ritU37Afll wwiMVi'WMmFfflstimt vi vvmmnw'i aesi-s?xmv r pJBfJPpf 'Itrfi rp"'!? 4Vi f'JW.. wn; 5UlJM V-A0 mmpMmmw :: rzm r-vtlr BM5P SKWMV nji f ' n-A EVENING' PUBUO XBDQBRPHWiAl'iSJt'JH.IA, T BAXujtWJIAX, makudl ,., xy vt If rff r-. irri -X PROPOSED HOME FOR OAK LANE REVIEW CLUB, y. Ltnttn SpeclaMtt. Oyiter Pie, 40c llonchren. 4B. . 11 ISO A. M. te IT, M. ZEISSE'S HOTEL 820 Walnut Street JOHN O. H. MKVKHH. Prep. Qs s LVEnsMnHa a 4 All.. ma ClacvAM Aava iCWycreaWnnex that It, if They Want te,, but H Advises Beth Sexes te Eschew Tobacco f Engagement Rings ice nnre -- "- yj. t V .. . . n .t-... it.., hejiaffad in kbveiuhuhbi j.ij mm urn DC a Xst. Ewr iii hrnir nn (D OLD GROGSHOP LET WOMEN SMOKE, SAYS DR. CONWELL i apuei Jeweled with Important Size Diamonds The Jewels - the Designs -the Workmanship- Perfection - .. n.f... Dlnlr anil Iv DO SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNER, $1.50 Alse Table D')Ir ttlnnrr, fl.OO HpccUl ritttrn, Me te (1.00 ,raii DBU' r,v, ,,M " m, se 8L? ' ' zz f HIHINT MbMumta. ricvivcu t: -: fthn wme of our earliest PhUarteU jtlins took their grog, they didn t enre !Lv about surrounding. , ijlerewcrc no eiccinc nsi. "- . e.r," . r t. "i".vi r .1. IjeMB-KO nu'J ; !r'i...ii man rrhn nrn hlnzllIB the .jte " v:;-. .;" "Tii:" ti.i 11 for tne uHjmni' ,,";""" " -., l - n 1Adn Alii ilnnu , vicinity of Frent nnd Ilnce rtN-tg, iil incy re ivhiii "'"" em pretest nnd It taken mnny wicked KS' f nick 'nnd crewbnr te drive IE, from tlie spots where they linve lwi'ntrencnpa mr iimj i n"j jmm ISln'evolutlennry tnp roemB nt 224-2(1 rUl Water Biri-ei """"""1 "I"'" , fcy a dosen of the bridge pioneers. J. hrli-tt nnnenred te show fight bc- t It 'cbuld be dislodged. 'When they lmnnv fell together, carrying out .OwnlnHnnnrv spirit, nnd then ncnt Ii-. rlniiri of mutinous dust ns they KnM te enrth. ' Old Greg Bneps uneartnea ivi,n tie ilust cleared nwny it iMncht te light the Interior of the nn- drtt Kreg shop, which prebnbly fig- tm In lie pence ri'cuniB i me euriy ITQO'fl. A crnde fireplace gaped In the ttu wall- Several small holes in the H (ll Hie nrepiace miuwvu khms irem fhich UlNloueicuiy irun i-ruiics were Jarcd te held the pets used for boiling ; The dingy room has a decidedly ieinetn aspect. These familiar with the city's enrly history say that this Stct and ethers nearby wcre the ren ren ren foteti' of characters ef1 easy con cen rdence who resorted te any measure Je jfet' their grog. Small holes in the massive walls Bibt have, been made In some of the RinnfOCs which were iiemiuir in inese ujri.ameng gangs along' the waterfront. Clete te tne rivcrrrent and semewnat Kqdtrtcrcd In the old days tills old tMiroem nrebnbly wn- the scene of but-conferences which concerned the Noting of warehouses and stores, which its popular pnstiinc when the police tnre few and far between. ' Nut te the fireplace is n mack hole k the wall nbeut five feet high. It raw back about ten feet. As these flieMi kept open nil night In this Hffhhorliend, the dingy hole prebnbly tared as handy quarters for the bar Imp or proprietor. Built for Leng Stay When the place was built It is e Vi nt that the builders expected it te nd ter an time, ine Htenc walls are i feet thick nnd the joists nre strong . formidable loeklnnr. Time hex Hi warped or bent them. Laborers 1 1t will be n day's work te get each ei tnem out et tne building. Among ilters. te the scene et destruction are its of. public school children. They there te get first-hnnd evidence st the old buildings nnd nrc thus ! te tipeak authoritatively when they ass tne HUDjcct in their class rooms. THIEVES GET GOOD HAUL reik Inte Roosevelt Boulevard Heme of David Mergansteln The linmn nf DnvM Mnnrnnataln 130. UOMvelt benlevnrd. wn pntnrpil Kv Abtra last night and jewelrv and furs' ena sisau stolen. M. Geldberg re- hA Ui. a iit t . . 