Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 04, 1922, Night Extra, Page 2, Image 2

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'Mtf.VT ' T tPim??
WTr-iT. -nTT-r '' rvri''-TTTf i l'KtHrTf i":r'in
iu v lJS J.ijr - Jf V If AV &? x&jv?rn. J
Married 50 Yearn
Chamberlain Dtelaret It
Xm Overthrew of Previsional Gov
's? ' . .- .......
With Twe-Year-Old Child Make
380p-Mile Trip Frem Cali
fornia en 16 Cents
Rev. H. K. B. Ogle Alse Indorses
Agitation for Regulation
of Brokers
Ba Maintained by Fed
eral Aid .
fefi5 Vrnment Accomplished After
W'WS ' Uarrl Picric
' ----- -
U '
Er. :
kV.. A
M i i
SS" '
..rk-'i .
3Kw.i;fc. - u..w7, tUNit-u -. 1 ijy ii. .,- im-
. V ..nm ...... .1 . . . 1 '.'.. ife
H Vfj$ jEtyRmlttre of National Dc(cnp yostor yestor yoster
Sv".,lr rtrnclalmed final overthrew of (lie
KffwJ?' 'vjilennl government un.ler President
t$jfkt Knclln nnd the constituent Assembly.
P&lr "" government capllulntcd nftcr fierce
K"H V f"t,nf' T,lc committee, upon avium
m$ iaf power, asked tlie Italian (Severn-
Went te cnd ft representative te nd
minister the government of the city tin
til quiet is restored.
Reme. March 4. (Ily A. P.) A
council of minister today dlTtied nt
length the crisis in Flume, which ha
complicated the nlrcady (lltlletilt Muni Muni
teon confronting the new Cabinet.
Since early yesterday fore-:.; of Kn
flfrtl, legionaries; nnd republicans hate
Bern in posseiMon of Mumc. They
dead, with two fntulltles and many i
-Wounded In the ranks of the a-:itlauts
i The capitulation of Zniu'll.i epeurred
Iter a slege of wveu hours. Frem the
headquarters of the Pusci.'.tl n com
mittee was i.cnt which entered the pal-
and Imposed upon Kqnella. as the
chief conditions of his surrender, the
disarming of the police and the Imiue
dlutc resignation of himself and the
"Other members of his Government.
Meanwhile the crowd which hnd gath
ered eutside tlie palace made an en
thusiaktic demonstration, receiving the
XW8 of Zanellu's capitulation, an
nounced from tlie balcony, with loud
.erles'ef "Viva Italia."
Mc?ages from Kiiiinc today Etnted
that Zanella and Minister of the In
terior Itliisich of the former Finnic
administration were under the pretee-
tlen et tlie Italian autlieritles anil
would leave seen for Pelu. I
Representations were made te Pre-
tier Facta and ether of the Minis-
ters this morning that the situation at
Flume was untenable owing te lack of
feed supplies. It was argued there be
fmmedtnte nd energetic intervention by
the Italian fievcrhment.
Mprurcd the pests and telegraph nnd I Commenting en the closing of broker
before their ndvnnce the police organ- "fe neuses and the agitation for e bonus,
Jsed by President Zniirlhi retired te the Mr,, K.'C ndded:
government palace. It Is hard te have faith when we
' fcenclln's forces plnred machine kuiis think of these thing end when we think
n the reef of the pnhiee, which fur 'hat u Senater from Pennsylvania has
cine time chirked the progress of their , received n 'black hand' nole market) :
esntlants. Deputy (iluntii, leader of 'Heitus.' Hut when our faith Is nsullcd
the Fur.'istl, then captured an uiiiiercd I let us think of Ced, Who will remain
meter beet belonging te the Itnll.m navy .with us through all trials te the end."
In the neighboring lmv of Abbada. ami Mr. Ogle indorsed an editorial In the
Vlth Its tin Ms opened fire against the Kvk.m.ve Pciji.iu T,KIKlhli urging that
palui't, doing considerable damage he- I brokeruge houses be rcgulatctl by the
lore the defender, hnl-teil a white tint; State.
The Zuncllii lefeS are clven as wlv II.. .1 .1 ...mm.., lit,.), nmnm- On.
i ,
Dntlit, Denied Divorce, te Take
! Cm te Court of Errors
Atlantic City, Mnrch 4. Fermer
, Judge Clarence L. Cele announced
F& tpday that Dr. Otte I.erey Fitzsim
vS? ' mens, wealthy shore dentist, who es-
KrV .. terday was denied his petition for dl-
verce from airs. .Marguerite luuire
Fitzslmmnns, would nppeul the detisien
of Vice Chancellor learning te the New
Jersey Court of Errors. Vice Chan Chan
jceller LenmiiiK denied the divorce and
also dlsmlesed the cress petition en
tered by the wife. In IiIh decision the
Vice Chnnccller declared that while
Mrs. Fltssimmens was "Indiscreet"
with one Walter Ooedwln in accepting
his "loving caresses," she satisfactorily
ATnlnlne.l It- MU'av nn flip l'ItniKH fitliml.
indicating that she wus only en friendly
terms with the man, prompted by her
wish te reform liiin.
Fermer Speaker Asks Members te
Beware of Merris Canal Bill
Atlantic City, March 4. Carlten
Godfrey, former Speaker of the Heuse,
aim enairmnn ei uie .uerns niiai
Abandonment Committee of 1012. issued
' public warning today te tlie Legisla
ture te beware et pending Merris Canal
"I cannot understand wny tne people
A Vf.iv .TprftMV ll'l'l phiiihIii nilii.f ntiil'i'i, .1... .....1. l. .AA..i....l i .i...
....... ............ .......... -.-- - -
t vlfleus legislation of this kind slide
through," cemmentiil Mr. Godfrey.
Next week s supposed te be the last
ne ier cnnsiiienng mils a hi tne eiev -
nth-hour fight of Mr. Godfrey iikiiIiiU
wbat he claims te tie a gigantic rail
road scheme Is certain te be the live
liest feature of the closing of the Legis
Pramler Ponikewskl Failed in Vilna
a Negotiations
Warsaw, March 4. (ily . l i
The Cabinet of Premier Ponikewskl has
resigned following failure of the nege
tiatiens witli tlie miiiu delegation en
the text of an act of annexation of the
rciuu l i iiiiii i.i ii.imni.
