nun ''Uttrs. representing 200 parishes nnd . 7B.0W communicants nucimuip. The Rev 3una W. Marshall, re tlrlfli vice 'president of the Ocean flrbw Cnuip Meeting AMoeJaUen, will Meich the preliminary sermon of the conference tomorrow evening. It will alie be his fiftieth Anniversary sermon. fe conference proper epcnB en Wednes day morning. If the conference iiro iire cetdi en schedule, resolutions will ba titled and appointments announced en Monday morning. March 13. The con 'eluding session., however, remains In "doubt until the last few hours, because of the uncertainty of developments In tne routine. Four Bishops will attend the sessions. Bishop Jeseph P. Berry, of I'hllndcl Shis, "he returned last week from an .extended vacation trip te California, will preside. Illshep .T. II. Ncnlc, of Philadelphia i lllshep Jehn W. Hamil ton, of Washington, nnd Ulshep II. 'Letter Smith, et India, will alxe be In ttenunnce. .uianeu nniitn win greet; the New Jersey Conference for the lirst ,lme' Watch Leglslature The eyeB of the conference members in focused upon Trenten watching the actions of the Republican Legislature en pending "dry" bills te replace the Van Ness act recently declared uncon stitutional. Pansage of any enforce sent legislation is certain te win the .nr nf the ministers, and there seems ' ercry prospect of a drastic bill going jhreui n. Further, State Senater Wil liam si. uunyen, ei union, who ih re tarded as the certain O. O. P. stand ardbearcr In the coning gubernatorial contest, la generally approved and United States Senater Frcllnghuysen has ready support with hla announced i' stand en prohibition issues. On the ether hnnd the conference has frequently tcercd Governer Edwards, who it Is said, will be in the field aiainst United States Senater Frcllug uujf8cn, for his beast te ranlfe "Jersey as wet as the Atlantic Ocean." Bishop Berry has announced himself strongly In references te the State's "wet Gov Gov ereor.'' . , . , The New Jersey Conference is net satisfied with the enforcement of the n.r filled "blue laws" in the Stnte. There is a likelihood that a campaign mar be' mapped out here te make a drive In home communities for rigid enforcement looking te bans en pic tures, baseball and ether "commercial bed amusementB" en Sunday. Kharlne Interest with the gathering et pastors will be the annual cenven-J "tien et tne daymen s Association, which iiiln this year Intends te bring up the matter of equal representation in the conference. The laity participate in thi deliberations at the general con ference which makes the laws. The Key Jersey Conference laymen have ' tried for several years te 'carry their point within their home circle, but xlihnnt Riiccess. The nucstieu will be revived at the coming meeting and it. Is expected that President i ll. neU, of Hndden Heights, will appoint n com mittee te place the matter officially be fore the conference nt one of its ses sions. The laymen will held n banquet en Friday cveninr nt the Hetel Traymere. Among the ipenkcrs scheduled are Bishop Smith the Itcv. Titus Lewe, Dr. Francis H. Green nnd Glenn Frnuk. Ltkewoed is after the 1023 gathering. The conference has never met In tlmt resort and flattering overtures from lio lie tilmcn are swavlnc the delegates te n faverable decision. Shero ministers hope te eventually sec Atlantic City voted as the Dcrmancnt mectlne place, a movement started live years nge. It ll the present policy te nlternnte each Jtar between the nertu and seutn sec tiens of the State. Several Changes Forecast While fewer changes nre expected this ar thnn ordinarily because of the up heaval last j cer at Asbury Park, there appear the usual uneasiness and air et uncertainty among mlnlHters. Seme of the bigger cliurelicrt nrc mentioned. The report is current that the Ilev. Oeerge It, Nettle, former district mi Ptrlntendent, new at First Church, JMllngswoed, may be sent te First Church, Atlantic City, nnd the Hcv. Geerge T. Hnrrls, for scrti years nt the shere church, will go te ColllngH CelllngH ColllngH eod In his place. Humer also imtn Dr. Neale in line te eiieceed the Itev. Jlclvltlc E. Snjder, superintendent of the Trenten district, who may be sent te ColllngMweod. Little credence is iteen this move, however. Dr. Snyder 'Js served seven jenrs In his present offlce and only lestyear was publicly wrapllmcnted for his work by Bishop Bry nt n conference session. Several changes are reported in pros pres Pict In the' Camden churchsc. It Is inerriiy believed that the Itev. J. B. Hliedes will leave the Centenary J-nurch, where he has been for three Mrs, and hu may be sent te Central vuurai, Jiriugeten. The Ilev. I). ('. Apar, who has been pnHter of St. wrge Church for three years, also Pccts a change. The Itev. Hurry F. X'm? tu Paster of Wesley Church for in. . "(,vcn J'en'a, may be changed, "though this Is net nettled. The Itev. Vj A. 8treh, pnster of the Wiley Moth Meth "jwt Church for tlm lust two jeurs, HP60'; te be changed te another field. i? ,v. J. F. Dermnn, pastor of Sllik B,trcct Church, does net knew tam. eiru,lc wH1 bQ "turned or sent te eme ether church. Chn He.v- " C. 17hl, of Trinity cZ3' M' Iv'lle. uy go te Centenary i Camden, te succeed Dr, Sv li I1,1." nlw) reported that the te n.i.arV,(L1'' Hlen " nt return Hnf-ntrnl Church, llrldgcten. J. II. "aines mny nlw leave Pitman Greve, from T',1?y ls pectcd te be moved rt0" Broadway, Salem. J S fceine tulk bevcrnl mouths Flr.t p. ltev Fr"nk Lawrence leaving stoe, n llirc ' Trfiten. but It is under under Vleuj ' ,Llb rcl,ert ,lna ucen t0 I'10 .A 7. ' tlie Inst two yeerH, may be M n ',?:V'l' tl'l )fnr. Tlie 1U-V. P.::,..,"'"'c.r. Pnster of the cliureh nt te rMi.:Ver w' Jenrs, Is Msheiluleil te mn, l "" jiii " M-'iiciiiiiuii ev. phri5,e,CttUb5, uf ' licultli. The J aS'1 Wllville. limy be hcnt te w7"e Vhutch, familcn. Tlie . S M" ,ny. l' ""it tn Cnm.lcn "VBNaiK.U..;.! """ i-UJ. HIU IU'V. vi....' ni.uiirii nr (i,,., ..I... ri.i... ti.... &twanr?