8S5 North Fifth street Inst night tieven automobiles were reported Men. They nre ns follews: Edward Bew, 5422 Angera terrace; James em, Majc8tlc Hetel; Themas A. D. lOBrlcn. Thirtv-third nnd Muster ftrwts; Dr. Esther M. Well, 757 North wntletli street; Heward Thompson, ronten: Geerge II. Geldman, 1820 North Thirty-third street; Bcnjnmln Phipire, e:u North Third street; Leen firry Hroeks. n53D Hndfield street; Jlck Hoey. 535 North Thirty. fifth let, and Chnrles Spannard. 800 settn Sixty-third street. NEGRO SHOT FOUR TIMES Px Men In Machine Riddle Victim en Street Six white men, in n tnxicnb, drew P"te the curbstene nt Ulevcnth and "PUr streets, nt 4 o'clock this morn- lBfa D(1 PtlffnfMfl in n Kilnf nlfrnMAM. nlth Itoseec Yejing, a Nt'gre, who -"n ve .eiui .icssup street. wai witnesses told police none of j . " - nituiu, ,, tiuuilt riM- npm tneir seats, It Is said, several J men drew plbtnls and lircd pelnt- iHT "l i!"s. xnen the "I'M rapidly nwny. i"t address. BOY WANDERERS JAILED ftuthi Arrested After a.h ei.kt inn..0 S,"p '" ?ar.n - . kteth.V. """ iieiana Harris, 8Smfnlwnty'8C,-'.end Btrcet "ur 'irinV vnna nvene, asked Mrs. Cath rl"l i J,J!nn,t v"0'"1'" n the Mer &$&?' "' Tlilrtr-fifth ftrcct nnd wJJi. A"?' ier n P,Rce te sleep, nnd Sr hlV" f , fr. fur uence.8 ' Mag,8trnte Deran' ,n .BaT?n,8, went,t the house yester fi . i'"f lcy had traveled ever' the W ami ,?."" r work and were feet- the bn ""Mr "ft aRkc,, t0 B,eep -- -itv.M U1U JJUIlfC. COWARD AT CITY HALL yr Maalii.,. a. ,A . . . --.. e ie en ax central r'Mi Station ari Bit letemTi"""- ewara strate vewaru was appointed Pell : n"8 "lORlRtrate in M r .- "'"ninHaiU 11 1 inn c.ni ju , the Central B will ut ,,0'An, Mynr Moere "' Will iJt ., ' X' "' "' Jieurc, i. K nenshaw, who 'may resutne du V& April. C .MaKistrate '" wen it .. .. -'uwra is a ln,i.l':unl It WllH until tn.le.. tl..i ll.. Ceward 1b a 'KllOlmpnt In... M mill iiih m,W("ncDt lins no political slgnlfl- A Sll '", Penn Fra Heuie t,rit'Vti't! MHnr of the Thet, "'fnlty hcta Chi I?l UnirJ." ,'!?' Attracted a lane rmu-. IJ1 wm .vti.m'Y,.vft,,f "tuflent.: ',?jn ti. iru r :vc" ?L ?no.. if-m enlnen . '" l" "ivai enilneH. i'a'SS'WO.THMCKI Li."1 "iwri. Ynnll .u lit. i.i VIII mim .Y.iTk.u ! y TMLd AkMtt m.Tr Ae7.JJ rrArnuia w,vj ' ' j. .,-"!.; ''K'.tii.iV-:"j ' ' ; . , i.rsSj.Kiii' mtfy&Kiv4)-jM.rt JmU i 't ? ' ' . y ;,'! r'j.t .. .,!. t -. -" , ' . i, : ts 'j,: "i,K..i, ;-." ' ;:fi .v,j ,t,tt-; iir The Review Clnb has approved the plans of W. Ellis Greten, architect, for m 935,000 community building and clubhouse at Twelfth street and Lakeside avenue. The building will have a large stage and. auditorium for plays, a banquet hall and kitchen, tennis courts and' ether modem features SAYS DULL ROUTINE L Teachers' Meeting' Is Told In centive te 'Study Should Be Given VOCABULARY HELPS URGED The desire of -the pupils in public (schools te study Is deadened by the rou tine bf the classroom arid teachers