The Ponikewskl Cabinet took ntfic.
September 20 lust, succecillni; the mli
Jstry beaded liv lucent lte.s. In ml-i
jiljlen te the premiership, M. I'(l,i-
arwershl'!.. "", .iratln...
, . rMVun n. i. iviail iubts
Senate Committee Alse Vetes
r Continue Postal Air Service
Washington, Mnrch 4. (Ily A. p
i--FuniIs te continue the trunscentl-
ttMTWlir -.. ... .... l- .
r.'"7j scniui air man service ana tn reutm
Sjy the New Yerk City pneumntlc pe-ti
gESffu'iuD pysirm nre ie n iirernirii m tlie
HpTAffniinl l'nstnnirie Aliiirnr.rltiM.rn 1)111
ffi tMHler agreements renchul by Seniite
committee meuiuerii in cimre of the
13' i7 In passing the bill the Heuse re-
i,;rfcf, .aervices. nnd former Postmaster Gen-
WkdH ra' Hays recently appeared before the
$ B,l0t0 eemmlttee in tiielr beliulf.
?,?.: maiiv nl nnnr-i-rN
WW, i- wan i uul rnurna uui
&-t Miners 8uggat Method of Cheapen-
aff&.Me' Ine Cost te Public
?JfW Yerk. March 4. (Hy A. P.)
uyrr iiiiinruciie ier nie piuiiic, te tie
9 peKMine ny siusning tne profits
tr than waees. is advocated bv the
ltd Mine Workers nf America In a
ement Issued here today.
he mine workers Indicate that lower
costs would represent n "bare liv-
k.wage," wbereas they insist upon "a
Iflg wage, commensurate with the
irds et the industry,"
Unitarian 8arlas Starts Tomorrow
W$k meet I tic cemfllcted by the I'nlturlnn
h jttrtirch et Germantown will be held te-
p" : .-i.i .1.- ,..,....,.., mi
,,bihw uixni. 111 in); uo.eii.ui iiR'nire,
;wt ' ispstawntewn avenue unii .uapiewnoe
.fViMftvc. At tins mricuiig. me urst et a
r'MMMeMeur te be held .Sundays during
n v .jtmmmL;mm atwaapr win ue me iuv.
Iter will be the IUv,
fSlliyaa, of All leuls
Fair dealing, which strengthens the
faith of one man In another, was urged
bh the surest way toward better times
by the llcv. Harry K. B. Ogle in
his midday Lenten senium today In Old
Christ Church, Second street near Mar
He pointed te the failure of broker
age houses as nn evil which deals a
blew te confidence and strongly favors
State Icgit-latleu for the regulation of
brokerage concerns.
He also spoke In disapproval of the
bonus agitation, snylne:
"Men sometimes let hope of material
gain run nwny with them. It Is net
pleasing te see thousands of able-bodied
Americans Felling their patriotism for a
mess of pettugc in the form of a money
minus ter a geed and unseinsn act,
Christian virt" because it gives men
und women ttrcngth te resist evils and
endure trials which le.il blows nt feitli.
Fnltli. he said. Is an important thing
at thi time. "If there were mere faith,
the faith of one man In "another," he
"aid. "times would speedily grew bet
ter." Man's spiritual possessions are fur
moie important than his material
possessions when the time comes for
him te leave the world. lllhep Ethel -bert
Talbot, of ltethlehem, told his
hearers today at the mid-duy tauten
services in the tinrrlrk Theatre.
The llishep recalled hearing someone
sa), after the death of n man:' "What
did he leave?" He said that it was
a mere serious matter wliat the man
had, taken away with him than tthut
e "nu icit eenimi.
H' faid that the man who tried te
pattern his life after that of Christ
was never alone, for (led was always
with himj that he did net lead a selfish
lite, engrossed solely witli bis own
alms, but did geed for ethers ns he
made his way through life.
"I.eve e life is natural, said
llishep Talbot, "but this should net
cause a man te devote hi" dnjs s'-lfish-
ly te himself."
"It is necessary for people te be In
terested in the welfare of all mankind
mill net in themselves alone," said the
Hew Albert Sterk, of (iermantewu, hi
speaking en 'The Levu of llrethers,'
at n Lenten service in St. Stephen's
Episcopal Church, Tenth and Chestnut
The Hew Mr. Sterk snld many per
sons go in cliuri'h and think thut by se
deliiu their souls nre saved.
"They ma save their souls." he said,
"but they are net getting the love of
Ced. They should ls saving ether souls.
One must love his brother, for one who
hates his brother cannot claim te be a
child of Ged."
Argument In Income Tax Case Cen
eluded In U. S. Court
Argument en the petition of Alfred
I. ilul'ent, of Wilmington, for nn in-
junction te restrain Hurry T. Oruham,
Uolleeter et interim I llevcniie for theiWitn poetry
District of Delaware, from ferclnir the
payment of Income tuxes en stock dis
tributed bv the H. I. duPnnt De Ni.
i meurs Powder Company as dividends in
wis, wns concluded today In the led
I eral District Court. V. 8. District
.ledge Thompson reserved decision.
Ilelttwcen flO.OWi.000 and S12.000,
tlflU is involved in the suit. The pcr-
mnnl tnr nf Alfrixl aln Vnnf i SI .17(1 .
. m,i nil uie niiivn lie inxiini, mill II inu
0.lrt sustains the nsessment. nearly
12,n(.U00 will be collected by the
fievcrnment from the stockholders of
itm euj,.r cemnanv.
Heuse Committee Strikes $300,000
Frem Agricultural Bill
Washington. Mureh 4. (Ily A.
P.) The flllO.fKH) free-seed Item, car
ried for years in the Agricultural Hill,
has been lopped off by the Appropria
tions Committee, which will report the
Department of Agriculture measure for
next year te tlie liouse .Memmy.
si yuiir le urn iiuiise .iieiiiiuv.
Stricken out by the .ommittee last
i.r. the seed fund was out back by
,t,P Heuse and steed up nxaiiist a fight
ir, tue v,eiint(
Charles C. Beland, 69, Was Friend
of Joaquin Mler Ase
Iis Angeles. March I (Ily A. P.)