&uw VI tUO UhelHca Church. A'ltb ...111 .. - - . .::" -- ---! KJJ 'tvl"?" Ceafeitnct, Mrs. Asquith Opposes Prohibi tion Because'ef Effect en Yeung Felks . INFORMATION IS HEARSAY New Yerk, March 0. Mrs. Marget Asqnlth,Awhe came te thlfl country n tentntlve prohibitionist, returned from ner wur mat nignt a centirmcrt "wet." She said that the drinking of young men and women In this country was ainat Ing. Excessive devotion te monev menev making she predicted, would ruin the country. "I was much In favor of prohibition at first," she said, "becaufte I thought It might step drinking among the peer nnd that, in a prohibition country the Iioer woman would receive her litis land's wages Instead of Us being spent en a Saturday night. "But n llttle experience of the actual working of It quickly changes ene's views. The drinking by your young men and maidens la shocking. I nm told nothing like it wax kenwn before tlie tiny of prohibition. It Is due .ipnnr ently te the fart that drink is forbid den. It Is considered 'chic' te vlolate the law." The drinking among young women was apparently worst in 'Chicago, ac cording te Mrs. Asquith. She snld that nearly everywhere sue round the men and women she met talking of this sub ject and deploring It. Drinking by Yeung Women When asked if the drinking nmentr the young women wnH werse here than in England nnd en the Continent she held Up her hands and said: "I never in all my life saw a young woman intoxicated nt a ball or party or any public function in England. Such a thing would be unheard of. I did net see any young women Intoxi cated in Chlcrge or elsewhere In this country myself, but I was told of it en every side." . "I saw it," said her secretary. "I saw many young women under the In fluence of liquor nt a large party which we attended in Chicago. Thuy were net completely drunk, nut were quite per centlblv under the influence," . "I'ronibltien is unquestionably n very bad thing as tit is administered," said Mrs. Asmilth. "The rich get all they want te drink. I don't knew ubeut the peer, but I understand there ls no scar city of liquor. "The only sensible thing, It seems te me, is te return te light wine and beef, One of the noticeable things about your life in this country Is the way you are being Interfered with by the Govern ment. This is net a frce country Uke England." Finds Lack of Serenity One of the striking things about the intellectual inake-up of American peo ple, according te the dlstlngulHhed dlnr 1st, wan a lack of serenity, n rush, hurry nnd violence in doing things, which was cxcmplllled, in- her opinion, in the sud denness of 'prohibition. She snld the women seemed te rend mere than the men. but less than women read In Eug- Innd, and that the men neglected intel- leciuai pur&uiis ami general cuuure iur the making of money. "I believe," she said, that the ex treme devotion of American men te money-making will in the end ruin thlx country. There is tee much of Wnll Street everywhere you go. Toe llttle getting nwny from an atmosphere of business and affairs. Mere placidity and tcrcnlty nre needed. Chinu is the great model of serenity." England nnd Canada take much bet bet eor care of sick and crippled ex-soldiers, she said. "I nm afraid Uint, speaking gener ally, this country has forgotten them," she said. "The people take no personal interest In them. I nm net speaking of this bonus question of which I hear se much. Meney Ik no geed. It will net help. But you de net visit the sick and crippled men In the hospitals. Yeu don't entertain them In your homes or show them any nttcntlen. I don't enre he much about the bonus or hew geed) the Institution may be. It Isn't the State touch that ls needed, but the In dividual touch, the persennl kindness. "When I was in Chicago I visited n great hospital full of sick and crippled soldiers, lonely and forgotten men. I believe I and tnese wun me were me only visitors. We saw no ethers. The physicians who took us through em em phnslr.ed the size, the excellence of the apparatus, the line baths. But they tried even te keen us from talking te the men. We found it difficult te hne n word with them. They feel keenly, I believe, the fact that they have been forgotten. It ls net se in England and Canada. The personal nttcntien, re spect und kindness shown them there ls much greater." M1PVALE LOSES '$5,31 3,51 3 Repert for 1921 8hewa $18,472,000 Drep In Earnlnes Mldvale Steel nnd Ordnance Com pany and subsidiary companies report for 1021 net lesn of $S,SlH,5i:i, us against net 'income of JflLVlIi 1,1)10 In lO'-H). Net earnings from operations nftcr expenses etc., and Federal taxes were $1,215,000; decrease, $18,471,!:)'. After deducting the less for the jcar and the iimeunt of dividends pnid.the company carried ever a surplus of iffi.'l, 551.1NU). At the end of 1020 tlie sur plus was $00 80,", 150. Theunlanie siiect uecemucr ;n, i-i shows total assets nnd total liabilities of $270,770,730. Current assets ure $tW,4r,2,883 und current Ihl'llitle.s $0V17l),B3.'l. In addition te !M 330,120 in cash the company holds $13,222,718 of United StntOB securities. Invcnto Invcnte rlcs of products, nintetiuls and supplies nre carried at $30,310,212. The repert says the steel business Is still being ground between tlie mill stones of high freight rates and low selling prices. TOI'ltH BAHAMAS S. S. MUNAKGO (New) Flml Ship in Seuthtrn Ttedi i Still weeklr, Mritlnf NASSAU metnlnt el third diy. Rtum illlnf gfUrnoen day ei rrl?l- "SPECIAL ROUND 1RIPS Subittntial reduction! in Karej, I .v. N V M.r.-h2l. March 28. Panengeri have option of all ectan trip with one day aihere, ... f ...!.L ...... nr nn, rciurning wun i"p i.L nr iwn weeJtl stay at Naiiau (latt return tailing from INaiiau ter ipeciai tour, nym j MtNSON STEAMbHif LINES n,IUm e. i'i?nr in '" lirtxei mut'f ."".?' 7 w MHsPaVaVHaW IBaw'tJaWsPafBsi. !i,V:. ;-.!.' Ck -- . . . . . . - - I mmmmMmmmttmamm F fcflB ITrVn I s( wv.Tir,-ii . Early RtttTYdttent Suggested 8WIT?.KIU.ANr :cWlTZERLAND I KE AmtrUan touring s,iVy',iv0a, "l ATLANTIC CITVNjJ, 2)232S . ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. . I Directly or the OceaikFravl lAnAmfTicanPlanHotelefDiitindJflrij I oaraeb U&ItertXJSL HOTEL CONTINENTAL "Alwayg open. lUw.'y reedv; term mederat. Write or phnnp. M. WAI.8H DUNCAN. TOl'RR On. Tropic Seas te PORTO RICO THERE is no lovelier spot for a winter holiday than this "Island of Enchant ment." A climate soft as June ; cities and MZA: mSEpm r VI w COOKS $m ENJOYMENT History is philosophy teaching by examples. Ne ether part of the glebe has staged se much World History as ' the lands bordering upon the Mediterranean. OUR SUMMER CRUISE AROUND THE MEDITERRANEAN by specially chartered new and. superb Cunard Cunard Ancher Liner "Tuscania" sailing from New Yerk July 5th, returning September 6th, offers the su preme opportunity of seeing the cities and peoples along that Inland Sea. Well-planned itineraries long glorious Summer days spent cruising, or en leisurely and interesting shore excursions. There will be visits te MADEIRA LISBONr-GIBRALTAR MALAGA MONACO (Mente Carle) GENOA NAPLES FIUME VENICE ATHENS CON STANTINOPLEBEYROUTH HAIFA, (Jerusalem) JAFFA ALEXANDRIA (Caire), etc. Opportunity is given te attend the PASSION PLAY at OBERAMMERQAU, or visit Switzerland, Northern Italy, Italian Lakes, etc., by leaving steamer at Genea and rejoining her again at Venice. Guests desiring te visit Northern Europe Paris (Battlefields), Londen, etc., have the option te return via North Atlantic, Inclusive Fares from $600. Fer Full Particulars Apply THOS. COOK &. SON 225 Seuth Bread St (below, TeltOhOHeWUIHUt'ejIlO und llVki --J r ' ' ,iBESSSsssaSSSSsB5SssSSS ITU iltener Albmrt ftgh tthtuUte,KC This charming EnelUh Inn hcAth' ' warm place In the Hearts of cultivated people everywhere. One of these ''wholly satisfying" places found, once in t while and never forgotten. Real Southern hospitality, perfect service, concentrated comfort. Open the year round for pleasure and sport exclusively. Horseback riding. Finest of meter reads. Through tilccplna (Jar Service Dauv Frem 1'httadelpMa Perfect Gelf in a Perfect Climate Aiherill Country Club clot te AlbtmirU Path ' ALBERT H. MALONE, Manner 3h4mtr!ea dntrncjlltUttrte WmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmM RWIT7.KRMN1 MOUNT I'OCUMI. I'A. SIUAUOWM1IU INN . ftf Pn.nnn. I'n. li. ,la fun Mnnnlalka ! Newly built! all euuMe roemoi utim heat. elcciricny. privaie ta'.nn iteeuced ram. KDITATIOXAT. Holh HcC The Tavler Scheel Dr "nd Mi1 riresB Hherlhnnd. Teuehtjrlntr, Itnekkeeplng. VcceuntlriB, Serretnrlnl ceurcei. Enroll new. STRAYER'S Th, ll(-t nulne Hchoel Toiltlen gnnrnn'd. Knter new. Day or night. TOtRS- harbors vivid with the glamour of Old World life; mess-grown fortresses; graceful Moorish architecture. 