ER&2OT mmma , . J - " . VJW4 OT' . mmm $?T w 'r wsWrm!'&ff t h wR" f iIEiBHBHS uvjjtNe public iADeiwiLAiMiaFfli ffiuttiiiY, 'iiT " w-- ' I ' 1 " .. - . , .1 . t ft I , - - . . . ,-...' . M rG& Daily Mevie Magazine 'iV TH& MOVIE FAN'S LETTER-BOX Tv RRNIIT M. NBRLX FOR THE FILM FAN'S SCRAPBOOK E. Theler It wan Anna Mnv who nlared the Chinese wife In V." She was nlse in Nellnn'i ex Ilfe.' She recently mined a RCt with Hip Hellff-nerkn remttnnv Llfln hrt Hrf.1..ACfA.1 . .lnt. aflt.tlfta 4nCT"'S"..,'- "v"fvii nv viivii 'i'"""' SkjM el ywoed. Calif. j ti-W " . . -..-. WJW. E. Pace I'll publish a nlctiue of, ACmUm- Palmer as seen as I enn net itmiWM te itV Yes, she's the girl who W$WrjuOrtl!d in Mncen, Ga. itV', ' lit Mllln lrnvnrlte wrllm "t line keen 'rem! Inn- the'tetter Rnx for some .time and I think It is about time I rt',,teU a few linen. I am very much m. Interested in motion pictures nud then- Tii yite and read the celticisms of Detn w,Kw;ilctures and playe regularly.' New, I A&WTVw't sec whv se many fans find critics K& r6Mt Cecil M. De Mill" se much. As !&& director. I think no Millc ranks feit te D. W ftfiFAaat'te D vit. u : "i. . - .r xriwwi us luc lurumusi.. r Iff 'v 1 4. JW 7 P . IstWi (jriffith, placing Mr. 1TTLH .1. ..!. ..!!!.. iCntnInO nn, an imtnh 7 T rnnlWi t wm II WO' Hf1 a-iTi1rnwtV no a trnf lint' PlPYl flfr If ; ' that I have heard a few geed comments V'S f en tee nctlng ei me car. new innny lwt PMpIe knew very much about Edith IW, Roberts or Lentrice Jey? I venture te t L kmi..1..! Y l.l... will W. mill.). K-1 0re popular. ' ajt- ' ! -The Affairs of Atintel." I think SK ,rery star did better nctlng than In anv (him. aI.a fhfl-. l.ntrn Kaiiii In ' nLI. Tnt Instance'. Glerfa Swan!en. Wallace Kcld and Elliett Dexter in 'The Affairs' nnd thti see them in 'Don't Tell Evcrj thfjur,' which hat n Dc Millc title, but it can easily be seen that it lacks Dc Wile's direction. "I would net mls,H a Cecil B. Dc Millc picture unless bemcthing terrible nan- aantxt T tinrn nrra them nil. from Old fe"T WWs for New' te 'Saturday Night, $ ill missing 'Foel's ParnillPC.' Could W yen tell me who tbe girl was who plaved ET '' main 10 itieria eiiwj" "ir W AKairs : l win ene ey rujiui, umi MSf - WPPM Ue te sec Rodelph Valentine uri-I- - 1 ArDe Mille's direction, as T think he ? Jf brilliant actor." (It was Julia Fayc who plaved that Kaid's pnrt. If you nre such a De Mllle admirer, you surely ought te sec Foel's Paradise," for it is the best thing he has done la a long time.) ti, Minv" tipltea: "I succumb. I tttpw I should eventually se why net! "I think 'At the End of the World.' "FoetUgnts' anu xne . w "" pif ' $r m mv mte SM.2 - tF' Me' three of the best pictures I have mS, war 'seen, and they weren t 'nroduc 'nreduc SIS tlQBS.' either. I de net like Douglas &&? Fairbanks; I always feel liKe stnKing gfjV was worth while. T t QjSk "About Mary Pickferd: I believe a tfrt' lt of people honestly didn't like her. F', m were nirnm xe aumn . - Kw lUe Jttmperers iew auu. glf 4,I hone J shall never nsain see such rf.1 t i.. T-. 10...I0 t T.Ifn la lrnh pnnusta M', B'TtM8T '"Most of us, when wc go te TOfe. tbemevles, expect te see benuty of ra-? face and 'sets': that's why we go. . tec' . "What veu said about Mary Miles t'r. Mlntcr's curls was geed. I had sur- mm- wasn't always strictly truthful. 7 "I have read at various times and If, 1. t.,"0 nlnii flint- ninrta S wan son h Br 1 htlr was red, brown, mahogany (what mE , 31 er that is) and black. l!ew I take 9r v tne glorious swansen nna me rest m. amm .i.iT .!... ..i in if wwn n tnnr leeir screen vuiuc u. . t." iv '.W : 1 J .L. !... hnnllM hnllarA i wenuer ue tne iui cu.iy m,..-.. :aiai. iil all they're told about tneir inverucs . i? Xrer instance, de they believe that Pns SKi" Snr- nn nu n certain: hairnet. Mae tv tvai? EM W S K,- fed w w f; Unniv n rertaln shnmnoe and Mabel Normand a certain soap? Why de the 'caUbrltlcs de it? I think it rubs off some 'of the star dust. Why de people pek of fctars as 'Rudy,' 'Deug, Wajly,' etc.. when they have probably naver seen (in person) the party se familiarly addressed? v. "Dear Mr. Js'eely, I ajn really curl- u.' Has anv one asked for the phe- 'tnmnhn nt Edilie Pole. Fritz Licbcr bswt an Geerge-Arliss? They nre all ad- fc'V , ajrable, . but ns scrapoeou aecera- m mar-- KT S-WT . X i ,1 I. Vn lies; mey nave, aim wnw "'y aT a .11 ..... .AkintliltiAi fitnn nv thftn fr 10 prim iujf u iii-utv w ..v....-w, ! n. i..n't yt tha renl lmmer or that. IS lut If you could enlv see me !) p, f irAH 'V II Tlilnk von iirft n v?rv Sflfoeirsh little girl te rave that way ever Sir Valentine and I'm net going te print your" letter. xwenty-uvc pictures ui Mm, Indeed! His birthday is May 0. New I suppose yeu'u De senuinenim a birthday card fa everything", what's iw de veu all set that way? Every Wf when I go through my mall. I inecr wpetner every gin in i.