IL JL' t.jrt llftilDEN IS SUICIDE rlptfen of Penn Student la s8nt DTOttU"" j ternity wen v fa POINT fO DEATHMAN FUich for Wilier n. Trudcn. jnls' . f.l.anllr 01 icnnv '"'" " ' Utinue. but no truce of the man has tt an all-nlcht hunt, Kappn AH i phi, fraternity "' ' -- "iu- numbers in the-G'cst La EL. Clilb, hare taken up, the search foil, today, nfwripiieni ei,i-niip I?1 ....... .nt hreddeast. He' Is, dc W."'"." ... .- .- neJ.,i. "itiWd as wins c - lyi irtlgblnB 140 pounds, hns tinrK 8v ., .n ermv OVCrCOHt. CnP nod ?i5 te bide irars en, Ills, neck. Hit Swt arm Is partly paralyrcd. He were ,M"U ;..: fnhVr of the sin- Lit vhe hurried le this city from RE' Wert, 0.. . wfnses te bed eve the TOnth took, his ic in ii " "-- ""- F""."; .Lbin for fore vcneis "for it ??? .ct,l te raM.; fr 1 Vnn Wirt. "'His finances were geed," snld Mr. Jiftddtn. "Walter wan lenu or nn uymv. 1i." ..i,i eimrxti rpciilnrlv. and the f bit thing he would think of was mil hT. it. l.e a nlwas led a unlet life. Im?:..' i.. Tnnwlflv a nclchber of eurn ". iu ..t.AAwful laffni fiim Retired a ueiig, tnccu, , ...... aim." . ..... fi Fellow studcnti described 1'ruaen as 'Lnlnf. unobtrusive chop. w "At times he, looked worried and un f'MiT-and said he .could net study at i'Jlrtt," Mid Herbert It. Klnley. with hwhera he betrded'at 3(109 Sansom street. (J-Bat he seemed te grasp his subjccls jf Pruden wni the organizer and pres ident of the C'est La Guerre Club, com cem Ifieied of war veterans at I'enn. Tolield fur office In a flub the student muat jleef geed standing iu his studies, it is JUKI. ;t "Beb wai low lately In a number of ('.A,JU. In ihn AVhnrtnn Scheel." Kflld litlnley. "As n result he feared that he '"might lore the presidency of the club. i. TDK wcwu nar uccn mere man ne fWild. stand, ns he once told me. .All -,Hset things might Imvc combined te iwerry blm. Then,, tee. his wnivtlme. .Injuries which he sustained with the M5th Infantry might hnve nffectcd his Bind, and for tliat reason (Here is it vsteltlllty that in n fit of despdndency Lie mar have been tempted te tukc his fHh." ,Erfnw subsequent, te i:rudcn s ,uc rfcirtu're from his beardlne house m" ifetiiiy night seem significant. He Wl about 11 I'. M. after bidding good geod goed kj te the Tully family, with whom he ; bearded. I? "i m going te take a walK," he ,iald. and ttaited te shake Imnih with Aaerril pcrbens there. When he saw ,,ibv " iiuii:ii uf una lunnuiuy, lie Jeked about it and walked out. I ;lt win learned that he cashed a cheek or e mure tie uisappeareu. !j..Fnr thnt identltlrnttnn'itinr iinl ViA ffmlbte ccn if the body Is found was Jjiprfased by Klnley and the police when jit was discovered after a thorough fwwli of the yeutfi's effects -that ri iind left all his letters, cards, fraternity jsla, Masonic emblem and ether articles , f Identification nt hnmi. Tbls fart nl',e leads his friends te . TOKie umi nc nan planned te end tils life. All of I'mden's best clothes were 1 1 his room. It urn snlil Inst nlflit thnt 11. . "- m . "''- v :ne pence are new certain lin -was rearing an old green suit and an army TTrreai wuen lie disappeared. Hunted for Murder iBilHii SI MAYOR'S IRE FltANSCOPALO LAN'DI 137 Katt street Is alleged le liae slain Deminic di CatnlnlUe In front of a .Manayunk saloon last night Repert That Qevernirif Bedy" . Will Direct Exposition Brings Retort. PARK SITE HIT IN COUNCIL "MURDER SQUAD" ON HUNT FOR 'SUSPECTED KILLER Man Is 8laln Near 8aloen en Main Street Belew Qreen Lane Members of the City Hall "murder squad" are .tcarchlng today for Frnns Frnns Frnns ropaelo Land!, alius