16-DAY CRUISE $1 Of and ALL EXPENSES lV up JUST the right amount of share-Belnir te lend In. " tcrcst te the entire cruise. Yeu mnke the trip en large, 10,000-ten Btenmers, specially designed and luxuriously fitted for t,ervlen In the trepica. Wide choice of accommodations ranging from comfort, able staterooms nt minimum rattt te nulte with private bath. Kteumer Is your hotel for entire trip nnd fate covers nil necpssnry expenses te and nretind the Island nnd return te Nrw Yerk. Deck golf nnd ether nmuvements. New Comlnde-Vnn. derbllt Hetel nt Hnn Juan, finest resort hotel In the West Indies, new open. A Sailing Hvury .Saturday Write for Descriptive Literature, eta. POUTO RICO LINE 3 llreudwuy, N. Y., or Leral Agent A KNOWLEDGE Wlnut St..iPI0ld.ehl " " TtaT ..rS5- TlC.' ' Tetnw rXFURNESS'k mmm Sailings Twice Weekly Frem N. V. ewy WW. Frem llfrmndn tnx Tne. a Hat. Tkkrti ireflri an rllhrr etenmer Offering unequalled exprets service Special Easter Trip mtnllnl H. H. "FOIIT PT. flKOBOF." Imvre N.Y.Apr.R Arrives N.V.Apr.lS Fattut Steamer te Bermuda Tlir linlMhl ell-lnirnlnr MrumerR of Iha Furnn.lrfnitiil I.ln land their psMrncrrn nnd IniKKnKe rilrtrtljr nt Hamilton Doetc. nveldln (he dis comfort. Incuntrnlrnre nnd dtlnr or t.iniUnc liy tender. S. S. "FORT VICTORIA" Twlii-pcrew. 1 l.enn tens rtlnplneemcnt S. S. "FORT HAMILTON" Twln-creur, 11,040 ten rtlnplnccmcnj Bermuda offers all outdoor sports Including Gelf. TcnnN. Hulling, Iliilh In, KlKli'nx, Hiding, Driving. Ne rniertii Mnny Modern Ifeteta. Write fcr nltriclHr Inrltm'vp rntrn. FURNESS BERMUDA LINE 34 Whltchnll Ht.. X. V. FurntftS Wltlir & Ce., Ltd.. i:qiirM IllM.t I'liilj 1 Any Tenrm , entlut Agent ilU ERICSSON LINE FOK IIAI.TIMOItK S2 OXK WAV. S3 ROUND TRir Frem lUr 3 He. Delaware Ae. ft P. M, dully except Humlay. 3 o'clock .Saturday. IN MKMORIAM nneWN. In levlntr memory of IIArmiET HOAOr.AND TAYI.rtll IIHUw'n. hO Vnnnti uwey March 0. lD-'O, In l'.ipndena, Calif. w TIIK rAfII,Y. IIUmiAllD.' MAIIY SCOTT. March 0. 1020. In fend and everlastlnx memory of our dearly belutcJ mother. DAL'UUTICHS. ACKLUV. Mnreli 4, Sllltnvi:. helnveil huihinil uf Hnrrlett i: Acklev. Funeral ktvIce Wed.. 2 V. M.. Hill X. luth nt. Int. private. AT.nitiaHT. In DIr'lihore, P., MIm DIJIA AI.HuiGHT. IllntlvtB nnd trlcnda Invited te funeral, without furthnr notice, irein remuence ei Aine.i clement. .Main bt.. Jllrdsl.ore. 1M.. Mnndnv Marrh ll. 1IUU. at P. 11. Service at heusi. iinly. Intrrmept bt. Michael's Cemetery i!!r.'.ljen, Pa. AI.EXANDKII Hi'' h .-,, JAJIIJS AI.EX ANDKH. In his ftlt senr Pun. ml eervlces and Int. private, ut ilt. Merlah Cem.. Tucs.. It A. At, ANDItnaH In Atlnnt'c City. March 3. I7UNA O. ANUItr.j.. (nei- i;?ri). wife of l)nnll K, Ailn, nn- M. Itelntlvef. and frlendt are Invited te attend funeral urv fen, Tucs.. li 1. M . nt the First Moravian Church, 17th t. And ralrmejnt ave Phlla. Int. Fcrnwoed Cm. AIlNiyr. March 3. AMlHItT A.. hubnnd et 8arah Arndt. at n-kldmee. 4112 X, 7th ft., njred 40. Funeral krNlcen Tum,. IiSU 1. M.. nt the parlem of Jchn . llcrkelhach, 87SU uermantewn nv Int. private. North, weed Cem. HAII.UV. March 4, 1022. SIT: 1IA1MST. antd H4. Itelatlps antl frlnds. iilxi nepre iicntatlvei and Heard of I.udy Mnnnccrs of the Hebckah Iti.tne. I O. () F . are ln Mud te nttend funeral Kcrvlcen. Tit.. 1! P. M.. 'at reldcncB of Amanda r Vlclters, 272s lllrtice ave. Int. Fcrnwoed Cem. BAKIJY. At Atlantic City.' N. J., March 4. 11)22 CKCKMA II , wife of Jehn J. Ilnkey nefetlven and frlcndn arp Imltcd te attend funeral, from hr latp pesldence, 210 Main am,, Tuc., !) .'10 A M. With mail of requiem Church of the Hely Spirit. 10 A. M. Int. Plett3antllle Cem. Remains may be viewed Men, evr, UAIUtACWJUail March 3, 1022. at aientlde. l'a , niiTSY llAIlhACLeUGlf. widow uf Kdward llarracleush, aced 7S Jtclatlves and frUndit ure lnltcd te rervlces Tiies., 2 P. M.. at the renldcnce et her ion. Themas llarracleuuh, 2S3U N. Lambert tt. Int. private. UeUue Cem. llAUCIt Marcn Jr. Pint.IP if. Tiinirr, I. THh tnM Ha, ...I...- -I -.-?' also Frankford l.ndire. a(W V. r,,l ,:",u," friends. I ana an etner aecieties with Which he was connected. Invited tu funeral. Men,. at 1 U.s V V- L)iHy . IranUferd. int. t HlllBldn Cem. Itemalns may b viewed Sun.. te 10 P. M. Itlj.SAND March 3. CATJfl.IlINR ItH SM). widow nf decpmiM Jnce,i llrsand. fermprlv of Chestnut Hill, ltcliithen ntui filei dn nre Invite! te attend funeral nerWces "J N,V," "X H'll'hle Cemetery. Interment ut ltlllFlde Cemetery en Tuesday, March 7 at 10 o'eieclt. Itl.ASlI. Huddenlv March 2 JOHN V husband of Ida lllme (rme Reebenacker). Ful iienil Hrlce Tuea., 2 P. M. pp-clnvly renl. deiKf. 1'34 N. 10th t Int. pr.Mite. Friends Mu lcw cmnlns Men,, 8 te lu P. M. III.UIJ On March 4 1022. JOHN J., be. !'ird husband of Mnllldn Illun (nc DivN) ItelntlieH nnd friends also Journeyman Menecutters' Ai., nre Invited te tin. fn iiithI. en Wednesday nmrnlnir. nt '30 eclixk, from hl late reslilencu. II N a7th ct Solemn requiem niai. nt St Jatnes' J hurrh at :e o'lletk. Interment at St. LH'nlt' Cinderv. laiwnit. On Mnrili fl, 1H22. ANNI2 I dnuithtnr of the lit IteMrt Sin't nn,l Car'w ;: :, ,,- ; . .i ..ww.,..-., .,,n. iriunui lire Invited te the service, en Tuesday afternoon. , nt 1 o'clock, .it the ul vi-r II lliir Hulldlnir iVM Che-tn-t -t. Interment prhMte. I tintiMri -ti t -.-. ' JenniQ ll lieivmin. runerni services We,i ' . . .. lius ihi li lit dence, lliei E Wtsiart llilr. rn.l int. private, .erin cedar inn , HUCIil.EV Mn nh .1. WILLIAM I,,,, bind of tl-e lite Rickl -v ' niV. tlves und frl, nds Is ,,n IhiIi.. ..' - ..'. no Invited Tues . s A. jr. from her daiurhi.. "'""' ,.,.,. .. r..vSu?ntPl'a res - i runerni iience, .iirs, uarry u ver. 211) V. llel,ln , I Ht M..SS Of PHVUlelll u, lidv Of Il-arl1 I Church lit 'I A At. Hit H"ly Cress (V-.i ' 11) N, Tn, r,ri. n. j .mew eua lusu, n.iii, i-, iniiampr ei mi. ri-nry linn hum uvea anu inenut invited te runeral services Arden and Istlie n sm til iteinnvea ana Int. prlvnle ' strntt-n RilnlWes nnd friend; iilse Anm en Tues.. at 12 neon nt her late residence' frl.nda are invited te attend funeral. Tues.. IIROWN On Mirch 4. 1022. PAUL b, M XXw" Auxiliary. Ne. I. S ..f .are In- '7 13 Merrick av . Cclllnjswoed. N. J. In? san a M. s3H N Stlllmau st. illnh mssa band .if j.