-Charles Coelej llelund, former 'asse-
,..,.. ,, ur,.t ifrt(. n.i .t,,,...,,!.. u.
ler In
the lilcturesqtie
i urly duys of
Cullfernla, dlid nt his hnmu heie lute
pi i... ..I..I., ! ....it . . I it
Thursday nlht of jiol-eu taken with
suicidal intent
II.. wus sixtj -nine years old and a
native of New Yerk. At one time hu
lii.-i tin. Ti.iwiir.ir v..n.a . t a i. t ,
effi V wl , nnd u, Iter trvkel
v-'w iiiufciinr survne.
Chicago Jury Finds for Four De
fendants in Graft Case
Chlragii. Maich l.-(l'.y A. P.I
Simen O'Donnell. feunerly president of
the Chicago Itullding Trinles Council, I e kindly."
and three ether labor leaders charged Fer nu hour and n half this con
with graft, extortion and mnsplrnry in ' tlnues. The crowd of hungry is stead
connection with un ulleitnl hulldiin;! liv HUL'Uiciitcil bv struuitlers. When tlie
trust here today were found net guilty
by a jury.
Weman Wins $300 Damages In Suit
Norrlstewn. Pa.. March 4. A Civil
Court Jury awarded ?.'IOO te Lydle S.
atf':.2t?JnriJn'&' Li
" em.i, m...... - . ". ii iii.iii.il,
bandage en her right knee.
Little Girl Dies of Burns
Jenny Knlenty, five years old. died
Inst night in St. Agnes' Hospital. She
wns taken te the hesnltiil two weeks nee
after shrhail set fire te herself while
utb ,7,'S nl.ile "it Twiner Mis- . '!e.c M". .
IflnAit. V r.iiplaVAII'll lti wAn lifii, aIKmft I
K',.nn.wle teLtinwl tlint tier 1f!ft . CllSlOIIIlliy II IIOIlliMlulll nilllllis UIOIlKhl.ie
Kenned testified tnnt Her sir.e ceut, ntlll illlI)L.rwinn y scrutlu .es things.
" V) naTr 'of$ s eck in.s we " ruined" W "" ",0 'A,H ""'. w't V iSft
Ti;.'n ctiWjJ? orefiverU'C S $$$ tfm?
as a dressmaker at S12 a day end less ur, ,n'V'' u"id M n. .I. h t
u oecior u... 01 e. i.i i.i.i. bi... wei.ra .. I
her home at-ITiW Watklm fled, 1'ralMedl Get up, ChrUte- V.7e".f"nSt 'iSm. ffealK iSS:?" awn of the World wir.rMi4 borne Tlie Secretary arm Mr. wrfiv ...I ' '
wmMmmr' Lit. " . r mrmttr m r t insapi" . . aiatt .7 J L mmm icucihi nil dwh Teer'-ri.f.-.r . 1 naair tt,ie. 1 -r-m - ' j rfi
yt i a.aaea -- r -- - t r it r-'e m - .a .i.a aaiaaiaaB Tin tj. . a - w -t eve aaueiUBa vi i .-a
f4 : ,mwmBfMtKVBB;'"'
Heward Clnrh, whose religion, lie says, Is "feeding the peer," drives
his het colTce and buns wagon te the waterfront each morning. Above
are some of theso getting their "lint Java," and below is u seemingly
satisfied "customer"
' i
Early-Morning Breakfast at
Waterfront Is Example of
Practical Religion
At about the time when dawn comes
te smooth nnd seethe the fretful ecpil ecpil
nexlul skies; when the lower city
shakes Itself, yawns convulsively nnd
is ready without further preparation
for u new day's business such ns It
may he; while the rher tugboats nie
still yawping orisons te Aurera and
Mercury, there comes lumbering nleng
the cobbles of Delaware avenue u Iwo-
W'heelcil rnrt In tlie will.-., nf n n)nr-
minded neg who finds n precnileus way
,.. i II. J i .. i
around ami between freight trains,
four-ten dtajs,
wnreheue vans nnd
Twe men swathed in hie cellared
overcoats and wearing caps, that In the
still dusky atmosphere seem te make
them out as Carlst admirals sit in
I congruously en the front nnd
sent et tlie enrt
. s- i ii ., i MM I ii, .
cart. O.'diseiiuly these he bus, which iwns operated between
reelings hcallv tinctured ' lnlnesyllle nnd Jb airport, was making
, te thedrlvei-seftrucksthntts last trip te I; airport for the night,
' men give g
pups them, nnd occasionally a feet pas
fenger en his wny te work steps te stare
at the sign en the side of the cart.
When Feed Really Counts
'Who cares?" the sign demands of
the world In general. Then Immediate
ly the answer: "Clark's iidiglen feed
ing the peer. Get u cup of coffee nnd
a roll in Ills isnme fted jour body
Urvf nrul vmlp ciml iiltirvvnril "
- -
Hut en the whole this caravansary
' attracts small attention. Along the
river front at thut hour there is much
11U. te eeeunv th ears ntnl tb ntlmr
reuses, and eeu wiien it tomes te a
halt alongslde the pintferm of a ware
house at the feet et .Spruce street
what little commotion it ureuses Is all
but lest In the clutter and bustle of
the fish mnrketN theieubeuts opening
for the dijy. Yet this is a very im
portant happening for the little crowd
i lire bviiii- n no nun u iiinuij mum mi:
. bother of waking up for but for these
' men it ha reached thu positive ex
' "Celfi'ii Iliie" Ferms
Without any words thty form u shuf
lling line te tlie renr of the curt. The
greater part of them urn Negroes
....I....I. ..I.... ...,!... .I..I.. 1
cemprcl.ens Me Southern fuces", some
sullen Wen Indian faces, some inseru-
table faces stained by the suns of Somul - Semul - Somul -
llu.,,1 or Hindustan, one furthe brown
Malay face. There nre some white laces,
....i.ii i I ., ,.i
Illilll,t -milium;! vt iiiiiii.-! ii ikiiii III Hi
tublilcifrewn. nale and cwiicnl.
iiere is u inku Kiiiviiiii.ru iron euii
, i. 1...1 .. 1,1. ..rr .1 i...i..,i i... ..
There Is n Iiiine Galvanized Iren can
lster tilled with celteu and heated by ii
1 ,.., .. ,.... tm,i,.rni.,iHi .,.i
1' ..... .,,. '. u.,,,,! f.r!.- ....;
.... " - : " -- ".".:! :?
ine 1 . iiiruiesi.ie n.eii. jun ..iijii.i.n.,
Ay,,h'r C1ilrk' TU H the "T'""'
()f reSi doughnuts and sugared buns.