Pawlte, of 157 r.esc street, -.uanayjinK, who, jt is chnrged, shot and killed Deminic di Camlnllle, fifty -oiie 'years old, nf 111) East street, following a drinking heul .in n saloon Main street below Green lane, Inst rilghu Witnesses of the sheeting told the police thai the men had htnrtefl an ar gument at the bar -of the saloon and later carried the controversy te the sidewalk. There, they said. Lnndi drew a revolver and fired one shot, hc Duuet strmng euaminiite ever the heart. The victim was rushed te the Memerial Hospital, but was dead before arrival there. FOUR OFF SLACKER LIST Mere Mistakes Are Corrected by War Department Four mere names of riillndclphians have been, taken from the list of alleged draft deserters, investigation having shown that they served in the army .or naVv during the war. ,- One I that of the late Cornelius .Te- fccpu.MrFaddcn, who enlisted in the navy July 20, 11)17, nnd served until February 12, 1010. Others taken off the list arc: Weber Watsen, who cnllHted In the Canadian Qxncditienary Forces Septem ber 12. 1017, and served until March 17. 1010. ' Alexander James INcely, who enlisted in the nnvy August 24, 1017, and sened until June 18. 1020. Harry Bruce, who reported for mill. tnry service before Ausust 4, 1018, and was incorrectly included in the list of evaders. SUICIDE UNIDENTIFIED win Found Dead In Bed In Camden The body of Jehn Sneur. ferfv.plilit "nirlfft,,,i en pn'P'eyc of the New Yerk Hulpwillain,; Company, was found in room at jiim Hreudway, Camden, i me-ra'"B- Spear had net been sceu MJM Tuesday and ether roomers de JMM te investigate. They found the tedT lying In bed. Death is believed te be due te natural cuiibcs. anear Is Mid te have had a son in Philadelphia. Left Nete 8aylng Seme One Inquire for Him Later The body of "C. D. 'Moere. Itich Itich meud, Vn.,"'whe committed suicide in a hotel in Richmond street, near Dcla wiire, avenue, jesterday. still remains unidentified nt the Morgue. A card was found beside the body Trlilrh rMlrl ! "Mv lliltne tu nnt C 11 'Moere, of Richmond, Vu. In the course of a couple et weeks some one. who is miles away nnd as peer as I am, will inquire for me. "A FAILURE." Se far no word of inquiry has been cccived from any one. The mun also left n note saying that he was fifty-three jenrs old. had false teeth, fil cents, no job and all friends' 1000 miles nuay. The body was found by n chambe'r maid with a bullet wound in the forehead. , A, report that ihc Scsqul'Ccntcaulnl will be managed by, n "governing body" Instead of by p director scncral nrewed the" Ire ,of Mayer Moere today. "There is se much misrepresentation en the subject of the Hcsqui-Cenicn-nlnl,," he snld. "that I don't want te make any comment for a few days." "This Mayer "was entering his City Hall office as he expressed this view. He paused, turned, nnd centinued: "It Jeeks as' If some one were trying te destroy the Sesnul-Centennlnl." The attack in Council yesterday en the Fairmeunt.Park site for the fair was'breujht te the Mayer a attention. "These who nre opposed te the Hes- qul-Centcnnlnl should come out new," he said. "Thnt Includes editorialists." Mr. Moere then said nil appointment wun iTcsiaent.iiaiMins nas been ar ranged for Monday. The Mayer said lift has telegraphed te Richard W'egleln, president' of Council, new at St. Lucie. Fin., invitms him te the White Heuse conference, when the President will be asked te give national support te the exposition. Edward W. Hek hns offered te pay (50,000 a year for five years 'ns the salary of the director general, provided Herbert