-nnlii lliimn (nee Alkensl Se-vlrM J"p'' '" n1-l,n,l funernl "rv Ices. Tues., a Westminister Cem. Friends call Men. nt St Frincls Xavlcr Church 10 A. At. Int. en Wednesdiv nftcrnnen, nt 8 n'clrik In1' M resldence of her sister. Irene Humer after 7 P, At. Hely Cress Cem. bis late residence. 2U4'l Moero at IVlendl ' "'flVS LASn m," "I '?1' ".A'iT!1, Ce.P en?11'1,"':"?" ?.,B,h s " IV" residence. TURN'EH Alarch R CAROLINE. lf of may call Tuesd iv evening. " . FUNSTON .March 1. HANNAH T.. 721 Pokes ns i.C olllngj.weod. .N I J , CLARA Jehn F Turner aged 4. Relatives, ana IIROWN. March 4 Hi"-" mri v vv . .- ' diuahtr of the late Abrnm E nnd businna A., wl'levv of Jehn . Aloeio. Funeral p-rv- fri,nds Invited te attend funernl, Tues., .. irr..Tr.h.: i,.,, I- i,. .."' ""BANNA C. T I unstnn, aged H7. Uelallves and friends Ices en Alendnj at 2 P AI., at the First .Van n i from be- husbnnd's resilience ilHfBM Nrttnter-pVlvate"""- ..ffl 5 ,5 &S3S 'S S 'h'1,'",?' ' ',?J V '?"'. T"!'; ?'' v- AI , st. Int Cedar' Hill. Friends cull Sun. S, MOORK. .Match 1, of r.-ni Walnut st S!i 1 e"ca SZFlS ienJ'-'eAlIviNi-Suddenly, M..rcl. 3. CATHA-' lfft me3fteeVvlcJlWed !'l': e'T VVWlWt? WIe'p.-'m:" " - lVrd,r?I,ei''aiendIVuS "miIRU. M?'me ll , 5'SWS lll'CKLEV. Suddenly. March '. Tu(s. H 30 A. AI.. fro n ,ir Ule band of Agnes Mew bray (nee Cenner). ,nn of '.' . Tnuj:lln,,1 ,n,r iimI llnir ih-i) cnsstnut'st CHAHI.Ea. husband of Alary 1 luckUy (nee 2310 15 L"hlgh ave. Be'einn requiem mass Thomes und Miry Mowbray (n Creelmnn) i" TL", ", ,t Mer ah Cemetery Frlendi lli.lll.1n . Relative nnd frlendi are Tnvlt d t ' Ann'H Church. 10 A. At. Int. Hely He atlves and friends also Phlle Ledge Ne , "i".! ',' w.dneed ai evenlnS! Irein 7 W 3 te attend funern W.d . 1 l. ir " ,...'PV!1 sieteiieiirrt 411. I. und A AI . Court I' ,.r Th.i, . . mav cill M.unesuie evenini., irein , w v at Titriifiinitri w n m.. 'IvMYliili " TllllII ill ' 'U iniiuir, Ji.Jlh nTTMl,, a',AIAROARET RUn. Mirth I 11)22. ROIIEIIT EWINO mn of tin Kl-Tl. daughter of the late Alkhael j iri.t ate Alfred li, and Alivrln Ev.lng (low en ?,!,rr,,r,A,,U.,J,i.T1 l,n'tjn .""sllves rn,'R"lntlve. hnd friend- of the fiimllv nr in fronds are Invited te tittend funeral. Tuei led le nil. nd serv I, is ut th r-"Id, n. .- of J M A At . from nle lculdence. 7ii I Is brether-ln.tnw Mr Reb P. ira 1 AIi r r Oreen st. Heliinii requiem mas Assump. ' ten. .is 15 P lift l tlernmntewn luesdiv tlnn Church, 10 A At Int New Cuihcdral nft-rnrnti it :t e'l.mlt lilt julvatu Cem. "' tlUASREROIIR Mnrih 1 LEONXRD, llL'RNS March 4 MARY A wife nt husband of Louise Urasberger (nee Dull) Frnnlc 11. lluirii, .mil diuuhier nf 'st..... ' .?! i aged fl'l. Relatives and friends, nlen mem- the lute .Martin Arneld Relative. LUf! iricniia nre inviieii in lunerni, v d K in A. AI . lute residence 2.H.1 N. 13th at Hid. emn requiem was at mr I.sdy 0f m-Yc.. , Churrh, Id A AI Int. Hely Cress Ccin. I CAIN .March I. AIAItHARET 15.. widow of I'ldnard II. Cain. Funeral hen Ice Tin,,, ,, ei , ,, i ,,,-r mv irFitiPiiir, l.D V st. Int. lit .Mt -Murliih C, m. '" ' fCif,7IK!''-Al""",-t,MA."'l;"A' svldnw I ?.f, "'"'" .i'....c,,".",,l,? - Ki'lntlvea nnd iwrimn . i . ,ti,,.,i ,u ,,iunu lunerai Serv. lies Tues . 2 30 P. AI . ut her late residence. 112. vvnitun ave. int nrivute l'leasu nmi, I "",r,! I CAR.MK'K At 372(1 Lancnser ave,, en I 1'iirnli 2, Hi;.' AIIVSV CMtMICK, nged 77 years. Netice of funernl later. I CAUtlHLlN - March I.'.Mll). hus '.and of Emma ( aUKhlln ReliitlviM ami fl lends, also Rea 1 lirlvre' AHHeu.ittiun, , i. inent Driving Club, Invltel tn attend fu. neriti, . u, h , n .ni . .ii inn., ins lure reel Hely Cress Cem. CftVmV Iir..l, 1 lllt'i 11Mnln... ti -..."..- ..... .. .., ,,,,,,j, ,, i hllstiand llf llltl, IteSII LOIlfi1 InM llarln..! Relatives and frlinds are Invited te attnui' funeral, lues, r .te A AI.. from the resl- dance of hie son. Lee Confev. ft.121 Upland t,, West Pluladilphbi. Se emn high muss of reuulem Church of the .Must lllessrd Sacra. ment 10 A .11 Int Hely Cress Crm I nt iu a ji int limy cress Cem :eOK. On .March 4. 1DJ'.'. WILLIAM H UK. husbnnd of the late Suriili P. Cenk .COOIC ReliitlveH and friends eiativea nun irienee, nise i eiumiini Lihiui,, 'e, 21, Hhepherdn of Ilethleheni. Cuniden ndgn Ne. Lift. I O O F, und Theunle.ii .NO, I Alutuil Aese Invited In funeral services en vveiiiieamv, at i r .11., nt nis intp resldcnie, tf)34 N Waterloo st Intel ment Northwood Cemetery Friends mu cull AIeuda evening, 8 in in o'clock COPE. .Manh 4, 11)22. AIAROARET A., widow of Themes Jeffersui Cepe, In her ROth Mar, Relallvcs und friends' are Invltnl te nttend funuiii serflces, Tues, 2 p AI , at htr late teslii.r.ce :r.'44 N 1.1th st. Int. prl prl vnie. West Lnuicl Hill Cem " COTTON. Alan h S nil. ALEX M. hus band of Alary (me llurreugh), Funern) serv S" limIr JLh9 auiplees of Hiiddenlleld Ledge, Ne, 180. P and A At., at his late ret dence, ISO Kings Highway. East Itaddenfleld. N J.. Alen,, 2 P At. Int. private, Coles Celes Coles tevyn Cem. CIIOZIEII. AInrch 4, KMAtA. wife of Inte Rebert Crosier, aged HI. Relntlves nnd frlinds are Invited te funeral. Tues 3 P AI.. from his son's residence, Harry Crosier. 21.3H N. 1.1th si. Int. Oheltan llliffPin. CReAhDALE. Alarch, 8. AtARY 13. wife of Erasmus AI. Crosdale nnd daughter nf . uvMnillir, mm ine (will vtliivrc 1VUSI1, ItSIa dence. 272(1 N. 2Jd st Solemn bljh leuulcm I '"',' resmeme, i . .. .. ,"'"' ; i.itt i mnas St. I'nlumba'a Church lii a. M (,,..!, i ment nrivute. Friends mi call dnesdai ltd, .w Cathedral ' "iitvifivsON Feb " inw.ii t "' -s' Vincent d Paul's Church 10 am CLARK AInrch AtAROAHET PltKN- anui41u tlierjeslln) "vvldc! v ,,f 't'ehi I I llnh' "'epulrhri. Cem lU A' M DlJlKlAST. w.fe of Wllllin. Clark Re lives ' AIiiankmsen Funeral it the ?envnl.ne2 URIKN - March 4. WILI.TAAr J hus. nnd frbnds nre Invited te attend funeral" lit th. fnmliv' ,,, u, ,Vrir Creeden O Inien lie ntlves Wed.. S A At . Inte residence. 2112,1 S Hew- ItARlllS .March ft Ji'HM. husband of ""' f''""'", ' -ec etles of whnii he ?.addv,f A?i,nrm,i,.,,"Jhu0rtchru'.,.,.,,'An. V ' :-W;, ?. ., '"'Tlj 'I'M ?U, A "W"", TJT in.,uV, .1 .T'A II Ivsi .nil'Vri.iid. m? lnvl.i i. ..V.r,?l,JV J"V,C0"WS' w.W'h ht ft'Mn'Pr, ? kirk st.. Wlsslnemlng., Int. private. . il fflM! w"j rF u ."rlffiliffc"'1 V'"' H"" ' l.. ) A 1, weed IK. n'IMCem. Friend. trUyleull II inW'sSIiX "J nvSri'wfsCl . V-!'8-rf,4Biw' mir wI4iict. of bar cnus n. Airs. Mary Tt'.. nlir 1JP ',?! v i25Wi 1 s J StflEBtHtElfu LT5?ilLo2MVvle., Irreauajm at Ht. ,Vlrcynl'a Chufch. Oermaa- of Multhew Pe1Jri1elstrves iiffTTIfit , 5SJ , CVhWmUAU. Oaj tiM ,, lega, iwe, A,A.M. InU Uely SuiuieUra Caaa, 4, mvlw4 triWlrTal. ,Tu., XjiWi mi 11 ilfei j il itnMiiSi t'lfff 1' fe-& i " inftfisStMMi' in 1 1 iMIhii , PKATWW. I'ATntCK, i.tiKhATid xl Marrarel Cunnln. nam, In his 8d year. Itelatlves snd friends ere invite, te the funeril, Wednesday morn mern ins1, at H:ilO o'clock, from his late residence, r.031 Walnut st. Solemn requiem mass nl ft. Carthiite Church at 10 o'clock. Inter mint at Hely Cress Cemetery. HAII.UY. March 4. 