Ilia I..1b1 Aim frltm Allfftn lll.il Illl.h.I 11.B..I
the ii.lm ralesque men. Ills "edjutunt."
I Quk'ltly the tin cui8 am fill' I, n ml
I I. ifinn tnlrne lilu (KifTiift fiiwl tint ..11
Illle.. and
"". '.??.-. .1 'fe B,"l,' V1
ill iliMtUMIlilL IU hum mill imin in nn
fiirt 11 nn mul iimv.tM n(T in U lintiii'ei n n
I in ..-lm.itlj.il ,t i.1(rin1i. r.11 nfiti 4liwl In
J'pirtllllttl'll lib rumvuini . .it S4IIV4 J II
the vicinity, Ne thanks are nsked and
few 1110 given, though there is nn oecn eecn oecn
klennl wliliilnir "Tlilllik ... sir ! flmriW
' cups run out, some of the used ones uie
J remanded und dipped into the but ket of
(lf))(j wn,,.r t the side of the enrt. Fer
these who wait there are "seconds"
!l,,J """'tlin" "''"I "
Can't Cull the ChalT
Occasionally worker . in the lis!.
". innrLn. iirii.ii.il l.iiuses JO s lour ii r Mm il
some iroed In my smalt way. nralsc Ged
People ask me why I don't step te find
out If these men nie ilescrvlui; before
I give them feed that costs me $14 u
day. Hut I say the Lord sujs we cut
much chaff witli the wheut. und if this
coffee und roll In the mornings has
stands silently in u niche of n building. ' V",1S- w ,lend.:. W'lys I.ippllaske, will iim-t eitaliil fellow Milt." said
The Importance nf breakfast is n 'ii'1 n i,I,,un1?; J,I?X.,8,,'';"1H- I'HH'in Norwood Matthias, piesident of Ceiiii-
lelatlve and a vnilable thing. There , IV'l'0' lld?.1 TdMrH' S'i('a''C,,r!,.,-'r' ", '.i"',"1, ".' ,cr8'.w"Vl tl'.ey ,,,t,?rk,,wl V"lt
- ...i... r....i it i it.. ....i. .1. 'Mrs. Jehn llartish. Mrs. Frank Vrl. ... lbllinli.lnbiu voted for ilavUirht sav in:.
.,.. -, .. . ...,- ,-... ,, . vww- iMiiaa.ia. !. -. - - . . .-- mrwv r .- V". -'i- - " ' "j ."" t mmmm m a
Ihjivpi! nti mnner ie tne lfjru. I'm aria, iimw v. xirunir vuu vvir a moeo em tbeui mMnt mm Dfetfiftr wnnn jeiiflun. .
liy the Associated Press
Cleveland, March 4. Fourteen per
sons were killed nnd three ethers arc ex
pected te tile as the result of a New-
Yerk Central express train crashing
into an nutebim nt Pnlnesvllle. tivpntv
five miles cast of here, late last night.
Twe ether persons seriously Injured are
i-. peered te recover. Heveral lnveti-
gatlens nlrcndv are under way.
Three of, tic dead were found en
the loeemutlvc nllet- wlin imin in
chnrge of F.tiglncer F. H., Fernandez, of
I KlllTnle. mill Cnmhu-tnr C. l.V.,ef .u
"'ought fiem Its slxty-inllq-nn-heur
' l"lP-' ,0 '"'It about three blocks from
, t,ltt Hxne et , Co,Blen Svcn of
the dead are women.
Many of the dead had left u dance
hall in Piiinesville, less than half un
hour before the crash, while several
ethers had attended n ledge meeting.
.in explosion et tne gasoline tank
of the machine set fire te the debris
iiiiie secrui et me Demes were budly
mm im'yi
. ... - ,..ik
a. . jinnies, tlie crossing watch -
man, declared he flagged the driver.
............ w,.r.uuii uiu seuwi sme ei
a tracks te pick up nasscngers.
l Hew t'e whistle just its we
ulied the HmlH of the town." En-
gineer l-ernimrtez declared. "An in
stunt later I saw the automobile en
the truck Immediately ahead of us.
The sjmce before we struck it was se
brief I could net even knew whether
the automobile was stuuding or In
"As I threw en the brakes I felt
the collision, and fragment! of tlie
wreckage flew pust the engine cnb. 1
am sure we stepped ns quickly as nes-
ulf.ln ' '
A coroner's Inauest
Palncsvillc this nfterne
clnls of Pnlnesvllle and
isew lerk Central Ha
vcstigatlens this mernlmr
Juiiewing is n corrected list of vie-
i , u . ',,,. ii ,V i
' "''fl' 'W N"' JV? ,i ' .ull'if J ,uir
pert; lllchard Strund, of Chardon;
Knthrjn Hervuth. of Richmond; Will-
nun .i. autier. jr., or unardeu; icav -
mend O'I.eary, of Pulnesvllle, nnd
Geerge E. McGhee, of Medina.
The injured? Andrew Adiiiiis, Pa r-
T.r. ,1-it... ,. , i... .i. i '. -ii ...
I Sfnrtln Slffilnlinnlr rnl,nn,l .iUl..l.
i. :. r-. . . .' - i. ..
Vi i x. -""-. ..,.... t, .iiiivni,
Nick Nanqe. Fnlrpert, believed djlng
J II. Ilaymend Hamilton, Fulrpert. serl-
ous. ous. eus. and Charles Sullivan, Pi.li.esville.
I fractured ribs.
, or-i- - -v,n,.n n......
Meyer Declares Improvement Is Due
. e-.i...
v,..v yerk. Mnrch 4 (Rr A. i .. -
- " ...,
Vwv Vnrb
Hetter bSl
.),,, Xntlen
ness conditions thrnughnut
te continue nil venr. uern
........ i. v. r tI '
iii -lcKr ,? the -WrFnce 'Cor!
jioraiien, in nu niniress teuay at a
luticiicen of tlie Hepubllcan Club.
Every concrete nnd tangible piece of
evidence, he asserted, pointed te nn ex
isting nnd prospective gradual Improve
ment In the general situation.