Hoever is selected and accepts the office. , Delayl in opening the Sesqui-Ccnten-nlaL Exposition Is nredlcted bv Coun- oilmen Onffney and Ven Tagcn if the Falrmeunt Park site is chosen. The two Ceuncllmen have lined up with these opposing the Park site. The Ceuncllmen were permitted te rta,te their views without interruption by Councilman Cox, who presided nt the Ceuhcil session, as he said he thought the talk was a henlthv sign. In a way the members took advantage or tne BDsencc from tne city et uiclmrd Wcgleln, president of Council. who heartily favors the Park site, and who probably would have curtailed the statements. i,'Thc Park is the people's play ground and should be preserved," ob served Mr. Cox from the chair as he recognized Mr. Gaffney. The latter told hew the holding of the fair at St. Leuis at Ferest Park had destroyed that breathing space se effectually that it was seen "carved up into building lets." ' The Aero Club yesterday .sent a, com munication te Council rcducstlnar that ample space be afforded flying machines for the world fair in 1020. The lett'er suggested that a spacious aerodrome be erected and a flying Held capable of ac commodating from 100 te COO flying craft be provided. . The ranks of the West Philadelphia trade associations, previously listed as Park-site advocates for the Sesqui Centennial Exposition, were broken into last night, when a movement em bracing strenuous' opposition te -the Park site and closer co-operation in support et tne Heg island site was launched at a meeting of the West Philadelphia Business Men's Assecia tien ut Fiftieth street and Baltimore avenue. A mcetlnc of the Sixtieth and Marbet Streets Business Men's. Association Is, scncuuiea ter tenignt, wnen it is ex pected similar action will be taken. ESTATE GOES-TO FAMILY Elizabeth L. Williams' Will Divides Property Valued at $40,800 The will of Elizabeth L. WiHInmB, iiOO Seuth Forty-second street, pro bated today, provides that .her estate valued at 540,800 is te be divided among a brother, sister and ether rel atives. Other 'willp probated were these of Mrs. Maria L. Lukcns, 2111 West Tiega street, $22,500; Campbell Cun ningham, 0030 Upland Btreet. $7850, and Charles C. Van Riper, 4301 North Twentieth street. $5000. Inventories were filed for the es tates of Catherine E. Rapp. S58. 4811.17; Annie B. Smith. $14,n01.41, nnd Mary II. Puxsen, $10,776.1"!. Spring and Your 'New Clethes I The fresh, bright and beautiful new clothes for Spring are here, and we arc greatly pleased with them. The models are extremely graceful and appealing, and the fabric qualities are splendid assuring entirely sat isfactory service. j Wc arc leaping icwards, for our constant adherence te a quality standard in merchan- ie"iB' T,lc rcdcral Reserve reports fei ' J-1 en 1)umiicvss conditions in houses similar te ours show an average shrinkage in volume compared with 19.20 of 9.7 we show an increase of. 12.3 or 22 better than the average. We wish te thank our patrons who liap made this possible. J Wc believe, however, that we deserved their business or wc would net have gotten it. e who perhaps arc unfamiliar with Reed's would de welt te sec the merchandise and test tne methods that biing our successes. J Spring Suits and Tep Coats are priced $30 and upward with especially strong "Rcrd" talurs at $40, 45 and $50. ,j. iff ' . I i-'Ty tmKj .' I fll UMfiffll W-MI Vtff FUND FOR BLAINE iCHOOL Association Give's Annual stntertaln ment' In Meese Hall A variation (of sketches, shadow plays, dances and orchestral and vocal selections featured the cnntfnt enter