waste tee much time in holding dull recita tions, according te E, C. Wcrtsch, of the Lnnsdewnc public schools, who ad dressed the meeting of the Delaware County Teachers'. Association at Mnrpie, .Pa.,' today. "Educators Rheuld be mprc conserva tive of time," said-Mr. Wcrtsch. "Net enough time is 'spent In teaching the pupil hew te study. "The result Is that the pupil grad uates with plenty of information, but has no ability. The pupil Rheuld be filled with a desire te study nnd it in the fduty of the teacher te arouse a curies ity which will result in his studying eagerly." "It there is a strong me.tive plnccd back of it the child will have a desire te study," said Dr. 8. C. Miller, as sistant 'superintendent of the Chester scIioeIh. He said one of the chict troubles of teachers today is that they de net 'keep in mind the differences in pupils and study, their characters and home life. , t He said he regrets the fact that they de net attain a larger vocabulary. He urged the teaching of two new words a day. Mrs. Eva M. Edwards, of the Ridley Park schools, characterized -the recltn recltn tien method ns "old-fashioned." She snid her pupils are allowed te prepare their own programs, 'and she finds In that way they take greater Interest in their work. ' " At the morning session the meeting wns opened with n prayer by the Itcv. Kebert F. Sterling, of Broemnl, after which a review of elementary grade teaching was participated in by Miss Lillian Hewes, of Swnrthmere: Miss Pauline Kamstine. of the Itadner Pub- DEADENS SCHO AR vutcu mill uuiuinuuiie acccsneneR wercn i r. A V V V Wi i i t ti-- mi yte stolen from his garage at ?' n"dn8,Ktna J" Rces' of ma V,..u v,in. . i. ,. .iL. thn Uldlev Pnrk Scheel. A special luncheon hour wns arrange ed by W. It. Douthett, of the Darby High Scheel. The nddrebs of welcome in the after neon session wns mode by Dr. Jehn B. Themas, of Newtown Square, nnd the response was by Prof. Ycngcr, the president. The Itev. Dr. Gladstone Helm, of the Madisen Methodist Epis Epis Epis copel Church, of Philadelphia, also ad dressed the meeting in the afternoon. REDUCE PRICE OF GAS N. J. Utility Commission Cuts Rate In 8eme Parti of 8tate Trenten, March .4. .The State Pub lic Utility Commission today announced n reduction of the gas base rate of the Public Service Gas Company, serving Northern nnd Central New Jersey nnd a part of Seuth Jersey from $1.40 per 1000 cubic feet te $1.25 per 1000 cubic feet. The application of Jersey City and I Newark nnd the Hudsen, Bergen and Essex division for n lower rate than a State-wide rate wns -denied because np pralsals of the divisions hnve net all been made. Driver Held In Bey's Injuries (toward Lynch, Colllngsweod, N J. riu ". .: """ """ uurricu 10 ine ' driver ei a ifuck huh kuuck ws-jrat-iMMren H HeMiitnl. He is shot three el.l Jeseph McOh'nn. 2527 East Themn- ng mi ami was hurried te the 'driver of a truck thnt struck six-year- l"D"J( In h( lin. tin it fiVwliitrwtvi nwl unn utraiif ifia nr rnur ml rmlnv mi ft linM Wftens my ,n will ille. Vnnnfr lu liv Mnclh'trnte Roberts in 8300 ball. """Kled nnil beards nt Hi .T..im The hev spent ten diivs in St. Atnrv's IIiiHiiltnl wttli n fractured liln fellow JIiik the nccldent February P,1. Tlie driver enld he, wns haulliiK llaupolesen a trailer and that the boy wan hurt steiilltiR a ride. Married Last Night MB8..HKHBKHT H. BUZZARD fr'm Mla