Asbury Estate Balance $500,000
Norrlstewn, Ia Mnrch 4. In ad
judicating the second account of the
estnte of T. Henry Asbury. of Chel
tenham Township, Judge Selly finds a
balance for distribution of ?u(i0,000,
which Js nwnrded back te the trustees
for the uses and trusts under thu terms
of tne win unci sunjeetve fuither ac
counting. Five children of Mr. As
bury receive the Income of the trust.
Daylight Saving 8 tarts April 30
Daylight saving tline during the sum
mer months Is new assured for Phila
delphia. Majer Moere yesterday signed
the ordliiance passed by City Council
Thursday.! The rrdlnance provide that
dnvlleht snvlnc time will becln tin. dint
.Sunday In April ami continue until the
nisi auiiuuy in nepieuuwr, ine sumo us
In New Yerk City.
BuHDii ero lena kp'jui "iruey iMiny a
aucvraa nm w wujr flpcreiary. '
Bodies of Victims Found
Locomotive Three Blocks
Frem Scene of Crash
Canadian Immigration Authorities
Fix Status of Nowepapermon
Hosten, March 4. (Ily A. P.) A
newspaper man is n member of n learned
profession under n ruling just made by
United States Immigration efllcluls in
The decision was given in thp case
of n native of Knglnnd. resident for
years In Canada, who left the Domin
ion the ether day for Ilosten, there te
pursue his occupation as a newspaper
man. Late u,t night he was reused from
his train hirth by nn Immigration of
ficer nnd was compelled te leave the
train and submit te an examination by
it Heard of Olficlnls nt the border te
determine whether he enme within the
scope of the luw which rrehlhlts bring
ing alien labor Jito this country under
He wus quizzed as te his anteced
ents, his occupation, the number of
years he had followed it, which were
many ; the conditions under f litfli he
purposed going te the United States,
the extent of Tils resources, thu slic of
his family.
The Issue, proving tee big for deter
mination by -tliu border elficlnls, was
referred te 'the Immigration authorities
at Montreal, who decided that hu was
net under the ban of the law because
as n newspaper man hu was a member
of u learned profession.
New Yorkers Wounded In Same
Neighborhood Within Heur
New Yerk, March 4. (Ily A. P.)
Police were pitzrled today by u scries
e were nuzrlcd today by it MTlesi
f nijsterleiis shootings In Hroeklyn
In which three men, unknown te each
Inn thrna m en iiriLrtiiitvti hi nnnli
the victims dented hcnrlnir n shot.
Hubert Sabundy, a passenger en n
Lexincten iivcniie elevated train, was
I struck bv n bullet in thu leir. While
! the police were questioning near-by res-
idents, James Carey, walking nluii','
Cumberland street, was hit in the side.
Soen afterwards. Themas Campbell,
wiilklni! en Nestnillil avenue. WHS shot
jn the right shoulder. AH were tent te
Merged Concerns Conclude Agree
ment With American Companies
llirlln, Mnrch 4. (Ily A. P.) The
itlln llnti UlltltlllPU tniltlX 1 ltltntf ftfl tllllt
.lleilin newsji
i 4l)lm mi ii'i'iii" n i.w,.iij i.1uiviii tMtii
I thu German Atlantic and German
c...i. .i n..i i. -,. ,....
.iiiiiii .iiiivuiiiH j..... h1 .'.i v"'iiii..ii.. n
m,i cencluilnl nn iirrungemeiit with
Amerlcun telegraph companies whereby
the German companies will reiiune
reiiiu .iiuurii-uii j.uii-H'iii'0 V'i'iiipiwiu-s
i cable trattic.
Under the uiianrmeut the .German
companies are te operate tlie section
from Emden te the Azores and the
American companies the section he-
, tweeu the Azores and New Yerk. The
German companies will be merged and
will treble their capital.
Guburban Towns Will Fellow Phil
adelphia's Lead
Pitman, N. J March 4. Seuth .ler-
,,uv rniutuuia UUNIIHUC
Twe Mere New Retailers Jein "Milk
War" In Reading
,, t..i i "pi n.ie.
Heading. Pa.. Mnrch 4. The mill;
h began several days age
luctie.i te seven cents per
.. 1,1
' "Zv cenlH n ,,i n t e re .
' ' . ' uf ,"wt led m'll tool- an w
, ?fH( ,Xy "' ', u new retails
, ' , , "& t the "c "en nm fuu?
fW..n. .I.1I.1 in.... Ikiii. .i.i.. Ltlll L.III.1.,
both bottled und unbettled milk lit nliiu
iiiivi miiijiiivn iii-i inu run ruling
cent!' a qunrt, and live cenl
eunrt. and llve rents n nlnt.
.The price cuts started when
new men
i....i.i i.n ni.i
1 u"'"-l"-
, Candidate 'Bars Slush Fund
Washington, March 4. (Hy A. P.) -With
a declaration that "it is vital te
Michigan that money shall net bt n de
termining or even an impeitnnt factor"
In fheforthceinliis eleetlnu, ltcprcKMitu
the Patrick 11. Kelley, of the Sixth
Michigan district, formally announced
today that lie would be a Uepubllcsn
candldnte for the Senate. He will seek
the seat new held hy Senater Townsend.
Hepubllcan. Who, It Is understood, will
he n candidate for re-eleitleu.
Mere Time Granted te Creditors
Detroit, March 4. (Hy A. P.) An
extension of time te creditors of the i
Lincoln Moter Company, from Mnrch .
1 te April J. In which te file e'lilms'
was announced teduj by the Detroit
Trust Company, receiver. The exten- !
slen will enable the Government te lllu '
a claim of the War Department, grew-
ing out of war material centrae'tt.. and
iiniii te amount te approximately St!,
000,000. Other creditors are te ben
eflt by the extension.
Charged With Death, of Brether
CumlKTbuid, Mil., Mnreh 4. Illy A.
II ll.ll.ili l.'nliriMlr. sit r.l.lnul..n
here, was arrested ln:t night in ennueo ennuee
r;j ruuiiiimii iifi.ii-. mimi .. (.iki.i ii.n. nrrpuf. ehnrirlnff Imp will. l...M.....
.,. uiiliii.Kn ii .mi .1.1 mill tin. In.r.ii.
shore resorts automatically will full Inte i r cm nn.i t .i.,V .?...... .".. ""'"
will be held ! 11??. f,,r..'ll!":1,t .""y'??. ?, rcs,,lt ,VI State nudltera said the Vhert.
en. City effl.lr""":"1. nmeunt te .520,000. Ne chnrL-e
ellielals of the!" V ' ."'.., rVn:"i,..i m a. .ii been imule ngnlnst Mr. Wright.
read Started In. 1 "J. ..".., " ' who lifts breuelit a civil action In rr.