tnlnment last night of the Blaine Heme and Scheel .Association, In Meese Hall. The proceeds of the entertain ment will be devoted te equipping the Jnmes O. Blaine public school, -thirtieth .and Nerrls streets, with educa tional pnraphernslln. The sketch given by members of the association was "A Pet of , Breth J' .This was followed by ballet, esthetic, Spanish and Russian dances. Then came the shadow piny. In which sev eral -of the school students took part. As a' finale te the entertainment a min strel show was staged. The Heme and Scheel Association has caulnned the school u-lth mnvlnc- ,pleture machines, sewing machined and printing presses which nre ppcratcd uy tne stuuents wiLsjBVPn VOQTMAN MAY NOT BE NAME OF BOY WHO TRIED SUICIDE ferether, tttre Frem Baltimore, Re fuses te Reveal Identity A, brother of Rebert W.-'Vegtman, sixteen -year-old boy, -who attempted suicide yesterday at 21,10 Arch street, arrived' In Philadelphia from Baltimore today and told Detective lllnnegan that young.iVegtman had apparently squan dered about $150 In two dnys while In this elfy. The brother refused te' give bfVnMnc,, causing Ihc Impression, that Vegtman might net be the correct name of the boy new In the .Medico .Medice Chlrurglcal Hospital. Thft victim first gave his name as Huy Fester, According te the brother you nft Vegtman left home about ten days age nnd, nfter visiting North Carolina and Washington', came te Philadelphia with about MMJHWtfBtWsfra VlVf Ker-ie, s.HV.,4, se,'!.. Jng himself, he' wrote le h mother te "get some of the mosey back.'? I lime djs letter m me nespimi it wns sum hhihjt turn ' hliil Mil. t'AHn, ,. VU..M eighth grades. of the seventh and HAS TOO MANY HUSBANDS Man Arraigned for Nen-Support Makes Charge Wife Admits It When William Ubcr. Jr. 1281 Me chanic street. Camden, was arraigned before Magistrate Stnekhouse for non support. he charged his wife hns two husbands living.' Under questioning the woman admit ted she had been married three times, that the first'' husband disappeared nnd she does net knew what happened te him, and that she agreed with a sec ond husband te separate without the formality ofdlverce. She lias one child by William Bailey, the &ccend husband. The case was referred te a "Court in Chnncery." PROTESt GILBERT SCHOOL Chestnut Hill te Air Conditions To night at Meeting Alleged insanitary conditions pre vailing in the fifty-onc-ycar-eld Jeseph B. Gilbert Public Schoot InVChestnut Hill will be innde public tonight atn Fretcst mass-meeting of the Chestnut 1111 Public Scheel. Association in the Recreation Center, Ablngten avenue nnd Andersen street. The principal speakers will be Franklin Spencer Edmonds,. Council man William W. Reper and Senater Geerge Woodward. Gregery Clement will read the report of the Executive Committee. Admits Stealing Automobile Themas Pratt, of 1030 Shackamnxen street, was held in $1500 ball for 'the Grand Jury today after he had con fessed te taking an nutomebilo nnd te abandoning it nfter he hnd smashed it into a telegraph pole. The owner of the car, who gave his name and address as Peter Stick, 778 Germantown ave nue, did net uppcur against Pratt. Manufacturers Wc have cut-off from corrugated fiber boxes in various sizes of circles and squares; will sell cheapCor cheapCer rugated Container Company. ' Today Yeu Can Buy , ' " ,r ' The Beautiful and Damned the new novel by F.SCOTT FITZGERALD Auther of "This Side of Paradise" On sale beginning today at all bookstores $2.00 CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS failnff thnt. br the reached her he' would