tiriygm!. vBvHIa. N. J. TIwcdMlrywh A Btlaaa.ka. Camden.. ,Tlia,MWiwa,Mf WvUMftM' IK;L rt VaWaVaVl Ba'VHKffBkr .." H BawataMf ' 'iaWal BBj, lira t ''' t. -,a ,'., Ba '"' '''"'Tfc,' ''"i'sv BBawAV aBawBaB. ''',.. B BaVaWa'BBWaWBtlXr ? -: 'V , KVaVaWaVaSMPW' '' ' ;'': 1 BBBWaWaKaBWaWBBV ..",'.' - bbVbbVbwbbbVbIiV- BaBaBaBaBaBaBaV'IP? iK'' 1 I HRr.? ''W'ii ' '' f "'VjbbbB I m'f'W,- '- tyVnfBBai I MpkVV' ; KJbtTBbbI PBflBawawJVawawawAnEaBawral fe, U-l .h,.. uUus,Sfiliiiv,l!li' i , :C ' A i'x ' ifhlaBiiiifii' .fmtmmtf vr sv s ,.M Aft s v , i yd, R'NHKW: xrM'.txn-.Mys.f:'MMiU&Mi; - "' . '(. . J jY-t . V. ' ! t . t . ... it, -A ti I A r, S A . , ." JM LANSDOtyNE'S POOH-BAH ALSO IS A FIREMAN BOLD Borough Manager Titus Won't Quit Running With "Best Com pany in the Cennty" Because of ether Honors, . "I m net a politician nnd my ether habit ere noed." Artemua Witrd, Te be manager bf n borough of COCO inhabitants with most of the civic bur dens falling directly or indirectly en his shoulders would be sufficient for almost any man. . ' But Frank B. Titus, newly elected borough manager of Lnnsdewnc, is also secretary of the local fire cempnny nijd isn't going te give up the job. Hence, he's a real twenty-four-hour-a-day worker, for when the volunteers hop aboard the engine, he swings into action ns a member of the cempnny. Seen today as he wns 'about te settle down te the day's lnber, Mr. Titus im mediately made vigorous denial of-any interest in politics, past, present or fu ture, se far ns his new nflUIatteiis arc concerned. Moreover, ns the visitors arrived, he hastened tnshut the safe 'nnd close the deer te his Inner sanctum, nn net in it self n tribute te his perspicacity. A prompt refusal te be photegrnnhed ralqcd first impressions te the nth de gree. Politics Taboo te Him "I succeed William II. Munch, who performed the duties of this office well," said Mr. Titus. "I wn& chosen from twenty candidates, who presented their credentials te the Borough Council. There was no politics nbeut it and I shnll never drag politics in se long as I held the position.'' And there the con versation stepped. - Mr. Titus gnve every impression that lie considered himself only nn ordinary citizen of the borough that is mere or less nt his command. Queries for his opinion en prohibition, the bonus, or the Wnshingten Conference failed te stir him. "I have nothing te sny," was bis re ply. SAYS SOLDIER, FATHER TOOK HIS CHILDREN AWAY Grandmother Saya She Will Bring Legal Action for Their Return Legal steps te regain custody of her two grandchildren, Elizabeth nnd .Geerge McBrccn, who were spirited nway yes terday by their father, Jehn J. Mc Brcen, will be taken today, according te Mrs. Elizabeth Slracex, 3005 Locust street. McBreen, a private at Camp Dix, called te sec the children yesterday at the home of Mrs. Slmcex, and after taking them out, ostensibly te buy candy, failed te return. He married Edith Simcex, a daugh ter of Mrs. Slmcex, who died In 1013. At thnt time Mrs. Simcex was given legal custody of the two children', Eliza beth, nine years old, and Geerge, eight. Mrs. Slmcex snld today that Mc Breen had never contributed te the sup port of the children since the death of their mother. "He married shortly after the death of mv daughter." she added, "nnd I suppose he has taken the children tojjsdlctien. He (-aid Councilman Itei mi- Ms neme at uamp ux. i ie ne: pre pose te let mm Keep tne children, new ever, and will take the proper steps ut .ucuia luiiuy l" ri'Kuiii mi' INFLUENZA DEATHS CLIMB Thirty-three Succumb This Week, Compared With Twenty-one Last An increase In deaths from In fluenza for this week is reported by the Division of Vital Statistics of the Iturenu of Health. Throughout the city twenty-six adults nnd seven miners succumbed ns compared with fifteen adults nnd six miners last week. The sudden varia tions In the weather brought a number of deaths te persons Miffcrlnif from pulmonary nnu bronchial disorders. There Were llfty-fenr deaths from pneumonia and feity-ninu from bronchial pneumonia. The tetnl of deaths wns OTil as com pared with 018 last week, and 013 for the corresponding week of Inst year. Charities Benefit Under Will The will of llachnel L. Hee, 2010 Seuth Third street, probated today, pro vides bequests of S."iO each for the Jew ish Notional Fund anil the Federation of Charities of Philadelphia. Her es tate is valued nt $-Nil0. Other wills probated are : Elizabeth E. Evans, 1010 Margaret street. $r.V.I7; l'lncide Erate. 817 East CJtrard n venue. !Wl.- 200; Julia Holtaus. St. I.euls. $11,834 iiu; .Hum Jieiiaus. or. 4,0111s. u(n.f-i. nVenterluH were Hleil In tlir .personal stntes nf Heward It. I.evlek. $138.- Inventor! estates 428 nnd Annie E. O'ltrlcn, $1.1,420,62. Dr. Tuke te Preach The llev. Dr. Charles E. Tuke will preach his nrst sermon tomorrow morn lug ns rector of Church. Lnnsdi f St. Jehn the KruiiRellst ewne. Dr. Tuko and his family cnine here from St. Paul. Minn.. where he wns rector of St. Clement's Memerial Churcji. A reception will be Riven by the niirUhleners te Dr. uud Mrs. Tuke Friday evening. Dr. Tuke is a brethcr-iii'liiw of the llev. F. K. Seymour, rector of St. Philip's Church. -rnrtAV'ft MARRIAGE LICENSES William riummrr. J h. saih t.. nni Ijulne i:velllnu, .-MI u Hamuel HfriifpM, a:U! N. llurUln. I 32 N. Bill St. Ht. ' " sih .t., end Neiiie i Jehn A. W.rnr. Ulivmen, Va and Lucie K. CHIT. llriiuinK. I'a. llcilnhart V. MmmtT. r.'2T erjbcrt it, and Ruth U Meyer, oa'je rurn av. Julluii M. Zimmerman, SL'e.') 83d St., and simwi UOrniDy AQn)pn, n.qt . aauuiiiiun vi 1',HR.'I,,..'IV ."' iwln ' "iJ"'!" COlMI I . .VIII Btl j RPKrS; fflanilrt Jan, and CU l.""T ItVW Vt" f ,, W2! - fa '' t (xr,'4'CPAi VJust what is your work?" He pointed .te a sheet of paper en the wall, with committees outlined thereon; committees en finance and property, highway, police and building, sewers and sanitation, fire and light, rules, ordi nances and laws. -He himself Is a com mittee of one te see that the-flndings and rulings of the numerous committees .nre carried out, a clearing house for tne ideas or the council. "I'm sort of the goat, 1,-suppose"," he said, with the first semblance of a smile. , Proud of Fire Company But It was the question of his position with the fire company thnt revealed that which was nearest his heart and brebght nn the temperature several degrees. Mr. Titus cleared his threat, rolled nw Havana cantieusly te the ether corner of his, mouth nnd steed up. "I am sccretriry of that company," he began, with the first appearance of anything that could be called pride. "Sny, that's the best company in Dela ware County. We've gene for years te every fire around these parts, but, of course, new that the ether boroughs have their own apparatus we don't have such