-uiiuci- rhla has gene vaientine-crazy. rcant BlI you- what type of girl he likes, but JiT. ' t- ...1J.' HI... !.. 1,l.l J, m Burn Uf WUUIUU I c lw niuu hjit write these letters about him te pi i0 man Wltn common sense weuiu Se. New I suppose you'll hate me and never write te me again. Marv Plckfdrd is twenty -nine Tears eld. Yes, she had fiuite n stage career before Bhe went Info pictures. She j.started en the stage at the age of five. li&r She has been married twice; no cnll m$f "n."rAddrcss hpr simply Hollywood, wMM& .Ct<. She 'was born in Terente, I5jm &tl " fju.J. JVi'W. BEiaUH IS??. 4KVmrliv" f'vft never heard of i 11 j. CtkJfA'a in Virif nlnpini f r niA- ever did. Yes, for ns I knew. still playing "ytte and there throughout the country, :':;Twiii -I don't think it has been in WJPklladelpbIa for a long time. I'd go te fcftf? j""''.,u' ," uDrr i""'!':" "t i jfl ianavap wn 11 nni v nniii nrru riiuiiirii H-Ha. rihf te nut It en. I believe with ' . van (hat It would de big business. Se ' ...!,! ITiimnrMnllll." Thp hett tau te we it is te gef all your neighbors and ntiF famllv te write te the manager L'& J f your nearest movie house and see It ,vjSL ou can't stir up enough sentiment te epaw convince u" mk v i,uiv, uc 5u K , Aa ka.Ia It V1, . n ml, n lincSB tu ICVIVC 11. VW LHII fU IU odersen otherwise "Bronce jly" quit plctuies some time age ileal comedies. Don't knew what he s Veim siiw " i F'-IOurlce Costelle is in vaudeville. He Biy yiujvu if uvikc tu en" . It was 'also announced some time '' that be had been ' engaged for 2 ' 1 ,111. m,A ,Iik Hnllilin. fl U..k "J'CMBmnne Jinjuuu iuu iHiuiwui uui rHi'iiiHL nrcivsu mv vwir, uivtc vw If kiit nroductlen and his name is net v lathe cost of characters. But he does MMTf?'werk "Conceit.'.' CTXaen't think NaImeva did much -ii'rV-ltl. "A-Dell Heuse" than alip Tilth "Camnie,'' do'yeu?"8he'B tik. 1a a na.fl v.n.l ll. Mf iy yf ,yiw-M ftvuu mm thi Yes, "Ladies Must Live" was about as useless and meaningless trash ns we've had inflicted en us this season. Eliner Glyn" hasn't written movies for any one but Olerin Swanson yet, but she probably yllj, flip's doing the work for tlie'Lasky organization, you knew, and they cheese the stars for the stories they buy. Hut Mrs. Glyn nnd Miss Swanson have struck up quite a friendship, and it's likely the author will continue te keep the Mar in 'mind in her writing?.. Whch you sic ai tides In the fan maga2lnes signed bj tjtnr.'j like Vnlcn Vnlcn tine nnd Miss Swanson, don't forget that such articles arc usually written by press agen(s and simply approved by the stars. That's why you get the im pression that Itudy nnd Gleria have Mich great literary talent. About "Miss du Pent" ; she's one of the mysteries of the movie game. Some time afee Khe' tried te make a hit in pictures under the n tmc of Margaret Anns 1 1 one. but' vhcfllivvrcd badly. Then suddenly she reappeared ns 'Mips du . Pent' and was starred and I mw her name in big electric lights en Broad way before any of her pli'tureh had ben ulintvn ntil tilmn I'm trlA.l In rrnt tfin ' inside" efsthe story but failed. "Even Constance Palmer, our IIollweod cer respondent, who knows ever thing and everybody around the studies, couldn't answer the question Hint I sent iter. Ne, 1 neer worked en a Bosten paper. In fact. 1 never renllj worked at all. J just attach mjself te a com fortable sictien of the pa) roll and then tell the boss enough funnj stories te keep him in a geed humor. Mevio Kan Address May MuAvey and Agnes Ajres, care of Lasky tstudie, Hollywood. Address Pela Negri, care Famous Placr8-Las,ky, 485 Path ave nue, but I'll tell you frankly that I don't think she'll ever gt our letter. She's in Germany and I doubt whether American fun mall Is forwarded te her. Eddie t'erster w riles: "1 have been a long time deliberating whether or net te write jeu n letter, as I like te be original in my thoughts and most of etir correspondents have used my Ideas. "First of all. I em.v ou our posi tion, and tft the Mime time I am Mire I would die of some nlacuc if I had It. It must be great te receive se many letters of commendation from Philadelphia girls, and let me say right here, my hat is off te most of them, and I am a peer one nt flattery. On the ether hand, gee Wulz! such a let of bunk ou have te lead about Valentine and cempan.. Geed nitc! "De you knew what 1 think and hae been thinking for some time? (Yes, It's a(wendcr I hnen't terrible headaches.) Yeu ought te write the sub-titles ler Mini! of the leading pho phe pho teplajs. Yeu sine have natural wit. Believe me! Shades of Mark Twain! If tlid circulation of the geed old