1022. HUB P.A1I.BY. aBed HI. Itelatlves and friends, also nepre-u-ntntles and lard of Lady Manasers of the ltehekah Heme, I. O. O. F are Jnviled te attend funeral services. . Tue'.. 2 P. M. at resldence of Amanda h. Vlckers. 2728 ltldiie aw. .Int. Fernwood Cent, DAY. Ruadtnly. March S, WH.MAM It., htmband of Ktrte Jt. Day (new nnmin). aaed 1Z. HeltH'aTid friends, Coheckslnk Tribe, Ne, 12(1, t. O. )t,.M are Invited te attend Tuneral. Tues., :l0 A. f.v resldence, 2.10.1 N. 7th t. Hel'.mn requiem hlh mass at Ht. lid ward's Church 10 A. M, Int. private. umtntt'KRON. Suddenly, March 3. 102.' flll.KSTtA O. DKIIIIICKHON fne Martini, widow of Jehn I. Derrlcksan. Relatives nnd friends are Invited te attend funeral serv lre. Men., 2 P. M.. 'at the rwldehee of hr daughter. Mre. James K. JMcuskur. 7.13 N. tilth St.. West Phlla, Int. private. Fcrnwoel Vm. j'Tienm miy can e-jn, eve wiuiiini. ten nnd Chester papers please copy. DONNEt-U March 4. 1022, JAMF.S C. DONNKMa sued 82. Funeral services Wed., II P. M.. late reildcnce, 2.l'.' N. l.'th st. Int. private, Fernwood Cem. Friends call Tues. ee. DONNBI.IV. March 4. 1022. ANNIF. M.i daushter et the late Arthur and Catharine Dennelly. Relatives and friends are Invited te nttend funeral. Tuet,. S:30 A. M... from rrsldence of brether-ln-lnvv, Jeseph Nevln, 744 II. Westmerelnnd st. Solemn requiem mass at Church of the Ascension 10 A. M. Int. private. New Cathedral Cem. nOOni.E. At nethlehem. Pa.. March 4, Wlt.t.IAM J., husband of nilen Doorley tnee Fadden). Funeral, te wMeh relatives and friends are Invited. Tues., 7i30 A. M., real dence et sendn-law. Lieutenant B. L. Oray, K,j u ivinrarfn t. Solemn mjisa of re nulem at Chuich of St. Menica O A. M. Int. Cathedral Cem. nOUOIIKHTY. On Ma'ch 4, 11)22. JOHN It. DOUnilRHTY Service en Tued;y afl afl afl ernoen, at S o'clock,, at the Oliver It. Ualr Udlf.. 1S2U Chestnut st. lnterm nt prlv .1 DRKNNKN. March 3. Kt.IZARBTlt. widow of Themas J. Drennen (nee Carr) Relatives and friends, also Jehn Lester Cir cle. Ne. fl8. F, of A., are Invited te nttend funeral. Tues., 8:1l A. M,, late residence, 1240 Cabet at. Solemn requiem mass St. Malachy's Church 10 A. M. Int. Old Ca thedral Cem. DREW March 4. DAVID A. DRBW. need M. Relatives nnd friends. Omeral Htonre Meade pest. Ne. 1, 11, A. R.i Penna Society. Pens nf the American Revolution, Naval Veterans' Association, am Invited te attend funernl sirvlccs, Tues, 1 P. M nt his late residence. 4024 Larchwood at. Int. prlvntt. DUFe-Y. On March 3. In22. ANWtn T.. wife of Walter 17. Duffs' and dnuuhter of ,1m tntft Ttentimln and nttx Tavlnr. Heln. tlves nnd friends are Invited te the service, en Tuesdiv afternoon, nt 2 o'clock at her Inte residence, 2020 Moere st. Internment , nt Arlington Cemetery. vle.vlns Monday ' evening. I ESTnUR.N. March I. MATTIE A., wife of Heward Enstbum. Funernl servlcn Sun , 7 P. M.. nt renldence e' her son-in-law. Rebert l'ergusen. 2020 N. Rincreft st , Phlla. Serv let a alre at Smnerten M. E Church, Men., a P. M. Int. William Penn Cera. EPRIOHT. March B. A JACKSON EP- RIOHT, Funeral serv Icei at Oulf Christian Church (lulf Mills. Pa . Wed . .' 1. M. Friends may call at residence. Merlen ave.. LUFF. Mnrch 3. RERECCA. wife of late Brn Mawr, Pa.. Tues.. after . P. M. , William U. Luff, in her year. Rela- ECKMAN. On March R. 1022. THOMAS tlvts and friends are Invited te funeral, T. ECKMAN. aged 74 year. Service en Wed- Tue. 2 P. M.. from her late residence, nesdny iftnrnoen nt 1 30 o'clock, nt ths I Welden, l'a. Int. HlKslde Oliver 11. Itnlr Uldg.. 1N20 Chestnut St. In- MARCI'H. March 4. MOSES MARCUS, terment private. Please emit flowers. In his 77th car. Relat.ves and friends. KHLEKT. Mnrib 4 1022, HUMAN A.. Krnk-vuer lleth Ulehltn, ate invited te attend wife, et Augustus H. Ehlert Relatives nnd funernl services. Wed.. 2 P. M , Asher & friends nre InMted te nttend funeral services, Sen's Rnsd st. chapel, 1 3 00 N. Ilrnid st. Tues.. 1 P. M late residence. 2432 N ' Int. Mt. Cnrmel Cem. Klndlv emit flivvers. Mvrtlewoed st. Int. private. Trlends may l MALOY March .'., 1022. FLORENCE M . call Men eve. I wlfe of William T. Malev and daughter of EISENHOWER. At her residence, 2042 Mate 1ernurd J, nnd Mary R Hbran. Rcl i N. Mh st. March ,", CLAUDINE II. (nee . tlves nnd friends ure Invited te attend fu Keith), wife of Charles F. Elsenhewer. Mela-I nernl, Thurs. 7.30 A. M. from her sister's tlves and rrlarjas nre invited te attend in-1 neral servicer wed,, te a. .11, precisely, i nt Church of the First Assoclntlen of Splrltuallsls. 12th and Thompson sts. Int. private. iiemn;ne may ee vieweti Tues.. 7 te 0 P. AL, llresd and 1 at the David H Schuyler llldg., Diamond sts. CflOP."Il I "Hei'iWII. , .. Ilt .11 ,,,n.. Rev. R. KEYDER EVANS. Public funeral will be held In Trinity Reformed Church. Pottstevvn, en Alenday. Mnrch C, at 1:30 o'clock I'. At. Interment private Red may be viewed in hunday Scheel Roem In Trinity Reformed Church en Atenday. .March 0, f-em llln A. At. te 2 P M. FEROUSON. Suddenly, en AInrch 4. AIARY. wif) of Antheny Fergusen. late of Mahimey City. Relative!, and friends Invited ,,, . uc rA. ... . .1. njt ,mb. te funeral en vvetuiesuay, ut n:;in A ... from her snn-ln-Inw's residence Jeseph T. Hcnninn. id, vv. rsojmeur st, solemn nighiviitu te attend runerni services. Wed.. 11 mass of renulem SI. Francis of Assist at 10 1 A. At., at her parents' residence, 3b'lil A. At. Interment Hely Scputchre Cemetery..! rlnir Int private, Pi.RRECK Alnnh .". 1U2J PATHR K..I , j AIcRRIDE March 1. JOHN, husbnnd of tiusean'i et avnarine rerrerK. iifiatives npn irienup rri inviiee m tunerni, v en. s 30 A. AI . from his Inte residence, n3 N Old st. Solemn rrsiulem mus nt Churm or St. Hose of Lima, li'lth st. near l.nns l.nns dewnn ave., 10 A At. Int. Hely Sepulchre ft m FITCH. AInrch ." 1022 ANNA Ji. wife nf Charles T ! tch. Scrv.ces nnd Inter- ment at Indl.uinpcill", Ind Rochester (N. Y.) patiers please copy. FITZI'ATRICK On March 4. 1022 .v. M . vvuin'v ni i.iMvnru , I "mi-ici Funeral en Te"sdny morning, at 0 30 o'clock, from her '.ate residence, n.117 Lincoln Drive, Solemn high mass nt 8t. Vincent's Church at 11 o'clock. Interment at Hely Sepulchre Cemeter) rORSYTME, On Mnrch 3, in'!2 SARAH, widow et Themas Fersthe. Relatives and friends .ire Invited ti in serv He n Tins, day aflernoen, bt 2 o'clock, at the Oliver 11 llalr llldg , 1820 Chestnut st. Interment private. 1 RII5L Mp-el 1 1022 tOll.V F, en of late Jehn and Alarcaret l'rlel dice AlcClymi). i., m n,," , . . 'Wlc I'., intiv a unit riienus inv t it te iuii'T.u "111 A. M . from tne residence of bis lier-ln-iaw, 21177 Wclltel st Solemn re- li ti I li rn lit v. ui i ,...!.. e.....u ., rl. .. U f .Nam ay li) A. M. Lll L fl 1 II II ll' .trill Ft'ERLE INVe Stinttnn! Mnrch .1 UEtlAN. March 5. JOHN' husband of 'ate Ilrldget At Uegan. Realdeme 2137 S. 11th bt. Due notice of funtrnl will 1, glvn. OOEliniNO March 8. at 2440 N. 21th rL , v, ..... ... .,.v .,,.