a wide territory," And he seemed te regret the narrow ing of the range of action. "Ne, sir; I won't give up my job as secretary. And when they go te a fire I'll be there, ns usual." The new manager went te Lansdowne twelve years age from Susquehanna County. He lives with his wife and children at 80 Price street and feels proud thnt both children have attended the local high school. If there ever comes a need for a weather man in Lansdowne Mr. Titus should receive the position, ex officio. I The weather is the only clement there in which he has net a hand. GERMANT0WN AROUSED BY ANTI-PARKING BILL Llmeburner Passes Onus te Cortel Certel you as Protestants 8term Business men in Germnntewn will fight en ordinance new in Council which would forbid parking in the neighbor hood of Gennantewn and Chelten ave nues. Walter Stuempflg, manager of the Germnntewn Theatre. C508 Germnn Germnn eown avenue, snld he will oppose the measure te the limit. Similar views were expressed by ethers. Ceuncllmen Iteper and Van Taecn. who represent the Germnntewn district, were incensed yesterday at the action of Councilman Llmeburner, who Intro duced the bill. Llmeburner today ex plained he simply ncted at the request of Director Cortelyou, of the Public" safety icpartment. , Mr. Llux'biirner "said the ordinance was sent te him ns chairman of the Public Safety Committee. It is cus tomary, he s.iid, for n committee chair,--man te Introduce bills desired by the deportment within the committee s jur jstiictien. lie i-aui councilman Heimi performs the same service for thn Tin pnrtment of Public Welfare and Mr. von Tngen for the Bureau of City Property. Mr. Limeburner hns n letter from Di rector Cortelyou requesting introduc tion of the no-parking ordinance. SEEK TWO.GYPSYGIRLS WHO ROBBED CIGAR STORE Grabbed $35 Frem Till at 1342 Lindley Avenue Twe gypsy girls; riding in a ram shnekle motorcar. art hunted hy police. They are accused of having robbed Miss Anna Cenrad yesterday afternoon In the cigar and candy store of her father, Herman Cenrad, at '1342 Lindley avenue. Miss Cenrad was alone in the store when the gypsy girls entered. One of thorn asked for change, offering a $5 hill. When Miss Cenrad opened the cash drawer, one of the girls reached ferwnrd, seized $35 and escaped with her companion, ROBBERY CASE PRESSED Magistrate Refuses te Free Men Despite Return of Goods Three youths arrested for the rebbcrv of n cigar store at 4300 Itldge avenue were held without ball for the Grand jury teuny ey .Magistrate Dern de !s their nlen thnt reHtiintln,. f i, Kn ZXdTu bcen'ma l" ' AMelmcl WiiH own.. .. in- The youths nre Cluirlnx nnffuriv. Michael Uyan and Edward dear, all of Falls of Schuylkill. Ernest Hurdwick. of .1070 Calumet street, In whose home they were nrrestcd. was held In $15041 DiUi Ier '"i" ,,rn"" ,,ury for 'Ptln htulen K00'1"' NO TRACE OF PENN STUDENT Father of W. Rebert Pruden Scouts 8ulclde Theory Ne trace hns yet been found of W. Ilebert Pruilen, the I'nlverslty of i-ennsyivnniii stiuient, who disappeared fr0,n Wa. Iwanllii house Tuwduy nlKht, lenvlnit behind n note nskins forgive ,., for tt COWurdly net I have com mittcu." Prudcn's fatlier, Henry O, Pruden, refuses te believe his nn baa ended Ids I iiiu. urerae auhiim, pnysicai uirecter (t the Aabury Park X. M. C; Am hna rriiwTM, 'ht jwii ma , man an Jf women crave the sweet solace of tobacco te dispel tht cares and disap pointments of this wenry world, they hove just, as much right te It en any man, any Dr. ttusiell II. Conwell, president of Temple University nnd pas ter of the Haptlst Temple, "Why should men hnv'e this custom L nil te themselves?" he asked. "Don't deny tobacco te the women nnd allow It te the men. That isn't equality. "But nslde from thnt. I de net be lieve In smoking -for either sex." Tne most discussed natural phe nomenon of the) dny the flapper next engaged the doctor s attention. "The flapper is a passing phase and will lese public Interest, le say noth ing of existence ns n genus, in due time," he said. "The flapper will have her day In the public eye and vanish. "The whole matter Is based en the nntural foolishness of youth. When these glrls-ffew up they will acquire mere sense. At present they nre suc ceeding in mnking n geed deal of a joke of themselves. "Extreme dress, which is the most prominent characteristic of the flapper, is founded en n natural Instinct of the rnCe te make Itself attractive te the opposite sex. "Short skirts, bobbed hair, personal exposure, and the ether marks of the flapper hnve their counterpart in the efforts of the lower nnliniils te render themselves attractive, te the ether sex by n gaudy bcdlzenment of their per sons. While none the mere excusable en this account, therefore, it is nt least jvimnrikhnnHlhle. "But there Is one phnse of the flapper's equipment which has no rea son, no justification, no nnnlegy en earth"or sea, or air. Thnt is the pre valent method of wearing these mon strous things known ns 'galoshes.' '"The spectacle of young women vnlklnff nlemr the streets with these things flnpping nnd waving nbeut their ankles Is positively the most foolish thing I ever saw." "The movies have something te de( with It, I suppose. The movies arc warping the ideas nnd ldcnls of eun youth. A teacher in our Sunday school was endeavoring the ether dny te get some of her pupils te act the episode of the Geed Samaritan. "She tried without micccs .te get, volunteers for the role of the Snmnrltan ; then she tried te, enlist the aid of one of the pupils for the part fe the Lcvite, with like results. "Finally, in desperation, she nsked for some one te play the part of the thieves, nnd the entire class arose as one man nnd accepted." rhlladelnhln rnHniifiirturer'n line irnntrd ter California nnd Immrtllnte Peathwrt territory. Deftlre merchandise that l marketed through rrtnll drnxxUt and lame departmrnt store. Interested only In manufacturer delnit national scope et, baalneie. Residence In I-os Antrim three Trnra nnd well acquainted In territory. C 114, LrHMlKR OFFICK "PAPER0ID" Filing & Mailing Containers including the well-known Vertex File Pocket for correspondence will be en view at the Business. Shew Beeth 20 A "Pnpereld" Pocket Wallet for personal use will be given FBKi: te every Interested caller at our Beeth Alvah Bushnell Ce. Deraile Fill's Container Philadelphia, Pa. New Is Your Chance STORES WANTED by large Retail Grocery Chain Organization, in Philadelphia and suburbs and surrounding towns. State exact location, size of store and rental required en a term lease. Address B 933, Ledger Office DREKA FINE STATIONERS SMART INVITATIONS x -FOR EASTER WEDDINGS Within the past week we have been asked by three brides-te-be, te duplicate the Invitations for their Mothers' and Grandmothers' weddings, showing that the Dreka Engraving is appreciated by the present generation. 