',uell"u,r', cover from Miss Kentiey.
.NorrMewn, .Mulch 4.
& ., ...ii iiii'-rn,. ... .....i..i -iiic. ,ii,iri
tien wltn tlie iicntli et ins uretlier Jo Je
seph,' who wns shot and hilled late jes
terOuy. According te authorities, rela-
and rives et tne men teiu mem nim Hnlpli
anet gu vruinnr " uueuun,
Percy ,T. Hlnten, his wife and their
two-year-old daughter, Marguerite
walked Inte town penniless today after
having tramped A800 miles across the
On Chrlstmns Day they set out with
fifteen cents en their long Journey from
sen te sea. They hoped te stay n Phlla
delphla If Hlnten can get work. He
was n swimming Instructor In Han Ber Ber
nardieo, but Is willing te de anything
te keep his little family.
When .they reached this city Hlnten
inquired the way te the 8tnte employ
ment agency, nnd the husband nnd wife
nnd child were tnken enre of there by
Themas J. peegnn, the local represen
tative of the State Laber Ilurcau. Mr.
Deegun will r,ee that they have feed
and shelter overnight.
Western Prices Toe High
"We decided te lenve California, "
said Mr. Hlnten. "because of the cx
cesslvcly high prices there, and because
my occupation was n seasonal one.
Mimes cost ?le n pnlr."
They set out "traveling light," tak
ing only the clothes they needed te pro
tect them against the elements. They
chese the Southern route, by way of Kl
Pase, Santa Fc, St. Leuis and In
dianapolis. Nights the little family slept wherever
they happened te he. Sometimes It
was In lefts of stables; sometimes It
was In thu open fields. Once, Hlnten
related, they s'ept In th middle of a
haystack in a field, nnd it rained dur
ing the night and the hay slid down
with them.
"F.verywhcre we went I tried te get
work," said Hlnten, "but seldom could
find anything te de. Farmers were geed
te us, in most cases, though new and
then we met some one who hadn't any
use for travelers of our sort. I re
member once going up te an old farmer
who was sitting en his perch reading
the. Kible. I nsked him for work nnd
he put down the Illble te kick us off the
All Arc in flood Health
"We get occasional 'lifts,' of course,
In automobiles or trucks. Whenever we
walked I carried Marguerite. She Is n
healthy child, never sick in her life, nnd
she weighs forty pounds."
All were travel worn when they nr
rived, but were in excellent health.
"Once we were lest; In the middle of
the desert," said Hlnten. "Thcre came
a sandstorm, which lasted several
hours. It was se severe that we were
forced te lie down en our faces and
cover our heads, with our coats.
"Ihn wind blew down all the sign
nests anil nhlltcrntcil the trull. We uet
We get
,,...,..- ,.,nu ,.. r ., ..... ...i
....,. nnmnW,w- i .mtn t .,, ,, ii,,
... . . ..: ... . .
Expected te Jein Husbands In Asia,
But Department Upsets Plans
Sail Francisce, March 4. The sud
den cancellation by the Navy Depart
ment this week of the movement of de
streyer division Ne, 13 te the Asiatic (
.-. . . .;....
btntlen lins made useless n 0000-mlle
trnns-l'uclfic voyage of the wives and
fnmlliles of about twenty-five officers
and enlisted men, who are en route te
the Fur East te make their home for
turn innxil
inn i;uin, i
Thu families are aboard the navnl
. .. . i . , , . . n. ,
iriuisiieri vr);eiiiie, wiueu it'll neiu r ee
i ,iiin,n'i t ,iikiinii:. j.,v.ii mi iiriu A
lunry 1( and Is due nt Manila ;
week. Hequests for return transi
' tatien will have te be sent te Wi
, ingten before the families can sail for
' home.
, Housekeeper for Aged Town Treat-
urer Sought In Bosten
1 Ilosten, March 4. Miss Elizabeth
' Kcnncy, thirty years old, housekeeper
. and bookkeeper for Warren J. Wright,
) town treasurer of Nerthlleld, seventy
i years old, wns being sought in Ilosten
yesterday. Detectives had n warrant for
i Owing te bis failing Mght he had
allowed ins ueti3CKccper te leek uftei
his books.
W. B. Vanderllp Carries Funds for
Destitute Professional Persons
New Yerk. March 4. Washlni.in,,
'It. A'nndcrllp, of Les Angeles, holder
of Hus.slan Soviet concessions In K'nm.
cnaihn, wiiieu again leriti
C r,,11,l yesterday, this tlm
chutku, sailed again for Hussla en the
, l of mercy. ' " """
Mr. Vanderllp snld he would admin-
"tl " f1'1"1 f" " ' star lt pre
f'01'"1 I'"" "' "'I'-physWi'ms.
lawyers, artists, teachers and ethers
, ., . ..,.. ', "nivrs
e en a mis
who nru unable te obtain cmplewiiiiit I
at 11 living wngc. The fund w'ill be
M. n if nil ifmin I'm f....l .. t.. .
. ., te m.rcliuse ,li" .-."'. ,U
1, n..u.. u...i. ... '., """ me
.Vineilenn Relief Ailiiilnlutrnit....
.......... ... ... .....,
' """ '" "-" rwie wfttl
Shipping Beard consider. Change.
te Held Atlantic Trade
WiishliiKten. Merch 4. iriv A it v
The Shipping Heard was laylnir ntni'w
today te avert, If possible, a threatened
rate wur affecting Continental Durepean
irnue routes.
Withdrawal of the United Americnn
Lines from the North Atlantic freight
rate conference hns caused apprehension
thnt another rate war sueli f,.n,....i
the drnstlf. cutting nf ocean freight
rates by Hear Admiral Jlensnn, when .
chairman of the benrd, and of which
tlm conference is an outgrowth would
result unless certain fundamental
changes were made op the basis nf
districts or territory served
Secretary Declares He Is Much
Benefited by His Rett In Bermuda
Ilamilfnn, Bermuda, March 4
Charles Liens IliiKl.es, American Rec
retnry of .State, deelared jesterdav he
- ' - '
wns reiurning te the United States
from his mention here "much bene
fited by Hi rest and delighted! h nil
I hove been and experienced Ie itf.