Evi; Evi; Nttfe Puiilie LEDOim ever Mis. I am sure friend Zuker et al. will offer 3,011 methods of obtaining our staff of life. "I like Elliett Dexter. Knew whj? He plays what he renlly is and shows te the population what faith In Ged will de. Mere power te him nnd mere of his pictures. "What became of dear old Mary Fuller, the Inimitable Maic MuDcr MuDcr mett and Earle Fex? " "Let me help you stab Miss Mur ray in a painless way. (The horrei of striking n woman is appalling.) Still, we wonder ut some of these plc-ture-ber-'s and the uncanny way they dcrie their popularity. AVell, it's the old story ever again. A surgeon can devote his entire llfe toward healint,' manltlnd and receive a mere pittance Gladys Walten S We tall le glad te publish the pie- lures of such sci ecu playcri as are suggested by the fans M2avaBBBaBBfaMBk. , aaaaaaaaHMK njHalaaaaaaW JiBL': '-; ' JaaaaaLC s alaaaat v'kysbV la-Wlii 'JWaHlaBBBiiW. BwSlaBBBBBlwan alBHBBBBBKMV NiBaaaV I 'iMalHaSV r af9wBBaBalriBBIa. FERD. P. EARLE IS CUTTING "OMAR" FILM IN HOSPITAL By CONSTANCE PALMEK Hollj-weod. Cilif. FERDINAND PINNEY EAREE js supervising tln cutting of lii- pie-tun- "Omar," or "Tlie Ruh.iUnt " ji1- it bus been called, fiem n he' in in comparison te what the Immortal . New Yeik. Mr. Earlc was mllul can Babe gets for plugging the hersehidc by the president of the cumpnn buik buik eut of the ball park. Say, Barnum ing the pieturc, nnd nded te bring witli could surely have answcied the Edisen him the mls-slng seems If jeu will re re questiennahc. Only, let me state there I meinhei, there linn been a deal of must be two born Instead of one Well, , legal uupleaantiies connected with tm ictlng him wus purely circumstantial, and there is almost general belief In his innocence. lie conducts a en profitable adver tising business from the prison. He turns eer nil money received from the business te aid prison reform. He is said te lune no desire te leave, nnd has ven refused offers of these who said they i-eiild obtain 11 paiden for him. GeuNcrneur Morns has geno le Moh Meh Icrej, where he will work In peace nnd quiit em some new stories for the Gold Geld wjn Company te film, and also en tales te be published before long. "PAWNED" An Unusual Romaneo of People. Wher Vajr Being is Pledged te De the Bidding or uitirrc FRANK L..PACKARD 'Auther of "The Miracl Man," "Frem New On," etc. uepyrlffni, Jfflfi vy -wiiw ajvi jw TIIS BEOINS TIIB 8TORV irnwklns Bnn i w' Y6rk eabmn. unable In threw off hi tow of drink, PAwna hl little mot)ierleis daiKhtcr, Clatr. te hln old frlhnd. -.faul Vmu, te be breuxht up Without knowledge of her real tathtr until he enn redeem hn pledrs by overcemlnr hl weakncis and rcdumlnc hlmstlf. Truenty jcars later known white man te alew away en a patttnirtr (hip aallln.--frem brlngi htm under the keen' ebeervatlen Samoa of one of the paaeei mm aspore ana veallnff accural lire, a a. fan aaenaers, who I Mtenlehe hlm knbwWaMlpt hi 1 rranolaeo yeunn era, who fellow ey re former 'AhllMfAP if wealth and reed family, with one weak apei a-amDiinr. -in myaterieua paenen- ger draws up a alrana contract, where r the younser man atrtea te pawn him aelf Inte hla aervle ntliwrf liirman ----- --- --z".. -.,-.- ...... i me eunaiure of Ine eiai Die written bend a 'nam R nerica- ueea. Th vnunti man.wrltei Ma slrnatur with native as .the. head 'of Ame chain or ramDiins hsuae. ler man upon nwdiy wealthiest requiring the action of water ' te brine out the lnvlelbl Ink. the ealt ea Jehn Bruce. In the gam- Diina nouee wnien Ilrure "vlelte" nt (1 aecret Ineceetbr. he plnje till he le broke, and through the management le given n cnance 10 pawn some valuable The pawnbroker I a marveleunly beau iiiui gin. iTmiiinneniuricarr. He a"i Inte a bral Wlth-aeme ejclied fereli ere. but nna gancteary Jut a he keel keti ir ee cab Sh enlU'ln TH; Cranir, a brilliant physician, but a drug mldlct, who 1 In love with her. Sb Tpulee hi ad rfhce. but te ave Eiuce'a life agree aaaaaaaaaaaaaaalaaaa B a 3IflalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHanaf ' we bow te the whims of liol-pelloi "Hepe jeu will pnrejen my foiward feiward ness n wrltjng, pdE when we con stantly lese out ln'nnswerinp; llraeiicks we go te our column for solace, and Invariably hnd it. "I hope you get Mr. Bente's job when he leaves, and don't forget te think of me when you get disgusted with your silly requests for mere dope about -pretty Rodelph." (Please don't sugges.1 such a calamity as Mr. Bente leaving. Why, the enlv way I can carry out my bluff about knowing e much 1b by surreptitiously pumping the information out of Mr. Bente every day nt lunch. Thnnks for the pretty boe-kay jeu hand me. I like Elliett Dexter, tee. Last picture I saw Mary Fuller in 'was "The Black