be 'dend' nnd ad- Vegtman wits recovering. r . GoalpertPorcClain v Among Prnccss Marsls Wedding Gffe' arc many Jbcautifhl eatterns of A nneuncement & ca pert i we new importations containing a complete line of Plates, Cups, Saucers and Fanqy Pieces mmw?zmmwm v :3'?y?f'8JA&,s mr i b v ma 2,iSa iSkV. . ' Pj sa ft lIi ,As 7900" ELECTRIC IRONtt. lmmmwi CHAS.W 5UPEMB VACUUM UANERS && P9 " Thel900"CATARACT They Say, "My Wash Is Always Whitest" WHY? Bkausc my "1900" Cataract Is the only washer with a DOUBLE OSCILLATION. All the clothes arc in constant motion. It would net be fair te expect ether machines te de the same work as thoroughly or as quickly, because they have less water action. rhene Plumend ORSO for ImmrdUte terries or booklet. Vrrr eaur permenU. . EMERY & SONS, 1304 Diamond St. J All Set for (( Big Valued Saturday! THE GOODS men -want are here. TheA quality, of the fabrics il i n c e m p arable. . The prices are right. We're en our tees te serve you. PERRY'S rgIEIEr32J3HJS!EJEJEJ3JSIH5J3r2j'S2Jj m "Who is this Ben Day?" we were once asked. "Dees he work for you?" We've get him right en the job with wonderful results, our cli ents tell us. The Qietnotjteeet 702 uiETNur -Street FINE FRAMING Etchings Prints Water Celers Paintings 1BE ROSENBACH GALLEBItS 1320 Walnut Street Advance Sale of Women's Spring Oxfords Exclusive Medels Selling Elsewhere at $7 Today and Saturday 85 aw. "'v v.- nevA aaw . RAiX at 4frM x. x vm Ws. !?ata f. LaaaB fe tJrW' ev m New Spring Brogues Brown, Tan or Black Calf. A Twe-Day Offer That Demonstrates the Famous Royal YOU'LL see hun dreds and hundreds of geed Winter Suits and Winter Overcoats r educed te ex tremely low prices $28, $33, $43. Fine cassimere and worsted SEPARATE TROUSERS splen did suiting patterns te freshen up a winter suit' handsome striped patterna'te wear with dark coats reduced te $3.75, $5, $6. Junier Suits for young chaps. New spring woolens. Several hun dred new en our ta bles te select from. StyHsh as Dad's clothes. Ad Second Fleer Economies V e are offering these new arrivals ahead of the season at price no ground fleer shop can match. You'll see them nowhere else under 87. Our rent en the Second Fleer is low-eul policy is te sell fasf with low profit. These exquisite, beautifully built oxfords are sensational values that will sell at once. Positively the last word in exclusive style! This is a selling opportunity no Weman can overlook. Today and Saturday. Come Early y.. is ss x i a f4S-l I "v i' . m 'ne -' v ta i .. j .y.u Silk Hosiery Free Ak ter Coapea Heek &SISi5IcMSISl Reijal Beet Shep HnuadeipnidS ureaiesi cconemq anopier women 120610 Chestnut St, 2nd Fleer TAKE ELEVATOR OR STAIRS New Spring Walking Oxfords, Tan or Brown Calf Silk Hosiery Free Auk for t nupea Boek AKD as for Spring Overcoats ur stock, already the largest in I Philadelphia, daily being aug mented by new arrivals. Tweeds, , herringbones, everplaids, coverts and knitted fabrics. Nothing te compare with them anywhere. Bex backs, regulation or raglan sheul ders. Beautifully matched over ever plaids. Styles and patterns as new as Spring itself. And Suits galore tee. Perry & .Cp. 16th and Chestnut SUPER - VALUES in Clethes for Men I raiajsMfflBisiEisja 'HIR.'B'Krar-.Tirar? JACOB BEE3S 1424 - 26 CHESTNUT IONS ST. Founded in 1863 C. J. Heppe & Sen Central Stere, 1117-19 Chestnut St Uptown Stere Cor. 6th jBc Thompson Sts. 