.Maxim uerlty, tlie director of the 'ran it lien, seveuiy, reure.i sen cap
Moscow Art Theatre, will aid him In I ,ftln nn(l M""'""'. 'liel kcre today,
selecting persons te whom aid should F,,r,' J'enr8 C "'" '!fn Wtfre BPent aH n
bu extended, he said. seu captain. Later he engaged In mer-
cnntlle buslness In Philadelphla.
k,' &."
Who are celebrating their golden
Wedding at their home in Celllngs-
weed, N. J.
Deaths of a Day
The funeral of Charles Hunt Mar
shall, who had been for twenty-nve
years president of the William,
Hesklns Company, will take place Mon
day nftcrnoen at 2 o'clock from a fu
neral chapel at Nineteenth nnd Arch
streets. The services will he conducted
by the Kev. Dr. Floyd W. Temklns.
of Hely Trinity Church.
Mr. Marshall Is survived by his
widow, Mrs. Flavla Ormiston Mar
shall ; a, daughter, Mrs. JI. H. Under
hill; his mother. Mrs. Klda M. Mar
shall.. of Louisville, Ky.; a sister, Mrs.
Charles E. Martin, and n brother, II
11am C. Marshall.
Mr. Marshall was born in 18i0 in
Ilaltimnrc, but came te Phlludclphlu In
early life.
His Interests covered n wide liclii, in
cluding business, civic movements nnd
sports, He wns member of many clubs
and organizations, Including the Chnm
her of Commerce, the Teer Itlchard
Club, the National Association of Sta
tioners and Manufacturers, the Phila
delphia Stationers' Association, the Kl
wnnls Club, the Athletic Club, the
Whltemnrsh Country Club, the Pet ham
Country Club, the Manufacturers
Club, the Art Club. Philadelphia Con Cen
k!tnrv. Mvstlc Shrine, and Corinthian
, Ledge, Ne. 308, F. and A. M.
Mn. Margaret Neenan
Mrs. Margaret Neenan, eighty-two
rears old, died yesterday at the home et
her son,- ltebert Neenan 420 High
street, (iermantewu. She was the
widow of Themas Neenan, formerly a
prominent contractor of (Jcrmnntewn.
She was born in Ire'and, but had lived
in tiermantewn for mera than sixty
years. Mrs. Neenan leaves six sons
mid five daughters, nil married, and
twenty-four grandchildren. Solemn
requiem mass will be celebrated Tuesday
morning In St. Vincent de Paul's
Church, Eust Price street, Germantown.
Dr. William F. Lehman
Chester, March 4. Dr. William F.
Lehman, prominent physician and
' lin-mlier of the Heard of Education.
,etI yesterday afternoon nt his home
' liere.
He was sixty-two years old.
Funeral of N. M,. Comly
Newton M. Comly, fifty-eight years
old, a former Councilman of the Thirty
fifth Ward, who died Tuesday in Jack
sonville, Fla., after n long illness, wns
burled this afternoon from his resi
dence, Grant avenue, Dustlcten. Mr.
Comly wns a florist nnd n market gar
dener. He was n meuther of the Society
et Friends, of various Masonic orders,
including the Knights Templar and
Mystic Shrine, nnd of the Grange. He
leaves his widow, Margaret It. Comly,
and sis children.
Funeral of Captain Q. .W. Loud
Funeral servlceH were .conducted
Tuesday nfteruoeii at 'Z o'clock In
Cynwyn for Captain Geerge W. Loud,
who died Thursday nt Ills home in
Charleston, S. C. Tim services took
place at the home of his brother,
Charles S. Loud. 201 Montgomery ave
nue. Cynwvd. Cntitaln Ixnid had seen
a long term of service In the merchant
marine and wus captain of n ship. He
sides his brother he is survived by his
Funeral of T, E. Diamond
Military honors were accorded Pri
vate Themas E. Diamond, Company C,
Ninth Infantry, who was killed in nn.
tien In France, nnd whose funeral took
place tins morning irem ins immc. Till
East Allegheny avenue. Solemn re
quiem muss was celebrated in the
Cliureii 01 tne Ascension, after which
Interment was made in Onklund Ceme
tery. . ,
Dr, James W. Babcock
Charleston, 8. C, March 4. Dr.
James W. Ilabceek, one'of the first
physicians In the Seuht te identify pe-
lugre, men jesieruiiy nt nis neme liere.
Frank Bell
Laurel, Del.
Mnrch 4. Edward
- . ....-. .. ,
Funeral of Dr. A. M. Cotten
jJ&JfS dent.f ""e fe"
day, will he hurled Monday at 2 o'clock
from the home. 130 King's hlirhwnv.
I East Haddonfield. The funeral servlcw
will no unuer tne auspices et iiodden
field Ledgo, Ne. 130, F. and A. M,
Fine Stationery .
The Caldwell watermark in your sta
tionery gives assurance that you are
using paper made from selected stock,
manufactured according te highest
standards by experts of authority.
Chestnut and
W..M...4.... ull. M llT 'i
. " ., . T. . """ '. unless
sisnuni am pjr sunyentien or ett)f
be scranncd with our rinttlriililn
gram of 101B, nnd our eenipeth
? laced In undisputed possession of
erelgn commerce,"
This was the declaration h
nf Geerge E. Chamberlain memberi
ins Liiiivcu riiiius enipping Jte.rd I
former Senater from Oregon, In an
dress before the convention of th
tlenal Merchant Marina Asseelntla!T
V' " v ai3 WfiiinQ
taelf te a Tery ilmplt eni i
",TS" . L. ' . M
An American increnantmsrine l
".' . )'i
"Htirrenaer te foreign nags wits
Mr. i Chamberlain, whose nwiut. tu'.
i. j. ,;'l",,, "w aays rresii
naming messnge re unngress ui
Government subsidies te upbuild
nntlnnal merchant marine. ,1ir1nr.i
the future could enl be Judged br
"Where gevernmentnl aid has hm.!
oiere eccn given, " no saiu, "Or DrOBasV
restrictions placed upon the carriage aW
our commerce in foreign bottoms it )mm
resulted in the upbuilding of nn AratrhB'
can merchnnt fleet, but where that lUll
has net been given or where restrteTSi
tlens have been removed foreign rhlssBl
have outstripped us in the world's buJw
ness. .I
"After the war was ever, in erjirfl
te assist In the stabllUntlen of wniUal
conditions, at the Initiative nr Ppb1
dent Harding, n Disarmament Cenftt.
ciicc was called, te meet at the Cm
tel of the Natien. The result of tfe
Conference Is known te nil. It m
safety be said that all geed cltlsejt
approve of the purpose and efforts nuti
by thnt Conference, which only a frw
weeks age concluded its labors.