Wolf" 'witE J-ou- Ttfkgen. I under stand she has retired. Marc McDcr McDcr mett' was with1" Elgie 'Fergusen -In "Footlights," nnd then went te Eu Eu Eu repe with the Lnsky outfit. He's there new. makfng pictures" 'with them. Earle Fex Is en tbe musical corned v stace. I'd love te soy something witty in answer te your letter, but I've lust loekedfthrough' some "mete Valentine mall and my sense nf humor Just lav right down and died. Geshamltey! Nttf .. MaFdrtMnkshe tei'thar-i her real name se friS;; -"The Miracle Man" is matter. Seme of the stockholders, te whom the experience wis a detided nov elty, stayed with Mi. I'nrl" en the t-ct during tru1 filming of the picture. Ne dliecter likes this, and only this .par ticular director's extreme geed nature enured him te allow it. But the hteck- heidcrs did net seem te upnrciiutetliis, J ler they wniieu awa the nappy noun, making suggestions, many et which were manifestly impossible, and then Mumping their feet unci cring if the suggestions were net taken. It was n great life while It lasted Then came the cutting of the lilm. Oh, dear ob, dear! It all endid in the energetic outsiders removing the picture from the cutting "room during Mr.'Earle'a absence and entcalning'wltli It for New Yerk. Aftcf the iirst few mements'Cf dlsmaj. Mr: Earle staited te -chortle. Aha ! l.ecked-'awny In (i uult were several reels of-the most lra lra lra portttnteenw. A"d would be give them tin en their demand? Calleo, calkiy he had them -there l Se, after puttlnc fit" or blx cutters le work en it in New Yeik, inch one with rudical Ideas of his own, the stock holders Rave up iu dcsnnii Ur nt least LITTLE BENNY'S NOTEBOOK By Lee Pape The I'nrl: Ave. News Vcnther. Wcrte instcd of better. Sl'slctj. Miss Maud Jensln gave a party lat.t Sutlddny nlte In honor e herself, and JIKs Mary IVatklns gave a tibitien of dancing, Miss Loretter .Mlncci gne a cclbltien of singing, and Mr. Chnrles (Piicls) Simklns gave a exibltien of playing en the planp, bat the party dtdent brake up till Mr. Lew Da W gave n cxibitlon'ef, loud wiseellng threo his fingers. Amung these also prcent wih Ir. Benny Potts-, Mr: Artie Allxnnder, Mr. Derey Bhoesfer and Mr. A. tSkJnny) Martin. Spenrts Sam Gress get n tool box fei his berthday last Wcnsday, but it has bin took away from him ellreddy en neeaunt et him having' did things te dllfrent t Lines that dldent need pnr. ,1... .,.-,. cl.lenr" t' llin iiminniit vnt tl I ml I tiling, SUtcll QH 11)0 SCttlnC rOOm clnck. of signing thicks which brought no re- 'he shoe blackening be and the piano. twKWJI aaa days, tttma te me. 10 wui ei leuKiac at tee L Iflnt mnA fJnvmnmA rs"ri" .t.- .-,., f "f W i finf:F rW'fflW'! Y'ertter sec some of the stuff the de luded little gushing girls send me' I feel like forwarding It te their fatheis te be dealt with in the old-fashioned way.) "Mr Ulppl's Husband" You've certainly get nn awful ciush en that handseme leading man. haven't jeu? But, if it was ,fEver Since Eve" jeu saw him in, you are all wrong in hunting through the Cerlnne Griffith casts, because that picture hpd Shirley Masen as its star, and the leading man was Herbert Heyea that's spelled with an "c," net an "a." His address Is 001 Gewcr street, Les Angeles. I think that scene In "Saturday Night," ahewlns the trestle and the stalled auto', And the way .Tack Mower saved Leatrlce Jey, was particularly well done. I fail te see any "crazy error" in it at all. I love your letter where you say, "I guess you have a little brain In that needle of yours." I hate durn little. Where- did I tlnd out nil I knew about movies? Sh h ! I'll tell you a secret' I really don't knew any thing about them. Rut I'm one of the cleverest little bluffers veu ever came across, and as long as the boss doesn't find nig out, I'm all right. Ne; I haven't a "dandy disposition." I did have and then the girls all began te write me abetit Valentine and my dis position's " simply xulnt. I suppose Carlyle Blackwell Is very geed-looking, as you say, but I'm net much of n iudze of men's beauty. My standard would be n composite pictuie of Jim Jeffries, Jack Dempsey and Bull Mon Men tana, but I understand that type isn't very popular among girls. Ask me about the beauty of some of our fem inine sturs and I'll rava te the extent of a column and a half. Blackwell was born In 1888 and bis address is the Lambs' Club, West ' Forty-fourth street, New Yerk. I judge from that he's net married, but I haven't any nenaue uuruiwuu uu uib puvuie mc WtJLBlE,'"1 eJy?4. i vgg nii "!W vewvave avc- turn, se the opposing partie" were bun dled off and Mr, Earle s-ent for, te make ieacc. They made it. all ilghr, but he get the llu In doing It. Well, it's all light new, and you may Boen me fliii nlcture If jeu crave te. i