-.,.. t . CATHARINIS. wife of Price w. tleen r ng (nee prumi). lleintlviH nn.i rrimas in- ur..l ,r services. Men.. I M narlera nf Frederick Mann. Jr., 1743 N 10th st. Int. after 7 P. At beta of the Hely Familv ,.nd St. Vincent tie liul Sncletv and truntees of St Ilennien turn's Churchi ara Inv.ted t nttend funeral, Weil,, H.30 A. AI., from his latn residence. 71b W. Lehigh avenue. Solemn requ.em mass St. llennventur.i h Church. 10 A AI .,,,. ,,., ... IKlll II n n u, Mr.l. I I5I.1.15N v.'re of Mai. hew iln " RelaMves :. i lt i. ,.r. ivtiin.i f-n nti.n.i f. ....! iVn lies Til's. 1 P AI b'te residence M Wlldwoed nve. Esst l..nsdwne Pi Int l.rniunrt.l Cem 1 "irmll muv call .Vlim . s' .,.. til M ,.,.i.mi w.mii-i. rtr..i .-. -tnrni. Members of rphnlsleiy I nlen Lecal Ne 21 and frlendi Invited te attend funernl erv- I've, nt bis ile leslilnic, init.i N , t , Tues,. ill 2 3D P AI Itemilns may he Mewed Alen , from 7 te 0 Av P AI Int Ferest Hills CT.AUF.!,. -AInrch ft KATHARINE c. HA OKI. (nee Knnpp) widow uf Jehn Hake nged t." servliei Ihuiw 2 P. A , ,,t her ave Camden, r J Int Private i.miihu ,lsr,ii,ii,iniiB 1',,-a t , n ll 1 T Ledge organUntlens an 1 friends ni i cull HEINZ- Alar h 4 DELE KATHRYN I daughter of DIM and Kutliijn Ileliu ug,-d il Rehttlves and friends ate linlled te niti-nd tuneral. Wed., 2 P M lesldvnce, J41S 8 i 71st st. Int. Fernw.uid Cem. iiicken.- v VL11, Rt 2 30 e'cli IIICKEN. On AI li 4 in'.'.1 AIltTII rv i, ) vi i ,i it ntt, rn e' lock, at lur lute residence, nini llnverfnrd nve Ind nu ' ' ' v i I lll'TCIlfNSON At i .dunlins N J March AIARSHALI. Hl'Ti'lllNSON Rein- I lives und friends, ule.i mi nil ers of Cninden ll)dge of Knglee. Aeile A"e '1.1 Camden Alutuiil, nre Invltel tn attend funernl, from i At. 15 Church. Columbus. . J, Tui., IP AI Int. Columbus (em I JACOHS At t lii Hume for the Aged. LEO JACOHS, need 77 Funeral serviced 'lues. 2 P. At, lireclail), at the chnpel uf the Jewish Hospital Int AH Snal Cem. JOHNSON At Sa'ein N J AInrch 1 i WM'i, HENRY It JOll.VtsON, In his 7.1th ' enr Funeral services st his late residence I i). AInrket st , Salem Alen , -.' P Af. Int Eist VI vv Cem Salem JOHNSTON On AInicli 3. 11)22 ut a. lnntle City. N, J., MAJOR JOHN L. JOHN I STON. V ,. A, rttlrid. lu Ills M.t .nr i l'uiii ral t.rlvnte. JOHNSON. At Cape Mav, N. J , Arirch 8, AI1KIAIL 11 . wlfnet lldrldge Jehnsen nged 82, Relatives nnd friends Invited te funernl services. Tues , 2 P AI. 227 North st , Cans May, N. J, Int cold Springs Cem KANE. Atarch a. A1AR1E, dnugliler of Ilrldget nnd late Thunns Knne, nf County Olnje. ireinnu. iteiiiiives nn-l rrieiids, also - --- ... .. ..H(I. --J1, . ,. 1 IK,.,!,,,,.,- .,-.. I'l n. -. - ...... .. .,,iv,,,llI, I ,'VSn II, M ,(,,1, .,,-,,, .. W .11, 1II1I1III, ..... .n....,.n .' . In. .., H PBJWfWW , KBAnN8.-J-March R. 1022. JOHN. hu band of Margaret Kearns. Relatives and friends, also all societies of which be was a member, are Invited te attend funeral, Thurs.. li A. M., from his late reaidrtKe. 1730 Meffls st. Solemn requiem muss nl Church of St. Themas Aquinas 10:30 A, M, Int. New Cathedral Cem KEFFBR. Suddenly. Mar. 2, MARVtLt.G. husband of. I.ydla Keffer. Relatives and friends, also Ledge Ne, 2, 11. P. O. E.. and L. O. O. M.. Ne. R4, are Invited tb attend funeral, Men., 2 P. JX. from the funeral home of William 11. Helmes. 718 Rockland st, Int private. Remains viewed Run,, after e P M. KHNNHDY. March 4, lfi22. JOaKMt llni.DSWOItTlf. husband nf Una Kennedy (nea Flele), nt hl re.ldente. .1010 N" tHh st. Due notice of funeral will be Rlvsn. KINDERVATER March 3. ANNA t., nldew of Henry Klndervnler, In her 71st irnr. Relatives nnd frl'nds .ire Invited Id attend funernl servicer, Men., 2 P. M,, pre cisely, at her late residence, 1025. N. Slat Bt. Int. private. Remains may be vluwtd Bun., 7 te 0 P. M. KOEHLEP. Jfnrch fl. 1022, ALLUON PHILIP, son nf Jehn CI. nnd LllllaO A. Keehler. nicd 2. Relatives nnd fr'ends are Invited te nttend funenil, Me.l., ,2 P. St., from bin parents' residence. 214 V. Albanut st. Int. North Cedar Hill Ceil. KRONT55. Merch I, at 213(1 Ann at., MBItlCNDA KRONIZ In her 82d yciir. ncla lives and fritnds nre Invited te nttend fu neral servleea, Tues., ' p M.. nt tha renl dence of her son Herbert Krntits Om.l Tor Ter icsdale ave., Tiiceny. Int. Itlllslda Cem. LACHIINMIIYIIR. Suddenly, en Mnrch 3, ANNA M IIOCII. wife of Jehn I" Laohen Laehen niever, need 40 years. Relatives nnd friends, ins,) nil si duties of which ehe whs a mem ber, lire Invited te alt'-nd tl.e funern' serv ices, Tuei,, 2 P. M,. at her residence, i:13 N. 2Uth St. Int. private, at Alt. Peuco fern. Frlehds may call en Men. eve., from 7 In H o'clock. t.ARKBY. OLADTS REUSE en March 4. at her residence. 4117 Hprlnir Unrden st. Services and Int. at Itazleten, Pa. Due notice of funeral. I.BIICH. On March 3. 1022. IDA MAT, wife uf Matthew Leech. Relatives and fritnds Invited te funeral, en Tuts., nt 2 P. M., from late residence f!37 B Jamestown St. SerMees Ht. Tlmetry's I', i: church, Rox Rex borough. Int. In hdjelnlnu itreund LEKTK. On March 3. 1(122. I5LIZAI1T5TII M. I.I5I5TB. Funeial servlirs will be held nt her home In Oullferd. Conn , Wednesday oftemeon. at o'cieik. LEHMAN. At Chester Pa . March S. 1022. Dr. WLLIAM F.. husband of Laura H. Lehman. Relatives nnd friends nisi Ches ter Ledge. Ne. 220, F, and A. M. ; Imperial Cemmanrtery, Ne. 2J.1. Knljhts of Malta, Melern Woodmen of AmcrliM, P. p. S. of A., Penn Foresters, Ne. 21, Tall Cedars et Lebanon. Invited te fun'-rnl services. Men., 2 P M., from hla Inte resldi nee. 2124 w. Br st Int. L.iW'ncreft Cem llemalrm tnny b viewed Sun.. 7 te 0 P M. LEWIS. .March 3. .MARY LEWIS. Hell iiiu, f.rwi frlendH are Invited te attend fu neral. Tues., 7:J0 A. M . from parlors of M, a nar. 10S E. Price m.. Uermantewn. .Solemn mass of requiem Ht. Vincent's Chuich y ,. Al int. Hely Sepulchre Cm. LOUD. Suddenly, at Charleston. S, C, Mrch 2, 1022. CAIT". ui-imui. . . IJUD, Itelatlves and fr.ends, also Frnnkltn Circle, Ne. lil. U. of A.: Washington Irving lidge. Ne. ".') LOO F. , Temple Encampment. Ne. 1U0, I. O. O. F.. and Idahee Tribe. Ne. 7, I. O. of R. M . are Invited te funeral services, en Tues., at 2 P. M , reldence et brother. Charles s. Loud. 201 Iment Cum St, vp ' .Montgomery inc.. v-ynwju, i -a, int. .vienu- i rienus may can .viun,, after resiuence, 2M4 . juasen st. solemn mass at i. v.eiumuas . nuren u A iV.. ........ ii- " un,,, n .MARSHALL March 3. CHARLES HUNT, husbnnd of Flnvla O. Mnrshnll. nre,t R'J Relatives and friends, also Corinthian Ledge, Ne. 308, F. and A. AI.. and all ether ergarl- fatlens of which h. was a member, are nvlted te attend funeral. Men.. 2 P. AI., chapel of Andrew J Hair t Sens. Arch and lutli sts. Int. private MARSHALL On March 4. 