'The Heuse that Heppe built" President, Florence J. Heppe Sen of the Founder ' Inaugurated the One-Price System in 1 88 1 Cash' This Check, Please! Where, after banking hours, de you cash your checks? Regardless of your ether con nections, an account opened with us will reap no end of advantages. We are open until 10 o'pleck. Our Business is confined te the sale, exchange, rental and repair of p iane s, player pianos and talking machines. Fer caeh.charge or rental payment settlement. Our Agencies embrace the leorM-renewncd Masen rf Uamltn, Henry F. Miller, Wbrr, Meek, Kileuard Jules. Ilcppc, 11. C Scliemackcr, Marccllus ami I'ran cesca Pianos; the Due. Art Repro ducing Piane in Stcinway, Weber, Steck. Wheelerk, Strewl and Aeo lian Pianos and Vtctor-Vicitelas. FLOIWKCr. J. HEPPll, Pjcs.. Sen. of the' founder Many of the World-Famed Artists of the Chicago Opera Association Make Records Exclusively for the VICTROLA There is, indeed, no musical wish that a Victrela will net satisfy. The world's most famous vocalists, " instrumentalists and entertainers immor talize their art en Victer Records, and the Victrela ia the only instrument that will properly reincarnate them. We recommend and sell only Victrelas ancf Victer Records because we arc satisfied te sell only instruments certain te give complete satisfaction. t V There' a Heppe Victrela Outfit te Suit Your Requirements. Victrela Ne. 0.0, .j?,75 Willi Slu worth of rciurils I'au e.ilu ,;j Victrela Ne. J00, X2U0 Kllh Sir. Nerlli of ri"iiin! I'au enla il ti-Hklj Victrela Ne. l.W, $375 with I.M worth et rneriis ran (win uteklj . J The Masen & Hamlin Grand Piane for which We have the honor te be the Philadelphia representatives is the official piano of The Chicago Opera Association The Masen & Hamlin is one of the six great Grand Pianos which we represent in Philadelphia. 1 hese famous Grands each have their indi viduality of tonal quality, se thdt whether you wish a grand piano for home or professional use your most exacting requirements can be satisfied with one or the ether. The Six Famous Grand Pianos arc: Masen & Hamlin Henry F. Miller Steck Edouard Jules Heppe H. C. Schemackcr .aaaaHBBBammW. WrF'i ," ' uak'aBaaaV K- V JbbbbbW iaaaW MARY GARDEN Ucncral Director Chicago Upcia Association Bargain Department Victrela Ne. IV, $29.50 Tilth 0 10 Inch ileuble-fr recerUa ray enlu 10a titihlu Victrela Ne. SO, $55.50 with U 10 inch ileublf.ratft reienl I'au only $1 wethly Victrela Ne. SO, $tl0 with $10 worth of records fay etlv HM wttkly l Kerumlitieneil plane.s that nill lp j en excellent hcrv hcrv Ile at a rr llttle, pi le At 1117 Chestnut ' t 11 (if I'pllEllt Pline- rial! . . .. htfiMinaiin- I plight 1CC I'l.ine i:bon. ,. Plwe lriirfrseiH 1' 1 n n r- I'Ihimi Mahogany oee -SS-Nnlrt . . . S 11 mil nut a Ui.inil lMnne I'.bony Al 6lh and 'Ibompien Sti. Ilallet .( thiui LprU-lit oil - Main i?iin P Strmcuy I in lifhl COOC I'liimi Itofweotl, , V &fMMlr&uu( - L p r I (ill t 155 SI. $290 $345 I'liimi - Wuluut V liccs $695 up 'aaaaaBBBBal Mail 'lhin Coupon for Full Information. C. J. HEPPE & SON (Hew mew ii- 111- ID Chestnut St. I IL'ptewn-bth f. Thompson Sis I I'l hi Without nny , obligation dn my part plcae fcend lull infernuiliun about (maik X below): n I'lanes n l'layei-l'Janes 0 Vwtielaa REPUBLIC TRUST. COMPANY 1429 CAestnut Street HOURS 9am-xepm: THERE'S an atmosphere about The Helmes Press printing that wc will be glad te share with you. ! 1 The Helmes Prtcbi. -Prmitn 1315.29 Cfaerrr Street Philadelphia S kiimuiiii.iii'iiitM'iiriiiMiiiLV Milk-Fed Reasting: Frying Stewingr Chickens 35v (Milk-red Breiling Chickens, lb 10c) At nil our INJcat MurketpX V $& ,! rt?i At "M H T'f "", M i 1 vJ rM 1 J $ i ; 'til J ra V r? m ' va V A, 7 fit m m t.Sfflfe , .ev- ' lUd."3.V.32-al t , .iB