Thtv hi j it has mnnv lnno-vatlens m Perne by Skinny Martin My Main Fault ) 1 hue iu hae ray picture took, 1 et still und never wiggle, And the eny thing I don't de llte Is wmecr he snj's ymllc I giggle. Fer Sale or Ixchungc. A cigar box is nn artist, j en knew . . ' ' r2! ",0J i w Hecently tlieie was n. snowing ei " """ iVt"-i,; "''fi' "J" rue "Petcrmun" for the cenvids of theArl-1 Pirty. See Ld Aernick. (Avvcrtize-- zenu State Pmltcntiary. The story was m(-nt.) written bj Leuis Victer E tinge, one. Study ferrin langwidges. The decf photography lu it, nnd much superln tie pictorial eomnesitlon, for Sir. Earle of the life prisoners. Mr. Eytlnge's cause hns oecn taben up ey many pee pie of prominence. The evidence con and dum alfabct tawt, ii letters for a ccut. See Lewis Davis. (Avvertlze-ment.) Uncommon Sense By JOHN BLAKE Words 0 PINIONS formed en personal ap- nenrnnce nre frequently changed when jeu begin te speak. People cannot see what la inside your skull. The only way they ran find out what is inside It is through your con versation. Before there wetc words there was nn mutual undeistaudluit betwecu living creatures. Animals cannot co-operate te any considerable extent because thej de net knew each ether. In all animal life distrust is predominant. It Is by words that urn Inipicss peo ple, favorably or unfavorably It IS ey werus inuv you in-isuueic iiiein thnt you have senicthins te nil! them. It is by words thut you tenvince tliem that they hpd best bne nothing te de with jeu. AN UNEDUCATED unplejer Is al most as quick te csMmate conversa tion as an educated one. He may himself double his negatives and say "I seen" and "I done," but it Jeu de the aarae tb,lng he will netJcp R, that ve 6hell be known." It Is a geed plan te lenrn te use them well. Speak grammatically." Yeu can de that by listening te educated people and by reading geed books. Avoid the vulgar forms of ianE Learn te speak Htmply and directly. THE man or woman who continually uses big words and complicated sen tences Is net convincing. Overdressing: is never n geed thing, whether in clothes or language. Study words and find out vrhat i,. mean, se you may use them accurately When vnfl fim fnit m.3 .. . z ...-.v.. j W...I. iu u nuiu v.... nw.'v doubt about, leek It tip. It will tak a little extra time, tint the tim ,m be well spent. Teu need te knew mere words than jeu are likely te use. But the wider your acquaintance with your langiiefi the better and tbe mere Intelligently jeu will talk. Remember that It is almost wholly by your conversation that you are known. Meke that conversation clear iinu Biraigiiiiurwuru nun intelligent liliiiS te marry Crang. Cranr rob the eafe of uruce S money wnicn ejiaire naa niaacn. UrutH aelc her te mnrry him and I a a tenlshcd nt Cfabg grip en her. Haw kin retala te Bruce he Is the glrl'a worthless f-Uher, Hawkins premisee Hniro'te redeem himself by giving up drink. AND mSBE IT CONTINUES PAUL VENIZA'8 face had whitened n little. Half In n startled, half in a troubled way, he looked once mere at Jehn Bruce and then at Hawkins. "My peer friend I" he said again. Jehn Bruce's hand en the arm of his ehnJr clenched suddeply. xeu may pcrnaps icei mat nc sneuici net have told me of his relationship te Claire: but It was this damnable sit uatien with Crang that forced the issue." Paul Vcnlzn left Hawkins' side and began te pace tbe room in an agitated way. Ne!" he said. "I de net blame Hawkins. Wc we neither of us knew what te de. It is e terrible, an awful thing. Crang ia like some loathsome creature te her. and yet In some way that I cannot discover he has get her into his power. I have tried everything, used every argument I can with her, pleaded with 'her and it has been use less." He raised his. arms suddenly above his head, partly it seemed in sup plication, partly in menace. "Oh, Ged I" he cried out. "I, tee, love her, for she has really been my daughter through nil' these ve.irs. But I de net quite, understand." He turned te Haw kins. "Even If you kept your premise new, my friend, what connection has that with Dr. Crang? Could that in any way prevent this marriage t ' It was Jehn Bruce who answered. "It is the last," he said evcnlv : "the one way you have net trlqd te tell her her own and her father's story. I de net say It will succeed. But it Is the great crisis In her life. It is the one thing in the world that ought te sway her, win her. Her father ! After twen ty j cars her father I" Paul Veniza's hands, tiembllng, ruf fled through his white hair. Hawkins' fingers fumbled, new with the buttons en his vest, new with the brlnret his hat which he had picked up aimlessly the table ; and his eyes, lifting from the fleer, glanced timorously, almost fur tively, at Paul Venlza, nnd sought the fleer again. Jehn Bruce get up fvera bis chair und steeDcd tewaul them. "T want te tell you something," he said sharplv, "that ought te put an end te any hesitation en yeuf parts at any nlnn. nn matter what, that offers even the slightest chance of stepping this marriage Listen! Devil though you both believe this Crang te be, you de net, either of you, even knew the man for whar he is. While I was lying there" he flung out his hand impulsively toward tie couch "the safe here in this room was opened and robbed one night. Yeu knew that.' But you de net knew that it was done by Dr. Crang and his confederates. Yeu knew what happened. 