1022. at Shanghai. China, of scarlet fever, PETER MARSHALL of Londen. England, and his wife, ELIZAIIETH JAUDON SELLERS, daughter of the late David W. and Frances Januette Sellers, AlATHEH. March ." ELIZAHETH 1! . dnntrhter nf ltnrrv f. nm! f.11,1. nil,,,.. Mather, aged 11. Relatives nnd friends In- .iary j. .iiciirme. jieiativcft and friends In I Mted te funera . Tuea . a. m re.i I dence, 2UII7 Ellswerth st. se'emn requiem miss Church of St. Antheny 10 A. AI. pre cisely, int, Hely Cress Cem. I McDONALD On .March 2. 11)22 IIL'tlll Mc.tinVAr.r. husl.nnil nf ratr-rlrtA T tA. I Dr.nald (nea Carr). Melntlv, .m,i ri-i.n.i. in. vlted te funeral. Tues., tf'SO A .M resl- . dence. I24."i N. 17th st Solemn high mass f requiem at Church of Jesu, 10 A. AI. Int. New Cathedra! Cem. ' ' 1IU AIEEHA5 - Alareu .',. WILLIAM. h,,l,,t of Miry It JItehan, sjn of lale Themas and Winifred Afj-hnn. rermerly nf Oermantnwn Helutlvca and friends ure Invited te attend funernl, Thurs , H A. Af late residence 1S3.-, S lMh st. High mass of requiem at St. Themns' Church V 30 A. AI. Int. Hely feepulrhre Cem MERET. Suddenly. AInrch 3. AIARaiTE P.ITII I". dvuuntcr of Elueri nnd the late (Instnn C Jleret Funeral services Tus " I' M , nt Armstrong's. 11)27 N. Uread st" Int private. AI1DDLETON. Alarch 3. 1022, JENNIE GLENN, wife of Oscar N, Mlddleten Fu neral service Tues, 2 P. AI.. at htr late residence. 77 Herman st., Oermantewn. Int private, AIlLLER On March 3. JOHN, husband w ..,,..- n, ...tiii .iKt-u ., ears. Itola. i. or ..: neaniers and Twisters M i n A ' empleves et W H A E Alargerlsen are Invited te attend fune.-al senile, ,, . P AI late rtsldence 11311 T.isker at' int . . i-ernwoeq cem. jtcmains may be ieu.i ' "...r.'Ti.- e ., , AIIIU'IU Siidden'v nt Orein Clfv. V J.. A'arcn 4 rijj, hfi.E.V PLAT Frank At. .Murphy r.nd d.iughte- ,,r' ,h.. i.vl -i. j i. nr i.r.. r'i..i r -i" . i T.-.VS1. T" Tile. ll.. . t. - .- - "V V O of A . Ne 2H of C.lllngsw i v i ure Invited tu services Tu-s . c r m T,,' M 4.-1 t'entril live. Ocean ' itv X J. nlnrt IV..,, 11 A. At Hirleleh Cem Chnpel Cum.len N J Int Harle'uh C in Alt STIN Suddenly, t Annapolis. AM en .March 3, 1H22 J HFItl'nV VicstiN1 JIl StvIpp nnd Intern, nt e.ivite ' NAUI.TY AInrch .1 M RY wife nf lnte V Ntuilty, Heed T7 Relative, Bl J,, friends, also St. Paul's Ladles Tfmi-in". AI . from her late resld nee mn S' "., ,il ,, High requiem mass at St KlUibeih'sVhureh in A At. Int. New Cathedril Cem Prlunds miiv call Alen eve --i.vtrw ,,..,iv4 iu icinerai iu-h s 3n a .yn,y .Unit-M J1AIIV llt,,..l.,AM -. lllV1',, 'JK? ,""'.', Anna M.lnn R.. ti"H urnl irltTnN ln Itr-d te fun tv.i -.i i J.J? A.,'' IJ'.0h!.e,,,?a.''.",A' nc of n "''" ?, r .?,'."" 1"'. T.?'' ..n'rr"i" .' Hlc-b '" "- ... ..,...... ... .,, vnuic-n nr tne Trims tiguruien tu A. AI mt N w "nthedr.i Mouritlen 1(1 A, AI i vm NOVNENHEROER Hiidden'v Mnrch 1 HWEI'H W NO.'.S'ENHi:n(t:n ieitVe Mini friends n'e Invited te atlend funeral Tu s 2 P M from the funernl lien e f U'l hum H Helmes 713 Rockland V mi West lau.el ll'll Ceni Remains may be viewed Men nfter 7 P .M NHONAN - Afvrch 3, AIAROARET. wif, ,if the ite Thnmm lliii.i. .. V. friends are Irvlted tu attend funeral. T-iea s in A At from her late residence 4"in ! mn reiin. em truss n -ji i- ,J f c hurch 10 A AI Int. Heiv sVT, , " elr,, IVm II IUIH" AInrch I MAMV ,,.,.... -. Tb,, mas O'llrlen, Relatives and frlendi, in V ted te funeral Wed . A AI late re,T dencn 110.1 Hiiffman hi feli-mri renulem mass Chuich of th H.icre.1 Heart b ail v AI Int Hely Cress Cem A IMiD.'N -I 11 ,-i itur I.IV Mereh J ....... it his psldcpce, th.. Ite hetnleuu Wnsiiln sldcpce, the, t,i hntnleuu Wushln" C MORRIS MIIIIEIHTH miKN A r in Mn t-nli I 111 in .si. ."' I) O'HARA On March I linlid of the iHtn Al'iri IJ'J- JOHN hin K;ennn O H,rn Relntlves and friends m.. invited te Hie f 11 rui or. vnuneni.i rnernmv nt s 1111 ,, cliH.k from hl lilt" resldince itn NT 2sh et. Siileinn renulem muss at Ihn churih nf tie AI st Pucleus ni,i ,,, !., e .! rk Interment ut Helv Cress Cenieterv PVRK AInrch 4 ENOCH D, huibvidnf the into Elisabeth ll Pnrk , llVlatlVel nnd friends slsn societies of which h wns a member, Invited te funernl set vices Wed P AI Precise!) 'jus S Onrnel it int' prlvnte. llemalna mny be v lowed Tues, eve- PLATT At Atlnntlc City N J Alarch 3 LILLIAN RF.NNElt. widow et Hfry Shaw Piatt aged .11 Relatives and friends, also Camp Ne. 14H, P O of A,, are Invllei te funeral services. .Men . ' I. M . ici-l. t Nice's, 0301 aermutitewn ave , Phlla, Int, POOLE Alarch 4, RHODA E., wife nf the late William II. Pule (nee Heffman). Hi lathes and friends, also Newhall Circle, Ne. 71) Lnilles of the II. A. 11 , nre Invited In (unurnl eurvues. Wid,. 2 P. AI 1 nlei' residence, .ra. luerse .innesiey, 3230 Vim 111 RrBGAWTi ,h f , wu lata MiMrMa. no M. trtfi M. ajuntft mass chtfre,fl' e "tetw i mn la a. at. m. Hal cn,i (Mea. ISnt,tA fr At t tffltw M a f' .. V.'""'" ilt""v. .Jt'l1, mnntn n. iui, ..bat widow et Allen F, Pawt avfl In Waft Rfiatives ana irienns from lief lat res Helly, 74. J,, Thin RtCHMOND.Marrli B. flOtlt M, wi am A. Rinm'nii. inren u, srvife Men,, 2 P. M.i at JefH4 ilenee. VIIIIAm tile tcniey mm mi m Frsnkferd, ,,....., "''."' .,..-.' j: zr- int. tT'ine " vem. y ttOt.U Mnrch 3. CLARA Charles F. lea t". lien. iti.fftt, SI tea I tn funernl services. Tees Isle residence, 2004 Rldi nV. , int. CVIAM.,. mmv ell trtpl. nOSr!. AtItenaupe. ,N, ., "JIft&jUjH FRANK P. ltess . 'Hctntlves and ttmih V. .ll are invited te aiienn lancrai eeryiceefc r res aence. t nt isiner, ,"'m'll;' Tties,. ll A. At, Int. Park Hvveneslxire, N. J. , ROWAN. March t. tftSl Itr.NRt A. ROWAN R,. husband of niriahna ttntvan. Relstlvea and. friends, slsi. Annual series. James W, Ralrd, James ll. cesrmn.i Kurfks, Immahuel. Heme nuilders. li Makers, Lltwral Henry A. nmn u. Assns, are Invited te attend funeral. 1 P. I , from hlatt residence. ftOI ave. Services nt Wharten 81. MM Churcn, J l . " in, privaii, RYAN. Mnrch 4. of 1041 Bnydsr ,. maiiy iJ.. wife of Dr. WU'lam J, Ryan aria ' daughter of Andrew J, M6Cruddn. Drmt nOllCB Will W H..T... ym a . trutJtt.Al tlletftvnrf M. 1.. MaMlt . OV.W KATIE, wlfe of P. Hi Samsel. helatWs'Mi nnd friends en .Monday. BMvleea at Mil. M& side Cemetery uiiaie! en i;ii unni, .w.. - -&- Terminal. jiil BCIIAEr r .n,en iarcn j, ui.. r.u -RETH M. SCHAEIThll (nee Ksrsleri. WlfJ of Prof. Henry Sehselfet. Relative ini friends Invited te funeral. services Tuj.. t P. Mi, at her parents' residence. BOM N. t Ilread st. Int. private. ., fc SCHOHR. warcn nAwuii.u .., mww bnnd of Mlna C, Scherr aged 11. ItelMlraa nnd friends are InMleJ. te atlehd fufMrat eervlees. Men.. 2 P. At. precisely. M W late residence. r17 Hasel ave. Int. Uu HKEMEt! March 4. 1B22. Wtt.T.IAMr., son of late August nnd Fredericks Heemet. Relatives nnd friend, also all nrganllatlen of which he Was n, member, are Invited te attend funeral services W ed., 1 1 R : Mi nt his late residence. lOOft N. Lawrenctv at. Inl Chelten Hills. Remains may be viewed TUmVkfRR -Atarrh 2. .tOBKPlt H.hus bnnd of Snrnh At. and son of the lata Henry and Catharine Snaffer. Re alivej in4 friends, also emtilnve- of Valvellne Oil O).. are Invited te nttend tuners I rvli, teii. 2 P. At., residence. 