1121 CHESTNUT STREET I. t We're Hunting A uine ivff f fiVi'ti fivrt-' W"'" """i'" " T"T r mtfumL&wjiM DB DO DB 30 BC ea QIC 3D 1604 CHESTNUT vaaaaaaa - XX,WJK'";" LTT, . ... . lhe uuruse Kesiaurani 17 ,8.. 16th St. NOW open after extensive nltern. tiens under new maniiKement Delicious Italian and American dishes. Reiwennble prices excel lent nervlce. Trr One of Oar Sunday Dlnnen What h Better Than Geed Feed? -5-k-X"M-j-4m-:':"Xx-:-:- t 0 f e i jenn 9. i rower s eens w fiermnntewn Ave. nnd Chftlfn Art. CATERERS :RESTAVRANT : f nre eitrndlnx our dully nnd Bunduy delivery te MIRTH 1'IIII.A.. JAHIAS nnd OAK LANK P ... mL trm (: II rM9lijr Wrw -m. wrur.i tietast iTfirnirni ?e- ALDINE "zsfaurant& Coffee Srie f.OO 0NNERS DAILY-SUNDAY GteBrm. PLATTERS Business Mens 'A La Carre Service 1 JT TO a P.M 19& CHESTNUT STS SiffiiiamiiraiitiJijiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiBitiHiiiiiisEraiiiaicQ Milk-Fed i Roasting Frying Stewing Chickens 50 ib. (Milk-fed Breiling Chickens, lb 40c) At. all our Meat Markets SfuuammtiauHUimiiuaiJimimuianiniiuraiujininiiiiiLEniJLwiNaiainiiijLui.ra.iiafe a Salesman ! : 'I eS j . The Sales Manager of a leading office appliance company (a na tional advertiser) will be in Phila delphia next week te interview prospective talesman. real opportunity for salesman. gen- Write for appointment, giving your qualifications. Address C 115, Public Ledger ' i ii I ii tfvmm m m i t jl"''mM vJ i iirwsirjk UK '" ZSZiBISHCHII ASCO Wtei!.t,xi? Big Drep in Price of Eggs! ThreLyh our close connections with the sources of supply, we are able te give our customers the immediate benefit of all market changes. Increased laying activities by the mere than two faiillien hens that are re quired te supply our Stores with eggs, enable us te make a reduction in price of 5c per dozen ,today Geld Seal Eggs M E Carten of Twelve The choicest selections of the new-Iaia eggs. Big and full every one. Strictly Fresh , EGGS Is Every one. guaranteed positively fresh. 1 "It costs less te live when HSJxsKsy-; ASCO iSS3U3S!3sOiWSS;.s This Ticket ifaanraaaaar AvCkMDBFJr''TltalL bbs maESyr IfaBHBJnfJp i m Next Tuesday and Thursday, 1 te 6 P. M., the Business Shew will be reserved for Ex ecutives. Regular admission after 6 P. M. This reservation is made te enable princi pals and executives te become acquainted with modern business systems at their leisure. Yeu are earnestly invited te bring your busi ness problems here between 1 and 6 P. M. The combined experience of the world's leading experts in business administration ia at your service. 'Iht National Business Shew h net a sain izanttatien butan Exposition of the lair it and test ideas in business efficiency and enntmj. Ge te the M f Zenal Business Siew COMMERCIAL MUSEUM, PHILADELPHIA, ltelO TfcaSHv all Next P. hi. JSCUljr Week. aaBMMBaaa i Tuesday and Executives Days AJ:Skm&99. hT'"'i ' " ' '"'i 'i ' Utiii yT,y w "' '; V 'MmkiiM HHk.1 ?('WLd STSJis(8SKSiJW ASCO 35 30 you deal at an Asce Stere'' sXVS3SRSSsa ASCO ASCO . s 3SSSSSS maybe worth titeittsaitds of Dollars It is sent te Busy Executives enJccquest h Thursday l--1 v a a , rlll(' t t&hi KiC 9$ ' !i . m Sjni lift t! ?l ft .a n 1 't M 1 "l 1 'S fl m t VJS A i ..i -I i -bxA 2x "f. I An" HIM II i 1 i 1 & i " t HA Is p I li 1 1 & 1 1 - 1 -a'3b e7w - ail