'But yen' de net knew that while the 'burglars' pretended te held urang a$ eav witu a revolver nna men 'made their 'cfcape,' Crang, with most of the prqeeds of tnat retmery in ma own pockets, was laughing' up his sleeve nt teu." Hawkins' jaw had dropped as he Utarcd at Jehn Bruce. "Craiig did it: Yeu veu say Crang committed that robbery?" stammered Paul Vcniza. "But you were uncon scious! Still jeu veu seem te knew that the safe was lobbed!" "Apparently I de'." Jehn Bruce laughed sberflv. "Crang, tee, thought I was unconscious, but te make sure he jabbed me "with bis needle. It took effect just at the right time- for Crang Just as you and' Glairr appeared in tho-eTeerway. And" Mrbrbwlfknltted together "It scms n litfle strah4c'thnt nentj of yen baie ever mentioned St in my presence, tnat pet a -word has even beep said te me nbbut it." PaurTcriiza coughed nervously. "Yeu were Blek." ba said: "tee sick. we thought, for -any exrttement."" Hawkins suddenly leaned forward; his wrinkled face was earnest. "That Is nqttrue!" he snid bluntly. "It might have been at" first, but It wasn't 'after' you get better. It was mostly your money that was stolen. Claire pnt It there the night you came here, and " ; "Hawkins!" Paul Veulza called out sharply in reproof. "But he knows new it's gene." said the old cabman a little helplessly. He blundered en: "Paul felt 'he was re spensible for your money, nnd he was afraid toil might net want te take It If you knew, he had te make It up out of his own pocket,' and '-" - - Jehn Bruce took a step forward, nnd laid his hand en Paul Veniza's aheuldcr. He' steed silently, looking at the ether. "it la nothing!" saia raui veniza, abashed. Perhans netl" said Jehn 'Bruce. "But" be turned nbrupty away, his lips tight "It just made me think for n raihute. In the life I've led men like j-en are rare." we were spcaxing et uc-cier Crang," said Paul Venlza a little" awk wardly. "If you knew that Docter Crang la the thief, tnen that is the Way out ei our uuuuic. insicuu et marrying Claire, he will be sent te prison. Jehn Bruce shook his head. "Yeu said yourself I was unconscious at the time. Yeu- certainly must bnVe found-ma that way, and Crang would make you testify that for days I had been raving in delirium. I de net think you could convict him en my testi mony!" "But even se," said Paul Veniza, "there"" ia " CSalre. It she knew thai Cranr wni a criminal, ene ." "Bae does kpew,". sajd Jehn Bruce uniiii "Ciai Hawkins bad halted In front of the swinging, doers me te be the final proof that mere argument with Cialre is useless, and that something mero is necessary. I de net ask you te release Hawkins from bis pledge: I ask you tej believe his promlbe this time because back et it he knows it may save Claire from what would mean werse than death te her. I believe him; I will vouch for him. De you ugrec, Paul Venlza?" i' or en instant tbe white-haired pawnbroker seemed lest in theucht! then he nodded his head gravely. "In the Inst few daya," he said slowly, "I have felt that it wes no longer my province te masquerade as her father. I knew that my influence is powerless. As you have said, It is the crisis, a very terrible crisis, in her life." He turned toward Hawkins and held out his hand. "My old friend" his vole broke "I pray Heaven te aid you te aid us nil." Hawkins' blue eyes filled suddenly with tears. "Yeu believe me, tee, Paul, this timet" he said in a choking voice. "Listen. Paul! I premise! Se help me. Ged I premise!" A lump had somehow risen in Jehn Bruce's threat. He turned awny, and for a moment there was silence in the room. And then he heard Paul Venlza speak: "Shu is dear te us all. Let us call her unless, my old friend, jeu would rather be, alone." "Ne, no!" Hawkins cried hurriedly. "I I want jeu both; but but net new, don't call her new." He swept bis hands ever his shabby, ill-fitting clothes. "I net like this. I " "Yes," said Paul Veniza gently. "I understand and you are right. This evening then at 8 o'clock. Yeu will ceme back here, my old friend, at 8 o'clock. And de you remember, it was in this very room, twenty years