27 Path av. mflUtm Ps'k. I'" Dit private. Viewing Sun,, 1 '"siAION. March .-.. AI.FRKD M.. ten of the late Henry und Isalwl J' J""1' ,W1 tlves and friends nre Invited te attend 4MI neral services. Tues., 2 P. Af, precisely, at his late residence 2422 -N. Hread at. inc. Adath Jeshurun Cem. -.,., w... SI.MONS Marcn 2. 1H2S, TltOMAB, hUi bsnd of Elisabeth A. Simons (nee Alahafir) Itelatlves and friends, also all ergnnltatlftna of which he was in member. Invited te fu neral services. Aten., 2 P. At., nt hla Ut residence. 8202 N. Talrhlll at. Int. Orm mount Cm. Friends may call Run. eve. rKlNNER, Oil March S. 1022. JACOR B.. hnshsnd of th lat Florence I. BHlnner. Re?nflv?s and friend, also Penn Tewnarilp Ieubc. Ne. 310. I. O. O. F.I MlanenTHbe. Ne. .".Or I. O R. AI, and empleyes , of P. it. T . nre Invited te the service, en Wednes .lnv evening, nt R eVltx k. at the Oliver If. Italr Hulldlnir. l20 Chestnut st. fnterment "l St Jnmes' Luthyrnn Chijrrh Cemetery. Phllllnsburg, N. j.. en Thursdayv . . SMiriL Mnrch a. ItOtlRl.T, htiskanef Rrs tmlth. Rilatlvea and friends ari .In vited te attend funern services. Aten.. f- P. M. parlors of Jehn E Btlles Jk flen, IW Kusqiiehinna nve. Int. tirlvnte. NerthwtKsI Cem Friends may call Sun. eve after J, SMITH. On JIarch 3. 1022. OEOHOB IIL'UH SMITH Services en Atenday after noon nt 2 o'cleclt. at the- Oliver If . Half Hide. IS'Je Chestnut st. Interment private. ir slster'sJ STANDRINO. At Wlldwoed. S.iJ.. n requiem I MRrch , 11122. W1LLIAAL Sr . husbane of . M. Int l:v"rS..r'tirTrtLt. Sltamlrlnv. aired 74 Rail. Flense emit nevvcrs line lei....r... ..,..-....-..---- ...-J--- tl.pu nhel trtenilB inviiei, fci, iuuriii, pniiin, T'" s P AI." residence of his son. 2lU N Ilnnceck st. Int. Nortnvveod cem. I'rienaa CUSTARRETT. Alarch 5. CATHERINE, wife of Alexander Blarrett. Relatives nd friends Invited te attend funeral servlcea. Wed 2'.'!) P AI . at her husband's resi dence a.'ilti Sunnyslde nve Falls et Schuyl kill, int private. Alt. 'ernen Cem. Frlfada mv call Tues. eve. ... . . STOKES. At Aloerestown. N. J.. Marsh 3. WILI.IAAl W. STOKES, aged 77. Funeral cervices Tues.. 1 P. AI.. reslence of his wn, Chnrles W. Stokes. Moerestonn. N. J. tot. liar sigh Cem , , ., . STOVER. At Lansdale, Pa.. Atarch I, KAIAIA O.. widow of Davis AI. Stever, afe ill. Services at her Ut; rcldnce. Boe Columbia ave., Lansdale, Pa.. Men . Atajch, il. 2 P AI. Int. Lansdale Cem. Remains may be viewed Atnn.. 12 te 1 P. At. 8THADI.IAK1 Third month r,th. at Lana ford P SUSANNA C . widow of GjMfM W Strndllng. Funernl Fourth ':, lf month Hth. 3vP At. at the friends' MeeUnir Heusf Newtown, Pp.. Triln ter Newtown leaves Iadlm,- Ter.T.lnal 1:23 P. AI. STRi.ET At Rnchelle Pirk. N." J.. CLARA S widow nf Charles F Street ana mother of Charles F.. 3r and Herbert K. Street. Relatives nnd friends lnvlte.1 te ntiend funernl services parlors of B irnuel W Kehr t Sen. N W. cer. 21st and Dla mrnd sts Tues . 2 P AI precisely, - int. private, West Laurel HIP Ceni STUART. Mirch .'. SARAH A., wife of Hnrrv Stuart nnd daughter of the, lata Ephralm -nd Sarah Cramer. Due notice of 'UTARIIEt! At New Rrltnln. Rucks Ce.. Pa . Alarch 5. 11)22. ARCHIE "en of Peter end the late Alaigarrt McClelland Tarbet. Funeral nrlvnte. from his pircnts' residence. Med . I 3D P A! Int. Nerrl City Cem. THE1S March 4, HARRY, husband of Car line Thels (nee Henry). Relatives and friends nUe Apelle Assembly. Ne. 32. A. O. M P nre invited te attend funeral servlcea. Tues . 2 P. At., et his late residence. 2057 N 2.ilh st. Int. Northwood Friends may ca M in eve TOOEY Mnrch 4. ANNAIIELLE At., wlfe of .lames C Tooey nnddiugnter or Henry 1 TFSON. Alarch 3. ORACH R.. wife Of (ieerge O. Tusjn (nee Thorpe), aaed 31. Relatives and friends are Invited te attend funernl Tues , 1 P. At. from her latn resi dence 4.127 Werth st Frnnl'ferd Int. prt- Ivate. Ut'ca, N Y., papers pliMje copy. VANDEalUFT. At AnilBlus.M. Pa.. March ft. OAROL1NA, AI , VANDEdttlW lti ni Jll lii"'ii unifp.nn i.riaiivra una I " lesldenci' A idalusln Pa . Wed., 2 p. . M Int. vannegriii iiudiiii u.uumue, tern :. t. . VANDEQIlirr. On Alarch 2, 1022. AIARY It wlfe nt William It, Vandegrlft and duughter of Samuel F snd late Elizabeth Or, er, aged 32 vcure. Relatives and friend Invited tn funernl. en Alenday, at 2.30 P. 11, (rem late residence, 4724 N. Frent st. tt Vurthvvoed Cem. Viewed Hun., 7 te 10 P..M- , . . .. x...... ... ,;.. i Hal. AIlss AONEH (Sillle) ''T leache- of 1., AI Paxs"n des and friends also Arc --in red Heart League pfd Si W.U. I ill "" 'I HI I II t HI .Mlii'l 4IIPII11JX ,IQ iHhI. MIn A.N'K8 (SillliO WAONCH. for- a nan ii 7i.iii'vi (I4 rcbcenfratsrftlty. Si hnel TSachrtra' v du,, ne lnvlteil m nitent tunerni. vvect.. s .hi AI from 214 N lilt st Solemn re ,,til in miss nt Ht Augustine s church 10 A. II Int. St. Augustine h Vnulti WARREN HARRY HEAD .March 8, ised 7 vears, son e' Sherman L. Hnd Helen i Warren Friends ere Invited te the serv nee. ilt the home nf his psrents, 411 Thnmae ive Rlverliin N J . Wed AInrch 8, 1 p II. Int private WALKER At hei res'ibnce, 7(sl S. Itrrsid t ,m Mnrch 1 1U2.' Is MlEI.LA ll . wife f James Wilker Re'itlves and friends in Invited te the service, en Wudncsdsy ifternein nt 2 nelmk nt tlie Oliver It. Hu r ltulldlnw. HO) chestnut t Interment rrWALK'5U. - ALirch 3. REIIKCCA J.. widow of J iciib Wifuer aeted ss, Rnlntlvea nnd friends- nre Invltnl te nttend funeral, ru s 2 P. AI . from residence nf her son-in-law, James lleinhard 82(1 Walnut St., Services nnd Interment at lluehma Ref Churih l'lue Hell Pn P. At. rindy inv be view d AI m 7 te I) I' A -J' WALLACE m AInrch 2, 11122, JAiUtsj WALLACE used ears. Relntlves -an4 friends are Invited te the services, mi Hen. lny utlernoen. nt 2 M n c'eik, at the,rsl. denre nf his son 2.132 H lTth si, Inter ti.ent at Al'inim'e Cernstsry Friends may cull Sund iv eMnles ERSTI'R - On March fl, 1(122 at 2iIT B. 21st st JOHN' WEHSTER. Relative ani f i lends Invited te funeral services, nn Tues dnv at 2 P AI at the Ollvvr H. Hair. Hid vt'jn Chestnut si El VERT A arch 3. 1022, HARRT A- WFINKRT. talked husband of Ilertria K ...... in.. U I ..1 11 In htm K ! ... .a w.lneit (no Sln'is) III his Dlst year. Ral. ntlvee and friends, also Derian Assembly, Ne II. A. At. P. invited te atlsna fui iiernl services lues, 2 P. AI.j at hfs lata resldsnre. 2S33 W. Lehigh ave Int. OtttZ weed (K. et P ) Pent. Remains may til viewed Alen.. te 10 P M, . vr;i.i.i. 'I;, i-j"ieiirn, .- j , .iinrcii .i, 102.' Wells i ii a. wuiiiw ei Jeseph Funernl Tues . a p At , from .! residence of her j; n-ln law. William H, U'w nllen. 3d nnd I'nlun sts,, Aloerestown. S- j int Asbury AI E Church around. I'nun.l. elll MOP .:.... . v.-" ;. r ..I.-... .. .. .- 1- L1ZA1IF,TH A., widow' or jeaerS nr. Wells '.". ""."v. ..: .i. .'i...'f" resl uencsk uj ,., , ''""j, "llliare sullen, d and lltuin sts vtnorestowax,' T.ew T, int, Asbury AI, R. I Fr'ends niayiallMiin. sve vssiHii xfrauaj UNPKBTAKKIUI v',r VI 1 1 'fl 4 -! tl nl k tf-U (f