"It is dlsceurnelnc Indeed, tn i,.
who nre attempting te build up ani
maintain our merchant marine, aim
they are confronted by the suggetli
of many of our. business men, that
there Is no sense in nttemntlne te mU.
tnln a fleet of American merchant slilpi
when some foreign Power enrstls
ships under foreign flags Is willing t
take cargoes chenper than American
ships can afford te handle them. la la
mense carenes of cereals wern hlMuJ
from the United' States te the Untttdl
Kingdom and ether foreign ceuntrlul
uuring tne past year nnd foreign fU
ships were underbidding both the Ship
ping Beard vessels and these of Inde
pendent American operators with tLi
result that the greater portion of thut
carpees were enrried by foreign ships.
"It belioeves America, therefore, te
sec te it, net for military purposes but
for the protection nnd development M
her commercial as well as for her ni ni
tlenal defease, that she maintain htt
routes at sea by the upbuilding of her
merchant marine and keep up at lirt
relatively with ether maritime nation)
the ratio that has been established by
the Disarmament Conference. This con
only tie done through ii merchant ninrlne
the equal of that of ether maritime
Senater Fletcher, of Flerida, nidi
time direct subsidy never in all his
tery nan mint up a great merchant ma ma
rlne for any nation. ind thnt these ni-
tlens thnt subsidized the most accom
plished the least.
"Hut," said the Senater. "I nm In
thorough accord witli nil steps that ban
been taken te establish a suitable mff.
chnnt marine. If I thought $25,000,000
or S3(i,uu,wu would accomplish what
we need, I would unhesitatingly ap
prove such an appropriation. I murt
add, however, that I am one of theM
who ceme from Missouri and I want te
be shown 'and I am willing te learn.'1
Charles H. Petter, president of the
Trilled States Ship Operators' Aecli
tien, said the Government-owned cargo
Meet fit for economical operation should
he sold as seen ns possible at low prlcri
witiijiiberai terms.
Fire Damages Hat Factory
Fire In the rooms of the America) I
Hat Company, 438 North Third strett.l
shortly Mere midnight, entailed a leasl
of S.IU0O.
WKrvrcnT. Mnreh 3. 19M. HAimY A.
IVPrMl-IIT IwtlAV.) hliahanA nf MirlhH H
Wlnrt (una Btelts), In hi 51t yr. I
thei nnil trlendi. ft'ie Artlaan l.oee. Dentll
AMfTiMv. Ne. 41. A. O. M. P., are InvIMll
in iunn runrrai srvires, nwwiiij', - t
nt hta lnl iali1nMiA nfljl!l W. T.hlnh 10.
Intunjifnt OfMnwoeil K. of P. Cmetery, "
rinln may ln vlswed MnniiaVi 8 t 1" "j
nriKW. Mnreh 4.1 KAVID A. PRE.
ava.1 04. nlnllva md frUn.la Onarll
Oenrire Main Pnat. Nn. 1. O. A. It.. )"
Rnalnly Bnni of thu Amirlran ltwlullte.
Nsval Vi'ern An'odnllen ru Invlud t M;
tnd funeral iiirvlci. T.ieJy. 1 P. M, w
ma lain rrnlnnnce. 4134 Lnfcnwoea ave. )
latimnnl nuluala
Ttlr a . a a j-a..4 T 1 .-., f. I
niiniflAi'iAl 1 tiranqr IHi, flmiL'i I
1022, Dr. WILMAM P., hubnfl of Unj
n. Ijhmn, nlftllv(n nl friend n ll
fhaala Ta..a W- tilA V a. . A 4 If I IUV I
purlal Rnrnman.l-ry. N"e. 2SR. Kntshy -
.Mniin: .Mnirii woodmen or Amrica; i .
S. of A.. Tenn rrftfr. Ne. 21. Tftll Ci!lj
uf Letiannn, liivltcirt te funnral aervlcji e I
jinnnav, ai a j, jr,, at ins mt r'un-nw
212 TV. Sn it. Inlnmnnl Tjuvnernft Cam-
tcry, nninini may b vlcwiid Sunday tv"
ninn . in v n riecii. .
I.ON. TlelvitIv and, frlenda. alar. LmW
of the Hvrpd Heart. Altar and IXnntry te:
cletlea of St. Antheny's Church, ar InvllM
te attnd funeral, Monday 8:S0 A. M.. fra
the raaldtnca nf her nlaca. Mrs. Jehn
Pride. 3.111 Oray'a Frry ava. flnlnin If
lulem mai St. Antheny's Church, 10
M. Inlerment Hely Oreaa Cemaiery.
iiAr. nunneniy. liar en s. ivim,iam "i
luatMnd of Kata n. nav (n nenan). !'
C3, nrVitlvea and frlenda. Coheekdnk Ti
Kn 19A .T 11 II T av (nvlil tn att
fnnMrul n.ia.1av AiBA A i . frnm hl UI
residence. 2503 N. 7th et. Solemn rmuleB
high nuaa at Bt. Kdward's Church. l
l.f Tn t aaenafi l ntiltfalA
, ."uiiijfiiveaiiK. .a. I
STOKF.fl. At Moeroetown. N. J- M
a WII.t.IAM W. HTOKEH. ased 77. rr
neral lervlcca Tuesday, 1 Pf M.. from I"
maldencn of hie aen, Rharlea w. """.5
Mnoraalewn, N. J. Interment llarlelfl
wkxexa'h. N, J.
HUMMIUNtlAliQW. 8 roemf.l open flrenUcii
I deutilairRrBf 14 acrvai new vacant, r.
Q. liux ion. Wenonah. N. J.
juniper Street'
"Miven 10 American snipping our A
will b swept' from the sen'and thl
mense fleet we constructed; during ,
after the World War rnitht lint .1 Z
LaVaHLaVaHtHLalBHHH teymMLWakiwsd' 'km i !