age, that " He did net complete his sentence; the het tears were streaming unashamed down his cheeks. Jehn Bruce was staring out of tbe window, the panes of which seemed curiously blurred. "Come," h heard Pnul Venlza say. And then, as the two men reached the deer, Jehn Bruce looked around. Hawkins had turned en the threshold. I Something seemed te have transfigured tne eia cae drivers tacc. it was il lumined. There seemed something of infinite pathos In the head held high, In the drooped shoulders resolutely squared. "My little girl!" said Hawkins ten derly "Tonight nt 8 o'clock my little girl!" CHAPTER X t Flie Minutes te Eight Bctoie the rickety washstand ami in front of the cracked glass thnt birCed ns n miner and was suspcndid from n nail driven Inte the wall Hawkins was shaving himself. Perhaps the light from the wheeling gas-jet was oicr eicr bad that ctcnlng, or perhaps It was only in playful and facetious mood with the mirror acting the role of co-Ceri-splrator; Hawkins' chin emarted nnd was raw; little specks of red showed here and there through the repeated coats of lather which he kept wraplng off with his razor. But Haw Mm ap peared willing te bacrlfice even the skin Itself to"ebtnin the standard of smooth ness which he hed evidently set before himself ns his geul. And se eer and ever again he applied the lather, and . heed It off, nnd tested the result Ky, rubbing thumb and forefinger critically 1 OYer his face. He made no grfmace, nor did he show any Irritation M the none-tee-keen blade that played havoc with mere than the lather, nor did he wince at what muBt at times have been anything but n painless operation. Hawkins' round, weather-beaten face and old watery blue eyes smiled into the mirror. On the washstand beside him lay a large, ungainly silver wntcb, Its case worn smooth with years of service. It had a hunting-case, nnd it was open. Hawkins glanced at it. It was twenty minutes te 8. "I get te hurry," snid Hawkins happily. "Just twenty minutes after twenty years." Hawkins laid nslde the razor, and washed and scrubbed at his face until It shene ; then he went te his trunk and opened It. Frem underneath the tray he lifted out nn old black suit. PerhapB again It was tbe gas-jet in either bale ful or facptleus mood, for, ns he put en the suit, the doth In spots teemed te possess, here a rusty, and there a gtccnlsh, tlnge, nnd elsewhere te be woefully shiny. Alse, but of this the gas-jet could net have been held guilty, the coat and trousers, and indeed the waistcoat, were undeniably most sadly wrinkled. And new there seemed te be some thing peculiarly congruous as between the feeble gas-jet, the cracked mirror, the wobbly washstand, the threadbare strip of carpet that lay beside the iron bed, and the old bcnt-sheuldercd figure with wrinkled face In wrinkled finery that steed there knotting with anxious, nwkward fingers a large, frayed black cravat about bis neck ; there seemed te be something strikingly In keeping be tween the man and his surroundings, n sort of common Intimacy, as it were, with the twilight et an existence that, indeed, had never known the full sun light of high neon. It was ten minutes te 8. Hawkins put the slher watch In his pocket, extinguished the spluttering gas-jet that hissed at him as though In pretest nt the scant ceremony with which It was treated, and went down the stairs. He stepped briskly out en the street. "Claire!" said Hawkins radiantly. "My little Claire ! I'm her imdrfrf; she's going te knew It, I'm ge'ln, get her te call me that daddr !" Hawkins Walked, en halfway eftiitt the block, erect, with n quick, flI stcp, his head high, smiling lnfe emJ face he met nnd turning te smile atai. atai. atai. conscieus that people ns they T"l had turned te leek back'at lilm. T3 then very gradually Hawkins iiii slnckcned, and Inte his face and era thore came a dawning anxiety, and tS( smile was gene. ' w "I'm kind of forgetting," uld Hai.1 kins presently te himself, tnaTl. ain't jnst that I'm aetUrur miiJ! ir1'., Illm k,a.d 6t feriettlni W trouble. There there's Crang ,"" , The old malt's face was fuscetW new deep with aterm and creiE walked still mere slowly. He betaa 5 mutter te himself. At the ceniar efeV street he raised aa old gnarled flat 2 shook It. clenched, abem M. i7 unconscious and oblivious new i' unconscious ana oeuvious new neanle UU turned anit InnltmA k. knA t,an a llt -.. .lu .... '" - - rimj along reach the then a little way ahead ef uJ the stmt that he must le T the one-time pawn-ahlD einpii Venln light that filtered out te the aidawtS from under the swinging doers et C r.T'CSl.i'T " ui luvirw uniuuii uuga. Hawkins draw le . Ien bmtk "Ha, nor' Be wntspeMd i . will sever se In than 4-a4n ? me, OedI Ii I did end ad aba fcZ It was her daddy. It would Just brttt her heart like like Crang 11 break it He went en, but his footsteps sesael ' te drag the mero new as he approach the saloon. His hand as he railed It ' trembled; ami as 'he. brushed It acreat! his brew it came away wet with awsst The saloon was lust a vnr .. from him hew. There waa a straDM ' feverish glitter In the bine eyes. Hlj face was chalky white. "Se help me, pod!" Hawkins ma. bled hoarsely. It was five minutes of 8. Hawkins had halted In front et tW swinging doers. - Te be continued Monday Big drop in price of eggs I einnnuiinB Eggs I carton of i PJ" 1 twelve m , JjJ Strictly Fresh Eggs dez 30c I Sold only in our Stores a INCOME TAX RETURNS for Year 1921 IXT'E WISH' te inform our customers T? and the public that the Collector of Internal Revenue has assigned us a Deputy Collector te assist in making up tax returns. Office hours, 10 A. M. te 3 P. M. COMMOWEALTH Title Insurance and Trust Company N. W. Ce-. 12th and Chestnut S&. rtlOTOFIAYS rUOTOl'LATS and your cnances ex getting aneaa; will be' much better that If yeutansle your tenju fiverfc tWjWW aire knows!" ejaculated Pnul Venlta In surprise. "Yeu you told bar, then)" 0' ,"J.eun ".'Vvs "nawewJ. "I said te her: 'Suppose I were te tell you ireinair Hhe en- Innl.' I anl.l 1,nn . 'Suppose he were sent te Jail te serve b. sentence?' Sbe answered; 'I WOuld Fsv,- !' ..- .F J f rnoTerisAYg STANIfFvTing theatre obtain their pictures through, the siAiMijiiiir Cemnanv of Amen wViIpV, i d .eJ1' K.flrfS0.flPflrtl,roducfaen8- Ask fothe theatre C&&&U, in your locality obtaining pictures threueh the Stan W rw KWSfv namr Ot Awprine ' " "' ""- -SrAHtlge APOI I O 62D THOMPSON STB. "rv'1-,lA-, MATJNUU DAILY POLA NEGRI in "1UK I.VHT rAy3U:.Nl- ADPAniA CIlfcSTNUT I'el rixr-vuir- 10 a. m te 11:19 P. MAY MacAVOY In "A TinOlNIA COUIlTSIirP" isru M. A QTTD KRANKLIJT ft alltAIlt) AVE. rtOiVJi MATINEK DAIL.Y JACK PICKFORD In "JCBT OUT OF C'nr.LV.fllV BALTIMORE BeSM! AGNES AYRES in "THE UMi THAT HAD NO TUItM.VG" Dl T TCniDr llreai i Sufqu-hinni DUvJCOllM- contlnuem J untu 11 TOM MIX In "TnK MOHT HOKSKMKN' BROADWAY BroaJV4n5yiee JS. "A CONNECTICUT YANKEE IN KINO ABTHUlt'8 COURT" ADITOI '-' SIAKKET HT. VnPl 1 ULi 10 A M te 11 Iti p. M BERT LYTELL In "ALIAS I.VDYri.NOEItS" -OI ClNl A I Gtn- Maplewood Avm VVJi-WlNlrtU. 2 30, 7 and i p. M LIONEL BARRYMORE In "IIUOMUKANO niLL" FAIRMOUNT n01 RUDOLPH VALENTINO In "Fniyet.uus WITKS" CiTU CT THEA'fnE Delew Spruce JO In Ol. MATINEE DAILY WILLIAM S. HART In "THBKE-WOUU UK AND" GREAT NORTHERN Tti B W,? A CONNECTICUT YANKEE IN KINO AHTimifH fOfltT" IMPFRIAI ?.0T" & walnut ura special re rnnnncTinN 'THE QUEEN OF SHEBA" GLORIA SWANSON In "HKK HPSUAND'H Tit DKilAMK.. LIBERTY "nWiWffig 4V, ORIENT WceOland Av at DM St. iXil-l I MATINEE DAILY WALLACE REID In "KENT rni:ii" OYER BROOK OJD&ANlJif5u5 BERT LYTELL ' In "A TMP TO PAmniLiw L II PALACE 12,0sruT. MAE MURRAY ' "Pr,cqcKAjjrwv REGENT JUKI bT. nelew lTTn 11 A. M te 11 P. M. ALICE LAKE i!l-llX,Ji:JlPiDKN UIll" RIALTO ai21S?MTO JOHN BARRYMORE i"JJ!iJ feOTl E.1KH" SHERWOOD Jfv ETHEL CLAYTON in "iu;u own muvtv.i SJANLEY t mn; RICHARD BARTHELMESS m "HI1.-A1H.11 flAVIH'i STANTON RW Abevn-IOTH SAUDOU'H rA'MeVt' IthilAN1' Jt "THEODORA" '33TKET-",,-w , LIONEL BARRYMORE L"'JiniMiyiAN(i mix.. VICTORIA 'iKFTw wn WILLIAM DESMOND Plr - In "ITOllTiN' t.U GRANT 40?? V&pFZiT? "CONFLICT" 1 he N1XON-NIRDLINGER IHEATRES BFI MONT lSU ABOVE MAItKKT ANITA STEWART Ii "PLAITIIINOH OK' nkHTivi CEDAR "J CEDAIl avbnbJ A"'-SrAU CAST In IIOUIAN Di'S l 'lheRidqroftheKbg Leg" COLISEUM MBrket hii-68"1 ' njfc urter in hiiimai ni'fl "The Rider of the King Leg" JUMB(T $" ST. & OIRARD avl'l JM. Jumbo June en Frankfort "l''l 1U111.UT .MtKIW una CLAIBR AU1319 W "A UfcKTAlN RICH MAN" LEADFR 41bT & LANCASrEU AVI 1 J-lr-UC.rS. 1; 30 te 4 30. 7 te 11 V. fc THEL CLAYTON in"IIEIt OWN MONKV" LOCUST ,C."D AND LOci'Sl1 SlKeETI ,.' ,Mt; 1.80. 11 00: EMT3 6 30 W I '" "rti.i-i.-H in cnarlotte Uronie "JANE EYRE MlVkM BL'D AN-n Minvn !-TS 1 ' 2.1.1 7 e' GARETH HUGHES In "THE HUNCH" RIVOI T 5-' AND HANSOM CTI 'I ........ i ie & as ins te u F 1 ihiwih UATI-ITTON in "TheChild Theu Gavest M" 69TH ST Theatre. Opp. "I." T:m '"'" 2 ae. 7 anJ e r. ETHEL CLAYTON in "unit eny amxEV" STRAND aermaem0"nnt,,Vr4 KATHERINEMcDONALD III "TIIUNT lOUH WIFE" AT OTHLK IHLIKEAMEMBERS OF M. P. T. O. A- umhaceiHAf J-miuinere A.t. en.i. , f , . , . Ctnt"u'' 1 '10 toil 20 "WAY DOWN EAST" Ma&SiWij&rdtfjyu, ril raMntl 7Slf VTmHii i Jffll?9 .WH? . Mid Jehn Bruce mwm avb icviu.'ina nBinna .iiHAni.iJ- mmmxm ar1!? nrii MI. Im.l-1Y,' -m T.r-TT VUVVIU. n fflfcWCi CUT.ILJ. WmmX' .w'-. swi SniSsSkM JEFFERSON "ftA-MJii EUGENE O'BRIEN 3 III "C'lllVAI.ItODH rifAltLKl" it PARK W)aB AVB- t,App"J'l fV Wat. 2ll6. Ev ! K. !